Oort cloud, which extends a few light years beyond the outer Solar
System, is full of motherships of the Galactic Confederation, a
large gathering of representatives of hundreds of thousands of
positive races from throughout the Galaxy:
have gathered here to assist in the Compression Breakthrough.
Light forces (The Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the
Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, the Resistance...) are
still working on dissolving the Chimera Barrier at the termination
shock region of the heliosphere in the outer Solar system.
reason why this is taking so long is that all the Earth-originating
Secret Space programs have been infiltrated by the Chimera in the
last few decades:
Chimera group was manipulating one SSP faction against the other,
controlling the flow of intel and dictating the course of events
inside our Solar System by taking many key representatives of all
factions hostage.
SSP factions that were not controlled by the Chimera have already
joined the Galactic Confederation in 2012 or before. This is the
reason why the Resistance thought back in 2012 that the Solar System
was already free from darkness.
Light forces are now taking certain actions to remove the Chimera
infiltration from all Earth-originating Secret Space programs. Those
actions do include the Stardust technology.
Light forces have built a network of advanced Tachyon chambers and a
network of Cintamani stones on all main bodies within the Solar
System to create a support field for the Compression Breakthrough.
The Compression Breakthrough will be the moment of phase transition
for the society on the surface of planet Earth:
the Event, a huge wave of energy will pass through these chambers and
Cintamani stones and this wave will wash away all remaining darkness
and most importantly all remaining plasma anomaly from this Solar
real source of darkness is namely on the plasma plane and without it,
all Cabal members on Earth would be just a bunch of powerless old
I am writing this, an important operation of the Light forces on the
surface of the planet is healing the Congo portal, the focal point of
the Archon invasion of 1996.
Archon invasion in 1996 has taken the lives of two very powerful
Lightwarriors, both of them being removed by the Cabal on January
10th/11th 1996, the very exact same day the
Cabal has threatened me :
Karla Turner:
1996 invasion is openly mentioned in this advertisement of the new
Independence Day movie:
Disclosure process continues and nobody can stop it anymore.
Hillary Clinton is preparing for her own version of partial
are beginning to admit that we are not alone:
is beginning to invest in interstellar travel:
Audi will put its car Lunar Quattro on the Moon:
the financial front, the Cabal is quietly advancing their plans for
global digital cash society:
have infiltrated the Central Bank of Brazil:
they still have a great deal of control over most central banks on
the planet, including in Russia:
their plans will not be successful, because at the same time, the
Eastern Alliance is advancing their preparations for the Reset:
human masses are finally ready for unconditional basic income, as
this poll suggests:
of the Light!
Victory of the LIGHT!
ReplyDeleteSoon, I would hope for a 'photo-op' of some of these 'ships'. Think about it: Just as elections and global financial collapse, dictators assuming power all happen at once, out of presumably 'nowhere' comes a 'fleet' of GF ships. It would stop everything cold in it's tracks. You would see dictators scramble for cover, and unexpectedly, a great many of the population would be aware and not panic.
Lets hope this embeds itself and vibrates forward to liberation.
Victory of the LIGHT!
Yes, I hold the intent for some major shifts before the (s)election!
DeleteThanks Cobra Rm love lets have faith this will end this year..
ReplyDeleteI got an interesting 'message' in between the waking and sleep state two nights was a vision of what appeared to be me looking at a children's book. The characters names were 'October' and 'Genesis'. Thought I would share this with the group here. I feel it's relevant !
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra, thank you very much for shedding light on the global situation.
ReplyDeleteI dreamed of the Pope and he wanted to "get" as much as possible. He had a brazen and impudent expression on his face. He stood beside/behind me and tried to grasp as much as he would get of something which was more ideological, also money maybe. The "devil" was also in the near (subtle plane) and he was even more bold. All of which the saints have fought for the light throughout the millennia and even forgiven him, he planned and planned more dark tactics in that dream. The good thing is, it was extremely ridiculous and absurd. Imagine a 30 year-prisoner coming out and sees the sunshine for the first time and the devil would be jealous on that tiny little sunshine even he was laying in the sun day and night. Ok, this is a very oversized description, just try to show his bizarre mindset. He was getting weaker and they will all lose, because the light is pouring in like never before and it will wipe out all sadness. I really believe in the Revelation of John, it only must be understood. In my darkest times I read it and even I did not understand all the symbolism I had the feeling something changes in me, some levels beyond "mind" are touched, maybe even the soul itself. I believe it has soul codes for awakening in it. It gave me a comfort and strenghtening that in the end there will be justice (which is NOT the same like revenge).
I am not a Bible fan, but the Apocalypse of John is special.
Victory of the Light Now and always!
Forgiveness is the great trick to free ourselves, it is not the same like "waiting".
Pope Francis revealed that he does not think he has a long life span left.
Delete"Unclean" conscience?
thanks for this!
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you anami
DeletePlease let the event happen soon, I can't make it much longer in this body and on this planet...
ReplyDeleteThere are so many in your situation ... for all our sake please Source let The Event come soon. So many of us are suffering.
DeleteThen STOP waiting for something OUT from you and begin to think changing INSIDE you ..... You are just all waiting for the event and so not taking responsabilities for your OWN life ........... Please WAKE UP and BE the change YOU want to BE ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI Would Not Expect The Event Horizon To Happen
Before the deadline which is 2024 I Believe...
Choose To Enter The Present Moment Of Now Moments
The Event Is Real...Yet, Our Mission Is To Wake up
In This Life...
Tra Grace..
We are so close, in fact the reset is said to happen this week. This is interesting along with Fulfords ultimatum.
I would be extremely surprised if anything Benjamin Fulford says actually comes to pass.
DeleteIts about as likely as ZAP getting any money its the same ole tune over and over again....
As far as something going down on the 28th of this month ... I will believe when I see it.
Deletedont believe a word, we need new governence and nesara , light has enough power to wipe out cabal in a hearbeat, but they choose not to
DeleteYes too many false alarms. Still it's good to have hope.
DeleteThat link is to something else, not Fulford, in case anyone got confused like I did.
We've been hearing the reset is going to happen this week,... for years now. This is just getting old,... very old,... like a broken record. This is just a bad joke (on US). Why is Hilary still smiling,... thinking that she can actually win the presidency ? Because she is not worried about a thing. They are still operating as usual,... it's still business as usual. If I knew that end was just days away I'd be worried like hell. These people are not worried the least,...
DeleteThere is no solar system. No space. No physical moon.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you believe that?
DeleteGood question Jacques.
DeleteWell, could it be that.... It is because he's NOT in the physical body YET.... therefore he can't see them?
Wait a minute.... sorry .... I forgot..... Even the spirits can see that there is something.... ;)))
I'm not sure who's JOKE is better -his, or mine?
Hologram? Sorry, my matrix cell phone started ringing. I need to go...
DeleteI remember Phil shneider was always doing talks on reptilians and rge gov and being an early whistle blower that was beaten and tortured.
ReplyDeleteThere were others that were on you tube that were " heart attack " or " car crash" victims
There were a long list of light workers that there videos ate atill around on you tube that were found murdered or car accidents took them out ,
Phil Schneider was the more gruesome of deaths . He was for the people and a very dedibated very hugh security clearanced individual a modern patriot in every way . I am glad to see his name remembered . Victorious for those early brave ,Swords of Light
All i can say is, don't hold your breath folks. ....
ReplyDeleted250 your powers of negative are very good .
DeleteBen has blazed to the forefront of being a light worker revealing the many hidden people behind the cabal his latest calling out to Rothchild himself even. Shining light on his stomping grounds
d250 show me where your positive contributions are .....?
Its easy to kick down sand castles others send positive creative tive building .
Tearing down some one elses hard work is childish , and a bully .
Contribute positive, leave your negative in your world .Dont bother spewing it here .
Be the solution not the problem .
Thank you Cobra for all this!
The corporation of america , inc
DeleteHas no clothes .Please the President Role should be a military leader until the cabal are stopped in its entirety .
Then the American People can have a true election
With none of the current offerings .
All Americans should write in any ones name other then what is currently offered and admit the system is corrupt , that we see it for what it is .NOT FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE !
I don't trust Sanders. I wish COBRA would weigh in on him specifically although he did make the general statement not to get excited about any candidate because they're either corrupt already or will be 'gotten to'by the Cabal.
DeleteAlmost there, VICTORY of the light!!
ReplyDeleteIs "funny" to see the cabal trying to do something, is like a child doing something stupid, she knows it will not work , but instead of not doing or do otherwise, there she goes ...
thanks for this update, Cobra, and the supporting links. This format seems to have far more density of intel than many of the "interviews" that have prevailed so far.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this update!
ReplyDeleteMay I notice a small spelling error:
"Before the Event, a huge wave of energy will pass though"
Shouldn't it be: "Before the Event, a huge wave of energy will pass through"?
love the information..i will be on stand by meditating to bring us closer...Love and Light ALways win
ReplyDeleteThank you for paving the way.
DeleteThank You, Cobra! Victory Of The Light!
ReplyDeleteThis one's for you, Ger sey
ReplyDeleteDenise LeFay: Let’s Better Understand Individuality & the “We are all ONE” Business
(She says Unity is internal, about unifying all aspects of self, not external, unifying every person on the planet.) So like I said, it is not a dirty word.
The motto : "Let us become One" which is happily shouted by thousand of new age cockatoos, always refers to the external. They think that when we dissolve our fake barriers of religions, nations, etc we will be one Humanity. Wrong. What these oportunists want is to replace all these flocks with only one Flock, one Religion, one Mind: the Collective Mind, the Hive Mind.
DeleteWe have to RESIST this agenda, by waking up. When the Spirit is not awakened, only the human animal soul complex functions, and it is Collective. Same as sheeps and ants and bees.
This happens when Spirit is not Updated.
Thats why the efforts of the evils to surpress the Awakening of the Spirits, our Remembering.
OK, now I get where you are coming from better. That does sound too much like the BORG, the way you describe it. I used to think that way, too, about Unity and Oneness. Now I think it is more about making peace within ourselves, respecting others as we respect ourselves, or taking the attitude "different strokes for different folks". Humans tend to focus too much on our differences with others.
DeleteNo, we definitely won't all be "Besties", holding hands and singing Kumbaya as the ships land, but we must recognize that while we are a diverse people from ONE planet, we are about to join a Galactic Civilization of many beings from many worlds. Thus it will serve us to move towards inclusion and tolerance of other humans, and bring our best individual selves to the table.
Phoenix & Ger sey, I just have to say your level of discussion is fun and interesting to read... no attacks, just trying to understand each other... plus, I'm interested and agree with what you are both saying... you are simply coming at it from 2 different directions... Love, Peace.
DeleteConnection is the key word wich only
Deletehappens through the heart, the spiritual heart,
Just now outside my house there are 3 dogs, 2 cats and a couple of pigeons, all of them sharing the same silent and harmonic area, nobody of them seem to disturb the other and all of them seem contented. Animal are evolving quicker than us!
As the saying goes, Drums Clark, "between your lips, and God's ears"
ReplyDeleteWell this is becoming exciting. Even Cobra sounds excited which means it really IS getting close! I hope to do my cintamani justice.
ReplyDeleteMuch peace and much gratitude.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSlowly but steadily, we continue to march toward 10,000 signatures:
Look at all the one's on the time stamps
DeleteI only post comments on... well, just this blog now, I've never seen 2 time stamps the same (I guess it could be tested but still)
A Vortex..? (Vortexes, vortices)
Could they release the small orbs..?
I want to thank you for mentioning Dr. Karla Turner. Nobody would get near her case with a ten foot pole when she was alive or after her death.
ReplyDeleteHonorable mention goes to her research partner, Barbara Bartholic who broke her silence on Karla's case, in her own living room after 10 yrs, because a young man called and insisted he was really interested in Karla's case.
She brought out Karla's files for this fellow to look at. Barbara thought enough time had past, so it would be OK.
But it wasn't. 2 weeks later she and her husband were run down in their car, Silkwood style, on a back road in Texas, where both Karla and Barbara were from. Her husband died, and she was brought to the hospital in critical condition. The thing is, she pulled threw and was getting better. Then one night, the nurse's found her, with an apparent stroke, dead.
These two women, did all the work for anyone talking about UASP's. They paid the ultimate price for the honesty.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhats going in with your life with fallen angels and hatred? lol it seems you have a sephiroth in your life (ff7 character). tell me more about your experiences.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThat is "free to fail"... you can move past it once you understand it... and you "Will" find an even more rewarding outlet (self-destruct..?)
Deleteif you keep an open mind ("seeker")
why did you delete my comments and dont talk to me?
DeleteI don't delete your comments, i just delete my comments 'cause didn't add anything to this Blog, simple as that.
DeleteGod Speed RM!
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the link beetween Archonts and the secrets spaces programs ?
ReplyDeleteMy question is are men in black artificial .This video I was watching brought up a very recent may 2016 visit from mibs
DeleteSo if all current negative alwins are gone who are these historicaly always mention beings .
They are discribed as non blinking black eyes the white of their eyes are more gray. They have no facial hair no eye brows or facial hair the hair looks like a wig, they are always discribed as big and identical looking . Always in that little brim black 50's style hat .
White shirt black tie black suit long black coat
As recent as this month they have showed up.
Look at this video
Not the exact question but:
DeleteRob – Are the men-in-black still in existence on the surface of the planet?
COBRA – Yes.
---ref rp0315
hey, D250, we love you, and you too will see the amazing, positive, paradigm shifting changes that are soon to arrive!
ReplyDeleteHi el-o-el
DeleteThank you for your kind words and i love you all too. I honestly hope that you are correct but something in my inner voice is telling me that things are not right.
I need to do something else i have inner feelings that we are being deceived.
Let's see lots of love and kindness to you! !!!
So, the light is diligently removing the strangelet and to let bombs, now they are simultaneously bringing down the Chimera Barrier in the Heliosphere, then they still have to deal with the Stardust Technology??? Can we get an estimated timeline update please?
ReplyDeleteStardust is a positive Pleiadian technology. It is quite powerful.
DeleteLook it up on this blog.
Phil Schneider, Dr. Karla Turner and Cobra I just want to take a moment to thank you for your hard work Lightwarriors.
ReplyDeleteYour Light will rise and shine, and You will guide us always and strengthen us.
Solar Warden are the good guys, they were manipulated and they don't need the best technology to make a positive impact.
Hollow earth has been hard to wrap my head around .
ReplyDeleteSheldan Nidle and others soeak about it .
Just the fact its forbiddon air space speaks volumes.
This video leaves me with no more questions .
Cant get the vid
Cobra said in one of his interviews something to the effect of, that while there is no hollow earth, there is at least a partial honeycomb earth, Subterranean Civilizations build in these giant caverns, but you can only go far down before it gets too hot for anyone to build.
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DeleteSheldan Nidle is *not to be trusted*. He repeats the same information year after year like a cracked record. If you view his most recent channeling - then go back exactly one year and read that channeling - it should look very similar. He uses different words to say the same thing practically every time! It's like he's stuck in a loop, like a skipping vinly record; repeating over and over.
DeleteI reckon he's been infiltrated by the Cabal - and they might be using Voice Of God technology.
Keeps your eyes wide open!
And by the way, that YouTube channel you linked "secureteam10" is incredibly fraudulent. Everything I've seen them post has been entirely fabricated for the views/money. It's just one or two people - probably VFX artists in their 20's - using software to fabricate and manipulate videos to trick people. Very sad.
If you've got any other YouTube videos/channels you'd like me to analyse and determine whether they're legitimate or hoaxes - link me the videos ;)
What's your opinion on Dahboo77?
Delete"would be just a bunch of powerless old men"
ReplyDeleteI like that
Money still buys much protection and media manipulation. Isn't it slightly naive to think they'd simply be powerless old men??
"The 1996 invasion is openly mentioned in this advertisement of the new Independence Day movie:"
ReplyDeleteSo the original archon invasion occurred in 1996 and there was a movie depicting that invasion. Now the movie is in sequel, and the message is: there is a new invasion wave that is is bigger and more powerful by magnitudes. So it seems that the resistance forces are not near victory yet. Note the muslim hordes currently invading the west.
That's what they want you to think...
DeleteIt's part of their magic.
Yeah you could be right right.. they're probably using the power of our collective consciousness to maintain their presence here. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force.
Cobra, can you please comment of the "Battle of Los Angeles"(1942) event in your next update? What happened here?
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra / Phoenix Group & RM. Every day is one day closer to "The EVƎNT".
ReplyDeleteDivine Presence,
Please help to lift my thoughts and intentions into the realms of transcendent awareness. May I remember that God is working to bring Divine Order into the world at all times. May I trust that as I expand my focus of attention, more love will circulate through my energy system and radiate out into the world.
Please send the blessings of Divine Love and Intelligence into all situations that are needing Light to be uplifted. Please bless with Divine Light all those who are personally involved in events that seem so difficult to understand.
With every breath I take, may I be blessed by the Light of True Understanding so that my heart can radiate Divine Love into the world at all times. May all beings live in harmony with Divine Order, now and always. And so it is.
Dear Source,
Deleteplease help us all to love ourselves and each other and to forgive ourselves and each other.
In all lifetimes, places and all interactions with all beings.
Thank you Source, may your love be seen everywhere and from everyone. We must seek for YOUR love, always, then we are rich. Your love is always around us. May all beings be happy and allow themselves to be happy (when they have forgiven themselves what they "believed" they are guilty of).
Sorry, Suomi would be more easy for me. I find so many soulfamily on this blog, like for example Eliana, I am soooo happy she writes comments again, thank you sister, you must be one of my sisters. Or Phoenix. I am very proud I have written my first comment some weeks ago.
Thank you both.
DeleteSo glad we're at the point where the Stardust Technology is approved to use on the Evil Doers! Come one, come all Motherships of Positive Star Travelers....We welcome all the help we can get!
ReplyDeleteIt will have been approved a while back or COBRA wouldn't have told us a couple years ago that they would be using it.
I was encouraged & elated because (even though it was approved for use a while back) it looks like they have the "go ahead" to use now (wasn't aware they had already used this technology):
Delete"The Light forces are now taking certain actions to remove the Chimera infiltration from all Earth-originating Secret Space programs. Those actions do include the Stardust technology."
Another one of the cabal minions could be going to prison ...this one is a big fish too ... For the nothing is happening crowd.
ReplyDeleteHead of the IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud
Victory of the Light!!!
Dateline is 2013 though.
DeleteThis article is from 2013 sadly, i don't think much happened since then.
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DeleteMy bad ... I found this at my usual news site yesterday and I thought it was current. Sorry.
DeleteWhat is stardust?
DeleteThank you. This is important information.
ReplyDeleteMay all be free.
May all be healed.
"May" is ending soon dear one ;)
DeleteHopefully soon...
DeleteLove to you @Orange juice
ReplyDeleteDo you remember Rock'n'Roll Radio? Oh Yeah.
Let's GO
We Need Change, and We Need It Fast
One, Two, Three, Four . . . FIVE
We Want The AirWaves !!!
Gaia's a Sensation ♥
Lookin' So Fine
Stay Tuned for more Rock'n'Roll
Right Here! On GOD'S GREEN EARTH ♥
Victory Of Love And Light
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
ReplyDeleteAlex Collier - one of the best Lightwarriors and a true humanitarian - is still in need of our support. Those of you who know him, know that he's been trough a hell because... For decades, he FEAR-lessly put his life on danger to reveal the TRUTH to humanity. He's been speaking out against the powers that were in the times when only a handful of Lightwarriors were on the "battle field".
Watching this video of his latest webinar will support Alex Collier FINANCIALLY.
If you can afford the amount of $3.69, or MORE, then help him please. More importantly, you/we will show the MORAL support he needs... Tell him that we appreciate ALL HE DID FOR US.
Alex Collier was live via video stream on May 20, 2016. His TENTH 90 minute LIVE webinar including over thirty minutes of questions and answers.
Funds from this video stream will be given to Alex Collier and help us bring your Alex Collier regularly.
The webinar replay is just $3.69 for 72 hour rental or just $9.87 for unlimited rental and download.
Yes, worth watching too.
DeleteI love this update and again I want to give thanks to all the brave people who work so hard day and night so that one day the @big dream - the Event becomes true. Thanks Cobra for this detailed update. It is awesome'
ReplyDeleteI try to do my daily meditation to give support. But still I'm too distracted sometimes but I do my best I can. I can feel that we get closer.
Victory of the Light
New Zealand and horses?
DeleteThe life that you are living now, is also a dream of millions! ;)
ReplyDelete<3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
ReplyDeleteJoin us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
Please join us today, and every day at:
- 18:00pm GMT for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
- 19:00pm GMT for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays
Web location:
Skype channel:
Teasy, thanks for continually post this. It is easy to forget WHAT is WHEN. ::)
DeleteTIME SENSITIVE!!! Congo Vortex Activation - Bringing Light To The Souls Of Those Who Hold The Key To This Mission
Natürlich war die Rechtschreibung Test auf Ihrer Website geschrieben, wenn Sie Hovever Kvite U von einigen müssen. Viele ERSTER Hey Rife mit Rechtschreibung Problem und E Fund IT Gegner Trublesome wurden informiert dann die andere Hand, ich werde s Wahrheit und wieder zurück süreli. Voodoo Partnerrückführung | Fotos kostenlos
ReplyDeleteGaiaPortal today:
"Partialities have sidelined, as Illuminaries flourish.
Stagnations averted for all, marshals are the protectors.
Relinquished and vanquished find their constabularies.
Feathers are emblazoned with the Fires of Insight."
Lots Of Love And Light
In reference to Cobra's link above regarding an exploding star:
ReplyDelete“We Are Stars. Life Exists Because of Supernovae.”
HYEANGEL Belated Thanks :)
ReplyDeletePlease, somebody please donate to us 500 dollars to my Paypal account at If nobody helps us, our landlord will chase us out and we will be homeless.
ReplyDeleteI've been homeless for almost 3 years... there's no help out there..
DeleteWell... it seems that no one is interested in such message... wish i could help you Mozart... wish you the best!
DeleteSee if there is something like in your area. It is usually free and many of the hosts have reviews by former guests. Also see what programs are available for help from local churches, even if you are not a member.
DeleteI hope your situation resolves positively and quickly.
Oort cloud does not exist, that should tell you all alot.
ReplyDeleteIt does exist, Cobra provided the proof ... the fact you don't believe it is of little consequence.
DeleteThe Oort cloud is a theory.The big bang theory is bust too. Sorry to burst your bubble bud.
DeleteLots of interesting things in mainstream news...from Europe, anyway.
ReplyDeleteHead of the IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud
Barack Obama 'will reveal alien and UFO details held by the US before he leaves office'
The first article is from 2013, gotta look at the date :/
DeleteI made the same mistake on the Lagarde report, that was back in 2013. I don't know why the news site I use posted it as though it were current.
DeleteThe 6 pointed star mandala from cintamani-stones which untwine has proposed
is really very strong. I have it also combined with the Pleiadian Stargate. - Very strong effect.
Let us be more creative against the cabal.
I have used my Q6 device to connect all the cintamani stones and make their power stronger. :)
DeleteHave heard of such devices too.... Which brings the most joy is to see liberation, thank's to the one who has helped. We have proof it did work (the liberation).
DeleteNothing is happening, there is no cabal, no conspiracy, no planets, no free energy devices , no ET lifeforms, no mind control.
ReplyDeleteYay, there is NASA scientists , sports , fast food and internal combustion engine vehicles !!!
You had me going for a second there. People actually believe that stuff!
Deletethen why are you here? if you take a look around the world you would see its all happening.
DeleteLet me put it another way : i'm surrounded with zombies who are into cars , sports and fast food, and are happy with it. OK?
DeleteAs far as the nothing is happening crowd goes, not even the event will make any difference, because the space is not real, ET are a hoax , etc.
Well said, sandor...well said....
DeleteBut I think they are slowly waking up...
Not supporting fast food BUT even they do seem like they are trying to be more honest and to make improvements. It is slower progress than we would like but progress there is, when you start to see it then you will see more of it everywhere.
DeleteAll i can see is my own paradigm shifting in 6 days, going off grid starting a new life and a permaculture farm .
DeleteNeed healing.
CHI destroyed.
Cabal strong.
Need cintamani.
Zombiland bye bye.
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWe are trapped under a dome on a flat earth, run by psichopatic bloodlines, now what ?
DeleteNothing, just , you are no fun at all...
The Event Will Wake Them
DeleteBut, the ascension wave will Shock them
More...If Some People Actually Disappear
into a different a Dimension They Cannot
Explain That...
Tara Grace...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHere's to Deep Calmness of "mind-bending" and "foundation shattering" out-of-the-box new concepts of all-that-is ;)
DeleteAdagio in G minor (Albinoni)
cabal still doing whatever sinister plot...
Deletecobra still preparing the surface population for disclosure...
zombies are having zombie fun ...
galactic sappers still dismantling yaldaba...
i might just have cold beer or a cider...
What is your experience with the Pleiadian Stargate? I have been thinking of buying it.
ReplyDeleteWazabi, I am not particularly sensitive to energy. But with respect to the Pleiadian Stargate I feel an effect. If the device is already longer in the room, then I feel upon entering the room a kind of 'heavenly feeling'. The connection to higher dimensions is within reach. Meditation for example is easier.
DeleteWhen people see me, and the device is present, then these visits went always very harmonious, although the people did not know about the device.
Where do you get the paladian stargate?
DeleteThis is more than alarming. Do you really believe moon stories, as no one is still able go through Van allen radiation belts? Besides, space (under firmament) is perfect insulator, vacuum. Not any kind of wave could pass through it. The original moon flight project was made by famous movie director, they went to moon with tuned cardboard box. What do you say?
ReplyDeletePs. Nasa and Antarktis' treaty were formed at the same year right after one guy flew over the south pole, to see there's infinite ground waiting for exploring (IMO, laws of time and space won't apply there, as Earth is propably the only quarantine and those are created by cern). Happy living inside the greenhouse!
Psps. Did you know that Tutankhamon weared a necklace that was made from Libyan desert glass? It's the material of glass wall not that far away in space, creating our prison, quarantine. Use google and youtube.. wake up. Spiritual people are so misleaded and gullible.
Hi Dude i think by putting things together using google or internet is at the end like trying to find a diamond on the landfill.
DeleteYou haven't look into flat earth topics? It forms the greatest big picture so far. From aliens to stars, spiritual "wisdom", etc.. it reveals all being deceptive garbage. Nasa is formed from psychopath freemasons, look up. There's so much info you really can't debunk at all. And what comes to inner work.. well, better to be out of greenhouse and from the effect of radiation, cern etc at first, as otherwise we may not be able to see the truth but instead, some fancy programmings.
DeleteAre you into flat earth topics?
DeleteThen watch please this short video:
You can see the curvature of the earth.
That video is thoroughly discussed in many interviews, but..
Delete1) The fisheye lens is used, no lens corrector.
2) Why New Mexico seems to fill the whole world?
3) If earth was spinning like it's said to do, why did that guy land so close to the point where he leaved?
Hmm.. something else to ponder: why can you spot naked womans on many videos made by Nasa (elite is known for twisted sexual habits)? Why the whole crew of Nasa are freemasons, most not even hiding it?
The most important thing here is to realize that we are not small, meaningless or living in restricted area. I don't mean you by this but I've seen most people are too close-minded, they won't even start looking new ideas. Even the most spiritual people are afraid of bursting their bubbles, and I think it's OK for a while. Spiritual issues felt bad right from the beginning and after finding FE topics I can see why. They are false alternative for religions.
@1) Yeah, Big RedBull company using shitty fisheye lens only because they can...
Delete@2) That's the curvature of the earth effect! You can't see whole surface of the Sphere from one point of view.
@3) Skilled paraglider.
Our eyes have lenses too, just something I've thought about..
DeleteThanks for the interesting YT link ahem…monster you lol...of non-public or academic everyday people discussing a taboo and asking questions that divert from indoctrination
Contact in the Desert June 3-6
ReplyDeleteJoshua Tree
Interesting diagram there of the tree of cabal power. So the "unholy four" is Bush Sr/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Kissinger? Where do the Rothschilds & the Pope/Vatican fit into this diagram?
ReplyDeleteAlways thought the Rothschilds & the Jesuit/Vatican empire had more power than those American Nazi factions. Or perhaps they're all just different sides of the same coin, more or less.
I think that is not a diagram about cabal power in general but the power structure of the secret space programs.
DeleteBreaking- Paul Ryan Tweet- MUST READ- RV live?
Here's the lasted update from Sheldan Nidle. Sound encouraging, but whether or not is true, would be Cobra's call.
That sounds good enough, but who knows... again, we have to wait...
DeleteSound encouraging indeed but without new intel :(
DeleteI would like to read news about our parents, The Central Race/The WingMakers.
Didnt you realize it yet guys, that Sheldan Needy is a broken record?? Sorry, people like this who play with people's hope, dont deserve my respect! Period.
DeleteSpirittoo next time please ask Ger sey when you find new site with similiar info like The Portal site.
DeleteHe has a nose for this stuff.
I stated that the info needed to be confirmed by Cobra. Cobra has mention some of Nidle info during his interview, which give me a indication some of the information he gives is correct.
Deletegood vibe keeping
ReplyDeleteHigh energy - your love is lifting me.
DeleteOil prices are rising ... looks like the RM attempt to cut off the cabal funding through oil is failing ...
I'd expect some of the normal variability, it always goes up in spring and summer. There are many hardworking people who don't like it but their livelihoods depend on the oil economy.
DeleteGaia Portal update - May 25th:
ReplyDelete"Feathers are emblazoned with the Fires of Insight."
Big step forward!
And for The Chimera group: You Can't Escape, DO THE MATH! DO THE MATH! DO THE MATH!
just came across 'web bot' report... Odd stuff, a troubling timeline (soon). Seems to harvest web activity and read forward? 'MAY/JUNE WEB BOT: Gold silver & bitcoin. 12,000 year old Irish gaelic language. 2016 CLIF HIGH '
ReplyDeleteWe is Hoom-uns
Welcome to Erwf.
this is amazing.
ReplyDeletePlease help us for my mother’s sake. Even though i am uncomfortable being with her, considering that she is a religious person and i am a New Ager just like you guys, she is still my mom, and i don't want to see her suffer. Enlightened people such as us wouldn't give a damn about differences in beliefs, since we know that All is One, from the Source. However, i do need to take care being around unenlightened people that actually gives a damn about those differences, as such Dark-influenced people actually would have the audacity to harm and kill people with different beliefs, which is a serious and grave crime against Universal Law of Oneness and Love. So, you guys need to help us out with 500 dollars, as the New Age community is dwindling as i see it, and the amount of people supposed to be awakened by now is way lower than i thought. Everywhere i see people still living their lives by adhering to millenial-span memes, instead of awakening to the words of people such as Corey Goode, Alex Collier, Tolec, Cobra, David Wilcock, and David Icke. Why ? It's mid-2016, and yet no Disclosure, no First Contact, no Event and people are still unenlightened and the bad guys still rule the game, and as for me, i and my mom are still living under financial difficulties. Just when are things gonna change on this planet !?Next year i don't think i can stomach playing the game by their rules anymore, as i need the planet to be liberated soon, so that i can live the life that i wanted without being oppressed by unjust and unfair elements rife on our planet. As an ally of justice, i can't stand injustice being prevalent here and there on Earth, so that is why i had wanted The Event to happen a long time ago, even back then in 2012. But it's now 2016, and my energy, enthusiasm, willpower and hope isn't as strong as then after countless disappointments and heartbreaking experiences. Right now i am pouring all of my heart to the Universe, Source, Galactics, and all good people on Earth. I have suffered so many disappointments and frustrations in my life for the past few years, so i want to put an end to all of it right now, by swearing to live only a life of boundless abundance and limitless generosity, as i would like to be the one that gives and help others, and save the planet when i do have the necessary power to do so. Right now, we are under difficulties and need help very badly. Please help us now. Please, we really need someone to donate to us 500 dollars to my Paypal account at
ReplyDeleteFor anyone that wants to contact me first before donating, you can drop me a mail at
ReplyDeleteEveryday the light on this planet is brighter. Our support from source is unwavering and continuously accelerating. Our bodies are changing to accommodate all this new power. We are all conduits for this support. We are supported by inumerable sources: civilizations, confederations, ascended ones, each other and the light of source itself. The shift is happening. No turning back. The light is increasing continuously. Enjoy the ride. These are the times we came here for. And we have front row on the ground seats for one of the greatest transformations ever. Relax. Say yes to the magnificent events that are occuring and are about to occur. It is going to be a whole lot of fun!!! Contribute your visioning to the outcome you want. I don't mean to preach to the choir here. I love you all and respect your powers enormously. Just a little reset button. Amma.
ReplyDeleteThe Jewish leadership needs to explain and address the following if they wish the Jews to remain part of the human family.
ReplyDeleteGOYIM = Cattle (Referring to non-Jews)
Isra-ELITES: Rulers of all
***Revelation ( Apocalypse) 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
31] 'If a Jew finds an object lost by a Goy it does not have to be returned' (BABA MAZIA 24a)
32] 'If a Goy hits a Jew he must be killed' (Sanhedrin 58b)
33] 'If a Jew murders a Goy, there will be no death penalty' (Sanhedrin 57a)
34] 'What a Jew steals from a Goy he may keep (Sanhedrin 57a)
35] 'All Children of the Goyim are animals' (Yebamoth 98a)
36] 'If you eat with a Goyim, it is the same as eating with a dog' ( Tospoth, Jebamoth 84b)
37] 'The Gentiles are not humans, they are beasts' (Baba Mezia 114b)
38] 'Sexual intercourse between Goyim is like intercourse between animals' (Sanhedrin 74b)
39] 'Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice' (Zohar, Shemoth)
40] 'A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat' (Hadarine,20,b; Schulchan Aruch, Chozsen Hamiszpat 348)
41] 'A prayer' or 'Benediction' to be saud by a Jewish man every day: Thank God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave! (Hilkkoth Akum X1)
42] "If a Gentile sue an Israelite, the verdict is for the defendant; if the Israelite is the plaintiff, he obtains full damages." (Ibid., p620. Quoting Baba K. IV. 3, The Mishnmah)
43] "A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by condition" (Sanh. 55b)
44] "A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest" (Yebamoth 60b)
45] "Pederasty (that is, sex relations between men and especially between man and boys, Ed.) with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that...if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred." (
Sanhedrin 54b)
46] "When a grown man has had intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, less than three years old, it is as if one puts the finter into the eye. Tears come to the eye again and again, so does the virginity come back to the little girl under three years." (Kenthuboth 11b)
Source - Benjamin Fulford Typepad -
Jews aren't the problem. Jews didn't write those rules, the Archons did. The Jews have been manipulated for millennia by negative supernatural beings. The Jews are actually victims and need to be healed with love. If humanity blames the Jews for the evil deeds that were perpetuated by the Archons then the coming "golden age" could be delayed for centuries as karmic consequences would have to be dealt with. Let go of old hatreds and be of forgiveness.
DeleteEvery religion, ethnicity, and nation has injunctions (either written or verbal) like these; especially considering that they are thousands of years old and are artifacts of a less enlightened time. Comparing prejudices and hatreds does not lead to either truth or oneness. Rather, look instead for the things that unite us.
DeleteThe Archon Told Me To Kill, I Did It!
The logic is strong in this one.
If The Jewish leadership thing is true, There Is No Such Thing as "Hate", No hate from me!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletegnostic nonsense
DeleteIntercourse with a 3 year old.. Isn't that nonsense? Whoever wrote this nonsense was a paedophile
DeleteGraphic video shows Venezuelans looting, eating garbage
I am hoping that this is an indication The Event is about to happen. Cobra say things would look pretty bad just before.
All this suffering is tearing me apart.
This tells me civilization has officially started to collapse. We need The Event NOW!
DeleteWich is funny 'cause everyone is saying that the things are gettting better, but no one says anything about you article here spirittoo... LET'S HOPE THAT THE "EVENT" IS REAL, and not a lie to keep us in control... or worse, as i already said in many post in here... WHO KNOWS WHEN THE "EVENT" WILL TAKE PLACE if in 2012 supposedly was gonna' take place and in the end was a BIG FAIL!!!
ReplyDeleteI asked for it, and asked for it, and asked for it, yet nobody could or wanted to help me with my own financial struggles.
But finally My Call was answered and I received the Help I so desperately needed today.
Thank You, Shenyen.
Thank You, Maik.
You're the best Family one could ever wish for.
I am very thankful that later on today I was able to help an old man an his dog when the leash got caught in the pedals of his bicycle.
Now let's FIX IT for Everybody.
I AM The Beginning And The End
Victory Of Love And Light And Peace
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMachen Wir jetzt so, Gaia, mein Schatz ♥
One, two
One, two, three, four
Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you, I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure, but you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you're in My Heart now
Said woman, take it slow, it'll Work Itself Out Fine
All we need is, just a little patience
Said sugar, make it slow, and We'll Come Together Fine
All we need is just a little patience
([Patience]) Mmm, yeah
I sit here on the stairs, 'cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now, I'll wait, dear ♥
Sometimes I get so tense, but I can't speed up the time
But you know, Love, there's one more thing to consider
Said woman, take it slow, and things will be Just Fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said sugar, take the time, 'cause the LIGHTS ARE SHINING BRIGHT
You and I've got What It Takes To Make It
We won't fake it
Oh, I'll never break it
'Cause I can't take it
A little patience, mm yeah, ooh yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah
I've been walkin' these streets ([Yeah]) at night
Just tryin' to get it right (Could use some patience)
It's hard to see, with so many around (Yeah)
You know I don't like being stuck in the crowd (Could use some patience)
And the streets don't change, but (Yeah) Baby the name
I ain't got time for the game (Everybody have some patience)
'Cause I need you
Yeah-e-yeah, (Yeah) well I need you
Ooh, (All it takes is patience) I need you
Whoa, (Just a little patience) I NEED YOU
Ooh, (Is all you need) THIS TIME
Ich liebe Dich, Kleine
Right Here - On GOD'S GREEN EARTH ♥
Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom and Ascension for All ♥
"This is the reason why the Resistance thought back in 2012 that the Solar System was already free from darkness"
ReplyDeleteThis statement seems odd to me. How could anyone think the solar system was free from darkness in 2012? Especially the RM? It's not as if the cabal have been easy to miss. I'd love to know more about what this actually means. I'm sure there is more to it than what it seems to be saying...
Agreed. Sometimes I suspect there are messages embedded within the messages. Or the RM are not as informed as we had assumed. You know the old saying about assumptions right? ;)
DeleteLet me explain ,hope I don't make mistake of it. It is a clarification from Cobra on behalf of RM, because it was around that time(I don't remember when but very long time ago you can check the old posts) Cobra said the solar system was clear and the only problems were on the earth (it is what he meant ,not what he said). And later Cobra made new posts said there were more problems in solar system. I believe Cobra didn't tell lie because he just forwarded what RM told him. The whole situation was so complicated, information were so compartmental that RM was not able to handle everything at that time, they believed the solar system was clear back in 2012 from their perspective and told to Cobra, then Cobra told us about it.
DeleteAt last the true situation is not that case and more problems come out... It is reasonable that RM becomes more cautious after they were too optimistic back in 2012, I hope they can get it right this time. After all ,no one want delays ,let's do our job to assist the light force to end this nightmare as soon as possible.
Please, someone please donate to us 500 dollars. My mom and i need the money to pay the rent to our landlord, and for food. Please, we are now in the most dire straits ever, and it's all because we have no regular financial supporters to support us. Even my mother’s family, who all have spare money, are stingy and don't want to help her sister (my mom ), so i am once again left with no choice but to plead here. Please, can anyone donate to me 500 dollars. Of course, if anyone could give a lot more than that, it would greatly help our situation for a very long time, but right now we just need $500 to pay our landlord
ReplyDeletebefore he chases my mom and myself out of the house. Everything that i said is true so if you don't believe it please do a remote viewing or astral projection and you will know how we really need the money to pay the rent. This is serious for us. Please, donate to us 500 dollars to my Paypal account at It's for serious, urgent, and necessary needs.
Mozart you have too just deal man.. there no help out there.. BELIEVE ME we would all love to help.. but we just don't have the money to help you.. just run now.. like I did... just run..go in to the woods..
DeleteHmm... this entire mission is to to help people in serious need... vortexes of Earth grinding everything they own to dust... and even people that had bombs go-off, "in their homes".
DeleteAre you sure you understand all the choices you are making..?
Make an "Alter"... any "Alter" is yours to use.
Wishing that wishes were "free"
(shakes head looking at ground)
What do You Offer on this "Alter"..?
Choose of the 2 brothers
Able... or Cane..?
Do the work= meditation
Master Your Fate= Unconditional Love
Reward= Wisdom
Father= meditation
Son= Unconditional Love
Holy Spirit= Wisdom
Network for Knowledge
sounds good! i hope that Love Signal is the beginning of the Galactic Pulse!
on this site, to help those in need?
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Dear Mozart and John Popeck:
Sometimes i see people asking Cobra; "What can, should, would I do to be a part of the RM, or other Light Forces?"
I beleive that in your hearts, all of YOU, have sincere and honest intentions, and you're ready to give a little your own push for THE Event to happen sooner.
And then from time to time, i see how some people turn to US and ask for help, yet very little of us reply.... And it breaks my heart.
Mozart IlmosMay 25, 2016 at 7:34 AM
>>Please, somebody please donate to us 500 dollars to my Paypal account at If nobody helps us, our landlord will chase us out and we will be homeless<<.
I'm in contact with him, and i DO believe that he IS an honest man, and a very careing son, who has no other place to turn to.
The problem is that he's putting his request a little.... not correctly, by asking that someone would give him the WHOLE sum.
But... Let's imagine this. Out of thousands who follow this site, If ONLY 200 people would donate as little as $2.50, then Mozart would have his problem solved.
And if another 200 people would/could donate $2.50, he could have ENOUGH money to start the business he's been dreaming about for a long time, and would stand back to his feet.
And i'm sure, one day, (before the RV and other programs will take over), Mozart will do THE SAME to another person in need.
And this should be done for as many people as we can support. NOT ONLY for him.....
So.... You want to be a part of the RM, Light Forces, GFL?
Then do NOT dream about joining any of them. NOT yet. Most of us don't qualify. And most ETs, or inner world people - are not ready to deal with Us - the "barbarians''.
So, why don't WE just start our own MISSION, and be a part of creating a better life on Earth TOGETHER? It is available to ALL of us who's willing to do it!
Start by creating, (or joining) a UNITED EARTH COMMNIYT/FAMILY group. Show your support to your Earthly Sisters and Brothers by doing any kinds of simple actions of KINDNESS YOU can afford.
Show the other guys that no matter what, at the end - WE CAN BE UNITED!!!
chipped in $13,79 , if the others can pick up from there, will send more...
ReplyDeleteThis is the reply to Mozart by John Popeck.
John PopeckMay 25, 2016 at 10:46 AM
>>I've been homeless for almost 3 years... there's no help out there..<<
Dear John, (and those who live in the USA and are in the same situation), there is help out there!!
All you have to do is to do some research and then - try to get there.
BTW; what IF some of YOU, (like minded Light workers of Cobra family), could join together and start your own community/ies like this one? As a group, A FAMILY, you can get along without having a real roof over your heads. Just get a few tents and stick together, support each other in anyway you can.... TOGETHER; WE STAND STRONGER!
YOU can do even better! You gan get other people in your "family", and help them with their awakening!!!
This housing program is in Utah.
May the Universe BE your guide!!
Some excerpts:
>>Rene works for a program called Housing First. It has decreased the number of homeless by an extraordinary 72% — mainly by providing permanent free housing.
Housing First provides stability for homeless people in a way that is far different from shelters and halfway houses. It gives access to permanent housing — unconditionally.
Tsemberis and his team, through their group Pathways to Housing, ran a test where they provided
apartments for 242 chronically
homeless people, no strings
attached. They could do whatever they wanted — drink, take drugs, have mental breakdowns — as long as they didn’t hurt anyone. Services were provided if they wanted rehab, detox or medical care. But it was completely their choice<<.
Article sources
Kill Bill: Volume 3
ReplyDeleteA comedy of... errors
Um... who needs money when you got
Berni... education is a lie...
at the end of the day... if any document can be replaced, invented, or destroied... you can't prove who anybody really is (mark of the beast).
Any job can be mentored into (OJT, on job training) less than a year... if not just the starting point to ascend.
How many with no language at all..?
(G.E.D. to work Mc Donald's, D.M.V, Walmart..?)
Portal Manifestation
Thank You
ReplyDeleteLatest from David Wilcock 'The war has gone hot'