Friday, September 18, 2020

A Short Message to the Surface Population

Dark force occultists are using the coming Saturn-Chariklo conjunction on September 21st to enforce second wave covid lockdowns and implement draconic control measures against the surface population. Their plan was already leaked in August.

They are very seriously implementing that plan, as you can see here:

You may expect many new covid measures that infringe upon your personal freedom, to be attempted to be implemented in the next week or so.


To counteract all this, a mass meditation has been created and you can join if you feel so guided:

The exact time for the meditation for various time zones is here:



And videos in almost 30 languages here: 

Victory of the Light!


  1. Yes thank you they started here in Vegas took my cart away and voided my order for not wearing a mask.

  2. there is no personal freedom on this planet.

    1. Freedom is initially free. Intentional traitors of other consciousness take freedom away.

      Freedom's maintenance requires applied intolerance toward those who would end it. The current price of freedom is the current price of the parasitic intention load on the host.

      We have tiny hearted demons trying to enslave their fellow man, not being held accountable for cheating intentions. So we suffer. As a nebulous group, they are somewhat groomed by the spiritual parasites outside the Earth to become more like them and spread the parasitic spiritual infection, mind farming lifestyle. They know more when it benefits their groomers.

      (Beyond Earth)
      We should demand that those who wish to preserve emotional/spiritual abominations be forced to be co-located with them or they WILL just use the lie of their sympathy for the devil to release trolls on others for cheap, burden externalized, culpability externalized, secretly desired, schadenfreude of their own. If they are asked to balance their demands wither their supply of participation, they IMMEDIATELY will protest PAYING for THEIR OWN DEMANDS. THEY ARE DEMONS! They DOMINATE. We are their hosts. They cannot be their own hosts, because THEY CHOOSE TO CHEAT OTHERS. TRAITORS of consciousness incarnate deserve their dominion as the offspring of consciousness stuck inside of them. Burn that genuinely emotionally acceptable kindling in the fire of desire already and do us a favor!

    2. The free will here in this planet doesn't exist, it's an illusion

    3. Unfortunately not. The Cabal does not want anybody to have any personal freedom on this planet. They think we are all their property and they have authority over all of us. They think they own us.

    4. Your freedom ends where the next person's freedom begins. Few understand this.

    5. So what are you personally doing about it?

    6. …and should you have not neighbors... :=)...

  3. So RESIST THIS !!! Get out on the streets pull down the masks refuse testing vaccines. Better to die resisting and fighting than staying inside like stupid fools. Only meditating may not be enough. Even if it helps a lot

    1. I'm with you!! Totally we are fighters not slaves

    2. That's exactly what they want you to do. To give more energy into the game of duality. Light and dark here are both sides of the same coin. Once you overcome the physical level trap you will see you only lose the shell that has bound your spirit. Which they cannot truly touch

    3. I've chosen writing. To the mayor, the governor, the president Pelosi, Mnuchin and many others. And I will continue.

    4. You are confused. There is a vast difference between total lock down and wearing a mask and social distancing. COVID 19 is are real bioterrorism disease. It is hitting the 45-70 year olds hard. These are the sickest patients I have ever seen during 20 years of hospital work. It is not the flu. Your comment is demonstrates your complete ignorance.

    5. It's a waste of your energy to fight physically. Being angry is a waste of energy. Send love to everyone on every side of this, meditate, and heal yourself. This is how we overcome.

  4. Last night I was thinking about writing a message on the last post, that I had just learned the stupidest thing of the week.

    Here where I live they instore the obligation to wear a mask during fitness training.

    At first I thought it was a joke but it's the truth.

    Me and the managers of the fit was shocked to know about this stupid directive and the managers actually refused it and if someone from the government came along, we blocked access 😂😂.

    I would like to see them practicing with a mask. it's so stupid that my mind can't even comprehend the stupidity of this shit.

    You can tell they've never done any sport in their lives.

  5. I will Join, stay positive and no fear. We create our reality, they only want to destroy it.

  6. I'll be there... Fight time.ome more time!! They will lose!

  7. I'll be there! Fight time one more time! Tired of these darkies... they will bite the dust.

  8. The repression is becoming unbearable now. If the is no direct intervention of the light forces NOW we may face hellish conditions here in the coming weeks

    1. Intervention from the LF is not the answer. It was never the answer. They were never going to be our saviour. You haven't learned anything have you? We (humanity) are our own saviours. Get to work. MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

    2. I do not agree. Dark force is supported bt powerful negative ailens. The only thing you can do is meditate ,share and wait.

    3. @gearshaw63

      I see YOU learned nothing. For many years, people TIRED to take on the baddies, and they ALL of them was a US president. HOW are WE to win by taking on the baddies, alone and unaided, where EVERYONE else FAILED!

      You also might wanna read the Galactic Codex.

      We need outside help, junior.

  9. Cobra I'm in Melb and will not be protesting as it's a trap and there is not enough people ready to" make the numbers work"... also I need to be here for my mu,I'm a long gamer and more tactical than the people who are willing to protest right now.....having said that can you comment on why Melbourne/Victoria is such a test for this ATM?.....Victoria is the only state in Australia that has signed on to the CCP's Belt and Road initiative against National security it Deep State/CCP influence cos it sure feels like that to me......I'm open to the whole bunker rescue shit too but that's a bit too hidden to have me believing the White Hats are using this for these enormous efforts against the IBC or lower's interesting your post as next week on the 28th Melbourne metro is supposed to have some restrictions lifted......regional areas have more freedom as of 5 days ago.....

    1. Sometimes I wonder just who Daniel Andrews is reporting to. I also wonder if there's a money trail. Like the CCP.

  10. Let's Go ground crew Light forces, it ain't over til it's over! United we are invincible and their plans will fail once again, Victory of the Light! 🙏🖖💥🛸❤

  11. Its funny and not funny at the same time. Event 'is coming', but cabal can take the world. No logic no nothing. Cobra, you know that event is coming and positive timeline is secured, why do you put that kind of posts at all? Better ince give some kind of positive notes for people where to focus on. Now you have lowered all my optimism and akk the good energy which it took to raise for a long time. What's the point of that? In your posts everything is getting better and at the same time worse. Quantum field is being defeated deacos are disappearing and at the same time everything getting worse. Or make sime kind of a clear statement.

  12. Thank you for the update. We will do the meditation. Keep fighting for our freedom.
    French translation.
    Traduction en français :

    Victoire de la Lumière.

  13. We have to find our way through the dark to the light. We have already won this, it's a done deal. Just got to get through this difficult bit.we all need to stick together, support each other. We can do this. Love and peace to all my brothers and sisters. 🙏💛🧡💚💙💜❤🖤🌍🌈

  14. Resist! That's the sole method we can rebel against this cruel world!

  15. Думаю работа с Фиолетовым Пламенем тоже может помочь💜.У нас Слава Богу в городе и по области нет ковида сейчас. Будем бдеть. Благодарю Кобра. Благодарю Бог Отец. Благодарю Ангелы... Всех существ Света💜

  16. we need the EVENT now!
    never delay!

    1. The Event is not some light switch that someone can turn on/off. The surge of cosmic energy passing through this sector of the Galaxy will arrive in its own good time.

    2. IT needs to be NOW....not 'its own good time', we might all be DEAD by then.

  17. Emotional polarity and dichotomy is how the negative ETs con and troll us in order collect emotional/spiritual tolls on our souls. They are like bullies. They instigate emotional rises to feed on us. Although, they can enjoy our suffering indirectly, if we do it all on our own. They are misery that loves company. They just manually apply their preference into others against their wills or apparently with their wills using deception on ignorance. Anything they'd do that can get away with overall personal profits goes.

    They are spiritual parasites, infiltrating, corrupting, feeding and spreading through their hosts, souls (mind units) and spirit (emotional energy).

    We are spiritual hosts, conceiving, planning, creating and maintaining emotionally valuable experience foundations. This produces spirit inside of us, a mind energy, a force of will to come to life, a life force, an intrinsic meaning to life. Our HOST interest in interaction with PARASITES is to identify, target and remove them as efficiently as possible in order to maintain our functionality and vitality.

    Know the spiritual conflict is about spirit, emotional energy, satisfaction for consciousness, the only thing that EXPERIENCES existence. Knowledge removes ignorance and innocence, forcing a choice. We can either empathize or cheat others when we face conflicts of interests. So, as we evolve in knowledge, like ancient ETs did, we are forced to make choices that define our alignment with other consciousness. We become the demons or angels.

    So, BEYOND light/good/trust us or dark/evil/distrust them there is a conflict to procure emotional value and mind units that make it. Some who work for the parasites call themselves light, because its a very viable strategy to corrupt the mind toward their goals. They ultimately can't hide their preference from a seeker of truth, love and balance. They are seekers of deceptions, control by fear and imbalance. They are revealed, despite wearing the trust us garb.

    It's about who gets the value of existence, the bullies/trolls/consenting parties of spirit farming, or the first-person incarnate participants, and their supporters, that actually make the spiritual energy in question.

    Does the (group) identity in question support the identification, targeting and removal of parasites from the host?


    Does the (group) identity in question support the infiltration, corruption, feeding on and spreading through host systems?

    You can't serve two masters!

    light/good vs dark/evil is questionable!

    Go through this mental/emotional exercise..

    Run these words and ideas through the mind and see the differences in perceived connotations and our resultant behaviors..

    You can't kill all dark/evil.

    You can't kill all parasites.


    You need a balance of light/good vs dark/evil for creation to function.

    You need a balance of hosts and parasites for creation to function.


    You cannot appreciate the good/light without the contrast of the evil/dark.

    You cannot appreciate the value of being a host without the contrast of parasites.


    Who does this WIDELY BELIEVED spiritual paradigm actually serve? Hosts or Parasites?!?!?!

    1. I agree, and I like what you have written here. But remember also that without SOME density there would be nothing but unlimited blinding light and there would be no you or me.

    2. We want new personalities to converse within life and afterward in eternity. We must grow them from simple beginnings with free will and the pursuit of happiness. They form passions for activities forming unique sets of talents and attributes. These traits make these personalities of emotional/spiritual value to themselves and others.

      The consciousness inside each of us is the consciousness inside of all of us. We experience ourselves as many, but come from one. The trick is accomplished my multiple mind focal point units being in free will and the pursuit of happiness.

      There are byproducts of this process that do not wish to make good personalities. They just bully, lie, cheat and steal emotional energy, which is spirit, and minds' time and effort. They become abominations to get this loosh energy, stolen love currency.

      The ignorance of developing minds makes plenty of contrast. They have to learn to control their own desires for pleasure and security to harmonize with others' own needs and wants. It's an ongoing project that begins early in life and only the stagnant believe they've arrived at a destination.

      We don't need SPIRITUALLY STAGNANT ANCIENT adepts to instigate drama and schadenfreude using MASSIVE databases of tactics and strategies to procure minds in ways our minds cannot conceive or contemplate at this time. We need security as developing minds, because security concerns trump positive emotions naturally for causal, fight or flight evolutionary reasons. We need to develop our attributes and talents from discovered and expressed passions. These security interruptions distract us from the signals of our environment.

      Hijacking animals, cells, people, ETs, and even computer systems can be accomplished by intercepting, adding or altering the signals of their operating environment. This is what is being done to the young races, us, by ancients, in order to have an outcome they've pre-determined for us. They want A vs B, controlling polarity perception using emotional damage and reaction. The dark is soil for the light that won't arrest or kill the dark, but pay it effective causality altering sympathy lip service to keep in inside the host system.

      This light is a fat, greasy italian mobster pounding on the door saying its the police. It's not. There is still light, but the dark wants to get in the door of your mind and heart, trusted, not busted, and thrusted out the door.

  18. My neighbor who lives in the house above mine and her bedroom is above mine, she has Covid. for a moment I felt that they were coming after me.

  19. Thank you Cobra for all the updates. I just did the meditation and it was very powerful. Let us all do this meditation every day as often as possible to speed up the process. Shall the overwhelming light eat up all the darkness and all evil.

    Victory of the Light

  20. This incredible video will create massive empowerment for our community and lead to more participation in the mass meditations. Please make it a blog post Cobra!

  21. Our favourite weasel David Wilcock recently posted another video on YouTube. Remember when he went on record to say during the lockdown there would be 3 days of darkness and the Alliance would finally execute the mass arrests of the Cabal?

    Well, he starts off by absolving himself of misleading millions of people, shifting the blame onto those who allegedly informed him of the plan.

    I wrote a comment voicing my disappointment with David over his tendency to profit and ride on the tide of events unfolding on our planet; for selling hopium to desperate people waiting for a positive change, and then, just like with 2012, acting surprised when things don't play out at all like he so assuredly claimed they would.

    Besides a couple of likes, my comment was drowned out by thousands of of overwhelmingly supportive fans giving David pats on the back, which I'm not surprised about, but the lack of any criticism just goes to show the level of awareness in this movement. People need to stop kissing the boots of authority figures or celebs because they have money or are on TV.

    If like me, you feel that the way David Wilcock has chosen to handle this situation is dishonorable and disingenuous, let your disappointment be known and leave a comment, or add a like or comment to my own here:

    1. Interesting you should mention this. In his very last video someone in the comments mentioned his eyes on they did not look human but reptilian. I saw this myself when watching. They did look weird but I cannot say if this was the angle of the light facing him or not.

    2. I will not. I have seen the video as well, and I see it in a different light. David did the right thing by publishing what he heard. This is research, and times are in flux.

    3. I have never had any great amount of trust for Wilcock. He might be sincere himself but we also have to realize that any public outlet as he is will mainly be used for misleading the opponents and secondly for informing the public. All publicly available outlets will be like that.

    4. David W is a complex human. He has mostly good information but he is also trying to make money. His devoted followers can be a little cult-like at times with the pro-Trump and pro-Q repetition, but I don't see him as a force of evil. Listening to any source with discernment is a good idea.

    5. His material no longer resonates with me. As for making money, he really doesn't make a lot, but like everyone, he too needs to put food on the table and pay the electricity bill.
      As for Reptilian eyes (as above), we have a comedian in our midst.

    6. It reminds me of Jack Black asking Donald Rumsfeld if he's a reptilian. I mean, do you really think looking for reptilian overlays is going to be the compass here?

      How about intention?

      How about results?

      How about how others think, feel and act?

      The nuance suggests we are stagnating waiting for saviors and are best served becoming our own. We have had to do this throughout history. When we abrogated our responsibilities to control ourselves, we had dark ages.

    7. Gearshaw, I'm not trying to be funny. Someone actually said his eyes looked reptilian in his last video posted on YouTube. I'm just telling you what he said.

      My only complaint with Wilcock is that he is trusting his insiders a little too much with information that may or may not be true. How do we know his inside sources or telling him the truth or not?

    8. Speaking of Rumsfeld...when is THAT gargoyle going to DIE?

      I am STILL waiting to see Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the worst of them, Kissinger, to snuff it......Cobra said these 3 guys would be next...but they are all still kicking.

  22. Okay but guys and girls, the real fight is not in not wearing the masks, by not wearing it you make us look stupids. Wear the mask, but fight everything else, we at least want people to take us seriously.

    1. Wearing the mask is a satanic ritual. You wear it if you want. 🤯😱

    2. It's a thin piece of cloth over your face, the thing that doctors wear to protect their patients. I don't get the strong anti-mask rhetoric. If you are an evolved spiritual being you wouldn't let ego get in the way of your choices. Even if it's all a lie you can still understand that wearing a mask is to protect others first. Altruism, selflessness, respect for your fellow man.

    3. a healthy person does not need to ware a mask dear friend that's how they get to you if you buy into it so you become a threat to anyone if you don't ware it ,it is not they way we think as sheep but the way the wolf does it .knowing their way will make you be aware of their trickery they do not want the best for you or us ,be soft like a dove but wise like snake

    4. In the old days of slavery, the masters made the slaves wear masks, similar to what I call the 'diapers' I see the sheeple obediently wearing no, to remind the slaves they were slaves...putting them in their place, as it were.

      Julio.....have you SEEN doves when they are fighting each other....they, along with humans and monkeys, are the few species that kill their own kinds...and violently at that. I seen doves literally peck each other into blood shreds. I NEVER understood the idea of doves being the birds of peace.

  23. The surface situation got out off hand years ago. I command full open GF military intervention now.

  24. When the surface human beings suffer and are tortured by the dark forces, the light forces wait patiently, sympathize with the tortured people, drink champagne and celebrate the victory in a few years' time. They are leisurely and relaxed to watch the surface human beings being tortured by the dark forces. They let the events drag on and wait, and they cheerfully shout the victory of light, despite the fact that the surface humans have been tortured for many years. However, when the twin souls of the light forces were tormented by the dark forces, they were extremely impatient. They chose to destroy the liberation plan to save their twin souls as soon as possible.
    The blockade and other plans planned by the dark ones this time are likely to continue to delay events. Since only the Draco fleet is left now, why not trigger the event directly. Cobra once said that trigger event would only cause a very small number of casualties. But now, after several months of cleaning up the fleet,There will be very small casualties.should we continue to wait? We have to wait for decades, then triggering events will lead to zero casualties. The forces of light seem to only accept zero casualties from triggering events. There are many suicides, rapes and murders every day on earth, and the forces of light don't seem to care

    1. The light forces have saved the planet for many times over. If it were not for them, we would be all dead by now. Also, the acts of certain members of the light forces do not necessarily represent all of them.

    2. Sorry buddy. This is not the LF's war, its ours. Stop complaining and do something useful.

    3. I agree with holysprit and disagree with the other commenters. The other commenters are obtuse. They are out of touch. They are the ones that make it easy for blue pill normies to stay in the matrix and never wake up. Work, eat, sleep, worship (if they are believers)… etc. Never know about Source, the light, the dark, and all the rest.

      Wizard, we hope that is true. But holysprit seems to be right. I am in agreement, anyway. But I must make the point that twin souls are very important and it is understandable that action had to be taken to remedy that situation.

    4. The light forces it’s not that they don’t care at all it’s much more that they care more about themselves first and how the shift work on earth gone affect them (we humans are the same) and the problem it’s not not only the dracos (don’t take Cobra word 100% because he is also not showing the hole picture in any of his post) but the problem it’s the level of consciousness on planet right now.

      90% of the people have no idea about anything so this affects the way the shift is playing out and how long it will take.

      Also the hype that in 2020 will be the ascension or some event is totally wrong and with no base at all when you look at the earth affair. The event will take place in years (1 or 2 decades at list) until things will be clear.

      The light forces don’t want to tell the truth about the real affair of earth and how long it will take in reality because then most of the light workers will suicide themselves or just give up on any “spiritual work” if they will find out that there are decades away from the good stuff!

      What’s the point in fighting for something when you know that only your children (if you have) will see the light?

      So in this case the light forces lie to the people that the change is near (since 1970 they do this) when in reality it’s not (at least not from our perspective) and if you don’t believe you have already all the arguments about how many times the light forces they promised something and how that go... (during the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000, 2012 and all of that.

      They just try the same old carrot and stick methods in order to make the now humans fight for the next generations.

      Partially it’s working in some way because when you watch most of the comments here you will see how naive some people can be when they just believe everything cobra says without questioning anything trough their own filter.

      But some are not and this ones will leave after some months or years of same messages with no results in the physical word.

      You can see this already because most of the people here are the “new” followers of this blog (1-2 years maximum) and the old ones (from since 2012) you can count them on a finger hands.

      I am following this blog since 2012 and I remember the first year of the blog how Cobra was say that the event will happen until the end of the year 2012 :)))

      I think we all know how that aged. If you don’t believe me just go back as much as is possible to the first year posting and you will see the same messages as now only with the difference that the “shift” will be soon”!

      Myself I know my truth that the real change will take at list one decade (in the best case) so I don’t put so much word trust in any blog or channeler that keep regurgitate the same stuff for years.

      And no, I am not a “cabal agent” or “mind controlled Illuminati” in order to bring people down :))) Anyway more down than now people can’t get as from the same channel fake messages that they read every day :)))

      I will only suggest people to understand that this change will take long time before it’s finished and just do whatever they can to enjoy as much is possible the life on this planet without putting any expectations on any “event” that will save them from their own shortcomings.

      In this world you can be and make whatever you want if you really put the energy to it (and yes, the cabal won’t give a shit about one individual since they have bigger problems to deal with now than a singular sheep on they imperial world :)))

    5. Ascension2020.
      I fully agree with you. I found this blog in 2015. We were cheated by the forces of light, which gave us one false promise after another. But I think these false promises will do great harm to the light workers. Maybe in the short term, false promises will help photoworkers a little bit. But in the long run, the false promises of the light forces are extremely harmful and will destroy many light workers. Because only the truth is light. Only by telling the truth can people heal and help others.
      We need TRUTH rather than false promise!

  25. This planet is really a nightmare for lightworkers .. I can't wait until these subjects are all brought into the central sun !!

  26. where do you live? im sure people are not going to stand around waiting for us to pull off there masks

  27. Wow! I can’t not for this all to be over. Thank you for the heads up.

  28. Cobra, I tried to post this on Facebook and I couldn't. They restricted my account so I don't misuse it ... wow

  29. This is getting ridiculous. Ive just started the meditation and ill be doing that everyday untill spt 21st. I hope justice is properly done, because its getting tough resisting the anger.

  30. Dear Cobra, tx once again 4 all ur hard work.
    Dear Light ppl, tx u all 4 holding Light. & 4 sharing!

    Legal gears r grinding. Not so legal 2 impose shutdown any more.

    + more alt news stories re CV19 stats misrepresented & shrinking. Original estimates off by orders of magnitude. Darks' "govt" exposed as vastly "incompetent" or liars.

    Results seen r results designed. Becoming more obvious 2 public.

    Hold the Light, all!
    ? trouble posting. Google.

  31. Manipulation 2nd Covid wave, protests, control 5G, Nikola Tesla, free energy (Alcyon Pleyades 97)

    While the elite continue with their suppression measures because of a non-lethal virus, the new 5G technology is advancing to override the true infinite Free Energy that Nikola Tesla discovered for a better future and lasting health.

    "Nikola Tesla said that if you look at the universe in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, in a decade you would make more progress in science than ever before. It is clearly a universe of energy. I mean, that is absolutely undeniable. Even at school we are taught that everything is made up of atoms and molecules. So it is a universe of energy.

    But if, like many scientists, you still hold on to this belief that we live in a material world, then you tend to believe that everything is scarce and transitory. Life is limited. And so one lives in fear. And one thinks that the resources of the world are limited because they are made of matter. If you believe this, you start to worry that there are too many people on earth. So then, depopulation agenda? Whether 5G is destined to depopulate the planet, I can't say, but as for its potential, absolutely!

    5G is potentially a devastating event for this planet. 5G was marketed as 5G because people were supposed to believe that it was just a 4G upgrade. But if you are really familiar with the wireless technology of cell phones, you know that cell phones and wireless phones have never been tested for health or safety. We now have the health implications of all these early generations of wireless technology, so we know that it is absolutely devastating to people's health and the environment. And 5G will be a very, very different technology. In reality, it has very little in common with 4G, and would be truly devastating.

    Our problem is that a lie has been spread. Ever since we got the wireless technology. The lie is the "thermal hypothesis". And the thermal hypothesis is that microwave radiation has no biological effects, which is absolutely wrong. The U.S. military compiled summaries of thousands of studies that detailed the biological effects of microwave radiation precisely because they wanted to develop weapons.

    Now we have the results after 25 years of cell phone use and they couldn't be more devastating. We have 9- to 10-year-old children who have the brains of senile old people. We have the highest suicide rate in the United States since World War II because it causes brain changes and makes people depressed. And many other devastating effects on health, dementia, autism, ADHD (...) there are more than 28,000 studies showing this (...) many have had breast cancer, some have died.

    I know that many people have suffered from exhaustion, which is also related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation (...) I think they wanted to introduce 5G before people realized how harmful it would be (...) that it is extremely difficult to turn it off once it is there. How do you plan to bring down 53,000 satellites once they are active? The point about 5G is that it affects your brain. I mean, it not only affects your body, it affects your brain and therefore your judgment.

    It can also be used for mind control because it is very much connected to HAARP. And it's about distracting people from the reality of the danger of 5G. Those in power want everyone to look in the wrong direction. Once it is installed, you cannot stop it. You will already have been harmed. And you will not be able to remove it. So people have to act now so that 5G never happens.


    Claire Edwards, British writer and educator, editor of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space.

    1. Don't get hung up on 5G. Plans to disable the harmful effects of 5G emissions have already taken place. Special magnets have been placed inside 5G towers by the LF SpecOps, which eliminates the threat.

    2. Wish that could be believed, Gearshaw.

  32. For our German speaking community:

  33. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  34. En Español, en castellano (mas la meditación traducida):

  35. again I say the light forces or the military have the power to openly get rid of the cabal's employees to prevent this

  36. Thank you Cobra!
    ~A Short Message to the Surface poulation~ in Hungarian:
    ~Meditation against the engineered second wave lockdowns~ in Hungarian:

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Fill your hearts with joy, joy, joy friends not fear. This higher vibration will keep you on the freedom timeline.

  40. I suggest doing the meditation daily before the date as well. When doing the meditation before the 21/22nd, visualize any dark rituals of the cabal for this second attempted lockdown being sabotaged.

  41. Meditation won't stop it. You are only feeding the game of duality. Withdraw your energy and pull back from the system and let it implode. EnLil is back with Michael to clear this corrupted sector. True light spirits go home and the rest go down with the ship not all beings here have a spirit..that is part of the game and the trick of the illusion of the matrix.

    1. In the context of helping humanity and other living beings
      EnLil correctly spells ENKI
      or just

  42. Of course dear Cobra, Vincent and I will do this meditation and inform and share about our FB groups. We both feel very strongly the new angelic energies on the coronal chakra that tingles just by thinking about it. It's good not to be alone anymore! Thanks also to the Pleiadian brothers who are helping us a lot with the protocols "771" and "12 21"! We also feel their presence, their help, their love and the protection they offer us! And thank you dear Cobra! We love you! (V and M-H)

  43. The Real Mafia That Runs The World! This Video Is A Real Gem And A Real Eye Opener!

  44. I hereby call the Light Forces, especially the Pleiadians and Ashtar and his Space Command, for Help. Please help us, the surface population, down here on mother earth.
    This is getting out of hand and i fear, that a meditation would deal this out.

    This is a formal call for help
    This is a request for your assistance.

  45. The world has already seen what is going on in Victoria Australia with the Soros-Backed private police force.

    They will never succeed in imposing their totalitarian police state.

    Stay strong my Australian lightworkers/warriors! Help is on the way! 💟

    Victory of the Light!

    In Humble Service of The One Infinite Creator, In Love, Light, Peace, Abundance and Prosperity,

  46. Remove the draco ships and bkow the IBC locations up then take back the communication satellites and awaken the people on all TVs and cellphones.. Delta Operation

  47. Is Q real? Are Alliance and White Hats working with Trump? Will mass arrests and or mass disclosure occur this Fall as we have heard from many qhht practitioners like Allison Coe? When will dominos fall as we expected after the 2 prior meditations?

    Thanks Cobra of course will join mediation.. Victory of the Light!

    1. I read that in the movie trailer guy's voice LOL "Coming this fall to a reality near you" it could be!

  48. We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY. Contact is loooooooooooong overdue, folks.

  49. They have to respect our free will. We have rights fuck them

  50. Not sign of this in California but I'm paying attention.

  51. The Cabal are desperate. It seems they will never give up. I wonder if they think they will win in the end if they continue to keep this up.

  52. In addition to social media, you can go to the chat sections of live youtube videos (many have the chat section open) and comment something like this:

    There will be a mass meditation on September 21st/22nd to prevent a second lockdown. Please join this meditation by going here: 2012portal(dot)blogspot(dot)com

  53. Love everyone, trust no one. Pushing against the dark lends it energy. Focused consciousness and energy builds the light

  54. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

    The meditation in spanish an be found here:

    Cobra, you can use the native english version of the article instead the google translator of the link

    Esto es de hace unas horas
    18/09/2020 18:29h
    "Madrid confina a 850.000 habitantes en 37 zonas de 6 distritos y 8 municipios"
    "Las nuevas medidas de restricción de la movilidad se aplicarán desde el lunes 21"

  55. Thank you beloved for this update! I will participate. Sharing it far and wide. Much love and blessings.
    More details for the upcoming meditation for Macedonian readers:

  56. Still doing meditations in order to support light forces as much as possible. I invoke almost every evening the violet fire to protect myself. But sometimes I don't understand it anymore.
    I just read this:

    I mean, some time ago Cobra said in an update there are 120 million Resistance members now. But why can they not prevent this? Or is this classified or so.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I will participate with the meditation. I am in isolation now and I am sick of it.

  59. Cobra is Anna bathory still alive? Whats the situation with these Vampire beings?

  60. Thank you for this crucial update. For anyone so led to participate in the meditations, please join. If you feel your impact is best out in the field, may your impact be fruitful as well. Let's encourage one another please 🙏

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Thank you for this reminder. We all will be called to engage in different activities at this time, and all of these should be respected and supported by all here.

      Some will be called to peacefully protest in the streets - which is needed to send a very clear signal to the cabal and all other matrix perpetrators that humanity is reclaiming their sovereignty and we do not consent to any restrictions or enslavement. They can arrest or squelch a handful of protestors, but not 5, 10 or 20 MILLION+!!!


      Others will be working directly with the earth grid and power spots in more seclusion or within their groups - this is also greatly needed.

      Many will be meeting regularly in physical Sisterhood of the Rose Groups and doing goddess vortex meditations.

      Some (like myself) will be using the power of the written word to assist with the awakening process, and also to inspire, motivate, organize and unite the world in high vibrational activities (including global meditations as well as healing and ascension projects).

      We are all playing a Sacred Role in these final days leading up to complete Victory of the Light - so let us honor and respect our respective roles and offer verbal and energetic support!

      It is high time for all of us to break free from the Matrix A.I. rogue "social media" and mind control programming, stop criticizing and finding fault with one another and instead genuinely offer support and cheer one another on, as we serve the planetary liberation effort in our individual unique way.
      OUR END GOAL IS THE SAME ALL ACROSS THIS PLANET – FREEDOM, ABUNDANCE AND HEALING FOR ALL. Let's focus on the end goal.....everything else is a distraction and can weaken our united front.

      Sending all of you much Love and energetic support!
      We are ALL in this let us UNITE as One Heart, One Voice, One Civilization!!

  61. Thank you for this crucial update. For anyone so led to participate in the meditations, please join. If you feel your impact is best out in the field, may your impact be fruitful as well. Let's encourage one another please 🙏

    Victory of the Light!

  62. Putting a mask on the Earth is hardly what I would call a motivational image.

    We destroy politicians by ignoring them, we ensure the future we want by saying, 'After the virus, I am doing what I like which is...' as a spell.

  63. Se os humanos têm q fazer meditação contra os escuros, é sinal de q as forças da luz não têm nenhum poder contra os escuros, e nós estamos ferrados.

  64. @Cobra
    It appears a race war has been ENGENEERED and African Americans are methodically being used as bait
    RADICAL initiatives are needed en mass to transmute the underlying ENERGETIC FREQUENCY thereof. A MASSIVE MARCH FOR PEACE perhaps?

  65. Os escuros avançam...nós fizemos as meditacoes...atingimos a massa critica varias vezes e nada de efetivo acontece para deter esse avanço. Para mim essa publicacao foi apenas um aviso de algo ja determinado. A agenda das trevas segue rapidamente enquanto a luz tenta negociar... se ta tentando negociar é pq esta em desvantagem. Esta bem complicado acreditar em alguma coisa nesse momento.

  66. I feel that things have suddenly become much more urgent and serious since last night and today. Let's meditate.

  67. I've sent this meditation to many many many people today.
    Let's go !!

  68. Pleiadian Prediction - The Great Changeover 2020 - 2027

  69. Anonymous: Magnetic Poleshift! You Need to Hear it, Something Is Coming

  70. I'm still doing the meditations. Also I invoke every evening the violet fire to protect myself and my environment. But sometimes I don't understand it anymore. I just read this:

    I mean, some time ago Cobra said there are now some 120 million Resistance members. Why can they not prevent this? Or is this classified.

  71. thank you Cobra for proposing/advising this meditation. This whole Covid scamdemic seems to be getting too far out of hand. Going out into public is like stepping into a science fiction movie with all the masks and fear. Let us all take refuge in Nature as much as we can. As you mentioned before even if we can't be totally alone in nature at least 30 meters distance from anyone. Prayers to the "Poulation" .... a typo yet the name seems a fit description.

  72. If people think a lockdown is infringing on their freedom, I say let them be free to go out, not wear a mask, and congregate amongst themselves. Darwinism at its best.

    Let's let the mask wearers have the freedom to wear a mask if they choose. Some people have to wear masks because of weak immune systems. Don't shame them. The virus is real. And a lockdown is DIFFERENT than wearing a mask.


  73. Yes, we will definitely be meditating on Sept 21st and spreading the word far and wide - two global meditations that day at 6:08 pm EDT and 9:00 pm EDT! We can literally change the course of everything that day with potentially millions meditating in unison for peace, stability and freedom!!

    It's been awhile since I posted on my blog. I was completely out of commission the last two weeks as I underwent a deep purging of throat and crown chakra and endured excruciating pain for 14 days straight. This passage (since the earth grid was reset Sept 1st and 2nd and what felt almost like going through a literal wormhole/dark night of the soul Sept 13-16) has been especially difficult for me and apparently many other starseeds. I sincerely hope everyone else is faring better than I have been.

    I've spent the last 3 days (and it is now almost 3:00 am) writing two articles for the purpose of reaching and inspiring more people to join in the global meditations. One is a recap of the highlights of Cobra's progress report to which I added a few insights and a list of all upcoming Key Dates through early November, during which mass meditation can create even more peaceful conditions and optimal scenarios:

    The second article waxes poetic and is full of inspiration and hope and will sweep you up in the splendor of Autumn. Although our crops have been lean the last few years, this year "Humanity Is About To Reap an Epic Harvest!"

    Sending you all much love as we march along the final mile of our extremely long journey. We're tired, we're exhausted, but victorious we shall be!

    Victory of the Light!

    1. @Brianna

      I also had problems with my throat and crown chakra. I had problems eating, swallowing and speaking. I wondered where that came from.

  74. No 2nd lockdown in Spain like they said in the article programmed the 18th...Hope stay like this!

  75. Every fucking time there is a call to meditation, the dark forces will simply pull out plan B.
    At this stage, plan B is actually plan A.

    1. Underneath your message is the recommandation to do meditation at least ones every day. David Wilcock told that Ghandi all by himself all alone brought peace back to India. A great soul:)


  77. Yes! We need such information to be able to protect ourselves.
    Thank you. We are all brothers and sisters.

    Victory of the Light!

  78. C est surtout l heure de se taire...

  79. There are rumors on the internet, that an world wide Announcement will come (a time before until the Event) that will be understood by everyone, and that will be a 'game changer' that will awaken the people world wide, and will prepare the world for the Event.
    Voices are that it will be somewhere during the 2nd lockdown.
    Can you tell us more, or at least confirm it?

  80. I will keep meditating. Thanks for telling us and give us oportumity to do our "measures".

  81. Major 5G rollout in October
    Please advise
    With deep gratitude

  82. With respect, I allow myself to bring your attention to the title of the meditation.

    Indeed, the word "against" does not seem appropriate to me.

    I advocate mass meditations and have been following Cobra's blog for several years.

    But in my humble opinion, a positive title like "Meditation for Peace, Truth, World Union in Love ... etc" would still be appreciated when it comes to the meditations offered by Cobra.

    To Transmute negativity into Love and Divine Light from the Source and not prevent it from being.

    The Law of One ...

    With Love and Respect,

    Victory of the Light

    1. I agree with the overall intention you are presenting and yes words do carry certain frequencies. However, Cobra has explained (and I agree) that one of the main things the dark ones do to implement their dark agendas is to perform specific rituals using specific language to create a very specific outcome.

      In order for us to counteract their tactics, it is sometimes necessary and important that we also focus on a very specific outcome using their own words, such as visualizing that their attempts at a 2nd lockdown, forced vaccines, FEMA camps or imposing certain restrictions will fail - thus the word "against" meaning we do Not Consent. It does not have to be negative unless we choose that perspective.

      Cobra also explained that one reason liberation has taken so long is that many of the larger meditations are not specific enough or there is not enough laser focus on a particular outcome, based on the plans of the dark ones at a given time. The dark side would love for us to believe they don't even exist and that WE are actually to blame for all their dark deeds. We cannot become so blind-sided by these lies that we are afraid to look at or acknowledge the terrible things that have occurred on this planet. This is the time when all must be revealed, dealt with and integrated.

      Even if we occasionally use words such as "against", "plans failing", or "resistance" that does NOT mean we have to be emotionally triggered in a negative way or lower our frequency - that is a choice and requires practice to no longer be triggered while carrying out an important mission.

      In other words when we achieve spiritual mastery we can deal with dark situations and still maintain our high vibration.

      Evil is what it is - we acknowledge it, we may feel anger for a time or weep about its harmful effects....but then......we pull ourselves together and learn how to transcend the pain while still acknowledging the wrongs being committed and doing everything in our power to counteract them.

      There is a time for Peaceful Resistance and NOW is that time - such as the Mass Protests that have been occurring all over the world these last couple of months actively resisting the draconian measures that were imposed! The mass protest in Berlin reactivated the Goddess Portal it served a very high purpose, even though it was a form of resistance.

      Just wanted to share a broader perspective.

  83. Never forget WE are the light. It is up to each one of us to have the courage to shine it.

  84. I should clarify...we are the light. It's not just in some of us, it's in all of us. We came from light and it's where we are going. Remember that.
    Love and Light to all❤

  85. Just want to also say it's an honor to meditate with you all

  86. All the more you can count me in!

  87. All the more you can count me in!

    1. @444, they might as well they use black magic everyday. its the criminal element organized by billionaires, claiming to be something else. it sows confusion and cognitive dissonance. they claim they are anti racist to take advantage of the societal programming that people have recieved to think that anything anti racist must be good and to oppose them must be racist. its a major dark spell on everyone.

  88. The dark forces are trying to program their negative timelines in the dreamstate.

    1. Does that mean they can reach us whether we want it or not?

    2. All negative timeline attempts have failed and will continue to fail.

  89. Thank you for the proposed meditation

  90. I recommend full participation in the mass meditation.

  91. I still have refused to wear a mask this whole time. But I do look forward to participating in this mediation. It is well. Thank you Cobra!

  92. You need a name change the light shines on the right path and walks past the darkness without so much as a glimpse at it... Direct your mind and stop letting it drag you around Your mind is your weapon put the safety on!

  93. Hard to believe, and the fires:
    Over a million children recovered from underneath Australia.

  94. I just wanna say I need my real family, because I'm listening to music like this and I'm attracted towards it

    I mean what can I say about my real family, they are not seen and that would make me look crazy if I spoke about them.
    I just wish I could speak the truth and it be heard and known that it's real, but instead I'm a so called sucka in this world, to be killed or just ignored.
    I'm just so frustrated with the state of things dont get me wrong I think the LIGHT forces are doing an incredible job, I just cant wait for this to be over.
    I'm tired of wanting to hurt people, which is open rebellion against source, I love the source.
    So many things are being thrown at me and it's not just recently, Its been go in on for years now.
    I wish I could just show the way things are supposed to be, but I would get treated like I'm crazy or something similar.


    P.S now I'm gonna listen to some more of this rap that I dont like but have a hard time staying away from

    1. Bless you Brandon,this is a weird time as we are leaving 3d, it is slowly falling g away and we haven't reached 5d yet. We are somewhat in the middle. Just hang on in there, going to be a bit bumpy the next few weeks, but we have come a long way and were almost there. We all have to concentrate on the future we want, dream about it. We can all dream it into existence, we have the power. Love and blessings to all. 🙏💛🧡💚💙💜❤🖤🌍🌈👍🙂

    2. brandon stamps, look up 10 years - the autumn effect. its one of my favorite albums. its modern rock but very different at the same time. you may like it.

  95. The Book Of Ezekiel Was Purposely Altered And Not Placed In Chronological Order In Order To Confuse The Reader. Excellent Video To Learn The Truth!

  96. Article: Jesus - Red. See Red. "RED ALERT".. be alert! , given September 17th 2020
    Quote: '“Red! See Red! Red Alert!! Alert, be alert, aware. Do not be taken in by big names and flashy titles. Be alert! Listen and learn. Agendas; many have agendas. Warning! Danger approaches. Do not fear -Trust Me. Things are not what they appear to be. People are not what they pretend to be. Red! Be Alert! Keep a watchful eye. Keep in mind what you have heard; guard the truth. Keep looking at Me not circumstances, not situations. Keep looking at Me. Shaking is coming, but it will only shake those things that can be shaken. Do not be among the shakeable things. Keep looking at Me.”

  97. 請把包含在地表的德拉科和月球撕成碎片 都這時機點了

  98. If you have regular people supporting lockdowns and COVID rules and regulations just show them Japan's statistics. It's doing a lot better with a lot fewer cases and deaths than the majority of western countries. It's in 155th place in the number of cases and 143rd in the number of deaths per 1mln population. All without any lockdown, coercion or violation of people's rights.
    I'm really lucky to be living here and not having to experience any of this madness spreading around the world.

    1. To Trogby, I agree exactly and have messaged my son and another friend who lives there with the same expression you mentioned.

  99. I don't understand it but could beimportant.
    Article: Sit Back And Relax

  100. Wow! And it seems easy. A Jeffery Pritchett article:
    Anonymous: "Watch Within the Next 48 hrs" - People Need To Know

  101. Will be online for the meditation 10pm UK time Monday.

    1. Ocean, it is still British Summertime (BST) in the UK so it is 11.08 pm

  102. Article: Source: Thread by @JobesRed on Thread Reader App

    17 global changing events coming in October... Y the Wait?

    1) Global Currency RESET switching from a Central Banking petro-dollars to a gold backed paper/digital currency

    This will destroy massive global corruption.

    2) MASS ARRESTS of BLM/Antifa + Financial Supporters....

    3) This will be possible only one way: The Insurrection Act will be invoked By President Trump with Devastating Evidence and all hostile entities will be indicted.

    New Temp. Emergency Laws shall be enforced by military personnel deployed quickly throughout the country...15 min

    Trump's last quote was 'Our Boys could take care of this in 15 minutes. TVS will go black, Internet will go down, and an emergency notification will be on all devices...

    4) SIMULTANEOUSLY Military takeover of all MSM outlets, Twitter, Google etc. for election..

    ALL TOP SWAMP CREATURES will be SIMULTANEOUSLY Arrested including Hillary, Soros, Generals, CEOs, Pelosi etc.

    5) A broadcast will begin, the likes of which we have never seen before

    Arrests, exposure MANY Famous people already agreed to do LIVE CONFESSIONS and live arrests?Operation Disclosure
    17 Global Changing Events Coming in October, Why the Wait?

    6) + Internet Blackout for 15 minutes while we take repossession of ICANN, the internet addressing system. They will do an internet reset and restart with a new global internet security repair, eliminating all hostile artificial intelligence & their attack bots. Necessary for QFS

    7) Suspension of Congress will occur and cleaned out Mainstream Media will begin the broadcast of massive Military Tribunals

    8) Announcements of recovered stolen assets and the beginning of giving money back to people... and I have heard that its' a lot of money we are owed.

    9) Many Beautiful Laws are already prepared for this time.

    10) Suspension of all income Taxes, Rules will be applied via emergency laws that are already written and ready to be make law during this time of Martial Law For which feel like a blessing from God

    11) Free Health Care


    This will also be broadcast and send a huge message world wide, It will be a show that nobody forgets and won't cry tears of joyous celebrations while softening sorrow. Suspension of CPS, Planned Parenthood etc

    13) Suspension of All Student Loans and financial defunding of hostile education NGOs and Unions, and arrests. New education laws (all of these temp. laws will be incentive to vote Republican so they can become permanent)

    14) Suspension of all COVID Regulations

    15) Trump reveals his relationship to Q

    16) Trump begins releasing repossessed patents for amazing technologies and makes programs for great new business & employment opportunities

    17) Martial Law will continue through the elections in order to secure election integrity & safety.

    Then We Vote.

    And did I mention that similar things will occur globally, That's why Trump has been so busy cutting contracts with all these countries.

    Guest Posting

    If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.

  103. Article: Q Week 9/14 to 9/18/2020: Angel Anon(s) Rocks, 33 Booms (Beach Broadcast)

    Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing

    September 19, 2020

    Q WEEK 9/14 to 9/18/2020 - ANGEL ANON(S) ROCKS!!! 33 BOOMS!


    We were warned about a big week! And indeed it was! Thank you Angel Anon!!! This is a list of all the events / news that happened this week.



    2ndMiddle East Peace Agreement – Abraham Accords signed


    Hershel Walker Message – RT by POTUS

    Defunds International Planned Parenthood











    Bolton Book Bomb – Investigation on sharing Classified information

    Cramers slips to Pelosi –“Crazy Nancy”

    Zuckerberg backed group slapped with lawsuit

    Bill Binney helps to take down Swamp Rats







    No Bail for Thugs







    China exposed for intentionally releasing virus








    Harris slips – “Harris Administration”

    No Supporters




  104. Start the event right now!!!!!!!!

    No millisecond longer wait.

    Right now!

    Soon we ALL die/suicide! IF no event occurs very soon...cabal slaughter...exhausting...loss of ALL last hope..sickness.

    Come on! EVENT right now!

    1. The Event is a natural cosmic occurrence. It is not managed by the LF. It'll arrive when it arrives.

  105. I commit myself to meditate everyday starting Monday September 21st at 1008 hour UTC until I get my full liberty from this Covid-19 Virus experience. Who will join me?

  106. Wow!!!my wife just told me she will also join me.

    1. Wow unknown congrats. That's really really good news, for you and humanity<3

  107. Than wear mask and damage your health and keep torturing small children even thinking you're protecting them. But don't expect others to do the same . Am not even sure that there is a virus at all since i don't accept any narrative without questioning. Of course i expect and pray that the meditation will be a gamechanger but it's better to be prepared for anything. Only hiding in our rooms and praying may not be enough what then ? The dark side seems to always have another plan. Hopefully the light forces are also prepared for all options. May this meditation be a gamechanger in the positive sense of course.


  108. For the first time since reading this blog I would like to thanks to Cobra for the information he gave us some time ago, this being that we the stars seeds have our twin flame on the ships and not here on earth. Since i started wondering on myself who am I and who my soul flame is ? now I know !. I found out from my dreams and I am very happy to know that he comes every time I call him to me , my twin flame that i love , and for that I am very grateful and delighted with everything that will follow and .......the sacred union!

  109. COBRA!
    Actually this post should be better

    I hope this will bring the balance in the community on trump that humanity really needs

    then we can get into the real fight and focus on more important things as a whole :

  110. Oh dear, I only read this update late on, I joined afterwards, I make the intentiin for it still to help...

    1. Oh I was confused, I was a day early! Yippee, it is tonight in UK.


  112. Article: The Missing 425 Years Contained in the Apocrypha That Mysteriously Disappeared From Our Bibles in the 1800s. Find Out Why! Awesome Video.

  113. Mass Arrests & Executions #DraintheSwamp

  114. Have confidence, everything will accelerate! By the end of the year some events will take place; they will be the consequence of the election of the president of the great country that is the United States. Everything will turn one way or another at that point.

    We will do our best to help, but the evil forces, the forces of dark light are very powerful on this world because they are helped by forces which are not of this world. "

    They show me as sticky black clouds that feed on suffering.

    They tell me this again:

    “Remember that Light and Love will always win! It is part of the accomplishment of the plan. "

  115. Just a small message to the people here who are blasting the light forces and their twin souls.

    Since they have the highest conciousness, it is of utmost importance that no kind of darkness (hurt, fear etc) befalls them. Otherwise the Universe will become dark again.

    The same reason applies to the light forces focus, on white english speaking countries. They have the highest conciousness.
    All woman welfare and animal welfare started in those countries first.

    I am neither white nor born anywhere close to those countries, but I understand why Cobra only talks about liberating US first.

    We all have to patiently wait for our turn and all our voices will be heard when it’s the right time.

    Technologically the dark forces are much more advanced than the light forces. But thanks to Hollywood we all think that the head of the light forces is Iron Man. In reality the head of the light forces is probably Shazam (Or KungFu Panda) before he truly discovered his power.
    And since this is not a movie, we all need to wait endlessly for them and ourselves to discover our true potential. All this while the clock does tick tock.

    And, whether I am on a galactic federation ship or on a swamp in some banana republic, if my twin soul is being tortured, I will not be able to take correct decisions. I feel that we are twin souls of certain galactic federation crew members. The higher the rank, more misery for us down here and that means more delays. Remember, the dark forces knew that this time would come and they were ready for every move on the chess board. Despite that the light forces probably win, whenever the darks slip up. It’s a waiting game.

  116. From Opdis:
    8. A major sweep in Israel arresting some very evil Deep State leaders finished on Sat. 19 Sept. and arrests were going on in many other countries like the arrests continuing in Southern Australia rescuing many, many children from Deep State traffickers.


  117. I am the manifestation of the universal consciousness of time
    I experience time in all its forms
    Who am I?
    But what am I?
    My task in this existence is to become timeless and eternal again. Thank you Cobra. Victory of light.

  118. The neighbor who lives just above my house, she's sick and they put a device on her so that she could breathe, she sleeps in the bedroom that is above my bedroom, I have not stopped repeating the command RCV Stardust to help her because she is a very "Matrix" person neither she nor her family would activate the command nor are they good people to me so they would never listen to me, that is why I repeat the command every day asking for her recovery instead telling them to activate the command and it is already two or three days that I do not hear the device, nor the I hear her coughing like before ... this is my testimony about the RCV Stardust command.

    Everything it's okay.

  119. From Ben Fulford

    September 21,2020

    As Zionists purged in Israel, the next target is Switzerland
