Thursday, February 27, 2025

Grid ratio recovery attempt failure, state of emergency declared at 504


  1. Sorry to hear that. Victory of the Light!

    1. Does the light worker's stay in the natural environment have any effect on clearing sub-quantum anomalies?
      The plasma clearing effect is obvious.

    2. I'm doing a planetary chronicle series here is my blog
      have updated til the history before 03

    3. Pt2

  2. Let's go LF and RM!🤞😎👍
    We're almost there... you got this!

  3. O que eu estou fazendo de errado e o que de certo estou deixando de fazer? Ou é apenas uma força maior que estamos enfrentando?
    Estou aqui. Segurando. Como posso.

    1. Fica tranquilo, apenas segure a luz irmão ✨

    2. Sugiro não ficar nesse dilema, você está dando o seu melhor e é isso o que importa no momento.

  4. Cobra, if you're legit you'll let me post this comment, because it also discourages passivity.

    In the USSR something was used that was called Operation TRUST where they had people believe that the White Army was going to save them, through spreading rumors, and that made people wait for an external savior instead of the anti-bolsheviks organizing themselves and creating their own movement.

    I follow Cobra posts and I do see the value in the information, but we must all be careful that this isn't the same case and we're just waiting for the "white hats" to fix this. It is more and more clear and the salvation will come as a grassroots movement FROM THE PEOPLE.

    1. NOT gonna happen, Fernando.

      You REALLY think Joe Sixpack and Plain Jane will be the one to topple the evil empire? Grassroots don't work.

      The darkies are too strong with weapons and tech....what do 'THE PEOPLE!' have? Look what happened to Hawaii when 'THE PEOPLE!' said no the cabal.

      The "WE are the ones we have been waiting for!", to me, is mental masturbation.

      We NEED the aliens, I NEED the aliens. I need to go HOME, damn it.

    2. Good appointment, thank you.

    3. Thank you for saying that!!!! It's time the light community stop relying on Trump and other! I mean come on.... Let's open our eyes!

    4. @B.McGee
      Well, lemme know how it goes when the govt Stormtroopers start opening fire with machine guns, missiles and directed energy weapons. Lemme know how the grassroots movement goes when that happens, if anyone will be left alive after that.

    5. Mcgee, you bought the Kool aid🙄 Your really that blind and dumb to what Trump has been doing?? How pathetic...get off the MSM. And if you not from the U.S keep Trump's name out your mouth........

    6. The Matrix was created BY aliens.
      So it needs to be destroyed BY aliens.
      "We are the ones we are looking for", yeap Sherman you are right. Those who parrot that BS , are nothing but apes trying to defeat the gods throwing stones and excrements.
      We the few ones can stop feeding the Matrix, but it is not enough. The majority is still happy to feed it and protect.
      So again, yes, "Divine" Intervention is the only hope

    7. We need Army from LF.
      Besides love, Force is the original order in any Universe.
      Sheeples can’t be fighter with black nobility.

    8. Luckily evil is heavily inbred, so they can be collectively boycotted and othered. This, of course, has a magic word of big no no attached to it, with multibillion dollar media industry brainwashing people to take the word seriously.

      Epstein was mossad. Hollywood is run by the baby torture tribe.

    9. I don't think in the current moment we need civilians to take up rifles and go... do what, exactly?

      I do think us civilians should do stuff... namely, raise our consciousness, do spiritual work, join group meditations, etc.

      It may be the case that our salvation comes from We the people... but probably not by them picking up rifles, but by them raising their consciousness and then possibly building a better society, or refusing to comply, or peacefully demanding en masse (not just with a few people) that our "leaders" do a full disclosure, etc.

    10. @lightworker raising one's consciousness is the right way and may improve your own life but on a global scale it's not enough. We won't break the matrix on our own. Help from light forces is needed. The question is how much collateral damage there will be.
      Look around, people are getting more and more stupid if anything . Yes, there is a small part of population that starts asking questions etc but that's only a drop in the sea of the people's indifference, stupidity and self-serving attitude. People don't realise their are slaves. ETs need to step up and take over mass media. I'll bet you event won't happen this year. Not enough progress. If ETs are hoping somehow enlightment will happen here then we're doomed. Cabal has mass media, kills people when their get in their way and uses all the dirty tricks up their sleeves to keep people poor, miserable and stupid. that Meditating alone won't set us free. Force and action is needed. Otherwise our grandchildren will still be thinking of ways to collapse the matrix.

    11. @gerSey
      THANK YOU. Nice to see someone agreeing with me, and actually seeing things as they are. And if the Joe Sixpacks and Plain Janes were asked to, they'd fight FOR the darkies, so long as it means their slave lives, complete with cheap junk food, sports, reality TV, and shoddy made consumer goods sold at inflated prices remains the same. Look at the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Iraq invasion of '90, the Iraq Invasion of '03, and Ukraine went so far here in the US, same for climate change, Covid and Transphobia.

      Yep. Ever see anyone TRY to fight villains by 'loving them'. I recall a kid in school who tried that, he HUGGED his bully, in front of everyone. BAD MISTAKE. I STILL shudder recalling the BEATING that kid got FROM the aforementioned bully, as well as his three biggest pals. He wound up looking like the face of "Doomguy" from the old Doom PC games, when one's health points are reduced to the single if someone nailed him with a bowling ball to the face.

      Boycott them how? I never seen it actually succeed in practice.

      So, THAT's the plan, eh? Sit on our butts for hours, going "OMMMMM.....OMMMMMM.......OMMMMMM"?

      You REALLY think one can simply BUILD a 'better society' and 'refuse to comply'? Look at people who tried that:
      And, let me tell you, Light, I am NOT going to martyr myself for humanity....ESPECIALLY after the way they treated me when, back in the day, when I still actually CARED to help wake them up, which is about on or before the year 2000. NOT anymore.

      We NEED the aliens. We also did, as I mentioned REPEATEDLY, the divine meditation and petition in December of 2021. We got the numbers needed for both....despite myself being personally attacked by a nasty monster with great big teeth during the former, and the petition getting hacked on no less than 2 occasions. WE did OUR PART. Time for the Light Forces to do THEIRS.....and not 'BEHIND THE SCENES!", or in small, subtle ways that go unnoticed. I mean hardcore, in your face results, showing the good guys are actually doing something.........

      ...and that we are more than mere cannon fodder.

      I think what I ask for IS quite reasonable.

    12. @Fernando / @Klodi so what exactly do you suggest that us non-military people do, if you don't think that it's enough to do spiritual work / build a better society / peaceful noncompliance / peacefully demanding better things from our leaders?

      Please be specific about what we should do, according to you.

      It's easy to say that "we should do something" but other than what I mentioned, I don't see what we can productively do.

      Keep in mind that most people are still asleep. It's fun to indulge in a fantasy where everyone joins a 5D uprising and demands arrest of the cabal and open contact with Pleiadians etc. However most people, including most people theoretically on the same political side as us, think the cabal and "aliens" don't exist.

    13. @Klodi

      Not to mention there won't be any great grandchildren, period. The world won't last that long.

      We NEED the ALIENS.....PERIOD.

  5. Epstein clients list, JFK assassination files will be released, Fort Knox gold vault will be opened up etc, surely this is security emergency for everyone who are working for the light in Washington DC

  6. 回春术——长生不死的奥秘

    1. Rejuvenation - The Secret to Immortality

  7. How on earth can evil still put up a fight?!? I've noticed dark attacks only about 3-5% the intensity and frequency they once were. Chimera, Reptilians, and Archons either gone or mostly cleared. Lurker only 25-30% remaining. What's left to power them besides saved demon farts in mason jars?👿💨🫙

    1. There are 20-30 milloin jews and their golems are still around.
      The demons/aliens backing them have been mostly dealt with.

    2. There's several layers connected to this reality, it's not so easy , there's more than one reality building the map of the matrix system, several layers of reality within reality , every head is a world, every perception creates a reality and every consciousness of every people in the macro consciousness it's a creator, so people can creat egregor's and multiple realities from their own consciousness, that's why C. And the light forces Use the mass meditations. About your question.
      Who keep them a life? People.. in many many layers of reality inside the matrix "map" that's your answer.

    3. @Ark

      So, somehow, a bunch of Jewish folks are able to both outlive their darkie masters, and overpower the good aliens?

  8. Thank you to everyone who holds the light and helps to keep the comments at a high vibration when the news is challenging


  9. Pull us out....we can fight.💪🏻

    1. Gimme me proper body back, and damned phaser, lightsaber, or a sniper rifle.

      Let us do SOMETHING, Lightforces.

    2. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👋🏻❤️

  10. So who is it that is breaching security? I thought that the only powerful force remaining was the Lurker.

    1. So, Cabalists.....the darkies' human stooges, can rival their masters?


  11. The hype about February 27th was great, but actually there were a lot of energy disturbances and setbacks in my life yesterday. At the same time, I felt the energy of light was increasing (it was not obvious, but the silent support behind it was very strong).

    Although the actions of the dark side are more evident in daily life, we understand and feel that the light forces are more restrained, steady, and gradually down-to-earth. Because what we want is the complete and thorough liberation of the earth, not the immediate benefits! What we want is eternal (that is, holy light and pure love itself)!

    Intuition is that the energy and actions accumulated by the light forces grow in a multiplicative way. Just like a seed grows into a tree and bears fruit, each fruit produces more than a dozen seeds, and the next cycle begins, and the endless abundance of the universe begins! The light energy is also the growth model of the Goddess spiral/Fibonacci sequence (the sacred spiral conch). It is a warp parabola spiral (the curve spiral itself is the natural expression of the sacred unity of all things), not a linear one.

    personal understanding: Linearity is actually some kind of unnatural distortion phenomenon. Usually, it is artificially produced by the interaction of energy tensions from two or more aspects. Linearity usually does not appear in the unity of the universe and nature. If you go out and look at nature, you will know that pure straight lines in nature are really rare! .
    Therefore, it can be asserted that at least the three-dimensional space-time of the earth is not actually a product or expression of the universe and nature, but a man-made product of a certain consciousness in the universe and nature. It tries to absorb and imprison other conscious beings (the interstellar box plan/the plan to shrink it to the warden of the solar system/and finally to the multi-dimensional space-time of the earth, which is called the Pandora's Box plan.). In the ancient interstellar era, it affected many other conscious individuals and collectives in the universe and nature. Some conscious beings were affected to varying degrees, just like negative interstellar beings. This triggered the Galactic-Lyran War, and the last stop was the earth (3D earth/5D Terra/7D Gaia's multi-dimensional spiral unified space-time). This conscious individual is the lurker itself. This is my personal understanding and may not be completely accurate. It is for reference only.)

    What needs to be understood is that all the interstellar conscious beings who have been affected by Pandora’s Box in the past are actually the objects that need to be healed by our cosmic unified nature, including ourselves (I sincerely admit that a part of myself was affected by the Lurker in the past, which resulted in some misunderstandings and abnormal behaviors, consciousness, thoughts, and actions. At that time, I caused a bad influence on other beings, and I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart! I also forgive those cosmic conscious beings who have been affected and hurt me, including all the beings sent to the center of the Milky Way for decomposition, return, and healing. I know that everything we have will be completely healed in the end!), including the Lurker himself will be the last object to be healed by the universe and nature.

    This will fulfill the journey back to unity with the Divine Unity of the Universe, which is the Absolute.
    After fully and thoroughly understanding these, tolerance and forgiveness of everything are crucial, for yourself and for everyone, no existence is inherently evil! Existence itself shows that existence is part of the universe and nature.

    It is expected that the forces of light will grow significantly in the future with overlapping energies and actual actions.

  12. It is expected that the forces of light will grow significantly in the future with overlapping energies and actual actions.,
    The dark side is in the process of addition and subtraction (because they are eating up the inventory, and the energy harvest is very small recently! So much so that the lurkers have to enter the 3D/4D dimension of Pandora's Box that they created artificially to try to maintain the blockade and imprisonment plan)

    The Schumann waves on 2.27 showed a strange 24-hour pattern with a vibration value of 22hz.

    It is expected that this balance (multiplication on one side and addition and subtraction on the other) will soon reach a reversal point where the balance interweaves and converges! That is the moment of breakthrough and event, which is the 12:21 portal.

    In late March, especially from the spring equinox to the end of the month, the energy will be much better than in January and February. Another good news and sign is that on March 11, the 12-month constellation transformation of the whole year: the transformation from the earth-moon energy mode to the earth-sun energy mode (the natural expression and return of the universe and nature) will be completed.

    Appreciate Miss Lisa Renee!

    Stage 12 Aquarius, February 16 to March 11

    Alchemical Theme: Multiplication, Virtues
    Element: Air, Fixed, Positive
    Geometric Form: Upward-pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal line
    Planetary Correlations: Uranus and Solar Logos
    Alchemical Metal: Uranium
    Stargates: Inner Gate and Island of Kauai, Hawaii and its underground linkup into the South of France, Montsegur.
    Embodied Correlations: The Avatar or Nirvanic Mind of Solar Logos Body. The 12D White Body of the Christos Avatar. The 12D White wave of the third layer of the Solar Logos Avatar Body that is connected to the 12th Chakra. The Avatar Body function is to connect the Earth Star Chakra in the base shield that transmits the platinum liquid light blueprint for the Diamond Sun body of the Avatar Christ. The Earth Star, when it has been activated to run 12D Ray current, is located approximately six inches below the feet and connects into the base of the 12D Christos Shield. It connects into the 12th dimension in the future timelines and is the 12D Ray of the Christ Mind. Once the 12D Ray has been activated, the God-Sovereign-Free triad or Threefold Founder Flame is ignited within the center of the horizontal base of the 12D Shield, which supports the continuation of safe progression through the Ascension Cycle during the planetary liberation of the Earth. Service to the One is its own Reward.
    Aquarius Rules: ankles, lower limbs, shins, spiritualization of blood, circulatory system.

    No matter what, live every day, live every moment, and continue to do your best to heal yourself and everything around . The Source witnesses everything, and nothing will be concealed or hidden.

    Blessings to everyone and every living being, Tears are hot and warm.. flowing over the is the seeds of hope and lightful tears. I like tears. 👍


    1. Sorry, let me correct my mistake,
      The complete 13-zodiac transformation cycle is completed until Pisces (3.12-4.18)。

      Pisces:Ascension perfection Christos-Sophia

  13. It's almost March and we're still having grid failures! Discouraging

    1. The message is intended for the members of the resistance movement on the surface of the planet – so that they can adapt to changing conditions.

  14. State of Emergency = not good.

    On a positive note, there is a big alignment that's about to happen with the planets all aligning.

    "URGENT! The February 28th Planetary Alignment..." | Pleiadian Council Of Light (Rieva)

    This sacred alignment marks the beginning of a 90 day ascension window. The frequency on Earth will rise substantially; the veils between the 3D and 5D will be at their thinnest. Wow - it's a gift from the universe for our rapid upliftment; we can well take advantage of this!!!! And 3 months is a long time. We can transmit more love/light. It's really exciting!

  15. DOGE just blocked a $52M payment to the World Economic Forum.
    And they show all these pics of everyone we know, all the presidents etc. kings, Fauci, it's a mess.

    It's at 10 min

    1. 52 million is not really a lot of money these days.
      A typical corporation rakes in a few billion a year.

  16. There is always an overcoming after a difficulty.Victory of the Light!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Keir Starmer humiliated by Trump and Vance during very awkward White House visit

    Feb 28, 2025



  21. I had a dream today, that the snake was posting a meditation on the blog to stabilize the financial system, there was an article talking about what was happening, the problem had started in Asia and Europe.

  22. Your 2012 blog portal contains all the necessary ingredients for The Event 🌟 congratulations Cobra and Teams 🎉 I am thinking of you all through the struggle and final push. Big hugs to you🌹🌹🌹💓

  23. Excellent news! Good job Light Forces!!

  24. Boredom's Damage Is Drastically Underestimated

    The Event is not tangible because it hasn't happened yet, and no one knows when it will happen. If someone were asked to have an imaginary house to live in while being physically homeless, this imagined house isn't enough. The house needs to be physical. Another example: An imaginary boyfriend or girlfriend. That just doesn't work. He or she needs to be physically real.

    Yes, the Event will be physically real, but because it hasn't happened yet, it's still within the realm of imagination. A human being needs more than that. A human being needs something to be real in the here and now in order to have purpose and meaning in the here and now.

    The Event is strongly sought, and there is rebellion against 'matrix life.' But when matrix life is thrown out, there isn't anything tangible to take its place. People who are 'in the matrix' can actually be less toxic than some (but definitely not all) lightworkers, because people in the matrix can have more of a purpose in the here and now. Even if this purpose is to maintain the status quo, there are even worse scenarios. How ironic that by rebelling against matrix life, one can stoop to a level below matrix life.

    Boredom stems from having a lack of purpose and meaning. Having something strongly desired that's out of reach (the Event) without having purpose and meaning in the here and now – it's no wonder there have been so many issues with lightworkers. (The dark forces definitely play a major hand of course. The dark forces work on delaying the Event as long as possible, as well as on compromising lightworkers.)

    Without having purpose and meaning in the here and now, one becomes vulnerable to corrupting forces. Napoleon Hill's book "Outwitting the Devil" reveals this extensively.

    There are people who wake up every morning with a strong sense of purpose and meaning. This could be a career, or raising children, or a combination of the two. Some may be self-employed. Others may be a part of a team at their place of work. The bottom line is, they have purpose and meaning in the here and now.

    Lightworkers may need to find some interesting ways to have purpose and meaning in the here and now if they reject matrix life. This guy is a good example:

    Even going for an hour walk a few days per week, or even every day, can increase a sense of purpose and meaning. (If it rains, just wear a rain coat. Rain is beautiful too.) And hey, mine as well make it an 'emerald walk.'

    On another note, I feel guided to post this protection meditation from We Love Mass Meditation:

    I also feel guided to post this timestamp of one of Captain Marigold's A432 music compilations:

  25. I wish everything will be alright with my best Love and Light.🙏🏻

  26. I have to keep laughing and smiling at all of this illusion theatrics ..we can't fix the 3D matrix ... we simply want the 5D portals to appear and move over to the new earth and leave the old earth behind. All we see now is theatre .. let those remain who aren't ready to ascend that is their timeline. It's 2025 we are plus 14 years from the Law of One harvest prediction.. time to let us ascend via the portals.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👋🏻❤️🙋🏻‍♀️

  27. A similar diagram is in the book, "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple: 10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry" by Seth J. Gillihan:

    15 Common Cognitive Distortions

  28. Where is the transparency on the release of the Epstien files? Where is the full list? Why isn't Trump releasing the full proper list?

    REPLAY Emission EXPLICATIVE ATELIERS / CONFERENCES de COBRA « PORTAIL 2025+ASCENSION » en Asie et USA  avec INVITES y ayant assisté et fait  l'INITIATION AUX RAYONS avec nouveau Rayon ATVOR( témoignages,photos autorisées): GROUPES STELLAIRES pour Libération planétaire +PIERRES pour se connecter aux énergies stellaires+ORDRE de L'ETOILE / FRATERNITÉ DE L'ETOILE +NOBLESSE BLANCHE Galactique et SAINT GRAAL+CHRONOLOGIE ENERGETIQUE+ évènements des prochains mois+ÉNERGIES masculines / féminines +SITUATION PLANÉTAIRE...

    NOTES OFFICIELLES ATELIER « Portail 2025 » (Taiwan, Décembre 2024)
    NOTES OFFICIELLES Conférence  sur "L’Ascension"(Japon,Janvier 2025)
    Notes Officielles Atelier "Portail 2025"Phoenix USA (1-2 février 2025, 2 versions: VOTL 628+ Adoninas)


  30. Izabela does an interesting reading for March. She sees the deep state is planning to set off dirty bombs in Europe and blame Russia, but it probably won't happen (hopefully) as they try to stop it. The European Union is in trouble and it will be traced back to politicians in Europe. So Ukraine at the end of March wants peace.

    Big truths about "vaccines" will come out and really shock everyone.

    Big scandal regarding the pope will be revealed, hehe. A couple of royal divorces will happen. OMG, it will become known that children have been chopped up to traffic body parts. BLAH!!!!! Monsters!!! This is in the thousands and thousands of children. This will be discovered in many countries around the world. It starts to happen in March, she predicts.

    They will start to talk of UFOs but only small portions, it will come out as people are ready, so only 5% or so at first. The Senate will have people arrested. There is a lot of news in Europe...

    People will be literally melting down as they learn the truth...shock as they wake up in March. Something in technology will be released in March, something very great and cheap. Then she does a tarot card reading that is quite good.

    1. @psychic
      "They will start to talk of UFOs but only small portions, it will come out as people are ready, so only 5% or so at first"

      So, in about 500 years.......

  31. Izabela reading:

  32. I had a dream last night and i felt like to share it here. I dreamed Cobra had a new update on this blog, the title is “I tried” or some words that has the similar meaning. Its about Cobra was leading a group of 10 people, and they were doing a meditation inside a underground cave and this cave has a living room(they were meditating there), 2 or 3 bedrooms, and another access to a place called treasure, in my dream it was like a map to me. But during the meditation, there were only about 8 people in the living room meditating, 2 people were inside their own room together not meditating with the others but were meditating on their own. So in the end none of them went to the place called treasure. I think its because those 2 people were not cooperating well with entire team. And then I dreamed I was about to take a flight back to my country from Malaysia. Maybe this dream has something to do with the Light workers in Malaysia. Maybe not.

  33. isnt there suppose to be a major portal opening this year?

  34. Further illustration of common cognitive distortions (part 1):


    Someone is preparing for a job interview. They start thinking, "What if I completely mess up? They'll think I'm incompetent, and I'll never get a job. I'll end up ruining my career and won't be able to support myself." This thought spiral escalates a single event – a challenging interview – into a disastrous, life-altering scenario without evidence.

    "Should" Statements

    Someone might think, "Life should always reward hard work and good intentions. If it doesn’t, then life is cruel and meaningless." While it's natural to feel this way when facing injustices, this expectation can create bitterness, as life doesn’t always follow a clear cause-and-effect pattern of fairness.


    A person has a disagreement with a close friend, and they think, "This argument is the end of our friendship. They probably don’t like me anymore, and we’ll never be as close as we were." This takes a single conflict and blows it out of proportion, assuming the worst about the relationship without considering the context or history.


    A person works hard on a creative project, like designing a 3D model or animation, and receives praise for their work. Instead of appreciating the feedback, they think, "It’s not that impressive. Anyone with the right software could do it." This dismisses the skill, effort, and creativity they brought to the table.

    Emotional Reasoning

    A person feels lonely and thinks, "I feel unlovable, so it must mean that no one actually cares about me." They interpret their feeling of loneliness as proof of being unworthy of love or connection, even though there’s no factual basis for this conclusion.

    Mental Filter

    A person attends a dinner and has several enjoyable conversations, but they accidentally spill a drink at one point. Later, they think, "Everyone probably remembers how clumsy I was," focusing solely on that one awkward moment and ignoring all the positive interactions they had throughout the evening.

    Disqualify The Positive

    A city organizes a community clean-up day, and hundreds of volunteers show up, collecting trash and beautifying the area. Afterward, a local official says, "This doesn’t really reflect the community’s spirit. They probably just came because it was a nice day and they had nothing better to do." This dismisses the volunteers’ enthusiasm and commitment to improving their community.

  35. Further illustration of common cognitive distortions (part 2):

    Black And White Thinking aka All-Or-Nothing Thinking

    A person hears about a natural disaster, such as a hurricane causing widespread damage, and thinks, "This region is completely uninhabitable now and will never recover." This view disregards the resilience of communities and the historical evidence of recovery and rebuilding after similar disasters.


    A person notices that their neighbor hasn’t been as chatty lately and thinks, "It must be because I did something to annoy them. Maybe they’re upset with me." They take their neighbor’s behavior personally, even though there might be other explanations, such as the neighbor being busy, stressed, or preoccupied with personal matters.


    A member of a spiritual group experiences personal struggles and thinks, "This is the group’s fault. They didn’t give me the support or guidance I needed." They place full responsibility on the group for their difficulties, without considering other contributing factors, like personal decisions, external circumstances, or their own efforts in seeking help.

    Jumping To Conclusions

    A person sends a text to a friend and doesn’t receive a reply for several hours. They think, "They must be upset with me or ignoring me." They jump to a negative conclusion without considering other possibilities, such as the friend being busy, their phone being off, or simply forgetting to reply.

    Mind Reading

    A person attends a book club meeting and shares their thoughts on the novel. Later, they notice someone in the group is quiet and think, "They must have thought my opinion was silly or uninformed." They assume they know what the quiet person is thinking without any evidence.

    Fortune Telling

    A person is invited to a social event where they don’t know many people. They think, "I’m not going to have a good time, and nobody will talk to me." They predict a negative outcome without any evidence, letting their assumption affect their mood even before the event begins.


    A person goes on one bad date and thinks, "This always happens. I’m never going to find a meaningful relationship." They take one negative experience and apply it to their entire future, assuming that all potential relationships will turn out the same way.


    A person shares that they’ve been exploring different perspectives on a heated issue, and someone reacts by saying, "You're a shill." This label dismisses their thoughtful approach and reduces them to a negative stereotype, ignoring the value of open-mindedness and critical thinking.

  36. China reveals Thor- ium = Torij = endless electric energy supply. There is allot of articles about it so go Google it who wants. I just don't understand how they can be evil country and do that .

  37. Two clowns Trump and Zelensky put on a comedy show in public!

    1. And a 3rd clown just showed!!🤡 Bring your evidence on Trump or shut your mouth. A bunch of ignorant Kool aid drinkers sound like broken records....🙄

    2. @jw301330
      I think @55515 just showed up in the comments section this year to be a fly in the ointment... just a troll. Not worth anyone's time.
      You and I, as well as most on here "see" the truth of what the Trump administration along with Elon Musk is doing to work for world peace and prosperity... while at the same time exposing the darks corruption.
      We're over the target and the trolls are ramping up the attacks.
      Hold the line and Hold Your Light! ✨️🤞😎👍✨️

    3. 2nd that 144k.. although I won't be surprised some have been here older than a year.. already made their way to blend... some do the usual "multi login' to parrot or support an agenda or specific post.. a way to create illusion basically..

  38. A Dissertation on the Geopolitics of Peace

    "Jeffrey Sachs (Harvard University BA, MA, PhD) is an American economist and public policy analyst. He was formerly a professor at Harvard University and is now a professor at Columbia University. On February 19, 2025, Professor Jeffrey Sachs addressed a packed house in the European Parliament to outline the cold realities of US power, and Europe's subordination to it. He urged Europe to have an independent foreign policy that is realistic, that understands Russia's situation, that understands Europe's situation, and that understands what America is and what it stands for."

    Jeffrey Sachs delivers a roaring speech before the EU Parliament, where he schools the US and Europe over the Ukraine war:

  39. As we move further in the liberation and cleansing, it is becoming increasingly clear that surface humanity, including lightworkers and lightwarriors, needs healing. This is probably one of the last stages before the Event - one of the fine-tuning before the full liberation, we can say. The need for this healing, which also includes a return to sanity without cognitive dissonance, is now clearly visible after Zelensky's visit to the Trump administration. In the reactions and attitudes of the surface population. Sometime in the past, Cobra announced on this blog that in fact 50% of the surface population would currently side with the dark. I think it was meant to be that some completely consciously and the vast majority unconsciously. But the result and impact on the Event would be dramatic. I think that is also why the Event cannot be launched right now, for example. Personally, I think that for this reason, preparations for the Event will continue for several more months. But I believe that all of this, including the necessary and safe sufficient removal of anomalies, will be accomplished before the end of this year. I thank all the Forces of Light for their dedicated, persistent and so necessary work for humanity, for this solar system, for this sector of the universe, for the Creator - the Source - for all of us.

    1. Even in few months the majority will be still dumb and clueless. And am tired of suffering since years because the ignorant sheeps are not ready for a radical change

    2. @ starseed27
      I understand you, I also struggle and have e.g. financial problems and the truth is that I have been working hard every day for 23 years. We all have some problems and wounds from attacks over the past years. But I believe and I fight. Yes, not everyone will be ready for the Event, but many things will be healed to a certain extent, the tension in society will have lower values, more light will be anchored. It will be possible to connect more points in the Network of Light - people and possibilities. Thus, more room for maneuver, more adequate "tools" and possibilities. By that time, more people will wake up and prepare, who will each be the support or backbone of the network according to their possibilities and abilities. Things will go better than they would today. It is necessary to involve, or at least prepare on a subconscious level as much of the surface population as possible. Much of this happens at night in sleep.

    3. This issue of the public supporting the Dark is fascinating. I watch this closely every day. Recently there was a big protest outside a Tesla dealership, lol, where hundreds of angry people in masks (of course) with "Nazi" signs (of course) were screaming about Elon Musk being Hitler. After he exposed how the entire government is nothing but a money laundering scheme to steal trillions of dollars, with financial records in black and white, and they're mad at... him? This is reaching a whole new level of end times madness.

    4. @ Patrick Kehoe
      An excellent example of this problem.


  41. March 4th. Big arrests happening. It’s the anniversary of the first US Congress. Trump has called a mandatory congressional meeting.

    And on a brighter note than yet another 504 fail:

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Israel has put a blockade back on Gaza. No aid at all getting through. No food, medicine etc.
    Trump has just signed off on 4 billion in military aid for Israel.
    Are you trying to tell me there are Light Forces within the Trump administration?
    How desperate the situation must be for them to be aligning with Trump. A man who is firmly on the side of a disgusting evil regime.

    1. The Light forces don't approve of Trump, they're working with him. It's a big difference. In fact, the problem governments are exactly where they need to be. Saying the LF align with or support these leaders is almost like a slanderous propaganda line it's so silly. CNN paparazzi says: "We caught the Light forces talking to Trump, that means they approve of everything he says and does." No. This is what diplomacy is, you meet with and influence the enemy.

    2. Clearly the light forces are unwilling or unable, at this time, to just do an outright intervention or a big reveal of themselves.

      So then, the two options the light forces do have is:
      - Israel blockades Gaza, Trump supports Israel, and the light forces do certain other good things via the Trump administration
      - Israel blockades Gaza, Trump supports Israel, and the light forces don't do certain other good things via the Trump administration

      As much as my heart goes out to people in Gaza too, the first option is clearly better.

  44. This is going to be big, astrologically speaking. March 23-25th. First before this happens there will be 4 cazimis. First is march 12th with Saturn - a cazimi is when a planet is conjunct the sun. Then march 20th and Neptune, then march 23rd is Venus, then march 24th is Mercury. (@ 13:37) But even bigger is the chart of March 23-25th, where the planets are ALL set up in a way that is crazy. (@16:30) It's going to be madness in March - they are going absolutely crazy, if Cobra is going to mention it, or maybe has mentioned it... Well, it's nuts!

  45. "Donald Trump has proven incapable of establishing bloc discipline in the collective West and has effectively found himself in a situation where NATO allies, who are militarily dependent on the United States, are trying to dictate their policy in the Ukrainian direction.

    It is hard to imagine a more obvious demonstration of the decline of US influence in world politics: what kind of containment of China can the Trump administration talk about if it has proven incapable of keeping its own junior allies from opposing the most important issue of European security?

    Trump and his team now have a difficult choice: either get involved in a game of suppressing NATO allies, or let the situation slide. In either case, America will demonstrate its weakness, which is unacceptable for Trump. Washington can no longer rejoin the pan-European line for a war to the bitter end after the scandal in the Oval Office. In this case, the blow to American prestige will be colossal.

    At the same time, one should not think that Trump has a whole wagon of time at his disposal. Not at all: his administration must demonstrate clear and obvious successes before November next year, when the midterm elections to Congress will take place. The Democrats are already preparing for them and have colossal external support from Great Britain, the European Union and Canada. Therefore, if Trump wants to preserve his party's good chances of retaining power, he needs to strike back right now. And strike hard.

    Theoretically, the Trump administration has a global option of a rather radical nature: to agree on interaction in the Russia-USA-China triangle on the division of spheres of influence and parameters of economic relations and begin the process of completely dismantling the European Union.

    This option will allow the United States to restore influence in Europe, but in implementing it, it will have to "share" with Russia and China. In the case of Moscow, at least recognize Ukraine and the entire post-Soviet space as its sphere of influence. Are the US ready to do this? The question remains open, but at the moment, most likely not. In the future, the situation may change.

    In general, it can be stated that the Trump administration's movement in all directions at once (Latin America, Canada, Greenland, the Middle East, Ukraine) has not yet brought Washington any breakthroughs: apart from the suppression of some South American countries like Panama, Colombia and El Salvador, there have been no obvious successes. Meanwhile, bloc discipline is cracking at the seams and America's closest and most dependent allies are deciding to rebel, albeit cautiously. Trump needs to make a decision, but what decision?"

    1. Do you get paid to post this?... I have yet to see any analysis past or present out there that truly outlines what is going on. If anything is someone's perspective with some close in part to reality some not.. a mix .. and this is assuming that anything that we see out there in the open is truly what is going on. 'What we see is what we get" is hardly really reality..

      Over and over any or most analysis now or from the past gets proven in future to be anything than how it was analyzed..we living in eras of cover ups and illusion behind other illusions over and over..

      Yet we speak and write as if we have it all figured out.

      At the end.. all we repeat from others we read and adopt as our own belief or opinion is just merely that.. just someone else's HIS-tory.. assuming is not done intentional to divide.

    2. I would caution people to take someone elses analysis and opinion and use discernment.

      If there is anything we have learn throughout the years is that nothing is as it seems.

      So when u hear accusations being thrown left or right up or down, under and over.. realize that person is as knowledgeable as his or her life's perspective will allow them to be.. some have a broader view on world but shortsighted on details.. or speak in very specific areas but lacks to incorporate a broader perspective into their analysis. Even those that try to use mix views chances are stil fails to incorporate crucial details...

      At least that is what I noticed in some claims and finger pointing statements I read here.

      In short.. someone is either too generic.. too broad or too shortsighted...

      I can't claim to know exactly what is going .. I can provide me best educated guess..
      . And this is my best educated guess on what is going on on this room.

      So again do take all observations or claims with a grain or salt .. Still be open minded... And most importantly keep an eye for control oppositions characters. They will blend with the crowd... Even if u believe I am one of those.. remember how people thru the news fell to be victims of their programming. Same can happen on chat zones..

      The puzzle will come to take form in due time..

  46. I actually want the destruction of this failed " civilization "

  47. Mirroring
    The Weekly Peace Meditation (English rendering) by We love Massmeditation has 750 views from 10/20/2024 to today, 3/3/2025. This averages out to about 38 views per Sunday.

  48. Ho aggiornato il mio profilo con la fotografia reale di Nytira, abitante di Clarion in suo onore. 🌲🛸🌲


  50. Mar 4, 2025:

    “My team and I stand ready to work under President Trump’s strong leadership to get a peace that lasts,” Zelenskiy said Tuesday on X.
    Mar 4, 2025:

    “My team and I stand ready to work under President Trump’s strong leadership to get a peace that lasts,” Zelenskiy said Tuesday on X.
