Monday, March 7, 2016

The Ascension Plan

Time has come to release a great portion of the Ascension Plan for this planet.

The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change.

This time window has its basis in the scientific fact that solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator within the 1975-2021 timeframe, and this alignment is perfect within the 1980-2016 timeframe:

Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years. So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave, either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000 years after each large one:

Luckily for us, the Galactic superwave we are awaiting is the mid-cycle one, and will be significantly milder that the previous one that has caused the Gothenburg geomagnetic reversal, the terminal Pleistocene mass species extinction 13,000 years ago and consequently the deluge of Atlantis.

Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.

The central point of this cosmic transformation was already determined 26,000 years ago and was set around the date of the fixed cross total Solar eclipse on August 11th, 1999.

That central point is remarkably close to the exact date of the solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment. Astronomer Jean Meeus has calculated that this alignment occurred in May 1998. Smelyakov has refined that date to May 7th, 1998:

The Pleiadians have communicated to me that the exact date was May 17th, 1998. This is the day when the destiny of this planet was decided and when the Light forces knew for sure that the Ascension plan will be successful.

After the opening of the Ascension window in 1975, a lot of Light from higher dimensions began streaming in towards the surface population and that triggered the mass awakening of the genuine New Age movement in 1980s. Alas, the Ascended beings were not aware of the full extent of the power of primary anomaly and could not stop the dark forces operating in the shadows. The dark ones have infiltrated the New Age movement, infiltrated the Solar Warden space program and finally took over the planet and the Solar System in early 1996.

Between 1996 and 1998, the Light forces were overshocked and had to regroup, and the Ascension plan had to be upgraded. The Pleiadian fleet began to re-enter the Solar System in 1998 and on May 17th, 1998 received parts of the new Ascension plan from „higher sources“. The Ashtar Command began to re-enter the Solar System in early 1999 and has evacuated the majority of Earth humanity to Pleiades in August 1999.

Before 1999, Earth humanity consisted of about 70 billion souls on etheric and astral plane and about 6 billion incarnated humans.

The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Commnad and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades star cluster where they started receiving much needed healing.

The only souls remaining on etheric and astral plane were those who were direct hostages of the non-physical Archons, those with strong attachment to the physical plane and those who decided to stay to help the physical humans as spiritual guides.

Between 1998 and 2016, the Light forces have kept the Ascension plan strictly confidential to prevent the dark ones from interfering with it. Many channels and intuitives tried to access the Ascension plan but did not receive any signal.

I have now received the green light to reveal one part of the Ascension plan to the surface population.

The real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. The incoming energies from the Galactic pulse will start to flow through the energy field of all human beings on the planet. They will be loving energies straight from the Galactic heart and will start bringing much needed healing to humanity.

Ascension is both an individual and a group process. Each individual will go through his own inner experience, going through healing, release of the past and inner transformation. With many people going through the same process at the same time, this will reinforce the Light field around the planet and open the door for many that otherwise could not make it. The length of the complete Ascension process is expected to be a few years for the most advanced individuals, and more for others.

The actual Ascension happens when we release all blockages to the energy flow and reach superconductivity of our mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies. 


There is much more to this and I will release more when I receive the clearance to do so.

At the moment of the Event, the Light forces will contact humanity only indirectly with intel releases through the mass media. After the completion of the Cabal arrest process and after the majority of humanity overcomes the initial shock, the Light forces will begin to contact certain individuals directly. This will most likely start a few weeks to a few months after the Event.

At that time, contact zones will be created. Contact zones are areas on private property where the owners will dedicate part of their land for the contact experience. These owners will then experience a physical contact with the Pleiadians that will land on their land in a small beamship. Those individuals will go to the mass media and report their experience, therefore preparing humanity for the reality of the Contact. These contact zones will become more and more numerous until a certain critical mass will be reached for the First Contact. First Contact is the beginning of official diplomatic relations between Earth humanity and positive ET races. This is planned to occur roughly a year after the Event at the United Nations and will be broadcast through the mass media worldwide.

After the First Contact, the positive ET races will begin to distribute their advanced technologies that will quickly bring the Earth humanity into the fifthdimensional golden age.

At the same time, many awakened individuals will start to relocate to create intentional communities, so called areas of Light. With non-physical Archon influence removed, they will learn in those communities to finally live together in harmony, with each individual following his higher purpose and together creating a beautiful mandala of Light. Areas of Light will grow and evolve, their vibrational frequency will lift and in a few years they will connect with the motherships of the Ashtar Command with columns of Light. These columns will accelerate the group Ascension process.

Ascension chambers are a very advanced positive organic technology that lifts our vibrational frequency and is a great tool to help in our Ascension process. They will be used after the First Contact to speed up the Ascension process for those that are ready.

After the First Contact, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will be more and more visible as they will decloak at their positions throughout the Solar System.


This is the best description of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation that I could find on the surface of the planet:

You can ask the positive ET beings for help in your daily life and here is an example:

The Light forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation are sending signs that victory is near.

Like this V (victory) sign that appeared exactly at the midpoint between my two past conferences in Laguna Beach and Irvine:

And this enclouded Pleiaidan lightship which appeared near San Jose, Costa Rica, a major Pleiadian energy vortex:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Amazing Intel. Thank you Cobra and RM

    1. Agreed :) actually, I had that pic of the pleiadian light ship as wallpaper on my phone for months not too long ago lol

    2. Dear people,
      Please read "Life In The Universe" and "Allies Of Humanity" from Marshall Vian Summers. You'll be happy that you have done that.:-)

  2. awesome, thank you so much, beloved Cobra! Been hoping for this treatise for quite some time. Your elaborations are very much in harmony with the teachings of EM Ibrahim Hassan (but also some I've learned from Djwhal Khul and others).

    I'm sure, however, that many of us will have access to the healing/ ascension chambers earlier than many months after The Event.

    We'll see. No matter what, the Blue Pulse is very close now, I sense. Greets to you and Isis - looking so much fwd to getting back together with you both, and celebrate, better sooner than later..

    1. I'm learning at EM's site too. *shake hands*

  3. Looks like 2016 has quite of an importance..

    Good times on their way!

    Victory to the Light!

  4. Thank you Cobra, RM, Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation!
    Thank you from the bottom of my Heart !

  5. You finally posted it!!!!!! =D we are so cloSe!! Please oh please let it happen in 2016..

  6. Right..solstice 2016 it's December 21st 2016, 9 months left if we are lucky we can have THE EVENT that day, but i don't think will happen, i expect another kick in the can "they are not ready", "still chimera cleaning", "no critical mass yet" etc etc

    Always i had the date 2017 in my mind, even before to know this blog and "learn" what is this called "THE EVENT".

    Actually i'm very sceptical in all this "events" or similars i don't see any change for positive, this moment it's a shit, i hate it.

    Thanks for the UPDATE COBRA, but for me looks another kick in the can, time-frame 2016 (maybe) or 2021 who knows, and then the earth will destroy itself to "ascend" if you are here and ready ok if not *****

    I'm tired of waiting and to see something and yes i do the weekly meditation

    Anyway, a question:
    What you think about Gill brussard? he claims some PLANET7X will be watchable at the end of this month, i think he is a hoaxer and scammer, BUT do you confirm will be visible some planetoid at the end of the month?

    1. It sounds like you are ingesting a lot of fear based information. It can become an addiction. I know the mind tells us we need to keep digging for the truth in all the shit, but the truth isn't online, it's in our own experience of our selves...presence.
      The voice that tells you "it's too good to be true" is a lie, but we all have to accept that for ourselves.

    2. Whether you think it Will or whether you think it will not, you're right. You create YOUR reality.

    3. I am shocked that the beginning of the release of highly anticipated "green light" intel promised months ago by Cobra would elicit such a negative response!


      Some say we drink the Kool_Aid, but I say until you taste it, you don't realize it is actually the Elixer of Life!

      Victory of the Light!

    4. Guys, Its All Real
      The event is real it will come with time
      and the nibiru thing is real to ..
      both are in this reality
      presence is the deeper knowing within you
      you can be informed and present at the same time
      Tara Grace..

  7. I speechless.... and in tears.... Victory to the Light.

  8. The processes described here match so much of what I have been visualizing since my childhood.

    It is nice to finally understand that this was not just "wishful thinking" but actual impressions of what was going to happen... eventually.

    Even after the EVENT, there will be a lot of work to do.

  9. wow ,wow and wow love it ,just praying and meditating of course for the EVENT to happen just now ,Cobra and brothers of light I'm really tired of been slave ,Freedom for humanity now ,peace and love

  10. Great info about ascension, can not wait to this happens thanks

  11. Thank you everyone looking forward for this ascension plan. I would love to physically shake the hands of the ones that have been here for us each step of the way, it will be a reunion I will never forget. love and light.

  12. Amazing coincidence, I just opened a book, where I read "I GIVE PERMISSION TO ASCEND NOW". The next moment, I saw cobra post <3

  13. The video of life after the Event is awesome! BRING IT ON! Victory of the Light!!

  14. This link must be part of the plan:

  15. Pretty much blows away all that dis-info that has been circulating over the past couple weeks. This is a breath of fresh air, and I needed it. Thank you to the family of light.

  16. Wow!
    It's a big news for us.
    Thanks Cobra.

  17. Cobra, why would the light forces bring Take back to the U.S in the first place if they wanted to send him back again in May? Something doesn't make sense here..I think I'll call the lightforces on this particular post. Anyways, your posts all change in meaning based on the greatest energy potential or portal in your post. So in this message, you lost the word masses/mass, cause I have that one due to Massachusetts etc. So this entire post becomes a description of my home now! and a complete invasion of privacy, right Buddy?

  18. It's only a matter of time now.
    Cheers to you all, victory is ours.
    Strength and honor.

  19. Wow. Wow. Wow!!!!!! How very exciting! Victory to the light!!!!

  20. Cobra, So it is finally happening ! You said in a previous interview that not all will ascend in their lifetime as they are not ready.

    1. Is Gaia ascending in this timeframe too ?
    2. If Gaia is indeed ascending in this timeframe then those who do not ascend with her will be taken off planet to a suitable place to continue their evolution until the next ascension cycle ?

    1. Will be interesting to know if the people who don't make it will be shown alchemy to live in their body for thousands of years without dying

    2. Awesome! I'm not interested in ascension. Another planet here i go.

  21. For those of you bothered by Archon plasma beam control keeping your Kundalini from rising try this. Get 2 small Tesla purple plate disks. On the back of each apply a grade school glue stick coating. Place each disk just below each ear opening. Now no more 24/7 subconscious subliminal x rated dialogue running through your mind. No more Kama Rupa energization expansion and focusing. Purity and Freedom.

    1. Hello Alan, I would like to try this, but I cannot find those disks here in Brazil... Could you send them to me?

    2. I believe that they will ship them anywhere

  22. Dear Cobra, please could you consider a webinar for us? You don't have to appear in it, just show some slides and talk, with voice modulated. Heartfelt thanks for all that you've done (and endured....!).

  23. Thank you Brother. The discription of ascention plan is great to give us tranquility and a better picture of the process. One in Live and Light.

  24. Thank you very much!
    I'm new to the site.
    Other than weekly global meditation, what else we can do to help? I recently heard about possible partial disclosure, we better push for full disclosure at the event.

    Thank you & Victory of the Light!

    1. The best thing any of us can do is hold the highest vibration possible at all times, and share that with others! thanks for being on the team!

    2. Thank you! will try my best :)

    3. More uplifting from Cobra. If we all do our part we will succeed. I had a dream of mass landings several years ago. I like the picture that was posted about it. Victory of the Light and blessings to all.

    4. ONLY the Cabal was pushing for partial disclosure, so they would not have to take responsibility for what they did to us, or be held accountable by us, IMHO. Humanity and the Goddess want and need FULL Disclosure, and what the Goddess wants, shall be!

  25. Thank you Cobra & RM. I can see the light..... at the end of the tunnel.
    Faith all that matters.

    May God bless everyone. :)


    >>The only souls remaining on etheric and astral plane were those who were direct hostages of the non-physical Archons, those with strong attachment to the physical plane and those who decided to stay to help the physical humans as spiritual guides<<.


    Wow, what a relief!!!
    Well... Now I understand why do I feel like this?
    For some unknown reasons to me, I NEVER desired to ascend.

    I have even posted some comments/thoughts on this subject:
    (This is the only one I could find).

    >>HYE ANGELNovember 15, 2014 at 9:55 AM
    Beautiful and MAGIC-stic pictures, indeed.
    It is the place where this WANDER-FULL planet will, finally, be freed from this black spiders' webb.

    I know for sure - this soul started ITS/HER first physical journey on Arcturus, and then travelled all over. No USA or any passport needed. ;)))

    Guess what, dear friends - I do NOT care anymore, where did I come from?

    I've been on this MAGIC-ALL planet for too long, and I promised HER to stay with HER.... NO matter what.

    I love HER with all my SOUL.
    I might ascend. But I will stay with HER in PHYSIC-ALL form.
    THIS IS MY HOME!!! And I'm staying with HER as long as SHE needs help. I'll stay as long as there's a single Earthling/soul asking for help!

    Because - I C.A.R.E.=Communicating As Renegate/rebellious Emissary<<.


    Because -- I C.A.R.E.

    1. She rises with us, or perhaps before, so there is no loss or separation, we have a symbiotic relationship we must cultivate.

      I had a friend, we discussed this long ago, our love of nature and wanting to stay on the planet, but not in the 3D nightmare. She was a dancer, she danced with a sword on her head, skated on ice in the desert, with wings. Moved her family away from danger of mines, to the lovely Redwood forests, ironically after I had left the area. She photographed birds, the Hawks, the Pelicans, the Gulls, the Hummingbirds. She had a rocking chair for me on her porch, we were going to drink black coffee and marvel at the close proximity of the Hummingbirds who always drew close to her....but one day...weeks before I noticed her silence...her heart stopped suddenly. My dear Jammie, Karla Jamilla, now soared like the birds she so aptly captured with her camera. <3 Ascending before any of us, her bright, mischievous spirit rising with the Sun...

      I hope to see her "again", beyond the veil. We shall dance and fly and soar, and giggle and gasp. She was a friend to so many. I am only one, but I love and miss my dear friend, who I never met face to face in this life.

    2. Thank YOU dear Phoenix,

      Fortunately i know about it.
      What I mean is this:

  27. I have been seeing the V sign (among other things) for a few weeks at the time of writing this and made a fully conscious ascension to 5th (lower) dimension about 2 weeks ago, where I was told to come back. The archon wasn't the final boss, as there was a slimey thick "goo" which was needed to penetrate (among other things, you need to penetrate a lot of stuff between 3th and 5th). Apparently no need to go for implant removal into inner earth as long as you devote your soul fully to this thing they call "God" (=love). I am this guy here and what I am saying is no mendacity or delusion:

    Also what Cobra is not saying here is that Source is coming. The Event means that Source will come here, not just some superwave from a sun. Everyone knows that one can't prove what I am saying through someone's blog, but I see this message being more useful than harmful.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Fantastic news! :)
    The Victory is near....

  30. Fantastic Info..... Again that's when the Event happens This all starts. Going to need the money to move to these light centers,,,,

  31. So moved, so happy, so greatful!

  32. Cobra thank you for this uplifting update. I do have 2 questions please answer it here or with Rob.

    1. Are the Pleidians the ones who downgraded human intelligence, eg separation of the brain in 2 halves?

    2. What is the True purpose of the Pyramids ?

    1. 1. no, they are kin but more evolved. Cobra is a Pleiadian Starseed, BTW.
      2. power plants
      (and I mean that ambiguously...after all...what is Power?)

    2. Beloved Goddess of the Sun

      1) It was not the Pleiadian, it was the Annunaki
      2) Star map or Star System (Viewing from top, not side) as well as power plants too when it is power up.

    3. Hmm... I have two of a lot of things, and only one of a few things. If the Earths poles shifted to just the one... would DNA change with something like that..?

      Pyramids... Free to fail Empire, as the Greatness of the work of "Slave" is all that stands, and why we know these people this time.

      If the people voted for "The Wall"... it could be the best wall "Ever"... make it science/art/Everything.

  33. Thank you so very much Cobra and RM for this fantastic info.
    I am moved to tears of joy and happiness.
    Love you all.<3

  34. wonderful to wake up and read this on the International Goddess Day, thanks to all, it's been an amazing journey and it really seems we're reaching a climax here...

  35. Presents, Cobra! Thank you. Good to hear that overwhelming music of Stellar Nations again. No words for it:)

  36. Thanks for all your hardworking Cobra..VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!..NOW..we demand freedom!

  37. This galactic administration is suckie as down here.
    C'mon allready!!!

  38. This is such good news. Almost more important than the details is that the info was allowed to be released at this time. New moon, super moon, and solar eclipse. This feels like a significant step to me.
    I intend to get together with friends and do some meditation, and healing work today.
    Thank you Cobra!

    1. I got some very intense bodywork after some very intense emotional family stuff came up this weekend. We DO store emotion in the body, and we MUST release it, as it gives us pain and problems. Massage and bodywork,its a good thing, and no such thing as too much. Plenty of low-cost options like student clinics, etc.

  39. OH MY GOODNESS COBRA!!!! I live in my hometown of Escazu, Costa Rica! So happy to hear that Escazu is a Pleiadian Energy Vortex! And to think that I have been wanting to build a Tachion Chamber right here in my back yard! Thank you for this news! I jump with joy! I want my sister to wake up so we can share this exciting news!

  40. Thank you Cobra! Let's Goddess sing in our hearts!
    You're the voice try and understand it
    Make a noise and make it clear!
    We're not gonna sit in silence
    We're not gonna live with fear!

  41. Thank you so much dear Cobra. My innermost being confirms these things to me. I think the symbols and metaphones we use to describe this are only a shadow of what it truly will be. I thank the most High for the atuned spokesmen who speak this truth with such profound encouragement. namaste

  42. Oh! This intel brings tears of joy to my eyes! Thank you Cobra and Light Forces! Light and Love!

    1. I felt the same.
      I think this intel release indicates that we are really close to the final breakthrough, closer than any time in the last few years...
      Thank you all!

      Victory of the Light!

  43. So I wake up with this song in my ears
    Rock band TESLA 'love song' yup but just have a look 'V' and listen

  44. When I read this I was both ecstatic and elated!! Thank you from the deepest place in my heart for sharing this at this time! Thank you so very much, Cobra... Victory of the Light... and Liberation Now <3

    Brandon W.

  45. When I read the update it felt like I had already read it before. It resonated from my heart center as a knowing and that's a great validation for me! Thank you COBRA and all RM who have worked so hard for our freedom! Namaste

  46. while reading this post I received a phone call with phone ID "ascension point".

  47. You are telling me to vote for Bernie Sanders, arn't you?

    1. Hillary may be in prison before November. #feelthebern

    2. Yes, I especially enjoy Starship Earth: The Big Picture articles, comments and Hillary memes. Some funny memes on fb "Bernie Sanders Dank Meme Stash" group. I am not sure I want the (s)election to go forward with this cast of characters...

    3. Truth.

      Bernie Sanders Verified account

      This is what we can learn from history: when people stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

  48. "First Contact is the beginning of official diplomatic relations between Earth humanity and positive ET races. This is planned to occur roughly a year after the Event at the United Nations and will be broadcast through the mass media worldwide."

    The same UN that has been established by unelected officials where crooks and bribers huddle in their opulent corridors scheming their webs upon those the rest of human beings?

    Why "Light forces" chose to adhere to the pyramidion structure of world "diplomacy"? Why not render the nascent decentralized PEER-TO-PEER paradigm useful for the benefit of all?

    1. Yeah I find it irritating too, that it's Like that, but I think we should take it with a grain of salt. because all negative people will be taken away. But I still don't like that, organizations like the UN. Is the place to go to for the extraterrestrials. And in the video cobra showed of how life is after the event they talk about selecting representives from Earth to make relations with extraterrestrials. But I guess for the mass that's the only way or its a conspiracy lol.

      What I'm trying to say is, that I don't like the idea of one or a small group of people representing all of humanity where is the so-called free will in that?

      I like the way alaje777 teach things you should check him out if you haven't already kinda funny how cobra haven't mentioned him once, but links other people.

      Just wanted to speak from my heart.

      Victory to the light love

    2. There will not be the "same UN" by that time. All of the international institutions of this planet will be restructured in a new way under the guidance of light force. It is a very logical thing if Event happened, so no worries.

    3. Cobra stated multiple times that the institutions like the UN will be restructured after the Event.

      From my current perspective I prefer decentralized manners of organization based on direct participation instead of the flawed representative systems we have but I think after the Event EVERYTHING will change. Maybe even true, complacent representation will be possible.

    4. I think there is no problem to involve the UN in this, since it is restructured and the members who compose it are others, not current. Like the rest of the world will be restructured, the UN may also be.

    5. Thank you for your answers. It's just that no matter who sits "in the cabinet" the existence of representational model implies hierarchy. Hierarchy implies authority. Authority implies the right of a higher-up to overrule decisions of those beneath him. I fail to see how this is the improvement of what we have now. Seems like all of it is just a squabble aimed at putting someone's people on the proverbial throne, instead of who currently occupies it.

      I am saddened because I thought that there will be an introduction of direct, transparent, fair algorithms of decision making, where each man is responsible for himself and not capable of imposing on others.

    6. "there will be an introduction of direct, transparent, fair algorithms of decision making, where each man is responsible for himself and not capable of imposing on others."

      Yes, this will happen after the Event for matters solely related to the individual. But there are so many issues at a planetary, universal and galactic level. The man / woman on the street could not care less about many of these issues. In this case we elect those who are interested to do all this work for us.

  49. Sounds like a good and reasonable plan (of course without having any sense or clue at all anyway).

  50. Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    Want to get even MORE excited?
    If you ahve NOT read this yet, then please read this intel and see for yourself that THE VICTORY OF LIGHT is already happening!

    >>Yet, last night, during China's wee morning hours around 08:08:08:08 AM CST, Grandfather finally pulled off the band aid and said "Go get'em fellas." We are so humbled by your love for all humanity, Grandfather… as well as your patience to place us, our lives, on a foundation of bedrock versus sand our ancestors were forced to farm<<.

    >>So unless you were up late and studying world events like a Phd of Marco Economic Theory, you probably missed the historic yet peaceful transition of global economic platforms, philosophies and value transition from paper to gold, fear to love, and dark to light<<.

    (Those living in the USA, please, read THIS part slowly and by paying closer attention to what he's saying).

    >>But only the 800# notifications are left, be them from Reno or into Redemption Centers around the country. What a privilege to participate in history. I mean, why else would redemption center employees be sequestered again after a brief but appreciated Sunday night off.
    And why else would a tactical alert be issued to our nation's military, national guard, special forces, police force and on site bank security to be watchful for nation wide suspicious activity against the Republic?<<

    >>Seriously, if not an RV… why would they be doing all of this? Are they filming movie? Curious minds want to know? And Grandfather, we're ready to be overwhelmed here in the West. We know now we don't know what's headed our way, so thank you for the additional time to prepare our souls so they will not be swept away by illusion<<.

    >>Yes, private exchanges are going on all over the world are none are the wiser because this activity is so carefully thought out, so localized, and so quick… it's nearly impossible to see the whole puzzle in real time without heightened clairvoyance. This is why so much of the intel people are providing is reactionary or after the fact, as how can anyone predict what they cannot see<<.

    >>The rule of thumb on giving should be as follows: It's ok to reap tangible rewards to accomplish your life's work, but you better be giving out ten times more to others or you simply won't enjoy the stuff you got, and more stuff will only make you more miserable<<.

    Let's read and REMEMBER this part again:


    Let LOVE and FORGIVENESS conquer your hearts, and then the WHOLE world!!

  51. Thank you -wonderful. I have one question : I recall Alex Collier mentioning in old interviews and recent ones too that the first ones that "land" here are not going to be friendly. Comment please. Thanks.

    1. 1996: Archon Invasion, African Congo (Reptilians and Astral beings)

    2. Related answer:?

      Rob – Right. Would you agree that after the first contact is taken place that humanity must really come together and determine it’s own choice and who we are going to interact with as far as the inner dimensional and galactic federation of light? There may be different elements of other physical ET groups that may not be of the highest levels who may wish to have different types of treaties with us. We should be pretty careful and clear in where we’re going from there, correct?

      COBRA – There will be no races that have negative agenda’s presented to humanity and each human being will make his or her own choices who to connect and under which conditions. So the first contact is basically an individual event. It’s not a mass scenario. It is a mass scenario in a certain way, but each individual will need to make an individual choice: Do I want to connect? Do I want to communicate with other races, or not? Nobody will be forced to communicate. No one will be forced to make contact, but contact will be made and it will be distributed through mass media and people will be informed and of course each individual will make individual choices of how the contact is being made.
      ---ref rp0315

      Info on Landings can be found here:

  52. SonYi has an Orangey Sky and HoO is playing X-box. Those who play WITH us and not against US drive green Ford Fusions on wash day.

    1. You changed your name again :)

    2. "Flappo Flupp".... this is a very funny name... !!!

      And I have this funny feeling HD8D was formerly 3DHD... it's just a feeling I have...

  53. Beloved Lumessence:

    Solar Ring and the Coming Sixth World 5.5

    Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. 5, Book of the Timespace by José Argüelles and Stephanie South

    We are in a process of re-education and planetary reorientation. The core of genuine education is based on self-cultivation–the perception of ourselves in relation to a Higher Order of Reality by whatever name we call it. This is fundamental to our life purpose and not taught at school.
    Before we can become a truly unified collective force, we must first work individually or internally. We have to understand ourselves and how our own mind operates and effects others around us. The best we can offer each other is our own sense of wholeness, then we become a mirror for others reflecting to them their wholeness. Practice speaking to the light within each person. Bypass everything except soul to soul connection.

    The more we learn and grow, the more expansive our hearts become. We can only love another person to the extent that we have realized our own true nature. Those who have realized themselves to one extent or another, have the tenderest hearts. It can feel like your heart is breaking in every moment, but in the most beautiful, soulful way. We know our hearts are open when we truly cannot bear to see another suffering or in pain. We will do anything we can to alleviate that suffering. Tears are good. It means we are alive and feeling beings. Many people want to change the world, but have yet to truly open their hearts. The heart can only really open once we are stripped bare and dropped all defenses.

    The Return of the People of OMA refers to those whose hearts are open to all of humanity while having mastered the inner mind technology. OMA = Original Matrix Attained. The People of OMA are those who have fully remembered themselves and so by their very vibration serve as a bridge that others may cross over into a higher dimension.

    GM108x or Galactic Mayan Mind transmission can be likened to a spinning crystal axis that attracts, aligns and organizes past and future knowledge bringing it into the Theater of Now, the ever pregnant moment of all possibility that has been incubating and gestating for aeons waiting for the right moment to give birth to itself. New creation needs new language and new ways and forums to articulate itself.

    The noosphere is the planetary intelligence field that we can learn to make contact with. It responds to our vibration. If we obsess on the bad news then we will never create the good news. We receive feedback according to the quality of thought we are transmitting at any given moment.

    The Telektonon or earth spirit speaking tube is a living omnipresent oracle. What does this mean? It means that when we are synchronized with ourselves and nature then everything reveals itself as part of an oracular speaking tube. This entire Timespace matrix that we inhabit is a living earth spirit speaking tube. When you are “in synch”, every book you pick up or person you talk to is giving a message. Learn to listen to the energy behind words.

    Be open at any moment for a shift of perception that can change your life.

  54. The Power of Intention...
    "Thy Wish is Thy Command"
    Planetary Liberation. NOW!
    SO IT IS!


  55. Thank you for this Cobra.
    Much Love


  56. Thank You.
    TIMING, baby, TIMING



    1. Aye, yes, Matey, but how shall we surf this Galactic Wave?



    2. Hi Phoenix.
      You'll Know It when the Time is Right.
      Plus, there will be safety mechanisms in place, as GaiaPortal's UpDate already indicates ;-)

      "Force lines collapse for hu-manity.

      Creation storms blanket the unawakened.

      Masters of true abundance are recognized, and followed.

      Phasings of illumined align."
      We'll Know what To DO :-)



    3. 11 Minutes after I posted my yet-to-be-published reply You posted the same GaiaPortal UpDate. Nice TeamWork and Great Alignment, I say :-)

      Hold The Line, Hold On To Your Board . . .
      And We'll Surf This



  57. Lets get it going. I am ready. I speak for all as I say, "I am done being a victim."

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hey Patrick A, when are you going to be on project camelot?

  60. How on earth were there 70 billion human "forced" to reencarnate so often and not over-ultra-populating the earth??
    Also, according to original theosophy, the period between reencarnations could last even more than a thousand years, not few decades like so many "truther" pages say, so, were did you get that theory of being recicled over and over in such short time? that seems like some new theory many decided to accept and then whine about it.

    1. In Atlantian times the population of the Earth was much higher. Theosophy is not the original reincarnation theory. Theosophy was only written down in the 20th century. The Vedic texts of India which predate modern civilization describe the Earth as being much older.

    2. @Alvaro rodas. Time doesn't function the way you think it does; not in this dimension and certainly not in the higher dimensions according to the mathematical models. Just remember its not linear in this dimension and in some dimensions it doesn't exist at all.

    3. Rob – OK. So these beings are all in part of the quarantine process so in the past we’ve had to take turns to incarnate, is that correct.

      Cobra – No, actually people incarnate because it’s the right time for them to incarnate or when there’s a strong impulse one way or the other to incarnate. Yes, some people have to wait for a long time because there are not many options on the physical plane to incarnate.

      Rob – If everyone got the same impulse, I guess there would be the strongest impulse that would be allowed to incarnate first. People wanting to come in and there weren’t enough bodies or babies available. In one way the population explosion is a positive thing. It’s allowing a lot of people experience on the physical plane. (Yes, yes, yes).
      ---ref rp1214 (Rob Potter Interview Dec1214)

    4. another example of a sloppy reading ;)

  61. I think you read it wrong.. they were NON-incarnated in the etheric/astral planes

  62. Damn... i'm not even gonna' be have to fight against a final gigantic boss? Well... I just... sorry, all this caught me TOTALLY by surprise, Pleiadians, Anunnakis, 4th, 5th, 6th... 12TH DIMENSION???

    Was like i just woke up in the videogame and get caught, becoming the only not videogame character... i don't know if you understand me Cobra, besides, with all the information to confuse i don't know who to... not trust, and not put all the hopes, but, see some light at the end of the tunnel, i'm a guy of 30 years; 31 this year, living with his mother, and... all this sounds like chinese, just simply dream of being a hero cleaning planets of garbage fighting against villains, meet Pleiadians who elevate my spirit, in resume discovering new planets... so, i hope you are not selling false hope to us, please, WE ALL TRUST IN YOU.

    1. Great post!! I really liked it. Yeah, it is difficult to determine if Cobra is the real deal or not. You have to watch things for a very long time and try to remember everything to connect the dots (discernment).

      I can assure you that I have done this work and Cobra is the real deal, 100% guaranteed!!

      Now, lots of people are freaked out and worried about David Wilcock and Corey Goode talking about partial disclosure blah, blah, blah. I said a long time ago that Wilcock means well but Goode is being manipulated to spread lies. Cobra also confirmed this and yet we have the same hysteria yet AGAiN over that deluded duo.

      Cobra is the real deal but he cannot provide definite proof because we are still in a prison/quarantine planet. You have to trust your own judgement. As weird as it may seem, this is not a videogame; this is real life.

      Choose your side....

    2. Choose the light above anything or anyone else💡

    3. Thank you James, and trust me, i already choose a side, the good one, i'm really tired of always war, despair, suffering... thanks to you, Cobra, RM... everyone for bring me hope, Namaste to you my friends, we are all a family!!

    4. As an avid gamer myself I totally get where you're coming from. :D The Chimera/Cabal remind me of the obessive StarCraft player, who even after they know they've lost put everything they've got left into builing whatever they can and fighting until their last breath!

    5. Luismcasas your probably did fight, you just can't remember but you will soon

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Oh, THANK YOU Beloved Cobra for the wonderful, long-awaited news! Blessing and gratitude to you, RM, all Light Forces and Galactic Family, and my Cobra Clan here in these threads! 💜

    Here I am, a former party girl, late to the party again! Work is cramping my style. :D

    I hope when this all transitions that we can stay home play until it's safe to get together and dance in the streets! (It may be sooner than you think, so brush up on your dance moves, kids!)

    Martha & The Vandellas "Dancing in the Streets"

    David Bowie & Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Street

    Van Halen - Dancing In The Street


    1. Oh yes, there will be a whole lot of Dancing goin' on real soon. I did not know the Van Halen version, listening to Diamond Dave was a new one, thank you.

      For months on end whenever I clicked on a YouTube page one of the recommended videos was *always* Xavier Rudd & The United Nations: Nanna.
      I told you about that.
      Same thing is happening again. Same gig, different video. No matter what kind of video I have just watched, This Is *always* recommended.

      Shinsuke Nakamura's Theme:
      "Subconscious Entry Version"

      Und "die" so: "Ach Meeensch..."

      Und ich so: "Tja."

      Every Boy, Grab A Girl, Everywhere Around The World



  64. GAIAPORTAL: Phasings of Illumined Align
    8 Mar by ÉirePort

    Force lines collapse for hu-manity.

    Creation storms blanket the unawakened.

    Masters of true abundance are recognized, and followed.

    Phasings of illumined align.

  65. Yes, work, that four letter word! I will be dancing in the streets, and everywhere else! Heck I'm dancing now🤗. It will be great to do what we want to do, let our creativeness go crazy good, and for all of us to return to who we really are! We are here, and make sure if you feel lost, to ask for support and guidance from our Galactic friends. God Speed

  66. Phase 2 anchor selected and now this good news.
    The Event starting this year?
    The Pleiadians know when.

  67. Thank you Cobra, so it is. and Cintamani stone and I took in some sunrais to day, after a long winter , and may I* share the moment here, cheers from Iceland

    Victory of the Light

  68. It is really marvellous intel especially since Cobra said that he can give such intel only shortly before ... And I am very happy that at last the decisive moment seems to arrive. So let us unite our light power in order to reach our goal before the winter solstice which is apparently the last best opportunity time frame for it to happen.

  69. This really is marvellous intel from Cobra which makes me more than happy especially since he said a while ago that he could give it only when the decisive moment would be right before us. So let us unite and make even stronger our light powers in order to do our part that it will happen before winter solstice which apparently is the last best opportunity time frame!!

    Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Stephanie South

    Beyond the Singing Sun
    Posted on 9 March, 2016

    Life is a symphony, and the action of every person in this life is the playing of his particular part in the music.  Hazrat Inayat Khan

    As you read these words you are both receiving and transmitting vibration. Today we enter the Storm wavespell of self-generation with a New Moon and total solar eclipse. It is a powerful time.

    Everything is vibration. We are here to help evolve our solar system through raising vibration. Consider the vibration of the singing sun.

    The Sun is playing a secret melody, hidden inside itself, that produces a widespread throbbing motion of its surface. The sounds are coursing through the Sun’s interior, causing the entire globe, or parts of it, to move in and out, slowly and rhythmically like the regular rise and fall of tides in a bay or of a beating heart. (Kenneth R. Lang)

    Our consciousness is a bridge for reharmonizing the planetary crystalline grid, receiving and implementing vibratory instructions from Hunab Ku, the center of the Milky Way galaxy. At the center of our galaxy is a black hole, which serves as a portal to other galaxies beyond our Sun.

    To access this portal requires aligning our frequency with solar consciousness, or the  consciousness of our solar system, also known as Kinich Ahau, or Velatropa 24.

    Arcturus Connection
    The Telektonon prophecy of Pacal Votan states: It is the function of the Arcturus Dominion to clean patterns of negative karmic residuals from the planetary orbital harmonics and to restore Kinich Ahau to its full harmonic function. 
    We can assist this process by first clearing and detaching our energy from any vibratory entanglements. We are unplugging from an outworn grid and plugging into the noosphere through a process of resonant transduction.

    In The Mayan Factor, Jose Arguelles writes that through direct knowledge of wave harmonics and frequency changes, resonant transduction is the ability to pass directly from one condition of being to another and consequently from one star system to another. Then we can extend realization to other local star systems.

    Vibration is also connected to frequency. Our dominant energy vibration is our unique “frequency signature”. Through the system of overtones and vibrational frequencies, we can directly attune and resonate with all that exists. As our vibration increases we find a need to detoxify our bodies and feed them with simple foods that contain maximal life-force.

    Vibration creates invisible waves that effect physical space. Physical matter is comprised of space and energy. Information is a quality of energy.
    Energy just is. We ascribe meaning to energy and call that reality. There are as many versions of reality as there are humans. People attach their identity to a particular version of reality and invest their emotions and life-force in defending it.
    Emotions are fluctuating energy patterns. When we repeat certain emotions it is because we are stuck in particular vibrational frequency.

    Opening the Ninth Gate
    The ninth time dimension enters us into the golden gate where we unravel all karmic/genetic entanglements streaming in from other star systems. Our wires have literally been crossed, cutting off the sacred stream of memory and confusing us with multiple conflicting belief systems.

  71. The Hand rocks the Cradle. It's thyme again.
    Dominique N for New Creation.

  72. <3 This is our chance to come together <3

    We invite you to join us in the World Peace Pulse this Fri/Sat/Sun 11/12/13 March 2016
    for James Twyman's Global Heart Meditation.
    We provide an online space to come together simultaneously at:
    - 09:00 am PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    - 12:00 pm (noon) EST (Eastern Central Time)
    - 06:00 pm CET (Central European Time)
    - 10:30 pm IST (India Standard Time)
    Please join us here at the above time:

    We also host our daily meditations here to speed up the transformation of this world at:
    - 01:00 pm EST for the Global Unification of Earth and all Beings
    - 02:00 pm EST for the Liberation of Humanity and the Full Disclosure of all hidden information

    We also have a skype channel to chat and come together:

    (*) This is our chance to make a change, together as one (*)


    Is there any truth to this article? The first part sounds like the event in a way..

  74. Just wanted to post this story and say that I knew him, any intel on what was wrong with him would be great


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. B R E A K I N G N E W S!!!

    B R E A K I N G N E W S!!!

    B R E A K I N G N E W S!!!

    WE WON!!!!


    Senator Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has been sworn in as new President of the Republic of the United Stateson Monday. Meaning power has peacefully transitioned from former President Obama and Vice President Biden simultaneously as they resigned.
    (More to read...)

    Interim President General Joseph Dunford is now stationed and living in the White House as of yesterday. The WH Lock down was to move out and remove the entire Obama Administration.

    (More to read...)





    1. High Angel(s)!!! Thank you so much. I'm slicing a HUGe piece of Cake for you. What flavors is it? You decide. <3 <3 <3

    2. Sounds interesting, but there's only ONE source for this article. This info started popping up other places, spread by social media, but it only leads back to the ONE article on ONE website (and it's sister site) and there is no other corroborating original source for the info. I'm wondering if it's some last-minute disinfo to further divide the Lightworker community?

    3. Justin Trudeau meeting with Obama today....

    4. Please do your research before posting BUNK like this- thanks

  76. Senator Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has been sworn in as new President of the Republic of the United States on Monday. Meaning power has peacefully transitioned from former President Obama and Vice President Biden simultaneously as they resigned. This is why Ryan was so hesitant about being named Speaker of the House (3rd in line to the Presidency). He was hand picked by Chinese Family Elders.

    General Joseph Dunford will be Ryan's new acting Vice President. Both are operating from inside the White House at this hour after movers physically transitioned administrations over the weekend. A formal announcement is forth coming by President Ryan announcing all administrative changes.

    This event will trigger a 5 day redemption period for private group and Internet group redemptions (800#s) followed later in March by a month long public redemption. Currently, large and existing bank clientele are exchanging 24 hours a day in off site bank redemption locations.

    Both the RV and Republic are now active on American soil... and world history being made in real time.

    Hope this is true!!!!!

    1. Please do some research before posting this sort of BUNK.

  77. Cobra, I am always waiting for your next update. Thank you for the latest one. I just came in from my backyard (Riverside, California), having just seen and heard an airplane flying back and forth above my home and leaving the tell tale signs of chemtrails. White ribbons of pollutants crisscrossing the sky. I am afraid to even eat the fruits of my trees or the herbs and potatoes I planted. You did say the good guys are mitigating the effects of the chemtrails, right? My love around you, brother.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Much better is crazy than insane. HE has prepared asylum for those of us who ARE. Welcome. LOL

    2. Yep..."Totaly Crazy"...:) <3

    3. Crazy is as crazy does. At least that's what moma said.

  80. Obrigada Cobra! Obrigada RM! Amor, gratidão a todos guerreiros da luz! Vitória da luz!

  81. Um..I don't know where to start except that few months ago someone suggested I take a look at Brian Onley's work uploaded on Vimeo (along wth his interview on YouTube) where he has several excellent, high-quality production videos based on a book regarding ancient history of Terra, the Book of Man.

    Few days ago I needed to find the link and send it forward to someone else, when I noticed that Brian O had released another video since I last viewed them titled:

    "Prologue - The Book of Man : Ascension"

    and I was like..hmm very cool! I wanna know more

    Here's the link:

    Later on I opened Cobra's blog and when I saw his new post title, I had a "wow...wait..what? moment" which mirror couple of other experiences described here in comments regarding the word ascension, in a 'seemingly' random context and moment.

    I think they call it "Synergy".


  82. In addition to the above, Brian O released his very latest video 2 weeks ago titled "Exhibit 1: The Book of Man ASCENSION"
    I myself haven't had time to watch it yet but this is the link:

  83. Senator Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has been sworn in as new President of the Republic of the United States on Monday. Meaning power has peacefully transitioned from former President Obama and Vice President Biden simultaneously as they resigned. This is why Ryan was so hesitant about being named Speaker of the House (3rd in line to the Presidency). He was hand picked by Chinese Family Elders.

    General Joseph Dunford will be Ryan's new acting Vice President. Both are operating from inside the White House at this hour after movers physically transitioned administrations over the weekend. A formal announcement is forth coming by President Ryan announcing all administrative changes.

    This event will trigger a 5 day redemption period for private group and Internet group redemptions (800#s) followed later in March by a month long public redemption. Currently, large and existing bank clientele are exchanging 24 hours a day in off site bank redemption locations.

    Both the RV and Republic are now active on American soil... and world history being made in real time.

    1. There is a subtle hum of this going around...Would love some real solid intel on this, too....

    2. Just saw Obama on a live press conference in WH rose garden. Sadly, it appears to be business as usual. I was really wanting this to be it too. Cobra's announcement here about some details of the ascension plan on the same exact supposed day of the republic takeback and currency reset seemed like a good sign of synchronicity to me but alas, I guess coincidences do exist! :-(

    3. Sounds interesting, but there's only ONE base source for this info. This info started popping up other places, spread by social media, but it only leads back to the ONE article on ONE website (and it's sister site) and there is no other corroborating original source for the info. I'm wondering if it's some last-minute disinfo to further divide the Lightworker community?

    4. I'll put me monopoly money on the Event, anything else is just child's play.

      Alexandra: How long will it take for people know about the event before it happens

      COBRA: Within 2 hours it will be all over the mass media around the planet.

      (Alexandra Meadows/cobra Interview Sep 2013)

    5. COBRA...That is true...?????...ONLY I BELIEVE IN COBRA


    I wonder why Cobra doesn't mention the Steven Greer/Kosta Makreas CE-5 for making contact and for initiating a higher consciousness for humanity. Detailed descriptions from Greer's former CSETI website that are currently unavailable on his pages can be found here:

    We also wonder why the European Migrant War is not mentioned by anyone in the exopolitical arena. This brings down consciousness from 7th Sahasrara to 1st Muladhara chakra, to mere survival. Just switch on the news any time.

    The black magic behind this phenomena that will lost for lifetimes is to create a DNA that is much more waste, that contains more subservience (African DNA) and to prolong the disclosure process because simply, physical survival of the body at the moment is more important than ETs high above and their super technology later today. And this goes/will go on every day on a mass scale.

    Ultimately, nothing on the material plane is more important that those wondrous healing and self protection technologies that we can get from them, and the many benefits of an elevated, higher consciousness society, but this can be prevented through everyday Maslow-pyramid bottom type threats on a mass scale.

    1. Dr Greer thinks all the ETs are goody goody. He's living with his head in the sand.

    2. Guys..
      Steven Greer
      took the profits from his film
      and bought real estate for himself with it..
      pay attention..Steven Greer is not a real
      light worker..A real light worker would
      not do that..
      Tara Grace..


  86. Yes, Rob Potter announces to interview Cobra and Corey Goode Together! Plus encouragings words. Thanks Rob. See link.

  87. Contact zone created.


    Here's a little love for the Galactic Superwave coming our way...

    Our gal Queen Latifah does vocals on this "Dana Owens album"


    ...Hello Stranger...
    Seems so good to see you back again
    Say, how long has it been?
    (well, 13,000 years according to Cobes)

    Ooooh... seems like a mighty long time....

    Shoooo bop......shooo bop... my baby Ooooooh !!

  89. Cobra how would you explain Yellow Rose for Texas and her extreme negative talks about you and the Resistance ?

    She claims that the woman in stasis in 2015 was Lilith, Please answer who was the lady?
    Is yellow rose of texas a disinformation agent ? I think that she is as she questions everyone who thinks different to her ego. I think she lost her credibility by spreads lies that Obama was on house arrest this morning and that a General had taken over. Her followers are still nuts and are following her every word still. Personally i think she is a agent of the false light .



  91. Previous post about the Galactic Confederation from 2012:

  92. Another informative post about the Galactic Confederation as well as some other groups:

  93. Cobra I just brought 300 acres of sacred site at Mt Warning, Australia - I pledge this land as the first "Area of Light" blessings to all

    1. this is great! Victory to the Light - Namaste

  94. Thank you cobra...

  95. I'm tired of waiting for these eternal 1/4 of a century windows of opportunity,... I want to see some Cosmic shit happen to blow our minds for real,... tired of this mundane, dog-eats-dog world or charlatans, & thieves, liars, manipulators, & all kinds of vampires (energy, spiritual, & real blood & tears). We are literally living in the Stone Age. We are still barbaric. We still kill our own kind, for some fake thing we call money, as if there was else nothing in the vast Universe. We are still that ignorant,... it's infantile. It's time to wake up guys,... & take our country back. The inmates are running the asylum.

    1. I am with you! This world is the same pigsty, as it was from the very beginning of "creation" by the Great Pig, aka "God". The only thing which is of value in this Hell is the Spirit, imprisoned and far away from its Homeland. Dont feel bad if you start to feel disgust from this world. It is a sign of AwAkening

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. On August 11, 1999, I drove to SoFi to France. I had an indescribable feeling when the sun was darkened to 100%. After Cobra light forces knew even then that Ascension Plan would succeed.

  98. I'm embarrassed as to how many people are announcing this Paul Ryan thing. When you read one source stating something that sensational DO SOME RESEARCH before reposting it- check the President's schedule- then search for pics from events- check for Ryan's schedule/appearances- did it happen? Seriously folks posting that crap only helps the cabal- please try to be responsible with what you post.

    1. Humans have not been taught how to think, only function.

    2. All i can do is shake my head at what the movement excepts as fact.

  99. Hello woolfeeeee: Was great to see your post. I believe some time ago a General Ham was to have been sworn in as interim President as well, nothing happened, now the dance of Paul Ryan---hhhmmmm!! The proof is in the pudding.

  100. Regarding the mass extinction that happened 13,000 years ago, I have spent time looking at the surface of the earth and I realized the scars of huge objects that hit the earth, like the Caribbean Sea was a major impact zone and if you follow the path it shows how the top half of Africa became sand and how the Sphinx was found with erosion and it was mostly under sand. Also if you look at the pyramids you'll see the tallest one has a top half that probably was not hit by the waves of a massive tsunami because it seems intact compared to the bottom so you could pretty much measure the height of the wave and thus also ties in with all the great flood myths. All you need to do is go on google earth and observe the earth and the physical evidence is right there in plain sight!

    1. According to David Wilcock the pyramids at Giza were covered with shiny white stone which was later looted to be used in other buildings. That may help you on your research.

  101. Dear Cobra and affiliates,

    I would like to dedicate a piece of land I have inherited towards the liberation of planet earth, a contact zone and/or area of light can be created here, you have my permission and full support. There are also multiple other pieces of land which belong to my family which are not used in any other way which could be used as well. The piece of land that belongs to my name is about 1000-2000m^2 near an relatively uninhabited area and is open space except for a few olive trees. Please feel free to contact me if you feel inclined to do so. I will also email this info to your given email addresses. Victory of the Light - Namaste

  102. Healing frequencies, chillstep/dubstep, may this be for you...for some it's painful thru this process.
    Erio - Fragments (feat. Derek Joel & Q'AILA) by Erio

    The Universe Express-flux, you are"limitless" Rameses B. You'll find a "glimpse" of your "sentient being"
    'Sentient' Chill Mix by Rameses B


  103. The Event will happen very soon. Victory of the Light!

  104. Amazing Information Indeed! I am so excited for all of this to commence, Peace, Love, and Light my Friends! :)

  105. Dear Cobra,

    Thank you for all your efforts in liberating Humanity! Thank you for your blogs, your interviews, discussions and meetings. Thank you for all your time, hard work and insight into spiritual enlightenment. We are blessed to have you here on Earth sharing your guidance to light our path to freedom.
