Heavy metal is more then low frequency . This chaotic noise affects your directly ( kind of 70 procent of you contains water ) so you creating havoc not only in your body but also in your energy field .the purpose of this is to sending invitation to the low frequent entities . by the way The so called Christianity is deeply archontic programing as well . Many of the so called Christians are smokers and like to drinking alkohol so you guys are falling ito the traps of the dark side deeper and deeper 🕸️🙈🙉💯
Right on jw.isnt it the energy inside and what we're putting into it what matters. I wrote it with positive intentions and it's beautiful in an atmospheric way.
This is the music for the light Warriors not for Joke Workers with their lantern's ,blindet by their own light 🕯️ If you establish a resonance with this kind of tones you will feel this powerful uplifting vibrations at your whole body or even beyond . you will rise up in a similar way like this music is growing https://youtu.be/Ba0zndLKMrk?si=D2dRwAMaktk-mbFG
Man, the comments here are a little stupid "Maybe the dark forces, same with rap.". Highly likely never listened to a good rap, where the author try to tell you something if you pay attention to the lyrycs as a whole. And rap is not even my preffered genre, but even i can see that.
As Degoth said "Right on jw.isnt it the energy inside and what we're putting into it what matters. I wrote it with positive intentions and it's beautiful in an atmospheric way."
Its the intention behind, not ghe "frequencies" or anything like that.
Think about what are you guys doing at the mass meditations? Channeling your intentions for a cause. Its maybe you who are blinded by your one sided ligt
Symphony X's album V: The New Mythology Suite is what I'd like to think comes closest. It weaves together the law of one, Atlantis and Egypt. It's incredible from start to finish
Q. There are 41 countries that wish to join BRICKs, is this a sign that the Eastern Union is getting stronger?
A. I will explain. The Dragon families have decided in few years ago, because the West will not agree the agreement that was made between them in last century, and because the western nations stole their Yamashita gold, they have decided to take the power away from the West. They are the Eastern Aliance. There were certain Black Dragon and GREEN DRAGON families from Kyoto(CHINA OR TIBETE TO?) involved in those groups. They are trying to make the gold-backed currency to reach the bankrupt western banks. There was a certain announcement from Bricks just yesterday about the gold backed currency in August this year. Western countries try to trigger another world war before that happens. Light forces do whatever possible to maintain peace this time. There was a plan to blow up the Persian nuclear plant but that was avoided and nuclear war was prevented. So, the light forces are doing whatever possible to maintain peace in this critical period. Unfortunately, final agreement between light forces and dragon families can not be reached because dragon family itself is not aligned to the plan. But the situation will be solved one way or another. - Dragon Activation:
They greatly influence the Black nobility families through the negative Order of the GREEN DRAGONS:
https://fairfieldproject.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Dragon_Society#The_Order_of_the_Green_Dragon - 'Both of those networks are under the control of the Pallavicini family, which also controls the BRICS alliance though their secret connections in ISRAEL.
https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2024/01/situation-update.html?m=1 - Solar System Status Update
(Ilan Goldfajn (born 12 March 1966) is a Brazilian-ISRAELI economist, former governor of the Central Bank of Brazil and former director of the International Monetary Fund's Western Hemisphere Department. In December 2022, he became president of the Inter-American Development Bank.)
And they still have a great deal of control over most central banks on the planet, including in Russia:
At this moment, the surface of the planet is still 85% under the control of the dark forces, and the Jesuit plan to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance was quite successful. All BRICS countries (except Russia to a degree) have been infiltrated by Jesuit agents in the last 5 years, and the BRICS today is not the same BRICS as when Lula was the president of Brazil:
Luce cosmica...fa pensare a settimana scorsa quando ho percepito una forte energia proveniente dal Sole. Potrebbe trattarsi del Cosmo che proietta energie che il nostro Sole riceve e che a sua volta emana più intensamente. Chissà forse le Sfere di protezione Dyson sono state tolte in una buona percentuale ed ora il flusso energetico è più libero. Mi chiedo se fosse così , probabilmente le nostre cellule ricevendo più Luce potrebbero trarne beneficio. Evidentemente l'eliminazione graduale del Lurker , insieme all'effusione sempre più intensa di Luce è una combinazione che può favorire un processo di risveglio sempre più veloce ed un maggiore benessere psico fisico.
Sounds like a wonderful combination to me... disintegration of the Lurker while simultaneously expanding the Light to fill in the places within ourselves that the Lurker once occupied. This is in essence what is happening to humanity at this very moment, until the Lurker is no more. I'm definitely FEELING and SEEING the change around me and within me. Keep holding your Light everyone... WE GOT THIS! ✨️🛸✨️🛸☝️🌎👍🛸✨️🛸✨️
I take it we're in celebration mode at this moment... must've made a breakthrough!! Thank you COBRA for the uplifting music! Thank you Sananda, Saint Germain, Ashtar and Semjase, all of the Light Forces as well as the Resistance Movement, Alderbarons, Agarthans, and White Hats! Keep pushing forward to The Event... to Victory of the Light!😎👍 ✨️🛸✨️🛸✨️☝️🌎👍✨️🛸✨️🛸✨️
Then let go. Your plea for help will go unheard because it is self-defeating. If you want to become part of the LF then you have to do the inner work and fortify your resistance to failure. Why do you think so few people get to "ascend"? It's no cake walk, and there are zero handouts. No shortcuts. No free passes. Period. Sorry to sound crass, but some people need to get tougher skin and learn to get up and brush off disappointment. Too much desire and not enough internal effort with expectations of grandeur will always fail. We need headstrong, spiritual warriors with minds of diamond. Not beggars and defeatists. This is an imperative notion to understand. Research the "pain-body" and how we become addicted to it. Very insightful and necessary knowledge and wisdom for a great many.
@Sherman Okay. Fair. But what if it's not? (Not taking a dig at the LF's or RM or anything, please don't censor this comment) I'm just saying me/you/we could be basing an entire life outcome basically on an assumption read online by a source that cannot be "verified"? (I have read the Galactic Codex, loved how it is worded and laid out, and I really, truly want to believe it is real and true. I am simply taking a Neutral approach to accepting its validity for now until more than Faith is a proponent). Not to say whatever is stated in this blog isn't true or that nothing is happening, I obviously can't verify anything either. But what if 40, 50, 70 more years go by and nothing still happens? I don't want to wait X more years just like anyone else. But I'm not gonna be on my deathbed waiting with bated breath as the final gasp of air leaves my lungs still waiting to be saved. I would at least maybe think of a potential Plan B just in case (m)(y)our opinion is wrong. Couldn't hurt right? "An ounce of prevention (or preparation) is worth a pound of cure".
@Sherman but what he said is true regardless? Only the type of people he describe will ascend(as the first ones), and they are the ones a lot of people look up too.
"Galactic Codex states happiness and help is guaranteed, Sergent."
Thats true, but as you probably noticed nothing is instantenious, same with the Liberation of earth, so you have 2 options
1. Wait for the liberation, but you need to "toughten up" if you want to lesser your sufferimg while waiting 2. You can leave this world behind(and everyone else) with the you know what method. Yes, the light forces are already here, so you will be in safe hands, but its hard to let go of your attachments here, if you have any
@Mg2323 IF I'm left to die on this world....IF it's 'business as usual' here in 20 or 30 years...I shall let what one would call my 'dark side', which we all have, come out to party. Meaning to hell with being kind to others, helping others....believe me I TRIED so HARD to help others...only for them to LAUGH at me, call me names, call me crazy, some even saying I outta go home and die....I'll wash my hands of that totally be be out for "A NUMBER 1", aka MYSELF.
"So why gripe then if you know you will be saved? Just for fun? Can't help yourself?" God damn it, you think I have not TRIED? IF I was capable, I'd have gotten my proper body by now, I'd be FIGHTING the darkies, head on, by now. I'd have the cabal's heads on pikes for all to see, I'd be have dead archons laying at my feet. But when one is a genetically raped monkey, one can't do much....no matter how much one 'goes within'.
And considering I have not taken a gun to school and blew away all the bullies, and the coward teachers who protected the bullies....considering I have no become a modern day Unabomber.......considering I have not become the next Vlad Dracula (my family even came from Transylvania)...you don't think I'm 'toughened up'. You have no clue.
I'm quoting 144K here. One Of 144KSeptember 12, 2024 at 10:42 AM
All I wanted to do was come to this planet and help using my gifts, abilities, and talents. However, it seems that this place is based on popularity... it's one big popularity contest, even in the Light community. And another thing, some individuals in the Light community have gone out of their way to point out the failures, mistakes, and bad decisions of other Lightworkers and (key) Lightworkers... all I can say is you better humble yourself. You have NEVER walked in the shoes of any of your fellow Lightworkers and know nothing of their experiences and struggles that brought them to those supposed mistakes and bad decisions. Plus, if you're going to call them out on your platforms at least have the balls to name names instead of making the entire Light community feel like crap and blaming them for delays keeping The Event from happening for what a few did that was perceived as bad decisions. Not one person on this God forsaken planet is better than another... not one. Humble yourselves, and don't EVER point the finger at another... especially when we're ALL fighting the same fight and holding the Light to achieve the same goal... and you know who you are. I think we've all waited long enough and far beyond what we should've had to endure. We came here to help... not be taken advantage of or placated for years and years. End this stand off already to end this constant abuse, suffering, and death. Stop procrastinating aboard your cushy ships while the rest of us get abused and suffer every single day... physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We've done what was asked over and over for years now and have been subject to shaming, ridicule, and losing friends and loved ones because they see us as crazy. DON'T LEAVE US TWISTING IN THE WIND. We've asked for first contact, we signed a petition for direct physical intervention... where is it? I don't like being lied to, used, or placated. Let us KNOW what's going on... WE deserve that. WE shouldn't have to be subjected to the abuse and suffering because the rest of the world isn't awake and caught up to us. We deserve better than that... we did what you asked and expect the same in return. I'm sorry for coming off so harsh, as I said before I feel the Lurker is pushing my buttons today, but had to get some of this off my chest... a venting if you will. I'm still here and still holding the Light... but have so many unanswered questions and am tired of this place in its current state. I'm tired of seeing all of the lies, deception, abuse, and deaths on a daily bases. I'm just tired and in need of a break aboard the Motherships for a bit to unwind and detox from this toxic environment. I'm sure I'll feel better and more my optimistic self soon... but I swear to God that the Lurker has stepped up it's attacks on us, even with the protection protocols. But I'm still holding the line and holding the Light.
Love and Light... Troy " <----Bingo. Right now, I feel like I'm just some 'expendable asset' to the light forces. THEY get to be safer in their ships, have all they need at the fingers tips with tech. What do WE got? Ever dwindling resources, cowardly attacks from the darkies, everyone around us thinking we're fucking lunatics, and some of us don't have some other warm body to embrace us in the cold darkness of this rotten gulag of a world...not to mention not even a weapon to fight back with.
And you're telling me I need to toughen up even MORE? So, what happens in 10 years......happy ending with myself in an alien woman's body, finding my alien wife/girl friend, getting to actually set foot on my real home world.......or am I an older version of Charlie Brown in the flesh, just with higher suicidal tendencies, and possibly taking out my rage upon the entire world?
*slams large hour glass on the table* Let's see what happens, eh?
I advise you to go to therapy, why comment on this and frequent the blog 'if not you don't believe or are aligned with the message?', you need therapy you have serious problems apparently... thank you very much to all those who don't like it or not Believe me, come here and always comment nonsense, improve the website's plumbing 😅😘🤩
There's always got to be one or two flies in the ointment. I don't believe they're here to inspire and uplift, but rather sow doubt and detract from the momentum. What's important is that the Light Forces and Resistance Movement KNOW who each of us are... our hearts and intentions, as WE KNOW OURSELVES. That's all that matters. 💯
I don't have money for therapy, but soon all will need including you, when we passing the window for the event in a bit more than half year in july. And I don't know about you but the constantly open window sounds like an excuse for me... And not sure how others see, but not much verifiable progress made in this last 10 years since I'm following this blog. And not so many sign for an upcoming event. Actually 10 years ago we lived in a much more positive world least had no wars in scale like today. When I'm coming with much more meaningful comments somehow it not published. But when do we going to do reality check that oir believes align with what we see? When we can say okay seems like the event won't happening since no sign showing to us it will? After countless hours of meditating, buying silver, planting cintamani, I dont even know how many activities I've joined in this 10 years, for no results....
N'Golo, it's obvious by your choice of words you do not carry or radiate love for other self as dutifully as you think you are. Might I suggest treating others as you would like to be treated. "Look in the mirror, see God. Look at another self, see God. We are one."
jw301330, it's obvious by your choice of words you do not carry or radiate love for other self as dutifully as you think you are. Might I suggest treating others as you would like to be treated. "Look in the mirror, see God. Look at another self, see God. We are one."
Truth seeker. You are right, brother. You are not sick. Sick are those who send you to any therapy provided by people who know nothing about our work. I do nothing any longer. It is round and round the same. All the gurus keep channeling the same information and want us be alone and work day and nite. We are poor but they are rich and want to be rich so they keep bombarding us with the same stuff. The only difference is that the circles we live in are faster and faster. When we reach the top of the spiral, something will happen. To be honest with you, I do not care what, because life here on this planet has always been desperate. Our leaders speak about the punishment of all the old rulers but they admire Trump as our savior - the guy pushing up masks, vaccines, and now embracing and treating to dinner the world sentenced criminal Satan Yahu in his home. Murderers and their friends are not my friends. People are desperate and forgive what they wanted a year ago.
@TruthSeeker I completely understand the frustration you're feeling... I can say that each one of us goes through this ourselves to different degrees. However, that doesn't mean NOTHING is happening behind the scenes... it's NOT a cosmic lie, but rather a matter of safety for us and humanity. There are two main aspects to achieve our end goal which is The Event. The first is that much of the Intel CAN'T be shared until certain progress is made because you know the Cabal follows this blog just like the rest of us. And secondly and most importantly, The Event can only happen when it's most optimal for the least amount of chaos and casualties. This is the way I understand it... hence why the delays. They're not going down easy without a fight... they KNOW it's checkmate but trying to delay giving up their power and facing accountability. This can be a very frustrating process, especially not knowing ALL the details, victories and loses. But, that's precisely what makes the Lightworkers special and separates us from the average person... is our resilience in our faith and optimism, no mater the obstacles and challenges. This IS why WE are Lightworkers... holding The Light is immovable faith. Please, hang in there... we're close and the feeling in the air is undeniable that our victory is a certainty. The Event, in my opinion mind you, will comence not to long after the United States election of Donald Trump. And remember, it's not about Trump, it's about the movement behind what he stands for... it's momentum is unstoppable and will run over this deepstate Cabal. Trust the process... victory is in sight!
TruthSeeker, my finding, for what it's worth: It's ok to go there. Just don't stay there.
I've been in the same place before, but I realized that I needed to do the best I could, and not get caught up in the rest. Maybe do something fun. Read Transurfing, or something that resonates. Life can still be worthwhile.
I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to be rude, with all due respect, forgive me from the bottom of my heart, those days it was clear that I wasn't well, probably 'lurker' influenced me in a meaningful way, I really ask for forgiveness, I'm I'm feeling bad about this, I rarely have an attitude like this, I'm going through a difficult time, so I ask you to understand my lack of compassion in the comment above, please, I love you, we have to come together more than ever, we're on the right track In the end, we are almost back home, a big hug and all the best in your lives always, Vitória da luz ❤⭐🌟⚡
First of all I want to say thank you everyone for support and every comment. I feel more and more of us in the same page.
About the "behind the scenes" type of happenings I really thought so around the 2016-2020 ere then covid gave us another perspective like something moved globally but years again fly away and right now again seems like not many things from the promised happenings happened at all. Even this year pluto in aquarius and soon entering again but we are at the same spot.
Does things really happening behind the scenes? And how many positive happening could be happen without us noticing? And without us knowing and feeling do these happenings really matter? I think even the Event must be sudden, but even sudden changes have many signs, however also true we will realise those signs later.
It was great to read different understandings and realisations.
Yes the election, I'm thinking so much also, I seen the backlash of the dabate on X and I never seen this big bot attack or not sure how to tell but many tweets sounded like agenda and propaganda of the left and not coming from actual people's keyboard. And all the surveys trying to frame its really close race. We will see. But even Trump not wins would be another hit for the "trust the process" and Q's plan thinking. We will see its really close.
Also something else came up in me while thinking, I think Cobra referred us sometimes as people with trust issues. But I think we gave even much more trust than it would be humanly rational.
Lets see average human's life. He born, most likely the first lie told by the one the most close to him. Amongs the many lets say about Santa Claus bringing the presents, even if it's a "graceful lie" it's still what it is. Then in school he learning many things and later he will realise that wasn't true, especially in topics like history etc. After school workplaces lies how great to work there and the human will lie in the resume too.
Than later in love those who never heard lies and experienced cheating are very lucky. Later their kids will lie about that cigarette and every time they going to elect anyone lying about their true motives. In their whole life marketing selling things with lies etc. Are people having trust issues? Or truly the only rational way in life is the don't trust verify method? After that many break of trust feels like sciencific approach isnt that bad at all, doubt everything until proven.
And maybe its about the time to have bigger proofs than feelings (which also how many times guided us to trust in the wrong people?), dreams, visions. I hope we can all be contacted soon by the light forces to gather and join us to the final push. But not just final in name but the real final one to bring the Event on us and everyone who would like to experience and the bubbles of heaven can form finally.
Sorry if I affected anyone in a bad way in any form, these are just my thoughts and I have no intention to harm anyone in any mean with them.
Just curious if anybody else on here is experiencing strange symptoms like stinging or slight warming in the face or neck area.a feeling of seeming like your invisible. Everything around me seems to look strange as if the energy signature of objects are not what they seem to be .bizare dreams to say the least.ive always have had those but past few months they've been getting real strange.
I am experiencing a strange hurty feeling in the back of my head. Never felt that before but sure it comes from Mother Mary cleaning out my head. Well I hope so. My angels said that. Many other feelings in my spine, back and toes... wow my toes really hurt, well it all hurt, apparently they all cleaned out my body from MS... and the doctors said the MS is gone. Well who knows? Felt a headache today in the EES for a few minutes, and I never get headaches, also they seemed to work on my spine. Well who knows?
Still very strong stinging sensations. I get them when I resist destructive programming. I choose to ignore these sensations. If they are attacks, they cannot control me.
Sleeping's been difficult the past week or two.....2-3 hours to fall asleep, getting maybe 5 or 6 hours of sleep if lucky, and I'm not the only one, a LOT of folks are telling me they got the same thing going on.
I am told it is about free-will. Fine. Here is the problem, I no longer consent to poverty, lack of opportunities, being ruled by the worst of the worst, debt, war, financial fraud, corrupt authorities, legal papers, corrupt laws, mandates, ... most importantly, sharing the same planet as the oppressors. Meaning, I no longer consent to my free will being ignored and raped.
WW3 already was established in 2001. The EL ites declared us Foreign Adversary (terrorists). In 2021 they declared us a "virus" (reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm) forcing us with an injection to create "anti bodies".
Most of the true light energy operates in silence rather than verbal words, and in that silence flows a great deal of real-time interaction with multidimensional beings. For those who are on the path of ascension, it is crucial to illuminate and activate their own inner source as the core (AM) to become their own Masters/Alcmist. Many masters are harmonizing together in the induction dimension full of tacit understanding. 大多數真正的光能量運作於沉默而非語言文字中,沉默中流動著大量多維度眾生的即時互動, 走在揚升之路上的人,點亮激活自己內在的源頭是最關鍵的核心(AM),成為自己的大師/鍊金術師。许许多多的大师们在充满默契的感应维度共同协奏。
1111ready. 1212* 1221* 2772*771*177
Each Every existing have light . Even it only have 0.00000000001% or lesser . That's why it exsiting. So does Luker... if we discover this such least light drop of Luker. ...it's very difficult maybe but have possibly. it will support Luker resonate back to oneness.it will back to source with the most suitable way of Luker . Blessing to every beings on Mama Gaia. 每个存在都有光。 即使它只有 0.00000000001% 或更少。 这就是之所以存在的原因。 潜伏者也是如此.. 如果我们发现了潜伏者的这种最小光之滴......也许很难,但有可能。 它将支持潜伏者回到本体共振。 它将以潜伏者最合适的方式回到源头。 祝福盖娅妈妈星球上的每一个生命。
from September things will speed up. but 23! we now in 24. toplets,chimera is gone a and many obstacles too...so my question is : where is some F results???
Will the light still prevail? Though cleared of many limitations, I am beginning to reclaim my self. It's just that, in those moments, I felt like I hadn't lived before. As if time had been stolen from me. Looking at the world, at myself, I couldn't help but cry.
"Telegram chats are officially no longer confidential
Telegram has updated its FAQ section (https://www.iphones.ru/iNotes/telegram-nachal-moderirovat-privatnye-chaty-posle-zaderzhaniya-durova). Now the information that all chats in the messenger are confidential has disappeared.
Previously, the FAQ section contained the phrase:
All Telegram chats and group chats are private between their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.
The real question is, did they torture Durov to get the encryption keys or did he cut a deal for money? They all seem to worship the Almighty Dollar after all.
I remember visiting places that I had just known as a child, and they always disappointed me, the magic was no longer there. After all it was not about the place, but just how magical and meaningful things are seen from a child’s perspective. Well, this is back again to a big extent, maybe cause negativity now is not there all the time, but just in concrete moments. So back to childhood! No problem 👶🙏 Good bye Lurker..
From Gaiaportal from 2013-12-1 Consolidation of Gaia Portals comes, as Cosmic Light alignments are completed. There becomes as one aligned Being, the combined efforts of all.
From Gaiaportal from 2016-3-11 Life forms entreat the Cosmic Light.
From Gaiaportal from 2013-9-16 Cosmic Light bearers come forth in multiplied numbers as fortified Grand Portals now support such.
Gaiaportal from 2013-2-23 The paradigm of “survival” has dissolved. Cosmic Light energies sufficiently permeating all levels of Gaia realms, including the 3D visible, have removed any remaining support structures for this paradigm.
3D human individual attempts to continue what was previously supported by “survival paradigm” will fall short.
Current Gaia Higher D grid structures support 5D “Thrive Paradigm” only.
IF is the most powerful word in the English language. I really don't see the masses uniting as one against a common foe, otherwise that would have happened DECADES ago. The masses are too brainwashed, the programming too strong. Look at the HUGE divide amongst the liberal left and the conservative right here in America. I personally know people, on both sides, who said to me that they'd rather die than join forces with the other side. And look at the famous folks who tried as well....BANG right to the head. Even Cobra said humanity can't save/rescue themselves.
Sorry to say this, but unification, to me, is mental masturbation. We need the aliens to show up and end the shit show. I feel there is no other way to do it. And I want off this miserable rock, NOW.
Gravitational influx as light has increased on all fields of this planetary body. This is very important as Dracos poked holes in the magnetic and gravitational fields to reverse the magnetic poles and put this planet into the dark ages. Thankfully light is returning to all grids connecting this planet. Freemasons use a G and a compass for their sigil https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f440.svg They know exactly how energy works and it’s why they distorted electro, magnetic and gravitational fields. It’s why your soul is important for humanity to awaken as you magnetize a connection to light. It’s high frequencies of photonic light that shifts this planet back into alignment. We have already been experiencing these shifts and now here is another big shift. As your body will feel these biological changes, centering in the now and breathing to avoid anxiety as cellular purification is happening now. Minerals, nature, fruit, water and allowing to embody the shift instead of resistance. Time is not linear and that can be experienced now! It’s why stabilizing in the now is helpful for your nervous system and to avoid dizziness. Your multidimensional DNA is getting a major upgrade! Keep yourself in harmony as the unified fields of consciousness, the harmonics are attuning your DNA strands like a violin tunning. Allow your receivers to attune!
I've been dealing with this since October 24, 2010. Yep, was so hardcore a change, I remember the exact date. STILL waiting for benefits. HOW long does it take to 'activate' DNA? I've lost the whole of my 30's to this, and now, half my 40's. AM I going to get these past/lost 14+ years BACK? Am I going to get compensation for the years that been stolen from me? So far, the ONLY benefit I've gotten is I can catch thrown/dropped objects better, now.....
....BIG DEAL! Compared to what was taken from me, being able to catch things is NOT an equitable trade, Randy. So, when do I get my fucking 'upgrade'? I don't see any super powers, I don't see my body becoming attractive, I don't see any benefits. Not gonna do me any good if I gotta wait till I'm an old geezer, you know.
@Sherman Good to know some things never change, brings a sense of comfort, even though you don't see the benefit now, in time you will, when you are ready Sherman. Only you can decide for yourself when you are ready to drop the desire, realism has to set in eventually or you will be forced to rinse and repeat this experience, there is no other way I'm afraid. The more you want something, the more you have to prove to the universe you deserve it to achieve that goal, simply complaining tells the universe you want more of that same uncomfortable scenario, so the universe has to give you more negativity since you are calling for it with your defeatism responses. If a spoiled child receives a reward simply for crying, what lesson is learned? It matters not your individual circumstances, you must have certainly learned at least that in what you claimed to be almost 14 years of begging and not receiving, yes? If not, sorry Sherman, you gotta see the forest for the trees before you go blind. You will succeed eventually however, of this I am certain. Otherwise you will eternally reincarnate and repeat the same exact lessons. That's just the way it is.
@Sherman I will not spare you, and nor will anyone else. WHY?! EGO. Do you know what that means? It means you don't pass. It means you fail. It means you must become better. It means everything. If you don't comprehend, it's on you. K?
So the fake news is reporting that Donald Trump acknowledged that the 2020 election was not stolen, they even have a clip of him saying "I lost by a whisker (to Biden)... Yet no one on telegram or other channels are mentioning it.
Sirius Filament Elevated alignments of individual Higher D Light filaments have allowed coalescence of these filaments into Gaia Beams of Light throughout the planet. Connection with Essential Cosmic Entities finalizes.
Compression of Time-Illusion brings multiple energetic events into simultaneous manifestation.
Всем света и добра. Хочу спросить совета . Моя мать сказала что ей во сне пришёл ангел и сказал что мы тебя заберем в пятое измерение и приготовили для тебя комнату светлую яркую красивая природа вокруг. Мать спросила а можно и меня свою дочь туда взять ? Он ответил что нет она останется в третьем измерении и будет для неё тёмная холодная комната с двумя кроватями. Мама стала ангела умолять меня переселить в пятое измерение. Ангел сказал что мы посмотрим .по наблюдаем. Пусть она молится исусу Христу и постоянно просит прощения и поклоняется ему . вот такой сон . а меня рассказ матери расстроил я не хочу поклоняться никому и прощения просить я жила тяжёлой несчастной жизнью в нищете и ограничениях и много жертвовали собой ради того чтобы матери было хорошо .а я должна чтобы заслужить попасть в пятое измерение каяться и и бояться что меня не возьмут туда если не буду поклоняться Христу и быть религиозной верующей .я свободный божественный человек бессмертный и мне не нужны боги даже Христос и поклоняться и молиться в страхе что меня не возьмут в рай . правда ли что нас уже поделили куда в какие измерения возьмут или не стоит верить таким снам ?
Любой сон, особенно у людей без развитого подсознания, может являться либо просто отражением переживаний самого человека, кто этот сон видел, либо быть "наваждением" от непонятно каких сущностей. В этом сне, который ты описала, действительно ощущаются вовсе не "высшие вибрации". Заставлять (!) молиться, поклоняться под страхом плохих последствий - это извечный прием как раз темных. Поэтому сначала и Христа убили, а потом возвели эту смерть в культ, уведя миллионы поклоняющихся вообще в другую сторону относительно истинного учения, которое к тому же было направлено исключительно евреям. Нужно жить в настоящем моменте, искренне ДЛЯ СЕБЯ покаяться в каких-то нехороших вещах, если они были, но уж точно не стоит просто "из страха умолять", как ты правильно заметила. Если кого-то куда-то и будут "делить по комнатам", то по уровню энергетических резонсов, вибрации, на которой человек живет, а не по тому, сколько кто бился лбом об пол в молитвах. Мое мнение.
"As an illustration of relative and absolute truth, consider the sunrise and sunset. When we say the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, that is true, but only relatively. In absolute terms, it is false. Only from the limited perspective of an observer on or near the planet's surface does the sun rise and set. If you were far out in space, you would see that the sun neither rises nor sets, but that it shines continuously. And yet, even after realizing that, we can continue to speak of the sunrise or sunset, still see its beauty, paint it, and write poems about it, even though we now know that it is a relative rather than an absolute truth."
It's interesting to ask oneself, "This seems absolutely true, but is this only a relative truth?" For example, at the time, it seemed like the cabal had truly won when covid and their vax campaign was in full swing, but ultimately, they failed.
@Starlight432 Also the "night" never lasts as long as the "day", I'm sure anyone with a spiritual side can expand upon that idea, as above so below, as within so without ;)
I've had a MASSIVE REALIZATION. I've just realized that I was in fear of not walking, yet I'm still walking, if slowly with a cane. So I've started taking Chlorella again, as it has never done anything to hurt me, ever. My whole view is different. Wow. I'm not scared anymore. Wow. Now I can start to look forward. I will not fear being unable to walk. I've been told by neurologists my legs are okay. They are strong. Let's get rid of the last of the mercury. Woohoo!!!!!!!! Here's to realizing that fear is a BIG WASTE OF TIME!! lol
Brilliant episode; I feel it was written for me! Thanks angels!!!! They are so cool. And this episode:
Just shows that all of us are completely aware of what is happening, when we sleep. There is a huge collective!!!!!!!!!!!! No dark ones allowed. Stupid dark ones.
September 7th - Divinely guided to create song with Suno about a glorious finale titled 'Final Countdown'.
September 9th - Elon posts the livestream of the launch of Polaris Dawn which features a countdown. The lyrics of the 'Final Countdown' song go along with the launch perfectly.
The crew will go further out than any human has in more than half a century and it is the first private spacewalk.
"We're soaring to new height We won't back down now Taking that last dare"
Cosmic Light - COBRA (COmpression BReAkthrough) THE PORTAL http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2024/09/cosmic-light.html VOTL! INRI – IGNE NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRA - LA ROSE BLANCHE La réalisation de l'IMPERIUM NOVUM dans le Nouvel Éon, le véritable Empire Millénaire dont annonce l'Apocalypse de Jean - Julietta da Montefeltro
Oh nice, I love trance. Especially progressive, uplifting or ambient - this is one of my main music genres I listen to (right after game osts, my beloved lol). Actually, a lot of tracks seem to have that 'cosmic' feeling too.. sometimes I wonder in amusement if pleadians like club music~ People complaining about heavy metal: It doesn't have to be dark or low vibrational *all* the time, depends on how you hold yourself and your energy. I think a little bit of discernment can go a long way. I love trance but can't stand hard trance and don't get me started on dubstep urgh... and I love Tool and SoaD but can't stand slipknot. What about subliminal messages in pop music? Just bc I hear it doesnt mean I'm gonna allow that to bring my energy down, just be aware of it: maybe you are more susceptible than others but for the mentally and spiritually hardened , I think we wouldn't crack that simply. Sometimes you're just in a mood and nice to resonate with something that fits it in that moment. Not that deep.
"Dr. Steven Greer explains the secrets behind the terrible assassination of JFK & the murder of Marylin Monroe."
"Technology that sounds like it's straight out of a Nikola Tesla fever dream, yet it's happening right now. This isn’t just another fringe idea—this is the real deal, something that could fundamentally change how we think about energy, the environment, and maybe even our place in the universe!"
Sinto vontade de te responder. O fato da música ter sido irritante para você significa apenas que a mensagem não era para você e que esse tipo de música não é seu favorito. Apenas isso. É sempre bom fazer um exercício de autoreflexão e se perguntar a verdade do seu coração. No caso dessa postagem, esse desconforto não significa que você seja um dos escuros. Todas as postagens que o CoBRa faz são direcionadas a pessoas específicas. Quando o destinatário da mensagem vê a postagem ele sabe que a mensagem é para ele e ele entende a mensagem. As pessoas a quem a mensagem não se destina, elas podem entender apenas uma parte, mas não o todo da mensagem. Os escuros quando lêem a mensagem não entendem completamente, mas algo extraem, e SEMPRE sabem o que fazer. Nunca ficam em dúvida. Nunca se questionam. Um escuro nunca perguntaria "eu sou um escuro?" Eles sabem o que são. Demanda muita inteligência do CoBRa fazer esse tipo de postagem e eu realmente o admiro por isso. No caso das músicas que ele posta, a mensagem pode estar no título, nas tags, nas imagens ou na letra, ou ainda em uma mistura de elementos. Também pode ser que a mensagem não seja da música em si e nem da postagem, e sim da frequência colocada na postagem pelas forças da luz. Frequentemente é uma mistura de tudo isso. Nem sempre o CoBRa nos explica depois o por quê postou o que postou, porque como ele costuma dizer: "não é do nosso mais elevado interesse". E realmente não é. É perigoso que todos saibam tudo. As forças da luz trabalham de forma muito mais compartimentada do que as forças da escuridão (que também opera compartimentada, mas menos). Nem sempre o destinatário da mensagem consegue entender por si mesmo. Quando é realmente necessário que ele entenda tudo plenamente e com a mente racional, as forças da luz farão uma projeção de luz específica na pessoa, para que naquele momento ela tenha capacidade de entender do jeito que se deve. Então, relaxe. E continue examinando seu coração, é uma boa prática que vai evitar problemas para você. E finalizo essa resposta te pedindo para descansar mais. Sinto que anda cansado por dentro.
9/9 : oggi è un portale molto importante. Da oggi abbiamo una possibilità in più di avvicinare la vita fisica a quella spirituale. Un'opportunità da cogliere per meditare assorbendo ed irradiando Luce. Un altro tassello aggiunto per ottenere il Grande Cambiamento tanto desiderato. 🌲🛸🌲
According to a certain website about a certain 17th letter has indicated a "portal" opening at midnight tonight? I had a dream about it that you can read about. There's a link should you enter the following into startpage.com: MJM response to Andrea
Likely 440Hz recording. Apollo 440 Anyone? Bueller? Lol. 440Hz Makes everyone light feel heavy and dark, should be 432Hz recording. Techno is a strange animal though, it can swing both ways just like anything frequency based.
My bad, the site I referred to as the 17th letter says "The Gateway Opens:" tonight September 9th at midnight. Different than a portal I guess? I dunno, maybe Cobra or someone can comment if there is a difference between the two terms portal and gateway? Or is it a synonym for the same thing? Perhaps a portal is a one-way trip and a gateway is two-way or possible return trip?
In a few short hours, we will be past September 9, and past the Sept 1-9 period when the bad guys were trying to start WW3 !! So, we are nearly past this icky ("Icky" is a technical term for scarey) period.
What can you tell us, Mr. C about our progress regarding (a) ridding humanity of the Lurker (surely the departure of the Big L must be speeding up --- I'll bet the good guys clear it out before they think they will.) And (b) the victory of the light in China and (c) the victory of light all over the world.
I will be excited to read your upcoming update.
And the disclosure about Kamala Harris being a complete puppet, a moron, and a tool of the Deep State is happening more and more. It was completely hilarious to see Putin say he finds her the best candidate -- which he said with a twinkle in his eye.
The energy feels like it is improving every day. I'm tired but the experience of life is richer than it used to be. It feels like "more avenues are open to us."
Thank you for all you do and.... Vittoria della Luce! !!
Hi Golden! If Cobra doesn’t give us an update yet, I’ll give you one about the situation with the cocoa prices (I remember you asked for one in July). Ok, after skyrocketing from January to July to six times higher, by the end of July the prices decreased by one third, and have remained there fluctuating a bit until now. This means “only” four times higher, which is much better and manageable. Besides the suppliers say the next harvest will be good and everything will be back pretty much to normal (which doesn’t matter, we’ll have the Event first 😉). So, in the end it’s been a great “coincidence” and a big relief! (though of course could be better)😮💨
Why can't Harris be a good thing, puppet or not? Would a female president not be an excellent catalyst of positive change, effectively showing to women that power is returning to them? Power that has been lost for centuries. Women will know to hold her accountable more than men ever held their counterparts accountable in seats of power. Do not underestimate the power of women.
We must think about the big picture. Not these small, petty government seats, but the power of imagery that they hold for the masses. This is how we sway populations towards understanding unity. It must begin with acknowledgement that people are equal among genders and races.
I worry some here are missing the big picture to create an ideal world for as many people as possible.
It remains to be seen whether the dark ones have not succeeded in instigating a third world war from 1 to 9 September. At the moment, there is some worrying news.
@Levels Go back to 2016, IF Hilary would have won, the world would be WORSE. Hilary is a woman, but she's an EVIL one. Kamala, from what I've seen, is clueless, she was missing most of the time....she seems as clueless as Sarah Palin was in 2008.
September 8th - Divine message which communicated "Navy is yours."
September 9th - Actor James Earl Jones passes away. He played a Navy Admiral in 'The Hunt for Red October' in addition to playing similar roles two more times:
hey, sometimes I write a comment here, today I just wanted to complain, lately my plans haven't been going the way I wanted... one problem follows another, additionally there are problems with my family who don't understand me, unfortunately it doesn't help my situation... with every step I am convinced that a person is like a wolf to another person, people don't want to help each other, on the contrary everyone tries to do everyone else a hard time, sometimes I have the impression that I don't understand this world and that I don't want to be here, sometimes I would like to disappear from here or run away somewhere far away to a very nice place where these problems don't exist, where I can finally be happy and be myself (preferably with people I love and care about), recently I discovered that I really don't like loneliness, loneliness has a bad effect on me (I mean my mental state here) My dream is that we will finally create a better world here and that people will be more attuned to each other, and that we will stop constantly spiteful and competing with each other over absurd things. When will people finally start to understand this fact? I hope you understand my comment, I also think that many readers here have felt the same as me lately, don't worry, you are not alone with this.
@Madzialena I just want to LEAVE planet earth, WITH the aliens, go home with them, become one of them again. I personally DON'T want to stay on earth, I want to physcially get on an alien ship and get as FAR away from Planet Gulag as possible. I have NO desires to build a 'brave new world'. I wanna go to one ALREADY out there.
You are not alone with this, dear. Too much selfishness and negativity within people overall. Be strong, be true to yourself. If we are lucky, things will change in a positive direction.
Resonance is key to next steps Gaiaportal from 2013-5-18 High energies encompass the planet at this moment. High Energies of guided movement, both within and without, proceed with all who are imbued with Gaia service.
Striking movements occur within short time periods, but with ease. Such is the nature of Gaia-guided and Gaia-coordinated motion.
Solar and Cosmic influxes harmonize with the current Gaia High Energies, causing many, who have not experienced such, to resonate with clarity of purpose.
Resonance is key to next steps. Following Inner Resonance brings Inner Peace and, via Resonance, expresses and communicates such to all.
Gaia is pleased with this current state of Higher Energetics, as such has been awaited for millennia.
Solution: Dissolving old paradigms "You must unlearn what you have learnt."
Gaiaportal from 2013-1-22 The disruption and shifting of outdated paradigms is occurring with increasing frequency, leading to a rapid dissolution of 3D safety grids. Those unwilling to accept such shifts will experience amplified, individually configured vortices of realisation. These vortices bring outdated paradigms into consciousness, often during meditation and/or sleep.
Ashtar reminds us "would like to remind you the battle is not yours give it all to the Creator and watch as magic and miracles take place stand firm my beloved brothers and sisters in the knowledge that you are held in the boundless love of the Creator uproot all shallow roots and plant yourselves firmly in the Truth for nothing less will sustain you in these times of great change I Am With You"
Super cool. It isn't our battle. Just have fun, ignore all the trouble around; it hasn't even started yet. Yikes.
It's time for bad people to get caught and good people to be rewarded. It was never our fault and we paid the price. And i am having the time of my life. Truly. Tonight 's gonna be hot!
So its about going after the establishment. We are going to vote out all those elitists and their "old" establishment, and instead put in a whole lot of "Trumps" around the world... Well, it sounds good to me.
This is proof Germany is COLLAPSING in real time!
Go Alternative parties. Let's get rid of these elites (or body doubles/clones) who are playing this game. We know it is a game. (Sigh) A GAME.
Higher Manifestation: Let it be Gaiaportal from 2019-2-15
Scurrilous energies dissipate as Cosmics infuse. Territorials are abandoned. Levitations commence on grand scale. Fortunes are collected and shared. Maters are seen in the Telepathics.
Some really fucking shitty feelings coming through the aether lately. Reminiscent feelings sullied with pain from beautiful times where others and myself found a home amongst each other from the darkness. I can feel the people from those times thinking of me and the great moments we shared— I feel their pain, their yearning for more of that wholesomeness. Capitalism separated all of us. Lies from the system stopped us from keeping in touch. Something as simple as watching Pokemon with my daughter is now painful, seeing something that exalts family and friendship that I deeply resonated with, and seeing what a different direction the world went in is horrible. We need the Event now. I’m so tired of saying it. Can we at least get a better explanation than, “war takes time?” Maybe there are still lessons humanity needs to learn? Maybe certain political pieces need to fall into place in order to carry out Full Disclosure appropriately? Anything to help cope with this muck. Fuck the USA presidential debate, it’s all a pack of lies and I’m tired of pretending this shit is real for the rest of society.
So this is how they lie to the world. I was watching the Trump/Harris discussion and it is full of BALD FACE LIES. I only watched 45mins... before I couldn't watch more. What a liar Harris is, stupid lizard.
Now I'm watching Redacted on Rumble, it looks like the entire show is fascinating. First story on human trafficking... omg they are stealing all the work from good officers... That's what these reptiles do when they are about to go down... just go on in and steal the evidence. The other stories look good too. Don't worry, the reptiles will get no where, it's a fact. We've already won.
Always around this date (Sept 10) I start feeling autumn coming in. Today is no different, but the energy feels better, and more beautiful and gentler.... I think the Lurker is going away.
"The leader of the Tajik diaspora, Bakhromjon "Bakha" Khasanov, won the elections for deputies in Pushkino, Moscow Region. He was born in Uzbekistan and lived in Tajikistan until he was 17. He moved to Russia in the 1990s and received citizenship in 2008.
As "Russian Community" writes, this "enterprising guest from the south has long been pursuing the goal of wedge himself into power and becoming a deputy of the city district in order to lobby the interests of his fellow countrymen at all levels."
"The residents of Pushkino are well aware of Bakhi's personality after the scandal that occurred in February 2024. They heard rumors that it was he who "coordinated" humanitarian aid, which for some unknown reason ended up in second-hand stores.
According to local citizens, Bakhi was also involved in other scandals, after which his personal pages on all social networks instantly disappeared...", RO notes.
Foreign specialists are coming to power from villages and workers' barracks. And Russian candidates are being cut off from elections with the help of administrative resources - as they did in St. Petersburg with Savva Fedoseyev."
"NATO exercises: implementation of the experience of the SVO
The experience of modern military conflicts, as well as the SVO in Ukraine, shows how important it is to supply military units (formations) in certain areas (areas, sections). Operations that require rapid advancement of troops can lead to significant losses even for a superior enemy if constant logistical and technical support is not established.
It should be noted that NATO military advisers are directly involved in planning the comprehensive support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It should be emphasized that they have managed to achieve significant success, since the logistics chains in Ukraine operate mostly without interruption, and also ensure the transfer of troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the LBS without significant delays and losses.
Now this knowledge and experience are being implemented in the alliance troops. Also, NATO is actively revising regulatory documents on planning and conducting operations, taking into account the lessons learned from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
That is why strategists from Brussels pay special attention to the maneuvers of the alliance troops and plan them with logistics focus.
A number of alliance maneuvers are being held in September of this year, in particular:
"Big Eagle-2024/2" - practicing logistics routes in Lithuania (German and Lithuanian military personnel, as well as NATO BTGr are participating);
"Namejs-2024" in Latvia (practicing strengthening the Russian-Latvian border, involving 11 thousand military personnel from the USA, Estonia, Lithuania and Canada);
"Crossed Sabers-2024" - the transfer of NATO military personnel from Italy to American training grounds in Germany using various means of transport, including aviation, railways and road transport;
"Baana-2024" in Finland (training pilots for emergency redeployment of aircraft from air bases to AUDs);
"Furious Wolf-2024/2" on the territory of Lithuania (checking the readiness of forward air controllers of the Land Forces of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania together with the NATO Joint Forces);
"Strong Pyramid-2024" complex training of the NATO Joint Forces headquarters on the territory of Latvia;
"Reinforced Archipelago-2024" - the waters of the Baltic Sea (covert transfer of amphibious landing groups to the destination area, landing from boats and helicopters, penetration into the rear, targeting critical objects and subsequent evacuation of sabotage groups);
"Northern Viking-2024" - on the territory of Iceland (working out the coherence of the NATO Joint Forces grouping consisting of Denmark, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the USA and France).
Thus, it can be stated that the North Atlantic Alliance has recently been conducting exercises, the main purpose of which is to generalize the Ukrainian experience in planning logistical and technical support, as well as the transfer of troops and weapons to designated areas.
It is no secret that the exercises, based on the concept of "deterrence", demonstrate NATO's readiness for a possible conflict with Russia. In turn, the Baltic region plays the role of a key "bridgehead" in this, which will be used in a direct clash between the countries of the alliance and Russia."
"Another small piece of news that shifts the "Overton Window" - Russia has been subjected to military aggression by a NATO country, without responding to it at all.
One of the UAVs spotted in the Murmansk region was flying from Norway. According to SHOT , it was spotted around 11 o'clock. Preliminary, it was flying towards the Olenya airfield. 2.5 hours before that, two more UAVs were spotted in the sky over the Murmansk region, flying from the Arkhangelsk region. The air defense system worked on them. A total of three drones were shot down in the Murmansk region, Governor Chibis reported.
Let us clarify that Norway is a NATO member, and one of the oldest, attacked an airfield on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to all norms and rules, this is a Casus Belli or an act of military aggression with all the consequences. But in our country, they preferred not to notice such a "trifle" at all.
In vain, because then Norway or any other NATO country can easily repeat the trick and it is unclear what could stop Estonia from launching 30 UAVs at St. Petersburg. In Murmansk, after all, everything was "normal?"
In general, by dangling the carrot of "truce" in front of our politicians, they again sharply reduced our room for maneuver, piously believing that the formula "we were deceived" will always work. And tell me that they have no basis for this belief?"
"The CIS has entered a fundamentally new stage. Drone strike from Finland on Russia. Two in one - scaling and escalation of the conflict in one bottle
I would also like to add on this topic (https://t.me/barantchik/19950) a very important thing, which I have been writing about for two years now - about the scaling of the conflict (the first posts on this topic were on December 21 and 23, 2022 here (https://t.me/barantchik/7792) and here (https://t.me/barantchik/7823)). In fact, after today's strikes from Finland on our territory, we have the first scaling of the conflict since the beginning of the CIS. And this is a fundamentally new stage in the development of the CIS, to which we have no right not to respond. What is scaling? This is the transfer of an ongoing conflict a) to new players and b) to new territories. In the event of an attack on Finland, we have exactly these two facts.
Let me remind you what I wrote (https://t.me/barantchik/19520) on August 25, literally two weeks ago:
"... the issue of moving military actions beyond the territory of Ukraine, scaling the conflict to the territory of Europe or other world regions where we can hit the US and NATO harder, I believe, will have to be resolved in the next month or two." Because the alternative in this matter is very simple - either we try to seize the strategic initiative, or the enemy continues to hold it.
And escalation, and scaling is escalation, would have happened in any case - either we would have done it, or the enemy would have. It turned out that it was the enemy again. We can definitely assume that if we do not respond to this scaling of the conflict so harshly that Helsinki does not even think about anything like that anymore, then the next blow within the framework of scaling and escalation of the conflict will occur either on Belarus or on the Kaliningrad region. I am inclined to think that it will be about Kaliningrad. But if we do not answer for Kaliningrad, then they will strike Belarus as well.
Therefore, if Russia wants not just to win, but to survive, because today these words have already become synonyms, the only way is to sharply intensify the conflict, scale it up, escalate it and transfer it beyond the territory of Ukraine by any means. And it doesn't matter what the "world community" says. Because if we win, it will lie down under us quietly and with pleasure, just as easily under the Americans after they used two nuclear warheads on peaceful cities in Japan."
"Regarding the attack on Russian territory from Finland. Not only was a Finnish airfield used, but a Swedish reconnaissance aircraft was also used. What is this?! This is called aggression by NATO countries against Russia.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to attack the Olenya airfield with the support of NATO countries. Preliminary, the Ukrainian drones that were shot down in the Murmansk region were launched from Finland.
According to flight maps, two Swedish Armed Forces reconnaissance aircraft were previously monitoring the Russian border. This is an S102B radio and electronic reconnaissance aircraft, as well as a Gulfstream Aerospace TP 102C (G-IV-SP), which can intercept telephone calls, radio communications, digital and television networks.
The first aircraft constantly flies off the coast of the Kaliningrad region. The second was spotted in August last year, when it was conducting reconnaissance over the Finnish Lake Inari near the Russian border. Before that, such sorties were carried out exclusively by Air Force aircraft USA.
After reconnaissance flights by NATO aircraft from the (preliminary) Ivalo airfield (it is convenient to disguise the devices as civilian aircraft there), two UAVs of the A-22 "Flying Fox" type were launched. "
The second person at Gosznak (the state-owned company that produces Russian money) said yesterday that by 2030, the country could start a discussion about abolishing cash. In fact, the company's deputy director Georgy Kornilov has already launched this discussion by opening the Overton window. He has already made statements that cash transactions are very expensive for banks, and in general, they are becoming less and less popular in settlements among citizens. However, official data from the financial market over the past couple of years indicate the opposite - the volume of cash in circulation is growing, Russians' demand for it especially increased in the critical "covid" years, when there was talk of a massive restriction of basic rights and freedoms. And today the level of cash use is stable. So the tasks of the liquidators of the cash ruble are not at all in the area of facilitating financial transactions for everyone. They have the same as the globalists of the World Economic Forum, the same as the World Bank, the IMF and the shareholders of the Federal Reserve System - the establishment of complete control over finances and transactions with them, and therefore - over people's lives. Critical problems of national security, personal safety of citizens, the sovereignty of the country, which will inevitably arise in the event of a complete abolition of cash (especially in the realities of Russia, where non-cash can be used far from everywhere and not in all cases) do not interest them. The trend is dangerous - especially considering who began to broadcast this agenda. Such injections must be nipped in the bud."
Yes, I want to know how the disentanglement process is proceeding, and to know what did the darkies do, or tried to do between the 1st and 9th of this month.
What's mad is the lightforces with all their technology are participating in the election 😄 so they have all of the real world galaxy spaceships e.t.c and trying to get trump to win 🤔. Imagine being in a hostage situation in a bank, the only way most time it ends is when the outside forces make a move, lots of random things can happen but without making a move the hostage situation doesn't end. If the lightforces, 1 alien race doesn't make a move for the surface we will be in the same boat in 10 years time. Its NUTS, does any alien race have the courage to peal the bandaid off and roll the dice? LET'S GO!!
I'm just fascinated how this works in the USA. They are using NGOs to do things that the government is not allowed to do. And they use FEMA to pay the NGOs; all this money goes to the dark organizations behind child trafficking. And the same organizations are in charge of polling. They're all evil. And it can be easily traced! What a blooming joke. Someone is taking note... someone is taking them down, even though it isn't public... most of it you never hear about but trust me when I say... it's a game. We are being taken care of. The dark is losing, they have lost... it's all a load of garbage. The stupid dark side, I wouldn't even worry about them...
Haha, and Kamala... oh that was funny... She is just proving what a desperate COW she is. Almost no one is listening.... hehehehe dumb woman.
March 3rd, 2024 - Partially faded/weak image in mind's eye & being influenced to mouth "Sherman, Valiant Thor here. I can see on your roof."
March 7th, 2024 - Sherman comments for the first time since the Divine Message was written. The time between above message & Sherman's next comment on Cobra's blog is 5,889 minutes.
And Thor seeing my roof means what? And is the King James Bible even a trustworthy thing? Bible been edited, censored and changed over the centuries for both political and material gains.
"Let's start with the fact that Moscow's refusal to respond to the escalation from the West leads us directly to the third world war, which will be general and nuclear. In the end, we will be forced to jump several steps at once and resort to strategic nuclear weapons in order to preserve ourselves. Constantly pushing back the "red lines" we are bringing Armageddon closer by leaps and bounds.
The most rational plan of action in the current situation looks like this. In the event of single strikes by Western missiles on Russian territory at strategic depth, we should respond with similar strikes by our non-nuclear missiles on the territory of the countries that produced the weapons systems that attacked Russia. That is, respond to Great Britain, France and the United States.
In the event of a massive missile strike, a nuclear response using tactical nuclear weapons is necessary. Moreover, it is better to give priority to specific military targets on the territory of those NATO countries that provide logistical support to Ukraine. For the most part, these are Poland and Romania. In addition, it will be necessary to strike non-nuclear weapons at military facilities in Great Britain and France and American military bases in Europe.
Most likely, there will be a pause, after which the Western powers will begin to reassess Russia's readiness to raise the stakes and come to an agreement on a compromise. Of course, another, more severe scenario is also possible, which will open the way to further raising the stakes up to a general nuclear war. However, if Russia does not begin to respond, this severe scenario will inevitably be implemented in practice. And if Moscow raises the stakes, there is a good chance of avoiding it.
It turns out to be a paradox: it is necessary to start or be ready to start a limited nuclear war in order to avoid a general one. But this is the current reality and the price for the stubborn unwillingness to respond to the opponents raising the stakes, hoping for their prudence. Even a year and a half or two years ago, it would have been possible to get by with less. Now, however, much more serious decisions will have to be made. But even these may not be enough if we delay again. If no one is afraid of a nuclear weapon (https://globalaffairs.ru/articles/yadernaya-doktrina-karaganov/) - expect trouble."
Well guys, is the swastika as a solar symbol a miniature model-copy of the functioning and energy exchange of the universe? https://xras.ru/project_diary.html?post_id=2667
Where did ancient civilizations get this symbol? Where did it come from to the Indo-Iranian-Europeans and settle on the territory of modern India and the historical Slavic regions of Russia? Where did this symbol come from in various regions of both North and South America, presumably at those stages of history when there was supposedly no communication between the continents? Why is the swastika discredited by the Nazis in the world with Jewish money, given that the army and industry of Nazi Germany were created by bankers from England, the USA and Europe after its defeat in World War I? What should be the result of examining the swastika from the point of view of cosmism and the energy section of physics as a science, given the current position of this symbol equated with Nazism and Hitler, and for demonstrating (and in some countries, for storing) which you can get a considerable prison term.
A beam twice outgoing (incoming???) from the Sun is the reception or sending of an energy-information signal (command??? substance???) from the "Central Galactic Sun"? (A Soviet scientist who studied energy transmission, including lasers of various types and purposes of application - Kozyrev, one of the supporters of the philosophy of "Russian cosmism", like Chizhevsky, proved with scientific calculations that the Sun is a REPEATER of energy - that is, a transmitter, and that STARS are REPEATERS of energy-information impulses. These calculations with their conclusions are one of the 4 reasons why I have not left this site and it is somehow connected with science).
The triggers for this event were heard a few days before the post under which I am writing and I decided to "tactfully" keep silent, because some people (not realizing the role and position of Durov as a more or less symbol of "freedom of speech" in one form or another) experiencing increased excitability developed neurological seizures (some turning into hysteria and anger, but I, let me remind you, don't care), but now the question has openly arisen: what next?
I think the author of the blog should voice the fork of events for the next 6-9 months, because July 2025 is the start (middle?) of the Solar cycle and the starting point of social instability on a planetary scale (conditionally, the Source in the form of a Wi-Fi receiver will reflash the brains of the planet's population using the Sun as an increase in the range of the network coverage for the outlet).
I would like to understand what to expect and save / redistribute resources. The list of those whom I recommend for military and political support has been voiced by me on the pages of this blog over the past year and a half, I am sure the author will be able to find it through the admin search on the blog. Regarding scientists, sociologists and others - I would like to receive confirmation of your promises, since certain risks remain - the list has not yet been written, but I have a rough plan in my head, it can be written in an hour or two. In the case of a landing, I would like to receive preliminary public recommendations on what should be available for the first time while the financial and banking system is covered and it will be impossible to use cards and ATMs (2-3 countries of the world will experience a risky load during this period, unfortunately I believe that Russia may face the same difficulties), several years ago I read something about a supply of food and water for the first time, I would like clarification and confirmation/denial.
I can say that on the 8th-9th (during the second energy impulse of the Sun in the form of a ray, https://xras.ru/project_diary.html?post_id=2663) I experienced an unprecedented feeling of peace, like in childhood, when there were no worries. I immediately thought that you began to succeed as planned, even the clouds in the last 3 days have been strangely flowing across the sky, spreading in different directions like water - the whole family is surprised.
I'm getting VERY attacked today for some reason and all that's running through my head in a constant loop is my efforts and presence on this planet isn't making one bit of difference... all my efforts are falling on deaf ears and pointless and I don't want to be here doing this anymore. Why are we subject to everyone else having to wake up before we can leave and get the help and healing we so desperately need? I don't want to do this anymore because this place is all about favoritism... even on this blog it seems. We ALL participate in meditations, petitions, so on and so forth, but only a few on here get pats on the back while the rest of us are struggling just to make the bills and participating when we can. Like I said in the beginning, I believe the Lurker is attacking and pressing down on my weaknesses today for some reason and I'm sorry for my attitude in this moment... but it does bother me that I have just as much to give and offer as the next Lightworker, but it seems that even Lightworkers who should be seen and treated equally are getting special treatment and favoritism in all these platforms and just makes me want to throw in the towel and say screw it. It's unbelievable that even in this movement of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds... some are favored over others. It's VERY disheartening.... Anyway. I hope I snap out of this soon, but needed to get this off my chest. Love and Light... Troy
@144K : ancora una volta hai espresso dei pensieri che capisco bene. Provo spesso anch'io questa sensazione sconfortante. È la tipica sensazione che si prova quando ci si sente sull'orlo del precipizio. Ma il nostro potere è dato dalla nostra consapevolezza. Si, perché sappiamo il motivo per cui siamo su questo blog, conosciamo bene il nostro scopo. Non c'è motivo di soffrire la sofferenza è inutile e dannosa ma probabilmente è un effetto collaterale che ci porteremo dietro fino alla fine della missione. Questo tuo lamento è più che legittimo, è il tuo tubo di scarico. Ed il fatto che tu sia in questo stato in questo momento da il senso al grande lavoro di pulizia energetica che stiamo affrontando. Butta fuori , è nei tuoi diritti. Ciò che stiamo facendo è di una portata immensa ed è facile che sia la prima volta che viene fatto con questi criteri e modalità. Oggi sono andato davanti ad una chiesa dedicata a San Giorgio, ho visto le solite montagne però mi sembravano diverse. L'energia è potente ora e non credo di sbagliare se dico che da ottobre partirà un nuovo ciclo, ancora più incisivo. Inoltre il 2025 è un grande marcatore perché è ricco di cambiamenti astronomici per cui è quasi impossibile che non ci sarà l'Evento in quell'anno. Continua a portare sul blog ciò di cui sei più capace. Hai ancora molto da offrire se vuoi. Un abbraccio, restiamo sintonizzati 🌲🛸🌲
Brazil is literally burning. The sky cannot be seen anymore, the sun is red and nothing can be known about those fires being purged. Nice way of seeing improvements on our situation....
Cobra has kindly authorized me to tell you about my new short novel (PDF format) “Blue Dawn: The Return of the Light”. This ebook, based on Cobra's information and yet a little fictionalized, is a form of gentle disclosure aimed at the general public, but you'll also appreciate it as Lightworkers, as it touches on many of the subjects developed in this blog. Here's the summary: Immersed in troubling dreams and prophetic visions, Elisabeth finds herself on the cusp of a cosmic mission. A member of the “Sorority”, she has dedicated her life to anchoring the energies of the Goddess on Earth. Yet her true destiny is revealed when she comes into contact with the Pleiadians, beings of ancient wisdom and advanced technology. Guided by urgent messages and unexpected alliances, Elisabeth discovers the existence of the Matrix, an invisible prison that keeps humanity under the yoke of dark forces. With the help of the Pleiadians, Aldebarans and Lightworkers, she embarks on a perilous quest to free the planet from this evil grip. Along the way, Elisabeth faces intense spiritual battles, shocking revelations and fierce resistance. The dark forces, aware of their vulnerability, unleash ruthless attacks to preserve their control. However, light and truth cannot be contained indefinitely. As the energies of the Goddess and the forces of Light converge, a worldwide meditation orchestrated by the “Sorority” triggers an unprecedented awakening. Humanity begins to realize the manipulations and lies that have shaped their reality. The Earth's surface is compressed by luminous forces, leading to a spectacular breakthrough. The climax, known as The Event, sees the downfall of the Cabal, humanity's traitors who pledged allegiance to the dark forces. The truth is revealed, and a new golden age begins, marked by a profound reconnection with Source.” “The PDF is available on : animots. cmonsite.fr ... in English and French versions.
Cobra m'a gentiment autorisée à vous parler de mon nouveau roman court (format PDF) "L'Aube bleue: le retour de la Lumière". Cet ebook basé sur les infos de Cobra et cependant un peu romancé est une forme de divulgation douce destinée au grand public mais vous l'apprécierez aussi en tant que travailleurs de la Lumière car il aborde beaucoup de sujets développés dans ce blog. En voici le résumé : Plongée dans des rêves troublants et des visions prophétiques, Élisabeth se retrouve à l'aube d'une mission cosmique. Membre de la "Sororité" , elle a consacré sa vie à ancrer les énergies de la Déesse sur Terre. Pourtant, sa véritable destinée se révèle lorsqu'elle entre en contact avec les Pleiadiens, des êtres d'une sagesse ancienne et d'une technologie avancée. Guidée par des messages urgents et des alliances inattendues, Élisabeth découvre l'existence de la Matrice, une prison invisible qui maintient l'humanité sous le joug des forces de l'ombre. Avec l'aide des Pleiadiens, des Aldébaraniens et des travailleurs de la Lumière, elle entreprend une quête périlleuse pour libérer la planète de cette emprise maléfique. Au fil de son périple, Élisabeth doit affronter des batailles spirituelles intenses, des révélations bouleversantes et une résistance acharnée. Les forces obscures, conscientes de leur vulnérabilité, déchaînent des attaques impitoyables pour préserver leur contrôle. Cependant, la lumière et la vérité ne peuvent être contenues indéfiniment. Alors que les énergies de la Déesse et les forces de la Lumière convergent, une méditation mondiale orchestrée par la "Sororité" déclenche un éveil sans précédent. L'Humanité commence à prendre conscience des manipulations et des mensonges qui ont façonné leur réalité. La surface de la Terre est comprimée par les forces lumineuses, entraînant une percée spectaculaire. Le point culminant, connu sous le nom de l'Événement, voit la chute des membres de la Cabale, les traîtres de l'humanité qui faisaient allégeance aux forces obscures. La vérité est révélée, et un nouvel âge d'or s'amorce, marqué par une reconnexion profonde avec la Source. » " Le PDF est disponible sur animots. cmonsite.fr ... en version anglaise et en française.
All I wanted to do was come to this planet and help using my gifts, abilities, and talents. However, it seems that this place is based on popularity... it's one big popularity contest, even in the Light community. And another thing, some individuals in the Light community have gone out of their way to point out the failures, mistakes, and bad decisions of other Lightworkers and (key) Lightworkers... all I can say is you better humble yourself. You have NEVER walked in the shoes of any of your fellow Lightworkers and know nothing of their experiences and struggles that brought them to those supposed mistakes and bad decisions. Plus, if you're going to call them out on your platforms at least have the balls to name names instead of making the entire Light community feel like crap and blaming them for delays keeping The Event from happening for what a few did that was perceived as bad decisions. Not one person on this God forsaken planet is better than another... not one. Humble yourselves, and don't EVER point the finger at another... especially when we're ALL fighting the same fight and holding the Light to achieve the same goal... and you know who you are. I think we've all waited long enough and far beyond what we should've had to endure. We came here to help... not be taken advantage of or placated for years and years. End this stand off already to end this constant abuse, suffering, and death. Stop procrastinating aboard your cushy ships while the rest of us get abused and suffer every single day... physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We've done what was asked over and over for years now and have been subject to shaming, ridicule, and losing friends and loved ones because they see us as crazy. DON'T LEAVE US TWISTING IN THE WIND. We've asked for first contact, we signed a petition for direct physical intervention... where is it? I don't like being lied to, used, or placated. Let us KNOW what's going on... WE deserve that. WE shouldn't have to be subjected to the abuse and suffering because the rest of the world isn't awake and caught up to us. We deserve better than that... we did what you asked and expect the same in return. I'm sorry for coming off so harsh, as I said before I feel the Lurker is pushing my buttons today, but had to get some of this off my chest... a venting if you will. I'm still here and still holding the Light... but have so many unanswered questions and am tired of this place in its current state. I'm tired of seeing all of the lies, deception, abuse, and deaths on a daily bases. I'm just tired and in need of a break aboard the Motherships for a bit to unwind and detox from this toxic environment. I'm sure I'll feel better and more my optimistic self soon... but I swear to God that the Lurker has stepped up it's attacks on us, even with the protection protocols. But I'm still holding the line and holding the Light.
Our civilization has now reached a point where curing the serious problems facing our lives is impossible, using OLD THINKING. A small family/bloodline/reptilians/ET:s or an AI believes that it wants to become god or at least live as such. So, it invented MONEY a tool of total control and slavery. This gives individuals with very few emotions and devoid of any kind of conscience a highway to 'heaven' at the behest of everyone else.
How could we possibly cure the very dire situation most of us are now in, without resorting to WW3, nuclear exchanges or a dystopian world where a God king/dictator forces humanity into a life of hard work, being a play mate or forced to be a soldier who never questions an order?
Well, it's become clear that, for sure, managing to make lots of money can make 'strong' individuals have everything they need in life but the rest are still up to their necks in darkness.
Question: Would it be possible to live/survive in a society where money does NOT exist? I believe so. You see, individuals like Elon Musk etc. can accomplish quite a lot because they are gifted with a high IQ and creativity. However, it is my firm belief and experience when working with people that TEAMWORK can accomplish so much more, especially when many of us pull in the same direction.
Finally, everything that our society needs is already out there. Infrastructure, production, food, housing, sick and health care, education, energy and more. We have everything we need. The ONLY problem is the controllers. So, why not turn our backs on the banking families and start working together for the betterment of EVERYBODY and of course all other life forms here as well? Ideas anyone???
144K: completamente d'accordo. Hai chiarito molti aspetti che esistono qui sul blog. Sono molto d'accordo quando dici che molti operatori di Luce hanno messo da parte altri operatori di Luce. Tutti possiamo sbagliare , ma se ci rendiamo conto dell'errore dovremmo essere abbastanza umili da chiedere scusa, proprio come ho fatto io tempo fa. Eppure nulla è cambiato, per qualcuno sono marchiato a vita quanto pare. Ma non è un problema mio , è soltanto un problema di mancanza di umiltà e di incapacità a perdonare e questo è semplicemente un autogol per loro. Comunque possono scrivere ciò che gli pare , ho deciso già mesi fa che per non soffrire più non leggo più i loro commenti, ho diritto di stare al meglio che posso perché ogni attacco ricevuto qui sul blog è un'arma nera molto oscura nel mio campo di Luce personale, esattamente come succede nel mondo reale che già tutti i giorni dobbiamo sopportare. Questo blog è diventato un concorso per i primi della classe, con tanto di antagonismo e forme di protagonismo e competizione che invece dovremmo essere qui per combattere, dato che sono tra le forme comportamentali più odiose che esistono in questa società di merda. Un abbraccio a te 🌲🛸🌲
This is from Izabela, the psychic, doing a reading on Sept, Oct and a bit of Nov.
She sees the 4 horsemen traveling around the globe. It could just be symbolical. The she sees the sun will be behaving strangely; it could be shaking. She starts at 8 or 9mins. It starts in most countries, so worldwide, and it is some kind of cleansing rays, new rays sent to us. And also decontamination rays.
Kamala Harris is going to shrink, shrink, shrink until she is smaller than a smurf. Haha nice picture. So her popularity is going to shrink to nothing. lol Someone close to Trump will turn out to be a Devil. Before this man can damage Trump, he will be caught and exposed. lol.
The state of Israel will end soon. Yup, that's right, she's predicting the end of Israel, won't THAT be nice. Politically. It will become a united states of Middle East, all the countries will be joined and fused. Before it happens, there is still a lot of suffering going on, so we have to be patient.
People in VERY high position will be exposed globally. Well, yehaw!!!!! Horrible crimes have been committed to little ones and adults alike. The head office of this place (that is exposed) has tentacles everywhere around this globe. Blah. All of Europe want nothing to do with war with Russia. A lot of people who kill innocent for war will be liquidated. Aw, too bad! And it will be open news. And drop, drop, drop and then the whole bucket comes down.
And big storms for east coast of USA, better stay inside, it won't be natural.
Isn't there any galactic heavy metal? Certainly there has to be
ReplyDeleteYeah there is but rather only in some dark archontic realms 👻💯
I'm intending playing it in 5D. Metal doesn't have to be dark - King's X (a deeply Christian band), amongst others, showed that ☀️
DeleteYea I agree. Back in 2013 I wrote a melodic metal song about the alma portal
DeleteHeavy metal is more then low frequency . This chaotic noise affects your directly ( kind of 70 procent of you contains water ) so you creating havoc not only in your body but also in your energy field .the purpose of this is to sending invitation to the low frequent entities . by the way The so called Christianity is deeply archontic programing as well . Many of the so called Christians are smokers and like to drinking alkohol so you guys are falling ito the traps of the dark side deeper and deeper 🕸️🙈🙉💯
DeletePlus Christian Rock sounds sooooooo dorky.
DeleteYou can look for Heavy Metal covers of your favorite songs. Music isn't dark by nature, it's mankind that thinks music is dark or not.
DeleteOne of my favorite's is Deadstar Assembly's cover of "Send Me An Angel"
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteRight on jw.isnt it the energy inside and what we're putting into it what matters. I wrote it with positive intentions and it's beautiful in an atmospheric way.
DeleteThis is the music for the light Warriors not for Joke Workers with their lantern's ,blindet by their own light 🕯️ If you establish a resonance with this kind of tones you will feel this powerful uplifting vibrations at your whole body or even beyond . you will rise up in a similar way like this music is growing https://youtu.be/Ba0zndLKMrk?si=D2dRwAMaktk-mbFG
DeleteDon't think galactics have heavy metal. Maybe the dark forces, same with rap etc.
DeleteSaying the Light Forces don't have rap, clearly you've not been around that long.
Delete"Go Ninja Go Ninja Go!"
Man, the comments here are a little stupid "Maybe the dark forces, same with rap.". Highly likely never listened to a good rap, where the author try to tell you something if you pay attention to the lyrycs as a whole. And rap is not even my preffered genre, but even i can see that.
DeleteAs Degoth said "Right on jw.isnt it the energy inside and what we're putting into it what matters. I wrote it with positive intentions and it's beautiful in an atmospheric way."
Its the intention behind, not ghe "frequencies" or anything like that.
Think about what are you guys doing at the mass meditations? Channeling your intentions for a cause.
Its maybe you who are blinded by your one sided ligt
Symphony X's album V: The New Mythology Suite is what I'd like to think comes closest. It weaves together the law of one, Atlantis and Egypt. It's incredible from start to finish
DeleteKyoto Ascension Conference Day 1:
ReplyDeleteQ. There are 41 countries that wish to join BRICKs, is this a sign that the Eastern Union is getting stronger?
A. I will explain. The Dragon families have decided in few years ago, because the West will not agree the agreement that was made between them in last century, and because the western nations stole their Yamashita gold, they have decided to take the power away from the West. They are the Eastern Aliance. There were certain Black Dragon and GREEN DRAGON families from Kyoto(CHINA OR TIBETE TO?) involved in those groups. They are trying to make the gold-backed currency to reach the bankrupt western banks. There was a certain announcement from Bricks just yesterday about the gold backed currency in August this year. Western countries try to trigger another world war before that happens. Light forces do whatever possible to maintain peace this time. There was a plan to blow up the Persian nuclear plant but that was avoided and nuclear war was prevented. So, the light forces are doing whatever possible to maintain peace in this critical period. Unfortunately, final agreement between light forces and dragon families can not be reached because dragon family itself is not aligned to the plan. But the situation will be solved one way or another.
Dragon Activation:
They greatly influence the Black nobility families through the negative Order of the GREEN DRAGONS:
'Both of those networks are under the control of the Pallavicini family, which also controls the BRICS alliance though their secret connections in ISRAEL.
Solar System Status Update
They have infiltrated the Central Bank of Brazil:
(Ilan Goldfajn (born 12 March 1966) is a Brazilian-ISRAELI economist, former governor of the Central Bank of Brazil and former director of the International Monetary Fund's Western Hemisphere Department. In December 2022, he became president of the Inter-American Development Bank.)
And they still have a great deal of control over most central banks on the planet, including in Russia:
At this moment, the surface of the planet is still 85% under the control of the dark forces, and the Jesuit plan to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance was quite successful. All BRICS countries (except Russia to a degree) have been infiltrated by Jesuit agents in the last 5 years, and the BRICS today is not the same BRICS as when Lula was the president of Brazil:
Delete<3 <3 <3 merci Cobra, merci les FL, VOTL Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa
ReplyDeleteLuce cosmica...fa pensare a settimana scorsa quando ho percepito una forte energia proveniente dal Sole. Potrebbe trattarsi del Cosmo che proietta energie che il nostro Sole riceve e che a sua volta emana più intensamente. Chissà forse le Sfere di protezione Dyson sono state tolte in una buona percentuale ed ora il flusso energetico è più libero. Mi chiedo se fosse così , probabilmente le nostre cellule ricevendo più Luce potrebbero trarne beneficio. Evidentemente l'eliminazione graduale del Lurker , insieme all'effusione sempre più intensa di Luce è una combinazione che può favorire un processo di risveglio sempre più veloce ed un maggiore benessere psico fisico.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a wonderful combination to me... disintegration of the Lurker while simultaneously expanding the Light to fill in the places within ourselves that the Lurker once occupied. This is in essence what is happening to humanity at this very moment, until the Lurker is no more. I'm definitely FEELING and SEEING the change around me and within me.
DeleteKeep holding your Light everyone... WE GOT THIS!
144K : 🙂👋🌲🛸🌲
DeleteI take it we're in celebration mode at this moment... must've made a breakthrough!! Thank you COBRA for the uplifting music! Thank you Sananda, Saint Germain, Ashtar and Semjase, all of the Light Forces as well as the Resistance Movement, Alderbarons, Agarthans, and White Hats! Keep pushing forward to The Event... to Victory of the Light!😎👍
DeleteV slovenščini: https://zmagaluci.blogspot.com/2024/09/kozmicna-svetloba.html
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Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:
Thank you for the post Cobra.
Victory of the Light!
When LFs take me leave?I can't hold on anymore.
ReplyDeleteThen let go. Your plea for help will go unheard because it is self-defeating. If you want to become part of the LF then you have to do the inner work and fortify your resistance to failure. Why do you think so few people get to "ascend"? It's no cake walk, and there are zero handouts. No shortcuts. No free passes. Period. Sorry to sound crass, but some people need to get tougher skin and learn to get up and brush off disappointment. Too much desire and not enough internal effort with expectations of grandeur will always fail. We need headstrong, spiritual warriors with minds of diamond. Not beggars and defeatists. This is an imperative notion to understand. Research the "pain-body" and how we become addicted to it. Very insightful and necessary knowledge and wisdom for a great many.
DeleteBlah, blah, blah, karma.....
Galactic Codex states happiness and help is guaranteed, Sergent.
@Sherman Okay. Fair. But what if it's not? (Not taking a dig at the LF's or RM or anything, please don't censor this comment) I'm just saying me/you/we could be basing an entire life outcome basically on an assumption read online by a source that cannot be "verified"? (I have read the Galactic Codex, loved how it is worded and laid out, and I really, truly want to believe it is real and true. I am simply taking a Neutral approach to accepting its validity for now until more than Faith is a proponent). Not to say whatever is stated in this blog isn't true or that nothing is happening, I obviously can't verify anything either. But what if 40, 50, 70 more years go by and nothing still happens? I don't want to wait X more years just like anyone else. But I'm not gonna be on my deathbed waiting with bated breath as the final gasp of air leaves my lungs still waiting to be saved. I would at least maybe think of a potential Plan B just in case (m)(y)our opinion is wrong. Couldn't hurt right? "An ounce of prevention (or preparation) is worth a pound of cure".
Delete@Sherman Gotcha. So why gripe then if you know you will be saved? Just for fun? Can't help yourself?
Delete@Sherman but what he said is true regardless? Only the type of people he describe will ascend(as the first ones), and they are the ones a lot of people look up too.
Delete"Galactic Codex states happiness and help is guaranteed, Sergent."
Thats true, but as you probably noticed nothing is instantenious, same with the Liberation of earth, so you have 2 options
1. Wait for the liberation, but you need to "toughten up" if you want to lesser your sufferimg while waiting
2. You can leave this world behind(and everyone else) with the you know what method.
Yes, the light forces are already here, so you will be in safe hands, but its hard to let go of your attachments here, if you have any
DeleteIF I'm left to die on this world....IF it's 'business as usual' here in 20 or 30 years...I shall let what one would call my 'dark side', which we all have, come out to party. Meaning to hell with being kind to others, helping others....believe me I TRIED so HARD to help others...only for them to LAUGH at me, call me names, call me crazy, some even saying I outta go home and die....I'll wash my hands of that totally be be out for "A NUMBER 1", aka MYSELF.
"So why gripe then if you know you will be saved? Just for fun? Can't help yourself?" God damn it, you think I have not TRIED? IF I was capable, I'd have gotten my proper body by now, I'd be FIGHTING the darkies, head on, by now. I'd have the cabal's heads on pikes for all to see, I'd be have dead archons laying at my feet. But when one is a genetically raped monkey, one can't do much....no matter how much one 'goes within'.
And considering I have not taken a gun to school and blew away all the bullies, and the coward teachers who protected the bullies....considering I have no become a modern day Unabomber.......considering I have not become the next Vlad Dracula (my family even came from Transylvania)...you don't think I'm 'toughened up'. You have no clue.
I'm quoting 144K here.
DeleteOne Of 144KSeptember 12, 2024 at 10:42 AM
All I wanted to do was come to this planet and help using my gifts, abilities, and talents. However, it seems that this place is based on popularity... it's one big popularity contest, even in the Light community. And another thing, some individuals in the Light community have gone out of their way to point out the failures, mistakes, and bad decisions of other Lightworkers and (key) Lightworkers... all I can say is you better humble yourself. You have NEVER walked in the shoes of any of your fellow Lightworkers and know nothing of their experiences and struggles that brought them to those supposed mistakes and bad decisions. Plus, if you're going to call them out on your platforms at least have the balls to name names instead of making the entire Light community feel like crap and blaming them for delays keeping The Event from happening for what a few did that was perceived as bad decisions. Not one person on this God forsaken planet is better than another... not one. Humble yourselves, and don't EVER point the finger at another... especially when we're ALL fighting the same fight and holding the Light to achieve the same goal... and you know who you are. I think we've all waited long enough and far beyond what we should've had to endure. We came here to help... not be taken advantage of or placated for years and years. End this stand off already to end this constant abuse, suffering, and death. Stop procrastinating aboard your cushy ships while the rest of us get abused and suffer every single day... physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We've done what was asked over and over for years now and have been subject to shaming, ridicule, and losing friends and loved ones because they see us as crazy.
DON'T LEAVE US TWISTING IN THE WIND. We've asked for first contact, we signed a petition for direct physical intervention... where is it? I don't like being lied to, used, or placated. Let us KNOW what's going on... WE deserve that. WE shouldn't have to be subjected to the abuse and suffering because the rest of the world isn't awake and caught up to us. We deserve better than that... we did what you asked and expect the same in return.
I'm sorry for coming off so harsh, as I said before I feel the Lurker is pushing my buttons today, but had to get some of this off my chest... a venting if you will.
I'm still here and still holding the Light... but have so many unanswered questions and am tired of this place in its current state. I'm tired of seeing all of the lies, deception, abuse, and deaths on a daily bases. I'm just tired and in need of a break aboard the Motherships for a bit to unwind and detox from this toxic environment. I'm sure I'll feel better and more my optimistic self soon... but I swear to God that the Lurker has stepped up it's attacks on us, even with the protection protocols. But I'm still holding the line and holding the Light.
Love and Light... Troy " <----Bingo. Right now, I feel like I'm just some 'expendable asset' to the light forces. THEY get to be safer in their ships, have all they need at the fingers tips with tech. What do WE got? Ever dwindling resources, cowardly attacks from the darkies, everyone around us thinking we're fucking lunatics, and some of us don't have some other warm body to embrace us in the cold darkness of this rotten gulag of a world...not to mention not even a weapon to fight back with.
And you're telling me I need to toughen up even MORE?
So, what happens in 10 years......happy ending with myself in an alien woman's body, finding my alien wife/girl friend, getting to actually set foot on my real home world.......or am I an older version of Charlie Brown in the flesh, just with higher suicidal tendencies, and possibly taking out my rage upon the entire world?
*slams large hour glass on the table* Let's see what happens, eh?
That song Cosmic Light put me in a good mood :)
ReplyDeleteGo Cobra and the Light Forces!
Victory of the Light!
Cosmic lies
ReplyDeleteI advise you to go to therapy, why comment on this and frequent the blog 'if not you don't believe or are aligned with the message?', you need therapy you have serious problems apparently... thank you very much to all those who don't like it or not Believe me, come here and always comment nonsense, improve the website's plumbing 😅😘🤩
DeleteThere's always got to be one or two flies in the ointment. I don't believe they're here to inspire and uplift, but rather sow doubt and detract from the momentum. What's important is that the Light Forces and Resistance Movement KNOW who each of us are... our hearts and intentions, as WE KNOW OURSELVES. That's all that matters. 💯
DeleteI don't have money for therapy, but soon all will need including you, when we passing the window for the event in a bit more than half year in july. And I don't know about you but the constantly open window sounds like an excuse for me... And not sure how others see, but not much verifiable progress made in this last 10 years since I'm following this blog. And not so many sign for an upcoming event. Actually 10 years ago we lived in a much more positive world least had no wars in scale like today. When I'm coming with much more meaningful comments somehow it not published. But when do we going to do reality check that oir believes align with what we see? When we can say okay seems like the event won't happening since no sign showing to us it will? After countless hours of meditating, buying silver, planting cintamani, I dont even know how many activities I've joined in this 10 years, for no results....
DeleteN'Golo, it's obvious by your choice of words you do not carry or radiate love for other self as dutifully as you think you are. Might I suggest treating others as you would like to be treated. "Look in the mirror, see God. Look at another self, see God. We are one."
Deletejw301330, it's obvious by your choice of words you do not carry or radiate love for other self as dutifully as you think you are. Might I suggest treating others as you would like to be treated. "Look in the mirror, see God. Look at another self, see God. We are one."
DeleteTruth seeker. You are right, brother. You are not sick. Sick are those who send you to any therapy provided by people who know nothing about our work. I do nothing any longer. It is round and round the same. All the gurus keep channeling the same information and want us be alone and work day and nite. We are poor but they are rich and want to be rich so they keep bombarding us with the same stuff. The only difference is that the circles we live in are faster and faster. When we reach the top of the spiral, something will happen. To be honest with you, I do not care what, because life here on this planet has always been desperate. Our leaders speak about the punishment of all the old rulers but they admire Trump as our savior - the guy pushing up masks, vaccines, and now embracing and treating to dinner the world sentenced criminal Satan Yahu in his home. Murderers and their friends are not my friends. People are desperate and forgive what they wanted a year ago.
DeleteI completely understand the frustration you're feeling... I can say that each one of us goes through this ourselves to different degrees. However, that doesn't mean NOTHING is happening behind the scenes... it's NOT a cosmic lie, but rather a matter of safety for us and humanity. There are two main aspects to achieve our end goal which is The Event. The first is that much of the Intel CAN'T be shared until certain progress is made because you know the Cabal follows this blog just like the rest of us. And secondly and most importantly, The Event can only happen when it's most optimal for the least amount of chaos and casualties. This is the way I understand it... hence why the delays. They're not going down easy without a fight... they KNOW it's checkmate but trying to delay giving up their power and facing accountability. This can be a very frustrating process, especially not knowing ALL the details, victories and loses. But, that's precisely what makes the Lightworkers special and separates us from the average person... is our resilience in our faith and optimism, no mater the obstacles and challenges. This IS why WE are Lightworkers... holding The Light is immovable faith. Please, hang in there... we're close and the feeling in the air is undeniable that our victory is a certainty. The Event, in my opinion mind you, will comence not to long after the United States election of Donald Trump. And remember, it's not about Trump, it's about the movement behind what he stands for... it's momentum is unstoppable and will run over this deepstate Cabal. Trust the process... victory is in sight!
Love and Light... Troy
TruthSeeker, my finding, for what it's worth: It's ok to go there. Just don't stay there.
DeleteI've been in the same place before, but I realized that I needed to do the best I could, and not get caught up in the rest. Maybe do something fun. Read Transurfing, or something that resonates. Life can still be worthwhile.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to be rude, with all due respect, forgive me from the bottom of my heart, those days it was clear that I wasn't well, probably 'lurker' influenced me in a meaningful way, I really ask for forgiveness, I'm I'm feeling bad about this, I rarely have an attitude like this, I'm going through a difficult time, so I ask you to understand my lack of compassion in the comment above, please, I love you, we have to come together more than ever, we're on the right track In the end, we are almost back home, a big hug and all the best in your lives always, Vitória da luz ❤⭐🌟⚡
DeleteFirst of all I want to say thank you everyone for support and every comment. I feel more and more of us in the same page.
DeleteAbout the "behind the scenes" type of happenings I really thought so around the 2016-2020 ere then covid gave us another perspective like something moved globally but years again fly away and right now again seems like not many things from the promised happenings happened at all. Even this year pluto in aquarius and soon entering again but we are at the same spot.
Does things really happening behind the scenes? And how many positive happening could be happen without us noticing? And without us knowing and feeling do these happenings really matter? I think even the Event must be sudden, but even sudden changes have many signs, however also true we will realise those signs later.
It was great to read different understandings and realisations.
Yes the election, I'm thinking so much also, I seen the backlash of the dabate on X and I never seen this big bot attack or not sure how to tell but many tweets sounded like agenda and propaganda of the left and not coming from actual people's keyboard. And all the surveys trying to frame its really close race. We will see. But even Trump not wins would be another hit for the "trust the process" and Q's plan thinking. We will see its really close.
Also something else came up in me while thinking, I think Cobra referred us sometimes as people with trust issues. But I think we gave even much more trust than it would be humanly rational.
Lets see average human's life. He born, most likely the first lie told by the one the most close to him. Amongs the many lets say about Santa Claus bringing the presents, even if it's a "graceful lie" it's still what it is. Then in school he learning many things and later he will realise that wasn't true, especially in topics like history etc. After school workplaces lies how great to work there and the human will lie in the resume too.
Than later in love those who never heard lies and experienced cheating are very lucky. Later their kids will lie about that cigarette and every time they going to elect anyone lying about their true motives. In their whole life marketing selling things with lies etc. Are people having trust issues? Or truly the only rational way in life is the don't trust verify method? After that many break of trust feels like sciencific approach isnt that bad at all, doubt everything until proven.
And maybe its about the time to have bigger proofs than feelings (which also how many times guided us to trust in the wrong people?), dreams, visions. I hope we can all be contacted soon by the light forces to gather and join us to the final push. But not just final in name but the real final one to bring the Event on us and everyone who would like to experience and the bubbles of heaven can form finally.
Sorry if I affected anyone in a bad way in any form, these are just my thoughts and I have no intention to harm anyone in any mean with them.
So you know the truth?
DeleteJust curious if anybody else on here is experiencing strange symptoms like stinging or slight warming in the face or neck area.a feeling of seeming like your invisible. Everything around me seems to look strange as if the energy signature of objects are not what they seem to be .bizare dreams to say the least.ive always have had those but past few months they've been getting real strange.
ReplyDeleteI am experiencing a strange hurty feeling in the back of my head. Never felt that before but sure it comes from Mother Mary cleaning out my head. Well I hope so. My angels said that. Many other feelings in my spine, back and toes... wow my toes really hurt, well it all hurt, apparently they all cleaned out my body from MS... and the doctors said the MS is gone. Well who knows? Felt a headache today in the EES for a few minutes, and I never get headaches, also they seemed to work on my spine. Well who knows?
DeleteStill very strong stinging sensations. I get them when I resist destructive programming. I choose to ignore these sensations. If they are attacks, they cannot control me.
Delete(I used the word "resist," lol! So tricky. I would like to replace "resist" with "replacing destructive programming with constructive programming.")
DeleteHi Psychic, what is EES and MS? Isnt it PMS? Call upon God Heka and he will help you.
DeleteSleeping's been difficult the past week or two.....2-3 hours to fall asleep, getting maybe 5 or 6 hours of sleep if lucky, and I'm not the only one, a LOT of folks are telling me they got the same thing going on.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCosmic light Is coming ????
ReplyDeleteIt may be possible to connect with it.
DeleteI am told it is about free-will. Fine. Here is the problem, I no longer consent to poverty, lack of opportunities, being ruled by the worst of the worst, debt, war, financial fraud, corrupt authorities, legal papers, corrupt laws, mandates, ... most importantly, sharing the same planet as the oppressors. Meaning, I no longer consent to my free will being ignored and raped.
DeleteDo something.
DeleteThis is it...the point for all...
DeleteI did. It is written . I also approached the ruler I believe has the power and authority to release me from this planet.
Victory of the Light! 💥💫💥❤
ReplyDeleteForever bound by cosic light...
ReplyDeleteSo from my understanding, the solar system beyond Kuiper belt is now connected with the filaments of light coming from Sirius!
ReplyDeleteI think so
DeleteI am not going to lie I was a little concerned when there was no alert
ReplyDeleteThe Dark Forces are trying everything they can to manifest a third world war between 1 and 9 September.
DeleteWW3 already was established in 2001.
DeleteThe EL ites declared us Foreign Adversary (terrorists).
In 2021 they declared us a "virus" (reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm) forcing us with an injection to create "anti bodies".
tacit understanding.
Most of the true light energy operates in silence rather than verbal words, and in that silence flows a great deal of real-time interaction with multidimensional beings.
For those who are on the path of ascension, it is crucial to illuminate and activate their own inner source as the core (AM) to become their own Masters/Alcmist.
Many masters are harmonizing together in the induction dimension full of tacit understanding.
Each Every existing have light . Even it only have 0.00000000001% or lesser . That's why it exsiting. So does Luker...
if we discover this such least light drop of Luker. ...it's very difficult maybe but have possibly.
it will support Luker resonate back to oneness.it will back to source with the most suitable way of Luker .
Blessing to every beings on Mama Gaia.
每个存在都有光。 即使它只有 0.00000000001% 或更少。 这就是之所以存在的原因。 潜伏者也是如此..
from September things will speed up. but 23! we now in 24. toplets,chimera is gone a and many obstacles too...so my question is : where is some F results???
ReplyDeleteThank You Cobra, Light forces and Light workers World wide,. Love to You All 😎♥️
ReplyDeleteWill the light still prevail? Though cleared of many limitations, I am beginning to reclaim my self. It's just that, in those moments, I felt like I hadn't lived before. As if time had been stolen from me.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the world, at myself, I couldn't help but cry.
"Telegram chats are officially no longer confidential
ReplyDeleteTelegram has updated its FAQ section (https://www.iphones.ru/iNotes/telegram-nachal-moderirovat-privatnye-chaty-posle-zaderzhaniya-durova). Now the information that all chats in the messenger are confidential has disappeared.
Previously, the FAQ section contained the phrase:
All Telegram chats and group chats are private between their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.
Now this phrase is no longer there."
The real question is, did they torture Durov to get the encryption keys or did he cut a deal for money? They all seem to worship the Almighty Dollar after all.
DeleteI remember visiting places that I had just known as a child, and they always disappointed me, the magic was no longer there. After all it was not about the place, but just how magical and meaningful things are seen from a child’s perspective. Well, this is back again to a big extent, maybe cause negativity now is not there all the time, but just in concrete moments. So back to childhood! No problem 👶🙏 Good bye Lurker..
ReplyDeleteThe Portal: Highly Upgraded 🌟💯 We've come a long way Family of Light✨ Congratulations!🌹🌹🌹
ReplyDeleteCosmic Light
ReplyDeleteFrom Gaiaportal from 2013-12-1
Consolidation of Gaia Portals comes, as Cosmic Light alignments are completed.
There becomes as one aligned Being, the combined efforts of all.
From Gaiaportal from 2016-3-11
Life forms entreat the Cosmic Light.
From Gaiaportal from 2013-9-16
Cosmic Light bearers come forth in multiplied numbers as fortified Grand Portals now support such.
Gaiaportal from 2013-2-23
The paradigm of “survival” has dissolved. Cosmic Light energies sufficiently permeating all levels of Gaia realms, including the 3D visible, have removed any remaining support structures for this paradigm.
3D human individual attempts to continue what was previously supported by “survival paradigm” will fall short.
Current Gaia Higher D grid structures support 5D “Thrive Paradigm” only.
Breaking Free
DeleteIF is the most powerful word in the English language.
I really don't see the masses uniting as one against a common foe, otherwise that would have happened DECADES ago. The masses are too brainwashed, the programming too strong. Look at the HUGE divide amongst the liberal left and the conservative right here in America. I personally know people, on both sides, who said to me that they'd rather die than join forces with the other side.
And look at the famous folks who tried as well....BANG right to the head. Even Cobra said humanity can't save/rescue themselves.
Sorry to say this, but unification, to me, is mental masturbation. We need the aliens to show up and end the shit show. I feel there is no other way to do it. And I want off this miserable rock, NOW.
Ailish, definitely! Well said! 👍
DeleteMore DEW Disclosure-A Main Matrix Weapon
ReplyDelete🥱 & 😡 & 😢 why does divine timing feel like this lol
Gravitational influx as light has increased on all fields of this planetary body. This is very important as Dracos poked holes in the magnetic and gravitational fields to reverse the magnetic poles and put this planet into the dark ages. Thankfully light is returning to all grids connecting this planet. Freemasons use a G and a compass for their sigil https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f440.svg They know exactly how energy works and it’s why they distorted electro, magnetic and gravitational fields. It’s why your soul is important for humanity to awaken as you magnetize a connection to light. It’s high frequencies of photonic light that shifts this planet back into alignment. We have already been experiencing these shifts and now here is another big shift. As your body will feel these biological changes, centering in the now and breathing to avoid anxiety as cellular purification is happening now. Minerals, nature, fruit, water and allowing to embody the shift instead of resistance.
Time is not linear and that can be experienced now! It’s why stabilizing in the now is helpful for your nervous system and to avoid dizziness. Your multidimensional DNA is getting a major upgrade! Keep yourself in harmony as the unified fields of consciousness, the harmonics are attuning your DNA strands like a violin tunning. Allow your receivers to attune!
I've been dealing with this since October 24, 2010. Yep, was so hardcore a change, I remember the exact date. STILL waiting for benefits. HOW long does it take to 'activate' DNA? I've lost the whole of my 30's to this, and now, half my 40's. AM I going to get these past/lost 14+ years BACK? Am I going to get compensation for the years that been stolen from me? So far, the ONLY benefit I've gotten is I can catch thrown/dropped objects better, now.....
....BIG DEAL! Compared to what was taken from me, being able to catch things is NOT an equitable trade, Randy. So, when do I get my fucking 'upgrade'? I don't see any super powers, I don't see my body becoming attractive, I don't see any benefits. Not gonna do me any good if I gotta wait till I'm an old geezer, you know.
Feeling It all
DeleteGreat advice Randy. Nicely put.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙋🏻♀️❤️
Delete@Sherman Good to know some things never change, brings a sense of comfort, even though you don't see the benefit now, in time you will, when you are ready Sherman. Only you can decide for yourself when you are ready to drop the desire, realism has to set in eventually or you will be forced to rinse and repeat this experience, there is no other way I'm afraid. The more you want something, the more you have to prove to the universe you deserve it to achieve that goal, simply complaining tells the universe you want more of that same uncomfortable scenario, so the universe has to give you more negativity since you are calling for it with your defeatism responses. If a spoiled child receives a reward simply for crying, what lesson is learned? It matters not your individual circumstances, you must have certainly learned at least that in what you claimed to be almost 14 years of begging and not receiving, yes? If not, sorry Sherman, you gotta see the forest for the trees before you go blind. You will succeed eventually however, of this I am certain. Otherwise you will eternally reincarnate and repeat the same exact lessons. That's just the way it is.
DeleteEarn it? Reincarnate and repeat? PROVE myself WORTHY? Drop desire? Lessons?
Sounds like KARMA, sounds like PURPOSEFUL SUFFERING....things that Cobra said were NOT actualities.
So SPARE me the new age rhetoric.
@Sherman I will not spare you, and nor will anyone else. WHY?! EGO. Do you know what that means? It means you don't pass. It means you fail. It means you must become better. It means everything. If you don't comprehend, it's on you. K?
DeleteSounds like Archon propaganda, Mg. Sounds like various religions as well.
EELA (Sirian angel of Love) 🙏🏼❤️🌈 🌟 https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/10/situation-update.html
ReplyDeleteSo the fake news is reporting that Donald Trump acknowledged that the 2020 election was not stolen, they even have a clip of him saying "I lost by a whisker (to Biden)... Yet no one on telegram or other channels are mentioning it.
ReplyDeleteThis world is upside down sometimes 😅
Lightbringers Unite
The same here. I opened the song after reading your comment. I just listen to songs which resonate with me and the song here is not what I go for.
ReplyDeleteSirius Filament
ReplyDeleteElevated alignments of individual Higher D Light filaments have allowed coalescence of these filaments into Gaia Beams of Light throughout the planet. Connection with Essential Cosmic Entities finalizes.
Compression of Time-Illusion brings multiple energetic events into simultaneous manifestation.
Hue-manity awakens within all humanity.
Celebrations follow quickly.
Всем света и добра. Хочу спросить совета . Моя мать сказала что ей во сне пришёл ангел и сказал что мы тебя заберем в пятое измерение и приготовили для тебя комнату светлую яркую красивая природа вокруг. Мать спросила а можно и меня свою дочь туда взять ? Он ответил что нет она останется в третьем измерении и будет для неё тёмная холодная комната с двумя кроватями. Мама стала ангела умолять меня переселить в пятое измерение. Ангел сказал что мы посмотрим .по наблюдаем. Пусть она молится исусу Христу и постоянно просит прощения и поклоняется ему . вот такой сон . а меня рассказ матери расстроил я не хочу поклоняться никому и прощения просить я жила тяжёлой несчастной жизнью в нищете и ограничениях и много жертвовали собой ради того чтобы матери было хорошо .а я должна чтобы заслужить попасть в пятое измерение каяться и и бояться что меня не возьмут туда если не буду поклоняться Христу и быть религиозной верующей .я свободный божественный человек бессмертный и мне не нужны боги даже Христос и поклоняться и молиться в страхе что меня не возьмут в рай . правда ли что нас уже поделили куда в какие измерения возьмут или не стоит верить таким снам ?
ReplyDeleteЛюбой сон, особенно у людей без развитого подсознания, может являться либо просто отражением переживаний самого человека, кто этот сон видел, либо быть "наваждением" от непонятно каких сущностей. В этом сне, который ты описала, действительно ощущаются вовсе не "высшие вибрации". Заставлять (!) молиться, поклоняться под страхом плохих последствий - это извечный прием как раз темных. Поэтому сначала и Христа убили, а потом возвели эту смерть в культ, уведя миллионы поклоняющихся вообще в другую сторону относительно истинного учения, которое к тому же было направлено исключительно евреям.
DeleteНужно жить в настоящем моменте, искренне ДЛЯ СЕБЯ покаяться в каких-то нехороших вещах, если они были, но уж точно не стоит просто "из страха умолять", как ты правильно заметила. Если кого-то куда-то и будут "делить по комнатам", то по уровню энергетических резонсов, вибрации, на которой человек живет, а не по тому, сколько кто бился лбом об пол в молитвах. Мое мнение.
E' tempo di un nuovo aggiornamento sulla situazione, è passato più di un mese dall'ultimo
ReplyDeleteNa. Not everyone has the same taste in music. No worries.
ReplyDeleteSomeone wise said:
ReplyDelete"As an illustration of relative and absolute truth, consider the sunrise and sunset. When we say the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, that is true, but only relatively. In absolute terms, it is false. Only from the limited perspective of an observer on or near the planet's surface does the sun rise and set. If you were far out in space, you would see that the sun neither rises nor sets, but that it shines continuously. And yet, even after realizing that, we can continue to speak of the sunrise or sunset, still see its beauty, paint it, and write poems about it, even though we now know that it is a relative rather than an absolute truth."
It's interesting to ask oneself, "This seems absolutely true, but is this only a relative truth?" For example, at the time, it seemed like the cabal had truly won when covid and their vax campaign was in full swing, but ultimately, they failed.
@Starlight432 Also the "night" never lasts as long as the "day", I'm sure anyone with a spiritual side can expand upon that idea, as above so below, as within so without ;)
DeleteAgreed. My 2 Friends who also work with the Pleiadians didn't like It either.
ReplyDeleteIt's not business as usual anymore.
ReplyDeleteDuring last month's full moon, there was a pleasant sweet, warm, nurturing energy for several days. Both male and female energy were felt in her
ReplyDeleteI've had a MASSIVE REALIZATION. I've just realized that I was in fear of not walking, yet I'm still walking, if slowly with a cane. So I've started taking Chlorella again, as it has never done anything to hurt me, ever. My whole view is different. Wow. I'm not scared anymore. Wow. Now I can start to look forward. I will not fear being unable to walk. I've been told by neurologists my legs are okay. They are strong. Let's get rid of the last of the mercury. Woohoo!!!!!!!! Here's to realizing that fear is a BIG WASTE OF TIME!! lol
ReplyDeleteBoy I was fearful. heheheheeh
Brilliant episode; I feel it was written for me! Thanks angels!!!! They are so cool. And this episode:
Just shows that all of us are completely aware of what is happening, when we sleep. There is a huge collective!!!!!!!!!!!! No dark ones allowed. Stupid dark ones.
For those interested, I was divinely guided to make a new song about a 'glorious' finale and post it on Twitter/X:
ReplyDeleteTwitter Link
September 7th - Divinely guided to create song with Suno about a glorious finale titled 'Final Countdown'.
DeleteSeptember 9th - Elon posts the livestream of the launch of Polaris Dawn which features a countdown. The lyrics of the 'Final Countdown' song go along with the launch perfectly.
The crew will go further out than any human has in more than half a century and it is the first private spacewalk.
"We're soaring to new height
We won't back down now
Taking that last dare"
Twitter Link
Cosmic Light - COBRA (COmpression BReAkthrough) THE PORTAL
ReplyDeletehttp://2012portal.blogspot.com/2024/09/cosmic-light.html VOTL!
La réalisation de l'IMPERIUM NOVUM dans le Nouvel Éon, le véritable Empire Millénaire dont annonce l'Apocalypse de Jean - Julietta da Montefeltro
Write more about positive extraterrestrials!
ReplyDeleteOh nice, I love trance. Especially progressive, uplifting or ambient - this is one of my main music genres I listen to (right after game osts, my beloved lol). Actually, a lot of tracks seem to have that 'cosmic' feeling too.. sometimes I wonder in amusement if pleadians like club music~
ReplyDeletePeople complaining about heavy metal: It doesn't have to be dark or low vibrational *all* the time, depends on how you hold yourself and your energy. I think a little bit of discernment can go a long way. I love trance but can't stand hard trance and don't get me started on dubstep urgh... and I love Tool and SoaD but can't stand slipknot. What about subliminal messages in pop music? Just bc I hear it doesnt mean I'm gonna allow that to bring my energy down, just be aware of it: maybe you are more susceptible than others but for the mentally and spiritually hardened , I think we wouldn't crack that simply. Sometimes you're just in a mood and nice to resonate with something that fits it in that moment. Not that deep.
USA is on fire!
ReplyDeleteIf people still say nothing is happening they really need to do some consciousness work.
Light is CLEARLY taking It all!
Goddess bless Donald Trump.
I haven't been able to use "Starseeds Land" for a few days! Is anyone else having problems with the app?
ReplyDeleteLooks like they've stopped maintaining the app. The last update to the android version of app was made in Feb only:
Also the app has vanished from Apple Store.
"Dr. Steven Greer explains the secrets behind the terrible assassination of JFK & the murder of Marylin Monroe."
"Technology that sounds like it's straight out of a Nikola Tesla fever dream, yet it's happening right now. This isn’t just another fringe idea—this is the real deal, something that could fundamentally change how we think about energy, the environment, and maybe even our place in the universe!"
ReplyDeleteCan we have useful info, not spotify playlist.
ReplyDeleteSinto vontade de te responder.
ReplyDeleteO fato da música ter sido irritante para você significa apenas que a mensagem não era para você e que esse tipo de música não é seu favorito. Apenas isso. É sempre bom fazer um exercício de autoreflexão e se perguntar a verdade do seu coração. No caso dessa postagem, esse desconforto não significa que você seja um dos escuros.
Todas as postagens que o CoBRa faz são direcionadas a pessoas específicas. Quando o destinatário da mensagem vê a postagem ele sabe que a mensagem é para ele e ele entende a mensagem. As pessoas a quem a mensagem não se destina, elas podem entender apenas uma parte, mas não o todo da mensagem. Os escuros quando lêem a mensagem não entendem completamente, mas algo extraem, e SEMPRE sabem o que fazer. Nunca ficam em dúvida. Nunca se questionam. Um escuro nunca perguntaria "eu sou um escuro?" Eles sabem o que são.
Demanda muita inteligência do CoBRa fazer esse tipo de postagem e eu realmente o admiro por isso.
No caso das músicas que ele posta, a mensagem pode estar no título, nas tags, nas imagens ou na letra, ou ainda em uma mistura de elementos. Também pode ser que a mensagem não seja da música em si e nem da postagem, e sim da frequência colocada na postagem pelas forças da luz. Frequentemente é uma mistura de tudo isso.
Nem sempre o CoBRa nos explica depois o por quê postou o que postou, porque como ele costuma dizer: "não é do nosso mais elevado interesse". E realmente não é. É perigoso que todos saibam tudo. As forças da luz trabalham de forma muito mais compartimentada do que as forças da escuridão (que também opera compartimentada, mas menos).
Nem sempre o destinatário da mensagem consegue entender por si mesmo. Quando é realmente necessário que ele entenda tudo plenamente e com a mente racional, as forças da luz farão uma projeção de luz específica na pessoa, para que naquele momento ela tenha capacidade de entender do jeito que se deve.
Então, relaxe.
E continue examinando seu coração, é uma boa prática que vai evitar problemas para você.
E finalizo essa resposta te pedindo para descansar mais. Sinto que anda cansado por dentro.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete9/9 : oggi è un portale molto importante. Da oggi abbiamo una possibilità in più di avvicinare la vita fisica a quella spirituale. Un'opportunità da cogliere per meditare assorbendo ed irradiando Luce. Un altro tassello aggiunto per ottenere il Grande Cambiamento tanto desiderato. 🌲🛸🌲
ReplyDeleteAccording to a certain website about a certain 17th letter has indicated a "portal" opening at midnight tonight? I had a dream about it that you can read about. There's a link should you enter the following into startpage.com: MJM response to Andrea
ReplyDeleteLikely 440Hz recording. Apollo 440 Anyone? Bueller? Lol. 440Hz Makes everyone light feel heavy and dark, should be 432Hz recording. Techno is a strange animal though, it can swing both ways just like anything frequency based.
ReplyDeleteMy bad, the site I referred to as the 17th letter says "The Gateway Opens:" tonight September 9th at midnight. Different than a portal I guess? I dunno, maybe Cobra or someone can comment if there is a difference between the two terms portal and gateway? Or is it a synonym for the same thing? Perhaps a portal is a one-way trip and a gateway is two-way or possible return trip?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteyup i feel the light, something is definitely here
Have a nice day.
It’s a night ...AM/ EU,you to....
ReplyDeleteIn a few short hours, we will be past September 9, and past the Sept 1-9 period when the bad guys were trying to start WW3 !! So, we are nearly past this icky ("Icky" is a technical term for scarey) period.
ReplyDeleteWhat can you tell us, Mr. C about our progress regarding (a) ridding humanity of the Lurker (surely the departure of the Big L must be speeding up --- I'll bet the good guys clear it out before they think they will.) And (b) the victory of the light in China and (c) the victory of light all over the world.
I will be excited to read your upcoming update.
And the disclosure about Kamala Harris being a complete puppet, a moron, and a tool of the Deep State is happening more and more. It was completely hilarious to see Putin say he finds her the best candidate -- which he said with a twinkle in his eye.
The energy feels like it is improving every day. I'm tired but the experience of life is richer than it used to be. It feels like "more avenues are open to us."
Thank you for all you do and.... Vittoria della Luce! !!
9 September is completely over worldwide on 10 September at 12 a.m. UTC.
DeleteHi Golden! If Cobra doesn’t give us an update yet, I’ll give you one about the situation with the cocoa prices (I remember you asked for one in July). Ok, after skyrocketing from January to July to six times higher, by the end of July the prices decreased by one third, and have remained there fluctuating a bit until now. This means “only” four times higher, which is much better and manageable. Besides the suppliers say the next harvest will be good and everything will be back pretty much to normal (which doesn’t matter, we’ll have the Event first 😉). So, in the end it’s been a great “coincidence” and a big relief! (though of course could be better)😮💨
DeleteWhy can't Harris be a good thing, puppet or not? Would a female president not be an excellent catalyst of positive change, effectively showing to women that power is returning to them? Power that has been lost for centuries. Women will know to hold her accountable more than men ever held their counterparts accountable in seats of power. Do not underestimate the power of women.
DeleteWe must think about the big picture. Not these small, petty government seats, but the power of imagery that they hold for the masses. This is how we sway populations towards understanding unity. It must begin with acknowledgement that people are equal among genders and races.
I worry some here are missing the big picture to create an ideal world for as many people as possible.
How do you figure that? The world is going to elect the Anti-Christ in less than 2 months lol.
DeleteIt remains to be seen whether the dark ones have not succeeded in instigating a third world war from 1 to 9 September. At the moment, there is some worrying news.
DeleteGo back to 2016, IF Hilary would have won, the world would be WORSE. Hilary is a woman, but she's an EVIL one. Kamala, from what I've seen, is clueless, she was missing most of the time....she seems as clueless as Sarah Palin was in 2008.
Buona Sera Galattici
ReplyDeleteFor those souls interested.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 8th - Divine message which communicated "Navy is yours."
September 9th - Actor James Earl Jones passes away. He played a Navy Admiral in 'The Hunt for Red October' in addition to playing similar roles two more times:
Twitter Link
hey, sometimes I write a comment here, today I just wanted to complain, lately my plans haven't been going the way I wanted... one problem follows another, additionally there are problems with my family who don't understand me, unfortunately it doesn't help my situation... with every step I am convinced that a person is like a wolf to another person, people don't want to help each other, on the contrary everyone tries to do everyone else a hard time, sometimes I have the impression that I don't understand this world and that I don't want to be here, sometimes I would like to disappear from here or run away somewhere far away to a very nice place where these problems don't exist, where I can finally be happy and be myself (preferably with people I love and care about), recently I discovered that I really don't like loneliness, loneliness has a bad effect on me (I mean my mental state here) My dream is that we will finally create a better world here and that people will be more attuned to each other, and that we will stop constantly spiteful and competing with each other over absurd things. When will people finally start to understand this fact? I hope you understand my comment, I also think that many readers here have felt the same as me lately, don't worry, you are not alone with this.
DeleteI just want to LEAVE planet earth, WITH the aliens, go home with them, become one of them again. I personally DON'T want to stay on earth, I want to physcially get on an alien ship and get as FAR away from Planet Gulag as possible. I have NO desires to build a 'brave new world'. I wanna go to one ALREADY out there.
You are not alone with this, dear. Too much selfishness and negativity within people overall. Be strong, be true to yourself. If we are lucky, things will change in a positive direction.
DeleteYou have to overcome loneliness. There isn't really anyone here but you anyway.
DeleteResonance is key to next steps
ReplyDeleteGaiaportal from 2013-5-18
High energies encompass the planet at this moment. High Energies of guided movement, both within and without, proceed with all who are imbued with Gaia service.
Striking movements occur within short time periods, but with ease. Such is the nature of Gaia-guided and Gaia-coordinated motion.
Solar and Cosmic influxes harmonize with the current Gaia High Energies, causing many, who have not experienced such, to resonate with clarity of purpose.
Resonance is key to next steps. Following Inner Resonance brings Inner Peace and, via Resonance, expresses and communicates such to all.
Gaia is pleased with this current state of Higher Energetics, as such has been awaited for millennia.
Solution: Dissolving old paradigms
ReplyDelete"You must unlearn what you have learnt."
Gaiaportal from 2013-1-22
The disruption and shifting of outdated paradigms is occurring with increasing frequency, leading to a rapid dissolution of 3D safety grids. Those unwilling to accept such shifts will experience amplified, individually configured vortices of realisation. These vortices bring outdated paradigms into consciousness, often during meditation and/or sleep.
The consciousness of planet Gaia is undergoing a similar process, visible on local, national, racial and continental planes.
Outdated paradigms do not return once they have been released. Those who stubbornly resist are moved to other learning environments.
stargates of interstellar kind;starships crystal engines shine.....
ReplyDeletewalls of illusions no longer bind;the hive mentality is untwined.....
Beyond The Veil 432 hz
Ashtar reminds us "would like to remind you the battle is
ReplyDeletenot yours give it all to the Creator and
watch as magic and miracles take place
stand firm my beloved brothers and
sisters in the knowledge that you are
held in the boundless love of the
Creator uproot all shallow roots and
plant yourselves firmly in the Truth for
nothing less will sustain you in these
times of great change I Am With You"
Super cool. It isn't our battle. Just have fun, ignore all the trouble around; it hasn't even started yet. Yikes.
It's time for bad people to get caught and good people to be rewarded.
DeleteIt was never our fault and we paid the price.
And i am having the time of my life. Truly.
Tonight 's gonna be hot!
So its about going after the establishment. We are going to vote out all those elitists and their "old" establishment, and instead put in a whole lot of "Trumps" around the world... Well, it sounds good to me.
ReplyDeleteThis is proof Germany is COLLAPSING in real time!
Go Alternative parties. Let's get rid of these elites (or body doubles/clones) who are playing this game. We know it is a game. (Sigh) A GAME.
DeleteNOT a game. Call it what it REALLY is....WAR.
It is a sad game.
DeleteYou actually think Trump is good guy? Hmmm...
Delete@ Sherman
DeleteIT IS A GAME. Look at Sherman, he thinks it is real.
Trump isn't perfect but he is who we've got. Yeah I'm on team Trump. At least he's NO reptile. Hmmm....
Cobra said the Light Force saved his ass, must have been some reason for that. Otherwise, he'd have been wormfood for the past several weeks.
DeleteHigher Manifestation: Let it be
ReplyDeleteGaiaportal from 2019-2-15
Scurrilous energies dissipate as Cosmics infuse.
Territorials are abandoned.
Levitations commence on grand scale.
Fortunes are collected and shared.
Maters are seen in the Telepathics.
Some really fucking shitty feelings coming through the aether lately. Reminiscent feelings sullied with pain from beautiful times where others and myself found a home amongst each other from the darkness. I can feel the people from those times thinking of me and the great moments we shared— I feel their pain, their yearning for more of that wholesomeness. Capitalism separated all of us. Lies from the system stopped us from keeping in touch. Something as simple as watching Pokemon with my daughter is now painful, seeing something that exalts family and friendship that I deeply resonated with, and seeing what a different direction the world went in is horrible. We need the Event now. I’m so tired of saying it. Can we at least get a better explanation than, “war takes time?” Maybe there are still lessons humanity needs to learn? Maybe certain political pieces need to fall into place in order to carry out Full Disclosure appropriately? Anything to help cope with this muck. Fuck the USA presidential debate, it’s all a pack of lies and I’m tired of pretending this shit is real for the rest of society.
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling like meeting real people. Not some possessed husks (what remains of the jabbies). Does anybody know of a place?
ReplyDeleteSo this is how they lie to the world. I was watching the Trump/Harris discussion and it is full of BALD FACE LIES. I only watched 45mins... before I couldn't watch more. What a liar Harris is, stupid lizard.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm watching Redacted on Rumble, it looks like the entire show is fascinating. First story on human trafficking... omg they are stealing all the work from good officers... That's what these reptiles do when they are about to go down... just go on in and steal the evidence. The other stories look good too. Don't worry, the reptiles will get no where, it's a fact. We've already won.
Always around this date (Sept 10) I start feeling autumn coming in. Today is no different, but the energy feels better, and more beautiful and gentler.... I think the Lurker is going away.
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light !
Sarei contento di ricevere qualche notizia da Cobra in questo momento. Anche un piccolo resoconto sarebbe gradito se fosse possibile.
ReplyDeleteQuestion for COBRA: Is the "Contact Disc" still valid? Since it was said that the Pleiadians are no longer authorized for first contact...
ReplyDelete"The leader of the Tajik diaspora, Bakhromjon "Bakha" Khasanov, won the elections for deputies in Pushkino, Moscow Region. He was born in Uzbekistan and lived in Tajikistan until he was 17. He moved to Russia in the 1990s and received citizenship in 2008.
ReplyDeleteAs "Russian Community" writes, this "enterprising guest from the south has long been pursuing the goal of wedge himself into power and becoming a deputy of the city district in order to lobby the interests of his fellow countrymen at all levels."
"The residents of Pushkino are well aware of Bakhi's personality after the scandal that occurred in February 2024. They heard rumors that it was he who "coordinated" humanitarian aid, which for some unknown reason ended up in second-hand stores.
According to local citizens, Bakhi was also involved in other scandals, after which his personal pages on all social networks instantly disappeared...", RO notes.
Foreign specialists are coming to power from villages and workers' barracks. And Russian candidates are being cut off from elections with the help of administrative resources - as they did in St. Petersburg with Savva Fedoseyev."
"NATO exercises: implementation of the experience of the SVO
ReplyDeleteThe experience of modern military conflicts, as well as the SVO in Ukraine, shows how important it is to supply military units (formations) in certain areas (areas, sections). Operations that require rapid advancement of troops can lead to significant losses even for a superior enemy if constant logistical and technical support is not established.
It should be noted that NATO military advisers are directly involved in planning the comprehensive support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It should be emphasized that they have managed to achieve significant success, since the logistics chains in Ukraine operate mostly without interruption, and also ensure the transfer of troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the LBS without significant delays and losses.
Now this knowledge and experience are being implemented in the alliance troops. Also, NATO is actively revising regulatory documents on planning and conducting operations, taking into account the lessons learned from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
That is why strategists from Brussels pay special attention to the maneuvers of the alliance troops and plan them with logistics focus.
A number of alliance maneuvers are being held in September of this year, in particular:
"Big Eagle-2024/2" - practicing logistics routes in Lithuania (German and Lithuanian military personnel, as well as NATO BTGr are participating);
"Namejs-2024" in Latvia (practicing strengthening the Russian-Latvian border, involving 11 thousand military personnel from the USA, Estonia, Lithuania and Canada);
"Crossed Sabers-2024" - the transfer of NATO military personnel from Italy to American training grounds in Germany using various means of transport, including aviation, railways and road transport;
"Baana-2024" in Finland (training pilots for emergency redeployment of aircraft from air bases to AUDs);
"Furious Wolf-2024/2" on the territory of Lithuania (checking the readiness of forward air controllers of the Land Forces of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania together with the NATO Joint Forces);
"Strong Pyramid-2024" complex training of the NATO Joint Forces headquarters on the territory of Latvia;
"Reinforced Archipelago-2024" - the waters of the Baltic Sea (covert transfer of amphibious landing groups to the destination area, landing from boats and helicopters, penetration into the rear, targeting critical objects and subsequent evacuation of sabotage groups);
"Northern Viking-2024" - on the territory of Iceland (working out the coherence of the NATO Joint Forces grouping consisting of Denmark, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the USA and France).
Thus, it can be stated that the North Atlantic Alliance has recently been conducting exercises, the main purpose of which is to generalize the Ukrainian experience in planning logistical and technical support, as well as the transfer of troops and weapons to designated areas.
It is no secret that the exercises, based on the concept of "deterrence", demonstrate NATO's readiness for a possible conflict with Russia. In turn, the Baltic region plays the role of a key "bridgehead" in this, which will be used in a direct clash between the countries of the alliance and Russia."
"Another small piece of news that shifts the "Overton Window" - Russia has been subjected to military aggression by a NATO country, without responding to it at all.
ReplyDeleteOne of the UAVs spotted in the Murmansk region was flying from Norway. According to SHOT , it was spotted around 11 o'clock. Preliminary, it was flying towards the Olenya airfield. 2.5 hours before that, two more UAVs were spotted in the sky over the Murmansk region, flying from the Arkhangelsk region. The air defense system worked on them. A total of three drones were shot down in the Murmansk region, Governor Chibis reported.
Let us clarify that Norway is a NATO member, and one of the oldest, attacked an airfield on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to all norms and rules, this is a Casus Belli or an act of military aggression with all the consequences. But in our country, they preferred not to notice such a "trifle" at all.
In vain, because then Norway or any other NATO country can easily repeat the trick and it is unclear what could stop Estonia from launching 30 UAVs at St. Petersburg. In Murmansk, after all, everything was "normal?"
In general, by dangling the carrot of "truce" in front of our politicians, they again sharply reduced our room for maneuver, piously believing that the formula "we were deceived" will always work. And tell me that they have no basis for this belief?"
"The CIS has entered a fundamentally new stage. Drone strike from Finland on Russia. Two in one - scaling and escalation of the conflict in one bottle
ReplyDeleteI would also like to add on this topic (https://t.me/barantchik/19950) a very important thing, which I have been writing about for two years now - about the scaling of the conflict (the first posts on this topic were on December 21 and 23, 2022 here (https://t.me/barantchik/7792) and here (https://t.me/barantchik/7823)). In fact, after today's strikes from Finland on our territory, we have the first scaling of the conflict since the beginning of the CIS. And this is a fundamentally new stage in the development of the CIS, to which we have no right not to respond. What is scaling? This is the transfer of an ongoing conflict a) to new players and b) to new territories. In the event of an attack on Finland, we have exactly these two facts.
Let me remind you what I wrote (https://t.me/barantchik/19520) on August 25, literally two weeks ago:
"... the issue of moving military actions beyond the territory of Ukraine, scaling the conflict to the territory of Europe or other world regions where we can hit the US and NATO harder, I believe, will have to be resolved in the next month or two." Because the alternative in this matter is very simple - either we try to seize the strategic initiative, or the enemy continues to hold it.
And escalation, and scaling is escalation, would have happened in any case - either we would have done it, or the enemy would have. It turned out that it was the enemy again. We can definitely assume that if we do not respond to this scaling of the conflict so harshly that Helsinki does not even think about anything like that anymore, then the next blow within the framework of scaling and escalation of the conflict will occur either on Belarus or on the Kaliningrad region. I am inclined to think that it will be about Kaliningrad. But if we do not answer for Kaliningrad, then they will strike Belarus as well.
Therefore, if Russia wants not just to win, but to survive, because today these words have already become synonyms, the only way is to sharply intensify the conflict, scale it up, escalate it and transfer it beyond the territory of Ukraine by any means. And it doesn't matter what the "world community" says. Because if we win, it will lie down under us quietly and with pleasure, just as easily under the Americans after they used two nuclear warheads on peaceful cities in Japan."
"Regarding the attack on Russian territory from Finland. Not only was a Finnish airfield used, but a Swedish reconnaissance aircraft was also used. What is this?! This is called aggression by NATO countries against Russia.
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to attack the Olenya airfield with the support of NATO countries. Preliminary, the Ukrainian drones that were shot down in the Murmansk region were launched from Finland.
According to flight maps, two Swedish Armed Forces reconnaissance aircraft were previously monitoring the Russian border. This is an S102B radio and electronic reconnaissance aircraft, as well as a Gulfstream Aerospace TP 102C (G-IV-SP), which can intercept telephone calls, radio communications, digital and television networks.
The first aircraft constantly flies off the coast of the Kaliningrad region. The second was spotted in August last year, when it was conducting reconnaissance over the Finnish Lake Inari near the Russian border. Before that, such sorties were carried out exclusively by Air Force aircraft USA.
After reconnaissance flights by NATO aircraft from the (preliminary) Ivalo airfield (it is convenient to disguise the devices as civilian aircraft there), two UAVs of the A-22 "Flying Fox" type were launched. "
ReplyDeleteThe second person at Gosznak (the state-owned company that produces Russian money) said yesterday that by 2030, the country could start a discussion about abolishing cash. In fact, the company's deputy director Georgy Kornilov has already launched this discussion by opening the Overton window. He has already made statements that cash transactions are very expensive for banks, and in general, they are becoming less and less popular in settlements among citizens. However, official data from the financial market over the past couple of years indicate the opposite - the volume of cash in circulation is growing, Russians' demand for it especially increased in the critical "covid" years, when there was talk of a massive restriction of basic rights and freedoms. And today the level of cash use is stable. So the tasks of the liquidators of the cash ruble are not at all in the area of facilitating financial transactions for everyone. They have the same as the globalists of the World Economic Forum, the same as the World Bank, the IMF and the shareholders of the Federal Reserve System - the establishment of complete control over finances and transactions with them, and therefore - over people's lives. Critical problems of national security, personal safety of citizens, the sovereignty of the country, which will inevitably arise in the event of a complete abolition of cash (especially in the realities of Russia, where non-cash can be used far from everywhere and not in all cases) do not interest them. The trend is dangerous - especially considering who began to broadcast this agenda. Such injections must be nipped in the bud."
Clear Subquantum Anomaly Meditation
ReplyDeleteCOBRA... can we please get a planetary situation update soon?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Yes, I want to know how the disentanglement process is proceeding, and to know what did the darkies do, or tried to do between the 1st and 9th of this month.
DeleteDisclosure Evidence:
ReplyDeleteJade Dragon Statue
Negative Order of The Green Dragons
What's mad is the lightforces with all their technology are participating in the election 😄 so they have all of the real world galaxy spaceships e.t.c and trying to get trump to win 🤔. Imagine being in a hostage situation in a bank, the only way most time it ends is when the outside forces make a move, lots of random things can happen but without making a move the hostage situation doesn't end. If the lightforces, 1 alien race doesn't make a move for the surface we will be in the same boat in 10 years time. Its NUTS, does any alien race have the courage to peal the bandaid off and roll the dice? LET'S GO!!
ReplyDelete"You are much more powerful than you think"
ReplyDeleteApplies in both a positive and a negative sense.
Liberation of the doves of peace
ReplyDeleteThe light is stronger than the darkness
Trump Harris Debate - Who Lost? Who Won?
Trump Harris Debate - Who Won?
ReplyDeleteAnswer: The Cabal
Friday / September 13, 2024
ReplyDeleteFriday the 13th
I'm just fascinated how this works in the USA. They are using NGOs to do things that the government is not allowed to do. And they use FEMA to pay the NGOs; all this money goes to the dark organizations behind child trafficking. And the same organizations are in charge of polling. They're all evil. And it can be easily traced! What a blooming joke. Someone is taking note... someone is taking them down, even though it isn't public... most of it you never hear about but trust me when I say... it's a game. We are being taken care of. The dark is losing, they have lost... it's all a load of garbage. The stupid dark side, I wouldn't even worry about them...
ReplyDeleteHaha, and Kamala... oh that was funny... She is just proving what a desperate COW she is. Almost no one is listening.... hehehehe dumb woman.
first story. Just wait, people are going to know about the children. They will finally hear it, soon I hope.
Divine message for Sherman with proofs.
ReplyDeleteMarch 3rd, 2024 - Partially faded/weak image in mind's eye & being influenced to mouth "Sherman, Valiant Thor here. I can see on your roof."
March 7th, 2024 - Sherman comments for the first time since the Divine Message was written. The time between above message & Sherman's next comment on Cobra's blog is 5,889 minutes.
Sherman's Comment On Cobra's Blog
Word assigned to the number 5889 in Strong's Concordance (index/translation of every word in the King James Bible) is 'faint/weary':
Twitter Link
@Jonathon Carty
DeleteAnd all this means what now?
And Thor seeing my roof means what? And is the King James Bible even a trustworthy thing? Bible been edited, censored and changed over the centuries for both political and material gains.
"Let's start with the fact that Moscow's refusal to respond to the escalation from the West leads us directly to the third world war, which will be general and nuclear. In the end, we will be forced to jump several steps at once and resort to strategic nuclear weapons in order to preserve ourselves. Constantly pushing back the "red lines" we are bringing Armageddon closer by leaps and bounds.
ReplyDeleteThe most rational plan of action in the current situation looks like this. In the event of single strikes by Western missiles on Russian territory at strategic depth, we should respond with similar strikes by our non-nuclear missiles on the territory of the countries that produced the weapons systems that attacked Russia. That is, respond to Great Britain, France and the United States.
In the event of a massive missile strike, a nuclear response using tactical nuclear weapons is necessary. Moreover, it is better to give priority to specific military targets on the territory of those NATO countries that provide logistical support to Ukraine. For the most part, these are Poland and Romania. In addition, it will be necessary to strike non-nuclear weapons at military facilities in Great Britain and France and American military bases in Europe.
Most likely, there will be a pause, after which the Western powers will begin to reassess Russia's readiness to raise the stakes and come to an agreement on a compromise. Of course, another, more severe scenario is also possible, which will open the way to further raising the stakes up to a general nuclear war. However, if Russia does not begin to respond, this severe scenario will inevitably be implemented in practice. And if Moscow raises the stakes, there is a good chance of avoiding it.
It turns out to be a paradox: it is necessary to start or be ready to start a limited nuclear war in order to avoid a general one. But this is the current reality and the price for the stubborn unwillingness to respond to the opponents raising the stakes, hoping for their prudence. Even a year and a half or two years ago, it would have been possible to get by with less. Now, however, much more serious decisions will have to be made. But even these may not be enough if we delay again. If no one is afraid of a nuclear weapon (https://globalaffairs.ru/articles/yadernaya-doktrina-karaganov/) - expect trouble."
Well guys, is the swastika as a solar symbol a miniature model-copy of the functioning and energy exchange of the universe? https://xras.ru/project_diary.html?post_id=2667
ReplyDeleteWhere did ancient civilizations get this symbol? Where did it come from to the Indo-Iranian-Europeans and settle on the territory of modern India and the historical Slavic regions of Russia? Where did this symbol come from in various regions of both North and South America, presumably at those stages of history when there was supposedly no communication between the continents?
Why is the swastika discredited by the Nazis in the world with Jewish money, given that the army and industry of Nazi Germany were created by bankers from England, the USA and Europe after its defeat in World War I? What should be the result of examining the swastika from the point of view of cosmism and the energy section of physics as a science, given the current position of this symbol equated with Nazism and Hitler, and for demonstrating (and in some countries, for storing) which you can get a considerable prison term.
A beam twice outgoing (incoming???) from the Sun is the reception or sending of an energy-information signal (command??? substance???) from the "Central Galactic Sun"? (A Soviet scientist who studied energy transmission, including lasers of various types and purposes of application - Kozyrev, one of the supporters of the philosophy of "Russian cosmism", like Chizhevsky, proved with scientific calculations that the Sun is a REPEATER of energy - that is, a transmitter, and that STARS are REPEATERS of energy-information impulses. These calculations with their conclusions are one of the 4 reasons why I have not left this site and it is somehow connected with science).
The triggers for this event were heard a few days before the post under which I am writing and I decided to "tactfully" keep silent, because some people (not realizing the role and position of Durov as a more or less symbol of "freedom of speech" in one form or another) experiencing increased excitability developed neurological seizures (some turning into hysteria and anger, but I, let me remind you, don't care), but now the question has openly arisen: what next?
I think the author of the blog should voice the fork of events for the next 6-9 months, because July 2025 is the start (middle?) of the Solar cycle and the starting point of social instability on a planetary scale (conditionally, the Source in the form of a Wi-Fi receiver will reflash the brains of the planet's population using the Sun as an increase in the range of the network coverage for the outlet).
I would like to understand what to expect and save / redistribute resources. The list of those whom I recommend for military and political support has been voiced by me on the pages of this blog over the past year and a half, I am sure the author will be able to find it through the admin search on the blog. Regarding scientists, sociologists and others - I would like to receive confirmation of your promises, since certain risks remain - the list has not yet been written, but I have a rough plan in my head, it can be written in an hour or two. In the case of a landing, I would like to receive preliminary public recommendations on what should be available for the first time while the financial and banking system is covered and it will be impossible to use cards and ATMs (2-3 countries of the world will experience a risky load during this period, unfortunately I believe that Russia may face the same difficulties), several years ago I read something about a supply of food and water for the first time, I would like clarification and confirmation/denial.
I can say that on the 8th-9th (during the second energy impulse of the Sun in the form of a ray, https://xras.ru/project_diary.html?post_id=2663) I experienced an unprecedented feeling of peace, like in childhood, when there were no worries. I immediately thought that you began to succeed as planned, even the clouds in the last 3 days have been strangely flowing across the sky, spreading in different directions like water - the whole family is surprised.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting VERY attacked today for some reason and all that's running through my head in a constant loop is my efforts and presence on this planet isn't making one bit of difference... all my efforts are falling on deaf ears and pointless and I don't want to be here doing this anymore. Why are we subject to everyone else having to wake up before we can leave and get the help and healing we so desperately need? I don't want to do this anymore because this place is all about favoritism... even on this blog it seems. We ALL participate in meditations, petitions, so on and so forth, but only a few on here get pats on the back while the rest of us are struggling just to make the bills and participating when we can. Like I said in the beginning, I believe the Lurker is attacking and pressing down on my weaknesses today for some reason and I'm sorry for my attitude in this moment... but it does bother me that I have just as much to give and offer as the next Lightworker, but it seems that even Lightworkers who should be seen and treated equally are getting special treatment and favoritism in all these platforms and just makes me want to throw in the towel and say screw it. It's unbelievable that even in this movement of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds... some are favored over others.
ReplyDeleteIt's VERY disheartening....
Anyway. I hope I snap out of this soon, but needed to get this off my chest.
Love and Light... Troy
@144K : ancora una volta hai espresso dei pensieri che capisco bene. Provo spesso anch'io questa sensazione sconfortante. È la tipica sensazione che si prova quando ci si sente sull'orlo del precipizio. Ma il nostro potere è dato dalla nostra consapevolezza. Si, perché sappiamo il motivo per cui siamo su questo blog, conosciamo bene il nostro scopo. Non c'è motivo di soffrire la sofferenza è inutile e dannosa ma probabilmente è un effetto collaterale che ci porteremo dietro fino alla fine della missione. Questo tuo lamento è più che legittimo, è il tuo tubo di scarico. Ed il fatto che tu sia in questo stato in questo momento da il senso al grande lavoro di pulizia energetica che stiamo affrontando. Butta fuori , è nei tuoi diritti. Ciò che stiamo facendo è di una portata immensa ed è facile che sia la prima volta che viene fatto con questi criteri e modalità. Oggi sono andato davanti ad una chiesa dedicata a San Giorgio, ho visto le solite montagne però mi sembravano diverse. L'energia è potente ora e non credo di sbagliare se dico che da ottobre partirà un nuovo ciclo, ancora più incisivo. Inoltre
Deleteil 2025 è un grande marcatore perché è ricco di cambiamenti astronomici per cui è quasi impossibile che non ci sarà l'Evento in quell'anno. Continua a portare sul blog ciò di cui sei più capace. Hai ancora molto da offrire se vuoi. Un abbraccio, restiamo sintonizzati 🌲🛸🌲
Brazil is literally burning. The sky cannot be seen anymore, the sun is red and nothing can be known about those fires being purged. Nice way of seeing improvements on our situation....
ReplyDeleteCobra has kindly authorized me to tell you about my new short novel (PDF format) “Blue Dawn: The Return of the Light”. This ebook, based on Cobra's information and yet a little fictionalized, is a form of gentle disclosure aimed at the general public, but you'll also appreciate it as Lightworkers, as it touches on many of the subjects developed in this blog. Here's the summary:
ReplyDeleteImmersed in troubling dreams and prophetic visions, Elisabeth finds herself on the cusp of a cosmic mission. A member of the “Sorority”, she has dedicated her life to anchoring the energies of the Goddess on Earth. Yet her true destiny is revealed when she comes into contact with the Pleiadians, beings of ancient wisdom and advanced technology.
Guided by urgent messages and unexpected alliances, Elisabeth discovers the existence of the Matrix, an invisible prison that keeps humanity under the yoke of dark forces. With the help of the Pleiadians, Aldebarans and Lightworkers, she embarks on a perilous quest to free the planet from this evil grip.
Along the way, Elisabeth faces intense spiritual battles, shocking revelations and fierce resistance. The dark forces, aware of their vulnerability, unleash ruthless attacks to preserve their control. However, light and truth cannot be contained indefinitely.
As the energies of the Goddess and the forces of Light converge, a worldwide meditation orchestrated by the “Sorority” triggers an unprecedented awakening. Humanity begins to realize the manipulations and lies that have shaped their reality. The Earth's surface is compressed by luminous forces, leading to a spectacular breakthrough.
The climax, known as The Event, sees the downfall of the Cabal, humanity's traitors who pledged allegiance to the dark forces. The truth is revealed, and a new golden age begins, marked by a profound reconnection with Source.”
“The PDF is available on : animots. cmonsite.fr ... in English and French versions.
Cobra m'a gentiment autorisée à vous parler de mon nouveau roman court (format PDF) "L'Aube bleue: le retour de la Lumière". Cet ebook basé sur les infos de Cobra et cependant un peu romancé est une forme de divulgation douce destinée au grand public mais vous l'apprécierez aussi en tant que travailleurs de la Lumière car il aborde beaucoup de sujets développés dans ce blog. En voici le résumé :
ReplyDeletePlongée dans des rêves troublants et des visions prophétiques, Élisabeth se retrouve à l'aube d'une mission cosmique. Membre de la "Sororité" , elle a consacré sa vie à ancrer les énergies de la Déesse sur Terre. Pourtant, sa véritable destinée se révèle lorsqu'elle entre en contact avec les Pleiadiens, des êtres d'une sagesse ancienne et d'une technologie avancée.
Guidée par des messages urgents et des alliances inattendues, Élisabeth découvre l'existence de la Matrice, une prison invisible qui maintient l'humanité sous le joug des forces de l'ombre. Avec l'aide des Pleiadiens, des Aldébaraniens et des travailleurs de la Lumière, elle entreprend une quête périlleuse pour libérer la planète de cette emprise maléfique.
Au fil de son périple, Élisabeth doit affronter des batailles spirituelles intenses, des révélations bouleversantes et une résistance acharnée. Les forces obscures, conscientes de leur vulnérabilité, déchaînent des attaques impitoyables pour préserver leur contrôle. Cependant, la lumière et la vérité ne peuvent être contenues indéfiniment.
Alors que les énergies de la Déesse et les forces de la Lumière convergent, une méditation mondiale orchestrée par la "Sororité" déclenche un éveil sans précédent. L'Humanité commence à prendre conscience des manipulations et des mensonges qui ont façonné leur réalité. La surface de la Terre est comprimée par les forces lumineuses, entraînant une percée spectaculaire.
Le point culminant, connu sous le nom de l'Événement, voit la chute des membres de la Cabale, les traîtres de l'humanité qui faisaient allégeance aux forces obscures. La vérité est révélée, et un nouvel âge d'or s'amorce, marqué par une reconnexion profonde avec la Source. »
" Le PDF est disponible sur animots. cmonsite.fr ... en version anglaise et en française.
All I wanted to do was come to this planet and help using my gifts, abilities, and talents. However, it seems that this place is based on popularity... it's one big popularity contest, even in the Light community. And another thing, some individuals in the Light community have gone out of their way to point out the failures, mistakes, and bad decisions of other Lightworkers and (key) Lightworkers... all I can say is you better humble yourself. You have NEVER walked in the shoes of any of your fellow Lightworkers and know nothing of their experiences and struggles that brought them to those supposed mistakes and bad decisions. Plus, if you're going to call them out on your platforms at least have the balls to name names instead of making the entire Light community feel like crap and blaming them for delays keeping The Event from happening for what a few did that was perceived as bad decisions. Not one person on this God forsaken planet is better than another... not one. Humble yourselves, and don't EVER point the finger at another... especially when we're ALL fighting the same fight and holding the Light to achieve the same goal... and you know who you are. I think we've all waited long enough and far beyond what we should've had to endure. We came here to help... not be taken advantage of or placated for years and years. End this stand off already to end this constant abuse, suffering, and death. Stop procrastinating aboard your cushy ships while the rest of us get abused and suffer every single day... physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We've done what was asked over and over for years now and have been subject to shaming, ridicule, and losing friends and loved ones because they see us as crazy.
ReplyDeleteDON'T LEAVE US TWISTING IN THE WIND. We've asked for first contact, we signed a petition for direct physical intervention... where is it? I don't like being lied to, used, or placated. Let us KNOW what's going on... WE deserve that. WE shouldn't have to be subjected to the abuse and suffering because the rest of the world isn't awake and caught up to us. We deserve better than that... we did what you asked and expect the same in return.
I'm sorry for coming off so harsh, as I said before I feel the Lurker is pushing my buttons today, but had to get some of this off my chest... a venting if you will.
I'm still here and still holding the Light... but have so many unanswered questions and am tired of this place in its current state. I'm tired of seeing all of the lies, deception, abuse, and deaths on a daily bases. I'm just tired and in need of a break aboard the Motherships for a bit to unwind and detox from this toxic environment. I'm sure I'll feel better and more my optimistic self soon... but I swear to God that the Lurker has stepped up it's attacks on us, even with the protection protocols. But I'm still holding the line and holding the Light.
Love and Light... Troy
Our civilization has now reached a point where curing the serious problems facing our lives is impossible, using OLD THINKING. A small family/bloodline/reptilians/ET:s or an AI believes that it wants to become god or at least live as such. So, it invented MONEY a tool of total control and slavery. This gives individuals with very few emotions and devoid of any kind of conscience a highway to 'heaven' at the behest of everyone else.
DeleteHow could we possibly cure the very dire situation most of us are now in, without resorting to WW3, nuclear exchanges or a dystopian world where a God king/dictator forces humanity into a life of hard work, being a play mate or forced to be a soldier who never questions an order?
Well, it's become clear that, for sure, managing to make lots of money can make 'strong' individuals have everything they need in life but the rest are still up to their necks in darkness.
Question: Would it be possible to live/survive in a society where money does NOT exist? I believe so. You see, individuals like Elon Musk etc. can accomplish quite a lot because they are gifted with a high IQ and creativity. However, it is my firm belief and experience when working with people that TEAMWORK can accomplish so much more, especially when many of us pull in the same direction.
Finally, everything that our society needs is already out there. Infrastructure, production, food, housing, sick and health care, education, energy and more. We have everything we need. The ONLY problem is the controllers. So, why not turn our backs on the banking families and start working together for the betterment of EVERYBODY and of course all other life forms here as well? Ideas anyone???
144K: completamente d'accordo. Hai chiarito molti aspetti che esistono qui sul blog. Sono molto d'accordo quando dici che molti operatori di Luce hanno messo da parte altri operatori di Luce. Tutti possiamo sbagliare , ma se ci rendiamo conto dell'errore dovremmo essere abbastanza umili da chiedere scusa, proprio come ho fatto io tempo fa. Eppure nulla è cambiato, per qualcuno sono marchiato a vita quanto pare. Ma non è un problema mio , è soltanto un problema di mancanza di umiltà e di incapacità a perdonare e questo è semplicemente un autogol per loro. Comunque possono scrivere ciò che gli pare , ho deciso già mesi fa che per non soffrire più non leggo più i loro commenti, ho diritto di stare al meglio che posso perché ogni attacco ricevuto qui sul blog è un'arma nera molto oscura nel mio campo di Luce personale, esattamente come succede nel mondo reale che già tutti i giorni dobbiamo sopportare. Questo blog è diventato un concorso per i primi della classe, con tanto di antagonismo e forme di protagonismo e competizione che invece dovremmo essere qui per combattere, dato che sono tra le forme comportamentali più odiose che esistono in questa società di merda. Un abbraccio a te 🌲🛸🌲
DeleteAttracting (manifesting) freedom
ReplyDeleteGaiaportal from 2020-9-7
Premium ideas are recognized by humanity.
Stellar contacts promote themselves.
Highest alignments are encouraged.
Freedom comes.
Yes, this can be extrapolated to so many fields. Even if you feel you can’t make a breakthrough sometimes you can, it’s always worth to try it.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete暁に 集いし昴 煌めきて 手をあわせつつ 種を守らん
ReplyDeleteThis is from Izabela, the psychic, doing a reading on Sept, Oct and a bit of Nov.
She sees the 4 horsemen traveling around the globe. It could just be symbolical. The she sees the sun will be behaving strangely; it could be shaking. She starts at 8 or 9mins. It starts in most countries, so worldwide, and it is some kind of cleansing rays, new rays sent to us. And also decontamination rays.
Kamala Harris is going to shrink, shrink, shrink until she is smaller than a smurf. Haha nice picture. So her popularity is going to shrink to nothing. lol Someone close to Trump will turn out to be a Devil. Before this man can damage Trump, he will be caught and exposed. lol.
The state of Israel will end soon. Yup, that's right, she's predicting the end of Israel, won't THAT be nice. Politically. It will become a united states of Middle East, all the countries will be joined and fused. Before it happens, there is still a lot of suffering going on, so we have to be patient.
People in VERY high position will be exposed globally. Well, yehaw!!!!! Horrible crimes have been committed to little ones and adults alike. The head office of this place (that is exposed) has tentacles everywhere around this globe. Blah. All of Europe want nothing to do with war with Russia. A lot of people who kill innocent for war will be liquidated. Aw, too bad! And it will be open news. And drop, drop, drop and then the whole bucket comes down.
And big storms for east coast of USA, better stay inside, it won't be natural.