Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Planetary Grid Activation

There will be a very powerful planetary etheric leyline grid activation which will be triggered by the Solar eclipse on March 29th:


During that eclipse, a strong flash of Light will activate planetary Dragon leylines with a quantum leap to the new level, so that the planetary energy grid will be ready for the cascade of events that will follow in quick succession in April and May.

In the next few blog updates I will be able to say more about this very powerful activation process taking place in April and May.

Until then, preparation steps need to be taken and lots of darkness removed so that the Light can finally begin to enter.

First, a clearing process of the deepest part of Lurker subquantum anomaly on the surface of the planet will be taking place between the Lunar eclipse on March 14th and the Solar eclipse on March 29th:


Clearing of subquantum anomaly is never pleasant or easy, so brace for the impact.

On top of that, Saturn rings will be edge-on as seen from Earth on March 23rd:


That configuration usually opens a dark portal between intergalactic subquantum anomaly, Saturn and Earth, and when it happened in February 1996 it was one among the darkest moments in human history:


This time, it will be an opportunity for the Light forces to clear a large portion of subquantum anomaly once and for all.

Also, in the time frame between the two eclipses, Sun will travel from the last degrees of Pisces into first degrees of Aries and activate the stellium of planets (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune) sitting near the Pisces / Aries boundary. This stellium signifies a powerful transition between the outdated patterns of the old society into a new spiritual cycle.



One very significant aspect of that transition process is disillusionment, which is necessary to release the old. This disillusionment will be triggered by the coming Saturn / Neptune conjunction, and there is a very interesting hint about that conjunction in the following article for those who have eyes to see:


After the activation on March 29th, more powerful energies will begin to flow through Cintamani stones, and here are some guidelines how to work with those sacred stones:


There are many people now burying cintamanis and other stones on the leylines in preparation for the March 29th activation, and here are some guidelines:


Also, this time frame will see a significant energy upgrade of the Tachyon chambers. For the planetary energy grid to function in harmony and balance, more Tachyon chambers need to activated, especially in North, Central and South America:


As Pleiadian fleet is getting closer, the healing process inside the chambers will be getting even more effective:


After March 29th, many key planetary vortexes will experience powerful activations.

The first one is the Jerusalem vortex, which is anchored at the Temple Mount:


During late Atlantean times, this was the main Orion programming and implanting center for the native Natufian population:




King Solomon decided to purify the energy of the area and built his temple there:


One part of his temple was dedicated to the goddess Asherah:




Energy of Asherah needs to invoked to bring healing and balance to the Jerusalem vortex and the whole region:



Also, to heal the occult reasons for the conflict in Gaza and bring peace to the area, the archetype of the war goddess Anat needs to be purified and healed:



There is a very significant but completely neglected vortex of Ashtar Sheran in Yemen, and that vortex will experience realignment and healing after March 29th. A statue of Athtar Harman (Sabean name of Ashtar Sheran) was found in Yemen:


Another vortex that will experience its renaissance after March 29th is the New York City vortex:


Naples in Italy is a very interesting city, because is the location where Isis mysteries have entered the European continent from Alexandria:



It is from Naples that Egyptian mysteries re-emerged again in the 18th century:


Naples Goddess Vortex will be reactivated at this amazing place:


Paris double vortex will also be upgraded.

The Versailles part will receive a boost through the Grotto:



The Paris part will receive an empowerment through the Temple of Amitie:



That temple belonged to Loge de'l Amitie, a masonic lodge created in Paris around 1775 to cultivate Goddess mysteries:


To support this huge planetary activation process, and especially the completion of the Pan-American Dragon leyline, we will be having a workshop in Bogota on April 13th:



and in New York city on April 19th:


You are more than welcome to join us.

Victory of the Light!



  1. Replies
    1. Hi, people I'm doing a series of guidance for chronicles information for spreding, if you want to share them with friends, I think my blogs can help.
      Intro https://portal5555.blogspot.com/2025/01/occults-101.html
      Pt2 (14billion yrs ago~25000 yrs ago) https://portal5555.blogspot.com/2025/02/planetary-chronicles-pt2-initial-eras_28.html
      Pt3 (16000 yrs ago~15th century) https://portal5555.blogspot.com/2025/02/planetary-chronicles-pt3-quarantine-eras.html
      Pt4 (1540~2003)https://portal5555.blogspot.com/2025/02/planetary-chronicles-pt4-impasse-eras.html

    2. I would like to ask everybody to join us for the NYC workshop. The workshop will help the Light Forces recapture the NYC vortex. Once NYC is taken, the financial system can be reset. It is also the vortex for official First Contact at the UN headquarters in Turtle Bay. Hence, once enough anomaly is cleared, NYC will be used to trigger the financial reset and First Contact. In other words, NYC is the vortex for the Event.

    3. Saturn-Neptune conjunction is connected to the war between Russia and Ukraine:
      “It’s pretty well-established in the astrological lore that the Saturn/Neptune cycle is relevant to the history of communism, and to major turning points in Russian history. Given where things stand in the world right now, this will probably have implications for the war in Ukraine.”

      The below video goes into more depth about Saturn-Neptune conjunction and Russia. You can watch it at around 15 minute mark:

  2. Onde posso consiger cintamani aqui em Brasil? Estou pronto por ti ajudar. Vitória do luz!

    1. Precisávamos conseguir uma câmara tachyos aqui no Brasil.nao tem nenhuma, somente 1 no Peru, na América do Sul.

  3. ThaNks fOr the update cobRa victory of the light ✨...

  4. Merci Cobra et les Forces de Lumières pour ces nouvelles, VOTL
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa <3

  5. Wow exciting thanks cobra rm light forces

  6. Notizie meravigliose! Vittoria della Luce!

    1. Come possiamo collegarci fra italiani? ( Purtroppo non potevo andare a Padova per un lavoro che non potevo rimandare ma mi sto ancora mangiando le mani!!) C e un modo per conoscere altri? ( Seguo Cobra davvero dall'inizio della sua divulgazione)

  7. Thank you dear Cobra and Light Forces! Victory of the Light!! 🔅🔅❤️

    REPLAY Emission EXPLICATIVE ATELIERS / CONFERENCES de COBRA « PORTAIL 2025+ASCENSION » en Asie et USA  avec INVITES y ayant assisté et fait  l'INITIATION AUX RAYONS avec nouveau Rayon ATVOR( témoignages,photos autorisées): GROUPES STELLAIRES pour Libération planétaire +PIERRES pour se connecter aux énergies stellaires+ORDRE de L'ETOILE / FRATERNITÉ DE L'ETOILE +NOBLESSE BLANCHE Galactique et SAINT GRAAL+CHRONOLOGIE ENERGETIQUE+ évènements des prochains mois+ÉNERGIES masculines / féminines +SITUATION PLANÉTAIRE...
    NOTES OFFICIELLES ATELIER « Portail 2025 » (Taiwan, Décembre 2024)
    NOTES OFFICIELLES Conférence  sur "L’Ascension"(Japon,Janvier 2025)
    Notes Officielles Atelier "Portail 2025"Phoenix USA (1-2 février 2025, 2 versions: VOTL 628+ Adoninas)

  9. Grazie Cobra per l'aggiornamento sull'attivazione della griglia planetaria. 🙂🌲🛸🌲

  10. Onde posso encontrar pedras Citamani no Brasil confiáveis. Vitória da Luz!

  11. Sono contento di entrare in questa nuova fase che è così cruciale per il nostro futuro. Anche se potrebbero esserci momenti difficili sono pronto perché finalmente, grazie a questi grandi movimenti planetari , si potranno risolvere problemi perniciosi una volta per tutte.

  12. This is all very exciting! I will "brace for impact," though more clearing of subquantum anomaly sounds only positive. I'm happy to hear the tachyon chambers will receive an upgrade and become more effective. I think the tachyon chambers have gotten stronger just in the last 3 months, also ... Thank you Cobra and LF's and RM!

    1. I have noticed an upgrade of my chamber also, Goddess. The whole area is peaceful and unaffected by the storms around us.

  13. Thank you for the post, i feel the Event is near.🛸🙏

  14. until THE MOMENT everything totally complete.

  15. Ainda vamos esperar até 2026, Jesus amado

  16. 回春术——长生不死的奥秘
    Rejuvenation - The Secret to Immortality

  17. i don't care about astrology or energy

    1. Literally everything is energy at its core. Solidity is just an illusion of the mind. And astrology is just like nodes in a network.
      Like the neurological pathways of the brain.

  18. Now I understand the consequence of jesuit controlling the dark astrology matrix.

  19. I'd like to re-mention that cognitive behavioral therapy from reading this book has been helping quite a bit: "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple: 10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry (Retrain Your Brain with CBT)" by Seth J. Gillihan

    I've gotten to the part where core belief systems are identified from one's own thoughts and imagined scenarios. Here's an example:

    One thinks of all the times of being mistreated by others. A core belief is then identified from this, which is "No one respects me." Then, there is focus on evidence to the contrary. One thinks about all the times of being treated nicely by others. One thinks about any friends one had, and of times of being respected. The core belief can then be changed - not into something overly positive which can backfire, but into something more balanced and objective, which allows for breakthroughs.

    Personally so far, 4 different destructive personal core beliefs have been identified and challenged with evidence to the contrary. I wrote these all out, which is suggested in the book. This has brought immense clarity. Had I done this years ago, enormous suffering could have been prevented! Better late than never though.

    Perhaps there has been guidance from positive forces to bring me to this book, and maybe this can be a game changer for others as well. 💖

    1. Great! Super! Good progress! I'm happy that you're working on yourself. :) I like the comments where people use their almightiness to create the world they want to live in and stop creating the powerlessness. There are plenty of tools (beside the cognitive behavioral therapy; for different people different tools are more suitable and effective) we can use I don't say to better ourselves (because our true self is perfect!) but rather to remove everything that doesn't allow us to express ourselves in harmony with who we really are. I'm happy that more and more people realize they power that there is no outside world and they literally (and I mean LITERALLY) creating everything they perceive. 🤍

    2. That's amazing. I notice a clear difference in people I know who practice good mental health, and those who don't. Recently my parents simply decided to stop worrying and tormenting themselves, and immediately are like different people. I find the crux of the problem is the brain thinks it's good to worry. The soul thinks it's good to be outraged at the low ethics of society. People essentially think it's good to succumb to low morale as if it's a virtue. The more depressed and apathetic they become, they feel closer to truth and divinity. But it's actually the animal brain stress response masquerading as spirituality, giving hits of dopamine every time you notice how dumb and stupid the world is. I know people who are indistinguishable from drug addicts. They lay in bed, groaning in agony about how bad the world is, doing nothing with their life, letting themselves fall into poor health. I truly think outrage is a biochemical addiction, it's scary.

      Anyways, great work Starlight, it's good to see people triumph.

    3. BeYourTrueSelf, yeah, we were all ascended at one point in time. Agreed, it’s a matter of removing negative programming that isn’t who we are. Everyone can be creators instead of victims! 👍

      Patrick Kehoe, yeah, the mind sees that there’s a reward for worrying. This reward is fending off future threats to survival. Humans have instincts that were at one time needed, but in modern times can be a major hindrance to development. Modifications can be life-changing.

      Excellent point about people who hate on the world. 👍 Agreed, it’s definitely an addiction that's used to justify personal inaction.

    Cobra :« Activation de la Grille énergétique planétaire (Ateliers »Portail 2025 » à Bogota/Colombie et New York en Avril 2025+Eclipse+ Energie de la Déesse / Sororité de la Rose +Situation planétaire) avec LIENS FRANÇAIS et VIDÉOS FRANÇAISES COMPLÉMENTAIRES

  21. 如此多的强力激活和升级,真是太棒啦,我好兴奋啊

  22. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:


  23. Outstanding news COBRA! 👏😎
    Thank you Ashtar, Semjase, Sananda, Lightforces, Resistance Movement, and ALL the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds!
    It's all coming together for the big EVENT! ✨️🔑✨️

  24. Victory of the Light! Thanks Cobra, Light Forces, Resistance Movement!

  25. "One third of humanity has now broken free of old illusions and began reclaiming their sovereignty." Wowowow


    "The Tipping Point Of Global Awakening..." It's happening! @ 10:09

  26. Bahasa Indonesia: https://theportalindonesia.blogspot.com/2025/03/aktivasi-jaringan-planet.html

  27. This is a remarkable surge
    in awakened Souls compared to just a few
    years ago. Each day more individuals step
    out of the fog of fear and see the world
    with new eyes of awareness. They are
    questioning the narratives of division
    and reclaiming their inner
    discernment.This wave of Illumination is
    growing exponentially and is fast
    approaching the critical mass needed to
    shift the entire Collective
    Consciousness. Every Soul who awakens
    adds momentum creating a chain reaction
    in the field of
    Consciousness. The Tipping Point of
    global Awakening is very near and once
    it is reached the remaining illusions of
    the old Paradigm will dissolve swiftly.
    The momentum of Humanity's Awakening is








  29. Mulțumim Cobra pentru aceste actualizări . Victoria Luminii .

  30. Thank you for this information and all that is underway to allow the light to descend upon us with more power.
    I am organizing a collective meditation in March after the lunar eclipse that you can join.
    Lien vers la méditation collective en français du 16 mars https://amma-galactee.learnybox.com/conference/inscription/meditation-collective-offerte-theme-non-encore-defini/

  31. Da ricordare sempre, per non perdere di vista la grandezza delle cose che stanno per succedere che: saremmo stati una razza spacciata , dato che gli erranti comportamenti umani e soprattutto quelli disumani dei nostri comandanti oscuri ci avrebbero indotto a morte certa. Non solo, anche la creazione delle nostre gabbie auto limitanti attraverso i nostri pensieri nocivi, con l'aiuto di tutte le entità demoniache saremmo stati perseguitati dalla nostra coscienza anche dopo il passaggio dimensionale attraverso il processo di morte. È una vera fortuna, forse meritata grazie ai più ferventi operatori di Luce, che siamo arrivati ad un livello in cui si intravede una speranza per il futuro dell'umanità. Non doveva andare così ma , attraverso l'audace impegno di pochi preziosi esseri sulla Terra siamo entrati di diritto in una condizione di linea temporale migliore e più stabile. Non era scontato. E c'è ancora del lavoro da fare. Buon proseguimento. 🌲🛸🌲

  32. Merci Cobra pour la mise à jour.
    L'article en français :
    Victoire de la Lumière !

  33. Not one single thing we can see. Not one single physical 3D made of matter measurable fact. There's opsec sure. But you don't say a GODDAMNED THING AT ALL. Give us some specifics - ANY specifics - we can SEE. More importantly, that ANYONE can SEE without needing to _believe_ anything first?

  34. Hint from Saturn-Neptune conjunction article: “Will Saturn in Aries be a hard reset, or a shared universe collapsing into an infinity of solo galaxies?”


  35. Wow, Temple Mount in Jerusalem is shaped like an octagon

  36. I always sensed that there was a dormant vortex in Reggia di Caserta, I'm working with a group of people to rise the frequency there (the water has a strange energetic feeling)... Let me know if we can help somehow

  37. Can we travel after 29 March? All this liberation process makes me freeze , unable to make any decision or any single step , since we don't know what crazy event may happen the next day. How can one hold the Light without being able to live in a spontaneous , fearless way ? It's not even about being afraid , perhaps only over cautious since I experienced lots of troubles and setbacks whenever I tried to move on. When will this targeting and attacks on lightworkers and starseeds stop ?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. More and more I don’t understand why people aren’t enraged by how long this is taking. I spoke to an old friend that went through the awakening process at the same time as me. He doesn’t even care if the Event comes. I asked him if he likes this world, to which he responded, “eh, I’m apathetic to it. As long as I can customize my own life within it who cares?” That really angered me. How could anyone be apathetic to the suffering and inhumane things people are going through all over the world? Truly privilege is the enemy. This lifetime I have lived as a boots on the ground starseed, as well as a boots on the ground human. I’m a lowly warehouse worker here at the end. My wife was raped in a crackhouse for the first 10 years of her life. Her ptsd and dissociation are so bad she is turning on me— saying my faith and my “conspiracy theories” are extremist and I need to be put on medication. She threatens to leave me constantly. My children suffer every time because she does not have the ability to hold the conversation in until they are asleep. Seriously what the fuck? What the actual fucking fuck is it going to take for people to become angry enough to do something? All these privileged lightworkers and starseeds that are so docile and so thankful and cheery all the time. WHAT THE FUCK?!

    1. I am enraged but who cares ? It's clear to me that the surface starseeds and lightworkers are more or less sacrificed during those disgusting " liberation process ". Terrible timeline and process

  40. Hello friends! There are practically no tachyon cameras in Russia. Does anyone want to fix this!?(WE ARE ALL one soul, politics has nothing to do with it).

  41. traduction en français sur le blog de Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :

    https://2012portal-french.blogspot.com/2025/03/activation-de-la-grille-planetaire.html .

  42. very good update, my regards to all and thank you L.F.

  43. Thanks for the invitation. Very informative. This is my favorite blog.🙏❤️

  44. A different way to deal with attackers:

    Ignoring online verbal attacks works, but why not learn something?

    Suggestion: Do an in depth analysis of their attack. "This part here is where they are gaslighting. This part here is a logical fallacy." And so forth. Go into exactly how they are trying to manipulate, exposing this for all to see. This is done not to put the attacker in their place, but to increase awareness of methods of attack. This can be extremely beneficial, not just to oneself, but to all who read it.

    This may come in handy, as political situations and so forth are becoming more and more volatile with the clearing. There may be more instances of conflicts happening between people online, including on 2012 Portal. This doesn't have to be detrimental though. This can be an opportunity to learn.


  45. Wishing All much strength for the lunar and solar eclipses.
    The moon is not what you think it is . . .

    And Saturn is not what you think it is, either.
    There's a book available onbline for free called "The Ringmaklers of Saturn" and it's well worth a look.

    Love and Light



  46. Taking care of business.

    Working overtime.
    Good on you.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. This post made me so happy! I'm guessing by the end of may, lurker will be more then 90% disentangled and hopefully removed permanently!

  49. Dear Cobra please come back to Switzerland. Thank you for all of this incredible information about Ashera.
    Thank you so much. Beloved from KaAna

  50. Español , castellano:

  51. Stop torturing me. Light workers/warriors should not be sacrificed in this war. I reject to be treated in this way no longer.


  52. It's the Magnificent Seven theme.
    And why the fuck not.




  53. Okay, here we go.

    SIx years ago today (March 5 2019) Cobra posted

    Whatever It Takes

    with the message being a song by Imagine Dragons.
    Whatever It Takes

    In the meantime a lot has happened.

    Last week, The Universe was kind enough to send an answer.

    This is Belinda Carlisle.

    Whatever It Takes.

    That's quite the URL there! If I may dare say so myself :-D
    And it is March 5 2025 over here.

    Have a nice day. :-))


  54. It would be great if you ever came to Mexico City

    Or any part in Mexico, the closer to the city, the better.

  55. Trump vs Zelensky


  56. Translated in Persian of Cobra's posts


  57. "US Secretary of State Marco Rubio is a devout Catholic and he appeared on live TV with an ashen cross on his forehead. It symbolizes the beginning of Lent in anticipation of Easter and is a kind of symbol of repentance. By the way, during this speech he called Ukraine a proxy army of the US, the war is actually between the US and Russia and it is time to end it because it has dragged on."

    Well, how can that be, the US defends democracy all over the world. Oh no, Rubio said that he is waging a proxy war against Russia. "The Anglo-Saxons want Russia and Russians to disappear." "The only thing worse than feuding with an Anglo-Saxon is friendship with him."

  58. "Trump's New Victory - Panama Canal

    Hong Kong conglomerate CK Hutchison sold the Panama Canal ports to Blackrock for $22.8 billion (Financial Times (https://www.ft.com/content/b3a1ea24-72c6-4fad-9de1-e7411048ad31)).

    The final documentation for the purchase of 90% of Panama Ports Company by the BlackRock-TiL consortium (BlackRock Inc., Global Infrastructure Partners and Terminal Investment Limited) will be signed no later than April 2, 2025.

    Thus, control over the Panama Canal infrastructure is really moving from the so-called British "Chinese" to the so-called global "Americans".

    Earlier, Panamanian President Jose Raul Mulino announced that Panama had decided to withdraw from China's Belt and Road Initiative.
    Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian responded: “China firmly opposes the US move to smear and undermine the Belt and Road cooperation through pressure and coercion, and deeply regrets Panama’s decision not to renew the memorandum of understanding.”

    No one was bothered by the fact that the purchase of the channel on behalf of Trump's team (read: on behalf of the USA) was made with the finances of BlackRock - the same BlackRock against which, according to legend and this forum, Trump is fighting? And no one sees a contradiction? This is dissonance. Let your scriptwriters get some sleep or feed them food that triggers brains, how can you allow such a gaffe in the script?

  59. "Once again, it is necessary to clarify: the current world conflict does not lie along national borders, although outwardly it looks exactly like that. This is a clash of two diametrically opposed projects of the future - the global "according to Schwab" and the MAGA project in any of its interpretations. Both projects do not promise anything good for humanity, both projects are a reaction and response to the uncontrollable complexity of the world that has arisen and the complete inadequacy of the control circuit at any level of complexity of the controlled object. This is what the USSR went through in the twenties during the struggle of supporters of the world revolution and the construction of socialism in a single country, this is what the same Union failed to go through in the seventies and eighties, when the ruling stratum turned out to be incapable of managing the complex social object it had created.

    In essence, today everything is the same: the highly developed world has lost control over people who are in the previous, more archaic phases of development in terms of their level of development. All of today's ruling groups are either family clans or workshop groups. Either an archaic phase of development or a traditional one. The industrial phase was never able to create its own elite groups of managers. Therefore, they are solving one common problem: returning the world space to its level through its archaization.

    The two projects of the future build their goals and objectives on different understandings of the level to which the world order must be lowered. Schwab and the globalists intend to reset the settings very deeply to the state of the early Middle Ages in order to clear the construction site as completely as possible. Trump and those who profess his views intend to return to the state of early imperialism with elements of colonial practices.

    National states play the role of instruments in this struggle, therefore, talking about the national interests of the USA, Europe, Russia or China is greatly simplifying the situation and not noticing the essence of the ongoing conflict. All national governments today are forced to take one of the sides in a broader and global contradiction. Either at the level of the subjects of the conflict, or at the level of its objects. But this does not affect the conflict itself. Until it is resolved, the state of global catastrophe will only worsen.

    It seems that the "deal" that the oligarchic and political circles that joined them in Russia were waiting for with such longing has failed. It turned out that in politics, having a brain intoxicated with cocaine is sometimes not only harmful, but also useful. The creation of the "New European Entente (NEA)" aimed against Russia, which is planned today in London, means that the ongoing local Russian-Ukrainian war (which is still falsely called the NWO) may last for several more months and even several years, with subsequent escalation into a regional European war, and then into the Third World War. Of course, the United States will enter it at the right and favorable time for them, as they did during the First and Second World Wars. They always do this and plan to do so in the future. The theatrical scandal in the Oval Office of the White House had as its goal precisely such a channeling of further developments. In essence, this is the beginning of the global confrontation of the USA for the Arctic by forcing Europe into a continental war with Russia and pulling Russia to the United States with the aim of its refusal from the military-strategic agreement with China in the world war for the Pacific Ocean."

  60. "Godfather of the MAGA Right". (https://www.newstatesman.com/international-politics/2025/02/steve-bannon-interview-godfather-of-maga-right)
    Awesome dossier interview with Trump's eminence grise Bannon (the one who recently gave the Nazi salute at the CPAC conference) in the New Statesman. Three bodyguards, calls with commands directly to ministers. And of course - the pulp. What place do American fascists assign to Russia in the confrontation with China? Commenting is only spoiling it.
    Listen and remember:

    - A mini-Yalta was concluded in Saudi Arabia. In February 1945, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met in Crimea to divide the world... This time, Bannon believes, the meeting anticipates cooperation between the United States and Russia, two allies after World War II. Ukraine is just a distraction. That's why I met with Dugin in 2018, he says.

    - In November 2018, Bannon secretly met with Dugin. They talked for 8 hours in a luxury hotel in Rome. (The two agreed on the basis of traditional values, in their rejection of modernity.) However, for Dugin, the bulldozer of modernity, the threat to tradition, was the United States. China seemed to him a bastion against American hegemony. Bannon flew to Rome to convince Dugin otherwise: Russia and the United States are allies within the borders of Judeo-Christian civilization. Not the United States, but China acts as a steamroller of globalization. Bannon proposed creating an alliance against a common threat from the East.

    - Russia and the United States are now having a completely different discussion, Bannon says, popping a mint into his mouth. A geopolitical shift is taking place. This is exactly why I met with Dugin in 2018: we need a partnership or a strategic understanding with Russia. An alliance? An alliance will take time. But we need something to knock the Russians out of their strategic alliance with the CCP. That is the main goal. If we achieve that, we will change the history of the 21st century.

    - In Bannon's view, the Chinese communists are the greatest enemy of the Judeo-Christian civilization. Dugin does not fully understand that the CCP does not respect the Russian people. I think the likelihood of China attacking Taiwan is much lower than a direct armed clash between Russia and China, Bannon argues.


    I am still confident that no "compromise peace" / truce on terms that suit Moscow "threatens" us. At least in the near future. Trump can humiliate his European satellites and his puppet - "Ukraine" as much as he likes, but they will remain "his" satellites and puppets for him. Yes, he will "skin" them in favor of the USA, "rein them in" and force them to do things that they do not like. But he will definitely not and does not intend to "feed" "Ukraine" etc. to Russia (contrary to the dreams of some of our observers).

    Having imposed his leadership and his power on his allies, having consolidated them (even if by means of the "stick") and disciplined them, Trump will bring down the newly reorganized "Western bloc" on China and (if the Russian Federation does not "bounce back" at his demand) - on us. He will not break or throw away such a valuable tool as "Ukraine" ("a rusty knife, pressed with its tip to the underbelly of Russia") to please us until the moment when it is no longer needed at all.

    I have written many times long ago that the goal of the United States is to "pit" Russia against China. Now Trump has made a very crude and decisive attempt to achieve this result without changing the "regime" in Moscow, i.e. using the current political elite and the "power vertical". And until he achieves EVERYTHING in this direction - the "stick" / Ukraine will be absolutely necessary for him to "spur and direct".

    And even in that hypothetical case, if Trump achieves from Moscow "what Kolya Osten-Baken achieved from the Polish beauty Inga Zajonc" ("love and affection" (c)) - it is still not a fact that he will want (and be able) to give Moscow "Ukraine" (or part of it) as a "wedding gift". The entire logic of international political practice (starting with the Roman "divide and rule") simply "cries out" against such a decision. "To pit them against each other to the death without a final decision" (in order to be able to continue to act as the "supreme arbiter - the owner") - yes, this is "always". But to "give" something there? (even not his own) - very, very unlikely.

    Therefore, we calmly wait and watch - without panic and without excessive optimism. The fuss around the "Trump peace process" will be long and will be full of "underwater reefs" and unexpected "squalls". Meanwhile, the war will go on as usual and we urgently need to win it (preferably without catastrophic losses and heavy destruction).
    That's all for now."


    I would like to separately touch upon the final conclusion made, namely (a): "a weakened RF will be forced to maneuver between the US and China, which, with the growing internal crisis, will lead to Russia's final entry into the sphere of influence of the US or China, either in whole or in part."

    In general, this conclusion is clear, but, in my personal opinion, it is not entirely accurate (although, perhaps, the accuracy was lost when the text was shortened).

    Firstly, the Russian Federation was already in the US sphere of influence, which it did not leave immediately and not of its own free will), when the US, having provoked the conflict in / with Ukraine, tried to "demote" the Russian Federation's leadership - from a "junior subordinate partner" to a "petty rajah without the right to determine domestic policy" (this is an old Anglo-Saxon practice from the times of the conquest and "development" of India, when rajas / sultans did not lose independence immediately, but over the course of 2-3 generations, eventually becoming complete puppets for "use in communication with the natives"). The US tried to "punish" the Russian Federation's leadership, which sought not a demotion, but, on the contrary, an increase in status (up to a full-fledged partnership), which escalated into a full-fledged conflict with Ukraine - which voluntarily agreed to be used as a "disposable instrument" against Russia. Now, of course, the talk is about "returning the Russian Federation to the bosom" (of US policy and hegemony), since it (Russia) "dangerously swung" towards China. But it is not about some kind of "tacking" (as in the text).

    Trump, in essence, rolled out an ultimatum slightly disguised with flattery addressed to Moscow: "either you return to our hegemony, and in return we give you the opportunity for "honorable capitulation", or ..." There is no talk of "tacking" (which Moscow openly dreams of and even tries to maneuver) - Trump's "initiatives" are quite harshly and openly "suppressing" it.

    On the other hand, China is in no hurry to "take" the Russian Federation into its own "hegemony" (probably not considering itself fully ready for this role - this will take some time). In essence, the Russian Federation/Moscow now finds itself in a situation where the "room for maneuver" that they had hoped for has not appeared with the arrival of Trump.

    "Friend Donald", as they say, "posed the question point-blank", and in a very unfortunate configuration for Moscow: to reject the "peace initiatives" (which, in words, even China "sort of approves") is to finally deprive itself of the opportunity to "run back to Washington" (Trump, of course, will not forgive the collapse of his "peacekeeping" - he is a tough person and unacceptably vindictive for a politician). At the same time, China is not ready to "give security guarantees" to Moscow, apparently expecting a change in the balance of power in its favor.

    A classic situation: "you can't give up, you have to fight" and there is no way to put a "comma"... I believe therefore that Moscow will try, as usual, to "buy time in the hope of a lucky break", continuing military actions no longer with the goal of winning, but "improving negotiating positions".

    – By the fall of this year, for example, when Russia and Ukraine will weaken each other even more, and Trump (as they would like to hope) will “become a little kinder.” (I believe that everything will be the other way around: Moscow’s attempts to “dodge the generous offer” will cause rage and very decisive “spurring” – “coercion.” But we’ll see (I may be wrong here). In any case, we are almost inevitably in for another six months of a difficult and increasingly unpopular war with a possible continuation…"


    Behind the "tinsel" of loud, fussy and unreasonably flattering (towards some of our leaders) statements, I can see another "drive by the nose" - and, what's more, - much more dangerous for the country and for all of us.

    Yes, there are many disagreements between the US and its European allies, - but many of Trump's statements and actions are aimed at resolving them in favor of the US. Trump "opens long-overdue abscesses", not fearing the consequences and understanding that avoiding the crisis "will be more expensive for the "allies and satellites", and its development against the US will generally end very sadly.

    Trump demands from his European "junior" partners (especially from the so-called "Ukraine") not just discipline, but unconditional, total subordination, - and, - regardless of their own sympathies / antipathies to him and his party personally. - "Allies" must clearly understand that they must fully verify their actions and, without individual shouts, adjust them at the first hint from Washington.

    Simply put - in Trump's opinion - "the horse has become spoiled" and is not entirely obedient to the rider (whom, they say, it does not like, but likes the previous one). And Trump, like an experienced cowboy, does not spare his legs, spurs and whip ("on their ears! on their ears!") - he drives the horse "into soap", so that later - when it "recognizes the absolute power of the owner" - he will please it with small but pleasant indulgences (it will loosen the girth, stop tearing its sides with spurs without special need, etc.)." Yes, our media and "elite" are delighted with such "treatment of former partners". To the point that they are "ready to happily put their own backs" under "Trump's saddle". Well, - this is exactly what "friend Donald" is trying to achieve: "to lure with empty but affectionate words, to promise/show a piece of sugar, and then - to saddle, bridle and ride, spitting on all "private equine interests" and not even thinking of fulfilling the promises made earlier.

    As they say, "I'd like to be wrong."

  64. In short, preparations have begun for the 3rd world war for the final establishment of direct power over the planet. Or another battle between the Sephardim and Ashkenazim as proxies of groups of influence expressed by the conditional Rothschilds (England, Russia, China) and Rockefellers (USA and an unspecified circle of people).

  65. Here are the translations of this important and positive post, thank you dear Cobra!
    - Italian: https://evak2019.blogspot.com/2025/03/attivazione-della-griglia-planetaria.html
    Il Portale Cobra (Telegram) : https://t.me/ilportaleCobra/1021

    - Romanian: https://evak2019.blogspot.com/2025/03/activarea-retelei-planetare-de-cobra-4.html
    Portalul Cobra (Telegram) : https://t.me/PortalulCobra/1034

    Victory of the Light!!!

  66. It seems that the event will happen this year.

  67. Dreams are constantly becoming reality. The demons of the mind have been killed. Personality has finally begun to alpha. The future me can fly free. I will enter the next universe. Everything has been realised and everything will be as I want it to be.

  68. The EL and EL ites run this shit show.

    Resolution of this demanded NOW.


  70. Lay the line of dragons? What is it? Is this what is actually called a grid that does not allow souls to leave incarnations and the matrix?! Is this a grid barrier that turns the planet into a prison? What does it mean that it will be activated? What events will this be accompanied by and what guarantee that people who are owners of chintamani will be protected physically and materially? Why is nothing said about providing assistance to light workers around the world who are experiencing financial difficulties? Once when I buried chintamani and then at night I was jerked up by entities that looked like shadows with robes on the floor and they told me not to do this anymore and not to bury any stones because these are the stones of the anti-source portals. They argued with me all night and then I told them to get out, I'm tired of it, I want to sleep, they told me not to dare meditate with chintamani or it will be bad, etc. In the end, they scared me so much that I removed my personal stones from myself and am afraid to even touch them.

    1. If they look scary and try to scare you, remember what looks like a duck, quacks like a duck is a duck.

  71. Thank you, Cobra, for the update.

  72. The so-called "looking glass devices", also remote viewing, none of it is working any more. Part of the plan I think. What are the dark going to do. It's panic time! Have a nice panic, dark forces.

    "FINAL MOVES: The White Hats vs. The Cabal..." - The Pleiadians 2025 | Caylin


    Go to 4 mins.

  73. Don't forget to put on a suit.🤣🤣🤣😅

  74. don't forget to wear a suit😅😅😅

  75. "U.S. pauses sharing of intelligence Ukraine uses for strikes on Russia".

    What are they going to do without intelligence?? Just shoot in the dark?


    Go away unelected cow. You aren't elected, I mean of course not, and can't do anything. Is anyone else getting sick of that lizard Ursula?? It's just a boring game. Now, people are actually calling for the assassination of Trump. Oh I'm a dark hat and I don't have anything else to do - oh wait, I'll just have to call on Trump disappearing. Where are the assassins?? Hehehehe so dumb. No wonder I can't hardly be bothered watching this crap.

  76. "Today's Alawite uprising in the provinces of Latakia and Tartus was more of a gesture of desperation of people who had reached the edge of their patience. The HTS terrorists had long and methodically provoked people, creating chaos with murders, kidnappings, robberies, and expropriation of property. Basically, this chaos was directed against the Alawites, Shiites, and Christians. The only guilt of the victims was that they belonged to these confessions. There were also other minorities, to which the HTS terrorists and their allies were ready to apply punitive measures and create chaos against them as well. These were the Kurds and the Druze. But they were lucky to be more organized than the rest and to be able to provide a worthy rebuff to the terrorists.
    That is why the devils from HTS decided to vent all their anger on the alphabets, Shiites, and Christians. Almost all the time, since coming to power, the terrorists carried out religious purges, extrajudicial executions, justifying their lawlessness by the fight against the remnants of the previous regime. But why among the victims of the terrorists were people who had no connection at all, neither to the previous regime, nor to the former SAA, nor to the mukhabarats, the HTS terrorists could not explain. They also cannot explain why among the people they killed there are women, old people and teenagers. The HTS terrorists cannot explain many other things. Extrajudicial executions, torture and abuse of detainees in prisons, kidnappings and demands for ransom for their release.
    In the last few days, the HTS terrorists have gone wild and grabbed more than 2,000 civilians from everywhere. They grabbed them everywhere - at home, took them off buses, caught them on the street, pulled them out of cars on the roads. Most of these people were subsequently shot and not even taken to prison.
    And this has been happening since the beginning of December to this day, with the silent consent and non-interference, and often with the stormy approval of the so-called world community or the so-called civilized world.

  77. "...
    The most crazy politicians, in addition to the Turkish and Qatari wunderkinds, were several European politicians. Among these non-humans, the first ranks include the possessed Macron and Baerbock, who fully approve of the policy of genocide carried out by the HTS terrorists against the Alawites, Christians and Shiites.
    The rest, however, either speak cautiously, or simply stuck their tongues up their asses and fell silent due to the notorious political expediency. Although it is surprising to me how genocide and mass murder of people can be put within the framework of this very expediency. However, remembering the events in Rwanda in the nineties, when the whole world allowed several hundred thousand Tutsis to be killed in a short time, there is no need to be surprised. There, the genocide was later recognized as a fact and everyone condemned it, but the whole point is that they first let it happen. Now a similar story is repeating itself in Chiria. And I am almost sure that in this case, too, the genocide of Alawites and others by the HTS Turkic people will be recognized post factum and even condemned, but first they will let these Wahhabi hyenas drink blood. The Alawites have become unbearable and, having put their lives, the lives of their relatives, the lives of their families on the line, they have risen up and are now fighting an enemy that is superior to them. They are calling for help and asking not to allow their destruction, but it is total destruction that awaits them and their families. The Druze, Sunnis of the provinces of Daraa and Suwayda have already risen up against the HTS terrorists. The Kurds are fighting them in Aleppo and in the northeast.
    Now the fastest possible intervention is required, even political, to prevent genocide in the former Syria. I understand that now, due to objective reasons, we cannot particularly influence the situation in the former Syria. But we can turn to the same Jews and Americans, who have the technical ability to hit the HTS terrorists on the head and stop the genocide. I think they will not refuse. The main thing is to do it, and the sooner the better.
    Many people believe that after our embarrassment in Syria, if the Latakia and Tartus bases remain ours, this will allow us to save face."

  78. There will be no sensation: US Attorney General Pam Bondi announced that Epstein's files will be redacted for national security reasons.

  79. Trudeau in Canada: "Nobody in Canada should be embarrassed to call themselves a Zionist. I am a Zionist (*applause*)" https://thecjn.ca/news/national-forum-on-combating-antisemitism/

    "Trudeau is a Zionist. And he is proud of it. When they go to elections, they always hide their commitment to Zion. They say that they are, first of all, for Canadians (French, Germans, Americans, Italians, Russians and others). Then, as they settle in, at the end of their term, they stop being embarrassed. They begin to move the Overton window, accustoming everyone that it is normal to openly admit their commitment to ONLY ONE PEOPLE, which, even in Canada, is not the majority. In fact, they proclaim national oppression towards other peoples. Excerpt from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia:
    "Main Contents modern Zionism - militant chauvinism, racism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism". The thesis about the superiority of Jews over other peoples is obligatory for any Zionist. The events in the Gaza Strip best demonstrate the essence of modern Zionism. It's good that at least they stopped hiding."

    Not a single news item about this statement was released in the Russian Federation, the video in which he says this was received via telegram.

  80. Trump: "Given that Russia is literally "pummeling" Ukraine on the battlefield right now, I am strongly considering large-scale banking sanctions, sanctions and tariffs against Russia until a ceasefire and a FINAL PEACE AGREEMENT are reached. Russia and Ukraine, come to the negotiating table right now before it's too late. Thank you!"

    Usually, after such dire warnings from overseas, the Russian government saluted. Let's see how it goes this time. To give credit where it's due, the enemy's military and energy facilities are being bombed with missiles and drones at a very good pace. Moreover, the great commander Gerasim finally crossed the sacred Kursk-Sumy border and cut off the supply routes of the Bandera group that controls Sudzha. Less than half a year has passed since the invasion.

    Question: why can't Trump allow Ukraine to be defeated? Because its land was bequeathed by Trump to his son-in-law Kushner and his Jewish sectarians from Chabad for the construction of a heavenly Jerusalem?

    1. Can you please stop put on these contents? This behavior has taken up too much space in the comment area of this blog. Why don't you start your own blog so that you only need to paste a link?

  81. "Russia is a "besieged fortress" again. Trump continues his game and destroys our liberals' dreams of lifting sanctions.

    "Given the fact that Russia is now absolutely "destroying" Ukraine on the battlefield, I am seriously considering the possibility of introducing large-scale banking sanctions, sanctions and tariffs against Russia until a ceasefire and a final peace agreement are reached. Russia and Ukraine, sit down at the negotiating table immediately before it is too late. Thank you!!!", - he wrote today.

    How is this different from the "plans" of the Europeans? That's right, not significantly - he continues the course not just to save Ukraine, but to create an armed enclave there with NATO bases under the guise of peacekeepers and weaken Russia as much as possible.

    Why is clear - he needs a tame Russia from the 90s, which will play the role of Ukraine in the confrontation with China. With China, which is also not our friend and sees its interests in this war."

    1. @ Zionism… Putin told Trump his peace offer would be the same now as in 2022 but “updated” to 2025. It was just he hadn’t conquered yet the territories for this “update”. Trump is letting him do so with this “pause” of the help to Ukraine, and when it’s done, peace talks will be resumed. But in the meantime, in the face of his Cabal “allies”, Trump can’t make this be very obvious, therefore his “warns” now to Russia.
      There was recently a comment that made me hesitate about you, because it doesn’t make sense that someone who processes so much information and also reads this blog is so naive in so many respects: are you being sincere? If it’s not so, then try to have a more open view and process the information here. And if you don’t connect with it, maybe your place is somewhere else.
      Just a suggestion.

  82. I swear When i make it, i will immediately help every lightworker on the planet!

  83. Almost all news are great, but always is missing something. Yes the "Results",now is different finally we come to the point and there is real action and so fast, you can even feel the energies. The Cabal is able to hold the system with their minions, they have to go as fast as it is possible. I wish the Light Forces could use all intensive cases or "Cabals top targets" Light workers to bring some disclosure in the country . The Cabal broke the rules repeatedly, the worst country of stalking and chasing is Germany

  84. Izabela does a prediction on Europe. First she sees a big disturbance in TV (no pictures for weeks, no sound), also problems with phones etc. Then she sees the UK president will leave parliament, in spring or summer. Oh timely, she sees Ursula being taken away in handcuffs. Thank God! Lots of protests are coming in Europe, lots and lots. There will be a reelection in Germany soon again. Big explosion in France, that will be blamed on Russia before they find out it was Ukraine who did it. Greece and Romania will want to leave the EU. Also big earthquake in Greece. Iceland also big volcano. The pope will drop dead quite soon. Big scandals in the Vatican. They want to send 8,000 Billion to the war in Ukraine!!!!!!!!!!!! Europe will not take it! Then people in Europe will begin to wake up. They will try to imprison the people again though a pandemic, a new one that will kill everyone. It will NOT WORK. People will finally be able to see. Politicians are going to fall, royals etc. Justice is coming. Woohoo! Big tribunals are coming. Lots of evidence that cannot be disputed.

    There won't be any gasoline. Immigrants will start to return to their home countries. Politicians will begin to actually have fist fights with each other, hehe. Ukraine will be governed by the people, not Zelensky. Rebuilding the country will begin this year.
    UFO sightings to begin this year too in Europe. Trafficking children in ship containers will be seen; it will ALL come out into the open. Linked to many politicians.


  85. https://x.com/GalacticArrival/status/1898073914376658981

    The Language of Light

    Not all messages come in words. Light codes, symbols, synchronicities, and sudden knowing are downloads from higher dimensions. Are you listening? Truth is felt, not just spoken.

  86. Is the pope dead?? He might be. We haven't seen him on TV for a few days. I know yesterday they said he was well enough to eat breakfast and read the paper. Why are there no pictures? I know he was the pope 2.0 as the first pope was taken/killed a while ago. Maybe they want a pope 3.0. He seemed to have a healing black eye as well, which wouldn't surprise me. Show the pope or we will think he is dead already.... Come on, show him!

  87. "There are between 4,700 and 6,300 Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters surrounded in the Kursk region. They have no way out. Only a breakthrough. Only 15-20% of the total mass can handle it. There is no way to unblock either. Only surrender or die.

    The electronic warfare department has turned off the Ukrainian Armed Forces' communications. Starlinks have not been working since Monday. Separate groups (they are fighting with small BTRGs) have independently, without regard for Syrsky, begun negotiations on surrendering and taking out the wounded in exchange for life and new types of weapons supplied by the US and France.
    They are ready to give up new types of UAVs, a satellite encryption system, electronic warfare, and some armored vehicles.
    More than a thousand fighters are ready to surrender right now. There are still 230 seriously wounded who need emergency care.
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces command went off the air early in the morning on 7.03. In essence, they abandoned the troops.
    No There will be no concessions for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. Those who do not surrender at dawn on 8.03 will be destroyed by all types of KABs by the night of the next day."

    That is, Trump provided the Ukrainian Armed Forces with Javelins, and Musk with satellite communications - the lack of satellite communications and US intelligence (Musk) immediately leads to the defeat of Ukraine on the battlefield. In 2014-2017, 70% of the territory of Ukraine wanted to become part of the Russian Federation (except for the western regions that previously belonged to Poland, historically populated by Polish Catholics - now from a third to half of the Vatican consists of cardinals of Polish origin - a Jesuit trace since the 1600s) - i.e. Trump's actions in issuing Javelins and transferring weapons from 2016-2020 and bringing American funds to Ukraine that promote hatred of Ukrainian Russians towards their eastern brothers can be considered a deliberate act and the waging of a proxy war against Russians by Trump's hands? He tells Zelensky that he was not the president and that Biden allowed the war, but Trump himself did everything BEFORE Biden so that the war took place. As Elon Musk did by providing Ukraine with civilian communications technologies by decision of the Pentagon - does the use of civilian technologies for military purposes fall under the criteria of a war crime? Or not? Is this even ethical? And if the Russians hand over weapons and satellites to the Mexican drug cartels to guide missiles purchased from Russia - will that be fair? And to be honest? Considering that American missiles killed civilians not only in the territories of the former Ukraine (DPR and LNO) but also in the regions that were part of the Russian Federation?

  88. "During communication with the American side, the issue of the need for a change of power in Ukraine to end hostilities as soon as possible is actively discussed.

    The arguments of the Russian side about the inability of Volodymyr Zelensky to negotiate are based on the fact that he has completely lost his legitimacy, and his principled position on his unwillingness to accept Moscow's conditions for ending hostilities runs counter to the interests of normalizing Russian-American relations.

    However, this position was not fully supported by the Trump administration. There is no consensus on the American side, since this issue has given rise to two opposing opinions in the administration.

    Vice President J.D. Vance supports the Russian initiative and is trying in every possible way to impose it on Donald Trump. At the same time, Secretary of State Marco Rubio believes that a forced change of power in Ukraine will harm the image of the United States and Trump himself, who will be accused of fully assisting Russia in resolving the Ukrainian issue."

  89. "American journalist Ian Carroll on the secrets hidden in the emails of Pizzagate pedophile Podesta

    He points to a strange email from Obama about $65,000 worth of hot dogs that were flown to the White House from Chicago in the middle of the night.

    He also points to James Alefantis' Instagram account, which allegedly posted disturbing photos of children covered in duct tape, as well as links to a murder room and child-sized coffins."

  90. Ron Paul

    "If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the UN; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the 'poor'; no American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GAT, or 'fast-track'; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; no income tax. We could get rid of most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited."


  91. There are several myths surrounding King Solomon, including his encounter with Asmodeus the king of the Demons. According to legend, Asmodeus overthrew Solomon, exiling him to a distant land while taking his place on the throne. Disguised as Solomon, Asmodeus engaged in sinful acts, including relations with Solomon’s wives—even committing adultery with his own mother—since he was not truly the king.
    The Hebrew version has more details what Asmodeus did when Solomon was away:
    https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%90%D7%A9%D7%9E%D7%93%D7%90%D7%99 Use Google translate.
    Can you confirm what really happened?
