This is so Beautiful. Thank you Cobra. Much Love to All and many thanks to all Light Workers. I wish for you all: Happiness, love and dreams coming true ❤️
Iv been looking into this flat earth theory and there are things that seem to be plausible about it, like being able to see landmarks from 40 or so miles away, they should be 1000 or so feet below the earths curvature. Also the fact that there are no real pictures of the earth or even satalites from space.and also the way sunlight splits in different directions when broken by the clouds as if the sun were close. I have heard you say earth is round. Can you lend your thoughts on these flat earth proof examples. I said to myself that after many years of this event subject that this would be my last and that I would hang the gloves up when the 2016 bell rang. I'll give it another year I seem to have a revival of patience.
Hi Seeker! The flat earth theory thing is disinfo. How it's gained this much traction is beyond me. It certainly does appear that it's been purposefully kept alive by someone or some group, for it to be bouncing around the alternative media community for as long as it has.
There are many satellites images that show the curvature of the Earth, even some Cobra has recently posted. Astronaut testimony as well.
Beyond that, it's just common sense. One can observe the Sun & Moon with their naked eye, & see all the other planets in our solar system to be 3D & spherical through a standard telescope... and yet Earth is supposedly a flat square like a coffee coaster??? A little discernment is needed :)
But it goes to show anything can be argued to be true & seem plausible based on circumstantial evidence and the help of any articulate writer.
Hopefully, the time will soon come where ALL deception/disinfo/misinfo is a thing of the past on this planet and elsewhere.
When you really pay attention to the Earth you will see she is alive and things shift up and down or side to side. As for landmarks, this is the earth making the mirage and you can see things from a long way away. We live on a wide open plain so as we travel we notice the differences. Frequently you will see the mirage and often the landmark seems much larger.
Hi Seeker, I've been reading the theory of the flat earth too, but I experienced 2 irrevocable proofs that give me some hints. The first was a lunar eclipse, near year 2012, that was clear a round "silouette"in the moon, that was in the morning and you were able to see even a sligth blue line in the earths shadow. The second fact was early the past year when erupted the calbuco volcano. I live 400 km north that volcano and if the earth theory was correct, we were able to see the ashes many kilometers up in the sky, but, it wasn't... I take a picture from my house of that event and only see the clouds above the volcano, not the ashes. I hope this can solve a part of that theory.
Happy New Year Cobra, and RM! Rough years with all the ups and downs throughout the long journey. May all of you can FINALLY take a long and proper rest. It's ooooooverdue:)) Thank you all!!
Im pretty convinced by the event and hope it really is going to happen. What i do have an issue with is the supposed releasing of funds to everyone that keeps being delayed. If the event is being helped by vastly advanced ET beings/races then why do their plans keep being delayed by us mere humans?
The decision must be made by us and need to reach the summit of the collective consciousness. positive aliens could not do anything on earth liberation without "contracts for that" they are the other side of the celebrants of light contracts.
2016 is the most perfect position to express the collective transformation through collective meditation. Collective meditation is a collective agreement can transform an entire reality and surprise even the expectations of the forces of light from the exterior and interior of the planet.
If you can connect with the year 2016 you will realize that it is the zero year and 2016 is in under construction.The event meditation is very important. I will create a page explaining about the details of this.
I'm extremely grateful to You, Cobra and to light forces for all your efforts to liberate this corner of the galaxy. Thank you very much for your intels and teachings. Let there be light! <3 Happy New Year!
Yes C! Man I hope this cme that's hitting us right NOW is gonna start the Event!! But if not, I'm still ready to put in the work until and after the breakthrough! :) check this ABC News report about the newyears eve solar storm.
Victory of the light!now we humans the righteous childrens of GAIA demand freedom from dark.We want nothing from those of dark just leave us alone and go away to wherever you came from or join us in love!
Happy new year Cobra, Rob, and everyone on here. Let's hope this time next year will see us all in a much different world, where abuse, control, and fear are no more. :)
At what point does humanity get to take our vote of no confidence? Not that anyone has ever cared or cares what the slaves want and think but Looking back over the past 20 years plus I think us being given at least the respect and dignity of being able to at least be heard is long long overdue.
@Mitchell Tr. James: "Corey Good is mistaken about this issue. Source would not allow the existence of an artificial intelligence"
But Archons and strangelet bombs are okay for Source? Are you saying that Corey Goode is lying about these E.T. federations doing scans for AI threats before attending to meetings or that they are just stupid and doing those scans for fun?
As Cobra has said, AI cannot be run without a programmer, they have no soul. Period. And since is a free will planet, as much as it sucks to about anything dark existing, in some way, we all have allowed it. Like I said, that is the part I don't like, although being aware, we can change anything by changing ourselves. What I release, gets released from all the universe. And the universe smiles😇
So all this intel is Corey Goode intentionally making up bullshit, althought so far about everything he has said has been valid? Somebody should call the Super Federation, they are wasting time doing all those scans!
@Deino, Intelligence is something that is granted by Source, especially I AM intelligence (being sentient). The Archons were archangels who chose to do a silly experiment that cut them off from Source and they went insane as a result. Source did not “allow” that to happen as Source couldn’t stop it since this is a free will universe. Strangelet and Toplet bombs are just pieces of rock really. They are matter (strange quarks and top quarks) that are arranged into such a pattern that if they are detonated they turn all surrounding matter into strange and top quarks- so the whole universe would implode. These bombs have no intelligence and they are not alive.
Now, I would not say that Corey Goode is “lying” about what he is saying because that would mean intentional deceit. I don’t really see him as trying to intentionally deceive anyone. However, I posted to this blog a very long time ago, even before Cobra verified this, that what he says about the current situation in our solar system makes no sense whatsoever. There is no threat from AI intelligence run amok. The Light forces do not scan anyone for that because it doesn’t exist. Any type of artificial intelligence could only be “fuzzy logic” computer programs which still depend on a living, sentient programmer to work properly. There is no such thing as a fully independent artificial intelligence. In order for that to happen, Source would have to grant that artificial creation intelligence, and Source would NEVER do that!!
As far as what are Corey Goode's reasons and motivations for making up these science fiction stories?? I am not interested and it isn't my business.
If you actually watched them all, you would know that the they are coming to a conclusion, about the ai working hand in hand with the Draco. Source coreys interviews latest.
To summarize it.The secret space program captured a higher up Draco and examined him, they found out the Draco was full of nanomites. Corey also talks about higher in command Dracos not known to the SSP.
My theory the highest Dracos are controlling or working hand in hand with the Ai. Or the other way.
@Farouk, If you meant me, I have watched them all and that intel is something Corey already said several months ago. If these Draco "overlords" are not Archons, it would be interesting to know what they are. There are all-kinds of nasty stuff (tapeworms, twin "commando Archons", a fat Queen Archon with a tail, etc.) in the astral, plasma and etheric planes no one knows or talks about.
source does not "grant" or create anything. it just is. Cobra tried to make this distinction between source and creator/creation in his Iast interview with potter (potter made a comment to the contrary that source was the same as creator) Anyway, artificiaI intelligence does exist. To say that it doesn't exist as fuIIy independent doesn't make sense. SimiIar to saying that humans don't exist because they are not fuIIy independent. (actuaIIy that is something to ponder) AIso to give the reason it doesn't exist as "source would never do that" seems to be trite and moralistic. there is boundIess/infinite freedom in creation. example the "anomaIy" that is mentioned by cobra's and others as an origin of what has manifested as matrix/poIarity/3D reality, totaIIy infiltrated by AI
So beautiful and the Light of the Earth photo is soon to be on my desk / iphone top! Remember when we all heard 'Sweet 16' when we turned 16? Well, now it's truly "Sweet 16" for all of us! Thank You Cobra, RM!! GIANT GROUP HUG!!! Happy Sweet 2016!!! :)
I've listened to a lot of different binaural beats. The best is Dr. Nepal. Search the page by chakra, listen to each one to find one without music in the background. Those are 440hz music which you shouldn't be listening to anyway. Search Recreating Balance for "how too". Anyways the straight binaural beats are the best out there.
And we are entering into the world number of 9. Tesla said that the 3,6,9 combination is the heart of the universe. Also the number 9 is about letting go. Let's Let Go And Let God, finally❤️
We will get there. Earth made it. All the unnecessary stuff will be squeezed out of the system. Thank you so much Cobra. I love you. I am so happy, been for a long time now, I made it. My dog is the happiest ever, too. We are so lucky. So much gratitude!!! Thank you Earth. I love you deeply.
For over three weeks now this video pops up on *every* single YouTube page, no matter what kind of music, sports event, documentary etc. I watch. It is *always* there, even though I own that album and have it on HardDrive. It does help that I really love all of the songs on the album so I play it quite often :-)
Without further ado, this is Xavier Rudd & THE UNITED NATIONS:
Maybe some of You will like it as much as I do :-)
"One People, together One People! United We will soar with The Strength Of An Eagle" And "Stand Strong, keep The Fire burning, Stick Together, gotta keep The Wheels turning. Forcing companies to stand aside, forcing governments to recognize The Power Of This Tribe, yeah!"
Wishing each and every single being out there a wonderful Year Of The Victory Of The Light. May the Source be with You <3
Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All and for EveryOne
BEFORE I START MEDITAING, I read this affirmation OUT LOUD.
This is the only one that works for me. I've tried many other affirmations, yet, non of them gave me the strength, the sence of being a powerful, free and LOVED LIGHT BEING...
I read it slowly, by taking a deep breath after each sentence. This is how i declare my soverenity. I read this as often as i can. Sometimes just standing outside, facing the SUN with open arms and i start chanting...
I am reading it whenever i feel being under heavy attacks, or just feeling heavy hearted, hopeless, confused and lost in this stinky reality.
December 1, 2012
When dark thoughts enter my mind, that I know are ridiculous, and not true, I always recite something like this..."I AM A LIGHTBEING" and radiate Light from my heart, and those thoughts go away!
Happy New Year 2016 to Cobra, R.M., and all Lightworkers at this time. May this be the Year the Light finally breaks through! Let's all shine our Light the brightest, more than ever to illuminate Gaia and the Cetaceans to shine so bright for all the cosmos and our E.T brothers/sisters to see that "we arrived home." "Let there be Light, and so it was..."
The year zero is the year that is constructed without pre-settings, since most of the adverse events have been cleared and will remain cleared, it means that it is directly equivalent to the fact that the positive creations are speaking at a rate which is already resembling the pace as this manifests itself beyond the insulation veil, veil that are now falling at a much higher daily rate, all the years before 2016 began with a schedule of demonstrations be concluded and a challenge for workers of light, that is to heal the most that could be of such events but the year 2016 is the year when...............
Happy New Year from Cape Coral, Florida. 81 degrees and sunny. Bring on The Event please! We are more than ready for it! Stay Positive folks and help to manifest it!!! Namaste
The last few weeks inner excitement has been building - Unexplainable joys- Then strange lows- Then up again- Storms and mad seas- Simplicity is needed- Feeling the connection at last- 2016 is pure,uncorrupted light.
A very Happy New Year to All! Thank you Cobra, Isis, RM, Light forces (ETs), and Agarthans for all that you do. Since 2015 wasn’t the year for the Event, 2016 MUST be the year! As Goddess of Humanity says above, I do believe that 3, 6, 9 are the primary numbers of the universe and of the Event. I have been seeing 69, 96, 669, 996, 666, 999, 6666, 9999 ALL OVER THE PLACE in license plates, billboards, price signs, flyers, web pages, etc. (I am not exaggerating...I have been seeing these numbers for months).
Last night on New Year’s Eve it seemed like everywhere I looked I saw these numbers! So, I am convinced that this year, 2016, is the year! Let’s stay positive and clear those bombs!
Wishing everyone here a wonderful new year! May 2016 be blessed with the light. Hopefully, the 2016-2017 mainframe will be the breakthrough, but it highly unlikely the next 2 years will pass without some major events happening, positive or negative.
Nevertheless, we'll keep soldiering on holding the Light regardless!
Lots of Love & Blessings to you all, and to the Confederation, Light Forces, RM, Agarthans, & all of our star families :-)
Thanks for everybody who is working for the Event to materialize! See you all Sunday! A special thank you for Cobra who made this work possible and for everybody who gives him support and help with the logistics. Not an easy task! Only love justifies! Light and Love everybody!
That picture says it all:) The Earth is Bursting with Light, it can only be a short time surely before we see signs that no one can deny we are at the end game now, goodbye dark evil, hello shining light, and please please never let us be taken over by evil ever every again, its not a game its very serious and should have been stopped a very very long time ago...HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL AND MAY we all have our wishes comes true:)
May 2016 be the best yet for us...A time when where a tsunami occurs, it's a tsunami of our Love & Light spreading throughout Gaia & the Universe creating a chain reaction to The Event! Here's one of my poems "Blessed is the Light" to share with you:
“Blessed is the Light”
Blessed are they Who give of themselves Unselfishly, Knowing within They will merit Some golden peace That there is no words for.. A feeling so simple and special.
Blessed are they Who can reap through pain Having Faith in God, Realizing They must seek “The Light”, For the good things in life Never come too easy.
Blessed are they Who can hope together, Uniting our Love, Extending it To as many people as we can.. Making our lives more complete For ourselves And others.
By—Dotti from “Your Own Ship”
When i "started" all of this 5 years ago, found out about possible event horizon. I had instinct and deep sight of 2016 as being sort of Deadline. Out of nowhere to be honest, that was 2011-ish. And in my impatience i have made for my self ton of failed predictions. And i mean really ton. So i am happy to see if my original and deep sense will come to truth. In that spirit i wish you all eventful 2016. And may all of us at least become more honest. With ourselves and with others. We will live to see, what comes.
I believe an AI can think without having a soul. If it has been programmed to spread, it can cause a craft it is on to crash to allow the AI to get to the surface. It has been known to turn on an advanced fire alarm system (which sucks the oxygen out of a room), and lock the doors if it thinks the people in the room plan to destroy it. This sounds resonable to me that a system could do stuff like this. Cobra said the light forces could handle it so not to worry too much.
Thank you Cobra and all you magnificent light workers for the promise of the event coming in this magnificent new year. We are transforming this earth together! Amma!
I had another dream this morning ...It was warm out so must been summer for us at night went to go look on my laptop for something and then something i looked at told me something has happen....So i jumped up ran out the door with my kids and we saw mass ships all over night sky some were very long some short they all were shaped in strange way ...I was jumping up and down like big kid waving so were my kids LOL.....Think that was good dream for New Year morning Peace Love Light ...
Cobra, many thanks for all your work and info. It is just awesome. After I went through a terrible hardship in 2015 I can now feel that different and new energies now create a shift. May 2016 be the year of the breakthrough. Blessings, love and light for all.
Beloved Cobra, According to Zap (Proofness), Human, Alterian and two other races were admitted to the Federation of Light. Is this truth? May the LOVE be with you always!
Solar trajectory XC5 fall back sequence stable and continuing in Omega super transitional hyper multi-thermal variants and formulative interception sub-dimetions DL5-DL17a
XV-120-Lunar-4RTP-//UH7 - Active
Sexy Goddess plasma sequence in 0Perational Zone 69 ;) - Cancelled :(
Resistance to electro 7 protons and mindchip Alpha reactional phase allignment - ongoing and complex
All night Sci-Fi DVD box set sequence - INITIATED and CONSTANT
Ramin-Fallah-was-proposed Would-be medical exec from Iran barred from Canada over alleged ties to Tehran's nuclear program. Ramin Fallah was labeled a security threat because he ... You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 5/12/21
Beautiful Light, yes let there be more. Thank you, in love.
ReplyDeleteAnd there was light ☼
ReplyDeleteYes please!!!!!:D
ReplyDelete2+0+1+6=sacred Number
ReplyDeleteBe the light.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYes Cobra and the RM!
ReplyDeleteLet there be Light on this Planet.
Thank you. We love you all ♥
PFC France
This is so Beautiful. Thank you Cobra. Much Love to All and many thanks to all Light Workers. I wish for you all: Happiness, love and dreams coming true ❤️
ReplyDeleteMuch love to all ♥
ReplyDeleteIv been looking into this flat earth theory and there are things that seem to be plausible about it, like being able to see landmarks from 40 or so miles away, they should be 1000 or so feet below the earths curvature. Also the fact that there are no real pictures of the earth or even satalites from space.and also the way sunlight splits in different directions when broken by the clouds as if the sun were close. I have heard you say earth is round. Can you lend your thoughts on these flat earth proof examples. I said to myself that after many years of this event subject that this would be my last and that I would hang the gloves up when the 2016 bell rang. I'll give it another year I seem to have a revival of patience.
ReplyDeleteHi Seeker! The flat earth theory thing is disinfo. How it's gained this much traction is beyond me. It certainly does appear that it's been purposefully kept alive by someone or some group, for it to be bouncing around the alternative media community for as long as it has.
DeleteThere are many satellites images that show the curvature of the Earth, even some Cobra has recently posted. Astronaut testimony as well.
Beyond that, it's just common sense. One can observe the Sun & Moon with their naked eye, & see all the other planets in our solar system to be 3D & spherical through a standard telescope... and yet Earth is supposedly a flat square like a coffee coaster??? A little discernment is needed :)
But it goes to show anything can be argued to be true & seem plausible based on circumstantial evidence and the help of any articulate writer.
Hopefully, the time will soon come where ALL deception/disinfo/misinfo is a thing of the past on this planet and elsewhere.
Lots of Love! :-)
Your math is off. Curvature is about 46 feet for every 69 miles.
DeleteOh wait - I don't have the math right here, maybe,it is 8 feet for each 70 miles. Anyway, double check your math.
DeleteWhen you really pay attention to the Earth you will see she is alive and things shift up and down or side to side. As for landmarks, this is the earth making the mirage and you can see things from a long way away. We live on a wide open plain so as we travel we notice the differences. Frequently you will see the mirage and often the landmark seems much larger.
DeleteHi Seeker, I've been reading the theory of the flat earth too, but I experienced 2 irrevocable proofs that give me some hints. The first was a lunar eclipse, near year 2012, that was clear a round "silouette"in the moon, that was in the morning and you were able to see even a sligth blue line in the earths shadow. The second fact was early the past year when erupted the calbuco volcano. I live 400 km north that volcano and if the earth theory was correct, we were able to see the ashes many kilometers up in the sky, but, it wasn't... I take a picture from my house of that event and only see the clouds above the volcano, not the ashes.
DeleteI hope this can solve a part of that theory.
Happy New Year Cobra, and RM! Rough years with all the ups and downs throughout the long journey. May all of you can FINALLY take a long and proper rest. It's ooooooverdue:)) Thank you all!!
ReplyDeleteIm pretty convinced by the event and hope it really is going to happen. What i do have an issue with is the supposed releasing of funds to everyone that keeps being delayed. If the event is being helped by vastly advanced ET beings/races then why do their plans keep being delayed by us mere humans?
DeleteThe decision must be made by us and need to reach the summit of the collective consciousness. positive aliens could not do anything on earth liberation without "contracts for that" they are the other side of the celebrants of light contracts.
2016 is the most perfect position to express the collective transformation through collective meditation. Collective meditation is a collective agreement can transform an entire reality and surprise even the expectations of the forces of light from the exterior and interior of the planet.
If you can connect with the year 2016 you will realize that it is the zero year and 2016 is in under construction.The event meditation is very important. I will create a page explaining about the details of this.
ReplyDeleteI'm extremely grateful to You, Cobra and to light forces for all your efforts to liberate this corner of the galaxy. Thank you very much for your intels and teachings. Let there be light! <3 Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteYes C! Man I hope this cme that's hitting us right NOW is gonna start the Event!! But if not, I'm still ready to put in the work until and after the breakthrough! :) check this ABC News report about the newyears eve solar storm.
And please have a look at my first ever video! :)
Much Love
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBelated b'day wishes to IceSphere ! Whiskey freezing solid at -40 F ! If you have seen that you can survive the Oort cloud !
ReplyDeleteBest birthday ever (can't believe I almost forgot).
DeletePortal Alterations Initiated.
Unification (and you have everything you need)... learning to walk the etheric plain from this side... My wish Isis.
Victory of the light!now we humans the righteous childrens of GAIA demand freedom from dark.We want nothing from those of dark just leave us alone and go away to wherever you came from or join us in love!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2016 ! May it be the year of breakthrough !
ReplyDeleteThe number 2016 is special and sacred because it is part of a sequence found all over the cosmos :
thanks brother, Peace and Love!
DeleteLove Shine A Light
Happy new year Cobra, Rob, and everyone on here. Let's hope this time next year will see us all in a much different world, where abuse, control, and fear are no more. :)
ReplyDeleteYes please
ReplyDeleteYes! Let there be Light! Thanks Cobra and RM! And happy new year!
ReplyDeleteHere is the Light!
ReplyDeleteAt what point does humanity get to take our vote of no confidence? Not that anyone has ever cared or cares what the slaves want and think but Looking back over the past 20 years plus I think us being given at least the respect and dignity of being able to at least be heard is long long overdue.
ReplyDeleteI think you've already voted Mathew...move on.
Deleterespect and dignity come from within.
Only Light can stay in the Light!
ReplyDeleteAccept the Light within NOW. Thanks Cobra for you as Messenger.
ReplyDelete@Mitchell Tr. James: "Corey Good is mistaken about this issue. Source would not allow the existence of an artificial intelligence"
ReplyDeleteBut Archons and strangelet bombs are okay for Source? Are you saying that Corey Goode is lying about these E.T. federations doing scans for AI threats before attending to meetings or that they are just stupid and doing those scans for fun?
As Cobra has said, AI cannot be run without a programmer, they have no soul. Period. And since is a free will planet, as much as it sucks to about anything dark existing, in some way, we all have allowed it. Like I said, that is the part I don't like, although being aware, we can change anything by changing ourselves. What I release, gets released from all the universe. And the universe smiles😇
So all this intel is Corey Goode intentionally making up bullshit, althought so far about everything he has said has been valid? Somebody should call the Super Federation, they are wasting time doing all those scans!
@Deino, Intelligence is something that is granted by Source, especially I AM intelligence (being sentient). The Archons were archangels who chose to do a silly experiment that cut them off from Source and they went insane as a result. Source did not “allow” that to happen as Source couldn’t stop it since this is a free will universe. Strangelet and Toplet bombs are just pieces of rock really. They are matter (strange quarks and top quarks) that are arranged into such a pattern that if they are detonated they turn all surrounding matter into strange and top quarks- so the whole universe would implode. These bombs have no intelligence and they are not alive.
DeleteNow, I would not say that Corey Goode is “lying” about what he is saying because that would mean intentional deceit. I don’t really see him as trying to intentionally deceive anyone. However, I posted to this blog a very long time ago, even before Cobra verified this, that what he says about the current situation in our solar system makes no sense whatsoever. There is no threat from AI intelligence run amok. The Light forces do not scan anyone for that because it doesn’t exist. Any type of artificial intelligence could only be “fuzzy logic” computer programs which still depend on a living, sentient programmer to work properly. There is no such thing as a fully independent artificial intelligence. In order for that to happen, Source would have to grant that artificial creation intelligence, and Source would NEVER do that!!
As far as what are Corey Goode's reasons and motivations for making up these science fiction stories?? I am not interested and it isn't my business.
If you actually watched them all, you would know that the they are coming to a conclusion, about the ai working hand in hand with the Draco. Source coreys interviews latest.
DeleteTo summarize it.The secret space program captured a higher up Draco and examined him, they found out the Draco was full of nanomites. Corey also talks about higher in command Dracos not known to the SSP.
My theory the highest Dracos are controlling or working hand in hand with the Ai. Or the other way.
@Farouk, If you meant me, I have watched them all and that intel is something Corey already said several months ago. If these Draco "overlords" are not Archons, it would be interesting to know what they are. There are all-kinds of nasty stuff (tapeworms, twin "commando Archons", a fat Queen Archon with a tail, etc.) in the astral, plasma and etheric planes no one knows or talks about.
Deletesource does not "grant" or create anything. it just is. Cobra tried to make this distinction between source and creator/creation in his Iast interview with potter (potter made a comment to the contrary that source was the same as creator) Anyway, artificiaI intelligence does exist. To say that it doesn't exist as fuIIy independent doesn't make sense. SimiIar to saying that humans don't exist because they are not fuIIy independent. (actuaIIy that is something to ponder) AIso to give the reason it doesn't exist as "source would never do that" seems to be trite and moralistic. there is boundIess/infinite freedom in creation. example the "anomaIy" that is mentioned by cobra's and others as an origin of what has manifested as matrix/poIarity/3D reality, totaIIy infiltrated by AI
DeleteSo sweet :). Let there be light on earth and let it begin with me.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by that dear junkie?
Deleteresearch junkie, I was thinking of that same song, and was going to post it as it was originally
Delete"Let there be Peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me..."
I like your version...
TO COBRA: Thank you for your all year long great work, and have a very successful New Year! :D
ReplyDeleteI've been back to this picture three times today. Absolutely beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWonderful picture. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year everyone, even though it doesnt mean anything to me.
ReplyDeleteYes, let there be light, have a great start into the new Year dear Cobra <3
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! United we stand, divided we fall.
ReplyDeleteLet there be Event! :)
So beautiful and the Light of the Earth photo is soon to be on my desk / iphone top!
ReplyDeleteRemember when we all heard 'Sweet 16' when we turned 16? Well, now it's truly "Sweet 16" for all of us! Thank You Cobra, RM!! GIANT GROUP HUG!!! Happy Sweet 2016!!! :)
Yes, Let There Be Light, Thank you.
Dear Cobra and RM thank you for all you do and wish you a happy and most successful New 2016 Year!!!!<3
ReplyDeleteHappy new year to everyone!!... 2016 is going to be fab and the event is coming..LOVE TO EVERYONE!
ReplyDeleteBlessed New Year to everyone.
ReplyDeleteMay the Divine brightly shine in all of your hearts.
Happy New Year Cobra and all my friends......Have a beautiful Light and Love filled Year.......
ReplyDeleteI've listened to a lot of different binaural beats. The best is Dr. Nepal. Search the page by chakra, listen to each one to find one without music in the background. Those are 440hz music which you shouldn't be listening to anyway. Search Recreating Balance for "how too". Anyways the straight binaural beats are the best out there.
Cool, will check out. Have tried many binaural beats myself but haven't found much success.
DeleteA 2016 full of Pleasant Surprises to All and Peace for All Beings <3<3<3
ReplyDelete:) cheers
ReplyDeleteAnd we are entering into the world number of 9. Tesla said that the 3,6,9 combination is the heart of the universe. Also the number 9 is about letting go. Let's Let Go And Let God, finally❤️
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%! Thank you...
DeleteWe will get there. Earth made it. All the unnecessary stuff will be squeezed out of the system. Thank you so much Cobra. I love you. I am so happy, been for a long time now, I made it. My dog is the happiest ever, too. We are so lucky. So much gratitude!!! Thank you Earth. I love you deeply.
ReplyDeleteFor over three weeks now this video pops up on *every* single YouTube page, no matter what kind of music, sports event, documentary etc. I watch.
It is *always* there, even though I own that album and have it on HardDrive. It does help that I really love all of the songs on the album so I play it quite often :-)
Without further ado, this is Xavier Rudd & THE UNITED NATIONS:
Maybe some of You will like it as much as I do :-)
"One People, together One People!
United We will soar with The Strength Of An Eagle"
"Stand Strong, keep The Fire burning, Stick Together, gotta keep The Wheels turning.
Forcing companies to stand aside, forcing governments to recognize The Power Of This Tribe, yeah!"
Wishing each and every single being out there a wonderful Year Of The Victory Of The Light. May the Source be with You <3
Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All and for EveryOne
I AM The Beginning And The End
Cobra - "I am not God" lol
ReplyDeleteI know, right :) Hey Cobra... Oh YES you are!
ReplyDeleteI read this affirmation OUT LOUD.
This is the only one that works for me. I've tried many other affirmations, yet, non of them gave me the strength, the sence of being a powerful, free and LOVED LIGHT BEING...
I read it slowly, by taking a deep breath after each sentence. This is how i declare my soverenity.
I read this as often as i can. Sometimes just standing outside, facing the SUN with open arms and i start chanting...
I am reading it whenever i feel being under heavy attacks, or just feeling heavy hearted, hopeless, confused and lost in this stinky reality.
December 1, 2012
Hi Hye, this is nice. thank you!
DeleteNice one, thanks HYE ANGEL! :-)
DeleteWhen dark thoughts enter my mind, that I know are ridiculous, and not true, I always recite something like this..."I AM A LIGHTBEING" and radiate Light from my heart, and those thoughts go away!
Deleteyes, this was an experiment and i heard it was over. 2016 wiII bring the truth of that to us aII.
DeleteI heart Special K.
I think the image is of THE EARTH? Engulfed in light?
ReplyDeleteYay! Happy New Year to those of us who use this calendar.
I think there is some kind of currency adjustment that happens on January 1, so we shall see.
Happy New Year 2016 to Cobra, R.M., and all Lightworkers at this time. May this be the Year the Light finally breaks through! Let's all shine our Light the brightest, more than ever to illuminate Gaia and the Cetaceans to shine so bright for all the cosmos and our E.T brothers/sisters to see that "we arrived home." "Let there be Light, and so it was..."
ReplyDeleteIt is all transmitting into Light. Light Is!
ReplyDeleteThe year zero is the year that is constructed without pre-settings, since most of the adverse events have been cleared and will remain cleared, it means that it is directly equivalent to the fact that the positive creations are speaking at a rate which is already resembling the pace as this manifests itself beyond the insulation veil, veil that are now falling at a much higher daily rate, all the years before 2016 began with a schedule of demonstrations be concluded and a challenge for workers of light, that is to heal the most that could be of such events but the year 2016 is the year when...............
ReplyDeleteContinues reading on
Happy New Years from SW Florida. 81 deg. F and sunny. Bring on The Event please. We are ready.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year from Cape Coral, Florida. 81 degrees and sunny. Bring on The Event please! We are more than ready for it! Stay Positive folks and help to manifest it!!! Namaste
ReplyDeleteThe last few weeks inner excitement has been building -
ReplyDeleteUnexplainable joys-
Then strange lows-
Then up again-
Storms and mad seas-
Simplicity is needed-
Feeling the connection at last-
2016 is pure,uncorrupted light.
Is Jupiter under attack at the moment?
ReplyDeleteAs above so below....
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DeleteHappy New Year everyone. AND A BIG THANKS for all you do Cobra:)
ReplyDeleteÄ° let
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to everyone on or off planet. Thank you Cobra, Rob, and everyone involved with our liberation.
ReplyDeleteI can't let this opportunity pass by without mentioning a certain Mr Keshe.
94th Knowledge Seekers Workshop:
2016 will be our year!!! :D
ReplyDelete"Time is what keeps the Light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time." Meister Eckhart
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year 2016! Cobra will love and m.r
ReplyDeleteA very Happy New Year to All! Thank you Cobra, Isis, RM, Light forces (ETs), and Agarthans for all that you do. Since 2015 wasn’t the year for the Event, 2016 MUST be the year! As Goddess of Humanity says above, I do believe that 3, 6, 9 are the primary numbers of the universe and of the Event. I have been seeing 69, 96, 669, 996, 666, 999, 6666, 9999 ALL OVER THE PLACE in license plates, billboards, price signs, flyers, web pages, etc. (I am not exaggerating...I have been seeing these numbers for months).
ReplyDeleteLast night on New Year’s Eve it seemed like everywhere I looked I saw these numbers! So, I am convinced that this year, 2016, is the year! Let’s stay positive and clear those bombs!
Wishing everyone here a wonderful new year! May 2016 be blessed with the light. Hopefully, the 2016-2017 mainframe will be the breakthrough, but it highly unlikely the next 2 years will pass without some major events happening, positive or negative.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, we'll keep soldiering on holding the Light regardless!
Lots of Love & Blessings to you all, and to the Confederation, Light Forces, RM, Agarthans, & all of our star families :-)
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ReplyDeleteJust wanted to share an amazing experience.
ReplyDeleteI was dreaming and I remember there being male twins in the room. Except I was both of them.
I was guiding them but they had free will at the same time. I was also observing them from above. I was everything in that room.
Thank you for your time. Much love and victory to the light!
Another year of slavery and disappointment upcoming.
ReplyDeleteWith love, I recommend for you a big dose of Abraham Hicks to understand the power behind your words.
DeleteI am sorry for typing that. I had a weak moment last night.
DeleteThanks for everybody who is working for the Event to materialize! See you all Sunday!
ReplyDeleteA special thank you for Cobra who made this work possible and for everybody who gives him support and help with the logistics. Not an easy task! Only love justifies! Light and Love everybody!
Love and Ohms, Happy New Year everyone. God bless.
ReplyDeleteIntent firm and unwavering. Light boots sown to my skin . The valley of the shadow at our back. Final ascent . L O V E
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Thanks Cobra. Wish all a wonderful New Year.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year 2016! To Cobra and everybody of Light-worker.
ReplyDeleteThe Victory of Light.
That picture says it all:) The Earth is Bursting with Light, it can only be a short time surely before we see signs that no one can deny we are at the end game now, goodbye dark evil, hello shining light, and please please never let us be taken over by evil ever every again, its not a game its very serious and should have been stopped a very very long time ago...HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL AND MAY we all have our wishes comes true:)
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year 2016! To Cobra,RM and all Lightwaker.
ReplyDeleteThe victory of Light!
May 2016 be the best yet for us...A time when where a tsunami occurs, it's a tsunami of our Love & Light spreading throughout Gaia & the Universe creating a chain reaction to The Event! Here's one of my poems "Blessed is the Light" to share with you:
ReplyDelete“Blessed is the Light”
Blessed are they
Who give of themselves
Knowing within
They will merit
Some golden peace
That there is no words for..
A feeling so simple and special.
Blessed are they
Who can reap through pain
Having Faith in God,
They must seek
“The Light”,
For the good things in life
Never come too easy.
Blessed are they
Who can hope together,
Uniting our Love,
Extending it
To as many people as we can..
Making our lives more complete
For ourselves
And others.
By—Dotti from “Your Own Ship”
When i "started" all of this 5 years ago, found out about possible event horizon. I had instinct and deep sight of 2016 as being sort of Deadline. Out of nowhere to be honest, that was 2011-ish. And in my impatience i have made for my self ton of failed predictions. And i mean really ton.
ReplyDeleteSo i am happy to see if my original and deep sense will come to truth.
In that spirit i wish you all eventful 2016. And may all of us at least become more honest. With ourselves and with others.
We will live to see, what comes.
I believe an AI can think without having a soul. If it has been programmed to spread, it can cause a craft it is on to crash to allow the AI to get to the surface. It has been known to turn on an advanced fire alarm system (which sucks the oxygen out of a room), and lock the doors if it thinks the people in the room plan to destroy it. This sounds resonable to me that a system could do stuff like this. Cobra said the light forces could handle it so not to worry too much.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year everyone! from Hiroshima, Japan
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra and all you magnificent light workers for the promise of the event coming in this magnificent new year. We are transforming this earth together! Amma!
ReplyDeleteCobra never promised this
DeleteI had another dream this morning ...It was warm out so must been summer for us at night went to go look on my laptop for something and then something i looked at told me something has happen....So i jumped up ran out the door with my kids and we saw mass ships all over night sky some were very long some short they all were shaped in strange way ...I was jumping up and down like big kid waving so were my kids LOL.....Think that was good dream for New Year morning Peace Love Light ...
ReplyDeleteGreat video about let there be light!!!...
ReplyDeleteI have seen 13:13 and I dreamed of the number 23
ReplyDeleteSomeone has interesting details about the codex 23?
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ReplyDeleteCobra, many thanks for all your work and info. It is just awesome. After I went through a terrible hardship in 2015 I can now feel that different and new energies now create a shift. May 2016 be the year of the breakthrough. Blessings, love and light for all.
ReplyDeleteBeloved Cobra,
ReplyDeleteAccording to Zap (Proofness), Human, Alterian and two other races were admitted to the Federation of Light. Is this truth?
May the LOVE be with you always!
Planetary update situation report #23093 - Trilateral minipod evacuation process initiated.
ReplyDeleteSolar trajectory XC5 fall back sequence stable and continuing in Omega super transitional hyper multi-thermal variants and formulative interception sub-dimetions DL5-DL17a
XV-120-Lunar-4RTP-//UH7 - Active
Sexy Goddess plasma sequence in 0Perational Zone 69 ;) - Cancelled :(
Resistance to electro 7 protons and mindchip Alpha reactional phase allignment - ongoing and complex
All night Sci-Fi DVD box set sequence - INITIATED and CONSTANT
.....end of update....
Love and Light. I hope the positive Event comes now. I hope you have peace.
ReplyDeleteWould-be medical exec from Iran barred from Canada over alleged ties to Tehran's nuclear program. Ramin Fallah was labeled a security threat because he ...
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