Sunday, March 24, 2019

SEP overconversion successful!


  1. I like the word "successful"...
    and I like exclamation points!
    Something good is happening now!

    1. Didn't you read? Surfacom failed ... We've lost a long time ago. Look around. We're over. We'll be servants forever, only Cobra doesn't dare to say.

    2. Что за .пессимизм. Настоящие бойцы до последнего идут!

    3. ^Piller

      If Cobra can pull enough influence to go Russia and fly their Mach 3+ MiG 29 to take photos at the edge of space and above the Veil, wouldn't you say he isn't some nobody typing a fantasy sci-fi story in his basement?

    4. On nous menent en bateau c’est claire ! Quel est le but?

    5. Sam Raven:

      Good ... But how does this come here? True, no one saw what you wrote, but no answer to my opinion.


      Only positive things can be interpreted? Am I immediately negative when I say an opinion? You're pathetic.

  2. Click on ads to support.

  3. Click on ads to support.

  4. Congratulations and Hallelujah for this achievement!!!!
    Now I wonder if SEP is something to do with economy and finance as in pensions, secure payments or stockmarkets; or solar activities relating to the latest flares and the solar energetics; IT and internet; or else or multiples of these
    See for yourself and take a pick

    1. Heike, I wondered whether SEP referred to September? Maybe the energies at the Equinox were hijacked and we have to wait for the Autumn Equinox energies in September. Although SEP = September is a bit obvious.

    2. The part that interests me is the 'Overconversion'.

    At some point of my inner progress to transmutation, i realize that we are being observed by many sections, dimensions, forms of life... They absolutely obey the divine laws of Source. That's the way they live and thrive in love; and that's how they are immune to darkness. It is the same to us, when humanity as one consciousness is about to reach the higher stair of the Crystal Stair. We as one consciousness have to make the choice, either to live in harmony, peace, pure, love, light by mean we follow the path of the ancient masters (buddha, christ, saint germain etc...) or we chose to keep the way we are living right now which is chaos, unnatural, disharmony. Its all up to us. By practicing disciplines, meditations, alchemist we not only transform our consciousness and physical life aspects but also contribute to the Earth's Liberation at a great degree.
    So stop complaining and asking for help, we are our own savior. They are going to assist when we make the choice and dedicate to live in new way.
    The way we enlightened our self and others.

    1. Yes but humanity has plasma implants, 2 DNA strands our of 12 and bio chips, fluoride, gmo, chemtrails..we can't wake up humanity as they are zombies. So so ironic now I get the zombie apocalypse narrative it's when all are asleep via control

    2. Unknown is correct.

      The main chunk of humanity is too brainwashed, not to mention SATURATED with chemicals, radiations and implants.

      No, it's going to take DIRECT, PHYSICAL ET contact to solve this, Pivolet.

      That tired old "we are the ones we have been waiting for!" speech makes me SICK TO MY STOMACH, because THAT is the ULTIMATE "Mental Masturbation", on the level of POLLYANNA/Rose colored lenses I ever heard.

      Many tried, Piv...and each and everyone of them was of them being a United States president in 1963.

      So SPARE us the pre-match peptalk.

  6. If Cobra is reading this, I have a radio that beyond the current Frequency Modulation also does Short Wave Bands 1-6 [2.2 - 22 MHz across]and Medium Wave frequency [0.53 - 1.6 Mhz] . Both are Amplitude Modulation, i.e. AM frequency.

    It would be good to know if its possible with the longer range qualities of Medium Wave (I can pick up radio stations hundreds of miles away in other countries) to pick up any coherent emissions or messages from any of the Light Forces that are near to the Earth's surface, or if we are lucky the Cosmic Central Race.

    I am asking this on behalf of those have an interest in radio. Thanks in advance.

    1. it is not possible to start broadcasting without permission and without rules.

    2. Which is why after some research into the Ham Radio hobby I stuck to passive radio listening.

  7. Meu nome é Dyan. Tenho ideias brilhantes para a luz vencer

  8. I have bright ideas that will bring more victory to the light. I channeled it on paper

    1. I hope we get to read them sometime soon 😄 I also ponder it a lot and it's important to be guided and focused enough to carry on without fully knowing what the updates mean - much better than staying still, waiting! 🕊 Bless you 🌟

    2. I am also brainstorming ideas now that after 7 years of minor progress and severe setbacks we have crossed into a new Phase and the Light has a permanent beach head in the Bubbles of Heaven. I hope to hash something out soon myself.

  9. Bravo! Congrats for all the light workers good people's contribution to every progress! May God Bless You All~

  10. The stream towards the Event

  11. Implement standard abbreviation list of codes and tag for future reference.

    Define goals in relation to subjective awareness and 'The Portal'

    Outline repeatedly the basic structure of Unity both as a blueprint of energy and the mind. Crop circles would be a suggested form of such information and could be elaborated with Arc-turian guides

    Discuss telepathy and interconnectness.

    -The subjective awaits at The threshold, building, it could form a foundation, but, distorted scientific concepts of the world and self consciousness remains an obstacle ,that will fluctuate the grid as the influx continues. Potential spike of expansion in P to 9 depending on how we incorporate the shift in information

  12. Well you could at least call that "on a positive note"!

  13. Hooray😍😆😎💖💝🎆🎇🎉🎊🙏


  14. I am seeing the "don't look back only forward", through this new energy I feel that strongly. The only question is 'what am I looking at/for'. This is obvious...and yet its not. (I am not a healer, channeller, etc) I am just extremely sensitive, and have very creative (artistic) jobs.

  15. Thanks dear Light Brother Cobra ✨ Victory of the Light ✨🙏🏼❤️🌈

  16. I dreamed a dream, in a dream there were lists of people of which will take away soon, it will be in the summer

  17. Thank you all! Words cant Express the gratitude we all feel for the Galactics, Alliance, Light Workers, Light Warriors, and every day people who strive to anchor light on Gaia every day, remaining positive, no.fear, even sending love and light to the dark ones. Unity Consciousness is Now!

  18. 🌈🌏💜🌈🌏💜🌈🌏💜🙏🙏🙏🙂

  19. Glad to hear good news, keep rocking RM, we are with you, we love and appreciate you!
    It quite saddened me when I read "Minimum surface conditions not met"
    on 03/22 and all other disturbances at those days.
    We are meditating here every day, working with Ascended Masters, chanting AUM for two hours a week, there is a Christian prayer group 24/7... I was wondering how come we are not getting there...
    Today, while reading that the postponed publication of the Mueller report, it sort of gave me hope: A. it is not about us, locals on the other side of the pond & 2. the situation will have to handle itself soon.
    Still, we are here to do whatever we can! :)
    Daily sending light and protection to POTUS & family, Putin & co, Orban & co, as well as all cabal dissidents, sending Turquoise Ray to purify the dark ones… increasing awareness of surface population, taking local steps to the best of our ability… and looking forward to the Event and disclosure sooooo much… :):):)
    Victory to the Light NOW!

    1. Orban & Corp.. ---Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ... Man you don't know who's a miracle calf this is Orban.

    2. Orban & Corp.. ---Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ... Man you don't know who's a miracle calf this is Orban. The richest man on Earth is Putin. Now is he distributing his wealth after the Event between the people of Soviet Union? Sorry:Russia..

    3. Whichever Russian citizen I talked to loves Putin. The idea of a western satanic establishment might prompt them in doing so, but nevertheless he has great support in Russia.

    4. Интервью Кобры.. Читайте и узнаете ..

  20. FM144 follow-up for Venezuela

    1. Thanks appreciate you sharing the links! VOTL

    2. Loving these FM144 updates. Thanks so much! May you be blessed 🌟🌸🌎

  21. ESPERANDO O CME CHEGAR: Um CME esperado para atingir o campo magnético da Terra em 23 de março não chegou. O CME falhou ou está se aproximando mais lentamente do que o esperado. Um impacto tardio ainda é possível em 24 de março , mas a chance de uma tempestade geomagnética está diminuindo. Alertas Aurora: texto SMS , email .

    GOODBYE SUNSPOT AR2736: A mancha solar ativa AR2736, que lançou um CME em direção à Terra em 20 de março, está prestes a deixar a face do sol. O Solar Dynamics Observatory, da NASA, captou a imagem ultravioleta extrema do dossel magnético das manchas solares sobre o braço oeste do sol no dia 23 de março:

    Na segunda ou terça-feira, o AR2736 desaparecerá quando começar uma viagem de duas semanas em volta do sol.

    Enquanto isso, a mancha solar ainda representa uma ameaça para a Terra, apesar de não estar mais diretamente voltada para o nosso planeta. De fato, de certa forma, a mancha solar representa uma ameaça maior enquanto está perto da borda do sol. Enquanto o sol gira, o campo magnético do sol espirala para o sistema solar como a água que flui de um aspersor de grama:
    Veja figura Flare SEP’s

    Por causa da varredura dessa espiral, a Terra está bem conectada, magneticamente falando, à borda do sol. Se o AR2736 se queimar enquanto estiver lá, o material ejetado pode ser canalizado de volta para a Terra, causando potencialmente uma tempestade de radiação solar.

  22. Esta, chegou a hora de por um fim em todo o mal. Chegou a hora da força da luz em dimensões superiores colocara em pratica toda sua sabedoria e tecnologia em favor da libertação agora do planeta terra e tudo que nele habita, sem mais atrasos. LUZ E AMOR. VITORIA DA LUZ!This, the time has come for an end in all evil. The time has come for the strength of light in higher dimensions to put into practice all its wisdom and technology in favor of the liberation now of planet earth and all that dwells in it, without further delays. LIGHT AND LOVE. VITORIA DA LUZ!

  23. Also as a heads up anyone has problems having their comments published, Firefox browser is best for this website. Make sure to be already signed in to Google or Youtube.

    Took me a long while to figure this out.

    1. Oink! Sign in by Cabal Google or Cabal Youtube, ay?

      Cobra, talking about IT discretion, you might need an IT advisor or expert to take care of your cyber security. Can we move away from the Cabal Blogger and go chat somewhere else? :)
      Thank you

    2. Use an avatar of some random pic and handle (Sam Raven has nothing to do with my real name) and put nothing related to your real life (except maybe your country) in the description.

      The internet is a battlefield and a mass energy harvesting ritual. Google is probably the least of your problems when trolls post what Cobra calls 'banana comments' which brings you down, to outright smear campaigns and doxxing threats. It would be a good idea to practice cover and concealment.

  24. Some inspiration! :

  25. Its good to hear successful. Lets hear the cabal has been removed and the planet is liberated. I always check for chemtrails to see if the bad guys are still in power.

    1. Yes see them still N Idaho..amazing how the asleep think they are normal. Xs in the sky normal? We need the wave to literally kill the AI program making zombies of humanity.

  26. Zašto baš ti moja ikono sa zida?

  27. Article: SerialBrain2 new article (link only) and an And We Know premiere at 0400 HST (1400 UTC) 3-24-19… “BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS within the 21 next days. It’s really beautiful to see!”

  28. Just had a dream about William Barr the attorney general, where he told Trump I'm ready to enforce any executive order you sign, and he was itching to do so, had the strong impression he was talking tech companies.


  29. The blinds also see that everything is fine. Almost. The Schumann Resonance has been positive for quite some time.

  30. Video: Resignation Anon Interview & the Beginning of The End...For DemocRats


  31. The numbers are chasing me again, I had 23% on my phone battery at 4:56 yesterday and I can't sleep after those dreams so I look at my phone 55% battery at 5:05, last time it was in my game red dead redemption 2, on the game I customized my guns fully and was left with 4,567 dollars and a bunch of other ones happened, reminds me of that song "feels like somebody's watching me"


  32. The material of the Budapest conference is strictly secret, for the time being..

  33. Shame on your David. $$ over ethics ... now we know your true colors.

    1. You're way off here. The top comment on the video explains it well. Seriously man, you have to research this stuff before you dumped on people.

      "To put the record right - while David Wilcock did present Linda Moulton Howe's discoveries during his two and a half hour video, he repeatedly named his source, LMH's video and date and explicitly told viewers to watch her video because her disclosure was so fantastic. Never once did he claim that it was his work he was quoting, only that the new information corresponded with what he and Corey Goode had been investigating. David Wilcock did not steal Linda Moulton Howe's work - he praised and celebrated it !!!"

      So many comments against David were saying he needed to contact Linda first and ask permission to mention her work. That's ridiculous, you don't have to contact someone before you can cite their work. It's crazy how people are so eager to jump on the phony outrage train. How much money did David make from simply mentioning Linda's interviews in his FREE YOUTUBE VIDEO. He's an investigator, that's what they do is report on other people's work. That's all Linda does!

    2. when two have a dispute .... :)))

      my imagination created the following story ...

      => these ssp soldiers were spiked with nanites. if i try to think logically, then the bodies have to be already artificial so that these nanites can connect with the body.
      think of META, he is aware of several self. Imagine, through these nanites, these several self can interchange informations with each other, possibly in the so-called sleeping-state-mode in which they take over(occupy) other bodies(avatars).

      My conclusion: David did not steal the information from Moulton, but an independently made consciousness-part knew, that some of us never noticed lady moulton (sorry madam), but these informations/memories spartan1 is referring to, are fundamental for me!!! it's not that this consciousness-part wanted to make a joke or miscredit david. Thank you David that you hold your head so that we all become more aware.
      both have received enough information to publish the whole lie of our society. there must still be an authority, which makes it impossible for the contacts like david and maybe cobra to spreed the whole truth, instead they have to continue to present us the thruth hidden in fairy tales.
      so I think there are parts of consciousness that are fed up with this abuse of their consciousness. shame on all the channeler and programmer(whisper..whisper..anshar) which abuse our consciousness... at least it's on us, to find the hidden truth and while we have to deal with our traumas and are hoping for the end, the "gods-goths-angels" are streching it into eternity, they are the parasites lady moulton and maybe you" little fantasy story... :)))))

      PS: no dragons don't eat stones .... but sometimes i have to spread a little lie to get to the truth ....
      thank you tanaath for your sense of humor and that you allowed me to interfere your interview


    3. need to share how i found some breadcrumbs.

      -last week i continued rereading cobras updatets; cintamani update 2015; interesting comments led me to the protoi forum.
      At that time (2015) I couldn't handle the infos, as I read about virtual reallity and avatars, I just thought: nerds who want to make fun of people like me ... sorry for those thoughts

      -a few days ago i felt a strong urge to hear the following song:
      John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads

      -out of habitual curiosity, I looked at vest virginia via google maps.

      -followimg the shared link from glen jay regarding david and moulton, i watched moultons video.
      the first thing I thought, hmmm .. the outlines of the western arctic remind me of the outlines of west virginia.

      -while writing my answer to glens comment, i listened to the following songs
      (it's not nescessary to listen, just take a look at the picture of each video)
      Astrix & Vertical Mode - Seven Gates
      Astrix - Sahara

      -today continued reding protoi forum......BOOOOOM!!!!
      what they have found under the ice in the arctis: it starts with the post from frank 2.jul.2017 11:53

  34. ISIS Terrorists Emerge From Tunnels, Surrender After Fall Of "Caliphate"
    Top foreign affairs official for the Syria's semi-autonomous Kurdish region warned the ISIS members captured during the assault still posed a threat.

  35. Piller there are various operations out there... Surfacom is one... so if one fail doesnt mean all. I think SURFACOM was an elite group.. i dont know or remember exactl the task.. Nonetheless that is one operation/group.

  36. I love how Sherman always responds to people for their wearying "we are the ones we've been waiting for" speeches. Thank you for the rare voice of reason. How dumb do you have to be to think that humans can defeat the reptilian empire? The misinformation in the lightworker community is astonishing. The comments here but especially the Etheric Liberation Facebook group is like 80% misinformation. I'd really like to have discussions about this stuff, but it's SO bad I just can't take it. The group consists almost entirely of what I call pseudo-religious trolls. I check it from time to time to see if there's any news or anything interesting, and it's impossible not to get pissed off. When you include the empty fluff it jumps to 99%. People have absolutely ruined one of the few good sources of information which could be a good community. They always tell me to get lost, well how about they take their incorrect fluff to the million other pages like it, instead of a group that actually teaches something completely different than what they say. The government and dark ET's are the least of my concerns this past decade. False lightworkers and fascist liberals are hands down the worst. What I need to be liberated from is my fellow human beings. Please Light Forces, please take me away from here. It doesn't matter if you kick out the reptilians, I'm still going to be surrounded by fascist liberals for the rest of my life and I can't take it anymore. On top of that I have incurable health problems and I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I've tried to kill myself more times than I can count, hundreds, maybe even a thousand. Any day now is going to be the final time. Either I'm being attacked or there's something dramatically wrong with my brain and body. If you heal me I'll fight for the Resistance. If not I'm going to be a corpse real soon and make my parents very sad. That's how it will have to be though, nobody I've ever met knows agony like this. No family or friend's sadness even compares to whatever the hell is happening to me. Please hurry, I'm doing everything I can but I can't hold on much longer.

    1. BINGO.

      IF the masses wanted to fight the bad guys, they would have LONG ago...but they are not. And, sorry to say, I can NOT fight for untold millions.....COUPLED with the face I have NO weapons, NO super powers, NO intell sources, NO contacts, and pretty much NO supporters.

      Also, HOW are is the little guy supposed to take on the evil empire, which have in their arsenal the following:

      A: Big guns.

      B: Advanced technology (the military and alphabet agencies get all the good stuff, WE don't....and we only get watered down versions about 20-30 years LATER), which includes ALIEN technology...either salvaged from ET ships the military SHOT DOWN...or reverse engineered ALIEN tech. And THAT bit, alone, I say throws that whole "PRIME DIRECTIVE"/Non-interference policy OUT the window....COUPLED with the fact we have seen NO efforts from the 'positive aliens' to TAKE BACK that ill-gotten technology. Also, Vernor Van Braun, whole dying of cancer in the 1970's, as well as Mr. Oberth....admitted that, while making their then-amazing rocket technology for the 3rd Reich, as well as the overall technology in German at the time of world war 2......that they had help from beings not of this world. Ok, someone in the light forces/resistance movement/and even Cobra himself....EXPLAIN to me as to WHY the ET's went and helped NAZI GERMANY?! WHY help a gang of killers?

      C: Near unlimited resources. The Pentagon said it "lost" like 20 TRILLION dollars....that's 'trillion' with a T. Just imagine taking on someone with THAT much wealth at their disposal.

      D: A shameless and spineless media. They all say what they are told to say...anyone in media who tries to get the truth out, aka 'troublemakers' tend to meet a bad end. The media is a propaganda machine, and an unofficial public relations agency for the government.

    2. E: Legions of brainwashed, high school FLUNKIES in military and police (they all behave, now one in the same....the days of the friendly Andy Griffith type police force is looooong over, replaced with steroid raged lunatics, who are far more dangerous than criminals. The military are all drunk on words like "Patriotism", "Nationalism", "National Security", "Duty" and "Honor", men and woman who have pledged to live...and DIE....for the govt and its dark masters.

      F: The masses. Probably one of the BIGGEST liabilities. They are now, in my point of view, STUPID MONKEYS. To all you Rose-colored lens wearing Pollyanas who spew the tired old, "WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!", I got news for you. Those one seems to notice, no one seems to care. All they care about is MONEY and tribal god images. As George Carlin said, "Where are all these bright, itelligent people who are ready to stand up and fix all this?! Answer: There ARE NONE! They are all at the mall, scratching their asses, picking their noses, pulling out their credit cards and buying a pair of sneakers with lights in them!" Also, DESPITE saying they hate their leaders, they LISTEN AND WORSHP AND DEFEND THEM. They believe Oswald killed Kennedy, that 9-11 was done by a gang of angry, razor blade weilding Arabs, and that men like George Soros, Bill Gates, and the long gone David Rockefeller were GOOD men. They also believe that John "chipmunk cheeks" McCain was a man of honor. I could be standing in the middle of Times Square, BUTT-NAKED, and hanging out with a real, genuine E.T., but NO ONE will believe me, UNLESS either the President, the head of the CIA, or some pimply faced nerd in a lab coat with a sting of P.H.D's say so. Some of you folks think it's up to the masses to save the world....all I see are flocks of overwright, brain dead sheeple, stuffing big-macs or prescription drugs in their mouths, who have ZERO idea of what's really happening in the world, but can answer who won the 1981 world series, or how many touch-downs John Elway scored in his career, or obsess over Kim Kardassian's overrated fat ass.

      How do we fight all THIS?!

    3. Answer: We CAN'T. I said it before, I said it dozens of times, the ONLY way for the world to change, for the better, is a seldom seen, LONG overdue CULTURE SHOCK. And something TANGIBLE....something that will make even the most drugged up, brain dead sheep put down his beer and shout, "HOLY SHIT, THEY ARE REAL!"

      It is just THAT simple. And I can not keeping waiting and waiting and waiting for the masses to FINALLY "GET IT". I'll either be DEAD, or sitting in some old age home if/when that happens. And I, I NEED to get OFF this miserable lump of rock and travel with the ET's, get my body CHANGED to what it SHOULD have been, find my real special someone and find my REAL home planet. See, this is going to be my FINAL reincarnation....the past 40 years of which I have lived has PUT ME OFF EVER REINCARNATING AGAIN....I'VE HAD IT! My one chance, my NLY chance for actuall hapiness, which I never recall EVER having these past 40 years, lays with the ET's.

      And, as one poster suggested to me, ( I can not recall your name, my apologies), that IF the 'positive' ET's, who are SUPPOSED to be loving, caring and wanting to help us, DON'T come....than MAYBE I outta give 'the dark side' a try. If I can't seem to be allowed to go with the so-called light forces, who ADMITTED they were not aware just how bad we got it here on Planet Alcatraz, maybe the lizards will take me in. If I can get the kindness, patience, gentleness and love from a lizard....I say, "why not?".

      It's just THAT simple, folls. We need direct, physcial ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY.

    4. you are strong and you have a sharp intellect!!
      let's brake the fucking 8 (the anshar-loop)!!
      what ever it takes!!

    5. and then relax

      Phaxe - Swing King

    6. There is more people like you, I mean same stuff going on in my life some worse some BETTER probably but at the end same , sorry about it , if you want I will tell you how I make my day whit some joy

    7. So, in a nutshell, to the so-called "Positives" and the Light forces and so on.


      Think of the Klingons from Star Trek, they will keep fighting until they win, or are DEAD.

      Personally, I rather the dark forces die than US.

  37. I dunnooo… newest Ben Fulford report makes me wanna thank the Cabal for obstructing the emerging One World Government whose very important figure is obviously the Chinese president:

    OWG stands for NWO, based on Chinese Behaviour Rating System:

    Event NOW!!!


  39. To help resolve these resent setbacks as quickly and smoothly as possible, we suggest to all who are guided to do so, to perform the Key to Freedom meditation, the Cosmic Central Race meditation and the Goddess meditation as frequently as possible.

    Here is the link to the Goddess Meditation:

    Guided audios in different languages for the Goddess Meditation are available here:

    Bellow is the link to the Key to Freedom Meditation:

    Guided audios in different languages for the Key to Freedom Meditation are available here:

    And here is the link to the Cosmic Central Race Meditation:

    Guided audios in different languages for the Cosmic Central Race Meditation are available here:

    Victory of the Light!
