Sunday, December 3, 2023

Event Situation Update

Finally, the Source has started to directly remove the Primary Lurker which was created at the beginning of time when the Source projected a spark of itself into the primary anomaly. The Source is now quantumly disentangling the universe from the Lurker. When a critical mass of the Lurker will be gone, the Source will begin to disentangle it directly from the surface humanity and when that disentanglement reaches a certain critical mass, the Event can happen.

After the Event, the Source will disentangle all Lurker remnants from humanity and that process will be completed at the Solar Flash and corresponding tsunami, which is most probable at the moment of subsequent solar maxima either around 2037 or around 2049. Educated guess still puts the timing of the Event at 2025, although nobody knows when the real timing will be. The time frame between the Event and the Solar Flash will be a time of great healing for humanity:


Until then, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

Good news is that all Lurkers that were created in subsequent cosmic cycles after the first one have already been removed, with only the primary one remaining.

Astrological resonance patterns for the surface of the planet are quite positive from now on, which means the positive timeline is now stable and will remain stable, which is greatly explained here:

Ashtar Command has entered this Solar system at the time of Neptune Pluto sextile on July 18th,1952:




Entry and repositioning of the Ashtar Command motherships in the Kuiper belt was recorded on Mount Palomar observatory on July 19th, 1952:

Neptune Pluto sextile is coming again in 2025.

That Neptune Pluto resonance is already pushing for Disclosure:

Some people are expecting full Disclosure in 2027, well within the orb of Neptune Pluto sextile, but it is very likely much sooner than that:

Aldebarans have started to execute a very important plan that is expected to be completed in 2024. They will put a big number of military bases on the ocean floors and in remote areas on the surface of this planet. These military bases will be cloaked and will not be detectable by the military technology of the surface population.

These military bases will be a platform from where the Event operations will start when the time is right. Event operations will include both Aldebaran and Resistance personnel on the surface of the planet. Resistance is already doing some preparatory operations on the surface, mainly disabling Doom33 dark operatives and testing the efficiency of the Stardust technology, which is now about 90% effective.

Aldebarans are already building a military base inside Tsiolkovskiy crater on the far side of the Moon from where further operations towards the surface of planet Earth will start soon:

Aldebarans are cooperation especially with Andromedans, but also with Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians in this large operation. Also helping are many members of the former Secret Space Programs that have accepted the Light and are now working with Galactic Confederation. Among them, Maria Orsic with her Vril girls is worth mentioning. Another interesting example are certain German generals who were part of the Nazi war machine in Germany, were then transferred to Neuschwabenland, then to Dark Fleet and then they were finally captured by the Aldebarans. Then they realized they were manipulate into Nazi ideology, they fully accepted the Light and are now working for the Galactic Confederation.

When this network of Aldebaran military bases will be fully operational, they will begin to disclose themselves by contacting certain key world politicians, and then the real fun begins, with long reaching geopolitical and exopolitical implications.

This contact will be secret at first, and those military bases will serve as deterrent against the Cabal trying to ignite a world war, and Aldebaran underwater star ships will make themselves visible to the ballistic missile submarines:

Also, this Aldebaran military network will serve as the backbone of the new Quantum financial system, in the same way as US military bases worldwide are now backing the petrodollar.

OGA and AFOSI have been given irrefutable proof that the plan of the Aldebarans is real and that it is going to happen. Certain members of the Cabal are now very afraid.

Pleiadians will from now focus on contacting and working with those Lightworkers that have natural affinity towards the Pleiadians, and will be working with them gradually to build real trust, so that when real physical contact happens, it will go smoothly. All those people who have affinity to the Pleiadians and still want to participate in the Pleiadian Contact Dish project and wish to have Pleiadians in their 12:21 assistance teams, will have that request granted. Pleiadians will also continue working with full dedication with Tachyon chambers and with planetary etheric network of Light, healing planetary leylines and meridians.

Now a certain amount of anomaly has been removed from the surface of the planet, and activation of divine masculine energies can finally begin. This will be greatly supported by incoming Aldebaran space teams.

One focus of this divine masculine activation is the activation of Dragon leylines. Those Dragon leylines mostly follow main mountain ranges on the planet, and a network of Tachyon chambers, a network of Cintamani stones and a network of Galactic Cintamani stones is to be activated there. For those who are searching for guidelines for planting the stones, they are here:

Galactic Cintamani stones will also be activated along the old Atlantean equator. The purpose of those Galactic Cintamanis will be to heal subquantum anomaly and bring in the energy of the goddess Iona.

All this is a part of the New Atlantis project which was initiated by Saint Germain years ago.

Mjolnir technology is now at about 7% capacity, and its intensity will greatly increase in the coming months. One aspect of this Mjolnir boost will be activation of various tektites, among them Cintamanis, Galactic Cintamanis, Moldavites and Tibetan tektites.

There is a great deal of misinformation present in the scientific community about the origin of tektites, assuming their terrestrial origins, with some of those beautiful cosmic stones being degraded even further to pseudotektites.

Tektites are, indeed, coming from interstellar space:

They were formed in various star systems where angelic beings were trying to manifest a planet from etheric plane into the physical plane, and during manifestation process that planet encountered quantum anomaly and exploded. Fragments of that explosion were scattered in all directions and some of them came to Earth as tektites:



Those tektites contain high vibrational codes from the star races from the star systems they originate from: Cintamanis from Sirius, Moldavites from Pleiades, Galactic Cintamanis from a solar system near the Galactic center, …

As already mentioned, there are also ultra rare Tibetan tektites from Aldebaran, and somewhat more common Tibetan tektites from Andromeda, found in Ali (Ngari) region of Tibet which are mostly opaque ad sometimes have a violet hue. There are also ultra super rare Tibetan tektites that are found on Tibetan side of Himalayan mountain range that will have a very special function in the coming years which needs to remain classified. Vast majority of tektites that are publicly sold as “Tibetan tektites” are in reality coming from Vietnam. Genuine Tibetan tektites are very hard to find.

As 2023 is coming to conclusion, there are again cracks in the old financial system: 

These cracks will expand and grow as the debt based economy goes beyond the point of no return:

The crash will be spectacular:

And then a new world will be born.

Victory of the Light!


  1. why do we continue to refer to the cabal as the cabal since the founding members of the cabal no longer exist? Now we are simply fighting a collection of human criminals who worked for the cabal and those people can be rounded up anytime. I see no reason to play the great pretend game of having the current economy go through a organic crash when it can be simply turned off and a brief martial law enacted before providing relief to the human race.

    1. I would like to bring some perspective from the surface population. We have to keep going to work, paying taxes on our salary and everything we buy. Those who have woken up have had more then enough. We need to see improvement in our daily life, for example gas/food/electricity prices going down. Try to put yourself in our shoes, knowing that we have no choice but keep funding this corruption and much worse. How do you think that makes us feel, our mental health severely suffers, i want this to stop today. Now you are saying that this insane financial system keeps going for another year or 2? How are you expected people to survive even this winter? People get angry because they are in survival mode and need to see improvent in everyday life. It brings down hope and the collective vibration to have the awakened ones wait and wait. Suicides due to mental health issues should be taken into account. I hope my comment goes through because i clearly see a communication issue between the light forces and the surface population.

    2. We must keep fighting and continue to educate people. Stay strong. Trust The Plan. Never surrender.

    3. none of us know the plan beyond the final result. No human is actually fighting for anything beyond keeping themselves comfortable until the Event. Most of the people here are still in worship mode instead of having realistic expectations. Until the people on the planet receive real help in a 3rd dimensional manner I won't give any respect to any Galactic organizations. 😡 😡😡

  2. Text in the first image:
    The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux,the matrix s ociety collapses the Contact is made,the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed,and we enter into the fourth phase.

    The fourth phase is called Unstable Film Boiling phase.Bubbles of Heaven have connected on the surface of the planet into a stable network (film)which forms the backbone of the new society, whereas the society itself as a whole is unstable,but processing,integrating and stabilizing.Islands of Light are being fully formed with active Contact.

    The fifth phase is called Stable Film Boiling phase.Islands of Light on the surface of the planet become active conversion/inversion zones through which individual and group Ascension process is taking place. First Ascension wave with thousands of people ascending takes place.Some of them return to the surface as Ascended beings and prepare the second Ascension wave with hundreds of thousands of people ascending.Some of those return to the surface and prepare the surface population for the third wave.

    During the fifth phase,the surface population fully integrates new advanced technologies and is healed enough to accept the Light as a whole.

    The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase.Phase transition is complete.The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift.Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet whichwill become the new home for humanity。

    Text in the second image:
    July 18,1952.
    "Greetings.I am Portla, 712th projection,16th wave, realms of Schare. Approaching your solar systcm is a ventla with our chief aboard com- mandant of the station Schare in charge of thc first four scctors. His vehicle will be over your center very shortly. In the meantimc we have rayed you the substance for your better reception.We are waiting here at 72,000 milcs above you to welcome our chief, who will be entering this solar system for the first time. He will inform you of the purpose of your organization through the direct inspiration of Schonling, Saochane, the Council of the Twelve Lords and the Council of the Seven Lights. Dis continuc."

    Hail to you beings of Shan.I greet you in love and peace. My identity is Ashtar, commandant quadra sector, patrol station Schare, all projections, all waves.Grectings.Through thc Council of the Seven Lights you have bcen brought here, inspired with thc inncr light to help your fellow man..You are mortals, and other mortals can only understand that which thcir fellow man can understand. The purpose of this organization is, in a scnsc, to save mankind from himself. Some years ago, your time,

    1. Now it can be translated into other languages, thank you <3

    2. I think there's a reason for it.

  3. Thank you Cobra and Light Forces.

  4. Reading this is giving me nothing but good vibes and goosebumps

  5. Wonderful news, brother Cobra.

    May I ask that @AscendLiberation please email me if you wish at your convenience as there's a divine message for you <3

    TY and victory of the light!

    1. Just a personal message to Jonathan Carty.

      Been seeing you along the way, your videos with your local speak, truly very very much appreciate you ....
      and love you so much!
      Love you very much! Again.
      In spite of all the pain, sorrow and struggle.
      But I still see an infinitely shining soul!
      I see both brave and tender.
      And your Pureness!
      That's it!

    2. @MiracleTian Thank you and right back at you! <3

  6. Great news! So glad Source is finally doing something about the Lurker. Hope more tangible good stuff in the physical is on its way!


    1. I would advise cobra to stop predicting the timing of the event, it makes no sense and will only bring emotional instability. Based on the recent ufo Revelations and the financial collapse, it's clear that the timeline is closing in on the event, and that's good enough for me.

  8. Hi all,

    There's a Discord server to talk about Cobra's posts and everything related to it. Feel free to drop by and say hi…!


  9. Now that's and amazing update!
    Let's go people, victory is near and real life will finally begin

    As always, victory of the Light!!

  10. Synchronistically, I stated this in the final version of my "Dreamstate Update" blog post about 12 hours prior to the update:

    "I don't care what is used against me in the dreamstate and so forth. No matter what is 'done,' nothing can stop my connection to Source/the Divine. All of the attacks will backfire and be returned to the sender(s), and the Lurker will be no more.

    Victory of the Light!"

  11. If the Source has begun removing the Lurker, than it is already done! Hallelujah! The light has won! Thank yourselves one and all!!

  12. Underwater Aldebaran military bases! I was made for that. My credentials speak for themselves. All I'm saying is if you need anyone to get you coffee or clean the keyboards, you know who to call.

  13. Source has been training for multiple universes with a potential total of dozens of billions of years to get in the octagon with this freakazoid.

    #CosmicWeightChampion #BullyBeatdown

    The Final Battle Begins #GoddessWins

  14. OMG Cobra!! What is this update!! 😱
    My mind can only be blown so much before idk.. 🤯🤯 what?! 😂😍
    WOW!! Thank you so much omg this is getting so epic! 🥳😁
    I'm at a loss for words... thank you!! 🙏💜✨

  15. In context to going straight to Source:

  16. Excellent post. Thank you Cobra! Portal Discord with over 200 members:

  17. This is, once again, FANTASTIC news! Thank you COBRA, LF and RM... you're all true HEROES!

  18. that the (power trends) of the timeline are converging.
    This is consistent with the predictions of Bashar come from Esasani Civilisation that
    we will have three solar climax energies (three waves of ascension) assisting life ascension upliftment by 2049/2050, and that
    The upliftment is like the waves of blossoming in a spring, where each soul naturally chooses the time of blossoming in accordance with its inner will.
    The first wave of people are mainly the pioneering construction of the City of Light and interplanetary interactions to assist the second and third wave of beings to begin the process of ascension and transformation more easily and readily.

    Finally, remember.
    Anyone who chooses to ascend or not, or chooses the first wave of ascension, is a unique, equal and valuable child of the Universe.

    Every each beings are love no matter what the being it is.


  19. Victory of the light ❤️😍 AHHHH I LOVE THIS POST

  20. ***Cobra i want this comment to be published because this is not somekind of negative energy towards liberation movement, this is my subjective opinion about this update and it's my only***

    *First of all i would say that I'm glad that Source is finally interfering in this situation, but what I'm seeing is that timeline to remove Dark Forces from this Universe and our Planet Earth is somehow shifted from 1975-2025 to 2025-2037 or the worse scenario 2025-2049

    *Second thing is now that Source is finally interfering, it doesn't only need to disentangle this Universe from Lurker but it needs to separately after that disentangle it from Surface Humanity also and not to mention it needs to disentangle also remnants of Lurker after The Event which culminates in more unexpected delay

    *Third thing is that Forth Phase will be Unstable which is expected but God only knows how long it will last and we will get Healing and Advanced Technology only in Stable Fifth Phase where Ascension will be stretched in multiple waves years and years apart from Fifth through Sixth Phase which is decades or few decades from now

    *Forth thing is that The Event now for sure is not happening in 2024, your estimate is 2025 but some people are expecting Disclosure in 2027

    My question is while we waiting for all of this to happen, how Lightforces expect from us to accelerate the removal of the Lurker and heal our Relationship and Sexual Traumas while our bodies are not healed and most of us can't function normally in this dimension?

    And for the end, from this update seems like almost everybody is turning to Light, The Source is finally interfering and somehow we have more and more delays, this update sounds very nice but from my opinion it's just another round of infinity delays. I don't know where i will get energy to endure all of this... Will there be somekind of faster program for people who are ready for Ascension so we can speed things up, i don't want to kill myself with boredom and suffering for years and years more...

    1. I do not think "interfering" is the right word, rather, responding would be more apt. (apparently words have power)

    2. I didn't want to use that word, i was actually thinking for Source to finally INTERVENE but that word doesn't change much because point of my comment is that from my perspective this is fancy way to say that there is more and more delay, from 1975-2025 to eliminate Dark Forces we have come to 2025-2037 or 2025-2049. And we have no idea when The Event will happen, it may be in 2025 or 2027 or God only knows when. Forth Phase will be Unstable and we will get much needed Healing and Advance Technology only in Fifth Phase so brace yourself for more suffering and when Fifth Phase will come nobody knows. Another thing is that Source needs to quantum disentangle Lurker from this Universe then from The Surface Humanity and then after The Event remnants will remain, so till 2037 or 2049 we will not be free from Dark. Don't take me wrong, I'm glad that Source is intervening and Lightforces are taking more action but this is just one big delay. I want for people who are ready to Ascend that process speeds up, i don't want to be here on this hell planet for years and years more to suffer and to kill myself from boredom and to watch this retarded society while not able to do anything. I will just say God have mercy on our Souls, this update is not optimistic for me as i expected because there is infinity delay and all of this is taking way too long. The Lightforce wants from us to accelerate the removal of Lurker by healing Relationship and Sexual Traumas? How will we heal that when first our bodies needs MedBeds to be healed, then we can talk about other healings, and people are corrupted to the core, only fame, clout and money matters, then how will we heal Relationship and Sexual Traumas??? It's like Lightforces doesn't actually understand in what ungrateful position we are. I don't know how will I endure all of this. Healing (MedBeds) and energy (Money) is much needed for us to actually do something, how can you do anything if you are not healthy and don't have energy and most Lightworkers are in that position. If The Event doesn't happen in 2025, i think that we will curse the day we were born...

    3. @GPiksel, It may be similar to how we started learning about the cabal and archon network and all connected dark things as well as the light forces long before the event. We wont be hit with the brutal awakening process like the public. Whether people realize it or not we have been slowly going through a healing process. The cintamanis and other stones and items have been aiding people in this for years as well as energies coming here and the light forces. The masses have been going through the same thing but probably to a lesser degree. Their awakening and healing process will both probably be significantly worse post event than ours which will hopefully be in the later stages after the event.

    4. COBRA has mentioned before that the ascension "window" has been extended indefinitely. The astrology though leads some very REAL possibilities of big positive change, from Jan. 21st 2024 to September and from I think Nov. 2024 on. David Wilcock's channeling AA Michael has said the EVENT will happen before Memorial Day 2025. But COULD happen earlier. I believe the biggest key to the timing of the EVENT left is the collapse of the FED. It is intertwined with the EVENT. Everything the Biden admin. is doing is hastening the process. I kind of believe the collapse will happen during his watch. EVERYTHING will change after the EVENT and we can see ACTUAL improvements in people's lives. The CIA is the one who said 2027 for disclosure. They don't want to reveal it, unless it's to their benefit. Maybe that was contingent on some nefarious plan of theirs, like the alien invasion scenerio? All we can do for now is work on ourselves. Improve your own life and it will ripple out to others. Focus on the positive and what you can do to improve life on this planet and to help other people.

  21. Well great, everything is going along smoothly.

  22. Comments that don't immediately go through are being marked as spam before and after being approved. It's somehow being done by the dark forces. There were comments in the "DREAMLAND v1.2 operational" update that did not go through because of this, three of which are mine. It's to make people feel alienated and left out. Don't fall for it! It's a trick!

    1. i would check again to see if they made it recently

  23. I believe that humans should have the ability to fully CONSENT to their participation in things, otherwise the "good guys" are no better than the "bad guys" by manipulating and using people for their gain. Even if that gain is "good". The literal definition of black magic is to purposefully direct or control the will of another person without their permission.

    1. If you saw the star trek voyager season 4 episode 1 when they forcibly rehabilitated a borg drone back to humanity against her consent, what would you think will it he better to release her back to the Borg as she doesnt want the intervention?

    2. @Sara
      If a slave wants to go back to the gulag, let 'em.

      If the aliens picked me up right now, and changed my body, gender and genetics, I'll be celebrating.

  24. Seeking a supportive community to chat with like-minded folks?

    Feel free to join us here for a positive space:

  25. I had it backwards, I thought we have a solar flash to fully awakens humanity and then we have 3 event waves that occur within 3 or 4 years not a possible 12 or 24 year gap.
    So now we want the system to crash I thought before we were told to meditate against such a crash 🤔
    alot of expectations for that to happen now but I thought no nesara until after the Event so would a crash happen now or coincide with the Event etc?
    I love the update just a bit down thinking about another year to go perhaps longer. What about that last pit? I wonder why exactly event can't happen is the collective vibration the issue or simply need to remove Lurker by x%?
    Thank you Cobra

    1. I don't disagree but each time an obstacle is presented that must be cleared to trigger the event a new obstacle is presented. What about the dyson sphere the galactics had to build to attenuate the event energies I thought that was one of the last hurdles and it's not mentioned. The pits? The T bombs, sub quantum particles?
      Why are bases on earth needed to trigger event I don't get it is all.

    2. That was the old plan. We don't want a premature crash, before everything is in place. The last pit is cleared! You must have missed it. It can happen at any time if necessary now, but the Lurker is the last important thing.


  27. What an amazing update... thank you Cobra and all who are contributing towards the Victory of the Light. All the very best to SOURCE in clearing of the lurker 😊❤️

  28. Thank you Mr. Cobra! You are indeed Trust-Worthy!

  29. A very heartening Update
    Thanks Cobra/RM🙏
    With deep gratitude
    VOTL 🙏

  30. Today, I sensed deeply that the Lurker was being resolved after offering my sexual energy to Source. Victory of the Light is here!

    1. Good Lord. lol. ok. hopefully u didnt get the man-in-the-middle attack lol

  31. German translation of this article including the translation of the two images and the guidelines for burying Cintamanis / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels inklusive der Übersetzung der beiden Bilder und der Richtlinien zum Vergraben von Cintamanis:

  32. "When this network of Aldebaran military bases will be fully operational, they will begin to disclose themselves by contacting certain key world politicians, and then the real fun begins, with long reaching geopolitical and exopolitical implications. " Forgive my pragmatism, but how many actual good politicians are left? Just curious.

    Pleiadians will from now focus on contacting and working with those Lightworkers that have natural affinity towards the Pleiadians, and will be working with them gradually to build real trust, so that when real physical contact happens, it will go smoothly. All those people who have affinity to the Pleiadians and still want to participate in the Pleiadian Contact Dish project and wish to have Pleiadians in their 12:21 assistance teams, will have that request granted." Hope this means those of us who own land, who shall remain nameless, can actually use the lands owned for a constructive purpose, finally, and have a personal, physical first contact.

    Also, can the ET's consume tea and wine without ill effects?

    1. lol.. @"how many actual good politicians are left"

      although i do believe your question is valid... i suspect the idea is to get them to start the process of dissiminating the info to the public. they will have no other choice.. play with the winning team n take opportunity to redeem themselves or someone else will and they will lose opportunity. i am sure perhaps some will use this as opportunity to break from cabal grip.. some probably will refuse. either case whatever is the approach they take.. the good guys will not tolerare delays coming from them unwilling politicians. worse case scenario circumvent them. (hopefully they will have the plan drawn out already in case such needs to happen)

    2. "Also, can the ET's consume tea and wine without ill effects?"

      From their point of view, pretty much all our food and water is so contaminated that they'd rather avoid it.

      If we're talking about non-contaminated versions:

      They can drink tea, although it's not something they drink regularly. They are able to drink wine, but would normally refuse because they think alcohol is unhealthy. They have something that's a bit like wine and can change your consciousness temporarily a bit, but it doesn't contain alcohol.

      One of their staples is a drink that's delicious and contains all nutrients human bodies need (whether ours or theirs). You could live purely off that, and they sometimes do if they're for example on a mission.

    3. @DH
      To me, all politicians are GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.

      And, why politicians and not REGULAR PEOPLE? Why not 'democracy with a smell letter d"?

      Personally, I say the politicians, who NEVER do ANYTHING good for us, deserve to be thrown into a wood chipper. But I'll be fair and give them a choice: feet first or head first?

    4. They are here to contact the key world leaders because they are the ones who can take decisions. We are nobody on any stage. But for the Cabal we are a threat (real or imagined) and that’s why we are attacked.
      One thing that bugs me is, that Cobra says that our (the starseed) anger and irritation will not be tolerated by the light forces (who are from the same original planet(s) that we are from).
      I don’t understand this part. I mean is there a hierarchy there like it is here? We are the foot soldiers who can’t bad mouth our superiors?
      So then what is the way of life that we are fighting for after all this is supposed to be over? Will it be like the socialist system where we all will have a million dollars instead of the one on earth where people had a few thousand rubles each? What will it be? And who if anyone at all, will ever find out or experience it?

  33. En español, en castellano:

  34. Very happy to read this.thank you cobra. Victory of the light.

  35. Mulțumim Cobra pentru aceste informații . Victoria Luminii .

  36. "They say there is no hope
    they say no U F O
    why is no head hung high –
    maybe you'll see them F L Y"

    Disclosure techno from the 80s:

  37. it follows that the cabal will be here for another year doing whatever they want with impunity

  38. So this mean finally first physical contact is possible now?its been long time so happy and excited.

  39. The Council of the Seven Lights by George W. Van Tassel

  40. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  41. Once the Aldebarans establish bases on the surface, you LFs must immediately send a large number of troops to the surface to completely eliminate the desperate struggle of the dark forces. The core function of a military base is of course military operations, not just exposure and deterrence.

    I suggest that you light forces send at least a billion heavily armed warriors to the surface, and by the way, directly arrest the 400 million psychopaths. We must act decisively!


  43. clover🍀

  44. That´s a lot of news and many doubts solved. Thank you

  45. Wake me up when the golden age begins! Until then, I'm not interested in any info.

  46. 干杯🍻,我们要继续努力

  47. This sounds very exciting. After the Event I would like to travel to Tibet, since I've always wanted to visit that area. I feel more ready now for the Eventn although I know we might not be completely prepared.
    I read in the notes from your recent conference that september-october 2024 might be time for great political and financial changes. And that disclosure might happen from november 2024 on. I would think the Event might happen then. But it's flexible of course.

  48. RUN

  49. The timeline with a positive outcome is already crystalized, have no fear!

    1. Why the delay again and again then?

    2. Time is just an illusion, it already happened, just sit back and see how :)

    3. @Blu

  50. Replies
    1. Life should get much better just before and after the Event, which will be much sooner than 2049. However, even with the Event, I don't think about timeframes much. The present moment is all there is.

      I don't pay much attention to the financial crash. I'm lucky to not have to support a family though. Having financial hardship raise kundalini is definitely not a smooth transition. It is pretty awful actually, but I guess it just is what it is.

      Regarding the Lurker, it doesn't resonate that it would take until the physical pole shift for all of the Lurker to be removed. Feels like it would be much sooner for that.

    2. the event is diff from flash...
      the time between is the time that will be use to prep population. first contact.. disclosure.. financial refistribution.. introduce healing etc... in whichever order

    3. Yeah, there will be medbeds and so forth long before the physical pole shift.


    4. @ Libra - Can you explain to me what purpose this healing and regeneration of society will serve if years later the solar flash arrives and destroys everything? This is the part that I can't digest because it's like saying that I redo my house and then leave it destroyed and move away while others (aliens and ascended) live there. Destroying the Earth to Free It seems like bullshit to me, but I think so.

    5. claudio... temporary accommodations. If planet gets liberated why send people elsewhere when accommodations and healing can be provided here in order to rehabilitate.

      Rehabilitation i believe is the right word. However there will be an understanding that accommodations is only temporary (people will be informed if not immediately it will at one point). There will be much to integrate during this period. Once is known of existence of other worlds people will start to prepare for it... is part of the gradual introduction to the rest of the cosmos.

      Also... Lets say if you are able to heal up fast then i would think there is no reason why you could not travel off world.

      Why send people to another planet especially if we still need to be rehabilitated and that could happen here while there is still time.

    6. @Claudio, the masses would heal and grow in consciousness for a while. The idea is that many still wont be able to exist on 5d earth but they will still be in a better place and except what is. Evacuating will not be such a shock to them and they will not stay behind and be killed and then be taken away out of body in total shock. It will be energetically far better for everyone and everything involved. Material things will be easily replaced.

    7. @Libra
      That's pretty much the way I read the update also. The Event most likely will happen between now and 2025 which will liberate the planet and remove all dark beings (cabal/Illuminati... etc.). The Dyson Spheres have given this planet an extended period of growth and the opportunity for as many as possible to Ascend... either in waves one, two, or three. During that period of time after The Event for the next 12 to 25 years will be first and foremost, an immediate healing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies of everyone on this planet. At the same time a new financial system will be introduced along with prosperity packages to allow the remnants of the old system to function until it can be fazed out with the introduction of replicators... no need for money when one can replicate pretty much anything one wants. Relearning our real history, our connection to our Galactic and Agarthan cousins, being introduced to advanced technologies kept from us for decades if not centuries, preparing the Ascension waves, and preparing for the inevitable evacuation of earth in order for her to go through her Ascension so that 5th dimensional Ascended beings can come back to recolonize and rebuild the New Atlantis eden like society. This is a wonderful update and resonate with it completely. I already declared my commitment to work with the Pleiadians a few posts ago... so I'm good!☝️😎👍

  51. Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

    Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

    ps: 🥰

  52. It seems that the Light forces need to spend a lot of time again. I wonder when the nightmare will end?

  53. Thank you! It seems that the Aldebarans have been here for ages!! They really seem in charge.
    Thank you Cobra and the Light Forces!
    Victory of the Light!

  54. Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia:

  55. Help me raise at least 5,000 dollars or euros to buy two hearing aids, a wheelchair and pay off my utility bills. I have animals that are selected and need food. Please, friends, repost this link on your pages and blogs. Thank you and my blessings to you.

  56. Merci Cobra, Merci les Forces de Lumières, Victoire de la Lumière
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa <3


  57. Dernier message de Cobra avec articles et images en français :

    Octogone cosmique à base de Cintamanis en français :

    The cosmic octagon (english) :

    Bandes dessinées établies à partir la chronologie de la galaxie :

    MÉDITATIONS ET PROTOCOLES de Cobra en français :

  58. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  59. I was disappointed with the update and then I remembered people I had spoken about this and that happening (event and polar shift). The people did not agree with my views. Turns out they were right then and they are right, now!
    Then I remembered Cobra’s various explanations about manifestation. How it takes 5 minutes to make a cup of coffee but years and years to manifest the event.
    So my interpretation now is that there are about 144000 people trying to manifest the event, by dreaming and hoping and meditating, but there are 4 billion people who have no critical thinking (basically sheep to the system) and these are the people who are manifesting the way of life they feel comfortable with, which by the way is not what we starseeds like at all!. But that’s 28000 people manifesting the present reality against 1 starseed thinking the opposite.
    Those are big odds. How do we get the other 4 billion critical thinking followers on a blog or other channel and convince them to manifest the event as we know it and want??? If we can pull that off then the event will happen much sooner, otherwise it will not just be this miserable life but more misery in waiting for the event (whatever that means, right?)

    1. Send the Event wave that wakes them up! I thought that was the reason for the initial wave which I thought was the solar flash then 3 event / ascension waves once people are literally shocked awake and bio implants and plasma implants are rendered inoperable etc. People are in survival.mode hell I am in survival mode trying to pay all the bills. Waking up has actually made it worse for me in some respects as I expected the first solar wave already per all the qhht practitioners and their clients higher self etc..heck 2018 was a date..then every year since no ody had 2025 as the yr. When this blog started I doubt even cobra thought it was take till 2025.
      What 3 mass meditations and still no nesara nothing tangible in the public sector just death jabs which I think we were told would not be rolled out, they were.
      Next up CBDCs again we are told they won't be rolled out but if financial system crashes and nesara isn't rolled out they will be implemented right?
      What to think perhaps it's all a psy op if all is an illusion then what is real? I remain positive but it's hard now as I told my wife yrs ago about event and nesara and she keeps telling me we must live in this 3D matrix as that could be many years from now.

    2. If you think people not really want different things.... Everyone basically want the same 4-5 things just phrased differently.

    3. I try to phrase that few things, peace, love, abundance, growing opportunity, comfort. I can't even think of something someone want and not one of this category.

    4. We don't need other 4 billion. As long we the awakened ones stay focused and united and reasonably doubt free , we will Manifest that soon enough.
      Don't think millions wanted ww2, but if manifested. Same way millions don't know about any of this but we together with light forces and resistance will get it done.

    5. The Why Files channel on Youtube is gaining a huge popularity recently and has just reached 3 million subscribers. He's talking about conspiracy theories, analyzing them, and at the end debunking whatever he can and telling people what can't be debunked.

      Comments on his videos are very open-minded and positive because he allows both skeptics and believers of conspiracy theories to have their voices heard and have fun together learning more about these stories in a way that isn't blindly believing or rejecting them.

      I'm not sure if he'd focus specifically on Cobra. Since reading everything on this blog would be probably too much work for his video. But maybe he would talk about the Event and Ascension theories and at least mention Cobra and RM as as one of them.

      He often gets suggestions for what new conspiracy theories to cover from his viewers. So if a few people told him they want to cover this topic, then he might do it.

    6. People want the same 4-5 things like a paid off mortgage or car loan or credit card debt or retirement funds and they work for it. They don’t read these blogs giving hope for things to get better. Starseeds are not geared in the same way as the rest of the surface population. I think we are more introverted. If we had friends (or acquaintances as I call them) with whom we could hang out meaninglessly with a few drinks, smokes or joints, we would not have time to search for alternate sites like this one here. We would live like the rest of the population. The problem with us was that we always thought that there was more than what we were getting and we found this and that blog to verify our feelings and then got hypnotized by statements like the event, nesara etc. So we forgot to live the earth life. We meditated and because we came to these blogs, we were attacked, didn’t get promoted or had low paying jobs or just got laid off for no reason. Yet we would come back to the next update and get our hopes up.
      Truth be told we knew that nothing was changing and nothing would change because people around us are manifesting the continuation of this reality, which does not work for us.
      Our hope now is that once we die, we will escape the earth quarantine because the plasma, etheric and astral planes are cleared out already.
      We have dates like 2025, 2037 or 2049… it could become 2061 or 2073 also
      So we can hope for an early death as the only way to get out of this beautiful place with shitty people. Maybe we will go back to Orion, Lyra, Sirius or Pleiades (our real home) and start again with like minded people.

    7. that is tge way of using the system or tapping into the system. tropby

  60. I would like to one day meet a person who is a representative of an extraterrestrial race and be able to talk to him for at least 1 minute. (I'm not interested in gaining any notoriety or fame) I just wish I had the opportunity to experience something like that. If my memory is good, Cobra said that even before the event it would be possible to experience such contact. I hope this is still valid and we will all be able to experience such contact before the event.

    1. You can do this psychically. This is why I stopped doing it. You really can talk to, say, pleiadians, and it is wonderful. They will tell you stuff they maybe shouldn't. But you have to have something in common with them, or it does actually get dull. Or it really is just small talk. No reason. That is why I stopped. I have to have a deeper reason to talk to them after a while, or why do it?

    2. @Madzialena, we have been interacting with intelligences for a long time. The problem is most were probably dark and most of the experiences we are not conscious of. I wanted to know what was going on and I was able to consciously remember some experiences. Be careful to specify benevolent life and try to have a feeling for their presence. It didnt make much of a difference for me but it doesnt hurt to try. After the event we shouldnt have to worry about dark entities.

  61. Another thing I want to share about the Pleiadeans and their hesitation to deal with the human population.
    It’s like people with high culture may feel ill at ease when they see undeveloped people struggling and getting attacked (not talking about any Palestinians or Ukrainians). They would like to do anything to assist and guide them to a better way of life. But they will not at all feel comfortable living in that community. It will lower their calmness and start getting irritated with things that they are not used to. Example we love to stay in a space that is reasonably clean but will hesitate to stay with a kind and good person who lives in unhygienic conditions. Rather we would like to guide them from far towards high culture, starting with basic cleanliness.
    Having said that I would request the Pleiadean team(s) to guide me and assist me through dreams or such so that I can have the good habits, good behaviours and good belief systems that are prevalent in the galactic confederation. So that they can contact me physically and not be disturbed by my actions.
    I am disappointed that we may have to wait for the next solar maximums for the polar shift. The Event may or may not happen in 2025.
    I don’t know about you all but I did not prepay for this delay and only hope for some miracle so that I can prepare the way, the rest of the population prepares for retirement and beyond.
    Life is sad and life is bad for us starseeds. We are the punching bags for the dark forces so that the “A team” can come and take them out. The A Team takes the headlines and we can hope for a small section in the back of the newspaper if we are lucky. I just hope that we are relevant enough for us not to be missed out when things improve.

    1. A good way of thinking about it is: what would it be like for us to enter a group of primitive tribes people living in the amazon rainforest, who have crazy superstitions and for whom bone tools and rags are high-tech?

      Well, that's what it'll be like for them. Compared to them, the average Earth person has crazy superstitions and lives in a very low-tech way.

      Although they are mind readers, so they can just see if someone has ill intent, and if not, relax around that person a bit. And practical things like cleaning are easy with their tech. If desired, they can also construct a building that they like and then invite us in there / on their ship.

    2. “The Green Beautiful” I feel like that. But if I acted like that my life would be worse.
      Maybe this life is like a horrible dream, but I pity a starseed’s normal family. The normal family didn’t sign up for this and neither did the starseed…

  62. "When this network of Aldebaran military bases will be fully operational, they will begin to disclose themselves by contacting certain key world politicians, and then the real fun begins, with long reaching geopolitical and exopolitical implications."

    Why with politicians and not with us?

    1. Democracy with a small d, in other words, REGULAR PEOPLE, and NOT money hungry, blood sucking, child molesting sons of bitches that are 99.9% of politicians.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Atlantis

  65. Some Truth In Plain Sight about Cintamani here :

    Specifically a very popular game series all about traveling to Tibet through Nepal for the Cintamani & Shamballah :

  66. Aldebarans





    1. ✨️🙏✨️
      Thanks for inf garthering and share!

  67. I don't understand how the event could happen in 2025 but full disclosure not until 2027. It doesn't make much sense and it just feels like more words to placate and extend expectations. When I discovered this blog in 2016, it really felt like the event could happen soon. It was only held off by exotic bombs and those were being rapidly taken care of allegedly. These days I try to remain positive but I doubt more and more I'll ever live to see anything as far as evil forces being held accountable.

    1. that's a good point... I also thought with the event there would be total disclosure immediately... Maybe Cobra will answer that

    2. @Vember, He never said 2027 he said that others in the alt media expected it around 2027 but it would most likely happen earlier. Not that it even matters what people say as dates have been thrown around for a long time. CoBra has said many times that no one knows when things will happen but around 2025 is a good estimate.

    3. Oui moi aussi ça n'est pas cohérent si l'événement se produit en 2025 alors la divulgation sera en 2025 je ne peut pas imaginer que l'événement se produira en 2027

    4. A good question. I think the keyword is "full" disclosure. The first stages would be 1. Politicians arrested, only "corruption" is exposed. 2. New human technology released. 3. Ancient alien evidence. 4. Mention of UFO crash retrievals in the past. 5. Then gradually releasing the truth, ET technology and beings revealed.

    5. Remember that in the original Event plan, the disclosure of ETs was supposed to happen about 1 year after the Event. Because the most important thing is to free Earth from the Cabal, and things like new technologies and ET disclosure could be introduced later, so people have time to process everything step by step.

    6. @Patrick
      Gradual is too long. Tired of suffering longer for the 'benefit' of Joe Average and Plain Jane.

  68. what is the professional estimate based on if no one knows the answer to this question?

  69. I had today one of the more intese dreams ever. I cannot even explain it. I was abducted by some evil aliens. They were controlling my mind. The ship was composed by small individual ships, each one for other humans also abducted. The tecnology was undescriable but had no lights inside. I jump from the ship but the aliens controlled my gravity and i was back in. They had one planet with geneticaly modified dinosaurs. I saw one baby parasaurolofus. And the planet had no capacity of evaporation so our clothes were all wet. That aliens felt like human country leaders, one was president of brasil, and they lied to us and punish people for not beliving their lies. The people looked drowning in this planet but i knew that was finishing but we all needed to do something, i wish i knew what that was. I follow this blog for 2 and half years and never felt need to comment but the last days i feel that i have to share my dreams here because i struggle so much to remember them and i am blown away of the new tecnology in them. I am not a lightworker i am just a normal person that feel magnetic force pushing me to this blog in the last years. Not even a spiritual person i only feel strongly the alien part of my body talking to me but i am silent and only listen. I wish that i knew what can i do. I dont even talk to other people about this.

    1. @Nothing, I have experienced similar things before. Most of my older blog posts have experiences.

  70. Unfortunately, all this is just empty talk and nice stories, which don't serve anyone until there is real physical action taken against the dark forces. We have seen zero help from the GFL, no matter what they say. The human suffering gets worse every day, and they seem to be on vacation and not very worried about us. Humanity has been wrongfully treated with disrespect. I can guarantee you one thing: the light forces will pay for their sins with their karma, because there is no escaping that. The Galactic Federation has the power to implement change. We greatly regret their lack of intervention and integrity. If the Galactic Federation cannot hold the Spiritual Law of Oneness, it will no longer exist. In this case, we will replace them with completely new Guardians with Divine Light Resonance. The Galactic Federation has already been put on notice and is fully aware of what is stated here. We will not allow this corruption to go unchecked any longer. We have waited many years; we want to see something. We want big cabal players arrested and a sign to the earth people... It begins.

    1. Ha te magad rendbe rakod magad, akkor a környezeted is rendbe lesz, mert a környezeted követi a magad rendjét. Magyarul: maga - a mag, magad - mag ad

  71. I understand that, for obvious reasons, exact dates are not provided, and that is appropriate.Thank you dear Cobra!💖

  72. Sumi-Er & Sumi-An orbit Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus. Sumi-Aldebaran, the star system of Alpha Tauri. The two inhabited planets are called Sumi-ER/Sumi-PP and Sumi-AN.

    ALDEBARAN -- Human militarists of a fascist slant who have traditionally sided with the Dracos and Greys. They collaborate within a large underground facility below Egypt, the base of a secret "Kamagol-II" cult which has connections to the Bavarian Thule Society and the Montauk time-space projects. This cult is also referred to as the Gizeh empire or Gizeh Intelligence, and they are working with secret societies on earth in an effort to dissolve all national sovereignties into a global religio-eco- political order. There are also Insectoid forces involved with Aldebaran. Apparently a neo-Nazi space force may have helped to colonize that system by sending time-space forces back into the distant past to inhabit the 4th dimensional realm of one or more of its planets. These forces from the past are currently involved with the New World Order scenario, attempting to carry out their dictatorial agenda on earth from their "base" within another time-space dimension of Aldebaran.

    Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society - BLACK SUN. Sigrun, Astara, Donnmartin, Isais, Heike, Gudrun, Traute, Maria, Makara, Leona, and Antonietta, renown Vril-Damen of the Thule Society. Vril-Damen und Baphomet-Braut! Vril-Damen/Thule, who recently traveled forward in time as reported, has signed on as advisor to The Idylwild Group on all matters regarding time travel, timelines, the Laher People, the Fourth Reicht, and Alestair Crowley.

    Of Thule, Vril, and Aryan People from the Past I have returned from Germany and Austria…as I noted I was in Europe, first having dinner in Paris with an old friend from my intel days, who said important people from the past had arrived here in 2012. From there we went to Berlin and met with a striking young woman with very long brown hair…her name was “Sigrun” in the 1930s-40s and she is 170 years old, but looks no older than 25. She is not an alien, she has kept her body in a perfect, unaging state using Vril energy. Yes, she is of the Thule and later Vril Societies from Nazi Germany fame… Maria Orsic (Her surname in other orthography: Oršić, Ortisch, Orschitsch) also looks 25, but is 130 years old. It’s that Vril energy that keeps her so young-looking! Vril rejuvenates the DNA and fixes all breakdowns, halting the aging process significantly, as well as heightening the Kundalini.

    She told me about the ten thousand Aryan Ukraine women who had been taken in 1944 to the Antarctica as wives/breeders for 2500 selected Aryan men, to create a pure master race that would always stay young and powerful via Vril energy, what would later become the 4th Reich. Something went wrong, they were infiltrated by the Bafath and Dracos…

    She said 2,000 of these women and their children left in 100 Vril ships to go to Aldebaran but they were stopped by the Wingmakers and Laher People from the future, many of them killed or captured. 349 women and 200 children were flung into 2012 and landed in Austria. They had wound up in 1998 for a while, but left for 2012

    We were met outside Berlin by another member of the group, Heike, also striking and young-looking but was born in 1865, and then taken to the Black Forest, and joined by Semjase, Nellet, Olein, Asket and others, who transported the Vril women and children to the Andromeda bio sphere. They are being hunted. They are pure blood Aryans with 5D bodies like Plejarans (Pleiadians) and would be choice prisoners for the Cabal. The women and children are as humanity once was and always meant to be: perfect healthy, beautiful, with bodies meant to last 600-800 years and never looking older than 40.

    Sigrun knows some weaknesses of the Bafath and Laher that could be of use…she also says a fleet of 10,000 Aldebaran ships are on their way to come to earth… what their intentions, friend or foe, is unknown.

    1. Teljesen mindegy, hogy régen mi volt. A Tejút galaxis felemelkedése az összes fajon múlik, és így minden faj segíteni fog. Ez már el van rendezve.

  73. Nazis to - Argentina - Antarctica- Aldebaran "ULTIMA THULE" was the capital city of the first continent peopled by Aryans. This was called HYPERBOREA and was older than Lemuria and Atlantis (continents with advanced cultures since submerged). The Scandinavians have a tale of "Ultima Thule", the wonderful land in the high North, where the sun never sets and the ancestors of the Aryan race dwell. Hyperborea was up in the North Sea and sank during an ice age. It is assumed that the Hyperboreans came from the solar system Alderbaran which is the main star in the constellation Taurus, and that they were about four meters tall, white, blond and blue-eyed. They knew no war and were vegetarians. Thule texts they were technically very advanced and flew “Vril-ya”, flying machines that today we call UFOs. These flying disks were capable of levitation, extreme speeds and the maneuvers known from today’s UFOs due to two counter-rotating magnetic fields and they used the so-called Vril power as energy potential or fuel (Vril = ether, Od, Prana, Chi, Ki, cosmic force, Orgon…, but also from the academic “vri-IL” = as the highest deity = God-like), they take the energy from the earth’s magnetic field (free energy) like the “tachyon converter”. the new masters of the black ambient. Aldebaran the black sun of the secret knowledge. this work focuses on the german vril society of aldebaran from which universal spirituality originates. one hour of immense walls of dark brooding atmospheres pulsating anthems of the universal power mixing with themes of heritage and history.

  74. The only hope of our free survival is the much expected, imminent invasion of the true Andromedan and Sirian armed forces of the remaining seven inner planets, in order to annihilate the Draconians.

  75. Hi Everyone! For useful informations about tachyonzed products please visit

  76. I think the Event will be earlier ,it goes so fast now and visible for us, but still humanity is in deep sleep and they will never wake up. The cabal did a very good work and they find everything normal.I guess this date that Cobra gives is a tactic to confuse the cabal.If it takes so long , I have to leave Germany because now I am a prisoner, a walk only with helmet, not even a coffee to go is possible. The cabal is trying to come close to me, even to return safe at home, is a mission impossible.My post is never blame or complain, just a report and nothing else.I am aware about, Schönenberg nov 97, Charite 1999, American memorial library 2014,Soma.Re.19-21.

  77. things are finally getting more concrete! I just hope that we won't be reading about new problems in a few weeks' time that will delay everything.
    victory of the light

  78. Learning to understand
    …so that the consciousness of others increases and the power of the cabal thus decreases.

    “Through the Council of Seven Lights you have been brought here, inspired with the inner light to help your fellow man. You are mortals, and other mortals can only understand what their fellow man can understand.”

  79. Awesome image - will definitely help people, thanks! I tried going grain free and I went into hypoglycemic shock. My body is not a good example though, because my metabolism is way 'out of whack.' Maybe it would help others. Certainly doesn't hurt to try!

  80. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:
    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:
    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!


  81. You're The Voice.


    1. Empire Of Light.

  82. Regarding Transition, No More Tarot Cards, and What is Ideal for Psychic Communication with Positive Ets

    1. I keep making changes to my post after I publish it. It's a bad habit, sorry. Final version is complete at the time of this reply.

  83. I don't get it . I mean Why not allowing the inavitable to happen as soon as possible ?! . You want first rebuilding everything in order to destroy this new better world right after ?! What is this ?! . I mean after the Event humans will maybe get a chance to live in abundance . Traumatized Starseeds will finally live in some beatiful locations in their own homes who knows maybe even castle's but only for a short time because after a while everything will be gone once more and this time forever so stareeds must be prepared to be dissapointed and traumatized once again ? Beside of that around 2050 most of us will be already 6 feet under the Earth so who cares about the solar flash when we will be already somewhere else 🌞👻🌍 to be honest I get the feeling that the creator of this sick plan was Shiva himself . We need definitely a new plan 😡

    1. Allowing impossible things is not possible. There are higher dimensional laws. - And these laws say that the victory of light is certain, but the path to it is unknown within limits.

    2. @Dreammaker, nothing is waiting till 2050. The event could happen soon, we get help and islands of light, and the masses may get more time before the tsunamis.

    3. after the event people will be receiving treatment. meaning health ->old age illnesses etc will be dealt with.

      the event happens before the flash is my understanding. so by that time people will be healed physically imho

      People will be aware that the a commodations are temporary i wouls think (transparency). whether is in this planet or else where. So there shouldnt be any surprise trauma...

    4. We will see what we get or not or when or if . The majority will not be willing to leave their homes because the humans sticks to their locations like a tick to the host and his skin so it will be not so easy how you guys are all thinking therefore it woud be better to take alle humans from the surface away allowing to happen what must happen and after that planting the population again . That would meaning one pain instead of many including waiting for this inavitable tragedy . it is not wise to restructuring the surface of the street only to planting right after some new sewage system under those recently restructetd streets but unfortunately this is how the old system of this sick planet is still working 🙃 it is chaotic , distorted and should not remain any longer !

      By the way I thing that those islands of light are in reality some kind of flying cities (ships ) stationed above the surface of the Earth . At least that would making sense because this would be the only way to survive those gigantic waves everything else is hard to comprehend and in my opinion mission impossible . What do you think guys that you will sitting in a kind of bubble and tons of water will rushing over your head and everything will be alright ??? Cobra will not tell you this until the last moment because many will not be amused with this idea . I new that Chimera are not of human appearance that they Arachnids (not only spiders but also ticks) before this information was spread over here and I'm telling you right now that you will be during this solar flash not directly on the surface of this planet but highly likely ABOVE 🌞🌊🌍

    5. My opinion is that Cobra doesnt tell the truth, he wants to confuse the cabal. More than 10 years ago has been given to us a date from cobra, the stargate date 2014-2025.The problem is the cabal knows this date , and we recieve their hate, but their end is soon , I am sure the event will happen before Aug 2025 . Believe me for many of us is not slavery but hunting game, every day. No reason to give up , our brothers and sisters will come, for sure.

  84. Eggs are meat...but I get it as this is what I do but I eat fish.. take iron pills that's what red meat provides

  85. Excerpt from previous comments:

    @One Of 144k:
    "...I have a true talent and gift as a musician, and would absolutely LOVE to use this talent to help humanity awaken, heal, and Ascend! But, therein lies the problem, my confidence and self-esteem has suffered many setbacks over the years, and it's difficult for me to be comfortable around people, especially the last 10 years or so.
    I didn't used to feel that way... it just happened subtlety over time. If I could get my self-esteem and confidence back again, I KNOW I could make a HUGE impact through music to reach a significant amount of people.
    This IS my one gift I have that I would LOVE nothing more than to share. I believe sincerely I'm pretty damn good at it! 😉

    As I said, you KNOW my heart, and you KNOW my intentions... so please consider this as my Galactic application to be accepted aboard the Motherships or into a City Of Light in order to work with all of you to help humanity transition and prepare for their own Ascension.
    There is NOTHING more important to me than having the opportunity and chance of a lifetime to work right along side all of you to fulfill this divine and most honorable mission.🫡

    Love and Light,

    LightpowerDecember 1, 2023 at 3:32 PM

    @144k I really relate to what you said. I am also a musician, I played the electric bass and the sax. But over time, like you, I have increasingly put myself aside and lost a lot of confidence in myself. Actually, what you said resonates with me a lot. I agree with every point. I am a failed artist and with music I could do many things and reach people's hearts. You expressed everything I feel too, it's nice to read about the things you feel inside yourself too. It's not often I feel so equal to someone. I'm happy for this!🌈👏👏👏👏👏😃

    LibraDecember 2, 2023 at 4:33 AM

    @144K + @Lightpower:

    I'm a hobby pianist actually, but due to all the pain I went through the last 2 years, I lost inspiration and simply the energy to engage with my hobby again. Maybe, I will continue with it, when I feel better during the next months.

    @Lightpower + @Libra

    Then I suggest that the three of us seriously consider joining our musical talents in the future. I'm sure there are many other Lightworkers out there that would love to use their talents in a collaborative way. I have had a vision for awhile that brings humanity together in a televised worldwide music event that focuses on using music and positive talks to help awaken and heal humanity... to help get everyone up-to-speed and prepared for their own Ascension and our evacuation and relocation process.
    If the Dyson Spheres are helping to buy us more time... this is a VERY feasible goal. Combined talents in music, speech, video and audio from a collaboration of Lightworkers and the most awakened at that time could easily make this a reality.
    If anyone else is interested in helping to create this televised worldwide musical extravaganza after THE EVENT in order to celebrate our planetary liberation and talk about where WE ALL GO FROM HERE... don't hesitate to bring your talents forward when the time comes!

    Love and Light,

  86. Reconfiguration and renewal happening now! Such harmony is here, may you feel it. As your diamond lightbody and the planetary body aligns to it’s organic alignment, we feel the harmonics of the unified field of consciousness that is holographic light. Yesterday’s post mentioned how this occurs through electromagnetic fields and as the magnetic poles align even further, harmony is felt. The natural biorhythm of this planet what we are connected too will harmonize with you. Renewal as your cells receive codes of light connecting your DNA like plugging a cable into a computer. Writing your holographic DNA to its source code from disabled DNA through the annunaki antichrist genetic manipulation and the manipulation on the magnetic poles and fields. Your heart has the largest magnetic field and when you harmonize, you heal yourself, this planet and you assist the collective into aligning to healing and fortifying in light. It’s why you were chosen to be here now! Harmonize your beautiful magnetic signature onto this planet for you and all.

    1. Never experienced such a chaos and so many attacks of all kind like in this time 😳 . Only today I would almost be run over by a fast approaching car on a crosswalk . I feel my self like a living target but I'm not by far the only one so I wonder where do you see (such a harmony) hm ???

  87. many thanks mr cobra fine sir and super fierce lightwarrior.....

    and many thanks to all lightforces members here in theatre of war operations....

    and infinite thanks to source;including for ongoiong neutralizing operations of the lurker.....

    as source prime creator the great spirit is the ultimate lightwarrior;of course-go prime creator go-hahahahaha.....

  88. great to hear some intel on the positive secret space program capos and such.....

    as some ssp veterans have been giving testomonies for many years now of course;so tell me are we all lying-hahahahaha.....

    of course testomonies including that some ssp capos are now 125 135 etc years of age....

    medbeds/medpods are arriving relatively sooooon now;and made available for all our people ....including age regression technologies.....

    do you want to live forever-hahahahaha.....

  89. The Sun: "by watching TV you are going into their programing ...". With my laptop, 4G, 5G, 6G, I won't be able to join their show ! From a distance of about 4 meters, the TV does not push the gigahertz so much anymore . ---And everyone can easily decide what kind of crap to watch on TV ! It is not true ?

    1. ((after the second sentence, there was a question mark. but maybe I wrote it wrong .)

    2. @Anonymneminem, it seems like most things are bad for you but there can be something good with the bad though. Meat and eggs and barefoot walking help me ground. Tv or an occasional video game phase help me keep my mind off of things. Exercise is stress on the body but without it my body falls apart. I have had to embrace these good and bad things with no guilt.

  90. And there is much, much more stupidity on the Internet !!!


  91. Talking about a heavy topic that we all have to face , we have all been many different identities, different genders, in that more primitive life, in the depths of suffering, we have all at one time or another strangled our own insides, the distortions ranged from mild to severe, and to this day they are still in evidence, there is an extremely large and dark wall behind each of us, Now I handed you an eraser. 🥰

    Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

    Cobra: I would say being honest with yourself, and whatever you find inside, just first allow yourself to acknowledge it, feel it, experience it, and transform it.

    ps: 🖐🏻️That's the answer.

    Mind Clearing: The Key to Mindfulness Mastery

    Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

    Forgiveness Meditation:

    One more meditation, something very important, is forgiveness - to cut from the old society and that which is collapsing, cutting energetic attachments. Forgiveness to yourself, parents, family, partners, and other Lightworkers. It is important to forgive those attachments to set you free, otherwise the Event will become quite difficult, and you will be affected because of those attachments. At the polar shift, it will be difficult if you have attachments. Release these attachments; all those meaningless fights between people are pointless.

    Close your eyes, watch your breath coming in and out, breathe in brilliant white light, breathe out brilliant white light.

    Now we will repeat three times:

    “I decree and I command, to release all my conflicts with myself, with my parents, with my partner (only if you have a partner), with my children (only if you have children), with Lightworkers, and with other people. I decide forgiveness.”

    And now visualize the Violet Flame coming from the sky going through you and throw those conflicts into the Violet Flame. Just release them, just let it go, all into the Violet Flame… just put everything into the Violet Flame, just let it go.

    Slowly become aware of your physical body, you are aware of here and now, and when ready, you can open your eyes.

    When you have a problem with anyone you can use this. Practice it whenever you have a conflict.

    1. Csak magadnak tudsz megbocsájtani, senki másnak. Minden magadból indul ki, ezért ha bajban vagy, azt te kreáltad magadnak. Ezt kell magadnak megbocsájtani, hogy hittél másoknak, ami miatt bajba kerültél.

  92. I am heartbroken. I don't want to come off as negative to human brethren or light brethren but basically this last update has proven everyone right that has laughed at me and my spirituality all these years. They kept telling me, watch out, when 2025 draws near, the signposts will be moved. Despite my growing frustrations, I defended Cobra and more so the Light Forces. I passionately argued to them why that can't be the case, not this time. Then, recently, I laughed when Corey Goode talked about the 2030s for liberation, at the earliest. Now I am defeated. We were just made to swallow a bitter pill coated with sugar, yet again. The bitter fact is, we never knew when the Event will happen and we still don't. But one thing we knew for certain, that the entire ascension process has to take place by 2025. Now that deadline is pushed out to 2030s and 40s, but even that is not a definitive, solid date like 2025 used to be, just an estimate. Those of us who have sacrificed and worked so hard for decades and were promised so much probably won't be around alive to live to see the changes. And no, just because Cobra makes an educated guess about the Event being in 2025, it means nothing and we all know it. The only thing is concrete now is that there won't be any solar flash for another 10-30 years from now roughly, and that there's a real chance that there won't be any tangible change until then. My heart broke today reading this. To those who took this as a positive update, I salute you. We most probably read something entirely different, you being so sure that Cobra's educated guess on the event is accurate - me only seeing that the sure 2025 deadline now is a hopeful 2030s-2040s deadline.
    I guess those who laughed at me were right in the end. I'm seeing all my hopes, dreams, mission, and positive manifestations I've worked on fly out the window just like that ... Light Forces, prove me wrong, I beg you. Otherwise, it's really unfair to promise humans big things like twin flame union..mission success..when you exactly knew that you can and you will move the signposts if and as needed, and to you with your infinite timing it's nothing, whereas for us it's our's our everything. I am going to work harder on myself than ever to get rid of negativity, for myself - however, I have officially stopped holding my breath for any change in my life - time to accept that my body is falling apart (no help with my healing no matter how much I meditate, energy heal and ask) that we'll live on the street in the end despite working round the clock (no help with finances no matter how much I work, visualize, manifest, ask) and my human family thinks I am mentally insane if i still hang onto spirituality after their lies becoming obvious by moving signposts again. It took forever for them to accept my "quirks", now it's no longer accepted or tolerated by them because it's insanity. Ayoo...I'm not sure I wanna stick around in this realm anymore, and I'm also not sure if I care where I go from here. :( Cessation of existence is just as fine too...

    1. How many of us are here? I’m sure the same number as Mr. Harold Turner’s site. I feel this community here should get together and pool funds of about $5-$10 or maybe more per month. Bless it with the energy of St Germain and maybe an unknown donor can also contribute to it. The question is that who will we trust to maintain the account so that it can be distributed to people who need it the most (people with no family money to back them up, for instance). That is real and we should now focus on looking after ourselves.
      Maybe we can post on blogs or share some of our videos which can help us survive old age by meaningful contributions on our posts or videos.
      Maybe we can choose a few people in a region to go and plant Cintamani stones and the rest of us can contribute to that endeavour, once in a while if money is tight. It will be cyclic, so everyone will have the chance to go and it will feel like an adventure. The Cabal will not help us, the light forces can’t help us so that leaves only us… if someone has an idea then please share.

    2. Az esemény attól függ, hogy milyen az emberiség fejlődése. Ha előbb eléri az emberiség a megfelelő fejlettséget, akkor előbb lesz, ha később, akkor később, de mindennek szabott ideje van. Rajtad, magadon (maga-a mag, magad-mag ad) múlik, a te boldogságod, senki máson.

    3. @Bluestar, the people who laughed at you were not right. We are trying to figure out what is really going on and where things are going in an often dark human society with lots of weaponized info. Of all alt media info the portal blog seems to of had the best info and general guidance. When CoBra said not to get caught up in trump drama he was right or to distance from media including the alt media he was right. So many times. Dont be ashamed for making the best choice. CoBra has not given any specific dates for things since around 2012 to 2013 because things were far worse than the light realized. No one knows when the event will happen. The closest to a date according to the unveiling is by summer 2024 we should have some tangible results. It could be a lot or a little but it should be something. If summer 2024 comes and goes I will not blame the unveiling or myself but I will reevaluate all of this and go from there.

  93. @Libra, interaction with any of the races mentioned in the post sound good. I used to read alex colliers letters from andromeda while listening to black sabbath and letters from earth would play.

  94. Just fantastic news! Let’s keep moving forward toward this new world! Cobra ❤️ RM/ LF ❤️ New World ❤️🐬🐋

  95. I have a question for Cobra.
    Mr. Spillai said that this Earth Liberation Plan would be a repeat of the French Revolution and that another timeline reset would occur, but are there any measures to prevent that from happening?

  96. In regards to sexuality traumas, does anyone know how to check if you are a magnetic (female) or electric (male) side of your twin soul? Because honestly i don't know if it's either my masculinity that is traumatized to a point of being pleasing because i'm currently a man, or i am a female by soul because when imagining my life as a woman makes me happier?

    1. Ha ember tested van, akkor férfi vagy. Csukott szem, csukott száj, és mond magadban: "Minden jóságom, szeretetem, szerelmem menjen a társam magjába, most."

  97. I'm usually a stoic, hard-ass Lightwarrior. But OMG today I broke into tears numerous times. Felt like I was pulled back to revisit my darkest times ~20 years ago. I felt the old despair and just wanting to scream, vomit, and sob. Like this place has forever tainted me and I wouldn't be allowed back home... I'm used to carrying more than my share, and feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Don't mean to be a downer, I know this planet is hard enough for everyone. Just wonder if anyone is having a similar inner upheaval?

    1. Csukott szem, csukott száj, és magadban mond: "A kellemetlen érzés menjen magamba, most."

    2. Yes the past few days have been very difficult. I've been told that we're experiencing a wave of ascension energies, and any resistance that we still have is causing headaches and sore throats. The more I am breathing, clearing my energy, and opening to my higher self, the easier it's getting.

  98. This will be the last one I post for a while. I wish you all the best!

  99. "All those people who have affinity to the Pleiadians and still want to participate in the Pleiadian Contact Dish project and wish to have Pleiadians in their 12:21 assistance teams, will have that request granted."

    I'll make it official with my fellow lightworkers bearing witness ... I still want to participate. I wish to have Pleiadians in my 12:21 assistance teams. Grant my request.

  100. When 2049 comes, Cobra or someone else will say we expect the Event or the Pole Shift to become in 2069.

  101. Libra that's great Cobra linked another article of yours! Congrats and good job.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Dear Cobra, regarding the crystals buried in sacred placed in Malta and Gozo and the crystals buried, in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, according to the guidlines given, are they making any difference? Are they sufficient in helping these countries in time of the Event or do we need to do more? Kindly let us know. Thank you

  104. The dish project sounds like a good idea will be able to heal people from the jab etc a lot Quicker,yes I like to help with that thanks victory of the light ✨

  105. Nem lesz semmiféle pénzügyi rendszer, ha megbukik a mostani. A különböző fajok, népek úgy tudnak kapcsolódni a házhoz, az egyetlen valós házhoz, ha nem használnak pénzt. A magyaroknál polgárháború lesz, és nagyon brutális lesz a polgárháború, a tolvajok háborúja. A polgárháborút nem szabad megakadályozni, mert a vége, hogy a tolvajok el fognak tűnni Szkítiából, és elindul a szer átadása, az örök élet titkának átadása.

  106. I am very angry.

    Anger is a shield that protects me and acts as a driving force. The rage that I feel is not directed at any external entity, but rather at myself. I am angry at myself for being in this pathetic situation. It prevents me from getting complacent. What I really want from the event is the ability to channel this rage into something ‘productive.’ I want to push my limits and see what I’m capable of.

  107. Cobra, can we do 20 question again.

  108. I do not understand. Even the best channelers grind in a different mill than Cobra. --Annoying !

  109. At a point in the recent past, I decided that I must be fundamentally NOT understanding what Forgiveness actually IS, so I went into a deep meditation and requested to be shown the nature of true forgiveness in a way that I could embody it consciously and intentionally. My desire to be relieved of the angst of unresolved hurt and judgements was completely selfish!

    This is what came through:
    FORE - GIVENESS... What do you give in advance?
    BEFORE that "other" speaks or acts?

    Note the filters of judgements and expectations that you hold. You give THEM in advance and they separate you from truely seeing and feeling the Love that the "other" is.

    To truely see the "other" for the Love that they are and the reflection their Love holds for you, please choose to give ALLOWANCE in advance!

    Allow "others" to be Who, How and What they are.
    Release your judgements for they are born in fear not Love.
    Release your expectations for all they do is undermine your happiness and acceptance for WHAT IS.

    Realize that evolution is always ongoing and NOTHING stays the same... Me, You, Them - All of US are in eternal living motion, growing, changing and becomming our true selves as we quit the illusions foisted upon us and shed the delusions those illusions generated as "facts"!

    To Forgive is to lead with ALLOWING EVERYTHING TO BE AS IT IS
    To do this you must KNOW that we are all born of Source and made of the same star stuff, and that we are all evolving.

    Judgements and expectations distort and perpetuate fear based creations.
    Allowance clarifies and in that clarity we can make love based decisions that sponsor loving creations.

    This remains a deeply unsettling and uncomfortable PROCESS.
    Are you committed to embodying Love fully?
    Do you want to be allowed to embody your growth in your own unique way?
    Consider giving everyone including yourself the gift of ALLOWANCE

    You will experience a release of mental pressure that you previously were not aware were being caused by the judgements and expectations you were willing to form in the past. It will be so much easier to feel empathy and compassion for the "others" who JUST LIKE YOU didn't understand Foregiveness until now.

    Peace upon all hearts, may they find their opening to Love with ease.

  110. A new 'unveiling' from Sebastian,
    In which, as usual, he unveils only about what is 'anti', but never about what is 'pro'.
