Friday, November 17, 2017

Situation Update

Operation Perseus is in progress. Nothing more can be said about that at this point.

The Chimera group is getting really worried and they are ramping up their defenses in Low Earth Orbit through their proxies within USAF:

Knowledge of existence of heavy quark reactions that could potentially lead to creation of toplet bombs is finally reaching mainstream science:

Mainstream science is also finally beginning to acknowledge plasma filaments between galaxies, which is crucial if humanity wishes to understand the structure of the universe:

Scientists have also created their first wormhole:

And there is more soft Disclosure going on:

Meanwhile, there is a lot going on in the Middle East as Cabal factions fight for power before their final defeat.

Rothschild-backed Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman has purged Bush-oriented Saudi faction that was partially responsible for 9-11:

Mohammed bin Salman's agenda is consolidation of power to increase ties with Israel and begin regional war between Shia and Sunni Muslims that would serve Rothschild interests:

Iran has already issued a warning that this war is NOT an option:

The Rothschilds have also been warned more directly today:

Despite rumors in the alternative media, Jacob de Rothschild is still alive and was NOT harmed in the accident.

The Rothschilds are also afraid of this:

Positive and negative factions are still fighting for their influence over Trump.

The Jesuits have influenced his choice to appoint Jerome Powell as the new Fed chairman. You might want to know that Powell was educated at Georgetown Preparatory School, the only Jesuit boarding school within US:

On the other hand, positive factions within NSA and US Military also influence Trump to a certain degree.

QAnon leaks originate from the positive faction within NSA and are about 70% correct. Trump is NOT QAnon.

Although we are not there yet, there is a massive investigation against the Cabal taking place and it will ultimately lead to the mass arrests when the Chimera faction within the Air Force will not be able to cover the Cabal's back with their toplet bombs anymore.

Unusual number of sealed indictments is the most visible concrete proof of this massive investigation:

Many members of the mid-level management of the Cabal are already cooperating and are willing to testify against the Cabal in exchange for amnesty.

The following meditation can help speed up this process:

1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you

2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all Cabal middlemen into their energy field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light, guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to set themselves free from darkness

3. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way.


Command PB Stardust Pleiadian protocol for removal of chronic pain has been proven to be about 80% effective. Main factors reducing the effectivity of the protocol are suppressed guilt, suppressed negative emotions, past life soul contracts with the dark forces and extremely complex and / or strong medical conditions.

You need to understand that this protocol in most cases does not heal the cause of the pain, it just adjusts the central nervous system so that is decreases the pain signal. Moderate pain signal is then simply a sign that something is wrong with the physical body and medical attention is needed. This protocol is NOT a substitute for medical intervention by conventional and / or alternative medicine.

The Light forces have requested that this protocol gets viral as it has the power to drastically reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering on the surface of the planet.

Victory of the Light!


  1. "Trump is NOT QAnon."
    No shit, Trump ain't THAT religious... Though he likes praising himself. It's that Q glorifies him too much, he's just a puppet as of now, if i could get a dollar for every person he has killed directly by his actions, i would have a small loan of a million dollars. Not saying he didn't do anything nice, like raise relations with russia and china, but his actions are clearly either not coming from his free will or negative in the most...

    1. According to Kent Dunn,QAnon is Daniel Scoveno (sp.?) and works under Donald Trump to get the info out.

    2. You can not expect one man ,one man to do all he has done,survive, with the help of many , make drastic changes thru others ,call out the corrupt ,media net work ,thru the help of others,stay at it day in day out no vacations like previous men holding his office had done.
      Trump with the help and support of many,using his face, his ,name , to dismantle the USA corruption , with the help of many, out reaching at home and abroad,with other world leads to rid this planet of the kazarian plaque.
      And in your highly awakened state , believe it's Trump, one man's ,Fault ..........reevaluate your stance, and look at what's really going on, a man named Trump, makes, supported, guided, and following a massive global movement to unplug kazarian control and all groups like them in the America's and beyond .
      Is just a figure head, he has been doing a good face.
      But he does not act alone.

    3. "call out the corrupt"
      I don't see him calling out jesuits or the christian cult...

      "Trump with the help and support of many"
      Yes by providing weapons for IS and bombing innocent civilians, and helping NATO militarize EU. So much support.

      "to dismantle the USA corruption"
      Reality check time:
      Homeless veterans in streets: check.
      Trump not keeping his promises: check.
      Riots in the streets aginst him: check.
      Riots in the streets: check.
      Threats from usa to other world countries: check.
      Enforcement of the petrodollar: check.
      Divide and Conquer agenda in place by Trump: check.
      Production of microchips: check.
      Jailing and attacking innocent people: check.
      Ban of clean energy generation devices and healthy drugs: check.
      I could go on, you know? No, Trump is not a good guy.

      "leads to rid this planet of the kazarian plaque"
      Whoops, he not only supports the petrodollar but uses his idiot supporters by taxing them and enforcing the central bank. Whoops.

      "And in your highly awakened"
      That doesn't mean reading some shit about how trump is a good guy on the internet and beleving it because it "sound right". What if i told you i got telepathic contact with the order of the star that keeps me aware of the global situation that is extremely accurate about actions of the goverment? Yeah lol, you wouldn't be so happy...

      "what's really going on"
      Divide and Conquer and mass genocide preparations. Anything else? Yes why: Microchiping the population and removing human rights like fishing and collecting rainwater little by little, banning the solutions for world problems like global warming, war and pollution, i could go on...

      "massive global movement to unplug kazarian control and all groups like them in the America's and beyond"
      Do you even know who Khazarians are and what they do? I bet you don't, because Trump supports them.

      "But he does not act alone."
      Yes he's a good marionette. Good marionette for the bad guys. Whoops.

    4. @Matas Vasylius Someone has to say it, and you sure said it, man. I'm fed up of all these pro-Trump comments. Even my friend who is actually in touch with his star family is quick to dispell any notions of Trump even being aware of the light forces, so much as working with them.

      That being said, Trump does take advice from the white hat light forces, just as much as he takes advice from the dark forces. He plays both sides, whoever makes the better deal for his own self interest. So this allows the light forces some room in persuading him about certain things.

      But make no mistake, there was nothing enlightening about his election. It was a mafia style turf war between two factions of the Cabal.

      Here's a good link I posted a while back that does a great job of explaining things: Their intel is independent of Cobra's, but matches a lot of what he says. The blog is well worth following.

  2. I'd also recommend this alternative red pill, since this is about 90-100% (IMO 100%) correct, i've never seen so much intel that confirms almost everything i ever heard from the order of the star telepathically:


    1. Yes, but it has no updates since 2015.

      The interview with 'hidden hand' is nothing new, it's since 2008...

  3. Traducido al castellano
    Translated to spanish

  4. this is so very exciting! i feel we're already on the pre-event which is the investigations before the mass arrests that will happen through the event.
    i love you SO MUCH cobra! each time i read your updates now i can sharply feel how notably optimistic you've became and how amazingly it hits my heart!
    thank you all so much for all your amazing strength and resilience.
    we are SO close!
    just keep holding on and KNOW it's a matter of only a few months.

    thank you divine intervention!!!!!!

    it's the greatest of the hugest honors to be a light/love warrior/worker.

    the victory is ours!

  5. When you say massive investigation, is any of that "pizza" related?

    Q and his questions have definetly been helpful in that front. A lot of new leads and research have been coming up on the PG front ever since. It seemed rather odd that PGer assistance was specifically requested somewhere in those Q threads on /pol (don't know if it was Q or the resident "/pollacks" making the request) near the beginning of the whole thing.

    That Ascension Wealth indictment article's timing is extremely interesting given the Voat thread it linked to was barely even a day old. Makes me want to ask a question that's been on my mind for quite a while.

    "Have the White Hats been watching what the PGer's are looking into?"

    1. drake and kent dunn confirmed nsa are the whitehats mainly and the name of the person is David S something sounded italian...

      who knows

    2. penny4yerthoughts, The name they mentioned was "David Scavino."

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      ~ The Light Sharer

    3. Excuse me, it was "Dan Scavino" not david. The president's personal photographer.

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      ~ The Light Sharer

  6. Here to help. Passing the word.

  7. OK. Concerning the Pleiadian Protocol
    I improved from the pains of Spinal disc herniation.

    But as I mentioned in another post and confirmed in this post the pain stopped but I think the hernia continues to burst at the base of the spine. I can say that the pain has improved 95%
    I will tell you a secret: This week I made a physical effort sweeping and removing the leaves from the yard and the next day I did not feel much pain like before
    I have no pain crisis and when the pain increases I use the Protocol. I'm still amazed how this works
    Still like to know if it works in animals like dogs and cats?
    Thank you

    1. leo:
      I wonder if you can place your hands on your pets when you say the Pleiadian protocol and visualize the healing coming into the top of your head, through you and out your hands to your pets?
      Something like this is what 'healers' do...
      You could try it... :)

    2. @WestCoastUSMegan

      I will do this
      Thank you

    3. Like a Shaman:

    4. leo:
      Try visualizing your spine healing, too.
      You can impact the healing if you send your own spine some mental visualizations and energy. Do it each day.

      And tell us how your pets are doing. :)

  8. continuing
    I particularly think that my case is not repressed guilt, suppressed negative emotions, or contracts of the soul of the past life
    Specifically in this case my Spinal disc herniation was because when I was younger I carried weight beyond the bearable at work. SDH surgery is very expensive here
    I'm going to pass the Pleidian Protocol for my sister who also suffers from Spinal Disc herniation because she worked for years sitting. I think it will help besides the physiotherapy and acupuncture
    Thank you

    1. Have you heard of the Foundation Training program? I practice this 10-15mins every day, and have found it to be highly beneficial. I know folks who had herniated discs that utilized this, which was a proactive alternative to surgery. Check it out if you feel guided to.

    2. Wow; Many thanks for the advice. I'll research and learn more about this.
      Thank you very much

    3. Qi Gong seems to help things like this spines and discs too... You could take a look at Master Gu's website. He is top-notch... I went to one of his one-day workshops a few years ago. He is very good.

    4. @WestCoastUSMegan

      Thanks for the tip. Qi Gong looks very cool
      Ty :)

  9. It makes sense that my chronic pain isn't completely alleviated because my mother has medical conditions that are hereditary. The problem is with lack of healthcare in the United States. My Husband works 40+ hours a week to provide for us and it simply isn't enough to provide us with proper healthcare. However, I lifted my 4 year old son off the ground today and gave him raspberries on the tummy! We laughed and played so hard!! I haven't been able to do these things because of my chronic pain and fear of a re-injury. I am not healed completely but I can at least be a mother to my son and that is more than I could have asked for. I can't express my gratitude as I am not good with words but I hope that it can be felt anyway. Thank you. <3

    On a side note: I just watched the latest episode of Orville. It was a very interesting episode about conquering fears. The show itself was great but there was a line at the end that really hit the spot and sunk in. Like it was meant for my ears. "There should be no doubt in your mind that you are capable of doing your job." Whether the writers of the script knew what they were saying was relevant or not. It hit me right in the FEELS!

    Don't let the anxiety cripple you. (Easier said than done, am I right?) I felt compelled to share.
    "There should be no doubt in your mind that you are capable of doing your job."


  10. When I was 18 years old I worked in a factory carrying heavy boxes at a famous multinational printer and copier company and my sister as a receptionist sitting for more than 10 hours a day. Over the years it has caused us a Spinal disc herniation :/

    1. What part of your spine was affected

    2. lumbar region
      lower back

      Exactly like in this image

  11. someone with the creative mind to make viral youtube videos or spread a viral email..

    those.. share this with 3 friends type of deal.. please do no not make it "religious specific"..

    this is to be a tool for eberyone regardleas what they believe in.

    in fact.. put it as a signature in your emails...
    actually i am going to do that lol..

  12. come people get ur creative hats on.

  13. I've seen, and saved this the day it was posted. But I didn't want to say anything about it. First of, Tolec said a few things which didn't resonate with others, (and with me), so I did somehow, lost my trust in Tolec. So, I was just watching, observing and waiting to see some of the things he talked about... And then, I was analyzing, comparing them with what Cobra was saying.
    Now I think, it's time to post this for others to see; to be aware of; and to make their own conclusions.
    Keep in mind, Tolec got this message back in November of 2014.

    Tolec Update - Donald Trump Presidency "the most sweeping changes in the history of your country"

    >>And equally important, as I’ve said in various interviews, since November of 2014 when I asked my contact person, the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere, what this [at that moment] upcoming presidential ‘election’ meant for this country. Here is what he said & showed to me in imagery back in late autumn 2014 [paraphrased]:

    “…your current President, the man you call Barack Obama, he will be the last President of the United States as you know it.

    The next man appointed as President, he will be like no other you have ever experienced. He will be from outside your political system. He will initiate and begin the most sweeping changes in the history of your country. It will be the advent of a new era.

    It will mark the beginning of massive reduction, restructuring and reorganization of your American federal government and its political system. You will witness the elimination of certain departments and agencies. It will be the kind of restructuring the likes of which you have never seen before. It will be a time of true change.”

    >>In closing, and for record, I am neither for/pro “Trump”, nor am I against the man.

    I’m simply sharing with you what my higher dimensional, Andromeda Council contact person shared with me back in November 2014… in terms of what we could expect with the appointment of this new President.

    As I said, watch, listen and wait. Observe. You will see significant, sweeping changes coming, in this country, in the coming months and years. Many of them may very well be… good changes. We’ll see.

    Wodakote. Peace to you all. ~ Tolec<<.

    1. Aho brother!

      As an aside Bashar also said that in November of 2016 everything will change.

      Many other channels including Corey Goode.

  14. EACH OF US IS INVITED To Continue Asking For

    “Divine Intervention”

    to bring about THE EVENT and Liberation on earth as soon as possible.

    Speaking (aloud) in your own words daily. You can address your request/prayer to "Source of All, Almighty God, Supreme One," etc., or whatever words you like.

    [Reference: Cobra/Prepare for Change: October 2017 Interview - Excerpt from transcript of October 10, 2017 interview (posted October 18, 2017)]:
    Question to Cobra:

    Is it possible that:

    If people ask for more Divine Intervention
    it can speed up the process of Liberation of planet Earth?

    Your thoughts Cobra?

    COBRA: Yes, yes.


    1. A guided audio and a schedule daily meditation is needed on this...

  15. Stay healthy out there everyone

  16. Indianinthemachine said that at this moment Goliath was conquered by David. Vatican? Liz of England?
    Let's enjoy it

  17. Fast and Furious Wonderful Update :) Thanks RM COBRA LF
    Let's get this DONE!!!! :) UNITE THE LIGHT!!! WOOT

  18. USA space fleet to fight the light forces?



    Cobra, when the enemy start putting boys and old men in the war, it's a clear sign that their end is near

    1. @spiritofjstc2 I know, right? Imagine all these super masculine men being told they have to protect Earth from a possible "alien threat" and preparing all their dark weaponry. Only for them to surrender to the light forces within a matter of minutes. It's laughable, of course, imagining these tough grown men cowering in fear over pro-Light forces. Lord knows, we've been cowering in fear over the Dark forces for far too long!

  19. Thank you everyone, I hope your all doing well. Unfortunately the pain removal has not worked for me but I am greatful for all the successful people that are pain free now. Thanks......

  20. Thank you Cobra, also for clarifying that Trump is NOT QAnon and that quite a large part of his intel (30%) is NOT correct, which has become obvious anyway (Podesta still not arrested, the US NOT a completely different place on Trump's return from Asia, etc. pp....)

    However, on reading that you classify 4 people's (2 pilots, 2 passengers) death over Buckinghamshire as a "warning" to the Rothschilds made my BS sensor meter deflect into deep red zone, Cobra. It would mean that one of the pilots was in kamikaze suicide mode and sacrificed his life and the ones of 3 others as a WARNING to the Rothschilds??? Sorry Cobra but I dare say that even with the tiniest application of common sense this part reeks like nonsense.

    (and people please don't start discussions like "both aircraft were in real unmanned drones" / false flag bla-bla. Might as well talk of black cats crossing from the right then... ;) )

    I know you appreciate us out here using our discerning wits, and also nonetheless, the rest of the update resonates as relevant.

    1. Who said anyone was flying in the plane that wrecked into the other one? The pilot, co pilot, and 2 passengers were all in one plane, the other was unmanned. LOL, we (US) have unmanned planes and drones everywhere out in the world (for war purposes mainly), very common tech. Oh, nice job foreshadowing with the "dont even bring up unmanned crafts" so then when someone brings up this legitimate argument you are already trying to debunk it.

      Let me flip this on you, why is an unmanned craft hitting a manned craft so hard to believe? Please explain to me why that is BULLSHIT theory to even think of. Im waiting. :)

    2. As a one-time only exception I'll do your homework for you this time. In the future you may not rely on me again but instead please do this simple kind of research by yourself, Barda.

      Here we go (sources below):

      ⚫ around the time of the collision, the air traffic control services was suffering from staff shortage, announced to be closed during three 30-minute periods on selected days between November 7-30. The crash occurred about half an hour after the latest closure was due to end. Investigations are ongoing if air traffic control was still compromised around the time of the crash

      ⚫ The pilot of the airplane was a very young only 18 year old aviation student, thus most likely very unexperienced (may you RIP, Saavan Mundae)

      ⚫ Also killed were Saavan Mundae's flight instructor, the helicopter pilot Mike Green and his flight student

      ⚫ The Cessna 152 was built in 1982, had flown more than 14,000 hours and had previously suffered substantial damage to its landing gear, propeller and engine following a crash at a Cornish airfield in 1993

      ⚫ The plance crash did not even occur above the Rothschild affiliated Waddesdon Manor estate but only close by

      ⚫ The Buckinghamshire estate is not owned by the Rothschild's anymore but only managed by them (owned by National Trust)


      Cobra, I 2nd my request that you please indicate your private subjective interpretations and opinions from hard Intel by writing "possibly" or "maybe" and alike. The mission is way too important as to slide down onto Sheladan Nidle/ Benjamin Bulls**t/ Simon Parkes speculation swamp level .. ;)


  21. Cobra, you said it yourself. Your updates ROCK.
    Thank you.

    Very encouraging news about the Pleiadian's command PB stardust and I think it's great that they want it to go viral.

    Now -- to encourage my friends that it's okay to "utter this incantation," and try to explain how/why it works.

    Am wondering who/what this plane/helicopter crash on the Rothschild estate is... Well, who was in the plane? When I read about it earlier today I thought it was some maybe some Rothschilds trying to 'escape.' I hope it wasn't good guys who went down in the plane and helicopter.

    It is interesting that if the Rothschilds 'took down' the helicopter with those Saudis in it they didn't like (a week or two ago when the Saudi purge started) they, themselves (Rothschilds) were served up a similar threat by having a helicopter come down over their monstrous digs.

    It is interesting to watch the Rothschilds 'take out' the Saudis who are on the Bush side. So... these Cabalists are fighting with one another.

    I also wondered about Powell, who took over the Fed. Makes me think the Jesuits want to control the money system, right? (I guess they have been, anyway).

    Lots of interesting intell.. thanks very much.

    I'll do the meditation to send those mid-manager-Cabalists to the light, so they fink on their higher-ups...

    Victory of the Light!

  22. individuals in the intelligence community exposing NWO video.

    i think some of these were in the Dr Greers Disclosure Video too

  23. How I choose to see this: today in the news, here in Washington state, a Navy pilot chose to draw male body parts in the sky. I see this as a clear cry out for the need of divine feminine energies to balance the planet.

    1. I wonder if the Navy pilot was addressing in a crude way the chimera group (air force).

      As in..... "Air Force, You Are F-----d."

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oui je l'avais remarqué aussi Arbre solaire (Persée/percée= breakthrough) ... cela augure bien!

  25. Greetings from Holland /Netherlands ,
    A few days ago i was suddenly dizzy for a few moments and ,next days again but just a bit, one day when i went to bed and lay down, my head felt sooo strange and light and dizzy that i thought that maybe i was dying.Still it is'nt completely over yet ,has somebody here had the same experience ,has it to do with the new energie's perhaps?
    Some sort of boost from de central sun?

    1. Hallo ?.!. I am from Holland too. Yes a lot of dizzyness is involved. I have the same, for months actually. It's because of the rising frequencies. Hold on.

    2. Dank je voor je antwoord, fijn om nog iemand uit Nederland hier te treffen(die mijn steenkool Engels kan lezen) ahahha.
      Wat de duizeligheid betreft dat is nog steeds niet over wel minder heftig, .Zelfs als ik op bed lig draait het soms,een heel eng gevoel, vannacht durfde ik niet te gaan slapen bang dat ik niet meer wakker zou worden,bizar he.
      Midden bovenop mijn hoofd voel ik soms ook een kloppend drukkend gevoel en vannacht ook op mijn voorhoofd ,niet pijnlijk.
      Nu met deze nieuwe energieën weet ik niet meer wat ik ervan moet denken is het onschuldig of wat anders,moeilijk.
      Maar goed, je bent ook hier op Cobra's site dus ook op de hoogte van wat er speelt, ook ik spit van alles uit om maar info te krijgen over waar we op het moment zijn,zo te lezen hier en daar zal dat zeer binnenkort zijn Kent Dunn sprak over 1 Januarie. Spannend .
      Groetjes van Cis

    3. Hallo, ik ben een Friezin en ik ben sinds een paar weken ook duizelig, zelfs als ik in bed lig. En mijn hart doet soms gek, het fladdert een beetje. Maak me geen zorgen, volgens mij komt het door de nieuwe energieën. Veel liefs en goeds voor iedereen en 'victory of the light!'

    4. Het hoort bij deze tijd. Maar misschien kan je er wat homeopathie voor nemen: Rhus toxicodendron C30 granules. Je neemt twee keer met een kwartier ertussen 6 granules. Na 3 dagen mag je nog één keer 6. Meer werkt niet. Het kost hier ongeveer 10 euro, en je hebt meteen voor een heleboel keer.

      It really belongs to this time. Maybe you could take some homeopathie: Rhus toxicodendron C30 granules. You take twice 6 granules with 15 minutes in between. Then after 3 days 6 granules once more. More goes not work. In Holland that will cost you around 10 euros. You'll have enough for many times.

  26. On the meditation,it would be easier to focus if, somehow, we could some how have a list of people that needed to be influenced to turn to the LIGHT.

  27. The final battle between the light and dark is now happening and the Light will indeed be victorious evidence of that can be seen everywhere! Here is a accurate description of this:

  28. Thanks for the translation 🙏🏼♥️
    Victory of The Light ✨🌎☀️♥️🌈

  29. Thank you very much for clarifying some doubts on what's going on in Saudi Arabia, what happened with the Rothchilds yesterday and with the whole QAnon thing, it was important to hear your feedback on this issues! Also the confirmations on the sealed indictments and what we can do to help, let's send some Light to those middle men of the Cabal, time to jump ship and join the Liberation of the planet for their own good!

  30. One more important point was about the Command PB Stardust, made total sense, thanks again!

  31. Traduction en français

  32. Replies

    1. You had an article, something like 'Post Event Possibilityes' or so. Can you bring it forward again?

  33. Traduction français

  34. Dear Cobra and company,
    I have used the command PB Stardust for six days and no longer using the analgesia I needed for moderate osteoarthritis in my knee.
    I will be spreading the word as I am soon to launch a blog.My gratitude to my Pleiadian family and Cobra,and the great community here
    Kerin,an Aussie LW

    1. thumbs up... spread the word, kid


  35. This is us, uniting and growing faster in a legion, we being here like soldiers, volunteers fighting for the planetary liberation.

    And being so, like soldiers, may we have to remember that our language is, or may be, much more 'flexible,'... as much as we may not feel ashamed if hearing phrases like 'the dick to the nose'...

    But the problem is that in some cultures the phrase may seem very strange,...

    So, even is your language accepted, you get often the question: OK, but what does it mean?...
    The answer is: simply,... wagging the dick towards someone's nose...

    1. @unknown You need to get out of your basement and get laid, man. No one wants to see this message for the third time. Try to talk to girls without immediately switching to the subject of sex, and you may actually get somewhere.

      Cobra, I think that everyone here would very much appreciate it if you censored all sex-related comments from unknown. We don't need that here, especially people who have suffered from traumas.

      I'm a virgin, and my girlfriend lives in another country. And I have made lots of mistakes in approaching girls due to my mother abusing me. I struggle with PTSD on a daily basis because of this. Yes, my mother did actually sexually abuse me in the forms of touching, innappropriate talking, and boundaries. This has affected and destroyed my whole life. I am always afraid of women, due to that risk of being called a perv. I am grateful to be understood by my girlfriend, though, despite the fact that we are miles away and have not been talking much lately, due to her being busy.

      When I see comments like this from unknown, it now makes me want to kick him in the gnads, because he clearly doesn't care about changing his ways. Plaedian girls aren't going to enjoy the way you talk, if you think that is what The Event will bring you. Learn some respect.

      Why would anyone here want to smell your dick? Because that is essentially what you're saying. There is a difference between being sex-positive and making everyone feel uncomfortable. The Light is just going to make it easier for people to ignore these statements, but it is not going to make people more accepting of them, not at all.

    2. Honestly.. what is this comment even?

    3. Not You Piper, i meant this unknown up there, dunno if this is just soft trolling or someone needs attention.

  36. And ooh Coob, congrats again, and thanks. I'm so impressed by what you achieved:)

    Hallelujah Leonard Cohen for you

  37. welp
    not that I was pleased but I thought the Saudi thing was just the dark machine eating itself

    I even told the nice folks at disclosure news Italy to be careful - it is easy to hide people on earth - dead but not-dead celebrity island exists I am sure

    EVERYTHING the dark guys do is coded in numbers
    49 Saudis - 4+9 = 13

    they were making a joke on the inner order of the Templars who ended up sacrificing a third of their order to survive

    Templars and Gnostics survived
    the Dark Guys will not


  38. see

    if you give us 70 percent of your money you can go
    oh the 911 thing, ya that's ok, Twitter FOX Google, don't worry about not how these guys will be handled by proper Light Forces

    Hang in There
    you're only fighting yourself at this point

    1. Agreed. They should stay under arrest, but the fact the bloodline families are fighting this publicly and hardcore now shows how much they are falling apart! :)

  39. I want to know what is the Pleyadien Healing, Cobra said in his ones of the last enterview we can find it int this Portal. I really want to know how I can find it here.
    Thank you so much.

    1. Mundo:

      Read this Monday November 6, 2017 post from Cobra. Read the whole thing, particularly at the very end of the post.

      Pleiadian healing protocol is explained.

    2. The Pleiadians would now like to help people with chronic pain and have developed a protocol that can help ease the pain. If you have chronic physical pain, you can repeat three times in your mind.

      “Command PB stardust”

      The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to access your central nervous system to ease your pain. This new protocol is still in development and is limited in its efficiency and the Pleiadians are asking for feedback. Those who will use this protocol, are welcome to report its effects in the comment section on my blog where this article is posted. Peace

    3. When You feel the pain You need to say three times,out loud or in Your head:
      Command PB Stardust
      Command PB Stardust
      Command PB Stardust

      It shall not fix the core of a problem or heal but it is to be utilized to ease the pain:)

    4. Beloved Mundo Bio-cauntum,

      The Pleidaian healing protocol is :-

      Command PB Stardust
      Command PB Stardust
      Command PB Stardust

      Repeat it three times and thanks them in the end.
      May the LOVE be with you always!

    5. You can find out about the stardust healing method in the recent blog post on Monday November 6th. 'Physical Intervention' is the title of the posting. It's mentioned at the end.


  40. Cobra you've mentioned about past soul life contracts with the dark forces, before i had a nap earlier i told my higher self & I Am Presence that i wish to be free of all previous contracts with the dark forces. I then had a very lucid dream of some entity attatched to me holding my mouth and eyes and i kept repeating that I AM FREE, then this entity disappeared. Was that me releasing old contracts?

    1. I had a very similar dream a month ago. Some beings were doing "work" on my mouth and I just kept yelling something like, "No you won't!".

  41. A dream of solace.

    *Definition of the word "Solace" - comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.*

    I won't get too descriptive about the details of this dream, because it involves a lot of personal details about my life. But, I can say that it was extremely beautiful and I felt like crying after I woke up, heck, I actually did cry in the dream too!!

    So, I had this dream where I traveled back in time to meet my younger self, siblings and family. It was a little dis-heartining to not have them recognize me at first, but I understood. I just wanted to scream out who I was, where I was from (the future) and why I was there.

    I was shown a lot of things and learned a lot about my life and mission while I was there. I don't want to do anything but help others anymore. Nothing, but help others absolutely.

    I apparently seemed to have changed timelines, this is what this dream signified. Eventually, I told my younger self in the dream that I was from the future, from the "main timeline" where a great deal of many positive changes have happened and are about to happen, that I came here to help, only to see him immediately disappear right before my eyes. I was told that saying this disrupted the learning experience and that the timeline had collapsed.

    This didn't upset me however, I understood what this dream meant, in its own percuilar way, I have simply shifted timelines in the real world and that the past was no more. Negative timelines have collapsed. Well, the timeline I was in collapsed and everyone in it disappeared. It was like the rapture. The streets were empty. There were no people. After that, I simply left. Woke up and that's where the dream ended.

    Well, the message I have to convey here is that if you're reading this, that means the timelines have collapsed and you are now in "the main positive timeline" as outlined in my dream. Have faith in that knowledge.

    I felt compelled to add this here:
    You don't need technology to time travel, is what I was told in the dream.

    Also, mainstream media just admitted to time travel:

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    ~ The Light Sharer

    1. @The Light Sharer Thank you for your post. Comments like yours are the reason I read the comments section in the first place.

    2. Light Sharer: Pretty cool dream !

    3. Thank You & You're welcome, all!!

      I'm happy to assist in any way I can. Especially, my fellow light-workers/warriors!! Anything to help inspire you guys to stay in the fight. I see a lot of stuff sometimes that disheartens me when I read the comments, negativity, suicidal posts, you know what I mean if you consistently read the comments on this blog. Don't let the dark win; They laugh when they see you struggle. Don't give them that satisfaction, ok? I'm just trying to help brave the storm by raising morale and inspiring hope, is all. ( ^ω^)

      Let's share and spread that tasty love-light honey to our "distant relatives" and get them to put down their arms and join us in the light. It's much more comfortable over here and you are "less likely to trip over something" in the light than in the dark. (∩_∩)

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      In self-less service to all... and then some.
      ~ The Light Sharer

    4. Thank you Light Sharer - that is indeed solace!

  42. What's exactly does it mean 'the dark night of the soul'?

    1. You find it on the web.

      In fact, the phrase speaks 'eo ipso': it's a dark night of your soul. Do you want more.

      P.S. What might be much more dangerously,... and also 'hidden' in the plethora of material on the web,... is that if you are 'unfortunate', it might be everlasting,... forever,... instead until, up to, your so called 'enlightment'...

    2. That's when you are purging a lot of past negative/dirty gunk energy thats releasing from your body all at once. It feels overwhelming and like everything is falling apart, but its mass amounts of old emotional, mental, etc energy on all levels that is release so new positive energies can take its place!

    3. Dark night of the soul is when all that was repressed in you comes to light, and when all your suffering and misery, all your sadness that were trapped by the barrier of the unconscious comes to light.
      This is the moment when you realize all this and you are perplexed by all that weight.
      But what follows after that is that you discover, or rediscover all your riches and wonders.
      There are forced ways to achieve this state, the most efficient that I know is full solitude, you isolate yourself for a long period (no more than 40 days) of everything and everyone, you can not maintain affective contact with the nature too, for it will be a pleasant company. it is only full solitude.
      To better understand the subject or even before entering into any such practice, I recommend that you read Osho books.
      That's all I know about it.

    4. Check at the link below brother.

      Victory of the light !

    5. a "bad hair day"

    6. It is cleansing of the soul's karma, all hidden and ancient traumatic emotions will be arise for cleansing. In this, you can experience depression, meaningless in life, etc. All these must surface in order to be cleansed. You can consider this as the intense purification of the soul. You can not bring the negative emotions to the higher dimension, so it must be purge before Ascension. In another perspective, you can consider this as a test for the soul. How well a soul can handle all these when they are surfaced, it depends on individual frequency.

      May the LOVE be with you always!

    7. It's the time it takes to swift from the old reality into truth and takes longer than one night. It can take months. For a while you will not care about things anymore.

    8. So if you having it,you should be happey cus you on the 'right' path.

    9. Cobra can you please help us with the right explenation of the dark night of the soul?

    10. Yes I'm pretty sure you're on the right path then.
      Jesus said:
      Let him be seeking,
      continue to seek
      until he finds.
      If he finds he will be confused.
      If he becomes confused
      he will be astonished
      and shall control the All.

      In my limited translation.

  43. I was wondering about that Saudi prince...also great to see the high success rate of the PB Stardust technology...much love everyone.

    1. That Saudi prince and Bill Gates are pals.... And they own these Las Vegas hotels...!!...

      It is all so so wild!

      I understand why people have such a hard time with all this stuff, because it is truly over the top.

      A number of years ago I found a bargain price and I stayed at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas... and at the time, I thought it was just wonderful and beautiful with a huge, fun, outdoor swimming pool.

      I hope the Mandalay Bay can be returned to the people so everyone can enjoy it.

  44. I dreamed early this year, a kind of dream in which,
    being on a city sea side, in a dark night with a few mercury lamps only, there was coming from far the sea the loud sound of a song having 'the voices of the world' music and seemingly Sarah Cecilia Carr's voice, in a kind of mixed Spanish-English nonunderstandable language,
    saying something about SOLARIAN Star System, and DISCLOSURE.

    Hopely, 'in the foreseeable future' the Light Forces would be able to keep it from Akashic Records, and give it to the public in a kind of record to be shared.

    It is worth to be shared,... I tell you the truth...

    1. I think you mean "Salarian" and we can probably find the star system referred to in your dream by searching for the real world equivalent of the Salarian star system home world mentioned here:

      Which happens to be the Arcturus star system in the real world.

      If you're interested in reading more about the Salarians, read here:

      I do enjoy reading some good lore. Especially, something as conhesive and well integrated as this. I find it very entertaining and thought-provoking. Just what kind of soft disclosures have they included into the lore? I did find one however, a mention on the Salarian article about a 50,000 year evolution cycle.

      Makes you wonder what else they included into the lore that could be some kind of spin-off from the real world equivalent, eh?

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      Proud to serve.
      ~ The Light Sharer

    2. I also found a mention to the name "Solarian" mentioned here in the book series "Honorverse" written by David Weber:

      "Solarian" just happens to be a name for us, humans and our home star system (Earth) in the book:

      Hope this helps! \(^o^)/

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      In self-less service
      ~ The Light Sharer


    3. Solarian or Salarian, in this case, will bring us only the reading from Akashik Records,... hopely... soon.
      I will ask it for, to be given to the public to enjoy it.

    4. Light sharer,

      I love the mass effect series and wondered how much "true" info was in there too!!.

    5. Loving Soul, Barda

      I too am a fan of and love the Mass Effect series, however they really took a hit by botching the release of their latest title.

      If only they could have spent more time and resources to polish what they had, instead of releasing a less-than-mediocre version of their work in a desperate money-grab knowing that it had fatal flaws and that it would of immediately gotten rejected by the public, despite knowing this, they released it anyways, even after recieving a lot of backlash regarding it as an unfinished product.

      Regardless to say, the developers and/or publishers really destroyed the reputation of the series by forcing the release of an unfinished/unpolished product. Which recieved immediate public backlash.

      I have to say, the story was amazing. It was about humanity making a new home in the Andromeda galaxy, settling it along with other space-faring races and uniting forces with a local star race against an overwhelming invading force of darkness and somehow managing to beat them by uniting together and helping one another, it would of been well recieved if only the developers have focused more of their time on their job, instead of fighting amongst themselves.

      I guess, what I meant to say is that this would not be a problem after the event. People would have unlimited time and resources to devote into doing whatever they loved and would not have to be forced into delivering an unfinished product. Which would receive major criticism.

      Instead, they would of worked together with another team of developers indefinitely to help fabricate a masterpiece.

      This goes for all forms of expression after the event.

      A new renaissance.

      Nothing but masterpiece after masterpiece of beautiful art and work. With everyone working together to help one another in unison without in-fighting.

      Stress free and happy people. Finally.

      I'm looking forward to it.

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      In Happiness, Awaiting The Event.
      ~ The Light Sharer
      My words ebb and flow like honey, do they not? That was the goal. To give off a positive radiance and help battle negativity by inspiring hope through the energy of words. Peace Be With You.
      ( ^ω^)

    6. Let it be soon, unknown and thank you!!

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      In Humbling Service
      ~ The Light Sharer

    7. Thanks the Light Sharer, I agree! I havent played the most recent one due to some of the things you pointed out, folks said to wait till it goes in a very cheap sale to buy it lol. I agree also that everything should be a work of art and masterpiece..not something just trying to be tossed out there for a quick buck!! Been playing destiny 2 and i've been having loads of fun with that. Very interesting that one of alien races invading Earth in the game is called "The Cabal", and they are trying to steal "The Light" from the positive guardians protecting humanity. And the Guardians with the "light" keep reincarnating to protect and help humanity.

      Truth everywhere in video games these days, especially the sci fi ones!!


  45. Thank you, Cobra!

    You confirm many things I felt to be true.

    Victory of the Light!

    Love and Blessings to All.

  46. Very important intels here, helping a lot for discernement. Thank you very much Cobra. Victory of the light.

  47. Years ago I worked with Keylontic Science, which has a symbol for meditation with unknown sigils. I embedded this symbol into my subconscious thinking it would help me. I now strongly suspect that this symbol opens portals to dark realms.

  48. "Main factors reducing the effectivity of the protocol are suppressed guilt, suppressed negative emotions, past life soul contracts with the dark forces and extremely complex and / or strong medical conditions."

    To those that feel they may have past life soul contracts with the dark forces I recommend you read this article. You may find it helpful.


  49. A guided audio and a scheduled meditation must be put in place:

    The following meditation can help speed up this process:

    1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you

    2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all Cabal middlemen into their energy field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light, guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to set themselves free from darkness

    3. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way.

    1. You have the meditation there:



  51. Q Clearance Patriot #4chan #QAnon Drops — The Coming Storm & Reconstituted Revolution #Oligarchicide
    Lionel Nation

    1. Go Lionel :-) The Big wake up call is getting louder.
      Thank You Cobra & the Light Forces... Fantastic times we have chosen to live in. The Light grows more Intense does it not :-)

  52. ### Cobra or anybody who'd like to comment on Lebanese PM and his visit to France (after he resigned). Are these guys maybe working for the light now, aligned with Russia, China, and the other pro-change governments/people?


  53. A phrase is missing from a while in situation updates...

    It's the well known: Clearing of the Chimera group continues...

  54. For Slovenian readers:

    Here's the link to our ESG and SOTR group on Facebook:

    Thank you Cobra and RM for the update.

    Victory of the Light!

  55. "In The Light"

    And if you feel that you can't go on
    And your will's sinkin' low
    Just believe and you can't go wrong
    In the light you will find the road (You will find the road)

    Hey, oh, did you ever believe that I could leave you
    Standing out in the cold
    Hey, babe, I know how it feels 'cause I have slipped through
    To the very depths of my soul, yeah
    Oh, baby, I just want to show you what I'd give you
    It is from every bend in the road
    Now listen to me
    Oh, whoa-whoa, as I was and really would be for you, too, honey
    As you would for me, oh, I would share your load
    Let me share your load, ooh, let me share, share your load

    And if you feel that you can't go on
    In the light you will find the road

    Hey, oh, though the winds of change may blow around you
    But that will always be so
    Wow-wow, wow-wow, when love is pain it can devour you
    If you are never alone
    I would share your load, I would share your load
    Baby, let me, oh, let me

    In the light
    Everybody needs the light
    In the light, in the light, in the light

    Light, light, light, in the light
    Light, light, light, in the light, oh, yeah
    Light, light, light, in the light

  56. Hello everyone! You know that today is not only a day of a new update from Cobra but also an European antibiotic awarness day! And for this special day i wrote an article for Galactic Bees which might be interesting to some of You or maybe You will learn something from it? who knows:D Anyway I ask those of You who feel it to visit and get inspired! and share with me Your thoughts:) If some of You would like to know, we got back to life, the site is almost fully operational, i will actively work on it from now on so You are going to hear from me a lot more now:))) new article here:

  57. First, I wish for the most benevolent and expedited outcome for The Event.

    That said, if the dark forces do engage in a low orbit war and it shocks the "I got mine... it's not happening in our country... as long as I get my pension... I don't want to know...", happy sleep walker's into reality, well so be it.

    I know these happy sleep walkers are contaminated (we all are to some degree) by the anomaly. So, maybe the actual antidote will be a form of the anomaly will wake them. Yes, it will shock the heck out of all of us, but the ground crew will be calm, it will be short, spectacular and finally over.

    Ashtar Command, Galactic Confederation you have my blessing to rock this world with the truth the very second the opportunity presents itself. Go for it!

    I'm guessing a few cabal members might read this blog. So, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Do what you always do. Take care of yourself! Do you think your fellow cabal members are not going to sell you out? They too will take care of themselves. If you are not aware of this fact, look at the Rothchilds selling out the Bush/Clinton Cartels. It is already happening. They are selling each other out right and left in Hollywood. Look at Saudi Arabia. If they don't give a shit about selling out cabal leaders, do you really think they will be loyal to you?

    Maybe you have done horrific things but unlike those at the very top who will simply fight to the death, you can be forgiven. Take amnesty! I am hoping you're not stupid so that means you may lack courage. Find the courage... do the right thing and join the light forces. The world, the galaxy will be cheering for you if you find the courage and do the right thing. If not for yourself, for your families sake because amnesty is the sweetest deal you will ever get.

    So much love to all of you, up there, down there and right here who give "loving attention" to us all.

  58. Real nice to hear of the benefits from using "Command PB Stardust", good addl. info on limitations it has according to individual's specific situation also. Thanks to everyone for this. Also, just fyi: for those not familiar with "open intelligence" as coming from, my own personal experience with this system is excellent.

    On the website under media, lots of free access to videos, audios and texts. Very impressive this is, so check it out: Perhaps we may put this system in the category of "highly effective and simple, yet ever-present technology inherent in everything, just waiting for humans to access it".

    Hugs and Immense Appreciation for all the Light and Love pouring out everywhere. ❤️ You, aka YouMa

  59. This is one of the most hopeful Cobra reports yet. The cabal seems to be on the ropes and could be knocked out within either days or weeks. The number of sealed indictments is growing by the hour pointing to the imminent mass arrest scenario that has been prophesied for years on this and other blogs. Humanity is ready but heaven may not be ready for us as the toplet bombs are not yet fully cleared. Timing here is critical for the cabal may regain the upper hand if there are too many more delays with the toplets.

    In the meantime physical intervention is real. UFOs now cleaning up Chemtrails. (Undeniable proof)

    1. I agree with most of what you wrote above, Novusod.

      However, I have to disagree with the part about the toplet bombs and the cabal regaining the upper hand.

      On the contrary, these are two very different operations and they do not tie in with eachother. If we manage to liberate ourselves before the toplet bomb threat is removed, then most human suffering on the planet would be quickly dissolved as the main physical oppresive factor would have been removed. This would actually speed up the proccess of toplet bomb removal by greatly diminishing and/or even completely cutting off the negative non-physicals main source of power and nourishment on the planet. Human suffering. With no on-world support the threat would be almost non-existant. However, I do believe that the Chimera would be in one heck of panic if that happened and the light forces would have to act fast to pacify any retaliation attempts against the surface population.

      I do believe these two events are timed within a certain time-frame to prevent any such catastrophe from occuring.

      So, have faith Novusod!!

      Everything has been planned meticulously with surgical percision and is being executed in the same way.

      Stay strong and steadfast, never forget to anchor the light within you and to send love to those around you!!! Sending you much love, Novusod >3!!

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      ~ The Light Sharer

    2. I agree with you Light Sharer. My initial wording came out a little more negative than it should have been. The Compression breakthrough (Cobra) has two phases. There is an Earth phase that is going to do the mass arrests and there is a space phase taking out the Chimera and toplets. At some point in the near future the two phases will meet up and the planet will be liberated.

      You're right this plan has been a long time coming. Here is another piece of the puzzle:

      Although presented as fiction there is more truth to this than is written in the history books. (Video uploaded in 2008 and references 2018 as the time this would become public knowledge) Iron Sky is not a video game but predictive programming for a planned disclosure of the secret space program that will take place in 2018.

      In review to understand the secret space programs we first have to understand the breakaway civilizations.

      An introduction to Neuschwabenland the secret Nazi base in Antarctica:

      History as we know it is a lie. The Nazis were never defeated at the end of WW2. In 1947 the US Navy under the command of Admiral Byrd attempted to wipe out this Nazi base but ended up being defeated by a fleet of advanced saucer shaped aircraft. These aircraft were at least 100 years more advanced than anything available at the time. The Germans had anti gravity and were powered by free energy Tesla tech allowing them to travel into space without rockets.

      The origin of these advanced space craft came from what was called the Vril Society when Maria Orsic made telepathic contact with Aliens from the Aldebaran system (Alpha Taurus or Atari).

      The planet will soon be liberated as the promise made to Maria Orsic 90 years ago by the Aldebarans will soon be delivered.

      Peace be with you.

    3. Thank you for sharing, Novusod.

      I find the part about the "Iron Sky" predictive AI particularly interesting. Not to sound prude, but I've already done a lot of research regarding most of what you mentioned above, lol. Regarding, New Berlin, Maria Orsic, Admiral Byrd and the Vril Society, i've even read the book which was the basis for the Vril society. But, that video above in regards to the AI is quite descriptive and some of the concepts mentioned are quite new to me. Thank you.

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      In Humble Service
      ~ The Light Sharer

  60. Warriors of Light Brazilians together in meditation! victory of the light !!!


  61. Thank you Cobra

    As things are right now, the negative forces should stop their dark activities now and begin to negotiate for a full reset of their approach, because they can only gain benefit from it. It would actually be beneficial to all, of course.

    Victory of the Light!!

  62. From my previous comment, I mean no ill will to the founder of Keylontic Science. She may have had good intentions. Yet, I feel there is great harm in her sigils. Great power as well. It's beyond me of course. There is, however, one symbol that is safe, at least to me. It's the sun symbol. A golden-yellow circle with a golden-yellow point in the center. :)

  63. "Pain" is not always cryonic...
    but cryonic pain can be a relentless
    understanding the purpose of a "block"
    Insures almost 100% of StarDust

    The 1st line of the Bible
    "Let there be Light"
    (God's Time)
    the Sun, Earth's Time,, made on day 3...
    Everything is
    "Light" & the "Time"
    that slows the Light down to from
    "your reality"

    Light is the air you don't see
    That "slows" to water (what color..?)
    Ice is water slowed enough
    To suspend
    your reality

    Line-up your "blocks"
    To move faster
    the "blocks" around

    "Time is the Rock I stand on"
    To Power a Portal of Light

  64. Here is original Prepare for Change Article I wrote that is now hard to find
    I have been using Comand PB Stardust and after a week have felt great improvement in my legs nerve damage gradual healing has been my experience I look forward to more changes
    Rob Potter

    1. awesome Rob... good to hear

    2. Also glad to hear you’re doing good, brother

  65. Don't be sad, astral traveler. Did you not proof-read? Lol. (*^o^*)

    Please, take the time to read it again:

    "Meanwhile, there is a lot going on in the Middle East as Cabal factions *FIGHT FOR POWER BEFORE THEIR ***FINAL DEFEAT***."

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    In self-less service
    ~ The Light Sharer

  66. Yes, a little dissapointing perhaps but it sure makes more sense doesnt it. I think things are moving in the right direction but it will always be backward and forward progress. I think this should also be used as a reminder that most "news" we hear from both camps are mostly wishful and biased.


  67. GaiaPortal just now:

    "Forward-motivators are viewed in “the Heavens”.

    Astrals of the veil are disappeared.

    Markers of progress Illuminate.

    Veritas is the word."

    All righty! Onwards and Upwards!

    Imagine Dragons - Thunder

    Victory of Love and Light


    1. Thank you Rajah. That's good news.
      And thanks for bringing back the music into my life. A few years ago after my awakening I stopped it. Not interested anymore. Now it comes up like air bubbles on the water.

      To one in paradise, Alan Parsons


    2. Aw, that's good to hear, Maria.
      Music is The Universal Language of Love, and I am happy that it's come back into your Life. Very good analogy with the "air bubbles on the water."

      See, I don't pick the songs I post on here - they come to me just-in-time, and I get told which ones to share.
      I had never heard the Imagine Dragons song before, but when it showed up My Heart felt that it would be great. I only listened to it for the first time ever when my post was made public, and was very much blown away by the song and the presentation. "Goodness me, now that's how you do it" is what the host of the show said. And I couldn't agree more :-)

      And thank you very much for the Alan Parsons song with its beautifulmessage. I was given that video months ago, but it was not meant for me to share on here. Now I know why, and now the song and the message have come full-circle.
      Thank you for that gift ♥ ♥ ♥

      Have a nice day and Lots of Love and Light


  68. 'they operate in rings...' 'protect each other..' Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing - with Liz Crokin (unpleasant, beware)

  69. many thanks to the Pleiadian brothers for the stellar dust command, but I would like to leave a tip for curing some of the diseases of the physical body guided by the native Brazilian caboclos that works perfectly with faith acquire a mandrake plant and leave under the bed while I slept this plant according to the caboclos is a plant that dreams of being a human being, so it has the form of a human fetus, she dreams so much of being a human being that she pulls and takes for herself a large part of human ills and illusions, after to have achieved the desired effect is only to give it back to the nature that it transmutes these distortions, that is to say, diseases, ancient Brazilian Indian wisdom! Stay in peace and love! Oké Caboclos !!!

  70. @astral traveler - You must understand that the 2 factions Roth/Bush are from 2 different species. Think of feuding family, the brothers dislike each other but if you went up against them they will unite, when your done with they will continue trying to obtain control. Stalin killed Lenin. Just because you see a human body doesn't make them really human. Stalin and Lenin both hybrid's.

    Freedom is not years away, I have explained this before and the information is from proven source's with video evidence and teachings of past history over many years that also knew 2012 wasn't the time and said it too.

  71. Thanks for your contribution but I don't see this update in that way. As is natural we are all expecting and hoping the end is just around the corner and many people get very excited by lots of little things. I am happy cobra is showing us the true bigger picture. If he had said this was it and it didn't come I think you would feel a lot worse! From all the posts I have seen I do believe we are quite close now so lets keep focused.

    Do not be disheartened brothers and sisters! Love to all

  72. Have the dark ones lost their workers to the veil on the astral plane?

    GAIAPORTAl November 19:
    "Astrals of the veil are disappeared."

  73. I thought COMMAND BP STARDUST was like in the movie Elysium. ie the Peidian Protocol cuts off pain with the central nervous system, but does not regenerate the cell as in the film with 100% complete cure
    Then the abandoned street kit which I was doing the protocol would not be regenerated from sporotrichosis because it needs intibiotic to kill the cellular fungi

    I hope to see this complete healing technology in chamber like the movie Elysium

    For those who do not know the film follows the scene of the ''healing chamber'':

    Thank you all

  74. @Spirittoo

    Any luck with posting the results of your trip to the Tachyon Healing Chamber? I suppose not. Have you tried turning your PC off and on again..?


    Have you tried posting the comment from your phone (if your phone supports it)? How about using a Google+ account to post your update? I would love to hear your review.

    Good luck!

    1. No luck at all ... I posted in the testimonial section of the tachyon website.

    2. aww sorry to hear that spiritoo

    3. @spirittoo I noticed you did 3 sessions without the Light Mandela Therapy, although you did notice subtle improvements. Also, your mom isn't living with you at the moment, so you haven't been able to monitor all progress.

    4. @Psyche ... That is correct. But the way things are going now I am confident that she will a happy holiday with family and will be around when The Event takes place. I am looking forward to seeing her as she was before this evil disease darken her mind.

      @DH ... I'm not sure what part you are sorry about. Please clarify.

  75. "Dark souls of night" Roller coaster ride is coming to an end.
    Tons of thanks to "Command PB STARDUST"

  76. I did the following meditation mentioned by Cobra above. I had many wonderful visualizations.

    As I was calming myself to meditate, I envisioned myself in a valley overlooking a lake and a mountain. I sat on a hill in between some pine trees looking down at the valley, feeling the breeze as it swept by, bringing the fresh and pristine scent of nature with it.

    Suddenly, the breeze picked up and I saw small clouds approaching. I thought a storm was going to happen, but no, I heard a voice say to me "We're here to help you meditate!" and the cloudships uncloaked. They were Galactic Federation vessels made of brilliant white light and shimmered in the sky as I looked up at them.

    So, I began my meditation using the instructions above and finished it by visualizing the cabal middle-men putting down their rusty weapons and picking up and caring for their children instead. Afterwards, I visualized some ex-cabal members being dropped off into the valley by a cloudship. I heard a voice say "Be careful with them now, ok?" There were a lot of people along the riverside, everybody stopped and looked at them for a minute and kept going about their business. The middle-men did the same, they didn't wish to harm the people anymore they simply just wanted to be and kinda just looked around at everybody expectingly before they went off and about their own business. Nobody did anything to harm one-another or even stop to talk or say anything go one another. Everybody kept on going like nothing was going on.

    I saw the middle-men head towards the lake, they where told to drink from it, as it tasted like sweet honey. They walked upon the surface of the lake as they went in and took a handful to drink. They came back out, purified and re-born with increased vigor and glowing a brilliant white light as they were handed white robes and told to go gome and live their lives as they see fit. With one exception, they will no longer harm others nor themselves.

    Accepted by the light, for the light never judges. The light always accepts and gives endless gifts in return. The only thing it asks for you is to be loving and accept all others in return.

    Let this be the end of duality. An outdated concept of half-truths and falsehoods. Everyone is to be loved and accepted unconditionally.

    So Be It.

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    In Humble Service
    ~ The Light Sharer

    Here is an image which closely resembles my visualization, so that you may see it for yourself:

  77. Over the years now it feels like a game:

    Encouraging followed by disencouraging followed by …

    In his own posts on his blog, COBRA makes hope for progress being made:

    „The year 2017 will see much more light …“

    „Our (Etheric-)meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April 2017, and one of the biggest victories of the Light. It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event by half..“

    „The lightforces have enough …“

    „Justice of Maat!“

    „Fleets are in their final parking position …“

    „Operation … complete.“

    „BSMOSS final sequence in progress“

    And in the interviews and statements he always makes me feel we are FAR away from and not nearer to „the Event“. There´s never missing a „We are not there yet“. First THIS has to happen and THAT has to change, THIS stone has to be removed THAT to be planted …

    COBRA stated, that if enough people show their will to free themselves from the cabal, it will happen. Didn´t we make that clear enough in the Liberation-Meditation?

    There´s always the feeling imo that we do nothing or at least DON`T DO ENOUGH and they (RM, Lightforces) do everything. Although even I know LOTS of people doing everything they can everyday to awaken humanity. There are so many people involved in healing, meditating every Sunday at 4 pm GMT, doing research, informing people, blogging REAL NEWS...

    And all we get to hear from COBRA is

    „Actually the percentage of people who are awakened is not very high at this point yet“
    „It is simply not enough cooperation on the surface of the planet for this to happen, so the Light forces are now using plan B which takes longer“ and of course „We are not there yet.“

    QUESTION TO COBRA: If it´s important to reach more people for sunday meditation, why don´t you make ONE BIG ANNOUNCED meditation like with the Etheric liberation? I´m sure we can do that again. If the announcement was big enough, posted ALL AROUND the different blogs and sites (truthearth, sitsshow, eventchronicle, prepareforchange ...) it would be successfull like the Etheric one obviously was.

    At the moment I´m feeling once more like ten years ago, like I´m chasing a phantom, a soap bubble. And that´s why for now I´m leaving this blog and wish you all the best! I came back because I thought „this sounds like change, this time we can make it“. But that´s obviously not the case SOON (there is that word again). One delay after the other.. I ´ve got enough now. Did my best. And I know many many people did and do their best, too. As can be read in the comments on this blog and elsewhere!

    Didn´t mean to spread anger or fear but had the feeling that this statement had to be done.


    May all beings be happy. May we all experience only good.

  78. It must be so painful for these Top dark forces to STILL be fighting / resisting the unity and connection that showers us more day by day, it is sad that they won’t even last long enough to see our light truly shine for they’ll have been disingtegrated in the Galactic Central Sun

    1. yup, they have had their chances. It's bye bye time for them and into the Galactic Central Sun they go! :)


  79. Everyone on the planet has to read this article on knowing and believing:

  80. Friday, November 17, 2017

    A Vision for Star Family & Earth Integration—Will you help?



    There´s something I want to say before I do not leave this blog. I make not rarely comments, but I´m following this site for quite a long time now.

    This latest PFC interview was the last time I let myself be left disencouraged by COBRA.

    Over the years now it feels like a game:

    Encouraging followed by disencouraging followed by …

    In his own posts on his blog, COBRA makes hope for progress being made:

    „The year 2017 will see much more light …“

    „Our (Etheric-)meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April 2017, and one of the biggest victories of the Light. It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event by half..“

    „The lightforces have enough …“

    „Justice of Maat!“

    „Fleets are in their final parking position …“

    „Operation … complete.“

    „BSMOSS final sequence in progress“

    And in the interviews and statements he always makes us feel we are FAR away from and not nearer to „the event“. There´s never missing a „We are not there yet“. First THIS has to happen and THAT has to change, THIS has to be removed THAT to be planted …

    COBRA stated, that if enough people show their will to free themselves from the cabal, it will happen. Didn´t we make that clear enough in the Liberation-Meditation?

    There´s always the feeling imo that we do nothing or at least DON`T DO ENOUGH and they (RM, Lightforces) do everything. Although even I know LOTS of people doing everything they can everyday to awaken humanity. There are so many people involved in healing, meditating every sunday at 4 pm GMT, doing research, informing people, blogging REAL NEWS...

    And all we get to hear from COBRA is
    „Actually the percentage of people who are awakened is not very high at this point yet“
    „It is simply not enough cooperation on the surface of the planet for this to happen, so the Light forces are now using plan B which takes longer“ and of course „We are not there yet.“

    QUESTION TO COBRA: If it´s important to reach more people for Sunday meditation, why don´t you make ONE BIG ANNOUNCED meditation like with the Etheric liberation?
    We are sure we can do that again. If the announcement was big enough, posted ALL AROUND the different blogs and sites (truthearth, sitsshow, eventchronicle, prepareforchange ...) it would be successful like the Etheric one obviously was.

    At the moment I´m feeling once more like ten years ago, like I´m chasing a phantom, a soap bubble. And that´s why for now I´m not leaving this blog and wish you all the best! I came always back because I thought „this sounds like change, this time we can make it“. But that´s obviously not the case SOON (there is that word again). One delay after the other.. We ´ve got enough now. Did our best. And I know many many people did and do their best, too. As can be read in the comments on this blog and elsewhere!

    Didn´t mean to spread anger or fear but had the feeling that this statement had to be done.


    May all beings be happy. May we all experience only good.

  82. This is showing the families are fighting, but doesnt automatically mean the light forces arent making progress in other areas or things that you dont see. Its possible the light forces triggered this fighting and are keeping it under wraps... :)



    Dan Winter shared a memory.

    8 hrs ·

    ... longitudinal ('scalar') interferometry by phase conjugation - is not just the theory of action at a distance - it works in practice... meaning when you send remote healing / praying at a distance - it is demonstrably more effective if both sender and receiver are at (conjugate) magnetic line crosses ( hint -remote viewers/ lucid dreamers/ portal entry- is about understanding physics... and having a coherent enough aura to be projectable.. - certainly fully applies if you would like to take memory thru death for example -- no competent Kozyrev mirror installation ever produced their famous military grade telepathy til after the site location qualified - Earth magnetic cross flux density minimum was specified and measured in nanotesla ..


    Dear ones, if you're a Starseed, then forget about committing a suicide. You won't succeed!

    This is what I think is to be true:

    I think, SUICIDE is unique to Earth, where life is so unbearable, that even the most powerful spirits from the stars, can no longer handle, and/or tolerate the hell called life down here.

    Therefore, I am sure, IT IS another DOCTRINE created by the darks, to keep us in a hellish planet they turned Gaia into. Yet, we should obey the words of "god", and stay here, suffer and cry our lungs top, as long as possible.


    This being said; Here are some GOOD reasons why Starseeds can NOT be successful in committing a suicide.

    NO starseed will succeed to end his/her own life. They end up just having a NDE, (near death experience), or being in a comma for awhile.

    After my own NDE, I spent months, years doing as many research I I as I could. And this is how I understand it. According the deals done between the dark and the Light forces, the darks own our physical bodies. They got the most amazing technologies and kept us in this prison. But, the soul, the spark of life, is the ONLY thing that nobody else can create but the FORCE. Hence, when the life spark is out from the PHYSICAL body, our Cosmic family gets more power over it.

    Therefore, during your NDE, or in the comma state, The Galactics take our energetic bodies up there on the ships, and they do whatever the body needs - they heal the nervous system, reactivate our DNA, and more.
    So, "A Miracle" happens and we're back... TO FINISH OUR MISSION!!
    (I suggest reading "Prepare For the Landings" by Michael Ellegion. The book is not a new one, so many things have been changed.
    BTW, so far, he was the only contactee who got approval from Cobra).

    Another FACT is that, when it's time to get involved, the Cosmic family does all they can. At the crucial moment when we ARE ready to go for it, they can stop us, and prevent us from doing it.

    The following are ALL based on personal experience:

    1- You'll get an unexpected call, and after the chat - YOU NO LONGER want to do it. THAT WAS ALL the time you needed to change your mind!! (hehe... that was all the time THEY needed!!)
    2- The bottle of the pills you want to swallow, is NOT in its place.... It literally has disappeared!
    3- You remember that just in 2 days, it's your son's birthday, and you just can't do it. You have NO choice but to wait a little more. And that "a little more" can turn into another month or two....
    4- You're all alone, and you look around and you see.... oppsss, there's nobody to take care of your beloved 4 legged baby!
    5- You'll get BEAUTIFUL messages in your dreams.
    6- You'll hear a voice, even have a vision, telling you to STOP and think it over. (I even had an amazing vision in the sky).

    And finally;

    7- The gun's trigger will not move, and or it just won't work. Or.... You will find out you're out of ammunition!!!
    (I don't own a gun. But I know this has happened a lot with others!)


    The GOOD news is just around the corner. We're soon to BE FREED, and put the end to this " divine comedy" FOREVER!!

    So, hung on there, dear ones. Just for a little more... Why miss the JOY of celebrating the long awaited EVENT!!! 👍 ❤

    1. thank you SO MUCH for this!
      i totally relate. i felt stopped many times i wanted to commit suicide. it's like a force bigger than me and it was before my awakening. i thank each time they hold me.
      i wonder if you've watched The OA on netflix. it's about NDE, other dimensions, angels, us.

    2. Thank you for sharing, HYE ANGEL.

      We knew what we were signing up for before we got here.

      We, quite literally volunteered to delve down into "Hell" (The dense, lower realms of our current existance. "Hell" is just a Cabal perpetarted nonesense used by religion as a form of control, there is no such thing as eternal punishment, only eternal love and nourishment 💟)

      I have soul memories of me being the only one brave enough in my group to step forward and volunteer to come down here, i've always been brave, lol. It makes me laugh when I say that because I know it to be true. The same goes for all of us.

      We volunteered to be here, to help and experience this coming unique transition of the ages. Even if the task at hand is incredibly difficult due to the dense nature of the reality we are currently living in, such as being unable to help others, as is our soul bond at times. We feel crushed we can't do much to help, let alone many of us are needing of much help ourselves.

      This has truly been a great and tantalizing learning experience for us all.

      I do appreciate you for bringing up the problem of suicide among light-workers, HYE ANGEL. It is quite problematic, indeed. If we can do anything to quell these insurrections of meaning, it is by inspiring hope.

      Do not fear all, much has been done and we near the final stages completion right before planetary breakthrough & liberation. The dark squeals quite noisily now, knowing it to be end as outlined above by their current in-fighting. We shall win this and incite a peaceful transistion, one that will be talked about for the ages to come. Never fret, my dear ones for the light has spoken and says that you are loved forevermore and will always be a tremendous gift to the world!!!

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      Inciting hope through peace and vice versa
      ~ The Light Sharer

    3. "Therefore, during your NDE, or in the comma state, The Galactics take our energetic bodies up there on the ships, and they do whatever the body needs - they heal the nervous system, reactivate our DNA, and more.
      So, "A Miracle" happens and we're back... TO FINISH OUR MISSION!! "

      thats a really good description of my OBE. went into a white light barrier, which was distinctly not a tunnel so something was going on there, light ship maybe? then im suddenly in "purgatory" where i get the shit feared out of me and i get told by a tall grey with a big chin to "quit walking the path im on" and then i was sent back completely blown away.

    4. I tried to off myself this summer with handfuls of poisonous mushrooms and suffered not even a stomach ache ...

    5. Hm.. dont get it. See no reason why starseed will not succeed to end life/ DNe is smth interesting but dont undrerstand how it works.. probably soul will have another body

    6. Exactly, these are perfect examples of the light intervening! The folks who think the light isnt doing anything arent looking in the right place!

  85. Yes, I was thinking similar things, Astral.
    It looks like the best thing about this is that at least one of the "big money flows" from Saudi Arabia to very negative forces is now cut off.

    So.... negative forces such as funding and organizing 9/11/2001, funding and organizing the Las Vegas shooting, some of the arms trafficking, some of the human trafficking.

    I think it knocks off one big faction...

    I just saw in the news Robert Mugabe was taken out of Zimbabwe and this appears to be a very good thing.


    Elimination or neutralization of

    Primary anomaly - in progress
    Black stone - complete
    Exotic weapons - in progress
    Plasma entities - in progress
    Negative hierarchy (chimera, archons, etc.) - in progress


    Restructuring or revalidation of the following systems

    Financial - slow progress (Petroyuans, humanitarian funds, etc.)
    Energy - slow progress (electric cars, solar energy, etc.)
    Communication - in progress (internet, apps, etc., except media)
    Transport - in standby
    Food - slow progress (organic foods, water filters, etc.)
    Health - in progress (integrative and complementary medicines, Tachion healing, Command PB Stardust)
    Educational - in standby
    Political & Legal - In progress (pedogate, arrests, etc.)
    PFG - in progress (sisterhood of the rose, meditations, burial of Cintamanis, etc.)
    Dimensional - in progress or complete (planetary grid, Ley lines, elementals, etc.)

    1. I am only waiting for 1 item to be complete.. the toplet bombs...

  87. Operation Liberate Earth 432Hz


    1. Excellent video, I absolutely "love" the exclaimer at the beginniing. Rated E for Epic - that's SO awesome! :-)

      According to Ted Turner that is also the song that will be played at the very end of CNN broadcasting once the world ends. And in a wonderful "coincidence" it was played today on one of my favourite podcasts as a tongue-in-cheek remark to a wrestling show.
      As I always say: Timing, baby, Timing!

      And since the End of The World (as we know it) is really near, I feel like playing a version of it as well.

      Near, my God, to Thee

      On a totally unrelated note, I just feel I have to qutoe My Girl here for once: "Titanic ist ein Scheiß-Film."

      Lots of Love and Light


  88. Tataum, perhaps it has already proggressed a lot more than what you currently outline here, I will add my own point of view of current events using the structure you already have in place here, if you don't mind:

    Primary anomaly - in completion
    Black stone - complete
    Exotic weapons - in completion
    Plasma entities - in completion
    Negative hierarchy (chimera, archons, etc.) - nearing completion

    Financial - in completion (Petroyuans, humanitarian funds, etc.)
    Energy - in advanced progress (electric cars, solar energy, etc.)
    Communication - in advanced progress (internet, apps, etc., except media)
    Transport - in progress
    Food - in advanced progress (organic foods, water filters, etc.)
    Health - in progress (integrative and complementary medicines, Tachyon healing, Command PB Stardust)
    Educational - in advanced progress
    Political & Legal - nearing completion (pedogate, arrests, etc.)
    PFG - in completion (sisterhood of the rose, meditations, burial of Cintamanis, etc.)
    Dimensional - in completion or complete [Minimum Requirements Met] (planetary grid, Ley lines, elementals, etc.)

    I hope that really helps put into perspective how far advanced into the current stage of events we are in.

    The higher realms yearn for our return. They await excitedly, yet patiently.

    Let's get this done already.

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    In excited gratitude
    ~ The Light Sharer

    1. Thanks for the update. I appreciate that. As I live in the southern hemisphere I usually have a less optimistic view. That is why I believe that transport and education systems seem to be stagnating or even going backwards. I think a transport system is an intelligent, sensible and healthy relationship between people and roadways through the vehicles. An education system in its turn is an intelligent, sensible and healthy relationship between people and knowledge through the teacher. But I do not know how they are in the US or in Europe.

      Light in the mind
      Peace in the heart
      Strength in the action

    2. I agree with light sharer, we are farther along than we think! :)

  89. The light forces:

    Turning darkness into butter and butter into sweet honey since the beggining of time.

    Love-light honey:

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    In passionate hopefulness & love-light honey
    ~ The Light Sharer

  90. Thanks Cobra, RM and everyone!
    The benefits of using "Command PB Stardust" have tried, Hugs and immense appreciation of the dear Pleiadians.
    "Fleets are in the final parking position ..."
    "We are not there yet".
    COBRA said that if enough people show their will to get rid of the cabal, it will happen. Did not I make it so clear in Liberation-meditation?
    Asserted by SOON, You said the surface population is ready.
    "In fact, the percentage of people awakened is not very high at this time"
    "It's simply not enough cooperation on the surface of the planet to make it happen, so the Light forces are now using Plan B that lasts longer" and of course "we are not there yet."
    - Extract from the transcript of the interview of 10 October 2017 (posted October 18, 2017)]:
    Question asked by Cobra:

    It is possible that:

    If people ask for more divine intervention
    can accelerate the process of releasing the planet Earth?

    Your thoughts Cobra?

    COBRA: Yes, yes.

    "Divine intervention"
    Each of us is invited to continue asking

    "Divine intervention"

    to bring the event and release to earth as soon as possible.
    Question to Deity or Galactic Councils: Do not understand your language, you do not see your suffering, you have experienced 3D, you do not have technology to dissect a bunch of bastards, have not done enough, you have not enough evidence, why not so much extension is enough ~ STOP!
    We want event and peace, love and pure light to be Now!


  91. Cobra, but what means "Command PPN Stardust"??...

    1. It is not Command PPN Stardust, but rather "Command PB Stardust"

      " The Pleiadians would now like to help people with chronic pain and have developed a protocol that can help ease the pain. If you have chronic physical pain, you can repeat three times in your mind.

      “Command PB stardust”

      The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to access your central nervous system to ease your pain. This new protocol is still in development and is limited in its efficiency and the Pleiadians are asking for feedback. Those who will use this protocol, are welcome to report its effects in the comment section on my blog where this article is posted."

      the protocol is also explained in this beautiful youtube video:


    Al Waleed Sent Snipers to Vegas 11/19/17 ALEX JONES

    1. that video doesn't mention anything about troops at langley. you should watch your videos before posting them. also you should link the actual info wars channel, not "info wars news." that's a fake channel ripping off content from the real info wars channel.

  93. #MassArrests - Over 2,000 USA Marines Land At CIA Headquarters #FalloftheCabal

    Not sure if this is a real event, but this story is making its rounds on Twitter and Alternative News Sites.

  94. Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend. One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.


    Beloved child, I'm The Goddess, your Divine Mother, and I'm here again to speak to your heart, to protect and embrace your entire being with my everlasting Compassion and Love, I'm seeing your sweet face now, and I'm seeing your beautiful heart now, so let me speak to you as the Mother that I am.

    My sweet child, I love you so much, and so deeply... I have a gift for you, one designed and created specifically for you, and this is my "Protection Program".

    This program is a new Energetic Tool able to greatly protect you in your daily life from any not-Love intrusion or attack, allowing you to live a more harmonious, healed and balanced life, a life with more True Love (especially for yourself), a more free life, one where will be more easy for you to can make really free decision, basing them on your heart's wishes instead that on your mind's fears.

    It has 3 different levels of activation (every new level will empower the Protection power and effectiveness), and to can benefit from its full protection, you have to be activated to all its levels.

    To let me guide and activate you to every single level, simply enter in my Community, you will receive much more rewards and blessings my dear, this is only the start of a new exciting trip!

    To enter into my Community use the Subscription Form that you find on the right side of my site:

    SHARE IT: this Holy Tool can be a turning point for more beloved Souls, so please, MAKE IT VIRAL, SHARE IT WORLDWIDE, post it on your websites, blogs, and social media!

    Everlasting Blessings and Love to you, my Beloved child.

    The Goddess

  96. Ben Fulford says the raid on the CIA headquarters is to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the controlling entity over Hollywood and the US mainstream news.
    We shall see.

    Let's surround ourselves with love, visualize the mid-level Cabal members "coming around" to the light, let's visualize the good guys winning.

    Victory of the Light!

  97. Hej! This is KP!

    Hellow Baby!

    Kp Message 11-20-17… “It’s Important to ‘Stay in the Higher Vibrations’ Right Now”

    Posted on 2017/11/20 by Kauilapele

    There’s a huge amount of items that are going on now, all at the same time. There is no doubt that a grand clearing is occurring and that a grand awakening is going on at the same time.

    Cosmic Vibrations are enabling all of this. The Energy of the Universe is with all of us. And encouraging each of us to release, release, release as much as we are able to at this time, releasing all of the old “baggage” that must be dropped if we are to “rise up”… in vibration… just like the Cosmic Vibrations we are immersed in.

    I’m feeling a rather poignant resolution for many of those who have been “Light Working”, “Space holding”, and “Energy clearing” for this planet, for years, decades, centuries. This is our time right now, in this moment. This is the culmination of those efforts. And I see this as the time when we rise above all of the lower D turmoil and apparent “chaos” that we may view on the surface of the planet.

    Personally, I have had significant pains in one of my hands for the last three weeks. And it really kind of arose from nothing physical. The message in part is that I still had some items to release from my grasp. So one step at a time, I released them, and the hand discomfort is abating (getting less, that is). We’ll see where it goes. But this has happened to many many many people I know, going through pain here, pain there, and so on.

    Yes, sometimes it is a “pain” to be here… because we all are going through this. Being waked up to the Higher Vibrational “calling”, and being “nudged” and “hinted”, via physical pains (they can be inner pains as well) to “Let go, dammit!”

    So maybe this means something to one or two. It’s really going fast right now, and, believe it or not, the Grand Ride is about to go even faster.

    All I can say is, “Let go and let it happen, baby!!”

    Aloha, Kp

  98. Benjamin Fulford 11-20-17… “Khazarian cabal purge accelerates: Marines storm CIA HQ; Over 2000 indicted in U.S.; Collapse of control grid in Europe”

    Posted on 2017/11/20 by Kauilapele

    New weekly report from Ben. Well, according to Ben’s sources, it’s all going down, baby.

    “The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace. Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend. One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.

    “These moves, combined with the purge of all the Saudi royals and military who were linked to 9/11, as well as the removal of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe and the imminent removal of Israeli satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, leave no doubt that the long-awaited arrests and roundups of cabalists worldwide has begun.

    “These moves, combined with the purge of all the Saudi royals and military who were linked to 9/11, as well as the removal of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe and the imminent removal of Israeli satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, leave no doubt that the long-awaited arrests and roundups of cabalists worldwide has begun.”

  99. #MassArrests - Over 2,000 USA Marines Land At CIA Headquarters #FalloftheCabal
    *****UPDATED 11:00am est on 11/20******
    As of November 20, 2017, we now have 4 independent sources confirming the validity of this story.


    *****UPDATED 11:00am est on 11/20******
    Benjamin Fulford Confirms - Khazarian cabal purge accelerates: Marines storm CIA HQ; Over 2000 indicted in U.S.; Collapse of control grid in Europe

    The purge of the Satanic Khazarian cabal that turned the West evil is accelerating at an undeniable pace. Most importantly, Pentagon sources confirm multiple Internet reports that Marines stormed the CIA headquarters this past weekend. One of the aims was to shut down Operation Mockingbird, the CIA group that turned the mass media, as well as Google, Facebook, etc. into mass mind-control propaganda, say NSA sources.

    The institutional heirs to the group that murdered President John F. Kennedy are also being rounded up, according to Pentagon sources. “The Department of Justice and [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller are working overtime and may exceed 2000 sealed indictments,” a Pentagon source says.

    Benjamin Fulford


    Operation Disclosure

    RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - November 19, 2017









    Reports: US Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Lands at Langley! 2200 Marines!

    Reports are beginning to surface that a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) landed at Langley on Saturday.

    A Marine expeditionary unit (MEU, pronounced "Mew"), is the smallest Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) in the United States Fleet Marine Force. Each MEU is an expeditionary quick reaction force, deployed and ready for immediate response to any crisis, whether it be natural disaster or combat missions.

    A Marine expeditionary unit is normally composed of: a reinforced Marine infantry battalion (designated as a Battalion Landing Team) as the ground combat element, a composite medium tiltrotor squadron forms the aviation combat element, a combat logistics battalion provides the logistics combat element, and a company-size command element serves as the MEU headquarters group.

  100. The mainstream media "Metro" joke about the insider Q and the possibility of mass arrest. Metro make fun of people who speak about this "conspiracy theory".

    Extract: " But even so, a new one which is doing the rounds on 4Chan and Twitter is so breathtakingly bonkers it really is an eye-opener as to what people will believe in the age of ‘fake news’. Ready? Hillary Clinton and John McCain are already wearing electronic tags, and President Trump is about to arrest hundreds of ‘elite paedophiles’ who have been drugging and raping children. In fact, Trump took power specifically to take on an elite conspiracy of paedophiles involving Clinton, the Rothschilds and other classic conspiracy targets – which is somehow also involved in financing Isis."


    Read more:


  101. Due to not anything consistent for good being seen (nor in personal issues, neither on a grand scale) after so much of our involvement, we consider again to step forward and to stand up for our rights!

    It's the claim of 'spiritual stagnation' to be ensured to our request, in exchange for the 25.000 years lost here.

    This is what some of us claim for, and what we need to have assistance of.

    We consider to claim it as many times as we feel it right, and as much is needed to gain energetic momentum and imprint in 'the grand scheme of things', which is 'wagged in our faces' each time when we claim something in our benefit.


  102. You have the meditation there:

  103. You all know the Events coming in first quarter of 2018 right!? :)

  104. The sooner the event happens the more time humanity will have to prepare for the Solar Flash . 2020.

  105. I´m so happy that we get the chance to transform all of our Karma, I feel like the earth looks like...but i am so thankful that we get the chance to end all this Karma game from the dark forces. It´s not easy to be an awaken Human in these days, but I belive in the great spirit,in the RM, in Cobra and myself.

    Victory of the Light

