Saturday, September 1, 2018

Keyhole Situation Update

After our Key to freedom meditation, the planetary liberation process accelerates.

Light Forces have requested that as many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups that meet regularly one a week are created on the surface of the planet to ease our transition into the Event.

Existing Sisterhood of the Rose groups are listed here and you can join them if you feel so guided, or create new ones:

Instructions for Sisterhood of the Rose meetings are available here:

Videos for three meditations for Sisterhood of the Rose group meetings have been created in seven languages.

Videos for Return of the Goddess meditation:

Videos for Goddess Vortex meditation:

Videos for Sexual Healing meditation:


To help spread the Goddess energy around the planet, a special line of tachyon jewellery has been created, called Tachyon Goddess Collection. Many pieces of that jewellery carry Rose of Venus, a sacred geometry symbol of the Sisterhood of the Rose:

In surprising move, the Light Forces have approved the release of first significant intel to the surface population since January 2018. I never expected this to go public. 


It has been first released by Qanon:

And then by Hal Turner:

This pertains to Operation Keyhole, an operation of the Light Forces in which they have taken passive / active control of spy satellites and some other aspects of the telecommunications network.

I have mentioned passive control of satellites more than a year ago:

This practically means that spy satellites now send images and data that the Light Forces want them to be sent. Light Forces have communicated that "sometimes the telecommunications and sigint equipment will not obey known laws of physics". This also practically means that one aspect of quarantine Earth control mechanism has been taken down. 

Another aspect of Operation Keyhole is an upgrade of the computer virus in the mainframe computer system of JP Morgan that can effectively trigger a global stock market crash and related financial Reset.

For this reason, certain sources have provided additional guidance which you can follow if you feel so guided:

As Benjamin Fulford has stated, we are expecting more changes in September:

I am in discussion with the Light Forces to release even more intel and another situation update is expected in a week or two.

Victory of the Light!


  1. 9.9.18 WE TRIGGER THE EVENT, come on folks join us in our attempt to liverate ourselves and end this darkness period:

    1. I appreciate what you are doing. I just want to point out that the typo 'liverate' should be liberate. Thanks.

    2. As a light worker I feel that we are here!!!! Thank you all it has bin a long trip😇 The light has WON! Love an light always

    3. 5 pointed Star
      with the alignment of edges
      bent and protecting the whole...
      Expanding outwards in rings of 5
      as the branches of a cherry-blossom
      The Power of...
      A Ray of Light

  2. Wow you're quoting Q anon? Q is instilling distrust in WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and NSA leaker Edward Snowden. That's the CIA's wet dream. Even WikiLeaks confirmed Q is most likely a CIA psyops.

    1. Q is NOT C_A psy op, it´s mainly military. And Q said that the cabal have the site (Wikileaks having been taken over by the cabal), but that Q have the source (meaning JA and/or the servers). Read the crumbs!

    2. Thank you Cobra! LHC Global Beams should be back by 2 am, so maybe GHVBN recovers? I´m just monitoring coincidences...

    3. Yes the CIA director said they are working to take down WikiLeaks. Then Ecuador cuts Julian Assange's internet and is trying to revoke his asylum, interestingly after a big military deal with the USA. And no one cares because Q is telling people not to trust them. WikiLeaks has been revealing the cabal for almost a decade and the cabal would love for everyone to lose trust in the organization.

    4. Q claims to support Trump and oppose the deep state? According to CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp the cabal uses endless war to make massive profit. Trump gave them the biggest military budget in human history, exactly what the cabal wants. Trump's CIA director even stated publicly that they are working to bring down WikiLeaks.

    5. Sometimes the cabal will do things that seem counter-intuitive. If disclosure is inevitable, they will control the disclosure process. They will try then to slow it down and mix in as much dis info as possible. Well meaning people then spread it around and it muddies and discredits the entire process. Some alternative media personalities are dis info agents and some are well meaning but have sources that are dis info agents. Elements of the cabal are so crazy and desperate, they are exposing themselves to stop themselves from being exposed by others.

      Q seems legit but does not have the whole story. Assange and snowden may be legit but I believe they have less of the story than Q. At this time, CoBra seems like the best source available to us.

    6. One should distrust WikiLeaks, Assange, Snowden, and much else. Trust the plan.


    7. You are ( probably intentionally ) distorting what was implied on 8chan boards by Q .

      The only thing that was indirectly implied as compromised was Wikileaks twitter profile . Nowhere it was implied to distrust JA ( actually , exactly the opposite , JA was mentioned many times in posts - and never in negative way ) . Secondly , because of the nature of the operations , not many people could actually know the full plan .

      Im pretty sure the people will realize the positive forces are actually also compartmentalized ( my theory ) because of that . The secrecy and disinformation , sometimes , is neccessary - but as it reaches the critical point towards the mainstream public , more and more will be released without slowing down .

    8. Cobra has already said in a previous interview that Q is aligned with the positive military. I believe this is obvious.

      Looking forward to the new update and also hitching a ride in due time✨

    9. Q is JKF Junior working closely with Donald Trump to bring down the Cabal's global control on financial, health, military, etc. This was planned many many years ago with his fake death along with his wife after he knew why his dad was assassinated.

    10. "One should distrust WikiLeaks, Assange, Snowden, and much else. Trust the plan." That state proves my argument.

      WikiLeaks has been fighting the cabal for over a decade. Edward Snowden legitimately proved the NSA is spying on everyone, they're both cabal enemies. Q is convincing people not to trust them? That's the CIA's wet dream

    11. I guess it ultimately comes down to who are you going to trust? WikILeaks who has been leaking government secrets for 10 years, or an anonymous troll on 8chan...

    12. "Cobra has already said in a previous interview that Q is aligned with the positive military. I believe this is obvious."

      Q supports Trump, and Trump made the biggest military budget in human history. What do you think they will do with the largest history budget? GO TO WAR... That isn't positive...

    13. "ou are ( probably intentionally ) distorting what was implied on 8chan boards by Q ." What nonsense?

      Q was saying Edward Snowden is an active undercover CIA agent, which is making people not believe him.

      Q is saying JA is working with Trump to take down the cabal, in reality JA hasn't had internet for months and might lose his asylum.

      Meanwhile instead of protesting and shouting that we demand freedom for JA people are shouting "TRUST THE PLAN"

    14. i trust COBRA'S information as all ways and "q" is trustworthy. you probably have other places to be.

    15. In my opinion, Wikileaks is probably Rothschild/Israel affiliated. They figured HRC was the greater of two evils, so they did yeoman’s work to help defeat her in 2016, of which we are eternally grateful. Not that I’d trust them in other contexts. I agree with the above statement that Snowden is CIA who was trying to discredit the NSA — partly because of interagency rivalry, as Jon Rapoport suggests, and also because NSA seems to have a white hat element that has dirt on the bad guys (and not just regular people). Q seems most reliable of them all. Besides I believe Cobra said Q was about 60% reliable, so maybe this is part of the 60%? It’s not like he’s saying he agrees with everything Q posts.

    16. @Piperon ... no way JFK Jr is part of this ... he is dead. That was most likely disinformation put out by the cabal to discredit Q anon. Q would have put out a lot of drops and sent us looking if that were the case, but they have not.

      To others ... if Cobra says Q is legit ... then they are as far as I am concerned.

      Also I don't recall any drops indicating JA was working with Trump. Put up that drop(s) "unknown" so we can see it.

      As far as the "biggest military budget in human history" is most likely for optics as Q puts it, or perhaps disinfo. We won't be having any wars. The Light Forces won't allow it. The actions of the white hats in MI and Trump have prevented war. I'm the first to speak out if I believe Trump has done wrong. But when he does the right things I will give credit where credit is due and he is doing a good job working with the white hats.

      Cobra posted back in Nov. that Q was 60-70% accurate. With all the Q proofs posted I believe it has gone up a bit since then.

    17. On a Q related note ... It really makes me want to puke when I see some of the corporate media coverage of no name like he was some great hero. Q has indicated "suicide"? I can't see no name doing that, was he executed? Or is he being held at Gitmo? Q made it clear the "brain cancer" was a way out from being prosecuted. I'm just wondering if he is really dead.

      Also I watched the live broadcast of Arethra Franklin's funeral (dang that was a long ass funeral ... 7 hours!) and it was crawling with war criminals, pedos, and cabal stooges. I hate to think she was one of them. I have not heard anything to indicate she was.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. @spirittoo Aretha Franklin's funeral was just your typical modern-day pseudo-tribute where people who had nothing to do with her rise to fame wanted to make themselves feel relevant by attaching themselves to her legacy. I think Franklin was oblivious to the true nature of these people, as well as how manufactured the pop music industry is these days.

      Franklin was a real talent, because that's what you needed to make it in the industry back in the day. These days we have lesser talents thrust upon us by marketers, and the majority of the public can't tell the difference.

    20. Having a large military budget does not mean we instantly engage in war, that's absurd. The budget for the military was waning under the Clinton, Bush, and Obama presidencies. Do you really think the Cabal, after being exposed, will come out and say "Oh, well you caught us! We give up please". They will fight, discredit, ridicule, and deny EVERYTHING. They will fight until they are no more. Having a military to defend us when this comes to the surface, is CRUCIAL! It's for our defense, not to perpetuate war!

    21. I have not seen the MSM news paint Q as a hero (but I avoid MSM as much as possible). I couldn't help but notice the headline "Q Anon conspiracy movement is very unpopular." They obviously hate Q. But they are not the whole Cabal. They are the Zionist-loyal Federal Reserve Fiat money dictatorship protectors who control mainstream media and institutions as well as the US dollar supply. They are totally evil. But they have competition and feuding factions and some of them might be backing Q or just giving him false information. What can we really know for sure about these things? Very little.

    22. Jim said on Return to Your Truth that No Name was executed. Maybe that's why his nasty family was so angry instead of actually grieving. They hold Trump responsible.

    23. Oh, and thanks @Daedalus for lending sanity and clarity to this discussion. I love Assange, without him we wouldn't know the extent of this Deep State surveillance agenda and capacity. Q has gone back and forth n Snowden but I like Snowden. Both are heroes to me!

    24. "Having a large military budget does not mean we instantly engage in war, that's absurd." You must not be reading the news then because Trump's military drones have been killing more children than Obama's

    25. I stopped following Q after he said to trust the FBI director, the AG, and not to trust JA, WL, ES.

      The cabal is real and controls both political parties in USA. Q supports Trump and Trump tells people to vote for republicans. Republicans are controlled by the Cabal...

    26. @Psychedelicpiper ... thanks for the input. That makes sense.

      @Unknown ... I don't recall any drops telling us not to trust JA not sure about WL either I know they said trust AG ... not sure about the FBI director ... post those drops numbers so we can see them.
      I believe the drones are being used by the black hats in the MIC.

    27. It's not as, black and white as you have made it, far from. This goes deeper than anyone can imagine. Your statement is lackadaisical.

    28. I've never until now commented on this blog but I've been lurking for a while. I don't think most people here understand the concept of lightworking and cosmic universal love.

      I notice that everyone is waiting for something to save them and are depressed/unhappy with life on Earth. Life on Earth is a blessing and every single person is lucky to be here. This is a rare place where spirits from the highest vibrations and lowest are in physical form together, making it the best school to learn and grow spiritually.

      People say humanity can't defeat the cabal on their own, yet history shows we've made massive strides towards victory. A few hundred years ago science was outlawed and most people couldn't read, the cabal were terrified of a world where everyone could read and write. Now, we're sharing the internet together and the cabal are terrified of what it might lead to. We win more and more every single day.

      It's no wonder we can't reach the 150k lightworkers needed for the event, just based off these comments. From people accusing me of twisting facts, Someone telling me I should be elsewhere, and someone saying Trump is working with light forces, even while he lives in ego, supports NSA spying, supports torture, sells weapons to other countries who are waging war. He also didn't end the wars in the middle east like he said he would.

      Lightwork is about universal love for all life, unconditionally. Free from ego, arrogance, jealousy, hate, and envy. We all chose to be here on Earth to learn how to hold positive vibrations even in the worst situations. Karma has also brought most people here, as the universe always gives back what we give. In this respect, I am thankful for the cabal, and every evil spirit here on Earth. I thank them for giving me very valuable lessons that help me rise higher in vibration.

      I personally think humanity can defeat the cabal by ourselves without physical intervention. I also think it would be a shame if lightforces came to help us physically. That would take away many great lessons we could learn on our journey.

    29. "It's not as, black and white as you have made it, far from. This goes deeper than anyone can imagine. Your statement is lackadaisical."

      I question if you've even read the WikiLeaks tweet I posted and read the opinion by Suzie Dawson.

      As an pro WikiLeaks, pro truth investigative journalist I've followed Q for quite a while now. It's interesting that Q claims to have access to all this information yet hasn't leaked a single legitimate document to prove his statements.

      It's interesting that WikiLeaks has the vault7 leaks, the biggest CIA leak in history, and shortly after the CIA deemed them a threat comparable to Al Qaeda. After a military deal between Ecuador and the USA Ecuador is trying to revoke Julian's asylum and cut his internet.

      I wonder if we will ever get the passwords to Vault7 Part B "CIA Media Ops"

      If Q has access to NSA technology I wonder why he hasn't leaked the password to the encrypted files. The first Vault7 password was a simple JFK quote. Assuming the Part B passwords are similar the NSA has most certainly cracked the Part B passwords.

      It's crazy how many followers I've lost for simply questioning Q's authenticity. I notice the same trend with other pro WikiLeaks journalists. Q propaganda seems to be straight out of "The Art of Deception" Leaked by Edward Snowden.

      Now, if you go to Snowden or WikiLeaks' twitter replies it's filled with Q followers claiming they are compromised, without evidence.

      Ironically, Q is trying to convince people Snowden is an active CIA agent. If he is then why not leak the documents that prove it? Edward Snowden is legitimate because he actually leaked the documents that proved his argument.

      Q says to trust the FBI director, trust the Attorney General, trust the plan. I'm sorry but I don't trust anonymous posters on 8chan, not unless they are providing me with legitimate documents I can use. I rarely deal with conspiracy theories I can't prove, because there is so many real documents out that I can prove a great deal with real facts. I've found real documents are the most effective way to wake up the population (lots of documents leaked by WL and ES).
      I don't trust the FBI and I don't trust the USA justice department, I don't understand what they've ever done that lead to people trusting them.

      Another investigative Journalist Jimmy Dore asked NSA leaker Bill Binney why the deep state (cabal) are using the Mainstream Media to attack Trump when Trump has given them everything they want. Bill Binney put it simply by saying that Trump wants peace with Russia. Peace with Russia means the deep state loses out on billions of dollars from war profits. That's all it takes for them to go after him and do whatever it takes to bring him down.


    30. I can't keep writing about Q propaganda because he doesn't provide real documents I can use. Anything I write that can't be proven leaves room to be criticized and rejected by the public.
      Q followers are already awake and understand there's a cabal. I write to help wake up people that don't believe in the cabal. There are real sources out there. Like CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp who explains exactly how the deep state operate and why.

      As for Trump, I really enjoyed his campaign and I coded twitter bots to spread his message. Specifically ending the wars, taking down the cabal, spreading the truth about the controlled media. Now that he is in office what did he do? He stated he is okay with WikiLeaks being prosecuted. He continued the wars. Gave the biggest military budget in human history. Supported an NSA spying bill. Gave a tax cut to the richest people in the country. I mean the GOP literally tried to cut medicare to balance the budget while making the biggest military budget in human history. That is not of the light.

    31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    32. @Unknown ... I don't know where you have been, but Q has provided lots of documents as evidence. When you state they don't when we all can look and see that they did causes you to lose any credibility.

    33. @David ... no name is such an evil person and has done so many evil things treason and war crimes among them ... he doesn't deserve to have his name spoken ever again. I'm sorry I could not witness the execution/suicide.

    34. @spirittoo, I dont blame you. He was involved in the war in syria which polluted the ley lines. It spilt over into europe which further affected the lines. This all reinforced the veil, and is one of the reasons why we still have no event.

  3. Seems like first step of the financial reset is occured also, but need confirmation of this source cause they try to go early but because of that some info is false:

    1. Don't trust any info on Nesara at this point. It is almost all click bait and psy-op and comes from imposters spreading disinfo to mess us up. I don't think you will find anything real on NESARA until after the Event.

  4. Thank you so much cobra! I was willing for news and you come with that. Wow! Thank you enormously!
    And all light forces thank you muchly and i will keep vibrating as much love, autheticity and gratitude as long as i can.

    May spring really come now! Victory of the light!

  5. I’ve followed Q since 11/3/17 and it has been real and true all along. To read that Cobra speaks of the Light Forces and Q further ties this together - makes such sense. We are at / near the tipping point! ThankQ Cobra! WWG1WGA..... YES!!!


  6. Getting Closer Now.

    Time Limit

    I AM DC

  7. Lots going on!! It's time for all of us to do our part(meditation!!!).stay strong & positive 👍.I love you all dearly! WE CAN DO THIS!! Thanks Cobra and all the BENEVOLENT BEINGS you are much appreciated and loved 😁 💞

  8. With deep gratitude
    Victory of the Light !

  9. Winning BIGLY❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. I was the last time in a time of mourning, disappointment and also anger because no positive news came and felt that we did not come forward that has raised my strength and hope again <3

  11. Thanks for the update
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  12. Thank You Cobra!

    feeling quite challenged but optimistic!

  13. Love and Light to All 💙🌎💚
    Victory of the light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Za slovenske bralce:

    Pridružite se naši skupini Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the situation update Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  15. Before buying 7 kg of white rice and 4 kg of dried beans, bear in mind that cooking dried beans requires a lot of water and a lot of heat or gas - for hours on end sometimes. In an emergency situation gas and water may not be so plentiful, so these may not be the ideal foods to store. Dried fruits, and freeze dried vegetables are great, and also foods that can be easily rehydrated, and can be brought to a brief boil and then can soften just by soaking. Rice pasta may be better than rice in this type of situation. There are lots of emergency food companies in Utah, and some of their products are cleaner than others - but the food is generally dried or freeze dried, and can last up to 25 years, unopened. Even their beans will cook up faster, or, if you like, you can get a lot of powdered bean soup from your local natural foods store.

    1. that's soaking comes to mind and black beans you can sprout them
      white rice cooks very fast and doesn't need too much water. 1 cup of water + half cup rice and its enough

    2. You can also buy a camping stove and gas cans. I did the calculations and 1 can should let me boil 5kg of rice, so I'm storing them in these proportions. Still the cheapest solution dollar per calorie. And I have a river nearby and the knowledge how to purfy water. But a good reminder to prepare smartly. Securing a water supply is a lot more important than food.

    3. For those on a budget, the easiest solution is canned goods. Yes, we know about aluminum, etc., but in an emergency it'll keep you alive just fine. I buy quality canned goods (which are cheap), date them, and then rotate them out, donating expiring goods to food banks and then replacing them. It's a very affordable solution for your family and doesn't require the reconstituting and cooking. Do the same for pets: get canned goods, date them, and rotate them out.

  16. The Vision Alignment Project
    A Vision for Free Energy

    We envision ourselves living in a world where there is free energy for all, forever; where the sources of power we use to light and heat our homes, fuel our cars, run our appliances and machines, cook our foods, manufacture our goods and products, and so forth are non-proprietary; where all of the inventions that have purposely been withheld and hidden from us by those who would profit from our labors are revealed and made operational now; and where all of our energy systems are clean, non-polluting, and 100% sustainable.

    In this world, our power sources are shared equally by all, for indeed, how does one pay the Sun back for the light we receive? How does one own the winds, the waters, the geothermal reservoirs? In a world where we truly care for one another, there are no charges, no exchanges of money; just thanks given for the gifts we receive from that which was already free in the first place.

    As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
    You can align with this Vision
    by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.

    Yes! I Align with this Vision. I Align with this Vision!

    Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.

    1. I must say, a most wonderful vision, Miss Phoenix Boulay.Much love my sister.

    2. ET contact will make that happen, Phoenix.

    3. We could just retrofit our current uranium plants to thorium. Thorium is clean, it produces a lot more power than uranium, and you cannot make nuclear weapons with thorium. Cold-fusion was even successful. There are a few free and clean energy methods already out in the mainstream. Sadly, nobody currently utilizing them though.

    4. Yes, well it already exists, but has been suppressed.

    5. Hence why contact with the ET's is PARAMOUNT. The baddies are NOT going to simply come out with their hands up and GIVE us the technology we are entitled to, it's either gonna be et contact, or one hell of a shooting battle to get THAT stuff.

  17. I want to apologize to you please forgive me I didnt meant what I said before Blessings!!!!

  18. Yes, Cobra validated that Q was legit back in November when he stated that they were NSA/Military intelligence alliance/white hats Yo!

  19. Please Tell us what que need to do for help more!

    I'm waiting for this time long time a go!

    1. Keep your inner light bright!
      Positive mind!
      Love as shield!
      Knowing who you TRULY are! stay there!

    2. Willian Clark, this article could be interesting for you...

  20. Now , this is an interesting twist of happenings . The moment when those posts hit boards , I suspected it could have truly connection to what was said before by COBRA regarding the Keyhole satellites . And it had ...

    Im starting to think that many positive forces act in compartmentalized way , but that way is not necessarily bad as it could sound . It creates many "segments" of resistance where every "segment" can operate independently , if others get compromised . If everything was opened fully and tightly linked , then you would see much bigger levels of infiltration ( like before in history , also ) . And , very possibly , there are also a certain levels of disinformation even from positive forces - when it is neccesary and unavoidable .

    Q-142 : ..." The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. "...

    One of the early drops by Q mentioned this - and it actually reminded me also on what COBRA was telling about toplet ( and strangelet ) bombs . What kind of truth would put so many people in hospitals , threatening their lives ? There is no such truth , actually ... but the only scenario where that would happen would be if something DRASTIC would threaten the humanity , just like our hostage situation.

    No truth released would put 99 % humanity in hospital ... but toplet bombs would . Or even worse . That is , what I think , could be what was potentially meant with that ( and we extensively discussed this also on GA very recently - many agreed this was logical ) .

    You dont need to trust Q , or COBRA , or anyone else ... if you feel INTUITIVELY so ( NOT what MSM or others say - but what you say within about it ) . But you will see where the path will lead you ... the change is constant , continous and it cannot be stopped as it is interwoven into our Creation .

    Just like Event cannot be stopped .

    It feels like we are closing to certain critical point , my current advice to anyone would be to have some kind of "personal plan" regarding the way of how truths are handled towards purely mainstream public , who are more or less completely ignorant and oblivious towards them .

    The Great Awakening is upon everyone - already now . It serves as a catalyst towards the Event . Every single action serves as a catalyst towards the Event .

    1. I have also had a sense that some "bombs" are actually mind related viruses and will activate when certain knowledge and situations reach us.

    2. Yes I also believe toplets are implanted in starseeds and that we can dismantle them through genuine introspection.

    3. @Catarina Brás, According to CoBra there are toplet bombs with the chimaira and also some inside of key lightworkers bodies. We are being held hostage.

  21. Its Show Time. Lets get the job done.


  22. Thank you dear ✨Cobra✨ Victory of the Light✨🙏🏼❤️🌈

  23. Looks like a good progress has been made. Nice! Can`t wait for some snowballing effects...))

  24. Wow. Cobra + Q. Unstoppable force !

    Victory of the Light 🌄

  25. I've been following both Q and Cobra and I, for one, am ecstatic to see these two worlds intersecting in this way. And I personally don't agree with the statement that Q is instilling distrust in WikiLeaks or Assange or Snowden. Snowden, maybe, but in a minor way. And remember, disinformation is vital in warfare.

  26. Exciting news we can proud ourselves on for being a part of and helping accomplish.

    I look forward for the real work to begin very soon. Thank You, Cobra and may you be re-united with your beloved Isis Astara soon! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!!!!!

    I could have not asked for a better hero or any better role model to look up to. May the injustices of this world be righted once and for all!

    Each & Every one of you are incredibly special, gifted and talented. YOU brought this change about. Feel proud in knowing this fact.

    Finally, my most sincere and deepest gratitudes to all the bravest of souls who publicly stood against and spoke out against the injustice. Especially those who acted upon it. You have the thanks of all of humanity and the honor of the ever-shining eternal light upon you. May you thusly be awarded many great rewards for your valiant efforts. Thank You.

    As always, Much Love, Much Light & Much Joy - Peace Be With You.

    ~ I AM A Light Sharer

    Adonaï/Until Next Time.

    1. @A Light Sharer,
      Dear one, I love reading your comments and insights/thoughts, because you're one of the few people of this group with a REAL heart, and a capability of thinking logically. 👏💖 Thanks & BLESSINGS!

  27. Hello, is there anyone interested in a Sisterhood of the Rose Group in Italy?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hmmmmmm "Q" - "2018 will be glorious". maybe the event, maybe not but positive change is what we all need and we have a responsibility to assist however we can.

    2. @Bob Steve A friend of mine told me about about his friend having a prophetic dream. In the dream, the mainstream media will begin reporting about a rogue faction of the military, but they will spin it to make it look like Trump is trying to take down America.

      This will lead to massive protests, because the left and everyone who hates Trump will be brainwashed, marching, and speaking out to stop it. They will be unknowingly defending the cabal and fighting to keep our system of corruption intact. (Remember that one quote from the Matrix, about people who aren't ready to wake up, and will fight to protect it).

      There will be chaos in major populated areas and Washington, D.C. perhaps, where these protests and rallies will occur.

      Personally, I won't be satisfied until people actually wake up to the truth, and break out of the left vs. right paradigm. And as someone who is trying to raise my vibrations and keep them high, I'm not interested in having them lowered by a bunch of well-meaning, yet severely misinformed sheep. There's no use in convincing them. Let them have their temper tantrums. I want to see actual real positive change occur.

      Business will still go on as usual. I will be able to stay at home and ignore it all, if I choose to. The actual Event and economic collapse won't happen until next year, I feel, if this all comes to pass.

      I hope I move out next month, so I can stay off Facebook when this happens. Because I rely on Facebook as my means of networking and killing time, but it was impossible to avoid the Trump posts during the 2016 election, and it will be impossible to ignore it when all these protests start happening.

      So that's what I think Q means when he says "2018 will be glorious" and about things happening this autumn.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We need ET contact and we need it YESTERDAY.

      I wanna reach for the stars, phyiscally, before I die of old age, because this will be my final reincarnation....NO MORE after this miserable human life I have lived.

    2. @Shermen Potter You and me both, Shermen. I need serious physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional healing.

      My best advice for you is to save up for sessions at the Tachyon Healing Chamber, as they should help you process the pain and grief you are going through. I hope to have 5, possibly 10, sessions this month myself. It's pricy, but should be worth it.

      Everyone has positive things to say about it, and it's Cobra who introduced them to the world in the first place. According to him, it's technology from the Pleiadians to bring source energy to us. Tachyons are source energy.

      I'm kind of burnt out on being angry. I still feel betrayed by the Light Forces and sad, but not angry.

  30. The Corona satellites were designated KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A and KH-4B. KH stood for "Key Hole" or "Keyhole" (Code number 1010),[47] with the name being an analogy to the act of spying into a person's room by peering through their door's keyhole. Wikipedia

  31. Amazing news. Thanking Cobra and All Light Forces, The End of the old ways approaches fast. The Light is Victorious! Thank You Source for your endless Love & Light.

  32. Thanks for the wonderful news...When I read I have got goosebumps...VICTORY OF THE LIGHT...NOW

  33. Incredible news, thank you Cobra!❤️❤️

    Today's meditation should be a powerful one, let's do this 🌟🙏🌟 Liberation is near 🌎🐬🌎

  34. THANK YOU, Cobra, Q and LFs for this excelent intel. We needed that piece of relief after so much time in silence. Hoping for more soon.🌹

    Victory of the Light!✨

  35. Great update and I thought taking out the satellites was a big move even before I heard this report. Victory of the light!

  36. MERCI c'est trés gentil mais je n'en ai pas les moyens ici la vie est chère et il n'y a guère de solidarité et ces bijoux m'intéressent mais je n'ai pas les moyens de me les procurer . J'espère que d'autres auront cette chance .

  37. je vis dans un endroit entouré de gens vraiment mais vraiment compréhensif et solidaires remplis de petits gestes qui égaient ma journée ! C'est formidable de se dire que l'on fait tout CELA et de voir une franche et vive collaboration domestique. MERCI BEAUCOUP POUR TOUT.
    Finalement le DON DE SOI et L'ABNEGATION ont du bon ! MAIS QUAND ???

  38. The Vatican srashes and burns. The pope is going down this year: 2018.

  39. With gratitude and infinite gratitude of hugs to everyone.

    Thank you Cobra, RM, Plenadians, Arktians, Sirius, Alliance, everyone.

    "command PB stardust" "

    Become strong and positive even for years for this unique Celest Event in the universe.

    Beautiful ambassadors of light, as the goddess says:
    Let it be light and Peace be to you!
    Victoria lights!

  40. En español, en castellano y con sumo cuidado:
    Greetings and VoTL!

  41. I can smell Freedom :D Thank you!!

  42. I thought that w/ the "galactics'" technology, who would need "man made computers" any longer,... But according to your posted Q's intel, that is just not the case. However, that just doesn't make any logical sense to me. Could you please explain,... ??? How can "galactics'" technology supposedly 1000s of years more advanced than anything we have ever seen need any help from "stone age man-made computers",... ???

    1. haha your comment is fun. Of course the galactics doesn't need man made computers but the financial Reset and new financial system need, it may take a period of time for transition so the surface society still need man made computer.

    2. Tell me about it!

      How/why do the light forces need human computers, that are DINOSAURS in comparison to theirs?

    3. It is my understanding that it is our responsibility to handle as much of the physical "earthbound" problems as we can, since they are of our own making (cause and effect).The Galactics our here to assist and handle the things we can't,such as the non-physical issues ( toplet bombs,etheric energies etc.).They clearly could take care of it all.I know that would be the easiest for us, but that would prevent us from learning how to deal with these problems ourselves. We need to grow in our understanding about who we are so we can rejoin our Galactic family.Hopefully Cobra will correct me if I'm wrong.Hope this helps.


    4. I guarantee you the technology in those satellites is *far* ahead of anything available to the surface population. The Cabal and/or Chimera probably helped build them.

      Roughly 30 years ago the Military admitted that they could almost read a magazine cover from orbit. Imagine what they can do now!

    5. Why do you assume it is "galactics" behind this action mainly and directly ? "Galactics" ( which I find a funny name ) would actually be probably a non-physical benevolent beings coming here to assist the humanity .

      The purpose of overtaking the satellites was to blind the Cabal and "take their toys" so they cant play anymore ...

      But I think there is even much more related to these satellites , than just being a spying keyhole for the Cabal and their lackeys underneath .

      So , it was NOT about overtaking these satellites because of level of technology , but simply depriving the Cabal of using them in harmful ways ...

    6. My mom (she was a quite unusual woman) worked with satellites in the 1970s.

      She told me, "Back then, from space, we could read "Titleist" written on a golf ball.

      And she was talking about the early 70s. So this is 45 years ago.

    7. Of course the Galactics don’t “need” manmade computers, but WE do- for the moment! Once all is completed (at the Event) and the reset is done, the technology will be released to surface and our old “dinosaur” systems replaced with the new... In the meantime, just trust they know what they’re doing to work around our “lowly” tech.😆😎


    8. @Tami VanLeuven completely agree. I believe we will all come to terms with what needs to be done within divine timing. Don't know about you guys but I'm pretty sure this is all just a giant perfect simulation stemming from the flower of life (a perfect geometrical shape/pattern). Everything matters but at the same time it doesn't. Life is full of paradoxes - ask your angels for a higher perspective seek and you shall find - this doesn't mean we shouldn't fight against evil because this is one the main purposes of life, I myself will be meditating every Sunday and trying to raise my vibration and being to it's fullest extent. We are all perfect we just don't fully realise it yet. REJOICE BROTHERS AND SISTERS THIS IS THE TRANSITION PHASE. LOVE AND PEACE TO US ALL <3 <3 <3

    9. I am just trying to understand why the discrepancies, at least to my understanding. We were told that upon 1st contact humans were going to receive "galactics'" technology (i.e., Holographic Glass-Pads capable of communicating through the "vacuum or ether" way ahead of our most advanced current technologies) that would replace our need for Internet, PCs, Laptops, Smart-Phones, Desktops, & other computers, super-computers & quantum computers in general. So if this is "true", then why the "continued need into the investment & development of man-made computers",... ??? That is the question,... Thank you.

    10. Prodius, I'll feel 'perfect' when I get the transformation I need, and able to physically get off Planet Alcatraz and live a real life.

    11. @SHERMEN POTTER - Perfection lies within imperfection. We can't experience perfection without first experiencing imperfection. Life is a paradox. Be patient, it may not seem perfect now but just wait a little longer it'll be worth it. Emotions are fleeting, Spirit is everlasting.

    12. @ Prodious


      One can be TOO PATIENT, you know. I wanna...I NEED to meet aliens and get my body changed to my PROPER GENDER, and get a life span like the aliens have.

      I can't wait forever, you know. And this being my FINAL reincarnation....the past 39 years as a human..and as a male, have put me so EVER incarnating again.

      I need contact and I need it YESTERDAY.

    13. I'm sorry Shermen I feel your pain, I really do - but that's the beautiful part, enjoy it while it lasts - you never know you might just miss it <3 It's closer then you think hahaha life is just a funny joke you'll start to realise soon <3

    14. ..........


      ENJOY MY PAIN?! What the hell are you talking about?!

      Sorry, but I will NOT enjoy my pain, NOR will I miss it.

      And I am NOT laughing at this 'joke'.

      I want ZERO PAIN.

      DO you understand?

  43. Thank you so much Cobra for the latest update. Things are starting to come together and I feel blessed that you have been the guiding light through all this. Hope it won't be long now so you and Isis can be reunited. Sending you both lots of love. :)

  44. Wow..very very good...victory to the light.

  45. hope for victory to the light soon~

  46. Dear Cobra, thank you for the update. I love Pleiadians & you - as Pleiadian contactee - so amazing - please tell us the names of the Pleiadians from which you get your info. Thank you so much. ��

  47. Great great update!! Victory of the Light!! :) :) :)

  48. gradilac coordinates received, important bot names received, situation description received, "block/quarter of catastrophies" details received. kudos for snow white and corona keywords

  49. Here is some guidance I received a few weeks a go." BE READY." ready so you don't have to get ready. If you can, have some extra food. How hard is it to buy a couple bags of rice and beans? Fill some jugs with water. Do what you can in a good way every day and in a couple weeks you will be surprised you will be more ready. Be strong and calm, fill yourself with love to share and anchor the light, this is why we came here now. Love and light.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. That's interesting that you mention "Q", Cobra. I've been following the Q decoding process through the War Drummer. It's all coming together now.

  52. I said over a year ago now that I had a clairvoyant dream that The Event happened during a full moon, and it was either in September or October. This month's full moon is called a Harvest moon, and next month's is called a Hunter moon. Now, CoBra is verifying Q is working with light forces. Amazing! Trump has named this month as "Emergency Preparedness Month". What a glorious time to be alive!

  53. I started paying closer attention to Q about a week before this happened. He always kind of annoyed me because despite the fact that Cobra said a while back that his info was 60-70% accurate, he seemed to think that Trump was Jesus.

    Now I realize that he's one of the people in the Positive Military that's pulling Trump's Puppet Strings! :D

    P.S. I say "he" but I suspect Q is more than one person.

    1. Q also said 'disinformation is necessary.'

      There are a whole lot of reasons for Q to be putting out the info / intell. Q puts out.

      We may not understand a lot of those reasons.

  54. Upcoming full moons (sort of responding to Pre Order Promos comment above):

    In each row, the first time shown is US East Coast, the second time shown is UTC.

    Sep. 24 Harvest Moon 10:53 p.m. 02:53 (9/25)
    Oct. 24 Hunter's Moon 12:45 p.m. 16:45
    Nov. 23 Beaver Moon 12:39 a.m. 05:39
    Dec. 22 Cold Moon 12:49 p.m. 17:49

  55. Walking meditation this morning, in nature's wooded glen and looking up at the ball of Light filtering through the morning trees like dappled kisses-
    it occurred to me to ask the RESISTANCE MOVEMENT to consider a more uplifting moniker and shift the consciousness to ultra-conscious elevation like a wind lifting the wings of a dove.
    The term that came was
    For that is what
    you BE.

    In my country the 'resistance movement' was hijacked by the cabalist politicians and corporatocracy to 'resist' all positive movement forward in favor of the people. It is twisted to 'mirror' that which they are in fact- all they accuse others of, to divide and conquer through separation consciousness. Its called the "Purple Revolution".
    Fortunately they didn't go too far and hijack St Germaine's Violet Ray.
    Much is happening- accomplished and resolved lately.
    Sisters of Sophia- Wisdom, Love
    Sisters of the Rose- Goddess energy.
    Victory of Light!

  56. Decades ago Ramtha admonished his people to be prepared and so it was and is. Our beloved Master Teacher did not steer us wrong and now through the long wait, we can help others prepare and still accomplish the disciplines of Remarkable Mind in peace without distraction and chaos that comes with 'last minute' worries. It pays to be prepared.
    So BE it.

  57. MSM still peddling their absolute bs! It has to stop!

  58. Thank you ✨❤️Cobra❤️✨ for this astounding update!!!! It really makes me happy to see you include Q! Much Love and Gratitude to you, the LF and all involved in our liberation. (I can’t wait for the next report now!😊)... May you soon be with your beloved again.❤️🌀✨

    Victory of the Light comes ever closer!!!

  59. Which one? Big wave coming from where? the central sun?
    zodiac with Ruling planet‎: ‎Sun - Lion?
    Full moon in Leo(♌) is the fifth astrological sign of the zodiac.
    fifth = change
    Moon phase on 21 January 2019 Monday is Full Moon, 15 days old Moon is in Leo.It is Wolf Moon.
    Ascending in Sagittarius (Dec 19 — Jan 19)
    You become a leader in Capricorn (Jan 20 — Feb 13)
    Now you can all sleep like babies:)

  60. Doesnt sound like good news, why are we waiting until next year??? maybe February or later... lame. Whatever!!!

  61. The smallest minority on Earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities/equality.

  62. Over 51,000 sealed indictments. Hopefully mass arrests are coming soon.

    1. Is not this the punishment of sinners in Magyarland? (1990) That is, nothing? (In Romania, howewer, the people were improvised ... )

  63. I'm sorry for all my weaknesses and for everytime I didn't place my trust in the Light, I love you all, we are truly all One, now let's get er done and claim our ultimate victory.

    1. Yes Brandon. All together now!!!

    2. Maria your porridge is always just right, never too hot never too cold just perfect😃😊💖🙏

    3. The veil is difficult to live under brandon.


  65. It seems things will start to escalate at this point. As we get closer to the goals and objectives of the lightforces...I want to inform everyone that these people who will be talking to us are very different. Some galactic humans share a last common ancestor with us over eighty thousand years ago. Think of all the genetic variation that occurred with humanity in only the past eight thousand. They have much more in common with us than differences, but they are going to have tendencies and mindsets that will blow you away. Just be prepared.

  66. Yeah, september surprises... the mayor of antwerp (belguim) talks in the msm about bribed politicians in the drugstrafic through the port. Everybody knows politicians and bribery go hand in hand, but not openly on msm. And this mayor has been bashed a la Trump over the years, so many politicians don't like him, so this must be true. :)

  67. Unfortunately, we were almost there one year ago... :(

  68. 08/02
    Special Projector for Order Riders in Reverberation! 7% (non-regressive).

    Deconstructions of MiD transmitters continue, as larger fleets take positions.

    New phases in lunar environments are started. Superior facilities are allowed.

    Higher frequencies accelerate positive synchronicities. Animation for reconstruction.

    White lilies are delivered for softening.

    "Roses" moves enlarge pink auric field.

    Builders start projects for new arts.

    Crystalline(Universe) in UNIQUE CALL PULSE >>> 54% (non-regressive).

    Reverberation Andean in progress: 67% (non-regressive).

    Sonar(Universe) in SINGLE CALL CLOCK >>> 49% (non-regressive).

    Main Grid Scan starting. Deployment of new protocols in progress: updating layers. 64% (non-regressive).

    Temporarily, end of transmission.


  69. <3


  70. The tachyonized Xenon HID Lamp with Synthetic Emerald. A light source for Light Communities and Areas of Light outdoor environment.

    Related links:

  71. Is it just me or is down?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.


  74. Amazing ! Thank you for this wonderful update Cobra. Victory of the light 💛

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. And this information includes Red Queen too?

    Victory of the Light

  77. many thanks cobra.....namaste.....and so it was the great earth surface humanoids awoke into their mansions of cosmic mind expansions…..

    shifting out from the lines…..

    of illusions that unwind…..

    peace makes its way through…..

    portals open up the truth…..

    so mother earth is cleansed again…..

    all expand now in transcend…..

    the underlords rule comes to end…..

    the stewardship begins again…..

    illusions unwind…..

  78. The reason why me and some others seldom post comments here is the same reason why Q do not want to reveal himself/herself :-

  79. Quote from latest Q intel :-

    Ask yourself a (simple) logical question…
    Why are the majority of ‘Q’ attacks by “PRO_MAGA” supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?
    Why are we a threat to them?
    Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility?
    Why was this done in the past?
    We knew this type of “attack” was coming.

  80. All I know is alex jones has gotten a lot of people started with their conspiracy theory info and helped to open up a lot of minds. He lost me at certain points like in the 2016 election, where I was not convinced trump was legit. Is he a gatekeeper keeping attention from zionism and the jesuits? I dont know.

  81. Great report Cobra!
    If they do not start the Financial Reset, we Force it!

  82. Alô, COBRA.

    Rumo à Nova Terra 5ª D. Como disse a Allison Coe.
    "Florescer de Nova Aurora já é visível."
    Fonte: PVSE/SdE

    Vitória da Luz.


  84. Please join this meditation, at the "PrepareForChange" LightWorkers Network. Event - A Mass Meditation at Wednesday September at 12:00 noon EDT & Wednesday September at 6:00 pm EDT w/ the intent to "Dissipate & Disperse" Hurricane Florence before it hits land,... Thank you.
