Friday, March 1, 2019


Pandora / GCOM in progress, P501 in progress. ANNABELLA operational, rootkit removal in progress with several drastic security breaches including internal YXR flow disruption, deflection in progress. PB status improvement. RRR10. Minimum M / HP requirements met, VTXPOS requirements not met. 


  1. Even Soft/partial Disclosure will be good nowdays..

    1. Soft/partial only gives the bad guys time to sacrifice their fall guys and still keep us slaves.

  2. When will justice finally come? The people and me are really tired: /

    1. Megkapod az "Igazságszolgáltatást" akkor, ha majd végre arra koncentrálsz, hogy vizuálod magadnak!!! Helyezd a Magad és Mindannyiunk JÓLÉTÉT A JELENBE! Ha valóban Tiszta Szándékkal akarod akkor már meg is teremtetted.

  3. Dimensionsportale, UFOs der Galaktischen Konföderation
    (Alcyon Pleyaden 30-1)

    „Mit der erneuten Öffnung der Raum-Zeit-Portale werden mehr Außerirdische diese Dimension besuchen und wir werden mehr UFO-Aktivitäten sehen … Die Öffnung der Portale und die Verschmelzung der Dimensionen bricht die Schranken der linearen Zeit auf, die zwischen Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft unterscheidet.

    Diese Version der Zeit bricht zusammen und wir werden bemerken, so ungewöhnlich es auch erscheinen mag, dass Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft gleichzeitig stattfinden …

    Die Gefängniswächter werden durch die Welt-Elite ihre Anstrengungen vermehren, um die Neue Weltordnung voranzutreiben, aber sie werden am Ende keinen Erfolg haben. Diese Übergangszeit wird womöglich viele negative Ereignisse auslösen, aber wenn wir unser eigenes Bewusstsein erhöhen und an unserer positiven Einstellung uns selbst gegenüber festhalten, werden wir diese Ereignisse nicht anziehen, es sei denn natürlich, dass es Teil des Weges ist, den wir gewählt haben, um diese Erfahrungen zu machen.“

    David Icke (*1952), Britischer Schriftsteller, Forscher und Vortragender

    „… Wir erleben eine Zeit, in der die Menschheit den nächsten Schritt in der Evolution machen wird (…) wir stehen kurz davor, die Grenzen des Horizontes unseres Evolutionsprozesses zu überschreiten (…) doch das wird nur geschehen, wenn Sie das Richtige tun (…) die Zusammenarbeit suchen und nicht den zerstörerischen Wettstreit, durch die Suche nach Frieden und Kooperation, so werden Sie sich in galaktische Wesen verwandeln und Zugang zu unserem ganzen Sonnensystem haben, zu den Galaxien und sogar zu den Sternen (…) es ist ein guter Moment dafür, dass Sie wieder den Weg finden, etwas beitragen und die Veränderung erreichen.“

    Nassim Harramein (*1962), Schweizer Wissenschaftler verschiedener Disziplinen, Historiker, Philosoph und Leiter des Resonance Project

    Victory of the light! 🕊

  4. Flüchtlinge, Evakuierungsportale, Quantensprung, Multiversen, 5D (Alcyon Pleyaden 30-2)

    „Hier auf der Erde habt Ihr mit der Annahme gelebt, dass die Gegenwart eine Konsequenz der Vergangenheit sei. Wir sagen, die Gegenwart kann auch eine Folge der Zukunft sein. Die Zeit hat viele Portale und beide, die Vergangenheit und die Zukunft, haben ihre eigene Gültigkeit und Bedeutung. All das ist Teil des „Jetzt“, das sich fortwährend ausdehnt.“

    „Die Vergangenheit, in ihrer Version des „Jetzt“ beeinflusst weiterhin das fortwährende „Jetzt“. Diese fortwährenden „Jetzt“ werden immer größer und reifen heran, ebenso wie ihre zukünftigen Entsprechungen. Eure Mission beinhaltet, Eure Vergangenheit zu verändern, da Ihr aus der Zukunft stammt, um eine andere Gegenwart zu erschaffen.“

    Barbara Marciniak, US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin, Vortragende und alternative Philosophin

    „Die wahre Kraft in uns, in unserer eigenen fortwährenden Evolution als Rasse, wird aufkommen, wenn wir aufstehen, Position beziehen und sagen: „Auf keinen Fall! Wir werden das nicht tun. Wir werden uns nicht zu ihrem Vergnügen selbst zerstören, damit sie sich von uns ernähren können. Sie haben kein Recht, unsere Regierungen zu manipulieren, Kriege anzuzetteln, nichts davon war richtig und es reicht jetzt!“

    Wir müssen als Rasse aufstehen, unseren freien Willen gebrauchen und sagen: „Wir wollen nicht mehr so leben!“

    Alex Collier (*1956), US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und ehemaliger Steuerbeamter

    Victory of the light! 🕊

    1. Dankeschön Mystical0802 ! Dankeschön auch an Dich, lieber Cobra ! Sieg dem Licht !

  5. I mean a serious real big update! With a lot of hope for us all, for the EVENT to happen at any moment now.

    Again, Cobra...please....UPDATE!

    Thank you very much!

    Give us hope..serious hope. That the event is already here.

    We all losing faith...hope, and patience totally, at the moment!

    Im very sorry to say that, but we are the ones who still suffering here.

    I hope everybody/beeing, will experience the event in all its beauty/magic.

    Hope the event is really that beautiful, and worth the suffering/wait, at this moment for thousands of years.

    So, we all deserve something magnificent/beautifull! enlightening.

    1. The Event... the shift is not in the near future...
      We will have to clean many things first

    2. from cobra we will never find out when the event it will come.he just dont want to tell us nothing,because he didnt understand us like human that we are sik of this world and desperate for the event to come.even humself said once that he doesnt consider himself totaly human.he is pleidian before human so he just doesnt understand our strugle and our desperation in life

    3. Do not base your hope in life in the words of a online blog, that you have no real way of knowing is even true.

      There is no material to be found on this site that will offer any profound positive change, just 'mission reports' and 'intel' etc.

      Let's give it the benefit of the doubt and assume its mostly all accurate, what good does it do really?

      I imagine the Cosmic Central Race, if there is such a thing, did not reach such levels of consciousness by sitting around all day in despair, hoping aliens (that they read about online) would come and save them from themselves.

    4. @Unknown

      we've been cleaning a LOT so far, much of the mess not even ours, but the mistakes/screw ups of the older generations, and the elite.

      And Soare Monica....I DON'T consider myself human, either. Earth have never, EVER, felt home to me....more like a pilgrim in some dark, unholy land.

    5. Because of my own great suffering lately, I was mentally talking to the Galactic Confederation, One Infinite Creator, and all those of the Highest Light last night. I received a knowing that the Dark was never meant to exist forever, as it represents Separation from the Light, which is just an Illusion created by the Experiment of the Creator to know Oneself more fully and experience All. When I realized this on this deep level, I claimed the power of this knowledge fully and envisioned our planet fully enveloped in Light and the dissolution of all Illusion, including the Dark and the toplet bombs. These are circumstances that we bought into knowingly by coming to this planet, and the implants and Dark have kept it in place. Lucifer's creed may be: "Do what thou wilt," but the Dark would do well to remember just Who granted permission for free will (in the form of this grand experiment) on this planet to begin with: the One Infinite Creator (the Highest Light).
      I started watching Dale Dufay's YT channel a couple days ago. He believes the different solar systems in our galaxy are parallel Earths and their respective systems. He discusses Mandela Effect a lot and thinks it is a result of our Soul shifting to parallel Earth avatar bodies, thus explaining the shift from the outer Sagittarius arm of our galaxy to closer to the center. As a result of contemplating his words, I wondered if Ascension is actually the migration of our Soul back toward the geographical center of the galaxy...
      Don't be afraid to talk to the Galactic Confederation. They don't physically understand what we are going through on this planet without us telling them. But do your part by claiming the Galactic Codex (search the Codex in this blog's search box) and OWNING the Light (and mass meditations, or however you feel called). While we are physically on this planet, yes we are more subject to whatever crap is here. But the more we OWN the real truth that the Dark is an Augmented Reality and the True Power is the Light, the more it will BE our reality. I am also INTENDING my reality to be one of love, support, and light--claiming my Galactic Codex rights repeatedly. I also realized that claiming the Codex is how I can create my own Bubble of heaven. I, too, am tired of repeatedly finding courage to persevere, but my best respite has always been spiritual and going inward. Raised a Christian, Jesus Christ has always been my role model, big brother, and person I would most like to meet. Now He represents Christ Consciousness and Ascension I wish to achieve. I call upon the One Infinite Creator, All those of the Highest Light, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Angels and Archangels to clear all negativity within and around me and to protect me each day. Since I have been doing this again, it has helped. I saw shifts right away.
      These are my personal revelations. Discern your own truth. Cool if this resonates with you. Victory of the Light!!

    6. Jame Taylor > "I imagine the Cosmic Central Race, if there is such a thing, did not reach such levels of consciousness by sitting around all day in despair, hoping aliens (that they read about online) would come and save them from themselves."

      The Cosmic Central Race never experienced separation from source. Their high consciousness is not the result of millennia or eons of struggle. High consciousness was their starting point. They did not "earn" their place in the universe. It was simply handed to them because they were the first race of beings created by source. They never descended into the lower vibrations. They started as Gods and essentially remained as Gods. Struggle is not something they understand.

      Humans in some ways are the MOST advanced beings in the entire universe. No sentient being has descended deeper into the lower vibrations than humans. Not archons, not reptilians, not the Chimera. They exist in the lower 4D. Those negative entities still retained some of their godly powers though warped as they are they were never completely separated from the source. The 4D level of separation from source is scary but nothing compared to what humans have gone through in the third dimension.

      No being has ever descended deeper into the lower 3rd dimension and survived than humans. This is why literally every race in the universe is watching us right now. We humans are doing something that has never been done before. Humans have seen and experienced things that exist nowhere else in the universe. We have gone through literal hell, survived, and are making our way back to source.

      We are NOT students here. We're are the teachers. The cosmic central race did not come here to save us. They came to LEARN from us because we have experienced things they have never seen before. No being has gone through the level of suffering that humans are going through right now. When the event flash happens it will signal that "Source" itself has arrived to witness humans returning to the light. Even source has never witnessed something like this before. Even source will be learning from us.

      Humans are so unique we are beyond the experience of the source. At this point humans do not understand how valuable they are. At this very moment we are the focal point of the entire universe. Our mission was to absorb the strangeness of the primary anomaly, survive, and then return it to source. The beings we think of as Gods and angels will be fawning over us for all eternity trying to learn what they can from us. The most unexpected fate awaits us.

      The script has been flipped. Ultimate strangeness and irony has been achieved. Mission accomplished. Victory to the light.

    7. @Novusod, Good lord do you make some bold claims here, least of which is you seem to know the mind of the Cosmic Central Race, who I'd wager you'd never heard of until Cobra wrote about it.

      Then every angel and god in creation will be 'fawning' over humanity? They tell you that themselves?

      And finally - we're beyond the experience of the 'Source'? This is such absursidity that it would deserve a comment dedicated to unravelling its sillyness.

      No being started as a 'god' or privileged in any way. Every being in creation is a product of its own self evolution.

    8. something if you want to belive.the event !

    9. @Novusod

      I DONT CARE about being a 'teacher' or 'being watched' or 'missions' or 'descending deeper into 3D"

      I WANT the good stuff like the ET's do.....NOT being stuck on Planet Alcatraz, and having a miserable life.
      THEY wanna learn? I'll be more than happy to trade places with them.

    10. Novu.. is fine to feel special... although i must say i think u went a bit far out as far as the degree of how special humanity is...

      For every 1 item u may list of how special we are i could probably match it with 3 items of qualities of ours that doesnt seem so special...

      It seems there is much animosity toward higher beings.... you are making statements as if is known beyond a shadown what the univers and other races are all about.. how they work... specially the benevolent ones.

      There r many unknowns we hold.. lets not make huge assumptions..

      We many times can hardly figure out ourselves lets not pretend we can readily figure out beings that are beyond our scope of knowledge n senses...

      I urge u to be light in speech... especially in times when we need cooperation of all... words such as urs may push us two steps back when we had just made one step forward...

      To be honest novu.. at times u come up with some radical statements that makes me think of u as a double agent....

      As if there is a need to push any buttons in hope it will derail any train.(person)

  6. "The mission was successfully completed ..." We are waiting for the 'creator' to open up .

    1. Ahau to that...may the four winds clear the way...and may the light come forth...twenty days to the equinox...Let us all call forth light, love and peace....

    2. Ahau to that...may we all call forth light...purification with need to struggle ib release...much love, much light...and finally true is all within our grasp...Do you feel it??

    3. Hope the *creator* gets the lead out......


  8. In my latest Blog-Article I have given much information about the Soul-Matrix-System we live in.

    It is the same non-3d system that Cobras cryptic Updates are related to. LF are giving their best to remove those systems.

    For better understanding of the matrix-control-system we souls are all still in I can highly reccomend:

    There will be more information coming :)


  9. "Any whole number divisor of 72 carries a mathematical relationship between phi and certain frequencies; 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, and 2 all work.” 12, 9, 6 and 3 all have special significance in many number-based esoteric systems. And coincidentally, the hz frequency numbers (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852) can all be reduced to one of these numbers (369 = 18 = 9, 417 = 12 = 3, 528 = 15 = 6, 639 = 18 = 9, 741 = 12 = 3, 852 = 15 = 6)."

    Nikola Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

    1. Phi + or x with Golden number(@) gives exactly how much is for pyramid 6,27 or something like that I watched it to long ago to remember ,, but snail or some other animals have shape of golden number there are for phi some to so it is all around us ,, scientists from Austria said I watch the nature then apply it to my inventions = Viktor Schaurberger



  11. "An interesting point is that the 728 Hertz frequency is a natural harmonic of the 432 Hertz frequency. So by using only the 432 Hertz frequency you are also automatically receiving the full benefit of the 728 Hertz frequency as well."


  13. Thankyou to COBRA ,and the resistance movement.


    21.3.2019 = 3/3/3

    21.3.2019 = EQUINOX PORTAL

    21.3.2019 = Full Moon

    If someone could contact "We Love Mass Meditations" and other organizers of Massmeditations this would be great.

    Lets unite again in a Massmeditation and take our future in our own hands :) Last one is already so long ago..


    1. Most likely the Unknown Lightworker will do it. Follow his blog (articles by Jim)

    2. Write a comment on "Comment section" please, for example on the last meditation page (Meditation for India and Pakistan),the owner of the blog will answer you sure ! But, as I know Hoshino Toshihiko, because I worked with him, I know that Cobra will organize a meditation or Hoshino alone will make it ! Anyway, if is a new meditation, appears on the blog, or we have Facebook events, or Welovemassmeditation Facebook page to see all info, in time !(, success !!

  15. CONTACT ROSINE! The site is for light workers and light warriors that have been under attack by the dark forces. I notice that the attacks on me personally have been coinciding with the monthly 144k meditations and I have been ending up in the hospital every time I partake. Anyway, Rosie can help you so don't wait to hit her up. We all need to be 100% if we are going to be able to fight this battle for liberation!! VOTL!

  16. Good news from everywhere. I don't know what Cobra is saying. I think he's waiting for the final news license.

  17. Happy times ahead!

  18. Seja lá o que isso quer dizer... eu estou confiante. Nesse momento existem dois aspectos tensos com perigo de guerra mundial. A situação da Venezuela e as questões que envolvem Paquistão x Índia. Seria muito bom reforçarmos o nosso consentimento energético para uma intervenção das forças da Luz na superfície do planeta Terra. Muitos de nós estão lutando no plano astral ....o momento é tenso e decisivo. Vamos manter o foco e a União. Vitória da LUZ!🕊🌎💗


  19. Throat Chakra - Light Rays ( 741hz/141.27 Sound Healing )

  20. 9/11/1999 Whistleblower Interview:

  21. Kevin Ship.. CIS whistleblower

  22. Sooo crazy feelings...feels I dont wanna be here anymore...makes me sad ...

  23. Read: Sananda website or Galactic Free Press ♡

  24. Cobra, I find a lot of similarities in the tv show Babylon 5 that describes a lot of what’s going on right now, would you agree that the creator of Babylon 5 was given insider information ?

    1. @Eyob Mehari

      Even the old cartoon he did, "Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors", seem to have some Disclosures in them as well.

  25. the return to conscious adherence to natural law.....assembly of first nations(of canada)
    national chief perry bellegarde-quote—–we continually look for processes that unite rather than
    divide.continue to look for ways to build a country better country for all.that respects the
    rule of law.not only common law civil law,but one day natural law indigenous law as well…..

  26. Article from indian:

  27. Please Cobra, post a REAL update!

    A BIG one, which give us hope! Real hope/proof, that the event is here now right on the corner, and that we ALL have to immediately prepare ourselves.

    Then we go talk.

    Im done with it!

    This endless wait...Its MORE than unbearable.

    Event right now!


  28. The majority in here look like ladies waiting in the tower waiting to be rescued. Also complaing to Cobra "Ah, you should give us more intel". Honestly, being passive and on the waiting mode will NOT help you. And if you look carefully at all the Cobra's posts, he gave us already a lot of tools, hints, to protect ourselves, to manifest in your life, he even also recommended different meditation techniques, good books like "In his Image" (i dont remember perfectly that name)...etc etc etc.
    Few want to take responsability in own hands...that's terrible and dangerous!
    Poor Cobra, he is been squeezed like a lemon for "more info, more intel".

    1. The more (Truth) we know, the more we grow.

    2. Lux Increata, I totally agree! There is already a lot of information given. By the way an important information. Some people are getting too dependent on regular updates here instead of using all the knowledge from Cobras existing posts to inspire and change themselves. If there is a lack of info here then there`s probably a reason. Please stop these panicky requests. Give everyone a break please!

  29. Talks with Swaruu, an extraterrestrial woman from Taygeta (Pleiades)

  30. I did manage to create a Buhhdist column in my area. I am a English, Irish, French, and German hybrid. We did a lot of good and bad. Sometimes we go bat shit crazy and out of control from excitement. When we see something not native in our area our brains light up like a Christmas tree. We loved traveling and adding foreigners words to the English vocabulary. When evil ones came up we questioned them, sometimes killed them, sometimes forcibly incorporated them. If there is an alien invasion of bad ones who want to genocide us you can count on us to fight them and scare them off. We'll probably win.

    1. Hybrid! Nope, you are white! I am also german, french and italian.

    2. @Foxy Fiske, I see your trend of writing non-sensical garbage, that would shame a ten year old, continues.
      It's getting hard to keep track of all the things you 'are'. Weren't you an alien hybrid clone? Or was you the spawn of Lucifer? Remember that one? Maybe its both, and more besides!

      You need to separate personal delusion from reality my friend.

  31. Today is 3/3/3...
    March 3rd 2019.

  32. [url=][/url] Since the world is developing each day with new computerized advances, digital dangers, malware, information, and harming diseases have additionally turned out to be increasingly more progressed with every day. These digital contaminations harm a gadget or documents in different ways.

  33. Love and Light. I hope the positive Event comes now. I hope you have peace.
