@Placements Let's hope she don't end up like Epstein.
When they arrested HIM, I legitimately thought THIS was it, the shit was gonna hit the fan, and good stuff would begin.....and look what happened shortly after.
Forgive my pragmatism, but I feel my pragmatism is justified.
Oh wow I didn't even think about that, thanks for pointing it out. makes sense. Also that the Whitehats wanted to give a good gift of hope for 4th July Independence Day celebrations. They surely must have planned it ahead, but the meditation energy could have really improved the situation suddenly for them to act.
Sound of silence „Silence that grows like a cancer“
1966: A small seed of the Age of Aquarius is sown by drawing attention to a shortcoming of the Age of Pisces. The music video shows a way out.
I think the seed is beginning to emerge. From time to time the Age of Aquarius casts its shadows.
Sounds of silence https://youtu.be/u9Dg-g7t2l4
The purpose of music is communication through feelings.
"A bright neon light […] struck the sound of silence." People kneel […] and worship neon gods." A situation, like on the street, is addressed. People walk past each other. There is no communication of feelings. People seem completely indifferent to each other. Technology is abused by the dark ones to alienate people from each other.
– Broken music instruments – For they have missed their purpose of communication.
Two awakened persons are led to take care of the matter. They see people who have an urge to use their throat chakra for communication. But the dark ones have managed to completely isolate them from each other through regulation. Their creative work is in vain. The awakened ones are shocked. They visualize a first step of rapprochement. The visualization manifests itself. In a further step, one group approaches the other in a ship. The light brightens. Before they reach their destination, a light shines before the other group. - A flash of light of the Age of Aquarius.
You are free to use the pictures as you feel so guided.
Maybe upload them as proofs in your next post so that many more may see? You don't have to credit me, I can care less for that. I just want the truth out there. 🌷 💟 🌷
Good question lol, The Soviet Union conquered half of Europe from the Nazis in 5 years and in 5 years restored the economy to a pre-war level, which was destroyed by 7/10. Here we have only been seeing words for years. Well, let's wait until we die of hunger. The Annunaki, or anyone else, pretending to be mythical LF, revel in our torment. And this is fapt. Yes, author, block this message like the rest.
Antes de resolver seu dilema de abundância você precisa identificar quem o prejudica, quem prejudica a humanidade. Sem essa identificação há muitos pedindo ajuda aos seus opressores sem saber.
I hear you. But the unfortunate truth is that no one cares. There is a distinct lack of empathy in the lightworker community. I wish i could help you, but I have lost almost everything and also unemployed now, and struggling to survive. I hope things get better for you, I really do. Try to hold on there.
@Phil The lack of empathy is the main reason I don't interact much with the new age / light community and mostly just lurk. Especially from members who are living comfortably always berating the ones who are struggling to survive for being "negative" whenever they vent their frustration and desperation.
Another meditation? YES! This one is to Master PEACE! Peace within. ;-) All hands on deck! This one is good.
For all the people who come to this blog to bitch about the OTHER guy on the planet who is screwing it up.
THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2020/07/meditation-at-exact-time-of-maximum-of-the-lunar-eclipse-on-july-5th-at-429-am-utc.html
Specifically, look at what is on the meditation menu in the instructions.
"5. Visualize the Violet Flame purifying all human beings on the Earth's surface, liberating them from all programming, control and suppression. Visualize all negative behaviors and mind programming of the dark forces being removed from humanity, and all implants that had been placed into the surface population being completely dissolved."
FINALLY we are taking action to fix BLEEPed up brains on the planet.
My intuition tells me that we DID get the Double Goddess vortex activated. So this is why the short notice for this 4th of July event. The activation HAD to precede this new cleansing meditation.
Let's DO This!
Love y'all!
Victims no more! Sheep no more! VICTORY! Creators by VICTORS!
"Banana comments and reactions to my recent posts have proven that a lot of healing work needs to be done. Facing those comments, when I have asked the Resistance why should I continue posting on my blog, they have communicated that „they need a voice of reason and sanity on the surface of the planet that can assist in the Breakthrough“."
Lev, not hate. Your posts are really super long. And they drag on and on. It distracts from the message Cobra brings which I think is disrespectful. There are hundreds of other places to get recognition for your ideas. Why attach yourself to this one and blame others for not wanting to read your book posts?? If what you say is true than you will have no problem attracting others to your own work site. ♥️👍
"The U.N. nuclear agency said Friday that slightly elevated levels of radioactivity detected in northern Europe likely were related to a nuclear reactor that was either operating or undergoing maintenance, but it's still unclear where it is located".
Whatever the outcomes of our meditations en masse and as a unified field, I am reminded of a Conscious Force (neither dark nor light) that may have taken control a long time ago that the majority on this planet are not aware. I prefer to 'know' rather than believe, and it's been my experience that vertical time is navigable. Hence time travel, seeing into the future, creating timelines within one's holographic reality etc.,what I am reminded of I shall paraphrase and also copy/paste a few tidbits to reflect on or 'digest' relative what's happening today. That is the Wingmakers prophecies.
Dr Neruda's First Interview (pgs 6,7): Ancient Arrow Project The messages or prophecies that they made were to occur in the early part of the 21st century. (Let's see if this sounds familiar) Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations by an alien predator race that could integrate into the human species; android-like humanoids. Are these the DF's?
These beings were "prophesied to establish a world government and rule as its executive power. It was to be the ultimate challenge to humankind’s collective intelligence and survival....These texts are kept from the public because they are too fear-provoking and would likely result in apocalyptic reprisals and mass paranoia…" "I know it sounds unbelievable… but there are diluted versions of this very same prophecy in our religious texts, it’s just that the alien race is portrayed as the antichrist; as if the alien race was personified in the form of Lucifer.” (to be continued)
I know a group of doctors in which a surgeon has told a story about a middle aged "patient" who has come for an operation. It was in the Middle East last year. When he opened the patient he saw "the person" has no blood but some slimy liquid. Otherwise it looked human on the outside. He's concluded that it wasn't human and closed it and kept silent. It is obviously one of those these plastic guys...
(pgs 6&7 in part- cont) If any of this is sounding familiar yet, my comment here also points to @Lev's previous treatise on world financial conditions. It is all making sense.
“There is a network of secret organizations that are loosely connected through the financial markets and their interests in worldly affairs. They are generally centers of power for the monetary systems within their respective countries, and are elitists of the first order. The ACIO is affiliated with this network only because it is rightly construed that the ACIO has the best technology in the world, and this technology can be deployed for financial gain through market manipulation... “As for …this secret network of organizations doesn’t review books before publication. Its holdings are exclusively in ancient manuscripts and religious texts. They have a very strong interest in prophecy because they believe in the concept of vertical time and they have a vested interest in knowing the macro-environmental changes that can affect the economy. You see for most of them, the only game on this planet that is worth playing is the acquisition of ever-increasing wealth and power through an orchestrated manipulation of the key variables that drive the economic engines of our world.” “The reason they fund the ACIO is that they believe Fifteen is the most brilliant man alive and they’re aware of his general agenda to develop BST [Blank Slate technology is a form of time travel that enables the rewrite of history at what are called intervention points like fall of Soviet Union etc]. They see this technology as the ultimate safeguard against the prophecy and their ability to retain relative control of the world and national economies. They also know Fifteen’s strategic position with alien technologies and hope that between his genius, and the alien technologies that the ACIO is assimilating, that BST is possible to develop before the prophecy occurs.”
Like a puzzle coming together. Currently I am re-reading all five segments of this famous interview. I had an inner 'pull' to connect dots knowing that COVID though real and responsive to Pleaidian stardust healing- is mostly as a pandemic a major distraction to keep our attention captive while their urgent push toward the real take-over agenda plays out. I'd bet they didn't expect such a strong Soul/Spirit/Mind-heart Free Will push back to their sophisticated technologies and nefarious agenda; after all we are merely inferior 'lab rats' to them. They underestimated our Divine Field potential.
My 'sense' is that our mass meditations and collective conscious intentions may have altered the trajectory of our destiny or perhaps the vector of this 'prophecy' to favor our organic future and the Wingmakers rather than the robot controllers with Humanity 3.0 project. It is therefore, profoundly more reason to celebrate what Cobra + team are accomplishing in the momentum of the mass meditations to liberate ourselves from their grip. Simply put- thanks Cobra, team, and everyone.
Friday July 3rd, 2020 I went to bed in the early morning and right before waking I had a strange dream. I dont recall the order of the first part. I recall being stuck somewhere. It was some kind of structure made of thin wooden boards painted white, it looked like something from around 1900. The boards looked old and dilapidated. They also appeared a little dirty and stained by all of the reddish soil that was outside. There were other people around who seemed to be waiting for something. They were friendly but seemed kind of bored and a little hopeless but also patient. The wooden structure had a large opening, although I cannot remember what was outside. We appeared to be standing on a walkway that was ten to twenty feet above a field. I could not a good look at the field and beyond. All I remember is an ominous glow from outside coming through the opening.
The walkway was connected to another nearby and there may of been seating on each side. It may of been a baseball field. There was a redheaded teenage girl lying nearby on what looked like a chain link fence roof of a baseball dugout. I walked over and said hello. There was also a black woman waiting there who works at the grocery store near where I live in real life. I dont recall if this next part happened before or after the people waiting. I was moving through what appeared to be a cave system or tunnels with what appeared to be a couple of American Indians. The rocks and ground were a reddish color. There were large ants in the cave, about the size of cats and dogs. The last part of the dream I was with an American Indian and we had left our horses near some more tunnels. He was alarmed by something and gave me a lever action rifle as he said "Dont be a coward". We rode out on our horses, clutching our rifles, through a sandstorm. The sand was red brown just like before. Is that why those people were waiting inside of the structure?
I was having trouble seeing because of the storm and I went into my minds eye. I could see where myself and the Indian were charging too but without the sand obscuring my vision. It was like I was a bird or drone flying over a battlefield. I saw what looked like dead soldiers and American Indians, as well as their horses. The soldiers looked like they were from the 1800s like the Union soldiers from the Civil War. There was a soldier being dragged away in a net by an Indian and there was still fighting happening. It was all concentrated around these rocky structures withing the storm. I dont know if we were trying to charge through or if we were picking a side in the battle. Interspersed with this "dream" was a feeling that I was an American Indian sleeping and trying to wake up. Something was stopping me from doing so. I dont really identify as American Indian even though there is Cherokee on my fathers side. The only ones I identify with a little would be the Cherokee or the Indians in the northern US. I eventually woke up to an anomalous presence and the thin outline of what looked like an enemy from the game Bioshock which I actually referenced in this post. I had began spreading the word about the post and I believe the dark entities are not happy about it. They gave me a hint with the Bioshock enemy. It was sometime after sunrise. As far as the dark red sandstorm and the alien environment, was it on another plane? Was it on Mars? It may of been a real experience now or in the past. I recall it as Indians and soldiers with rifles but it may of looked very different in reality.
Some part of the Matrix must've really been deconstructed with AoA part 2, I've been having ascension symptoms returning after a really long time, and even though the dark ones are counteracting this progress, they simply don't seem to be able to hold it together any longer, just an hour ago I got another heavy chunk of sh*t removed from my heart, it feels like it is beating more easily now, something negative fell away and I wasn't even concentrating on this. It is as if all the cries for help when my physical body, specifically my head and heart were attacked with negative scalar weapons so many times in the past, for which the Light Forces could not intervene, are now being answered and are clearing even more than I asked for. I can feel how the dark ones are trying to re-establish their negative constructs on my plasma and etheric bodies, but with little to no success.
I think it's safe for me to say that there is finally some positive progress after years of negative delays.
Recently, in one of my astral travels. I saw many dark-grey shape clouds cover the lower sky. They flows slowly that almost appear standing still and as it appear, the cloud start to change the color and the wind from the high above move the space in to a giant voidshpere which i can't explain but i know that the plan has begun.
GOLPE AL DEEP STATE! Lista de 81 personas que habrían sido arrestadas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4STKwbqLGDM&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2s1HfpMZi3S1bLR0wEpfuUQ8eM6zsmABcQEcb4t6n3stwSHiWbGWozAFc
I had some harsh realizations that still tear at me but they also gave me back my power. Most women expect that when they have an issue, people will look out for them. They expect change from the exterior to soothe their interior. The harsh reality is that nobody cares. And nobody is coming to save you. Once a woman integrates these two harsh truths, she's then capable of regaining her power. Because when we stop waiting for an input from the exterior, then all that's left is the interior. Us, with ourselves. Our emotions, our responsibility, our life, our choice!
This is extremely painful short-term, but the long-term happiness and good life are worth it. You'll regain your power as a woman and start making changes in your life that benefit both you and those around you. That in combination to having healthy boundaries can create miracle changes.
I really wished somebody would have saved me from my abusive situation. But resisting futility is just causing more pain. So I did what the L.F. and Cobra told me to and started taking a part in the liberation by first fixing myself.
May my experience be of help to you and your emotional health!
For those who are interested in the book "Living With Joy" which Cobra recommended in a recent interview, but do not have the means to purchase it, please let me know (you can include your email address in a comment and I will contact you). I have sourced a few copies that I can have mailed to people who want it. Mostly able to send to U.S. addresses but I may be able to send to a couple non-U.S. addresses as well. :)
As of this morning on July 5th 2020 the energy system I feel has changed without a doubt. I feel the divine masculine starting to take on it's next form of house cleaning. A dream of other being in my house which felt like a ship . I felt so connected to them but could not find my main group of souls that I was supposed to be with. Have we entered into a new acceleration point perhaps. It feels good but at the same time I feel this deep anxiety.
Hi x just to say I have been feeling what you describe for a good 2 weeks now its a definite energy shift and people are struggling, I can feel how off our vibration is x
For the Dutch: Heb je het gelezen? Dat we worden voorbereid op de moeilijkste tijd van ons leven? Alleen dat, geen verder nieuws, maar toch...: De Raad –De moeilijkste tijden van jullie leven–
Remember that all comments here are moderated, so the appearance of such detailed information that Lev gives us is not a coincidence. He tells us as much as he can tell us as Cobra 😎
From this you have the intuition and the heart to recognize whether it resonates with you or not.
TruthSeekerJune 30, 2020 at 4:42 AM. Why you looking after not confirmed information. We have no idea who is that person. Jānis MežeckisJune 30, 2020 at 6:06 AM.I agree. Lev should make his own blog, otherwise he is overtaking Cobras blog with his comments. CobraJuly 1, 2020 at 2:18 PM. The Light Forces are asking Lev to start his own blog, and people can ask him questions there. arrowflashbrJuly 1, 2020 at 2:55 PM. @Cobra Thank you, it's for the best. mariaonlineJuly 1, 2020 at 6:28 PM. @ Cobra: I agree.
What is with all these measures like thermoscanning testing mask wearing how are we supposed to deal with this? Since I can't wear mask what should I do hide or prepare to fight or what ? Same for testing and vaccinations
Go to Japan. Here nothing is mandatory or enforced by the government, no lockdown and no restricted freedom. Some people may look at you weird in supermarkets, but no one ever told me anything.
UK legal case against lockdown.... Simon Dolan - Very disappointed to let you know that the Judge refused permission to challenge the Lockdown.
He's on Twitter you can read about it. Wouldn't allow to challenge on any of the numerous insanities, this was crowded funded for over 200k pounds. They can now lock down anytime they want and make it worse as their judges will wave it on. Oh well hunger games it is.
What this means is that the Govt have the right to impose Lockdown, whenever they choose. The Courts believe that Lockdown was entirely correct and proportionate The entire Judgement will be up on the site in the next hour or so. Please do read it carefully and you will see exactly how our rights and freedoms have been simply dismissed
On the affect on business:
"So far as the airline leasing business is concerned, there is simply no realistic basis on which it could be said that the Regulations have caused the loss or damage to that business."
On Schools:
"The obligation to provide education had not been suspended. Education was being provided but not on school premises.There has been discussion about the precise meaning of certain of the statements made but it is not necessary to spend time dealing with that matter"
"The fact that restrictions may be imposed in future, depending on the progress of the pandemic, does not provide a good reason for reviewing the original versions of the regulations now.
On family life:
"The Regulations do not, even arguably, involve a breach of the right to respect for private and family life guaranteed by Article 8 of the Convention"
On Proportion
"It is simply unarguable that the decision to make the Regulations on 26 Mar and to impose the restrictions contained in the Regs on that date was in any way disproportionate to the aim of combatting the threat to public health" On freedoms:
"Any interference is proportionate.The restrictions are limited. Persons remain free to live with family members or friends forming part of their household.They may communicate with others by means of communication such as telephones and internet facilities"
The most draconian laws ever introduced in England, with no Parliamentary scrutiny and they are seen to be fit and proper by the Courts.
I am asking the light forces for assistance in helping a family member who has extreme chronic headaches. This family member does not follow this blog, nor would he believe anything this blog says. I could suggest the PB protocol, but again, there is no knowledge of what it does nor any likely entertaining of its possibility by this family member. The pain is extreme, debilitating, and constant for this family member. There is no known cause as doctors cannot help him, so energy weapons may be at work.
I realize that an update is coming, but there is nothing but bad news, including bad news from Fulford. People are fighting each other over wearing masks as well. I spent 3 hours yesterday relaying the article from preparforchange to each governor in all 50 states in the US. I used the original pdf from the ocla site so they wouldn't think I was 'weird.' Here is the prepareforchange one:
It looks like the madness continues to escalate. I ask that you please keep in mind that the meditations are pointless and meaningless if there are no positive physical results. 'Damage control' is extremely substandard, especially since ultra-positive realities are envisioned in the mass meditations. I understand I'm not the first to point this out, and am in large company. I've participated and promoted many meditations in the past. Let's please see some positive physical results. Long overdue. I hope to 'put my foot in my mouth' when reading the upcoming update. Thank you.
Starlight have u checked out those... plaedians devices.... i know u mentioned doctors.. has also alternative medicine doctors been consulted?...
I understand is difficult to guide others that do not believe in perhaps plaedidians techniques but they may respond to other alternative .edicines.. accupuncture ect
U know what comes to me mind. Hypnosis.. remember the famous hypnotist lady Cannon. When i was watching a couple of her videos i sorta bump into her website. Although she is no longer alive apparently there are some students that have taken over her technique/teachings. Her daughter being one . They contact the oversoul.. if u have the means. Financially i believe is worth the try. Even if ur family member is a skeptic.
Chronic dehydration is the most common cause of chronic headaches. Tell them to drink lots of water every day even when they're not feeling any thirst, and especially when feeling the headaches. Adding a teaspoon of salt and sugar to the water might help too. Hope this helps.
In my experience, Command PB Stardust isn't very effective against headaches and migraines anyway.
If ur family member is being targetted... if it also entailed being monitored or watched? Unsure if tha is such a case.. I suggest u do a 007 operation. Get the appointment thru a third person. Do not disclose where u going as far as address.. do not keep the information in any digital media.. nor emails each other. In fact the person u ask for asistance make sure is thru writing(pen paper). In short when u meet the person to ask for favour do not even discuss the purpose of the meeting. Get the person the hand written request. ..
So i dont know how cloack and dagger u need to make this to work. But again. If ur family member is being targetted or monitor for some extreme reason u need to apply techbique based on the danger level.
Why i ask u to make the appointment as indirext as possible etx. Is because if ur family member or any of u are being monitored(depends on situation) u dont want them to know where ur family member will be getting "answers" from.. that may give time for the bad guys to set camp. And be there during the session. Either to create more havoc.. or "persuade" the one doing the session .. in short all depends on who is targetting ur family emember if that is the case.
Now..i hope ur family case is not extreme as far as who is targetting him/her
Hi. Besides obviously unhealthy painkillers i use big 7-10cm in diameter orgonites. Dependably of insensitivity of pain 2 on sides of head and 1 at frontal cortex and 1 at back of the head, all those under flexible winter hat to hold orgonites in place. Even tho at summer hot time you may make winter hat wet with cold water, put it in fridge until it freezes and then use it altogether with orgonites for very pleasant and relieving effect. It works miracles and I highly recommend this way.
Thanks for trying to help. The family member was taking ibuprofen, but this didn't help. He will only accept conventional medicine. He was recently prescribed a headache medication, so maybe this will reduce the pain. So far it hasn't worked though.
@Starlight432 But they're not even willing to try homemade or natural solutions (that don't involve meditation / new age stuff)? If that's the case, you did your part, now it's up to them.
Anyways another suggestion, try completely removing dairy and lactose from their diet for a week and see if the headaches improve, and drink at least two full cups of apple juice and eat two or three apples every day. If the person is a smoker, stopping or at least halving their daily cigarette consumption might improve their condition too.
All this is common knowledge also recommended in many websites with natural/home solutions for chronic headaches. There are many other suggestions, but these are ones that worked for me in the past.
The Police thing... Is this is the 'BLUE' Dawn? Everything is heating up, to a collision course. It's going to hurt, isn't? To a lot of people. My heart tell me its need to be done. Its part of something big, awakening. 'Adolescence'. I listen to my heart, he's there for a reason.
I am Ashtar Sheran with a message for all on Earth.
You are aware that many involved in Pizza Gate have been arrested, tried and put to death. Currently clones walk the earth, regulated by light forces, in order that all would appear to be normal.
Removal of children from the DUMBs is still ongoing. The dark forces still exist there as well as around the surface. There are still cabal members upon the surface to do their bidding but these are bankers and business people, who now, too are being arrested.
You will read articles that these business people have been infected by Covid 19, taken ill, been fired or left their positions in business or otherwise suffered some other extraordinary change of events. These are the cues to look for to see where your justice system is at work.
What we are aiming for is that the surface is owned and operated by the people of earth. They will be under guard as the DUMBs continue to clear and key operatives in the Illuminati continue to be removed as necessary. Where non-compliance exists, removal will take place.
All heads of countries are either arrested or working with the Light. They are still able to communicate with their countries but their work is scrutinized by the light forces that have them under guard. So it seems that they are still creating havoc but you'll see that they won't be able to for much longer. This is an educational period where people of this planet are targeted to wake up. Those who refuse to wake up will be in the minority in about a year's time. Most people will be awake and aligned more or less with the Light. Progress is up to the people. When the expectation of more is held by the majority, change will occur. It is your collective frequency that allows for current events to unfold.
With this in place, success is ours. There is no dark threat anymore on your world if all believe in the goodness to come to you. We are looking for a solid majority to anchor all the positive energies on the planet, and to create the new world from the ruins of the old.
For areas that are still under cabal siege, this is also so that people will wake up. Many still believe that BLM is fighting for the rights of black people and this is false programming. Eventually they will realize, as the issue grows stale, that this is not what they are doing. Please continue to expose the perpetrators.
As for the media, they are losing power. Fewer people are loyal to their news channel as they begin to suspect that something is amiss. When you keep hearing that you must stay at home and wear masks, eventually you begin to look elsewhere for another point of view. It is that the news told people what they wanted to hear, and this is no longer the case. They are telling them to continue to be patient, and the public is losing patience.
As for the recent meditation at the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction, the quorum was reached. Many unfortunate events have now been avoided for your world, and the route to freedom made shorter. We foresee months taken off the route that you were previously on, and this is wonderful news as many deaths have been avoided and greater growth will manifest after the financial collapse.
Sorr... This is the part i completely lostt the trend.. [.."This is an educational period where people of this planet are targeted to wake up. Those who refuse to wake up will be in the minority in about a year's time. Most people will be awake and aligned more or less ]
Why i completely shutdown to readinf the rest.. because we are at a stage where this game has passed the "educational" level. Or trials.. this game has by milleium passed the "out to lunch" marker ... I certainly doubt that is by any hands of the light doing more of such games. If ever done. Those games at this late stage has more earthling link or terran than heavely.
It's the cabal. Face shields are a great alternative though, even though it's for purely psychological reasons that people wear anything over their faces at all.
Who is still interested in Asgardia, and what's its meaning in now times? https://asgardia.space/en/
http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2016/10/pleiadian-situation-update.html "If the Event happens in a few months, the Asgardia project will not have any global impact, but if the Event happens a few years from now, it might well become the trigger for the Compression Breakthrough."
My blog just reached 5555 total views, which isnt bad for a small blog around for less than a year. June had exactly 666 views. If you look at my last post I was probably too focused on the material world.
I want to thank the Light Forces. I love the energies.love the Light, everything is shining bright.I feel great, strong, powerful, uplifted.I love it. Divine Masculinity. INRI.(I have it tattoo on my arm). Victory of the Light
Gran ligereza si dejamos la oscuridad al lado como lo que es, una perturbación inmensa. La vibración está subiendo de manera exponencial. Sin duda se abren espacios de discernimiento, hay un camino que es estar en presencia, algo que solo puede hacer cada uno permitiendo brillar la propia resonancia. Nada ni nadie puede infiltrarse en el propio ser. No es adecuado tratar de forzar el destino de otros. Las meditaciones que piden esto u aquello me parecen fuentes de ansiedad. Las meditaciones que tratan de anclar energías me parecen una suma adecuada.
The cleverest of definitions (apt) for covid and probably a SPELL BINDING term used repeatedly to infiltrate our electrical bands (aura)--so do not fall for it or buy into it. In fact I shall ignore the term after this posting as though it does not exist in my reality. I blow it back into the Void.
I have an inner feeling that the next major post by Cobra will be his final major report before "stuff" hits the fan and big moves/changes begin to happen.
Call it a hunch.
Cobra has been a reliable source for many years. Most of what he reports has almost always come to pass.
Make sure to follow the links he posts and read multiple times to deeply understand what he is articulating with his information.
Hope so, the day after the june 30th meditation....I got soooooo sick. Like food poisoning, with the vomiting.
Something's gotta happen, soon....I can't keep doing these meditations.....SOMETHING always seems to ATTACK me each and every time.
I wanna be alive and young to enjoy the good stuff, you know....not becoming a casualty in trying to awaken a bunch of jerks and assholes who laugh and beat me up when trying to help them.
The WHO Dr said asymptomatic people rarely transmit. She didnt say the other things you mention, at least on the video I watched. Maybe the Dr on the news did?
But this is still amazing, everyone without symptoms should be able to mix freely again if this info makes the mainstream, and assuming even close proximity made no difference on asymptomatic transmission.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I will share too.
A comment on 5G from Indianinthemachine: Shockingly Accurate Social Commentary As The Dark Matrix Collapses!! Are You One Of The Breathing Dead And Cement Children?
Lev please come back. having your own blog would be great
ReplyDeleteBe carefull with outside comms
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteInteresting nickname. I wonder who hides beneath a nickname like that. Top secret?
DeleteJuly 4/5 meditation:
ReplyDeleteP502 merged into MASTERPIECE,meaning?
ReplyDeleteProject Masterpiece is an operation against the Cabal.
DeleteAncestral liberations and elevations take place. +++ Mergers. Next >>>% (non-regressive).
Project 501 was also integrated into Masterpiece last year (September I think)
DeleteThank you Cobra , GOD -SPEED, Victory of light ✨❤️
ReplyDeleteSeriously wondering if Ghislaines Maxwells arrest has had something to do with the energetics of this....
DeleteLet's hope she don't end up like Epstein.
When they arrested HIM, I legitimately thought THIS was it, the shit was gonna hit the fan, and good stuff would begin.....and look what happened shortly after.
Forgive my pragmatism, but I feel my pragmatism is justified.
no..... no way! energy couldn't possibly dictate reality.... no way!
Delete@Sherman agreed
DeleteOh wow I didn't even think about that, thanks for pointing it out. makes sense. Also that the Whitehats wanted to give a good gift of hope for 4th July Independence Day celebrations. They surely must have planned it ahead, but the meditation energy could have really improved the situation suddenly for them to act.
DeleteSound of silence
ReplyDelete„Silence that grows like a cancer“
1966: A small seed of the Age of Aquarius is sown by drawing attention to a shortcoming of the Age of Pisces. The music video shows a way out.
I think the seed is beginning to emerge. From time to time the Age of Aquarius casts its shadows.
Sounds of silence
The purpose of music is communication through feelings.
"A bright neon light […] struck the sound of silence."
People kneel […] and worship neon gods."
A situation, like on the street, is addressed. People walk past each other. There is no communication of feelings. People seem completely indifferent to each other. Technology is abused by the dark ones to alienate people from each other.
– Broken music instruments –
For they have missed their purpose of communication.
Two awakened persons are led to take care of the matter. They see people who have an urge to use their throat chakra for communication. But the dark ones have managed to completely isolate them from each other through regulation. Their creative work is in vain. The awakened ones are shocked. They visualize a first step of rapprochement. The visualization manifests itself. In a further step, one group approaches the other in a ship. The light brightens. Before they reach their destination, a light shines before the other group. - A flash of light of the Age of Aquarius.
Sounds good!
ReplyDeleteI hope we see next time physical results..
DeleteI feel like something amazing is about to happen! 🗽👽🐉🛸✨💙💚
ReplyDeleteAs requested, here are the re-uploaded pictures of the light ship I saw one night:
ReplyDeleteImage 1
Image 2
In humble service, Love & Light,
Cobra + Everyone,
DeleteYou are free to use the pictures as you feel so guided.
Maybe upload them as proofs in your next post so that many more may see? You don't have to credit me, I can care less for that. I just want the truth out there. 🌷 💟 🌷
In humble service, Love & Light,
Mulțumesc Atreianos.Le văd.Sunt încântat !
Delete@Unknown + @Loveandlight
DeleteIt is my pleasure to be of service.
(Este plăcerea mea să fiu de serviciu.)
In humble service, Love & Light,
Atreianos ❤
I'm so happy I found a bunch of arbre solaire's videos I've been looking for, found them when I needed them the most.
Ooo, sounds good.
ReplyDeleteOle Dammegard on the george floyd pandemic at 1 hour ten minutes
Is the cabal trying to start civil war and collapse?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhere do you Live Star?
DeleteAnd WHEN are we getting those medical/healing beds I keep hearing about?
Good question lol, The Soviet Union conquered half of Europe from the Nazis in 5 years and in 5 years restored the economy to a pre-war level, which was destroyed by 7/10. Here we have only been seeing words for years. Well, let's wait until we die of hunger. The Annunaki, or anyone else, pretending to be mythical LF, revel in our torment. And this is fapt. Yes, author, block this message like the rest.
DeleteTout a fait. Merci
DeleteAntes de resolver seu dilema de abundância você precisa identificar quem o prejudica, quem prejudica a humanidade.
DeleteSem essa identificação há muitos pedindo ajuda aos seus opressores sem saber.
I hear you. But the unfortunate truth is that no one cares. There is a distinct lack of empathy in the lightworker community. I wish i could help you, but I have lost almost everything and also unemployed now, and struggling to survive. I hope things get better for you, I really do. Try to hold on there.
Delete@Phil The lack of empathy is the main reason I don't interact much with the new age / light community and mostly just lurk. Especially from members who are living comfortably always berating the ones who are struggling to survive for being "negative" whenever they vent their frustration and desperation.
DeleteSorry to hear that Phil. I hope you can get back on your feet again.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWhat is MASTERPIECE?
ReplyDeleteI will say, it's the bigger plan over all thatothers plans, that holds every plan inside.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePleiades 1 - Short note about the situation
ReplyDelete07 July 2020
Masked - prana - - -! (Multidimensional alerts sent) - (2)
Violet Pillars are manifested.
Angelic descents take place in 144 +++! (GR+!).
Loving intensity increases.
MiD (Cabal) continue to self-sabotage. Sentinels perfect specific program.
Internal Cousins (Agharta beings) intensify approaches.
Own mergers initiated and supported.
Sentinels are mastered again. The Light Celebrates!
Another meditation?
ReplyDeleteYES! This one is to Master PEACE! Peace within. ;-)
All hands on deck! This one is good.
For all the people who come to this blog to bitch about the OTHER guy on the planet who is screwing it up.
Specifically, look at what is on the meditation menu in the instructions.
"5. Visualize the Violet Flame purifying all human beings on the Earth's surface, liberating them from all programming, control and suppression. Visualize all negative behaviors and mind programming of the dark forces being removed from humanity, and all implants that had been placed into the surface population being completely dissolved."
FINALLY we are taking action to fix BLEEPed up brains on the planet.
My intuition tells me that we DID get the Double Goddess vortex activated. So this is why the short notice for this 4th of July event. The activation HAD to precede this new cleansing meditation.
Let's DO This!
Love y'all!
Victims no more!
Sheep no more!
We can DO THIS!
Thank you,Cobra.💖
ReplyDeletewhere is your blog that LF asked you to start?
There will be no blog, Unknown. Too much hate around. Sorry.
DeleteIf LF asked for your own blog, wouldn't be more the need that overcomes the hate you speak about?
The same case was for Cobra too:
"Banana comments and reactions to my recent posts have proven that a lot of healing work needs to be done. Facing those comments, when I have asked the Resistance why should I continue posting on my blog, they have communicated that „they need a voice of reason and sanity on the surface of the planet that can assist in the Breakthrough“."
Lev, not hate. Your posts are really super long. And they drag on and on. It distracts from the message Cobra brings which I think is disrespectful. There are hundreds of other places to get recognition for your ideas. Why attach yourself to this one and blame others for not wanting to read your book posts?? If what you say is true than you will have no problem attracting others to your own work site. ♥️👍
ReplyDelete"The U.N. nuclear agency said Friday that slightly elevated levels of radioactivity detected in northern Europe likely were related to a nuclear reactor that was either operating or undergoing maintenance, but it's still unclear where it is located".
Divine Feminine Round Table Talking About Surviving and THRIVING in These Current Times
New comment on one of our previous posts:
PS If not really interested, don't lose time!
A new image was also added on our page: http://lightcommunitylighting.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_31.html
Delete[ice-cream bowl shaped - open lampshade]
Another new comment on one of our previous posts:
Another new comment on one of our previous posts:
Whatever the outcomes of our meditations en masse and as a unified field, I am reminded of a Conscious Force (neither dark nor light) that may have taken control a long time ago that the majority on this planet are not aware.
ReplyDeleteI prefer to 'know' rather than believe, and it's been my experience that vertical time is navigable.
Hence time travel, seeing into the future, creating timelines within one's holographic reality etc.,what I am reminded of I shall paraphrase and also copy/paste a few tidbits to reflect on or 'digest' relative what's happening today. That is the Wingmakers prophecies.
Dr Neruda's First Interview (pgs 6,7): Ancient Arrow Project
The messages or prophecies that they made were to occur in the early part of the 21st century. (Let's see if this sounds familiar)
Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations by an alien predator race that could integrate into the human species; android-like humanoids.
Are these the DF's?
These beings were "prophesied to establish a world government and rule as its executive power. It was to be the ultimate challenge to humankind’s collective intelligence and survival....These texts are kept from the public because they are too fear-provoking and would likely result in apocalyptic reprisals and mass paranoia…"
"I know it sounds unbelievable… but there are diluted versions of this very same prophecy in our religious texts, it’s just that the alien race is portrayed as the antichrist; as if the alien race was personified in the form of Lucifer.”
(to be continued)
I know a group of doctors in which a surgeon has told a story about a middle aged "patient" who has come for an operation. It was in the Middle East last year. When he opened the patient he saw "the person" has no blood but some slimy liquid. Otherwise it looked human on the outside. He's concluded that it wasn't human and closed it and kept silent. It is obviously one of those these plastic guys...
Delete72 = Yaveh . the God of Abrahamic religions.
ReplyDelete144 = God / Goddess. The source.
(pgs 6&7 in part- cont)
ReplyDeleteIf any of this is sounding familiar yet,
my comment here also points to @Lev's previous treatise on world financial conditions. It is all making sense.
“There is a network of secret organizations that are loosely connected through the financial markets and their interests in worldly affairs.
They are generally centers of power for the monetary systems within their respective countries, and are elitists of the first order. The ACIO is affiliated with this network only because it is rightly construed that the ACIO has the best technology in the world, and this technology can be deployed for financial gain through market manipulation...
“As for …this secret network of organizations doesn’t review books before publication. Its holdings are exclusively in ancient manuscripts and religious texts.
They have a very strong interest in prophecy because they believe in the concept of vertical time and they have a vested interest in knowing the macro-environmental changes that can affect the economy.
You see for most of them, the only game on this planet that is worth playing is the acquisition of ever-increasing wealth and power through an orchestrated manipulation of the key variables that drive the economic engines of our world.”
“The reason they fund the ACIO is that they believe Fifteen is the most brilliant man alive and they’re aware of his general agenda to develop BST [Blank Slate technology is a form of time travel that enables the rewrite of history at what are called intervention points like fall of Soviet Union etc].
They see this technology as the ultimate safeguard against the prophecy and their ability to retain relative control of the world and national economies. They also know Fifteen’s strategic position with alien technologies and hope that between his genius, and the alien technologies that the ACIO is assimilating, that BST is possible to develop before the prophecy occurs.”
Like a puzzle coming together.
Currently I am re-reading all five segments of this famous interview. I had an inner 'pull' to connect dots knowing that COVID though real and responsive to Pleaidian stardust healing- is mostly as a pandemic a major distraction to keep our attention captive while their urgent push toward the real take-over agenda plays out.
I'd bet they didn't expect such a strong Soul/Spirit/Mind-heart Free Will push back to their sophisticated technologies and nefarious agenda; after all we are merely inferior 'lab rats' to them.
They underestimated our Divine Field potential.
My 'sense' is that our mass meditations and collective conscious intentions may have altered the trajectory of our destiny or perhaps the vector of this 'prophecy' to favor our organic future and the Wingmakers rather than the robot controllers with Humanity 3.0 project.
It is therefore, profoundly more reason to celebrate what Cobra + team are accomplishing in the momentum of the mass meditations to liberate ourselves from their grip.
Simply put- thanks Cobra, team, and everyone.
Friday July 3rd, 2020
ReplyDeleteI went to bed in the early morning and right before waking I had a strange dream. I dont recall the order of the first part. I recall being stuck somewhere. It was some kind of structure made of thin wooden boards painted white, it looked like something from around 1900. The boards looked old and dilapidated. They also appeared a little dirty and stained by all of the reddish soil that was outside. There were other people around who seemed to be waiting for something. They were friendly but seemed kind of bored and a little hopeless but also patient. The wooden structure had a large opening, although I cannot remember what was outside. We appeared to be standing on a walkway that was ten to twenty feet above a field. I could not a good look at the field and beyond. All I remember is an ominous glow from outside coming through the opening.
The walkway was connected to another nearby and there may of been seating on each side. It may of been a baseball field. There was a redheaded teenage girl lying nearby on what looked like a chain link fence roof of a baseball dugout. I walked over and said hello. There was also a black woman waiting there who works at the grocery store near where I live in real life. I dont recall if this next part happened before or after the people waiting. I was moving through what appeared to be a cave system or tunnels with what appeared to be a couple of American Indians. The rocks and ground were a reddish color. There were large ants in the cave, about the size of cats and dogs. The last part of the dream I was with an American Indian and we had left our horses near some more tunnels. He was alarmed by something and gave me a lever action rifle as he said "Dont be a coward". We rode out on our horses, clutching our rifles, through a sandstorm. The sand was red brown just like before. Is that why those people were waiting inside of the structure?
I was having trouble seeing because of the storm and I went into my minds eye. I could see where myself and the Indian were charging too but without the sand obscuring my vision. It was like I was a bird or drone flying over a battlefield. I saw what looked like dead soldiers and American Indians, as well as their horses. The soldiers looked like they were from the 1800s like the Union soldiers from the Civil War. There was a soldier being dragged away in a net by an Indian and there was still fighting happening. It was all concentrated around these rocky structures withing the storm. I dont know if we were trying to charge through or if we were picking a side in the battle. Interspersed with this "dream" was a feeling that I was an American Indian sleeping and trying to wake up. Something was stopping me from doing so. I dont really identify as American Indian even though there is Cherokee on my fathers side. The only ones I identify with a little would be the Cherokee or the Indians in the northern US. I eventually woke up to an anomalous presence and the thin outline of what looked like an enemy from the game Bioshock which I actually referenced in this post. I had began spreading the word about the post and I believe the dark entities are not happy about it. They gave me a hint with the Bioshock enemy. It was sometime after sunrise. As far as the dark red sandstorm and the alien environment, was it on another plane? Was it on Mars? It may of been a real experience now or in the past. I recall it as Indians and soldiers with rifles but it may of looked very different in reality.
Nice to hear of one of your experiences again.
ReplyDeleteSome part of the Matrix must've really been deconstructed with AoA part 2, I've been having ascension symptoms returning after a really long time, and even though the dark ones are counteracting this progress, they simply don't seem to be able to hold it together any longer, just an hour ago I got another heavy chunk of sh*t removed from my heart, it feels like it is beating more easily now, something negative fell away and I wasn't even concentrating on this. It is as if all the cries for help when my physical body, specifically my head and heart were attacked with negative scalar weapons so many times in the past, for which the Light Forces could not intervene, are now being answered and are clearing even more than I asked for. I can feel how the dark ones are trying to re-establish their negative constructs on my plasma and etheric bodies, but with little to no success.
ReplyDeleteI think it's safe for me to say that there is finally some positive progress after years of negative delays.
Godspeed everyone and Victory of the Light!
Posesiunea extraterestră demoniacă
Recently, in one of my astral travels. I saw many dark-grey shape clouds cover the lower sky. They flows slowly that almost appear standing still and as it appear, the cloud start to change the color and the wind from the high above move the space in to a giant voidshpere which i can't explain but i know that the plan has begun.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing
DeleteToday we celebrate the 4th of July, 244 years after 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence, to give us independence from the English Crown.
ReplyDeleteAnd the beginning of the New Atlantis. It is taking us a bit of time to get there, but we'll get there!
Deletewill be we alive and young to enjoy it?
GOLPE AL DEEP STATE! Lista de 81 personas que habrían sido arrestadas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4STKwbqLGDM&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2s1HfpMZi3S1bLR0wEpfuUQ8eM6zsmABcQEcb4t6n3stwSHiWbGWozAFc
ReplyDeleteI had some harsh realizations that still tear at me but they also gave me back my power. Most women expect that when they have an issue, people will look out for them. They expect change from the exterior to soothe their interior. The harsh reality is that nobody cares. And nobody is coming to save you. Once a woman integrates these two harsh truths, she's then capable of regaining her power. Because when we stop waiting for an input from the exterior, then all that's left is the interior. Us, with ourselves. Our emotions, our responsibility, our life, our choice!
ReplyDeleteThis is extremely painful short-term, but the long-term happiness and good life are worth it. You'll regain your power as a woman and start making changes in your life that benefit both you and those around you. That in combination to having healthy boundaries can create miracle changes.
I really wished somebody would have saved me from my abusive situation. But resisting futility is just causing more pain. So I did what the L.F. and Cobra told me to and started taking a part in the liberation by first fixing myself.
May my experience be of help to you and your emotional health!
For those who are interested in the book "Living With Joy" which Cobra recommended in a recent interview, but do not have the means to purchase it, please let me know (you can include your email address in a comment and I will contact you). I have sourced a few copies that I can have mailed to people who want it. Mostly able to send to U.S. addresses but I may be able to send to a couple non-U.S. addresses as well. :)
ReplyDeleteWho's the author?
DeleteLiving with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spirit
Deleteby Sanaya Roman
the author is Sanaya Roman.
Deletetruly a tremendous read. That is very kind of you Iiihhh. Sharing is caring <3
May all beings be happy.
Thank you!
DeleteVictory of the Light
ReplyDelete#MeditationMusic #Meditation
ReplyDelete222Hz 20Hz 2Hz Full Body HealingㅣShining AuraㅣRestore healthy lightㅣRemove blocked body energy.
As of this morning on July 5th 2020 the energy system I feel has changed without a doubt. I feel the divine masculine starting to take on it's next form of house cleaning. A dream of other being in my house which felt like a ship . I felt so connected to them but could not find my main group of souls that I was supposed to be with. Have we entered into a new acceleration point perhaps. It feels good but at the same time I feel this deep anxiety.
ReplyDeleteHi x just to say I have been feeling what you describe for a good 2 weeks now its a definite energy shift and people are struggling, I can feel how off our vibration is x
DeleteFor the Dutch:
ReplyDeleteHeb je het gelezen? Dat we worden voorbereid op de moeilijkste tijd van ons leven? Alleen dat, geen verder nieuws, maar toch...:
De Raad
–De moeilijkste tijden van jullie leven–
ReplyDeleteJuly 1, 2020 at 11:11 AM
Remember that all comments here are moderated, so the appearance of such detailed information that Lev gives us is not a coincidence. He tells us as much as he can tell us as Cobra 😎
From this you have the intuition and the heart to recognize whether it resonates with you or not.
Surely Lev is here for an important reason 😏
I made a verbal error above. Excuse me! It should be written: he's telling us as much as he can tell us. Just like Cobra.
DeleteTruthSeekerJune 30, 2020 at 4:42 AM. Why you looking after not confirmed information. We have no idea who is that person.
DeleteJānis MežeckisJune 30, 2020 at 6:06 AM.I agree. Lev should make his own blog, otherwise he is overtaking Cobras blog with his comments.
CobraJuly 1, 2020 at 2:18 PM. The Light Forces are asking Lev to start his own blog, and people can ask him questions there. arrowflashbrJuly 1, 2020 at 2:55 PM. @Cobra Thank you, it's for the best.
mariaonlineJuly 1, 2020 at 6:28 PM. @ Cobra: I agree.
ReplyDeleteA Factory of Quark Gluon Liquid
Project 502 was on hold for a while. Good to see that it is back on track! ;-)
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!
En een maand lang verenigen. Het was al begonnen...
ReplyDeleteVan 3D naar 5D – juli 2020 – DOE JE MEE?
Voor Nederlanders:
ReplyDeleteNieuwssite: www.loyalist.nl
Especially for Sherman:
ReplyDeleteGhislaine Maxwell Commits Suicide Next Week?
Gaiaportal of 2020-July-6 6:6
ReplyDelete[666 is actually a symbol of the goddess. The dark ones didn't like this and they gave it a negative connotation.]
Hula of the Stars is telling the stories.
Hula is a narrative dance that developed in Hawaii.
Spirals of Ascension are embraced.
Uplifts come.
Partners are revealed.
It's safe enough to reveal the partners now..
Stratospheres collect their pilots.
Thabks for the link
DeleteWhat is with all these measures like thermoscanning testing mask wearing how are we supposed to deal with this? Since I can't wear mask what should I do hide or prepare to fight or what ? Same for testing and vaccinations
ReplyDeleteGo to Japan. Here nothing is mandatory or enforced by the government, no lockdown and no restricted freedom. Some people may look at you weird in supermarkets, but no one ever told me anything.
DeleteThis hits my Holland-heart:
ReplyDeleteBenjamin Fulford: Bilderberg Founder Ex-Queen Beatrix Offers Vladimir Putin Huge Bribe to Steal Global Wealth
Concerning if true
DeleteYeah that was a joy to read.....not....hopefully bs or some mix.....
DeleteUK legal case against lockdown....
ReplyDeleteSimon Dolan -
Very disappointed to let you know that the Judge refused permission to challenge the Lockdown.
He's on Twitter you can read about it. Wouldn't allow to challenge on any of the numerous insanities, this was crowded funded for over 200k pounds.
They can now lock down anytime they want and make it worse as their judges will wave it on. Oh well hunger games it is.
What this means is that the Govt have the right to impose Lockdown, whenever they choose. The Courts believe that Lockdown was entirely correct and proportionate
ReplyDeleteThe entire Judgement will be up on the site in the next hour or so. Please do read it carefully and you will see exactly how our rights and freedoms have been simply dismissed
On the affect on business:
"So far as the airline leasing business is concerned, there is simply no realistic basis on which it could be said that the Regulations have caused the loss or damage to that business."
On Schools:
"The obligation to provide education had not been suspended. Education was being provided but not on school premises.There has been discussion about the precise meaning of certain of the statements made but it is not necessary to spend time dealing with that matter"
On further impositions:
ReplyDelete"The fact that restrictions may be imposed in future, depending on the progress of the pandemic, does not provide a good reason for reviewing the original versions of the regulations now.
On family life:
"The Regulations do not, even arguably, involve a breach of the right to respect for private and family life guaranteed by Article 8 of the Convention"
On Proportion
"It is simply unarguable that the decision to make the Regulations on 26 Mar and to impose the restrictions contained in the Regs on that date was in any way disproportionate to the aim of combatting the threat to public health"
On freedoms:
"Any interference is proportionate.The restrictions are limited. Persons remain free to live with family members or friends forming part of their household.They may communicate with others by means of communication such as telephones and internet facilities"
The most draconian laws ever introduced in England, with no Parliamentary scrutiny and they are seen to be fit and proper by the Courts.
England 2020.
✨Though it may seem impossible, some things are WRITTEN IN THE STARS. 🌌🌠
ReplyDeleteI submitted (or how you say that):) But it does not work!
ReplyDeleteI am asking the light forces for assistance in helping a family member who has extreme chronic headaches. This family member does not follow this blog, nor would he believe anything this blog says. I could suggest the PB protocol, but again, there is no knowledge of what it does nor any likely entertaining of its possibility by this family member. The pain is extreme, debilitating, and constant for this family member. There is no known cause as doctors cannot help him, so energy weapons may be at work.
ReplyDeleteI realize that an update is coming, but there is nothing but bad news, including bad news from Fulford. People are fighting each other over wearing masks as well. I spent 3 hours yesterday relaying the article from preparforchange to each governor in all 50 states in the US. I used the original pdf from the ocla site so they wouldn't think I was 'weird.' Here is the prepareforchange one:
It looks like the madness continues to escalate. I ask that you please keep in mind that the meditations are pointless and meaningless if there are no positive physical results. 'Damage control' is extremely substandard, especially since ultra-positive realities are envisioned in the mass meditations. I understand I'm not the first to point this out, and am in large company. I've participated and promoted many meditations in the past. Let's please see some positive physical results. Long overdue. I hope to 'put my foot in my mouth' when reading the upcoming update. Thank you.
Starlight have u checked out those... plaedians devices.... i know u mentioned doctors.. has also alternative medicine doctors been consulted?...
DeleteI understand is difficult to guide others that do not believe in perhaps plaedidians techniques but they may respond to other alternative .edicines.. accupuncture ect
U know what comes to me mind. Hypnosis.. remember the famous hypnotist lady Cannon. When i was watching a couple of her videos i sorta bump into her website. Although she is no longer alive apparently there are some students that have taken over her technique/teachings. Her daughter being one . They contact the oversoul.. if u have the means. Financially i believe is worth the try. Even if ur family member is a skeptic.
Best of luck to u
Chronic dehydration is the most common cause of chronic headaches. Tell them to drink lots of water every day even when they're not feeling any thirst, and especially when feeling the headaches. Adding a teaspoon of salt and sugar to the water might help too. Hope this helps.
DeleteIn my experience, Command PB Stardust isn't very effective against headaches and migraines anyway.
If ur family member is being targetted... if it also entailed being monitored or watched? Unsure if tha is such a case.. I suggest u do a 007 operation. Get the appointment thru a third person. Do not disclose where u going as far as address.. do not keep the information in any digital media.. nor emails each other. In fact the person u ask for asistance make sure is thru writing(pen paper). In short when u meet the person to ask for favour do not even discuss the purpose of the meeting. Get the person the hand written request. ..
DeleteSo i dont know how cloack and dagger u need to make this to work. But again. If ur family member is being targetted or monitor for some extreme reason u need to apply techbique based on the danger level.
Why i ask u to make the appointment as indirext as possible etx. Is because if ur family member or any of u are being monitored(depends on situation) u dont want them to know where ur family member will be getting "answers" from.. that may give time for the bad guys to set camp. And be there during the session. Either to create more havoc.. or "persuade" the one doing the session
.. in short all depends on who is targetting ur family emember if that is the case.
Now..i hope ur family case is not extreme as far as who is targetting him/her
I srill suggest u get hypnotise..
Best of luck to u kid
Hi. Besides obviously unhealthy painkillers i use big 7-10cm in diameter orgonites. Dependably of insensitivity of pain 2 on sides of head and 1 at frontal cortex and 1 at back of the head, all those under flexible winter hat to hold orgonites in place. Even tho at summer hot time you may make winter hat wet with cold water, put it in fridge until it freezes and then use it altogether with orgonites for very pleasant and relieving effect. It works miracles and I highly recommend this way.
Delete@starlight, I cut grains and vegetables from my diet and most of my headaches went away.
DeleteThanks for trying to help. The family member was taking ibuprofen, but this didn't help. He will only accept conventional medicine. He was recently prescribed a headache medication, so maybe this will reduce the pain. So far it hasn't worked though.
Delete@Starlight432 But they're not even willing to try homemade or natural solutions (that don't involve meditation / new age stuff)? If that's the case, you did your part, now it's up to them.
DeleteAnyways another suggestion, try completely removing dairy and lactose from their diet for a week and see if the headaches improve, and drink at least two full cups of apple juice and eat two or three apples every day. If the person is a smoker, stopping or at least halving their daily cigarette consumption might improve their condition too.
All this is common knowledge also recommended in many websites with natural/home solutions for chronic headaches. There are many other suggestions, but these are ones that worked for me in the past.
Coronavirus proved one thing American leaders are compromised cabal bribed cryptofascist stooges or outright satanic stooges!
ReplyDeleteThatbdefinitely would be a breakthru
ReplyDeleteThe Police thing...
ReplyDeleteIs this is the 'BLUE' Dawn?
Everything is heating up, to a collision course.
It's going to hurt, isn't? To a lot of people.
My heart tell me its need to be done. Its part of something big, awakening. 'Adolescence'.
I listen to my heart, he's there for a reason.
L0 light on 🙃
ReplyDeleteA meditação não fez nenhum efeito físico.
ReplyDeleteVc q pensa... Muito está acontecendo.
DeleteI am Ashtar Sheran with a message for all on Earth.
ReplyDeleteYou are aware that many involved in Pizza Gate have been arrested, tried and put to death. Currently clones walk the earth, regulated by light forces, in order that all would appear to be normal.
Removal of children from the DUMBs is still ongoing. The dark forces still exist there as well as around the surface. There are still cabal members upon the surface to do their bidding but these are bankers and business people, who now, too are being arrested.
You will read articles that these business people have been infected by Covid 19, taken ill, been fired or left their positions in business or otherwise suffered some other extraordinary change of events. These are the cues to look for to see where your justice system is at work.
What we are aiming for is that the surface is owned and operated by the people of earth. They will be under guard as the DUMBs continue to clear and key operatives in the Illuminati continue to be removed as necessary. Where non-compliance exists, removal will take place.
All heads of countries are either arrested or working with the Light. They are still able to communicate with their countries but their work is scrutinized by the light forces that have them under guard. So it seems that they are still creating havoc but you'll see that they won't be able to for much longer. This is an educational period where people of this planet are targeted to wake up. Those who refuse to wake up will be in the minority in about a year's time. Most people will be awake and aligned more or less with the Light. Progress is up to the people. When the expectation of more is held by the majority, change will occur. It is your collective frequency that allows for current events to unfold.
With this in place, success is ours. There is no dark threat anymore on your world if all believe in the goodness to come to you. We are looking for a solid majority to anchor all the positive energies on the planet, and to create the new world from the ruins of the old.
For areas that are still under cabal siege, this is also so that people will wake up. Many still believe that BLM is fighting for the rights of black people and this is false programming. Eventually they will realize, as the issue grows stale, that this is not what they are doing. Please continue to expose the perpetrators.
As for the media, they are losing power. Fewer people are loyal to their news channel as they begin to suspect that something is amiss. When you keep hearing that you must stay at home and wear masks, eventually you begin to look elsewhere for another point of view. It is that the news told people what they wanted to hear, and this is no longer the case. They are telling them to continue to be patient, and the public is losing patience.
As for the recent meditation at the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction, the quorum was reached. Many unfortunate events have now been avoided for your world, and the route to freedom made shorter. We foresee months taken off the route that you were previously on, and this is wonderful news as many deaths have been avoided and greater growth will manifest after the financial collapse.
I say start contact, and WHEN will it happen?
DeleteSorr... This is the part i completely lostt the trend..
Delete[.."This is an educational period where people of this planet are targeted to wake up. Those who refuse to wake up will be in the minority in about a year's time. Most people will be awake and aligned more or less ]
Why i completely shutdown to readinf the rest.. because we are at a stage where this game has passed the "educational" level. Or trials.. this game has by milleium passed the "out to lunch" marker
I certainly doubt that is by any hands of the light doing more of such games. If ever done. Those games at this late stage has more earthling link or terran than heavely.
President Jair Bolsonaro Tests Positive For COVID-19: Brazilian Media
DeleteThe only way to get out of it(The situation we are in it) is if the people would rise up. It's a mental thing.
Can anyone explain why masks are mandatory? I don't buy the hype seeing as the usual suspects are hyping it.
ReplyDeletebecause they are bad for your health.
DeleteIt's the cabal. Face shields are a great alternative though, even though it's for purely psychological reasons that people wear anything over their faces at all.
DeleteWho is still interested in Asgardia, and what's its meaning in now times?
"If the Event happens in a few months, the Asgardia project will not have any global impact, but if the Event happens a few years from now, it might well become the trigger for the Compression Breakthrough."
ReplyDeleteMy blog just reached 5555 total views, which isnt bad for a small blog around for less than a year. June had exactly 666 views. If you look at my last post I was probably too focused on the material world.
The progress of the Light Forces can also be seen in the fact that more and more opportunities are being opened up to children.
I want to thank the Light Forces. I love the energies.love the Light, everything is shining bright.I feel great, strong, powerful, uplifted.I love it.
ReplyDeleteDivine Masculinity.
INRI.(I have it tattoo on my arm).
Victory of the Light
A Dr and lawyers etx form ohh ng a "citizens in charge" project
Dutch: Ontwikkelingen in Amerika m.b.t. arrestaties en kinderhandel,
ReplyDelete6 juli 2020
Gran ligereza si dejamos la oscuridad al lado como lo que es, una perturbación inmensa. La vibración está subiendo de manera exponencial. Sin duda se abren espacios de discernimiento, hay un camino que es estar en presencia, algo que solo puede hacer cada uno permitiendo brillar la propia resonancia. Nada ni nadie puede infiltrarse en el propio ser. No es adecuado tratar de forzar el destino de otros. Las meditaciones que piden esto u aquello me parecen fuentes de ansiedad. Las meditaciones que tratan de anclar energías me parecen una suma adecuada.
ReplyDeleteThe cleverest of definitions (apt) for covid and probably a SPELL BINDING term used repeatedly to infiltrate our electrical bands (aura)--so do not fall for it or buy into it. In fact I shall ignore the term after this posting as though it does not exist in my reality. I blow it back into the Void.
ReplyDeleteas seen in Fulford's recent post:
COVID-19 (Certificate Of Vaccination ID-19)
ReplyDeleteThanks Astral, for posting this.
The Light Forces want us all to do this.
We can do it.
Let's go.
I have an inner feeling that the next major post by Cobra will be his final major report before "stuff" hits the fan and big moves/changes begin to happen.
ReplyDeleteCall it a hunch.
Cobra has been a reliable source for many years. Most of what he reports has almost always come to pass.
Make sure to follow the links he posts and read multiple times to deeply understand what he is articulating with his information.
In humble service, Love & Light,
DeleteHope so, the day after the june 30th meditation....I got soooooo sick. Like food poisoning, with the vomiting.
Something's gotta happen, soon....I can't keep doing these meditations.....SOMETHING always seems to ATTACK me each and every time.
I wanna be alive and young to enjoy the good stuff, you know....not becoming a casualty in trying to awaken a bunch of jerks and assholes who laugh and beat me up when trying to help them.
ReplyDeleteThe WHO Dr said asymptomatic people rarely transmit. She didnt say the other things you mention, at least on the video I watched. Maybe the Dr on the news did?
ReplyDeleteBut this is still amazing, everyone without symptoms should be able to mix freely again if this info makes the mainstream, and assuming even close proximity made no difference on asymptomatic transmission.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I will share too.
Let us really work on doing it out of justice and none none none selfishness or greed or arrogance:)
ReplyDeleteA comment on 5G from Indianinthemachine:
ReplyDeleteShockingly Accurate Social Commentary As The Dark Matrix Collapses!!
Are You One Of The Breathing Dead And Cement Children?