Sunday, November 17, 2024

Important Situation Update

To understand the current planetary situation, we need to dive a bit into the occult history.

In second century BCE, when Orsini family was expanding their properties north of Rome, they came across a network of underground tufa tunnels below Etruscan settlements of Pitigliano and Orvieto:

In those tunnels, they have encountered native Reptilians, and they forged a military alliance with them, which later supported the rise of the Catholic Cult, as tunnels were built to connect Pitigliano and the Vatican hill. 

Orsini family has a very strong presence in the area north of Rome for over 2000 years, and since 14th century Pitigliano was their main entry point into the underground Reptilian empire:

Theodosian dynasty (currently Theodoli family) made another military alliance with the negative Andromedans in the late 4th century CE, which effectively crashed the Roman civilization.

Aldobrandini family made an alliance with the Aldebarans in the 16th century, and there are facts about that alliance that will surprise many people when they will finally be revealed.

Cathar and Templar movements in the 12th to 14th centuries were attempt by the Light forces to bring Light to the planet again.

Inquisition was an institution created by the dark forces to suppress that Light, and especially to suppress Goddess energy.

Then the Light forces tried again to bring more Light with the Renaissance and with the Protestant movement.

As a reaction to this, Farnese family created the Jesuits:

The Jesuits soon began exploring the underground world, and they made great progress in the 1660s:

They made contact with underground Draconians in the 1660s, and a military pact was signed, for which only very few top Jesuits knew about.

The hint is here:



In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, a small group of Jesuits broke off the surface civilization and started a breakaway group.

With Draconian assistance, in the late 18th century they already had small colonies across the Solar system.

In the late 19th century, they were allowed by their Draco and negative Andromedan overlords to hold small slave colonies (Jesuit reductions) in some less important solar systems under Draco dominion in our Galaxy and in the Andromeda galaxy.

These Jesuits were never a main force in intergalactic wars, and they tended to gravitate back to our Solar system during the 20th century, as the Draco lost more and more territory across the galaxy.

After the Archon invasion in 1996, they held some important positions in the dark infrastructure of the Solar system Illuminati breakaway factions. They were controlling the dark astrology matrix, and were heavily invested in AI nanotechnology.



Now there is still some of that Jesuit presence left throughout the Solar system, and they still control a huge amount of nanites, some of them interplanetary, and most of the nanites on the surface of this planet. These nanites create a network that can communicate through radio waves:

This interplanetary Jesuit network, together with their allied non-physical Reptilians and Draconians, are giving occult power to the surface Jesuits, which control the surface dark networks through hazing ritual initiations taking place in Jesuit universities. Many people who were studying at Jesuit universities and went through those rituals are now obedient servants of the Jesuits and their agenda: 

Now, the positive Andromedans and Aldebarans are starting to clear all remnants of the Jesuit reductions from the Solar system, and this will greatly reduce the power of the surface Jesuits.

The positive Aldebarans and Andromedans have also started the second phase of their infiltration into the surface society. They use cloned humanoid bodies to replace certain people in key positions in the secret police and alphabet agency networks in most regimes around the planet, especially more totalitarian ones. This will counteract the Jesuit invasion of BRICS, where many such regimes are found.

Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decide to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough.

Kerry Cassidy is getting some intel from behind the scenes but is not interpreting it correctly:

The Light forces have put their power behind Trump presidency, and many positive occult Templar groups were meditating for fair elections, with Trump being elected effectively creating a positive timeline shift.

Andromedan and Aldebaran infiltration is taking place in the USA also, and they have communicated that they may contact Trump or Musk directly.

Trump is a grey hat, but at the moment he and his future administration is more suitable to work with the Light forces than any of the other main world leaders and their administrations:

There is a huge spiritual transformation taking place. Saint Germain has started activating positive occult groups, both in the Agartha network and on the surface. On the surface, especially groups that already have some connection with Saint Germain (and Cagliostro) are being activated, especially some Templar, Rosicrucian, Masonic, Misraim and Theosophical groups:

These groups are being prepared for the big activations in 2025 and the future arrival of the Golden Age.

There is also a huge reorganization and activation of the whole Agartha network taking place. They are being aligned with Galactic Confederation, the Resistance Movement is becoming a special force department within the Agartha, and Agarthan Silver Fleet will be reactivated again after the Jesuit removal from the Solar system.

Silver Fleet is a fleet of Agarthan spaceships that was instrumental in awakening the surface population to the positive New Age movement in the 1975-1995 period:

That fleet went into hiding during the Archon invasion in 1996, and is expected to be fully reactivated again in January 2025. 

Two days before Pluto enters Aquarius, the dark forces made their last attempt to escalate the situation: 

Therefore our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is very much needed:

Pluto will enter Aquarius for good, and you can join our meditation for that event if you feel so guided:



A few day later, on November 22nd, the doorway of the 11:11 will be completed, and you can participate if you feel so guided:

Solara, the visionary of the 11:11, had an accident a few days ago and you can send her healing if you feel so guided, so that the ceremonies of the 11:11 completion can be done to their fullest:

Completion of the 11:11 will make a room for the Portal of Preparedness, within which many breakthroughs are possible:



That Portal will open on November 22nd with the closing of the 11:11, will have its turning point on December 21st with Sedna Alcyone conjunction and will close on January 21st with heliocentric Earth conjuncting Mars, both opposing Pluto.

This very interesting Portal will prepare us for 2025, and I will release more information about it when the time is right.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Vitória da luz irmãos +++++++++++++++ 😭👍👍👍👍👍✨️✨️✨️✨️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂💎💎💎💎💎🌏🌍🌎🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🌵

      How much deeply meaningful stories and experiences behide short but simple !


    20 Novembre 20h30CET MÉDITATIONS en direct+Pluton en Verseau+Énergie de la Déesse / Sororité de la Rose +Libération. Disponible en replay.
    Diffusé sur Facebook "Prepare for change francophone"
    Diffusé sur Facebook "Prepare For Change France francophonie
    Diffusé sur Facebook" Libération planétaire et Ascension "
    Telegram" Libération Planétaire et Ascension "

    Méditation pour l'entrée de Pluton en Verseau le 19 novembre 2024 à 20h30 UTC (21h30 heure française d'hiver)+LIEN EMISSION MÉDITATIONS EN DIRECT 20 NOVEMBRE 20H30CET (y compris Pluton en Verseau)

    - 29 NOVEMBRE 20H30 CET (heure française d'hiver) Emission EXPLICATIVE ATELIER de COBRA « NOUVELLE RENAISSANCE » en Italie avec 1 INVITEE ayant assisté à l'atelier et à l'INITIATION AUX RAYONS ( illustrations, témoignages+)+ SITUATION PLANETAIRE + vos questions, Disponible en replay
    (Chaine Youtube « Prepare For Change Français officiel   )

    Méditation urgente pour envoyer des énergies de guérison et protection à Solara Anani

  3. A história deste planeta é muito mais interessante do que podemos imaginar.
    Daqui pra frente seguimos mais confiantes, há uma nova energia que podemos sentir, a energia de que não iremos mais voltar às trevas, pois foi estabelecido definitivamente que a luz venceu.
    Obrigado, Cobra. Obrigado guerreiros e trabalhadores da luz.

    1. mal posso esperar para saber a história da humanidade neste planeta desde a época da Lemuria. quando sair eu não vou mais comer, nem dormir, nem tomar banho. apenas ler, assistir os vídeos e me hidratar.

    2. Sim 😁 será realmente fascinante! Temos tanto para aprender.

  4. Fascinating info. Just don't get how a faction like these Jesuits went undetected when the rest of the solar system was being cleared. Why wouldn't the light forces clear this the same time as the chimera?just a question ,no negative here.keeping positive. Votl

    1. Perhaps they had some sort of stealth device, being able to go unnoticed to LF detection systems?

    2. @Degoth. Respectfully, in your comment you are assuming that this intel would have always been safe to share to the surface population.

      Keep in mind that not only are Earth folks reading this but the Cabal, and, strategically, you'd never want to advertise your plans to your enemy:

      Reiterating here:

      "Loose lips sink ships".

      Imagine how upset you and others would be if Cobra shared intel that wasn't supposed to be shared and the Cabal (evil never sleeps) used that to delay The Event.

    3. @ Degoth.
      For tactical and strategic reasons. Now is the right time for them with less risks.

    4. @Jonathan Carty

      The flow of true light is actually an oceanic flow of information through multiple dimensions, and it doesn't rely on words or language,

      only computers and AI rely on that, because that's the only way they can do it.

    5. Yea i resonate with that. That makes sense.

    6. My question is: Why do we even need to know at all? Why risk sharing crucial intel that can be so easier accessed by everyone, not just the good guys? Couldn't the LF share this information directly to key Lightworkers and such like just beam the words into their brains or onto their computer screen or phone or whatever device connected to the internet? Or would that just make them think they were crazy or got hacked? Lol. Okay I guess that wouldn't make much sense. If I am considered one of them I would probably for sure think it was a joke or I was going mad or my device got a virus or was remote controlled. You do you Cobra.

  5. Ohh Yesss☀️☀️☀️☀️Victory is near!💫💫💫

  6. Congratulations to everybody here in the USA, because this presidential election was on a rocky road until just a few days ago. But we did it.

    Thank you Light Forces for all the support and helping us have (something close to....) a fair election, with the minimum amount of cheating.

    We are up to the task to trigger the Event, and carry out this positive timeline shift !!

    Let's go everyone! To the positive Andros and Aldies, yes! Contact Trump and Musk and give them both protection, too, while you're at it.

    Thank you Cobra!

    Victory of the Light !!

    1. Como um ser humano tão desumano como Trump e Elon Musk ,podem ser a solução para a liberação planetária ? Até quando os países considerados de terceiro mundo vão precisar sofrer nas mãos dos americanos? Isso soa um tanto quanto estranho!!!

    2. Your reply, which I translated from Portuguese into English: How can such inhumane human beings as Trump and Elon Musk be the solution for planetary liberation? How long will third world countries have to suffer at the hands of the Americans? This sounds a bit strange!!!

      Hmmm.................... If I correctly understand Cobra's post, Cobra says Trump and Company are the best of the world leaders, at the moment. He said China has made some strategic mistakes, so the Light Forces are going with the USA rather than China, to lead the breakthrough.

      The USA has done some nasty things on the world stage. They are not perfect, but at least Trump is not into starting and funding wars and Elon isn't either.

      We can hope and visualize and create a more just world, where everyone participates and lives up to their potential. We will have that. We just need to direct ourselves toward it and create it.

      Do you remember these words from Cobra's post on September 23? We can do this....

      "Dragon sources have communicated that we can now rise above the attacks and move our focus away from the darker aspects of reality, which will be decomposed anyway. This refocusing is like a muscle we can train, and with practice it gets better. For that purpose, they have released the following meditation that can help us in this process:

      Victory of the Light !!

  7. It is a call and an order from Cobra to help Solara, attentive servants of the light!!!

  8. Victory of the Light!! Go Cobra and Light Forces!

    I just came on to say cash is being kept alive in Australia. Thank God!

    I'm just doing a quick read right now. I'm figuring out my blood pressure. Would you know the hospital only gave me minimum dose. I am using my doctor in Melbourne to send higher dose. I can't even hardly stand up without higher dose. They are idiots.

  9. Fantastic news COBRA!! Bravo!👏😎
    THANK YOU Lightforces, Resistance Movement, White Hats...
    WE GOT THIS, EVERYONE... WE GOT THIS!✨️🔑✨️🛸🌎🛸✨️🔑✨️

    1. 👍😀 possiamo essere ottimisti...🌲🛸🌲

  10. Good to know. Now I can continue working and expecting less and less.

  11. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  12. Replies
    1. [When] the sky recedes like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island is moved from its place. Or something like that.

  13. "Trump is a grey hat, but at the moment he and his future administration is more suitable to work with the Light forces than any of the other main world leaders and their administrations:"

    will you LF fail again like in Russia?

    1. This no one can know people it's not a programme, everyone has free will. Unfortunately, many people on the planet have not chosen the easy way of transition to another dimension. Although, of course, besides subjective reasons there are objective reasons, knowing the dark periods of the history of this planet and the influence of negative groups.

  14. I recommend a song everyone!
    Real American
    by Jim Johnston

  15. Sounds good 2025 thanks rm cobra light forces.

  16. Awesome news cobra thanks for the update, victory of the light ✨...

  17. Great update, and I don't want to be a 'downer,' but I'm not sure how we're going to get out of this one. If long range missiles are allowed to strike deep inside Russia, isn't WW3 guaranteed? Permission for long range missiles to strike deep inside Russia has been granted today.

    1. Well, the aliens stopped that before; they pretty much 'turned off' the missile silos, and even missiles that were already in flight. Don't see why the aliens would allow it to happen, now.

      MY question is does that wimp, Zelinsky, have the gonads to even try to fire 'em.

    2. Putin is an adult and he obviously understands that Biden is on his way out, so it would make more sense to just endure 1.5 more months rather than start WW3.

      Also, galactics are working behind the scenes to stop WW3.

      Also, the human collective very much does NOT want WW3 and that has an impact.

    3. Sherman, do you mean nukes or do you mean missiles? I haven't seen evidence in recent times that any missiles have been stopped from being fired. For example, just look at Gaza. Only nukes are stopped - it was stated in a previous interview that the light forces do not stop missiles. That's why I made a post asking the light forces to stop missiles too:

      Even without using nukes, hypersonic missiles alone fired in mass would qualify as a WW3 scenario.

      Lightworker, I guess we'll see what happens. I don't want to be pessimistic. I'm just trying to 'keep it real.' I hope you're right.

    4. Missiles Schmissiles. It's like a mosquito biting an elephant. Don't worry, be happy. It's all just a bad dream anyway everyone. When you wake up, none of this will have mattered one iota. Don't believe me? Doesn't matter. When the dream is over it will prove itself.

    5. (I don't remember seeing the meditation for peace between NATO and Russia every 4 hours being mentioned until now in the post. Must have been updated.)


    1. the reallity is not a hollywood action movie... the US is not elected the light nation more than others. the LF decided investing focuses in work on that nation.....

    2. Realmente parece que as forças da luz sempre fazem a escolha errada! São como robôs!Não entendem os humanos e nunca vão entender! Trump trabalhando para a Luz soa com piada de mal gosto!

    3. That was the America that was taken, in no way was it the soul of this nation. We fucked up by trusting our politicians. Now the soul of America is back. And we apologize for the time it was taken and people died. Those who deceived us will pay the price.

    4. Russia commits genocide in Ukraine. And Assad and Iran bombed genocide against their own people in Syria. You are totally insane calling these people hope.

  19. Thank you so much 💫💫💫💫

  20. Can you tell me the date of the Solara accident? please.

  21. somehow i always knew America would start the breakthroughs.
    thank you for confirming!


    hold thy wigs warriors! next 4/5 days will be dramatic. keep yourself connected to the oneness I Am.

  22. It is a deep, deep darkness. A system built on many layers. How difficult it is to avoid falling into the trap and keep one's soul pure! Light forces, I now understand that the Earth cannot be saved without direct intervention on the surface. I am truly grateful to them.

  23. It is a deep, deep darkness. A system built on many layers. How difficult it is to avoid falling into the trap and keep one's soul pure!
    Light forces, I now understand that the Earth cannot be saved without direct intervention on the surface. I am truly grateful to them.

    1. It must happening!
      If two hands not touching each other across the galaxy
      Across the dimensions. Across every limitation.
      It is meanless like just a news paper.
      It is not liberation!

      Because universe nature always both respect and touch every being as each one are it's child of oneness.
      Every flashing.
      Everything alive
      Everything flowing.
      Everything free.
      Everything loving.
      New birth start begin in this.

  24. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  25. It's crazy that these guys were able to remain undetected all this time instead of being cleared alongside other stronger networks that were removed from the solar system previously.

    1. Those wascawy wabbits. Must've gone down the wabbit howe.

  26. Meanwhile, I continue here in extreme suffering, asking for help from the forces of light in vain. Without getting any better.

  27. Unfortunately none of this resonates much anymore. The past is dead and all efforts to gain control can be lost in an instant when truth is brought to the light. There will always be more life that can't be controlled than life to do the controlling.

    1. I know right? Everyone has their knickers in a twist. Souls are eternal. 2025 is just another year in eternity. Time marches on....

    2. Souls might be eternal, but patience is NOT, Mg.

  28. Thenk you cobra just having a hard time believing Jesuits were allowed to fly around the solar system in the 17th or 18th centuries when we have been told earth was quarantined long ago by the Pleaidians and other galactics and why would the draco allow this if they took were quarantined to earth? Seems a new obstacle / twist appears.
    Surely the millions of galactics around earth in their ships have already dealt with any rogue dark companies in our solar system? What about the Pits and the sun quantum anomaly removal?
    I think Trump is read into the alliance plan and knows about the golden age as he keeps mentioning it during his speeches. We need to remove the rest of the human cabal militarily ourselves to prove to the galactics we are mature enough and are worthy of the solar flash.

  29. According to Kim Goguen the real Trump is gone two years ago, and the operatives are running with doubles and two clones, and are the one calling the shots and running all the show so far, So Cobra posting that Trump is a gray hat, wonder if Cobra knows if Real trump is gone or not? , would like to know cobra opinion or intel about it .

    1. Makes me wonder if the Trumpee family lied to Kim whom (she says, they said) he perished from cancer in Jan. of 2022.
      Can't wait til y'all (Mythi, Cobra, Kim, Kab & Fam of Taygeta et al) get your storys straight and maybe work together on this project and to alleviate the immense amount of physical suffering on this planet.

    2. My intel is real Trump is alive and in Cheyenne mountain. I believe he is alive.

  30. Sapevo che Trump fosse tutt'altro che perfetto, ma riallacciando il discorso ai miei commenti precedenti ho capito che Trump non è li per caso. I Pleiadiani gli hanno salvato la vita ruotando la sua testa 0.3 secondi prima che il proiettile lo colpisse al volto, evidentemente c'era un motivo valido. Per cui LF hanno individuato in Trump il migliore con cui avere un contatto. Pertanto, nonostante Trump possa essere criticato , al momento rimane la migliore opzione disponibile con cui le Forze della Luce possono avere dei collegamenti. Trump scherzosamente punta il dito ma in realtà è lui sotto esame. LF gli faranno pressione affinché egli agisca per loro conto. Speriamo soltanto che sia una scelta azzeccata , ma sono fiducioso. Ho anche detto che Trump potrà essere un apripista per migliori condizioni temporanee prima dell' Evento ma che è l'Evento la cosa più importante. 🌲🛸🌲

  31. Looking forward to the further involvement of China light workers and the victory of light.

  32. I'm a 3rd Degree Master Mason and will soon join the YorkRite Masonic Knights Templar 🙌 Ready to bring more light into this world Sir! 🫡

  33. Light force, please also give strong protection to Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. , he is fighting against the pharmaceutical cartel and vaccines and puting his life in tremendous danger.

    Make America great again and America make human race great again !

  34. "Trump is a grey hat,"
    Why not to put some Lightworker in that position?

    1. Who on that famous chair are not really matter.(it like a name)
      The important is how it effects for humanity Conciouness growth .rising.awaking.
      The true working are behide that famous chair. How many people anchroing and doing right things for Liberation on earth. For unconditional loving belongs to all beings.

      Many true light workers. Specially the most highest Conciouness brings.
      Actually are nameless.
      But each one of them creates the light energy effects far far more than that famous chair.

      Look at it all with a generous, empathetic heart.

    2. Apparently Trump won't last, according to psychics anyway. Someone better than Trump soonish. Well I hope so.

  35. damn what's wrong with must happen in 2025.lets get it

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Wonder if the copied people in position of power includes the pro Israel guys. And what happens to these duplicates once they finished their jobs?

    1. They all just get sent back to "The Basement". So I hear anyway *shrugs*

  38. This update matches many aspects disclosed in a movie released 16 years ago, if your interested in acquiring detail about our current situation here's the full 90 min free here:

    Futurama A Beast With A Billion Backs

    Or a shorter version with most key points collected (20 min) here:

    Futurama Disclosure of Cobra Update

    Archon Alumni Disclosure:

    Jesuit Fraternity Truth In Plain Sight


  39. Sorry, but your information doesn't resonate with me. Plenty of people in the BRICS love the thought of seeing US Dominance and Western Civilization decline because they perceive it as "payback" for European people's colonization and massacres of Non-European people in India, Native Americans, Southeast Asians, as well as the evil acts King Leopold of Belgium did to Congolese.

    Not to mention that Hitler too was an European that massacred people too, and US wars in many places killed millions of civilians. So some people just can't accept bloodthirsty and morally-decadent Westerners and European/Caucasian people leading the world in the Disclosure game, so I think the Aldebarans should stop siding with the USA/Westerners and pick China, which has never invaded another nation or started any foreign wars at all over the past 30 years like AmeriKKKa.

    I stand with BRICS and Iran, and not the Pro-Zionist AmeriKKKans, who helped Israel and Netanyahu commit genocide against the Palestinian people by supplying bombs to the Zionists.

    1. Taking a side here in the matrix is really bad anyways. They created all the sides and infiltrated everything, including BRICS. It doesn't matter which controller you choose if they are composed by negative-intended-people. That's really basic.

    2. "so I think the Aldebarans should stop siding with the USA/Westerners and pick China, which has never invaded another nation".
      Tibet, Taiwan.

    3. Slavic countries do not attack others.

    4. This only shows that you don't know anything about the dark and negative events in this country.

    5. They all invaded countries if they had the power. The Mongols were the biggest conquerer and murderers and they were Asian. The Native Americans fought each other and also Africans had slavery in their countries and India had the caste system.

      furthermore is BRICS commiting genocide in Ukraine through Russia. They dont really care about people. Iran also bomb people in Syria and support a lot of the millitant groups around the world.

  40. "New reports say that Elon Musk held secret talks with the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations on Monday, Nov 11, 2024."

  41. Recent Light

  42. Finally at the last phase of this lifelong wait. Like most of you you've been waiting your whole life for something like this. To have it in the back of your mind at all times for years. Now we are here. I've been following this blog since 2012. I was 60 when I started following and now I'm 72. Robert Potter had a YouTube explanation back then of the event. That's how I came to know about the event. It opens so many doors. And down the rabbit hole I went. All the things that cobra has been saying since that time have come to past. Never did I see or read any contradictions or lies. He's been pretty well right on. He explained in succession of things that will occur before this great solar Flash. I have done most of the meditations. I bought my cintamani Stone from Robert Potter back when Robert was with us. I'm very grateful for Robert Potter then, and I still follow him now. Thank you Robert. He's the co-founder of prepare for change. And I thank prepare for change for all their work they have done through the years. Very informative and cutting edge articles. Much gratitude for what they have done. Trust me at times we were put against the wall not knowing what the outcome would be or how long we have to wait. I cannot wait for the day for our work to begin as light workers. And for the truth to finally be revealed. I'm sure it still will be a rough road ahead. But in a few days Pluto will be back into Aquarius and will stay for over 20 years. We were at the worst of times and now we are at the best of times. Thank you cobra for your life's work. Victory of the light.

  43. I was in China this July and August, a very negative depressed memory

  44. Looking forward to 2025!

    Bahasa Indonesia translation of this post:

  45. Bonjour, merci pour tout ce qui est apporté ici. Nous avons besoin de retrouver des sentiments forts en nous pour vivre ces moments intenses dans l'équilibre et l'harmonie.

    Je propose 3 séances de sophrologie pour découvrir un processus de transformation intérieur afin de retrouver une unité pour créer une nouvelle réalité plus authentique et alignée pour vivre dans dans la joie, la paix et l'équilibre au quotidien.

    La 1° séance en ligne, en direct et en replay ce 18/11 en s'incrivant avec le lien :

  46. Jesuits in space. Give me a fucking break.

  47. Trump and his team do have great potential, to improve the planetary situation. However, here it is worth paying attention to a potentially dangerous reference point that will start after his inauguration and it is related to the conflict in Ukraine.
    The team of light forces should take into account not only the general situation but also the individual psychological characteristics of politicians. Trump has a rather irascible/sharp temper, Putin has certain patterns of fixation on things at a particular moment in time, his emotional body is unstable, so when the negotiations start I think the light forces and people who want peace should accompany each of them, but until then carefully study their behaviour patterns to increase the chances of peace in Ukraine. I mean, the personal characteristics of politicians will play a very important role in the negotiations after Trump's inauguration on Ukraine.

  48. Thanks for the update.
    But I have a question. The United States is currently controlled by major capital and negative capital giants and cabal groups. The Federal Reserve is also controlled by the Rothschild and other families. In contrast, even if the neutral Trump recognizes the election, the power of the US president is actually not as great as we think. Why do the light forces think that the United States is more helpful than China in creating the breakthrough.
    Also, Confused, what strategic mistakes did China make in 2024?

    1. @R, the gray hats in the US may be in a better position to do things that are a part of the light forces plan. The energy situation in the US is much better than chinas as well.

    2. "On the astral plane, they are clearing the so-called “jealousy network”"

  49. It can be easily observed that Cobra's attitude toward the Earth Alliance is often erratic.

  50. To be honest, I don't see much things the Light forces have done to change the mind programming of the Chinese people. Why would the Light Forces expect a breakthrough in China under these conditions?

    1. Make sense in a certain view.

    2. Everyone thinks that others are programmed, but they themselves are not. This is the media mind control that is prevalent among Western people.

  51. Oh, I understand. Although the United States has been torturing the world for decades, it must be the first choice of aliens. No one cares who you choose. We just want to trigger the event right now. Or give us the evidence we need.

  52. Hey Cobra, when will you acknowledge the work Kim Goguen is doing along the same lines of clearing the Derpstate from dominating the Universe? And work together with others like The Family of Taygeta, and Mythi et al to alleviate the grotesque amount of Human suffering (enslavement) on this planet?

    1. good point I heard kim made a comment about cobra blog, but nothing much

  53. I guess that when you have removed the bulk of the mess and the garbage, you begin to spot smaller things that had passed inadvertently before. But who could expect there were galactic/technological Jesuits in space. However that illustration from “Mundus Subterraneus” seems to point at that, they wanted to master the stars and the underworld too. Despite their bosses the Chimera group were much better at that and also technology, the Jesuits wanted to do their thing too. Probably they had to substitute their black robes for that mission, I guess :)
    Anyway, with so many LF even from other universes out there now, they’ll probably be able to cope with them and their “nanites” easily and quickly, it’s not like on the surface where it’s difficult for them to intervene. Hopefully their cleansing will go in parallel with the progress made on the surface, and won’t delay it much more. But even if reality is in many occasions more outlandish than fiction, things are what they are.
    The Trump/US thing doesn’t come much as a surprise. In spring we were told about St. Germain plans for the US, I think there was a New Atlantis workshop, meditation for the US election (of course not for Biden win, so..) etc. Also Trump must have some contact with the positive military alliance, and have some awareness of the ET and spir**ual component of it. He even has talked about a “golden age”, so I don’t think the call will take him by surprise. Time to put things into motion!

  54. Cobra. Kindly listed down the mistake done by China in year 2024 !!! If there is any !

    1. I guess one of the mistakes was arresting the Light Workers and imprisoning some of them until now.

  55. I looked at the picture of the woman writing with the sun and moon in the background. It has latin that says sapiens domina bitur aftris or in english a wise lady will be bitter later. If I am wrong please correct me. She is looking into a sphere that may be depicting two human or humanoid figures in front of a cave entrance. There is a snake and insects on the ground and possibly another reptile off to the right in the picture. Maybe a reference to reptilian and insectoid dark forces. It says that only very few jesuits knew about the reptilian pact and it is a dark truth for sure. The latin kind of reminds me of the saying ignorance is bliss. People probably dont want to know and could not come to terms with real history.

  56. Thank you very much for this important and special update, dear Cobra! 💖 Here are the Italian and Romanian translations, shared on my blog and your Telegram channels:
    1. Italian

    2. Romanian

    Victory of the Light!!! 🌟🌟🌟

  57. 为中国光网格重建储蓄能量

  58. Sun Tzu

    "Profound knowledge is to be aware of disturbance before disturbance, to be aware of danger before danger, to be aware of destruction before destruction, to be aware of calamity before calamity. Powerful action is training the body without burdening the body, exercising the mind without using the mind, working in the world without not be affected by the world, carrying out tasks without being overwhelmed by tasks."

    "When you're close, make them believe you're far away. When you're far away, make them believe you're near."

    Riding the Light

    Hold the light and love!

  59. Considerato il livello di marciume e la degenerazione che esiste a livello politico in generale su questo pianeta, Trump è un cappello grigio ma almeno non è un oscuro. Un oscuro quasi mai torna alla Luce ma un cappello grigio è più facile da maneggiare sicuramente. LF dovranno fare un buon lavoro su di lui. Auguriamoci che tutto questo lavoro porti i suoi frutti al più presto. Non c'è più tempo da perdere🌲🛸🌲

  60. Da queste parti (l'Italia), si cerca sempre di ricoprire l'odore di merda che esala dal Vaticano dei Gesuiti e dalla nobiltà nera occulta col profumo di religione cattolica per cialtroni ignoranti e popolo bue. Per chi ha ancora "naso" 👃 per annusare , il misto dei due odori è asfissiante... fortunatamente il 2025 è vicino🌲🛸🌲

  61. Soltanto alcune volte il mio linguaggio è un po' colorito ma quando ci vuole ci vuole. L'Italia è il Paese delle contraddizioni perché superficialmente è un territorio stupendo , colorato e soleggiato, mentre in profondità c'è troppa oscurità. Tutta l'oscurità deve essere riportata alla Luce!




  64. Esempio: il Duomo di Milano è visitato ogni giorno da molti turisti e abitanti che guardano le sue facciate maestose e nessuno si accorge che su una delle facciate vi è rappresentato il simbolo del Sole nero con attorno dei piccoli vetri luminosi. Ecco, questi vetri colorati luminosi vengono risucchiati dal Sole nero. Questo simbolo indica tutta l'oscurità presente oggi sul pianeta che cerca di fagocitare chi è portatore di Luce (e verità). È tutto lì da vedere. E nessuno si accorge...

    1. No one notices, because when it comes to church goers, it's leave one's brain at the front door before entering. Also one of the reasons those damned priests and cardinals and bishops been able to get away with molesting those kids for so many years.

  65. what a great update, lets do this and be free some time sooner or later

  66. I never believed that a country Controlled by the Communist Party of China could become a breakthrough. Fortunately, the Light Forces have finally embarked on the right path.

    After the event occurs, let the highest level of consciousness Light Workers ascend as soon as possible. They are the most likely force to bring stability to the Earth.

    1. The same feeling that the ascension of the highest consciousness groups and their return to the Earth for the construction of all aspects is the natural way of the Universe, and that this group of people will become the true rainbow bridge for the benefit of all that exists on the Earth.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. China in the sense of the Western part, Taiwan, yes. And if they have a good solution for a reunification that is not offensive for the current Communist leaders, China could succeed and Westernize. I think they need a solution that saves face.

  67. A few months ago, I dreamed of a man who was like the one who started selling books to Donald Duck in the episode 'The Adventures of Donald Duck'. He was tall and wearing a coat, and suddenly appeared in my dream, conveying a subtle message to me that 'they' were staring at me. What's even more interesting is that this happened shortly after my relationship with my Pleiades twin souls greatly improved. Who are 'they'? Are they Jesuits in space? Why not label them as negative Andromedan and Aldebaran based on their source of soul? Why is the separatist civilization in Tibet referred to as negative aliens instead of Jesuits? Have I ever reached an agreement with these people before? I'm confused.

    1. My country translates it as' The Adventures of Donald Duck '. In fact, that episode, called' duck pimples 1945 ', tells the story of characters from a horror novel that Donald Duck reads who step out of the screen and have a fantastic experience with him.

  68. Isso soa como uma piada de mal gosto! Como os Estados Unidos podem ser escolhido para acionar o evento? Como Trump um racista e ignorante é escolhido pela forças da luz? Até agora a luz só vem fazendo escolhas erradas , tanto que só vem sofrendo atrasados o evento!

  69. ... a speck of memory, in a Galaxy, for a Universe
    (for an incomprehensible number of atoms that agree to bond, or not)
    Every hour, 2 gasses bond in space, and reality rains on the Earth

    1. The space-time of water is to reach it's lowest levels...
      The space-time of war is... follow the money
      (war is hell)

  70. I am formally asking CORBA a question. Around 2:30 pm (midnight) on March 12, 2024, LF wanted to take me away from the surface (I guess). This process woke me up in my sleep, and then my body couldn't move. My eyes were filled with a huge light, and strange electromagnetic sounds came from my ears. After a few seconds, everything disappeared. I want to know what happened to me at that time? I swear that was the weirdest experience of my life. Compared to it, my multiple telepathic interactions with aliens have become mundane.

    1. I strongly suspect that if they wanted to take you away, you'd have been beamed up into a ship with little to no discomfort. So I think it wasn't that.

      What it was, I don't know. Frankly it could just have been your mind doing weird things while you were half-asleep, and/or ascension symptoms.

  71. "those tunnels, they have encountered native Reptilians, and they forged a military alliance with them".

    Native reptilians are negative?

  72. "Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decide to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough.",

    who do you mean saying China?

    1. You mean what forces related to China right?

    2. @jojo totally right, people don't know history of China's Civil war really need to know there's two "China"represent two different time–line, ROC, Republic of China stand for democracy and the interest of Dragon Family, PRC, people's Republic of China, stand for the interest of Jesuit, who almost totally destroyed Chinese traditional values and cultures during 1960–1976, and caused a huge number of death of civilians, even more than WW2

  73. Understanding Intel from outside the veil
    "Kerry Cassidy is getting some intel from behind the scenes but is not interpreting it correctly."

    From Gaiaportal from 2013-8-31
    Understanding of this message occurs from Higher Levels only.
    3D-4D analysis will fail to give such.
    As Higher Guidance is followed, understanding follows.

  74. Qualcosa non torna. C'è confusione nelle notizie dei mass media. C'è Fulford che dice Trump a Mar a Lago non è quello vero. Credo che il vero Trump sia esclusivamente quello di cui parla Cobra. I Sionisti stanno ancora cercando di confondere le cose. E anche se Fulford sbaglia qualcosa , sicuramente è un grado di sviscerare un sacco di notizie viste in un altro modo, da un altro punto di vista. Inutile ragionare troppo sulle cose, la verità salterà fuori solo durante l'Evento. Se dovessi attribuire una parola al 2024 sarebbe "confusione". Il 2025 sarà più autentico.


  76. LF/RM/"positive military" are doing nothing to help targeted Individual hostages no matter how severe and consistent police state and railroad ing court fraud is against them.

    The event experience is already tainted for me as I've repeatedly been sub-lethally poisened with neurotoxins and other biochemical weapons to torture to discredit and frame me for police to murder me with a stupid "crazy guy" story they are building up through fraud and violence. I could list examples but the sheer amount of examples is supposed to disguise there is anything to it by denial/cowardice/complicity of the recipient and keep me from ever having time or safe place to organize evidence that hasn't already been stolen from me. They have copies of our keys, knock us out and enter and assault day or night. We have to tape our doors shut and breath toxic chemicals because they converted our truck into a poison chamber besides shooting poison balls into our truck as well. If we don't tape the door handle to the inside and the licks down the assaults by hand and injections wouy be every day and night.
    My face is still injured today 11/18/24 from an injection between my eyes from August 24th 2024.

    Where is the red line or are we considered expendable?
    There should be an emergency protocol already active against the human trafficking privatized states.
    If you help one target ten more will be killed? Then help them all. The only DF left are surface cabal with limited technology and knowledge especially compared to the GC.

    Why doesn't the "positive military" give me video files of me being human trafficked and tortured to use against Eagle Court which is complicit?

    No recourse to the law, failed United States.

    "Thank you very little",

    Targeted for torture to death in Denver Colorado, USA

  77. Though Trump is a “grey hat” (you can’t play the power games to get to the top and remain “white” on Earth), it’s very likely he’ll be open to collaborate with the LF this time. Only one thing doesn’t add up: his position about Israel. IMO there are two possibilities:
    A) It’s a trap to cover up what’s coming later, and when the time is right he’ll put Israel in its place. Just like Kamala hypocritically supported the Palestinians while working for the Zionists, he’s doing just the opposite.
    B) As a “grey hat”, he collaborates to the extent he wants, has strong bonds with Israel (son in law among others), and wants to support it till the end.
    In this case he would have to be persuaded about the right thing to do, or something else, it could be a problem..
    I think it must be one of the two, most likely option A, but of course I’m not sure.
    Anyone wants to vote?

    1. I think it's B: he just likes Israel and wants to support it. Which isn't crazy at all; lots of right-wing Americans have that same perspective, especially ones of his generation.

      He's ultimately just a person. Sure, one the light forces want to work with, but people have personal preferences.

      That said, I think his "America first" bias trumps his "I like Israel" bias, so I suspect things will mostly work out in the end.

    2. @Lightworker, what you say makes sense if Trump was not informed at all about the reality of the situation, but that’s hard to believe. It seems more likely to me that for the time being he has to give a message that the sleepers, which are still many, can swallow too. But it could be as you say, difficult to tell…

  78. Mulțumim Cobra pentru actualizare .Victoria Luminii .

  79. Wish cobra and Kerry Cassidy would do a show

  80. I would like to address The Lightforces and Resistance Movement for a few moments...
    specifically Saint Germain, Alderbarons, Andromedans, Pleiadians, and COBRA, since you're the representative for the Resistance Movement. It's my belief that all of you referenced above pay close attention to this comments section in order to gage in real-time the Lightworkers and Starseeds energies, Light and alignment to our predestined missions.

    I'm going to start with an excerpt from this latest post:

    (COBRA: "The Light forces have put their power behind Trump presidency, and many positive occult Templar groups were meditating for fair elections, with Trump being elected effectively creating a positive timeline shift.

    Andromedan and Aldebaran infiltration is taking place in the USA also, and they have communicated that they may contact Trump or Musk directly.

    Trump is a grey hat, but at the moment he and his future administration is more suitable to work with the Light forces than any of the other main world leaders and their administrations...")

    I personally agree with this move to make contact with Trump and Musk in order to help pave the way and initialize the safest and most beneficial path leading up to
    The Event... especially since the energies after the Trump presidential victory are at an ALL TIME HIGH. This is a smart and strategic move globally because the rest of the world is paying attention to what Trump and his administration have in store for not only America... but the world stage.
    And Elon Musk has also up'd his game on the world stage by backing the MAGA movement... plus he's very much ready to expand his vision via Galactic contact.

    Now, having said all that, I feel a need to speak on behalf of the Lightworkers and Starseeds that volunteered to be here... excluding of course some that don't feel that way... I'm talking to you @Sherman😅

    We've been through hell and high water just making it this far and KNOW we were messed with, kept down and struggling physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially most of our lives via The Lurker and Dark forces. You can say that most, if not all of us have had our missions sabotaged to different degrees... hindering our efforts to make a more powerful impact in this world, basically impotent helping to awaken the masses. So, we're consoled and told to hold our Light, do the mass meditations on humanities behalf, sign the direct intervention petition, practice manifestation and protection protocols, and simply wait for The Event, Operation Dreamland, and First Contact before we can get some long overdue healing from a lifetime of trauma, wounding, and bleeding emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially this entire time.
    I believe OUR time to make a more significant impact and have a say on the world stage as the 144,000 Lightworkers and Starseeds is DUE! We've done OUR part time and time again in our private lives as well as when we're called upon as a collective. Many of us are VERY ready for First Contact so we are able to go through the healing, detoxing, rejuvenation, and training in order to hopefully qualify for the First Wave of Ascension in order to come back and make a HUGE and SIGNIFICANT impact on humanity in order to prepare the all for their own Ascension process.
    Please guys... don't leave us hanging, we're READY to take it up a notch and help humanity heal and help them transition into The Golden Age.
    My Twin Flame Terri and I, along with so many others around the world ARE READY to come aboard the Motherships and work with ALL OF YOU so WE can come back and PAY IT FORWARD to humanity.

    Thank you for reading this, it's important that YOU KNOW where I, and many others stand... WE'RE READY TO HITCH A RIDE!

    1. When the Earth became the centre of darkness in 1996, it was clear that there was a lot to be done to free the planet. Much of this can only be recognised gradually, as the Dark Forces are hiding their resources.

      Premature first contact could have terrible consequences for those contacted.

    2. 144k, pienamente d'accordo! Sei stato perfetto!! Grazie amico mio🙂👍🌲🛸🌲

    3. @3k14Pi
      I never said anything about premature contact.🤔
      I thought that was understood by all of us that it can only be done when it is safe to do so.
      The Lightforces KNOW what I'm referring to... and that's why I was specifically addressing them. How did you jump to this conclusion?😅
      I said what said so they understand that those of us that wish to have First Contact and work with the Pleiadians are ready to do so when, and ONLY when it's safe to do so and the green light is given.
      I've been following this blog for over a decade now my friend, I KNOW what's going on... there's no need to interject the obvious.☝️😉

    4. The 1996 invasion could not be prevented ? I don't understand the Source of this creation at all

    5. Thank you @Time X...
      It makes me happy that you liked and understood my words. I had to explain to @3k14Pi, what I said only applies when it's safe to do so... I thought this was a well understood requirement before any contact could be made.
      I guess I had to clarify that for some folks on here.😏
      Anyway, these two videos are for you and anyone else that wants to view them.🫵😎👍
      See you soon my friend!

    6. @One Of 144K
      I wasn't answering you specifically [this is a public blog], but everyone reading it.

    7. @3k14Pi
      That's correct... this IS a public blog. And I'm also sure that everyone on here is aware that First Contact can ONLY happen when it's safe to do so.
      So, I was responding to your statement, my friend.☝️😎👍
      Love and Light... Troy

  81. The creator is doing nothing more than his obligation to free us.
    1st = No one told him to create the Lurker in the first place.
    2nd = Our free will has been completely vilified by the forces of darkness for a long time and so far he has done nothing.
    That said, it is taking too long and he does not have my gratitude, and if he does not like it he can erase me from existence because I can no longer stand the position of suffering I find myself in.

  82. Well Amanda just said the physical body has trouble "catching up" with the other bodies. Just at the start here:

    Well yes. I still can hardly walk. Why would someone at 54 just stop walking. Hospital is no help. Will not investigate. I hope something is going on as per my angels/Ashtar. I'm at my wits end.

  83. Excerpt from the latest intel:

    (COBRA: "These groups are being prepared for the big activations in 2025 and the future arrival of the Golden Age.

    There is also a huge reorganization and activation of the whole Agartha network taking place. They are being aligned with Galactic Confederation, the Resistance Movement is becoming a special force department within the Agartha, and Agarthan Silver Fleet will be reactivated again after the Jesuit removal from the Solar system.

    Silver Fleet is a fleet of Agarthan spaceships that was instrumental in awakening the surface population to the positive New Age movement in the 1975-1995 period..."
    It's my belief that the above mentioned "Silver Fleet" are the same ones that contacted Billy Meier from 1975-1995
    His main contact was Semjase... who COBRA talks about being a part of his
    Soul Family.

    Some of Billy Meier's photos and interactions...

    Billy Meier's Story:

    Love and Light... Troy

  84. En español, en castellano:

  85. So a positive timeline shift depends on trump out of all people? Oh that’s so reassuring.

    1. The Templar groups' meditation helped ensure that the timeline was positively shifted.

  86. Hi Cobra
    Also the tunnels under Naples are been made by reptilians? Please reply

  87. Cobra ask your mason brethren why they think they own me as property.


  88. You've got to make me an offer
    That cannot be ignored
    So let's head for home now
    Everything I have is yours, oh
    Step by step, and day by day
    Every second counts, I can't break away

    Leave no trace
    Hide your face

    Trying to find it
    You've got to get up behind it
    Put your dime in the hot slot
    But it's a million to one shot
    You think that you're right now
    You're gonna face it tonight now
    Ooh, give me a breakdown.
    Because it's time for a shakedown.


  89. If you want a real shift in spiritual understanding then I suggest becoming aware that beliefs influence the perception, and perception with beliefs create very real scenarios for each person. I expect many here are coming to realize the reality we experience is happening in each persons perception, the differences among us are what we believe. There is this idea called the Greater Reality, and that is a reality of cooperation. We may each be perceiving and doing different actions for ourselves, and that adds to, or even will reflect our greater reality by syncronization. This is for.those of you not in the herd, and apart from it, but, even though we are isolated in our individual perception, we are.not separate in our essence. The greater reality is the interconnection, but also the larger part of each person. That means that these e.t. are merely other lives of your essence, and they are literally you. These e.t. are you in another life.

    1. Yes, clinging to old concepts hinders progress.

  90. The only current threats to the planet are capitalism, which destroys environmental balance and produces misery by concentrating wealth, and the US government, which sponsors wars and coups d'état throughout the world to sell weapons and maintain its political control.
    As únicas ameaças atuais ao planeta, são o capitalismo que destrói o equilíbrio ambiental e produz miséria ao concentrar riquezas, e o governo dos EUA que patrocinam guerras e golpes de Estado em todo mundo, para vender armas e manter seu controle político.

    1. The controlling powers are behind everything.

  91. I hope the light forces can be prepared that Trump will not cooperate with them in the end. The light forces hope to cooperate with Russia and China, but in the end they did not succeed. It is better to have a backup plan this time. In addition, I think it is right not to break through in China. The people of this country are full of nationalism. They attack the Japanese in China. And also attack the Chinese. Because they feel that the law and salary system are unfair. But they dare not attack the CCP, and will only attack civilians.

    In addition, they trust the CCP too much. If an incident occurs, they may regard some truths as attacks on the CCP and China, and react aggressively. I hope the light forces will consider this.

    1. Not only is there extreme nationalism, some people in this country also advocate social Darwinism. Many people believe that society should be a survival of the fittest, and that people should be divided into different classes. Children here have been brainwashed since childhood to hate the Japanese and American people... Not only that, they are also taught to endure hardships, study hard, and maximize suffering. For example, there is an old Chinese saying that "only those who endure the most hardships can become the best." In this country, enjoying life has become a shameful behavior.

    2. I think that is caused by the suppression of spirituality. As far as I understood , a lot of the Communist people in East Germany wanted to unify because this gave them more benefits. The Communist system is extremely harmful because it suppresses spirituality. I think the LIght forces work for this to change even under the current conditions. That is why Cobra made an post entirely for China.

  92. "Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decide to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough."

    Maybe the problem is not which country is chosen, but that something is wrong with the Light Forces.

    1. The problem is the negative free will of those in power. The light forces have already offered co-operation to many of them.

    2. Escolher Trump e os Estados Unidos para o país que vai disparar o evento... Parece que as forças da luz mais uma vez estão dando um tiro no própio pé, o país mais odiado do mundo e um ignorante! Parece até uma piada de mal gosto!

    3. St.Germain give sometimes bad advise. According to Jan Udo Holey he wanted to make Germany world leader in science 100 years before WW2 or so. I dont remember the exact time. They declined and did not trust him.

      I always thought: I he succeeded wouldnt the Nazis later won WW2? I mean St.Germain claims he is a time traveler according to the same source. and therefore should know what happens So that would have been very stupid.

  93. Anyone else wonder how the page views are so extraordinarily high for such an obscure blog? Wonder if Cobra could comment on how many actual readers there are and how the total page views got to over 100 million in just 12 years. I know personally I visit this site at least once a day, been following since the beginning, so there's probably like 3000-4000 page views from me alone lol. But wow, that's a lot of web traffic for what most would consider "science fiction" you know?

    1. i am here since 2016. i access this blog easily 20-30 times a day. i am definetely not the only one.
      yes i made a pause between 2021 and 2024 but still. i alone probably own one percent of this number so not that many people imo

  94. In 2099, I am there for all of you. All has happened, and it is through one failure and setback after another that the forces of light will finally come to understand something of humanity.

  95. It doesn't matter which country
    will be choose as the breakthrough point. What matters is the breakthrough and the liberation of the planet. I suggest that people who think they are awakened can also examine their own thoughts and get rid of the opposing ideological programming garbage.

  96. "WARNING" they are targeting volcanoes to create earthquakes,Russia ,italy, California, Wyoming and Iceland are being targeted plus they have tech to mimic solar flares (emp) over 24 volcanoes are on the watch list WARNING ⚠️...

  97. Interesting you should say that because B. Fulford has repeatedly said that there seems to be TWO Trumps.

    The real trump is a tall guy of 6 foot 3 inches (190.6 cm) about the same height as his tall son Barron. He is often seen with Melania who is at least half a head shorter. Ben claims he is being protected inside Mount Cheyenne (NORAD) and is CIC of the US Space Force. Trump no. 2 (a look-a-like actor or mask bearing actor) is often seen in Mar-a Lago in Florida, where he looks almost the same height as Melania but avoids being seen with her or at least standing directly beside her because close family friends would notice at once that something is off.

    There is even a rumor of a third Trump who is a real Black Hat because of the scary things he sometimes says like "Lets bomb the Iranian nuclear powerplants" This may be a pure AI.


    Small excerpts of paragraphs:

    Stage 8 Scorpio,
    November 23 to November 29

    Alchemical Theme: Separation, Stillness
    Element: Water, Fixed
    Geometric Form: Icosahedron
    Planetary Correlations: Pluto and Mars
    Alchemical Metals: Iron, Stainless Steel
    Embodied Correlations: The Monadic or Metatronic Mind. The 8D Gold wave of the second layer of the Monadic Matrix that is connected to the Thymus Gland and the Permanent Seed Atom or Christ Seed which holds the individual’s cellular record in their diamond sun template.
    Scorpio rules: bladder, urethra, genitals, descending colon, prostate gland, testes, sigmoid colon, nasal bone, pubic bone, red coloring matter in blood.

    During Scorpio Solar Alchemy, the transformation potentials of the higher monadic identity to turn lead into gold begin to activate in the tailbone to rise kundalini currents into the higher heart for intense spiritual transformation of the personality-ego. During spiritual ascension initiation into the higher heart center, this begins stages of galactivation, reorienting the individual into perceiving collective consciousness patterns recorded in the planetary reality and then ultimately expanding into conscious galactic awareness. Authentic stages of galactivation through the 8D lightbody centers commonly bring awareness of the existence of other galactic species in the local solar system, as well as sudden knowledge of galactic histories and historical timeline trigger events that are connected to the outer space wars.

    During this initiation phase, we may go deep into matters that are connected to our unhealed shadows and spiritual life; death and rebirth, sex, gender and procreation, and ultimately reflecting on our family of origin ancestry that leads us to contemplate our authentic spiritual purpose and divine origins. In many ways Scorpio holds the mysteries of our spiritual blueprint and path to seek truth in regard to our divine purpose, inspiring us to actualize our true potentials as divine spiritual beings in service to the natural laws of the Universe.

    We begin the required alchemical processes for embodying the original manifest essence of our pure spirit consciousness as directed by our Monad, which requires isolation from that which interferes with our spirit’s divine plan. We begin to be separated from those people, places or things that have negatively influenced or contributed to the energetic blockages and contamination of the original essence of spiritual identity connected into the larger monadic family.

    These are the phases in which we may experience a separation or sequestering away from certain influences or forces to be alone. This purposeful isolation or sensation of wanting to sequester is a natural process, such as in the desire to acquire deep inner stillness. When it is required, we will find that isolation in order to be still and know we are one with God’s spirit. Once we can sense the growth of our inner spirit, we will have phases where we will look to isolate, or opportunities for isolation will happen organically. This allows us to focus inside, to foster deeper communication with our higher selves and germinate our spiritual consciousness into multidimensional wholeness.

    1. Thanks for that miracle Tian 🙏, recently god said to me he will be sending the holy spirit to walk with me,so my question is what can I or should be doing now to maximum my progress with this please thanks ✨...


    During this phase, the planetary architecture has entered into the ongoing Solar Rishic matrix spiritual initiation in which the God Source Domains from 16D, 17D and 18D are restoring the original Diamond Sun Gold Sun DNA blueprint of this creation, which holds the organic ascension/incension timeline for liberating humanity. When discussing the organic ascension timeline, be aware that this is simultaneously referring to global disclosure. The return of the Solar Rishi into the matter worlds is a significant event which has generated massive impacts to the timeline architecture of this reality, bringing many structural changes to the planetary collective consciousness field. Architecture exists in the manifest and unmanifest realms for every single physical thing in the material realm, which has been designed by an architect, the creator of the design. The architects that built the Diamond Sun manifestation template for our planetary realm and angelic human body, the architects that built the Harmonic Universes and organic timelines in the Universal Time Matrix, are returning to earth. Thus, the Ancient Builder Races are returning to the matter worlds in this cycle, and this is the real esoteric meaning of the second coming and the embodied title of Christos, as these are the original Diamond Sun Christos Founder races from the God worlds.

    As has been discussed, the NAA attempted to permanently hijack the planetary architecture and Diamond Sun templates for their explicit use to enslave human consciousness and earth. They became the superimposed creator and architect of the current global design through the architecture they built for running the anti-Christ agendas. They subjugated humanity by superimposing themselves as the architects of earth through alien hybridization, breeding programs and genetic engineering which involved numerous experiments carried out by many non-human species. Currently, a significant amount of Guardian Host rehabilitation projects with the Solar Rishi involves a massive purging of assorted levels of Satanic and Luciferian artificial matrices. These include alien machinery, reversal systems and holographic architecture, which were directly connected to the Lunar matrix and Saturn. These alien architectural systems were given power on the earth through the co-created efforts made between the primary Luciferian bloodlines and planetary controllers. These are practicing Satanists who use their satanic rituals and blood sacrifices for communicating with these hostile nonhuman forces that make up the Negative Alien Agenda.

    The Great Transit, Purging the Vandals

    In the planetary grid network at multiple dimensional levels, the spiritual deliverance and systematic eviction of many of these nonhuman predator forces that are violent and hostile to humanity and planetary ascension is taking place. The Founder Guardians refer to these intruder races as the Vandal Groups, such as the Vandals of Eri-Andu from the Large Magellanic Cloud. The alien architecture, its toxic waste fields and miasma residue created by these entities are being systematically depolarized inside a vacuum in the unmanifest fields and then recycled back into the Void. It is sent through the Mother’s Aqua Ray Vortex which organically processes the material based on the laws of its own nature.

    The NAA and Controller organizations are desperate to keep the Solar Female Christ enslaved, because when Mother Sophia finally rises in her true and complete embodiment it is game over for the massive controller structures. This includes structures such as the Vatican, which have been hijacking female spiritual power through the Dark Mother to keep their global control mechanisms in place.


    Black Madonna Network

    The Dark Mother gestalt forms itself into a complex field on the planet called the Black Madonna Network which is held together by the Vatican’s control over lunar female demonic forces in the 5D gate. (Note: this particular gate was moved during the confrontations in Malta). The epicenter of the Black Madonna Network is the Austro-Hungarian Empire which includes; Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Romania with main controller hubs for Dark Alien Mother found in the mediterranean island chains.

    It is the pure love and sincere heart of human beings within the energetic structure of any distorted religion or organization that was first designed to control human beings, that can transcend this evil.

    Church of Rome, Black Nobility and Vatican City

    In retaliation to the Yeshua Mission, the Orion Group chose to invade the territories near the 5th dimensional stargate by infiltrating Malta and this central region of Italy, in order to lay the foundation for what would become the Church of Rome, the Papacy and the Vatican City. This began the invasion of the Black Sun nonhuman entities into the region, which are the groups who originally built the Catholic religious control mechanism and then infiltrated the Jesuit military order. This historical infiltration of the Jesuits at its top Supreme General position by the negative aliens in the Orion Group greatly plagues human society today. By combining these two NAA infiltrated organizations over time, the Vatican and Jesuit Order, these would become the merciless planetary controller mechanism for the worldwide political banking cartels. It is the center point of the satanic pillars used for the perpetuation of global blood sacrifice offerings, which are used for summoning demonic spirits and satanic alien forces that actually enter this realm through the stargate that exists under Vatican City.

    From about the 13th century, several Northern Italian aristocratic families infiltrated by the NAA’s preferred lines of Khazarians much earlier, began to develop into the highest of the ruling satanic elites through the accumulation of vast wealth in the banking and merchant businesses. These ruling elites found their wealth exploding through satanic practices of blood and child sacrifice and began to settle into the areas close to the power center of the Vatican. These wealthy Roman aristocratic families are the main lineages of the Black Nobility and Papal bloodlines whose ancestors include: the House of Sfroza, Visconti, Savoy Genovese, Torlania, Colonna, Massimo, Aldobrandini, Doria, Orsini, Farnese, Pallavicini, Ruspoli, Hapsburg, Hesse and Rothchild.

  101. Truth Sets Us Free

    Bringing to the spiritual community higher qualities of compassion, empathy and peace, the sense of belonging to a group, and the genuine good will of fostering the brotherhood and sisterhood of a unified humanity. A certain level of critical mass in this awareness will be required to wake up to see this horrible corruption that the Church of Rome has exploited and manipulated in human hearts for hundreds of years. For the sincerely reverent spiritual seeker or religious devotee, this level of spiritual betrayal when learning about the facts of these atrocities will emotionally devastate and break many human hearts. They may become traumatized and need compassionate spiritual healing. Compassionate witnessing in our truth seeking and service to others is desperately needed to help bring spiritual comfort and peace to others, with the knowledge that there is a genuine force of unconditional love that is God and Christ. However, we have been lied to and mind controlled by nefarious forces for thousands of years so humanity we will need to understand the reasons for that one day in order to spiritually heal from this betrayal.

    For many of us, there has been overwhelming evidence presented for many years that satanic forces completely rule over the Vatican and the Catholic Church, and that the institution itself is rotten to the core and permeated with criminal psychopaths and pedophiles. This hard evidence is compounded by the energetic evidence found by the Starseed intuitive empaths and gridworkers. We can well attest to the chamber of horrors of the vilest demonic forces that exist on the grounds of the Vatican, buried in layers upon layers of necropolis and dead bodies, screaming and howling trapped souls enmeshed within the interdimensional layers of the 5th dimensional access portal underground. Those in the Christos Mission that are dedicated gridworkers, session workers and the sincere and purest hearts, work tirelessly to find trapped souls and free them, while supporting repair projects to the grid damage and working to rehabilitate the architecture of this sacred land, layer by layer.

    The following information is a testimony to some of the work of Christos gridworkers in the Vatican over the years. This is what we have found there when working in the field in partnership with Krystal Guardian forces. The energetic presence of satanic spiritual demonic hierarchies, negative aliens, alien machinery, soul capture devices, astral projection machinery, lunar forces and complex negative alien satanic architecture, trap and torture human souls for trafficking and generating grotesque satanic creatures. This just scratches the surface of this anti-Christ machinery cloaked in the Vatican’s sorcery, which at its energetic core is a black hole system that is used purposefully by nonhuman entities to propagate global human enslavement and spread human misery at intergalactic levels.

  102. Darkness becomes Illumined by Light

    In this phase the hidden levels of darkness that reside in the minds and hearts of those people and organizations that are corrupted by power, wealth and depravity are being revealed to the masses.

    Many positive changes are occurring in the planetary architecture that may not be visible with our human eyes, but are radically shifting our consciousness landscape to where humanity must awaken to see what has really been happening behind the hidden veils of secrecy in our world. Through spiritual initiation we are heavily tested in order to develop a strong and impenetrable relationship with our inner spirit and God. This spiritual relationship cannot be reliant on the outer and external world. The responsibility we have to ourselves is to clear subconscious fear programs and develop spiritually and emotionally, which cannot be shifted onto others around us. We must seek spiritual connection daily to maintain our sanity, stability and clarity, when facing the outer turmoil and confusion.

    The most important relationships we have is with our higher power, God, and the inner relationship we have with ourselves.

    We go within to find that all we will ever need is existing inside of us for the purpose of building an impenetrable connection in our direct relationship with God, by focusing on the highest service to God that we can be in this moment. It is all that matters. This is a virtue building exercise that will build incredible spiritual power and protection.

    This is that moment. We must go within and rely on the inner feeling inside our heart, the truth as we know it right now, focusing on the inner connection and being aligned to one's personal values. Praying and meditating to strengthen our direct communication with God and our inner spirit in all ways that we can. Be confident in your inner knowing that this is the event that we came to participate and witness on the earth, the massive transformation of global awakening, disclosure events and the process of catalyzing spiritual ascension of human beings on planet earth. Know the truth in your heart that this is as it needs to be, we must be willing to seek truth to embody our highest light and the time is now.

    Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

    Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

    With a Loving heart, Lisa

    ( Appreciate Lisa and many light workers behide whose who knows what they exactly doing with inner sacredness connecting!! Becomes the Seeing ,knowing ,awareness itself, the inner trigger is key. Otherwise ,you just don't know no matter talking how much)

  103. One of the greatest misconceptions about enlightenment is that it will just happen. Not so. It has to be earned, it has to be lived. Sometimes I find it challenging to explain to seekers that true enlightenment is not a one-off special moment, but more a culmination of lifelong experiences and practices that result in the dawning of a great insight.
    At the end of the day, t'will be night.

    1. Enlightenment just happens -- but only to those who are dedicated to the path and actively engaging in spiritual practice.

      It's not about earning. That's a man-invented financial concept. The universe doesn't bestow enlightenment on those who earn it but not on those who don't.

  104. "JUST IN: Ukraine fired 6 US-made ATACMS missiles at Russia's Bryansk region.

    Five missiles were shot down by S-400 & Pantsir AA systems, one was damaged, its fragments fell in the technical zone of a military facility, causing a fire, Russian Defense Ministry says."

    so they started but they were interrupted. by the LF? like many times bf like Sherman said in a comment above. then i ask myself wth are these posts more confusing than clearing, filled with holes, such a bad writing (sorry Cobra) and not truly updated.
    what i know for a while is that all those people in government including Trump and Elon have been already replaced by actors or clones just to keep the show on because people are simply not ready to know their heroes are torturing children worldwide. and no one knows how this movie is gonna end so that's why we keep watching.
    there's so much more behind the scenes. i believe everything is ready just waiting for the right time when lazy sleepers are ready to get the fuck out of their dreams.
    it can sound cruel but we are not individuals in this war. we are a collective which's goal is to defeat darkness for good and not surviving all the way through.

  105. In the matrix
    free will is often not respected.

  106. This is for anyone here that has a longing to reconnect with our Galactic brothers and sisters and wishes to be inspired, uplifted, and looking forward to what awaits us.✨️🛸✨️🌎✨️🛸✨️
    Love and Light... Troy

  107. Urbi et Orbi

  108. @Le temps est venu Gaia ,I agree with you。Jesus needs some rest because he bears too much burden.

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    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!
