Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Alliance Fleet

Since the Archon invasion in 1996, there is an intense war going on in this Solar System.
Right after 1996, the joint Draco-Reptilian fleet together with many factions of the Illuminati secret space program had almost total control of this Solar System. Many humans were forced to work for them as slaves, mining the asteroids. Draco forces tended to occupy the colonies in the outer Solar System, whereas the Illuminati focused more on the asteroid belt, Mars and the Moon.
On the Moon, there was the traditional divide between the near side and the far side. The near side was occupied mostly by positive races, with the main exception of the Archimedes base, destroyed earlier in 1977, which belonged to the Solar Warden program. Dracos, Reptilians and Illuminati had their bases mostly on the far side. The reason for this is that they wanted to hide their activity from the prying eyes of the surface humanity, but at the same time they did not have advanced cloaking technology the Light forces have. For the same reason they have painted their secret spacecraft in black color to lower their albedo (reflectivity) in order to avoid detection by professional and amateur astronomers on the surface. Also, they had to adjust flight trajectories to minimize the risk of detection.

LOC (Lunar Operations Command), which was the main stronghold of the Solar Warden program and now belongs to the Light forces, is located on the far side of the Moon.
It is interesting to see that some deep intel about the colonies has leaked on internet, disguised as science fiction, with some colony descriptions very close to reality:
Also, there is some soft speculation about the possibility of underground Lunar bases in the mainstream media:
Luckily after the 1996 invasion the main base of the Light forces on Ganymede was not taken. The Ganymede base is the location of the main interdimensional portal towards Sirius for this solar system and this portal was maintained intact throughout the invasion, holding the Light.
In addition to that, a resistance movement was organized in the Draco/Illuminati slave colony on planet X. This Resistance Movement made physical contact with the Pleiadians parked beyond the heliopause in the outer Kuiper belt and with Pleiadian backup it organized a mutiny on planet X in December 1999, kicked out the Illuminati, freed the planet and shifted its base to underground Agartha network on planet Earth.
Planet X was used from then onward by the Light forces as the strategic base for Solar System cleanup operations. First they cleared the main military stronghold of the dark forces on Charon. Then they proceeded quite quickly through the outer Solar System, cleared it, and then intense battles were taking place in the main asteroid belt between 2000 and 2003.
In March 2001, a certain important operation of the Light forces was completed and the Central Civilization was able to intervene directly into the Solar System. They have positioned spherical midway stations the size of the Moon just outside the heliopause of this Solar System to stabilize the inflow of intense energies from the Galactic Central Sun which was about to become more active at the peak of its 26,000 year cycle. By directing these energies into the Solar system harmoniously, many cataclysms, including those on Earth, were prevented. When the Illuminati detected the presence of these spheres, they freaked out and created the 9-11.

In 2003, the Light forces began to prevail in the Solar System and in 2012, all negative secret space programs except those connected directly to the Chimera Group were cleared out.
Now the only problem outside Earth is a very small number of Chimera individuals and their minions which defend their Solar System strongholds (mainly implant guardian stations) with plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Because everybody on Earth has implants that block access to that intel, all intel about the Chimera is in the deepest shadow of collective unconsciousness, much deeper than SRA , MK Ultra, MILABs or SSP.
After the successful opening of the IS:IS portal on December 15th last year, which has completed the triangulation of darkness for the Local cluster of galaxies, the Central Civilization has positioned larger spherical midway stations (some of them up to 30,000 miles in diameter) at the heliopause and repositioned many smaller, Moon sized ones inside the Solar System.

After the successful removal of all physical strangelet and toplet bombs in late January this year, an operation for the final liberation of our Solar System (codenamed MOSS) has been initialized. 
Planet Earth is still the focus of the proxy war between many extraterrestrial races. Representatives of many races have entered the quarantine many lifetimes ago and they kept fighting. On the Light side, most of the Lightworkers have come from Pleiades and Sirius. Many Lightwarriors originate from Antares and Arcturus. Most representatives of the Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the Draconian race. Many members of the Resistance Movement and Positive Military have Andromedan origin. On the dark side, the Rothschilds come from Orion. The Rockefeller/Bush/Illuminazi faction comes from the negative faction of the Draconian race. Islamic State and Blackwater/Xe/Academi mercenaries have Reptilian origin. The Jesuits and Black Nobility families come from the negative Andromedan faction. 
The general plan of the Light Forces to liberate our Solar System and rough outline of their fleet positions has been known for decades:
All ships of the Light forces inside of our Solar System are cloaked with a Tachyon membrane to avoid detection from the surface of the planet. Many of these ships follow similar orbit as main belt asteroids and Kuiper belt objects and most of their Tachyon membranes project the spectral signature of an ordinary chondrite (for asteroid belt ships) and the spectral signature of frozen methane (for Kuiper belt ships). Therefore surface astronomers mistake them for regular asteroids or Kuiper belt objects. 
These ships are not ships as we understand them, they are multidimensional biosatellites, an organic interaction of consciousness and intelligent Light matter.
The smaller ships belong to the Ashtar Command, the Jupiter Command and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Resistance fleets. The larger spheric biosatellites belong to the Central Civilization.
The Central Civilization is an ancient race, which evolved close to the Galactic Central Sun and is the first race in the Galaxy which reached spiritual maturity many millions of year ago. In some circles, this race is known as the Wingmakers:
Sometimes they have manifested throughout the human history as physical angelic beings with wings.
One of their representatives, Iona, brought Goddess mysteries to Earth in Atlantis:
Millions of years ago, the Central Civilization began to build interdimensional doorways throughout the Galaxy and create the Galactic network of Light. As it did so, it encountered many races throughout the Galaxy, assisting them to achieve the same level of spiritual maturity. All those sovereign, spiritually mature races have created a confederate union which is called the Galactic Confederation (NOT Galactic Federation). As the name implies, it is NOT a hive-mentality centralized federation, but a loose, constructive confederate union of sovereign, mature races. You can read the distinction between a federation and confederation here:

There is a special division of the Galactic Confederation which is called the Ashtar Command. The purpose of the Ashtar Command is the liberation of this planet. Another important division is called the Jupiter Command. The Jupiter Command is the guardian of the Ganymede portal and its main purpose is the spiritual liberation of this Solar System. It is the main spiritual force behind the Order of the Star and behind the Blue Dragon families. 
Many people were mind-programmed against the Ashar Command after 1996. Since then, most of the channelers were mind-programed also, their transmissions disrupted and they are now mainly receiving deceptive messages from the Archon etheric/plasma grid technology instead.
The key here is to search for the Light. If you seek contact with the Light forces, you will find it. If you choose to always focus on the negativity, fearing that everything is just another scam, you will find it. So choose your focus wisely.
As we are now in the Breakthrough phase, the purpose of the Alliance (another word for the allied Light forces) is to continue with the final offensive to completely liberate Sector 3. Sector 3 is the deep intel codename for the Solar System.
The Alliance extraterrestrial forces are the master force behind the BRICS/Eastern Alliance on the surface of this planet. 
After the completion of MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System) and subsequent Sublunar Operations, the Event will follow.
This will be the completion of an old prophecy which is part of the spiritual lore of the Central Civilization about the time when all darkness will disappear from the Galaxy and the Galactic network of Light will be completed. 
A lot of intel about the situation in our Solar System will be released through my blog and other intel sources in the near future as the liberation operations continue. Therefore it is of the vital importance that you educate yourself about the basic facts about our Solar System to better understand the intel that will be released:
The Breakthrough is near!


  1. Awesome stuff, thank you for sharing with us Cobra!
    Hang in there everyone. We are going to make it.

  2. Is it still planned to announce a Timer for the Event or will it happen like a surprise ?

    1. It never was planned to be announced, not even Cobra or RM know exactly when it will happen, and it depends on the mass consciousness, so yes, it is, as it always was expected to be, a surprise..thus the need to prepare (food, cash, supplies for short term) and ready the new financial system, etc. I suspect that many of us living day-to-day will find ourselves woefully unprepared, but we'll survive.

    2. Beloved Phoenix,

      Did you said the same message in the earlier posting cause I seem to read this already - not sure whether it was in dream or your earlier post.

      May the LOVE be with you always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer - www.piperon.net
      The Star Races Series - www.youtube.com/piperon

    3. Sometimes, dear Piperon, I do sing the same tune. Not in this thread, but yes, I keep seeing people asking this question that has oft been answered, and since we all were once new here, sometimes I will respond, as Cobra does not usually answer the same question multiple times, although I have seen him clarify his answers to prior questions, when his response was misinterpreted.


  3. This very interesting indeed and no doubt will create a flood of questions for our April interview . Please send your questions to rob@Thepromiserevealed.com
    Rob potter

  4. Interesting, as always ...Cobra.

    "This will be the completion of an old prophecy which is part of the spiritual lore of the Central Civilization about the time when all darkness will disappear from the Galaxy and the Galactic network of Light will be completed. "

    That sounds really good and I hope that's true !

  5. Thank you Cobra for all the amazing intel. Thanks go to everyone on or off planet helping us to liberate Earth.

    This blog opened on 31 March 2012, 3 years to the very date of this post by Cobra and coincidentally my birthday. (Ha! I only wish I was born 2012 - to be young again!)

    Anyone else notice the astronaut at the top of the page has moved on to a higher position? Right next to the word "light." Picture is crystal clear too, all good signs!

    Victory of the light!

    1. Happy birthday. My birthday is march 29. So im 2 days older than you.

    2. Happy Birthday Kate and Robert! Every day is somebody's birthday. Happy Birthday, everyone!

      Yes, Kate, I noticed the astronaut seemed different, wasn't sure why, but the skies have been clearing over time.

      Yesterday I was thinking, look how far we've come from over a year ago when the Eostre's gift post was made. How much more we understand, and how complex and marvelous it all is!

    3. Thank you Robert and a happy belated birthday to you too Robert! My late dad's birthday is 29th March too.

    4. Thank you Phoenix. I think the hidden things in these pictures are clues for someone, maybe us. It feels like things are getting closer to the finish line now. I wonder if Eostre's gift might just make it for this Easter? That would be fantastic!

    5. Yes, that was a great thread, and fun to imagine what the images implied.
      Kate, I was thinking the same thing about Easter... probably due to the Lunar Eclipse energies on the 4th. I read a lot of Astrology forecasts, and there are so many powerful, overlapping aspects lately.

  6. Now THAT was one Heck of an UPDATE! The graphic showing ship placement around the earth is about the most comforting thing I've ever laid eyes on.

    Thanks and more thanks!

    1. Hotdamn I'm not the only one haha; yeah I'm a tech lover so... Really. Comforting; after the event I want my own spacecraft mkay? Mkay.

  7. i love the intel bro, i just wanted to know something that has been unresolved. who is the domain in the alien interview?? i wanted to know if they are good or evil, i dont thin its the latter but they mention that they had a hidden agenda. anyone please elaborate on this?

    1. @Muhibster, Airl said she was Annunaki, and in 1947 the Annunaki had not yet come to the Light. I heard that one of Dwight Eisenhower's aids had written a book that mentioned Airl, but i have not yet discovered the title or author's name. Can you shed any Light on this? <3

    2. @Muhibster, Airl said she was Annunaki, and in 1947 the Annunaki had not yet come to the Light. I heard that one of Dwight Eisenhower's aids had written a book that mentioned Airl, but i have not yet discovered the title or author's name. Can you shed any Light on this? <3

  8. Great information, Cobra. But BRICS seems to be aligned with the communist ideology and its obsession with totalitarian power and genocidal strategies. In Brazil for example there is the "forum of São Paulo", a powerful eurasist organization that works through dishonest and criminal methods to get to power. Dangerous and insane people there. I hope Resistance Movement and Positive Military can see it. Anyway, light in mind, peace in heart and strength in action.

    1. That is true.
      The whole South American tends to Communism... No need to mention Russia and China.

  9. Words fail..... Everytime... I AM the breakthrough . I love you all

  10. We will hold vibration until we are not needed.
    Breakthrough is coming!!

  11. So if MOSS is the final operation before the event how much longer do we have to wait until the event people? Any guesses?

  12. Thank you. Things are coming to ahead everywhere. I see it at work, home, in society, politics. PEACE be on us at last.

  13. Hi Cobra and everyone!
    I wanted to mention that I saw that your next conference is going to be in Eastbourne, and wanted to wish you guys good luck and good times!

    Speaking of Star Wars…aka Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) which was pushed forward by President Reagan in 1983. That same year I spent some time in Eastbourne and played my StarWars.
    In Eastbourne, there's a beautiful old pier by the seashore, on the pier there was an arcade (I don't know if it's there any longer), and inside the arcade I thought I found "my personal holy grail"…c'mon, I was still a kid, when Obi-Wan said "Luke, use the Force", he was talking to me, not Luke.
    The "holy grail" was StarWars video game, "the real deal". You had to step in and sit down low in a bucket seat - like you were inside of a F-1 cockpit. Drop in the coins, and wait in darkness, anticipating…until, the screen lights pop on, the loud surround sound blocks off the noise outside…and you become hyper-focused on one thing only. Omg, there's nothing like it. I spent my spare time, and coin, there. Before it was time to leave, I made sure I ranked #1.
    Many years I hoped to find another one, in Times Sq, in Coney Island, Santa Cruz, every arcade I passed by in my travels…I found one, a stripped-down version without the full experience, just a regular video arcade console, beaten-up and stuck in a corner in some underground, hole-in-the-wall bar in NYC. But! Who cared…about the deafening music and drunk people bumping into me - this was years later and 2 difficulty levels were added. Well..you know what I had to do…make sure I ranked #1 on level 3 ;)
    I am not a "gamer" though, at all, just some cool memories from childhood that carried into adulthood.

    Btw, in regards to M1, check out the diagram:


  14. This is from one of Cobra's links:

    "Hence, all of your experiences ... all the information (both real and imagined) ... is being holographically transferred to your soul through the Soul Connection Network. Your soul is gathering-up and processing all experienced had by you ... and also from all the other conscious fragments that it has on other exploratory missions. Other fragments like yourself, are in different bodies, different places, different situations and cultures ... and in different periods of time ... and your soul is assimilating all of their experiences. You may remember that the soul is a vast-enough being to have a thousand soul fragments of itself, enlivening a thousand different human bodies. This multitude of human lifetimes may be cast across 200,000 years of linear time ... but from the soul’s perspective, they are all happening simultaneously, in the ever-present moment of NOW."


  15. Victory of the LIGHT!

    I for one can identify with 'Wingmakers'!

    Make sure it is this one:


    Victory of the LIGHT!

  16. Cobra: Thank you for all of this. You are providing an amazing service and the information is interesting and, well, mindboggling. Aloha.

  17. Thank you Cobra for the new updates and intel. I am so excited we are getting closer to the time of Love and Light on the planet and an end to this evil that has killed and destroyed so many people. I am praying that me & my family will make it to the time period where we do not have to watch each other suffer and Die but be quickened or physically & spiritually changed by the new Love and light frequencies all across the planet. I love to imagine an beautiful cleaned up Earth with breath taking Mountains, Waterfalls and Giant Red Wood Trees and have the ability to travel anywhere you wish at anytime with joy and peace. Let`s finish this process and live in the new world that we can all imagine and live with joy, happiness and abundance of all we need:)

  18. See this is the reason im not sticking around to help. Even though I might be able to do a significant amount of good (like completely destroying that moon that the chimera base is on).

    Looks like everybody's pretty much got it under control. My dreadnought would just be an addition to all the other ones sitting around up there, and somewhat vulnerable anyway because of all the sneaky asymmetrical warfare going on.

    I could provide advanced technology, but the patent office is overflowing with previous designs that got classified.

    I could go out there and conduct assassin hits on these bases and the agents, but there's no telling where they all are, and they'd know you was coming anyway.

    Im not your average run of the mill lightwarrior or incarnate, im from a trans-universal group who helped solve the corruption virus mystery. And now as far as im concerned, my job is done here.

    Fights like this are just unfulfilling and pointless, I want to go somewhere (another universe) where I can make a substantial difference, on an entire galaxy.

    1. Hey Sporkstar, when the virus was cracked? How do you connect to your "dreadnought"? In dreams, or are you "online" with it at all times?

  19. Thank you, Cobra, RM, Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, Galactic family, Angelic Beings, Source and everyone...wonderful news that so much is happening so quickly! How exciting!

    I love this:

    "The key here is to search for the Light. If you seek contact with the Light forces, you will find it. If you choose to always focus on the negativity, fearing that everything is just another scam, you will find it. So choose your focus wisely."

    Again last night, I was noticing how many more "stars" there seem to be in the night sky. Many seem to be larger and closer in, as if they are hanging out just above us, not so far away.

    Despite the ongoing uncertainty of life in general, and my life in particular, I feel strangely at peace. I know that Victory of the Light is near. Breakthrough is near! -even as I struggle to comprehend the profound and all-pervasive nature of that shift.

    It is becoming easier to choose love in all situations, and to be patient. Even with myself.

    <3 Love to everyone.

    1. ...although Mom still knows how to push my buttons and boundaries! LOL
      God Bless her, I am so lucky to have both my parents alive (in their 80's) although they divorced when I was 3. I sure hope they make it past The Event, I'd love for them to be here to celebrate. <3

    2. Exactly the same line I put my eyes on! :) Here I belive Cobra nailed it. Truly describing what each of us is capable of - so I will try to be wise in my choices. Good luck everyone and stay positive, as this will lead you to the best outcome. :)
      Blessings to all!

    3. This called to me as well.

      Ever since I was a kid, I KNEW...deep down inside of me that I am here to do something special. Growing up with that sense lead straight into placing myself in my mind above other people and not until the past 5-6 years did I realize that Im here to do something special, but Im nothing special. What deems my worth is what I can contribute to society and the liberation. And Im not the only one...there are a bunch of us here who feel this too.

      The experiences I have had, and the abilities I have unlocked and am unlocking prove to me without doubt that we are here to liberate this planet, and it is the command of GOD that this shall happen. I dont even think otherwise...this is my reality.

      If I make contact with the light forces, I will make contact. If I dont I dont. Either way, I have a job to do. I understand now how the simple act of being in the moment and anchoring in the Goddess energies affects this reality, and the realities of the people who interact with me, and even though there is nothing tangible and material I can show for it, it is a job well worth doing. The material doesnt matter anyways.. its all hollow. A platform for you to shine, or for you to not.

      I dont think I have truly put out the intention to really be of service directly to the light forces though, and I would like to do that.

      I have my energy work and my ability to remove implants to offer. The more people I remove these amoebalike consciously programed entities and the etheric dark crystals and wires from, the faster and better I get at it.

      For that matter, anyone who reads this, if you live near Sacramento, CA Im offering my removal services to you for free. They always come back with enough time, but when they are gone, it gives you the opportunity to recognize how we are supposed to be naturally without internal corruptive influence, and when they do come back it makes it much easier to recognize the automatic reactions emotionally, mentally and verbally that they produce during certain situations, or the mental prodding that they do to put us in low vibrational situation.

      Either way, no matter where I am I will hold vibration and do my job until I am no longer needed. Then I will go play for the rest of this life :)

  20. Before people comment about how they wanna know about what's going on right now and not things from the past etc, I'll say this:

    I don't think there's anything new to say. Things seem to be that close, wrap up MOSS, then liberate the planet.

    This is why I think cobra doesn't comment on stuff like if putin is a clone or what's going on with the german plane that fell, is just minor stuff that really doesn't matter right now.

    I'm praying for a speedy event. Out of all the time that I've been following alternative news (2007) this has been the most exciting time ever where things actually feel imminent, with no beating around the bush or words of hope or "lets do this and see what happens from there" kind of thing.

    Whatever happens, I'm ready for it.

    1. Fulford talks about Putin look-alikes assumed to be "clones". Would be plausible for safety concerns, I suppose. Or if he wanted a day off. LOL. Now we know how he had time to make a love child. :-)

  21. This is great news that really helps me feel like the breakthrough is near. Thank you Cobra for the informative update, Sending love and light to all!

  22. 2015 was named to be the international year of Light. Coincidence? :)


  23. CERN's LHC Expected to Restart Within Days


    It will be interesting to see if it stays up for long.

    Also, Turkey -pretty much the entire country - suffered a massive blackout today.


  24. Wow. Awsome post. Thanks Cobra.

  25. Hello fellows,

    Havent came to this blog in a while, and now it looks like some kind of forgiving fanátics? Dont mean disrespect, but c'mon.. Forgiveness wont change anything.. Yes, its neccesry, but not as muchs as u think.. It is energy, and this world is made for sh@#& assholes like darks to suck as much energy as posible. They needed as they dont get it from "source". So, your are servin it in plates for them. (Love counts too)

    Reading posts from other sources telling that you all are in some kind of game, sucks.. Getting told that it is all a lie, all the years and energy wasted.. I know the feeling.. But, changing perspective, at least for a while, can only bring good things.. Changing roles.. Thats how evolution used to work.. Nurturing urself with other ways of perceicing life\situations.. Eventually, u will understand, that everybody is right in their own way. BUT, as everything in life u need a right\objective\angle to start seeing the "big picture".

    For example, ur are watching the world. It sucks, it is made to suffer, people who think they are happy, are just comftable. People think the natural way of living is pain. It doent make sense right? It never did to me and thats why i had a hard time believing in god. But, if u change perspective, and see it as a trap, and that it was all made by darks, it begins to make sense.. So, we have the same situation, seeing it from diferent ángles..

    Some call darks stupid, for me, they are far from it.. This shithole, only will get deeper and deeper.. Whi will win? We al know light.. But, did they really loose? At least not yet, it al cames to how many people keep living the lie\trap. So, if changing perspective, and start seein things from a diferent angle, can change simthing, well, at least lets try it. Or not?

    This is their creation, their game. And we all are playing by their rules.. Why not think that they built some kind of "ilution" for the awaken ones? Why not? Sounds logical to me..

    Realizing that maybe, just m aybe, you are playing in some kind of disneyland.. Is as shocking as to people in 3d realizing they whole life is a lie and it is cinstrucyed to keeo u busy and dustracyed.. Think about it
    Ps: is it really THaT diferent to believe in a god, and believing that we are all one but a creator\father is waiting for us to join him in higher \onness realms? Sounds the same to me.

    Btw This place was made for individuality. Wow, how great. We are unique and especial, each oNE o us. It sounds waaay better than to think we are all one.. At least to me

    Love you all

    1. Forgiveness clears negative held energy patterns

  26. MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System) and Sublunar Operations are COMPLETED
    Oooooo.......am able to see this post

  27. Namaste

    The key code here in this message is,,,,What we seek we will find,,,,,,,and that is proportional to our consciousness,,our ability to love self,,,forgive,,,understand ,,,accept,,,,Everything we choose to believe in becomes the world we live in,,,,,Seeing the majikal earth spirits,,,Stellar Families,,Angels ,interacting with Us ,,,let others off the hook,,,Choose too feel happy,,,,capable,,,,,and certain as co create heaven on earth,,,Dream Big

  28. Dear CoBra thank you very much for this Intel, thank you for this information. I needed some news, some positiv energy. Feeling now much better. It is not always easy to know about all this facts and feeling somehow alone and helpless in some moments and situations during the day. Best thing is when I am meditating and opening myself even more for the Light. Thank you CoBra. Sending you light. René

    1. We are never alone, though it feels that way at times. That's part of the Illusion of separation. Every time we connect with ONE person, we have a life-raft, and can tread water a bit longer. You are not alone, my friend. Bon Soir!

  29. Love it...........Excellent very detailed Information.......... Thank You Very Much!

  30. Wonderful news .hope this operations finish soon and push the EVENT BUTTOM down here ,cause like I said before I am sick of tired of PAYING BILLSSSSSSS and in top of that my bank account was garnish for a dam stupid credit card thank you capital one (am happy your end is near) so all my hard working money they just took it just like that .hope this be over soon .peace to all

  31. great intel, good job C.O.B.R.A!!

  32. Thank you very, very much Cobra for this revealing and wonderful post!! When I first read the title of this update I thought to myself, “Oh geez, not another ‘filler’ history lesson! Yuck!!” ;-)). But this update was FAR from that! Cobra, you have finally put all the PUZZLE pieces together so that we can see the whole picture! I don’t know why you waited this long to do so, but you probably HAD to wait this long. Amazing!!! Anyone who complains about this update is REALLY NOT paying attention! (I especially liked how you explained the history of Planet X. That one really perplexed me until now.)

    So now I have to do homework and LEARN about our Solar System! Are you kidding me?? :-) I am too OLD for homework!! LOL! Okay, I will begrudgingly do it because you ask so nicely.

    Thank you Cobra for all you do for us. You give me hope for our future.

    1. I already read that website/link Cobra posted. Simple and not much info on it. A couple of interesting things though. There is dwarf planet (i forgot the name), it was discovered about 100 years before pluto and was originaly estimated to be 27% larger than pluto and has an odd orbit that at one point gets closer to the sun than pluto, but i never heard of it and yet pluto got classified as planet. Strange. Also plutos moon charon is half the diameter than pluto. This causes the common axis point between the two bodies to be outside the mass of pluto, clasifiying pluto and charon as a binary system.

    2. Correction. The dwarf planet i mentioned is Eris and it was not discovered until 2003. It was the discovery of Eris that led to Pluto being demoted to a dwarf planet. I got the discovery date mixed up with Ceres, the dwarf planet in the astriod belt. Discovered in 1801.

    3. @Robert, I don't think you should read just the first page and stop there. That only gives an overview of the solar system. You should also read all of the links at the bottom of the page to more fully understand what is just introduced in the first page:

      Learn more about the solar system:
      Dwarf Planets
      Kuiper Belt
      Oort Cloud

  33. http://ufosightingshotspot.blogspot.ca/2014/02/huge-mystery-object-caught-next-to.html

    Object caught near jupiter is as large as jupiter and somewhat resembles the image of the midway station posted above by Cobra.

    There have been many images caught over the last year or so of jupiter sized spheres. Interesting how both Cobra and David Wilcock are mentioning large planet sized spheres entering our solar system.


  34. Some hint how you can give additional help to C and RM.

    This is about the meditation. A main purpose of the meditation is to supply important needed energies to the RM which are not available inside OIC. But there is a big problem. All of the OIC incarnated ones have their main body (we call this "the aspect") prisoned in the taurus stasis system. You needed to agree to this to get permission to come down to 3d. Here is a link to a thread in our forum in which someone describes how he woke up in the stasis system (btw. I tell you since 3 years that you still sleep, but you don't listen...).

    The problem in here is, that the stasis system is also a system for harvesting energies from you. C often wrote in the past about the "critical mass" (144k), and at one point some from "underground" helped, but it did not work out. Those in "underground" are inside OIC and can not supply the needed kinds of energies. The reason for a "critical mass" is, that the harvesting system is limited, and above a limit the system overloads and the energies can pass to the RM... I think the critical mass is a little below at 134k, but only OIC incarnated ones counting to this.

    So you should activate as many OIC inside people as possible to the meditation at same time. But there is more what you can do. When you start sending energies to RM in the meditations, you are using predefined "standard" amounts. You can easy increase these amounts just by ordering to increase the sending amount. For most people an amount of 3x times more will be no problem to do. But increase slow in steps, and if you feel anything not going right, go back and reduce. Don't force it. If enough of you increase the number of people needed to get the critical mass going down in relation to this.

    There are other ways to bring the needed amounts of energies inside to RM, but they are blocked by dark influences on the people who would be able to do this. So this part is still on your shoulders...

    1. Frank, I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time and energy to answer my questions. It helps to have some common understanding.
      I'll give the questions a break for now.

    2. Thanks to G for asking those questions. I'd still like to know about the billions of entities destroyed (per Frank's discourse with Kathryn). Archons? (hoping)

    3. @RJ
      No, almost all have been light ones...

  35. Thanks you Cobra and all the Light fellows.

    Someone said Cobra cannot be trusted just because he used Cobra as his sign name and saying Cobra represents the snake, indrectly implying he works for the dark side. I can't believe those people are picking him on name, this is silly. Even if Cobra will to use another name, he will be picked on the same thing. Name is only a name, what is wrong with those guys?

    1. The snake is a symbol of the kundalini, or life force... or chi... the more "snake" we have, the better. It is a good symbol-- a lovely symbol... I admit that I tend to jump out of my skin (to use an applicable phrase) when I see a snake, but then I bring myself down to earth and start saying hello to the little guy... Snakes are god's creatures, after all... Who knows, they could be highly advanced ETs...

    2. Snakes are sacred


    3. Thanks beloved WestCoastUSMegan and Tranquil Soul,

      Thanks for the cross-reference, hope the others can accept this but I know they won't. Very stubborn people.

      May the LOVE be with you always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer - www.piperon.net
      The Star Races Series - www.youtube.com/piperon

    4. Hissssss

      I had a classmate in 6th grade, she told me I looked like the snake in Jungle Book! We became fast friends. So then, whenever we would pass by each other in the hallway, we'd do our ssssecret greeting, placing our fingers in front of our mouths in a waving "V" and hissing. 'Pssssssst!" and laughing. Cyndy Snake was her "name". LOL

    5. hhhhhhhaaaaaahahahaaaaaa..........................

    6. Yah, she moved far away (about 2000 miles) which made me sad. took the air out of my tires, PISSSSSSSSssssSSSSsSssssSSSsssssss.....t

  36. This is great informative news thank you cobra @phoenix boulanger I have noticed the same the stars seem way closer matter a fact there is one bright star in the west sky that seems really close I was just saying last night no one is noticing how close it is is crazy to me if you go out and look up its right in your face in also live in mesa az on a county island and there are very few street lights and I take it that help but it can still be seen through all the street lights elsewhere

    1. Did you mean me? :-) Yes, it is just recent that I see so MANY unusual "stars" in so many places...instead of the few here and there...the sense I get is that something is up SOONER rather than later. Some things in the sky have auras, indicating to me that life is there...

  37. Truely brilliant intel update. If you seek contact with the Light forces, you will find it.
    Find inner star origin of u, and fulfill mission ahead. Embrace the bright journey ahead.

  38. In reply to Piperon: a few "researchers/truthers" have tried discreding Cobra - mainly due only to the name "cobra" he has given himself! Yellow rose for Texas, is one example. Not once has Cobra reacted, or even acknowledged this.

    Anyway, thanks again Cobra. Quite a bit of, I would imagine, "highly classified" info has been stated on this latest update. This to me, feels like the Event is almost here, with the release of these details. :) Why would Cobra give away bases like that at Ganymede and the one near Pluto, if the liberation wasn't near completion?! :)

    I'm trying to mediate as much as possible now, not just on the weekly Sunday. I really hope we can see the arrests of all the Cabal soon, not just the unholy four.

    Love and Light to all.

    1. Thanks beloved Ian,

      I knew that but they don't and they are stubborn to believe that.
      That's why is making our mission more difficult.

      May the LOVE be with you always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer - www.piperon.net
      The Star Races Series - www.youtube.com/piperon

    2. Integrity wins the day, doesn't it Ian? And Cobra seems to have an endless supply. Those who would seek discredit Cobra based simply on the acronym he uses for Compression Breakthrough expose themselves and perhaps their own 'alternate' agendas. Yellow Rose for Texas does not meet my criteria for sanity, personally, so I have to avoid her outright or risk a queasy stomach.

  39. Thanks Cobra. Even though this is April Fool's Day, I'm a dupe for Love and completely on board.

  40. It seems that meditation is increasing exponentially in mainstream popularity as people seek relief and solace from stress and the ways of the world that make us weary. I am now suggesting meditation to my massage clients, as a stress buster, but of course it can lead to much more. Even if it is not all Liberation Meditation, the fact that many are meditating individually, and envisioning a better world, at peace, with humanity thriving, well, that must add something to the collective intent. I also see the trend increasing for people being drawn into more group meditation events, where the collective intent is synchronized. Surely we can draw on that, and pull more of those people in. I think it is important to share Cobra's posts on social media and not worry about what people who don't understand think. If they are curious they may explore the links.

    Most people want to live in peace. They are not meditating to get a new car, they want to see people cared for and an end to war, poverty, corruption, struggle. They want an abundant world teeming with life, people experiencing vibrant health. In order to picture these things, and believe these things are possible, we have to release F.E.A.R.

    As the veils thin, I do see people no longer accepting the status quo, but instead, choosing to keep an open mind and align with love, which is moving us in the right direction. Co-creation, according to free will, for the good of all. We'll get there. Keep up the good work.

    1. Oh you are a massage therapist as well huh?
      Imagine that ;)

  41. Thanks from Russia. We will win together! Because, as said the great Che Guevara: when we are United, we are invincible!
    Light and all good!

  42. Thanks from Russia. We will win together! Because, as said the great Che Guevara: when we are United, we are invincible!
    Light and all good!


  43. The last few weeks were building up to last weekend being very important for Me. And boy, was that one heck of an energetic weekend of Light indeed. That was amazing, awesome, beautiful, excellent :-)

    The amount of true information in this one post is a great symbol for the Progress being made by the Light
    I would have liked to say Thank You for this post and Thank You to All Involved in making this All Happen Right Here, Right Now earlier, but I was in the middle of a 35 hour-long ritual which ended a few hours ago.

    So, better late than never, Thank You for pringing this information to public Light and letting The Cat Out Of The Bag, if you Will ;-)


    1. 35 hours? Holy Smokes!
      ( * \/*)

  44. This is the kind of post that I live for. I can hardly wait to learn all there is to learn about our true heritage and lineages. IMMENSE gratitude for all those rallying on our behalf in the battle of LIGHT over darkness. May all be healed, may all be well, may all be one. SO much love. Namaste.

  45. *COBRA* is an expression and contraction of the words COmpression BReak through… Peace ;)

    1. Thanks beloved Tuercadegaitas,

      I know that explanation, many mentioned but still some people are stubborn enough not to take it. Thanks anywhere!

      May the LOVE be with you always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer - www.piperon.net
      The Star Races Series - www.youtube.com/piperon

  46. One Man Holds a PATENT That Could Crush MONSANTO and Change The World


  47. Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers


    1. Not that those stubborn people picked on Cobra's name, they also pick on this word "FEDERATION" cause to them this is like another control system - the same with Cabal but with difference name - these people realy have to forget all the words in order to make peace with their souls cause no matter what word we use, they will eventually come up with something to debunk it. Silly tho.

      May the LOVE be with you always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer - www.piperon.net
      The Star Races Series - www.youtube.com/piperon

    2. I have one question here - Did Alex Collier contacted the positive or the negative faction from the Andromeda system? From what I know, the Andromeda system is very huge compared to our solar system.

      May the LOVE be with you always!
      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer - www.piperon.net
      The Star Races Series - www.youtube.com/piperon



  49. @ 3DHD,

    Commodius Vicus.

    Well Done, Darling. You are so sexy when You play at this level. :-)

    I am inJoy anticipating our Wedding Night.

  50. Cobra: how do you respond to this?


  51. Good update! More disclosure is always welcome and always appreciated. Thank You!

    This is all good and great but points us and guides us right to where we’re at this very given moment. We are still NOT free and in no way shape or form have any of our God given entitlements been realized. This history certainly demonstrates progress but what exactly has changed for the surface slave population over the past 13,000 years? IMO Not much, the nightmare continues and our slave status is still being perpetuated, supported and sustained by all the relevant actors, directors and deciders. The spiritual, technological, financial and political elite of this reality of which none of us are respected enough and loved enough to be treated and dignified as SUCH.

    At this stage of the mission every second that passes without the surface population realizing our God given rights of freedom, abundance and prosperity is a massive disappointment, tragic and unacceptable no matter what personal earthly wishes and desires we are able to manifest for ourselves. Simple fodder to make the numerous and frequent delays easier to swallow. I’m not here for me! Our mission is NOT to rationalize, accept, and become complacent and comfortable within the lunacy that still surrounds us. Every day that passes without the surface population realizing true FREEDOM, ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY all involved should expect and be ready for expressions of discomfort and discontent.

    Many of us are certainly more worthy and more deserving to be in the presence of the LIGHT than the negotiating partners [evil human cabals] of the Light Forces. Why are these wicked men being treated with preference and favor over US? Why does the LIGHT not respect us enough to grace us with a similar presence? Why does the LIGHT not LOVE us as MUCH?

    The chicanery has continued LONG enough! The Surface Population has suffered too MUCH during this lifetime and many many lifetimes past! These timelines are unacceptable and Many of us have had ENOUGH! Our FAITHFULNESS and CONTINUED PATIENCE is worthy of an unmistakable and undeniable response from the LIGHT. For the LOVE of GOD show the surface population something! Let us NOW see the LIGHT in all it’s GLORY! The TIME is NOW!

    1. Matthew,

      I have read your several posts about the delay and suffering being unacceptable and that someone is to blame for this. I invite you to meditate or pray in your own way DIRECTLY to Source for the answers to your questions.
      You have assumptions that something is "wrong" or that a "mistake" has been made. If you believe that, then you are discounting the omniscience (all knowingness) of Source, God, Divine Intelligence, Spirit, Ground State of Physics, or by whatever name you may refer to the Ultimate ONE. This life is not one "merely" of dark forces vs light forces. There is Source, Creator that has allowed for both. If Source is that incredible to create diversity and at the same time, Unity prevails without any separation in His everlasting Oneness, then KNOW that there is purposefulness in every action, every second, everywhere. Nothing can happen anywhere except by virtue of the ONE awareness which is present in everything. This is why I suggest to you to ask for yourself to the Absolute One Source, if you truly wish to know the reason for things are happening as they are. I look forward to you writing your answer.

  52. http://www.theworldoftruth.org/profiles/blogs/very-important-update-the-presence-of-the-oneness-written-by-enli

    Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness/ written by Enlightened Master on Monday 3.30.2015

    News from the inner realm: Breakthrough

    Our universe Long time ago was Light , and at a certain point, the Dark started to exist, and affected the Light ......From that time; the universe was undergo to the duality [Polarity ] of The Light & Dark ....

    The Light played his role in preventing and counteracting the dark,, and many Races had gathered to do this mission, until the GFL was formed {The Galactic Federation of Light} 4.5 Million years ago.....and lately at the timing of earth since 2003; the Oneness Conscious began to spread in the universe & to affect all the sectors, and began to grow more and more, began to affect the Light & Dark and began to contribute to solving the main problem dramatically in this universe..

    In 2010 earth Time,,,,,, The oneness conscious became an Oneness School, and began to coordinate the relations between the Light & Dark… One of this school’s effects on the light is to contribute in creating something called Confederation at the higher levels of the Galactic Federation, , which was already exist in the Federation before that, but was related to the Light... and after The Oneness School ; this Confederation began to follow the Oneness Consciousness, and this in turn has contributed to the compromises of the Leaders of the darkness to deal with the Confederation , where {The Dark} had a great objection to the policy of the Light , and consider them their polarity and not the representatives of the Source.

    That’s why since 2003 ; you started seeing a big signs of major changes on the situation for the whole story, and a great achievements began to happen through the Light sectors…

    Since then; 2010, the people of earth started to hear the surrendering of the big leaders of the dark forces, and their joining to the Light...this means ; they became followers to the Confederation “The Oneness School” who are at the top & the highest level of the GFL...

    The presence of this Oneness School in the local universe was in the “inner realm” , and after that, it appeared to the outside through the Confederation, and then the Council of the Central Sun sent representatives of the oneness consciousness races, of the races who are around the Central Sun, in order to carry the Flag of Oneness 13th in this local sector of the universe…. and the presence of these races in this local area, began appear through Big Mother Spaceships in 2012… [The meaning of No.13th is the ultimate will of the Source…]!

    Continue... (Refer to next post for the second part)

  53. Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness/ written by Enlightened Master on Monday 3.30.2015

    Second part...

    Since that time 2012; the Confederation began to follow these Races {The Flag of Oneness}, and The Flag of Oneness gave Time Limit to the GFL to end their mission with the dark [between 2012 to 2015], and since 2012, these races appeared physically through their Mother Spaceships and started witnessing what is going on without any interference,, and these spaceships were seen by the/ Dark & Light forces, and even by the black Cabal on earth..

    In 20th of March 2015; The Council of The Central Sun had sent a huge Merkaba, called [ The Blue Dark Merkaba ] from The Central Sun , through the inner realm to this local area, in order to represent the embodiment of the Conscious Oneness of the Divine, under the Flag of Avatara 13th , in order for the Races who carry the flag oneness to follow him..

    Today 3.30.2015 the Time Limit for the Light & Dark Sectors has ended.. and from now on all the sectors of Light , confederation and oneness races will follow the ultimate will of the source which represented by / The Blue Dark Merkaba - Avatara ; which started from today to launch itself in the physical plane around the solar system to follow up all the missions that related to: Open Portals, Vortex, Network energy, star gates , plasma plane and any orders that require to end the Game,, announcing the entry of the period of transition & the presence of the Consciousness Divine and his will into this area..

    When & how this game will end is related completely to the will of the consciousness of the source..


    Enlightened Master & Blue Flare

  54. Whats up guys!!!!!!

  55. whats up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets get it going!!!!!!

  56. can anyone tell me who the domain is in the alien interview?

    1. Recently, about the Blue Avians?

      KP is very thorough...links to all of them here:

  57. Hello everyone, i just want to say, that something must be happening in the etheric grids. The information that is downloadable is incredible. As explained in Castanedas books there is a way of directly knowing answers to anything your will demands to know. It seems that etheric environment is drastically changing (I don't know if you noticed the incredible brightness of sun over the past year or so), since some of the answers I have been struggling with for years suddenly appear and fall into place...The Breakthrough is indeed near I can feel it! But I also feel and advice caution, since underestimation can be used as conciouss tactic, as The Eye will not go down easily...


  59. Archon is the name of a heroe. Never will I again address this fecal matter by such a beautiful name v

  60. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BVF8xZ5naKM've been following your work for almost 2 years Cobra. I always look forward to your new posts, but this stuff about the moon just isn't adding up. Was the Apollo footage a fake? I've been following a youtube channel called crrow777. He has been filming the moon in HD with his celestron telescope, and has filmed what is referred to as "the lunar wave" a number of times around the time of the equinox. A number of other people have filmed this phenomenon as well. Here's some footage of the last one filmed mar 27th.

    1. I have watched all crrow777’s “lunar wave” videos and I think that’s a physical proof of the tachyon membrane / electronic fence / veil around Earth. It looks like a ‘glitch’ in the Veil. I really hope it will disintegrate soon :-)

    2. Crow777 is cool, one of my fb pals, he's had some trouble with his videos being removed or his account suspended due to someone flagging them, and he swore he was leaving fb but he's back now. He's got some great camera equipment and has filmed many interesting objects close to the moon.

    3. From what I understand, Cobra is saying that they don't have access to this type of cloaking technology. When he speaks about the moon, he pretty much says this is a natural satellite, a ball of rock orbiting the earth with some underground bases. Here's a decent translation of russian researching saying otherwise.


  61. Great information, Cobra.Thank you!

  62. Thank you so much Cobra...so very grateful for the work of all the Alliance members. It will be glorious indeed, once this dark is gone for good. After liberating other planets, I'm sure you have seen first hand how joyful it is...Beam me up...I'm ready to go!! I love the intel you share and especially the citations. Photos are a plus!!! How glorious it will be to meet all of our galactic friends, families, and neighbors.....what a party it will be!

    Love, Love, Love your brother....


  63. The IMF Proposes “Global Wealth Confiscation”. The Appropriation of Household Savings
    By Global Research News
    Global Research, April 03, 2015

    Steve Rother was talking about this recently.

    "...MY NOTES:

    Steve channels The Group: (15:00)

    - Solar Flares very active lately but none have been Earth-facing

    - The Internet "Wars" (a different level of Security problems and hacking coming our way, that won't be discovered for years, the dangers of leaving it on all the time, etc. due to how it was set up in the beginning, practical precautions and technology that sometimes gives us convenience over safety, especially regarding finances.) The energetic shift to a time of No More Secrets means revelations, hacking but also the hackers getting caught down the line. The dangers are temporary and will eventually be a non-issue as new developments correct them.

    - The Timeline Cross - what it is and how the timelines are merging us into multidimensional beings/reality. "Bleedthrough" of dimensions/overlapping realities.

    - Financial ups and downs, instability...."


    1. How Can A Website Lose All of Its User Information Overnight?

  64. The Breakthrough is near .... also 3 years ago was near ... aahahahahaa ... bhaaaa!!!

    1. Yes...every day, for years and years....we hear the same......Were getting closer...we are getting real close now......but nothing happened......endless waiting...thats why i, and mostof us, are at the end of their powers....and real planned suicide this year.....but...only, IF, again nothing happened this year before summer.

      But dont be surprised, that there can come another delay/obstacle....so we feel, real horrible.

      Its the darkest time of my life...when i write this.

    2. Hi Mitchell T James,

      I post it here.

      1 You said to me, in your email, that, all four reliable sources...Cobra...Sheldan Nidle......Benjamin Fullford, and David Wilcock, are saying now, that the event is IMMINENT now, and that it definitely will happen THIS year.....

      ...but in a post of Phoenix, i read, that it all depends on mass conciousness, kind of waiting for the masses to wake up.........WELL I CAN TELL YOU.....that will be a loooong wait then. The masses wil never wake up from itself, or maybe over 1000,s of years.

      Only the event, does the conciousness wake up.

      I really hope, that you still are saying, like in the mail...that the event is imminent.

      And that i can trust that.

      Where can i read, the hopefull messages of Sheldan Nidle...Benjamin Fullford, and David Wilcock, where they all say...the event is imminent, and goes happen, definitely this year?

      I dont want be fooled/dissapointed again.

      My plans of suicide are still very alive, IFstill nothing happened this year, in summertime.

      All the beautifull promising talk, and all the wait, while still nothing happens....does really hurt me...and does extremely hurt now, of enormous proportions.

      So...........HOPE, its TRUE....that it R E A L L Y!...........Goes happen this year.

      2 You said, that there might be protection of the starseeds from angels...that they all protect the starseeds just before the event...

      ...and that you have no more attacks of the archons in your life/sleep anymore......I have also less attacks in my dreams...but still a little bit.

      Dream, that i attack other people, and that i am angry at them.

      Please explain.

      Please can you send me, my questions here i post on the blog...back via Email, and answer them, via email...or you can do it here...but i prefer, that you will answer them, via Email.

      O man...the endless wait for the event, hurts....its extreme. Hope REALLY...that i can prrevent me fro suicide....and it happens this year ,within a few months, like you said.

      Love and light,


    3. Near in 5D eternity is different than our limited perception in 3D linear time. Either way, near now is nearer than 3 years ago.

      Breakthrough is near! Victory of the Light!

    4. @Remco, okay, I will reply to these questions to your e-mail.

      (But if anyone replies to your posts on Cobra's blog in a negative way, please ignore them and don't respond back. I would like this comment section to remain cool and friendly. Thanks!).

    5. Hey Remco,

      Sure people will wake up. All in their own time partially, but the increase in frequencies wake people up as well, low dense 3D frequencies repel more and more to the higher love and compassion frequencies, it is inevitable.

      Take care!

  65. Why do they attack some humans and nor others. Meditation said I am from Artcurus. I have been attacked for 8 years. How do they fight in the solar system, do they use similar weapons used on Earth. Thank you.

  66. Remco, me too, want out, cant stand that pain but dont want to let the side down.

  67. Question on the below, is it just meant "casually" that the Wingmakers are millions of years old or is it a concrete figure?
    I'm asking because against the figures which we have been taught, billions of year old galaxy, what happened in all those billions years in terms of civilizations?

    Thank you.

    "The Central Civilization is an ancient race, which evolved close to the Galactic Central Sun and is the first race in the Galaxy which reached spiritual maturity many millions of year ago. In some circles, this race is known as the Wingmakers"

  68. ”Breakthrough is near" and it's gonna happen in less than 20 years. Go figure.

  69. Forgive me for not recalling who originally shared this video in a future thread (a post later than this post), but in it, the speaker talks and jokes about how the Lightworkers are tired, how she has been hearing "Soon" for a long time, because she "woke up" at age 17, and is now in her 60's, so she joked about the relativity of "soon".

    "The Event" (requested gathering)

    Soon might seem like forever but in an instant, it will be here...I promise, soon!
