Friday, March 18, 2016

A New Interview and Coming Ascension Conferences

An important situation update will be released soon, hopefully next week.

Until then, you might want to read this new Cobra interview by Essayenya Mosteenya:

Also, a new Tachyon healing chamber has been installed in South Dakota recently and you can experience its amazing healing energies:


I am happy to announce the first Ascension Conference, which will be taking place near Glarus in the heart of Switzerland, close to one of the main Pleiadian energy vortexes. Lots of new intel will be released there, combined with amazing new energies that will assist in our inner transformation. You are more than welcome to join us on April 16th and 17th:

More Ascension conferences will follow when the time is right.  

Victory of the Light!


  1. Yes.. I live 2 hours from Glarus... Il'be there!

    1. Do give us live updates from there..

    2. Yes please update us on how you are liking the conference (without breaking the NDA of course) it's on my bday wish I could join :) good luck C I'm sure every One will love it ❤

    3. Woah ! Soo good for you *^* I hope everything goes well for me so I can also be there

    4. Someone take notes please like someone did, I think it was Inana on a Conference held somewhere in Europe... or better yet maybe someone could officially audio-record it. Someone from the PFC maybe with all the voice modulation etc etc. ? just a thought... to add more work as if there isn't enough lol ;)

  2. Woah! This is exciting!
    Victory to the Light 💡

  3. Be nice if could put one in North Dakota in tiny border town called Pembina i am not able to travel only by foot ....If i walked there next time my kids will see me they will be laying me to rest of old age Haha .....Peace n Love :D

  4. Synchronicity! I just booked times for the South Dakota Tachyon Chamber earlier today! I will give a description on my Facebook page in a few weeks!

    1. what is your facebook page? i want to read the description. thank you

    2. Look up Nova Biscotti... wait until April, though. I do not wish to publicly specify when I am going.

  5. Thank you Cobra, i'll read it very soon!! But... could anyone answering if what Anton Parks says is true?

  6. "Dance, sing, make love, travel through the universe"
    Victory of the light !

    1. now i know from where your post come from ... the interview :)

  7. Funny the name the Interviewer uses is The name of Judy Satori on Lyra................. For the people like myself who are to poor to travel to the conference I hope you will share the information with us........ Thank you

  8. Beloved Luminessentials:

    Visions of Utopia 5.10

    Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. 5, Book of the Timespace by José Argüelles and Stephanie South
    The idea of private property gives rise to inequality. Some people have and some people don't. In many regards the belief in private property and government negates the possibility of equality or justice. Consider that when the American republic was formed and Democracy was created the first and only people who could vote were the property owners who were all white males. In this regard the template of Utopia is closer to Anarchy. Anarchy literally means no government. Government exists because of the prevailing belief that man cannot rule himself. Anarchy nowadays has a violent tinge due to the over regulation of human existence.

    But a Utopian society means there really isn't any government nor the need for government as we now think of it. Government does not exist in (ab)Original societies.

    Whatever imperfections exist in (ab)Original societies everyone lives within an unspoken covenant with nature and the universe and matters decided in common. There is an equal balance and equal give and take so there is no need to think of things as imbalanced.
    This brings us back to the question was the human created imperfect? Is the human capable of ultimate perfect and perfectibility or is the human already perfect and doesn't know it. Utopia in this sense is the result of an evolutionary change of mental/spiritual nature.
    If we look at the world today we see massive inequality, poverty and the inability of human societies as they are constructed to promote genuine justice and social equality all the opposite of Utopia.

    Utopia is also associated with a freedom from fear. The Greek word ataxia means no fear or piece of mind. Utopia in ideal society is the elimination of fear.

    The template of Utopia then is the mirror opposite of what exists as the end state of material civilization. In this regard Utopia is a condition or state of mind that is free from fear, war, inequalities and all things that plague the modern world.

    The idea of Utopia is also that the individual is autonomous. The notion of justice in Utopia is that there is no interference with the individual and that the individual is recognized as having the autonomous intelligence to govern his or her own life as long as they do not hurt others. In the Dreamspell this is summarized as The Law of Kin. In the Law of Kin all Kin are equal. It is for the Planetary Kin equal and free to create a path of power for the rainbow nation that is completely liberated from all institutions, money, war and poverty. Autonomy, equality and loyalty are the 3 mutually self-regulatory expressions of the Law of the Kin.

    Many people view government as a coercive interference in their lives. Many people fear the government when in fact the government was originally created to help the people.

    We cannot make property unless we make money. And if we make money we have to pay taxes and our taxes are used to fund wars and if we do not pay taxes then the government will penalize us. This is a highly coercive form of social behavior.
    What is a state of mind that expresses Utopian spiritual freedom? Think to yourself: I am already perfect and I have the right to perfect myself even more in the way that my contract with the absolute tells me.
    The one who transcend his or her consciousness, who grasps the truth is the one who passes through the narrow gate says the knowledge book. To transcend our own consciousness means to rise above historically conditioned points of view to create the possibility of the planetary human. It is the transformation of our conditioned persona altogether that allows us to grasp the truth and pass through the narrow gate of spiritual freedom. We are merging into unity. In Utopia there is no "my space".

    1. The masses are not ready to govern themselves yet

  9. Excellent! Victory of the Light <3

  10. Wow Who ever was actually the interviewer was certainly not your average everyday person......wonder where they came from.....they were testing you it seems Cobra.....

  11. Come on Cobra, give us important informations. We are sick of "implants" and "bla bla bla"

  12. Cobra, all your posts are heremarked as F period?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. To those who are aligned with Isis (the real one), please accept the Fleur de Lis until you are better paid, and have some Pi de Vie. As you know Pie is always welcome.

  15. Thank you Cobra!
    The beginning of the year is glorious and lovely :)

    Je tu dievča zo SK/CZ ktoré by veľmi chcelo ísť na konferenciu ktorá bude vo Švajčiarsku? Lebo sám by som nešiel :)
    Platil by som to všetko ja samozrejme.

    1. jee prvý slovák ktorého tu vidím :)

    2. Juraj nie zlá myšlienka, len ja neviem veľmi dobre anglicky :D

    3. @sense
      Pravdu povediac som ani nedúfal že sa niekto ozve :) To je super že tu nie som sám.

      Moja angličtina je slabšia tiež :D Ale neviem nemecky a čo ak sa bude dať počuť v sále len prekladanie v nemčine :(

  16. Last night while meditating, I released all parasites, and allowed my pineal gland to open. This orb of pure illuminescent, (like the picture above), was shown to me. It opened all of my chakras and gave me this divine feeling of Nirvana! I CAN FEEL IT. I AM BEATING ON THE PULSE OF THE UNIVERSE.

  17. I an happy to notice a somewhat more positive tone in this update.


    1. What if... removed outside the puzzle, you saw us as an experiment... Unconditional Love the test... Evolve the model.

      Your point of view is the model (evolve) is of no value, a waste of time, and your proof is "free will" (worst of the worst free to will as well)
      And Unconditional Love allows.

      So, O.K., you win that point... but Evolve is also outside the experiment.

      And now... you would take all in the game down with you to force the point, with Bombs, because-(remove the "free to fail" is remove "free will").

      But "free to fail" have fallen with unbalanced help from outside.

      Next move, remove the bombs,restore balance, Event Eminent.

    2. Eyob Mehari,

      If you capitalize all the letters in your comment, most people perceive you as shouting. And there is no need to shout.

      As I understand it, these new conferences Cobra is announcing are "Ascension Conferences." He has not had these types of conferences in the past. If you read the post, you will see that he has new information he will present at these conferences.

      Hang in there and enjoy all the new energy. Spring is here.

  19. The Ascension Plan posted here is more or less a "copy/paste" from 15 years ago, correct?

    The present day information what I am getting from „higher sources“ is that there will be blood. Not in way that there's gonna be a new ice age but definitely not something that is described here, not nearly that smooth.

    My personal experience backing that up is that vast amounts of the whole 4th dimension is under heavy conjuration, unlike 3th dimension where it's mostly just this solar system. The astral/etheric/plasma planes are full of things and entities no one knows about, besides the archons, reptilians and that fat octopus. They cannot be reached in a state where you could clean them, unlike the archons and reptilians. All that stuff connected to 3th dimensional earth population, of which majority is still consciously choosing to be lame.

    When the previous wave caused mass species extinction, geomagnetic reversal, onslaught of Atlantis, etc., I don't see how how this one will be near that smooth as described here, not in a state we are at or will be at this velocity, because we are at or nearing the point where nothing else but the electricity from Source will do the trick with minimal prolonged futile suffering.

    1. Il faut bien comprendre que le but de tout ce "big bazar" est de libérer définitivement nos âmes, enfermées dans ce plan de merde (bullshit-plane en anglais) depuis 6 cycles de 52 000 ans (listes des rois sumériens=-307 000 ans).
      Se rappeler que les guerres galactiques qui ont bouleversées la Terre et tout le système solaire, c'est 439000 ans. Ne pas oublier que l'"homo sapiens degeneratus" n'a pas plus de -500 000 ans, que le rayon noir est sorti de la Source, il y a 8 millions d'années, et enfin, qu'il y a des vestiges de bases ET sur Mars qui datent de plusieurs milliards d'années, et donc presque aussi vieilles que la Terre, elle même.
      Alors que l'humanité de la 5° race soit grillée ou non par Hercolubus, pour forcer la libération, cela n'a plus aucune importance. Il ne s'agit plus de limiter la "casse", il s'agit de démolir le général Custer et ses tuniques bleues avec l'aide de tous les géronimos disponibles, pour réécrire l'histoire et renvoyer les "visages pâles" et tous les "Cortez" sur leur continent, qu'ils n'auraient jamais du quitter.
      Est ce que tu comprend ma métaphore, malgré la barrière des langues ??? Guerrier de lumière, c'est bien, mais kamikaze de lumière, c'est mieux.


  21. This is the first time in my life that I am surprised.

  22. Lada Ray says Brazils financial situation has been manipulated by powers that be, for purpose of destabilization, to encourage regime change, because they are members of BRICS.

  23. I very much enjoyed this new interview, thank you very much !

  24. My Goodness! I see Teslas all over the place. Apache warriors drive Mustang GTs. I drive mine east to west and west to east as far as...


  26. Strong ahead, in Love and Light.

  27. Only three dollars per minute to heal in the chamber? Wow, that's even better than ObamaCare. Humanity is really moving forward, huh.

  28. Been experiencing waves of bliss like I haven't felt in 2 decades. Almost feels like we've fought the good fight and the war is coming to a conclusion. Thank you Cobra, RM, Maharishi, Guru Dev, Family of Light, all the beautiful souls who have sacrificed so much to bring this about. "Imagine all the people, living life in peace". Miss that guy so much.

  29. I felt very concerned when reading this latest interview because when Cobra was asked when plasma Strangelet bomb removal started, he answered Feb 2016, yet there have been numerous references to their removal over the past couple of years. Did you mean February 2014 Cobra??? I copied an update from this site & the part of the interview I am referring to.


    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    Plasma and the Planetary Situation Update

    Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Their Long Island fortress can not be removed so easily because it is tied to the plasma scalar network which forms the backbone of the Veil, extending to the altitude of up to 8.6 miles above the surface. This is precisely the point where the Chimera and the Archons are joining forces to defend their quarantine Earth.

    To really explain what is going on, we will have to deal with very deep occult knowledge that might be beyond science fiction for some people.

    Physicists would describe plasma as ionized gas, whereas a skilled occultist would describe plasma as a hidden plane / dimension between the gaseous and the fourth etheric plane:

    Plasmatic plane between the physical and etheric is the hidden location where the Archons have concealed most of their darkness and it was their utmost secret. Plasmatic plane was created as a result of torsion forces between the physical and etheric as a direct consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe was created and is also called the Abyss. It can be accessed (not recommended!) through hidden portals that can be found inside sephira daath on the kabalistic tree of life:

    There are quantum singularity wormholes within the plasmatic plane and in the occult terminology they are called the Tunnels of Set. Those wormholes contain strangelet and toplet bombs and they are tied to the physical Black Stone in the Long Island location. This is the main reason why clearing of the plasma scalar network and the Veil is taking so long.

    The Light forces are dealing with this situation and there has been significant progress regarding removal of the plasma strangelet bombs, whereas plasma toplet bombs still remain a challenge.


    EM: Since when have the light forces begun adopting the mechanism for the removal of the plasma strangelet bombs?

    C: February 2016.

    EM: What causes the light forces to be allowed to employ this mechanism? Is it because the cabal go overboard again?

    C: Partially yes. Also, the situation is cleared enough to make that possible.

    1. You might have noticed that Cobra also refer to a lot of planes. So when the bombs where cleared from the mental plane, it was then the etheric plane, astral plane etc. And when that runs out it is top bombs, strangelet bombs, hostiges probably in a lot of planes that also and it goes on and on.
      Dont try to make sense of all the stories, it will drive you insane just like thinking too much about religion. Try to adapt the positive things to what is happening in your reality. Try to use this for good in your life.

    2. I always understood that it was a continual process to remove these bombs....RM has developed some new technology for their safer removal. Please be patient as there is so much progress being made....Can't you feel it?...The air is much lighter & more Light is out their to tap into. And we want to pray for the safety of the RM & GLF in all their dangerous missions. Of course much Love & thankfulness is also being transmitted to Cobra & other Lightworkers from me.

    3. In 2014 the light force was still doing research how to remove the plasma bombs and make some significant progress but not really dealt with them. And in 2016 they can finally remove the bombs practically, this is what Cobra means I guess.

    4. In February 2016, a certain new mechanism was developed by the Light forces to make the bombs removal so much easier

    5. Thank you for your response Cobra, & all your hard work, I understand now. And yes Sunshinepop773, I am actually very aware of the energy changes, I appreciate you pointing this out. This must be my focus. I've referred so many people to this and similar sites, but instead of me convincing them of these truths, (if indeed they are still speaking to me)they, now and then, push my 'doubt' button.

    6. Il faut bien comprendre que la démarche qui consiste à nous tenir en "haleine" avec des informations concernant le démantèlement du réseau de la pieuvre Yaldébaoth,des tunnels de Set, des bombes Toplet, des Archontes et tout le bazar, cette démarche sous entend que ce plan 3D doit être sauvé, préservé, et rétabli. Mais cette croyance qui est aussi une intention, est une idée naïve. Il ne doit rien rester de ce plan 3D, et il n'en subsistera aucune trace. La seule chose qui doit nous inquiéter est de savoir si on aura le temps d'ascensionner, d'être évacué, ou de mourir tranquillement dans notre sommeil, ou bien est ce qu'on n'en aura absolument pas le temps. Je penche pour la seconde hypothèse, mais dans l'Absolu, ce n'est pas bien grave.
      Tout va se précipiter,incroyablement, dans les 5 ans qui viennent
      "Wait and See"

  30. Thank you Cobra for a much needed update! I look forward to the BIG intel release hopefully next week. I think I feel the energies like a lid being held down on a simmering pot- and it’s time to take the lid off!! Thank you and Isis for holding Ascension Conferences for the benefit of humanity. Hopefully the Event will happen before the first conference.

    Since there will be additional Ascension Conferences after the Event, I assume this means that you and Isis will not be leaving Earth after the Event, after all. I hope so and this makes me very happy.

  31. Hi cobra.
    I had very Happy for your information.
    Victory of the Light!

  32. Excellent reading, Ramayana Of Valmiki, Volume1, 2, 3, by Hari Prasad Shastri. ISBN 0-85424-032-2, 0-85424-031-4, 0-85424-017-9.

  33. WOOOW ! Just woke up with this overwhelming feeling of " you have to attend to this conference no matter what " - an absolutely irresistible feeling ! I don't know how, but i'll be there for sure ☼ I'm therefore seeking french people for a possible carpooling to switzerland.
    I live in the southwest of France, but can easily reach you anywhere in the country. If there is any french people willing to attend to the conference too, please let me know.

    Et salut les p'tits loups français ♫ Comme dit plus haut, je cherche un plan co-voiturage pour me rendre à cette magnifique conférence le mois prochain. J'habite le sud-ouest de la France, mais peut aisément me déplacer jusqu'à votre location en train. Merci de me contacter !

    I await answers before booking. Here is my facebook :

    1. Pense à ramener des pruneaux d'Agen, des tomates de Marmande et du cassoulet de Castelnaudary, à Cobra. Ca lui fera plaisir, parce qu'avec l'agenda qu'il a, il mange souvent des Bigs Mac et ça lui détraque le foie (pas celui des oies de Toulouse)
      Bon voyage initiatique, Arbre Solaire

  34. Anyone know anything about the "king of the world" which Cobra comments on in his latest interview?

    1. Cobra talks about it briefly in a Cintamani update:

      Old Tibetan prophecy says that there will come a time when the King of the World will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age. This time is now. Cintamani stone will play a key role in this process:

    2. Le roi du monde, ou prince planétaire est une entité responsable de l'évolution de la planète depuis des millions d'années, et qui demeure normalement dans l'intra-terre. D'après Cobra, il ne serait plus présent sur la planète, depuis un certain temps, mais surveillerait les opérations en cours, à partir d'une dimension plus élevée que la notre.


      U : Can you talk about the stories about the king of the world, what do they refer to ?
      C : The king of the world is an ancient wise being of Light, that has been guiding the evolution of this planet for many millions of years, and he’s actually an ascended being so that being has gone beyond illusions of space and time, he has gone beyond this dimension of space and time, and he’s actually an enlightened being.
      ---ref ut0615 (Untwine June 2015)

    4. Thank you Comm, Cheri and Dragon Heart, I forgot about that. Much obliged!

  35. Wow, yes let us create ascension together, family of light. I know you all feel the energies too. You can count on me ;). We all should (now!) imagine the galactic wave hitting us, the planet and going into earth.

    1. Create Ascension????
      I personally prefer the expression remove the obstacles. Ascension cannot be "created". It Only can be allowed.

    2. Wish that I could Understand You Better :) ... Is your question if the Pleiadians are helping us with ascension? If so, I can assure you they would do everything to assist in the positive transition... You see they can't wait to meet us, even they could not speak with us....

    3. The requirement for Ascension is well explained in 'Soul Psychology ' written by Dr Joshua David Stone

    4. It is as well and quite extensively in the Law of One.

    5. The passport to Ascension is love.
      And Love is the Force that holds the universe together.

    6. Actually, ger sey, I believe we do co-create Ascension, we don't sit around and "allow" it. I posted this link below, but I am adding it here, too:

      As Andy Bojarski points out,

      "...Before you can Ascend, you have to do some things, some self-healing work...."

      "...You must do the work. If you are thinking some portal is going to open up and take you up there...uh-uh. The only portal is the one in your heart, and YOU have the key, no one else. Do not look to the outer to get where you wanna go.....

      ..if you want to get where you want to go, YOU must turn that lock and open that door...."

      "..and you do that with Divine Love..."

      "...and this energy that flows through you is perfect in every way, at all times...and then what do we do? We are the ones who qualify this energy because we are creators. We have Free Will, and you qualify this energy through your thought, feeling and emotion. You see, thought is the only thing that can create a vibration, and when you clothe your thoughts with feelings, you send those things out in the universe, so thoughts DO become things, I promise you, they become things..."

      A Message on Healing and Ascension…
      Andy Bojarski

    7. Yes of course allowing is a conscious effort

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you! That was awesome, just what I needed. So much clarity (and humour):)

    2. That was a good one, thanks for posting the link, BM.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Love this:

    "EM: What is the ascended archetype of Lemuria?

    C: Paradise.

    EM: What is the ascended archetype of Atlantis?

    C: Civilization of Light.

    EM: What will the ascended archetype of the new Atlantis be?

    C: New Heaven on New Earth."

    ~ Thank you Cobra and EM ~

    I enjoy every piece of truth, because the truth brings liberation. Dear Cobra, much laughter, much joy and many wonderful loving group hugs and that you are happy dancing and singing, this is what I wish for you! <3

    1. Thanks for highlighting this excerpt from the interview 😀😃

  39. my master mitchell gibson has a group that will allow us to connect to the sun and make the sun blink via communicating with the sun join this group everyone we need 144 to 200 divine conscious souls to make the higher beings there are free us from this 3rd dimension and from this planet

  40. Is Coercion Ever Justified?

    Last week’s editorial asked the question: Can the Constitution be improved? We said that the American Constitution represented an new concept in history. It declared that the sovereign power of the state rightfully is derived from the people instead of the divine right of kings. We concluded that it was an amazingly successful beta model but that it was not perfect, because it contained undefined phrases, such as “the general welfare” clause, that left holes through which political predators eventually were able to enter and undermine original intent.
    The centerpiece of that editorial was the idea that public officials should be considered as hired experts to do a specific job, but that we should remain as their employers. We are like passengers on a ship who determine where we want to go but leave it up to the crew to get us there. I wrote:

    “The place to start for keeping the ship’s crew from becoming masters of the passengers is to draft the contract [between passengers/crew] in such clear and unambiguous terms that it is impossible to interpret it any other way. The next step is to make sure that the passengers as well as the crew read the contract; and, third, there must be a small group of volunteer guardians who see to it that the content and especially the wisdom behind the content of that contract is perpetually disseminated among all future passengers.”

    Subscriber who asked:

    “What should be done with the passengers or crew that don’t agree with the terms of said contract? Are they allowed to leave the ship? Or will the contract be forced upon them regardless? The latter would not seem to be in line with the idea of freedom-of-choice over coercion. Shouldn’t the principle of non-violation be at the heart of all human interaction? I shouldn’t violate you or your property, and you shouldn’t violate me or mine — except in true self-defense. Beyond that, can any so-called contract really be enforced without clear consent from each and every individual affected by it?”

    My reply:

    This is a great question, and the answer goes right to the heart of the issue. You stated the question in its purest form when you asked: “Shouldn’t the principle of non-violation be at the heart of all human interaction?” The answer is no.

    As you stated in your letter, the use of coercion is consistent with the principles of individualism – if it is used in defense of life, liberty, or property. Therefore, the contract should require the crew and passengers to follow the rules even if they disagree. They should be free to express their disagreement and free to change the rules by means outlined in the contract itself but, in the meantime, they are obligated to support the agreement.
    Citizens have authority to use coercion against their neighbors only in the defense of life, liberty, or property. Therefore, that is all they can delegate to their elected representatives. They cannot delegate that which they do not possess. (For a deeper analysis of this issue, see Freedom in One Lesson; Authority Cannot Exceed Its Source.)

    That means the only legitimate destination of any ship-of-state is to protect the lives, liberty, and property of its citizens. Nothing more.

    If it is acceptable for the state to use lethal force to protect the lives, liberty, and property of its citizens, then it also may use lesser types of coercion, such as taxation and enforced compliance.
    However, if we keep in mind that the object of coercion must always be limited to the defense of life, liberty, and property and nothing more, then the apparent contradiction disappears.

    G. Edward Griffin
    2016 March 18

    1. Quand le Titanic a coulé, l'évènement a mis tout le monde d'accord. Les passagers de 3° classe, qui moisissaient dans les cales, derrière des grilles cadenassées et les milliardaires de 1° classe qui prenaient le soleil sur le pont, en mangeant du caviar.

  41. Just heard song while reading the article. Unbelievable synchronicity.

    St. Elmo's Fire

    Growing up, you don't see the writing on the wall
    Passing by, moving straight ahead, you knew it all
    But maybe sometime if you feel the pain
    You'll find you're all alone, everything has changed

    Play the game, you know you can't quit until it's won
    Soldier on, only you can do what must be done
    You know in some way you're a lot like me
    You're just a prisoner and you're trying to break free

    I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
    I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
    Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
    Take me where my future's lying, St. Elmo's Fire

    Burning up, don't know just how far that I can go (just how far I go)
    Soon be home, only just a few miles down the road
    I can make it, I know I can
    You broke the boy in me, but you won't break the man

    I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
    I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
    Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
    Take me where my future's lying, St. Elmo's Fire

    I can climb the highest mountain, cross the wildest sea
    I can feel St. Elmo's Fire burning in me, burning in me

    Just once in his life a man has his time,
    and my time is now, I'm coming alive

    I can hear the music playing, I can see the banners fly
    Feel like you're back again, and hope riding high
    Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
    Take me where my future's lying, St. Elmo's Fire

    I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
    I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
    Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
    Take me where my future's lying, St. Elmo's Fire

    I can climb the highest mountain, cross the wildest sea
    I can feel St. Elmo's Fire burning in me.
    St. Elmo's Fire IS burning in me


    1. Thank You, Novusod.

      That is one of My favourite songs of all time, and your video is the best one I've seen so far, with the best Sound Quality. i guess because the source was Vinyl ;-)

      That song contains a few of My personal everyday mantras, by the way:

      "Play the game, you know you can't quit until it's won
      Soldier on, only you can do what must be done"
      And that goes for every single one of all of us, and it is True, my friends. You, Me, WE CAN DO IT

      "Soon be home, only just a few miles down the road"
      I guess that one speaks for itself, and I live by it every day. Just keep going and going, We've got this and We'll be Home

      "I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
      I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
      Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of [wings]
      Take me where my future's lying"

      Thank You, my friend, I'll play it again a few more times tonight.
      On The Air ;-)

      Lots Of Love And Light


    2. <3 Thank you Novusod, beautiful, everything is going to be fine <3

    3. There's a hint in the song title.

  42. Plasma and physical in 2014 and now on to the etheric plane is what I got out of it didn't he say in past post their was different moss operations and the etheric would come later in operation moss

  43. After the ways and means of Ahab and Jezebel are those aligned with what now remains of The Texas Camp. Let it be a bloodless coup.

    Heather and CO. WE are so very grateful to you and all those aligned with you for exposing, uncovering and clearing this evil among us. Your heroism should no longer be concealed, indeed it should be touted from the rooftops!!!

    A pawn who has reached eighth rank has a choice of queen, knight, rook or bishop. Which will yous choose? I am so excited to find out! The poor get money and the Rich get Houses. May all yours be filled with the wealth beyond your imaginings.

    I am so honored to know and work with you. And so looking forward to that hug you promised me, then some blush wine and tapas and all that jazz at Trianon :-)

    ( This video is about a man that feel the hurt for the animals - There is no good and/or evil or darkness beaming darkness.

    So for those who wish to remove anything within all there is( oposite of expansion which is yet another way of blocking the energetic flow of all there is which cause yet another emotional inner conflict and feeling of negative emotion ) or see or feel their experience through the flow of good and evil or bad or not bad..which is still the inner flow of the illusion fo separation from within that still is not healed completly and it is the flow of dividing and separation modus ) will sooner or later have to accepted that source is here with all its possibillities to expand, experience and to explore and if we still keep asking for rules and laws in order to regulate the source of all, we just asking for the same controllingsystem that we has awaken to, as we have felt that we have been controlled and we have lost our free will which we have not.

    We just gave our true force away through our free will and did not take full responsibillity and adopted a system where we learned to point to the system ( or the leaders we wanted to lead our life instead of leading ourself oneself,) and all the rules of it, as this system teached you... that is there to protect you.

    I observe the debate about east and chocolate and other sweetness and how they feel they being forced through the shops bying this as people think those in the system ( Cabal ) is there to hurt you through the way it is wired in society and how they display the sweetness in the shops and then because of it,.. it must be forbidden or we need more laws...and where does that solution leads us??


    You can not remove something that is within source of all there is of full abundance... but you can use your own free will to choose which requiere you to take full responsibillity for the choices and the experiences of it that you make.

    You can only be a victim if you let yourself be so, and when you do, then you point finger and jugde as source of all is neutral as it has no judgment of itself and all the experience it has with itself oneself.

    Humans has adopted this in the illusion of separation modus from within oneself.

    and no such thing as good and bad / good and evil as this is the adopted jugdement beliefsystem through the ilusion of separation that happend within the individual oneself who saw oneself as a victim, when there is no victim, but only source that is in instant interactive respons or dialog with itself oneself.

    Source is not there to hurt you but in the illusion of being separated we adopted this as we became afraid of ourself oneself or afraid of being hurt by love as there is only love or goodness within source of all there is.

    The illusion of separation made us believe that love could hurt us.

    <3 Abraham Hicks 2016 -
    There is only a source of goodness, no source of evil (new) <3


    So the only obstacles you have to dissolve and transform is your attachment to your own supression of self, your self-limitations, adopted beliefisystems, old stories based in your old experiences and fears because of the questions when you doing choices which question is:

    "WHAT IF....... this or that" which comes from fear of trusting and believing in you oneself, which is the source of all there is.

    Abraham Hicks 2016 01 23
    North Los Angeles Full Workshop ( 2hours 52 minutes )

    Someone asked or said to Abraham:
    "If Light is all there is why is it that when I look up in the sky space all I see is darkness.( unless there is some stars shining )"

    <3 Abraham answer: <3
    Well have you find the source of the darkness?

    <3 The person who asked answer: <3
    "Darkness is everywhere you looking when you looking to space"

    <3 Abraham Answer: <3
    "Can't you just acknowledge that the darkness is just absence of light?"

    "That there is no source of darkness....That there is not a big black something out there beaming darkness."

    "There is no big source of evil beaming evil"
    "There is no big source of trouble beaming trouble."

    "There is ONLY A STREAM OF WELL BEING and the only reason
    that you know darkness is because you seen the light, and the only reason you know trouble is because you have experience goodness."

    "The contrast ( polarization which is not DUALITY ) is what makes the source expand and moves in its infinite expansion of desire to experience THE TRUTHFULL POSSIBILLITIES OF ABUN-DANCE of experience itself oneself."

    Source Can Not and have not ever destroyed itself oneself.
    It has just experienced itself oneself and keep on doing it, which it never jugde or have opinion of right or wrong cause its just experience itself oneself, which is why there is nothing to fix, cause there has been no wrong, broken or damaged, as it has always been perfect in its own beautiness of all there is and you are the source of it all.

    "The contrast makes the flow of new desires
    to expand and experience more"

    "There is no source of darkness transmitting darkness"

    (as many adopetd the feeling of being a victim)

    The concept of karma as punishment and reward system and the concept of planet Earth as a school is a distorted teachings so we adopted the belifesystem as being a victim in the illusion of being separated

    It is true that everybody is responsible for their actions and that we can learn from our mistakes, but to imply that by experiencing our present life conditions we are »paying off« karma of our past negative actions is a very subtle and deep form of
    the illusion of separation from within.

    Primary anomaly ( the illusion of separation ) is the root cause of all suffering, and all negative actions of all sentient beings are a chain reaction of generational trauma, originating in the original fall from grace, the original encounter with the primary anomaly millennia ago.


  47. Back To Front.
    Today I don't need a replacement, I'll show them what the Smile on my Face meant.

    "That song? Again?"
    Of course, mate, it's more true than Ever.

    We're Going Home.
    We're All Going Home.
    Hey! Hey! Hey!
    I'll soon be Home.

    Und Du zuhause bei Mir, Nadine. Ich freu Mich so auf Dich.
    Bis gleich, Süße.

    Hang On, Help Is On Its Way, I'll Be There as Fast As I Can

    And that's The Bottom Line 'Cause THE FLASH Says So.



  48. TRUTH:

    We had a life, we had a love,
    But you don't know what you've got 'til you lose it
    Well that was then and This Us Mow
    And I Want You Back
    How many times do I have to say I'm sorry

    How can something so good go so bad
    How can something so right go so wrong
    I don't know, I don't have all the answers (I don't even have the questions)
    But I Want You Back
    How many times can I say I'm sorry

    You can run, and you can hide
    But I'm not leaving less YOU come with ME
    We've had our problems but I'm on Your side
    You're All I need, please Believe In Me

    I only wanted someone to love
    But something happened on the way to heaven
    It got a hold of me and wouldn't let go
    And I want you back
    How many times do I have to say I'm sorry

    You can run, and you can hide
    But I'm not leaving less you come with me
    We've had our problems but I'm on your side
    You're all I need, please believe in me

    They say you can't take it with you
    When you go (keep My things, they've come to take us home)
    And I believe it
    But taking what I've got or being here with You, you know
    I'd rather leave it
    LEAVE IT !!!

    You can run, and you can hide
    But I'm not leaving unless you come with me
    We've had our problems but I'm on Your side
    You're ALL I NEED, please BELIEVE IN ME

    Weißt Du aber auch ;-)


  49. You might want to think about making the conference vieawable online too... like WebCast i think. Live ideally if possible.. Who knows charge those astronomical prices like $500 that some people do just to view it lol.. kidding. but not kidding about the online viewing :)

    1. Great idea! Will help to add more viewers..

    2. IMHO Cobra knows best what to do from RM perspective :)

      "Non-disclosure agreement must be signed by each participant. Legal action may be taken against violators of the non-disclosure agreement according to local and international law.
      No photography or recording."

      At The Beginning: Better safe than sorry.

    3. I understand that Greenlight... but like I posted somewhere below perhaps Cobra's organization PFC or whichever could provide a modulated audio recording if all parties agree of course... after the fact. Just like they do in interviews. They could omit parts if they need to. Just a thought... I know is a lot more work.. but isn't the idea to get the information across as many people as possible asap.

      Especially now that the momentum is picking up... Well it seems at least ;)..

      Is a lot easier to get people to listen even if hesitantly to an audio than making them read a topic they don't resonate with.

      By the way.. Anyone with photographic memory going to the Conference ;)? just curious...

    4. But yes greenlight, I forgot about the secret identity issue when I posted the first top response. I apologize.:)

    5. There's nothing to apologize for :)

  50. Hello Cobra,
    And thank you for your information.

    I do have a few questions that hopefully are indeed important enough to feature on your next interview.. Many of us are going off the breaze to foretell this weather.
    But have any of your sources described the invisible co-existors (ET) found in the Soviet Union's S.M.E.R.S.H. operations book, the people nicknamed "2017 - 2022" ?

    Are these covert couriers of messages and information ?

    Are these years for a name an implanted sign for these times or their mission ?

    What can you tell us about this book ? It really just appears to be a field handbook to identify any co-existors that may be breaking a rule or "air-time space" to me and does not include well known, possibly benevolent ETs.

    Also, would you include information regarding the status of the Chem trails and the apparent disappearances of many "contrails" and the planes.. I do notice what Ray Konsulandich is talking about I believe.

    Are these, our human concept of "species", described as the first 7 of the 13 species the benevolent of the malicious? The malicious being the other 6?... and is the other race an artificial one?

    And finally, what is the meaning behind the sacred numbers? 7 and some multiples of it are seemingly holy in their own way in reality. Perhaps even some more mean things in their own ways.

    Best of luck to you and the light with progress! Allow the creator'so omnipresence guide you further. This spring season will be a most beautiful one.
    Hope to hear a feedback on, (The) Event is Coming Soon YouTube channel and I hope to attend the conference, being the most intuitive and productive day being on the 17th, is another strange oddity...

    1. Send Questions to to be consider for the next interview... by the way... good questions.

    2. I don't think I have seen #7 being discussed yet on interviews. The ones i have seen are as followed:

      NUMBER 13

      Rob – Can you talk about the number 13 related to the divine feminine and the Sisterhood of the Rose.

      COBRA – Number 13 is not connected only with the Sisterhood of the Rose. It is a sacred number which actually describes the principal of free will

      --- ref rp0515 (Rob P. May 2015 Interview)

      NUMBER 5 AND 6

      U : Can you talk about the relationship between the number 6 and the number 5, pentagram and hexagram, what does it represent ?
      C : Actually these are sacred symbols, the pentagram is a symbol of divine will, and the hexagram is a symbol of divine love. They're actually symbols of divine masculine and divine feminine.

      U : So is the 5 the feminine ?

      C : The 5 is masculine and the 6 is the feminine in a certain aspect. But in the other aspect the 5 can also be attributed to the divine feminine, because of the Venus cycle, and the hexagram can be determined as a unification of male and female, or polarities of opposites, like heaven and earth, day and night, and similar others.

      ---ref ut0914 (Untwine Sep 2014 Interview)

      More on some other symbolism found here:

    3. Guess your talking about the Karistus, isn't Jesus (Dior Krystal) one of them. Apparently when they get to 13 they supposedly remember their past lives - Templar's. Guess Earth is a bit of a circus with so many agendas.

    4. My ex teacher claimed the number 7 was of great significance to human beings because it represented the full and integrated relationship between the major chakras and densities of the persona. In other words, full and complete enlightenment.

    5. An hour a after I ran across this from David Wilcox. See the last paragraph:
      At this point, Wilcock goes over the process of ascension and the corresponding densities a soul experiences through this process. These densities also correspond to the human chakra system (1-1, 2-2, etc.).

      Energetic Densities and the Progression of the Soul

      1st density – This density is one of minerals and inanimate matter.

      2nd density – This is the level reserved for biology. Here we have plants and animals from micro-organisms to complex beings. It is a density of basic awareness and of group awareness (everything short of intelligence).

      3rd density – This is one of intelligent life and self awareness. It is the first level where a soul sees the self as an individual. This is also where the choice between the positive and the negative paths must be made.

      4th density – This is where the completion of the positive or the negative choice is realized. The positive path is of love of others and everything that goes along therewith. The negative path is one of torture, rape, suffering, and hierarchical confinement, and is ultimately a path of love of self. To attain the negative path, one must be 95% service to self. For the 4th density positive path, a soul only has to be 51% service to others.

      5th density – This density is one of light and of wisdom. On the positive path, this corresponds to the wisdom of how to help other people, and on the negative path it is the wisdom of how to gain power, to manipulate, control, and to enslave.

      6th density – At this density, we find the fusion of love and wisdom, or love and light. This corresponds to the pineal gland. (This is why we have the term "enlightenment".) It is a level of understanding and an advanced state. This is also of particular importance because it is the point at which "self" and "other" are One.

      7th density – At this level of ascension, a soul finally learns that there is no "self" and no "other". This is where oneness is truly understood. It could be thought of as foreverness or timelessness. Many Buddhists traditions call it "empty awareness". The Law of One term this state "personality transparency".

    6. Google Lyssa Royal 'Density and Dimension scale'. It is the most accurate description I found so far....

  51. Equinox energies have me a bit out sorts the past couple days. Anyone else been sensitive recently?

    Thanks for the update. Peace and Victory of the Light!

    1. Matt,
      Full moon energies coming in also -- Full moon scheduled for tomorrow, March 22. Usually the 5 days leading up to the full moon trip people up... Spring energies are definitely here too, though.

    2. I've had a few rough evenings, felt like an energetic suppression of any 'good vibes' a technique I saw on dada's forum helped which is to extend a hand mentally and say no to any entities/negative energies. Love and light Matthew.

    3. D.L. Zeta: March Eclipse/Equinox Combo Ushers Portals of Higher Potential | Celestial Visions


  52. Dini?

    Kann so stehenbleiben.

    Wheels Come Down :-)
    Kopf Auf Den Hinterschlag.

    Lars B.

    1. Die Kinder sind die Zufunft und die Mission, Lars.



    2. Really? I would have never figured that. What a novel concept, Kathryn.

      One day we're gonna look back at all of this and it'll all seem funny.



    3. By the way, Kathryn:
      "Kopf Auf Den Hinterschlag" is Code that only the *real* incarnation of Gaia knows the meaning of.

      Please explain the meaning of it to Me or know your role in the game and keep quiet. Thank you.


    4. Oh, I'm laughing now mein broder. Let's see, do you know the ass end of a Bear or not? I've been asking the knights who say knee about it. Is it four nine fine or is it NOT io? They don't know ____.


    5. Yeah, I didn't think you could. Thanks for clearing that up.


    6. Did I misspell brother again? No. We bring flowers to the table or food or drink et al, not poisons and not weapons. I thought you knew that!? You probably did. Please accept this as Proof Of Life. I do.


    7. "Broder" is danish, you meant Bruder, but never mind. At least you tried.

      Always remember, Kathryn, that *you* posted the "Hells Bells" video as an answer to one of my comments. So how's that "ringing hells bells, satan coming for you" going for you?

      I don't think you have got anything to offer me that I would possibly want, and I certainly do not ask for or want forgiveness from you, thank you very much.

      And as you have proven once and for all, you certainly are NOT Gaia.
      Bye felicia


  53. I am beginning a new journey, on Instagram, to walk with you along the path of mercy and the tenderness of God.
    3:29 AM - 19 Mar 2016

    Pontifex Self

    RT Pope picks

    And We Pray

    Pathway to/is City of Lights
    (<->) Lights of City Isis Pathway

    I wish I thought of that, Instagram Instrumental

    Refraction of the Refraction that refracted here as craft..? but still, 7 eagles in one spiral
    (and it would seem "they" were cloud busting the chem trails... and why stop..?)

    Space News- Craft- Star water

    And re-reading the interview, after create Instagram account.

  54. Moon Day 13
    White Crystal Dog

    13 Moon Calendar

    I Dedicate in order to Love
    Universalising Loyalty
    I seal the Process of Heart
    With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
    I am guided by the power of Spirit

  55. Aren't all implant hemispheres have been removed on September 8th, 2013??
    -Planetary Situation Update: Etheric Plane October 15, 2013


  57. Great article of VT :

  58. Cobra, can you go into more detail on who the "king of the world" is?

    1. I believe the King of the World is Sanat Kumara

    2. Yes, and it is the same being like Ashtar and Shiva ;)

    3. "The king of the world is an ancient wise being of Light, that has been guiding the evolution of this planet for many millions of years, and he’s actually an ascended being so that being has gone beyond illusions of space and time, he has gone beyond this dimension of space and time, and he’s actually an enlightened being."

    4. According Dr Joshua David Stone's teachings, Sanat Kumara is one of the Planetary Masters.

  59. <3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
    Join us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
    Please join us today, and every day at:
    - 14:00pm EST (20:00pm CET) for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
    - 15:00pm EST (21:00pm CET) for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays
    Web location:

  60. Interesting interview. I found 2 very strong anchoring points for my self.
    1. Earth is a focal point between 2 worlds - negative and positive, and that's why all ET are looking on us and helping us, because the prime anomaly can be resolved only here.
    2. We came here to resolvi this anomaly not by our own hands. But being channellers to those that remain above. Our job here is mostly to channel.

  61. The weekly meditation clock is wrong. For me 19:00 GMT is 14:00 EDT, yet the clock indicates it is at 15:00 EDT which is incorrect.

    So correct me if I am wrong on this.

    1. I'm no expert but my understanding from looking at a map of who's under EDT versus EST is that 99.9x% of eastern North America is under EDT, thus it would be 3:00. if living in rare area under EST at this time then would remain 2:00.

    2. My location is NE Ohio which is -5 GMT. I use this converter ...

      and for me 19:00 GMT is 14:00 EDT not 15:00 which the clock indicates.

      Isn't it important that we do the meditation at the same time??? Please clarify.

      I stopped changing my clocks 30 years ago. I prefer DST year round. When everybody turns their clocks back when ordered I just do things an hour later. Noon news is at 13:00 and so on. Store closes at 21:00 I have until 22:00. When we go back to my time ... everything is done on time again.

      So I feel sure meditation is at 14:00 EDT. I would very much appreciate it, that this issue is addressed.

    3. It's because here in 'Murrica, we don't believe in facts like the metric system or regular time. You are off by one hour because, even though the family farm is largely a thing of the past, 'Murrica keeps using daylight savings time as another f**k you to reality. I love peace and I love love, but we are surrounded by stupid here in the states and it can be hard to hold the light sometimes.... especially with some toothless old bigot screaming, "Trump, Trump, Trump" in your ear. #deepcleansingbreaths

  62. Dear friend Cobra,

    Today I have seen, I believe, a true warning from those malevolent races...
    They had changed a pitch and added a "stereo graph" to a frequency burst they heard from Saturn'so area. Which obviously depicted 3 races. Two of which are of the zeta "gray" origin, one probably being the Maitre.. while the other looked as a Kyllimir - Auk does in our early pictures today. Mind you, this was a stereo graph.
    But the first image, Sir Cobra, was that of the Gnomopo.. which is concerning.. they're the arthropods, correct? It was inscribed under their 3 separate portraits, Leave Earth, several times.. which is just what they'd say and like. The message was originally received from Saturn. So, Cobra, do you know of much of these malicious races and if the message is legitimate?

    I am curious if many of these actions behind the scenes are being spearheaded and led by the Pleiadians or do those with commander Astar have a leading role ?

    I honestly figure everyone is helping and provide their own role.

    Also, I haven't seen or heard much about the El - Manouk and Jefok ? I was to believe they usually had much to do when actions were being undertaken. Do they have much of anything to do with our times ?

    And finally, I have heard that some people may contain some "inprinted" and "unprinted" genes and DNA if they have heritage connected to the Cherokee tribe, is this true ?

    I can see why they would enjoy thsee peoples of their time and place, being a native tribe that seeks a more spiritual justice for its questions compared to that of, well, the Mohawks. .. Who probably didn't mix well.

    Serendipity to the light!

  63. Zenith is a property of Karistus. ALL of Nebadon hangs in THE Balance.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ... of Wiconi Waste. (pronounced washday)

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Have you taken the life of another? It is a reversable situation - and within your own power - don't ask, don't tell another to accomplish for you what is your own responsibility to remedy. Simply repent with sincerity and tell yourself to make a different choice. Tis how the quantum field is repaired and wholeness restored.

  65. I am seeing ships in the sky again in my dreams in summer ....I also had A dream last week i think it was was not so nice was on another planet saw diff Alien races and people as slaves me and few others trying to get away ..All i kept hearing was they want you cause you are new ...This man in wheel chair grabbed me would not let me go i kept tugging pulling to please let me go ....I saw my Doctor i asked her to help me please she did something he let go she told him goodbye ....I ran to main hall with few other people there was giant glass window tall as buildings ....I saw this Alien looked like Reptilian dressed in all read and his troops stood on each side of him in line as he walked to building ....So we made it outdoors then dream kinda went nutty dragon ship saw it fighting another ship like i was floating in space watching fight as i left the world i was on .....Such freaky dreams ...

    1. Yes in my dreams yes i share my dreams some times have good day jl644...Peace Love ...Smile :)

    2. Just looked at your page now i see why you said what you said to me ....You like to talk allot trash about people down them ....Peace love to ya <3

  66. Thank you Cobra & RM.

    Victory of the Light!

  67. There´s a lot going on now and south america is going crazy with political changes, especially Brazil. I wonder why there was never a word about it(or south america in general) here? If you guys would like to share your thoughts about the subject, I´d appreciate.

    1. Sorry Carolina, but this is a far more specific blog for the Resistance Movement.

    2. I read a well-done article recently that linked together:

      (a) Brazil is one of the founding BRICS countries, and the 5 founding countries are bypassing the US dollar system (Of course, this is a big threat to the Central Banks, worldwide)

      (b) Brazil is about to host the Olympics and there are cost overruns there already.... cost overruns which were calculated to cause trouble for Brazil's economy

      (c) Brazil's resources are selling for lower prices than a few years ago, so there is not as much money to distribute to poor people (Rousseff and her predecessor, Lula, helped the poor people) and so the poor of the country are being encouraged to blame this on Dilma Rousseff (thus the calls for her resignation)

      (d) Zika virus, released in Brazil, causing problems leading up to the Olympics and discouraging people from participating and attending.

      So, lots of mind-control of the masses to protest Rousseff and lots of economic "bullets" to cause problems in Brazil's economy.

      If I can find the article, I will post it...

    3. I hear A lot of information about Brazil but not from Main Stream US Media, of course not. I find my news online from alternative new sources. It is being mentions but like you said, there is a LOT going on and not just in Brazil! cheers!

    4. I agree with your comment greenlight but i think your comment is kind of rude . Everywhereson this blog history been talking about usa usa and usa as if it were the Navel of the World and now this Lady makes a question about other part of America (the South of it) and you come up with this "scissor" to cut it. All countries deserve attention.
      You dont have any idea of the strong awakening spirit that is rising here...
      no idea!
      So U.S. the Navel of the World....only in the movies

    5. Check out the two posts above, in these comments, by Maureen.

      Maureen posted I think the Lada Ray article I read about Brazil. The article is very good, I thought.

      It hits the nails on their heads, as they say...

    6. @ger sey
      Sorry if my comment was wrong. I didn't mean it that way.
      I am not from U.S. and I love Brazil.

    7. hello everyone, thank you all for your replies. I was just feeling a little bit "frustrated" with the lack of information concerning this part of the globe and, though I understand we are all living the same problems in every spot of this planet, I think it would be interesting to know different perspectives, so that we can have a better understanding of the whole situation.
      Like @gersey said, we´ve been reading a lot about the u.s. and europe. And sometimes it feels like it´s not even our fight, but only yours, you know what I mean?
      But then again, maybe this is just me getting way too tired to keep fighting. The situation is tough here and I feel my energies are being drained.
      Thank you all for your time and comments. You raised some interesting points @west coast, I´ll definitely go check Maureen´s article as well. You people take care.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.


  69. This just in on GaiaPortal today:

    "Galactic alignments are viewed in the quantum envelope.

    Calendrical alignments fail.

    Quantum harmonics portend tsunamis of alterations of perspective.

    Mesmerizing of the hu-masses ends."

    It's alright, it's OK, we will fix it

    FrühlingsErwachen :-)


  70. if the meditation is about having no elections I am in ;)

  71. I ask that if this event is going to be streamed or recorded that all that information is posted. I doubt I can get time off from my job to get to Switzerland but would LOVE to pay to watch this conference online. V!

    1. It would be impossible to stream or record this conference unless it is held after the Event. Cobra's identity must be kept secret for now and that would be impossible with a streaming conference.

    2. there are ways to mask people's identities even on camera

    3. Stop Doubting Kat L! Start Doing! JUST DO IT! Switzerland!!!
      (just kidding)

  72. There is some info on category Region/South America... in addition on category Financial System... site.. http//

    1. thank you for the info Dragon Heart, I´ll read it. ;)

  73. Sorry.. i replied to the wrong post.

  74. 2 Thumbs up for the interview.

  75. Benjamin Fulford March 4th, 2016 World Reboot update

    1. I stopped at 6:43 mark...

      The Jesuits are responsible for fomenting the two world wars and escalating the Vietnam War after President Kennedy’s assassination.
      The Jesuit Order took over the Office of Inquisition shortly after it was sanctioned and this led to the martyrdom of millions of saints.

      "The rules of the Jesuit Order justify theft, licentiousness, lying, false-witness bearing, suicide and the murder of parents and other relatives. The greatest crimes in history committed against individuals and nations have been committed by the Jesuits . . . Wherever Jesuits are they have the torch to burn, the sword to slay, the inquisition to torture. They are the enemies of [Bible-believing] Christianity. They live for conquest, fortune and glory."

      Source: General Sherman’s Son: The Life of Thomas Ewing Sherman, S.J., Joseph T. Durkin, S. J., (New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1959) p. 186.

      Rome and her Jesuits are the enemy of the Gospel and of humanity!

  76. Cobra, In your next posting, perhaps you can fill us in on the purpose of this horrible and sad situation in Brussels early this morning?

  77. So, another false flag. Those bastards can still continue their dark rituals. How much longer?

  78. well, I give up. I'd been uplifted with the words Of Cobra, when he said negative mass killings would be prevented by Resistance Members (yes, he did say they wouldn't be able to get stop all of them), but this Brussels thing really took me down. I've been really trying to stay at a high vibration, and tryin to meditate, but its just as though the negative is more and more empowered, and gaining strength. All I needed was a little sign, I looked about and looked within, and its just negative after negative. I'm really sorry to have to say this, but I'm wondering now if we've been strung along with the "its so close" and "any day now"'s and its as if they swoop in and harvest our loosh of disappointment. I will hang in there, but I swear, if we had a little encouragement, or a sign, this would really motivate us and actually turn the tides. I wish I could be more positive but its been years now some of us have been goin hard at it, and seemingly gettin nowhere other than bein asked to "do more, we need more of your effort for you to make this change", sorry, I'm tired, I'm broke, I'm becoming more and more hopeless, and I'm exhausted trying to keep others propped up, others focussed, and others motivated to keep charging with nothing other than death and lies and betrayal to show as a result, as a result of rallying others and myself. Again, I'm sorry, aloha, peace, love, yada yada yada

    1. This is exactly how I feel. Whenever I feel this way, I listen to this:

      My inner voice keeps telling me that Light won and it will manifest. Why is it not happening faster? After seeing the illusion, seeing the same old game... Can't take it anymore. While my family doesn't believe me...Can't take it any longer.

  79. 1313 MT Street is the property Dante's Inferno. Santori has some of the keys and Lucien and Etienne have the rest. Let's open the gates according to Papa's clocks and MOM's Colander.

  80. attack gladio in brussels

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  82. loool the explosion in the metro at "9h11 exactly" say Le Figaro (9/11), an another ritual....

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  84. Another terrorist attack in Brussels. Have the Cabal crossed the infamous line yet that will trigger the event? If not that line really must not really exist unless it comes right up to total annihilation of the planet. Just curious, if the RM is supposed to be here among us, and is to interfere with acts of violence where were they during this act? Where they to busy protecting the presidential candidates like the antichrists Trump, Cruz and Clinton? Perplexed by the evidence at hand.

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  86. Andrew Bojarski: A Message on Healing and Ascension…

    (What are you creating? Sage advice for trying times...)

  87. Hey Cobra, Victory of what light...? If victory is the Russians being the only nation in the world to go against the forces of darkness well then I think were pretty well screwed....because nobody else has the courage to do so....what has happened in Brussels is another example....nobody is stopping anything...I love you brother but your sources are giving bad info.....the astral levels are no more peaceful either....nothing but evil in my experience.....I wish your info was true but I see nothing, not a damn thing that looks good for anyone on this planet except those who are insane with evil......

    1. Some people have good stories with friends and boats and noodle salad...
      Event event event

    2. The protoi were/are right, this is all OIC crap and needs to stop. I really want to believe him and he sounds legit but i feel we are being lied too. No one is questioning. i feel there is some truth in it so ill be cautiously optimistic.

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  89. More Gladio carnage happening in Brussels!!!!!

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  91. sure wish i had the time and money to go to Switzerland, i guess some people will be able to go. Wish they would hold something like that in eastern part of the USA? Please at least record and let us hear what went on please???????

  92. My homecountry attacked. Please stop this madness. An update if possible.


  93. GaiaPortal UpDate today:

    "Preliminaries are at an end, as Cosmic energetics prevail.

    Fortifications of Higher Densities allow release of lower binder elements.

    Free Energies are freed.

    Gaia mission nears completion."

    Getting ready for the Main Event. Our Time is Now.


  94. To keep up hope, like to analogize the Event to the Japanese embassy hostage rescue of 1996, (we of course being the hostages)

  95. Namaste Everyone ! Thank you all ambassadors of light ! PHOTO ATTENTION - Photo CHANGED again stare care fully Leaving only his cabal FORCES -via Galactic Central Sun ....with love for them ......And endless HUGS Co.bra & RM . LET GOOO..LET GOOO...VICTORY !!!

  96. Dear People,
    Please read "Life In The Universe" and "The Allies Of Humanity" from Marshall Vian Summers. You'll be happy that you have done that. :-)

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