Saturday, September 23, 2017

Joint Cobra / Fulford / Kauilapele Interview by Goldfish Report

A joint Cobra / Fulford / Kauilapele Interview by Goldfish Report has been released here:

You can watch it on Youtube here:


Victory of the Light!


  1. Greetings from Greece!!
    Victory of light

    1. That way a Trinity of perfect,interview cobra his knowing of the dimensions of transformation ,KP his sensitivity to the spirituality, ground with boots on the ground with Ben Fulford's international financial geopolitical Intel.

      Perfection of a brilliant interview with the light hearted Louisa and the dot connector Steve .I'd like to see another of this like sheldan Nidle, Cobra, an Mike Quinsley (salusa)

    2. Lol that was badass and a moral booster

  2. Nice interview. It was great to hear you both on this show together.

  3. OK, we need to keep calm till the time is right.
    Let's watch the entity is melting.
    And let's prepare for the Event.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. when "the time is right"... that is in the eye of the beholder...if those that determine the time is driven by habit then pretty much chances are the leaky faucet will be left unfixed until it finally runs out dry.. or the bucket overflows...

      i hope me higher self up there is adding the two cents from allowing unnecessary delays..

      "unnecessary" delays is the key.

      has the third bomb been removed?

    2. has the game been rewritten?... yet again?


    3. we are disgustingly enough of phrases like 'when the time is right'...

    4. This is a great interview! Thanks for sharing it here Ada!


      The TRUTH Seeker!
      September 24, 2017 at 3:25 PM

      Our channel HOSTS ANY AND ALL RELATED SPECIAL GUIDED MEDITATIONS*** that we have the manpower to host for, to guide the energies into alignment, preventing the dark forces from succeeding in their last stand, as well as permanently grounding the foundation of the light forces for a gentle shift of power in favor of the light.

      Our PFC meditation channel:
      The official COEO PFC meditation channel:

      Meditation schedule:
      - Chimera meditation focusing also on the Antartica bases as well as Long Island at 10am EDT (2pm UTC/GMT) on Discord and COEO (Daily!):

      - Expanded Ascension Meditation at noon EDT (4pm UTC/GMT) on Discord (Daily!) and COEO (Sunday only):

      - Geophysical Anomalies (earthquakes, hurricanes) at 12:30pm EDT (4:30pm UTC/GMT) on Discord only (Daily!):

      We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!
      Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return Of Interest on your highly valuable investment of time and energy!

      Victory of the Light! <3


    6. Cobra, with so much 'expanded meditations' should we cut many many times the remaining time to the Event...

      Or, would you put some obstacles to keep your 'when the time is right' schedule?...

      Cobra, Cobra...


    Don´t know why, but I think Cobra for sure has reasons to COMPLETELY IGNORE the efforts of our EQUINOX-MEDITATION so far. At least posts about it weren´t deleted ;-)

    Maybe the message is to learn doing and researching things without him..

    That Corey Goode/his team didn´t respond to my Equinox-Meditation-posting-mail was no suprise. They never do. Except when you make a donation.. Where´s the unity?

    Corey posted another worldwide meditation on Sunday:

    So everybody is cooking his own soup again.. But at least things are done, number of group-meditations is rising and that´s a good thing!

    In his latest episode of "Cosmic Disclosure" it again seems like Corey is spreading fear from "Anshar" of a "possible very dark future for humanity.."

    WHAT?! Short answer: That´s not gonna happen.. :-)

    Longer one: Why is he doing this? Even if I´m getting things wrong, why does he even mention it? Cobra didn´t confirm the Anshar or any intel about them in his interviews. What´s going on there? Is Corey infiltrated by another agenda from "Anshar"?

    Maybe someone can bring clearance to that.


    It really was an amazing experience and felt like a big success!!! Let´s keep up in this momentum!


    Peace Love and Light


    1. After listening to most of the interview I have the answer now from COBRA why he didn´t engage in the Equinox-Meditation-spreading.

      BUT: Cobra, if it´s your intention to get things done ASAP and for the best possible outcome, then WHY didn´t you make just ONE LITTLE post on your blog? It would have taken you a minute. Maybe then we would have reached critical mass!

      Instead of that you have to teach us a lesson.. Like "do what you think you do, it´s none of my business". Sorry, but I can´t understand your motivation on that.

      Inspite of that thank you for your engagement, I really aprecciate you, but this time you leave me with questions..

      Really lookinng forward to times of more unity and understanding!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @noris1986: After all, Cobra/the RM did not come up with this Meditation! And Cobra represents the RM on this blog not himself. And I think the RM knows very well what they do. It is more the quality and most of all the timing that makes a meditation succesfull. Imagine if every week we have a different meditation for this and that, as has been proposed by various people on this blog. We would probably never reach the critical mass again and would make more damage than progress in the long run..

      Try to see the bigger picture in this and learn more about the psychological makeup of the human species, then you will see that Cobra (and the RM) actually are doing a very good job in cultivating a network of "meditators" that will be on board if there needs to a urgent meditation (maybe one day for the final Liberation)..

    4. NOT Cobra but The Light Forces decide mass meditations! Cobra only communicates them to us!

    5. Obviously the RM didn't seem the Equinox that important in the scheme of things: who's to say they are wrong in this assessment. But as Cobra always says, feel free to do what your inner guidance tells you.

    6. Yes, you´re right. Sorry COBRA! Just can´t wait any longer. Wasn´t meant to blame you. Just wondering why it wasn´t announced here.. Anyway, we will get there! SOON! :-))


    7. Most likely, Cobra gives the call for meditation, the more that there is the more an important 'astrological chart' with more important alignments.

      Otherwise, for simply dates, solstice, fullmoon, so on... he get not involved and leave us to consider...


  5. Replies
    1. Yeah, I need transcript, too. I suppose that Cobra said below.
      "Resistance can dissolve nuke in 15 minutes. It's no problem."
      If so, that's good. Very good! Because many Japanese people are brainwashed so that they fear North Korea's nuke.

      My ability of hearing and understanding English language is low, so I wanna confirm that by reading transcript.

    2. I understand that it is very hard to make transscript, especially of Cobras voice it is guessing half the time. Over all I think Cobra has been doing a good job but the scrambling of his voice is very unfortunate.
      I will probably not listen to this until there is a transscript.

    3. KJ ... thats the problem... those that keep negotiating with the bad guys n keep bending n breaking to their demands supposedly are doing so due to such fears.

      someone needs to send them a memo or something... i thougt world leaders know by now who is good guys who are bad guys... what the good guys will do or not..

      so i will assume they dont know ... that they are THat naive... either that or the infiltrators are just pulling the strings over there still... n the continual bribes and threats as usual...

      yeah... that would be a surprise..

      only 1 solution to this merygoround madness.the removal of those sbombs or whatever otherworldly obstacle..
      take the toys away from the children and game will be ova.

    4. @Dragon Heart Mainstream media will continue to send information that nuke weapon is valid and is able to actually use. People are mixed disinformation up. There are confused sheeple in the illusion world made by mainstream media...

      I formerly have sent tweets to let some famous politicians aware information that supposedly is truth. Just a few times. Though I don't know if they did read that or they believed, I recommend same action to anyone on SNS .

    5. Dragon Heart For example, even if the politician knew truth of 911 and kept it away as secret, by sending information via SNS, anyone can read it, and it will be in trouble for this politician. Haha!

  6. I like the ending words of Cobra :)


    1. What means 'in a foreseeable future'?

    2. that depends how you Interpret it..
      for me personally it means weeks up to 5-6 months

    3. In my interpret, "foreseeable" here means that bofore the Event some signs poople can aware will appear. I don't know what those are.

      Mainstream media may say some of truth in subtle way. Impression of sky may apparently change for anyone. Emotion of familiy and neighborhood may change to happy and bright by cosmic vibration.

      I guess there will be various signs and, by those signs, we will be able to foresee the Event come soon!


    4. Jack@

      Let's reconsider it so: not today, not next week, but from a few weeks to a few months? Does it fit so??

    5. hopely not from a few months to a few years.


    6. It's in a foreseeable future from 2012...

    7. He also mentioned that there are people who are not doing their job and that makes the whole work more difficult for everybody else... So there are many good things that could be said about this round table interview, but we also need to remember that the first thought should be "Am I doing what I am supposed to do at the moment? Am I doing it in the best possible way? If not, what can I do better?" unless one is certain to already be doing the best thing. Let's hope and try to make sure we all are.

    8. if he used forseable then for me sounds like something we finally will b an eyewitness to... ( i dont know the context as i have not listened yet to interview ... will in a min).. im glad he steered away from "soon"@...


    9. Dragon Heart@

      would you say that foreseeable means later than soon? with all these alleged developments...

      It's right scandalous!

    10. foreseeable is a bit more flexible.. perhaps even realistic.. that if even if extends from weeks to months at least it spells out that it will happen on this lifetime... for those at least able to hold out.

      unlike soon where our interpretation and expectation is for very short term... days to weeks .. where months makes it all invalid....


      foreseeable may not be as immediate as "soon"... and maybe if we lucky it could finally mean within days but i doubt it.


    11. One upon another Cobra puts him more cards into the sleeve. It's right scandalous!...

  7. My guidance says to enjoy these moments for they are the last of their kind.
    Be proud of our accomplishments for we have already done the impossible.



    1. You will enjoy it till the foreseeable future!


  8. Cobra, do you really thing the holocaust happened when there is evidence against it?

    1. Ask my family who suffered from it. You don't know what you are talking about. :-( :-(

    2. What did they suffer? Please describe in detail. I keep hearing they were labor camps and no one was killed there. Many died because of starvation and diseases according to respected historians like David irving and zundell. I hear the holohoax isn't selling very well...

    3. People are waking up from Jewry, you can make up lies all you want but hitler was a hero. He tried to punish you freaks through hard work and y'all hated him for it. its hard getting the truth out when the jews own everuthing:

    4. Truth will not be buried forever. Nothing last forever specially lies, they have "short legs"

    5. To me, Holocaust implies the full story -- six gorillion dead, soap, lamps, Zyklon B etc. I believe that stuff is false, but doesn't mean perhaps half a million Jews didn't die of disease, mostly towards the end of the War.

    6. There is a difference between citizens practicing the Jewish religion, and members of the Dark Forces hiding behind the title of "Jew" to get away with all sorts of deeds; by using the terrible persecution of real Jews as a shield to avoid scrutiny to this day.

      Muhibster, these "Jews" in positions of power in Government and Media are more likely to pray to the "Devil" (Archons & Reptilians posing as Gods) than they are to follow the 10 Commandments. David Icke labels this group Zionists for lack of a better word - because they support and further the agenda of a faction of the Cabal; probably the Khazarians or the Rothschilds...

      The initial question you raise to COBRA is certainly interesting. I would like to hear the point of views of people with real insight on the Holocaust. I know history is often contrived to suit the agendas of the Elite - but I also want to make clear I believe Hitler was a very sick person. so I ask; just how bad was it?


    7. Muhibster. No ONE can argue regarding Man's inhumanity to Man, women, children, animals, plants and the Earth herself. You are getting bogged down in the details. what does this serve? many are awakening and a new age begins.

    8. Cobra once mentioned that Maria Orsic was working for the light.

      If you understand who Maria Orsic is then you understand who is really behind the RM. They are the resistance. The idea for having an event to free humanity goes back 90 years to Maria Orsic and her contacts with the ETs from the Aldebaran system. The secret space programs and breakaway civilizations can be traced to the guidance of Maria Orsic. The entire resistance story and freeing humanity seems to revolve around her.

      The veil will soon be lifted.
      - The Cabal are those who worship the Kabbalah and the black "Kaba" stone
      - The Kaba stone was once kept in the arc of the Covenant but was then moved to Rome then to London and eventually Long Island NY where it was dissolved recently by the light.
      - Yaldaboth is the real name of Yahweh; it was forbidden to say his real name for it gave humans power over him to dissolve him. We are doing just that in our meditations and soon he will be sent to the central sun.

      People need to research deeper into these topics. A good place to start would be the books on Maria Orsic written by Robert Sepehr.

    9. I will nova but I will never forget the Jewish role in the new world order or the traitors that hide them. I hate having jewish genes. I don't know when to stop until its too late and I've been drawn to support the white genocide agenda because id it. I used to think highly of jews but I figured out the truth through David duke and evalion on YouTube. Very redpilling moment. I suggest people look deeper into this issue. I've heard od how sick the Talmud is which supports slaughtering the "goyim" code word for us. So no, most Jews support the evil ones.


  9. Cobra, how epic is it what we achieved with the equinox meditation?

  10. Fascinating, I was already familiar with Cobra & KP styles and I've been pleased to discover Benjamin's one. I really liked his human aspect and the depth of his reasoning ( something I didn't noticed in his weekly updates ) Thank you all for participating !

  11. This was a really, really fascinating interview. I am really glad that I listened in. When the last black alert was posted my first thought/instinct was to laugh at it and ignore it and that seemed to be the theme amongst many people who posted about it as well and I truly feel that is partly why it was handled so quickly. The more we focus on the negativity the more power we give it. I'm not saying to ignore it completely, we all know it is there, I'm just saying to pay it no mind. Thank you, Cobra, for this interview. It has been my favorite so far and helped me answer several questions I have been having.

    I said this aloud while listening and I have said it many times before, but I feel the need to post it here now. I can be fair and balanced. I can have compassion where most would feel it is not deserved. I know that I cannot be the only person like me here right now. But, even if I am and I am alone in doing this, I volunteer to help with any Truth Tribunales that may happen. I know it won't be easy and I don't look forward to learning what I would learn, but I volunteer anyway and I will be fair, balanced and have compassion in spite of there being many reasons to not. If their fear of reprisal is the only thing holding them back from helping us, then they should know there is at least one person who can forgive and who can be balanced even inspite of personal issues. And if there is one, then there are many. They shouldn't use this as an excuse to not do the right thing anymore. It has now been addressed. Their fear, like most fear, is for naught. Thank you.

    1. Bebe you are a healer and soon enough your abilities will be put to work. Good work too! I am excited for you for all the people you will get to help. It's hard work but it is the most rewarding thing ever! 💞

    2. Thank you, so much, Cydni. Understanding that I am sure you already knew this, I really needed to hear this right now. Thank you for reaching out.




  13. WestCoastUSMegan
    September 22, 2017 at 9:52 AM

    Would love to read an update that includes progress, such as "the black stone anomaly is gone forever," "Yaldo has about 3 hours left in his life," "Toplet bombs -- one left!" You know, things like this.

    Meanwhile, definitely the energy is nicer and softer.

    Galactic Connection

    1. I feel some discernment is needed here for conflicting statements made in AM's channeling.
      I feel there are some lower vibrations in the channeling.
      Just as always use discernment.

    2. there is something about this channeling that does not sit well with me. in saying that it is highly possible that this is because of my filters and my level of understanding of who and what prime creator is and where he/she resides or exits. i also felt a hint of lower vibrational energy but again that may be my filters at work. all the same AM is probably not going to be my go to person at the moment if i feel the need to an update on the planetary situation.

    3. She has been going in a "bad" direction ever since she stopped interviewing Cobra. I hope she can pull out of it.

    4. When a person starts broadcasting that they alone are the ONLY anointed channel for Source on the planet and that all others are fraudulent, well, then you know there is an ego issue playing itself out. It may pass with time. It is very easy for this to happen when an individual gains a certain level of exposure and success -- particularly in the realm of spirituality -- and they become isolated in their own organizations and are surrounded by people with their own agendas. It's very easy for teachers to lose their way in that kind of environment. I can't tell you how many "teachers" I've seen over the years who believe they are the reincarnations of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (as an example). I like Alexandra, and I've been really disappointed with her material in the last few installments. Her last message was incredibly far afield.

    5. she probably rose to a threat level to the bad guys that needed to get to this point of pulling her strings in an attempt to deviade her from her mission somewhat. In order for her to lose momentum and support . imho.

  15. A blog for weather mass meditations has already been created:

  16. I hope we get a transcript soon, for those of us who don't hear well!

    I like that even though Cobra, KP and Ben each have their own approaches and takes, they are coming together for a better future. They are showing that unity doesn't mean everybody doing the same work in the same way, but each of us following our own guidance toward that future.

    That's why it doesn't bother me that there are different meditation and prayer efforts. It all strengthens the energetic/electric/plasma/etheric/soul planes in the raising up of the Light throughout All. We don't need to get hung up on the idea of sharing the same space-time in these efforts, as our Truer Selves transcend into timespace and can help connect these efforts to where they need to be -- IF we follow the guidance of our Truer Selves and do the work.

    I've helped connect folks I know who aren't open to these Ascension and trans-dimensional discussions, but ARE open to the idea of prayer for unity and peace. I created this site to help this effort with others' friends/family, and invite everybody to send me any links/events I missed!

    Gratitude and love to all who are doing your work, to the best of your ability! Victory of the Light! <3

  17. this was a great interview and i love the format because it gives the participants an opportunity to bounce of each other and the interviewers are also interactive rather than just asking questions from a screen or piece of paper. it is relaxed and quite pleasantly personalized.
    i too liked very much COBRA'S closing statement in relation to the event - in the foreseeable future. yes yes yes.

    1. Bob@

      What do you understand by 'a foreseeable future'?

    2. Before the 26th february meditation Cobra estimated a time frame of 5-6 years to wait before the Event. After the meditation he said that the timeframe had been halved by the critical mass reached. After the 21 August meditation he stated that more than 50% of the remaining Yaldabaoth entity was gone. In my opnion it is therefore realistic to think about a current timeframe of 12 max 15 months. Who knows if that period can be reduced once again?

  18. Where is the transcript? You can not find that. If you would like to think of these people also, where not so fluently speak english. The transcript is easy to translate.

    1. Making a transcript is very time consuming. Try it yourself. And with Cobras scrambling you have to go over it several times to try to guess some lost words. I have the highest sympathies for people doing transcripts.

  19. Replies
    1. Louisa has stated on her YouTube channel that a transcript will be available in about a week. Just passing this along for those who have asked.

  20. Interesting interview with all 3 of you!
    Thanks very much Cobra.

    1. Yes, it would be nice to have a transcript. Send a note to Louisa, the interviewer, to ask for a transcript.

      Parts of Cobra's words I could not understand. Unfortunately I think the voice modulation interfered...

  21. WOW! What an awesome round table! Wow!!!

    Thank you to all of you and VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

  22. Dva jsou rada,tři jsou zrada..Tohle srovná jen sto procent všech činností

  23. Hi Cobra, I really appreciate you doing interviews that bring information on different platforms so you can reach more people. Although it can be frustrating to listen when the other participants interrupt your delivery of information, especially as it relates to subjects such as the Chimera group, the importance and effectiveness of mass meditations, why it is a good thing to use free will to decrease the destructiveness of manipulated weather and other Earth events, such as earthquakes, etc.

    For those of us desiring this type of information, would you consider doing an interview with Untwine and the Unknown Light Warrior of Ground Crew Command Radio Show (if they are open to this). This kind of interview would be helpful for all of us and a great way for people to learn more about the current status of Earth, the Resistance Movement and the Galactic Confederation.

    As you know, many of us resonate deeply with your views and the information you share with us, you are our first and best source for liberation of our planet.

    Thank you for your consideration and thank you so much for all your work to liberate the planet. Victory of the Light!


  24. Weather Event Meditation - Music Only
    SacredEarth Liberation

  25. That was such a phenomenal interview!! I have tears in my eyes. The cohesive enthusiasm and respect amongst the guests was unbelievably soothing to my soul. For such diverse viewpoints and talents to converge, creating a unified message, beautifully represents what we (the earth's population) is truly capable of when we work together. So inspirational. Thank you!

  26. Plz, can you describe phase 1 and 2?

  27. LEE HARRIS: Update on current energies and advice on OVERWHELM that hits us during these times.



  28. Cobra, you as a supposed RM member, are you born as a clone, rather than an earthling baby?... :-)


  29. Can someone (English native) to give us a transcript of Cobra's ending words in this interview?

    1. And the whole interview transcrip, plz, since there are many non native English speakers following this blog and waiting for knowing the news, especially from Cobra speech. Thank you so much.

  30. iamthelivinglove manifesting as the livinglight

    W watching
    O our
    M minds
    E enlightened
    N nature

    tick tock freedom is coming

    victory has been achieved by embracing the Love of GOD!!!!!!!! You are Loved!!!

  31. Cobra and Fulford together? Mind blown. Looking forward to listening.

    1. Yes, thoroughly enjoyed. I especially ate up the discussion of bitcoin and gold at around the 45 minute mark.

  32. Hello everyone. Today i feel very helpful, so for any sceptics (it's a very good trait!) out here, i'm going to link a few interesting films to try to prove ET existence.

    First, the Bill Mayers case, i got two documentaries from FA SIRIUS (awesome channel by the way!).

    For the third, i really recommend the movie "Unacknowledged".

    And some icing on the cake, if you have an IQ lower then 70 or severe mental issues and beleve the bible for some reason, thinking that aliens don't exist and they are demons or fallen angels (archons are fallen angels and demons are just souls that have been tought by the archons that the only way to live life is to attack everyone, both entities can be really easly dealt with and cured), here are two really hallarious debunk videos you should watch:

    I'm going to end it with: i love you, good evening and goodbye.

    *mic drop*


    Hopefully the light forces are ready to intervene if things go south. ;)

  34. Cobra,
    Is there any protocol to help activating the pineal gland?
    Can you tell us about "strange" sun activity?
    What's your data model about incoming wave telling you?

    The Interview was adorable.
    Thank you.

  35. Thank you, great interview. Now my friends, need a transcript for the translation. Victory of the light!

  36. Excellent interview. The questions keep coming back to me though. What if neither the light nor the dark is the ultimate? What if neither is destined to win? The fighting goes back and forth. The light forces get attacked and retaliate. Then the dark forces do the same. It goes on and on. What if love is just as much of an illusion as fear? I don’t mean to hinder the forces of light. I do want the cabal to lose all power. But just as the dark is not the ultimate, the light may not be the ultimate either. The light is a very necessary tool to balance the imbalance that is the anomaly. Yet that which is directly in between the light and dark, as the zero, is perhaps the end result. That’s why it’s called zero point energy... perhaps.

    1. Info Finder: The ultimate LIGHT is Divine and has no opposite. It is everlasting, ONE. Light and darkness on a relative physical plane would alternate, as you wrote.

      I think what you said, "zero" (between relative and light) could be seen as the ever permeating reality of Absolute Light which does not alternate.

      It's experience beyond intellectual understanding alone. That's why many write that The Event puts an end to "duality," the sense of separateness that is propagated by the dark forces through implants, mind control, originating from the anomaly and evil which ensued out of that irregularity.

      Stay positive in the heart and intuition and we will be home soon NOW.

    2. imho... we have yet to see true light...

      BTW... i dont speak of the light beyond 3D for i dont hold any knowledge of such at least i cant remember it if i ever had such knowing.

      i am convinced howevee we are experiencing just a pseudo representation of what true light is... while at same time experiencing a a full blast of darkness.

      from my observations many a times i cant help to think that the so called light we experience resembles so much like darkness but with a twist.

      as they so willingly mingled together to create an elaborate never ending episodes/game of pull and push...

      how else can we explain delays on the 3D realm... The light being promoted in the world is merely used as a facade for the dark to hide behind...

      our strong desire to be part of it(light)...< like a rabbit following a carrot> is what lead us.. with the best of intention to follow that road of hell.

      what we have done to ourselves in the name to promote health? a society hooked on drugs. In an attempt to reach wholeness we accepted the prescribed "light" solutions.. we believed in it.. we alllowed it... a mirror trick.

      so are many examples we could come up from our own daily life... this is not only happening outside our inner circle .

      Why have we not break free from this matrix... The theory of waiting for a light quota to be reached was imho naively overly estimated... yet took 26k to understand... why?
      2 things... 1. no true light much left on the 3D to function as model to follow or aim.. all hijacked.
      2. The allowance of negativity to get 2nd n 3rd++ wind.
      those 2.. especially #2 is what made this mary-go-round possible.

      you could blame the slaves for not reaching the light quotient... which is equivalent like blaming someone that is high for not being able to walk straight. in addition to that supposedly their "free will" decisions are accepted while intoxicated. This is actually considered valid??. not void.. but valid. To top it off... the words of the "leaders" were accepted as if they truly represented the people...

      does that makes any sense. Granted i am not awake. Dont even call me a lightworker... but that makes no sense to me and how on earth could possibly even be acceptable... thus only leading me to belief... we were here just for entertainment... not for our though. It seeem those with good intent were so fixed in doing things "right" n by the book... they didnt realize it was being done all "wrong"... Applying methods that perhaps worked in a vaccumm or closed system on a opened system and expecting same results.

      yet this took 26k yrs to understand... 26ys plus a day.. cause tomorrow will be added to that long count...

      nuff said.

      is the fourth s-bomb removed yet?

    3. Ah yes, I recall the previous Cobra post about this false polarity and how to break free from it, writing down the two opposites. I of course remembered this after posting this comment, not before lol!

  37. Great threesome which made the interview enjoyable and full of gold nuggets of info. Louisa is always appreciated with her wonderful spirit & smile in full display, along with her perfect co-host Steve. Thanks for ending with stating everyone should believe in HOPE now as we are approaching THE EVENT!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Is a transcript being made please Cobra. I see only positive reactions:)

  40. Cobra, if you knew the time to view event was cut in half with our meditation it suggest that you have a potentially accurate idea of how far away we are from the event. If not you, someone does.

    Please ask them if we can do another meditation to cut it in half yet again.



  41. Listened to it this afternoon/eve. Thanks to beloved Cobra, Kauilapele, Benjamin Fulford, Louisa and everyone at Goldfish Report, for making this inspiring conversation possible.

    It's always amazing to me how complex everything in life is, even when it appears to be simple on the surface.

    I use a mini speaker with my laptop to get better quality audio and volume, but when I couldn't understand Cobra, I found that rewinding and then placing the speaker in front of my neck, under my chin helped with the resonance of the voice modulation, so that I could discern Cobra's words.

    As we know, a transcript usually takes several days, and is done by volunteers who must fit it in in their free time. This is why it is usually not released at the same time as the audio. Patience, Grasshoppers!

    1. lol i like that idea about placing it by neck... u can bet many will try it :)

  42. Simon Parkes Update - September 23, 2017

    General Update...

  43. Can somebody repeat Cobra's last words? I listened but can not make chocklate out of it:)

    And were there signs in the skye? I did not see any.

    1. Cobra's closing statement was as follows :- @ 1:24:36 mins
      Louisa "Cobra, what would you like to leave our viewers with today, what kind of positive, hopefully
      positive hopeful message of some kind"
      Cobra " Ok I will not give any dates but yes were making big progress, and it's always the most challenging just before the breakthrough and the reason why this year was so challenging is simply because we are dealing with the real issues, we are finally resolving this, this stalemate position at the very top it is being resolved right now, so the reason why it was so tough is because we are right before the breakthrough, I know it's not going to happen this week, it's not going to happen today but it's going to happen in the foreseeable future and we just need to keep, keep going, keep going,keep going and never give up and we will get there.
      @ 1:25:23

      Hope that's helped you Maria :-)

  44. Wow, this was an awesome show!
    The atmosphere was very friendly, very peaceful and everybody was respectful. NO big egos turning it into a "fame competition"...
    I just wanted to be there as a part of the wonderful group, ask some questions, make some comments, by knowing that I just had to be myself, and would not be looked down or criticized.

    Oh, and understanding Cobra was not that hard either.

  45. Is the Disclosure War Reaching a Climax? [Part I]

  46. OMG Cobra, this is the best one yet. So close, we're all so close! And yet, so far away! I am so grateful to you and the Resistance Movement for speaking "the truth, only the truth, nothing but the truth". Well, let me explain. My whole life I was influenced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. To me he was the truth. When he crossed to the other side it was discomforting to me. I HAD LOST MY SOURCE OF WISDOM! Then a few years later I learn of you, and what you say correlates exactly with that wisdom. I never "worshipped" Maharishi, rather I loved him dearly for being my source of light. I feel the same about you, Ben Fulford, KP, Louisa, Steve, Corey, David Wilcock, Dr. Greer, all my family who are not afraid to let their light shine bright. God speed to all of us, victoy of the light!

  47. secret ancient giant caves in Vietnam
    they look like something Cobra has shown us

  48. yesterday i spoke to somone of a dream i had b4 the earthquake struck mexico n how dreams may possibly b warning u at times of events to happen.... as u all know

    just before waking up today.. was dreaming.. of three older women what seem like climbing a mountain.. at their slow pace... (i overhear someone mentioning or givin the order to give warning...)
    three kids of different ages dress what seemed blue robes walked out of the water from edge of mountain right into the mountain.... n encounteted the last old lady. all 3 as they walked pass repeated the same message "terremoto.. n other words.." as they passed by the old lady..almost like in a trance state.. over n over...
    the scene changed... to what now seem like the old lady following up the stair case of a building complex..

    the last lady finally reached the second n first old ladies n all were apprehensive... they mentioned something about 7. something eartyquake as if it waa part of the message.. it was supppsee to b a strongone... the last one decided that she would stopped at the floor where they were at.. as going down might b dangerous or too late or being caught in the middle of it climbing ...

    the other two ladies were about to continur climbing but decided to follow the last lady to at least get into room...

    mind u i was watching or following usually the last lady...

    everyone unsure when it will happen.. as they had stopped but unsure...

    then came in a young blond lady out of the blue up the stairs i assume into the room where the last lady was at.. the other two ladies had not yet come in to the room... i guess she was also informed or not. unsure... she then lean over n hug and kissed the cheek of the old lady...

    now i dont know if this dream was influenced by my conversation i had yesterday with the younglady about dreams..

    1. Dragon... Just my "dime-store interpretation," I'll write here... which is kind of a Jungian interpretation (not Freudian) but this is also how my mystical meditation teacher used to interpret dreams when people would ask her about them.

      My meditation teacher used to say everything in a dream is an aspect of you, unless it is a very unique, or some kind of precognitive heavy duty message that you need to hear. (Such a precognitive heavy duty message would have a very different feeling to it).

      You alone know which type this dream is, but seems to me like this one is telling you about various aspects of you.

      Going up a mountain: What we are all doing in spiritual development, and what you are doing in spiritual development. It's "the big picture."

      Three ladies: 3 is balance and also "The Trinity," as in father, son, and holy spirit ( holy spirit is really your chi or Kundalini -- its our soul or human source of energy).

      The Ladies therefore comprise your feminine energy, in balance, developing as it goes up the mountain... (great symbology).

      Earthquakes symbolically indicate 'sudden change.' Which we'll probably have soon, actually. Could be an earthquake, but in any case, we are having earthquakes all around the earth, plus we'll soon have The Event. Or you might have soon a sudden change in your life. You can watch for that.

      The young blonde lady is youth, health and energy - such as "newer feminine energy coming into your life." Could be a young woman, but also it could be simply energy coming to you that is Loving energy, hugging energy, giving you great love, and very reassuring.

      Seems like all positive stuff to me.
      As I said, my dime-store interpretation for what it's worth. :)

    2. I like the Jungian interpretation :)..

      wraps it and places it inside pocket :) there.

    3. thabks Megan..
      btw forgot to correct.. i think the xolor was morw like turquoise than blue.. of the 3 kids robe color...
      i dont even know if they werw kids bit they werw smaller in stature than the old ladies.. thus seeem like younglings...

      there was something peculiar about them .. specialy as the y emerged from the water.. not sure if it was a certain glow in them or the robe make them look quite light.. they all had very similar hair color.. yet it seemed that way.

    4. Dragon, It's a very spiritual dream...

      Also the 3 ladies and all the feminine energy "coming up" (up the stairs, from out of the water, from various directions) seems like it *could be* the rise of the Pleroma -- what Cobra calls the energy from the Galactic Central Sun.

      This dream is so full of great symbols. The kids in their blue or turquoise robes -- new youthful energy (great!)... Turquoise is a combination of blue and green. Blue is usually spirituality, green is growth. Spiritual growth, therefore is the indication from the turquoise.

      Also, just for fun I plugged in "terre moto" into google translate. Google translate detected French and translated this into "land motorcycle."

      Motorcycle is balanced power, moving forward. Or, could be telling you to get some balance as you move forward.

      Either way, all good.

      In the end, you have to use your own discernment and figure out what these symbols mean for you and how they feel with what's going on in your life.

  49. Tentei ver a entrevista pelo youtube com tradução google (muitos não entendem inglês). A tradução é tão ruim que é possível entender o sentido do que é dito.
    POR FAVOR ALGUÉM FAÇA A TRANSCRIÇÃO para que nossa informação.GRATA!

  50. Disturbing Alert Interrupts TV Broadcast In California 9/24/17-??

  51. Sananda website: Judas Iscariot♡♡


  52. Thank you Cobra.

    This interview I think was very good, we needed the different prespectives and there was a big contribution from all three players, especially Ben and Cobra.

    I don't understand also the critics towards Louisa and Steve that were made in the past, I think they are really good hosts.

  53. Magenta Pixie talking about the Equinox and our Meditation ✨

  54. Cobra, which is the status of black stone remnant anomaly?

    And which are the consequences of it?

    1. Black stone has been dealt with and is no longer. The anomaly remains at 10%

  55. I appreciate Cobra telling us we can have all the fancy cars and all the fancy planes and stay spiritual too... and be happy... I like this... because so many of us are under the impression we must be impoverished.

    We are all developing our ability to manifest what we want -- and I think we will all get better at it as the plasma levels clear, as we lose our confusion, as everything clears up.

    One thing I have done in the past is make "visualization boards."

    I cut out magazine pictures of "stuff I want to manifest." I paste them on the board or cardboard or big sheet of paper. I just put that board up somewhere, where I subconsciously look at it over and over again.

    Over time, the stuff will manifest.


    1. Yes, but not this is what are we fighting for! Not for the 3rd density abundance! We are enough of it,... even by only looking it around. Not this is for us!

      NOT!!... Not are we here to get the fancy cars, houses, and others alike, after the Event!

      Some of us are here to be assured we may have the long desired 'spiritual stagnation'!

      Some of us are the soldiers who need retirement after the fight is over. Of course to a multidimensional level and in multidimensional terms as well!!

    2. I think but could be wrong the statement Cobra made about the 'Cabal" stilling being able to have their "stuff' is so that they don't think they have to give it up. What I feel is insinuated here is the 'good life' whatever 'that is' to a person they can have as long as it does not take away from someone else individually or in groups like how it is now the way this 3D society is set-up by them (the cabal). For someone to have all the 'stuff' someone else seems to lose out, so that is how it appears to most of us. If the wealth is shared then no one goes without whatever it is they may desire and especially if they can be freed of the debit system and can manifest what it is they would like/desire/need.

      The underlying problem is I feel (this is just mho)is that the 'cabal' won't share because it comes down to I have this and you don't mentality. The competing with the Jones' to have the biggest, the most, the most expensive, or the most rare or unique of whatever one can fill in the blanks to what that may be. If everyone can have whatever they want then those who live by that idealism will not feel so special. There is too much emphasis on being special due to what one may have over another person/persons due to whatever the reasoning might be in their mind.

      Only reason I say this is because I have run into that so much in my life that competition to feel special. I usually counter it with. I am happy for you that you have what you want. Another example is I am so much smarter because I did not study and got this much more on a test than you. My reply to that was, "Yea and what a shame you waste your smarts and don't apply them and do a lot better in school grade wise when it comes so easy." Most people are taken a back when one does not go, "Oh I am so jealous of you and what you have that I don't."
      Just my 2 cents worth and my perspective. :)


    3. Or, Cobra, if you however want to provide us some fancy physical objects, there may be rather smart pads, remote viewing devices to relieve scenes from our childhood or past lives, or reality simulators as well...

      We don't fight for fancy cars and castles.

      Nor fancy women would you have for each of us, so... the reality simulators will be at best...

      Cobra, Cobra...

    4. We can place on our "visualization boards:"

      - happiness (for example, a photo of me laughing)
      - a healthy body (a picture of me or a representative of me, doing something healthy, such as hiking)
      - spiritual development (a photo of me or somebody else meditating)
      - world peace -- people holding hands all around the world.
      - a healthy salad that looks yummy to eat.
      - clean water that looks yummy to drink.

      I did not intend to write "stuff" as if it is "physical possessions" we all want.

      I don't care if I have a fancy car. I mostly just need a car that can take me from point A to point B, because the bus and train cannot take me to most of the places I need to go.

      I think we all know this. What I mean is that we can figure out our life direction and the visualization board will help us manifest it.

      A visualization board is an easy way to get us moving in the correct direction.


  56. What seemingly brought new this interview is that there are a few humans in the positive military who can deal against toplets.
    Aren't they?

  57. I enjoyed the interview znd Have not heard all of it yet! I want to interject a confirmation here that can perhaps be confirmed too by COBRA.
    All of us are a part of the puzzle. We each hold a piece of the answer. Integration makes all the pieces come together. This was sources plan, integration releases more energy and amplifies that. To see the whole picture we must take all into consideration. All of us, the dark One's as well. they too have a piece. Once understood, this is the end of duality. This is the end of the primary anomaly. Not surprising This concept happened to be in an episode of Star Trek Next Generation in which the humans, the Klingons, the Romulans and the Cardassians all held the complete picture in their DNA and if they worked together, A message from their Progentors would come to them telling them their origins. Please comment COBRA if you will. Thanks for all you do.

  58. @The Light forces

    On this site is link with name "MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLES FROM THIS BLOG:" for general information.
    I'm missing here an article about Lucifer's history.
    And I mean Real history, not fiction.
    There lies a point buried under a dust layer.
    A missing point causing chain reaction, which is the main reason why we are here today in this bad situation.
    Light forces stop hiding this part of the History.
    The round table is empty in the middle, we need the missing part of the puzzle.
    Light forces, please.

    1. Apparently it's Lushifar, type it into Google and videos posted by Karistus show up and watch the AHK (alien human kind) video series

    2. Slippery slope. I wouldn't trust any 3D info on that being. Ask your higher self and any guides you may have for the truth. I've learned a lot from them and it all rings true for me.

  59. IMHO the most important concept that came out of these interviews is that it is imperative that we need to develop a global consciousness resonance field by our global meditation that will support the activities of the light forces. It has already begun and we just need to amplify it so more can be conscious of it. This resonance field will also assist many who,during and after the event,will be trying to make their Ascension.

  60. Great interview! Thank you all for attending and sharing 🦋💎

  61. guys where are the links of people building those free energy devices?

  62. I suggest we get to the EVENT asap. People are desperate and losing their minds.

  63. Awesome interview! As I listened, I felt humbled and honored to be part of the Victory of the Light!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Mothership Party 432Hz


  68. Liberty and Justice for All. What a concept!
    by Phoenix Boulay 25-Sept-2017

    Take a knee. Odd phrase. Strange action, I used to think. Today I have come to realize a lot of things because of this controversy. It's not about disrespecting the flag or the Military. Most protesters expressed that they have the utmost respect for those who serve, and either served themselves, or had family or friends who served. They love this country. They insist, this is the greatest country of all. We have the freedom here to protest that people in other countries don't have. This is about protesting the fact that there is NOT "Liberty and Justice for All". It is not supposed to be just for some of the people.

    We have a POTUS who does not understand at least half the people in this country, nor do they feel at least respected by him. Many people are not only afraid of what he might do next, they are afraid to walk or drive down the street in their hometown, for fear of being stopped, misunderstood, accused of something and/or shot.

    As a white woman who is not afraid to go anywhere, any neighborhood, I find it appalling that some of my friends and neighbors have to watch their back when they leave their own house. Have to pray they make it safely through their activities of daily living. Have to be extra careful not to do a moving violation or have a broken taillight, so that they don't potentially end up dead. Imagine that!

    We do not need a POTUS in a Bully Pulpit judging and condemning people he never met or talked to. We need lines of communication to open up. We need mutual respect. We need less rhetoric and threats and more asking questions of the other, more trying to clarify what is not understood, more DE-ESCALATION, and less John Wayne bravado. We need a mindset of conflict resolution, cooperation and an agenda to create peace. This can only come through communication and understanding, acceptance and tolerance.

    Some of you may not believe it, but we are close to joining Galactic Civilization. We are close to Disclosure, and learning about the Secret space Program. If you wonder where all the money goes or why we don't have decent affordable healthcare in this country, look no further than the black ops programs run with your tax dollars. Not to mention the TRILLIONS that have gone missing since 9/11. Too bad our education system is not so great... people are not taught to think critically, not taught to keep an open mind and consider that anything might be possible. Not taught to look deeper at an issue, not taught to consider the viewpoint of the other, and learn from it. Not taught to think for themselves or to Question Authority.


  69. ...continued...

    I urge you all (myself included) to awaken and take stock of what matters to you. Do not accept somebody else's version of "What Happened" just because you like them. Use your gut instincts and look deeper at ALL the players involved, seen and behind the scenes, not just the usual suspects. More than anything, understand that we are evolving, our DNA is upgrading as it responds to electromagnetic light pulses from our Sun. The Sun itself is changing from a yellow star to a white star, which should be obvious, because the quality of light has changed in recent years. If you are observant, you will have already noticed. We are moving from a mind-centered consciousness to a heart-centered consciousness. This is important, as it will open us up to create potential solutions and connection.

    If we don’t strive to wake up, there will be more disasters and trauma to shake us out of complacency. Yet even the weather can respond to our thoughts and intentions, because we are Co-Creators in this world. We are collectively shifting from 3D to 5D, and our thoughts tend to manifest more quickly than they used to. So it is very important to keep the faith, elevate your thoughts, keep your vibration high with clean eating, pure water (we are 98% water!), movement, large doses of nature to decompress, introspection, meditation, and positive interaction with others. We are all in this together. We are taught to believe in limitation. But That’s Illusion. We are far more capable of creating solutions to long-standing problems than we realized. So let’s persevere and go all in!

    on Blogger

    on Wordpress

    Original Source:


    1. Phoenix Boulay: Thanks for "speaking" out your view. I think we can see all so called divisive issues simply:

      1) There's the collective earth toplet bombs, quarantine, enslavement that ultimately is being removed by the Light Forces and Source/"God" to enable THE EVENT and breakthrough liberation for this planet and its inhabitants.

      2) There's our individual focus we each have to act as we are prompted from within. To find and carry out to the best of our ability our unique life purpose, out of more than 7 billion people on earth with their distinct life path.

      Mainstream media, as you know, is doing the bidding of the cabal by intentionally creating divisiveness and fear. Period. Just as professional football players have their own views, so does President Trump. Viewpoints should be acceptable in the realm of a "free thinking" society. What makes the problem then? Answer: The way the press takes opposing views and intentionally makes a problem out of them - which is their cabal agenda ("divide and conquer"). It also serves, like so many similar events that are relatively trivial in nature, as a "distraction" from other actions and events of the cabal.

      Football players and people protesting Trump, the so called 1/2 of the population, is what the MEDIA is telling us is happening. Can anyone trust the media? A recent poll indicated only 6% of people believed the press. So they, like others, are terribly misinformed.
      But that's another issue.

      Another example: I think most people experience harmony amongst themselves. The whole idea that there is a race war and divisiveness is something instigated by the press and cabal to CREATE what never, and doesn't really, exist. "Mind control" reveals that if you keep repeating the same thing over and over, it is accepted as so.

      That's the evil game of the cabal, backed by the archons and chimera and its secret space program advanced technology used as weaponry. All originating from the anomaly and "allowance" of fallen archangels who took a destructive direction. This is, as you are aware, what is being corrected now. Source/"God" can raise up a horrific situation because He/She/It has all of eternity as its PURE BEING, compared to only temporary time and measures that destructive entities are working within the confines of.

      Let's stay out of the "setup" which triggers us to get into incessant conflict, fear, anger which takes away from our divine focus on liberating the planet and its people for Love, Harmony, and Abundance. As Cobra has pointed out, "politics" is a very limited platform to be dealing with, in comparison to the depth of what is going on in the world. Trump will do what he does and individuals will do what they do. Let's keep going...

    2. Thanks, @astral_traveler

      It's been rough lately, but the process of writing this has helped me to deal with my own conflicting emotions.

      @THE EVENT: COmpression BReAkthrough ("COBRA") For Divine Harmony On Earth

      I am well aware of the way MSM skews news stories and feeds the feeding frenzy for scandal and conflict.

      I just happen to enjoy football, so hearing the pain expressed by some of my favorite players and others caused me to shift my view from feeling that this is the wrong venue for political expression, to understanding what motivated various individual players/managers/owners to respond as they did.

      I felt compassion for them, and therefore changed my own view based on witnessing the suffering of those involved. While I don't know that I would make the same choice, it was easier for me to tolerate the individual choices, that clearly were not meant to offend or disparage those who serve in the military, which incidentally includes a disproportionate number of minorities.

      I realize the press is slanted against the Trump administration. What was it the guy on The Goldfish reports said? "Ghandi wasn't available so we got Trump." ha-ha, Truth!

      While he may be at a disadvantage with the media, he not only contributes to that problem by lambasting them, he is the one who created the huge NFL backlash yesterday by his callous remarks which many players found hurtful, offensive and unacceptable. Yes, he is entitled to his opinion, but as POTUS, he also has a responsibility to express himself in a manner that is inclusive, not divisive. He fails on this point again and again.

      I could not vote for a man who boasted about being a "pussy-grabber". As a woman who marched in the streets in the 80's for equality, I recently changed my voter status to Independent, because I do not feel aligned with either party.

      While I was dismayed by the attitude and inappropriate bullying by POTUS, I hope you also caught my reference to "What Happened" (and twitter has had a hilarious field day with that title) because she and other members of the Cabal are trying to re-write the story of what actually occurred. DNC subterfuge, a corrupt FBI and CIA....all swept under the rug. My liberal friends do not understand why I loathe her. She is so cunning and believable! The list goes on and on with what they appear to get away with. I have to have faith that those who perpetrated all these corrupt actions will be held accountable.

      I know it is not a crime to be so tremendously offensive, but it is probably one of the reasons his lovely daughter Ivanka struggles with depression. I wish he would behave more kindly towards ALL people.

      But I agree with your closing remark: "Trump will do what he does and individuals will do what they do. Let's keep going..."

      Yes, we must persevere.

    3. BTW...

      Dante Ramos‏Verified account @danteramos

      You misspelled “I will do everything in my power to help the people of Puerto Rico in their time of need.”

  70. My dear dear friends, NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US, this is just another hope porn outlet. NO ONE HAS MORE POWER THAN YOU, we in the human form have fought so hard to come down here in order for karma resolution of our entire universe. It is us and only us, no pleiadenes no lyrans, no arcturians, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! How many of you are working on yourselves? Truly working on KNOWING thyself? Or are you sitting around waiting for "the event" to happen? It's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Stop putting your power in externals, feeding energy where it is wasted! Things like dissipating hurricanes? Mother Earth is clearing these areas from the hauntings, the very places cobra is claiming that need to be freed. Courthouses that are unjust, countries where billions of dollars in offshore account holdings like the caribeans with dirty money, EARTH is stepping up and doing clearing, let her do her thing. We should be devoted to her and only her. STOP being so ridiculous and hanging off every word, it is here for one reason and one reason only... TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM YOURSELF, to stop you from doing any type of self healing and work. You should all be healing yourselves, making yourselves stronger, in turn empowering collective consciousness. WE ARE COCREATING BEINGS, we can cocreate a better life ourselves, but how on earth do you expect to do that if you are NOT DOING THE WORK. CLAIM YOUR SOVEREING FREE WILL BACK YOURSELVES!! NO ONE IS HANDING IT TO US. Nothing has happened since 2012 and nothing is going to happen. Earth is the galactic ascension machine, it's earth. And us HUMANS ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN FREE HER NO OTHER LIFE FORM CAN. So stop worrying about toilet bombs and bullshit. We fought so hard to get here FOR KARMIC RESOLUTION, START CLEARNING YOUR OWN KARMA, and watch everything else fall into place. NO MORE HOPE PORN FOLLOWERS, be the change that you want to see

    1. Karma does not exist. (except for what I like to call "Newtonian Karma") Non-Interference does not apply to a society that is ENTIRELY FAKE AND ARTIFICIAL from top to bottom to deep down to the tips of it's roots. On top of that we're being artificially manipulated to be more fearful, selfish, greedy and violent than we would be naturally. This is what I have learned through the last twenty years of awakening, evolving and coming into my own power.

      If there's no one out there trying to help, just blow the planet up now because I have no other reason to be here.

    2. P.S.: There is some truth in yur words, but your views are incomplete and ultimately serve only to make the walls of your Prison more comfortable. I recommend getting a cintimani stone and letting it "talk" to you for a while. It's given me more confirmation of Cobra's messages tha any actualw ords.

    3. Wow wow, CALM DOWN! My fellow brother!
      Relax, and enjoy your ride!

      Every one and everything is exactly where should be.
      There's no error, no victims, no mistake. Nor good, or bad. Just experience!

      Thoes who are prepared to the next step are on their path waiting to jump, those who are not, are on their path too. And it's OK!

      I see your point, and it's correct we need to work on our self, cleaning our inner conflicts, but at same time you look desperate when you don't need to.

      We don't have o to worry, stay clear, and in peace, no matter what happens with others, it's all an illusion any way, reality is just a reflex of us.

      The key here is to be the peacefull being in middle of caos, this is what a true master do, this is what you really are, LOVE. Co-create your reality based in peace, love, gratitude and compassion, do that and we will prevail no matter what.

      REMEBER, We already win, time is not linear, but it's your choice choose the time line you experience until we reach the convergence of all of them into the one that we win there and earth become a galactic civilization once again to all.

      Be in peace with everything, and everything reflect peace to you!


    4. i respect your opinion.

      imho. what I think the attempt here is not necessarily to save just humanity but really to assist a planet... although frankly ... imo we need Earth more than she needs us. if Gaia didnt really want us... we wouldnt be here n the showdown would have been over long ago.

      those places you mentioned... structed by hurricane may be a financial haven for some (we cant deny that.. it has been discussed on old posts) but there are thousands of average citizens in the path of such danger. The meditation aim is to save lives.. add a bit more of humanity for a change for everyone. However that is interpret by each of us.

      Indeed Gaia needs to burp.. but dont forget another force is trying to abuse n misuse her power... we can allow such as we been doing for lifetime after lifetime or finally work to assist.. redirect if possible.

      As far as the clearing of Karma... it resonates with me that the karma concept was hijacked/altered to suit the purpose of the bad guys... thus making the oppressive and invalid system more a mary-go-round and less likely to really clear easily without any assistance especially as time went by.

      dont get me wrong.. cleari g is important i believe in order (maybe) for a smoother transition perhaps to whereever our next destination may be (unfortunately within the marygoround game)

      if we been doing this for lifetime after lifetime for 26k yrs and expecting a complete successful result then it could essily be said this is madness.

      From what i heard not that many people have been successful in ascending... something must be missing.... does it spells out "entrapment" of some sort.

      unless u can tell us for sure of many sucess stories i would b more than happy to reanalyze this perception.

      last ... i dont believe this site goes against self empowering.. which comes thru clearing. in fact such is encouraged...
      is not about waiting for an Event but being aware of what the real scoop might be... and if u could assist toward such Event... where is the harm in that...

      reality may be stranger than what we were all taught to be.... u still living in this plane thus you are bound to some rules at leasts the ones u have accepted...

      for some just knowing there is more out there than this may bring hope where there was not much left.

      Again... i do agree people should not drop everything n be fixed on waiting... they need to snap out of such n deal with the challenges in the present.

    5. i find it curious why people need to use anonymous just to make the statements such as yours.

      Your statements are reasonable and understandable. Now i would understand the anon if the claims were outrageous n far out like some out there...

      Afraid of backlash?.. u feel we will react like some people claim.. "like cults members" defending to death their new belief?


      believe it or not people of all walks of life and from many areas of beliefs are here.. so such concerns you posted many in here already had to take a bite on... re-analyzed and perhaps continue to do so.... Our curiosity or perhaps let me speak for meself. Reason why i stick around is because there are some areas in reality that makes absolutely no sense to me where this site has provided some clue as to its reason... When such resonates with you then know you are closing in to its true form.

      Now we already know that the road to truth is made of layers... we gone thru this process since a child as we get new understanding of life...

      this site imo just provides a new layer to dig in...

      me heart tells me as outrageous some claims may be.. they feel closer to home.. not because i would like to escape "reality"... but because of my own life experiences and or my intuition.

      Lets say for a minute.. even if anything that has been tossed as intel here was all made up( which would make a great science-fi movie - where unfortunately some of us only get to play tye role of peasant. woohoo).. it cant be denied that a main push is to empower us... by finding ways of understanding ourselves and the world encouraging meditation... to understand the power of teamwork, organization and coordination(not there yet).. must of all about reaching out and self clearing believe it or not.

      Granted i have not been much successful on clearing of the implants stuck on my ass.. oh no wait those are puppeteers... same thing... point being...

      This site is the least threatening i feel to an average individual...
      it may be threatening to those with strong religious dogma i suppose.. but that is something each individual needs to sort out... is their choice.

    6. My friend, do you not know that every Choice creates your reality? If you choose to play in the sand box of the game known as "Earth liberation" then THAT will be your experience. if you choose to play in the sand box of "End times apocalypse" That will be your experience. if you choose the game of "Heaven on Earth" That will be your experience. What sense does it make (Other then clearing frustration which is understandable) to rail against these people own personal manifestation choices? There are those coming to help us. They are US, Our future Higher selves. they go by many names that we are all ready to accept. I know it as ONE. this is my truth and my reality. Sometimes as a multi dimensional being I pop in and out of each of the scenarios at once. In the end, all is well and the outcome assured. Love wins the day, fear is an illusion. Love and Light, Namaste

    7. You are half right, that we need to take back our power, however, We are alone not strong enough to defeat a very real cabal and negative E.T.'s archons, the chimera group ect. This is why we are getting assistance from very REAL postiive E.T's and together we are working together to create the conditions for the Event, which will also happen. We are indeed saving ourselves, but at the same time we are calling for assistance from our brothers and sisters.

      We have done so much progress since 202 and we are almos there.

    8. Thanks for the reply guys, ONLY WE CAN CLAIM OUR SOVEREIGNTY BACK. We are in dominion of DOMINATION AND CONTROL. Only we can revoke what has been put upon us. WW AGREED TO GO THROUGH THE FORGETTINGTHROUGH THE BIRTH CANAL. We agreed back in lumerian times. We fought so hard to get here in earth. Karma does exist and it exists on a universal level. Please do a little research, maybe galactic history is a great place to start. The aliens ARE NOT COMING. Work on yourselves, know thy self, self mastery is self illumination. Otherwise the vast majority hanging off every word are going to be left behind and regret the choice you made to sit back and relax when nothing happens. In 10 years time refer to my advice because absolutely nothing is going to happen, unless us humans allow it. Te event is a dreamtime event and not a full disclosure event. Please meditate upon this. It is your choice. But if you do decide to start start by claiming your sovereignty, your free will. Stop being a back seat driver.

    9. Ps it is not about liberating earth, she does not need our help, we are here to liberate every single planet in this universe. It is about KARMIC RESOLUTION FOR ENOTIRE UNIVERSE. Earth has chosen to be the planet for this as she accepted polarity. REMEMBER FOR GOD SAKE

    10. OrangeC, I don't mean to be offensive but what progress have we had that is ser in stone? I mean apart from the updates the Cobra team says is happening, or apart from Rockefeller death which was inevitable as he was 100+? Honestly stop and look for a minute, I am a fellow citizen of earth too. I was wrapped up in this also. But I took my power back and began a journey of research and meditation. And my discovery was THAT NO ONE HAD MORE POWER THAN US HUMAMS ON THE SURFACE OF THE PLANET, no agarthans no aliens no one but me and my fellow brothers and sisters in the surface. I'm sorry to say but this IS just another hope porn site. Look at it from the sacred neutral perspective, be an observer for a second and look at the facts. It's all speculation really as you don't have solid proof. Name me at least 3 solid things that you can see and hear around you in the reality that is actuall progress? I'm not trying to discourage or offend any one here. We are all from the same SOURCE of being. I'm trying to ENCOURAGE YOU TO BE YOUR OWN WARRIOR! Start self healing, eating healthy, saying no to domination and control claiming your own sovereign free will. Self healing is a journey, you need to live it daily. You made it through to the surface. EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU CAN FO IT, WE ARE ALL SUPER POWERFUL BEINGS. Figure it out yourself, you CAN DO IT.

    11. Ps I am not a religious person, religion was created to seperate the tribes of earth. I am a citizen of earth and believe in equality and justice for all

    12. Ps of we have already won than why bother with meditations and contains no stone placement? We may as well live our lives and just wait for the event to happen as the convergence timelines are inevitable...

    13. Dragon heart my friend cobra himself is anonymous yet you follow his statements? So why is the name unknown any different

    14. there are different unknows here.. who is who.. lol matters not...

      note though my prev comment was in regards to the unknown that posted the topic.

      to the unknown comparing Cobra and the poster ... in response to my reply.. (ok this is getting messy :)..
      yes u make good point as far as them both being anonymous.

      Cobra already has explained his position n i think is a bit more than just being afraid of being called a cult leader etc..

      i doubt the unknown from the post runs the risk of his family being targetted or harassed from stating his views in this public forum.... however... that scenario is more probable in Cobra's case if his identity was more in the opened...
      he still gets his share of haters in the room from time to time... but i dont think his decision for being anonynous is to prevent name calling from happening here..

      :) btw i dont know if the word "follow" really applies... i study... i try to analyze... unfortunately for much of the information.... we have no obvious way to prove... so i try to build my puzzle based on the info n intuition best i can ... that is what binds me to this blog... I only seek clarity. From all the internet mesh out there .. there is something more real and honest or humble about what is being presented here than i have found in any other site.. Note that i dont always accept some explanations given... especially regarding some actions taken on the past (especially by the so called source)... that is one topic that tips me over.

      sorry lol.. i think i went off topic. I need to cut down on these long responses lol. whoo!

  71. I loved this conversation. Well done!

    I love the questions that Steve asked, essentially moving towards possible solutions to the standoff with the cabal. Here is my personal perspective, for those interested…

    In principle I have come to the conclusion that Benjamin’s idea of a South African style truth and reconciliation process is the correct philosophical position. Let me explain:

    What we seem to be dealing with, in terms of the cabal, are beings who are spiritual and emotionally stunted children, but with a lot of power in their hands. This creates a very dangerous situation, as Cobra keeps pointing out.

    Ultimately we have two choices, either they have to pay for their actions, and the allusion to the fact that they even control our lifecycles, shows how far and deep they have been into darkness, and how far the crime against humanity has gone. So the choice is a. we forgive them b. they have to pay for their crimes.

    Now. When we think of any being in this universe, the normal course of action is that we pay for our mistakes, this allows us as individual spirits to grow (karma/dharma). But of course, the issue seems to be that these stinted individual beings are not interested in spiritual growth, nor in paying for their dark actions (dharma).

    The question I have then is, should the rest of us actually care for their spiritual growth?

    And my conclusion is no. We should not care about their spiritual growth. The collective is more important in this case, than the individuals. And for this reason I would suggest that 5 things happen with them:

    1.) they are stripped of power
    2.) they confess fully to their dark deeds (full disclosure)
    3.) they are NOT punished (on a soul level, nor physical level) for ANY of these past dark deeds
    4.) they are provided all the material goods they lust after.
    5.) if any new crimes are committed by them, they are punished for those crimes appropriately.

    In my opinion, this approach will give us the best chance of moving this process forward towards a global solution.

    1. I am for moving on. Forgiveness is so important. Killing is not an answer. Otherwise it would mean that our freedom would be based on murder. We have to turn the page once and for all. Whatever the situation, we must never forget compassion. All in all, we just have to be BETTER THAN THEM ! In any situation...

    2. 1. stop the bad guys.
      2. provide healing for all.. (everyone)

      At the point where we are at... specially when we are not aware of our/others overall soul journey i find it difficult that we are in a position to judge... my opinion. We may have played the role of good guys on this lifetime... but does it make up for the possible wrong doing we did on previous?

      Is easy for us to judge from the present point of view and damned those that oppressed us... we may feel we righteously should be able to judge ... but are u sure u have all the knowing necessary to do so?

      point being... i dont think we are at a stage to declare who should be "burn at the stake" yet:)...
      At the end perhaps is just a matter of finaly getting the proper guidance n healing.. free from the grasp of stupidity...

      so i feel the first and only step we should be focusing on is stopping the game.. their game... asap...
      Stop the idiots that keep trying to delay the freedom "everyone" (regardless of affiliation) deserves.

      there are many people trapped in the darkside... yes it was a choice that probably many could have chosen if placed on their shoes..

      so this talk i hear about damning or forgiving... is something to perhaps to be discussed after we all r free n healed or healing..

      if there was a vote... i would much rather leave the judging to the higher beings than leave it to the hands of prisoners that just got their freedom
      ..cause their initial mode once the truth is known most likely will be filled w desire of vengence...

      to the sake of those that could be spare n unfair treatment they should be separated from the polulation when the time comes..

      but again.. goal should b putting a stop to this all.. no.. not by bending our backs to their demands either....

    3. As someone who's been involved in investigating Pizzagate, I couldn't be any more offended and disgusted with proposals 3 and 4.

      What they basically amount to (taking the path of deconstruction ie taking things to their logical conclusion) is sacrificing justice for the people (cheating them out of justice essentially) for the sake of mercy and forgiveness to scum who will never be worthy of such things. This means they win in the end. Will you be comfortable telling all those children (along with the grieving parents) who have been sadistically raped and tortured to their faces that "Forgiveness and mercy for the monsters that abused you is more important than you being allowed your right to justice?"

      Which is why I have an alternate proposal that prioritizes fairness to the people.

      3. MAXIMUM punishment on all levels to the cabal (and their masters). Just don't kill them for there are far harsher ways to punish these monsters than simply executing them.

      4. Strip them of EVERYTHING and give it all to the people (they're forced to be present as they lose everything). Systemically deny then any form of physical desire except bare basics food and water (they have to witness everyone except them getting all their desires).

    4. Tertius van der Merwe: The solution for removing the dark forces of destruction behind the control and enslavement of planet of earth for the last thousands of years is not a human decision essentially. It is orchestrated by Source/"God" and the higher dimension of celestial beings and galactic intelligence that can do what humans are not in a position of accomplishing on their own. Namely, as Cobra has reported, the toplet bombs must first be removed. The anomaly and its consequences must be corrected.

      As far as what happens to those involved archons, chimera, and various factions generally called the "cabal," if there are arrests those will be fairly tried on earth. Those not remaining will be ultimately judged only by Source/"God" - even those who may first be tried on earth. Ultimately only Source/"God" is in an all knowing position to make
      judgment over any being.

      You seem new to this blog - welcome. If you'd like to see how your topic has been addressed so far on this blog, you may do "searches" at the top of the screen for previous Cobra posts since 2012.

  72. here is maybe a more accurate view of North Korea than what the Rothschild press would have you believe

  73. beloved ones,

    just put your hands on your chests connecting to the heart and take 3 or 4 deep and long breaths and you will feel the light expanding exponentially at every second. get out of your minds and feel your hearts. freedom is here and victory is already ours.

    thank you all for all the work you've been doing. it's thanks to us that we are achieving the victory! so just keep holding the light cause together we are stronger!

    love always

    1. Love love love this! Get out of your mind, and feel your heart. Simple advice usually provides the best solutions. Thank you for sharing 💞

  74. I absolutely love the interview. Appreciate diversity if styles, points of view and presentation. And yet - no opposition. Love everyone of the three, each for his own uniqueness. Still go through comments, was out into nature for couple days. But one thing I would like to replay to. The timing, foreseen... Well, IMHO, it's already happening. It is like going into labor before birth. We see the final result (a baby) after the last, the strongest
    push. But the process itself started long before that. So, we are there already. Participating/waiting for the final push...


  75. Cobra, what do you tell us about a plasma living entity around the earth?

    Is it not already almost gone?

    What do you tell us?

  76. I got more insight into the people who's blogs/updates I read. Sometimes when one writes words like on the internet they can be not conveyed as what they writer intended. Interpretation is in the mind of the beholder. Hearing someone in person and have someone to be able to ask questions gives another view point or insight in their thinking processes and clarifies things more.
    I liked the interview overall. Thanks to all who participated in bringing it to the rest of us. :)


    The TRUTH Seeker!
    September 24, 2017 at 3:25 PM

    Our channel HOSTS ANY AND ALL RELATED SPECIAL GUIDED MEDITATIONS*** that we have the manpower to host for, to guide the energies into alignment, preventing the dark forces from succeeding in their last stand, as well as permanently grounding the foundation of the light forces for a gentle shift of power in favor of the light.

    Our PFC meditation channel:
    The official COEO PFC meditation channel:

    Meditation schedule:
    - Chimera meditation focusing also on the Antartica bases as well as Long Island at 10am EDT (2pm UTC/GMT) on Discord and COEO (Daily!):

    - Expanded Ascension Meditation at noon EDT (4pm UTC/GMT) on Discord (Daily!) and COEO (Sunday only):

    - Geophysical Anomalies (earthquakes, hurricanes) at 12:30pm EDT (4:30pm UTC/GMT) on Discord only (Daily!):

    We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!
    Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return Of Interest on your highly valuable investment of time and energy!

    Victory of the Light! <3


    1. Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return Of Interest on your highly valuable investment of time and energy!

      Victory of the Light! <3

  78. The Divine has assembled a team of devoted people to help us host DAILY SPECIALLY GUIDED AND LIVE MEDITATIONS (at special required times), to guide all energies into alignment, and preventing the dark forces from succeeding in their last stand, as well as permanently grounding the foundation of the light forces for a gentle shift of power in favor of the light!

    Our PFC meditation channel:
    The official COEO PFC meditation channel:

    Meditation schedule:
    10am EDT (2pm UTC/GMT) - Chimera Meditation (focusing also on both Long Island and Antarctica) - On Discord and COEO (Daily!)
    - Preview:
    12pm noon EDT (4pm UTC/GMT) - Expanded Ascension Meditation - On Discord (Daily!) and COEO (Sunday only)
    - Preview:
    12:30pm EDT (4:30pm UTC/GMT) - Geophysical Anomalies Meditation (Earthquakes, Hurricanes, etc) - On Discord only (Daily!)
    - Preview:

    We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!
    Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return On Investment of your highly valuable time and energy!

    Victory of the Light! <3


  79. There comes a time, sooner or later (the latter, the best), when you do not longer feel gratitude for anything,... but, only disgust for all...

  80. Jedy in position!

    Victory of the light


  81. Do you remember?... from an older post...

    something like "banana messages and fear based comments... I have asked the Resistance why should I continue..."?

    The correct answer from RM should be rather that they need on the surface a sane voice for them but also a lightning rood for the followers of this blog... :-)

    So, don't be sad Cobra,...
    We encourage you to carry it for both RM, on one hand, and for us, the followers, on the other hand...

    It's part of our 'spiritual experience' after 1996 which the 'ascended masters' claim they can not even understand...


  82. Fuck Ascended Masters who are not able to understand the 1996-20** period!...


  83. Fuck anyone who can not understand the 1996-20** period!...


    1. Xscuseme? No idea what you mean. But finally someone that says fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Hahaha. There's more fun than we realize. Just do it with a clean heart. Thank ypu dear unknown.


  84. What he says:

    Heal the World
    Make it a better place
    For you and for me
    And the entire human race

    I Love You

    Love, light, Unity, Freedom and Peace for All


  85. "We are a country that was born from an act of treason, against a government that had run out of control. This is not to say, that breaking the rules is something that should happen all the time. But we should always make a distinction, that 'right and wrong' is a very different standard than 'legally and illegally'. The law is no substitute for morality, here, or then."

    "In 2013, before this started, the idea that the government was collecting records of every phone call in the United States was a Conspiracy Theory. It's not anymore. Privacy is the foundation of all other rights. I would say, arguing that you don't care about privacy, because you have nothing to hide, is no different than saying you don't care about Free Speech, because you have nothing to say."

    -Edward Snowden
    interviewed by Katie Couric in Russia, late 2016

  86. We would like to know if you feel it's important to have meditations regularly, and how often.
    And if you think that automated meditations are better than those hosted by human hands.
    Please let us know what you think! :)

    Is a meditation every 4 hours important?

    Should the meditation be automated?

    Thank you! <3


    1. Please be more specific.
      What do you understand by automated meditations that are better or not than those hosted by human hands.

      What are the automated meditations?


  87. Cobra, is the 'worldwide reset imminent' as described, years long already, in PFC website?

    Or, should it be adjusted to 'in the foreseeable future'?

    Would it otherwise not be compromised the word or the meaning of 'imminent'?...

  88. Cobra,
    Say to the resistance movement to give us free energy and the Event will come...
    Thank you so much


  89. Great news that immortality is not an issue (Cobra's).

    We're kinda behind with our rightful achievements down here, and bloody pissed too.

  90. Cobra great interview, loved having you and Ben on the same interview. I cant wait for all to wake up due to energies coming in.. I still see the chemtrails in our skies and I can only think they want to stop those energies and I just smile now.. divine source and all the galactics RM LFs you and all of us who have awakened have already won it is destiny now the Light of course wins it is divine and the universe and all that is is from Source. Thanks so much for all you do Cobra you are amazing and have kept me sane as I was going down the dark timeline now I am in no fear.. Happy and know we are all going to shift soon and see how amazing life can be. Victory of the Light!

  91. I see so many of you fighting tooth and nail for understanding. TO understand and to be understood. To know how and where and why you fit into all of this. It's the most beautiful, humbling and inspiring thing ever. We'll get there guys. Because really it's the only option. May we all have the strength to never give up 💞

  92. Preston James VT 9-23-17… “ISIS now defeated – what’s next?”
