Cobra, I am wondering if someone could please remove the commercials/ads on the Hostage Liberation Meditation link as it is an interruption when one is trying to meditate. Thank you COBRA, LFs & RM and everyone else for all that you are doing for humanity to get us closer to the event and a better life for all. VOTL!
If you have firefox, brave, or chrome browsers I know you can go to the extensions and put in an ad blocker. You will find it under the tool tab in firefox. Do a search for the ad blocker, it is free. I don't see ads on youtube with the ad blocker installed. I use firefox and brave.
Absolutely amazing, marvelous meditation this morning! Vibrations of Love, Gamma pink omni-particle explosions of bejeweled commemoration of the liberated hostages, jewels left behind in polished pink marbled catacombs likened to a Temple to their sacrifice and liberation. Reminders that never again shall that enslavement occur. The chimera is 'netted' and on their way back to Source that determines their fate and restructure. Ave Maria Blessed mother Sophia. Thank You.
If each sequence corresponds to 1-10 entities cleared within human psyche - then we have anywhere between a year to a decade.
In any case, Jan 1 2026 will be the watershed moment. If we get the extension of 'window of opportunity' - that's an answer, if we don't - that's an answer too.
Thats so amazing! Of course i dont know the exact meaning of the codes of Cobra on this blog (i suggest i should even be grateful for that 😅) But as im pretty sure lots of souls who follow this blog get a sense from their higher self - for mi its a subtile feeling what it is about.. Since the alert and security breach a few day ago we had work to do (especially the element individuals for which im pleased they do their duty For the light ❤️) No we are past WIPEOUT 6! We got there only in a few months from WIPEOUT 2 Be Aware of this Speed , - it’s just unbelievable how fast past the Game is going - Love it! As always, thanks and honors to Cobra the Light Forces and every Soul on the Surface who dont give up but LIGHT it up haha 🥰❤️
@Sasanka they probably look more like maman spider statues. There's definitely a reason they're putting these 9-meter tall ugly and terrifying statues everywhere. They don't even look like normal spiders and no one in their right mind would put them outside in public for everyone to see, and make so many copies of them.
Maybe it's just a symbolic representation of the Chimera spiders though. But they might've as well showed their real bodies, since the surface population won't see them anyway.
JS - Mexican TV Show Tries Debunking Internet Rumor, but Fail:
The TV show:
*\(^o^)/* one step by step. keep going. 7. i feel more and more that i am not just what i think was human before... i lost,but there was something grand beyond the lost space... my meditation feelings are expanding.. i feel i am not just human ... i am some soul*over soul kinds of things...... thanks .we. our. life all hugs together like one crystal. lighter more...
I stumbled on this site as a recommendation from someone else. I have no clue what all these messages mean, but I’m praying for you all. Hopefully with the solar flash maybe some of us who are awake, but not to the level you seem to be, will come further along. You seem to be working hard and the rest of us will do whatever little bit we can. Godspeed
Clearly i don't think so. Why you think the Wipeout sequence 8 is the mass arrests???
You clearly don't have inside source and no one can know what these Wipeout sequence are for. Only the resistance movement and some people that are connected.
Don't expect the sequence 8 to be the last one.
I have said in the past that sequance 3 was the chimera because it was logic in a way. After learning the lesson i will never suppose again even if my higher self is saying to me what it is because it's never 100% correct and clearly we don't know nothing about it.
I advise you to not be to much focus on these messages.
Clearly they are going very slowly. Very disappointing actually. I hope they have at least Wipeout the last SSP crafts that are clearly a bunch of clowns with their old useless spacecraft compared to the light forces.
Is like the light forces are afraid to hurt there enemies.
I just hope they just KILL them.
People that kidnapped kids and train them in the ssp and with satanist programing needs to be killed. Actually be killed is a gift for them but yeah just juge them and then if that's bad, just put them in the central sun.
Clearly, if they are still people being tortured and then create the lop that cobra have said for almost 3 weeks now. There is clearly something we don't know that impeach them to enter. It can be the toplet bombs or just the fact that they can't kill every soldier easily even with way more advanced technology.
I clearly think that's the first one. I think the resistance movement is clearly the best trained person to deal with them but it can be everything.
The Wipeout sequences are going faster and faster. Did someone say there were 8 total? Feeling excitement and anticipation, we're right on the cusp of Light victories being more visible and obvious.
Seven Years after Michael Lewis Described on National TV How the U.S. Stock Market Is Rigged, SEC Chair Gensler Says He’s Going to Tackle Market Structure By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 10, 2021 ~
Yesterday, Gary Gensler, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, delivered a speech at the virtual Piper Sandler Global Exchange and FinTech Conference. Gensler promised to tackle at least some of the tricked-up aspects of the U.S. stock market that have rendered it the envy of organized crime, rather than the envy of the world as Wall Street titans like to delude themselves.
If Gensler actually follows through on his promise, he will be doing far more than was done by Obama’s SEC chiefs, Mary Schapiro and Mary Jo White.
There is a precise date as to when President Obama and SEC Chair Mary Jo White became overtly aware that the stock market structure had been outrageously rigged. That date is March 30, 2014 when famed author and former Wall Street veteran, Michael Lewis, went on 60 Minutes to proclaim: “The United States stock market, the most iconic market in global capitalism, is rigged.”
When asked to explain just who it is that’s rigging the stock market, Lewis explained that it’s a “combination of these stock exchanges, the big Wall Street banks and high-frequency traders.”
Not only was nothing done by the Obama administration to stop the rigging of the market, but the rigging has actually gotten much worse with the proliferation of Wall Street banks’ Dark Pools and hedge funds taking over big chunks of stock market structure.
The appearance of Lewis on 60 Minutes was in conjunction with the release of his 2014 book, Flash Boys. The book revealed how U.S. stock exchanges are selling high speed access to trading data that the general public does not have access to by allowing high frequency trading firms and Wall Street banks to co-locate their computers alongside the computers of the stock exchange.
A reasonable person might think that the practice would have been quickly halted by the SEC. In fact, the only thing that has changed is the New York Stock Exchange has increased its fees for co-location services, which can now run into tens of thousands of dollars each month. (See the NYSE’s co-location price list for 2021. Prices begin on page 35.)
Notably, Gensler’s speech did not point the finger at the stock exchanges allowing just the richest trading houses to pay big bucks for preferential treatment and high-speed access to trading data through co-location services. Nor did Gensler indicate he thought the SEC should probe the clandestine trading practices of the Wall Street mega banks’ Dark Pools.
Gensler staked out a very narrow set of targets in his speech: payment-for-order flow, the gamification of markets and clearinghouses. (You can read his full speech here.)
If Gensler is just warming up in the bullpen, that’s one thing. But if he’s simply hoping to quiet Democrats in the Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees (who have been holding hearings on Citadel’s payment-for-order flow and Robinhood’s gamification of markets) without ruffling the feathers of the big Wall Street banks and their Dark Pools and other market-rigging operations, then he’s going to face some uncomfortable questioning when he is called to hearings before these Committees.
Obama’s SEC Chair, Mary Jo White, previously came under a scathing critique (and rightfully so) by Senator Elizabeth Warren for a long list of failures to hold Wall Street accountable. Gensler would do well to avoid the same fate.
Gensler has already had one serious misstep. He selected a Paul Weiss law partner, Alex Young K. Oh, for his top crime chief to serve in the key role as Director of Enforcement. Wall Street On Parade published an in-depth rebuke of the selection of Oh and she was gone the same day, lasting six days on the job. (See SEC’s Gary Gensler Picks a 20-Year Wall Street Bank Defender for His Crime Chief.) It also didn’t help that Oh and Paul Weiss were sanctioned by a Judge for improper conduct in a case where they were representing Exxon Mobil against allegations of human rights violations.
Progressives have long memories and have not forgotten how Obama conducted himself when it came to appointing Wall Street regulators. Gensler has already lost a big chunk of trust with his six-day Director of Enforcement. He now needs to chart a steady course and actually get the job done of finally unrigging U.S. markets.
Can there be a global hostage liberation meditation done at the same time? And if so when can it be arranged? Hopefully immediately as this will probably speed things up.
@117Chris1 PFfft, I'll be happy if the good ET's show up ANYTIME, and take me with them. This is not MY home planet, and I want to go home with my REAL family, and BECOME ET like them again, and less human.
It's staying on this planet that scares the shit out of me, 117.
If you're meditating and supporting the energy of then you are a Resistance Movement!!! We're all ground forces when we choose to be all that we can be in Mind, Body, Soul.
On another note: I'm seeing a lot of the spider consciousness contributions of Chaos and Order. It's such a beautiful web of creation, way to go... I'm humbled by the experience. I was pleased to see this update and feel much more balanced in mind...
If you don't want Youtube ads, just use the uBlock Origin extension. It completely bypasses all YT ads (except those directly encoded in the videos by the content producers themselves of course). I don't understand how there are people who can tolerate browsing the web without an adblocker nowadays.
Cobra, I suggest we come up with a new Pleiadian healing protocol that would dissolve, transmute or deactivate the toxins and/or microchip on vaccines.
What we can do also as a collective of Lightworkers is to visualize during our meditations, the White Fire of AN dissolving, transmuting all toxins on every vaccine ever created and those already introduced into the body including the microchip.
With Firefox you can go to extensions, do a search for ad blocker install it, and that will stop ads on the youtube videos. The brave browser block the ads also.
Comprehending self-leadership and discerning true leadership qualities are important factors in how you lead and direct your own life, setting your course and cultivating personal fulfillment and joy through finding spiritual purpose. Some people are born with a blueprint that helps them to become natural leaders, while others can cultivate these qualities by desiring to improve themselves and their lives through expressing more joy, meaning and purpose. Self-leadership is directly related to personal spiritual development, to know thyself. By having greater self-awareness, personal values and self-confidence, you will better discern others deeper motivations and not blindly follow other people and organizations that abuse power and authority. By understanding our own unique gifts, being honest about personal strengths and weaknesses, and being willing to learn lessons through day to day experiences, we gain immense clarity and knowledge about the interactions we have in every area of our lives. This clarity allows us to prioritize and find single-minded focus for the things that we truly value, and through our direct focus and attention, want to create more of in building a rewarding lifestyle.
The current culture wars are using aggressive mind control tactics to purposely attack Individualism, autonomy and Self-Leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow collectivism, heteronomy (coercion), and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. This culture war is being marketed through the acceptable Mainstreaming of Satanism, as many are unaware that the roots of these slavery ideologies are indeed satanic. With this in mind, it is worth reflecting on the current macrocosm of world events, and noting how these many mainstream influences may impact your personal life.
What do I believe in and give value to in my life? What are my strengths and weaknesses, what can I improve? Where am I going? Am I able to withstand discomfort in order to make the changes required to be my highest self? When enduring times of great turmoil that can act as a spiritual catalyst, this is when we undergo tests of moral character, tests of self-awareness in order to refine and distill the purity of our inner spiritual essence. In these challenging stages, we may be met with an increased sensation of dark entity attacks, astral related phenomena, victimizer programming, audio inserts of self-doubt dialogues, all related to perpetuating fear-based programming out to the masses. The intensity of these experiences can help us to better comprehend the self-mastery we must develop over the hidden shadow aspects, as we rise above the fear in order to propel ourselves forward to another stage of spiritual awakening, to arrive at inner clarity.
Can a person who abides by self-leadership or self-determination be compatible with members of other species which are Hive-Minds? There are species who are Hive-Minds who are intelligence and can build FTL-capable space ships out there.
Putting in a request for all lightworkers that feel guided to do so. My best friend's sister is in a bad way now from cancer. She is in her 50's. She is now in the hospital and he feels she is not going to make it. Please send energy her way and ask the angels to assist which ever way it goes. She is in Cleveland Ohio. Her name is Laury DiLuzio. If there are any RM/LF members that see this and are able to help with this please do. Thanks for reading my post.
Yesterday, I saw three or more cloaked rainbow ships just behind a cloud cast in shadow. We are making breakthroughs here and there! Let's keep meditating. It's working, I believe. :)
I too saw a rainbow cloud a few evenings ago. I dont know about it being a "ship" but it was my first one, i smiled to myself as my wife scoffed at my interpretation.
Earlier today I was given the task to go and buy some water for the people at work. Without thinking about the time I went on my way two hours later. Turns out that at the moment of the peak of the solar eclipse I was in the car and Genesis' Invisible Touch started playing. Nicely played, Universe.
A magnitude-5.0 earthquake occurred in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) at 10:54 June 10. The epicenter was about 87 km (54 miles) southwest of Kabare, South Kivu Province. I have looked on the map, "Kabare, South Kivu" is near lake Kivu!
Perfect timing of the clearings, we are getting closer and closer. Today we elect new president, PLEASE pray for Perú against the Fujimori's corruption and impunity. VICTORIA DE LA LUZ
Sorry for double posting, but I have a hint the next update would be on next few days. I am having a days of too much anxiety because of local politics events. God bless us all.
Cobra I work at a major hospital in USA - they are mandating vaccines now and I don’t want to lose my job so I likely will be forced to take the vaccine. Any recommendations on how to avoid side effects or is this something worth fighting for (refuse the vaccine). Thank you for all that you do for us lowly human beings
Hey there! I face the similar situation at the moment, but i work in a doctor’s office in Austria! I would also be very thankful for a response due to this topic… Thank you Cobra
Experimental not approved by FDA. Not vaccines wont make u immune only lessen symptoms per white papers.. of course many dying now and more later spike proteins invade all organs. Can u quit and make it on 401k we are close now. Illegal to force it in many states.. relocate
Such an honor to participate in the meditation during the solar eclipse earlier for the liberation of all hostages underground! It was powerful. I cried and cried as I sent them healing energy. VOTL ❤️❤️❤️ I said several times, if we, humans, got to live for thousands of years, and not age, like the ET's, we would be more patient. With our DNA having been raped, we have pathetically short lives, and we age.
I really wish the light forces would know just what it's like to be a genetically raped primate...aka human. THEN they'd get an idea as to how fucked up things are like here.
Cobra, I am most curious what the likelihood of reaching Alpha timeline vs Gamma? How certain were we that divinity would be found in such a short time? It for me is a major gamble, felt in the guts, because speaking linear it wasn't that long of a life span to accomplish the goal, my personal feelings.
Road mapping my mind with what I watched in the first episode of Loki. I do look forward to the End Game and thank you for all you do. You know how much I love you..? The same amount of times you called and I didn't answer. VotL Son Goku
you all have helped the Light Forces a lot with this focused meditation and managed to remove the so called obstacle "Wipeout Sequence 6" within one month, which brought us again a big step closer to the event.
No matter how many more Wipeout sequences are to come, please keep up the good work.
I really feel so much beeter since wipeout 6 message from cobra? Anyone else too? Overall physical, emotional, mental, spiritual much lighter in every way .. Please reply if you feel so too :) Or maybe @Cobra: can you comment on my feelings?
Question for Cobra-When is the Event going to happen? How much longer? This is taking way too long and I just wanna know how much longer until the Event, what obstacles are left? Haven’t all the obstacles been cleared yet?
Yes but as each sequence is complete it appears the time it takes to complete the next sequence is shortening.. makes sense the resistance the dark ones can offer diminishes
I see the Plant consciousness more and more. Loved how the martial artist would make snapping and whipping sounds with their limbs. Much power in our roots... Much appreciation for all who journey through life.
Essentially, Self-Leadership is an integrated skill set that is formed through deep self-inquiry and reflection, in which a person seeks to know who they really are, what their strengths and weaknesses are. They are working to communicate that honestly with self and others, and are then cultivating personal behaviors that align them to who they really want to be, which is their highest expression. Every person has a unique spiritual Blueprint that holds the fundamental basis of what is more natural and aligned for that individual’s unique spiritual expression. When we are able to creatively connect within and express our spiritual blueprint, we are content and happy, we experience meaningful connection and blissful joy in our life. Expressing our spiritual purpose is what makes us truly fulfilled and happy, no matter what is happening in the state of the world we coexist within.
Simultaneously, we must awaken to recognize that we exist in a mind-controlled reality in which every single human has been oppressed, traumatized and derailed from expressing their true spiritual blueprint, as the Controllers attempt to prevent mass awakening and spiritual ascension on the earth. To oppress and derail the spiritual activation and higher purpose of each individual, the main Psychological Warfare techniques are aimed to incite fear-based thoughts that destroy the concepts of individualism, autonomy and self-leadership in the minds of human beings.
To strengthen spiritually and develop our best qualities, we must accept that life is filled with constant challenges that offer us lessons to grow, and that we cannot fear change or the unknown. We can take these challenges in life and consider them opportunities to develop our self-awareness, self-confidence and self-efficacy in developing skills, so that we can fully actualize our highest spiritual expression. All events in our life have purpose to help us grow and evolve to actualize our spiritual blueprint, and we must remember that nothing is wasted, all is supplied for us to take the opportunity to master ourselves, lead our lives, and actualize our purpose.
Understanding the Ultra Rich and Their Controllers:
Frequency of Fear and Feeling Unsafe
The frequency of fear is what makes people feel threatened and unsafe in the world, as well as feel disconnected and separated from other people, which generates disunity in the world. Disunity breeds self-deception, false perceptions and many negative ego character flaws that generate relationally unsafe people. People with a lack of empathy or ethical conduct have a tendency to deeply criticize, blame or judge others. When fear rules us, darkness rules us. It also rules our relationships, which extinguishes the possibility for sharing deep human heart connections and forming empathic and loving bonds. Please take note of how fear is rooted in darkness and can destroy ethical conduct, respect and empathy for others very easily. Fear destroys the hope for unified cooperation to exist between people which breaks down compassionate communication, that could be directed towards problem solving greater issues that impact all of humanity. One controller type person that uses fear to manipulate others for power can easily destroy the accumulated unity, positivity and trust earned in an entire organization or community, in one fell swoop. Thus, fear is the main manipulation tool of the controller archetype that is designed to generate perceptions of being threatened and feeling unsafe in the company of others and in any kind of social setting. It also produces relationally unsafe people, who are generally unethical, disrespectful people that lack empathy for others.
Essentially, unsafe people have weak character qualities that tend to spread fear and disunity, which make other people feel unsafe while in their presence. Many unsafe people have developed walls to distance themselves from others because of their hidden fears, that stem from unhealed personal trauma. All of us have been in the company of an unsafe person and noticed how uncomfortable and tense we may feel while in their presence. When we cannot be authentic and truthful in the presence of another because we fear they will judge, persecute or attack us for revealing ourselves, we feel deeply uncomfortable, drained and unsafe when we are in their presence. Many relationally unsafe people are ruled by their fears and many of their reactions and impulses are made unconsciously, through their unhealed mental or emotional triggers.
Let’s bring to mind some fear based negative ego qualities that create Relationally Unsafe People, people we cannot be completely truthful around without fearing we will suffer some kind of repercussion, attack or punishment. Unsafe people can be judgmental, blaming, manipulative, dishonest, narcissistic, emotionally unstable, irresponsible, gossips, Gaslighters, control freaks, back-stabbers, demanding, and entitled with superior attitudes. Sounds like a lot of darkness is present in those behaviors, doesn’t it? When in the company of people that demonstrate these fear based negative ego qualities, we may need to create strong boundaries and set the terms of our interaction with them. In some cases we may need to sever the connection entirely. There is generally nothing positive that will come from continually feeding destructive, harmful or abusive relationship patterns that refuse to heal or evolve. We have to plant seeds where there is fertile soil, if we want a garden to grow. And to shift out of the negative polarity of fear, one may need to pull weeds, or walk away from that relationship pattern as an act of self-love and self-preservation.
Understanding the Ultra Rich and Their Controllers:
Frequency of Fear and Feeling Unsafe
However, if we habitually feel unsafe with others, it may be we need to demystify the reasons we feel afraid, and discern the difference between people that demonstrate unsafe behaviors, and those who demonstrate responsible and safe behaviors. This also means that if we feel unsafe, it is our spiritual duty to build safety within ourselves by developing inner strength, based in the higher qualities that make us a safe person to be around. Strong spiritual foundation is built upon the cornerstone of moral character development and building trust inside and outside for ourselves. Trust is built upon the consistent ethical behaviors of moral conduct where people are treated with equal respect and kindness, and allowed to be who they are without repercussion. As much as you may feel unsafe with others, are you yourself a safe person for others to be around? Many times what we fear in others is the hidden unconscious behavior that we have not cleared from within our own deepest selves. Until we are willing to look at these hidden fears, we can also easily project or transfer these fears onto other people.
As a basic guideline for extracting fears by replacing negative qualities with positive qualities, is monitoring day-to-day thoughts and behaviors. We can look to GSF Behavior or simply adhere to the Golden Rule. Treat others' as you would like to be treated, and intend to build self-esteem through esteeming actions.
At some point it is helpful to realize that the current accepted reality of negative ego behaviors and the frequency of fear, has been used against people of the earth as a psychological weapon to weaken them. Fear is broadcasted everywhere in our environment and this has produced relationally unsafe people all around us. Fear weakens moral character and it stunts the higher attributes of generosity, kindness and tolerance for others. The manufacture of endless enemies in the mainstream media maintains the mass perception of continual threats, which condition more fears and learned helplessness into the unconscious mind and pain body of humanity. The fear broadcast drills down into our personal lives, infecting our thoughts, behaviors and relationships with the frequency of fear. The frequency of fear produces feelings and perceptions that we are unsafe, unsafe with others, unsafe inside ourselves. Knowing that we live on a planet imprisoned through the mass broadcast of the frequency of fear, can be helpful to disentangle us from the mainstream fear broadcasts and fear based reactions of people around us. Refuse to take on and wear the frequency of fear running in the exterior. When we can see the fear agendas operating in the external, we can go within and sift through what is sourcing from within. Becoming aware of what fears may have been taken on through being with fear based people, as well as noting the outer agendas that use forms of electronic harassment and media based mind control.
Dear reader, circumstances demand that I say a few words at this time. Due to threats and warnings I was forced to ‘go offline’ completely over a period of 8 weeks. More correctly I had to go into hiding. No telephone, PC, iPad and no bankcard payments were allowed if I was to remain alive. The effects of this time period under great pressure and in hiding has taken its toll on my health. I need to put my entire focus upon the return of my health at this important time so that I am ready for this Transit when its upon us. Therefore my last entry / update prior to The Event is the one entitled ‘As We Transit’ ~ see # 370 below ~ roll down this page and you will find it directly below the Video with the Goddess Meditation by Cobra and Isis. Finally I would remind all readers that over a time period of approximately 2 weeks’ time prior to The Event there will be daily revelations of deep truths surfacing on MSM. Things will seem to be somewhat ‘crazy’ then. People will have some very strong reactions. Trust that these revelations are a necessary part of the awakening process for mankind. All of this turmoil will end suddenly with The Event. All will be very well in the end. That is ensured. Love Therese Z
What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird? Quote from VERITAS GALACTIC SWEDEN, Therese Zumi
in order to eliminate the energetic parasites and eliminate the implants in just a few hours, a person on earth must be aware of the twin flame and then ask the twin flame - with his astral to enter and come out from her physical body until all the parasites and implants from the physical body exit from the body. And only then the physical contact with twin flame may be possible.
ReplyDeleteYesssss i knew it that something was going good today!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's Go Light Forces!!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!
Cobra, I am wondering if someone could please remove the commercials/ads on the Hostage Liberation Meditation link as it is an interruption when one is trying to meditate.
ReplyDeleteThank you COBRA, LFs & RM and everyone else for all that you are doing for humanity to get us closer to the event and a better life for all. VOTL!
YT creators have no control over that. You can subscribe to YT Red if you want to eliminate ads.
DeleteGet an addblocker! 💗
DeleteOr just download the guided meditations!
DeleteIf you have firefox, brave, or chrome browsers I know you can go to the extensions and put in an ad blocker. You will find it under the tool tab in firefox. Do a search for the ad blocker, it is free. I don't see ads on youtube with the ad blocker installed. I use firefox and brave.
DeleteMy favorite adblocker is ublock origin
DeleteThank you all for all of your ad blocking suggestions. Will try them now.
DeleteCobra, should we keep doing the hostage liberation meditation?
DeleteAbsolutely amazing, marvelous meditation this morning! Vibrations of Love, Gamma pink omni-particle explosions of bejeweled commemoration of the liberated hostages, jewels left behind in polished pink marbled catacombs likened to a Temple to their sacrifice and liberation.
DeleteReminders that never again shall that enslavement occur.
The chimera is 'netted' and on their way back to Source that determines their fate and restructure.
Ave Maria
Blessed mother Sophia.
Thank You.
Are you kidding? will this comedy ever end?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIf each sequence corresponds to 1-10 entities cleared within human psyche - then we have anywhere between a year to a decade.
DeleteIn any case, Jan 1 2026 will be the watershed moment.
If we get the extension of 'window of opportunity' - that's an answer, if we don't - that's an answer too.
Stay positive it will accelerate now Berlin is surrounded
DeleteAt least we have humor left.
Unknown 😂😂😂 you make me laugh way to much 😂😂😂.
DeleteThats so amazing!
ReplyDeleteOf course i dont know the exact meaning of the codes of Cobra on this blog (i suggest i should even be grateful for that 😅)
But as im pretty sure lots of souls who follow this blog get a sense from their higher self - for mi its a subtile feeling what it is about..
Since the alert and security breach a few day ago we had work to do (especially the element individuals for which im pleased they do their duty For the light ❤️)
No we are past WIPEOUT 6!
We got there only in a few months from WIPEOUT 2
Be Aware of this Speed , - it’s just unbelievable how fast past the Game is going - Love it!
As always, thanks and honors to Cobra the Light Forces and every Soul on the Surface who dont give up but LIGHT it up haha 🥰❤️
Exactly like a snowball it keeps gaining mass and momentum
DeleteFinish the meditation to this. Victory of the Light brothers and sisters. Love to you all. We are powerful sovereign beings connected to Source.
ReplyDeleteYEEESSSSSS ! Victory of the Light !
ReplyDeleteGreaaaaaaaaaaaaaat !
ReplyDeleteUnconditional love and thanks to all who made this possible 💖🌠 Victory of Light!
ReplyDeleteLet's hope it was Chimera spider king and queen being cleared.
ReplyDeleteExactly 1 month for wipeout sequence 6.
Whenever I think about the Spider Queen, I get the image of Shelob from Lord of the Rings.
Delete@Sasanka they probably look more like maman spider statues. There's definitely a reason they're putting these 9-meter tall ugly and terrifying statues everywhere. They don't even look like normal spiders and no one in their right mind would put them outside in public for everyone to see, and make so many copies of them.
DeleteMaybe it's just a symbolic representation of the Chimera spiders though. But they might've as well showed their real bodies, since the surface population won't see them anyway.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Light Force!
Victory of the Light!
Amazing progress yessssss!!!!! Chimera gone? 🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteYES!!!!! YES!!!!! So excited!!!
ReplyDeleteCobra I love you!! when this is over, I want to hug you to the moooon! 😁 (ofcourse only when thats ok for you) 😘
ReplyDeletehello :-) I'm going with you to hug Cobra ;-)
DeleteYes! Cobra needs a big hug if he's okay with that.
DeleteVictory of the Light 🕯️ Thank you
ReplyDeleteThere goes the theory of only 6 sequences of some people here.
ReplyDeleteYes, it’s coming.
ReplyDeleteJust did the liberation meditation in the eclipse. Is this message connected with the meditation?
ReplyDeletespeed up to the final victory!VOTL!
ReplyDeleteBlack alert has not cleared?
ReplyDeleteMonday, May 10, 2021
ReplyDeleteWipeout sequence 5 complete, wipeout sequence 6 in progress
How Covid Revealed the Soulless Among the So Called Spiritual and Neopagan Community - Thomas Sheridan
JS - Mexican TV Show Tries Debunking Internet Rumor, but Fail:
The TV show:
Thomas Sheridan been on fire recently. He's been making very good content that I resonate with. Thanks for having introduced him to me.
DeleteJS - Dark Technology 'Philadelphia Experiment' level behind phone sticking to injected arm:
Thank you for the hard work the Earth Alliance team has put forward. Peace and love to all.
ReplyDeleteThank you to the Earth Alliance team for the hard, unmatched effort and energy put forward for galactic balance. Peace and love to you all.
ReplyDeleteone step by step.
keep going.
i feel more and more that i am not just what i think was human before...
i lost,but there was something grand beyond the lost space...
my meditation feelings are expanding..
i feel i am not just human ...
i am some soul*over soul kinds of things......
thanks .we. our.
life all hugs together like one crystal.
lighter more...
I stumbled on this site as a recommendation from someone else. I have no clue what all these messages mean, but I’m praying for you all. Hopefully with the solar flash maybe some of us who are awake, but not to the level you seem to be, will come further along. You seem to be working hard and the rest of us will do whatever little bit we can. Godspeed
ReplyDelete51% in the heart all that matters! Love forgiveness kindness pretty easy really
DeleteTake care of your avatar good clean water food and thoughts .. no vax
Well, that didn't take long.
ReplyDeletevictory of the light!
ReplyDeletelove and light!
ReplyDeleteAre special mass meditation planned for this year during astrological events? Thanks. Victory of the light?
ReplyDeleteWe are nearing the compression breakthrough. Spiders beware, we are coming to get you.
ReplyDeleteI so hope I get a chance to take one on in a fight.
DeleteVictory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteWooo hoo!! Bring on the light, sweet baby Jesus!!! Victory goes to earth!!!💕😃
ReplyDeleteGreat, I wonder if there will be Wipeout sequence 69 too.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about that. Some of the happiest memories are because of wipeout sequence 69 💦😜
DeleteOhhh mein Gott. Das ist so gut ❤️
ReplyDeleteGermany stay strong we expect merkel goes down soon
DeleteEncourging - VOTL
ReplyDeleteVictory to the light!
ReplyDeleteSo be it, so it is.
Heating up!
ReplyDeleteVictory is near! ❤️
ReplyDeleteVery good, are the hostages free? How many wipeout sequences are there in total?
ReplyDeleteMore than 20?
DeleteCobra can we have info about the Toplet bombs? It will be interesting to know what is the situation there.
ReplyDeleteCobra, is this referring to chimera being wiped out?
ReplyDeleteIt must be the rest of the Chimera and then mass arrests will be wipeout sequence 8.
DeleteClearly i don't think so. Why you think the Wipeout sequence 8 is the mass arrests???
You clearly don't have inside source and no one can know what these Wipeout sequence are for. Only the resistance movement and some people that are connected.
Don't expect the sequence 8 to be the last one.
I have said in the past that sequance 3 was the chimera because it was logic in a way. After learning the lesson i will never suppose again even if my higher self is saying to me what it is because it's never 100% correct and clearly we don't know nothing about it.
I advise you to not be to much focus on these messages.
Clearly they are going very slowly. Very disappointing actually. I hope they have at least Wipeout the last SSP crafts that are clearly a bunch of clowns with their old useless spacecraft compared to the light forces.
Is like the light forces are afraid to hurt there enemies.
I just hope they just KILL them.
People that kidnapped kids and train them in the ssp and with satanist programing needs to be killed. Actually be killed is a gift for them but yeah just juge them and then if that's bad, just put them in the central sun.
Clearly, if they are still people being tortured and then create the lop that cobra have said for almost 3 weeks now. There is clearly something we don't know that impeach them to enter.
It can be the toplet bombs or just the fact that they can't kill every soldier easily even with way more advanced technology.
I clearly think that's the first one. I think the resistance movement is clearly the best trained person to deal with them but it can be everything.
Yep, Galactique. I hope they kill all those rat fuck sons of bitches, and finally have this war NOT slowly.
DeleteI want to be both ALIVE, and YOUNG enough to actually enjoy the good stuff.
WHEN Are they going to run out of fucking bombs?!
Delete@sherman @Джулый Либра Акила
DeleteYess agree with both of you!
Stay safe 🙏🏽
That was fast!! Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteI hope this means all the hostages are safely rescued already!!!
Heavens & Earth as One :)(:
VOTL!! <3
ReplyDeleteThe Wipeout sequences are going faster and faster. Did someone say there were 8 total? Feeling excitement and anticipation, we're right on the cusp of Light victories being more visible and obvious.
ReplyDeleteSeven Years after Michael Lewis Described on National TV How the U.S. Stock Market Is Rigged, SEC Chair Gensler Says He’s Going to Tackle Market Structure
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 10, 2021 ~
Yesterday, Gary Gensler, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, delivered a speech at the virtual Piper Sandler Global Exchange and FinTech Conference. Gensler promised to tackle at least some of the tricked-up aspects of the U.S. stock market that have rendered it the envy of organized crime, rather than the envy of the world as Wall Street titans like to delude themselves.
If Gensler actually follows through on his promise, he will be doing far more than was done by Obama’s SEC chiefs, Mary Schapiro and Mary Jo White.
There is a precise date as to when President Obama and SEC Chair Mary Jo White became overtly aware that the stock market structure had been outrageously rigged. That date is March 30, 2014 when famed author and former Wall Street veteran, Michael Lewis, went on 60 Minutes to proclaim: “The United States stock market, the most iconic market in global capitalism, is rigged.”
When asked to explain just who it is that’s rigging the stock market, Lewis explained that it’s a “combination of these stock exchanges, the big Wall Street banks and high-frequency traders.”
Not only was nothing done by the Obama administration to stop the rigging of the market, but the rigging has actually gotten much worse with the proliferation of Wall Street banks’ Dark Pools and hedge funds taking over big chunks of stock market structure.
The appearance of Lewis on 60 Minutes was in conjunction with the release of his 2014 book, Flash Boys. The book revealed how U.S. stock exchanges are selling high speed access to trading data that the general public does not have access to by allowing high frequency trading firms and Wall Street banks to co-locate their computers alongside the computers of the stock exchange.
A reasonable person might think that the practice would have been quickly halted by the SEC. In fact, the only thing that has changed is the New York Stock Exchange has increased its fees for co-location services, which can now run into tens of thousands of dollars each month. (See the NYSE’s co-location price list for 2021. Prices begin on page 35.)
Wouah... Only 10 days between 7 and 6 ! VotL :=)
ReplyDeleteNotably, Gensler’s speech did not point the finger at the stock exchanges allowing just the richest trading houses to pay big bucks for preferential treatment and high-speed access to trading data through co-location services. Nor did Gensler indicate he thought the SEC should probe the clandestine trading practices of the Wall Street mega banks’ Dark Pools.
Gensler staked out a very narrow set of targets in his speech: payment-for-order flow, the gamification of markets and clearinghouses. (You can read his full speech here.)
If Gensler is just warming up in the bullpen, that’s one thing. But if he’s simply hoping to quiet Democrats in the Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees (who have been holding hearings on Citadel’s payment-for-order flow and Robinhood’s gamification of markets) without ruffling the feathers of the big Wall Street banks and their Dark Pools and other market-rigging operations, then he’s going to face some uncomfortable questioning when he is called to hearings before these Committees.
Obama’s SEC Chair, Mary Jo White, previously came under a scathing critique (and rightfully so) by Senator Elizabeth Warren for a long list of failures to hold Wall Street accountable. Gensler would do well to avoid the same fate.
Gensler has already had one serious misstep. He selected a Paul Weiss law partner, Alex Young K. Oh, for his top crime chief to serve in the key role as Director of Enforcement. Wall Street On Parade published an in-depth rebuke of the selection of Oh and she was gone the same day, lasting six days on the job. (See SEC’s Gary Gensler Picks a 20-Year Wall Street Bank Defender for His Crime Chief.) It also didn’t help that Oh and Paul Weiss were sanctioned by a Judge for improper conduct in a case where they were representing Exxon Mobil against allegations of human rights violations.
Progressives have long memories and have not forgotten how Obama conducted himself when it came to appointing Wall Street regulators. Gensler has already lost a big chunk of trust with his six-day Director of Enforcement. He now needs to chart a steady course and actually get the job done of finally unrigging U.S. markets.
ReplyDeleteV I C T O R Y O F T H E L I G H T
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra
ReplyDeleteSince wipeout sequence 6 was complete, should we keep doing the hostage meditation?
DeleteCan there be a global hostage liberation meditation done at the same time? And if so when can it be arranged? Hopefully immediately as this will probably speed things up.
DeleteIndividually as a vector of Light, here and now. VOTL! 222
Delete@Джульій Либра Aкила ...Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't the benevolent ETs lift me up for a few hours then send me back down that's all I ask for
ReplyDeleteyeah... be careful what you ask for. just make sure to ask them not to come at night time or it will scare the Shit out of you.
Deletetrust i know
DeletePFfft, I'll be happy if the good ET's show up ANYTIME, and take me with them. This is not MY home planet, and I want to go home with my REAL family, and BECOME ET like them again, and less human.
It's staying on this planet that scares the shit out of me, 117.
Tell me more...
DeleteThey materialize in the night sky all the time, when I’m with company
DeleteIf you're meditating and supporting the energy of then you are a Resistance Movement!!! We're all ground forces when we choose to be all that we can be in Mind, Body, Soul.
ReplyDeleteOn another note:
I'm seeing a lot of the spider consciousness contributions of Chaos and Order. It's such a beautiful web of creation, way to go... I'm humbled by the experience. I was pleased to see this update and feel much more balanced in mind...
Will only mean a damn to me, when I can actually see them and meet them.
DeleteNo ads appear in my case.
ReplyDeleteIf ads do appear, it may be helpful to loop the video. With such videos then no more advertising comes with me from the 2nd run.
Great news!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the light
If you don't want Youtube ads, just use the uBlock Origin extension. It completely bypasses all YT ads (except those directly encoded in the videos by the content producers themselves of course). I don't understand how there are people who can tolerate browsing the web without an adblocker nowadays.
ReplyDeleteGratitude, Gratitude magnetizes abundance, GRATITUDE.
ReplyDeleteCobra, I suggest we come up with a new Pleiadian healing protocol that would dissolve, transmute or deactivate the toxins and/or microchip on vaccines.
ReplyDeleteWas thinking this myself a month or so back
DeleteWhat we can do also as a collective of Lightworkers is to visualize during our meditations, the White Fire of AN dissolving, transmuting all toxins on every vaccine ever created and those already introduced into the body including the microchip.
Delete@AUM AM I...... That's a great idea!
Deletegood job!
ReplyDeleteWith Firefox you can go to extensions, do a search for ad blocker install it, and that will stop ads on the youtube videos. The brave browser block the ads also.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Self-Leadership Important?
ReplyDeleteComprehending self-leadership and discerning true leadership qualities are important factors in how you lead and direct your own life, setting your course and cultivating personal fulfillment and joy through finding spiritual purpose. Some people are born with a blueprint that helps them to become natural leaders, while others can cultivate these qualities by desiring to improve themselves and their lives through expressing more joy, meaning and purpose. Self-leadership is directly related to personal spiritual development, to know thyself. By having greater self-awareness, personal values and self-confidence, you will better discern others deeper motivations and not blindly follow other people and organizations that abuse power and authority. By understanding our own unique gifts, being honest about personal strengths and weaknesses, and being willing to learn lessons through day to day experiences, we gain immense clarity and knowledge about the interactions we have in every area of our lives. This clarity allows us to prioritize and find single-minded focus for the things that we truly value, and through our direct focus and attention, want to create more of in building a rewarding lifestyle.
The current culture wars are using aggressive mind control tactics to purposely attack Individualism, autonomy and Self-Leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow collectivism, heteronomy (coercion), and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. This culture war is being marketed through the acceptable Mainstreaming of Satanism, as many are unaware that the roots of these slavery ideologies are indeed satanic. With this in mind, it is worth reflecting on the current macrocosm of world events, and noting how these many mainstream influences may impact your personal life.
What do I believe in and give value to in my life?
What are my strengths and weaknesses, what can I improve?
Where am I going?
Am I able to withstand discomfort in order to make the changes required to be my highest self?
When enduring times of great turmoil that can act as a spiritual catalyst, this is when we undergo tests of moral character, tests of self-awareness in order to refine and distill the purity of our inner spiritual essence. In these challenging stages, we may be met with an increased sensation of dark entity attacks, astral related phenomena, victimizer programming, audio inserts of self-doubt dialogues, all related to perpetuating fear-based programming out to the masses. The intensity of these experiences can help us to better comprehend the self-mastery we must develop over the hidden shadow aspects, as we rise above the fear in order to propel ourselves forward to another stage of spiritual awakening, to arrive at inner clarity.
...self-leadership, as in Sovereign.
DeleteSee also Natural Law, Golden Principle and the real meaning of An(ti)-archy by Mark Passio.
DeleteWebsite resource:
Similar stuff to what you said here.
Can a person who abides by self-leadership or self-determination be compatible with members of other species which are Hive-Minds? There are species who are Hive-Minds who are intelligence and can build FTL-capable space ships out there.
DeletePutting in a request for all lightworkers that feel guided to do so. My best friend's sister is in a bad way now from cancer. She is in her 50's. She is now in the hospital and he feels she is not going to make it.
ReplyDeletePlease send energy her way and ask the angels to assist which ever way it goes. She is in Cleveland Ohio. Her name is Laury DiLuzio. If there are any RM/LF members that see this and are able to help with this please do.
Thanks for reading my post.
I have a cancer treatment that works 100% each time in 30 days. email me at I'll send it ASAP
The good guys NEED to send the fucking MED BEDS down here, now.
DeleteThe light forces don't have a clue how bad it is down here, they probably never even caught a cold in their mega long life time.
Love and Light to Laury!!
DeleteDid my best, Please let me know if any resolve.... Email me at
DeleteContactez-moi please
DeleteEnviare Reiki para ella 🙏
DeleteIn our thoughts
DeleteDónde tiene el cancer? Necesito saber para enviar energía curativa.🙏
DeleteWill do a meditation for her today.
DeleteBring The Hammer Down
Right the HAMMER!
DeleteIt's pretty much a done deal at this point folks....
Yesterday, I saw three or more cloaked rainbow ships just behind a cloud cast in shadow. We are making breakthroughs here and there! Let's keep meditating. It's working, I believe. :)
ReplyDeleteWill only mean anything when they DECLOAK and LAND.
DeleteI too saw a rainbow cloud a few evenings ago. I dont know about it being a "ship" but it was my first one, i smiled to myself as my wife scoffed at my interpretation.
ReplyDeleteEarlier today I was given the task to go and buy some water for the people at work. Without thinking about the time I went on my way two hours later. Turns out that at the moment of the peak of the solar eclipse I was in the car and Genesis' Invisible Touch started playing.
Nicely played, Universe.
This is not that song, this is
Keep on keeping on.
A magnitude-5.0 earthquake occurred in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) at 10:54 June 10. The epicenter was about 87 km (54 miles) southwest of Kabare, South Kivu Province.
ReplyDeleteI have looked on the map, "Kabare, South Kivu" is near lake Kivu!
Se a sequencia 6 durou 10 dias, as outras 69 sequencias irão durar mais de dois anos.
DeleteNot very deep underground either, just like Cobra said regarding the final bases. Wow!!!
DeleteWe continue to pray for peace on Earth 🌎💛 and we are grateful for the support of our galactic family 💜.
ReplyDeleteHope clouds observation
ReplyDeleteFrank Herbert
Victory of the Light
ReplyDeletePerfect timing of the clearings, we are getting closer and closer. Today we elect new president, PLEASE pray for Perú against the Fujimori's corruption and impunity. VICTORIA DE LA LUZ
ReplyDeleteSorry for double posting, but I have a hint the next update would be on next few days. I am having a days of too much anxiety because of local politics events. God bless us all.
ReplyDeleteVictory of The Light
Cobra I work at a major hospital in USA - they are mandating vaccines now and I don’t want to lose my job so I likely will be forced to take the vaccine. Any recommendations on how to avoid side effects or is this something worth fighting for (refuse the vaccine). Thank you for all that you do for us lowly human beings
DeleteI hope you will find answers in this video. Guidance by Archangel Metatron through Amanda Ellis. 💖
DeleteSame with me, i will begun to work in a place soon where they are mandatoring the workers. We need to finish this mess.
DeleteStay strong and try to resist the most time possible until you see that if you don't do it, you will lose your job.
Hey there!
DeleteI face the similar situation at the moment, but i work in a doctor’s office in Austria!
I would also be very thankful for a response due to this topic…
Thank you Cobra
Experimental not approved by FDA. Not vaccines wont make u immune only lessen symptoms per white papers.. of course many dying now and more later spike proteins invade all organs. Can u quit and make it on 401k we are close now. Illegal to force it in many states.. relocate
DeleteThank you! Feels better NOW :) ♡
ReplyDeleteSuch an honor to participate in the meditation during the solar eclipse earlier for the liberation of all hostages underground! It was powerful. I cried and cried as I sent them healing energy. VOTL ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteWish we know how many more years..... I said several times, if we, humans, got to live for thousands of years, and not age, like the ET's, we would be more patient. With our DNA having been raped, we have pathetically short lives, and we age.
I really wish the light forces would know just what it's like to be a genetically raped primate...aka human. THEN they'd get an idea as to how fucked up things are like here.
Wonder how many more wipe-outs are left before this damned war is finally over.
ReplyDeleteDestroy all Chimera
ReplyDeleteAnything happening for the solstice?
ReplyDeleteGratitude gratitude gratitude!! Amazing news! Freedom and Abundance for ALL!! WWG1WGA
ReplyDeleteHow are the rescued hostages doing? Is their healing process going well?
ReplyDeleteYes never before did ads appear clearly intentional desperation
ReplyDeleteCobra, I am most curious what the likelihood of reaching Alpha timeline vs Gamma? How certain were we that divinity would be found in such a short time? It for me is a major gamble, felt in the guts, because speaking linear it wasn't that long of a life span to accomplish the goal, my personal feelings.
ReplyDeleteRoad mapping my mind with what I watched in the first episode of Loki. I do look forward to the End Game and thank you for all you do. You know how much I love you..? The same amount of times you called and I didn't answer.
Son Goku
Dear Lightworkers,
ReplyDeleteyou all have helped the Light Forces a lot with this focused meditation and managed to remove the so called obstacle "Wipeout Sequence 6" within one month, which brought us again a big step closer to the event.
No matter how many more Wipeout sequences are to come, please keep up the good work.
You have seen what power we have.
Thank you so much to you all.
The Great Canadian Coverup of Ongoing Genocide – Kamloops and beyond:
Kevin Annett goes into fine detail about how and why mass murder in Canada is being concealed and what can be done to stop it.
I'm surprised and also ready for this to happen. Let's fight till its finished. Cause I plan on joining the galactic federation as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletesuper primo excellant works lightforces.....bravo zulu.....
ReplyDeletethat calls for a song of course.....hahahahaha.....
...liberation crystalized.....
starships fill the sky.....
liberation crystalized.....
where will you be.....
when mother earth is free.....
the hammer of thor has come around.....
draconian ships are taken down.....
a solar system sweep and clear.....
liberation is so near.....
global currency reset.....
the qfs is in the ethernet.....
tesla towers are switched on.....
calming and healing the masses along.....
dancing in the jubilee.....
shining light intensities.....
starship warriors we now see.....
the new atlantis comes to be.....
Pentagon officially discloses the Roswell metal is called Nitinol.
I remember when this FOIA happened a couple years ago. Now it's finally happening, wow.
I really feel so much beeter since wipeout 6 message from cobra?
ReplyDeleteAnyone else too?
Overall physical, emotional, mental, spiritual much lighter in every way ..
Please reply if you feel so too :)
Or maybe @Cobra: can you comment on my feelings?
Yes and notice MSM going after Fauci and gates ..more to follow. All will be made known .. the children will awaken the masses ..
DeleteQuestion for Cobra-When is the Event going to happen? How much longer? This is taking way too long and I just wanna know how much longer until the Event, what obstacles are left? Haven’t all the obstacles been cleared yet?
ReplyDeleteBye bye Lake Kivu base?
Thank you CoBra!
ReplyDeleteYes but as each sequence is complete it appears the time it takes to complete the next sequence is shortening.. makes sense the resistance the dark ones can offer diminishes
ReplyDeleteYou can use a youtube video downloader as an extension to firefox. That way the video is on your hard drive.
ReplyDeleteI see the Plant consciousness more and more. Loved how the martial artist would make snapping and whipping sounds with their limbs. Much power in our roots... Much appreciation for all who journey through life.
ReplyDeleteOn Becoming Sovereign
ReplyDeleteEssentially, Self-Leadership is an integrated skill set that is formed through deep self-inquiry and reflection, in which a person seeks to know who they really are, what their strengths and weaknesses are. They are working to communicate that honestly with self and others, and are then cultivating personal behaviors that align them to who they really want to be, which is their highest expression. Every person has a unique spiritual Blueprint that holds the fundamental basis of what is more natural and aligned for that individual’s unique spiritual expression. When we are able to creatively connect within and express our spiritual blueprint, we are content and happy, we experience meaningful connection and blissful joy in our life. Expressing our spiritual purpose is what makes us truly fulfilled and happy, no matter what is happening in the state of the world we coexist within.
Simultaneously, we must awaken to recognize that we exist in a mind-controlled reality in which every single human has been oppressed, traumatized and derailed from expressing their true spiritual blueprint, as the Controllers attempt to prevent mass awakening and spiritual ascension on the earth. To oppress and derail the spiritual activation and higher purpose of each individual, the main Psychological Warfare techniques are aimed to incite fear-based thoughts that destroy the concepts of individualism, autonomy and self-leadership in the minds of human beings.
To strengthen spiritually and develop our best qualities, we must accept that life is filled with constant challenges that offer us lessons to grow, and that we cannot fear change or the unknown. We can take these challenges in life and consider them opportunities to develop our self-awareness, self-confidence and self-efficacy in developing skills, so that we can fully actualize our highest spiritual expression. All events in our life have purpose to help us grow and evolve to actualize our spiritual blueprint, and we must remember that nothing is wasted, all is supplied for us to take the opportunity to master ourselves, lead our lives, and actualize our purpose.
Thank you, these are very wise and truthful words!
DeleteA giant black something came out of middle Europe. So I think different sequences different areas are getting cleaned.
ReplyDeleteWe keep meditating!
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding the Ultra Rich and Their Controllers:
Frequency of Fear and Feeling Unsafe
The frequency of fear is what makes people feel threatened and unsafe in the world, as well as feel disconnected and separated from other people, which generates disunity in the world. Disunity breeds self-deception, false perceptions and many negative ego character flaws that generate relationally unsafe people. People with a lack of empathy or ethical conduct have a tendency to deeply criticize, blame or judge others. When fear rules us, darkness rules us. It also rules our relationships, which extinguishes the possibility for sharing deep human heart connections and forming empathic and loving bonds. Please take note of how fear is rooted in darkness and can destroy ethical conduct, respect and empathy for others very easily. Fear destroys the hope for unified cooperation to exist between people which breaks down compassionate communication, that could be directed towards problem solving greater issues that impact all of humanity. One controller type person that uses fear to manipulate others for power can easily destroy the accumulated unity, positivity and trust earned in an entire organization or community, in one fell swoop. Thus, fear is the main manipulation tool of the controller archetype that is designed to generate perceptions of being threatened and feeling unsafe in the company of others and in any kind of social setting. It also produces relationally unsafe people, who are generally unethical, disrespectful people that lack empathy for others.
Essentially, unsafe people have weak character qualities that tend to spread fear and disunity, which make other people feel unsafe while in their presence. Many unsafe people have developed walls to distance themselves from others because of their hidden fears, that stem from unhealed personal trauma. All of us have been in the company of an unsafe person and noticed how uncomfortable and tense we may feel while in their presence. When we cannot be authentic and truthful in the presence of another because we fear they will judge, persecute or attack us for revealing ourselves, we feel deeply uncomfortable, drained and unsafe when we are in their presence. Many relationally unsafe people are ruled by their fears and many of their reactions and impulses are made unconsciously, through their unhealed mental or emotional triggers.
Let’s bring to mind some fear based negative ego qualities that create Relationally Unsafe People, people we cannot be completely truthful around without fearing we will suffer some kind of repercussion, attack or punishment. Unsafe people can be judgmental, blaming, manipulative, dishonest, narcissistic, emotionally unstable, irresponsible, gossips, Gaslighters, control freaks, back-stabbers, demanding, and entitled with superior attitudes. Sounds like a lot of darkness is present in those behaviors, doesn’t it? When in the company of people that demonstrate these fear based negative ego qualities, we may need to create strong boundaries and set the terms of our interaction with them. In some cases we may need to sever the connection entirely. There is generally nothing positive that will come from continually feeding destructive, harmful or abusive relationship patterns that refuse to heal or evolve. We have to plant seeds where there is fertile soil, if we want a garden to grow. And to shift out of the negative polarity of fear, one may need to pull weeds, or walk away from that relationship pattern as an act of self-love and self-preservation.
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding the Ultra Rich and Their Controllers:
Frequency of Fear and Feeling Unsafe
However, if we habitually feel unsafe with others, it may be we need to demystify the reasons we feel afraid, and discern the difference between people that demonstrate unsafe behaviors, and those who demonstrate responsible and safe behaviors. This also means that if we feel unsafe, it is our spiritual duty to build safety within ourselves by developing inner strength, based in the higher qualities that make us a safe person to be around. Strong spiritual foundation is built upon the cornerstone of moral character development and building trust inside and outside for ourselves. Trust is built upon the consistent ethical behaviors of moral conduct where people are treated with equal respect and kindness, and allowed to be who they are without repercussion. As much as you may feel unsafe with others, are you yourself a safe person for others to be around? Many times what we fear in others is the hidden unconscious behavior that we have not cleared from within our own deepest selves. Until we are willing to look at these hidden fears, we can also easily project or transfer these fears onto other people.
As a basic guideline for extracting fears by replacing negative qualities with positive qualities, is monitoring day-to-day thoughts and behaviors. We can look to GSF Behavior or simply adhere to the Golden Rule. Treat others' as you would like to be treated, and intend to build self-esteem through esteeming actions.
At some point it is helpful to realize that the current accepted reality of negative ego behaviors and the frequency of fear, has been used against people of the earth as a psychological weapon to weaken them. Fear is broadcasted everywhere in our environment and this has produced relationally unsafe people all around us. Fear weakens moral character and it stunts the higher attributes of generosity, kindness and tolerance for others. The manufacture of endless enemies in the mainstream media maintains the mass perception of continual threats, which condition more fears and learned helplessness into the unconscious mind and pain body of humanity. The fear broadcast drills down into our personal lives, infecting our thoughts, behaviors and relationships with the frequency of fear. The frequency of fear produces feelings and perceptions that we are unsafe, unsafe with others, unsafe inside ourselves. Knowing that we live on a planet imprisoned through the mass broadcast of the frequency of fear, can be helpful to disentangle us from the mainstream fear broadcasts and fear based reactions of people around us. Refuse to take on and wear the frequency of fear running in the exterior. When we can see the fear agendas operating in the external, we can go within and sift through what is sourcing from within. Becoming aware of what fears may have been taken on through being with fear based people, as well as noting the outer agendas that use forms of electronic harassment and media based mind control.
Human pig chimeras on fox News tonight, nice confirmation
ReplyDeleteKeep going! Keep meditating! We got this!
ReplyDeleteIt was before the meditation. But very near the start of it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this. I Really needed this reminder. This elevated my spirits greatly.
ReplyDeleteSHE'S BACK!!EXTRA NEWS ~ 10TH June 2021
ReplyDeleteDear reader, circumstances demand that I say a few words at this time. Due to threats and warnings I was forced to ‘go offline’ completely over a period of 8 weeks. More correctly I had to go into hiding. No telephone, PC, iPad and no bankcard payments were allowed if I was to remain alive. The effects of this time period under great pressure and in hiding has taken its toll on my health. I need to put my entire focus upon the return of my health at this important time so that I am ready for this Transit when its upon us. Therefore my last entry / update prior to The Event is the one entitled ‘As We Transit’ ~ see # 370 below ~ roll down this page and you will find it directly below the Video with the Goddess Meditation by Cobra and Isis. Finally I would remind all readers that over a time period of approximately 2 weeks’ time prior to The Event there will be daily revelations of deep truths surfacing on MSM. Things will seem to be somewhat ‘crazy’ then. People will have some very strong reactions. Trust that these revelations are a necessary part of the awakening process for mankind. All of this turmoil will end suddenly with The Event. All will be very well in the end. That is ensured. Love Therese Z
What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?
ReplyDeleteQuote from VERITAS GALACTIC SWEDEN, Therese Zumi
I believe the real fight is not the left and right wing as they distract you from who's taking the eagles halo(white hat)and talons.
DeleteYou have been specially chosen to be a part of a divine experiment in creation.
ReplyDeleteWhat is about to happen on this planet has never happened before and will never happen again.
There is nothing to fear. A paradise is being created on this planet that is beyond your furthest imagination.
truth is word of god = 222
ReplyDeletecintamani is seed of light = 222
cobra the gods messenger = 222
victory of the light = 222
Take over MSM AS FAST AS YOU CAN , LF !!!
ReplyDeleteMSM is an omen of EVENT !!!
in order to eliminate the energetic parasites and eliminate the implants in just a few hours, a person on earth must be aware of the twin flame and then ask the twin flame - with his astral to enter and come out from her physical body until all the parasites and implants from the physical body exit from the body. And only then the physical contact with twin flame may be possible.
ReplyDeleteKnow, I love you all so much! Probably because we are one.Thank You.
ReplyDeleteKnow, I love you all so much! Probably because we are one.Tone.Thank You, Cobra. Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteВчера, после медитации ,высоко и красиво парил орел, я подумала это Тот.)♡ Затем он устремился в заоблачную даль ближе к СевероЗападу!
ReplyDeleteKnow, I love you all so much! Probably because we are one.Tone.Thank You, Cobra. Victory of the Light!
ReplyDelete7 notes in a scale, 7 chakras, so hopé this is the last sequence! Also the number 7 = victory, that is - VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!
ReplyDeleteThank you all. Will try your suggestions for blocking ads on YouTube.
ReplyDelete I believe this relate to Wipeout Sequence.