in progress, M
signal field substable. Security breach recovery complete. Dreamland v0.9 operational, Dreamspace activated, wipeout sequence 9 in
progress, RR12.
Minimum M / HP / SD / DL / MDS requirements met, VTX requirements not
Dear COBRA, could you ask the Pleiadians for an upgrade in COMMAND RCV STARDUST that is not limited to corona only, it would be very interesting and useful for the technology to be able to remove up to 75% of all types of flu, viruses, fungi, parasites and bacteria (negative ) harmful to the human body, it would be amazing to take an existing technology and just perfect it for the good of all, I love you and VICTORY OF THE LIGHT 🎉 🎊 ✨ 🚀 my family
Actually, that is true. You've inspired me. I used BitChute and I will make a short message. I can leave a lot of them, to people against the NWO, and it is never deleted. It is interesting to read what they are saying. I'll spend an hour a day... easy!
Saturday, April 1, 2023 STATE OF MISSION REPORT MARCH 2023 Pandora in progress, M signal field substable. SD security breach recovery complete, drastic several security breaches at 504, black alert. "DREAMLAND v0.9 ACTIVED", wipeout sequence 9 in progress. Minimum M / HP requirements met, VTX / SD / DL / MDS requirements not met.
31/03/2023 Systems security breach at 504, “DREAMLAND v0.9 operational”
01/04/2023 STATE OF MISSION REPORT MARCH 2023 Pandora in progress, M signal field substable. SD security breach recovery complete, drastic several security breaches at 504, black alert. "DREAMLAND v0.9 ACTIVED", wipeout sequence 9 in progress. Minimum M / HP requirements met, VTX / SD / DL / MDS requirements not met.
Just a recommendation for the next group meditations: Before beginning maybe add a (breathing?) ritual where everyone connects with all other Souls doing the meditation from the Heart, connecting via the Heart centre and forming a huge meditation grid of Light around the planet. At the end of the meditation, maybe add a grounding ritual, so the process of anchoring the Light whilst remaining balanced and stable might be easier, and getting back to the often harsher energies of every day life might happen more softly and gently. NAMASTE
I don't really like red; but what about when it's mixed to make other beautiful colours? Burgundy, pink, purple or indigo? Do you have any way to prove this claim? Maybe its just personal preference? I like black and that is associated with death or evil, but I wouldn't say I am evil 😈
Tons of blackouts, Ksh. They SAY it's instrument error, but I doubt that. I also heard Spaceweather's been ordered to tone down their reports and findings.
FINALLY, as of May 11, 2023, non-US citizens who want to come to the US can come in, without being vaccinated.
... Continuing from my comment above.... Soon, as of May 11, the vaccine will not be required by non-US citizens, to enter the US.... SO....Perhaps Cobra can finally have a conference in the USA in the near future. Where shall it be? (Where would we all like to go?) :)
Love is the treasurer in the dove of the Creator Who always hides in our ascension Without Her, everything would be an icy ridge of meaninglessness While with her we are a continuation of the psalms new divine readings. I. B.
With beauty in the heart, with you and Isis Astara
Love is the treasurer in the dove of the Creator Who always hides in our ascension Without Her, everything would be an icy ridge of meaninglessness While with her we are a continuation of the psalms new divine readings. I. B.
With beauty in the heart, with you and Isis Astara
that recent meditation we just did has already cleared the local ether substantially absolutely-and in continuim.....the skies look fresher and more brilliant - indicating more purer source light in the mix i would propose.....
primo works fine members of the family of light - as we rise super bright .....bravo zulu+++++
and of course we got the highest octane fuel being delivered to us these days- compliments of the supersuns.....time to top up the tanks and go cosmic sailing pritty sooooon-hahahahaha.....
—————————————————————————————————————— lightforces musicianmagician sent into trigger creative human minds to begin and loosen the merciless grip of the draconian khazarian monster regimes of the ussr…..a highly successful lightforces operation assisting in the collapse of the soviet union-crazy stuff its a true story-zapem with your creative minds lightforces soldiers – zapem with your minds-hahahahaha…..
The energy situation is increasingly improving. This morning, when I woke up, I felt an almost heavenly energy, full of gentleness and harmony.
The behavior of the non-starseeds among themselves had improved a long time ago, because probably the dark ones felt forced to use their dwindling possibilities strategically, and to concentrate mainly on light workers.
But also among the non-awakened I observe further improvements towards more harmony since May 1st.
✨Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing Sessions:
- May 3rd, 2023 from 2:00 pm UTC to 2:30 pm UTC Link: - May 4th, 2023 from 2:00 pm UTC to 2:30 pm UTC Link: - May 5th, 2023 from 2:00 pm UTC to 2:30 pm UTC Link:
✨Portal of Light Wesak Full Moon Meditation:
- May 5th, 2023 at 5:35 pm UTC Livestream in English starts at 5:10 pm UTC Livestream: Meditation Playlist:
Wesak / Buddha's Birthday & The Shamballa Gathering:
“The Full Moon Festival of Wesak, Buddha's Birthday, occurs this year on May 5th, 2023 at 5:35 pm UTC. The Festival of Wesak is a Global Celebration of the work being done by the Ascended Master Teachers in Spiritual Worlds and by the New Group of World Servers, often known as Lightworkers, in the physical realm on planet Earth. The festival is intended to celebrate the Unity of Eastern and Western mystery schools, especially Buddhism and esoteric Christianity.”
Lord Buddha’s Annual Royal Visit to Earth / The Wesak Festival of the Full Moon of The Buddha:
“Every planet has a highest authority head in the spirit realms, known as the Logos or God of the planet. Lord Buddha is the God of planet Earth. He is the Head of the Planetary Hierarchy (of Ascended Masters) for Earth. Every year, Lord Buddha appears before humanity by entering the physical octave, in semi-physical form, for just 8 minutes. This is the single greatest event on Earth! In fact, it is a singularly potent, powerful, electrifying Portal of 8 minutes, when the God of our planet personally, physically, descends to Bless all of humanity. To receive Him on Buddha Full Moon / is indeed a big ceremony undertaken in the ethers by the entire Planetary Hierarchy who assemble on physical Earth in a highly symbolic design or format, in advance, and wait for Lord Buddha to grace the Earth.”
"In connection with the information storm unfolding on the Internet about drone strikes against the Kremlin, I would like to express my opinion. Both as a politician and as an aviation electronics engineer.
Firstly, I reject the conspiracy theory that in fact there was no real blow to the Kremlin, but we became spectators of a well-directed performance organized by the FSB, the FSO or other law enforcement agencies.
The political and moral damage that was inflicted on the Russian Federation as a result of this strike in full cannot be imagined. This damage is for decades, or even for centuries. And it is comparable, for example, with the death of the Russian fleet in the Battle of Tsushima, which played a role in the subsequent tragic events associated with the three revolutions, the death of the Russian Empire, the civil war, the destruction of the economy, the death and suffering of tens of millions of Russian people and many, many others.
And what dividends can be obtained from this act of universal shame and humiliation? And who can be this beneficiary? Only our countless enemies from the USA to the Baltic limitrophs. Including Ukraine.
Now as for the technical side of this strike. I am convinced that it was applied by UAVs of the highest technological level, which Ukraine currently lacks and will not achieve in the near future. Why do I draw such a conclusion?
The proof of this is the accuracy of the UAV hitting the "peg", as the rocket scientists say. The video shows that the UAV hit the dome of the Senate Palace literally a meter from the flagpole, which was the aiming point embedded in the program of the UAV's on-board computer. Let me remind you that the offices of the leaders of our country from Lenin to Putin are located in the Senate Palace (in the Soviet years - in the First Building of the Kremlin). And the blow was struck precisely at Putin's office, although it is unlikely that he could really kill him because of the low power of the warhead, which did not allow to break through the ceilings of the building. Rather, this blow had a propaganda effect.
Someone will object that, after all, the fighting in Ukraine has shown that simple kamikaze drones of the Lancet type are capable of providing a direct hit to the target. But to do this, you need to control the UAV by a ground operator and get this operator a television picture from the UAV to accurately point it at the target. And given the curvature of the earth's surface, such control and getting a picture from its side when flying at low altitudes is possible at a range of only a few kilometers. Of course, you can use a radio signal repeater drone that flies at a high altitude, which will increase the control range. But all the same, this will increase the control range slightly, and the repeater drone itself can be easily shot down by air defense systems when flying at high altitude.
For reliable control and obtaining on-board information at long distances, a SATELLITE CONTROL CHANNEL and, accordingly, a complex ground control point together with well-trained operators are needed. Ukraine does not have such a satellite channel YET, as well as there is no ground control point. But the only country in the world has all of the above - the USA. And as one of the versions, it can be assumed that the control of the UAV was carried out by American operators from a ground control point of the UAV located in Sicily, from where they regularly launch their strategic reconnaissance UAVs into the Black Sea.
They will object to me, but what prevented me from launching a UAV from a small distance from the Kremlin and controlling it from a regular laptop? But judging by the video, the UAV had a fairly large size, at least a couple of meters, which you can't launch with your hand, for takeoff it needs a flat, solid runway several tens of meters long. In addition, such a UAV must carry several kilograms of explosives and a simple drone purchased on Aliexpress cannot lift this load."
"In addition to the things mentioned, the Kremlin is one of the most secure facilities in the world and very advanced electronic warfare tools are used there. You can check it for yourself by driving a car with the navigator turned on along the Kremlin Embankment. And your navigator will suddenly show that you are not near the Kremlin, but somewhere in the Vnukovo district. This is an electronic warfare system that distorts the signals of satellite navigation systems and does not allow them to be used to control UAVs in this area. Similarly, all known frequencies of UAV control channels, both civil and military applications, are clogged with interference, and strict radio control of all radio sources in the area, including satellite, is certainly carried out.
And so I assume that the UAV used to strike the Kremlin had no external control and was completely autonomous. Taking into account its relatively large size, it was launched from the territory of Ukraine and flew along the route laid down in the onboard computer using an inertial navigation system, the data of which was corrected using the correlation-extreme navigation system (CNS).
If you explain on your fingers what it is, then a DIGITAL MAP of the flight route is stored in the memory of the on-board computer, taken in advance with the help of satellites and airplanes, and the UAV constantly checks its location with this digital map using an on-board radar or an electron-optical system. And he doesn't need any external control signals. And no interference from electronic warfare systems affects it. And at the very final stage, the on-board computer can use an ordinary photo of the target to accurately hit it. For example, the flagpole on the dome of the Senate Palace.
I repeat. In my opinion, it was such a UAV that was used to strike at the Kremlin. And only the USA has such high-level technologies. And obviously they were used to strike at the Kremlin. Hardly directly, it's just that the United States helped Ukraine to implement them in hardware by providing components and providing technical support for the manufacture of this UAV.
In addition, the fuselage of this UAV is of great interest, what materials was it made of? Why did he have an extremely low radar stealth that even the "Shells" placed on the roofs of Moscow buildings did not notice him?"
"It seems that the approximate timing of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is becoming clear. First, the extension of the grain deal (httpst.meskurlatovlive10095) and only then the offensive, everything is strictly in accordance with the NVO plan. Within the framework of the agreements, it is quite logical and, most importantly, consistently."
"The meeting of representatives of the Russian Federation with neo-fascists is like another spit to the Russians on the eve of the Victory Day on May 9. The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced plans to hold a meeting of Turkey, the Russian Federation and Ukraine on a grain deal in Istanbul on May 5. Let me remind you that Russia did not take out a spike of wheat under this "deal" , and Khokhols sent millions of tons of various products, and in return received weapons and even explosives for the Crimean bridge. Also, the junta is coming out using the "grain" sea corridor for weekly attacks with drone boats and other means of Sevastopol and other cities of Crimea. "
An artificial war to distract from the past covid and the collapse of global financial markets and the division of the global trading system into macro zones with the dollar losing its position as a global fiat currency. Americans will have to go through 1988-2002 years of the USSR-RF, although NON-FINANCIAL economists say that it will be worse than the "Great Depression" of the thirties of the 20th century. I recommend studying the survival experience of the 1990s - they survived only by their own garden, they did not pay salaries for a year or two.
Sananda, Ashtar, Semjase, and the rest of the LF and RM... please come and get me guys ASAP... no joke. I really need a break from this place. I'm wearing out and sinking yet again from far to many emotional and physical fluctuations, triggers, and negative interactions with the ones that supposedly love me yet spew false accusations left and right practically every other day now. It's wearing me down and I know I need a great deal of help and healing but this toxic environment I'm obligated to be in isn't allowing me the time, space and environment I need to heal and go within to reconnect with my I AM presence properly. I've asked, petitioned and prayed for direct physical intervention and First Contact... now I'm begging please, please take me out of this toxic experience so I can finally heal far away from toxic people and places.
I love you! I understand. I feel like everytime I try to walk forward, I'm pulled back HARD! We need to support one another more in these times. This is WAR and all of us are attacked relentlessly. We don't have great protection. Let's try to protect each other. I created a FB private group 2 months ago, do you want to join? You mentioned you wanted to do video conference meetups and/or maybe physical meet ups. Lemme know!
I been begging for first contact since I was 11 years old in 1991....I'm 44 NOW. I just need ONE small ET ship to come and pick me up. Like Luke Skywalker said in "A New Hope", "There's nothing for me here, now".
@nwe5000 Thank you for the kind words and support. Part of my problem is I have BIG visions but lost my confidence, energy and drive to act on them. In my youth I was very connected to my I AM presence and had all the confidence, motivation and energy in the world but lacked direction. Now I have direction but lack the confidence, motivation and energy... go figure.😅 I'll check the Facebook site out! 😉👍
@Sherman That's pretty ironic that your awakening started in 1991... that's about when mine also started. Perhaps 1991 was a mass awakening point for all the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds to begin to awaken from the amnesiac state we were subjected to... like Jason Bourne in the Bourne Identity. Were you aware also in 1990 a huge Sri Yantra was basically carved into a dry lake bed in Oregon? It was one of the first in a series of Crop circle messages but was the only one done in dirt with absolute precision. Here's the link for the Oregon lake Sri Yantra.
@DH I'll check into @nwe5000 Facebook account. You also asked me a few questions concerning my comments I shared with @Libra, so I'll answer your question below in a bit. 😉👍
@Sherman ... hell I've been wanting contact when I was in my teens ... I'm 67 NOW. You are still young compared to me. You have a better change of making it to The Event than I do. They won't even give me a lousy fly by to video. So join my club.
Libra J. M. Aquila, yeah, many little things add up to a really big thing, for sure! This one really got me ticked for some reasons I'll go into. (This reply also covers Maia's reply.)
When people get to a point where they can get out of the control of the dark brotherhood, the dark brotherhood steps in and sabotages things. Cobra had an example of this in a previous post when mentioning funds being stolen from lightwarriors by the cabal.
The power of the microbiome can turn a human into more of a 'super-human,' if it's the right strains. (These are strains not found in yogurt, kefir, and the like.) I definitely believe this product to have 'superstrains,' and I do believe there was attempted sabotage to prevent me from getting this product for that reason.
('They' (for convenience I'll use "they") have also in the past hunted down and killed people who found ways to slow down the aging process or become immortal. They absolutely cannot stand this sort of thing because it threatens their power structure.)
It's just them trying to keep me under their thumb when they pull this on me. They don't want me getting to be too liberated. They only want people to be kept within a very limited range. If someone gets to the point of being able to 'slip between their fingers,' they tighten their grip quite a bit.
Anyway, I found a way to order the product. I had to go through some steps that were very out of the ordinary, but was finally successful with the order.
Definitely, I'm looking forward to the next update as well!
@Libra My patience is just about exhausted. I pretty much HAVE to be a hermit, otherwise I'm THAT close to decking someone in the nose, should they just look at me wrong, or say the wrong thing.
Like my Jeckel is pretty much dead, and Hyde's ready to come out with a bang.
**ALERT*** '4 Important Dates Announced' - Just Released by JFK Jr. (Meme) E.g interview of jfk by OAN
Yep ... big time rumor. When ever dates are given you can bet good money they come and go without incident. As far as I am concerned JFK Jr is dead. Q said so and Cobra said either in an update or interview to use common sense. I admit Cobra's response to the question can leave the door open to many, but for me it means he is dead. I 've heard about these "interviews" taking place on telegram, yet hear nothing about the results else where. I suspect this will be the case on the 8th. I can't get telegram so if anyone here can provide a link that will allow me to see the interview if it does take place I would appreciate it. I don't see why they can't use more than one outlet ... why not use rumble and bitchute as well as the many others site that could carry it. If it was for real you think they want to reach as many people as possible. If no link can be provided could someone that can watch on the 8th post what took place? If anything takes place that is.
I agree with you. Why the info being limited to one medium... now perhaps is for rating purposes or whatever contract they might have. I assume it will be share later on other mediums by other people for discussion as they usually do. At least is a start
I also am cautioned when dates are given . However i have been wondering if that threshhold where promises will be kept as far as dates are concern has come. As you have said. We will see.
I know @Libra... lord kows my 1221Team gets an earful from time to time. The reason I'm venting yet again is because I feel I'm stuck in a negative loop. For most of my life I've walked my path alone and have made HUGE strides and breakthroughs concentrating on my own spiritual development and growth without outside distraction and influence. However, in 2016 I got into a relationship that I felt comfortable with and believed I could continue to grow within this relationship. However, when she moved in back in 2019 it became a very unpredictable atmosphere. I don't want to get into details but she brought alot of baggage and it seems that she needs a great deal of help and healing too. Needless to say I haven't really felt relaxed enough to concentrate on my own growth because since because it's a walking on eggs kind of atmosphere. I can't just kick her out because I'm not that cold but I do need a vacation upstairs ✨️🕳☝️😌🕳✨️ Basically we're not spiritually aligned and it makes us oil and water a good deal of the time but I will never stop loving her because I SEE the good in her. Plus I can't ignore the fact that she came to me in a dream/vision before we crossed paths. She was actually pointed out by light beings in the dream... so there's a reason we met that was predestined from above. Either way, I've got to hang in there and wait for it to be 100% safe for voluntary extraction. 🕳☝️😎👍🕳 By the way Libra... I LOVE YOUR NEW AVATAR! It fits how I envision you. Thanks for your words and for allowing me to bounce off of you. Let's stay strong, grounded, centered and the Bad-Ass Lightwarriors we came here to be. ✨️🫵😎👍✨️
MEGA heavy ascension symptoms, which I nick named as "WHAMMIES", since 2010.
And a rather restrictive situation.
Not to mention attack after attack by the darkies, the past month and a half or so have been brutal.
My dad died in 2010, and the symptoms started, it just hit me, out of nowhere, just four months after dad died. And what sucks ass the most is that I was FINALLY getting things to work for me, at least some...but so far, this ascension thing just seems to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE from me and GIVES me NOTHING. I feel like those 13 years, which included the whole of my 30's, was STOLEN from me, I hope I get those years BACK, plus INTEREST, as it were.
And the darkie attacks ain't helping.
I sooooooo hope I get to have both JUSTICE, and VENGEANCE, Libra, I really, really do.
Are you both happy? can you both stay as friends but continue on your own path of growth. What exactly was the vision you had that makes you feel the experience that you were to have with her was to be long term and not brief yet everlasting in other ways 144k?. But getting back to first question.. are you both happy? Sorry i am being nosey
@DH One of my traits is vivid and lucid dreaming which I've been able to do since childhood. Let's just say I've become experienced enough within dreaming to know the difference between an average dream and a vision and/or a Light language real-time dreaming from other dimensions and spiritual realms and the beings therein. This vision of her was very specific and I saw these Light beings pointing her out so I paid close attentionto detail. These beings were benevolent, visually striking, radiant and beautiful. Now as to why she was coming into my life wasn't clear at the time but I would say that her and I felt a kinship like soulmates once we did meet. I even let her know afterward that i saw her coming. To her credit she helped me get through the passing of both my father and mother within a year of each other. Had she not been there I don't know how well I would've handled it, but with her help and comfort I made it through that trying and difficult period. I also told her from the beginning I was a Lightworker and/or a Starseed and informed her of my intentions to help humanity to awaken and eventually reconnect with my Galactic family and my Twin Flame aboard the Motherships after THE EVENT. She understood... she wasn't thrilled that I would eventually leave and be with my Twin Flame, but she accepted it as my truth. Now as to your main question... are we both happy? I would say that 75% of the time we usually are but it's that remaining 25% when buttons get pushed and triggers happen that all the happiness we've experienced together seem to be overshadowed by the arguments, misunderstandings and miscommunication. At those moments I want my 1221Team to come and get me so I'm not subjected to painful words coming from both her and myself. I absolutely HATE conflict and hate myself when I'm in these arguments. We both need alot of help and healing but it's overly apparent when we're both screaming at each other, in tears, and sick to our stomachs because of it. Then comes the depression because I feel like I'm letting myself and everyone else down because I'm not setting a good example as a Lightworker. The other factor is that both of us are interdependent on each other financially. I own a music store and she owns a thrift shop next door and we share an apartment in the back my store. We couldn't financially survive right now without each other's income... hence why I say I'm obligated to this. Once Operation Dreamland manifests everything will be fine but we're barely making it between the two of our business until then. It's actually a miracle we're still afloat so I know we're being watched over. However, Dreamland or no Dreamland my true goal is spiritual connection and Ascension. So, the moment we're safe to have First Contact I'm hoping to catch a ride to the Motherships and get some we'll deserved R&R and some deep healing and restoration from our Galactic brothers and sisters. I hope this answers your questions @DH. Thanks for asking, thanks for the uplifting, and the genuine concern. You're a good soul and appreciate it Lightwarrior. 👊😎👍
It's like that old saying, "They don't pay me enough for this abuse". WHAT are we going to be presented with at the end of this? What are we going to get and be told, "THANK YOU very much, THIS is what you have fought and struggle for! THIS is for all the misery and pain you have gone through!"
Like Han Solo once said, "I EXPECT TO BE WELL PAID!"
A new ocean is being formed in Africa. ( Geologists have confirmed that a new ocean is being created as the African continent is being split in half. A 35 mile long rift appeared in the Ethiopian desert in 2005 and is probably the start of a new sea.
In 1933: 150,000 Jews gathered in Chicago for a "historical pageant" to simulate a child sacrifice to Moloch. Israel was later founded by the Rothschilds and other powerful Zionists. Woodrow Wilson sold America to the Zionist Bankers by creating the Federal Reserve Bank. The United Nations is about to become a gigantic coffin.
If you eat MacDonalds, then you are a consumer of dimethylpolysiloxane, also known as plastic / silicone oil. Matrix food keeps you at the lowest vibration possible.
This may be integrative, the cosmic energy is very high in these early days of May and with the struggle of the darkness creating a strong pressure that is clearly felt by the nervous system, I often feel similar to you, we are now in a pre-event "sandwich" effect, keeping the light constantly shielded to stay connected. The water is nearing boiling point, blessings and prayers for you to get through the final stages with as much ease and grace as possible
Seems like nothing will change before The Event and when The Event will come nobody knows, supposedly only The Source knows because he/she is the one sending that pulse. So i did meditate on May 1st and 2nd, it was good but i didn't feel anything special, i didn't feel some new energies that are coming in, i wanted to feel it but i didn't felt anything, same old same old, i don't know what is the problem, is it me or my DNA is not activated or what? I don't really understand how this DNA activation and evolution works, seems like we will not get any kind of new powers. We must rely on machines (Med Beds) to heal ourselves, DNA in the end is not much powerful as i tought, machines are obviously more powerful which is really sad, if we are actually part of the source, we should be more powerful than somekind of AI machines to heal ourselves but that not the case. Did anyone of you felt anything during meditation that you can describe as something special or somekind of mysterious and deep energies???
Practice, practice, practice. Complainment lead to nothing, no-one can do what you haven´t done until now for yourself. After the own inner homeworks anything becomes more and more easier. Don´t give up. It works. And no-one can substitute this feeling! So simple, so great. All the best!
@Devon i understand what you are talking about but i don't think that is how world works. If wish is an obstacle then we don't need to wish for anything because we already have everything but that is simply not true, it's like some Buddhist monk high up on the mountains meditating in nature thinking that he has everything and he doesn't need to wish for anything. But reality is that that monk is simply living slower, relaxed, more spiritual but boring and monotonous life. I think it's just delusional to think that we already have everything, i think that people evolve from wishing something better in their lives, to advance to improve from this shittty and boring experience. And if this meditation is biggest meditation of our lives i was more like not wishing but expecting to feel some mysterious and deep energies but in the end i will not lie, it was really good and great feeling before, during and after meditation but nothing that could be described as special, mysterious and deep or life changing. If central cosmic sun is for first time after 26 000 years reconnecting with surface of the Planet Earth, we should experience somekind of connection or somekind of energies which we haven't felt anytime before or somekind of DNA activation but nothing of that was happening to me, i don't know about you, did you feel something profoundly special that you haven't felt before in previous meditations, somekind of epiphany or DNA activation or deep forgotten connection?
@Sherman hahaha yes, we are genetically raped... @BBB i do feel good energies with my cat pets, i really love them, they transmute bad energies, i also feel good after watching those videos with Ashtar picture as you described or listening good music, that is not the problem, i just want something deeper if you understand me, i want to feel some deep and mysterious energies, i want to reconnect with the source, i want to activate DNA so i can heal myself, i don't want to be dependant on some AI machine (Med Beds) to heal myself, if we are part of the source we should have possiblity to evolve to have that powers. I want to feel my DNA activation so i can evolve on that level, but i don't feel anything special, i do feel good and positive during meditation but that's not what I'm talking about, i want deeper things, we need some big push from source to speed up our evolution, if we are going to evolve at this speed, we would need some thousand more years to reach some decent level, something needs to speed up, it's not working like this anymore. @Sam Tyler i done everything i could, i need results, I'm not talking about good and positive life so you can get enough food to eat or meditate everyday to feel good, that's becoming boring and repetitive, i want some bigger steps in evolution, that would change my life from the core of my being, i want life full of adventure, mystery and deep meaning, where you are healthy and can experience love on the deepest levels, not just meditating and feeling good, I'm complaining because people have gotten used to so little that they don't even perceive the deeper reality, we need to send message to source to speed thing up to manifest that, if it is enough for us to feel just "good" then we are sending a message to the source that things do not need to speed up, but to go slowly. This life is not about feeling just "good" we are capable of so muuuch more.
Genetically raped because they cut 10 of 12 strands leaving us in basic survival mode. Advanced ETs did this..annunaki / elohim I assume not sure thos was the first of many rapings..
@DoughJamesVOTL I'm curious how can with activated those deactivated strands, i spent my whole life learning and evolving to get on higher consciousness level, i know that I'm evolved to higher mental and emotional level but i don't feel like i have some new powers, if expanded mental and emotional awareness is a new power than i got that but i don't feel I'm physically improved. Maybe i actvated more than two strand of DNA by trying to evolve on higher level but how could i know that, i can't check my DNA to see how many strands are activated. I'm mostly interested in healing and Med Bed technology, because in a healthy body is a healthy spirit. I wish we could activate many strands of DNA so we can heal and regenerate ourselves but seems like we first need AI machines (Med Beds) to heal ourselves than when we have healthy body we can achieve ascension and than we could have regenerating powers to heal ourselves without machines, seems like that's how things works. I just want things to speed up, this slow reality is killing me, i feel like I'm in somekind of slow motion horror movie from which i can't escape, The Source needs to send those waves to speed things up because this reality is degenerating fast to extreme absurdity and it's already absurd enough...
@BBB i know who Wim Hof is, i do meditation and when i do i feel good but it doesn't last long till i get snapped back to reality, i was also doing cold water showers for some time and the feeling is also good but it's just like some fine refreshment. The problem is that i hardly function in this Matrix system, don't get me wrong, i can work, i can talk to people, listen to them and be good therapist, when people see me and talk to me they say how you are always positive and joyful, i want to uplift people, they say that they never see me sad but they have no idea how i feel inside, I'm crumbling into pieces, imploding into myself, i put on a good mask because i don't want to make other people sad in anyway by how i feel. Where ever i look i don't see people anymore, i only see prisoners of this Matrix system, everything they talk is just trivia and nonsense, most people have no idea how deep they are in the system, they were deep before these smartphones now they are even more deeper in virtual reality aka matrix inside of matrix, and what I'm supposed to do, just wait until all those people wake up so we can get new advance technology to heal ourselves and then to achieve ascension, the only way to wake those people up is to cut off their internet connection and present to them real truth about this world with evidence aka extreme shock therapy. Nobody knows when will that happen, i was ready long time ago for that, now I'm also prisoner because other people didn't wake up in time so this whole process is slow as f*ck. Sometimes i think to myself that i was born too early, i should incarnate to this Planet Earth at least 15 years later, i guess before i incarnated here my judgement was that people will wake up sooner so i choose 1988 year to incarnate but they didn't so now I'm f*cked up. Yoga, Meditation and Positive thinking can be good for short period of time but that doesn't work for me in the long run, I'm way too much awakened for this world, this Planet is just like one Big Brother house from which you can't escape, one big Truman Show and you are unwilling actor. People in masses will never wake up until some really drastic things happen and i must suffer till The Event, i know that, i can't lie to myself, but the question is how much suffer can i take. I can visualize in my head how this world could be so much better place and this life could be joy where people are happy and share love, enjoying in every breath they take, i could feel those imaginary emotions and in that moment i feel happy but then i wake up from daydreaming and see this world as total opposite from that, then i suffer, i feel like it's somekind of black hole of negative emotions inside my solar plexus that's eating me alive because i can't manifest the world that i want to live in...
Salut , je viens de voir que les usa seronts peut etre en defaut de paiement le 1er Juin , il y a aussi 3 banques qui onts fait faillite ces derniers temps .
These different missions, which go in different directions, so to speak, like a highway goes in opposite directions, require higher-dimensional alignments so as not to hinder each other.
The highway is for moving forward quickly. There is a separation of directions to prevent accidents and eliminate obstructions.
In the same way, starseeds need their spiritual guidance in order not to clash with the missions of others.
The two manifestation vortices of the different starseeds have their demarcation point against the other missions of the starseeds in a tractor track, that is, active cooperation of the starseeds with their Spiritual Guidance is necessary to carry out their missions without such "accidents" and not to interfere directly or indirectly with the missions of others.
It's great to see the wonderful energy of everyone in this meditation! Everyone is happy. Well I'll post now because it is already 2.30am and still an hour to go. Happy meditating!
Yesterday I had to have a difficult meeting with someone.
I had been sort of worried about this meeting for a couple of weeks. I called in my Command 12 21 team, I wore my cintamani stone, I held a second (really large) cintamani stone during the whole thing, I said to myself, "God, talk through me" several times.
It went so smoothly! I said what I needed to say! Nobody reacted badly, it was really easy.
So.... thank you to the light forces and to my Command 12 21 team and to the cintamanis and everyone ! Hurrah.
It was a good meditation and felt nicely grounded for it.😌 I truly hope the energies of the Portal we helped to activate are flowing beautifully and removing all remaining anomaly. We need some positive movement forward to help rejuvenate inspiration and motivation among the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds. 🕳✨️☝️😎👍✨️🕳
I got 5 hours sleep, I'm good! I have to mention today the Coronation, and the fact that King Charles is actually deceased. For any shill out there, he is dead. It's a clone or a lookalike, maybe a mask. There is NO WAY they would leave the killer psychopath child eater ALIVE. He is dead dead dead. Let's see any shill say otherwise. Anyone who thinks he is still breathing is totally mad. So let's watch this movie, we know who is in charge. It is the Light! We know how this ends.
So I just wanted to make it clear. Come out of hiding shills and say otherwise. Let's all recover from our mental illness, let's all be happy instead after our traumatic day. What a lovely day! And let's watch the clone / mask or whatever that thing is. I noticed they decided in Australia to not spend any money on the Corona-tion. I think they know that something is up, being white hats and all.
please tell me that the event will come in our life tim but not when were elderly, i want to see the event during the 2020s or just anythime when i'm still young.
Here is a good message, just turn off the sound and read it. It's funny when they said we would remain defensive due to the ETs. But there are really no fears from any ETs. We are getting there!
Yes! Sebastian gets too easy offended. While Cobra speaks about a few short years, Sebastian claims that "long beyond 2025". He has a dictotorial behavior. He hunts someone all over the internet, if has opposite beliefs.
Finite le Meditazioni!!! La cifra “6” che inizia a sgretolarsi, sfumante da parte sinistra gira verso la parte destra posizionandosi in Alto con un “9”!!! L’3nergia Spirituale del “9”!!! Fratellanza Universale, Quella Vera!!! + Canalizzazione dell’Arcangelo Raffaele “Il Cuore Salvera’ l’Umanita’!!! Tutto Quello Che E’ Fatto Con Il Cuore SopravviverA’!!!” (“In barba” a tutti gli atacchi bestiali ricevuti!!!) Sosteniamo con Forza e Coraggio la Luce!!! Un Abbraccio a Tutta la Mia Famiglia Stellare + a Cobra + al Suo Team!!! 💜👏✨🌅🦢🐚🌏✴️💫🟣
These are my thoughts on shadow work. It may not reflect your experience.
The purpose of shadow work is to become aware of, and deal with the ugliest aspects of your psyche. By its very nature, this process is quite painful.
In my opinion, shadow work is a journey of acceptance. I think it is a mistake to try to heal these aspects without accepting them as part of yourself first.
This will cause pain. No amount of self-love will make it go away completely. Learning to enjoy the unpleasant journey of self discovery will help greatly.
Trying to 'hold the light' during this process can be very difficult. This is because lightworkers tend to hold themselves to very high standards. Not being able to abide by these standards causes guilt. Conquering this feeling should be your first priority.
Since shadow work brings out the worst aspects of our psyche, it has a tendency to challenge all previously held images of ourselves.
It takes courage to accept that we may not be as 'good' or 'loving' as we thought.
Accept the ugly aspects of yourself. Don't try to heal them immediately. That takes a VERY long time.
you can be healthy on the blue jewel through moneypulation. after that you can meditate and the extraterrestrials will help you in everything. but the most important thing on this planet, I repeat; the money.! because here everything is given for money. quite simply EVERYTHING..
@Maia Something tells me those rich folks who can get ANYONE they want. How many times do we see some foul, loathsome, disgusting creature getting a gorgeous spouse, fuck buddy or whatever.
Been trying to find someone on this rotten planet from 1994-2013.....from ages 15 to 34. Gave up after all that....for ONLY an ALIEN will I accept, now, which just adds to the list of many, MANY reasons I need to get off planet gulag, Maia.
"Love" reappeared Although the field has been harvested, plowed up, and reseeded, last year's ASCII code "love" appears visibly again this year in April 2023 - M87 should send a flash of cosmic love energies on May 1, 2021.
From the video description “This original crop circle was reported on 4th June 2022 in a field of Barley. It measured approx 92 metres long. The circles spell out the word 'LOVE' using the ASCII computer code. The design is also resembles the constellation Cassiopeia. Five bright stars that form a 'W'. In April 2023 the field is now the yellow Oilseed rape and the 'ghost' of the 2022 formation is clearly visible.”
Would it possible that any representative from Galactic Federation was there in the coronation? Why or why not? Anyone who could explain this to me is welcome with open mind. Also I heard many times " King of Earth" in the coronation. I welcome a good analysis on this from any open minded person.
the royals are a gang of overrated, inbred pedophiles who deserve to be strung up....hang by the neck, or thrown to the angry masses of whom they robbed, cheated, murdered and raped.
Hope that sausage fingered, jugged eared goblin chokes on his weekly fix of baby blood this weekend.
It's interesting that you mention this, as it's a synchronicity. I will be de-stressing situations - probably not in a way Cobra and others want me to, but I have to do what I have to do. More on this here:
Yes! Of course. Sebastian is trying to improve his claims, most likely due to loosing his audience, and getting 'unpleasant answers'. But what results, is a more and solidifying confusion in the core of light community that gave all it's best to bring the event in the frame of 2025, as even Cobra claimed as necessary in some posts. No problem! But what seems more dangerous is that even the light grid is on the verge to fall, or is still maintained with great effort by the core of the light community, who is so by so exhausted, now, a new narrative is coming into scene, that of event long beyond 2025...
I WANT to fight, and I want to KILL as many darkies as possible.
Like this, just replace the police men with the darkies.
As I said many, many times before....FIX me up, restore me to my TRUE self, give me weapons that work, and good chance of getting back alive (I have no problem using unfair advantages against the darkies. In fact, I welcome using unfair advantages. Sauce for the goose, as it were, Maia), and I'll gladly do it. Saying that I gave a personal score to settle with the darkies is more understatement than anyone can imagine). Dance in the darkies blood, and bathe in their tears, as I spread their innards across the JAM.
I want to be the last thing they see before they die, I want to be the last thing they see before they get sent to galactic central. "SCREAMING to Gre'thor!", as the Klingons would say.
If nothing good happens fast, I probably will check myself into an asylum....if not just to keep myself from going ballistic on the sheeple....and the light forces themselves if we have to keep waiting and waiting.
@Libra Well, for me, I'll need a vacation, a long one, from anything masculine and manly and macho for sometime after I'm finally restored to my true self.....having had a dad who gave me the Hank Hill treatment (and from ages 8 1/2 to 17, I WAS pretty much Bobby Hill with a Tom Baker/Seth Rogan afro), and being beaten up by, and loosing girls I liked to, cheat beating alpha males.....yea, I need a vacation from all for, for maybe a couple of centuries, Libra.
Victory of the light!
ReplyDeleteDear COBRA, could you ask the Pleiadians for an upgrade in COMMAND RCV STARDUST that is not limited to corona only, it would be very interesting and useful for the technology to be able to remove up to 75% of all types of flu, viruses, fungi, parasites and bacteria (negative ) harmful to the human body, it would be amazing to take an existing technology and just perfect it for the good of all, I love you and VICTORY OF THE LIGHT 🎉 🎊 ✨ 🚀 my family
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOfcourse we work for the light. Why wouldn't we?
DeleteCan someone list all the protocols we have been given so far.. command ___ stardust. Command 1221 etc... tx
ReplyDeleteNow we have 4 days to mobilize the most people for Wesak!
Let's get the critical mass again!!!
Let's reconnect with all the leaders, networks!!!
I'm afraid I won't have time to send out invitations because it will take two days of work.
DeleteActually, that is true. You've inspired me. I used BitChute and I will make a short message. I can leave a lot of them, to people against the NWO, and it is never deleted. It is interesting to read what they are saying. I'll spend an hour a day... easy!
DeleteDreamland V0.9 is not already activated ?
ReplyDeleteAntes activado,ahora operativo
DeleteRead carefully!
DeleteThis is the report from April, not May.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Pandora in progress, M signal field substable. SD security breach recovery complete, drastic several security breaches at 504, black alert. "DREAMLAND v0.9 ACTIVED", wipeout sequence 9 in progress. Minimum M / HP requirements met, VTX / SD / DL / MDS requirements not met.
@Yingo it is just a current state of things as far as resistance code words go
DeleteSystems security breach at 504, “DREAMLAND v0.9 operational”
Pandora in progress, M signal field substable. SD security breach recovery complete, drastic several security breaches at 504, black alert. "DREAMLAND v0.9 ACTIVED", wipeout sequence 9 in progress. Minimum M / HP requirements met, VTX / SD / DL / MDS requirements not met.
Wow! Dreamland is here again! Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteJust a recommendation for the next group meditations: Before beginning maybe add a (breathing?) ritual where everyone connects with all other Souls doing the meditation from the Heart, connecting via the Heart centre and forming a huge meditation grid of Light around the planet. At the end of the meditation, maybe add a grounding ritual, so the process of anchoring the Light whilst remaining balanced and stable might be easier, and getting back to the often harsher energies of every day life might happen more softly and gently. NAMASTE
ReplyDeleteKeep pushing forward LF and RM! We'll continue holding the line and holding the Light for you!
Merci à tous les travailleurs et guerriers de Lumière, merci Cobra pour ces Nouvelles <3 Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa
ReplyDeleteI don't really like red; but what about when it's mixed to make other beautiful colours? Burgundy, pink, purple or indigo? Do you have any way to prove this claim? Maybe its just personal preference? I like black and that is associated with death or evil, but I wouldn't say I am evil 😈
ReplyDeleteNo spike or any significant movement in the Schumann resonance graphs after yesterday's Portal of Light meditation. Are we missing something?
ReplyDeleteThe graphs are stuck at 21st April on their site, see the fine print date on top.
DeleteTons of blackouts, Ksh. They SAY it's instrument error, but I doubt that. I also heard Spaceweather's been ordered to tone down their reports and findings.
ReplyDeleteThanks my friend, i love you
DeleteThank you <3
ReplyDeleteFINALLY, as of May 11, 2023, non-US citizens who want to come to the US can come in, without being vaccinated.
ReplyDelete... Continuing from my comment above.... Soon, as of May 11, the vaccine will not be required by non-US citizens, to enter the US.... SO....Perhaps Cobra can finally have a conference in the USA in the near future. Where shall it be? (Where would we all like to go?) :)
ReplyDeleteMount Shasta
DeleteMount Shasta ! Excellent idea. I don't know that there are good conference facilities in Mount Shasta, but it is a cool place.
DeleteI was thinking the Los Angeles-Santa Monica California area.
Midwest needs some attention.
DeleteEven hillbilly land should be included.
things are very quickly obviously and manifesting now, and will more fast till the breakthrough.
ReplyDeleteUse our magic power,,,
love ,light, truth, wisdom, ,,, can working will more than years ago.
and practice in daily life ,in everything.
many things cannot manifesting before because too many chaos and darkness,
now it can be !
Believe Your inner, Believe the Great Dreams within our Souls.
Dear Master Cobra,
Love is the treasurer in the dove of the Creator
Who always hides in our ascension
Without Her, everything would be an icy ridge of meaninglessness
While with her we are a continuation of the psalms
new divine readings.
I. B.
With beauty in the heart, with you and Isis Astara
The Rose
Thank you.
Dear Master Cobra,
Love is the treasurer in the dove of the Creator
Who always hides in our ascension
Without Her, everything would be an icy ridge of meaninglessness
While with her we are a continuation of the psalms
new divine readings.
I. B.
With beauty in the heart, with you and Isis Astara
The Rose
Thank you.
that recent meditation we just did has already cleared the local ether substantially absolutely-and in continuim.....the skies look fresher and more brilliant - indicating more purer source light in the mix i would propose.....
ReplyDeleteprimo works fine members of the family of light - as we rise super bright
.....bravo zulu+++++
and of course we got the highest octane fuel being delivered to us these days- compliments of the supersuns.....time to top up the tanks and go cosmic sailing pritty sooooon-hahahahaha.....
Glenn Gould: Russian Journey
lightforces musicianmagician sent into trigger creative human minds to begin and loosen the merciless grip of the draconian khazarian monster regimes of the ussr…..a highly successful lightforces operation assisting in the collapse of the soviet union-crazy stuff its a true story-zapem with your creative minds lightforces soldiers – zapem with your minds-hahahahaha…..
We stand tall and hold the divine light of Source! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!
Victoria de la Luz 💙 💫 💙
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe energy situation is increasingly improving. This morning, when I woke up, I felt an almost heavenly energy, full of gentleness and harmony.
ReplyDeleteThe behavior of the non-starseeds among themselves had improved a long time ago, because probably the dark ones felt forced to use their dwindling possibilities strategically, and to concentrate mainly on light workers.
But also among the non-awakened I observe further improvements towards more harmony since May 1st.
Victory of the light!Chiến thắng của Ánh Sáng
ReplyDelete✨Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing Sessions:
ReplyDelete- May 3rd, 2023 from 2:00 pm UTC to 2:30 pm UTC
- May 4th, 2023 from 2:00 pm UTC to 2:30 pm UTC
- May 5th, 2023 from 2:00 pm UTC to 2:30 pm UTC
✨Portal of Light Wesak Full Moon Meditation:
- May 5th, 2023 at 5:35 pm UTC
Livestream in English starts at 5:10 pm UTC
Meditation Playlist:
Wesak / Buddha's Birthday & The Shamballa Gathering:
“The Full Moon Festival of Wesak, Buddha's Birthday, occurs this year on May 5th, 2023 at 5:35 pm UTC. The Festival of Wesak is a Global Celebration of the work being done by the Ascended Master Teachers in Spiritual Worlds and by the New Group of World Servers, often known as Lightworkers, in the physical realm on planet Earth. The festival is intended to celebrate the Unity of Eastern and Western mystery schools, especially Buddhism and esoteric Christianity.”
Lord Buddha’s Annual Royal Visit to Earth / The Wesak Festival of the Full Moon of The Buddha:
“Every planet has a highest authority head in the spirit realms, known as the Logos or God of the planet. Lord Buddha is the God of planet Earth. He is the Head of the Planetary Hierarchy (of Ascended Masters) for Earth. Every year, Lord Buddha appears before humanity by entering the physical octave, in semi-physical form, for just 8 minutes. This is the single greatest event on Earth! In fact, it is a singularly potent, powerful, electrifying Portal of 8 minutes, when the God of our planet personally, physically, descends to Bless all of humanity. To receive Him on Buddha Full Moon / is indeed a big ceremony undertaken in the ethers by the entire Planetary Hierarchy who assemble on physical Earth in a highly symbolic design or format, in advance, and wait for Lord Buddha to grace the Earth.”
I thought something was gonna change. No, just like the old doors open.
ReplyDeleteAin't it great being on planet Gulag, Libra?
DeleteI still wonder if we ARE just disposable utilities to the light forces....
Mais uma meditação que eu participei, e infelizmente não aconteceu nada de especial. Os VTX nunca são atendidos.
ReplyDelete"In connection with the information storm unfolding on the Internet about drone strikes against the Kremlin, I would like to express my opinion. Both as a politician and as an aviation electronics engineer.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I reject the conspiracy theory that in fact there was no real blow to the Kremlin, but we became spectators of a well-directed performance organized by the FSB, the FSO or other law enforcement agencies.
The political and moral damage that was inflicted on the Russian Federation as a result of this strike in full cannot be imagined. This damage is for decades, or even for centuries. And it is comparable, for example, with the death of the Russian fleet in the Battle of Tsushima, which played a role in the subsequent tragic events associated with the three revolutions, the death of the Russian Empire, the civil war, the destruction of the economy, the death and suffering of tens of millions of Russian people and many, many others.
And what dividends can be obtained from this act of universal shame and humiliation? And who can be this beneficiary? Only our countless enemies from the USA to the Baltic limitrophs. Including Ukraine.
Now as for the technical side of this strike. I am convinced that it was applied by UAVs of the highest technological level, which Ukraine currently lacks and will not achieve in the near future. Why do I draw such a conclusion?
The proof of this is the accuracy of the UAV hitting the "peg", as the rocket scientists say. The video shows that the UAV hit the dome of the Senate Palace literally a meter from the flagpole, which was the aiming point embedded in the program of the UAV's on-board computer. Let me remind you that the offices of the leaders of our country from Lenin to Putin are located in the Senate Palace (in the Soviet years - in the First Building of the Kremlin). And the blow was struck precisely at Putin's office, although it is unlikely that he could really kill him because of the low power of the warhead, which did not allow to break through the ceilings of the building. Rather, this blow had a propaganda effect.
Someone will object that, after all, the fighting in Ukraine has shown that simple kamikaze drones of the Lancet type are capable of providing a direct hit to the target. But to do this, you need to control the UAV by a ground operator and get this operator a television picture from the UAV to accurately point it at the target. And given the curvature of the earth's surface, such control and getting a picture from its side when flying at low altitudes is possible at a range of only a few kilometers. Of course, you can use a radio signal repeater drone that flies at a high altitude, which will increase the control range. But all the same, this will increase the control range slightly, and the repeater drone itself can be easily shot down by air defense systems when flying at high altitude.
For reliable control and obtaining on-board information at long distances, a SATELLITE CONTROL CHANNEL and, accordingly, a complex ground control point together with well-trained operators are needed. Ukraine does not have such a satellite channel YET, as well as there is no ground control point. But the only country in the world has all of the above - the USA. And as one of the versions, it can be assumed that the control of the UAV was carried out by American operators from a ground control point of the UAV located in Sicily, from where they regularly launch their strategic reconnaissance UAVs into the Black Sea.
They will object to me, but what prevented me from launching a UAV from a small distance from the Kremlin and controlling it from a regular laptop? But judging by the video, the UAV had a fairly large size, at least a couple of meters, which you can't launch with your hand, for takeoff it needs a flat, solid runway several tens of meters long. In addition, such a UAV must carry several kilograms of explosives and a simple drone purchased on Aliexpress cannot lift this load."
"In addition to the things mentioned, the Kremlin is one of the most secure facilities in the world and very advanced electronic warfare tools are used there. You can check it for yourself by driving a car with the navigator turned on along the Kremlin Embankment. And your navigator will suddenly show that you are not near the Kremlin, but somewhere in the Vnukovo district. This is an electronic warfare system that distorts the signals of satellite navigation systems and does not allow them to be used to control UAVs in this area. Similarly, all known frequencies of UAV control channels, both civil and military applications, are clogged with interference, and strict radio control of all radio sources in the area, including satellite, is certainly carried out.
ReplyDeleteAnd so I assume that the UAV used to strike the Kremlin had no external control and was completely autonomous. Taking into account its relatively large size, it was launched from the territory of Ukraine and flew along the route laid down in the onboard computer using an inertial navigation system, the data of which was corrected using the correlation-extreme navigation system (CNS).
If you explain on your fingers what it is, then a DIGITAL MAP of the flight route is stored in the memory of the on-board computer, taken in advance with the help of satellites and airplanes, and the UAV constantly checks its location with this digital map using an on-board radar or an electron-optical system. And he doesn't need any external control signals. And no interference from electronic warfare systems affects it. And at the very final stage, the on-board computer can use an ordinary photo of the target to accurately hit it. For example, the flagpole on the dome of the Senate Palace.
I repeat. In my opinion, it was such a UAV that was used to strike at the Kremlin. And only the USA has such high-level technologies. And obviously they were used to strike at the Kremlin. Hardly directly, it's just that the United States helped Ukraine to implement them in hardware by providing components and providing technical support for the manufacture of this UAV.
In addition, the fuselage of this UAV is of great interest, what materials was it made of? Why did he have an extremely low radar stealth that even the "Shells" placed on the roofs of Moscow buildings did not notice him?"
"It seems that the approximate timing of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is becoming clear. First, the extension of the grain deal (httpst.meskurlatovlive10095) and only then the offensive, everything is strictly in accordance with the NVO plan. Within the framework of the agreements, it is quite logical and, most importantly, consistently."
ReplyDelete"The meeting of representatives of the Russian Federation with neo-fascists is like another spit to the Russians on the eve of the Victory Day on May 9. The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced plans to hold a meeting of Turkey, the Russian Federation and Ukraine on a grain deal in Istanbul on May 5. Let me remind you that Russia did not take out a spike of wheat under this "deal" , and Khokhols sent millions of tons of various products, and in return received weapons and even explosives for the Crimean bridge. Also, the junta is coming out using the "grain" sea corridor for weekly attacks with drone boats and other means of Sevastopol and other cities of Crimea. "
An artificial war to distract from the past covid and the collapse of global financial markets and the division of the global trading system into macro zones with the dollar losing its position as a global fiat currency. Americans will have to go through 1988-2002 years of the USSR-RF, although NON-FINANCIAL economists say that it will be worse than the "Great Depression" of the thirties of the 20th century. I recommend studying the survival experience of the 1990s - they survived only by their own garden, they did not pay salaries for a year or two.
Welcome, Powerful Energies from the Galactic Center!
ReplyDeleteBruno Gröning was not just anyone. He did more for the sick than Jesus. He did more than aliens .The masses did not meditate, yet they were healed.!
ReplyDeleteExtra terrestrials don't care about the sick like Jesus did back then .!
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I accept the money, the divine gift loses its power.. B. Gröning ..
ReplyDeleteLook out cabal...
Sananda, Ashtar, Semjase, and the rest of the LF and RM... please come and get me guys ASAP... no joke.
ReplyDeleteI really need a break from this place.
I'm wearing out and sinking yet again from far to many emotional and physical fluctuations, triggers, and negative interactions with the ones that supposedly love me yet spew false accusations left and right practically every other day now. It's wearing me down and I know I need a great deal of help and healing but this toxic environment I'm obligated to be in isn't allowing me the time, space and environment I need to heal and go within to reconnect with my I AM presence properly. I've asked, petitioned and prayed for direct physical intervention and First Contact... now I'm begging please, please take me out of this toxic experience so I can finally heal far away from toxic people and places.
I love you! I understand. I feel like everytime I try to walk forward, I'm pulled back HARD! We need to support one another more in these times. This is WAR and all of us are attacked relentlessly. We don't have great protection. Let's try to protect each other. I created a FB private group 2 months ago, do you want to join? You mentioned you wanted to do video conference meetups and/or maybe physical meet ups. Lemme know!
Welcome to MY world, 144K.
DeleteI been begging for first contact since I was 11 years old in 1991....I'm 44 NOW. I just need ONE small ET ship to come and pick me up. Like Luke Skywalker said in "A New Hope", "There's nothing for me here, now".
I want to go HOME, damnit.
I dont have facebook.. so i wont be ablr to check out your site.. i hope 144k takes ur offert and join... do meetups....
DeleteThank you for the kind words and support. Part of my problem is I have BIG visions but lost my confidence, energy and drive to act on them. In my youth I was very connected to my I AM presence and had all the confidence, motivation and energy in the world but lacked direction. Now I have direction but lack the confidence, motivation and energy... go figure.😅
I'll check the Facebook site out!
That's pretty ironic that your awakening started in 1991... that's about when mine also started. Perhaps 1991 was a mass awakening point for all the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds to begin to awaken from the amnesiac state we were subjected to... like Jason Bourne in the Bourne Identity. Were you aware also in 1990 a huge Sri Yantra was basically carved into a dry lake bed in Oregon? It was one of the first in a series of Crop circle messages but was the only one done in dirt with absolute precision. Here's the link for the Oregon lake Sri Yantra.
I'll check into @nwe5000 Facebook account. You also asked me a few questions concerning my comments I shared with @Libra, so I'll answer your question below in a bit. 😉👍
@Sherman ... hell I've been wanting contact when I was in my teens ... I'm 67 NOW. You are still young compared to me. You have a better change of making it to The Event than I do.
DeleteThey won't even give me a lousy fly by to video. So join my club.
Ships show up here, but I need one to LAND.
DeleteAlso, I might not be old, but I FEEL old.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLibra J. M. Aquila, yeah, many little things add up to a really big thing, for sure! This one really got me ticked for some reasons I'll go into. (This reply also covers Maia's reply.)
DeleteWhen people get to a point where they can get out of the control of the dark brotherhood, the dark brotherhood steps in and sabotages things. Cobra had an example of this in a previous post when mentioning funds being stolen from lightwarriors by the cabal.
The power of the microbiome can turn a human into more of a 'super-human,' if it's the right strains. (These are strains not found in yogurt, kefir, and the like.) I definitely believe this product to have 'superstrains,' and I do believe there was attempted sabotage to prevent me from getting this product for that reason.
('They' (for convenience I'll use "they") have also in the past hunted down and killed people who found ways to slow down the aging process or become immortal. They absolutely cannot stand this sort of thing because it threatens their power structure.)
It's just them trying to keep me under their thumb when they pull this on me. They don't want me getting to be too liberated. They only want people to be kept within a very limited range. If someone gets to the point of being able to 'slip between their fingers,' they tighten their grip quite a bit.
Anyway, I found a way to order the product. I had to go through some steps that were very out of the ordinary, but was finally successful with the order.
Definitely, I'm looking forward to the next update as well!
@Libra ... Gasp! I'm turning into a hermit myself and I'm enjoying it. :o
DeleteI'm pretty much a hermit, yet I do not like it.
DeleteMy patience is just about exhausted. I pretty much HAVE to be a hermit, otherwise I'm THAT close to decking someone in the nose, should they just look at me wrong, or say the wrong thing.
Like my Jeckel is pretty much dead, and Hyde's ready to come out with a bang.
(I will delete my previous comment when I check after it shows. After going to considerable lengths, I finally found a way to make it work out.)
ReplyDeletePer the rumour:
ReplyDeleteStatement by the Office of CBKNEWS - 'LIVE' TRUMP Interview on May 8 - by JFK Jr.
**ALERT*** '4 Important Dates Announced' - Just Released by JFK Jr. (Meme)
E.g interview of jfk by OAN
Yep ... big time rumor. When ever dates are given you can bet good money they come and go without incident. As far as I am concerned JFK Jr is dead. Q said so and Cobra said either in an update or interview to use common sense. I admit Cobra's response to the question can leave the door open to many, but for me it means he is dead. I 've heard about these "interviews" taking place on telegram, yet hear nothing about the results else where. I suspect this will be the case on the 8th.
DeleteI can't get telegram so if anyone here can provide a link that will allow me to see the interview if it does take place I would appreciate it. I don't see why they can't use more than one outlet ... why not use rumble and bitchute as well as the many others site that could carry it. If it was for real you think they want to reach as many people as possible.
If no link can be provided could someone that can watch on the 8th post what took place? If anything takes place that is.
I agree with you. Why the info being limited to one medium... now perhaps is for rating purposes or whatever contract they might have. I assume it will be share later on other mediums by other people for discussion as they usually do. At least is a start
DeleteI also am cautioned when dates are given . However i have been wondering if that threshhold where promises will be kept as far as dates are concern has come. As you have said. We will see.
I'm sorry for my previous post COBRA... I'm just in a bad place.
ReplyDeleteI know @Libra... lord kows my 1221Team gets an earful from time to time. The reason I'm venting yet again is because
DeleteI feel I'm stuck in a negative loop. For most of my life I've walked my path alone and have made HUGE strides and breakthroughs concentrating on my own spiritual development and growth without outside distraction and influence. However, in 2016 I got into a relationship that I felt comfortable with and believed I could continue to grow within this relationship. However, when she moved in back in 2019 it became a very unpredictable atmosphere. I don't want to get into details but she brought alot of baggage and it seems that she needs a great deal of help and healing too. Needless to say I haven't really felt relaxed enough to concentrate on my own growth because since because it's a walking on eggs kind of atmosphere. I can't just kick her out because I'm not that cold but I do need a vacation upstairs ✨️🕳☝️😌🕳✨️
Basically we're not spiritually aligned and it makes us oil and water a good deal of the time but I will never stop loving her because I SEE the good in her. Plus I can't ignore the fact that she came to me in a dream/vision before we crossed paths. She was actually pointed out by light beings in the dream... so there's a reason we met that was predestined from above. Either way, I've got to hang in there and wait for it to be 100% safe for voluntary extraction. 🕳☝️😎👍🕳
By the way Libra... I LOVE YOUR NEW AVATAR! It fits how I envision you.
Thanks for your words and for allowing me to bounce off of you.
Let's stay strong, grounded, centered and the Bad-Ass Lightwarriors we came here to be. ✨️🫵😎👍✨️
DeleteI STILL got those
MEGA heavy ascension symptoms, which I nick named as "WHAMMIES", since 2010.
And a rather restrictive situation.
Not to mention attack after attack by the darkies, the past month and a half or so have been brutal.
My dad died in 2010, and the symptoms started, it just hit me, out of nowhere, just four months after dad died. And what sucks ass the most is that I was FINALLY getting things to work for me, at least some...but so far, this ascension thing just seems to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE from me and GIVES me NOTHING. I feel like those 13 years, which included the whole of my 30's, was STOLEN from me, I hope I get those years BACK, plus INTEREST, as it were.
And the darkie attacks ain't helping.
I sooooooo hope I get to have both JUSTICE, and VENGEANCE, Libra, I really, really do.
Are you both happy? can you both stay as friends but continue on your own path of growth. What exactly was the vision you had that makes you feel the experience that you were to have with her was to be long term and not brief yet everlasting in other ways 144k?. But getting back to first question.. are you both happy?
DeleteSorry i am being nosey
DeleteOne of my traits is vivid and lucid dreaming which I've been able to do since childhood. Let's just say I've become experienced enough within dreaming to know the difference between an average dream and a vision and/or a Light language real-time dreaming from other dimensions and spiritual realms and the beings therein. This vision of her was very specific and I saw these Light beings pointing her out so I paid close attentionto detail. These beings were benevolent, visually striking, radiant and beautiful.
Now as to why she was coming into my life wasn't clear at the time but I would say that her and I felt a kinship like soulmates once we did meet. I even let her know afterward that i saw her coming. To her credit she helped me get through the passing of both my father and mother within a year of each other. Had she not been there I don't know how well I would've handled it, but with her help and comfort I made it through that trying and difficult period. I also told her from the beginning I was a Lightworker and/or a Starseed and informed her of my intentions to help humanity to awaken and eventually reconnect with my Galactic family and my Twin Flame aboard the Motherships after THE EVENT. She understood... she wasn't thrilled that I would eventually leave and be with my Twin Flame, but she accepted it as my truth. Now as to your main question... are we both happy?
I would say that 75% of the time we usually are but it's that remaining 25% when buttons get pushed and triggers happen that all the happiness we've experienced together seem to be overshadowed by the arguments, misunderstandings and miscommunication. At those moments I want my 1221Team to come and get me so I'm not subjected to painful words coming from both her and myself. I absolutely HATE conflict and hate myself when I'm in these arguments. We both need alot of help and healing but it's overly apparent when we're both screaming at each other, in tears, and sick to our stomachs because of it. Then comes the depression because I feel like I'm letting myself and everyone else down because I'm not setting a good example as a Lightworker. The other factor is that both of us are interdependent on each other financially. I own a music store and she owns a thrift shop next door and we share an apartment in the back my store. We couldn't financially survive right now without each other's income... hence why I say I'm obligated to this. Once Operation Dreamland manifests everything will be fine but we're barely making it between the two of our business until then. It's actually a miracle we're still afloat so I know we're being watched over. However, Dreamland or no Dreamland my true goal is spiritual connection and Ascension. So, the moment we're safe to have First Contact I'm hoping to catch a ride to the Motherships and get some we'll deserved R&R and some deep healing and restoration from our Galactic brothers and sisters. I hope this answers your questions @DH. Thanks for asking, thanks for the uplifting, and the genuine concern. You're a good soul and appreciate it Lightwarrior.
Thank you for sharing 144k.
DeleteSame here, Libra.
DeleteIt's like that old saying, "They don't pay me enough for this abuse". WHAT are we going to be presented with at the end of this? What are we going to get and be told, "THANK YOU very much, THIS is what you have fought and struggle for! THIS is for all the misery and pain you have gone through!"
Like Han Solo once said, "I EXPECT TO BE WELL PAID!"
A new ocean is being formed in Africa. ( Geologists have confirmed that a new ocean is being created as the African continent is being split in half. A 35 mile long rift appeared in the Ethiopian desert in 2005 and is probably the start of a new sea.
ReplyDeleteIn 1933: 150,000 Jews gathered in Chicago for a "historical pageant" to simulate a child sacrifice to Moloch. Israel was later founded by the Rothschilds and other powerful Zionists. Woodrow Wilson sold America to the Zionist Bankers by creating the Federal Reserve Bank. The United Nations is about to become a gigantic coffin.
If you eat MacDonalds, then you are a consumer of dimethylpolysiloxane, also known as plastic / silicone oil. Matrix food keeps you at the lowest vibration possible.
Every Color has it meanings.
ReplyDeleteIt is Oneness Christ/Crystal Conciouness.
no matter what color , no matter lighter color or darker color.
it all have meaning.
soil are dark brown or Earthy yellow,
But it Parenting many life and support life a basic grounds.
cosmoc background are very deep navy blue(nearly black)
but it is Mother Ocean Parenting all Stars we see.
(Ying/Yang male/female energy)
there is no"bad color"acturelly.
everything have it great meanings.
it is Way of Oneness.
Crystal are Colorful also some sides looks dark but some sides looks light.
Cabal/DS deepstate are not means deep color.
it is totolly different.
Learn to Appreciation every colors.
and use the color you love.
Colourways is Wisdom of Origin
This may be integrative, the cosmic energy is very high in these early days of May and with the struggle of the darkness creating a strong pressure that is clearly felt by the nervous system, I often feel similar to you, we are now in a pre-event "sandwich" effect, keeping the light constantly shielded to stay connected. The water is nearing boiling point, blessings and prayers for you to get through the final stages with as much ease and grace as possible
He claims event coming long beyond 2025.
ReplyDeleteWho the heck still reading his updates??
Extension Blog again... He is by now blocked on many other blogs for posting mostly offensive cabal-propaganda.
ReplyDeleteAgain an attack onto the Unveiling coming from one of the most obvious black sheep here.
Seems like nothing will change before The Event and when The Event will come nobody knows, supposedly only The Source knows because he/she is the one sending that pulse. So i did meditate on May 1st and 2nd, it was good but i didn't feel anything special, i didn't feel some new energies that are coming in, i wanted to feel it but i didn't felt anything, same old same old, i don't know what is the problem, is it me or my DNA is not activated or what? I don't really understand how this DNA activation and evolution works, seems like we will not get any kind of new powers. We must rely on machines (Med Beds) to heal ourselves, DNA in the end is not much powerful as i tought, machines are obviously more powerful which is really sad, if we are actually part of the source, we should be more powerful than somekind of AI machines to heal ourselves but that not the case. Did anyone of you felt anything during meditation that you can describe as something special or somekind of mysterious and deep energies???
DeleteWhy do think I keep saying we are 'genetically raped'.?
Practice, practice, practice. Complainment lead to nothing, no-one can do what you haven´t done until now for yourself. After the own inner homeworks anything becomes more and more easier. Don´t give up. It works. And no-one can substitute this feeling! So simple, so great. All the best!
Delete@Devon i understand what you are talking about but i don't think that is how world works. If wish is an obstacle then we don't need to wish for anything because we already have everything but that is simply not true, it's like some Buddhist monk high up on the mountains meditating in nature thinking that he has everything and he doesn't need to wish for anything. But reality is that that monk is simply living slower, relaxed, more spiritual but boring and monotonous life. I think it's just delusional to think that we already have everything, i think that people evolve from wishing something better in their lives, to advance to improve from this shittty and boring experience. And if this meditation is biggest meditation of our lives i was more like not wishing but expecting to feel some mysterious and deep energies but in the end i will not lie, it was really good and great feeling before, during and after meditation but nothing that could be described as special, mysterious and deep or life changing. If central cosmic sun is for first time after 26 000 years reconnecting with surface of the Planet Earth, we should experience somekind of connection or somekind of energies which we haven't felt anytime before or somekind of DNA activation but nothing of that was happening to me, i don't know about you, did you feel something profoundly special that you haven't felt before in previous meditations, somekind of epiphany or DNA activation or deep forgotten connection?
Delete@Sherman hahaha yes, we are genetically raped...
Delete@BBB i do feel good energies with my cat pets, i really love them, they transmute bad energies, i also feel good after watching those videos with Ashtar picture as you described or listening good music, that is not the problem, i just want something deeper if you understand me, i want to feel some deep and mysterious energies, i want to reconnect with the source, i want to activate DNA so i can heal myself, i don't want to be dependant on some AI machine (Med Beds) to heal myself, if we are part of the source we should have possiblity to evolve to have that powers. I want to feel my DNA activation so i can evolve on that level, but i don't feel anything special, i do feel good and positive during meditation but that's not what I'm talking about, i want deeper things, we need some big push from source to speed up our evolution, if we are going to evolve at this speed, we would need some thousand more years to reach some decent level, something needs to speed up, it's not working like this anymore.
@Sam Tyler i done everything i could, i need results, I'm not talking about good and positive life so you can get enough food to eat or meditate everyday to feel good, that's becoming boring and repetitive, i want some bigger steps in evolution, that would change my life from the core of my being, i want life full of adventure, mystery and deep meaning, where you are healthy and can experience love on the deepest levels, not just meditating and feeling good, I'm complaining because people have gotten used to so little that they don't even perceive the deeper reality, we need to send message to source to speed thing up to manifest that, if it is enough for us to feel just "good" then we are sending a message to the source that things do not need to speed up, but to go slowly. This life is not about feeling just "good" we are capable of so muuuch more.
Genetically raped because they cut 10 of 12 strands leaving us in basic survival mode. Advanced ETs did this..annunaki / elohim I assume not sure thos was the first of many rapings..
Delete@DoughJamesVOTL I'm curious how can with activated those deactivated strands, i spent my whole life learning and evolving to get on higher consciousness level, i know that I'm evolved to higher mental and emotional level but i don't feel like i have some new powers, if expanded mental and emotional awareness is a new power than i got that but i don't feel I'm physically improved. Maybe i actvated more than two strand of DNA by trying to evolve on higher level but how could i know that, i can't check my DNA to see how many strands are activated. I'm mostly interested in healing and Med Bed technology, because in a healthy body is a healthy spirit. I wish we could activate many strands of DNA so we can heal and regenerate ourselves but seems like we first need AI machines (Med Beds) to heal ourselves than when we have healthy body we can achieve ascension and than we could have regenerating powers to heal ourselves without machines, seems like that's how things works. I just want things to speed up, this slow reality is killing me, i feel like I'm in somekind of slow motion horror movie from which i can't escape, The Source needs to send those waves to speed things up because this reality is degenerating fast to extreme absurdity and it's already absurd enough...
Delete@BBB i know who Wim Hof is, i do meditation and when i do i feel good but it doesn't last long till i get snapped back to reality, i was also doing cold water showers for some time and the feeling is also good but it's just like some fine refreshment. The problem is that i hardly function in this Matrix system, don't get me wrong, i can work, i can talk to people, listen to them and be good therapist, when people see me and talk to me they say how you are always positive and joyful, i want to uplift people, they say that they never see me sad but they have no idea how i feel inside, I'm crumbling into pieces, imploding into myself, i put on a good mask because i don't want to make other people sad in anyway by how i feel. Where ever i look i don't see people anymore, i only see prisoners of this Matrix system, everything they talk is just trivia and nonsense, most people have no idea how deep they are in the system, they were deep before these smartphones now they are even more deeper in virtual reality aka matrix inside of matrix, and what I'm supposed to do, just wait until all those people wake up so we can get new advance technology to heal ourselves and then to achieve ascension, the only way to wake those people up is to cut off their internet connection and present to them real truth about this world with evidence aka extreme shock therapy. Nobody knows when will that happen, i was ready long time ago for that, now I'm also prisoner because other people didn't wake up in time so this whole process is slow as f*ck. Sometimes i think to myself that i was born too early, i should incarnate to this Planet Earth at least 15 years later, i guess before i incarnated here my judgement was that people will wake up sooner so i choose 1988 year to incarnate but they didn't so now I'm f*cked up. Yoga, Meditation and Positive thinking can be good for short period of time but that doesn't work for me in the long run, I'm way too much awakened for this world, this Planet is just like one Big Brother house from which you can't escape, one big Truman Show and you are unwilling actor. People in masses will never wake up until some really drastic things happen and i must suffer till The Event, i know that, i can't lie to myself, but the question is how much suffer can i take. I can visualize in my head how this world could be so much better place and this life could be joy where people are happy and share love, enjoying in every breath they take, i could feel those imaginary emotions and in that moment i feel happy but then i wake up from daydreaming and see this world as total opposite from that, then i suffer, i feel like it's somekind of black hole of negative emotions inside my solar plexus that's eating me alive because i can't manifest the world that i want to live in...
DeleteSo....we're gonna end up like war veterans, eh?
Disposable cannon fodder?
Salut , je viens de voir que les usa seronts peut etre en defaut de paiement le 1er Juin , il y a aussi 3 banques qui onts fait faillite ces derniers temps .
ReplyDeleteNon-interfering missions
ReplyDeleteEach starseed has its own mission. What mission someone has, he can only learn from his Higher Self.
These different missions, which go in different directions, so to speak, like a highway goes in opposite directions, require higher-dimensional alignments so as not to hinder each other.
The highway is for moving forward quickly. There is a separation of directions to prevent accidents and eliminate obstructions.
In the same way, starseeds need their spiritual guidance in order not to clash with the missions of others.
The two manifestation vortices of the different starseeds have their demarcation point against the other missions of the starseeds in a tractor track, that is, active cooperation of the starseeds with their Spiritual Guidance is necessary to carry out their missions without such "accidents" and not to interfere directly or indirectly with the missions of others.
I think interference will be welcomed.
DeleteIt's great to see the wonderful energy of everyone in this meditation! Everyone is happy. Well I'll post now because it is already 2.30am and still an hour to go. Happy meditating!
ReplyDeleteDone! Many revelations came. Best not to talk about it…
ReplyDeleteYesterday I had to have a difficult meeting with someone.
ReplyDeleteI had been sort of worried about this meeting for a couple of weeks. I called in my Command 12 21 team, I wore my cintamani stone, I held a second (really large) cintamani stone during the whole thing, I said to myself, "God, talk through me" several times.
It went so smoothly! I said what I needed to say! Nobody reacted badly, it was really easy.
So.... thank you to the light forces and to my Command 12 21 team and to the cintamanis and everyone ! Hurrah.
It was a good meditation and felt nicely grounded for it.😌
ReplyDeleteI truly hope the energies of the Portal we helped to activate are flowing beautifully and removing all remaining anomaly. We need some positive movement forward to help rejuvenate inspiration and motivation among the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds.
Sherman's......ok.......been better, though.
ReplyDeleteThe attacks these past 6 or 7 weeks alone have been HELL.
Maia, personally, I DO care about MY's all I got.
And you DO know that King James also wrote a book on demonology, right?
I got 5 hours sleep, I'm good! I have to mention today the Coronation, and the fact that King Charles is actually deceased. For any shill out there, he is dead. It's a clone or a lookalike, maybe a mask. There is NO WAY they would leave the killer psychopath child eater ALIVE. He is dead dead dead. Let's see any shill say otherwise. Anyone who thinks he is still breathing is totally mad. So let's watch this movie, we know who is in charge. It is the Light! We know how this ends.
ReplyDeleteSo I just wanted to make it clear. Come out of hiding shills and say otherwise. Let's all recover from our mental illness, let's all be happy instead after our traumatic day. What a lovely day! And let's watch the clone / mask or whatever that thing is. I noticed they decided in Australia to not spend any money on the Corona-tion. I think they know that something is up, being white hats and all.
please tell me that the event will come in our life tim but not when were elderly, i want to see the event during the 2020s or just anythime when i'm still young.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHere is a good message, just turn off the sound and read it.
It's funny when they said we would remain defensive due to the ETs. But there are really no fears from any ETs. We are getting there!
ET contact's the only reason I even give a damn to stay alive.
DeleteYes! Sebastian gets too easy offended. While Cobra speaks about a few short years, Sebastian claims that "long beyond 2025".
ReplyDeleteHe has a dictotorial behavior. He hunts someone all over the internet, if has opposite beliefs.
Finite le Meditazioni!!! La cifra “6” che inizia a sgretolarsi, sfumante da parte sinistra gira verso la parte destra posizionandosi in Alto con un “9”!!! L’3nergia Spirituale del “9”!!! Fratellanza Universale, Quella Vera!!! + Canalizzazione dell’Arcangelo Raffaele “Il Cuore Salvera’ l’Umanita’!!! Tutto Quello Che E’ Fatto Con Il Cuore SopravviverA’!!!” (“In barba” a tutti gli atacchi bestiali ricevuti!!!) Sosteniamo con Forza e Coraggio la Luce!!! Un Abbraccio a Tutta la Mia Famiglia Stellare + a Cobra + al Suo Team!!! 💜👏✨🌅🦢🐚🌏✴️💫🟣
ReplyDeleteI feel good after meditations 1 2 and 5=8 I think everyone has felt these energies.🧖🧘💫💜
ReplyDeleteA note on Shadow Work.
ReplyDeleteThese are my thoughts on shadow work. It may not reflect your experience.
The purpose of shadow work is to become aware of, and deal with the ugliest aspects of your psyche. By its very nature, this process is quite painful.
In my opinion, shadow work is a journey of acceptance. I think it is a mistake to try to heal these aspects without accepting them as part of yourself first.
This will cause pain. No amount of self-love will make it go away completely. Learning to enjoy the unpleasant journey of self discovery will help greatly.
Trying to 'hold the light' during this process can be very difficult. This is because lightworkers tend to hold themselves to very high standards. Not being able to abide by these standards causes guilt. Conquering this feeling should be your first priority.
Since shadow work brings out the worst aspects of our psyche, it has a tendency to challenge all previously held images of ourselves.
It takes courage to accept that we may not be as 'good' or 'loving' as we thought.
Accept the ugly aspects of yourself. Don't try to heal them immediately. That takes a VERY long time.
you can be healthy on the blue jewel through moneypulation. after that you can meditate and the extraterrestrials will help you in everything. but the most important thing on this planet, I repeat; the money.! because here everything is given for money. quite simply EVERYTHING..
DeleteSomething tells me those rich folks who can get ANYONE they want. How many times do we see some foul, loathsome, disgusting creature getting a gorgeous spouse, fuck buddy or whatever.
Been trying to find someone on this rotten planet from 1994-2013.....from ages 15 to 34. Gave up after all that....for ONLY an ALIEN will I accept, now, which just adds to the list of many, MANY reasons I need to get off planet gulag, Maia.
Shining star light worker
ReplyDeleteAligned with divine will (pentagram)
First contact
"Love" reappeared
ReplyDeleteAlthough the field has been harvested, plowed up, and reseeded, last year's ASCII code "love" appears visibly again this year in April 2023 - M87 should send a flash of cosmic love energies on May 1, 2021.
From the video description
“This original crop circle was reported on 4th June 2022 in a field of Barley. It measured approx 92 metres long. The circles spell out the word 'LOVE' using the ASCII computer code. The design is also resembles the constellation Cassiopeia. Five bright stars that form a 'W'. In April 2023 the field is now the yellow Oilseed rape and the 'ghost' of the 2022 formation is clearly visible.”
Would it possible that any representative from Galactic Federation was there in the coronation? Why or why not? Anyone who could explain this to me is welcome with open mind. Also I heard many times " King of Earth" in the coronation. I welcome a good analysis on this from any open minded person.
ReplyDeletethe royals are a gang of overrated, inbred pedophiles who deserve to be strung up....hang by the neck, or thrown to the angry masses of whom they robbed, cheated, murdered and raped.
DeleteHope that sausage fingered, jugged eared goblin chokes on his weekly fix of baby blood this weekend.
Cleaning can stir up dust
ReplyDeleteThe energies do what needs to be done. The tighter the time becomes, the more must be done at once.
Can light workers ease the situations? - Of course.
Could lightworkers have de-stressed situations? - Of course.
It's interesting that you mention this, as it's a synchronicity. I will be de-stressing situations - probably not in a way Cobra and others want me to, but I have to do what I have to do. More on this here:
Yes! Of course. Sebastian is trying to improve his claims, most likely due to loosing his audience, and getting 'unpleasant answers'.
ReplyDeleteBut what results, is a more and solidifying confusion in the core of light community that gave all it's best to bring the event in the frame of 2025, as even Cobra claimed as necessary in some posts. No problem!
But what seems more dangerous is that even the light grid is on the verge to fall, or is still maintained with great effort by the core of the light community, who is so by so exhausted, now, a new narrative is coming into scene, that of event long beyond 2025...
Io vivo l'esperienza opposta.
ReplyDeleteWe need some supplies, weapons, defenses and other necessities for all this.
ReplyDeleteI WANT to fight, and I want to KILL as many darkies as possible.
ReplyDeleteLike this, just replace the police men with the darkies.
As I said many, many times before....FIX me up, restore me to my TRUE self, give me weapons that work, and good chance of getting back alive (I have no problem using unfair advantages against the darkies. In fact, I welcome using unfair advantages. Sauce for the goose, as it were, Maia), and I'll gladly do it. Saying that I gave a personal score to settle with the darkies is more understatement than anyone can imagine). Dance in the darkies blood, and bathe in their tears, as I spread their innards across the JAM.
I want to be the last thing they see before they die, I want to be the last thing they see before they get sent to galactic central. "SCREAMING to Gre'thor!", as the Klingons would say.
Do I know you? 😐🤣
ReplyDeleteIf nothing good happens fast, I probably will check myself into an asylum....if not just to keep myself from going ballistic on the sheeple....and the light forces themselves if we have to keep waiting and waiting.
ReplyDeleteWell, for me, I'll need a vacation, a long one, from anything masculine and manly and macho for sometime after I'm finally restored to my true self.....having had a dad who gave me the Hank Hill treatment (and from ages 8 1/2 to 17, I WAS pretty much Bobby Hill with a Tom Baker/Seth Rogan afro), and being beaten up by, and loosing girls I liked to, cheat beating alpha males.....yea, I need a vacation from all for, for maybe a couple of centuries, Libra.