Sunday, April 7, 2019

SD kernel clearing sequence in progress


  1. wow! hoping this time SD requirements will be meet.

  2. The RM was form in the late 70's.are they are the one that asked Trump to run?are Q is/are part of the RM?
    How is/are Q?

    1. Good question as Q has mentioned sealed indictments.. Storm is Coming as has Trump. Just need to know.who is of the Light!

    2. If T is representative of the light with all his meanness, name-calling, crotch-groping, lying, cheating, corruption and more, then there is definitely no hope for this planet.

    3. Be wise; I hear he's doing fine!

    4. L* You did not see the results of the Democrats 2 year long research of suspicions towards poor president Trump who seemed to be totally innocent? Please free Earth from these insects!

    5. L*: Just saw this in my meail. It could be a recovery:
      “The left-wing media will never learn to tell the truth. That was reinforced when we learned that even though special counsel Robert Mueller’s cleared President Trump of false claims against him, many in the media energetically spun the report in a way that perpetuated their anti-Trump narrative of the last two years,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) writes in the Washington Examiner.

    6. Maria, until we see the Mueller report with our own eyes, no media can say what he has been cleared of. I only know how he behaves towards others. How can it be okay to take immigrant children away from families seeking asylum? And then lose track of so many of them who may never be reunited. That is just one example I can see with my own eyes. Also with my own eyes I can see he has repeatedly attempted to stop people from following the rule of law and that's called obstruction of justice. I don't just listen to what media tries to sell us. I look at what he DOES, not what the media says. Whatever the Mueller report says will be backed up with proof and facts. The media doesn't know shit yet, please learn to discern. Personally, I feel the findings will show there is no solid proof the president "colluded" with Russia, but those around him did. That doesn't necessarily mean he's innocent, he may have just had others do it for him. On obstruction of justice, I feel there is enough evidence publicly, in videos and even on his own Twitter feed to prove that. We'll see. My point is, don't go by what media tells you. Look to the actual facts. Make up your own mind. Peace.

    7. Dear L*. When I was about 21 years old I stopped reading newspapers as it felt like the same news every day. And indeed, a few years later, just once a newspaper, told exactly the same news. So that was my last, 48 years ago.
      I now listen for examplr to a new collegue who tells that both her little children were taken away from her by the organization for child protection down here, and she has a friend who said goodbye to SEVEN new born babies in hospital.
      My legs are too short to follow what everybody is doing in life. We have the right to do our very best and no Mueller can stop anybody from doing so.
      So now no media for me, but I found f.e. a book from an indian man who, as a child, was taken away from his grandparents that brought him up. If you want more information I'll look for it in my library. They took him back since the child warned them by telepathy they controled. I started to look for information and found out the whole north of the US once was indian territory, by nature. They were totally wiped out by wars, hunger and lies, and churches, not the least in this history.
      Now more and more information comes out about our food. It totally made me change my food usage, and soap, cause it's full of poison and I want to leave everything living.
      No, no media with a word about it. Mostly the opposite making us stupid creatures. But I've seen it for too long as I'm old enough. The 'media' intel that I gave you above is from the White House, 1600 Daily, by mail, to make sure it reaches us common people. Did I make up my own mind please?

    8. ... and what's more... I LOVE cooking books. I found a real big one in the reacycleshp, my only shop. It a book about the Carrebean. It's full of everything living in the ocean, and a impressive part of it on alcohol. F.e. lobsters. They need to be cooked alive, just as all shelve creatures. We eat oisters alive. How much more horror do we need before we come to our senses.

    9. Faction 3 White Knights emphatically report Q is part of the Deep State as is T. In fact, they report Trump and his Nazi cronies are also in cahoots with Hilary. Trump is also a money laundering machine for the Khazarian mob. He is a mob man himself. How anyone can view him as a light worker given his background, his association with Netanyahu who is the head of the Khazarian mob, the Saudis (lets never forget what they did to light worker Khasshogi) and his Trump's white supremacists values speaks volumes of those who tout him as some savior. But then again, that's all a part of the Deep State agenda. Not withstanding all the confusion and disinfo, there are very few sources of clean intel available but they are out there. Ashtar on the Road, Stargate Roundtable, Hard News on Fridays, etc. are some of them. The Light is about Love. This is what they keep trying to tell us.

    10. Just follow the news that feels RIGHT and makes you feel fine. Be of pure concious. We'll get there anyway sooner or later:) Eraze the Deep State!


  3. For over two months now it was part of my job to stay up and work through every night till at least SunRise, without exception.
    Nobody was more surprised than me when I was sent to bed in the middle of the night on saturday morning and then got up again before 8am, thus enjoying a whole saturday full of Sun and Rainbows. And, totally unheard of, I went to bed yesterday before it was even 9pm and actually stayed in bed all night long!

    Today is another really beautiful Sunny day, and I'm very much enjoying it, once again with a lot of Rainbows here in the LightMachine. And I hope you all are having a wonderful day as well.

    Always The Sun

    Have a wonderful SUNday, EveryOne

    Lots of Divine Love and Light to you All

    I AM DC

  4. SD? Not good better to use DDR4 or HD maybe 4k

    1. Hahahaaa! Just posted a letter to Operation Disclosure to NOT use shortenings. I don't live in the US, nor in England, use my dictionary very often, am PROUD of what I did pick up in life from english, but please please please, don't try to be or look smart. Besides me there are many many other countries involved in here, that don't know about shortenings.

    2. I was going to make this joke😂😂😂 you wrote it way better than I would have, who wants standard definition


    3. Great to see I made you laugh :-)

      Yes HD and 4K stands for the video quality but I made a ligtle twist with DDR4 cause SD RAM was the standard random access memory more than a decade ago and DDR1 changed that and we are have DDR4 right now and DDR5 at the doorstep. So thats why I started with the memory cause thought parts of the kernel will load into the memory first :-D

    4. See you made it better, I've sold DDR before at a store but had no idea what it was.

    5. Thanks truthseeker. I realize you live in a different world. Never the less we have to be of service, which you are:) Love.

  5. ISLANDS OF LIGHT - Infrastructure Development

    Some new details for the ellipsoidal enclosed lanterns on our page:

    An edged lantern will also come, which's almost every single dimension is related to others using the same 'preferred' numbers.

    But beside of being an outline of a particular product, it might be a good example of how many dimensions of a design (of any kind) might be interwined using these numbers (phi is only one of them).


    1. If you are an architect designing dwellings for the infrastructure of the Light Islands, imagine yourself putting together in a similar way the all dimension of the design, somehow intertwined together in a similar way...

  6. Polarity doesn't exist in a random space. It has to be applied to something. Consider a bell curve. Depending on how high the curve is set, will determine where the polarity is applied.

    So, if a certain cabal group is lowering the curve, then the polarity will be on a negative curve. But there is a polarizing effect to polarity itself.

    When groups are conflict, this curve fluctuates. This is the energy grid flux and influx. This can actually be felt in my mind. During certain periods of light and dark.

    What we need at this time is a higher curve, a higher arc. The fluctuations can teeter on the influx and downflux, but we can pull this curve up and in turn 'level up.'

    And this does depend on what the collective is doing. And what do some do? They still focus on the negative not to inject understanding, but to keep it concrete. In other words: life sucks, I hate it" is just as valid as a higher perspective. And what you are choosing is perpetuated. Why do not more choose the higher level? Are we all afraid of being more expansive than a negative perception? What do I, and You have to lose by being positive?

    1. Actually once I learned of the Galactics helping us I knew it was all divine and we all wld ascend and this 3d illusion wld end.peace

    2. @Unknown.

      I'll believe when we are actually out among the stars, living longer lives, and all the rat fuck sons of bitches elites are either in jail cells, or FRYING in the galactic central sun.

    3. I agree I am just wanting a sign..something that shows us awakened ones the matrix is down..we hear alot but as of yet we haven't seen anything substantial. To think this was all created as a game to separate us from Source. Bad game


  7. Geomancy, Organic Fractal Architecture - The Best Documentary Ever

    1. Dan Winter - Life-Force Design and Sacred Geometry in Architecture



    2. You HAVE TO listen even you don't like Dan Winter's plasma tubes, or plasma tubes generally... :=)

      You have to listen, if you want to build your home in this way... You need it!

    3. …And something also about 'reversing entropy':...

      Dan Winter:Therphi Plasma and Negentropy Science 4,

  8. I hope we will be surprised in the near future and the cabal will be arrested and a new financial system will come and the funds will be distributed to humanity ... In addition, new devices will be revealed that can cure sick people, there is nothing worse than everyone Day is extremely bad and life is a pain. Victory to the light !!
    Deutsch » Englisch-Wörterbuch | PONS › übersetzung › deutsc...

    1. Agreed. Med beds can regrow limbs, kill all disease, and even age regress by reatomizing the cells, I now see how the elite dont die, they just become 30 yrs old again. Add replicators and zero pt energy and so much more..personal craft to travel anywhere, all of this is old tech to the ETs and it pains me to think how long we have been an experiment. Full Consciousness Now!

    2. yep, it's fuckin' time WE had that stuff.

      Why should blood sucking gargoyles have sole rights to them?


  9. This is the one I've waited for
    It may go right
    It may go wrong
    This is the one
    This is the one She's waited for
    And this is the one

    I AM The Resurrection

    And so are YOU, My Dear Goddess Gaia.

    I AM DC

  10. A blog is in place where you can connect to, instead of complaining or only asking for,
    in order to connect data and material to be useful for Islands of LIGHT infrastructure development.
    This (the infrastructure) is the first 3rd dimensional step to establish an Island of Light:

    Ideas about geomancy, building in sacred geometry patterns, preferred 'natural' numbers, free energy supply for house holds, all ideas are welcome...

    Please come in, and give a comment with your idea. It might be usefull.

    1. Well, I live in a little,selffbuild house.. its independent and we know a lot about self sufficiancy and alternative heating (also much more healthy) and have experience with building stuff and be very inventive in all kind of ways.So, ask and describe, we Will think with you. Much love and victory to the light

    2. Janette@
      Thank you. But are you also independent from power grid? How do you get electricity?

      Hope all our discussion to be in the benefit of Islands of Light...

    3. Unknown@ I only share knowledge that can benefit Humanity at this time, i will not ever ask something in return and only want to help where I can ❣️ Also, I do not have Ego, but know a lot of things that might be helpfull. Electricity from light and wind for the moment and experimenting with plasma, for Heating in alternative way, think infrared, its healthy and users natural resources but you have to implement while building.. Where you want to connect? Ik do not want to say very much here.. Love and VOL


    4. Janette@
      The same is also our case: we only share knowledge that can benefit Humanity at this time, we will not ever ask something in return and only want to help where we can.
      But, in our case we dedicate primarily in the benefit of the Areas of Light development.

      The blog is in place where people can connect to, instead of complaining or only asking for,
      in order to colect data and material to be useful for Islands of LIGHT infrastructure development.
      This (the infrastructure) is the first 3rd dimensional step to establish an Island of Light:

  11. It is my feeling that the alchemical torture has and is being used on me, among other various attacks. It comes and goes with a certain timing. There's burning in the feet and legs, as well as twitching in the stomach and other parts of the body, among other symptoms. Me complaining won't change anything; I know. Physical action is all that matters to me now. I'll just leave it at that.

  12. I'm not sure if my comment went through because my identity was asked to be confirmed. After putting my name up to confirm my identity, there was no message when being returned to the blog saying that my comment would be posted pending approval. So, I will comment again just in case.

    The attacks continue. I get burning in my feet, legs, and head, as well as twitching in various parts of the body. I get inorganic feelings in the stomach, which is the best way I can describe it. It comes and goes with a certain timing. I feel that it is alchemical sorcery of some kind and/or energy weapons. Complaining won't get me anywhere; I know. The only thing that matters now is physical action. I'll leave it at that.

  13. Observations on "together"
    Since 2 years I try to manifest in 3 groups "together" instead of "divide and rule". What was sluggish in the beginning, has clearly picked up speed since 2 months. Some even show enthusiastic or liberated reactions.

    The energies since 21 January support the manifestation process.

    Cobra: “From the mediation on 21 January 2019 (21/1) the Dark Forces can no longer completely influence and block our manifestation process. It is much easier to manifest what we want now.”

    1. Well

      Tried....still a bald head with no hair, still not a woman, still look and sound like a man, still on prison planet earth.

      Where is this manifestation stuff supposed to happen, now?

  14. Can anyone tell me how t connect to goddess ISIS

  15. Thank you all! Once it all happens and we have full consciousness again, it will be interesting to learn our true history, who was working for the light and dark.
    I do ask, if the Archons are soulless why are they not all exterminated quickly by the GF so liberation can be sooner?

    Are there not sealed indictments? Is Trump of the light? Thank you.


  16. DisClaimer:
    The following video contains Flashing Lights.

    The DJ

    I AM DC

  17. Article from brother indian:
    Andromedans Claim They Can See The Future Cities Hidden From The Population… And Have Spaceships Hovering Above Our Atmosphere!


    1. Great article makes sense..we need all on Gaia to raise their vibration

    2. @Unknown
      Ain't gonna happen on its own.
      In order to change the world, the masses needs a seldom seen, LONG overdue CULTURE SHOCK, and something TANGIBLE.

      There is NO other way.

  18. Article from brother indian:
    Pleiadian Council Says They Can Stop Worst-Laid Plans Of Those Who Bring Harm To Earth And Humanity.
    We are capable of offsetting the worst-laid plans of those who would harm the Earth and humanity. Stay aware and do not let your self get caught up in that energy. – Mira
    A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, April 4, 2019

    Whole article on:

  19. Replies
    1. Kernel is like the "heart" of the computer, I think? If the CPU is the brain then I think my comparison is correct. The kernel is the core of the operation system. It has complete control over everything. Perhaps this is the final stages of removing the Primary Anomaly?

  20. So there's been guidance recently to eat pure dark chocolate so I had the most gracious lady of my life look for something while she was at the store.
    She came back with
    Which as it turns out employs cocoa bean farmers at higher than normal pay in the democratic republic of Congo!

    Now I keep crying XD

  21. Harold Budd & Brian Eno - First Light

  22. I have read through CoBras latest update. I dont claim to be a "key person" but I have felt absolutely drained and horrible constantly for weeks. The problem is I have felt that way since high school (over ten years ago) and similar throughout my childhood. Same with the "feeling of deep despair". Same old same old.

    Nothing has really changed for me so far. I ate mostly raw meat for a while in february, didnt get sick at all, and felt great. Raw meat is probably the lightest and easiest digesting food I have ever eaten. I had no acid reflux while eating this way either, which is usually pretty bad for me.

    In this time I had no desire to exercise for some reason. If I dont exercise I literally fall apart. It couldve been from the lack of carbs but I went low carb the summer of 2018 and exercised everyday for weeks. I went back to regular food and the reflux returned. Years ago I tried to eat more fruits and vegetables but would get diarea every time. Ive added them back in with more success this time. The good bacteria and enzymes from the raw meat may of had something to do with this. If you try it, eat a little raw fish or steak. Dont try ground meat because you never know whats in it.

  23. A little earlier this year, I watched johnathan cartys video on some of his disturbing dreams. I jotted down some points and a lot of it made sense. I wanted to thank him and say that I am sorry for what he is going through. I have always had a problem with binge eating and I started feeling the intense rage in my teens and into my mid twenties. Its not so bad now. I had a lot of bad supernatural activity from age two to thirteen and it was heavily repressed until I was about nineteen. Activity really picked up and I started recalling the childhood activity. It is still ongoing. I was also a sort of "blank slate" growing up and was always immersed in science fiction and art.

    I think your dreams happened in some form at some point in time, whether to you or others, and possibly in past lives. As far as I can recall I was never a part of any projects, although there are a couple memories that stand out. I have definitely been targeted heavily by the archon network and extraterrestrials. As far as disturbing dreams, I do have a few where I was stabbing young men (age 11 to 16) with a large knife, and more where I was raping women who appeared to be in there twenties or late teens. I may or may not of done these things in a past life.

    I dont know if this is related but my family tree is interesting. On my fathers side there are offshoots of the norman elite like queen isabella and the gray family. I dont know as much about my mothers side but the names occhino and corseti are suspicious. The occhinos may be lower level italian black nobility and corseti may be an offshoot of the corsini family. I shared some stories on here before about the plasma spiders that I have seen and CoBra says they are connected to the black nobility castles. I guess theres a chance that I was either a part of the nobility and did some horrible things, I was one of there victims, or I am picking up on what was done to others.


  25. „The next set of post will show a virtual quantum computer with unlimited qubits.“

    1. As long as the negatives are still in power, I do not expect any freedom for humanity. There is simply no sense of imagining positive breakthroughts happening inside a global slavery prison. After that, well, everything is possible!

    2. That is why we need the ET's to arrive.

  26. Dave Chicago

    There's no such thing as a past life... You just cross connect to other parallel simultaneous experiences to assist you in this life.

    Everything exists now.
    You are you and they are them.

  27. Сердешно Благодарю Кобра и всех тех, кто помогает освободиться Планете и нам! С Большой Любовью!!!!Храни Вас Бог! 💜🌈💜🌈💜🌈🕊️🕊️🕊️Надеюсь при встрече мы обменяемся очень приятными энергия и Дорогие Существа Света🌟🌟🌟💜💜💜🌼🌼🌼🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗😊😊😊

  28. Сердешно Благодарю Кобра и всех тех, кто помогает освободиться Планете и нам! С Большой Любовью!!!!Храни Вас Бог! 💜🌈💜🌈💜🌈🕊️🕊️🕊️Надеюсь при встрече мы обменяемся очень приятными энергия и Дорогие Существа Света🌟🌟🌟💜💜💜🌼🌼🌼🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗😊😊😊

    This article is very promising and they used the word "Soon, very soon".
    Hope they got the meaning of the word "Soon" this time.
    Read the full article at

  30. I’m not sure how long this has been there, but at the bottom of this blog, it says
    OS: LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe. It just seems interesting that Cobra would put that down there.

  31. Terms involved for Basic PortALL:
    QFA Quadrant Frequency Amalgamation
    AFA Axis Frequency Amalgamation
    AFAI Axis Frequency Amalgamation Information
    Square Waves Data Referencing & Sine Waves Probability of Energy Expression follow PHI to π from either side.
    2 Pyramid Spin PHI Cones Stack to Silence

    Twitter: @awb555

  32. In the FEEL (Heart), the FIELD.
    On the SE∆ (the EY3), the LIGHT.
    Now We S∆I WAVES, S∆IL SE3 ~I~

  33. Wow something crazy is happening right now, I felt weird pressure in my left ear that's pretty much deaf but buzzed when I feel spiritual.


    1. That's just the 5G talking, go back to sleep Brandon lol.

  34. The 5G network is the greatest threat facing humanity in the present moment. 5G is an electronic weapon of mass destruction. It broadcasts wavelengths that are anti-life and disrupts human brainwaves causing cancer and suicidal thoughts.

    Protests are happening worldwide but it is being buried by the Cabal. The elite toast while the people roast.

    The 5G network is the cabal's answer to stopping ascension to 5D. They think if they can prevent ascension they can still win.

    The cabal may be facing certain mathematical defeat BUT it is going to be a very "Pyrrhic victory" for the light if the event doesn't happen soon.

    1. ShAame on ALL lightforces....ET,s..Source, who are not liberating us clrearly.

      Bunch of incompetent assholes they are! For not beeing able to free us from the cabal, who are nog are doing 5G..and UNable to push the green eventbutton.

      Delay..delay..delay, and delay over and over and over and over again.

      You see what happens, when the event is getting delayed and delayed over and over again.

      So, now we have 5G...mass destruction.

      As i said nummerous times here..IF the event not happen very soon..we al dead before then.

      Its far beyond my understanding, why the Cabal is not getting taken off planet right now, while they are doing more and more very dangerous things.

      Why we still waiting at the event?

      While we ALL are in real SERIOUS danger right now? Because of the cabal?

      WHY..WHY...WHY?????? Are they still not aressted..throwed into the galactic central sun????

      I have no words for it....the lightforces are clearly NOT liberating us...they rfuse to...INcapable of doing that.

      Shame shame shame!!

      While we still waiting for the event, while the cabal is getting really dangerous now. Wanting killing us all!!!!

      And still.........NO EVENT!!

      Im soo soo soooooextremely angry, nobody can imagine.

      I wish you all.....ALL the best.

      Lets pray together, for the event this year very soon!! Or we all go die/extinct!


      Lets pray..we all here..the whole world for the EVENT right now!!

      Before its too late.

    2. Well even 'Pyrrhic victory' is a victory.-everything destroy can be rebuilt heal and restore.'Everything done will be undone'
      but the Dark will be gone forever.
      I'm willing to pay the price.

    3. @Breach
      Won't do us any good if we are sent back to the stone age and having to start over from scratch.

  35. King Jesus Christ is Salvation Justice Heaven  Mary Is Cleanliness Protection Pleiadian Protection vito.vitulli.54 777ALAJE Peace

  36. Do all the governments in the world have a common agenda to test the extent to which people can accept oppression and split people?

  37. New Update from FM 144 about Battles against the Chimera, Reinforcements for the Light Forces and Return of the Goddess Energie on the Planet ...


    1. Thanks Earthquest 4 the link....nice
      ��, Adami ��

  38. For those who feel guided:

    Victory is Coming 432Hz

  39. Prescients are accepted by the hu-beings, as Inner Guidance grows
    Prescient ― Having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.

    The importance of inner guidance is emphasized. Without inner guidance many question marks remain, for example regarding the event.

  40. I regret to inform you all that there is no great answer that does not come with a great many sobering revelations.

    We didnt come here oblivious to whats been happening. All this fear talk about 5g..most if not all of you have built into your DNA the means to be unaffected by such frequencies.

    If you experience a decrease in health or acuity it is more due to your poor health choices that depend a whole lot on the discipline of your mind.

    You are not the mind.the mind is the mansion of god. God is not what you think.

    He is the beast. That which all physicality stems from. The first gatekeeper. "Satan". Alpha and omega. The beginning and the end. Infinite abyss at the center of all light.

    What you call light is the great power of god sacrificed to his bride so that she may have a voice! Guess who the bride is? YOUR BODY!

    If you are not innerstanding, realize that each of us are vessels that could be harnessing the power of god aka mind aka THE law in order to manifest our needs and desires.

    All lack is derived from the resistance to THE law. We are gods unconscious. It is our responsibility to awake this power within each of us.

    MEN this task is for the DAUNTLESS ONLY!

    WOMEN ye are already goddess with nothing more than amnesia! Your intentions are the will of god! Your body his satisfaction! Take hold of this power with great passion and spread the abundance within you where it is most needed in your lives.

    In this way the networks of light can be strengthened sevenfold!

    1. Thanks Joshua. This is a nice example of how truth really shall be. For us humans still hard to understand. If our bodies are God's unconcious he has a lot of it. What a responsibility we have! I bend for it and will do my best. THIS we CAN do, always and ever. Our free will. Thank you. I love you.

  41. Where are my comments ? Why google asking for password again ?

    1. I had the same, lightworker. To me that seems that there's still a lot of messing going round by the cabal. This is still 3D and you can find satanists until the bottom of the basket. That's why we have to be alert all the time:)

  42. “The left and its compliant media are willfully reporting false news to the American people,” the Boston Herald editorial board writes. Over the weekend, many media figures helped amplify a tweet that falsely claimed the President referred to migrants as “animals,” when in truth he was talking about the murderous MS-13 gang. “Americans can tweet what they want. Reputable media personnel, however, are entrusted to be the conveyors of truth . . . Those in media who propagated this toxic lie should be fired.”
    Source: Boston Herald

  43. Love and support to our friend Pleiadian Alaje.
    Dear brothers and sisters, you must be familiar with Alaje’s beautiful videos that he has been sharing with us since 2009. He has undergone an attack from the dark side, therefore one of his hard-drives was damaged and he lost all files of his movies that he was working on. Details can be found in his latest update on youtube channel:
    He is trying to recover the data. Please help him by making a contribution to help pay for his new hard drive (and any possible stock images and videos that may need to be repurchased.)
    If you would like to support his dedicated work to liberate planet earth, please visit and make a donation there.
    You may also want to send love and blessings to him. Namaste.

  44. Tutto già pianificato da molto?
