Sunday, January 3, 2016

Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Kuiper Ring, the network of physical Chimera bases in the outer Solar System, has been almost completely removed. Last remnants of the Chimera fleet are in disarray, scattered throughout the Solar System and hiding near the position of plasmatic nodes with the highest concentration of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs, using those bombs as a shielding mechanism.

When the physical Chimera network throughout the Solar system is disintegrating fast, the plasma accretion vortex with its strangelet and toplet bombs remains a far greater challenge at least for now.

As the power of Chimera decreases, there will be more exchange of intel between the top people of various positive factions without fear that this intel will be intercepted by the Chimera and without threat that Chimera will retaliate if top people of various positive factions talk too freely. Therefore the Resistance will soon release substantial intel to Eastern Agarthan network and to various Secret Space Program factions and some of that intel will then precipitate to the surface population. Most SSP factions were seriously mind-programmed against the Pleiadians and against other positive ET races and soon the Resistance will present them with solid proof of Pleiadian benevolence.

The Resistance will also give them technological know-how to remove nanites and other similar technologies that are falsely described as AI (artificial intelligence) . As someone has put it brilliantly in a comment on my blog: "Cobra was talking about robots and nanites (miniature robots) which were invented by the Chimera to control reptilians and humans. These robots and nanites can be so sophisticated and process information at such a high speed that they give the illusion or impression of being sentient, alive, and intelligent. But they are really just machines that are easily turned off."

A key defense factor against those technologies is a balance between emotions and mind. Those technologies can only manipulate a mind that has suppressed emotions and can not handle strong emotional currents. 
On the surface of the planet, there is progress.

More and more initiatives around the world are beginning to set the right conditions for the Reset of the financial system:

And Switzerland might well be the right country to accelerate that process:

If anybody had doubts about the existence of the Positive Military faction in Pentagon, here is the proof:


And some members of the Cabal have been arrested already:

They might not be top Cabalists, but a recent study from University of Tokyo shows that suppression of low-degree nodes disrupts the whole network:

Putting it simply, even arresting a few average members of the Cabal has significantly decreased the power of their whole network and will accelerate their downfall.

Victory of the Light!

PS. About 15 minutes after I have posted this article, a Youtube audio version has already been created and it is available here:


  1. This is wonderful news!! Thanks Cobra!

    1. That's a cabal-produced video! We here KNOW who is behind ISIL and this is propaganda bunk. Who are you?

    2. Brad Nelson, I didn't know warning people of crisis and upcoming wars or disasters can make money online. Brillance idea isn't it? Hahaha! What they want is your fear and money!!!

  2. . To all of you new agers ;). Jesus bless you all.

    1. When I had much to learn, I thought I knew it all. But the more I learned, the less I realized I actual knew.

    2. Give a person a fish they eat for a day.
      Teach a person to fish they eat for a lifetime.
      Give a person religion, they die praying for a fish.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Woahhh guys chill :) I've seen Niki post before and I'm sure this is just some uplifting humour and yes Jesus does loves us as well as all the other ascended master, angelic beings and any other beings of the light :)

      Peace x

    5. Ok thanks - it fooled me !

      Sorry if this is the case, - it is funny when looked at it that way! :)

    6. I am truly Sorry for my stupid comment here Nikki, wich I now have deleted.
      If I had pressed the link I would have seen it was a joke.
      I hope you forgive.

      On many others communities like these there ofen comes inn christians to save us - have withness this many times. And just got tired of it.

      It is however no excuse and I should have behaved in a total different manner regardless.

      Again I am deeply sorry ! :(

    7. Niki, if you're on BFC, please look there for more apologies!


  3. Great news indeed! :)
    I am surprised about the speed of Kuiper's cleaning.

    1. Victory of the Light, of course. With our powers combined we will accelerate the Divine reunion/event.

  4. "A key defense factor against those technologies is a balance between emotions and mind. Those technologies can only manipulate a mind that has suppressed emotions and can not handle strong emotional currents."

    I resolve during 2016 to do the best I can to maintain composure during any attacks which may occur to knock me off balance.

  5. TY COBRA!🌺✨✨✨🌺💛💛💛🎵🎵🎵💖💖💖

  6. according to the protoi:, the situation is far worse than portrayed. they state that all lightworkers are in a mini matrix and they need to get out plus its not one united dark group its hundreds of dark groups ruling this planet often in conflict. this hamourapi2012 dude was right about this OIC (oneness illusion creation) matrix because i have experienced it for myself. its no joke its basically like a dark disneyland to keep the light people busy. i think the protoi are on to something because the cabal would never have tolerated the new age movement if it didnt benefited their agenda of creating more passive sheeps waiting for an event instead if focusing on yourself. ive seen through the new age lies and i want more people to be aware of this deception. i think it will take little longer to liberate this planet if you read the entire forum you will understand why. Im sick of the new cage community and its poisonous cancer, that shit needs to stop.

    1. dear, that entire forum is likely disinfo. it tries to spin inherently positive things into negative, it uses confusing terms, vague explanations, shoddy English. use your discernment. whoever Frank is, his intentions are not true. look within yourself - do you sincerely believe that synchronicity is meant to be a trap laid by the dark, as Frank claims it to be? i have an easier time believing Frank is of the dark than i do that he is some kind of "protoi".

    2. I already know this but why tell people about it? They wont believe it. Just use what you know to better your own life. Let the brainwashed masses find thier own way. Freedom is earned, not given away.

    3. So spent half hour in there it's saying when you die people will be fooled by a fake heaven and come back again and that the matrix movie is pretty much what we live in a fake 3d reality also there is no need to be here when we can live 5th dimensionally and if we astral travel it will be in a matrix controlled again fake reality....

    4. mongel...really? who told you those things?

    5. These people who call themselves the protoi are the ones trapped in an illusion.


      So @ucked up if the bottom comment is true

    7. Mongel you are right in those last six words

    8. Ofcourse sometimes, a little light from those who "know" through some syncronistic event or not is appreciated on the higher dimensions. Its alright dude, just sharing. We all have our own answers.

    9. they use the scientific method and are professional, they know what theyre talking about ive analyzed it carefully. i think its a good idea to stop expecting help from elsewhere and take control of your life. the new age deception is about dis empowering people with fake gurus and channels if you think about it, why would source need a hierarchy to make them above us when we are all equal spiritually. i dont know why cobra hasnt exposed this fake light matrix (oneness illusion creation) here because majority is still plugged in but there is a way out. The path of true light is hard and they follow the true light, meaning sacrifices and facing reality instead of hiding in astral disneyland like the jedis. And true awakening is different as portrayed popularly in media, its about realizing what this horror show is and avoiding its trap.

    10. i dont know why im even sharing this sensitive info but i feel like i need to. people have a right to know whats really going on and its fair warning. nice comment mongul

    11. Muhib is right about the New Age movement. And the multitude of conflicting dark organizations. I'd only differ in saying Cobra and company are not New Age.

    12. Well, Cobra isn't. I guess the folks loosely associated with him are totally New Age.

    13. Yes the cabal has hijacked everything and that includes the New Age movement. Several years ago I had a reading with a woman who was the 1st person who told me that those who have come to be leaders in humanity's spiritual evolution will have more problems with new age than organized religion. She called in the pure universal energy of organized church and it felt very heavy. Than she called in the pure universal energy of the new age and it was much heavier. In fact it felt suffocating. My chest felt physically heavy. She said that every energy has been bastardized on this planet but we can call in the pure universal energy of anything we want and compare it to the mass consciousness of that energy. You can call in both forms of an energy to compare.

    14. The Cabal will allow New Age and anything else they can use [regardless of the origin (pure or not)] to their advantage as long as they are able to distort it... and distortion has been happening since the beginning of time. They distort not only by using lies.. but also with truths.. mix them up... (and the best part .. they will create cheap magic tricks to proof their ideas to you... (because they count on our gullibility - and you can bet the methods will be tailored to the variety of individuals awareness levels). So if people does not use proper discernment can fall trap into their games which may look very appealing...

      Some of the statements you are making about people waiting to be save and not doing "anything" that is no news.. in fact I believe is a bad habit we all got even if you are in a New Age or not... Besides... No one in this forum is promoting to do "nothing".. instead they are encouraging others to participate.

      You are implying we are to trust this individual because he uses scientific methods... . you mean we are to rely on our rudimentary science.. I mean advanced science? I commend those that venture into explaining the universe from our limited physical perspective and resources... good try... because around the corner a new eye opening discovery will pop up making previous hypothesis/theories down the drain.

      Some prefer to interact with the universe in other ways... it might not be perfect or free of distortion but at least is coming from within and without... it might be a struggle to clear the communication pathways yet some I take it have gone beyond what a computer algorithm has been able to achieve/prevent. Specially when there is that Soul Connection that the computer is yet assimilate or to understand.

      I don't know why is it a surprise to you that some Channelers have been used or mislead.. or are you stating that they are all fakes? We understand that we all are not free of some form of manipulation but again... some people continuously work their butts to higher and higher levels of understanding or awareness...

      I still don't understand the Protoi attempts in finger pointing OIC, OCC or even ADD ADHD.

    15. Like most gurus out there Protoi is a mixed bag of lies intermingled with sprinklings of truth. Some things are absolutely correct such as the fake heaven and light trap. This is confirmed by multiple sources including my most trusted internal guidance. Many people who have had near death and out of body experiences have seen the fake heaven. We have ALL experienced this fake heaven before being incarnated into this reality. Cobra even mentioned it a few times.

      For the secret on how to defeat the light trap read this:

      The false light will say things: "That they gave you every opportunity to ascend and to becoming more loving and better person. It is YOUR fault you are trapped in darkness."
      The opposite of what they say is actually true: The "Matrix" is a rigged game. You never had even the slightest chance. The game is rigged to ensure you remain eternally enslaved. The only way to win is not play their game. Go on strike as the ancient prophecies say. It is written in the Nag Hammadi scroll the way to the true heaven is to resist the demiurge.

      You are sovereign, nothing stands between you and the divine.

    16. You seem smart dragon so i will just say that i dont get why people have to split spirituality and science apart, its one and the same.I was under influence of channels for a while, majority is bs cuz why would they be talking about love and light when this solar system is a warzone lol? OIC is an additional matrix installed for light beings trying to liberate this planet, its a fake virtual reality for the mind in other words. They've thought this through and through the cabal, they've had timeloop technology that allowed them to create billions and billions of years of dark shit here. You cant mess with facts and logic so i have to agree with this group. You may remember one of them as hamourapi2012, he posts here and i like what he posts. better to hear the cold harsh reality than sugar coated lies.

    17. I checked this out very thoroughly some time ago. Here's the ruse: YES, the cabal has infiltrated truth/resistance groups and promoted passivity over action. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS ALREADY.

      So this version where all we are is poor trapped saps living in the OIC (Oneness Illusion Creation, most nonsensical moniker ever), and not at all like the all-knowing, all-seeing Protoi is obsolete, to my view.

    18. I believe planet earth is going through some serious transformation (probably most of you agree with that) and this has to do with the transformation/evolution of the people that have been incarnating here for a few thousand years now. Not everyone is keeping up with the rhythm, as some have been having a hard time overcoming their greater falts. These people will be taken to worlds/planets where they'll still have the chance to progress (as its our fate) and planet earth will be a planet of regeneration, where the collaboration will suppress competition and everyone will be focused in helping others in their progress as this is the best way for us to progress ourselves. May God bless us all!

    19. I believe planet earth is going through some serious transformation (probably most of you agree with that) and this has to do with the transformation/evolution of the people that have been incarnating here for a few thousand years now. Not everyone is keeping up with the rhythm, as some have been having a hard time overcoming their greater falts. These people will be taken to worlds/planets where they'll still have the chance to progress (as its our fate) and planet earth will be a planet of regeneration, where the collaboration will suppress competition and everyone will be focused in helping others in their progress as this is the best way for us to progress ourselves. May God bless us all!

    20. Thanks to all who commented, I was starting to doubt if the whole resistance was a myth and cobra a CIA agent. I'm starting to dread this place, as soon as I learned the truth. I have a feeling c knows what's going on and is hiding the truth because people can't handle it

  7. Excellent news.......Hopefully not to much longer.......Everything seems to be moving and clearing much more quickly.....Most of this month has Mercury Retrograde starting this week.........


  8. Awesome!!! Seldom has a post on here felt as Beautiful as This One.
    Thanks, mate :-)

    The immediate production of the YouTube video is very uplifting and shows all of Our growing Connectedness, I think. Thank you to the Producer, that's amazing.

    The Year Of The Victory Of The Light is off to a fantastic start <3

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All and for EveryOne


  9. Mahalo Cobra, that's informative.

    Oh, the link to China Silk Road is from Dec. 2014. I guess you intended to post a current one?

    And should've asked before.. in your next update or interview, what can you say about Gaia's 'ultimatum' of end of March for the Event to please be triggered, or otherwise (..)?

    Mercie & best wishes to you and Isis,

    1. I expect the "ultimatum" to come and go with little fanfare. Many have made similar proclamations over the years which came to nothing. Skepticism is warranted for anyone giving a hard date such as that. The liberation of the planet has been in planning for thousands of years. Nobody will know the hour or the day this will occur. It is the highest of all secrets.

    2. The real ultimatum is "when the bombs are removed".

  10. Great news, thanks for the update!

  11. I'm having trouble imagining how these strangelet and toplet bombs will be neutralized. Any suggestions?

    1. This is a very good question! I like to answer good questions, but my answers may not be correct :-). I believe that Cobra already provided a visual representation of what removing the implants looks like at this link:

      You will see a picture of a swirling mass with a blue laser shooting through it; and if you try to save you will see it is titled “Implant”. This is a very important "clue" Cobra provided! This is the technology the ETs are using to remove the implants--focused laser beams of blue Source energy.

      I would imagine that they are removing the strangelet and toplet bombs in the same fashion as the technology is coming from the same group of Chimera. Strangelet and Toplet bombs are like “rocks” of quarks formed inside Large Hadron Colliders:

      This process needs to be reversed so the bomb is probably broken apart with high intensity energy lasers. So, my suggestion, imagine BLUE LASERS in your meditations!!

    2. Get a load of Diesel here, doesn't even know how to disarm a magical super-weapon! ;)

    3. wonder if nanites.. look like lil copper colored ... robotic ... thingies" .. like lil bugs.. :)

      If it is... saw one (third eye? closeup) while trying to fall asleep in a bus trip... ... it look like it was shutting or shut down...

    4. damn.. sorry I replied to the wrong post.

    5. Well Mitchel, I've never really conceptualized a quark or even a single neutron, for that matter. But, what you are saying sounds very good - certainly better than any of the ideas that have come to me (none). So, I'm going with it. Thanks

    6. I have created a meditation specifically to defeat the toplet bombs based on ancient sacred tablets. Toplet bombs are based in quantum mechanics so it is important to visualize what harmonized quantum's look like.

      This Sumerian cylindrical seal and tablet imprint contains the sacred knowledge to defeat the Toplet bombs.
      This tablet seal represents a harmonious field of the quantum energetic structure of all matter.

      The Halaf Pottery contains divine feminine goddess energy.
      Sumerian Tablet contains the divine masculine god energy.

      Feminine and Masculine aspects
      Synthesis Meditation which combines the two.

      Size is circular ; physics is unified ; Holy Grail is found
      Harmony - Destruction - Beauty

      By meditating on the Sumerian and Halafian potery we can visualize harmony and beauty over destruction which would render all the toplet bombs harmless. Our minds during meditation co-create the universe at the quantum level. If we visualize harmony, and beauty then we defeat the cabal's strangelet weapons.

    7. @Novusod, beautiful images you provided!! Your approach is more spiritual while mine is more scientific, but I think they both work! Let's clear those bombs!!

    8. Thanks Mitchell! I love your Blue Laser visualization to zap (dissolve) (render out of commission) the strangelet & toplet bombs!

  12. ook. here is then the Q/A I have seen so far about Nanites from the interviews at least from May - Nov..

    (about 3 questions on Nanites)

    I am out of the loop regarding the AI topic :) that's what happened for not keeping oneself uptodate for 3 days or so. One day I will catch up :)

  13. So many schills to decipher through. But alot points toward you being truthful.I feel if et shows itself to believers then we will take action...until then we still have to worry about our shit jobs and feeding our children

  14. One night of fear is better than many nights...lets end this now

  15. it's all much like a ship in the ocean with a hole - the water leaks in and the ship at first sinks slowly - but with more and more water the ship sinks faster by the minute --- this is the situation for the cabal and chimera

    1. Like a toilet that's just been flushed. Get rid of the clogs and the cr@p will be sucked away much quicker after that. :D

  16. From my own experience with Holographic Kinetics I can support the AI explanation described here.
    I was healing (with Holographic Kinetics) my 4yo daughter from her vaccinations and found that the vaccinations introduced this nano-tech into her which was connected to her central nervous system. It was removed.

  17. I hope the Archons are staying out of trouble, don

  18. Thanks for the update, Cobra! Wow, that is quite a lot of progress in such a short amount of time! At this rate we can all be free soon! Those bombs are very frustrating. I hope they are all cleared VERY soon. Victory of the Light!!

  19. I have nanites coming out of my skin. Morgellons. I can see them with electronic microscope. They must pervade my entire body but haven't taken over my mind. I do not have suppressed emotions and I think this is why. Thanks for the conformation! Together we can kick the shit out of these negative bastards!! Fight on light brothers and sisters! About at the end of my rope.

    1. There's a chap on youtube that explains how to build an anti nanite chamber, using a bucket, laptop power supply cable, copper insulated cable, vinegar and salt. Supposed to suck it out - heavy metals, chips and nanites.

    2. Dave et al, yes... there are a bunch of 'detox' kits out there (you can order them on line and buy them at natural food stores) and methods of "removing heavy metals from the body" and I wonder if these work on nanites?

  20. We humans demand freedom thats rightfully ours now!Victory of the light now!

  21. Great! Cobra!
    Victory of the Light!

  22. Thank you so much for the update Cobra, love and light. It appears there is a revolution unfolding now in Oregon, USA:

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


  25. Beautiful, great news to start 2016! I also loved Untwine's blog (Recreating Balance) on the number 2016 (2+0+1+6=9). By the way, loved it when you mention the balance between the mind and the emotions, indeed very important! In Mark Passio's work he describes it brilliantly, how the black occultist manage to keep people in internal disharmony between the mind and the heart, the masculine and the feminine! We need external anarchy and internal monarchy, as opposed to what we have today (internal anarchy and external monarchy)

  26. And you continue to desinform on exopolitic situation...

    You believe pleiadians are ET but they are an ancient human civilization breackaway who live under Earth since millions years. We name them Nordics. They aren't ET. Commandement Ashtar is too a human group. They do that to protect their secret.

    1. IMO Barry Goode is a cabal plant and everything he is being told to say above his disclosure of the SSP are intentional lies and misdirection of truth.

      IMO the sphere alliance is fiction created in the same vain as batman, superman and the green lantern.

      I don't think anyone on this forum or any other is waiting for batman or superman or any other made up fictious entity to do anything other than entertain.

    2. DW: What did the Agarthans tell the Germans about themselves? Where did they say they were from?

      CG: I believe they said they were from the Pleiades or something like that originally.


      I dont see any disinformation from Cobras update.
      From what source you know the Pleiadians are only the Agarthans from Earth? I cant find more about the Pleiadians intel from
      Sorry for my english.

    3. Matthew Waxy:

      You probably mean "Corey" Goode. Or you intended to write Barry "Obama." Not sure who you mean, but they are two very different people.

      In any case, I like the message that Corey Goode is bringing to the public by way of the Blue Avians: "Be more kind. Be more service-to-others, rather than service-to-self. Use forgiveness. Be more loving."

      I don't care if this very loving message (?? ooh, could it be goddess energy at work here ??) is coming from the Cabal or from the wino on the street.

      It's a great message and as we know:
      "Love is the strongest force in the universe."

    4. I personally, I am waiting for the smurfs.. :)

    5. Matthew Waxelbaum, Marvel rules, DC drools :D

    6. Pleiadian, Vegan, and many more are human breakaway civilisation but not of Earth origin like human here. They were from the Lyra star system and they exile to other star system after the invasion of the Reptilian race (Galactica TV Series). After settling down on many star systems, they started to seed human civilisation on many star systems including this local star system. Some were destroyed again and start over again and again. So, it is not wrong to say they are branching of the origin human race from Lyra, the craddle of humanity. And human on Earth was seeded by them (many difference races - Pleiadian, Sirian, Vegan, etc). And that is the reason why we have so many difference races on Earth now.

      May the LOVE be with you always!

  27. A Happy New Year lovely lightbeings.

    How can the bombs be removed: By our visualization and command-protection is important by doing so, it can as well be commanded. Contract removal protocol by Untwine has good words in it that can be used for it. We are removing them, this is why we are here physically. This is more real than many can imagine.

    A very very important call from a friend: He had a dream in which the Event had happened. People where dancing in the streets and called him to come to a certain place, they where very happy. Then they guided him to a place where there was a strange taste in the air. They burned a men in suits who had supported the system agressively. My friend could not prevent the death of that men anymore but he had to make people understand that this men as well was only a mindcontrolled servant and now they should not do things like that. The essence of that dream is quite clear, we have to hurry with informing the masses, so they understand already now what is going to happen. The group in my area is working very hard to create new pages for starters, so the masses can find information quickly. Thanks to those a lot who are working so focussed despite the many attacks.
    When the masses will realize what had been going on, they will not be in forgiveness state like some of us (and we are also not always maybe), so somehow we must prevent as much harm as possible. Otherwise it could get a very cruel Event. It is not about sunshine and flowers only, unfortunately. I can not imagine how it must be for someone who has not engaged in any of this, it is so difficult to go through the awakening process with only 3 percent working of my consciousness. It has taken many years or all my life and how will someone process the information within 3 days, thats nearly impossible. Someone who has never cared, who has never reached any spiritual wisdom or very very little will have a very hard time with the new information and likely many will get agressive what I could understand. How can we make those understand NOW... I am aware that many innocent people are dying daily already. Nevertheless we should prevent violence DURING the Event and this has to be prepared now and very quickly. If not, a new mass trauma will be created. It would be healed, in any case it is better to avoid it. Charge the planet with forgiveness energy, I start with myself, forgiving myself.

    PAV/O/ToL - r i p ;).

    1. Oh, so true Starship to the Pleiades...Thanks for bringing the subject up again that at the time of the Event, we use our loving energies as a calming force and help be educators of what the Event is all about. And let people know the common laws will judge people for their crimes and that they need to look ahead with loving hearts and be helpful in a positive way to help clean up our mess to create a world that we're proud of. And Happy New Year to you too!

    2. What you are describing in this comment is of the utmost importance. As Cobra has stated a few years back, we DO NOT WANT a repeat of the French Revolution (Reign of Terror).

      There are a few individuals far beyond any hope of healing or forgiveness (i.e. Kissinger). However, the vast majority of beings need to be given a chance to understand exactly what has been done to them and how it has influenced what they have done to others.

      There needs to be a period of calm and integration of many new concepts into society overall before we can reasonably start holding trials for every single Cabal agent.

      Many will likely be happy to tell-all in exchange for a chance for true rehabilitation and healing. I view the current POTUS as one such individual.

      The greater the depths of Intel revealed about the SSP and various Chimera-controlled syndicates...the more obvious it becomes that many Cabal agents are "barely" acting with any free will.

      Forgiveness is hard...especially regarding crimes against humanity...but many lower-ranking Cabal members must have an opportunity to confess to their crimes and a given a fair trial if at all possible.

      Those of us awake now will need to speak out on this matter when the EVENT actually happens. If amnesty and rehabilitation is viewed as a legitimate possibility, more and more agents will defect from the Cabal making it far easier to have the EVENT occur peacefully.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Deserves repeating: Those of us awake now will need to speak out on this matter when the EVENT actually happens. If amnesty and rehabilitation is viewed as a legitimate possibility, more and more agents will defect from the Cabal making it far easier to have the EVENT occur peacefully.

  28. Yeah, it was amazing, I have seen the youtube version too, directly after this post, that was very fast!

  29. Thank you Cobra for new update.
    Can you tell us more about tsunamis of energy coming into our solar system through the sun?

  30. Hope this comes soon so sick this surviving system and ego maniacs

  31. My story of seizing the moment this weekend: I was rock climbing and at the top of the cliff one of my regular shoes fell out of my pack. I couldn't find it and had to hike a steep 3 miles back to the car on rocks, mud, ice, and snow in my socks. You know how you can run down a hill full speed by just letting yourself go? Well socks gripped super well on the thin layer of hard packed snow, and I did exactly that. It cushioned my feet perfectly. There were long stretches of trail where I had a huge grin on my face, running full speed down the trail like a bobsled run in my socks. I'm replacing them with toe shoes so it was worth it on every level.

  32. This has to be one of the most encouraging and uplifting posts for a very long time. There does appear to be "something in the air" and that is perceptible in both the MSM and the alternative media.
    The idea that 2016 may be there year of the Great Awakening does not seem too far fetched.
    Thank you Cobra and ISIS for "keeping on keeping on". I am sure we are all most grateful for your continuous hard work in this regard - may we wish you a Very Happy New Year.

  33. "Bringers of the Dawn". Pleiadians supposedly. It's the most garbled crap I've ever heard. Is this the Agarthans or just a poor channel or hoax?

  34. I've been searching Keshe videos every day since it picked up a few months ago. There have only been about 4 people who got a real Magravs and posted videos. 2 of them posted a video or two upon receiving it and never posted another. That was like a month ago. If you had one, wouldn't you post regularly even if it didn't work? Also, how have only 5 people bought them? There should at least be 100 people posting videos of Magravs not working. There have been at least 5 people who built their own, started to get results and stopped posting videos. Since it's been weeks, I'm finally starting to get suspicious. These people put so much time and money into making those, why wouldn't they post regardless of results? Maybe the world just sucks this much, there's no proven hoax, no free energy, just confusing crap.

    1. Its a classic. People are ashamed that they fell for it and dont want to admit it, just forget it.

    2. Something indeed doesn't make sense... The best case scenario is that things are being delayed intentionally for safety reasons... the worse case scenario... too many to list lol

    3. There are videos Thomas free I think his name is, made one but it didn't work he debunked it. He made a Danish video about it.

    4. But making one that doesn't work doesn't debunk it. Think of how many non-functioning airplanes were made during development. This could easily be the same.

  35. Alot of people are getting confused with what corey goode said. He did not say all pleiadans are actually all from inner earth. He simply said there are some beings from inner earth that had to claim they were pleiadians etc in order to survive. These beings simply lied to save them selves from being attacked like they are now. Alot of healing needs doing on the surface and with in. Hope this helps

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Thanks Cobra and to all the light forces out there, cleaning up the Kuiper belt.

    I had no idea so many people had been arrested.

    The Seymour Hersh article which Cobra links to, ought to turn a few heads!

    The Seymour Hersh article sort of "implies" that General Dempsey was purposely removed last fall from the US Pentagon. (He "retired.") Well, at least he wasn't "suicided."

    Gen. Flynn did clearly get kicked out. But at least he's still alive.

    And based on Seymour Hersh's article, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, is one AWESOME WOMAN who put her life at risk by being so honest and forthright.

    All of Congress (and the rest of us) owe a debt to her, because she has publicly said what others are too afraid to say.

    Such situations get people killed or at best, forcibly removed from their positions.

    I feel relieved to read in Hersh's article (Ben Fulford has been saying this for a while, and mentions it today in his post) that many in the Pentagon are working with other countries and trying to end the madness.

  38. In last month's interview (Dec.15) Rob and Cobra stated ...

    "Rob – OK. There was a report that in Thailand there were a million students meditating in a concerted Buddhist or priests around the world. Can you talk a little bit about why that did not trigger the Event for the 144,000?

    COBRA – Because they were not meditating for the Event. They were just meditating to bring the positive resonance of the planet and that was successful."

    Why in God's name can't someone contact the group organizers of these students and ask for help with the meditation? We could get the critical mass we need! Please explain why this is not happening???

    Happy New Year Everyone ... Victory of the Light :)

    1. that meditation even if it was not for the event... was not enough to make that push into changing human consciousness?... I thought that was the goal of reaching the 144K... then again I might be wrong.. I have to research this again.

    2. @Dragon
      Cobra stated they were successful. If we could get their help meditating for The Event that would be more than enough to reach critical mass. Why can't someone from the RM contact the organizers of the students and set something up for us all?

    3. doesn't that sound like do-able? yet we still stuck in second base...

      but glad to see the Bhudhists stepped up to the plate (and did something outside the box)...

    4. From what I read in some interviews of COBRA, the RM agents will not contact anyone from the surface before the event.

    5. spirittoo, that idea also came to my mind... ;)

    6. @Vinicius ... I believe that was for people that wanted to join the RM ... this calls for someone like Cobra to get in touch with the organizers and set something up.

      With the help of those students we could bring about The Event no problem.

      We could end this as soon as the meditation is set up and done, The Event would start. There must be a way to do this!!!

      Perhaps emailing Cobra?

    7. I think we should not let this opportunity slip away, it may be that there is not an opportunity equal to that for years.

    8. We need to start an email campaign to Cobra and ask if he can set something like that up. Or at least explain why he can't. The next time I run across his address I am going to send one.

  39. That list of Cabalists arrested was fantastic.

  40. There's no way Cory is a government plant. And I believe him about some kind of virus (or what ever a person calls it), to be able to ride on the movement of electricity. That's what electricity does, it travels, trying to get grounded.

    1. Internet Data can be transported with lan adaptors connecting to the wall socket and router. So, a virus can ride the electricity is no fiction at all. And why do Corey Goode gains to come forward? He lost his well paid job, his family threatened, he was cursed and debunked over the net with humiliation, etc - ask yourself these questions -

      1) Do you have what it takes to do his job?
      2) Are you willing to go through what he experienced?
      3) What do you gain from doing his job?
      4) Are you able to expose yourself to the world?
      (Show your coward face to the world please!)
      (And pls don't hide behind the box!)
      5) And finally, are you able to come up with so many details and stories too?

      May the LOVE be with you always!

    2. I think Barry Goode et is a liar and if I were him i would lie about "threats" and "attacks" to maintain the illusion of credibility as well. Barry didn't lose his job serving the cabals he's still doing it.

    3. As with all I would encourage everyone to use their own discernment and not take everything that every talking head with a keyboard, microphone and Facebook page say as being real and true. Take what you like and leave the rest.

      Please Don't get it confused. The cabals are well known and notorious for obfuscating the truth with tiny amounts of truth to draw people in and eventually confuse, lie and misdirect with an obscene amount of lies once their audience is subdued with an initial truth.

      IMO that's exactly what's going here with the Barry Goode ET production. Mostly lies and intentional misdirection and groos obfuscation of truth built upon and layered upon an initial truth. The initial truth in Thai case being the SSP.

      IMO almost everything this man says beyond the existence and workings of the SSP is a deliberate lie meant to confuse. SOP of the cabals is found just after the SOP on false flags. Standard MO for them.

    4. Beloved Mathew Waxelbaum,

      First, you complained so much about this liberation is taking way too long and pointing all negativity towards the channellers. And now Corey Goode, probably Cobra and us in the near future too? So what is your real agenda here? Creating disharmonies among the light forces or are you working for the Cabal instead?

      PS : I had avoided to bring this up (Sorry, not confrontation if you don't mind) but this is getting too far out. Spare a thought for them and if you can't contribute to this liberation, then AT LEAST don't trash them.

      Thanks you for your mature understandgin.
      May the LOVE be with you always!

  41. Etheric News (if you have a half hour to kill) Jsnip4 likes to talk a lot... jump in at 20 minutes to decide if its worth your time (I like the way he talks so it fills time at news black-outs).

    30 min. video Jnip4_webbot report

    Coolest Weather

    Space Weather

    "In the Light you will find the Road"

  42. It is really crappy that a government makes one pay "bribe money tax" in order to buy a keshe product. It is like here, I forgot what state it was, but somebody bought full solar panels and the electric company was charging them $40 a month not to use them. The company claimed they were losing money by not being used. Sounds like the TTP treaty. The fee for the Keshe products was $300.

  43. "...a recent study from University of Tokyo shows that suppression of low-degree nodes disrupts the whole network"

    Excellent!! This also means that disruptions occurring to low degree peripheral etheric-plasma/scalar nodes, strangelet/toplet nodes, and positions (e.g. Kuiper ring positions) will have drastic effects on the entire control network activity. Bravo!

  44. Learn from direct experience. If things are happening for you now, if you are sensitive to the energies which are allowing things to come forward in your life, you won't be questioning whether progress is possible, you will be rejoicing!

  45. Maybe the next time those thailand Buddhists are having a big meditation, we can do an extra meditation at the same time they are and join them with our intentions and see what that is like.

  46. Does anyone else appreciate that the rebels in the new Star Wars are named The Resistance? :)

    Thank you Cobra and everyone on here.

    Victory of the Light!

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  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  48. Thank you Dave, Meghan, and Bennett. I'm using a detox ionizer corella oregano oil borax and cleansing. Hemp oil and coconut oil coloidal silver etc. we will see eventually. Thanks for caring and your input. It will all be put right soon!

  49. Bless you Cobra and happy new year. May this be the year of the breakthrough. Ready to play my roll at the Event.

  50. #62 Managing Fear
    Dec 7, 2015 Randall Monk | Timely Guidance Blog

  51. To Patrick A: your climbing trip sounded inspiring. Made me think for a minute I should get out and do something. But on second thought, naw.

    1. You definitely want to get out in nature. Dr. Cobra's orders!

    2. Plus it's warm where you live!

  52. It's a Red Letter day for Orange.

    Gothchilds <==> Rothchilds parity

    As above, so below.


  53. My Mom's Uncle Jakob was a Carpenter, and in the 1930's he hand-crafted a stand-up clock which he funnily enough left to Me after he passed on some 33+ years ago. He also baked the best Blueberry Cake ever.

    The clockwork called it quits quite some time ago so I set the hands to 2:25 and later 11:11 while the clock itself was standing in the hallway of my flat.

    Early this morning I got the GO-signal to move the clock into my living room, a.k.a. The Light Machine. Quite a bit of a task as that thing is taller than Me and almost as heavy as My 69,9 kilos.
    Well worth the effort, let me tell You that. It looks so extraordinarily beautiful in its new place, just unreal, especially with a TeaLight burning behind the glass screen :-)
    I stamped it with six Flowers Of Life, set the hands to 12:00 and rang its bells twelve times.

    Time to Own Up and Pay The Rent, darkies.

    Our Time is Here, Our Time is Now.
    Victory Of Love And Light



    1. Rajah225, Thanks for sharing this beautiful story!


    2. Was a Short Night, no sleep till Liberation :-)

      So Let's Do This ALL Together and FINISH THIS JOB

      Team Work <3

      This is Earth Of Hope And Dreams, Marvel at Her Beauty

      Finish . . . It !
      Victory Of Love And Light



  54. Games update: The Purse has Reading Railroad.
    Red Team has Park Place and Blue Team has Boardwalk.

  55. Breaking news: 5K aspect is without entropy (Spectre Universe). All timelines are on OT (Optimum Trajectory). It's the best of worlds, it's the worst of worlds depending on your doors of perception.

  56. Novusod.......your link earlier on this thread was one of the best I've read, I think it will give people a sense of power when/if they die, so on the other side we can suss it out and not be tricked.

    Ten(ish) years ago I was reading about people leaving their bodies, I spent a few days practising laying down eyes closed I made my body heavy, made myself know/believe that I am not my body, concentrated that it was a foreign object that it was not me and it become so so heavy after 30 mins. I then sunk down to just before I was going to pop out under the bed then rose up and I sat on the side of the bed. Opened my eyes then a force pulled me across the room where the roof and wall meet I tried to force myself back as I was shitting myself I heard a loud pitch screeching sound (imagine an alien being that) which I thought was the devil and it was going to take me as it was wrong to leave the body like this, I realised actually it was me making the sound, I willed/struggled myself back in instantly, shot up. That was the day I knew we are not our bodies. Anyone know where that force taking me to......haven't dared to do it again yet.

    1. That article actually came from a Cobra post from two years ago.

      If you ever read one article it is this one. Never has so much info been disclosed in single post of divine truth.

      So I think we need to get back to basics and review the fundamentals.
      - Why are we here?
      - What are we resisting?
      - Who are our enemies?
      - How are we going to win this war?

      This is of critical importance to know the basics. There are a lot of new people to this blog who have never read the original talking points. I would advise Cobra to repost some these older articles so everyone gets caught up and we are all on the same page.

      Also watch the secret Galactic War. Very entertaining for people who would rather watch video then read long articles.

      When people leave their bodies they enter the 4th dimension. Physics work differently there. Anything you think will instantly be manifested. If you think evil you will instantly be presented with evil. However, you must remember your true power. You are a being of the divine light cut from the same energy as the source itself. You have the power to dissolve any negative force with a single thought. Surround yourself with a visualization of light. You are far more powerful then you can possibly imagine.

    2. Its actually the 11 dimension, the 4 dimension was displayed in the movie interstellar... you can only view the past in that maze of a dimension

  57. As the Event approaches with big steps, it feels like there is a zoom-in going on. More and more details that need to be arranged show up and the work is starting to seem more endless everyday. The same with our inside patterns that need to be released, so we can be the stable anchorpoints during the transistion. It feels like the mountain of "to-do's" is getting bigger and bigger as well as the confusion on what to focus, the more we approach the Event. The same time we know "it" is finally happening, pushed by the urgency of our centeredness. The more we try to do the right thing, the more we are forced just to be who we are and surprisingly that seems to be the shortest way for the truth to be revealed and to bring things forward. This feeling, not to be able to handle the multitude of happenings, outside and inside, for sure, can only be the forerunner of the great collapse.

  58. I think COBRA is SPOK from the STAR TREK TV SERIES, cause he never laughs or makes jokes on his videos!!

  59. SORRY I forgot, I need to see your ears COBRA to validate your SPOK EARS!

  60. You know COBRA, people want a real connection with you now, we are all fed up now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You can meet Cobra at conferences, seminars or joint meditations at any time. Many of us met him.

  61. I think it is more dangerous because first it is moving and second because it is tight to the financial computer network of the cabal which again is connected to consciousness. And that consciousness is monitored by other tools like contracts and other hidden things that we must find out on our own. Search in direction of symbols and creation tools, they are all ocupied and the energy is distorted. That means, the positive energy that emanates from them is getting deflected and directed in the way the cabal wants to have it, for example number 666, number of life-love-sexual energy of the Goddess. The problem with the octupus and all the matrix is, when one obstacle is removed, another obstacle appears that was not visible before. This is mainly because all this system is so highly sophisticated in its construction, combination and mechanism and the other thing is, why it is so hard to find out about it, that it is created by minds that are so vastly different to ours. It is like a butterfly that needs to learn fighting like a tiger. The butterfly mistakenly would naturally return to its normal habits without realizing and the next obstacle comes its way, so again it has to transmute into the tiger. Or it is like learning a difficult foreign language. It is not impossible. When the butterfly has creative energy and he just imagines himself being much bigger than what he has to solve, it can work. It is all in the mind.

  62. And one more thing if I may, is that the common JOE BLOW like me and everybody else is so fed up with the STATUS QUO, CAUSE NOBODY LISTENS TO US!! WE WANT TO BE HEARD LOUD AND CLEAR ALL OUR OPINIONS TO SHAPE THE NEW WORLD! thanks COBRA FOR YOUR GUIDANCE!

  63. February 14 is a sunday, we must hit at least 144k people, please spread the word... we have more than a month

  64. New interview: Fade to Black radio, Jimmy Church host. Interview with David Wilcock and Corey Goode.
    Dated Jan 5, 2016. 2hrs 27 mins.

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  65. Not everyone has it in them to joke or laugh. We are who we are. I on the other hand love to joke and play games none the less I still love cobra for what he/she does. Victory of the light always and thanks I have received my cintamani stone. Super excited:)

  66. Last night I dreamed that earth was liberated with peace everywhere<3

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  68. I've got in touch we two people who used to be my best friends but I haven't seen for a few years. They are so asleep as to be unreachable, like gone into the Idiocracy crowd. One unfriended me on Facebook because he was complaining about his flu and listed all the cough medicines he had taken, saying nothing worked!" He unfriended me when I said those drugs directly shut down your immune system. So disappointing. At this rate, in 10 years I can't imagine how bad it will be. Good thing there will be self driving cars because people won't be able to do anything like that.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Exactly. It's just taking awfully too long.

    2. Somehow it makes sense how my life went - "somehow". Other things do not make sense at all. Could be, the plan was SLITHLY (lol) different and this is the emergency plan, something like worst case scenario which still includes the planet saved. Many years ago I had dreams when the planet was shown to me and a voice said "There is no chance for planet earth" and I was so deeply concerned and I decided with my deepest will that this will never be the case that Earth has no chance. That was something on a soul level. It seems the lightforces had their plan and the dark forces had their plan. None of both worked out, because of course, they interfered with each other.

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    4. I agree. It is just our time reference. Time really does not exist in other dimensions

  70. To @ ChritianB: It sounds to me that cobra was saying that clearing the plasma bombs in the tubes is a bigger challenge than clearing the physical chimera bases.

  71. It's very apparent that our Event meditation has helped co-create this incredible success by the Light Forces! Let's maintain our focus upon what's truly important, which is the liberation of Earth & our solar system. Hold the light every moment of your day!Be kind, spread love,not gate & divisive thinking. Focus your intent upon the compression breakthrough/event instead of fixating on mundane details or negative news. It's time to unite our efforts to push through this as a focused & powerful group of souls! This is our planet too & we need to get clear that the reason the Dark suppresses us with chemical poisons is because we ARE incredible manifestors of reality, we are wizards,magicians! Use your powers to manifest for the Light, instead of feeding the Dark with fear,doubt & nitpicking details. The time is now to get serious about manifesting a positive outcome! Come on Team Earth, let's do this!!

  72. If I have this strait, Cobra just thinks the term "artificial intelligence" was coined incorrectly originally? Maybe it was. The definition of AI is: software that simulates intelligent behavior, decision making. To me the definition does not imply any kind of spark of devine or God like properties. It can be inferior in the fact that it lacks intuition.

    1. WoW you know what Cobra thinks? You can get in peoples mind? You should defeat the Cabal!

    2. Yeah Maureen, defeat the Cabal.

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  73. In order to be self-aware we require more than one body. We have five bodies that contain some physical matter : Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric, and Soul. AI'sI don't have any!

  74. A good question is I wonder if asleep people know about this in their individual subconscious. It is just that the big picture is too big to see. Someone from the cabal said "it is the little lies that we have to worry about. The big lies are to big to see." I will look that up again and try to see who said that.

  75. @B M: I have similar questions....Source experiencing itself through many mirrors (=souls), something like that maybe?

  76. Can we get some information about the tunnels of Set and what that is and how it is going With the implants. And will chronic diseases like scizophrenia be cureable after the event?

  77. Guys,
    First No Matter What
    We Must Do Our Spiritual Practice..
    The Event Horizon..Is Definitely Coming...
    It Does Not Matter What The Cabal Does..
    Or CIA Agents Do To Infiltrate Truth
    Truth Will Not Be Stopped..
    Its Is The Destiny Of Planet Earth Right Now..
    Tara Grace...

  78. Is this true?

    1. it resonates with me completely especially the obama part. thats my feelings. let me know if there are other relevant posts. The entire post makes perfect sense if you think deep enough, the cabal was much more powerful than portrayed. The false history events were there to maintain the illusion that everything is good and fine. They want people to make them look weak so they can strike hard, i know how these people think i was indoctrinated by the darks for a long time. Its scary just thinking about how much control they actually had, im starting to think if these alternative media sources are cabal controlled because of the stuff ive heard.

    2. I would say no. Sounds like a classic prankster story some funny guy is putting together.

  79. Did the RM really allow North Korea to detonate a H-Bomb???
    Not ok

    1. I don't know wether it's true, but here it is:

    2. My thought was the RM wouldn't risk blowing their cover just to stop a test.

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    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Fun article about Star Wars connections from Untwine, dated Jan 6. (thanks Untwine!)


  82. Saw a truck this morning that said COBRA which had an accompanying logo depicting said reptile. Hey if you can brag about your more highbrow synchronicities and your 1111s, why can't I? The compression breakthrough is imminent.

  83. Is this the list to join the "Crew of the first Earth Ships"..?

    Can they really look at everything you ever posted on line..?

    Pre-Portal Calibration..? Oops.

    "I had a dream so big and loud... I jumped so high I touched the clouds".

  84. Thunder Horse: You sent a Missile to my toe. I'm throwing IRaq at Your FEET.

  85. "Meet you at the back of the blue bus" Jim Morrison
    blue bus = Gaia .... We stowed away in the back of this spaceship long enough... I'm heading for the wheel.

  86. Here are Obama's gun executive orders. These reach into every facet of society and could be used to justify anything. It reads like 1984.

    The fervor with which people are demanding it without knowing anything about it is SO depressing. It's like the last 15 years never happened. I can deal with the Cabal, but I can't deal with every person I know being their cheerleader.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. And with the new age upon us and new technologies, we are wondering about KESHE MAGRAV POWER UNITS, that do not work and being recalled, also U-TUBE videos asserting non working units! But KESHE THE SELF CLAIMED MESSIAH the will surely make it a winner as he waves his magic wand! HALLELUIYA!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT FORGET GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEHEHEHEHEH

  89. hello keshe comment, hello, hello , hello keshe comment from marc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  90. HEY COBRA, can I see your ears photo! We are waiting for your ears photo, the SPOK guy!

  91. The A.I. signal as described by Corey Good does exist and has nothing to do with robots, nanites, androids etc. The Resistance not being aware nor wanting to research that subject does not mean it isn't possible.

  92. I find it very interesting that in the latest Benjamin Fulford update he uses both the terms "planetary liberation" and "multi-dimensional offensive".

  93. Thank cobra for your good news.
    I had look orb like a UFO clear sky every night.
    However, I felt very happy that had look two black UFO 15:30 today.
    I wish happen event in the near future.

  94. Received my cintimani today!
    It took time because of the Christmas and New Year's breaks.
    I was happily surprised, it is the size of my thumb nail.
    I am going to be stoned!Ha ha ha!
    The Sunshine Coast in OZ is now stoned!
    LOve to you all!

  95. “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
    On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

    ― Arundhati Roy
