Sunday, February 23, 2025

Planetary Situation Update

The Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors:

Musk is asking himself, where are the aliens?


He will get his answer after a thorough audit of the Pentagon:

Rand Paul is suggesting an audit of Fort Knox:

As Elon Musk is not very familiar with the role of gold in the occult economy, I need to stress that density of gold (19.28 g/cm3) is very similar to density of much cheaper tungsten (19.25 g/cm3) and many gold bars are actually tungsten bars coated with a thin layer of gold:

Many such fake gold bars are freely available on internet:

The easiest way to distinguish between real gold bars and fake tungsten gold plated bars is by an ultrasound tester:

As it is very likely that much of “gold” in Fort Knox is actually tungsten, every single gold bar there would need to be tested with an ultrasound tester when the audit is made.

Geopolitically, a monumental breakthrough has happened that can finally lead to peace in Ukraine:

Here it is interesting to note that both Putin and Trump gravitate to the peace agreement very similar to the one I have outlined in my censored blog post three years ago, both also mentioning common sense in the exact same context used in my article:

Trump also made a suggestion to cut military budget in half, which is a very positive proposal, full of age of Aquarius energy:



To fully support this new energy, the following meditation has been created, and you can participate if you feel so guided:

The breakthroughs happening in the US are wonderful, but there are still three main pockets of darkness that need to be addressed: Europe, Israel ad China.

The Light Forces have just finished clearing a network of huge reservoirs of black goo (Chimera spider etheric poison) which were stored in containers at human sacrifice sites under churches, synagogues, temples and catacombs for many hundreds of years, sometimes millennia.

These containers were the main source of power for dark magi of Black Nobility of Europe, death cult of Baal in Israel, and dark Tibetan network in China. Many souls trapped in these reservoirs are now freed, and the black goo successfully cleared. This will diminish the power of the Dark forces significantly. As all of this was subquantumly entangled by the Lurker, now the Lurker is at least 70% cleared.

Main locations of these reservoirs were under Rome, Paris, London, Kiev, Odessa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona, Urumqi and Beijing.

Although those reservoirs were cleared, the above mentioned locations are still one of the main focal points of the dark forces.

In Europe, Black nobility and their minions want to continue the war in Ukraine:

In Israel, they want to continue the war in Gaza:

In China, they are microchipping the population:

When Light gains more momentum, positive changes will be visible in those regions also.



In the meantime, you can read Phoenix workshop notes:

Or discover your star origins:

Victory of the Light!



  1. Replies
    1. Do you think we will have the event this year?

    2. Entirely possible, but I don't think there's anyone who is willing to speak who can give you a definitive answer.

      If not this year, likely in 1-2 years. But quite possibly this year.

  2. You would also be interested to know that the Fort Knox vault is shaped like an Octagon. Victory of the Light!

  3. Good update thanks, victory of the light ✨

  4. Would it be too much for Aldebarans to ask Musk not to make gestures that evoke Nazism?

    1. and for Trump not to be transphobic and stop destroying immigrants lives?

    2. Imho.. That thought only exist in our programming.. .. so it might not be musk intentionally evoking Nazism ideas or thoughts. People can argue both ways if gesture was internal or not .. IMHO is upto each to decide what is the energy one wants to give it. Just like seeing a 13 a 666 a pentagram.. and so on... the swastika etc.. if you are not aware.. those symbols are good sacred symbols .. however they over time were modified and or twisted by the bad guys... So we end up fearing them.. despise them.. connect them to evil
      Whatever gesture musk did can have a positive force or a negative on you but. you decide.. this is the time where u can chip away on that programming n not give it the weight the bad guys wants u to . This is the time to regain your sovereignty from the old programming .. turn things around.. and reconnect to the power of light.. the one free of fear.. free of programming.. a choice...

      Why not claim that what he did was a Roman gesture.. why immediately go and think was Nazism... Why not think if one takes into account the full content of that scene.. (not just a frozen moment ) that he truly had a heartfelt moment... We can always opt to feel victims of circumstances or not... If I had lived thru that time of Nazism I can understand how I would get triggered.. but I would hopefully understand that is my trauma reacting.. that is something I need to work thru. Just like every trauma anyone has had .. we need to break thru them and not expect others to judge or behave or see the world as one see it. why? because everyone views world thru diff lenses... specially when situation may be benign.. why turn flip/them to be viewed as dark. This is the time of moving forward where light can take its rightful place. of not allowing evil programming control us

    3. Please watch the video. Don't listen to what the MSM liars say. He did a completely innocent gesture of sending his heart to everyone because he's so grateful. STOP watching the MSM liars.

    4. Stop watching the news. It doesn't resemble reality at all. Lots of people look like they're giving a Nazi salute in one frame of video.

    5. The time of fear is over. In the Golden Age, we don't worry that some guy flailed his arm.

    6. Lots of politicians have made similar "nazi symbols." The media just hyper-focuses on Elon, and never showed you Kamala and Obama etc making similar gestures -- because sometimes people extend their arm.

    7. You both danilo and Ieblog are like those individuals in the MsM that one have to double check and correct. Often makes one wonder if you guys are making remarks that are intentional or innocently shortsighted. You seem like People that fall in the category of what we used to cal 'room raiders/trolls'. or paid actors/control opposition... .. specially in this time and age when we know there is great effort to infiltrate and push for division.

      However I would give u the benefit of doubt that u guys truly are naive for now.

      Furthermore.. all I would like to say as far as the statement that Ieblog gave.. perhaps will be a bit more accurate if u use the proper term that more accurately reflects the situation... the proper term is 'illegal immigrants' vs just 'immigrants'.. it makes the statement more clear.. however if u were to use it it would be self defeating.

      Now mind u I feel very sorry for all those caught in this situation.. and if u been watching... the situation was created by design by the bad guys.. it was not divinely dictated.. it was conceived by the bad guys where eventually it was going to create major chaos ..

      until that time comes where there might be no borders.. which is not right now.. each country however has to figure out how to improve the lives of their own citizenry and find a balance on an intake program for new comers.. not by accepting invasion or thru uncheck o unvetted means .

      at the moment the best we can hope is that all countries focus on growth and safety.

      If u ignore the drawbacks of unvetted mass migration to the country being invaded then u are not being fair ... Same thing when considering any other issue.

      So let's if anything let's place that fiery intent of wanting change for the better of all to take root in each country in question. Where those that are good countrymen do not have to venture thousand of miles to try to seek refuge where while in the the trip could bring them trials and tribulations unimaginable... If they survive to tell the tale.

      The idea is to work on a win win situation for nations involved...

      Mind u we ignoring to mention of course what was the objective of the bad guys creating the influx n what role they played in destabilizing the countries involve.

      The rise and fall of nations you can bet are by design.. and the present predicament is not one nations responsibility to fix .

    8. I concur!! Do not give into or perpetuate fear and/or false scenarios...


  5. 回春术——长生不死的奥秘

  6. Has the top quark condensed matter been completely cleared?

  7. Thanks for all your labor over the years. Hopefully its over within 5 years.

  8. But they still support Israel?

    Also, you used to say, the blogpost is still up, that Trump was a Jesuit agent. What changed?

    1. I think more recently Cobra said that Trump's a gray hat, right?

  9. Some say Elon Musk is doing a controlled demolition of the government to implement a dystopian AI Mark of the Beast System. He is still the same guy that wants to microchip people's brains, and Space X is a farse because trying to reach Mars with rockets is like trying to do intercontinental travel with catapults. So, what gives?

    1. He is not demolishing the government, he is mainly destroying regular people's livelihoods. Most of the US will not survive this process, but looking at the Light Forces allowing immense suffering in other countries, I realized that none of this will matter in the long run. As a result, I decided reject every teaching, spiritual or philosophical, that wants to create a Golden Age for the select few at the cost of the suffering of many. FAFO is unfortunately going to hit all, like it is hitting many of us who have been T supporters in the past. Seems like the time has come for me to part ways with Cobra after a decade. And while I'm at it, I'll ditch any "spiritual beliefs" about superiority of any kind. We the people are one and whole. Love should've been what unites us all along, instead we played games of superiority and hoped to be the select few who make it to the Islands of Light, even at the cost of millions' suffering and departure from physicality. No thanks. Unity for All. One Love.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What does one has to do with the other...
      I might be wrong but I don't recall any petition for first contact.. if you are referring to the intervention petition long ago.. then that has been asked on the conference by someone... I do suggest you dig in the note.

      If you are referring to first contact.. there was a post with instructions on how you yourself make a request for first contact.. Cobra has no involvement with it..

      If you are referring to Cobra not answering questions here.. is common knowledge he does not do that thru this medium.. if ever rarely
      . That is what the interviews are set up by the different groups... Also questions are done in the conferences.. so if u have a question try to contact those groups that setup interviews with him.

      by the way.. I could guarantee many questions maybe not all could be answered if people take some time to read old posts.. it will help to build a general idea

  11. Thank you COBRA for everything you're doing on behalf of all the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, Starseeds, and humanity as a whole. Your determination and dedication towards planetary liberation has been, and shall always be legendary my friend.
    Tereas and I thoroughly enjoyed the Phoenix conference and ATVOR Ray initiation and look forward to healing our Central Channel in order to be better prepared for First Contact and our missions pre and post EVENT.
    It was a true exercise of will power to break out of my shell and make the drive to Arizona from Kansas. For a recluse, this was an intense overcoming of the the fear of travel and crowds. Nobody will ever know just how incredibly monumental this trip to your workshop really was for me... a HUGE personal victory!👏😎
    I hope to continue this trend and overcome and heal more personal obstacles holding me back from my true potential and mission.
    Tereas and I are VERY grateful to have met you as well as purchasing Tereas's first Cintimani Stone during this incredible workshop shared by so many wonderful and beautiful Lightworkers.
    Thank you again for all you do, my friend... Victoy Of The Light!
    Love and Light... Troy and Tereas

    1. Sounds like a really cool experience. I too have experienced great ability to change, and have also seen how that change can positively affect others just by means of their perception of your energy. In that sense it is actually a service to others as much as it is a service to yourself, so thankyou for helping yourself as well as others and it's really pleasant to see you thanking yourself.

      I was curious if you or anyone else reading this have had any experiences with Cintamani stones that you would find pleasing to share. A few months ago I bought some Moldavite, which has done a really good job with assisting me in opening up more fully to who I am. Meditating with it and having it around has created some experiences I wasn't sure were possible. Thanks for sharing your story, and for sharing your loving energy.

  12. This is all very positive. Thank you Cobra and Light Forces. I

    I am thinking maybe some of those clever Aldebarans make up some of the DOGE team, with their very high IQs (Musk said some of them have 180 IQ's) and very advanced computer skills.

    So many politicians are absolutely freaking out, as they are getting exposed and it is only a matter of time until we find out who is being bribed and paid off.

    This whole exposure is truly glorious.

    Thank you !!

  13. Thats Great!! Victory of light!

  14. I can't think of future without the event. thefck. Take me leave this fcking place.

  15. "The Lurker is at least 70% cleared."
    That's something. Amazing! Thank you Cobra and Forces of Light!
    I want to read Phoenix workshop notes first...

    1. I feel the same way. 70 % per cent of that f*cker are gone by now? That's a whole lot!

  16. Cobra,
    Existing is extremely difficult now with years of mental and physical tormentation given by Dark Forces. Every day is a battle with no end in sight. Idk how long I can endure this pain and keep pushing myself.

    ජීවිතයම කලකිරී ඇත.😞

    1. San di, we're all hurting and in rough shape. Prayer and the hope this all ends very soon keeps me going. Much ♥️ and strength to you and everyone!

    2. It will get better San.. hold a bit longer... The dust is being lifted and people are starting to see what lies below the sediment/dirt

  17. We should audit the gold of the Vatican and China as well.

    1. Good idea but they have probably already done the Vatican. Weren't there tunnels heaped full of gold found? I mean kms and kms of it??

    2. It is not gold that is important, but labor productivity that is achieved by technologies based on scientific achievements and inventions. The only value of gold is the absence of decomposition - durability. It is for this reason that Sanskrit texts are on gold tablets. If you yourself learn to transmute gold (this method was developed in the USSR in 1980 - the creator was arrested by the KGB, his fate and the fate of the method remain unknown), or EVERYONE learns - its value will fall to the cost of consumables for transmutation. Humanity as a species does not need crutches to support the old system, but a leap into the future. Technologies of the new era. Or do you want to return to the gold standard? And who will then pay the US debt obligations expressed in dollars as the world reserve currency? Are Americans ready to pay off the Fed's debts to the whole world for 500 years? Are you ready to sign up your great-great-great-grandchildren for this and so on...?

    3. The distance between Rome and Jerusalem, by air, is 2307.8 km or 1434 miles and yes, the tunnels have been found but I haven't found the original site with that info yet.

      However, I believe the Vatican would have real gold bars since they have been such an important hub for world power for so long. If it is true that the tunnel to Jerusalem is lined with gold stacks all the way, then I can't even imagine the value of it.

      The Chinese on the other hand have been said to have had 80% of the world gold assets because they historically always wanted payment in gold.

  18. Peeps questioned about where the lurker is hiding. I look at it like an A.I./supercomputer. If it was stored in a central location it would be vulnerable to a one shot knockout punch. The A.I. that is strewn about the Internet is hard to kill, a portion of it is disseminated in every computer and countless locations. Same with the lurker. A portion of it is within all of us. No single Light flash/assault will destroy it. It's up to each of us to clear the dark piece within us all. Did you really think defeating the final darkness in all creation would be easy or simple? Much ♥️fellow Light Warriors!

  19. I want to leave Earth ,when can Galactic confederation take me leave?

    1. Man, this planet may be beautiful and have very beautiful places, but honestly I don't want to live here anymore. I still long to get out of here as soon as possible, and I don't know how, but I want to live on a better planet....

  20. How can the LF help to descalate the hostility between Israel and Gaza? We are so traumatized and fearful of being murdered like in Oct 7th! And what about the Israeli prisoners who were brulally murdered in Gaza?



  22. "50% of humanity is on the dark side."
    Is this correct?
    "They are defending the matrix."
    Really, 50%?

    Yeah, we know about the psychopaths. That's why I gave up trying to mix with people. It's too psycho for me. I can read people too much.

    1. I have told many people, including some who see themselves as truth seekers, about "supernatural" things that I have seen or experienced myself. Two of them have even seen it for themselves. The vast majority of them then buried their heads in the sand.

    2. If it's the sheep who reject absolutely everything that's outside of matrix (hedonistic atheists) and brainwashed cult members of Abrahamic religions taking part in their dark rituals, then I'm surprised it's only 50%. If the rest are genuinely good people with at least a possibility of being awakened, then the vast majority of them are probably spiritual Buddhists and Hindus in Asia. And in the West it's a small minority of UFO researchers and spiritual Christians who are skeptical of church organizations.

    3. Depends on how you define "dark side" I guess.

      Certainly far less than 50% of the population is an active cabal / deep state member.

      But are 50% of people doing more to help the dark than the light (quite possibly accidentally)? And / or are 50% of humans fundamentally self-serving? Sure, that may very well be true.

  23. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Phoenix Workshop Notes in French / Les notes de l'atelier de Phoenix en français :

    Victory of the Light! / Victoire de la Lumière !

  24. X ( formerly Twitter) continues to support the Zionist regime. It bans pro Palestinian accounts. Musk owns X. Have you not made that connection Cobra??
    Israel is at the heart of the evil on this planet. Are the light forces truly working with people like this??
    Let's hope Trump and Musk are pretending to side with evil.
    If not then I guess I am opposed to the light forces then.

    1. Remember that Trump and Musk are grey hats. They don't work either for the Cabal or for the Light Forces. They weren't contacted by Aldebarans yet. And the US president is at best maybe informed that UFOs 'exist'. But he won't be given any intel that isn't necessary for him to act as president. Because he's not Cabal's leader or even necessarily their member. He's just a pawn they try to manipulate. An important pawn because people see him as their elected leader. But still just a pawn barely above the sleeping sheep in terms of ET knowledge.

      And obviously the same goes for Musk. You think he'd be playing with electric cars and rockets if he knew about secret technologies and Illuminati space programs? Absolutely not. He'd either push for disclosure or side with the Cabal and told us there's no point in going to space. It'd be humiliating for him to play with rockets if he knew that humans already have/had interstellar technology.

      So this lack of secret knowledge of course extends to Zionism. Trump and Musk just see Israel as a nation that's more aligned with them politically than Muslim extremists. Not as Cabal's fortress and forces of evil trying to control our planet. They simply don't have such knowledge.

      That's why they're important pawns for both the Cabal and the Light Forces. Because they're important political figures who are still in the dark and we don't know which option they'll choose once contacted. Hopefully, their ego and higher guidance will tell them that being first people to bring about the official disclosure and first contact is their best bet to become humanity's heroes. But maybe greed and fear of retaliation from Cabal will give them cold feet. We don't know yet. But they didn't choose Cabal's side yet. They're still ignorant about everything. So don't judge them as if they were in the know.

    2. nonsense, Trump is a member of the catholic order and probably a mason, and also belongs to the direct culprits of the destruction of the past civilization. By blood or by profession - in principle it does not matter. Don't expect a savior. I'm an atheist, but I recommend remembering the myth of the Antichrist - he will come as a "savior" and everyone will accept him as such. That is, the "savior" will be the one who will solve "all the problems", but in the end it will turn out to be a lie.

    3. Realistically speaking, last election either a black hat (Kamala) or a gray hat (Trump, and therefore also Elon) was going to be elected. Those were the only realistic options.

      I can't blame the light forces for preferring a gray hat to a black hat.

    28 FEVRIER 20H30CET Emission EXPLICATIVE ATELIERS / CONFERENCES de COBRA « PORTAIL 2025+ASCENSION » en Asie et USA  avec INVITES y ayant assisté et fait  l'INITIATION AUX RAYONS avec nouveau Rayon ATVOR( illustrations, témoignages,photos autorisées)+ SITUATION PLANETAIRE, Disponible en replay
    Diffusé aussi Facebook "Prepare for change francophone"
    Diffusé aussi Telegram "Libération Planétaire et Ascension"
    NOTES OFFICIELLES ATELIER « Portail 2025 » (Taiwan, Décembre 2024)
    NOTES OFFICIELLES Conférence  sur "L’Ascension"(Japon,Janvier 2025)
    Notes Officielles Atelier "Portail 2025"Phoenix USA (1-2 février 2025, 2 versions: VOTL 628+ Adoninas)
    EMISSION EXPLICATIVE 28 février 20h30CET

    COBRA-23 Février 2025- Notes Atelier « Portail 2025 » de Phoenix USA (Février 2025)+Situation planétaire

    Notes Officielles Atelier "Portail 2025" à Phoenix USA de Cobra (1-2 février 2025, 2 versions: VOTL 628+ Adoninas) avec LIENS/VIDÉOS FRANÇAISES COMPLÉMENTAIRES

  26. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:


  27. 353 / 5 000
    Thank you very much .
    If every awakened person focuses on their lightwork every day, then an energetic and emotional shift takes place in us and around us. This helps in the liberation process and allows those involved to feel support from us.
    You can join the meditations I organize or the audio guides.

    amma-galactée :

    My Canal "L'Alchimie des Roses" :

    1. Kinda hard when many of us are in survival mode, Amma.

      I said it before, that's like expecting a solider who's exhausted, starved, riddled with gunshot shots and bleeding out on the dirt, and with no more ammunition to simply get up, dust themselves off and CHARGE back into the battle...with no weapons or anything. And at least soldiers got weapons to fight the enemy with.....what do WE have?

  28. Recent Light

  29. Mulțumim Cobra pentru actualizare , Victoria Luminii .

  30. Spanish translation, en español:

  31. I'm not white nobility, but I don't know what my power level is. In this regard, I ask the light forces to not place me in any key position of power because I have too many personality flaws. I would only end up causing damage if placed in any key position. I'm not just saying this to sound humble or enlightened. Seriously, trust should not be placed in me to fulfill any key mission or position.

    I'll maybe make more posts on findings that could be helpful, but I can't really do much because I have too many issues. I will likely be sitting on the sidelines throughout the rest of the process of planetary liberation. It's better that I be honest about this now so that I don't contribute to disaster in the future. It's for the best. 💖

    1. Le sanctuaire de Gaia, thank you for the support. 💖 At least in my current condition though, I'm not the right person.

      I suggest that others don't focus on me. Focus on your missions. All the best. 💖

    2. You don't want a position of power? Sounds like you have the most important qualification to be in a position of power (possibly after some galactic healing / teaching / coaching).

    3. I love when people share their honest feelings. You'll be fine with some real medical help. No one can think straight with a head full of aluminum and microplastics.

      Making plasma tech is a great way to pass the time till the Event. We can heal ourselves and others, make some extra cash, and have cool alien tech for ourselves. I messed myself up with a laboratory using compressed lye steam, but there's a method using a MAPP gas torch that's both safe and makes a better energy product. If you or anyone wants to learn, let me know. I made good money and still offered affordable products; it's powerful yet cheaper than almost anything else. It improved or completely cured a lot of my health problems.

      This isn't a nutrient in the soil, it's gans that perpetually makes energy that improves all living things. Once mixed in the soil, it will make plants grow for years or decades. You think people would want to buy that?

      Spinning reactors with inner and outer cores loaded with opposite gans. This is so powerful you can see the energy. It's clear waves like heat waves, but goes out in all directions instead of up. Unfortunately it doesn't show up on camera well because it's clear, but you can see and feel it in the room. It's like a cool liquid electric wind, similar to tachyons but a bit different.

    4. Keshe calls this 4 reactor configuration the Starship Formation. I noticed you see a lot of UFO's with the 3 bumps on bottom just like this.

      You can make simple or elaborate devices.

      Pretty cool, huh?


      I could talk about this stuff all day. The theory is impressive. I've listened to 500 hours of Keshe lectures. He's a genius, that's why they had him in the projects. He's from Iran, and this technology is how they captured a top of the line US drone. Remember when Obama got on TV and asked "for our toy back?" They didn't hack the radio controls, Iran doesn't have that ability. They used a tractor beam to float it down to the ground. Surprisingly, mainstream Wired magazine did an interview with Keshe about it. There's a great picture in the article of Iranian soldiers standing next to the scifi looking multi-million dollar US drone, without a scratch on it. Cool shit, he's the real deal. Wired probably did the interview because his credentials are legit. In public he was the head of safety for nuclear power reactors which requires knowing everything about their operation. Keshe's books about advanced technology and physics are beyond comprehension, you can't understand a single thing said haha. Some people like to say he's a hoax, but any complaints about him or the devices are just misunderstandings about how they work. You can physically feel the energy, so anyone who actually makes the devices can see he's the real deal. He's a hero who risks his life to crush the cabal. His lectures talking about how the governments work, and what he's seen as an insider - so legit. This technology is inexpensive to make; as he says, "Now you can overthrow your government for less than 10 cents." The Keshe Foundation store is Merlin's shop where you can buy real magic. He'll go down in history as a galactic hero. Once people see what he was doing right in the open, he'll be the most famous person in the world for a time. Everyone wants aliens and they want magic, well it's already here.

  32. Thanks to the light forces, so there is a very high chance of happening this year, right?

  33. Dream Team / Trump Administration is on the move:

    Dan Bongino to work alongside Kash Patel as Deputy Director of the FBI

  34. It seems Elon Musk is sincere when he posts in X:
    “We want to answer the biggest
    questions: Where are the aliens? What's the meaning of life? How does the universe end? To do that, we must rigorously pursue truth".
    As he is doing a lot of damage to the dark with his audits, it’s very unlikely that this is a dark psyop, he must be being sincere.
    So, if he’s contacted by the aliens he’s looking for, and that could give him all the answers he wants to know, and unveil the truth he’s pursuing, why the probability that he collaborates with them is below 40%?
    We don’t know all the information, but, what subtleties can there be to make it be that way? It looks like he should be more than happy, he’d be getting all that he wants at once…
    Is it power, money or status after the liberation? Probably all of that could be explained to him or fixed somehow.

    1. Elon Musk has made recent talks with the public; Doge at the oval office, and a presentation at UAE world leaders summit. His vision for society is incredible. To me it's clear he's very intelligent and sincere. No one is perfect and he has to work within the dark system, but I couldn't imagine anyone better. One thing I've noticed about those who complain, they never have an answer. I know plenty of people like that. They think they have high ethics because they're always outraged, but really they're consumed with darkness. The world doesn't need that. The world needs to be proactive, heck yeah we should work with someone like Elon.

    2. I'm guessing that:
      1. It's a lot to learn and accept and not at all what he expected from finding out about real aliens. If he's just a geeky normie, then he probably expects to find another technological civilization that had nothing to do with humanity besides maybe silently observing us for scientific reasons. But now he'll suddenly be hearing stories about secret war between invisible aliens fighting on higher dimensions over control of Earth because the bad guys want to drink our blood and be worshipped in dark rituals. About suppressed technologies and secret history of humanity and ETs. And of course about liberation and ascension that will be happening in the next few months and years. So he might very well say "Sorry, I'm out. All of this is way above my head. I'm a businessman and not some space warrior. This is way too crazy for me to get involved."
      2. He might get approached by Cabal as well and threatened by them. And then he'll have to choose between believing woo woo stories from supposedly good ETs and very real men in black paying him for staying quiet and threatening assassination of him and everyone he cares about if he refuses. It's not easy to make the right choice in such situation and many people choose the safe option. And it's not like LF's can guarantee him 100% safety. Because like Cobra always says "This is war". Who knows how many assassination attempts can Light Forces prevent? If they have to save Musk from an explosion by teleporting him, then that's basically instant disclosure and open war with the Cabal on planet's surface. So LF's might sacrifice him instead in such event.

      Basically, it depends on how open-minded and heroic he really is. Playing with rockets and politics is just games compared with participating in a cosmic war between primordial forces of good and evil. We can't expect from anyone to do it like it's an easy choice. Especially since he won't have years to slowly learn and integrate everything like we do reading Cobra's blog. He'll have to make his decision in days or weeks while barely understanding what's going on after everything he knew about the world was shattered. I guess we should be watching his attitude and demeanor in the next month. He's not a good actor. I expect he'll be gone from public view when he's mulling over this.

    The evolution of the Pleiadian race: the intertwined paths of glory and loss
    This Mass Evacuation of 70 Billion Souls and the Conflicts Between the Pleiadians and Earth Souls
    Where does your soul come from? Analysis of the characteristics of galactic races and interstellar lineage
    Career Blueprint for Future Starseeds: How to Find Your Place in Earth's Ascension Process

  36. Thank you. I am pleaidian! Victory of the light. Love. Mt


  38. O I am glad to hear such fresh good news. How long can you trample in this swamp and shift the mud from place to place? It's time to stop living in that old world. Everyone is tired, everyone! There will be a golden age! Victory of the Light! Thanks To All The Lightworkers! Blessings to the new Key Employees in the American Government! And of course, many personal thanks to the Author of this blog For the information provided! 🤝

  39. Oggi sulla Terra splende un Sole da 180.000.000 di anni. Prima di quel periodo era un sistema binario a due Soli. Successe una catastrofe planetaria di grande portata e da allora è così. Il nostro Sistema Solare viene considerato anomalo da LF per questo motivo. C'erano anche tre Lune. Una è precipitata nell'oceano Pacifico nella fossa delle Marianne (11.000 MT. di profondità), distruggendo il Continente Mu , dove oggi esiste l'unica terra superstite che prende il nome di Isola di Pasqua. I viaggi spaziali Lunari sono vietati agli umani da anni. Il motivo risiede nel fatto che le Navicelle Spaziali erano cariche di bombe termonucleari. Per cui i nostri mentori extraterrestri hanno deciso giustamente di vietarne i voli, altrimenti come al solito avrebbero combinato un pasticcio con il rischio di farci "cadere addosso" anche l'attuale Luna. Oggi finalmente siamo al bivio e così potremo rimetterci sulla via della Vita e della Verità ed evitare l'autodistruzione. 🌲🛸🌲


  41. WLMM is raising funds for the Crystalline Light Codes program:

    As the process of planetary liberation intensifies, the Light Forces are requesting urgent assistance of the surface population at this time.

    Guidance has come that certain crystals need to be positioned in key vortex points in the United States, Europe and the Middle East.

    These crystals are an ancient living technology capable of bridging higher dimensional Light into this reality.

    For more information click on the link

  42. I was hoping for them to release JFK and 9/11 files earlier. Maybe they need to remove financement of organizations that would put sticks in the wheel first (to avoid organized riot maybe) ?

    1. The abolition of USAID is already forcing Ukrainian media networks on the CIA payroll to stop broadcasting and start begging for donations so as not to die of hunger. In my opinion, the attitude towards them should be the same as towards Hitler's supporters in the countries they conquered - a public trial and a noose through beheading followed by cremation.

  43. Oneness of All. More Love, More Light.

  44. Dernier post de Cobra en français : La lumière gagne du terrain 😊

  45. Since different positive factions have their own plans for the future of Earth, let them try their own solutions in different places.

    As long as we help Lightworkers become social leaders, including heads of state, we can ensure that humanity does not take the wrong path, and thus help humanity smoothly transition to a cosmic civilization.

    1. the future of the earth will be decided by the peoples of the earth, otherwise there would be no point - one tyrant will simply be replaced by another.

  46. As the process of planetary liberation intensifies, the Light Forces are requesting urgent assistance of the surface population at this time.

    Guidance has come that certain crystals need to be positioned in key vortex points in the United States, Europe and the Middle East.

    These crystals are an ancient living technology capable of bridging higher dimensional Light into this reality. This light work will achieve two main objectives:

    to create a network of crystalline Light for the fuchsia Goddess ray and other Goddess Light codes to be directly anchored on the surface of this planet at key energy nodes. Thus bringing more of the desperately needed Goddess presence to our beloved Mother Earth
    to powerfully anchor the Heavenly presence of the Ashtar Command at key vortexes
    Three crystals from the Beryl mineral family will be used to carry out these tasks:

    Morganite - a beautiful pink crystal capable of opening hearts to higher unconditional Love. A very effective anchor of soft Goddess energy
    Red beryl - an enchanting fuchsia-colored crystal which anchors a combination of feminine Love and power and effectively grounds the Light of the mystic fuchsia Goddess ray
    Aquamarine - a divine blue crystal which is a sky stone that can become a portal for Motherships of the positive extraterrestrials. The specimens used will effectively anchor the mighty presence of the Ashtar Command to our 3D reality
    The team that is going to carry out this critical mission must humbly request financial support in order to accomplish the work that needs to be done, because their resources are truly tapped due to various other ongoing projects.

    Fortunately, thanks to a reliable worldwide network of dedicated Lightworkers/Lightwarriors many mission expenses can be avoided with all of this.

    However, that being said, not ALL of those expenses can be avoided and the cost of proper crystals will be our main barrier to overcome.

    So, we kindly ask that if anyone is in a position where they can help manifest these goals, please consider doing so. Every contribution truly does make a difference.

    Here is the link to the fundraising campaign, where you can make the contribution to this important mission:

    This next step in the liberation journey is a promising sign that the mysterious and complex process of Compression Breakthrough is reaching a new octave. With your help, the beautiful blessings of the beryl can open new doorways of possibility for this sacred dimension.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. They sell aquamarine and morganite on the tachyonis page. I have both.

  47. Some are concerned about Musk and Trump, citing a small percentage of those guy's position on certain topics like Israel. "How can the Light forces support these guys? Look what they said about Gaza! Musk and brain chips!" To me, this demonstrates an oversimplified view of how the world works, how the universe works. Whether geopolitics, or exopolitics, you work with who you've got. Think of it this way, if you went to another planet to help, would you show up and first thing topple or kill their elected leader? Of course not, you'd work with the people of that planet. Imagine watching millions of people vote and passionately support a candidate, would you eliminate that person, then tell the population how much you respect them? How would that be received? Instead, you'd do what the Light forces are doing and instruct the candidate how to fix society. It's not the Light forces "approving of evil", relax y'all, this is how it's done.

    Also consider this, public figures are not necessarily as bad as they're made out to be. If any person reading this was chosen as a representative of the Light forces, I could go through their social media and make them look deranged. I could polarize the entire planet to hate them. This is what happens with public figures. Especially with Musk and Trump, the gasps of horror at these two is kind of petty and immature; grow up, this is Earth, everyone sucks. These less sucky guys are a gift. And anyways, no one should care too much about politicians because they're not creating the Event. The Light forces could fix the world with Soros as president. The president is just a figurehead to address the people. They weren't making decisions before or after ET's showed up, so their views are inconsequential. The era of "look what they SAID!" is over. That stuff doesn't matter anymore. The time of fear is over.

    1. "The time of fear is over." How long will you remain free or without losing your life if you do not say through a megaphone on a major TV channel or in a crowded city square that US President Trump is a Zionist whose daughter converted to Judaism and gave birth to two Jewish sons for the head of Chabad in the US, and that the essence of Judaism is the murder and enslavement of all non-Jews, i.e. the majority of the population of the US and the World. What will happen to you next? Will you be jailed for anti-Semitism? Or for anti-presidential speeches? Will you be arrested by the FBI? Or kidnapped and tortured by the CIA? Or stabbed to death in the street by a member of a Chabad synagogue? Or strangled by a Mossad agent? If you cannot do this for fear of the consequences (be honest with yourself), then your country is still captured by enemies.

  48. wonderful! loved it!

    thank you cobra for giving some information in such delicate times! Goddess bless you and all the way showers!

  49. Help reach the goal if you can! 💖


    The team that is going to carry out this critical mission must humbly request financial support in order to accomplish the work that needs to be done, because their resources are truly tapped due to various other ongoing projects.

    Fortunately, thanks to a reliable worldwide network of dedicated Lightworkers/Lightwarriors many mission expenses can be avoided with all of this.

    However, that being said, not ALL of those expenses can be avoided and the cost of proper crystals will be our main barrier to overcome.

    So, we kindly ask that if anyone is in a position where they can help manifest these goals, please consider doing so. Every contribution truly does make a difference.

    The amount of money requested is US$20,000.

    Here is the link to the fundraising campaign, where you can make the contribution to this important mission:

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Pro-Ukrainian hacktivists have infiltrated all Telegram command centers:

  52. Hey dear Cobra, Light Forces, Resistance Movement, Pleiadians, Aldebarans, Arcturiens, Andromendans and other positive races who are supporting humanity on this planet! In the name of so many Lightworkers, Light warriors and light souls as Starseeds. I want to thank you and to show our own support in this ongoing war to live on a peaceful and Light planet, without primary anomaly, Lurkers, dark entities, energies and dark forces! It's time to trigger together the Event this year, 2025! The strong positive timeline established after Mr. president Trump election and wining presidency, can lead us to a new way, new dawn and new situations, finalizing in the event.💖💖

    1. Italian
    Cobra Italian Telegram channel:

    2. Romanian
    Cobra Romanian Telegram channel:

    Victory of the Light! ✌🏻⭐⭐


  54. Unconditional loving sexual energy sounds good on paper, but frankly, I have absolutely no idea how to accept such an energy without feeling worthless.

    This is because I cannot reciprocate, so I have no right to receive it in the first place. Also, there's a fear of being manipulated and humiliated.

    This is how I feel right now. My point is, people need to feel safe not only to express this energy, but also to receive it.

  55. Saludos a todos...Falta Europa, Israel y China....y Venezuela,Cuba y Nicaragua gobernada por DRACOS Y REPTILES

  56. Here is a break down of what being aerosolized >chemtrails< over us and the partys responsible:

    Chemicals in SAI (Strategic Aerosol Injection) aka Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), Solar Radiation Management (SRM), Geo-Engineering, 'Chemtrails'

    Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂)
    Calcium Carbonate (CaCO₃)
    Aluminum Oxide (Al₂O₃)
    Titanium Dioxide (TiO₂)
    Salt (NaCl)
    Barium Titanate (BaTiO₃)

    Authors of the following document: 'Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025'

    Col Tamzy J. House
    Lt Col James B. Near, Jr.
    LTC William B. Shields (USA)
    Maj Ronald J. Celentano
    Maj David M. Husband
    Maj Ann E. Mercer
    Maj James E. Pugh

    1974: "Geo-engineering" term is credited to Italian physicist Cesare Marchetti
    2006: Paul Crutzen, Atmospheric Chemist wrote: Albedo Enhancement by Stratospheric Sulfur Injections: A Contribution to Resolve a Policy Dilemma?
    2009: Royal Society (report, Geoengineering the Climate)

    Key Organizations and Programs:

    Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (FICER) - Bill Gates/David Keith/Ken Caldeira, Harvard, Stanford, Carnegie Foundation
    Solar Geoengineering Research Program (SGRP), Harvard
    Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), Harvard
    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
    Safe Climate Research Initiative (SCRI)
    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
    National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
    Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation (SATAN)
    National Science Foundation (NSF)
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
    University of Colorado, Boulder (CIRES) Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA
    Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
    Hewlett Foundation
    Make Sunsets

    Key Individuals, Funders and Contributors:

    Bill Gates - billionaire philanthropist provided the initial financial backing through his personal wealth, channeling funds via his climate-focused investment efforts
    Ken Caldeira - A climate scientist (past: Stanford, now at Carnegie Institution) contributed scientific expertise and early SAI modeling work
    David Keith - Harvard physicist and geoengineering expert, key intellectual driver, later leading Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program
    Luke Iseman, Founder of Make Sunsets
    Dustin Moskovitz, Facebook co-founder
    Chris Sacca, Venture capitalist
    Frank Keutsch, Atmospheric chemist.
    Niel Bowerman
    Jane Long
    Peter Huybers, Climate modeling
    Lizzie Burns, Program manager
    Andrew Lockley, SATAN

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I haven't thought about whole liberation thing recently being busy with everyday life. Yesterday night before cobra posted his entry on the blog I had a thought. I thought Aldebarans are right to try USA as last resort and then ignore politicians if that fails as they are corrupt. I thought things will take long as our seamingly best hope is not great one as grey hat, Trump has got his ego and can change sides. Then in the night I had a dream in which I was speaking to Trump. I felt in my dream that he was doing a good job and he was working towards liberation and I thanked him for it. He sighed as if this wasn't easy but also nodded in agreement. I felt he was genuine. Then I woke up. I couldn't fall asleep so after I while I checked my phone and went to this site and read this blog entry. Interesting synchronicity.. Im not a Trump fan or supporter by the way

  59. The Golden Age timeline has been anchored for some of us. HOORAY!! We are making progress. I also realise that some stuff that is said... maybe we shouldn't say. So I'm watching that too.
    I'll post the timeline stuff here if you want to listen to it.

    "The Golden Age Timeline Has Been Anchored (But Not For All?)..." | Pleiadian High Council | MIRA


    Some of us are Time Shapers. Just embrace it. Just practice and be open. So good to hear many of us are doing this. All of us together are doing it. You learn as you go. My walking is really returning.

  60. If anyone wants to open a Tachyon Chamber, I can assist. I can help write a business plan that a bank will think is legit, if you need a loan. I can help with marketing to make it a financial success. The goal is to be able to afford opening additional locations, and more still once those succeed. I'm learning Spanish so I can do it in other countries. Join me, we can save the world and have a good career doing it.

  61. The hope of life lies in persisting in our dreams. No matter how small this dream may be. Even if your dream is already someone else's daily life. But that is indeed your real dream. The key to helping us overcome difficulties is to uphold our dreams. Because it reminds us in difficult days that everything we suffer will be rewarded. We did not make meaningless sacrifices. Dreams lie in what we persist in. Dreams lie in our past regrets. Dreams are about healing wounds, dreams are about making up for our past. Just like Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream. In my past life, for most of the 20th century. I am a black person from Africa. I made a wrong choice. This choice spanned my entire life at that time. I want to become him again, become the person I used to be, and make the right choice.

  62. As we (especially those individuals who are conscious, proactive, and take actual actions in their lives) become more and more purified, the speed of releasing blockages, trauma, and entanglements with latent elements will become faster and faster. It will not be linear but parabolic, and may speed up until the breakthrough point.

    It should be noted that the moment before the breakthrough may trigger the energy effect of the last thorough release of the lurker (the moment before dawn is the darkest, and the day before the weather warms up will be very cold). That moment will be short, perhaps 3-7 days or half a month?**Depending on the actual conditions of each local area on the surface. As long as you hold on, you will break through immediately after you get through it, and the event, dawn will begin! The energy of the cosmic light will be completely connected to the surface society.

    I discovered that the lurker was not completely disconnected from unity, because from this process I felt that it still had biological instincts, and its process of exorcism was still expressing a biological nature (I don't know if itself aware of this). It was just the existence that was most deeply disconnected from the unified universe (the traumatized consciousness collective), and its crazy instinct wanted to grasp any light.

    Each of us disperses it together, lets it release, and sends it back to the unity of the universe! This process happens to varying degrees inside and outside of us. It is ourselves, and everything. The essence is the same!
