Tuesday, February 8, 2022




  1. Instead of music like that, I’d be more interested in Great Reset. DF want to force it very much. Is this sudden relaxation and the abolition of the green pass worldwide the result of the work of good guys, or is it just a gimmick? Do we know anything about this? Austria and Germany went mad, and Israel came to their senses. Very interesting, it would be good to share info about these.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I like it! It makes you want to dance.

  3. I cannot get the message behind the lyrics and correlate to the present situation ... I hope for the best anyway

    1. I agree didn't resonate..her dancing and his was interesting though classic 80s video

  4. Victory of the light ✨❤️ Vytazstvo svetla ✨❤️

  5. Victory of the light ✨❤️Vytazstvo svetla ✨❤️ Welcome to the age of Aquarius ♒️

  6. This is a sighting of a Pleiadian ship landing on a property in Chebarkul, 166km east of Yamantau. Just amazing:


    In the last month, sightings around the world have increased a lot. CONTACT DISH IS REALLY ACTIVE! FINALLY!

  7. Frumos, placut ,dar vreau mai mult, mai clar de atat.
    Lumina stra lucitoare ne i va luie.

  8. I do not understand what's going on 🤔

  9. Oh Cobra you keep teasing us! 😋
    We are ready!
    Love you all! 💖

    1. Yep :D Great sense of humor Cobra!! ♡♡♡

  10. This is an italian band....it means something, maybe?
    The text is not so encouraging about aliens

    1. when it comes to music its usually a mixture of the creators creativity /higherself-inspiration and programming , also a % the cabal influences the words and visual

      Also people put all the disclosure props to the cabal when light factions play big role in the truth in plain sight we witness in the entertainment industries

  11. Thanks for sharing the music, but we would like to have more tangible data regarding direct contact with spiritually and technologically advanced races. I mean any citizen on Earth, not a limited number of special people in particular.

    Disclosure is indeed happening, that is undeniable, but the way it has been conducted does not present a substantial change to people's lives, creating in those who are receptive, inconsolable feelings of longing and leaving them trapped in often unrealistic expectations. In my humble opinion, this is cruel! Others who are not receptive, they get terrified for a variety of reasons, and this is also extremely cruel!

    I believe the point of no return was reached a long time ago, and I don't see or hope that there can be any more promotional events: either do it or not.

    May there be coherence and may things follow the path that brings us all the prosperity we desire in our lives, regardless of whether we are on Earth or elsewhere.

  12. Replies
    1. Think you're onto something here. Is that the death of bad aliens in 2022? 1996 was they year of Congo invasion

    2. possibly the end of archon rule over earth?

  13. I've been into disco fox music for a long time now, and favorites are Modern Talking and Systems in Blue (who used to choir for MT, and defacto invented the high choir refrain formula)...

  14. It's about time - look up to the skies :-).

  15. A warning for the coming invasion of 1996?

    Here it is in better video solution (HQ):

  16. Visualization helps to manifest.

  17. I want a full disclosure. I don't have to wait because peoples aren'T awake. It's not my problem. I just want to leave this planet for space and see what is beyond the limits.

  18. I prefer songs like this - https://youtu.be/lLBQGfOjr0Q
    (Secret space program / To the Stars)

  19. « They come from a world where their life is only destruction... »
    They have been infected with primary anomaly long ago. They have been trough Orion wars. They only know pain and destruction. Sending them negative energy is only strenghtening them. That’s why I have been sending them love and healing energy for a while, like a parent to his child while he’s being capricious. Healing them is for me the best way to free all of us by connecting them back to the Source, so they realize what they are doing and stop.
    « Aliens, what you're gonna do ? »
    We take out of their hands all their toys, one by one, with our meditations. Sometimes I say to them « I refuse your world, I refuse what you are doing. It’s time to stop and go back to the divine light. »
    They have been dividing us for a long time. Instead of fighting with a 250 000 soldiers army, they are facing 250 000 snipers.

    For those who feel in the wrong body, check you merkabah, it can be all the way around. If your merkabah is in the female position but you are in a male body, or the opposite, it can be disturbing. You can ask « command 12 21 » to put it in the suitable position. It won’t be the same as changing gender but far much easier and quicker. It can make the suitation a bit less unconfortable.

  20. 我已经准备好了第一次接触

  21. An old portal in the sea are now open again after millennia...

    Expect a lot of UFO stuff...


  23. 🙏🙏🙏

    That's the Spirit I like My Dear, Respected Cobra, RM, Pleidians & The Galactic Confederation...

    Woooow, Woooow, Woooow

    Dancing Means Victory, Joy & Celebration.

    Now is the Time for Celebration

    Thank You...Thank You... Thank You

    Love You...💜😂🧘‍♂️👌🙏🌈

  24. Can anyone explain what this message might mean?

    1. The whole universe is arriving here.. benevolent races from everywhere...

      Welcome to Gaia friends


  25. An 'ice-cream' lamppost, for the upcoming aliens...
    Enjoy it! Imagine it full of ice-cream... Imagine it in the midst of a contact-zone.
    Welcome them with so a big ice-cream! Imagine it!

  26. 1996-2022

    Wish all the damage from the 1996 invasion clear now.

    We want full disclosure, planetary liberation and first contact now.

    So be it and so it is.


  27. Ready to receive. Land and greet.

  28. Lyrics

    I see the Aliens - Aliens...
    I see the Aliens - Aliens...
    I see the...

    People have to know,
    'bout their coming in the sleep,
    with their sticky faces and laser we're in danger...
    Call the radio, everybody, can you feel,
    with their alpha-rays and fires we're in danger.

    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle,
    flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens? sight,
    waiting for them on the day where I feel they might be govern me,
    they come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it...

    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh...
    I say the Aliens - Aliens, what you're gonna do?

    I say the Aliens, Aliens!
    I say the Aliens - Aliens, what you're gonna do?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens!
    I say the Aliens, Aliens!

    Are you near to us, needing perfect harmony,
    inside our house is a know that we're in danger...
    Nothing we can do, we're just looking to the moon,
    They come from a world where their life is only destruction...

    You take your love until before,
    I'm gonna give any more,
    Don't cry cause I can change your mind,
    My name is out on the stone...

    More and more incredible,
    I am just invisible white..

  29. A Guided Message for those who understand ,
    Part 1-3 #Gohan :


    The Aliens - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV3q5PFcsyM


  30. Idk how to take this but I'm assuming it's a good sign. Is something about to happen?? Full disclosure I hope. I'm ready to greet them so I can make new friends. But I'm prepared and always on standby observing.

  31. O quê isso quer dizer? Que estão rindo da nossa cara, só pode...

    1. Como vcs são despreparados kkkkk

      Quer dizer que o universo inteiro chegou aqui, tem raças pra todo lado.

      Um portal milenar foi aberto no oceano e milhares de raças benevolentes podem vir a Gaia diretamente por ele...

      Acabou pra Cabala

  32. This means nothing to me what is it meant to mean please?

  33. The Slovenian vortex is clear. Black stone since it was poisoned removed. 4 out of 5 witches removed.

  34. Oh no.... I think Santori referenced this many years ago.

  35. Here some details about this post , feel free to share what you find too :


    Liberation Is Near !

  36. Not sure I understand this update. Message? Entertainment? Both?

    Well speaking of Aliens ... how about flying around on a clear day or night?
    In the North sky or South?
    Lat Long (41.927030, -80.620130)

  37. Huhuhuhu! Que show! Gratidão!

  38. Below are the lyrics for COBRA's posted video. Still not quite sure what they are trying to say?

    I see the Aliens, Aliens
    I see the Aliens, Aliens
    I see the
    People have to know,
    'Bout their coming in the sleep,
    with their sticky faces and laser we're in danger
    Call the radio, everybody, can you feel,
    with their alpha-rays and fires we're in danger
    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle,
    flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens? sight,
    waiting for them on the day where I feel they might be govern me,
    they come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it
    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa o
    I say the Aliens,
    Aliens, what you're gonna do?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    I say the Aliens,
    Aliens, what you're gonna do?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    Are you near to us, needing perfect harmony,
    inside our house is a know that we're in danger
    Nothing we can do, we're just looking to the moon,
    They come from a world where their life is only destruction
    You take your love until before,
    I'm gonna give any more,
    Don't cry cause I can change your mind,
    My name is out on the stone
    More and more incredible,
    I am just invisible white

  39. We will all be shocked when we see that most of the aliens are not these pretty Fabio looking beings come to save us when we have not done the footwork yet.

    1. We've done MORE than enough 'footwork'.

    2. What footwork? Im pretty sure a lot of people done a lot, and not just a lot bug mpre than enough...

  40. Mais qu'est ce que ça vient faire la!

  41. Land a Mothership in Ottawa with a "Truck Trudeau" Banner. Or glowing hologram because I'm sure they can do that.

  42. Send a telegram today, tomorrow you'll be on your way. Could be Memphis or L.A., no questions just get out and play.....

  43. If you go before me, can you please came for me then?

  44. An 80s video .. so we are still in a
    L0 state of emergency?

    Need to listen to video again had me smiling as the 80s were my high school years ..

    1. L0 is in emergency, so that many many ones on sky are here to help

      A lot of yhem

  45. Look at the label: 1996-2022. It will really fuel the hopes of a lost of people here that the breakthrough will happen this year.

  46. https://gettr.com/post/pt6kvwb16d

    They chopped off the bottoms of my toes near Basalt CO just after Kevin was given job in Carbondale. I couldn't walk/drive for 3 weeks so as staged & scripted I had to stay by jobsite in the backseat with my feet elevated. Confidential Informants with Concealed Firearms mocked & taunted me knowing their satanic cult chopped off my fleash but I never responded to them & never went back & forth with them. Staged construction was a mason fire chief's house near a school. Same perp with beard who tried to get me onto my injured feet falsely reported that I had an "altercation" with him & he accused me of "taking pictures of kids" of course both were lies. Was 1 day after texting about their evil "masonic boy bride ceremony". Sergeant Rupp said "The whole town is upset."

  47. I would say the visualization of aliens left a lot to be desired in the period 1996-2022. No wonder that not much manifested itself. Of course, this was in the sense of the dark ones. But also the individual has share to accept something like this.

  48. 240p, really? Is there a law i'm unaware of that states any video related to UFOs must be in the worst possible video definition available?

  49. Fools are already mind controlled to invite these aliens in.

  50. I have decoded Cobra's secret message: in case of alien invasion, we must mispronounce the word «Alien» and dance around in bad leggings to scare them away!

    Sorry about the sarcasm, but I kinda feel we need more substance than cheesy disco vids to get by these days. Or maybe this video is a message for someone else? Let's hope so.

    1. If that doesn't work, try playing the song from the movie 'Mar's Attacks!.' That song wiped out the invasion! 😅


  51. Whatsup with the 1996-2022 label?

    1. 1996 was the start of the Archon invasion. 2022 is the end of the Archons?

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Keine Ahnung, was das soll - ich fühle mich etwas veräppelt.

  54. enjoy my Cosmic Party
    OtreboR is may soul name


  56. Nothing we can do We're just looking to the moon They come from a world Where the life is only destruction. ----eighth verse.

  57. Finally getting to the point here.

  58. I love this song!! I listen to it often. They like 80s Italo Disco, too... :)

    All-yens! All-yens!

  59. I see the Aliens - Aliens...
    I see the Aliens - Aliens...
    I see the...

    People have to know,
    'bout their coming in the sleep,
    with their sticky faces and laser we're in danger...
    Call the radio, everybody, can you feel,
    with their alpha-rays and fires we're in danger..

    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle,
    flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens? sight,
    waiting for them on the day where I feel they might be govern me,
    they come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it...

    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh...
    I say the Aliens - Aliens, what you're gonna do ?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens !
    I say the Aliens - Aliens, what you're gonna do ?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens !
    I say the Aliens, Aliens !

    Are you near to us, needing perfect harmony,
    inside our house is a know that we're in danger...
    Nothing we can do, we're just looking to the moon,
    They come from a world where their life is only destruction...

    You take your love until before,
    I'm gonna give any more,
    Don't cry cause I can change your mind,
    My name is out on the stone...

    More and more incredible,
    I am just invisible white...

    What in the world did I just read / Watch ?



  60. PLEASE let this mean the wait is finally over.

    1. Just before I woke up this morning I had a feeling like being in a meeting...many voices, but only thing I remember just the second I woke up, was someone saying "after two weeks "...I know it could had been anything :). But felt so real...

  61. I see that Cobra also enjoy obscure 80s Italo disco.

  62. we are all aliens after all-are we not-hahahahaha.....

  63. Great times and we was living under communist Ceausescu regime of hunger, cold, lies in the " golden era" with 2 hours daily on tv

  64. https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2022/02/abp-vigano-endorses-canadian-truck-drivers-calls-for-prayers-to-defeat-infernal-great-reset/

    archbishop carlo mario vigano-quote—–The global coup that in these two years of psycho-pandemic farce has been carried out by the globalist elite appears most clearly if we do not limit ourselves to considering what happened in individual Nations, but broaden our gaze to what has happened everywhere.—–unquote…..
    breaking news-capo priest calls out the cabal-bravo zulu-go carlo go-hahahahaha…..

  65. What's the meaning of this post?

  66. Nice. I come from a very serious and quiet little planet, but it is nice to visit light-heart civilizations who spend a lot of time dancing and having fun.

  67. I hope those aliens won't judge us from that terrible song

  68. I’ve read that a person has tens of thousands of thoughts a day. Maybe it’s just me but I feel that having this amount is not normal. That maybe the dark forces use an implant or what not to increase them. I would love to hear how you guys feel about this.

  69. I’ve read that a person has tens of thousands of thoughts a day. Maybe it’s just me but I feel that having this amount is not normal. That maybe the dark forces use an implant or what not to increase them. I would love to hear how you guys feel about this.

    1. There are non-physical entities that feed on our emotional reactions to things. Essentially they have hijacked our minds to produce "food" for them so yes you are on the right page.

  70. Aliens: Good and evil


  71. human race is alien to this planet, the real humans ended in 50,000BC atlantis. Sincw then it's been mutants.

  72. Is that video supposed to emphasize the level of stupidity, peaking ?
    It has no relevancy to anything, at all.

    Perhaps you're just "rubbing our nose's" in the "intel" you yourself are only privy to and not the rest of us.

    Ok, you win, again. You must really LOVE the advantage over us, that
    you have.

    You're still The King - COBRA.

    1. I agree with d'archangel. This is like a sick joke, like you're throwing us a bone. Geeee thanks for the BS. What other BS have we gotten and will get? We were supposed to have reached mass in signatures and meditation numbers but we really have gotten no real information, guidance, direction or prediction. Thanks!

  73. People need full disclosure now since many are ignorance!

  74. It is national extraterrestrial culture day in the U.S.A.

  75. Don't know how we manage to survive the 80's.

  76. yea Cobra, if the first real private contact with the surface population happen in future, please let us know then. Don't need to tell the details, just a notification will be ok.

  77. Sir, Any update after the petition?



  79. I see the Aliens, Aliens
    I see the Aliens, Aliens
    I see the People have to know,
    'Bout their coming in the sleep,
    with their sticky faces and laser we're in danger Call the radio, everybody, can you feel, with their alpha-rays and fires we're in danger If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle, flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens? sight,
    waiting for them on the day where I feel they might be govern me, they come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it Oh whoa,oh whoa,oh whoa o
    I say the Aliens,
    Aliens, what you're gonna do?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    I say the Aliens,
    Aliens, what you're gonna do?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    Are you near to us, needing perfect harmony, inside our house is a know that we're in danger Nothing we can do, we're just looking to the moon,
    They come from a world where their life is only destruction You take your love until before, I'm gonna give any more,
    Don't cry cause I can change your mind, My name is out on the stone More and more incredible, I am just invisible white🌟

  80. "in the previous wave of Pleiadian contact in the early/mid 1980s when they were inspiring some of the disco music"

  81. Cobra, why used such old video?
    You should direct the readers to my Star Races official site for the information of Aliens instead - www.wix.com/piperon.starraces
    Thanks for the advertisement in advance. Bro.

    1. Greetings Piperon. I am familiar with your star races videos and have enjoyed them immensely. I am wondering how you sourced this information? It seems in alignment with some of my cellular memory and subconscious. Also seeing that you have thanked Cobra for the advertisement but I will state that I am not in alignment with you telling Cobra what to do instead of what he chooses to do. Maybe Cobra is just missing the magical 80s and posting some nostalgia. I don’t see any ET’s in this music video. Just two cool healthy Humans and a mock R2D2. This song is HOT and that Woman absolutely crushes it with her magnetism and dance movements. Also your link is showing an error 504, have found it with some searching at https://piperon.wixsite.com/starraces. Full Blessings Piperon. Will head over to your site now :) Thank you for your work and contributions.

  82. Arrliens. Love it. Does this mean we are the Arrliens? Are we the outsiders waiting to be accepted into galactic society once we achieve a minimum high vibration as a collective.

  83. Aliens Lyrics
    People have to know
    About them coming in their sleep
    With their sticky faces and laser we're in danger
    Call the radio, everybody, can you feel
    With their alpha-rays and fires we're in danger

    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle
    Flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens sight
    Waiting for them on the day where I feel
    I feel they might be govern me
    They come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it

    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh...
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens

    Are you near to us, needing perfect harmony
    Inside our house is a know that we're in danger...
    Nothing we can do, we're just looking to the moon
    They come from a world where their life is only destruction
    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle
    Flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens sight
    Waiting for them on the day where I feel
    I feel they might be govern me
    They come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it
    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh...
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens

    You take your love until before
    I'm gonna give any more
    Don't cry cause I can change your mind
    My name is out on the stone
    More and more incredible, I am just a visible fight
    More and more incredible, I am just a visible fight

  84. Thanks again Cobra, victory is sweet.

  85. For a moment I got excited thinking it was a video of real aliens :)

  86. Aliens Lyrics
    People have to know
    About them coming in their sleep
    With their sticky faces and laser we're in danger
    Call the radio, everybody, can you feel
    With their alpha-rays and fires we're in danger

    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle
    Flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens sight
    Waiting for them on the day where I feel
    I feel they might be govern me
    They come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it

    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh...
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens

    Are you near to us, needing perfect harmony
    Inside our house is a know that we're in danger...
    Nothing we can do, we're just looking to the moon
    They come from a world where their life is only destruction
    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle
    Flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens sight
    Waiting for them on the day where I feel
    I feel they might be govern me
    They come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it
    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh...
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens, what you gonna do?
    I see the aliens, aliens
    I see the aliens, aliens

    You take your love until before
    I'm gonna give any more
    Don't cry cause I can change your mind
    My name is out on the stone
    More and more incredible, I am just a visible fight
    More and more incredible, I am just a visible fight

  87. Vital Frosi - Aliança da Terra - Escola de Conhecimento Galáctico. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XgjEDLufso

  88. Replies
    1. It will only raise too much hope into a 2022 Event which might get people triggered if it doesn't happen.

  89. They won't be winning the eurovision any time soon :)

  90. I'm a little confused by the lyrics to this song selection you chose to share with us COBRA.
    Here are the lyrics:

    Song by Radiorama

    I see the Aliens, Aliens
    I see the Aliens, Aliens
    I see the
    People have to know,
    'Bout their coming in the sleep,
    with their sticky faces and laser we're in danger
    Call the radio, everybody, can you feel,
    with their alpha-rays and fires we're in danger
    If I can to tomorrow without them need a miracle,
    flying to them on the try to reach out the aliens? sight,
    waiting for them on the day where I feel they might be govern me,
    they come for me and; it's no escape for me and say it
    Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa o
    I say the Aliens,
    Aliens, what you're gonna do?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    I say the Aliens,
    Aliens, what you're gonna do?
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    I say the Aliens, Aliens
    Are you near to us, needing perfect harmony,
    inside our house is a know that we're in danger
    Nothing we can do, we're just looking to the moon,
    They come from a world where their life is only destruction
    You take your love until before,
    I'm gonna give any more,
    Don't cry cause I can change your mind,
    My name is out on the stone
    More and more incredible,
    I am just invisible white

    What are you trying to tell us via this particular song COBRA?

    1. This is my question too. What fucking means this stuff? We are fighting with death, illness, fake vaccines, masks, lockdowns and rogue governments and i see this... I've signed the petition last year but so far i don't see a nice nothing. I'm tired and pissed of,ENOUGH!!

    2. Perhaps this song is referring to negative Ets.

      1996-2022 is in the label section, so maybe this song mentioning "coming from a world where their life is only destruction" is in reference to the archon invasion of 1996, which is fully eliminated in 2022.

  91. These entities are Spiritual Beings like us.
    No good or bad, just what IS.
    Same Eternal Source.

    1. I instantly cant take anybody seriously who says there is no good or bad. It either needs serious ignorance or denial to think that.

  92. The best part about this video is that the woman is the center of attraction while the male is the wallflower instead of the other way around as has been the case in my upbringing. But if the 'aliens' will really be officially introduced to us - VERY EXCITING.

    1. Feels symbolic for me. the alien woman trapped in this human male body is YEARNING for restoration.

  93. Captagon: Bashar Assad’s regime earns a fortune from the drug trade.


  94. I believe that the song is about negative ETs abducting and hurting people and that the truth needs to come out about them. I also notice the tag at the bottom of the post says 1996-2022. 1996 was the year of the archon invasion and when humans "forgot". My best guess is that the parasites will be cleansed from earth this year. Perhaps disclosure? I could be wrong but I certainly can't wait to find out! <3

  95. I just want OFF this planet....get restored.
    I OFFERED to help before....my intentions SCORNED, my help REFUSED....and my self esteem, what little I had at the time, has been torn to shreds.
    I don't want to throw myself to the dogs, again.

  96. Geez there's a lot of whiny, entitled people in the comments. Go back to Facebook or Yelp and whine over not getting a free steak entree too when you were just given a free drink out of the blue.

  97. Smallpox!


  98. This track is unbeatable! Simply superb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxtAFEsoOYo

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. I Greet you in the Love, Light, Power, and Peace of our ONE Infinite Creator. Consider Chill laxing with any mental over analyzations of this cool uplifting 80s song. How about that beautiful Woman? Notice those hips, her eyes, and Magnetism? Lovely. Cool Dude too! Yes there is a higher quality version of this video on YouTube but no one is perfect yunno Cobra is Likely a rookie All Star Human hahaha this is his blog and he is free to post whatever he feels. It’s not anyone’s right to judge him or post any negativity on HIS blog which we are visitors. Transcendence of the influence of our ego begins with the practice of neutrality. It’s part of the Divine space accessed by The Kundalini Yogi. Also, Cobra does not want to be idolized in any way I can assure this. I don’t know him, but I KNOW him. Our Star family isn't comfortable dealing with a bunch of GMO rancid nuts too powerfully influenced by their Reptilian brains. Just Injoy the nostalgia and know that we will be having a much better time than those magical 80s beginning this year. Let’s focus on our own individual Ascension and broadcast it to all around our individual sphere. You want to meet the ET's? Learn to be more like them! Victory of the Light! Soak this up: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ltll3AhRE

  101. Had the most wonderful birthday yesterday, and then this.

    Is this the END the The Great Forgetting?

  102. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/subscribers-only-covert-intel-smallpox-outbreak-confirmed

  103. I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum,
    And I'm all out of bubble gum.

  104. I am waiting for that momment very long, and after almost 12 toxic attacks from the cabal,this will be a rescue .Finally

  105. Lagrange;Oktaeder;in the plane +2 more;+spatial interference points ??

  106. Over a month since the divine intervention mediation and still no obvious sign of them divinely interfering. Any update on how much longer it will be until we see obvious results from all these years of work?

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Well perhaps L0 state of emergency was resolved judging by the 80s video ...ahh miss the 80s when my life was very simple sports girls rock music high school.. is it over ?? Is the war over?? I can only think it is based on this type of update..
    Twisted Sister "We're not goin take it" is another option 😉

  109. As a musician I have often thought about writing a song about meeting the Pleiadians in person and witnessing their advanced craft in the sky above me in 2017, not my only experience with off planet folks or their craft. On a side note on 04 Feb 2022, Nikola Tesla protégé Ralph Ring has passed in an Arizona hospital. He was one of the surviving members of a crew of engineers who built a working counter rotational 45 foot circular electromagnetic anti-gravity craft called the OTC-X1, named after Otis T. Carr, one of Nikola Tesla's apprentices and Ralph's boss. This craft could teleport anywhere in the universe. However, in 1959 and at gunpoint, the US Army set up tents for three days on Otis' property, confiscated all of Otis' free energy inventions, documents, drawings and took away the OTC-X1 on a lowboy to Los Alamos which was possibly moved later underground to Area-51. The OTC-X1 craft looks a lot like the one in the above header of this blog site page. *( Please see this documentary for more information about many craft underground at Area-51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TfAWjlTQPs&list=WL&index=12 ). During the government raid, Otis and his team of engineers were accused of treason as a threat to the then monetary system and warned to never talk again to one another. All were compliant with these orders for a while. Ralph however having worked with Jacques Cousteau as a dive equipment tester, assembled what he called Tesla pods. Pods are what dolphins travel in. These Tesla pods consisted of behind the scenes engineers who were interested in continuing Tesla's and Otis' work to bring free energy to planet Earth. Ralph has a very interesting history on his website BlueStarEnterprise.com .

  110. The lyrics (just one sentence) are a continuation of the previous post. So yes I understand. Pleasure to finally have first contact with my pleiadean brothers and sisters.

  111. Vamos nos encontrar com os aliens muito em breve 🛸💖 Hey irmãos galáctcos, envio amor e gratidão 🙏 estamos quase lá 🌹Vitória da Luz!!!!!

  112. Well,
    It's not 'not trippy',
    There's no doubt about that...

  113. The Pleiadians have been preparing their bodies to spend a short time down here on the ground. It would be a similar situation to us having to adapt to spending time 15,000 feet or more on a mountain top, or handling the immense pressure of deep water. In 2010, I was visited, by a Pleiadian Man in a one piece jumpsuit. He appeared etheric or energetic to me and was present in my bedroom in San Diego. I had activated my pineal and was tripping out reading David Icke information around that time and also balancing out things with the Flower of life. He did something to assist my energy or protect me of course and disappeared after just a few seconds, vibrating back up to 5d and out of the range of my expanded perception. I was not afraid of him, I was afraid of what Icke was peddling. I remembered at that moment more of who I was..and that I was protected. He was tall and muscular with a large forehead light skin like mine with blonde hair. I felt very comfortable and natural with him in my presence. Over the past 12 years, I have trained professionally in various forms of Yoga, been initiated into an American Indian culture and healing art (which raised my sensitivity to be able to communicate with rocks and crystals, stones and metals), continued training in the martial arts, and lived with Rastafarians in Jamaica as well as befriend Sudanese and Ethiopian tribal members. I also studied the occulted sciences with teachers such as David Wilcock. A full circle or four directions of development for this starseed for sure! My soul has been here incarnating since 1798, and I was vice-chancellor of Cambridge University in that lifetime. This life I have taken a more humble role incarnating into a dysfunctional family and working in various airports for an airline being able to share my energy and travel to learn from our many cultures. I have always been different and stood out from everyone, never being able to hide my presence. I send Cobra questions, suggestions, or concerns privately and as long as I am awake when he reads my message I can simply feel how he is responding. He doesn't need to mail me back. This is the connection and sensitivity we should be aware of and consider working to develop. Cobra knows this. Pleiadians are probably the most sensitive souls in our galaxy. I feel like the Arcturians are the most advanced healers in our galaxy and look forward to being around them very much as well. I am telling you all this because many of us are awakening now and I would like to encourage each individual to follow their feelings more than their thinking, and continue to develop into your chosen arts so we can do our part in making our Star family more comfortable here assisting us. I have been without my Sacred soul mate for at least 224 years. It is easier for me to be without her than it has been for Cobra to reunite with his soul mate and lose her suddenly and brutally. When I see people spread negativity or expose their ego on this blog it astounds and disappoints me. Being a starseed here to teach and help bust the system is not fun or easy. It's a 24/7 job and tiring responsibility. Having a huge lightbody which I can wrap around the earth, unbelievable sensitivity, and an IQ 50-60 points higher than the average can be a lonely, unmotivating, and draining experience.

  114. Cobra is similar, and If he hadn't organized us all and brought us these teachings, what do you think would become of the Human Race? The vast majority of us would be wiped out, with small numbers of us all except for the Africans whom have largely not participated in the scamdemic. But, A way would be found to eliminate them too...Another STD maybe. I look forward to seeing all of the souls whom have been here and survived the tragedy of Atlantis remember who they are and develop into potentially the most powerful Jedi Knights in the Galaxy! Most people tuning in here are starseeds as well, and some are souls whom are tenured earthlings advanced in their awakening. Some are just exposing their need to heal and develop, as the rise in frequency will expose all whom are not aligning with the light and working to vibrationally resonate with the heart center 4d or truth which is 5d. Atoms and molecules hold no intrinsic solidity, all is energy and no particle of energy is inferior or superior to another as it is all part of the whole! The practice of idolatry does not align with the reality and is part of a deep programming which I have worked for over 200 years to help humanity break free from. I am sure that my reunion with my Pleiadian family will motivate me to finish whatever needs to be done here. I would like to leave as many of us do, just imagine how Cobra feels. No one can replace Isis. Let's all give Cobra the respect and love he deserves to help him stay healthy and motivated. Full gratitude and Full blessings.

  115. Dear COBRA, will you please consider a prayer/meditation to counter the satanic super bowl halftime show this upcoming Sunday the 13th?

  116. Most of us want to see this planet liberated. I do not have insight on any planetary behind the scene liberation activity. I can only speak about my corner of the universe. Should the NWO prevail, this planet will likely experience the "Delete" button destiny. The NWO order will keep pushing for the next several years.

  117. Le début est la partie la plus importante de l'œuvre.
    Victory Of The Light!

  118. I have found the comments hugely informative,entertaining and hilarious.As fir the video not so much..”whiplash”

  119. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/02/09/there-is-no-ukrainian-crisis/

  120. My understanding of this message is that the end of archons here on earth is near, hence the label 1996 - 2022

  121. ...why did the population of earth grow every year during the ''pandemic''?

  122. So we nearly there planetary liberation in 2022?!

  123. Just a question cobra , ive followed you since the beginning and your info is priceless and I still regard you as the best info regarding planetary liberation, but some info has come forward that some pleiadians are bad , is it true ? and is it the same for all species ? Regards matt

  124. I hope Aliens don't come soon. They should wait after the Covid pandemic since we don't yet know the effect of the vaccine on Alien blood. Since they could be at risk of catching Covid and light forces hasn't taken the whole covid situation seriously in their act ( in speech they were grandiose, don't worry ). If I'm wrong, please, don't delay Full Alien disclosure any longer. If Goddesses wanted Peace, Peace there would be. Only the present moment and so it is...
