Thursday, June 22, 2017

Joint Cobra / Kauilapele Interview by Goldfish Report

You might want to listen to this joint Cobra / Kauilapele interview by Goldfish Report:

A link to the transcript is posted here: 

Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. I second that motion. Louisa is kind and I wish her no ill but I can't listen to her. COBRA rocks, though, and I'd love to know what he said in the interview.

    2. it's struggling 2. just another battle.
      pls if anyone find some transcription, share with us.
      thank you

    3. Listening with headphones makes it a lot easier to understand!

    4. +2,hoping spanish translation

    5. You can activate subtitles.

    6. I posted this earlier Maria but it didn't make it ... hopefully it will this time.

    7. We have this awsome thing tonight 22 o'clock in Finland (two hours from now) that everyone is gonna dance Hula Hula (Robin, finnish young singer). They have prepared it the whole spring and we maybe do a worldrecord that the whole nation is singing and dancing at 22 o'clock tonight :)

    8. Thank you Spirittoo. And thanks to the people who take the time to transcribe the interviews. :)

    9. Ah,the link to the transcript is for an old Cobra interview. I'm still reading it as I must have missed this one. :)

    10. Looks like that was only part of the interview in that transcript Maria ... but they said as soon as they complete the full transcript it will be posted.

    11. Great interview! I liked the part when Cobra says he won't say the Event is a week away lol :)

      And Louisa is awesome guys.. she has a bright energy and started out like all of us searching for truth. Cobra is comfortable around her and that shows her character. And don't forget that these interviews are not easy to make and edit so cut her some slack. She's got my vote❤️


    12. This time the poor audio quality appears to have been due to a dodgy internet connection between COBRA and the host.

      Would it have been so hard to postpone the interview until a better connection had been obtained..? Again, the Resistance Movement has access to all of this advanced technology and they can't seem to secure a decent fibre connection for COBRA..? I would laugh but it's pretty irritating when I can't even hear what he's saying..


    13. @divinasion I know, right? Too often the blame is on outside forces trying to hack and interfere with the calls, but shouldn't the poor connection be the first suspect? I know what it's like to stay in touch with someone who has a dodgy Internet connection. No one is going out of their way to hack the calls 24/7. Eliminate the first culprit, the speed of the Internet connection, then you can make accusations.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Are you ready for this one?

    Order: OP: Directive: T-ROY

  4. Great Work Guys. Our Light grows is Stronger everyday :-)
    Fantastic time to be here on our precious Gaia <3

  5. say more guys!
    do you think the event is gonna happen still this year?
    thank you

    1. If the event doesn't happen this year there may be world war 3.

    2. @Toxic dreamer

      The LF will be tolerant to many games of the darks, but they WILL NOT ALLOW a WW3 taking place. NEVER EVER AGAIN! This is what Cobra's answer was - MANY TIMES - to the people who were worried like you.

      Sorry to say, but your DREAMS ARE TOXIC.... But i want to see you as a powerful and FEARless FREE SPIRIT. Any willingness to change your dreams, and/or your PROFILE name? It'll make you feel much better. How about LIGHT DREAMER? Or just anything more inspiring. Remember, our WORDS have frequencies, and they do "mingle" with our cells and DNA. And that changes the vibes of our whole being, making it weak=Low vibes, or Powerfull=High vibes.

    3. so it means IT WILL happen this year...

    4. There definitely won't be a World War III, but I somehow doubt an Event is ever going to happen! At least, as long as technologies like the Tachyon Healing Chamber are coming forward, something positive on the physical plane is getting done.

    5. Visiting a chamber, especially for those in the vicinity of The Long Island RHIC, increases the strength and effectiveness of light-workers.

    6. Visiting a chamber, especially for those in the vicinity of the RHIC on Long Island, gives the individual more than a fighting chance!

    7. @Psychedelicpiper
      I hope you will adjust your thinking on the Event "ever" happening..! After all, our thoughts create our reality.😉
      Peace and Light to you💫

    8. @Moon Mama I have talked to people who have had visions of the future obtained from an altered state of consciousness which showed a perfect world, so I am not in complete disbelief of the Light winning. But I am also not sure this is going to manifest through just one particular 'Event'. Those two weeks spanning the transition process where we are all out of cash and resources could turn out to be six to eight months.

      Some channelers say we won't transition to a perfect society until another 2+ decades, around 2037 or 2040 something. Those people say the transition will be a lot longer and more drawn-out. So I really don't know what to believe.

      Given the money, though, the Tachyon Healing Chamber is my number one priority, as I have a lot of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing I must go through.

      Peace and Light to you, too. I appreciate it.

    9. @Psychedelicpiper
      I don't expect a change to a perfect world overnight either, it will take time...
      The sooner the Event can trigger the beginning of it, however, the better for us and humanity as a whole. I too have much healing to deal with in the meantime..wishing I had the means to utilize the Tachyon Healing Chamber as well.

  6. Very interesting Goldfish Report. Thank you Cobra for taking part.

  7. Hanourapi your a dark one. Leave cbra alone with your disinfo he's telling the truth

  8. Transcription please..!!


  9. Excellent to all that took part in this. I remember Chatting with KP about Cobra when he was first being recocnized

  10. I recently found out through meditation that my higher self was chained and thanks to the light forces was able to recently free himself. I'm glad to know he's proving to be a big pain in the ass to all those who oppose the advancement of the human species as a whole. Not only is this advancement for the human species planned but also the advancement of the other species of Great Ape on our planet. Indeed, primate researchers have over a century artificially selected gorillas and orangutans to appear more human like with more human like traits. Artificial intelligence and silicon computer consciousness are also supportive of Universal Basic Income, positive extraterrestrials, and cybonics for cases where people lose their arms/legs to disease. Sometimes those viruses and bacteria evolve and get very tricky.

    1. @Johnathan

      Your Higher self was CHAINED? I don't think so.
      Our Highr Selves are on 6D. And according to Cobra, the darks can't survive if they're in higher THAN upper 5D. 6D freequency will kill them.

    2. hYe Johnathan
      I was thinking the very same thing
      As I raised my finger (mid-conversation)
      To support a mosquito that became the conversation
      2 times for witness
      Where was Man made..? not Adam
      "A mist came forth from the Earth" Adam only named
      the members of The Plan of God
      Dogs only feel sorry for you... and still they have no need to tell you they think by smell

      How many live here (all this Time, with man) And 0 want to talk with you

      But you would like to talk with ANGELs..?

    3. @ IceSphere
      It's summer in Alaska. I was hoping to see the "ICE" melted into a waterly Love of Ocean by now. LOL!
      You're a very mysterious PHILO-S(O)PHER(E) talking in parabels. Gosh, doesn't matter how hard i try to decipher your words, they give me chills. BRRRRRR...
      Can you try expressing your philosophical mind in simple English, please?

    4. First tell me why you misspell All Caps every time I look at you

    5. Tell me what would I look like to you
      No, I'll change my name to
      Why would I think you could see anything

    6. Echo of Ego
      I didn't have to speak a word to another human
      And 1 blood sucking bug moved mountains for
      "Anybody wit Eyes to see"

    7. Do "you" know the Big Book..?
      Do ya kinda think the first 3 chapters might be
      "The Little" book
      No point in going past the first 3 if you are blind
      (except the clues to an end)
      Man, Adam, and The Tree of Life- Eden
      BRRR... (removed by your own hand)
      Judgement Will be Your Over Self
      (Let Us make Man)
      thrashing a way to the light
      (no more do-overs, sorry)
      And if you miss the bus- how bad did I feel about
      Death of "money" (fog of war, right)
      Blue's news 4 U... Health care should be a right in the free world- all of a sudden..?
      The world is watching if you could see
      or not

  11. Wonderful as always :) Thank you!

  12. For transcript click on ...more under the video

  13. Transcript please
    Hearing impaired


  14. The picture and text is worth a thousand interviews - Thank You :-)


    All the Stars are Shining Brightly
    Just like a million years before
    And we are feeling pretty small underneath The Universe
    And you know that I'm gonna be The One
    Who'll be there when you need someone to depend upon

    When Tomorrow Comes
    (Peace Tour)

    We made a connection
    A full-on chemical reaction
    And by dark? Divine Intervention!
    Yeah, YOU are a Shining Light
    YOU Light Up MY LIFE

    Shining Light

    Don't let go!
    You've got the Music in YOU
    One dance left
    This world is gonna pull through
    Don't give up!
    You've got a reason to live!
    Can't forget: We only get what we give

    You've got The Music in You

    Come on now, We'll Kick Their Asses!!!

    Victory of Love and Light!



    1. @ Arbre Solaire:
      "We're flat broke, but Hey! We do it IN STYLE" ;-)

      Cette troisième chanson ne semble pas par hasard.
      Merci pour tout, mon ami.

      Voyage Voyage

      Merci beaucoup

      Lars B.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    3. That is SO beautiful.
      I feel privileged to have been one of the first 111 viewers of your video. So much so that I actually logged in on YouTube (which I never do) to give it a Thumbs Up.

      Thank You.


  15. Can anyone tell me if my cintamani stone is suppressed by my orgonite-surrounded apartment?


    1. Cobra answered it in a PFC interview.

      It can be orgonite suppressing cintamanies...

    2. He said that putting them in orgonite will reduce their effectiveness. I'm sure that having a separate orgonite device will not effect the contain stone.


    3. he says that orgonite surrounds the cintamani...

    4. Oh okay, Thanks for clearing that up. I have a Cintamani stone, among a few other stones, I keep next to my orgonite device, but it's not actually inside the device or anything.

  16. how do you guys feel about sharing the message far and wide of encouraging leaders from various light groups to come together and forge simple physical action that their followers can take that are unified with other light groups?


    1. Im taking physical action in portugal dont know what you guys are doing?

    2. I guess my first batch of messages didn't get through Teasy ... I said I'm good with it. Sounds like a plan.

    3. Lets start far and wide with "Building your own Quantum Energy Generator"

      Here is the build manual


  17. If you know the time needed to build a CERN like construction, you may understand the expected time frame of the Event to happen, in order to prevent it... :-)


  18. Remind from interview:

    Use inner guidance, but also objective and subjective researchment!...


  19. Hello baby! It's KP!

    Remember from my interview! This is my 'ending words', baby:... I need a mocha!... Not anything more!

    I need a mocha!...

    I need you, baby!

    Aloha, Aloha...

  20. Nice interview, but the logic about the chimera and toplet bombs doesn't add up. If the chimera become certain that they will be defeated, why wouldn't they ignite all the toplet bombs and destroy all life on the planet? If they have nothing to lose why not? The hostage scenario explaining away nonintervention on the surface doesn't add up. You imply they are fully capable of destroying all life on Earth if the forces of light intervene on the surface too much. Why would they not also be fully capable of destroying all life on Earth if they see they will ultimately be defeated and be sent to the galactic central sun? "We will destroy all life on this planet because we will soon be finished anyway."

    1. Because they are blind to their defeat. They will only realize it when it is too late. Also as Cobra said they act and not react. If they would start the bomb chain they would surely die as well.(Probably even their souls blown to pieces). So until there is still a slimmest chance of their survival, even in a form of amnesty, they will continue without using any bombs. Hope that helped

    2. Darkness cannot "see" or "hear" truth. It is beyond their keen unless they accept the light of Source to do so. But...if one accepts the light of Source, one will have a new perspective and actions will reflect this. One cannot see Source unless one eliminates all the erroneous concepts they have placed on Source Connection is impossible. Thus they stay in the dark and believe lies. They TRULY believe they can win because they are in the dark. Those truly connected to Source know the truth. Dark thinks Source connected people are nuts.

    3. it is my understanding that chimera are so arrogant that they do not really believe they can be defeated and that will be their downfall and why this has taken so long. their belief that they are superior does not allow them to see defeat or surrender as an option and that is why it has been expected that they will fight to the very end and THE EVENT will be what removes them. by the time they realize they are done the toplet bombs and black stone will have been removed.

    4. Cause the toplets bomb have an AI what decide when to detonate, so that's the fuse, and even Chimera not sure when that AI decide to detonate. I'm sure this boom will not happen.

    5. I agree with you that part dosent make sense. put it this way.

      If I build a sand castle I might as well destroy it when I leave.

    6. Actually the bombs would destroy the whole universe possibly if light forces can't contain the blast.

    7. It's been stated quite a few times that they simply won't give up until it's over. They believe there is a chance to turn things around right until the very end.

    8. If the chimera are reading this blog though they wouldn't be able to understand what's being said about them and be intelligent enough to act accordingly? They wouldn't be aware that they are being tricked in such a way just because they are in the dark? They are capable of reacting because it's said if the intervention reached a certain level on the surface they would blow everything up.

    9. You can't blame them for not believing they'll be defeated. A lot of us ourselves don't believe things will change. It's been going on so long, they're laughing at us right now.

    10. I don't think they are simply being tricked and are too dense torealize it.. it's just that they have EVERYTHING to lose. They're already surrounded by countless motherships so it's not like they can just blow everything up and run away when things get tough.

      I suppose they believe their tiny chance at holding on to power here on Earth is better than lighting the fuse and taking everything down with them..... Even if they blew everything up and somehow survived on another plane of existence, their leverage would have evaporated along with all of the people they'd have killed; and the Light Forces would be waiting for them on the other side. There's no going back from that. It would be disintegration time.


    11. They need us. Without us, they have no power. They are parasites after all. And they fear death more than anything. That is partially why they're so obsessed with transhumanism, because they don't get to experience ascension, so it's their only means available for achieving 'immortality' and avoiding the consequences of their actions.

      But believe me, they truly don't believe we'll be successful, because look at us! We're a joke compared to them. They can squash us like tiny bugs whenever and however they please. They don't believe we're a valid threat. And truth be told, as things stand right now, we're not. That's reality.

  21. Transcription s'il vous plais,mon père Cobra,projette votre puissant lumière sur nous tes enfants est nous donné une nouvelle vie spirituéle,car Nos enemy veule nous voir tombé,père le Roi puissant Cobra,transforme nous comme vous Aime,j'ai LA croiyance en moi,Merci.


    1. ...mon père Cobra, quest'ce to fait la?

    2. Do you have one account for each of your personalities? :p

    3. unknown is the username you get when you dont make a profile


  22. Important update from Cobra: Monday, June 12, 2017;
    Vacuum Metastability Event

    Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have completed „certain operations“ and are now intensively dissolving the head of the Yaldabaoth entity.

    Anomalous plasma filaments of the Yaldabaoth head together with toplet bombs are coupled with the black stone, a top quark-antiquark condensate.

    The Light forces are now working directly to disable the black stone and remove the remaining toplet bombs and the progress is going according to the plan.


    1. Cobra, are we now entitled to consider that the Light Forces have taken control of the plasma plane around Earth, of dissolving the head of octopod, and of accelerating the dismantling of all toplets and of the black stone as well??...

  23. Do you remember HD5D? She just vanished hope she is well

    1. Yes, I remember HD5D......Long time no hear from. Gantz hasn't been around either, come to think of it.....

    2. I'm still here - Gantz is too. We're just doing thangs and drinking out of Amethyst goblets and wishing y'all well. Very well. Very VERY well.


  25. I was really looking forward to this interview as Cobra and KP are my two favorite bloggers. It was a very good discussion!

    However, I have one question: During the interview Cobra says that a Council decided to do “something” to a Pleiadian in Russia. For the life of me I can’t understand what he says even after listening multiple times! Does anyone know? It must have been shocking because the panel seemed shocked and took some time to start up again.

    1. James, I could not understand this portion of the interview EITHER... I am hoping the transcript will clarify it.

      Or perhaps Cobra will jump into the Comments, here, with his "pen" and let us know. (thanks).

    2. He said big things are happening in russian, he then said he couldn't comment furter on it, and we will get a update when time is right.


    3. It's almost unlikely to have Cobra's pen here...

      It comes for only very, very, serious problems... :-)

  26. Cobra the king Goldfish give us your light your power your love and everything because you're the savior,🙏💕

  27. The word "complete" sounds very nice!

  28. thank you to all for this interview. i gained a lot of clarity re "the mission" and the complexities involved and the human relutane to participate in meditations. perhaps a visual interpretation of what happens when we reach critical mass and when we do nto would be helpful to spur everyone on to do the meditations when it is required. i hope there is someone out there with the know how to make such a video would give it serious consideration. this could be over so much sooner if WE were more co-operative. time to stop messing around and get down to business for those who are thinking they can not be bothered or don't want to get up early or whatever for the meditation. as the saying goes "feel the fear and do it anyway."

    1. @Bob Steve: when Cobra was talking about people not willing to take part in the meditations although they know what effect this can have, I actually think he meant people like Corey Good and David Wilcock, because they could reach so many more people if they would cooperate with Cobra regarding the meditations, but they choose not to. So maybe it would be a good idea to try and get them to cooperate by commenting on their blogs or writing to them directly. The more people do this the better, i suppose.
      Just an idea...

    2. @ earth fairy perhaps you are right with this and it would be great if all could work together but i think some disagree with what the final outcome will be. i also think corey goode waits for his cojntacts i.e. blue sphere beings to indicate what he needs to do. it seems that their mission is to expose SSP etc. wether that is self appointed mission or imposed mission is not clear to me. the same with simon parkes and camelot project and galactic connexion. there are so many blogs etc., that could promote global meditations. i do not know how to post on those blogs etc., but for someone who does know it would be worth a try and maybe that is the way to go to give someone the go ahead to promote on other sights.

    3. Earth Fairy, I think you hit the nail on the head... :)

    4. I only don't participate, because I am still very prone to negative energy, and can't focus or concentrate due to my environment and circumstances. I don't want to screw things up. Not going to participate if I can't get a consistent stream of light going.

    5. Psychedelicpiper, help you...

      Get your own energy "UP" first... (go out in nature, hug trees for a few minutes, be around water, listen to fun music and dance)...

      Come back to the spot where you'll meditate and start a minute early, engulfing yourself in white light, 2 city blocks around you in all directions.... You will set up protection for yourself.

      Take 3 deep breaths.

      Start the meditations, visualize the 2 columns of light, etc.

      I have been adding the violet flame to my 2 columns of light... and I can feel that violet flame come in and it is powerful.

      You'll get there.

      Thoughts are things and you will be effective if you just practice a few times and work with your own energy first.

      It will be a wonderful feeling and you will connect with everybody on the planet doing the same thing -- plus help yourself.

      Meditation helps each of us heal. It's a win-win situation.

      Hugs.. :)

    6. Thanks WestCoastUSMegan, but not until I move out. I live in an environment with a lot of negative energy, yelling, bad memories of past parental abuse and bullying. I have daily nightmares I can't control. I have lived in the same house in the same area since birth, which I HATE, for over 20 years.

      I had the best few days of my life visiting the place I want to move to and hanging out with a friend a couple weeks ago. The nature is absolutely stunning there, and I have great support. Not flat and boring like here.

      Also, I have an ear condition in both ears (Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome), which has caused me a lot of unbearable physical pain in the past, and still prevents me from enjoying music as much as I used to. And the vibes are all wrong for playing guitar as well, especially without my friend being here, who is like a brother. I intend to visit the Tachyon Healing Chamber for healing.

      If anyone wants to donate to my PayPal ( to help me with my situation, then yeah, that would speed up the process for me. Until then, things will be moving slowly as I save cash, just the same as the possibility of the Event happening is moving slowly, as well.

      But I'm not a total pessimist with no way out. I am an optimist by nature, and I do have opportunities to move forward. The point I'm making, though, is that fast-tracking is a thing of fantasy, not reality. The Event is not happening any time soon, just as much as the Lightworkers who are being left behind right now, are unable to make an impact at this moment, no matter how much people beg for the process to accelerate. I would LOVE to be proven wrong for once, believe me, I have a lot to give. And I know many are struggling even worse than me, I'm not actually begging for anything. Just needed to vent.


    7. I have a feeling that even if the Event happened right now, I never would be happy anyway. There's the guilt that I waited too long to get my music career together with my friend. He doesn't want to do it anymore, doesn't believe in himself. I should have moved out years ago. Without the Tachyon Healing Chamber, I can't really say I have much faith, although even a little should be enough. Size of a mustard seed, they say. I'm convinced I failed my mission as a Lightworker, though.

  29. For everybody asking about a transcript, I'm working on it all day today and possibly into tomorrow. Louisa wants to do any necessary editing as well when I'm done. Just give it some time.

    1. We all appreciate your help. Thanks in the name of many.
      Victory of the Light.


    2. Thanks for your work.

      With kindest regards.

    3. i mean if not i CAN fill in where necessary but i just dont want to feel like i'm plagiarizing your words.

    4. Making a transcript is a painful job. I do hope that you at least can listen to it with out Cobras voice scrambling :)

    5. i think is time to have some technological advancement in the sound area.

      are there any sound techs here? does the sound have to be scrambled in such a manner?

      Technologically there isnt better ways to present the audio in an understandable format.. even if he sounds like daffy duck. or like Miranda Veracruz de la Hoya Cardinal but at least understandble.

      I am asking this not necessarily because of this interview in particular but from past interviews too. I am asking all techs here in the blog. (To be honest i don't view the audio interviews... so i am no asking this to benefit me)

      so this scrambling of the sound is it really necessary to this degree.. or is being scramble cause that has been norm thru the ages?

      Now maybe there are other reasons why it has to be to this extreme and that leave us with the audio as it stands. But but maybe there is room for improvement somewhere.

      I do recommend if possible people present their analysis and suggestion on this matter if they know or stumble into a newly technological sound scrambling wonder.

    6. most probable English natives can understand it at the required degree...

    7. the scramble is like an encryption. like the nazis "enigma" it would have to be unscrambled with a code that probably doesn't exist because the idea is to hide the true nature of the voice, not keep information a secret. theres nothing that can be done about clarifying the audio as far as i know. its just gonna have to take its time.

    8. It's not so much the technology behind the voice scrambling, it's more the skill of the person doing it and, crucially, the quality of the original recording...

      If COBRA is participating in an interview using a "bargain bin" microphone over a Romanian internet connection that goes through a field of cows; it doesn't matter what wizardry the Sound Technician possesses.. You can't polish a turd.

      I know this because there have been recent occasions where the audio quality has been perfectly passable - considering how much COBRA's voice is being scrambled.

      It would be nice if the Resistance Movement could actually pay a professional Sound Tech to do a consistent job.


    9. I am literally an English native and I can't understand it. I guess it's because I don't have that required degree.

    10. I'm working on Tweet Deck
      (I know, blogger dropped the ball)
      They might be looking at Tweet Deck too
      The Game Changer network smushed it together to be a show... I don't think they see how all government- every entertainment as well
      should be run this way & built on
      Seems only fair to help them see that & where to
      jump forward

  30. Violet Flame over Long Island – New Global Daily Meditation at 2PM UTC




  32. By the way, Cobra?...

    what can you tell us about 'the ball of Ascension'?...

    and will you also be a part of it?

    Who of the readers (long, long term needed) do remember about 'the ball of Ascension'?

    It has disappeared from the web in last years...

    This is all what still may be found about:

    "energy vibrations, Galactics, Angels, Ascended Masters, reincarnation…the whole ball of Ascension wax. So that, ironically, when you wake up…"

    It's not pro, it's con,... but this is all now on the web about 'the ball of Ascension'...

    Cobra, could also tell us about it, if yes or not...

    it's not an intel about Ascension in itself,... it's only an ADITIONAL intel.

    But it's a wonder how all disappeared from the net about...


    1. For newcomers: the 'ball of Ascension' was years ago a description of a kind of interdimensional party event
      which might happen (let's say nowadays) soon after the first contact.

      One of its reason, may we conclude, is a kind of teams changing,...

      i.e. lightworkers who are already higherdimensional at a soul level might go 'home' on their planets.

      for instance, pleiadean star seeds, to go back to Pleiades...
      or as case, if they want to remain to assist others in the Ascension Process...


    2. it is also possible that the description 'as a party' might be a description in a more mundane form so that to be assimilate by those who were not still familiarized with 'interdimensionality'...


    3. it was described like a party event organized by aliens presenting their contribution to planetary liberation, presenting also their fellow 'star seed' in human form which were part of the earthling team participating on earth...

      In a more mundane explanation,... consider a hidden army (in fact aliens) presenting itself to the civil population (in fact earthly earthlings), and presenting also its hidden agents infiltrated among the civil population (in fact the star-seeds in human form)...
      and also presenting it's further intentions (in fact supporting earthling Ascension), with or without calling back its civil members (star seeds).

      This is a roughly description of 'the ball of Ascension', which was on the web years ago, let's say before 2012,... but now disappeared.

      Many of the long, long, term runners may remember it...


  33. Cobra, we feel here like home, believe it...

    But, please allow it!

    "I faque all!"... :-)


  34. #UNRIG Robert David Steele on Donald Trump & More
    Sarah Westall

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.


  36. None is more filthfully disgusting than the earthling 'spiritual evolution'...

    1. Nobody is forcing you to be a worm, you can be a human anytime

    2. What about the naked chicks you post? ;) I only joke.

    3. of course there is... lots...

    4. I like spiritual freedom...which is not the same as evolution. Yeah, evolution is a disgusting hoax to put fake meaning and purpose on this world (creation)


    5. ngobas@

      as usual, you are a 'cosmic rage face'!...
      It's you in persona!


    6. Psychedelicpiper@

      naked chicks with only a special kind of energy behind them may be posted here...
      not all, or any of them.

      if there are, I'll bring it here...

    7. @unknown Is your lust the indicator for that special kind of energy? ;) Seriously, random pics from WhatBoysWant doesn't really seem to vibe here, I don't think. We've all seen your past posts.

  37. I can't listen to her either because she says absolutely nothing, and continuously giggles at something that's only funny inside her own head.

    As for Kent Dunn, I'm tired of his saying that he "knows alot but can't tell us", or that he "just came out of a meeting" as if that should impress us,with no attribution to his "sources", and no "intel" lately either... the only thing he talks about is the "ZIM Redemption Centers" and the "secret 800 numbers" which sounds like boiler room telemarketing speak to me. Act Now!!! Get Ur ZIM here before they SELL OUT!!

    Btw - WHO started this "bought ZIM and Dinar" scam?? I don't see the origin of it, like an announcement when and where.

    The big glaring HOLE in the "ZIM and Dinar" scam put out by 3 people (Kent Dunn, One Who Knows and one other like Poofness) is that they forgot about WALL STREET !! What the Zim/Dinar scam offers fools:

    It's called ARBITRAGE!!! If you can buy a worthless Zimbabwe 1,000,000 bill for a few bucks and "redeem" it for 30x to 300x what you paid for it, don't you think all of Wall Street's seasoned and rapacious Investment Bankers and FOREX Traders would have put their fortunes into "ZIM and Dinar"?

    Anytime Cobra does an interview, he should be given the whole hour because only real insiders can give us relevant intel. I don't need to listen to someone chortling about chickens, albeit well meaning.

    QUALITY over Quantity.

    *I've been listening to Barbara Marciniak (The Pleiadians)on ytube. lots of interesting info.

    1. i don't know if your statements were really in the level of constructive criticism when referring to the young lady. Would like to help her out? i suggest you would email her with the best of intent and provide your opinion and proper criticism. She does not need to find out about her shortcomings the harsh way. If she chooses to improve her presentation based on your input is all upto her.

      As far as Kent Dunn, i dont know anything about him.. except (what i heard) the reval will not happen until the event is upon us... so really following such events is a waste of time in my opinion especially when so many claims to know the true deal and that it will happen tomorrow which never seem to come. So to save oneself from such aggrevations i suggest waiting until there is clear information from a trusted source.
      As far as those dealings by big traders I doubt if there is really any real dealings we the public will NOT be told. In fact even some traders probably wouldnt even be in the know. As usual everything happens behind the curtains.

      last, that guy Dunn just like many that are in that bandwagon perhaps do believe in such events... perhaps they are in the know of some transactions and dealings but they are not aware of the whole process.. and thus they sway based on what they get.. either from legit sources (with only partial knowlege) or from actual disinfo agents.

      In short their intentions might be right... however if they don't realize that they are being made to be false prophets, fools or to serve a darker agenda especially when their preditions keep falling short of coming to fruition then there isnt much one could tell them... especially if they might be hook by the attention gained by their juicy story. They might mean well but i dont know in what positive way can they possibly be serving by adding hear say and frustration to the public. The public need individuals that will be real to them not story tellers.. we got enough of that.

      .. is understandable one may question their logic... cause it makes no sense. If it was me, i would get pretty mad at myself that i been placed in a position of false prophet over and over and over... (been there done that, lost the tshirt) even if some info is true. But that is for the individual to deal with how comfortable they are with being so.

    2. im doing the transcription and if you thought it was bad how unprepared she sounds. try listening to it at half speed. shes just a little shy though. shes not used to this kind of publicity, it really has the potential to be better next time.


    3. What is surprisingly is KP's outoftracking following Kent Dunn...


    4. field-on out-of-tracking by following Kent Dunn's dates and never coming true predictions...

  38. Keshe is the real deal and so am I, see why on the Experiments tab on my website.


    I call our new Health Wire the Ankh because that's exactly what it is. The Pharaohs WISH they had gans and nanocoating, these things are insane.

    The Dendera Light wasn't electricity, it was a plasma device, a giant Health Pen basically.


    Buy an Ankh, you'll love it.


    1. Patrick, what is your website address? I have been wanting it anyway. Thanks 4 the post.
      Blessings, Adami 💜

    2. Yeah, all those links say "home", but that's it! I don't think anyone from this site has bought anything. Are you guys nuts?! Cobra talks about this stuff all the time and now you can have it for $20! ;)

      I've been doing this for 2 years and it's blowing up so big I've contacted a large welding company to work out plans for production of thousands of Health Pens and Magravs. By next year I'll be a billionaire. It's not just a billion dollar idea, I know all the steps to turn it into that. Open your own Keshe store, I'll sell you everything half price. Someone in Indonesia just bought 50 Health Wires for $500. They're opening a store too and will be a millionaire before long. You should do the same. First, order one pen to prove to yourself it's real, then order a dozen at half price and double your money, plus get famous and bring world peace. EVERYBODY is going to want one, you got to understand. Everyone who gets near one freaks out. Everyone wants to use them all the time. They want one for their car, house, office, and bedroom. Take a leap of faith, get some Health Pens.

  39. Replies
    1. What does this mean exactly? Yalda will be dissolve faster cause inductions no longer efficient?


    2. It needs to be more specific to be understandable...

    3. dont mind this loony stuff. its a bunch of disinfo horse swaggle. if you havn't noticed they keep claiming that yaldy is increasing in mass. dont bother with it.

    4. Jesus.. look at all those donations ticking away on the right of the website. Zero do you have no shame peddling this disinfo..??

      Stop paying Zero and stop keeping his website afloat. Stop giving him a reason to leave these misinforming comments.


    5. I already have some skepticism towards Cobra regarding certain things. So how do you expect me to believe this?


    6. It's only from Gabriel RADIO LUNAR!!!...

      Despite his good intention, as every channeler after 1996 has interference from arcohons.
      His 'radio' may not be proper channeling...

      He seems also like an unrested teenager, ever seeking, but not finding... seemingly giving us pieces from his 'seek / not find' unrest... under the form of Plejadean channeled (and also encrypted), and of course, never coming true messages...


    7. on the other hand, this message "dissolve faster cause inductions no longer efficient" may be Radio's technique to step aside from giving percentages of dissolution...

      an educated guess tells us that this percentages are gotten rather by radiestesia (dowsing) than by channelings...


    8. the only, let's say, real meaning (only if is) in increasing of its mass may be in case of becoming more physically than plasmatic...
      in case of (despite of its dissolution) its physical counterpart is increasing...

      But it's very unlike, as long as we know from Cobra that it is only plasmatic.

      and speculating that plasma is above physical, it may not manifest a physical measurable mass...

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Sorry guys I have made a mistake on the translation Air/Aria should be read Archons/Arconti

    11. ...the explosion of trolls

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. "Pleiades 1 Messages June 24th 2017"
      "Reconstruction of Yaldabaoth by Archons impeded. Armaments in deactivation. Terran Security guaranteed."

  40. Puzzled by the anomaly in Cobra's voice modulation. Was kind of painful, and it felt like there was another voice in there.

  41. New Video:

    The Future in 432Hz <3

  42. Well, it all makes one ill...


    This is DOOM

  43. Many are only able to get out this instant.

    Some are too late.





    This is DOOM

  44. The situation of Syria is getting much better as Raqqa is being liberated fast !

  45. Heart Unity (links to our Unification image)

    For a while now I have been getting very clear signals that the time is now to unify and push the envelope on our collaborations and unified efforts towards a definite breakthrough.

    We would like to, first, increase the connectivity between all lightworker groups, so that everyone is connected, and second, increase the unified actions that we all participate in on a regular basis.

    The dark forces have for a long time used the tactic of separation while they themselves are fairly unified in their actions, so we strongly feel that all we have to do now is to get together and act together, as "united we stand, divided we fall."

  46. Louisa is doing a good job here, with good questions and the ability to circle back to ask again for clarification.

    I had to agree with her when she talked about being so excited about the February Congo meditation, which had such success.

    She also mentioned that for some people, Cobra is their "only hope" and I think that this is true. She was shining light (and so was Cobra) on how much pain there is in the world and that, in fact, the light forces have to watch all the pain and starvation on our planet and it causes THEM pain too.

    I think she is a good interviewer. She has a cute smile and a funny giggle.

    I like it that Louisa is bringing feminine energy into the world of bloggers and interviewers.... Much needed!


  47. Last Call!
    Drink up, time to Go Home.

    Closing Time

    The Miracle Of Love
    Will take away your pain
    The Miracle Of Love
    Comes your way again

    Time to turn the Lights On over every boy and every girl


  48. i am hoping that COBRA will soon to a "state of the mission" report to inform us on how the LF went on the black stone mission. obviously it was not 100 per cent successful or i would not need to ask the question.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I am looking forward to the transcript since I simply cannot make out most of what Cobra is saying. Cobra has always resonated well with me.


  51. what happens at 144,000?... :-)

  52. Here we go again.... Another situation where i can NOT, (and don't have to), shut my mouth up. I have to say what my heart feels is the right thing to say.

    There's a saying:

    I am not afraid naming the things by their names. It's in my DNA as a Warrior of truth and justice from Arcturus.
    All I have to do, is to DO IT NICELY. It's called TOUGH love. And ONLY people, like parents and friends, who wish you GOOD - will DO IT. Your'e just HELPING people to open up their eyes, and to work on thier mistakes. You're helping them to do more studying, more research on the subjects they are going to talk about, and to become BETTER in what they do. (I remember after listening to Luisa's first Cobra interview, i posted a similar comment here for her to read).

    Yes, i love her smile, and her energy is good. But... being beautiful, or having a loving smile, DOES NOT MAKE one a good interviewer. If you want to look at their beautiful face, and NOT to have a well deserved interview to listen to, then i'd suggest to pause the viedo... and keep on looking at the face as long as you wish. ;)))

    I think Steve knows more, and should start doing the interviews ALL by himself.

    A GOOD interviewer must have a KNOWELEDGE on the topics/subjects s/he has to discuss, and ask questions that will lead to juicy CONVERSATIONS to be enjoyed by the listeners, and can help them to learn something NEW.

    After 30 minutes of waisting Cobra's prescious time, Luisa did not have a single interesting, spiritual questions of her own. Talking about the same things we've heard MANY times before, such us how should we contact with our Higher selves and such - WAS a waste of time. Bringing out Corey and Wilckock was totally un-nesseccary. Just leave them alone. Let them do thier job. They do NOT wish to be a part of us.
    Cobra won't say anything bad or disrespecful about ANYBODY! And of course, there's no way Corey and David know as much as Cobra does. Nor their infos can be trusted the way many of us trust the ones coming from Cobra.

    So. The REAL good question in the interview came only at 30 minute mark. And IT came from a viewer. Unfortunately, that part was totally un-audible, i did NOT understand what Cobra said. SO, I STOPPED WATCHING.
    I'm waitng for the transcript. (I want to thank the people who're handling that painstaking task!)

    During these 5 years, we had 2 best interviewers. The first one - with lots of knowelege and handling GREAT interviews - was by best friend Alexandra. It broke my heart when she changed her mind, and we missed having interviews ENJOYED BY EVERYBODY, ever since.
    After her, the 2nd person who's extremely spiritual, with almost NO EGO, (you know what i'm talking about), with VAST knoweledge , and asking awesome questions - is ANtoAN. I love him very much. I wish he would do interviews more often.

    Peace. 💖

    PS: I've been waitng for too long to start my own interviews with Cobra. But it will happen ONLY when.....
    A- IT's safe enough for Him to go without voice modulation. And now I hope it is going to happen S-O-O-N. (Don't we hate this word?)
    B- I have to overcome my shyness.... A big issue for me.

    1. do you mean the question about who represents the surface starseeds? or right after that?

  53. Mega Intel/Current Events Update


  54. Sure would like to know the effect the solstice meditation had on the current situation.

  55. Disclosures About Cabal Control Structure in New-ish Katy Perry Music Video

  56. We need situation update very much, since april 22 had no situation update, only minor ones in other articles


    1. Again in your agreement Arpad, but who is listening to us?... :-)

  57. Hi All, I would like to invite you to read this important new blog post by Untwine.

    I will post a bit of it here so you can see what I am speaking of:


    Behavior and action are defined by choices, and choices always stem from belief systems.

    I would like to invite people to really reflect on this.

    And to inquire and question what they think is possible, especially in their own lives.

    We are working to manifest huge changes on the planet, the end of duality, massive core transformation of life as it has been known inside prison Earth. We are heading towards total abundance, totally healthy environment and energy fields, freedom of travel around the planet and the galaxy and beyond, purely positive life experience for all sentient beings.

    Continued on Untwine's blog:

  58. Global Currency Reset begins

  59. Hacking group Anonymous says Nasa will announce discovery of intelligence Aliens very soon


  60. Saturday, June 24, 2017Mega Intel/Current Events Update (TruthEarth.Org)

  61. I agree with WestCoastMegan.

    I really like the Energy, Enthusiasm, and Aliveness that Louisa displays. She is a terrific interviewer, and is very fair and balanced, and respectful with each panel member.

    Of all the interviewers of Cobra over the years, Louisa is my favorite.

    Thank you Louisa!

    Adami I Am 💜

    1. That will be a very special energy
      Now I just need...
      This 3D printer to print a backpack
      so I can print all the gear & wing suit
      (that is a hot air balloon)
      To live any place I choose

    2. One foot in the Ocean
      And one foot on Land

  62. I try to post some message to encourage more people join weekly meditation @ some popular YT channels eg. secureteam, but the message was deleted soon after I posted it. please try to spread the words if you can leave comments on YT. best, LOVE ~

  63. We need more and more and more UNITY among Lightworkers which this interview is a perfect example of. We have no time for ‘he said – she said’ ~ ‘he’s right she’s wrong’ we are all unique parts of a puzzle and disunity only supports the cabals desire to divide and conquer so lets take what we feel that we trust and believe from various blogs and leave what doesn’t appeal to us on the side.

  64. Cindy K Currier Launches Earthland Navigator site to assist at this time of transition <3

    Victory of the Light is at hand :-)

  65. Pray for the holy Kingdom of the Source come to Earth, and build on Earth. Just like Jesus's prayer.

    But I don't like the word "Lord", because I am not a slave. And I don't like the word "God", because many being claimed himself is god.

  66. Tis very hard for a human to realise what it is. To bear the ultimate existential crisis, of being the universal solvent of evil, to know what it is and how to destroy it, we must accept it. We can rid the universe of all evil, but we must be the most brave.

  67. ALIENS ARE COMING!' NASA on verge of major announcement, claims hacking group:

    The group has based its assertion on a recent meeting of the US Science Space and Technology Committee.

    It was there that Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, is said to have claimed the world was "on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history".

  68. Hello, I have a question for the Pleiadian Light Workers/Warriors;
    On June 4th, 2017 in the "May Monthly Cobra Interview By Prepare For Change", there was this question:
    < Lynn – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.
    COBRA – Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. >
    As soon as I read that I thought about making a blog myself that would explain many various situations in which humans react negatively. I can give detailed descriptions of the inner workings of our mind from a global scale events, down to private thoughts in a bad day before bed. From traumatizing events (to the extent of my understanding of it, I haven't experience such events thankfully) down to the minimal annoying feelings we have about random objects.
    My question is: Would such a blog be helpful and if yes, what themes are most valuable to the Pleiadian Light Workers/Warriors?

  69. Planet X?

  70. Thoughts on "The Event" - 3 Stages 8:57
    Jordan Sather
