Monday, April 3, 2017

Drastic Isidic systems security breach at 504, red alert, grid ratio failure


  1. my prayers are with you Cobra, and all the Light Forces!

  2. What can we do to help?? Anything?

    1. If there is Cobra will let us know. At least it isn't a black alert ... that's really bad and they have had one of those before, yet they were able to take care of it rather quickly.

      If there is trouble ... the RM/LF will take care of it.


  3. This about sums up the day.

    Sending love and strength to St. Petersburg.

    1. Definitely the cabal doing no doubt about it. They are getting desperate. Their feeble attempt to warn Putin shows their two dimensional mentality.

      They can't come up with anything better than these terrorists attacks. How pathetic. Their evil days are numbered.

    2. That was my first thought too, the desperation of the Cabal.

      For some reason, I'm not sure why, when I have a day like I had this past weekend I can come here and see that there has been an attempted breach at 504. It happens every time without fail. I don't fully understand it.

    3. This man, Ole Dammegard, has become very adept at picking up clues at each False Flag attack and connecting the dots, thus often accurately predicting the location of an upcoming attack. But the real value for me in listening to this interview is his closing remarks towards the end of the interview, as I explain in my introduction to the video I posted...

      "Fascinating connecting of dots. If anyone finds the details in this information to be too disturbing, then first skip to 1:56:00 and listen to Ole Dammegard's philosophy and coping strategies, which will help you to re-frame your perspective to one of empowerment, hope, and promise, as you realize that we actually are not alone or defeated. We can...(etc.)

      Ole Dammegard: “Statue of Liberty – NYC is next NWO synthetic terror False Flag”. (video)
      Interviewed by Alfred Lambremont-Webre

    4. me too, when i'm really struggling i come here and inevitably something happened.

  4. Dear Brothers & Sisters,
    Please help now w. your positive, intense, energetic projections.
    Thx, Bluebird

    1. we project something with: deflected, alert to green and grid in full phase.

  5. I wish I understood what that means...but I know not to have fear, and to stand strong in my higher , positive frequency. Press on Light warriors

    1. 504 is the Rigel to earth portal from Orion I think
      negative beings are trying to come through to rescue their trapped negative friends
      it wont work

      we got this - alpha centaur (me) says so!

    2. I also would like to understand what it means. Is it good for us or is it perhaps a setback?

  6. EX CIA Robert David Steele In Oslo - McCain, Graham, Rubio and Schumer Are All Being Blackmailed

  7. Ole Dammegard discusses clues of false flag attacks in Denmark & Eastern Europe
    Alfred Lambremont Webre


  9. Aliens on Iapetus! — A Farsight Remote-Viewing Project AVAILABLE NOW
    Published by FARSIGHT PRESS on 23 May 2015

  10. I wonder if this is related to the bombing on Russia Metro?

  11. Don't worry! My fellow brother.

    Yaldabaoth Universal melt down is in 19% 2 days ago.

    From feb 24 to mar 24 it reaches 10%... from mar 24 until 2 days ago it's rised to 19%..

    And it's a good chance to the lest move on that cleaning process.

    So things are spending up fast. That's why the dark one are on last desperate move.

    They already lost. And just start to do whatever they can.

    In a mensage from the light forces called Frota Prateada (Silver fleet -literal translation) they say others cabal top heads like David Rockefeller will son take the same path. Like COBRA said, they realize they lost. Bum! ♡ATTACK!
    They say that their evil souls will go to recycling process in love.
    They captured DR on etheric plane and it's on the way to central sun.

    P1 says that a clone David Rockefeller has failed in been created. Also that portals to inner earth are now open.

    The Frota Prateada also says that the Wall Street Computer will be shouted down very very soon. And that, soon after they have permission they will hack MSM to spreed the truth in global scale.

    It's happening.
    Hold on a one more little time.

    Love 4 all.

  12. The snake escapes the hawk. The seventh seal is cracked. All will be revealed. Understand 3, 6, 9 and you unlock the mysteries. 7s are indeed exposed

  13. A new 'Schumacher' is coming:

  14. Dear astral traveler, I read your previous "rant" and I just want to tell you that I can understand you so well as I am in a similar situation. You may feel lonely, but you are not alone!
    And I also want to tell you that I always come to your comments to read them with joy as they clearly come from a very wise and positive soul. Keep following your intuition of writing them!
    And like "Unknown" I think it can't take very long for the event to finally happen, as the dissolving of the octopus-being is progressing so well!
    Hang in there, we can do it!
    Love and light to you


  15. The definition of 'insanity' is to do the same thing over and over again and to expect different results, right?

    Welcome to your nightmare, dark dingbat dipshits.
    Attack 504 - doesn't work.
    Attack 504 - doesn't work.
    Again. Deflected.
    Again. Deflected.
    Again. Doesn't work.

    Yeah, they are really losing their minds 'cause they can't control things anymore :-)

    And while it may be 'red alert' I'll also say this:


    And this one just for old times' sake 'cause it brings back memories.

    Let the good times roll :-)



    1. This is for my Friends

      Astral Traveler,
      B M,
      Ice Sphere,
      Phoenix, who just recently posted this,
      my best friend Björn Shenyen Kasat,

      and the Love Of My Life: Nadine Mielke, the QUEEN of The Universe ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

      And EVERYBODY else who supports The Light and gives everything for the VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

      We may get knocked down but We GET *THE FUCK UP* AGAIN!

      I Love You All.

      Thank You ALL for what you are constantly doing.


      Lars B.

    2. You never disappoint, my friend! Thank you. :)

    3. We love you too Lars, RaJah, Victory of the Light!

    4. Love your fierce, outspoken heart, Rajah!


    5. That is *so* nice of you! Thank You so much for your kind and loving words, all of you wonderful people.

      If you could see me you'd see me putting my hands together and bowing.
      Domo Arigato.

      Funny little thing:
      In 2002 I was invited to spend New Year's Eve with the keyboard player of New Model Army, Dean White. Guess who was also there? Paul, the bass player from Chumbawumba. Really nice fella. And guess what also happened? Dean and I did indeed spend pissing the night away till 1:30 in the afternoon :-)

      Orange Tree Roads:

      Midnight Blue

      And I have got absolutely no idea why this one was just presented to me, but I'll play it of course.
      Für Wusterhusen.
      CITY - Am Fenster


      Lars B.

    6. Thank you Rajah. Only the other day the song kept going over in my head, "The streets have no name."

      Love both songs. Hope it's not too long now for you to be re-united with your girl. :D

    7. Dear Rajah, this song you posted, it sounds good to my ears: New Model Army - Orange Tree Roads.
      I think it has an energy of power, depth, wild emotions with a core focus, streaming forward, transforming everything that comes in the way. I wish you exactly this strength to hold on to your love. Always when I read your love poems to your Nadine, I feel so with you, where she might be. As I have experienced in my life, you actually FEEL if the other loves you or not. So she just might be distracted or not allowed to contact you, however. I wish you so much from the deepest depths of my ever loving heart a happy return into her arms, offering her embrace to you eternally and eternally intensifying your joy.

    8. Love this, thank you so much reminds me of dancing times, at my youth.... wonderful.....

  16. The Light wins we know this and the dark ones are on the edge

  17. A Spring Break/Easter Holiday mass meditation can be an idea

  18. ask for help out loud
    repeat it over and over
    'please help me with the negative attacks'
    someone will help everytime
    the attacks only get thru your weak points, this shows you what to work on
    Love and Light to you friend

  19. no need to wait for someone to organize a global meditation. do it. every day, at morning and night.

    1. but when we do it alone the attacks become unbearable, rather take them all out at once

  20. astral traveler - I totally understand where you are coming from. I have a high pitched buzz in both my ears for all my waking hours. I feel like I have lost control of myself. My mind is dull. My body is uncomfortable. My will is all but gone. It's as if I've been paralyzed, in a way. This feels like hell.

  21. I wish i had the words to dispell your frustration and pains... i have but to say .. hang on me dear friend.

  22. Gaia love wins-we are all Gaia and we are the CobrASS, RM GO! Plaiadians go! Goddess of Victory leads all our victories, the great ones and the small ones. With every VICTORY OF THE LIGHT we invoke the Goddess of Victory. The cabal really hate her, but she is stronger.

    Yes, you awakened ones reading here. Where you should have your greatest strength you might have the weekest spots, so if I would be here to fight for victory of the light I might feel like the ultimate looser and this dynamic you can think of in all variations. This are programs to stop us, yet we are stronger.

    Victory of the Light!

  23. Astral Traveler, I have nothing really to offer except to say that you're not alone in your feelings. I know what I am doing is not enough and I am running on empty. The highs are super high and the lows so very low. I keep plugging along. I feel trapped inside my own body and its limitations. It's tiring and frustrating.

    I'm sorry to take over your post. Just know you're not alone.

  24. Like everybody, wanted all of this to end yesterday, but there are definitely positive signs. The main one is that the Cabal's tactics are finally falling on deaf ears - for example, the rehashing of the "Assad chemical weapons" fake news that they tried to start WWIII just three years earlier, trotting out Hanoi John -- who everybody hates -- because they have no one else better to try to please the Cabal's lies.

  25. That solar eclipse is on the eve of my birthday. If we don't have a strong astrological event before that time, I bet the RM/LF will use it for another meditation like in Feb.

  26. Hi Cobra,
    are there any plans for a workshop in Germany or Swiss this year?
    Best wishes

  27. I can feel in my spirit a positive turn for the light. The personal attacks have abated. In the last couple of hours. Faith to all in the LF. Continue to send positive energy- it is working, we shall hear soon of the positive turn.❤️

  28. In my spirit I sense a positive turn. Can you feel it too LF? Good news is coming.....

    1. We need good news, it is urgent ! The blast in St Petersburg yesterday, today another awful lie about the syrian army poisoning their people with chemicals. Too much terror and lies at a faster and faster pace. Tonight I can't feel positive, I feel like crying. It seems the cabale has an endless supply of ammunitions

    2. yes i can feel the postive turn.

    3. Marie - sending you love and strength. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn. Clear your mind with a walk in nature. It really helps.

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  31. Orange juiceApril 3, 2017 at 12:46 PM
    Don't judge the Resistance Movement if you don't know the whole truth.
    The enemy is more sophisticated than it might seem.

    Answer: What do you mean I “don’t know the whole truth”? I am just going on the incompetence Cobra has posted about. Let’s go through the list: 1. The Light Forces allowed the biochips in everyone to be reactivated. INCOMPETENCE; 2. The LF allowed traitors to hijack the Saturn portal and free captured Chimera members. INCOMPETENCE; 3. The LF allowed dark entities to slip through the security net around the solar system. INCOMPETENCE; 4. The LF can’t keep track of the black stone which is central to the plasma bomb network. INCOMPETENCE; 5. The LF take a week or more to capture one unarmed person, David Rockefeller, on the plasma plane. INCOMPETENCE.

    So, after five years what has the LF accomplished (as in completely finished the job)? The got rid of all of the physical quark bombs and they freed the slaves on the space colonies. That’s it! And those things were done more than two years ago!! What have they done lately? Screw up continually. I don’t think it does them any good to keep thanking them and praising them for doing a horrible job! They need to TRY HARDER and get the job finished!

    1. Our job is to hold light, remember our missions and spread truth. Pointing fingers, judging others and fighting with each other is counterproductive. It makes one part of the problem, not the solution. I believe there is much we do not know. As for the LF doing a poor job, I understanding this is difficult. We are in an intense war, but biting the hand that feeds us does not serve us. Ranting and pointing fingers may help us feel a release, and I believe in being authentic, but lets collectively keep our eye on the prize. This has been going on for thousands of years. It is finally coming to an end. Hold the line. Shine your light! Be a teammate and we will all cross the finish line together! Victory of the Light!!!

    2. @James Mitchell
      Oh, you're talking about The Light Forces across the board.
      I apologize for my previous post then.

  32. Thank you, Unkown DFC, for that update.

    Much appreciated. Ready for the Peach Blossom Spring to start tomorrow.

    It's been a long slog. Thank you so much to everyone for helping to manifest The Event.


  33. Dearest Astral travel, try to follow this simple procedure:
    1) 3 deep breaths
    2) on your divine hearth
    3)...invoke the "permanent" activation and maintaining of the Sacred Violet Mantle (from the beloved St. Germain and all the Violet Flame Archangels)

    PS: also try to work more on "resolution" of your past karma (you can invoke always the Golden, Silver and Violet Flame, it's an amazing and multipurpose tool).

    You are beloved and supported, my dear.

    Blessings and Love with you my friend. ;)

  34. Dave Schmidt is already long out of track!

  35. Hey cobra,ther is talking in my country(Israel) about ground assault in Syria.Following the 'chemical attack' in Syria.I don't believe Assad use chemical wepon,i believe that somehow my country is involved in this as a false flag.and thet pushing in all over the media as an attempt to change public opinion in favor of my question is is greater israel project is entering it's second phase?what the RM is gonna do about it?

  36. Cobra, RM and LF, thank you very much for your service for us all. If it wasn't for you, we would be trapped inside this planet untill extinction.

    We know that the war is big, and the enemy is tough, and that some times mistakes can happen due the size of the war. But we all are fighting hard to finish this madness in the universe, and giving our best. It's not only about the humans, but about all the crap that happens because of the anomaly.

    We will be victorious. This universe will be free again.

  37. Keep moving forward with the light in your heart, it connects you at many levels, we are moving forward together as never before, so much transformation now possible for humanity and on this planet

  38. Keep connecting with the light in your heart, it connects you at many levels, we are movie by forward together as never before, so much transformation is now possible for humanity and the planet

  39. According to Pleiades 1 Messages These are portals of entry and exit of certain areas of the Plasma, Atheric and Astral planes of the Earth. The Army (Special Rigel) are beings from the star Rigel (they are positive Reptilians) that tried to prevent another army of negative Reptilians from entering the Solar System to try to rescue other negative Reptilians trapped in this System.

  40. Why not making a Global Meditation on May 17 on one of the two Pleiades Aignement when the incarned Plaiadians realign themselves with their planet of origin?

    1. We placed a poll, both in italian and english, to see how many people are favourable to a May 17th Global Meditation, we will keep you informed on the number of positive people... eventually Disclosure News Italy

  41. Cobra please let's do another global meditation, Event meditation.

  42. One day Buddha was walking through a village.
    A very angry and rude young man came up and began insulting him.
    "You have no right teaching others," he shouted.
    "You are as stupid as everyone else. You are nothing but fake."
    Buddha was not upset by these insults. Instead he asked the young man.
    "Tell me, if you buy a gift for someone, and that person does not take it, to whom does the gift belong?"
    The man was suprised to be asked such a strange question and answered,
    "It would belong to me, because i bought the gift."
    The Buddha smiled and said,
    That is correct. And it is exactly the same with your anger.
    If you become angry with me and i do not get insulted, then the anger falls back to you.
    If you want to stop hurting yourself, you must get rid of your anger and become loving instead.
    When you hate others, you yourself become unhappy. But when you love others, everyone is happy.

    Can i ask any lightworkers to send me some light? As one of the 144,000 and member of the OOTS i am receiving extra brutal attacks, so any healing would be nice.
    Just ask some angels to find the entity known as Huom, they will guide you to me and help you and me both :)

    1. Thank you for sharing the beautiful story about Budda. So true.

      I have sent light.

    2. Huom - I send Love, Light and Positive Energy to you in the form of an eternally flowing river...

    3. Me too, holy shit the most hardcore attacks are happening right now. Losing it. :(

    4. Done, Beloved one! Just remember to daily take as many deep breaths as you can. I'm also under attacks. But this time, i'm doing deep breathing and just humming as much as i remember doing it. And it is helping me a lot.
      Stay strong by visualizing happy thoughts about the coming wonderful days we are going to celebrate!

  43. Cobra, I have left you an important email regarding The Judgement of Ma'at, please take this final decision into consideration, as that time of Judgement is now...

    - Fates
