Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Meditation for Europe Report

Meditation for Europe was a great success. Masses of people have responded very quickly to the call and together we have managed to stabilize the energy in Europe to a great extent. It is interesting to note that response was the greatest in countries most affected with refugee crisis: Germany and Hungary. Although the source of the refugee crisis (the Cabal) has not been removed yet, our vigilance and rapid action can counteract the consequences of their actions to a great extent.

Therefore the Light forces have requested that we keep holding the focus and do this meditation daily at the same time (7 pm Central European Summer Time) until the situation is stabilized further.

Those who feel guided to participate can find instructions here:

Time zone converter for you to find the exact time of the meditation for your location is found at the same link.

Also, there is a very simple technique to strengthen the Goddess vortex in Syria that the Archons are trying to suppress. Simply visualize this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria/Iraq region, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.

The energies in the second part of September are quite intense and they are triggering suppressed shadow aspects of personalities of people on the surface of the planet. The Light forces have requested that especially within this time frame people work on integrating their personalities and that they do NOT project their shadow side by attacking others, but rather focus on creating something positive. Also, the Light forces are waiting that September 28th mass Ascension / blood Moon tetrad eclipse / asteroid impact / end of the world / NWO inauguration meme collapses as nothing extremely drastic will happen on that day, and then they will give me green light to release quite much substantial intel.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. thank you cobra, drake, Benjamin and anyone else that has tirelessly worked this beautiful moment in humanity possible. love to all <3

    2. thank you all :) this is going to be a the most beautiful occasion in human history that will never be forgotten <3

    3. This is Extremely hard to be happy for. I can give thanks allI I wan,t but reality Stops me from any Real Joy.

  2. Thank you for the Update ..when i got to the reading above the Halafian pottery pic then looked at pic i started getting strong rolling pressures in middle of forehead ....<3

  3. Thank you Cobra for the update.

    I am so happy to hear the meditation was successful.
    The information about the Halafian pottery is quite amazing.

    Never again will I think a dinner plate is just a dinner plate. :)

    Meanwhile, great Sept 21 interview with Corey Goode. Link below.

    They had a few technical problems at the beginning, so you can hear it all if you start at the 6 minute point or even a little later.


  4. Very Good......Thank You....... I do see a lot of cleansing from the Halafian Pottey Pic..... Much Love...

  5. Thank you Cobra and Light Forces.
    We love and support you!

  6. Yaay meditation success :) greetings from Hungary ♥

  7. A dedication to all the refugees worldwide...


    1. I see you you are in service to Infinity! Glad to see you Co Worker. Have you found truth here, or curiosities?

      We are the ones we have been waiting for.

  8. Yaay meditation success :) greetings from Hungary ♥

    1. Kedves Niki, örülök, hogy örülsz :) Van FB elérhetőséged? Javaslom keresd fel a Cobra Etheric Liberation Hungary oldalt. ;) Vár a Csapat ;)

  9. Why are so many sources receiving this info about 28th of September?
    Are they all tricked by dark forces?

    1. Individual groups have timelines they intend to operate on; that's where the info originates. The planetary situation can remain stable while there's intense fighting behind the scenes.

  10. Beautiful update brother Cobra!!!


  11. Charles B. is setting The Stage for The Homecoming.
    Love You, Charlie

    Sitting in the all-night café in a curl of smoke
    Telling Tales Of The Road

    Thank You for the Miles and the Smiles.


    The Prodigal Son is Now Coming Home - and never going back to the bad old world.

    Lars B.


  12. Good news and good advice all around!

  13. I am very happy that the meditation was a success!! Victory of the Light!!

  14. Hi COBRA i don't get this part, can you make more clear? or some people from here i have doubts about this


    "Also, the Light forces are waiting that September 28th mass Ascension / blood Moon tetrad eclipse / asteroid impact / end of the world / NWO inauguration meme collapses as nothing extremely drastic will happen on that day"

    What i understand is that day. September 28th. nothing of this will happen

    -Mass Ascension
    -Blood Moon tetrad eclipse
    -Asteroid impact
    -End of the world
    -NWO inauguration

    Or what will happen in that? "just" some green light for some intel?

    1. A Johnny five is in the building. Brother, allow me to lend a hand if I may try for brother Cobra. I believe he said after all the indoctrinated populace, that has been placing major events to occur in conjunction with the 28th full moon, once they see it come and go without those major events, he will then be able to release some intel. In short summery.

    2. There are a ton of memes that "Something Significant" will happen on 9/28/2015...Cobra has been saying for a while that nothing too big is scheduled to happen in September.

      My educated guess is the European Refugee situation is the only material risk (per the RM's Complexity Wave Analysis model) to be a catalyst for a series of catastrophically bad events...which is why the call for a mass meditation was put out late on Friday.

      In short, the table is being set nicely for the EVENT to happen in a optimally peaceful manner relatively soon and no disruptions necessitating an early trigger are desirable in order to minimize emotional and physical duress when it happens.

      We all want it to happen ASAP, but given enormous proportion of unawake people on the Earth's surface...it may be in our collective interest to wait a bit.

      To that extent, if you REALLY want to speed things up...join PFC and join/creates SOTR or Event Support groups. We will be having a flurry of activity and announcements regarding instructions coming...but be patient. The website was just migrated to a new server which will allow for support of more language diversity....and this process always comes with unintended consequences which need to be fixed.

      A great team is working on this now...and any additional volunteers and donations are greatly appreciated.

      Victory of the Light!

    3. I think he meant to say that all of these scenarios that people are saying are going to happen on that day are not going to happen on sept 28th.

    4. @New age Biscuit: Very well said!

    5. God forbid the embattled, battered and wounded slaves should receive before the 28th of September

    6. @Matthew  Waxelbaum

      I feel your pain on that.  I used to have a similar viewpoint prior to 2014 (Can you PLEASE just land your DAMN SHIPS!)...but stuff that has been going on in 2015 has changed my perspective a bit.

      The vast majority of people simply cannot handle this idea due to the implants; the people whom I know need this the most are the ones who will freak out the most.

      It sucks individually, but for the masses it is better to wait. If it happened too soon, any mass social unrest would make life harder for all of us.

    7. @biscuit: I send you a mail with attachment. About introduction for PfC. If there's anything else I can do. Just let me know.

    8. Yes, but if we have to wait until the masses wake up and can stand the Truth, maybe we will have to wait couple of years more or even decades... until then, lots of suffering and even more than the shit we are living now, will happen . Of course.
      And this is even worse than the social unrest you guys are fearing.
      I think the Light Forces are already prepared to deal with those ppl who lose their balances.
      But waiting more, more hell, more blood and distruction..

    9. When those soul's inhibitors/ dangerous tech get removed (e.g. implants etc)... Let humanity go cold turkey toward the real truth. Way too long ignorance had been allow to rule and its offspring stupidity had been let loose to overpower common sense too readily. Stupidity been the most dangerous of both.

      Spare us of any pity that we may not be able to cope with the truth and thus keep us in this snail direction... i am not asking in one scoop bring about all our frequency/vibrations to the full level for that we might not be ready for (mentally/physically).. but the bitter tangible Truth/knowledge although may be disturbing to cope or learn  at first we will surpass it as a whole... how fast we finally as individuals integrate it.. of course it will be in a individual basis but i can asssure you progress will be for many by leaps... and those will assist the ones lagging behind in understanding or merging.

      The truth will bring unmeasurable hope and upliftment... as it also entails the disclosure of healing technology for us and this planet)... that alone (technology) will raise greatly the population vibration.. no hunger no fear of illness..

      Dont we all agree that Truth will set you Free?...  not half or pseudo truths, not guesses...  not someones word... for it may be opened for  misinterpretation,  misinformation or be mixed for disinformation... not blurry UFO pictures or lilttle dots in the sky which could be then determined by the MSM to be birds with flashlight and everyone would  believe it.

      Teaspoon of information only suits the ones in power... it does not heal at its fullest potential.. just enough to keep humanity in life support... rendered still to live a life as puppets.

      Why rock the craddle?... specially a disturbed craddle?  because we are no longer babies...

      Probably most if not all are sick and tire of living a dysfunctional life pattern... there is no true Free Will....  our 'free will' vote is taken from a template that is rigged. Where souls life purpose has been rigged.  We are not lost souls because we making a free will choice to play the role of an idiot (talking personally) based on 'normal' limiting circustances. We r lost bc we being sabotaged in all levels.

      if the population was to be asked individually right now to vote for truth/disclosure vs secrecy and useless secret societies to rule us... what would the world vote.

      My say would be... whole Truth... ( let those that have the best interest in heart for humanity to lead us there -for their hearts to be opened for enovative ways to make it happen.. not based on old beliefs or fears). Enuf of this ridiculous merry-go-their-round [their=puppeteers]

      My say... Whole transparent Truth (not teaspoon)

      What say you?

    10. We do indeed live in a time of great ignorance and of great suffering. The only cure for such common diseases and ailments is full, fair and complete disclosure of the truth coupled with the I mmediate deliverance of our natural rights and entitlements. As many wait in physical and emotional pain the light must deliver quicker, more frequently, abundantly and more well known about. I feel that All the light grids are secure and functioning so fire away permission is granted! I agree Humanity is ready to finally begin to stand in the light of truth and like a moth to an intoxicating and addicting flame they will be captivated!

    11. Legacy of Dreams, you had me at "not birds with flashlights". LOL I concur, Truth and technology ASAP. But I believe this is exactly what the RM & Light Forces are working on. @NewAge Biscuit had a point, one well made, if it caused Cobra to pipe in.

      "In short, the table is being set nicely for the EVENT to happen in a optimally peaceful manner relatively soon and no disruptions necessitating an early trigger are desirable in order to minimize emotional and physical duress when it happens.

      We all want it to happen ASAP, but given enormous proportion of unawake people on the Earth's surface...it may be in our collective interest to wait a bit."

      The Event is inevitable; while waiting may be optional, I don't want more social unrest. We all have our daily challenges, some of us created more than others. I refuse to go into fear over the immense changes I am going through. I know I will be fine. Kind of like walking through fire...you can't do it if you think you can't. But when you know you can, you come out the other side not only unscathed, but transformed.

  15. That's exciting times, we can participate actively in the process people let's do it ! Thank you Cobra. Victory of the light !

  16. Wow, what a gift to hear that the meditation was successful and this success should be encouraging for us to continue daily until the refuge crisis is under control. I love the Halafian pottery spinning image....It makes me feel happy.....thanks for sharing with us!

  17. "quite much intel" is quite much looked forward to..!!

  18. NnnnniCe :) it is so amazing to watch mass meditations for peaceful revolutions after all of these years! Only in the last few years have I noticed the tempo pick up in the awakening. Cobra is obviously a huge reason for this. I very much look forward to the intel dump you are preparing, cobra! I did read a couple weeks ago that you were about to be allowed to release more info but I forget who wrote that :S either way, the energies are strong, lets do this extended family! Lets meditate daily and take it up a notch to help the light forces push through these final days!

  19. Why is Cobra so deadset against a gamma ray event happening on the 27th/28th? Lots of sensitives are seeing this -- and many of us are FEELING it before it even happens. It's odd.

    1. Well apparently it is gradual, not drastic stuff.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Clearly, this is a very powerful time. I hope that what Cobra is trying to do in his comments is let us know there will be no major disasters at this time. Yet, the energies right now are over-the-top palpable; huge shifts are happening; old parts of ourselves and our history are releasing, and new energy structures of consciousness are coming into all of our bodies. I hold for the highest outcome of this powerful time; complete enlightenment for all; in ease, grace and joy. I will not be dissuaded from that thought, no matter what anyone says, or how this time is interpreted by others. Amma. It is my job as light worker to carry this vision, and hold this incoming power in that way. Amma.

    4. "This is an historical moment on Planet Earth. As usual, there are myriad predictions as to what we are going to physically experience and what these auspicious events will mean in all of our lives. As has happened over and over again throughout the various events involving Earth’s Ascension process, people are predicting the full gamut of possibilities. These predictions include everything from the end of the World to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth, neither of which is going to happen. That does not mean, however, that what we are in the midst of experiencing is not the most incredible and monumental opportunity we have ever had, because IT IS!

      The reason people have been disappointed so many times is because they have erroneously expected for these shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness to instantly manifest in the physical plane. People look at outer-world appearances and because they do not see any immediate changes, they feel that the events did not actually happen and that the information was just another “New Age hoax.” The reality is that the vast majority of events that have taken place over the past several decades not only happened, but according to the Company of Heaven, they succeed in accelerating Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension process beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.

      So that we will not miss this amazing opportunity by letting our distorted perceptions fool us again, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth want to reiterate how we will experience the colossal shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness we will receive through the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X. They want us to remember that first and foremost, we are multidimensional Beings functioning in various dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane of Earth which we believe is so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in and it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes we are cocreating with our Father-Mother God in the Realms of Cause.

      The reason we do not experience these monumental events instantaneously in the physical plane is because they are first created in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Then, they are magnetized into the World of Effects, which is the physical plane, through the thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the physical plane. The important thing to realize is that once something has been God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the World of Effects. The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.

      I AM going to be discussing this information in detail in an online interview with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful You Awakening program. The interview will be live on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles, California) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).

      If you would like to join us for this FREE online broadcast you may do so by registering through the following link www.youawakening.com.

      If you are not able to join us live the FREE REPLAY will be available after the original airing.

      Because of the importance of the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X, I would like to share the following information....."

      by Patricia Cota-Robles
      September 20, 2015

  20. I made a quick composite video of the pottery rotating over a map and satellite image of Syria and Iraq (if it helps you to visualize it) http://makeagif.com/_QoINW

  21. I was excited for the moon, now more so for this info.

  22. I think it's a good time to be more aware of the astral body. Understanding the links between it and the physical body. I also feel the veil will be thinning more during this time.

    For any of you dreaming the dream of darkness, you can in any moment hold the light. The more you hold the light the more your essence will reveal itself. When the veils thin more, more of Source is revealed so please stay present in the moment and allow experience to be love.

  23. Are we FREE yet ?.great news ,can't wait for the grand announcement ,HUMANITY YOU ARE FREE.no more duality ,no more paying ,no more slave life ,time to enjoy life free as the birds does .one doing and patiently waiting .

    1. No more duality? You wish. Sign me up for the other stuff though!

  24. Thank you Cobra for being such an integral part of our liberation process, and for all the intel you give us!

  25. What is the all there is? Well, it is not as limited as you may have been told.

  26. Sending Love, Healing and Protection from Canada to Europe, The Middle East and the whole Planet! Thanks to Cobra, the Confederation, Resistance and all you Ground Crew! The Cabal's time grows short, and they're getting desperate. This is simply waking more people up to their tyranny. I am holding the vision of freedom and the golden age in my heart. Victory of the Light!

  27. Thank You, Cobra! Very uplifting update, love the spinning pottery..somehow reminds me of Xena's shield! :D

    Here is a CRAZY, in-depth story about high-stakes trading that precipitated the big financial crisis in 2008:

    Was Tom Hayes Running the Biggest Financial Conspiracy in History?
    Or just taking the fall for one?
    Liam Vaughan ~ Gavin Finch
    Bloomberg Businessweek

  28. Hostilities” have ceased
    by ÉirePort

    gaia_energy1"Hostilities" have ceased.

    Openings for Higher Galactics are cleared.

    Effective "landings" now approved.

    Sentience is recognized for "observations".

    Hominids and Galactics, in Unison, uplift humanity.

    Stars of Silence flash.

  29. I would like to comment on something:

    "The energies in the second part of September are quite intense and they are triggering suppressed shadow aspects of personalities of people on the surface of the planet. The Light forces have requested that especially within this time frame people work on integrating their personalities and that they do NOT project their shadow side by attacking others, but rather focus on creating something positive."

    This is written in a generally understandable way, but I think this alludes to aspects of C.G.Jung's analytical psychology. Perhaps Cobra can say a short:"yes" or "no" regarding this.

    Jung found out that in the personal unconscious of a person, beyond the human ego that we define as "I", there reside other aspects that he summed up as the "shadow".
    The "shadow" represents all those aspects which could in principle be conscious and integrated into the personality, but are not. Hence they often have an autonomous function within the psyche. The "shadow" is often surpressed as long as the ego "functions normally", but sometimes it "comes out". For example, we may have been boiling up anger, surpressing it. Then somebody does only a minor thing, and our whole boiled up anger may unload on the poor chap.


    The shadow simply contains unintegrated aspects of the personality, and these can be both positive or negative. For a criminal and sinner for example, his shadow may contain those aspects of his personality that would make him a saint etc. .

    Regarding projection and "projecting one's shadow", Meister Eckhard, a medieval mystic and saint, once said:"If the soul wants to experience something about itself, it throws itself onto an outer mirror image and recognizes itself as coming from the outside." It is a very accurate description of the process of psychological projection.

    It will be quite fascinating to see how Jungian psychology connects with other aspects of lightwork, and what for example the Pleiadians will say to that theory of the psyche. I think it can be developed further than it currently is, but I also think it fits very well into the overall scheme of things as outlined by Cobra. Jung for example answered to the question:"Will me make it?" (i.e. be on a positive timeline or nuke ourselves to extinction) "Yes, if enough people do their inner work."

    For anyone who would like to learn more about Jungian psychology and the shadow, "Owning your own shadow" by Robert A. Johnson is a fine little book to start with.

    1. Your examples do sounds quite accurate to me. I would like to add that neither Jung nor Echhart has mentioned any negative entities who have engineered and are actively upholding the process of non-integration. I think this is a huge issue that most philosophies/ideologies don't take into account.

      I've found that just stepping back and asking "how the hell did humanity get to be like this?" is incredibly helpful, and has led me to see that it isn't just a level of development/evolution, but a hijacking of our natural state. Our sense of self has been engineered by highly intelligent beings who have fooled us into identifying with that engineered self. Brilliant, but incredibly destructive.

    2. lightworker77 thank you, certainly these analogies make sense. I simply took what Cobra said as urging us to keep things civil, and it seems that civility and elation have both returned to these threads. Not sure about the outer world. When I am out in the world, I sense that people around me are worried and stressed, but they are also enjoying the splendid weather and the transition of seasons. Seems like people are drawn to the outdoors, and that's a good thing. To me, psychology is a tool for insight, but it is not the be-all and end-all. The process can be slow and tedious, although Jungian psychology engages the imagination more. We all have a shadow side, and when we embrace that aspect of ourselves, we sometimes discover it was nothing more than a Paper Tiger, with a loving, wise being inside, yearning for understanding.

      Great insights, G. Martin I agree that our natural state was hijacked. However, we are in the process of reclaiming it, so awareness of what has transpired is the first step in the right direction towards re-integration.

    3. Ug - What 'nonsense' - people have such "linear concepts" & Black & What examples of "The Shadow Self"- It's not an Unconscious Aspect of YOU - it IS you ALL the Time! - You ALWAYS lose the 1st Round when you assume that it is 'something' different, removed, or other than Yourself.

      Consider this notion- "Dark is NOT the Opposite of Light....it's the Absence of Light" - One could argue that "it" has learned to "See in the Dark" & it has instincts, drives, & simple truths that are not easily accessed by a person who always prides themselves on being "Good for Goods sake". The Truth (as I see it) is Due to the "Duality Experiment" - You have the BENEFIT of a Light & Dark perspective - The Integration (the Marriage of Opposites) is a like the Ying-Yang - so, you need to embrace & come to terms w/ your Shadow- Your Wants, Desires, Beliefs, Tastes, Hopes, Dreams, Pain, & Pleasures ALL have aspects of your 'shadow side' do they not? No one is saying you have to be 1 or the other- but a healthy 'Internal Awareness' of you TRUE Motivations & True Feelings & complete lack of Denial of your True Emotions is Healthy!! It's essentially "Knowing Yourself Without Fear!" (fear of what others think- fear of what's "acceptable" ect) - EXPLORE Your Shadow side...it wants to be of Service to you. But you 1st must understand "where it's coming from".

      Here's a perfect example. In "Bleach" (anime) Ichigo must confront his "Shadow self" (his "inner Hollow") or be overtaken & lose his humanity - He's fighting for control of "spiritual powers" but he can't use them until he masters HOW to use them- His shadow's integration is the Key. He keeps repressing his "powers" out of FEAR of his Shadow taking over - So before Ichigo loses all his humanity he must face & conquer his "Shadow" or Die.

      His sword is called Zangetsu - it's the manifestation of "spiritual power"- It's what they're fighting over use of. It's one of the deepest & Iconic speechs in Modern Anime (it's on 3min long).

      OR....You could try this guys approach & Heal Your F**King Shadow!!!

      My Shadow longs to lie at the feet of the Goddess & get a belly rub - cause that's just how my Shadow rolls yo!

  30. Approximately how long does it take for the first peak pulse from the Galactic Central Sun to travel to earth after it has commenced?

  31. Thank you for this wonderful update!

    The response was indeed truly amazing here in Hungary and people are still quite enthusiastic about this.

    My sincere thanks and gratitude for everyone involved around the world and beyond!

  32. Well done Oracle Report and ALL aligned.

    "Wisdom, let us/me attend."

    Wisdom like Lightening attends the stoke.

  33. Light forces please release all intel about sexual energy.
    Thank you.

  34. Light forces please release all intel about sexual energy.
    Thank you.

    1. Alaje speaks about energy on his videos on YouTube and there is another uploader that channeled alaje telepathic where he talks about it just search alaje sexual energy or something like that. I'm on phone so don't have link to the video right now.

    2. Thank you for interesting video :)

  35. http://www.theeventchronicle.com/intel/european-bloodlines-face-end-time-vortex-of-exposure-recommended/

  36. Another mind-blowing report from Corey Goode.



  37. Wow, what Energies.
    Pardon my Carny, but Hizoly Shizit !!!

    IZ - LA 333, IZ - JC 2222, IZ - DJ 1


    Peace And Love And Light


  38. (Dear Cobra, clear parts or all of my message, if the Resistance would classify these information or because of different reason!)

    Dear Everybody!
    We had a kind of red alert this day, because of an invasion from an other timeline. The dark ones from there had find a way by a portal to step into this Timeline.
    These existed since one week. We had deflected this. We are a different group compared to the other ones, but with the same aims.
    So all what you can do for now is to order all your aspects from all other Timelines to be cleaned and repaired in Source and become integrated together into your current being.
    What the dark ones did? They had hacked themself into the Heart-Energy-Network of our Oversouls and other different things. If you had a bad day till 20 o'clock CEST ... It will become much better the next hours.

    Good luck everybody, the light is going to be very successful!!

    1. I was feeling terrible and emotionally exausted yesterday from 4:30 PM till 11:00 PM.

  39. Try out if you are Left Brain or/and Right Brain. See which direction the Plate spins. I manage to get it going in both directions. It's an interesting trick. Will it on and see!

  40. It is great the inpact of our group meditation was a success, - and yet another clear signal to the cabal.
    Thanks all good hearts for participating in the meditation, and we just have to keep the focus on this situation for awhile now. We have to remember this is one of the most important stratergies for the cabal to create caos, destruction and war in the west, so to get their infamous nwo masterplan on track again. When they see even this effort not will work, I think most of their motivation will disolve and dissapear. The little rest that remains will then evaporate when wave x hit us in full strenght.
    What an exciting time - so what will happend to us now??
    I think this question is partly still up to us. Now that we have been preparing for this shift of concsiousness for a quite long period of time both on a personal and group level, it is now more than ever important to hold the light and peace in our heart. So we truly can be the wayshowers we are meant to be. We are all mighty creators !
    I am sure we will be successful in this !

    Thank you cobra and all the lightforces for your hard work towards a better reality. It cant be easy to always be in the front, but rewarding I am sure it will be.
    I thank you with all my heart !

  41. I remember cobra talking about the energies to hit more in October and November ....

  42. The power in at least my neighborhood went out on the Equinox, I was like "it's the mass Ascension / blood Moon tetrad eclipse / asteroid impact / end of the world / The Event!" Damn, I wanted a day off. Cobra, very important, do you think my company would give us a paid day off for the Event?

  43. It's my 32nd B-day tomorrow. Namaste

    1. Thank you Siketa, thank you Rich. Namaste brothers.What a beautiful life it has been.

    2. Thank you John. It was a great day with my beautiful daughters. Namaste

  44. I am having massive high frequency ring in my ears all month, so it is building!!

    1. I've noticed that. Sort of like the same pitch at some TV sets on standby. Really high whine. Also been getting weird sort of wriggling, throbbing sensation in the middle my forehead. Pressure headaches too but not painful. And ive always had a kind of tv static (grey/white/black pixel fuzz) to my vision which i told my doc about years ago and he didnt understand then and I still don't to this day. Odd stuff but not disturbing...except the ringing ears sometimes.

    2. Ive had ringing in my ears for sometime now. (Years) Guessing its to do with the raise in frequency, however im nor sure. The static in the vision which I also have, is I believe your ability to perceive the energetic matrix reality were embedded in. Like the static on a tv, almost like interference, but its just the matrix sort to say. Hope this helps in light, Namaste.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Happy Birthday Mr. President. And thank you... For all the things you've done, the battles that you've won. The way you deal with Toledo steel...

      Pa rum papumpum

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Victory of the light and love WILL prevail. Let's not get so hung up on dates. It is a natural process and will happen in divine right timing. Humans have need to control and an illusion that if they know enough about something they can control time. Self control and self knowledge are the keys that unlock the door to every answer AND to every question.


    Hi beloved lightworkers,

    Here again, I like to ask for your kind assistance praying for wind and rain elemental to do their jobs here in Asia. We are having bad haze now due to the Indonesia crop burning. The PSI for Indonesia is 1,955 3 times way higher than the dangerous index of 350. And Singapore now is 244 and rising every minutes.

    So, fellow lightworkers, it just takes 5 minutes of your time to request for help.
    Many many thanks in advance and also thanks to those who partitcipate in the past.

    May the LOVE be with you always.
    Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer.

  48. Courage to Resist

  49. God Bless the curious and informative Truth-tellers, for the public service they do, thanklessly:

    1 hr

    Dutchsinse What is going on?

    I've been slammed by the main stream media, newspapers, magazines, the USGS, the National Park Service, Department of Homeland Security, Pacific Northwest Seismic Nework, Meteorologists from weatherbug, weather channel, local media, and international news Television.

    I've been creamed by thousands of people who have banded together into "anti-dutchsinse" groups with the sole intent to shut me down on anything I post.

    I've been shutdown (shut off without warning) 6 times fully, been death threated in real life, and had a visitor to my house....

    I've been called on my personal phone(s) by harassers, had letters sent to my house, and had my coordinates posted to my families addresses.

    I was shut off and forced to provide my ID to facebook and Google just to HAVE my youtube/facebook accounts returned!

    I've been impersonated by strangers, I've been hacked by haters, and I've been abused by fellow video makers who I don't even know.

    I've been secretly and publicly made a mockery of by professors, teachers, professionals in multiple disciplines from astronomy to geology, and even further harassed by their students (for extra credit from the hating teacher?!)

    I've been ripped off (ideas and inventions) by huge institutions .. lost a billion dollar invention to Stanford (paper thin aluminum carbon battery).. and lost another billion dollar invention (using Wi-fi 2.45GHz microwaves to transmit power to devices in your house)... multiple geophysics researchers have literally copied, or ripped my findings, and claimed them for their own (no credit given).

    I am attacked verbally, and in writing on a daily basis by young, old, and ageless (bots) every single day, on each video and each facebook post I make.

    I have to put in 40+ hours a week managing all my pages, posts, and videos.

    I do this all for less than 100 dollars a week (on a good month) assuming people watch my videos and visit my webstie.


    Too many I's above! But there you go, sometimes, actually MOST of the time, it sucks to be "dutchsinse".

    Just sayin'.
    Like · Reply · 14 · 1 hr · Edited

  50. "most affected with refugee crisis: Germany and Hungary"
    You must be kidding!!!!!


    Greetings from Greece!

    1. You're right, Greece is deeply affected, of course. I was wondering why the response wasn't so great in such affected countries like Greece, Serbia, Croatia or Italy.

      Love and Light from Hungary!

    2. Maybe that is because other people have to meditate about Greek people too.
      The financial crisis has turned the average Greek's life in to a struggle to survival.
      Another cause is that we are not so in to technology,Greece is a country with low birthrate and many young people left the country due high unemployment.
      We had already a humanitarian crisis before the refugees.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Reposting (some spelling correction.. still a bundle left uncorrected)

    When those soul's inhibitors/ dangerous tech get removed (e.g. implants etc)... Let humanity go cold turkey toward the real truth. Way too long ignorance had been allow to rule and its offspring stupidity had been let loose to overpower common sense too readily. Stupidity been the most dangerous of both.

    Spare us of any pity that we may not be able to cope with the truth and thus keep us in this snail direction... i am not asking in one scoop bring about all our frequency/vibrations to the full level for that we might not be ready for (mentally/physically).. but the bitter tangible Truth/knowledge although may be disturbing to cope or learn  at first we will surpass it as a whole... how fast we finally as individuals integrate it.. of course it will be in an individual basis but i can asssure you progress will be for many by leaps and bounds who ultimatelly will assist the ones lagging behind into understanding and merging.

    The truth will bring unmeasurable hope and upliftment... as it also entails the disclosure of healing technology for us and this planet)... that alone (technology) will raise greatly the population vibration.. no hunger no fear of illness..

    Dont we all agree that Truth will set you Free?...  not half or pseudo truths, not guesses...  not someones word... for it may be opened for  misinterpretation,  misinformation or be mixed for disinformation... not blurry UFO pictures or lilttle dots in the sky which could be then determined by the MSM to be birds with flashlight and everyone would  believe it.

    Teaspoon of information only suits the ones in power... it does not heal at its fullest potential.. just enough to keep humanity in life support... rendered still to live a life as puppets.

    Why rock the craddle?... specially a disturbed craddle?  because we are no longer babies...

    Probably most if not all are sick and tire of living a dysfunctional life pattern... there is no true Free Will....  our 'free will' vote is taken from a template that is rigged. Where souls life purpose has been rigged.  We are not lost souls because we making a free will choice to play the role of an idiot (talking personally) based on 'normal' limiting circustances. We r lost bc we being sabotaged in all levels.

    if the population was to be asked individually right now to vote for truth/disclosure vs secrecy and useless secret societies to rule us... what would the world vote.

    My say would be... whole Truth... ( let those that have the best interest in heart for humanity to lead us there -for their hearts to be opened for innovative ways to make it happen.. not based on old beliefs or fears). Enuf of this ridiculous merry-go-their-round [their=puppeteers]

    My say... Whole transparent Truth (not teaspoon)

    What say you?

  54. I believe revelations may come In waves sort of say bro, i.e. day 1 heres your criminals being rounded up, stay calm people with mass data dumps of crimes and shocking revelations per say but most all will make sense as truth is in us all,, day two heres your interm officials stay tuned for announcements day three, there is free energy devices and other technologies that have been suppressed and will be distributed per logistical limitations etc, day 4 we arent alone and never have been lol stay calm etc. Day 5 heres chronological history of events etc. All the while everything is being shifted to new systems mind you indefinitely mind you. Etc etc. The revelations will unite and enlighten humanity. Hope this helps in short, at the least thank yoIu for reading. Namaste

  55. Disclosure within days... healing recipe to sore eyes and souls... hope it happen as such or close to it Mike.

  56. It'll be soon bros, remember divine timing will be as advertised, id imagine. Im feeling post Oct17th. All this irrelevant being it so close !! Lets just hold the vibes high and maintain focus. We cannot hold the vibration of waiting lets get to awakening as many souls as possible, let intuition guide you. No need to force anything. No need to do anything other than live in the moment, in peace. We know the day is near, I still do believe this is the year we see dominos fall. However 2016 would be as beautiful year as any. We can soldier up and finish strong, our focus shapes our reality. Peace, thank you. Namaste!!!

  57. Beautiful meditation, very happy that it proved successful. The dark forces did not take it lightly though......

  58. Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=658&v=uz4NaV50wh0 it's in French and original in German though but they might have translated it by now not sure... it's a history professor (so hard for the cabal elite to discredit) teaching in Swiss universitys, talking about false flag operations and fake wars !! very important info..

  59. Great to see the numbers of people globally respond and are aware of truth.

  60. I have just experienced a strange thing. Whilst meditation on the plate after a while it started to rotate slowly in a jerky sort of clockwise rotation. Then after further meditations to send the Divine Goddess energy vortex over Syria and Iraq, the plate started to rotate very fast indeed. I thought WOW this is weird. Has anyone else witnessed or experienced this?

  61. Every time I stare at the spinning pottery, I cry. It touches something within me that is beyond my awareness and comprehension.

  62. I have been using spinning mandalas in my mind to shift energy for a while it came to my mind in the early 90's Now I understand thank you May the source be with us ~

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  71. Thanks so much Cobra with crew for org. this important event.

    So - we didn't totally reach the requirements.
    Hmm - but could it possible mean that as much as 30 % or so was left out?, as many allude to.

    Anyway - we can add to those numbers I think. Different groups (on Facebook, Youtube, spiritual starseeds groups or in other closed settings...), doing similar meditations, just not the Cobra one.

    Many individuals are not on the net at all. But still participate at these dates. Or at their own convenient, as time doesn't really matter that much.

    Also... most of us hold these intentions in our daily spiritual practise...no matter day or time. It's become a way of living.

    If not, we can just braid it in with the rest. Visualize to be connected consciously. For instance include our Higher and Multidimensional Selves, Galactic Family-Soul Groups, the Liberation Forces, Light Workers around the world... - even if that's at different times, Every Day.

    Not necessarily the out of the ordinary effort mentality, that brings us there. Nor over focus of certain "numbers", which are purely symbolic imo
    But perhaps the daily input we make throughout our life.

    Thanks to all participants. Please don't loose faith now!

  72. Quisiera aportar como tantos con la meditación,pero está el texto en inglés y no entendemos nada o muy poco.Saludos y éxito!!

  73. Nothing happened that day. Well? Trump lost the biggest fraud in history and we have complete CCP control over our lives now. Yum! :/

  74. The biggest problem is humanity especially those from the 1960s onwards DO NOT want truth they want what tickles their ears. The bible is very strong on this too calling it the 'Great Deception' and Satan is the prince of the air. Translation: Air Waves. The media,entertainment,commerce,etc.

    Entertainment has gotten dark since the 90s onwards and a lot more openly gross too.

  75. Message to any positive beings who want to come here to ascend mankind? ONE WORD: DON'T DO IT! Okay three words:

  76. I bet none of my comments get posted since it doesn't go with the hive mind. Nobody seems to update spiritual blogs anymore. It's either Q'anon or Ultra leftwing MSM.

    We are a hijackd species now and I'm a fugitive from these beings for not playing 'nice' with them AND will do whatever it takes to fight any of you pseudo light dwellers. If innocent people have to be taken out on the side it's collateral damage in the grand scheme of things.
