Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Red alert at 504


  1. Replies
    1. رویداد حداکثرتا8 ماه دیگرانجام میشود، پاکسازی های درونی خودراتسریع بخشیدلطفا، ازمنبع نورکمک بخواهید. درودبرشورای عالی بعدالهی، درودبراتحادزمین، درودبرسفیران نور، این خواست ماست. این پیام راجدی بگیرید!!!!!!!

  2. Well at least it's not black again.

  3. And again with this elastic between black and red alerts. It will stop never?

  4. As I said I would here is the coordinates again where I will be looking for you to hover and fly by for a video shot.,

    (41.927030, -80.620130)

  5. At least it dropped a level, by the the way that drastic breach was on my bday dark ones are such assholes 😑

    1. Namaste' Brandon,

      Happy Belated Bday brother; mine was this past Friday. Hope everything else went nicely for you <3 Looking forward to all this being done and over with and The Event finally occurring and all of us having the Universal Par-tay. <3

    2. Trying this again. Mine was this past Friday. Empathies to you brother, Happy Belated also. Hope your Day of Days was nice despite all that. <3

    3. Thanks Cinnamon Magpie happy belated birthday to you also, it was ok I did what I usually do everyday but actually enjoyed it.

      Yes they are specops

  6. Those commenting that their post are getting deleted or not posted. Remember that if the comments # reach a certain length..lets say close to 200... you would not be able to view the latest ones until you scroll all the way to the bototm of the comments section and click "load more". This process may need to be repeated specially if it reaches even greater numbers. As an example the last large commented post had over 400 comments. In such case you would have had to repeat the process at least twice before seeing the "load more" no more.

    1. A few of my comments didn't get publish, and I know about having to reload the page to see all the comments. The last one that didn't get publish is when I thanked you for the video links you provided. A comment about asking Cobra a question never got publish after several attempts.

    2. Spiritoo i did see one. I believe is the one you are referring to. It probably got approve at a later date. I imagine partial comments or a bulk at a time gets reviewe or approve. Not sure if all comments get read ..it would be a monumental task just to go throu them whenever there is a chance to check them.

    3. I see it now DH ... quite a few comments were delayed, but still the question to cobra about the blog never gets posted. I've ask it when there where just a few posts so I would not have missed it.

    4. What u mean with.." the question about the blog never gets posted"

  7. We see 504 mentioned alot what is it? Who is breaching the security the archons chimera or Draco and who are left...I can't imagine with all the galactic ships here any of the negative ETs could still be left..?

  8. Israeli Troops Arrive in Ukraine to FIGHT RUSSIA!


    1. I find this report very hard to believe. israel always has the us do it's fighting. israel only fight those that can't fight back. Beside just like the Ukraine army the Russians will hand them their ass.

    2. I was in the Israeli army, and this is NOT Israeli forces.Stop buy any nonsense that add more conflict and divide and conquer.

    3. Israel and Ukraine, butt buddies in crime.

    4. @victory, the elites are using in part, the christian bible as a loose blueprint for the nwo. The link has some propaganda and some questionable bible interpretations but so does the cabal. Is this what they are trying to play out: https://lifehopeandtruth.com/prophecy/end-times/russia-in-the-bible/

    5. Don't be deceived and buy into the propaganda. Remember, the Cabal is using Revalations from the Bible like a script... it's ALL just a RICH MAN'S TRICK... it's NOT natural but predominantly artificial.

    6. I live in Israel and this is not Israeli army uniform. here is Israeli army uniform: https://www.mitgaisim.idf.il/media/24947/7335398574_808cda3b40_o.jpg?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=440&height=415&rnd=131861622480000000

    7. The bible's also been edited and censored and changed over the centuries for both material and political gains, and has thousands of years of blood scrawled upon its pages.

  9. *Guided to the influence of Higher Energies…*


    … which is in the process of being activated as an ascension portal that raises the vibration for ascension


  10. You get an ascension! And you get an ascension! And YOU get an ascension!

  11. Red alert? White Magic! To assist in the expansion of the collective consciousness, to prepare for Galactic upgrades, and to help in the process of remembering:: The Source! A new place for Spiritual, Metaphysical, and Occult information. Thank you for 500+ views from Cobra readers over the past week! Big things in the works at PHOTONSOURCE.BLOGSPOT.COM. With full gratitude and much love, Thanks Cobra!

  12. Reaction of Higher Consciousness after work is done == $0


    → https://youtu.be/4X9E4lTl-AI

    → https://youtu.be/4cmffLlkwxc


  13. Medicine For The People

    I never thought I needed medicine
    But I was spiritually dying, I needed some healing
    So I opened my mouth and took a dose of the music
    Then I sat and prayed for guidance now teach me to use it
    I pray for guidance, now teach me to use it
    I pray for guidance, now give me the music

    And it definitely matters how you look at it
    And it definitely matters how you look at it
    So if you think you can risk it, well
    What an opportunity to be free of it
    Said if you think you can risk it, well
    What an opportunity to be free of it

    Risk It


  14. Would like to see even partial Disclosure//better than nothing

  15. Anyone confirm Israel is in Ukraine helping the neo Nazis? Isn't Russia doing the same as the galactics removing the dark forces..freeing children destroying bio labs...why are we meditating for peace of we cant have event the only other choice is to kill those who meant us dead..sorry but be ing passive only gets us killed each time. Now if galactics will take control over media and the militaries and inform the people great but until then I applaud Russia they are taking action to rid the matrix of satanists ...sorry but that's how I see it...we have not seen anything material for our efforts just words

    1. BINGO.

      Putin is doing something tangible, at least.

  16. What do you think about this in RM?


  17. حداکثرتا8ماه دیگر، درودبرشورای عالی الهی، درودبراتحادزمین، درودبرسفیران نور، پاکسازی درونی راتسریع بخشیدازمنبع نورکمک بگیرید، این پیام راجدی بگیرید. چون سفیران نوراینگونه خواستند. ایدون بادعروج باآرامش

  18. Some lightworkers need to explain more of this unity oneness connection me Curtis and ra are one soul with this we are one. How do I get my soul to download to do energy light?

  19. Who cares, let's concentrate on a real issues...

  20. As soon as anyone mentions "children" and "tunnels" you can tell they don't care about evidence or reliable sources. I could make a meme that makes ANY claim at all, and if I add children and tunnels, it will get a million shares. Especially if I put "An anon said..." Then it's gospel. I believe Cobra and Keshe because they have physical device you can buy that proves they are who they say they are. What are the sources on these constant tunnel operations? @realanon3672 on Twitter lol. Most criticisms of conspiracy theorists are true. 95% of what I see online are truthers who believe literally anything based on no evidence, and they do it just to feel special, like they're spies on the inside. Exactly what the muggles say about them. Only .01% of people are awake to alternative issues, AND have a decent standard of evidence. Even the more aware people I know will share fake UFO videos at the drop of a hat. Frankly I see no difference between sheep and truthers because they both believe hearsay with great ease. What's the difference between Q saying "Hilary will be arrested next week." And CNN saying "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction."

    1. Patrick, your in the wrong forum. Critics of the disclosure movement belong with the other Karen's in Hilary Clintons fan forum. That is all. Victory of the light!!!🙋🏻‍♀️💖

    2. The so called truth community should be labeled as grift community at this point. All of them are Zionist Christians who worship Trump as some kind of chosen one or messiah.

  21. They flew a light aircraft in a circle overhead many times in a circle. I heard the word virus so even though it was overcast, I think they were dropping stuff on this area my house. I was told they can't do that. From the way helicopters get swatted away if they try DEWs, and they have to get very low to do that...I don't think they have a chance. It shows how desperate they are...if they are doing that. I wonder how many people they are attacking unsuccessfully ...and they have been warned many times. Justice is still coming.

  22. I just did a comment, trying to remember if it was here or my FB page. It said people care less about being right than the other person being wrong. Is there a more accurate description of patriot conspiracies? They have zero evidence ever, so they can't care about being right because they can't prove it to themselves or anyone else. No, what they care about is others being wrong. The NEED it, which is why they blow up these rumors into accepted reality. People do it compulsively, whatever the latest trendy current event, there's an explosion of rumors the next day about adrenochrome or whatever. "Everybody knows Ukraine is about rescued children." What? That's pure fabrication and anonymous rumors. How is that better than believing Fauci about double masking? And the shit talking of "patriots" is just as bad as the sheeple. I'll bring up points like this and get told "Turn off the TV idiot!" That's what EVERY patriot tells me, to stop watching CNN. Even though zero beliefs of mine align with CNN. It's pure autopilot. How is that level of consciousness any better? There's not once ounce more logic in paranormal circles. Everyone has glomed onto flat earth, fake sun and moon, all the worst and most whack conspiracies. Even comments here, people are like "Check out this random person on a random website who channels Ashtar." Omg just go believe NPR without question.

    1. Unfortunately that is the current state of affairs... a world packed with information disinformation and misinformation. The only thing you can do is to try to be true to yourself.. trust intuition guidance... discern...
      i take all info as theories mainly.. there are some however that will resonate with you.. you yourself cant prove it to anyone else nor to urself however in your own way the universe provide you with details that help u solidify a certain belief. That is all you got... yourself. There r some people outthere that do try to do pretty good research to present... at the end... we are yet again taking someone elses opinion in. For example those researchers that deal with ancient artifacts. They make good arguments in showing the gaps in the main stream teachings.. but ultimately we end up listening to someone elses interpretation.. .. take for examole whats his name.. that interpreted the summarian tablets/writing. He did a goood research overall but was he accurate in all interpretations..n was his work at some point influenced by bad guys like everyone elses was at the end??..

      At least you are aware to be cautious of all writings/speeches... at the moment that is the minimum we can do. The next step up is you urself submerging into that worl and doing the research yourself... dig deep into the rabbit hole.

      I take it that is where some that hold some truth did or are doing... after some diggin they want to share what they have learn.. whether they interpreted correctly or not.. their intent may be good

    2. Anyone who NEEDS to be right is wrong already.

    3. This is just annoying, sorry.

  23. I am sure you did. Is my understanding in the past planets had been destroyed... some by accident some by war and i wouldnt be surpeise if some by trials...

  24. What I Said After Saying "Command 12 21" Three Times Today

    My dreamstate is not doing well. I'm being told in the dreamstate that the surface population is de-evolving into zombies. The thought-forms of others are of very poor quality. I was also shown that instances of rape are on the rise globally. My dreamstate is in a state of near-schizophrenia.

    My physical health is in decline. Despite changes to my diet to nearly eliminate dairy, my energy levels are very poor. I have continued stomach problems, and perhaps even kidney problems, as there is pain in that area.

    My mental health is in decline. Certain 'mutations of consciousness' keep coming back. Negative thought-processes keep re-emerging, despite my efforts to stop them.

    My financial state is dismal. My hours have been cut back at my job (not that I want to work there anyway - I'm extremely burned out) and I'm losing money from my savings. My stocks are in a state of decline as well. I''m slowly going broke, and hyperinflation certainly isn't helping matters.

    The internet is in a state of disarray. There's constant gloom and doom confirming what I see in my dreamsate regarding vax damage and apocalyptic scenarios.

    The only positive aspect is that at times I am able to access Source in the waking state, accessing positive vibes. These occurrences are often fleeting though, as scalar attacks continue in the form of burning sensations in my legs and other parts of my body. There is also light that comes through to attempt to heal me, but at this point it's physical intervention that is needed. Such light is nothing more than a 'bandade over a bullet hole wound.'

    I feel that the state of clearing negative Ets and the astral and so forth has been grossly overstated by the 2012portal blog and/or Light Forces. My experience is the exact opposite of any negative interference being cleared. I'm of course told that it's always 'darkest before dawn.' This saying has been peddled for years, while for years, matters continue to worsen. I find it to be very manipulative to continue to use 'darkest before dawn.' Abuse appears to continually be justified by this phrase.

    I'm very unimpressed with the lack of intervention, and will be taking matters into my own hands independently. I will not tolerate any further abuse. Drastic options will be explored. I will not be specific regarding such options online.



  25. Epilogue


  26. CoBra
    Connection of energies from above the surface of the planet with the energies below the surface of the planet.


    „Don′t worry about a thing 'Cause every little thing gonna be alright“


  27. The Great Invocation

    From the point of Light within the Mind of God
    Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
    Let Light descend on Earth.

    From the point of Love within the Heart of God
    Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
    May Christ return to Earth.

    From the centre where the Will of God is known
    Let purpose guide the little wills of men -
    The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

    From the centre which we call the race of men
    Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
    And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

    Let Light and Love and Power
    restore the Plan on Earth.

  28. This documentary corroborates with Cobra info about the event and the galactic pulse but in a more scientific way for people who always want source and things like that. Just ignore the "negative" part of it and understand how amazing the universe is and how things are accelerating towards the Event and then the galactic pulse which the author know it's catastrophic for humanity, however he don't know that we will not be here during that time.

  29. Amnesia is SOUL RAPE, I say. NOTHING good comes from it. no wonder the darkies been in power for so long.

  30. Elite Gender Inversions
    Apparently everyone is an opposite agenda to what they show, and they are talking about everyone. Movies, music, and even sport.
    Men are women, women are men. From babies they are brought up this way. It's sick. In Hollyweird, this is how they do it. No one is a normal person with a natural gender.
    So I'm thinking Leonardo Dicaprio is a girl. That girl in Titanic was a boy. Brad Pit is a girl. His ex-wife, Angelia Jolie, is a boy. She's really a boy if you look at her face. Can't hide the strong, man-like jaw and cheekbones. It's everyone. It's sick. As a baby they raise them this way. And it is Everyone in the public eye. Or else they are MK Ultra-ed and "handled"
    Elite Gender Inversions.
    It's truly sick. I feel kinda sick.

    1. @Libra

      BINGO. Just look at various native american tribes. And, correct me if I am wrong, in japan, long before Christianity reared its ugly face there, Japanese men were encouraged to look 'womanly beautiful'...and there's MANY Japanese, as well as other Oriental culture, guys, who look VERY womanly, and they are not even transgendered....care to explain THAT, psychic....or are the Japanese plotting to take over the world via the ladyboys?

    2. I like how you two totally missed the point of his entire message, he is right and thats what the dark forces are doing right now. Make men like women and women like more menly, pretty obvious with all that gender bs.
      Anyway its a clown world and I dont really care anymore.

    3. @Xalzor

      I want...NEED to become feminine again, does that make ME and Libra agents of the new world order?

  31. I'm curious, why not send more people to clean up quantum anomalies? Wouldn't more people increase efficiency?

  32. You're right, I totally agree

  33. https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1520267123502854146?t=lTxl4eR605yVzMC0V7wGmA&s=19

  34. Time for Event no more waiting no more reasons .. send it

  35. Acabei de perder minha querida irmã de cancer. força da luz porque?

  36. For those who are interested:

    Spirit Animal Appearance, Possible Prophetic Twitter Buyout Synchronicity, Possible Prophetic French Election Synchronicity, Possible Semjase Telepathic Contact, Prophetic Dream, Prophetic Solar Flare Synchronicities


  37. This time in my human form is so much to take in and absorb about this world we live in. There is lots ongoing that laymen and women do not even scratch at. Lots of theories, and hard claims, and hard facts.

    It's true that, my existence is but a fragment of greater reality but, to be blindly subject to the evils of life, we all should have a guiding light wherever we stand. That's what I want to be. That's who I want to be.

    I'm struggling to embody the ever-expanding newfound knowledge i am coming into contact with due to the appeal to physical distractions that take away my focus of attention to the greater aspects of life that really matter.

    I'm sorry, the one true source of all things that, under universal law, my attention, has not been on you. I'm sorry for that. I want to connect, I want to become HOLY, PURE, CLEAN, TO KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG ENERGETICALLY!, TO DEVELOP SUCH INTUITION TO MAKE MY OWN CHOICES.


  38. Holy moly, the women are all men!
    I began watching Hulk last night and Jennifer Connelly is a man. Look at her skull; she has a man's skull. I always knew something was wrong. She's a tranny. I see it now.
    After this movie, Elektra was on. Jennifer Garner is a BIG tranny. Look at that man's face. It's so obvious. And Will Yun Lee is a woman; it is so obvious.
    So I decided to look at the Matrix, a favorite. Yes, Carrie-Anne Moss is a man! They can't hide the skull. They can take mega hormones of the opposite sex from birth, but the trannies can't hide it. We have all been fooled. I thought it was some of them, maybe, but it is all of them.They are all inverted and it is in plain sight.
    There's more trannies but also men (stars) who are also women. Like Justin Beiber, but I haven't got onto the men (supposedly) yet. Tom Cruise is supposed to be a girl, I don't know. Oh is Galadriel a trannie? Probably. So many ladies aren't ladies. Jennifer Aniston looks like a tranny. This is real. We have been mightily fooled.

    And it's very sad what they do to, for example, tennis stars. They MK Ultra them. They finally got the Aussie guy Nick Kyrgios. He became one of them, poor guy. But not yet Ash Barty. She has quit tennis and like all the music stars who get totally MK Ultra-ed, they haven't got her yet.

    1. @psychic

      HOLD IT!

      STOP this 'the trannies are taking over!" bullshit.

      WHO cares what gender a person is? I myself, as I said before, am an alien woman trapped in a human man's body...and I HATE IT, and I HATE the ARCHONS for doing it to me. I plan to get my needed gender, and genetics, change once the good ET's arrive.

      I am SOOO sick of heating folks going "EVIL TRANNIES!!!"

      That is not the words of 'the awakened', just jerks.

      I can get you some videos showing how most trans people are trying to live a peaceful life and not get killed/harassed.

    2. As promised:






      STILL think they are monsters trying to take down the world?

    3. @Lightpower

      BINGO. Good to see SOMEONE understands.

  39. https://twitter.com/AsamiTerajima/status/1520315852192681986?t=60HIQ6ktwspAeLOGZSIBlg&s=19

  40. https://twitter.com/avalaina/status/1509528556769984522?t=aF2T0aWGNsOox0OZSBvLDg&s=19

  41. Define Israel.

    Is = Isis
    Ida is the left channel. Ida is white, feminine, cold, represents the moon (Isis) and is associated with the river Ganga (Ganges). Originating in Muladhara, Ida ends up in the left nostril.

    Ra = Amun_Ra
    Pingala is the right channel. Pingala is red, masculine, hot, represents the sun (Amun-Ra) and is associated with the river Yamuna. Originating in Muladhara, Pingala ends up in the right nostril.

    El = Elohim
    Sushumna is the central channel and is associated with the river Saraswati.(Elohim) Within the Sushumna nadi there are three more subtle channels: Vajra, Chitrini and Brahma nadi through which Kundalini moves upwards running up the body from just below Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head.

    Sol☀️_O💫_Mon🌕 temple

    Victory of the Light

  42. did someone of chinese boss cares be hijacked to force him block city?

  43. RRN has reported that another one of the unholy Fauci has been executed As with Cheney Cobra has not ask for our help to apprehend him.

    Now in the past Cobra has stated RRN is partly true, and I don't think RRN would be allow to give names of the military involved if the information were not partly correct and approved to print by them.

    Two reasons I can think of why the LF are not asking for help ... it didn't happen ... or some kind of security thing where they won't say.

    I guess time is the only thing that will tell us what really happened.

  44. Non-awakened notice victory of the light
    Today, 2 acquaintances were talking in my presence about the fact that children's behavior towards each other has improved considerably in recent years. This is the first time that I have noticed that non-awakened people notice something like this. Even with awakened ones I have hardly registered this so far.

  45. How can we use the new twitter now to spread the truth??

  46. https://twitter.com/ukraine_world/status/1520638099847794688?t=Q_1JIFk4sniAcUt2Bsk7Vw&s=19

  47. The Age of Personal Liberation


  48. How about do next meditation with Galactic federation people call the psythyon's. Cobra do think can shamans to create meditation on psythyons to be create for next meditation on Solar eclipse this summer? Please approve thus talk it over with those who create meditations. Thank cobra. Get back to me any time cobra

  49. The next wave of ascension it's just about to happen... for this timeline anyway everyone has to be on their best behaviour! Personally I'm suffering from being controlled with lust, if you guys have an inner demon as well, now is the time to fight it! Form my feeling you've got about 2 days so good luck!
    Ps command 12 21 is really powerful now so please to use it! My Guardians have saved me more times than I can count this week honestly it's pretty cool :)


  50. Arconte se revelando na ONU. Transmitido ao vivo pela NBC


  51. https://twitter.com/francis_scarr/status/1520839304062373892?t=H9R9OPSCotalCxEzeYXA7g&s=19

  52. The new world order has been launched in China. Why don't the light forces intervence .?

  53. If i was human, i would hug you.
