Sunday, December 13, 2015

Solar System / Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants of the Cabal members with Tunnels of Set and this hinders their spiritual progress, but at the same time accelerates the clearing of the Cabal's implants and disintegration of the Yaldabaoth octopus plasma accretion vortex.

Many people are aware of the Chimera stations on moons and asteroids inside our Solar System. Here we need to understand that there are only a few hundred moons and a few million asteroids that are suitable to establish physical bases and only a fraction of those actually have Chimera bases present.

The Kuiper belt, on the other hand, is huge and has billions of potential bodies that are suitable to host a base and actually the vast majority of physical Chimera bases are positioned inside the Kuiper belt and form the so-called Kuiper Ring, the outer line of defense which protects the Chimera-controlled territories inside this Solar System against the liberation forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command.

The Kuiper belt is situated mainly in the ecliptic plane just outside Neptune's orbit. You can see a picture of officially discovered Kuiper belt objects, seen from above. The yellow dot represents the Sun, four red dots gaseous planets of our Solar System and the white and blue dots represent officially known Kuiper belt objects:

If we superimpose a map of the Chimera bases (the Kuiper Ring) on our picture of the Kuiper belt, we get this animation:


Operations to remove the Kuiper Ring of Chimera bases will start very soon. I will report about this as much as it will be strategically wise. Let not the number of those bases discourage you, the plan to remove them is very solid and the situation will be dealt with efficiently.

It is interesting to see that NASA has just recently released its first space probe image of a Kuiper belt object:

Recently there have been many signs in the skies that herald the return of Light, from Andromedan ships in Texas as reported by American Kabuki:

To beautiful solar arcs in Calgary:

On the surface of the planet, the Eastern Alliance is one step closer towards the Reset as Chinese Yuan is to be included into SDR basket of currencies:

Finland is the first country on the planet that is seriously considering to give its every citizen an unconditional basic income, no strings attached:

Also, the Eastern Alliance will launch a joint Chinese-Russian news agency to counteract Khazarian control over the Western mass media:

Chinese sources report that although the Eastern Alliance is quite successful in progressing on a global scale and on federal level in China, there is still a massive amount of Jesuit / Rothschild infiltration and lots of greed and corruption on a local level.

Archon/Jesuit/Khazarian forces are putting all their efforts into maintaining their entropy machine by suppressing free energy to be able to keep their oil-based economy running, destroying countries (Syria), to be able to seize their oil, suppressing Goddess vortexes to prevent spiritual awakening (Syria again) and by preventing mass awakening by withholding Disclosure.

They fail to understand that their entropy machine obeys the laws of semi-iterative inequations and will be dissolved with mathematical certainty.

Our Event Meditation on November 21st was a huge success and more and more people are joining our Weekly Event Meditation each Sunday. Experience shows that meditation does change the world:

Our Weekly Event Meditation now has its own website:

Beautiful videos have been created for our meditation in many languages.





Translations into other languages are needed. Please send your translations to and they will be made into Youtube videos and posted here. Those who want to record the voice for the video in their own languages can contact and the audio will be added to videos in their language and posted here.
Victory of the Light!


  1. Cobra, you have mentioned entropy does not exist in nature. It is created by a machine? Could you further elaborate on the subject? What is it?

    1. Our science is vastly incomplete and often incorrect. it's that simple.

  2. This is tiresome. It's like a labyrinth that never ends. Although, I have seen info recently about alternative monetary systems being considered in many parts of the world. Nevertheless, I wish this would end already.

  3. Thank for the info, COBRA, looks THE EVENT won't happen this year 2015? *sight* anyway in the meditation of today i felt an amazing sensation, and "some" people saying "go green light go!!" BUT then i get a voice saying "no, is not, not yet, no green light"

    With this meditations i started to feel new sensations :D, cool, an amazing peace and love, incredible, i get this only in the Event meditations.

  4. Hi, Cobra, thanks for the updat.

    Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants of the Cabal members with Tunnels of Set 

    . Need more infos on : Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex .

    Yes, first comment!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. For those who want to record the voice for the meditation in their own language, please contact me at

    The recording doesn't need to be perfect, i can improve it in the editing. It can be simply recorded with a phone or laptop, it comes out nicely. There is no need to calculate the space between sentences when recording, i also do that in the editing. So it's fairly easy to record yourself and send it to me. Portuguese, spanish, italian and russian are taken care of and will be uploaded soon.

    Thank you !

    1. yes, the portuguese was sent, waiting for the link to the video, thanks and keep up the great work, Untwine! By the way, another interview with Cobra would be appreciated, your blog is awesome!

  7. Thank you Cobra for that uplifting bit of news. It's very much appreciated. I wasn't expecting an update so soon. Let's hope 2016 comes in with a bang!

    Thanks go to the RM, light workers here on the blog and everywhere else in all countries. Thank you to the Company of Heaven, our star friends from both inner and outer earth and those guys in the skies!


    Here is a link to a playlist that includes most, if not all mainstream music industry songs that share the real "truth". Whether it be singing about the Cabal and dreaded corporations or aliens, these songs are extremely entertaining and helpful to those who understand/are seeking the truth. What I found very helpful, is you can use these songs as motivation to help liberate the earth while meditating. Literally every song in the playlist has deep/accurate truth that aligns with, as you all trust, Cobra; there is no false/disinformation laid out, even by these well known musicians. Everyone has had enough with being dragged down into the hole of woe by the evil Chimeria and they're leeching allies: The several popular artists have proven this theory, please take a look at the playlist, there has been a vast disclosure happening in the music industry, you will be absolutely shocked.

    1. thanks for the playlist, sure will check it out! I got a couple of songs of my own that could be included, you might want to check "Mother Earth, Father Sun" on my youtube channel, take it easy, Peace & Love!

    2. Thank you for such a great song, I added it to the playlist. Anyone who has suggestions for additions to the playlist please tell me.

  9. The Veil continues to disintegrate. This is progress.

  10. This looks discouraging, but remember that the solar system has been in this state since around 1996, and the Resistance has come close to triggering the Event several times already.

  11. Wow, this is more than dismal news. It appears that the event is no where in sight. What do we have to look forward too? more terrorists attacks, more homeless, more tragedy. What the point in even trying? I was hoping for uplifting news, not more complications to clear.

  12. Well, I would have thought we would have been far closer to the event by now. As of this info it looks like we are just on a moon walk.

    1. The behavior of the Cabal is understandable. They had a lot of time to expand their empire. Why should they have to be limited only to the solar system, when they had the technical means to go further.

      Everything they have done at our expense. Now we should reclaim our own empowerment.

  13. this whole thing sounds like a video game

  14. Shouldn't this have been taken care of during MOSS? All I'm reading in these updates is one step foward and two steps backwards.

  15. Why are there so many chimera bases .......hope the EVENT is in
    2016 ASAP I'm tired and despair of this world it's a crazy place the cruelty to animals and people kills me everyday ....

  16. And may the light of a million central suns be with us all

  17. It's always nice to see updates. This is why I check the site several times a day. I want to hear the intel as soon as possible. I got to get my intel fix!!! This will be a wonderful Christmas for humanity if The Event is accelerated.

    Happy Holidays to each and every one of you. May the Source Bless the Souls of the people that are suffering now. And please do what ever is allowed to ease them from all the pain. Please send them all the Energy to Heal as you can. Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you.

  18. Are you sure that releasing this intel is doing more good than harm?

    Why not release something like this, for example:

    Why are you looping the same information just to depress the people reading it?

    1. Because the Cabal are very very close to enacting end game. We need to be fed hopium, to give them time to sert, and spring their final trap. As if we werent hanging off bloggers words, we would be out making a difference, and organising for a peaceful reveloution. But through schooling, we have a deep saviour program running. All to cause apathy. I have asked many hundred times for proof. Nothing. I have asked Alien beings of a benevolent nature to appear in the skies, NOTHING. Without proof, it is false hopes

  19. @Truthblaster ... I can relate ... how many of our loved one are going to die before The Event takes place? How quickly will they be force to return to the matrix? Weeks ... Months ... A couple of years??? Those that have already been force to come back will they be able to remember right away after The Event and go contact love ones from the last incarnation? These are questions I would like Cobra to answer. However, I refuse to give up hope until there is no doubt all hope is lost.

  20. in the year 2525 if man is still alive

  21. Thank you Cobra for a very informative update! I like what you write here, “Let not the number of those bases discourage you, the plan to remove them is very solid and the situation will be dealt with efficiently.”

    Yes, I am sure that when all the bombs are removed, their whole edifice will fall like a house of cards practically overnight! It will be beautiful to behold! Victory of the Light!!

  22. Do you people really still believe this stuff? You would be better off working on your SELF... Hope is what keeps you from progressing on the spiritual path.. But most of you will disagree...

    1. Exactly. You are not very far from Enlightenment.
      Self responsability is a.concept ver hard for the majority to grasp

    2. I see it this way...
      I started this by my self (at least what it looks like "by my self")
      I i never in my right mind and spirit am planing to let my self project my hopes onto someone else actualising them.
      That's the fact.
      I don't "believe" this stuff, cos there is nothing to believe here, just a cluster of "facts from beyond our eyesight", that someone presents to you.

      Now with all that said. I know also couple of other things. I know there are layers and layers of humans (and e.t.s ?) that are involved with beingness of our collective solar system. Involved in a active way. I do not know how, why, with what agendas and so on. And i am curious about that. Very much. Because that collective being am I as much as everyone else, it is in my interest and attention urge to know my being.
      So i will pay attention to what ever i stumble upon. Open attention. Not following and believing in anyone.
      And not only open attention, but also active attention. Because i will use opportunities (not all) to share a vision for a "next level", a better and more honest tomorrow. That these meditations that cobra promotes do. No matter the agenda of cobra or anyone else, if we all share in our own personal beingness, and idea, an urge, it builds a temper of our collective mind. Our collective mind will also have that same idea at the same time.

  23. Had a lot of repeating\double numbers yesterday. 333, 444, 555, 1111.

    Just as I read this part of the above update:

    “Let not the number of those bases discourage you, the plan to remove them is very solid and the situation will be dealt with efficiently.”

    I felt a bit down suddenly though this had been said the sheer number seemed like a blow. I finished reading the article and opened my facebook as I scroll down I land on a post 11 likes one comment, 111. The message:

    In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often and love with all your heart. Life is far too short ❤

    I feel we are still very near, hold the light.

    Rich x

  24. Very depressing news. What happened to "The Wave"?

    1. witch wave? the one was coming in 2012? then 2014, then in the spring of 2015, then in the summer of 2015, then in September 2015? ..... it was postponed for next year.

    2. Depressing for the Cabal . Because they did not want that we learn this - Why not? Lest we commit ourselves to the liberation.

      Why have so few people participated in the Liberation Meditation? Because we thought that the situation is not so bad.

      The effects of The Wave I see every day on the people around me. The situation is getting better and better.

  25. Thank you Cobra for the update. It's a real ordeal for all of us keeping the light with unbroken faith, but we must be strong and determined. Thank you Cobra, RM and our galactic brothers and sisters for your resoluteness to liberate us!

  26. I would like to say thanks to Cobra and the police for the information. I have great respect for you and your daily work behind the curtains, but I would like to say that I am really tired of the planet's current situation. I'm tired of the system that the evil people have established in our society. I'm tired of our education system.
    I'm tired of Orion-Babylonian type of debt-based financial system. I can name a whole lot of things but the point is that I am tired of it all.

    Dear God, Loving Essence of all there is.
    Please fill me with your sacred presence.
    Give me and my brothers and sisters strength to continue a few more years.

  27. Remember, Archons, Chimeras, Cabal.. are masters of deception, stay strong, don't give up, use positive think, we are wining.

    Cobra posts normally opens with "Clearing of the Chimera group continues.."

  28. <3 We're present - we're here as you are us and we are you. <3

    Triangle Sun - Spaceship (SoundSAM DiscoMission Remix

    The old paradigme cycle of the spiritual hiearchy is coming down rapidly and dissolves in unconditional love for all there is.

    INNER-GRATION by American Kabuki

    ( Related to Cobra's EVENT Meditasjonshenstilling
    21st of november 2015 )

    If you have seen or choose to se DA VINCI's Demons serie you will take notice why the endgame is happening in relation to Tyrkia. Great serie about Leonardo Da vinci which shows you more of the true Da Vinci and it also shows you the multidimensional aspects of creation and also that we all are one from the same source as this is why the seeds of life which Da Vinci draw aswell as the Flower Of life shows that when Source started to create as said in Genesis 1:1...

    The first day in the begi9nning GOD ( SOURCE ) created the heaven and the earth ( the first illusion of separation took place ) which at th seventh day he ( source ) rested..which is why the seeds of life contains 7 spheres.

    This is why the endgame is happening in relation to Tyrkia
    Constantinople (Greek: Κωνσταντινούπολις Konstantinoúpolis or Κωνσταντινούπολη Konstantinoúpoli; Latin: Constantinopolis; Ottoman Turkish: قسطنطینية, Kostantiniyye‎; Bulgarian: Цариград; modern Turkish: Istanbul) was the capital city of the Roman/Byzantine (330–1204 and 1261–1453), the Latin (1204–1261), and the Ottoman (1453–1924) empires.

    It was reinaugurated in 324 AD[1] at ancient Byzantium, as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine the Great, after whom it was named, and dedicated on 11 May 330.[1] In the 12th century,[2] the city was the largest and wealthiest European city[3] and it was instrumental in the advancement of Christianity during Roman and Byzantine times. After the loss of its territory, the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire was reduced to just its capital city and its environs, eventually falling to the Ottomans in 1453. Following the Muslim conquest, the former bastion of Christianity in the east, Constantinople, was turned into the capital of the Ottoman Empire, under which it prospered and flourished again.

    For many centuries the city was popularly called "Istanbul", from a Greek phrase meaning "to the city" (εἰς τὴν πόλιν), while officially it was known under various names, including Constantinople and Dersaadet. Names other than "Istanbul" became obsolete in late Ottoman Empire, and after Turkey switched to Latin script in 1928, it began to urge other countries to use the Turkish name, and "Istanbul" gradually attained international usage.[4]


  29. Hello. For your information, entropy machine is under the CERN

  30. We have reached full circle as I was putting it all together in a new way for fun related to the flower of life / seeds of life, together with numerologi, Mayan calender ( date with pointed to 28.10.2011 which few months later Heather signed in OPPT tool to the take over and ending the UCC by it's OPPT registration february 2012 ) and from the bible Genesis 1:1 saying,.. related to when source started to create and made the first illusion of separating itself oneself as you can see this in the seeds of life shows 7 Spheres / Circles "7 days of creation" ( which Dave Vichi draw the seeds of life / flower of life way back then ) in the times of Constantinople ( Istanbul - Turkey ) which was the time of the babylonian Roman corporated model which is now as you know the collapse and this time for good happens yet again as the end game playing itself oneself at the same place. :-)

    The story and presentation of Da Vichin in a more correct way is shown in the Da Vinchis demos series as it also shows the aspects of the multidimensional reality and that we all are one, which this serie shows you the Babylonian Roman Constantinople link aswell. It also shows you Leonardos way of leading himself oneself as a consciosus creator by
    using his downloding and interactive dialog with source itself as this is what we do, which is why we have the telephatic abillity to created in unity as we all remember back in the days when more than one individual created and invented the telephone but each individual taught that they was the only one that has done it, which is why we now understand that the reason for this synchonized invention and creation is that we all sends and reciveves data from the one source of all there is as you can hear Nassim Haramein explain in this lection which also shows the sacred geometry connection to the sacred genometry-vibration which then again is pointing to the numerology and the 3-6-9 code of vibration.

    <3 Nassim Haramein Sacred Geometry And Unified Fields Full Version <3

    It is also connected to the sacred Geometry as of the code of 3-6-9 as of Nikola Tesla.
    Nikola Tesla 3 6 9

  31. Genesis 1:1 says In the beginning on the first day GOD (source) created heaven and the earth. This was the first creation were the zeropiont as source of all doing it's first illusion of separation which the byproduct became consciousness, as the seeds of life has 7 circles / spheres and in Genesis 1:1 it says..:

    "and on the 7th day he ( source ) rested" which source returned back to its zeropoint.
    ( Seeds Of Life )

    The flower of life is hexagonal pattern (where the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding
    circles of the same diameter), made up of 19 complete circles and 36 partial circular arcs, enclosed by a large circle.

    If you do like this: 19+36=55= 10 ( Zeropoint )
    Pythagoras said and operated with 9 numbers as of

    1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- ZER - 0 - POINT -9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 which the zero or 10 is just a way to measure numbers of zeros reached as 9 is the acctually a kind of a zero as 9 ( or written like 0I which the I attached close into the 0 and dropped down looks
    like a 9. )

    <3 Bruce Lipton interview by Lilou Mace: <3
    Being a cell of Humanity & Letting go of the Ilusion Of separation

    <3 A Vortex Based Mathematics Presentation
    ( the magic number of 9 )
    Starring Marko Rodin & Randy Powell <3

    <3 CYMATICS - SCIENCE VS MUSIC ( Creation sacred geometry vibration through sound ) <3

  32. Mayan Calender is a consciousness evolution in 9 steps and now we have reached full circle or back to zeropoint, as the next step is the universal galactic unity of the next step of creation.

    <3 Tobias Lars - Spiritual 'DESCENSION' <3
    Full Incarnation - Re Birthing Heaven on Earth

    Abraham Hicks - Love and Relationships
    ( relation to you oneself )
    Which when the realtion to you oneself are alighn with you oneself, you will manifest relationships to individuals that reflects that back to you, which is why you will feel the flow of conscious resonance as this is not a forced constructed way of being in a relation, or to keep a state of harmonized flow of resonated unity in the flow of co-creation, as both feel and know the other through a united inner felt conscious understanding.

    American Kabukis articles is perfect in this matter in order to connected teh dissolvement of the former spiritual hiearchy based in the illusion of separation based in the spheres / realms within the flower of life which, he so nicely wrote about in THE INNER-GRATION article were he used the FLOWER OF LIFE illustration and in the other article Meditation and the
    incoming wave.

    <3 INNER-GRATION by American Kabuki <3

    ( Relatert til Cobra's EVENT Meditasjonshenstilling 21 november 2015 )

    Cobra mention that before the anomaly there was NO CREATION which is understandable as SOURCE has not yet started to create and doing the illusion of separation, whivh therefore source of all just WAS, and did no DOING and no consciousness about itself oneself. IT ws just a void full of potential before it started to experience itself oneself.
    He shared two articles about how source started this experience with itself oneself way back earlier this year or last year. I can't remember. But it all fits into this picture.

    Througth free will as source operates through we as individuals started to explore the experience withn the anomaly which the anomaly has no purpose but it just happens as source experience itself oneself:

    Like when you do a massproduction from a chosen design,,... sometimes something happens and go wrong in the massproduction as we call this an error and a mailfuction.

    But that is a definition we as humans has labelled it as nothing is a malfuction, but we see it like this as we has defined a standard for what is a correct product.

    As we also has done this through out all our way of create as we forgot our oneness with source and experienced the illusion of separation.

  33. Source is neutral as source just experience itself oneself and nothing is eigher right or wrong as it is just and experince which happens within source itself oneself.

    It is from the small perspectives of humanity in this experience of being in the illusion of separation
    that we started to judge each other and defined the way we created, which is why this GEORGE CARLING SAVING THE PLANET is in a way spot on, as in the highest perspective source
    always taking care of itself oneself as it is a self-correcting system as now humanity awakens to this illusion of separation and facing choices whether to flow with source or against it, which if we flow against it will experience it in a very though way
    but is just a result of our choices as source do not jugde it.

    SOURCE AS GEORGE explain it as a BIG ELECTRON that is just pulsating.


    I made a videoblog for the scandinavian audience summarizing this data as
    to point to this completion and all the links connected to it.

    Update 07.12.15
    Ni trinn skapelsesbevissthetsutvikling er fullbyrdet.
    Ascension=Full oppløsingen av separasjonsillusjonen

    ASCENSION IS... as I feel and see it is to disslove the illusion of separation and letting go of the ownership to your experience / emotions ( your energy in motions ) as we did in the illusion of separation experience as we saw ourself oneself
    as separated and the fear to losing someone or something made us feel the need to control everything and each other an we was looking for confirmation for our choices before we made them in order to feel safe as this made us just adopt what
    was already created and we looped that cycle and we got caught in the comfortzone and took the ownership to our experience and hold tight to it and we became attached and identified ourself oneself to the experience,
    which we are not.

    We have the experience but we are not out the experience cause
    the experience is JUST THE EXPERIENCE which is the abondese
    that source is gifted itself oneself to have without the condition, which we now are awakening to the unconditional flow of love in truth from within as being teh source of all there is, and we will now express it fully in our multidimensional reality that takes place all at the same time.

    <3 Tobias Lars - Spiritual 'DESCENSION' <3
    Full Incarnation - Re Birthing Heaven on Earth

    Abraham Hicks - Love and Relationships
    ( relation to you oneself )
    Which when the realtion to you oneself are alighn with you oneself, you will manifest relationships to individuals that reflects that back to you, which is why you will feel the flow of conscious resonance as this is not a forced constructed way of being in a relation, or to keep a state of harmonized flow of resonated unity in the flow of co-creation, as both feel and know the other through a united inner felt conscious understanding.


    <3 Da Vinci's Demons Season 1 Trailer <3

    <3 Da Vinci's Demons - Capítulo 01x01 - The Hanged Man -
    Sesong 1 episode 1 full [HD 720p] Episodio Completo! <3

  34. Are these the last fucking bombs to clear or are there more after these? I'm getting so fucking tired of this.
    We were all hoping for the best Christmas of all time, who knows if even Christmas in 2016 will be any different, there always seems to be one more place that needs to be cleared of some kind of ridicilous bombs.

    1. Lol! Hahaha. That is the funniest comment I've read in a while. Really made my day. "some kind of ridicilous bombs"... haha, well said. Maybe its laughter bombs...

    2. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist

    3. That was the greatest trick the light forces ever pulled too...

  35. Dear Cobra,
    As you seen in the comment section, people are burn out.
    We really feel like "one step forward, two steps back" Why dont you give us intel, about the Cosmic wave?. You mentioned that the MOSS is the last thing to do before the EVENT. So we are not blame you, about all this stuff, But we are tired...

    1. Yes, regurgitating this has kinda played out by now. Coming up with new stories of things that no one ever notice will backlash by now since people recognise it.
      By now I would prefer help related to meditations. I dont come any further. Rather I have been going backwards it feels like.

    2. The Galactic Wave suppose to hit us probably "october-december timframe" (as Cobra mentioned) And that Wave very important, because it will erase all dark/negativity, or at last, helps a lot.

    3. Cobra never made the statement that the MOSS was completed... He has not even said yet that the sub-Lunar operations has been completed.

      The problem that we encounter here is that we add expectations (ourselves) which then leads to dis-appointments... the "carrot" we are bringing it to ourselves... (we do this in our very own daily lives)

      The quarantine (Earth is under) was not created or built in a day guys ... to be dismounted in 30minutes... Must we be reminded that Earth is the last stronghold of those Negative Races... This is it Guys.. our beloved planet is where All these battles play out... and we form part of it.

      Operations are being carried NOT all at once as we already know. They come in stages and some run simultaneously... Cobra is not being given all info for him to share either.. as information is compartmentalized.. and besides this new info should not even be a surprise... he has stated not long ago that all bases have been destroyed EXCEPT those under the protection of the chimera... Although the Magnitude or amount of bases I am sure is overwhelming (and surprising)he has already stated that there is a solid plan to deal with them.

      We can't always expect sweet news all the time, would we not prefer the truth no matter how dramatic it may look?... They are providing that.. Damn if they do and damn if they don't! We complain because of lack of info.. once info does not seem to fit with own life plan then we want to bail out.. quit.. refuse to even acknowledge there is some progress in the large scope of things.

      No one had asked to stop and drop all you are doing in your life and wait for the event because it is coming tomorrow... If anything I hear are requests to meditate to help speed up the process of manifesting such event...

      You people have found one way to counteract those false flags that are aim to cause delays.. you have been given a key to help speed up Manifestation... Meditation... Everyone is part of this event.. whether conscious about it or not... thru your daily life.. as you do your own work... when meditating in groups. Don't fall trap into Expectations that we ourselves form... There is hope... be part of that Force that will bring those changes... As an advice don't put a DATE on the event.

      I know many feel down and wholeheartedly hurt with dis-appointment.. but be weary of some that may be lurking to bring down the last bit of hope you may still carry.

    4. @Dragon Heart: A perfect comment! You expressed it brilliantly, I agree 100%!

    5. Also, look 2 posts back, Cobra stated:

      "Since the meditation, there are intense negotiations taking place behind the scenes for full Disclosure and for complete and unconditional surrender of all Cabal factions, including the Chimera."

      -If I am reading that correctly then the Chimera very well may be surrendering, thus the worry about how long its taking may be rendered irrelevant. There is more than one path to the Event and beyond.

    6. Yes@ Dragon Heart that was well said ...

    7. people are too emotional which i dislike and need to think rationally like cobra. i think like dragon heart and maybe my telepathic influence is affecting some people as i can barely control my powers lol. everyone must be persistent and dedicated to this group effort or we are lost. just look at the rebels in star wars, the vietnam communist army in the vietnam war and the afgans during the soviet war, they were overwhelmed with superior forces but it is their will to succeed that they were able to emerge victorious. just have faith and believe in yourself. the path to freedom is difficult but the reward is high. may the force be with everyone!

    8. great comment section by everyone, inspiring to read and share experiences, doubts, hopes, strength! I am tired also, but if we look back on all the things that happened just in 2015, things are moving along, so we should do just that, make a retrospective of this year, and we'll see we are getting stronger and more united, conected, and the dark is getting weaker because it's being exposed by more Light coming in. Let's keeo shining and expose, expose and expose them, share the truth, even if we don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, we can see the whole picture for what it is: we have been slaved by higher forces that work behind the curtains and makes us use our power against ourselves! Now we woke up and eventually more and more are waking, the dark are losing their grip on us, and yes, that's when they're the most dangerous, like an animal with no where to run. There is a saying here that goes: "soft water on hard rock will hit till it makes a hole!" Be water, my friend!

  36. This from Melchizedek is very Good explanation very encouraging

  37. I just readly this intel with only one eye, i learnt throught time you cannot rely 100% on external "messages of hope" , otherwise it will worsen your mental suffering. Screw all hope!!! I do not need this drug
    I will stick to my own spiritual path again, just as i should have done from the very beginning...i was more hâppy and peaceful before i started this utopia-mania. Yes, i go bAck to my lonely road! At least it is safer than the Utopia road.
    If the utopia comes, then i will be double happy
    I will contribute to World from my own path.
    It is still my priceless grain of sand

    Im not a donkey anymore
    i do not want carrots anymore
    For I'm a horse
    a river flowing
    always forward
    to where, i dont know

    1. Good, ger sey

      I had fallen into an apathetic mood as well. I don't blame Cobra or portal 2012 though. I blame our programming. It is adaptive and seeks always to create suffering/insecurity, and can even use good news to bring about suffering. If you need to throw the whole thing out the window to recover inner peace then that is what you should do, but the middle road is to find your motivation and support for human liberation in a positive way that feels empowering to you.

      I have been more motivated than ever, but it isn't out of fear or even hope, it is because it is in my nature to be in cooperation with others and to heal myself. healing ourselves from our cultural programming and trauma is one of the greatest things we can do for the world. so I totally support you finding relief from the pattern that you find yourself in...

    2. You're absolutely right... I will do the same...

    3. Good on 'ya, mateys - that's the spirit, and the way to go !!

    4. It is the best you can do for the world

    5. Hi Ger,
      I think you made a wise decision, not to follow the carrot and stick to your own practice. You are not alone, others are walking along with you, in front of you, and behind you.

      I have always sticked to my own ancient practice and beliefs. I do not accept many of the philosophical and historical beliefs shared on this blog. It is not so important. I still participate in the weekly "meditations" because they are fun and feel really good (I can spare a few minutes per week) and because the effect of a coordinated and synchronized effort increases exponentially with the number of participants, but I have no attachment to or expectation from them.

      Your light is strong, I'm convinced it will keep on increasing.

    Three superb Goddess meditations – visualisations, complete with music only versions.
    “Dear Ones!
    Listening and meditating on The Goddess Spiral CD you are receiving Goddess Isis blessings through the Key of life, as a Breath of life given to you, and the Mother Earth, through the Goddess Spiral for you to remember who you are – Goddesses and Gods perfectly balanced in Divine Union of Love, together creating Victory of the Light!” – Isis
    With specially created music by Medwyn Goodall designed to transport the listener with high vibrational tones and frequencies.

  39. Jehovah's Witnesses... 200 years saying .... Cristo viene .... Cristo viene. !!!!...EVENT….3 YEARS.............. Are we falling into fanaticism ..??????..GOOGLE TRANSLATE

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Some of the comments on this blog are what is discouraging. What you are energizing and manifesting by your responses is more delay. Respectfully, maybe it is better for you not to read updates if it is upsetting to you. Rather, focus on keeping your balance and let the RM do their job. Energy goes where energy flows! On a positive note, we received more detailed information regarding the tunnels, bombs etc. we are at a better place or we could not be receiving this information. No matter what, work at maintaining your balance, make your day beautiful and maybe help someone make theirs good too. This is how we hold the light!

  42. Stay positive my friends. In the grand scheme of things we are close to the Victory of the Light. So very close

  43. This is how I see it.
    That was very positive Intel from Cobra and I'm not sure why people here are not 'getting' the power of this one paragraph. Everyone! Read this again! It's very good news!!

  44. Make your own happiness. You will not find it here. It's inside of you. Stay calm. Carry on

  45. Wow, it would be better to have left they destroy this planet, it would be easier for everyone.

    1. It's only one planet there is millions of other planets we could live happy on. But we choose to come here, but I'm certain we didn't choose to get trapped here. And then people say we came here to wake people up.

      Yeah alright but you can't wake somebody up, that dosent wants to wake up. every one got their level of spirituality. But that dosent mean that us light workers that have been trapped here shouldn't be able to go back. Such free will waow. In my opinion, long term suffering is not worth a planet. Make drastic changes now, let the higher density beings help. I know for a fact that 5 6 7 density beings could remove the bombs this second if they wanted to. But no they have stupid no interference rules.

      But we have the physical resistance movement and they are doing a great job. Maybe the event will happen this summer :-).

    2. Oh I know. I get a little joygasm every time I hear about a way the world could have/will be destroyed, like by the Sun, or Earth Changes, or nukes, doesn't matter as long as it's big.

    3. Yes that is not the way!!!! The whole galaxy and beyond would be affected!!!

  46. Hungarian prime minister talks NWO

  47. You said before that the Sphere Beings' ships had entered en masse in a ring aroung the outer edges of the solar system, and had cleared all these bases out as they moved toward the center. Now you say there are countless bases in the Kuiper Belt (which is the outer solar system) that now need clearing. How can you rectify these two narratives?

    1. He was referring to the Heliopause... the Heliopause is pass Pluto.. Heliopause is at the boundary of our of our Solar System. (that is where the WingMakers have stationed their difference sizes spheres)... What he did mention is that Light Fleets are stationed also at the Kuiper Belt... camouflage... I don't think he has stated that Keuiper belt was cleared.. he has talked about the asteroid Belt etc.. planets etc...

    2. I would like to hear the answer too....

    3. @Da-da, Cobra didn’t say that. He said that a couple of decades ago the sphere ships from the Central Civilization began to appear on the outside of our solar system. Most of them were too large to enter our solar system because they would disrupt the gravitational fields of the planets. Their only purpose was to mitigate the increased energies from the Galactic Central Sun as it was increasing in activity. Basically, they were protecting our solar system from getting fried. The Cabal saw these ships, freaked out, and that’s why they orchestrated 9-11.

      Cobra never said that these ships moved into the solar system nor that they cleared Chimera bases. Remember, no one, not even the Central Civilization, knew about the existence of the Chimera and all of their exotic weaponry until last year. The sphere ships have been mitigating the energies for our solar system for decades. Most of them are still outside of the solar system and are probably responsible for maintaining the light barrier that is currently in place so that no one and nothing can get in or out.

    4. He also said it's now between the moon and earth and will culminate with the event. Now the kuiper belt and more plasma bombs on lightworkers. That bring said I haven't seen a post of mine slip past the vise grip of cobras forum moderation in over a week. Here's an interesting video I'd like to share (if My comments is approved, lol)

      Great channel overall, I hope 2circles is OK, he hasn't posted in months.
      As for cobra and his little blog goes(once again if this even make it thru)his legitimacy as a benelovent went out the window the day he started holding back any comment I post that has to do with Ashtar being maleovent. All the while claiming to post all comments lol. Namaste brothers and sisters.
      (If this make it to your screen.)
      P.s. Hey kid want some candy?

    5. Refer to this post by Cobra on this blog from March 2015, it also includes an outline of the Galactic Confederation Fleet positions in "Sector 3" (this solar system) may notice that all of these remaining Kuiper belt chimera locations are completely surrounded by the Galactic Confedration fleet.

  48. Sunday's Event meditation was intensely powerful and I felt something like a strong electric current flowing through my left hand where I was holding my Cintamani stone that also flowed down into my leg where my hand rested. It was incredible to get such palpable, tangible validation that the Cintamani stones are what Cobra said they are: conduits for the transfer of energy for the event. My emotions began to accelerate at the beginning of the visualizations where I was linking my Soul Star Chakra to the Soul Star Chakras of all sentient beings on Earth, and I imagined that every being on Earth was crying "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" in one unified voice. Then, at the point where I was visualizing the strangelet and toplet bombs being removed, I got a very clear message that "They're Gone!" "They're Gone!" and I started to literally hyperventilate with joy, breathing very fast and very deep and literally crying with joy as the energy coursed through me, and I absolutely believed...and that moment that the bombs were gone. Then, with the bombs gone, there was no barrier to my visualizing the dissolution of the Veil, the removal of the plasma/etheric implants, the Disclosure of the truth, and the arrival of the Galactics and the Ascended Masters on the surface of the planet to serve as guides and guardians to supervise the surrender of the dark forces, followed by the release of free energy and advanced healing technologies to begin the healing of a liberated planet. My final vision was of the Earth surrounded in a radiant rainbow aura. It was a transformative and spectacularly uplifting experience. I know that what I saw and felt in the meditation was absolutely will happen, is happening now, and already has happened in the future. I also know that it is very important to emotionally feel what you are visualizing in order to manifest it, so the fact that it all seemed so real to me, and that I felt it so emotionally and so intensely, is precisely how these mediations need to go in order to be most effective. Let us keep doing these Weekly Event meditations and give them everything we've got emotionally, and keep inviting more people to do them with us, and we will without doubt bring the Event to fruition very soon.

  49. Just think of the 'pickle' we would be in without the assistance of the Light Workers. There would be no hope at all!
    Send them Love, not frustration. I would rather have some hope, than none at all. We become Light Workers when we meditate. The beautiful video created by Cobra makes it easy!

  50. looks like everybody is tired, and who wouldn't be at the end of this year? I am too! Most of the times we have no way of verifying all this intel, so besides diving inside to see if it resonates, it's good to try and cross it with other info/intel on the internet, and Corey Good's material fits in! I find it interesting that he hasn't talked much about the Dark Fleet, which is probably how he names the Chimera group, but he did say recently that they are the most advanced technologically and that they are working with the Draco alliance, so guess a lot of us are waiting for that joint interview that Rob Potter promised with both Cobra and Corey together, is there a chance we might get it before the end of the year?

    1. More than verifying data found on the internet, which is a big pile of steaming contradictions. We cannot verify most of the info Cobra shares, but I can verify that his perspective is empowering and consistent. We all have to take responsibility for our own discernment, which Cobra also says, and get below all the mind stuff to how Cobra and his message "feels" and by feeling I do not mean emotions.
      What I see happening is that people are allowing their old mental patterns to interpret what is going on, and it predictably leads to suffering/insecurity.

      The meditations that Cobra organizes is one of the things that puts him apart from other people who are sharing data. Knowing what I know about consciousness and the interconnectedness of everything mass meditation is the best way to bring about real changes in our reality...because we are creators of what we perceive as reality. Viewing and more importantly feeling the world as we wish to perceive/experience it is our quickest rout to that reality. Frustration with the process will only ever lead to more frustration.

      These fundamental understandings are much more important that verifying where or how many or even if any Chimera bases exist, and best of all we can do this for ourselves if we are willing to focus our perception rather than be manipulated by our implanted/adopted perspective.

    2. That was a beautiful comment @G Martin, I agree 100%!


  51. According to GaiaPortal today

    "Kindness elements incur upon hu-manity essences.

    Fractured paradigms are healed.

    Farsights impel further investigations.

    Armistice has passed.

    Foreground patterns illuminate the masses."

    Armistice has passed?
    'bout fricking Time. The Story's Getting Old Now, Real Old.

    Give Us Our Fair Share, Give Us Justice. Here Comes The W.A.R.
    -> Wrestle And Romance ;-)

    Saddling Up The Horsemen:


    Shiny Happy People:

    Victory Of Love And Light. And Peace.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Thanks, mate.
      "Timing, Baby. It's All About The Timing."
      That's My Higher Self's mantra to Me for over eleven years now. And it Never Fails :-)

      All I want for Myself is My Girl by My Side and I will be the richest person this or any other Universe has ever seen. The rest I do only for YOU, All Of YOU.
      And I won't stop till it's Done, that's why GOD sent Me on this Mission Of Love.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    5. @JB:
      Don't look at Me, buddy. I'm not writing what's on GaiaPortal, I just copy & paste what's on there.
      Sorry you didn't like one of the five sentences they posted, nothing *I* can do about that.

      I'm just The Messenger, don't shoot Me for the Message ;-)

      Victory Of The Light


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.


    7. Fair dinkum, no worries, mate :-)

      Victory Of The Light


    8. This comment has been removed by the author.


    10. This comment has been removed by the author.


    11. Let's get Loud :-)

      Victory Of Love And Light


  52. Cool Thanks Cobra RM look forward to the monthly update..

  53. My octopus plasma accretion vortex is tingeling lmao

  54. Please advise why is China involved when they have bad human rights and are still supressing freedom of speech in a big way? Is there a good faction that will remove the communist party when the light finally wins?

    1. Things are not either Yin or Yang. Not always clear cut.
      Yes, I understand it can be confusing. And frustrating.
      Yet one has to see, IMHO, under the chaos. And see the new little plant springing from the ground which will become a big tree. This is what Sojelitsine told Gerard de Villiers (the creator of the Puy du Fou in FRance, a tremendous success, he spits fire there -he could'nt find a fire spitter so he met one somewhere, and said "teach me how!" Ha ha ha, I love this man.
      So if you want a white and black screen, you will be disppointed.
      THe resistance is that little plant which is becoming a tree! THe roots are there.
      For myself, I do my best to live in the present, because hope is just about thinking happiness can only be in the future, so if you look at it this way, you are never happy in the present.
      Some people have no choice -some refugees for instance, persecuted for their beliefs, like Christians in Syria (and no one cares about those people because the agenda is the destruction of Christianity) . How can we reproach them to feel the way they feel.
      But for some other people -those who live in relative abundance, the mode is "I'll be so happy when I get a bigger car".

      This is me in a way -not that I care much about cars- because whatever I have is a tool to indulge in my passions (cooking is one of those), and for this, I need tools. But I am both ways, contented in my present happiness but anticipating a future added portion of happiness.
      I have no remorse whatsoever for that. Dot!

  55. Is it possible to do a cintamani stone meetup so that those with the stones might give a brief time for those who were unable to get one yet might have that experience, for implant removal during a group meditation? Each person gets a turn and pass it on to the next person on the circle and then the owner of the stone can take it back home again. Just a thought.

    Maybe add in a potluck for snacks and maybe a crystal swap-meet combined so if someone's crystal stash is over-large, superfluous crystals could be traded for new ones.
    Dunno how practical this might be, it's winter and cold out, and what venue would be safe and non-distracting to do it - a public library? Anyway, it was something that crossed my mind to put out there.

    1. Sounds like a good idea, I plan to share mine in meditations amongst my awakened friends 😊

  56. OK, maybe we can try plan B. At 7pm utc everybody hold your breath for 5 minutes. This will result in a collective near death experience. We will proceed through the tunnels of set in our super sonic heavenly bodies till each has located one bomb. Lay down on your respective bomb like Superman used to do to protect the world and detonate your assigned bomb. After this is accomplished report back to your physical body immediately and await further orders. Thank you.

    1. made my day..... :)

    2. Sorry, this is stupid. The only result will be a permanent brain damage if you cut the oxygen supply to the brain.And/or a sheer heart attack.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sounds like some prophecy coming true.

  57. The information about this chimera group is exaggerated and I do not agree with cobra the way he is presenting this group as a "problem" when in reality they can be dealt with easily.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Here is a short and very accurate description of this group

    3. I deleted my comment cause it misspelled two of about 10 words...:) I can do better. I originally commented

      Share some data then.

      and the data shared was just as unverifiable as anything else on the internet...

  58. Holy schnikes, Ben Fulford's latest update.

    1. Promoting nwo, Canada integrating with USA. No way Canadians would do that as they are not retarded and no vote is real it's fixed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It would work if all the bad guys were jailed and the system was real.


  59. "Code Red" at Teahupo'o

    Code InfraRed at Sol System.
    It's ON.

    Happy Surfing



    1. "Hand in Hand
      Zahn um Zahn
      Faust auf Faust"

      Doch wir beide sind ja Zwei.
      Küsschen <3

      Victory Of Love And Light


  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Cobra has picked up his pencil and commented above in response to Dragon Heart's excellent comment above. Thanks Cobra.

    I *LOVE* IT when you pick up your pencil in the comment section !!

    My dear fellow Lighties:

    We can all simply work on ourselves.
    We have to do this ANYWAY, no matter what is happening out there in the Kuiper belt.

    We have to change our own vibration to a more loving vibration, being kind to ourselves and being kind to others.

    If we work on ourselves we will keep ourselves busy our whole lives. AND: we will change the vibration on the planet.

    It's a win-win situation, folks.

    Start with doing a daily meditation, give it 20 minutes a day.

    If I give myself positive affirmations regarding aspects of myself I want to improve, this is the secret.

    A few weeks of this and my own self will improve. My vibration will improve. I will become more loving and I will help the EVENT along.

    Victory of the Light... Love to You all ... and Merry Christmas !

  64. I have been making angry comments for the past few months and my best solution to everyone who feels like the donkey after the your own feeling and don't rely on this or any other sources for absolute truth. We are the truth we search for. ALl the meditation and tuning in here for aliens to come won't get the job done. We have the power and the sooner we stop relying on Cobra and them and get up and do more for ourselves the quicker we'll find our world of happiness.We know who the enemies are, we need to be more aggressive in going after them

    1. Yes, this was my point too, not to rely on "hope" which is an illusion which keep us focus in the future , and we all know at this point that hope is a road to nowhere
      Hope is a loss of time and energy, if we use this energy and time in the present moment lifting ourselves, we will automatically uplift the world, because as we all know, we are all connected, no being is an island, we are even connected to birds, trees, spiders, lions, the Queen Elizardbeth, Lady Gaga, and other "creatures"
      So the point is, salvation which means self-elevation, brings automatically salvation to the world.
      And God and ets will do the rest. It is called interdependent cooperation

    2. @ger say. Yes I read your comment and immediately I felt exactly the same. I felt like the donkey for so long and like you mentioned,I was more at peace and happy on my own personal Spiritual rebooting. No more of the "hope drug" It would be nice if everyone else realize our self power we each possess and the rest will follow.

    3. Yes but in no way am i against our group weekly meditation! On the contrary! It is magical and powerful!
      The problem is when we focus too much on the future and we keep on desiring desiring desiring the Event 24 hs and forgetting the Now, where our Force is, and where our efforts should be.

  65. There are a few people out there that are saying beware of those claiming to be undoing the system.
    Beware of the new age movement and the galactic federation.
    Two weeks ago we were told quite clearly by Susanlie and Zorra that the Light was through and we in such an amazing time.
    It sucks more than it ever sucked.
    We don't even know whether earth is flat or a globe.
    And yet we come bearing hope from these beings that they will guide us.
    I have just lost hope and belief.

  66. WE have to remember "as above, so below".
    The frustrations we live with are felt also by our sisters and brothers above. Cobra had to be patient for so many years! So when people say they are fed up, it is legitimate -I mean, human- but the light guies, they put up with so many things and dangers FOR AGES!
    So JUST try to undertand a bit! Please!
    Battle down, battle up there -that we can't see, it is parallel.
    As for myself, it helps me to think like that because I see some bastardly politicians being re-elected so they can go on harming people!
    Then I go to the "as above so below " mode and it helps me to be patient -which, by nature, I am not-.

    1. It sounds odd to me when people describe reality as being so connected. I think on 3rd density we're mostly separate from each other, and there are barriers between each density. In higher densities beings are connected to each other but still not to other levels. There would be no point of having levels without null zones in between. And you can't just go flying up and down densities, it takes eons if I understand correctly. Anyways, you got me thinking.

  67. Thank you Cobra for everything you have shared with us.
    There is no Religion higher than Truth.

  68. I guess this post from Cobra is in fact a public 'message' to the chimera with 'cc' to the earth cabal; something like, we know where you are and we are now going to get you. The large number of chimera bases does not matter, it is the number and the strenght of the Light Forces that matter and i think we are on the safe side on this respect, I believe if Cobra could reveal the number and the strenght of the Light Forces no one would be worried about that that number of chimera bases. Also, it seems to me that when Cobra says that the removal operations will start “very soon” it is a coded public warning to the chimera/cabal etc. that there is still – a very short - time to surrender. I hope once the operations start it will not be a 'love and light' kind of stuff. Victory of the Light. Time to kick some butts. Thanks Cobra.

  69. Andromedan ships (Welcome brothers and sisters!) showing themselves over the skies of Texas, home of some of the main Earth cabals, is definitely a very positive sign. Thanks Cobra.

  70. please teach us mean of those two pictures.
    one is Kuiper belt plot objects.
    other one is oort Cloud.

  71. From my experience of the last month+ it is clear that if we truly follow our hearts, and our passion then there is no room for frustration about the timing of the event. The sooner we realize that the frustration is coming directly from the programming that we have been subjected to the sooner we can reclaim that power that is being continually depleted by said program.

    As Eckhart Tolle said: the inner world is primary and the outer secondary. The outer world is only ever a reflection of our inner. I know this may sound like foolishness, but if we would only take full responsibility for our inner state we will see that we have never really lost our power. It is only that we have been fed a false reality to trick us into being in a perpetual state of internal resistance. The more miserable a pattern the more opportunity for liberation.

    One of the most powerful ways I have found to deprogram is micro-dosing with psilocybe mushrooms. Micro-dosing is taking a tiny amount every day for a period of days. I did it for 9 or 10 and experienced profound and sustained increase in awareness of the patterns I have been repeating for many years. The dosage I was taking was so low that I almost never even felt the effects bodily, but I would find that the normal patterns I played out became obvious for what they are...self destructive, and not continuing those patterns wasn't difficult it was automatic. This is the result of the expansion of awareness.

    I believe that if someone is already committed to being self aware, and present then mico-dosing is one of the most effective ways to easily transcend those old patterns that sometimes seem like they will never be healed. I don't believe this is necessary, but we on the ground need to utilize all we can to break the hold of these parasitic programs that are the result of thousands of years of manipulation of human consciousness.

    All the best to all who are prepared to be present in the face of insecurity. The progress we make in our own inner worlds is IMO the most important work we can do for humanity as a whole. Follow your passion, your bliss, and you will find that all of the insecurity is smoke and mirrors.
    Namaste' fellow bringers of the light

    1. Yep. Has to be the right person on the right part of their path.

  72. Namaste, dear Cobra,
    thanks so much for all infos. May Their Lordships bless you unlimittedly and protect you always!!! I pray for you, your wife Isis and all RM-members and all lightworkers, brother and sisters, for blessings of the Divine!!!!

    Namaste, dear brothers and sisters,
    the best is, to keep cool and focus on loving spirit and hope for the coming of the Event, soon. If we work on ourselfs, trasform our fear into love and hope, we and the whole world, yes even whole galaxy, will be benefitted. Let´s focus on compassion to ourselfs first and to all right now. Do not despair. There is always light inside of us. Ther is whole spiritual familiy and god inside, and we are a team. If we call spirit sincerely and with all heart and soul, Spirit will answer all our spiritual and material needs. Spirit´s love is never ending. We cannot even imagine, how much ´They love us. Just reach your hand out and say: "hallo"!
    Behind the vale They are shedding tears of happiness and they welcome us and embrace us with their unnumerable blessings. Spirit is family. Victory of Light!!!

    p.s: If you like me to pray for your energetic protection, strong health, clearing of obstacles... please visit my website:
    Maidservant of the Divine

    Victory of Light!!!

  73. Cobra, I do not qualify for the Cintamani Stone. I am actually glad of that as I can at this time afford to purchase one, and would rather pay for one than receive a free one when others can't pay. My question is, will there be more available to purchase? I would dearly love to have one, but not to the point of suffering without one ;)
    Thanks for everything you do!

  74. What are the blue beings from orion called? I keep having visits from them in dream time, anyone have any ideas?

    1. If they are from Orion, they should be the Alderbaran (from Taurus and not Orion, near Orion) but they can be others too cause many bears this same blue colours. Arcturians are blue too and they are from Bootes. And many many more ...

  75. Affirmation:
    Consent, causing me harm, by any being- in any way-for any reason-from any place, or time, is denied. So be it.

  76. In my Sunday's meditation I visualized holding my hands out to those living on the dark side & asked if they would like to join me & come into the Light....I had a peaceful feeling after my meditation.

    Every year for many years I've written a Christmas poem & this year it's called "Take a Leap of Faith!" found here: & there's some of my song videos I just posted on Youtube on the bottom of this page.

  77. This is for all beings who will read this.All the information you see on this blog and other blogs please remember to never believe anything that is written anywhere instead try to KNOW. Strengthen your inner knowing then you will be able to discern truth from lies.

    1. Great message, if I may expand, here is a great video of Collier reminding us against false saviors.

      P.S. hey kid want some candy?

      Are you going to block this one too? "Cobra"

  78. To help light workers who are without money !!!!

  79. the event can happeby before christmas or by christmas

    1. Of course the Event can happen before Christmas! Or even during Christmas! Or before the New Year! Some people look at the number of days left in December and feel depressed because the first Probability Wave is closing at the end of this year, but that is no reason to feel depressed!! That is a reason to rejoice in the magic of Source and how everything will be lined up by the end of this year to make the Event happen!!

      When the Resistance Movement says that the first Probability Wave is from October to December, that is serious news!! That means we need to focus our intent on the Event to happen during that time frame. Just because December is almost over doesn’t mean we are done or finished!! We have to keep our focus every day from October to the absolute last day of December! As they say, it isn’t over until it is over!! We still have two weeks left to manifest the Event!!

      I hope that Lightworkers and Lightwarriors won’t get caught up in the current Christmas season and forget to give energy to the EVENT!

      Personally, I meditate every day for the Event to manifest; I send e-mails to friends every day to connect and encourage them also toward the Event; I write posts to Cobra’s blog to connect with the Cobra Family; and speak to my “unawakened” friends in friendly and gentle manners every day to gently guide them to the Event.

      Thank you for the valuable reminder Dolton Kenway!! The time is NOT up yet!! We must focus harder and stronger to make the Event happen THIS YEAR!!

    2. It could also happeby after Christmas too! Namaste.

  80. The Agarthans are ready to make their public appearance around the globe? I crossed my fingers cause everytime they said this and it did not happen. Too many times already. Hope this times, it is real.

    May the LOVE be with you always!
    Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer.

    Official Website :
    The Star Races :
    Music :

  81. Thank you Cobra! Exciting news! I have complete confidence in the RM and all of us to align our intentions for the greater good, and make the Breakthrough.

    But as usual, I'm late to the party here (or wake, d/o who you listen to) due to too much work, a bit of play, too little sleep, and my b-day bodywork to get the kinks out, yay!

    D/O who you listen to, it's either "Victory of the Light!" or "WAH! the sky is falling!" ...but I don't listen to Chicken Little, or boys who cry wolf. Actually, the sky is opening up as the veils slip away, revealing spectacular beauty. Meanwhile, we who run with the wolves remain wild, free, yet all together family.

    ...coming to a planet near YOU!

    (Imagine that!)

    1. Phoenix,

      I hope you are well.

      I have noticed for the past week the morning skies have been beautiful!

      This morning at work I had to stop outside the front door and admire the pink and orange sky for a while, it was stunning!

      A sign of times to come,

      Love and light to all x

  82. At this stage i will just say that I am totally confused
    I am tired and weary like many others.

    I have no idea how we stand. Are we getting closer to the event or not?

    I have read much about not having expectations and living in the moment . but for me this is just new age mumbo jumbo i am only human and each day the situation just deteriorates further and further .

  83. Data/evidence dump NOW- go ahead and work on clearing the lizards out of the asteroids- dump the information so we have the concrete evidence to awaken the sleepers so we can clear out the surface lizards.

  84. Well looks like the light forces need back up and reinforcement

    I continue my mantra" full disclosure and let us help "

    Merry xmas and another inbattled year .

  85. Hi all,

    This video on a substance called Black Goo has been going around:

    Whilst watching it, I remembered the Cintamani stones and wondered how do you guys know those stones are not made of Black Goo? or have Black Goo in it?

    Apparently, there are good and bad types of Black Goo. The Good type has a loving feel to it in connection to earth and the bad one has a dark feel connected to negative energies and entities.

    Grateful to have some clarification from Cobra at some point as this is a subject of concern.

    Kind regards,

    1. Some people have been claiming the Cintamani are negative but in my opinion this is disinfo in order to cause division among the community of Light and to prevent these stones from getting into the hands of those that could benefit from them.

      When discussing these stones it's important to remember the following information..

      "Cintamani stones are pure Light and their energy can not be misused. They help dissolving implants and strengthen your inner guidance. But be aware that they are strong amplifiers and serve as magnifying lens to show you what is inside of you, in order for you to transform it and make you more ready for your mission so that you can play your part in the planetary liberation process."

      These stones are a great responsibility and will bring your inner shadows to the surface for purification and healing, perhaps not everyone is ready or willing to undergo this process, but that's not the stone's fault. They're just tryin to do their thang (for the highest good of all). My heart and soul tell me these stones are pure Light. The Light of Love <3

    2. The stone looks blackish and its not dense, putting it to a lightbulb it becomes a off white, milky clear-ish crystal.

  86. We are experiencing trouble from the dark side (who isn't) so I may have been too negative, which was not my intention. I appreciate your sincere efforts and you have my support and heartfelt thanks. Go get them!

  87. I Have one question Cobra, I thought you had said recently, that all bases of chimera had been removed. And that the liberation of Earth was next. But this update is completely contrary to that statement. Are we to assume that we are been strung along? And this is another stalling tactic to allow the Cabal to complete their work of ages? Or????? I honestly dont know what to believe anymore. But all I know is, we seem to have many outlets, posting false hopium, which no of it ever can be proven. Or ever materialises. I wish every word you say to be true, but there isnt even one tangiable sign that can be attributed to the Earths liberation. But many volumes to show its ever increasing enslavement

  88. Thank you Brother Cobra... Good News

  89. Video games were created by the dark? For what purpose?

    1. World of Warcraft is definitly made to create a virtual world to explore instead of people going out to explore in real life.

      But that game in 2005-2006 allowed expressing free will to much so now the game has already changed that gives no power to really really mad people to be on the same skill level as really really gentle, actual skilled people. That company is supporting the dark side so heavily its is incredible. Chek out Hearthstone for example. The RNG (Random Number Generator) what people call is actually setting a new meaning to the word "Game". It is completely changing who has control over the game. None of any people has control because its a Card drawing game and the Person doesnt choose which card he wants, its the RNG Machine that does it and this way there cant be a winner nor a loser because the RNG Machine chooses it so at the end people have fake feelings about victory and loss. Its deep dark programming there.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Protocol elders of zion stated to create distractions. I guess if people had no distractions governments couldn't do what they do as we would all vote for the real genuine party not the controlled opposition.

  90. Dragon Heart! Is that a "subscribe to comments" at the bottom of the page?

  91. Reposting the comments from Lee, very beautiful:

    拉 LeeDecember 12, 2015 at 7:56 PM
    Yes, they are the same being with the same spark, just different aspects. And by aspects, if we think of our own various incarnations in different times on the surface, then it all makes sense. Different personalities(individuation), but are all us/the same being/spark.

    Gaia is once referred to as God's showcase, as she bears the most beautiful and various species and landscapes than other planets in the universe. However, she is also the one that is most coveted by the dark forces, and has the strongest presence of the dark forces in the universe. Through her transformation, and the alchemy fusion of light and darkness, an ancient galactic prophecy will be fulfilled.

    拉 LeeDecember 12, 2015 at 8:55 PM
    There is also a very strong presence of a group soul of light beings on Earth in this very critical time. Many millions years ago, they used to live as ONE beautiful and happy being on a planet. Life on it is perfect happiness. Unfortunately, that green planet exploded afterwards. And now beings of this huge group soul will now meet and live happily again with one another when the New Atlantis appears. Unlike the second Atlantis, all beings will truly live in harmony and peace, just like they used to be during the very first Atlantis.

  92. I see correlations between as above, so below. The retaliation strangelet bombs remind me of Netanyahu's "Samson option". Then we have Putin bombing the living daylights out of ISIL, almost annihilating them in a couple of weeks. And "wow" to @contato estelar! That makes so much sense. A public warning as a chance to surrender, like Putin did dropping those pamphlets before making instant mincemeat out of everybody. From our human point of view, it looks overwhelming, but for them it will be short order. We were promised some kind of spiritual intervention, and better disclosure. I am doing my part, praying and meditating. I demand some freaking spiritual intervention here! Thank you.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Cobra you're great bro, you've made a great work, nobody would made this, certaintly the people does not imagine what is happen in your way man, I imagine that is no easy . So thanks bro. Some bro and sisters forget that you is a being and that you is emocionaly involved too. Your work is so essencial.

  95. I appreciate the info as it comes and Thank You Cobra.. Yet I 'need' none of it. It matters No-thing to me the 'how many' /the 'location' the ' history' the "bombs"... Not Now anyway.. It's Ascension right ..... One crucial step is to release all attachment to the ''need to know" all the info, the history, the who, when , where , it Will All Flow into you at the moment of breakthrough and continue to at your rate ability to integrate it wholly into your being. I do appreciate the details and visuals as they come as they assist in the refining of my intent and help in clearing meditations... As many of you stated above, right now it's about "you" ... Go within deeply, it is the only space in which you can create the destiny. I am forgetting what the vibration of waiting feels like and my canvas is multiplying. Peace and love

  96. Great stuff Peace444, I love seeing us grow and step into our own power.

    Cobra "We aren't looking for followers, we are looking for leaders"

    anyone bitching about timing is wasting this moment...all there ever is. Thanks for being courageous enough to trust your own power!

  97. The most beautiful thing i have ever experienced in my life is the Hug of the Divine Mother. Last time it happened was two nights ago, when i was "sleeping". In my "dream", She came to me and embraced me in an Ecstasy of Divine Love, something Sublime, which transcends all earthly experience. It is all our soul really needs, the rest seems empty. Only Divine Love is not empty!!!
    It wasnt a dream, the whole "feeling" lasted the whole day after and gave me comfort and fullfillment, until again my uggly ego took charge.
    Yes,She is Real, believe in Her, call Her like a child calls his Mother.

  98. Patrick. Where do you see `subscribe to comment`...

  99. The Kuiper Ring Chimera bases include hostages? This bases are on top of secret level from secret space programs?
    Thank You.
