Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle. Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc. ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions. ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe. ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14. ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein. ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA. ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques. ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme. ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
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REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière" EVENEMENT FACEBOOK FRANCOPHONE OFFICIEL EMISSION EXPLICATIVE :
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023 PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)
"Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:
a) The construction of the Cintamani grid: COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.
b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid
c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid: COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families
d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings) COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR
e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines: COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry
F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .
Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂
You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here : "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension" We are so much stronger together💫
Since early last year, the Light forces are dealing with the Chimera directly. Since late January this year, as the physical strangelet and toplet bombs have been cleared, they have started operations to clear this Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness. This operation is codenamed MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System). This operation is still ongoing. Important breakthroughs have happened in the last few days. After the successful completion of MOSS and around the time of the Event, Disclosure and First Contact will happen and this will be the end of the quarantine status for planet Earth.
From March 19, 2015: Implant guardian stations were built by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to guard quarantine Earth stronghold against the invasion of the Light forces from outside of this Solar System and to implant anybody trying to escape from Earth/Solar System. One aspect of MOSS is to clear these implant stations. This is progressing nicely and there are already many motherships of the Galactic Light forces entering into the Solar system recently. The main remaining implant guardian station is located in the cavern systems on Iapetus, one of Saturn's moons [two photos, presumably of Iapetus].
We cancelled holding the Commonwealth Games here in 2026 in Victoria. It was way expensive, three times more expensive or 7 Billion. But the real reason is because the Commonwealth DOES NOT EXIST. The Queen is dead, there is no King, and the whole Commonwealth has been disbanded. So we are going to spend more money on housing, hospitals and etc. Bloody sensible reason if you ask me.
The last time I went to the EESystem, it was even more intense. Actually it was so intense I kept my eyes open most of the time. Usually you just sleep or rest with eyes closed, even meditate. So after I went in, 20 minutes later, it set off my Vertigo. I couldn't believe it. I just went spinning out of control, only for 10 seconds; not nice. Then the whole rest of the session was okay. I was told afterwards it was working on that, healing that, which is what I thought. But I was sitting there with my eyes open because it was so intense. The screens were flying so fast that I didn't watch them.
I burned an ear candle yesterday and still got a big glob of wax out of my right ear. Yet there is still wax in there. So I've burned 17 candles so far. I'm still going...
So I'm taking a small rest from the EESystem, I've now got three more weeks off, which is good because it is so cold here. It's freezing.
since into July. Specially this week. I feel more easier with energy naturally flowing with... Less nervous . More peace and slowly bit comfortable flowing... ...many things .let it go naturally with blessings and grace.. Thanks for all different directions light working with Oneness.
The guy that posted that video doesn't seem to know just how deep child trafficking goes and all those involved in pedowood. He doesn't have a clue about the satan worshiping, child sacrifices ...ect.
During the year of operation of the grain corridor, 1004 vessels with 32.9 million tons of cereals left the ports of Ukraine unblocked by the Russian Federation. Kiev has gained about $9.2 billion on this, according to the UN ( ). The grain industry in Russia has lost $1 billion.
Last night Kiev attacked the Crimean Bridge, destroying one span, two people were killed. The attack took place under the cover of the grain corridor, Volodin noted. The Kremlin said that the "grain deal" was suspended "until compliance with the requirements" of Russia.
In August 2022, the Russian Federation agreed to a corridor for transporting crops, and in return it was supposed to remove barriers to the production and export of wheat and ammonia. The requirements of the Russian Federation were not fulfilled, but the Kremlin extended the deal from time to time, calling it the words of Peskov ( ), "a gesture of goodwill".
The President regularly complained about the deception with the recipients of supplies: grain goes to developed countries, not poor countries. 58% of the products exported from Ukraine for $5.3 billion are livestock feed. Wheat and vegetable oil account for 42% of cargo, and half also went to the West. 2.6 million tons (8%) of cereals went to starving countries.
The deal gave Kiev more than 1/4 of export revenues. But the people of Ukraine got little out of it. The state has less than 24% ( ) agricultural lands, and 9 million hectares of its tidbits (21%) were taken over by oligarchs and foreign corporations ( ), which was helped by Zelensky's lifting of the moratorium on the purchase and sale of land in 2020. They also have the lion's share (71% ( agribusiness. Secondly, the West provided 86% of the military content of Kiev ($80 billion ( ) in 2022), and at least something has to be paid.
Who earns on the "grain deal" (% of exports as of November 2022, Forbes ( 1. 🇱🇺 Kernel (A.Verevsky) – 7.3% 2. 🇨🇾 UkrLandFarming (O. Bakhmatyuk) - 2.7% 3. 🇺🇸 ADM – 2,7% 4. 🇺🇸 NCH – 2,3% 5. 🇺🇦 Nibulon (A. Vadatursky) – 1,9% 6. 🇨🇭 Glencore – 1,6% 7. 🇺🇸 Cargill – 1,5% 8. 🇨🇳 COFCO – 1,4% 9. 🇺🇦 Trepfin – 1,4% 10. 🇫🇷 Louis Dreyfus – 0,9%
The rupture of the "grain deal" will untie the hands of Kiev and Chisinau to attack Transnistria, former DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov believes.
One note on Oprah, years ago when she started to put herself out there as a guru, and speaking like she was God-like, that is when I turned her off, for good. I see she isn't doing very well years later. Oprah... gah!
HOLLYWOOD EXPOSED! | Mel Gibson LEAKS Oprah's Secret Agenda In Relation To 'Sound Of Freedom'
I think the Light forces should visit hospitals or other hells more often. Take a look at the injured people. Children with disabilities, people screaming. This should give you something to talk about during your after-hours entertainment, while you reminisce about human suffering. You're really, really slow. Is that because you don't feel pain?
Many people have described their dreams of seeing two suns and the catastrophic events that followed. The extinguished neutron star Typhon, the star cross, will fly past us in 2025, creating chaos and a tsunami, as well as three days of darkness. People will die in fire and water. Even if this is so, why would the population be caught unexpectedly. And no one from the Galactic Federation wants to save people in advance for six months, for example. The federation will not save the entire population in a moment of chaos. And a thousand years will pass before the traces of our civilization will disappear from the planet and another generation of people will begin to live among forests and pristine nature again.
Ez nekem is fircsa h.miért az utolsó 15 percre hagyjàk az evakuàlàst.Ellenem ami folyik az katasztrófa és senkivel nem véd meg nem is lehet h.semmiféle fényerök nincsenek és senki nem lesz megmentve mert nem lesz vége semminek
✨ We propose you a different path to work together, whatever your location in the world might be, on high level spiritual exercises, to bring in a short time frame, as much as possible Light to you and the Earth!
🏃🏽♀️ We call this path an International or World Spiritual Marathon! Why a Marathon? Because we will do a series of powerful spiritual exercises during a time frame which is, more or less, the time needed for an athlete to run a marathon. But instead of being exhausting, this might give you a lot of energy but it can also trigger some healing process for you and the Earth.
🧘🏽♂️ We will apply very powerful and reliable protocols and work on protection, connection with I AM presence, Goddess return, dissolving implants, Violet flame, and triggering the so-called Event!
🌎 The date we propose this time is Saturday the 22nd of July at 7 pm UTC.
Please join us the 22nd of July 2023, at 7pm UTC.
For all timezone please check here :
🌈 We will broadcast the on-line event on the “Victory Of The Light” Youtube channel ➡️ and also on the “Let’s Meditate for Planetary Liberation” Telegram chat group ➡️
Please take into consideration that there will be no replay !
So come and practise with us, all together at the same moment, this is the most powerful !
✨ To have all information about these new on-line events, we invite you to join the following Telegram chat group called « World Spiritual Marathon » :
We are delighted to propose you such a powerful session to help Light Forces to bring humanity to the Victory of The Light !
🌟 No Tachyon chamber boost is proposed this time sorry for that, but it will be proposed probably next time !
The Youtube broadcast will be here on Youtube : To be completed
Occam's razor states that the simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex. Simple theories are easier to verify. Simple solutions are easier to execute
Tényleg azt nem értem miért kell az utolso 15percre hagyni az evakuàlàst.ez nem tünik értelmes dolognak és szerintem nem is igaz.15 éve vagyok itt és nem elöbbre jutottam hanem hàtra.cintamani kövel a zsebemben vàrok vmi.csodàra de ahogy làtom ez negativ csoda.azért köszönöm szépen tanultam belőle.NBS mondta stallone a filmjében.Ne Bizz Senkiben!
"About how the Vatican was fussing, even the cardinal was sent to Washington to talk with Biden "because of 20,000 children taken to Russia" - Russia is ruining the opportunity to earn enlightened Europe and America on Russian children from Ukraine. 20,000 children for them are not 20,000 saved lives, but 40,000 kidneys, 20,000 hearts and other organs for a conditional "golden billion" who wants to prolong life for at least some more, or slaves for pedophiles and harems of the rich. Or where they were taking the truck with the children in London ( )? Although, I'm not sure that after this video, the children will not go to their destination, no matter how cruel it sounds... Well, at least, I have not heard an initiative from the Russian Foreign Ministry to deal with this incident.
The Vatican's position on these issues is interesting, although judging by the positions they take on other issues, they are no longer kneeling before God, but before Satan.
And I would very much like both our Foreign Ministry and the ROC to start showing their teeth, and not humbly observe the excesses of Euro-American Satanists. After all, it's a matter of children's lives..."
I think the Light forces should visit hospitals or other hells more often. Take a look at the injured people. Children with disabilities, people screaming. This should give you something to talk about during your after-hours entertainment, while you reminisce about human suffering. You're really, really slow. Is that because you don't feel pain?
They feel pain but they don't understand what is like to be human on this planet, their perception is totally different than our reality. This liberation mission is beyond slow, they always find some new things they didn't know about to delay liberation. Lightforces doesn't give much attention to individual suffering, this is rescue mission and we are just numbers, i think they only do this because they are also in danger in the event of nuclear attack or acts of evil forces in general. I don't know who created this universe but they did very big mistakes, in normal universe this reality wouldn't be allowed to exist, the Creator is not omnipotent, omniscient nor omnipresent, it's just one big lie to calm and dumb people down, the Creator of this universe is being who wanted to have fun and to have best experiences but he didn't know about deeper levels of creation so he fu*ked up everything by allowing evil forces freedom or freewill to do anything they want. This extreme levels of evil on this planet is incomprehensible, so many humans have sold their souls to the devil, the life is all about suffering and boredom, no meaning at all, sometimes i wonder why I'm still alive, there is no point to exist in this idiotic world. The another big problem is communication between lightforces and lightworkers, imagine if you're in a war and general doesn't communicate with his soldiers but he expects from them to win the war, is that possible? We don't have plan, we don't know what steps to take, the only thing we got from lightforces is to hold the light indefinitely. I don't know what that means anymore, should we pretend that everything is good so we can meditate and ground some positive energy or we should keep moral high no matter what or we need to keep believing that light forces will win in the end or...this liberation doesn't look good in the long run from my perspective, 2025 is the last line for something to happen before everything collapses and it will go down really hard...
It's their fault? That's not a nice way to thank the only ones who are truly working day and night to help us. Are you aware that only approximately .00003 percent of humanity has any meaningful involvement in their own liberation? The Light Forces are incredibly frustrated by humanity's complacency. I don't understand how anyone who reads this blog could ever honestly believe that "they" aren't doing enough. WE are not doing enough.
They need to start reading our comments. If they did they would not have overestimated us. I don't know if seeing and feeling what the children go through when they are tortured and killed for the adrenochrome would have an impact. Since they are already dead when the evil ones consume their flesh probably would not sway them at all.
Spirittoo - "They need to start reading our comments. If they did they would not have overestimated us." Haha I know, do they even have the internet? Omg that really had me laughing, thanks.
@Patrick ... if they do they certainly don't browse this site. They really have no excuse for not understanding us since this blog has been here with a comment section for OVER 11 YEARS!
@Pain. GOSSIP- 1. Is it true? 2. Is it kind? 3. Is it necessary? Before you spread unnecessary, unkind and UNTRUE things about people, please check your facts a bit better. Yes there is a Tim Ballard who got convicted as a sex offender, and he is a vocal coach who lives back east in the U.S. The CIA gentleman is a totally different cat. I'm really glad that I don't have to go to trial, dependant on your skills of investigating. Peace love and joy to all. Close the borders, God's children are not for sale!
Yeah, that's why it took 5 years to be released. Evil is running scared. TERRIFIED. It's not even being shown in Australia. All the EVIL is dead against it. Tim Ballard is a bloody HERO. I Love him. He's brilliant!
The links with pedesta Carlos slim project underground railroad,the channel has been deleted from all platforms.end Illuminati on Odyssey has something about this.yes sister I should have approached this better than I did my apologies,main reason why Iam back here is to delete it .oh I have also seen reports in the media about chipping the children so Iam bringing this into the light for scrutiny myself included ok then that's all thanks victory of the light...
Human beings are not built to be able to be abused chronically. Even the toughest of the tough will break down if they are chronically abused.
Just about every time I do the commands, I get abused. This is probably the dark forces retaliating. If the abuse was short term, then it would be possible to keep going. But when the abuse becomes chronic, consciousness starts to break apart. I've recently been seeing literal cracks in my own consciousness. (These cracks are not to be confused with 'cracks in the veil.')
If someone gets beaten up day after day, their wounds don't heal, and previous wounds get worse to the point of the person dying. If someone gets psychically and psychologically beaten up day after day, the result is the same, because the damaged mind and soul starts manifesting as physical health problems, such as chronic fatigue, cancer, etc.
Again, short-term isn't a problem. But years upon years, spanning for over 10 years and counting... it is probably a violation of cosmic law to expect anyone to be able to keep going like this for such a long period of time. I'm not surprised at all that the lightworker grid collapsed.
Someone who is abused on a chronic level becomes a liability. Many lightworkers are therefore liabilities, but this is not being stated as a judgement upon them. This is just what happens when the timeframe for intervention becomes too long.
Message to the Light Forces:
Until you 'get it together,' I'm not going to put myself in harm's way anymore. I'm not doing this because I'm a coward. I'm doing this because I don't want to be a liability when chronic abuse causes my consciousness to break apart. I would be in a far better state to hold the Light by focusing on being as happy as possible and appreciating the small things in life instead of trying to be a 'big shot' and getting myself hurt to the 'point of no return' when the dark forces perpetually retaliate, unabated.
(It's also possible to take a break for weeks or months and come back after healing. This would be another option. Many times I've left for a time and came back later.)
Wow exactly what I said in a comment. "My body/brain has it's ups and downs and isn't worse than the past, but my soul is deteriorating and becoming deranged." Everything you said is perfect. It's not worse physical suffering, it's the duration has caused my consciousness to disintegrate. It's not my brain cracking up, it's deeper, it's what's animating my body that's losing touch. Gosh your whole comment is exactly what I would have said if I'd written more, that's amazing. I warned my parents the other day "This might get to the point you're going to have to take me to a hospital or psych ward. I'm not going on my own because they can't do anything for me (been a million times already.) But my condition is deteriorating to the point I might start acting insane or be physically unresponsive, just so you know."
I hate that this suffering means nothing to the universe. They won't trigger the event or even do one thing different. That would be like us saving squirrels from a forest fire. Or if someone is helping me, they're barely keeping me propped up in misery instead of letting me die which would be better. It's like either way, conditions are set up for maximum suffering. I sometimes do feel like I'm being kept barely from dying but not helped to have any quality of life. I think this is why some people (myself included) are angry at the Light forces, they're working with the Dark to keep us here and suffering. The archons are happy to have me still trapped so it's like the same agenda. I see comments of a similar sentiment. Being a dumb squirrel it's hard to see any other way. It's the TYPE of pain that's so bad. It doesn't even feel like my body, it feels worse. It hurts a meter outside of me too. And so deep within. Man that ain't not headache, it's like more internal than my brain.
Wow exactly. I can sense out there in space, and other levels of reality things are better. Yet I'm beaten down so much I'm in bed 12 hours a day. I say it's definitely attacks, anyone's problems. I think it's one of the biggest archon psyops to disinform the New Age community that their suffering is ascension.
Please to COBRA& the RESCUE TEAM, we will not make it. Mike Adams Podcast y/day July 18, 2023 REPORTS that ca 13 nations joined to FOOD DEPOPULATION, Germany 1 of it. SOS REPROTING in GERMANY this morning again, the AMPEL =NWO Government will not allow population with other views to leave. I mean, WE NEED HELP ASAP. I need to get into a position+I need to get out asap. THEY did not pay me sc 2010! Everything taken up. Do y know Joschka Fischer, Israel guy. GERMANS need to get slaughtered as sick dogs, all money xferred out. He is a KEY NWO Walked In GREEN Party members. THEY all rule, Lightworkers are blocked by DEMONS 24/7. kr, emz MUNICH
Last week Benjamin Fulford posted an article that sounds like it's calling Cibra out. He said to wait until 2025 is exactly what the dark forces want. They need more time for absolute ontrol.
Today I've learned that the dark network is extremly well organised, competent and aware of all upcoming events (like 17th of July 2023 which was a day saturated with intense feminine love), in such a way that it's almost frigthening to think about. They knew when it came, how long it lasted and they prepared many months in advance for it.
Dear Light forcess and Resistance movement, I did everything in my power to do the right thing, to be in allignment and a good light worker, I would keep doing this but the dark interfereance is too much to handle for me or anyone, let's be honest. They are too well organised, too many and too powerful/competent when they inspire anger, irritability, hysterya, mistrust, lazyness, disgust, repulsion, intense need for comfort, separation, lonelyness, power etc. at the exact wrong moment for anything good to happen. And this is your failure here, not ours (surface humans). Why aren't these dark, non-phisical entities being eliminated presently? Could you develop a protocol that would allow for the individual or group termination of these entities whenever spotted, please?
Look at the staggering agony and deprivation on this planet and the Galactic Federation still won't step in and stop it. They will not be able to escape the karma.
"In the EU, where degenerates of all stripes are so eager, child trafficking has long become commonplace.
On the video ( ) Italy. There, child traffickers treat orphans that way, whom they forcibly removed from the part of the DPR occupied by Bandera.
First, the orphanage was "evacuated" to Italy, and then distributed to the guardians without notification and access even to Ukrainian educators. In the footage, one of the Russian pupils resists forcibly settling into such a family."
Ashtar Sheran. Watch this video. Evil has lost!!! The Light Forces are finishing up their work now. We get to choose - wheat or chaff. I have total LOVE in my heart. Love everywhere. They won't get me.
Also, my God I found a way to lessen my electricity bill by a couple hundred. Just as bills are going up. I just live in my living area/TV area/kitchen (one room). I no longer use/heat my bedroom, and my computer area I don't heat. Easy!
For the first time since the beginning of the NWO, an American surface reconnaissance drone was noticed in the Black Sea. Immediately after the night strikes on the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Odessa.
According to our information, the SeaTrac Systems SP48 drone was spotted around 8 am today. It passed in the area of the former corridor; on suspicion, merchant ships moved as part of a grain deal. For reference: such a surface drone can operate at sea thanks to a solar battery. The main functions are tracking ships, satellites and intelligence gathering. The transfer of such devices in Ukraine was not reported.
What was this piece of iron doing near the Odessa office? It caused the movement of tectonic plates. However, there is one "but". Together with him, a patrol plane R-72 of the Turkish Navy and six drones that circled near the Crimea got on the radar. As well as a French reconnaissance aircraft moving over the Romanian- and Polish-Ukrainian borders.
You know, they got rid of all the evil government officials, but not Dan Andrews, as he is a clone. They killed the real Dan Andrews in 2020... So I've heard that he won't say where the figures come from, the 7 Billion, which is really high. It was 2.5 Billion originally to host the games. Now he won't say where he gets 7 billion from. Has he really just played innocent all this time, and suddenly he turns out to be evil? We've been stiffed? He won't say who or what is charging us 7 billion? Let's watch this, as it actually looks bad and now he is playing evil. I think clone Dan Andrews has to go, and soon.
For only who might be still interested... Another new page is available on our blog: ELVDC - Outdoor Radial Waves Open Lighting Units – 4.83"/122–141.25–154.15 Enjoy it! If there is no interest, then do not loose your time. It's too valuable. kind regards
Read carefully this document signed by V.Putin 's:
from October 25, 2010 N 1874-p
(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20.12.2010 N 2349-r)
In order to create conditions for attracting investments, stimulating the development of the stock market, as well as modernization and technological development of the economy and in accordance with subparagraph 8.1 of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Privatization of State and Municipal Property":
1. To approve the attached list of legal entities for organizing, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the sale of privatized federal property and (or) performing the functions of the seller.
2. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation shall select legal entities from among the legal entities included in the list approved by this order to organize, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the sale of privatized federal property and (or) the functions of the seller.
Chairman of the Government
Of the Russian Federation
by order of the Government
Of the Russian Federation
from October 25, 2010 N 1874-p
(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20.12.2010 N 2349-r)
1. Closed Joint Stock Company "Bank Credit Suisse (Moscow)"
2. Closed Joint Stock Company "VTB Capital"
3. Deutsche Bank Limited Liability Company
4. Limited Liability Company "Vnesheconombank Investment Company (VEB Capital)"
5. J.P.Morgan Bank International Commercial Bank Limited Liability Company
6. Limited Liability Company "Merrill Lynch Securities"
7. Morgan Stanley Bank Limited Liability Company
8. Renaissance Broker Limited Liability Company
9. Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Auction House"
10. Branch of a private company with unlimited liability "GOLDMAN SACHS (Russia)"
11. Alfa-Bank Open Joint Stock Company
12. Limited Liability Company "Barclays Capital"
13. Closed Joint Stock Company "BNP PARIBAS Bank"
14. Gazprombank Open Joint Stock Company
15. Closed Joint Stock Company "Troika Dialog Investment Company"
16. Closed Joint Stock Company "Royal Bank of Scotland"
17. MDM Bank Open Joint Stock Company
18. Raiffeisen Investment Limited Liability Company
19. Sberbank of Russia Open Joint Stock Company
20. Joint Stock Company "SJ Corporation Finance Advisory SAS"
21. Closed Joint Stock Company "Citigroup Global Markets"
22. Limited Liability Company "UBS Bank"
23. Closed Joint Stock Company "UniCredit Securities"
That is, Putin, as prime Minister, personally authorized the structures of Western and domestic oligarchs to sell off the property of the Russian Federation. Not to buy, but to SELL. That is, he simply gave the public property to the oligarchs. I didn't sell it, I GAVE IT AWAY. Just like that, with the stroke of a pen. Still have questions, who is our Supreme Commander-in-Chief?
Comparison 1990 / 2023 In the early 1990s, there was a situation where the liberation of the planet was imminent. That is why the dark forces organized "1996".
The newest crop circle could mean in my opinion that now a similar situation comes as it was in the beginning of the 90s.
I am amazed at how quickly the “stardust” protocol for pain works - I don’t have whole teeth because I don’t have money to make beautiful crowns and it’s very expensive for me and I was constantly worried about toothache, and sometimes it was so sudden and wildly growing. And when I remembered the protocol and said it out of desperation, plus asking Ashtar's command - and suddenly, after 5 minutes, this pain stopped and now it has never bothered me, but my teeth ached every day. And the most amazing thing was when I was tired and very cold and I had a bad spine and I lay down on the sofa and just quietly asked for the 771 command. And suddenly I heard a special sound and I realized that the portal had opened and they had come. Such a warm energy began to grow in anahata, it crawled so tender and hot along the back to the legs and up, and several times the waves moved up and down over me. What a blessing and I thanked them. They raised my vibration and joy appeared. Then I asked the 771 team many times, not just out of trifles, but out of strong necessity - they always came with this gentle energy and sound.
Hey everybody. I want to share with You my own sightings of UFO/ Extraterrestrial Spaceship that I have just recently recorded. I have 7 of these sightings on my YouTube channel. I have contact with Them through pendulum dowsing mostly and partially is sorta/ kinda telepathic connection. They say that They are from Ashtar Command so it is Team of Pleiadians mostly but also I see some Arcturian, Sirian, Lyran spaceships as well from time to time. They visit me on a regular basis these days so I guess there will be more videos to come in the near future. I had these UFO sightings like 6 days in a row when there were good conditions for it - like clear sky without clouds. I think and They CONFIRMED me through pendulum dowsing that this is what Cobra was talking about in his previous updates that certain individuals will have access to the UFO sightings and will be recording them on video. These are in fact first stages of "First Contact".
I don't see much in these videos. These are Pleiadian spaceships in my videos and since the majority of these crafts in our orbit are Pleiadian there is a high possibility that those green lights that You are refering to are in fact also Pleiadian spaceships as well.
@Sherman You can communicate with Them telepathically, directly through Your thoughts - They can hear You. Ask Them to guide You to the situation when They appear in the sky for You and it will happen one day - in the near future. Just look at the sky when there are good conditions (no clouds) and You can see the stars during nighttime and it will be granted for You.
The push for disclosure is only increasing. Recent legislation passed in the US has brought out very credible whistleblowers the mainstream media is covering, and politicians are being briefed on classified materials. One of many is Rep. Tim Burchett, who sits on the House Oversight Committee involved in UFO hearings, said he was shown classified footage that hasn't been released to the public. He explains some UFO capabilities. The Senate passed legislation saying UFO-related records "should carry a presumption of immediate disclosure" and set up a review board to declassify documents. Their previous narrative of "we don't know what they are" has already escalated into "we have evidence and we'll show you." UFO's have been in the mainstream news every week for years, just not on the front page. If you search CNN and especially Fox for "UFO" it's continuous. These are just a few articles from this week. The government too has had ongoing hearings which admit more each time.
EXCLUSIVE: The Man Who Hunts Traffickers In Real Life
The shill is just trying to anger us. If we anger, he wins. So I forgive you shill. We keep the love in our heart. Lots of love. It must be very hard being a shill. Not being able to sink into Love. All the bad deeds. You know there is thousands of years of karma, and a trip eventually to the planet that isn't know, the bad one. Who'd want to be a shill? By the way there is only one shill in here... and Hundreds and hundreds of personalities. They all talk to each other. It's boring really.
I had an incredible astral travel experience. Most dreams I think are varying levels of real astral activity. Some are realms where you're creating all of it. Some of the scrambled dreams may even be brain activity like scientists say. But others you go to real places. I'm usually sort of on autopilot like dreams. Almost watching myself do things, bouncing around, not responding the way I would, little awareness, like an infant I'd say. But this one, I fell asleep and woke up in another dimension! It was like a college campus but fewer classes and more parties/activities. I looked around, down at my hands, I'm Patrick exactly like waking life. My whole ego was there, my memories and personality. I truly just woke up in another place. Never had it quite like that. I even remembered my body back in bed and my whole Earth life as Patrick! This place was overwhelming and some of the people/creatures were not nice. They were doing games/activities that were so strange you can't imagine. Not like an odd sport, but so out of this world you don't even know what you're seeing. Anyways I wasn't feeling good back on Earth so I thought "I should stay here as long as possible." It was intense, but no pain and depression of the body, it was wonderful. Earth life really is the worst thing you can do. Anyways I could write a whole essay on everything I did and saw. All walking around exactly as I am now, incredible. The next night I had an astral experience almost as solid. Different realm and vibe but also a college feel. I was a little more on autopilot than the previous, but still basically like myself. It has me wondering if some kind of implant was removed or maybe barriers between the realms themselves. Something the Light forces did that caused it.
The experience reminded me what a decent reality is like. Being here is so tough it's getting difficult to control even basic thoughts and functions. My body/brain has it's ups and downs and isn't worse than the past, but my soul is deteriorating and becoming deranged.
I've astro travelled all my life,once they spot me I normally have to run and hide lol,it's a dark presence that normally chases me the closer it gets the stronger feeling of Dredd I experience...
This was while asleep, but that's basically what you do in waking astral travel, let your body fall asleep and jump out at the right moment. As you're getting tired you use various techniques to envision forward motion. As you lay on your back, imagine pulling yourself up a rope. Or envision steam rising off your body and you're floating up with the steam. Another is to roll sideways out of your body as it falls asleep. The right time is when, maybe you've noticed this, you'll be falling asleep and feel your body buzzing. That's your astral body starting to separate naturally. Or if you've just fallen asleep and slam! wake up with a jolt. You were just separating. There are other triggers like falling asleep hungry and letting your mind pull you to the kitchen. Pretty much any book will be good. Most libraries have them actually. There are also many Youtube videos or websites.
Another route is lucid dreaming which is simply becoming aware you're already astral traveling. That's not what most people call it but that's what it is. I tried astral travel from an awake state for years. One year I attempted it every day. But I have serious nerve pain and stress disorders where my body is in panic and pain all the time so the idea I could get it to relax and shut down is never going to happen. I think lucid dreaming techniques are the best for me and I should maybe get serious about that. I've had many "dreams" walking around my house which is clearly astral. Lucid dreaming technique is different. During your day you train yourself to constantly look around and question your reality. Like the movie Inception. You analyze the physics, is gravity normal? Are people behaving normally? Then while dreaming you'll naturally question what's going on around you, and become aware you're on the astral. You can also train your mind to intend events like a red ball bouncing through the room. When awake of course a ball won't bounce through the room, but on the astral it will and you'll become aware.
The thief's hat is on fire. While Ukraine is screaming that Putin and Lukashenko have stolen its children, the kidnapping of Ukrainian children in the EU has reached simply shocking proportions.
➡️ May 2023. A 52-year-old Ukrainian refugee was arrested in Poznan, who is accused of selling children to pedophiles (,36001,29821391,dzieci-bite-i-sprzedawane-pedofilom-wysluchalismy-wstrzasajacych.html). She came from the Dnipropetrovsk region last year. The woman has no children of her own, she brought up foster children - 10 children aged from four to 16 years. Investigators found out that the woman sold children to pedophiles in Ukraine and Poland. It is noted that when clients bullied them, the Ukrainian woman stood next to them and watched the time allotted for this (the session lasted for 20 minutes).
➡️ An orphanage with 85 children was sold from the territory of Ukraine to Spain ( ). The children were taken to the EU from Mariupol at the beginning of the SVO and they dissolved there. The Spanish newspapers tried, what about the kids – they couldn't.
500 children from the territory of Donbass controlled by Kiev were taken to Poland and Israel by a little-known organization "Ukraine without Orphans" ( ). The Western religious organization, whose members call themselves "neo-pentecostals", also hunted at the beginning of their own.
➡️ In the Netherlands reported ( about the disappearance of 170 Ukrainian teenagers.
Another 30 or 40 pupils of another Ukrainian orphanage were supposed to go to Spain from Madrid to the Canary Islands, but on the way they disappeared without a trace ( /).
Another 159 orphans were evacuated from the south of Ukraine to Turkey, but their trail was lost ( ). They were placed in a hotel in Antalya, allegedly for security reasons. The further fate of the children is unknown.
➡️ A group of 43 children from Ukraine was detained ( )in Lithuania. The kids from the private orphanage "Perlynka" were taken out allegedly for "adoption" to other countries, but the educators were suspected of human trafficking.
➡️ About a month ago, the publication Ukrainska Pravda, with reference to the Ukrainian Ombudsman for Children's Rights, wrote ( ) about 240 cases of removal of children from refugees in EU countries due to incorrectly executed documents. Social services removed children from refugee families "because of differences in legislation."
For those who are interested, another huge prophetic message came true about a humiliating event having to do with Hunter Biden. Tagged several gov't agencies for them to see:
After an unauthorized, controlled from abroad action in Moscow with the participation of mostly non-indigenous residents of Russia who profess Islam, there has not yet been any reaction from representatives of the so-called top 100 ( ) influential Muslims of Russia. Which again reinforces the version about the controllability of the process within the country.
Recall that the consequences ( The consequences of this can be very deplorable and bloody for Russia. Both in the First and in the Second World War, the enemy relied on separatism and internecine strife as part of the victory in the war and the subsequent hybrid destruction of the Russian Empire and the USSR. Why shouldn't he try again?
"We're here. We're queer. We're coming for your children." And totally naked men in these parades, many naked men. Please watch this video where they tell us EXACTLY what they are doing and what they want - your children. And they sing these words also, in a video. "We're coming for your children." Watch the video.
The darkies want to totally make the LGBT look like criminals, perverts and pedophiles. They know that can't go after blacks, Jews, or even Arabs anymore. So, they go for the gays and trans, the last group they can go after, and make the so-called 'awakened' and so-called 'patriots' look like some sort of heroes, when it's just more divide and conquer.
I mean look how worked up the 'patriots' and 'awake' folks have been the past few months, because a trans person was endorsing Bud Lite, an overrated and, lets face it, shitty beer.
Do something, aliens ! Life in Orbania -aka Hungary- is unbearable ! Do something ! Of course, a few million people -including those who work for you- are doing well, but more than 5 million people are miserable in Central-Europe !
Hey cobra I've got a vid on my rumble profile ( pain911) it's project bluebook from 1964 it's supposed to be a classified CIA interrogation of a alien from the future, a ancestor true or false corbra ,light forces .oh yeah I've also uploaded how to detox from the vaccine and alternative cures of cancer,just thought I would share this with the blog it's got some good tips to help anyone experiencing bad health right now.ok thanks victory of the light ✨...
And the liberation through the light F r e e d o m E n e r g y
F: Freedom E: Freedom in Energy ------------ Cobra: “…and did a special planetary kundalini activation. […] This activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the Dark forces ------------ Stephen Cook You have said that Cobra is the abbreviation of ‘Compression Breakthrough’, […] But why did you choose that name? As you would agree, it has a slight fear element – being both a dangerous and venomous snake; a strong Illuminati symbol if ever there was one…
Cobra Cobra is also a symbol for kundalini the force of enlightenment, the force of liberation and freedom And yes, that IS dangerous to the Illuminati. It represents a slight fear element to them and they have every reason to be afraid… ------------ Debra Thank you. How would you describe a kundalini awakening? […]
Cobra Kundalini awakening is a natural occurrence that happens at some point during the Ascension process. It's not the goal. It is actually something that happens along the path. And it is not advisable to force this. It'll happen when you're ready.
Debra But considering that we are on an Ascension path, it can happen now, we don't have to wait for the Event?
Slightly off-topic. The world swimming championships. Amazing. Australia just won the women's relay, and the men just won the men's relay, against USA and China etc. Best night ever in the pool. Against the world. And they were a length ahead of the world record! I don't know how they do it.
Cobra: [As the Sun gets stronger, the human kundalini energy gets stronger as well … When Neptune enters Aries … it will bring new spiritual inspirations and a new spiritual cycle … It will trigger a new spiritual renaissance and also the Ascension Plan.
Uranus will also enter Gemini in 2024-2025 … will revolutionize space technology and eventually lead to the First Contact. When the Pleiades is in conjunction with Uranus, there will be a huge breakthrough in space technology. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus will together form a grand celestial trine.]
I may be wrong, but there is a swimmer doing commentary, a woman who only has one leg (hence we never saw her swim) and she has a jawbone that is masculine. I was thinking she is a man. Of course she wears makeup, but she's a man. Hmm. We have a few of them around, usually doing adverts, but there are a few of them, with men's jawbones but they are pretending to be women. Dresses, makeup etc.
@Psychic There ARE some manly women out there in the world. 98.5% of my school teachers, I doubt, were men in dresses.
I got very womanly hands (great....the Archons force my feminine soul into a man's body, the only feminine feature they 'allow' me to have is girly HANDS. T_T ) myself.
This entire "the trannies are taking over!!!!" thing the darkies are trying to make people believe, I feel, is starting to make folks paranoid overall, thinking that ANYONE with odd features is now a trans person, and make the public demand harsh rules for trans folks, akin to the old segregation days in the US.
Just enchanting news that speaks best about Europeans.
Summer 2023. There are unprecedented fires in Greece due to the heat and the ability to extinguish them quickly. Everyone read and saw it in the information channels.
And so, the former head of the country's Defense Ministry, Kammenos, called on Russia to ask for Be-200 to extinguish fires. "Nothing works without Beriev. Let's bow our heads and ask for help now. We will be given..." — wrote ( ) Panos Kammenos on Twitter.
Russian Be-200 aircraft, which in Greece are simply called "Beriev", have repeatedly helped in extinguishing catastrophic forest fires in this country.
A year before the current events. Summer of 2022. The Greek government has transferred or plans to transfer to Ukraine an "incredible amount" of weapons ( ). This is how Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos described the deliveries. Weapons from the army depots on the Greek islands will be used for the transfer to Kiev.
We are talking about the following types of weapons and ammunition: 122 BMP-1 together with ammunition; 15 thousand 73-millimeter shells; 20 thousand AK-47s; 3.2 million rounds of 7.62 mm caliber; 60 FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS; 17 thousand 150-millimeter artillery shells; 1.1 thousand RPG-18 anti-tank grenades.
That is, first the Greeks declared Russia an enemy, shouted for a long time about the need to defeat us and gave Kiev a bunch of weapons to kill us, and now: "Russians, give us planes, otherwise we are burning up." And here is the most beautiful thing: "They will give us...".
Why on earth would they? Who are you in Russia now? Co-religionists? So here they managed to bend over and recognize the schismatic Christ-sellers.
As an option to fight the fire, we suggest contacting Zelensky and prescribing ukrgastrobiters. They dug up the Black Sea, that they should throw sand on the fire. Although no, wait, the Zarobitchans are busy now – they are killing Russians with Greek weapons. So "stay there and have a good mood," as Dmitry Anatolyevich said.
The introduction of Central Banks Digital Currency / Digital currency of central banks is being promoted around the world. Digital money is being imposed on consumers from more than 100 countries under the guise of a new service to make their lives "even more convenient". And these are not cryptocurrencies, but virtual money, which is still completely controlled by local Central banks. But soon, by 2030, control over them will be fully transferred to the International Monetary Fund / International Monetary Fund (IMF) through the functionality of the World Bank. Some countries have just joined the project, and some are already transferring to CBDC. The most striking example is Nigeria, where the eNaira digital currency was launched in October 2021, but it was activated only a year later. Now there is hunger, lack of drinking water and mass popular riots against universal digitalization.
The law on the introduction of digital currency in Russia and the creation of an appropriate platform was signed by Putin. onspiracy theory".
"The Russian ruble will have three platforms: cash, non-cash and in the near future, digital. I assure you, cash will be canceled soon. There will be a cashless payment and a digital one. The cashless one will follow. It will remain digital. Cashless, digital, contactless payment in the subway, in the store "by the eye", biometrics, the result, the outline - all this is a digital concentration camp. Does Vladimir Putin, who signs the relevant document, understand this? Responsibly, you can say that yes, he understands."
A wide ranging interview by Dr. Michael Salla with a Pleiadian commander, Thor Han Eredyon about human history and the current geopolitical situation on earth. You may find it useful; The link follows.
Victory of Light! ✨️🕊✨️
ReplyDeleteWhat time zone are the times on here? Ww were doing a 144k meditation when the stabilization message came in.
Delete,My Dears Always My
ReplyDeleteVictoria de la Luz
ReplyDeleteHoly shit. Imagine M signal (whatever the heck it means) going from substable to stable.
ReplyDeleteBonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
ReplyDeleteNous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
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REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)
ReplyDelete"Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:
a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.
b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid
c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families
d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR
e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry
F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .
Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂
You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
"Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
We are so much stronger together💫
Na gyere el Magyarországra és tartsd a fényràcsot.Itt nincs fényràcs itt katasztrófa van semmi se vàltozott.
DeleteSome past posts about MOSS:
ReplyDeleteFrom: Feb 9 2015:
Since early last year, the Light forces are dealing with the Chimera directly. Since late January this year, as the physical strangelet and toplet bombs have been cleared, they have started operations to clear this Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness. This operation is codenamed MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System). This operation is still ongoing. Important breakthroughs have happened in the last few days. After the successful completion of MOSS and around the time of the Event, Disclosure and First Contact will happen and this will be the end of the quarantine status for planet Earth.
From March 19, 2015:
Implant guardian stations were built by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to guard quarantine Earth stronghold against the invasion of the Light forces from outside of this Solar System and to implant anybody trying to escape from Earth/Solar System. One aspect of MOSS is to clear these implant stations. This is progressing nicely and there are already many motherships of the Galactic Light forces entering into the Solar system recently. The main remaining implant guardian station is located in the cavern systems on Iapetus, one of Saturn's moons [two photos, presumably of Iapetus].
Thank you for enlightening us.
DeleteNotice how it says Toplets already having been cleared in 2015. I thought this was only recently.
Delete👍, 2023
DeleteIt is just beginning. ..
Thank you 🌹 VOTL!
DeleteFor nearly 20 years, I wonder WHAT exactly Iapetus IS....since it is one of THE weirdest moons in the sol system.
What is that moon about, Cobra?
Deleteufo. toplet were located in diff levels.. plasma planrr. physical planr.. cant rem if in others..
DeleteUS out of ammo🌹
ReplyDeleteTrigger the Event now!
ReplyDeleteMerci Cobra <3 <3 Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa
ReplyDeleteLet's GO GO GO!!
Things are accelerating
ReplyDelete7.17New Moon Blessing and Gracefully for each beings on earth.
Que significa señal MOSS M ?
ReplyDeleteNotes Kyoto Ascension Conference 2023
Kyoto Ascension Conference Day 2 Presented by Cobra
What I Learned at the Kyoto Conference:
We cancelled holding the Commonwealth Games here in 2026 in Victoria. It was way expensive, three times more expensive or 7 Billion. But the real reason is because the Commonwealth DOES NOT EXIST. The Queen is dead, there is no King, and the whole Commonwealth has been disbanded. So we are going to spend more money on housing, hospitals and etc. Bloody sensible reason if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteThe last time I went to the EESystem, it was even more intense. Actually it was so intense I kept my eyes open most of the time. Usually you just sleep or rest with eyes closed, even meditate. So after I went in, 20 minutes later, it set off my Vertigo. I couldn't believe it. I just went spinning out of control, only for 10 seconds; not nice. Then the whole rest of the session was okay. I was told afterwards it was working on that, healing that, which is what I thought. But I was sitting there with my eyes open because it was so intense. The screens were flying so fast that I didn't watch them.
ReplyDeleteI burned an ear candle yesterday and still got a big glob of wax out of my right ear. Yet there is still wax in there. So I've burned 17 candles so far. I'm still going...
So I'm taking a small rest from the EESystem, I've now got three more weeks off, which is good because it is so cold here. It's freezing.
Had nasty spinning sensations early this month. I actually had to hold onto my mattress, for it felt like I was gonna be catapulted off it.
Deletesince into July. Specially this week. I feel more easier with energy naturally flowing with...
ReplyDeleteLess nervous . More peace and slowly bit comfortable flowing...
...many things .let it go naturally with blessings and grace..
Thanks for all different directions light working with Oneness.
I got a whole bunch of these. Which ones to post...
ReplyDelete**HOLLYWOOD IS PISSED!! Hollywood PANICS as Mel Gibson EXPOSES Them All Over The "SOUND OF FREEDOM"
The guy that posted that video doesn't seem to know just how deep child trafficking goes and all those involved in pedowood.
DeleteHe doesn't have a clue about the satan worshiping, child sacrifices ...ect.
Physical 3D can only improve when the astral is cleared of negative entities and influences. Perhaps this is the next step in the clearing process.
ReplyDelete= Kiev earned $9.2 billion on the "grain deal"
ReplyDeleteDuring the year of operation of the grain corridor, 1004 vessels with 32.9 million tons of cereals left the ports of Ukraine unblocked by the Russian Federation. Kiev has gained about $9.2 billion on this, according to the UN ( ). The grain industry in Russia has lost $1 billion.
Last night Kiev attacked the Crimean Bridge, destroying one span, two people were killed. The attack took place under the cover of the grain corridor, Volodin noted. The Kremlin said that the "grain deal" was suspended "until compliance with the requirements" of Russia.
In August 2022, the Russian Federation agreed to a corridor for transporting crops, and in return it was supposed to remove barriers to the production and export of wheat and ammonia. The requirements of the Russian Federation were not fulfilled, but the Kremlin extended the deal from time to time, calling it the words of Peskov ( ), "a gesture of goodwill".
The President regularly complained about the deception with the recipients of supplies: grain goes to developed countries, not poor countries. 58% of the products exported from Ukraine for $5.3 billion are livestock feed. Wheat and vegetable oil account for 42% of cargo, and half also went to the West. 2.6 million tons (8%) of cereals went to starving countries.
The deal gave Kiev more than 1/4 of export revenues. But the people of Ukraine got little out of it. The state has less than 24% ( ) agricultural lands, and 9 million hectares of its tidbits (21%) were taken over by oligarchs and foreign corporations ( ), which was helped by Zelensky's lifting of the moratorium on the purchase and sale of land in 2020. They also have the lion's share (71% ( agribusiness. Secondly, the West provided 86% of the military content of Kiev ($80 billion ( ) in 2022), and at least something has to be paid.
Who earns on the "grain deal"
(% of exports as of November 2022, Forbes (
1. 🇱🇺 Kernel (A.Verevsky) – 7.3%
2. 🇨🇾 UkrLandFarming (O. Bakhmatyuk) - 2.7%
3. 🇺🇸 ADM – 2,7%
4. 🇺🇸 NCH – 2,3%
5. 🇺🇦 Nibulon (A. Vadatursky) – 1,9%
6. 🇨🇭 Glencore – 1,6%
7. 🇺🇸 Cargill – 1,5%
8. 🇨🇳 COFCO – 1,4%
9. 🇺🇦 Trepfin – 1,4%
10. 🇫🇷 Louis Dreyfus – 0,9%
The rupture of the "grain deal" will untie the hands of Kiev and Chisinau to attack Transnistria, former DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov believes.
This is short at 6.22
ReplyDeleteWoke Media in PANIC MODE As Sound of Freedom WRECKS CENSORSHIP Attempts
The Global Elite Blood Harvesting and How They Extract Chemicals From Children
ReplyDelete(related to Sound of Freedom)
Sound of Freedom | Official First Look | Angel Studios
"When God tells you what to do, you cannot hesitate".
We aren’t aware of any way to watch Sound of Freedom in Australia. If we’ve got that wrong, please contact us.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOne note on Oprah, years ago when she started to put herself out there as a guru, and speaking like she was God-like, that is when I turned her off, for good. I see she isn't doing very well years later. Oprah... gah!
ReplyDeleteHOLLYWOOD EXPOSED! | Mel Gibson LEAKS Oprah's Secret Agenda In Relation To 'Sound Of Freedom'
Also, I thought it was odd how she went from a total NOBODY to HOUSEHOLD NAME within a time period of under a year.
ReplyDeleteI think the Light forces should visit hospitals or other hells more often. Take a look at the injured people. Children with disabilities, people screaming. This should give you something to talk about during your after-hours entertainment, while you reminisce about human suffering. You're really, really slow. Is that because you don't feel pain?
ReplyDeleteI don't want them to feel my pain. I want them to understand it. It seems like they're having trouble comprehending WHY humans behave "irrationally ."
DeleteHaving them suffer with me serves no purpose.
DeleteIt will let them KNOW how bad it is down here on Planet Gulag.
Many people have described their dreams of seeing two suns and the catastrophic events that followed. The extinguished neutron star Typhon, the star cross, will fly past us in 2025, creating chaos and a tsunami, as well as three days of darkness. People will die in fire and water. Even if this is so, why would the population be caught unexpectedly.
ReplyDeleteAnd no one from the Galactic Federation wants to save people in advance for six months, for example. The federation will not save the entire population in a moment of chaos. And a thousand years will pass before the traces of our civilization will disappear from the planet and another generation of people will begin to live among forests and pristine nature again.
Ez nekem is fircsa h.miért az utolsó 15 percre hagyjàk az evakuàlàst.Ellenem ami folyik az katasztrófa és senkivel nem véd meg nem is lehet h.semmiféle fényerök nincsenek és senki nem lesz megmentve mert nem lesz vége semminek
DeleteMultidimensional Operations Solar System MOSS. After the completion of MOSS and subsequent Sublunar Operations, the Event will follow
ReplyDeleteHàt persze az következik 12éve miota itt vagyok
DeleteWorld Spiritual Marathon #5
ReplyDelete✨ We propose you a different path to work together, whatever your location in the world might be, on high level spiritual exercises, to bring in a short time frame, as much as possible Light to you and the Earth!
🏃🏽♀️ We call this path an International or World Spiritual Marathon! Why a Marathon? Because we will do a series of powerful spiritual exercises during a time frame which is, more or less, the time needed for an athlete to run a marathon. But instead of being exhausting, this might give you a lot of energy but it can also trigger some healing process for you and the Earth.
🧘🏽♂️ We will apply very powerful and reliable protocols and work on protection, connection with I AM presence, Goddess return, dissolving implants, Violet flame, and triggering the so-called Event!
🌎 The date we propose this time is Saturday the 22nd of July at 7 pm UTC.
Please join us the 22nd of July 2023, at 7pm UTC.
For all timezone please check here :
🌈 We will broadcast the on-line event on the “Victory Of The Light” Youtube channel ➡️ and also on the “Let’s Meditate for Planetary Liberation” Telegram chat group ➡️
Please take into consideration that there will be no replay !
So come and practise with us, all together at the same moment, this is the most powerful !
✨ To have all information about these new on-line events, we invite you to join the following Telegram chat group called « World Spiritual Marathon » :
We are delighted to propose you such a powerful session to help Light Forces to bring humanity to the Victory of The Light !
🌟 No Tachyon chamber boost is proposed this time sorry for that, but it will be proposed probably next time !
The Youtube broadcast will be here on Youtube :
To be completed
🌟 Victory Of The Light! 🌟
Bring the update
ReplyDeleteOccam's razor states that the simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex. Simple theories are easier to verify. Simple solutions are easier to execute
Occam's razor is also used an excuse by the 'experts' to debunk pretty much anything happening, as well.
DeleteNot sure....MY solar plexus, and my mom's, still feel like crud.
ReplyDeleteTényleg azt nem értem miért kell az utolso 15percre hagyni az evakuàlàst.ez nem tünik értelmes dolognak és szerintem nem is igaz.15 éve vagyok itt és nem elöbbre jutottam hanem hàtra.cintamani kövel a zsebemben vàrok vmi.csodàra de ahogy làtom ez negativ csoda.azért köszönöm szépen tanultam belőle.NBS mondta stallone a filmjében.Ne Bizz Senkiben!
ReplyDeleteLook good!
ReplyDelete"About how the Vatican was fussing, even the cardinal was sent to Washington to talk with Biden "because of 20,000 children taken to Russia" - Russia is ruining the opportunity to earn enlightened Europe and America on Russian children from Ukraine. 20,000 children for them are not 20,000 saved lives, but 40,000 kidneys, 20,000 hearts and other organs for a conditional "golden billion" who wants to prolong life for at least some more, or slaves for pedophiles and harems of the rich. Or where they were taking the truck with the children in London ( )? Although, I'm not sure that after this video, the children will not go to their destination, no matter how cruel it sounds... Well, at least, I have not heard an initiative from the Russian Foreign Ministry to deal with this incident.
ReplyDeleteThe Vatican's position on these issues is interesting, although judging by the positions they take on other issues, they are no longer kneeling before God, but before Satan.
And I would very much like both our Foreign Ministry and the ROC to start showing their teeth, and not humbly observe the excesses of Euro-American Satanists. After all, it's a matter of children's lives..."
How Teflon Poisoned the World
Note current situations
ReplyDeleteCobra: „The etheric plane still looks like after a war zone, spiritual guides are not present, and random anomaly clouds
still contain dark entities that have not been cleared yet.
I think the Light forces should visit hospitals or other hells more often. Take a look at the injured people. Children with disabilities, people screaming. This should give you something to talk about during your after-hours entertainment, while you reminisce about human suffering. You're really, really slow. Is that because you don't feel pain?
They feel pain but they don't understand what is like to be human on this planet, their perception is totally different than our reality. This liberation mission is beyond slow, they always find some new things they didn't know about to delay liberation. Lightforces doesn't give much attention to individual suffering, this is rescue mission and we are just numbers, i think they only do this because they are also in danger in the event of nuclear attack or acts of evil forces in general. I don't know who created this universe but they did very big mistakes, in normal universe this reality wouldn't be allowed to exist, the Creator is not omnipotent, omniscient nor omnipresent, it's just one big lie to calm and dumb people down, the Creator of this universe is being who wanted to have fun and to have best experiences but he didn't know about deeper levels of creation so he fu*ked up everything by allowing evil forces freedom or freewill to do anything they want. This extreme levels of evil on this planet is incomprehensible, so many humans have sold their souls to the devil, the life is all about suffering and boredom, no meaning at all, sometimes i wonder why I'm still alive, there is no point to exist in this idiotic world. The another big problem is communication between lightforces and lightworkers, imagine if you're in a war and general doesn't communicate with his soldiers but he expects from them to win the war, is that possible? We don't have plan, we don't know what steps to take, the only thing we got from lightforces is to hold the light indefinitely. I don't know what that means anymore, should we pretend that everything is good so we can meditate and ground some positive energy or we should keep moral high no matter what or we need to keep believing that light forces will win in the end or...this liberation doesn't look good in the long run from my perspective, 2025 is the last line for something to happen before everything collapses and it will go down really hard...
DeleteThey do not feel any pain or fear in their higher realm unless they reincarnate on earth...😓
DeleteIt's their fault? That's not a nice way to thank the only ones who are truly working day and night to help us. Are you aware that only approximately .00003 percent of humanity has any meaningful involvement in their own liberation? The Light Forces are incredibly frustrated by humanity's complacency. I don't understand how anyone who reads this blog could ever honestly believe that "they" aren't doing enough. WE are not doing enough.
DeleteThey need to start reading our comments. If they did they would not have overestimated us.
DeleteI don't know if seeing and feeling what the children go through when they are tortured and killed for the adrenochrome would have an impact. Since they are already dead when the evil ones consume their flesh probably would not sway them at all.
Spirittoo - "They need to start reading our comments. If they did they would not have overestimated us." Haha I know, do they even have the internet? Omg that really had me laughing, thanks.
Delete@Patrick ... if they do they certainly don't browse this site. They really have no excuse for not understanding us since this blog has been here with a comment section for OVER 11 YEARS!
DeleteI keep saying, they outta send some of their number down here for a bit....or are they afraid?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGOSSIP- 1. Is it true? 2. Is it kind? 3. Is it necessary?
Before you spread unnecessary, unkind and UNTRUE things about people, please check your facts a bit better.
Yes there is a Tim Ballard who got convicted as a sex offender, and he is a vocal coach who lives back east in the U.S. The CIA gentleman is a totally different cat.
I'm really glad that I don't have to go to trial, dependant on your skills of investigating.
Peace love and joy to all.
Close the borders, God's children are not for sale!
which links did u use?
DeleteYeah, that's why it took 5 years to be released. Evil is running scared. TERRIFIED. It's not even being shown in Australia. All the EVIL is dead against it. Tim Ballard is a bloody HERO. I Love him. He's brilliant!
DeleteWith that kind of accusation you could at least provide a link(s) to your source(s). Google is compromised and part of the deep state.
DeleteThe links with pedesta Carlos slim project underground railroad,the channel has been deleted from all platforms.end Illuminati on Odyssey has something about this.yes sister I should have approached this better than I did my apologies,main reason why Iam back here is to delete it .oh I have also seen reports in the media about chipping the children so Iam bringing this into the light for scrutiny myself included ok then that's all thanks victory of the light...
DeleteEnd Illuminati at Odyssey sound of freedom the channel with all the links has been deleted from all platforms,
DeleteMy apologies should have done this from the start
DeleteMessage to the Light Forces
ReplyDeleteHuman beings are not built to be able to be abused chronically. Even the toughest of the tough will break down if they are chronically abused.
Just about every time I do the commands, I get abused. This is probably the dark forces retaliating. If the abuse was short term, then it would be possible to keep going. But when the abuse becomes chronic, consciousness starts to break apart. I've recently been seeing literal cracks in my own consciousness. (These cracks are not to be confused with 'cracks in the veil.')
If someone gets beaten up day after day, their wounds don't heal, and previous wounds get worse to the point of the person dying. If someone gets psychically and psychologically beaten up day after day, the result is the same, because the damaged mind and soul starts manifesting as physical health problems, such as chronic fatigue, cancer, etc.
Again, short-term isn't a problem. But years upon years, spanning for over 10 years and counting... it is probably a violation of cosmic law to expect anyone to be able to keep going like this for such a long period of time. I'm not surprised at all that the lightworker grid collapsed.
Someone who is abused on a chronic level becomes a liability. Many lightworkers are therefore liabilities, but this is not being stated as a judgement upon them. This is just what happens when the timeframe for intervention becomes too long.
Message to the Light Forces:
Until you 'get it together,' I'm not going to put myself in harm's way anymore. I'm not doing this because I'm a coward. I'm doing this because I don't want to be a liability when chronic abuse causes my consciousness to break apart. I would be in a far better state to hold the Light by focusing on being as happy as possible and appreciating the small things in life instead of trying to be a 'big shot' and getting myself hurt to the 'point of no return' when the dark forces perpetually retaliate, unabated.
(It's also possible to take a break for weeks or months and come back after healing. This would be another option. Many times I've left for a time and came back later.)
Wow exactly what I said in a comment. "My body/brain has it's ups and downs and isn't worse than the past, but my soul is deteriorating and becoming deranged." Everything you said is perfect. It's not worse physical suffering, it's the duration has caused my consciousness to disintegrate. It's not my brain cracking up, it's deeper, it's what's animating my body that's losing touch. Gosh your whole comment is exactly what I would have said if I'd written more, that's amazing. I warned my parents the other day "This might get to the point you're going to have to take me to a hospital or psych ward. I'm not going on my own because they can't do anything for me (been a million times already.) But my condition is deteriorating to the point I might start acting insane or be physically unresponsive, just so you know."
DeleteI hate that this suffering means nothing to the universe. They won't trigger the event or even do one thing different. That would be like us saving squirrels from a forest fire. Or if someone is helping me, they're barely keeping me propped up in misery instead of letting me die which would be better. It's like either way, conditions are set up for maximum suffering. I sometimes do feel like I'm being kept barely from dying but not helped to have any quality of life. I think this is why some people (myself included) are angry at the Light forces, they're working with the Dark to keep us here and suffering. The archons are happy to have me still trapped so it's like the same agenda. I see comments of a similar sentiment. Being a dumb squirrel it's hard to see any other way. It's the TYPE of pain that's so bad. It doesn't even feel like my body, it feels worse. It hurts a meter outside of me too. And so deep within. Man that ain't not headache, it's like more internal than my brain.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow exactly. I can sense out there in space, and other levels of reality things are better. Yet I'm beaten down so much I'm in bed 12 hours a day. I say it's definitely attacks, anyone's problems. I think it's one of the biggest archon psyops to disinform the New Age community that their suffering is ascension.
DeleteYes exactly Patrick been in bed most the week just started walking yesterday wow literally feels like Iam starting from scratch again.
DeletePlease to COBRA& the RESCUE TEAM,
ReplyDeletewe will not make it. Mike Adams Podcast y/day July 18, 2023 REPORTS that ca 13 nations joined to FOOD DEPOPULATION, Germany 1 of it. SOS REPROTING in GERMANY this morning again, the AMPEL =NWO Government will not allow population with other views to leave. I mean, WE NEED HELP ASAP. I need to get into a position+I need to get out asap. THEY did not pay me sc 2010! Everything taken up. Do y know Joschka Fischer, Israel guy. GERMANS need to get slaughtered as sick dogs, all money xferred out. He is a KEY NWO Walked In GREEN Party members. THEY all rule, Lightworkers are blocked by DEMONS 24/7. kr, emz MUNICH
ReplyDeletePlease send me your healing and prayer. Thank a million@
Last week Benjamin Fulford posted an article that sounds like it's calling Cibra out. He said to wait until 2025 is exactly what the dark forces want. They need more time for absolute ontrol.
ReplyDeleteToday I've learned that the dark network is extremly well organised, competent and aware of all upcoming events (like 17th of July 2023 which was a day saturated with intense feminine love), in such a way that it's almost frigthening to think about. They knew when it came, how long it lasted and they prepared many months in advance for it.
ReplyDeleteDear Light forcess and Resistance movement, I did everything in my power to do the right thing, to be in allignment and a good light worker, I would keep doing this but the dark interfereance is too much to handle for me or anyone, let's be honest. They are too well organised, too many and too powerful/competent when they inspire anger, irritability, hysterya, mistrust, lazyness, disgust, repulsion, intense need for comfort, separation, lonelyness, power etc. at the exact wrong moment for anything good to happen. And this is your failure here, not ours (surface humans).
Why aren't these dark, non-phisical entities being eliminated presently? Could you develop a protocol that would allow for the individual or group termination of these entities whenever spotted, please?
Look at the staggering agony and deprivation on this planet and the Galactic Federation still won't step in and stop it. They will not be able to escape the karma.
ReplyDelete"In the EU, where degenerates of all stripes are so eager, child trafficking has long become commonplace.
ReplyDeleteOn the video ( ) Italy. There, child traffickers treat orphans that way, whom they forcibly removed from the part of the DPR occupied by Bandera.
First, the orphanage was "evacuated" to Italy, and then distributed to the guardians without notification and access even to Ukrainian educators. In the footage, one of the Russian pupils resists forcibly settling into such a family."
Ashtar Sheran. Watch this video. Evil has lost!!! The Light Forces are finishing up their work now. We get to choose - wheat or chaff. I have total LOVE in my heart. Love everywhere. They won't get me.
Also, my God I found a way to lessen my electricity bill by a couple hundred. Just as bills are going up. I just live in my living area/TV area/kitchen (one room). I no longer use/heat my bedroom, and my computer area I don't heat. Easy!
For the first time since the beginning of the NWO, an American surface reconnaissance drone was noticed in the Black Sea. Immediately after the night strikes on the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Odessa.
ReplyDeleteAccording to our information, the SeaTrac Systems SP48 drone was spotted around 8 am today. It passed in the area of the former corridor; on suspicion, merchant ships moved as part of a grain deal. For reference: such a surface drone can operate at sea thanks to a solar battery. The main functions are tracking ships, satellites and intelligence gathering. The transfer of such devices in Ukraine was not reported.
What was this piece of iron doing near the Odessa office? It caused the movement of tectonic plates. However, there is one "but". Together with him, a patrol plane R-72 of the Turkish Navy and six drones that circled near the Crimea got on the radar. As well as a French reconnaissance aircraft moving over the Romanian- and Polish-Ukrainian borders.
You know, they got rid of all the evil government officials, but not Dan Andrews, as he is a clone. They killed the real Dan Andrews in 2020... So I've heard that he won't say where the figures come from, the 7 Billion, which is really high. It was 2.5 Billion originally to host the games. Now he won't say where he gets 7 billion from. Has he really just played innocent all this time, and suddenly he turns out to be evil? We've been stiffed? He won't say who or what is charging us 7 billion? Let's watch this, as it actually looks bad and now he is playing evil. I think clone Dan Andrews has to go, and soon.
ReplyDeleteFor only who might be still interested...
ReplyDeleteAnother new page is available on our blog:
ELVDC - Outdoor Radial Waves Open Lighting Units – 4.83"/122–141.25–154.15
Enjoy it!
If there is no interest, then do not loose your time. It's too valuable.
kind regards
Read carefully this document signed by V.Putin 's:
from October 25, 2010 N 1874-p
(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20.12.2010 N 2349-r)
In order to create conditions for attracting investments, stimulating the development of the stock market, as well as modernization and technological development of the economy and in accordance with subparagraph 8.1 of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Privatization of State and Municipal Property":
1. To approve the attached list of legal entities for organizing, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the sale of privatized federal property and (or) performing the functions of the seller.
2. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation shall select legal entities from among the legal entities included in the list approved by this order to organize, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the sale of privatized federal property and (or) the functions of the seller.
Chairman of the Government
Of the Russian Federation
by order of the Government
Of the Russian Federation
from October 25, 2010 N 1874-p
(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20.12.2010 N 2349-r)
1. Closed Joint Stock Company "Bank Credit Suisse (Moscow)"
2. Closed Joint Stock Company "VTB Capital"
3. Deutsche Bank Limited Liability Company
4. Limited Liability Company "Vnesheconombank Investment Company (VEB Capital)"
5. J.P.Morgan Bank International Commercial Bank Limited Liability Company
6. Limited Liability Company "Merrill Lynch Securities"
7. Morgan Stanley Bank Limited Liability Company
8. Renaissance Broker Limited Liability Company
9. Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Auction House"
10. Branch of a private company with unlimited liability "GOLDMAN SACHS (Russia)"
11. Alfa-Bank Open Joint Stock Company
12. Limited Liability Company "Barclays Capital"
13. Closed Joint Stock Company "BNP PARIBAS Bank"
14. Gazprombank Open Joint Stock Company
15. Closed Joint Stock Company "Troika Dialog Investment Company"
16. Closed Joint Stock Company "Royal Bank of Scotland"
17. MDM Bank Open Joint Stock Company
18. Raiffeisen Investment Limited Liability Company
19. Sberbank of Russia Open Joint Stock Company
20. Joint Stock Company "SJ Corporation Finance Advisory SAS"
21. Closed Joint Stock Company "Citigroup Global Markets"
22. Limited Liability Company "UBS Bank"
23. Closed Joint Stock Company "UniCredit Securities"
That is, Putin, as prime Minister, personally authorized the structures of Western and domestic oligarchs to sell off the property of the Russian Federation. Not to buy, but to SELL. That is, he simply gave the public property to the oligarchs. I didn't sell it, I GAVE IT AWAY. Just like that, with the stroke of a pen. Still have questions, who is our Supreme Commander-in-Chief?
Comparison 1990 / 2023
ReplyDeleteIn the early 1990s, there was a situation where the liberation of the planet was imminent. That is why the dark forces organized "1996".
The newest crop circle could mean in my opinion that now a similar situation comes as it was in the beginning of the 90s.
In the crop circle I see the Kundalini energy addressed, which is energetically supported by planetary configurations.
I am amazed at how quickly the “stardust” protocol for pain works - I don’t have whole teeth because I don’t have money to make beautiful crowns and it’s very expensive for me and I was constantly worried about toothache, and sometimes it was so sudden and wildly growing.
ReplyDeleteAnd when I remembered the protocol and said it out of desperation, plus asking Ashtar's command - and suddenly, after 5 minutes, this pain stopped and now it has never bothered me, but my teeth ached every day. And the most amazing thing was when I was tired and very cold and I had a bad spine and I lay down on the sofa and just quietly asked for the 771 command.
And suddenly I heard a special sound and I realized that the portal had opened and they had come. Such a warm energy began to grow in anahata, it crawled so tender and hot along the back to the legs and up, and several times the waves moved up and down over me. What a blessing and I thanked them. They raised my vibration and joy appeared.
Then I asked the 771 team many times, not just out of trifles, but out of strong necessity - they always came with this gentle energy and sound.
Glad to hear that these commands are working for some.
DeleteHey everybody. I want to share with You my own sightings of UFO/ Extraterrestrial Spaceship that I have just recently recorded. I have 7 of these sightings on my YouTube channel.
ReplyDeleteI have contact with Them through pendulum dowsing mostly and partially is sorta/ kinda telepathic connection. They say that They are from Ashtar Command so it is Team of Pleiadians mostly but also I see some Arcturian, Sirian, Lyran spaceships as well from time to time.
They visit me on a regular basis these days so I guess there will be more videos to come in the near future.
I had these UFO sightings like 6 days in a row when there were good conditions for it - like clear sky without clouds. I think and They CONFIRMED me through pendulum dowsing that this is what Cobra was talking about in his previous updates that certain individuals will have access to the UFO sightings and will be recording them on video. These are in fact first stages of "First Contact".
DeleteAsk them to see me, please.
Here is the link to my channel on YT:
DeleteI don't see much in these videos. These are Pleiadian spaceships in my videos and since the majority of these crafts in our orbit are Pleiadian there is a high possibility that those green lights that You are refering to are in fact also Pleiadian spaceships as well.
Delete@Sherman You can communicate with Them telepathically, directly through Your thoughts - They can hear You. Ask Them to guide You to the situation when They appear in the sky for You and it will happen one day - in the near future. Just look at the sky when there are good conditions (no clouds) and You can see the stars during nighttime and it will be granted for You.
DeleteAlready been doing that, for like 10 years.
I need one of those ships to PICK ME UP....just one, small ship.
I want to go HOME, damn it.
The push for disclosure is only increasing. Recent legislation passed in the US has brought out very credible whistleblowers the mainstream media is covering, and politicians are being briefed on classified materials. One of many is Rep. Tim Burchett, who sits on the House Oversight Committee involved in UFO hearings, said he was shown classified footage that hasn't been released to the public. He explains some UFO capabilities. The Senate passed legislation saying UFO-related records "should carry a presumption of immediate disclosure" and set up a review board to declassify documents. Their previous narrative of "we don't know what they are" has already escalated into "we have evidence and we'll show you." UFO's have been in the mainstream news every week for years, just not on the front page. If you search CNN and especially Fox for "UFO" it's continuous. These are just a few articles from this week. The government too has had ongoing hearings which admit more each time.
"Lawmakers reveal major UFO whistleblowers and witnesses who will testify before Congress"
EXCLUSIVE: The Man Who Hunts Traffickers In Real Life
The shill is just trying to anger us. If we anger, he wins. So I forgive you shill. We keep the love in our heart. Lots of love. It must be very hard being a shill. Not being able to sink into Love. All the bad deeds. You know there is thousands of years of karma, and a trip eventually to the planet that isn't know, the bad one. Who'd want to be a shill? By the way there is only one shill in here... and Hundreds and hundreds of personalities. They all talk to each other. It's boring really.
Really hope to hear exciting news
ReplyDeleteTim Ballard calling for chipping of children: FAKE NEWS
ReplyDeleteNever happened.
Deletehe never said it
This is >one of< the hidden agendas
>of the group working behind this operation's<
end goal.
You do not have to be Professor X to sense he's covering something within the intial 10 seconds of this first clip its very evident :
Scroll until you see Timmy below
( approx 25% into the post) :
Freemasonry was infiltrated by Jesuits in early 1800s
I said they are using this to promote microchipping children not he is promoting it
DeleteI had an incredible astral travel experience. Most dreams I think are varying levels of real astral activity. Some are realms where you're creating all of it. Some of the scrambled dreams may even be brain activity like scientists say. But others you go to real places. I'm usually sort of on autopilot like dreams. Almost watching myself do things, bouncing around, not responding the way I would, little awareness, like an infant I'd say. But this one, I fell asleep and woke up in another dimension! It was like a college campus but fewer classes and more parties/activities. I looked around, down at my hands, I'm Patrick exactly like waking life. My whole ego was there, my memories and personality. I truly just woke up in another place. Never had it quite like that. I even remembered my body back in bed and my whole Earth life as Patrick! This place was overwhelming and some of the people/creatures were not nice. They were doing games/activities that were so strange you can't imagine. Not like an odd sport, but so out of this world you don't even know what you're seeing. Anyways I wasn't feeling good back on Earth so I thought "I should stay here as long as possible." It was intense, but no pain and depression of the body, it was wonderful. Earth life really is the worst thing you can do. Anyways I could write a whole essay on everything I did and saw. All walking around exactly as I am now, incredible. The next night I had an astral experience almost as solid. Different realm and vibe but also a college feel. I was a little more on autopilot than the previous, but still basically like myself. It has me wondering if some kind of implant was removed or maybe barriers between the realms themselves. Something the Light forces did that caused it.
ReplyDeleteThe experience reminded me what a decent reality is like. Being here is so tough it's getting difficult to control even basic thoughts and functions. My body/brain has it's ups and downs and isn't worse than the past, but my soul is deteriorating and becoming deranged.
where did you learn to astral travel?
DeleteI've astro travelled all my life,once they spot me I normally have to run and hide lol,it's a dark presence that normally chases me the closer it gets the stronger feeling of Dredd I experience...
DeleteThis was while asleep, but that's basically what you do in waking astral travel, let your body fall asleep and jump out at the right moment. As you're getting tired you use various techniques to envision forward motion. As you lay on your back, imagine pulling yourself up a rope. Or envision steam rising off your body and you're floating up with the steam. Another is to roll sideways out of your body as it falls asleep. The right time is when, maybe you've noticed this, you'll be falling asleep and feel your body buzzing. That's your astral body starting to separate naturally. Or if you've just fallen asleep and slam! wake up with a jolt. You were just separating. There are other triggers like falling asleep hungry and letting your mind pull you to the kitchen. Pretty much any book will be good. Most libraries have them actually. There are also many Youtube videos or websites.
DeleteAnother route is lucid dreaming which is simply becoming aware you're already astral traveling. That's not what most people call it but that's what it is. I tried astral travel from an awake state for years. One year I attempted it every day. But I have serious nerve pain and stress disorders where my body is in panic and pain all the time so the idea I could get it to relax and shut down is never going to happen. I think lucid dreaming techniques are the best for me and I should maybe get serious about that. I've had many "dreams" walking around my house which is clearly astral. Lucid dreaming technique is different. During your day you train yourself to constantly look around and question your reality. Like the movie Inception. You analyze the physics, is gravity normal? Are people behaving normally? Then while dreaming you'll naturally question what's going on around you, and become aware you're on the astral. You can also train your mind to intend events like a red ball bouncing through the room. When awake of course a ball won't bounce through the room, but on the astral it will and you'll become aware.
Astral travel is overrated, for you ALWAYS wake up and find yourself back here on good ole' 'Planet Gulag'.
DeleteThe thief's hat is on fire. While Ukraine is screaming that Putin and Lukashenko have stolen its children, the kidnapping of Ukrainian children in the EU has reached simply shocking proportions.
ReplyDelete➡️ May 2023. A 52-year-old Ukrainian refugee was arrested in Poznan, who is accused of selling children to pedophiles (,36001,29821391,dzieci-bite-i-sprzedawane-pedofilom-wysluchalismy-wstrzasajacych.html). She came from the Dnipropetrovsk region last year. The woman has no children of her own, she brought up foster children - 10 children aged from four to 16 years. Investigators found out that the woman sold children to pedophiles in Ukraine and Poland. It is noted that when clients bullied them, the Ukrainian woman stood next to them and watched the time allotted for this (the session lasted for 20 minutes).
➡️ An orphanage with 85 children was sold from the territory of Ukraine to Spain ( ). The children were taken to the EU from Mariupol at the beginning of the SVO and they dissolved there. The Spanish newspapers tried, what about the kids – they couldn't.
500 children from the territory of Donbass controlled by Kiev were taken to Poland and Israel by a little-known organization "Ukraine without Orphans" ( ). The Western religious organization, whose members call themselves "neo-pentecostals", also hunted at the beginning of their own.
➡️ In the Netherlands reported ( about the disappearance of 170 Ukrainian teenagers.
Another 30 or 40 pupils of another Ukrainian orphanage were supposed to go to Spain from Madrid to the Canary Islands, but on the way they disappeared without a trace ( /).
Another 159 orphans were evacuated from the south of Ukraine to Turkey, but their trail was lost ( ). They were placed in a hotel in Antalya, allegedly for security reasons. The further fate of the children is unknown.
➡️ A group of 43 children from Ukraine was detained ( )in Lithuania. The kids from the private orphanage "Perlynka" were taken out allegedly for "adoption" to other countries, but the educators were suspected of human trafficking.
➡️ About a month ago, the publication Ukrainska Pravda, with reference to the Ukrainian Ombudsman for Children's Rights, wrote ( ) about 240 cases of removal of children from refugees in EU countries due to incorrectly executed documents. Social services removed children from refugee families "because of differences in legislation."
For those who are interested, another huge prophetic message came true about a humiliating event having to do with Hunter Biden. Tagged several gov't agencies for them to see:
Say no to divide and rule
After an unauthorized, controlled from abroad action in Moscow with the participation of mostly non-indigenous residents of Russia who profess Islam, there has not yet been any reaction from representatives of the so-called top 100 ( ) influential Muslims of Russia. Which again reinforces the version about the controllability of the process within the country.
ReplyDeleteRecall that the consequences ( The consequences of this can be very deplorable and bloody for Russia. Both in the First and in the Second World War, the enemy relied on separatism and internecine strife as part of the victory in the war and the subsequent hybrid destruction of the Russian Empire and the USSR. Why shouldn't he try again?
"We're here. We're queer. We're coming for your children."
ReplyDeleteAnd totally naked men in these parades, many naked men.
Please watch this video where they tell us EXACTLY what they are doing and what they want - your children. And they sing these words also, in a video. "We're coming for your children." Watch the video.
The darkies want to totally make the LGBT look like criminals, perverts and pedophiles. They know that can't go after blacks, Jews, or even Arabs anymore. So, they go for the gays and trans, the last group they can go after, and make the so-called 'awakened' and so-called 'patriots' look like some sort of heroes, when it's just more divide and conquer.
DeleteI mean look how worked up the 'patriots' and 'awake' folks have been the past few months, because a trans person was endorsing Bud Lite, an overrated and, lets face it, shitty beer.
Do something, aliens ! Life in Orbania -aka Hungary- is unbearable ! Do something ! Of course, a few million people -including those who work for you- are doing well, but more than 5 million people are miserable in Central-Europe !
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, I'm on my own skin starting to experience it myself ..
ReplyDeleteJames Woods to Evil in Hollywood:
Hey cobra I've got a vid on my rumble profile ( pain911) it's project bluebook from 1964 it's supposed to be a classified CIA interrogation of a alien from the future, a ancestor true or false corbra ,light forces .oh yeah I've also uploaded how to detox from the vaccine and alternative cures of cancer,just thought I would share this with the blog it's got some good tips to help anyone experiencing bad health right now.ok thanks victory of the light ✨...
ReplyDeleteWhere can we find this article how to detox?
And it only took 10 years.
Shpongle - How the Jellyfish Jumped Up the Mountain
Of course, of course.
Kundalini suppression
ReplyDeleteBlack magic rituals to support the suppression of people's Kundalini energy:
And the liberation through the light
F r e e d o m E n e r g y
F: Freedom
E: Freedom in Energy
Cobra: “…and did a special planetary kundalini activation.
This activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the Dark forces
Stephen Cook You have said that Cobra is the abbreviation of ‘Compression Breakthrough’, […] But why did you choose that name? As you would agree, it has a slight fear element – being both a dangerous and venomous snake; a strong Illuminati symbol if ever there was one…
Cobra Cobra is also a symbol for kundalini the force of enlightenment, the force of liberation and freedom And yes, that IS dangerous to the Illuminati. It represents a slight fear element to them and they have every reason to be afraid…
Debra Thank you. How would you describe a kundalini awakening? […]
Cobra Kundalini awakening is a natural occurrence that happens at some point during the Ascension process. It's not the goal. It is actually something that happens along the path. And it is not advisable to force this. It'll happen when you're ready.
Debra But considering that we are on an Ascension path, it can happen now, we don't have to wait for the Event?
Cobra Yes, it can happen at any moment.
DeleteWhat of those of us who want to be alien again, and not human?
Buddic column in Ukraine!
ReplyDeleteDisengagement Protocol, Food Poisoning, The Importance of Free Time, and "Code Black"
Slightly off-topic. The world swimming championships. Amazing. Australia just won the women's relay, and the men just won the men's relay, against USA and China etc. Best night ever in the pool. Against the world. And they were a length ahead of the world record! I don't know how they do it.
ReplyDeletePlanetary Kundalini Energy
ReplyDeleteState and restoration
Cobra: [As the Sun gets stronger, the human kundalini energy gets stronger as well … When Neptune enters Aries … it will bring new spiritual inspirations and a new spiritual cycle … It will trigger a new spiritual renaissance and also the Ascension Plan.
Uranus will also enter Gemini in 2024-2025 … will revolutionize space technology and eventually lead to the First Contact. When the Pleiades is in conjunction with Uranus, there will be a huge breakthrough in space technology. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus will together form a grand celestial trine.]
I may be wrong, but there is a swimmer doing commentary, a woman who only has one leg (hence we never saw her swim) and she has a jawbone that is masculine. I was thinking she is a man. Of course she wears makeup, but she's a man. Hmm. We have a few of them around, usually doing adverts, but there are a few of them, with men's jawbones but they are pretending to be women. Dresses, makeup etc.
DeleteThere ARE some manly women out there in the world.
98.5% of my school teachers, I doubt, were men in dresses.
I got very womanly hands (great....the Archons force my feminine soul into a man's body, the only feminine feature they 'allow' me to have is girly HANDS. T_T ) myself.
This entire "the trannies are taking over!!!!" thing the darkies are trying to make people believe, I feel, is starting to make folks paranoid overall, thinking that ANYONE with odd features is now a trans person, and make the public demand harsh rules for trans folks, akin to the old segregation days in the US.
Just enchanting news that speaks best about Europeans.
ReplyDeleteSummer 2023. There are unprecedented fires in Greece due to the heat and the ability to extinguish them quickly. Everyone read and saw it in the information channels.
And so, the former head of the country's Defense Ministry, Kammenos, called on Russia to ask for Be-200 to extinguish fires. "Nothing works without Beriev. Let's bow our heads and ask for help now. We will be given..." — wrote ( ) Panos Kammenos on Twitter.
Russian Be-200 aircraft, which in Greece are simply called "Beriev", have repeatedly helped in extinguishing catastrophic forest fires in this country.
A year before the current events. Summer of 2022. The Greek government has transferred or plans to transfer to Ukraine an "incredible amount" of weapons ( ). This is how Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos described the deliveries. Weapons from the army depots on the Greek islands will be used for the transfer to Kiev.
We are talking about the following types of weapons and ammunition:
122 BMP-1 together with ammunition;
15 thousand 73-millimeter shells;
20 thousand AK-47s;
3.2 million rounds of 7.62 mm caliber;
60 FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS;
17 thousand 150-millimeter artillery shells;
1.1 thousand RPG-18 anti-tank grenades.
That is, first the Greeks declared Russia an enemy, shouted for a long time about the need to defeat us and gave Kiev a bunch of weapons to kill us, and now: "Russians, give us planes, otherwise we are burning up." And here is the most beautiful thing: "They will give us...".
Why on earth would they? Who are you in Russia now? Co-religionists? So here they managed to bend over and recognize the schismatic Christ-sellers.
As an option to fight the fire, we suggest contacting Zelensky and prescribing ukrgastrobiters. They dug up the Black Sea, that they should throw sand on the fire. Although no, wait, the Zarobitchans are busy now – they are killing Russians with Greek weapons. So "stay there and have a good mood," as Dmitry Anatolyevich said.
ReplyDeleteThe introduction of Central Banks Digital Currency / Digital currency of central banks is being promoted around the world. Digital money is being imposed on consumers from more than 100 countries under the guise of a new service to make their lives "even more convenient". And these are not cryptocurrencies, but virtual money, which is still completely controlled by local Central banks. But soon, by 2030, control over them will be fully transferred to the International Monetary Fund / International Monetary Fund (IMF) through the functionality of the World Bank. Some countries have just joined the project, and some are already transferring to CBDC. The most striking example is Nigeria, where the eNaira digital currency was launched in October 2021, but it was activated only a year later. Now there is hunger, lack of drinking water and mass popular riots against universal digitalization.
The law on the introduction of digital currency in Russia and the creation of an appropriate platform was signed by Putin.
onspiracy theory".
"The Russian ruble will have three platforms: cash, non-cash and in the near future, digital.
I assure you, cash will be canceled soon. There will be a cashless payment and a digital one. The cashless one will follow. It will remain digital. Cashless, digital, contactless payment in the subway, in the store "by the eye", biometrics, the result, the outline - all this is a digital concentration camp. Does Vladimir Putin, who signs the relevant document, understand this? Responsibly, you can say that yes, he understands."
A wide ranging interview by Dr. Michael Salla with a Pleiadian commander, Thor Han Eredyon about human history and the current geopolitical situation on earth. You may find it useful; The link follows.