Sunday, August 22, 2021

L1 subsequence completion failure


  1. failure just as the earth liberation

  2. Replies
    1. This is an Intelligence Hub.

      Due to the classified nature of much of the information/evidence the Resistance Movement holds, we can not just come right out with it, however, we can drop breadcrumbs that the people can dig into and help us all discover the truth.
      Further, it must be understood that the enemies in this war are monitoring this Intelligence Hub as well.
      Therefore, some of the information is strategically misinformation/disinformation.
      The codes can not be deciphered on demand.
      Consider this not Entertainment.
      Think Military game theory and "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
      Sure, none of you want to filter through and try to discern truth from falsehood, however these warfare tactics really cause no harm when they must be used, however they are devastating to the enemy and a necessary part of warfare.

      Military Intelligence planning at its finest!

    2. In my country a Vice-Admiral is on the task force to vaccinate everyone. They are now vaccinating the youth. If he does recomend children to be vaccinated he will not be serving his people. I do trust the light forces and the white-hat military but i never trusted this guy and i hope i am wrong. Everyone thinks he is a hero but i don't. He reminds me of the Nuremberg Trials.

    3. @Joni
      They outta hang the bastard.

    4. @Sherman People like are you are the problem. You really think you are a "person of light"...calling for public hangings just bc you dont like vaccines? Do you actually know how many lives were and ARE saved DAILY in Africa by being successfully vaccinated? Number 1 cause of death in Africa are virus infections due to hygiene problems.

      And then there's some random internet warrior like you who says it's all BS and "people should be hanged". People who say vaccines "are bad" and there's some vaccination conspiracy ongoing are just dumb and dont understand science. They're the reason this BS is taking so long. Now go back to your cave.

    5. "Do you actually know how many lives were and ARE saved DAILY in Africa by being successfully vaccinated?"
      Literally 0. Turn off the media, mind slave. You have no clue what kind of world you live in.

    6. @Jc1993
      Spare me the speech. We are in a WAR, pal. A WAR. We got power mad conspirators wanting to rule us like slaves, and then discard us, once we are no longer useful, another expendable cog in the machine.

      Ummmmm...then WHY are people in the western nations DYING from the vaccines? Also, when vaccinating people against their will....umm.....hello! That's pretty much evil to me. What ya want me to do? Give the guy a HUG AND KISS? Give him FLOWERS? Give him ORAL SEX or something?

      I don't think so.

      And, here's a bit of revelation to you..... can be BOUGHT AND MANIPULATED. That's why we're still using mineral slime for energy, and paying an arm and a leg for it, rather than Tesla's free energy.

      Now, YOU go back to your 'safe zone'.

      Welcome to the war zone.

  3. Just a reminder to people keep doing the flower of life meditation and focus on the positive.
    You are the creator, so create the best timeline for all live beings.

    1. cant even regrow the hair on my head, HOW am I some 'creator'? I soooo want to see a DEMONSTRATION of the so-called 'power' we supposedly have.

    2. "You are the creator, so create the best timeline for all live beings."

      Thank you so much for this <3 <3

    3. STILL waiting for a demonstration.

    4. @anami

      Proof is needed ,also, otherwise might as well believe in the tooth fairy and leprechauns.

    5. Beautiful anami!

      " proof is in the pudding ( within) always within..not without💫

    6. From Dutch Maria.
      @ Sherman (and those who feel adressed): stop talking, start acting.

    7. @Maria

      As I asked before.....demonstration of said 'power', please.


    Hurrjxane henri.. someone saw a pattern of explosion within it

  5. When is the Event going to happen? When are the mass arrests coming? When are the light forces gonna take over the mainstream media and start full disclosure?? I’m sick and tired of the Cabal!!! I WANT THIS NIGHTMARE TO BE OVER!!!!

    1. This is an Intelligence Hub.

      Due to the classified nature of much of the information/evidence the Resistance Movement holds, we can not just come right out with it, however, we can drop breadcrumbs that the people can dig into and help us all discover the truth.
      Further, it must be understood that the enemies in this war are monitoring this Intelligence Hub as well.
      Therefore, some of the information is strategically misinformation/disinformation.
      The codes can not be deciphered on demand.
      Consider this not Entertainment.
      Think Military game theory and "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
      Sure, none of you want to filter through and try to discern truth from falsehood, however these warfare tactics really cause no harm when they must be used, however they are devastating to the enemy and a necessary part of warfare.

      Military Intelligence planning at its finest!

    2. May light be with you. We are all together, my friend, and we will make it through.

    3. You and many more ground crew are tired of the delays. It's the Creators game u and me are stuck in.

    4. I know it is unbearable. If this helps, sometimes the stench becomes easier to inhale when we accept we are standing on pure filth. I know it is not very Zen poetry, but at least it lights up the path a little so we can keep walking.

    5. ✅✅✅ ✔done! Victory of the Light🌟💯🌹 #MotherofAllBombs 💣💣💣 #Theotokos #SisterhoodoftheRose #MaterDei

    6. When enough people wake up. It is still too less people enough conscious

    7. People wont awaken until something dramatic happens they cant deny. They denied 9ii Boston Bombing the school shootings the fake pandemic and now line up got mRNA injections unbelievable. Obvious they are captured they will need serious help I have spoken with my brother and sister they wont consider these events are not authentic. The media is honest and wouldnt mislead them. My brother has a masters in engineering and my sister is a school teacher so education plays no part might actually hinder many they cant discern on their own.

    8. I consent to this with all heart

    9. @Soszkin
      Sooooo...sometime around half past never, eh?

      The ONLY way to wake these idiots up, as I said many times before, is through a seldom seen, long overdue CULTURE SHOCK, and it MUST be TANGIBLE.

      ET contact, for example, no more a culture shock than THAT.

    10. I feel you @AquariusRising but this whole thing is like a very long, draining professional chess game. It takes time and requires patience. We are all tired of the Cabal and their other minion clown clubs but nothing can be rushed. IF the Light Forces rush the plan it might fail and there seems to be only one shot at this. It's better to wait a bit than risking failure and having to deal with the Cabal forever and ever.


    11. @Dan
      Won't do us any good if it takes so long, we either die of old age, or from exhaustion, or from cabal weapons.

  6. The more they push the faster it comes

    1. Yes!!! Many people wakes up only when the 'danger is already at their door'
      It looks like for many the situation is not bad enough.

  7. Completion failure? You can say that again.

  8. This is an Intelligence Hub.

    Due to the classified nature of much of the information/evidence the Resistance Movement holds, we can not just come right out with it, however, we can drop breadcrumbs that the people can dig into and help us all discover the truth.
    Further, it must be understood that the enemies in this war are monitoring this Intelligence Hub as well.
    Therefore, some of the information is strategically misinformation/disinformation.
    The codes can not be deciphered on demand.
    Consider this not Entertainment.
    Think Military game theory and "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
    Sure, none of you want to filter through and try to discern truth from falsehood, however these warfare tactics really cause no harm when they must be used, however they are devastating to the enemy and a necessary part of warfare.

    Military Intelligence planning at its finest!

    1. Thankyou for a perspective with reason! 💖

    2. Thx for this most sensitive, intelligent and sound clarification rockview😌😌😌

  9. Please COBRA we need to know if the side affects of getting vaccinated are irreversible with the LF's technology.

    1. Yeah. They could turn you into a dolphin. And they can fix a lowly mRNA vaccine. If you survive.

    2. Light Forces technology is supreme.

    3. Both of these statements are true even if they appear to be contradictory:

      The vaccines are not that dangerous, they will lower your vibration a little.

      The vaccines are a test to see if we're stupid enough to just let them inject us with anything.


    5. the effects of vaccines gradually disappear with the transformation of our DNA. The vaccine works on carbon DNA, but we change to crystalline DNA. It's like changing planet, the vaccine is no longer active on the other planet.

    6. Well many are dying from the shots or are being impacted neurolocially...I have read many will die as spike proteins cause blood clotting and make people auto immune and weaken immunity. Yes lowering vibration was the goal and consider most who take it are asleep already..

    7. #Evolution
      The LAST thing WE need is MORE TESTS.

  10. Plz, stay strong
    Keep pushing

    Lets GO!

    1. Yes we got this! Positive timeline secure chimera removed dracos removed ... let's go! VOTL

  11. I hate to see failure :/
    Liberation now..

  12. This means that the completion of Sequence 8 will be delayed by one month?

  13. Thank you Cobra. Thank you LF RM. May Goddess liberate this planet/ universe.

  14. Please let's stay positive even if it's difficult. This full moon is again quite intense and weird

  15. i was wondering for quite some time if medbeds will remedy the recent massive poisoning of our peoples ongoing-as others have of course also spoken and written of similar concerns.....

    after several months of wonderment and such of this - the answer arrived seemingly of recent-----YES-----we will save a sizeable majority of the peoples who have been and continue to be subjected to various superpoisons being administered - via brainwashed zombies being ordered and cheered on by satanists to inject their brothers and sisters and themselves with such shyte from hell - like their giving away candy.....i digress of course-hahahahaha.....

    the current death cults mandate to genocide an entire human civilization will stop very soooooon-as a worldwide moratorium on all so called covid vaccines will be enforced by the positive militaries-then the cabals various houses of the unholy will collapse once and for all.....

    i may be wrong of course-at the same time with the massive successful clearings etc by the lightforces of most negative lifeforms in the local ether-it is enabling the surface population to tap into more and more of the infinite knowledge available of prime creators multiverse.....

    its amazing to see the massive peaceful fast growing in numbers protests all over the earths surface these days - the ranks filled with aware brave kind skilled hard working honest moral smart tough lightforces members of all sorts....bravo zulu.....

    1. First we need those med beds to GET HERE, Randy.

    2. I recently watched a video by a nurse practitioner who has been trained on medbeds and she said they will NOT reverse the damage done by the jab. She stated that you need to have your original DNA and the jab alters your DNA so the damage cannot be repaired by medbeds. Also you need to be at a certain level of consciousness for the medbeds to work. You don't just lie down and expect everything to return to perfection. This again is 'saviour syndrome'. Waiting for someone to come along and save you. It doesn't work that way. Rise up. In consciousness and in every other way.

    3. So, Susan.....ask for help and be shamed, eh? So, stick a kid who's dying of cancer...but if he or she ain't 'on a certain level', the kid still dies? NIIIIIICE.

      Whatever happens to 'service to others'? I myself NEED someone to help me....I can't simply snap my fingers and BAM, I'm back to being an alien woman you understand? Talk to ANY transgenger person, they will tell you the same. 'Rising up' only can do so much.

      Do you understand?

      Also, what is the sincerity of the nurse in video? Anyone can make a video, you know.

    4. And, Susan, so those folks forced to take the shot, some I heard were even physically held down and give an injection, are also doomed?

      Take about prejudice.

    5. And, Susan, AGAIN, I is one to 'rise up' and take on evil with NO weapons and NO intel and NO powers.

      I've yet to see anyone become "super sayan goku" and do superman like things.

  16. You can be sure that the LF do have technology to heal that Injection!!!

  17. Cobra, We must NOT delay further the mass arrest of the Cabal. Once the mandatory vaccination kicks in globally there would not be any Lightworkers or Warriors left to fight for the cause.

    We understand that the dark forces are going for broke ie all or nothing. If they don't get what they want they would not hesitate to depopulate the whole world through this plandemic fiasco.

    1. I keep telling the light forces, there are volunteers, like myself, who want to a few things for me, first, and I'll be glad to fight.

      I got a personal score to settle with the baddies.

  18. Now Gesara almost in starting😇

    1. If this is "intel" from Dinar Chronicles, then sorry, but it's fake. I followed that site for a few months like 3 years ago, and Gesara is "almost in starting" every single week.
      "Just a few more days. The next week it's definitely starting! Confirmed by all intel sources! Tiers 1-3 are already being paid out! Next is your turn!"

      No matter how much they assure you it's starting, it's just another lie. One of out hundreds and thousands on that site. Repeated for years on end.

      I'm glad I haven't bought any useless bonds or currencies promoted by them. Just a little bit of gold. Please, don't get deceived. It's either a scam, or Cabal disinfo campaign.

    2. @Tropby

      Ain't it GREAT being a human? :P

    3. Não existe gesara. Não existe dinheiro. Isso é falso.

  19. Son tiempos difíciles los de estos días,era sabido que algo iban a hacer los oscuros,ojo !! a no preocuparse,la luz vence siempre !!
    Meditemos y terminemos nosotros con los.oscuros !!
    Victoria de la luz.!!

  20. Que no decaiga,era sabido que algo iban a hacer los oscuros...
    Ánimo.!!meditemos y hagamos que GAIA BRILLE..!!
    Victoria de la luz.!!

  21. For Ruzya (above) and others: There is a lot of information on line about how to counteract the effects of the vaccine...

    This (below) is one website, with a lot of information about cleansing, minerals, vitamins, foods that can neutralize and/or lessen the effects of the jabbie....

  22. I have no idea about the meaning of these codes. But I know that clearing 50 billion etheric entities should be easier and faster than clearing 750 billion. Still no news about the situation of those entities since their numbers dropped to 50 billion.

    1. Trillions since December last year, actually. If clearing was going on at the same pace, then the last 50 billion should've been cleared by the end of July. Dunno if it isn't slowing down at the end though. But there's definitely less than 10 entities per incarnated human right now. So I wonder, where are those most exceptional humans who are supposed to wake up? If DF's would focus hundreds of remaining negative entities on those exceptional humans, then many other humans would have less than 3, or even 0 entities left on them. So people should be waking up either way.

    2. We still going to need WEAPONS and tech, Tropby.

    3. From Dutch Maria
      NO Sherman, no weapons. PEACE!!!

    4. @Maria
      Good luck trying that when the OTHER SIDE HAS WEAPONS, and willing to USE them. Sorry, but all the love and light in the cosmos won't stop bullets, missiles, or energy weapons. Look what happened to those guys in China in 1989....was not pretty.

  23. Replies
    1. Systems go down.. like a nuclear scare event all stops

    2. According to Ben Fulford, totally global financial changeover of some sort. We will have to wait and see I guess?

  24. y entonces, nunca sabremos cuando dicen una verdad?

  25. I believe in God's plan.
    Focus on the timeline you want.
    Victory of The Light !

  26. This confirms what I've been saying about there not being a peaceful solution:

    Australia To Be SHUT DOWN by Truckers on Aug. 31 to "Throw off the Government"

    Other countries will probably follow. It's going to get really bumpy unless there is another plan in place by the light forces... if not, buckle up...

    1. There are of course good guys behind the scenes, but anyone orchestrating/instigating this abuse in Australia will have to be severely dealt with.

    2. This is interesting. I'm glad I'm a trucker in Japan, and don't have to fight against any lockdowns or COVID restrictions. I wonder if they can convince all 246,000 truckers in Australia to strike though? Many truckers work in small companies, which they treat almost like family. And many of them are old, and probably don't want to get involved in such risky things.

      But the situation in Australia is interesting:
      "There are 6 major cities across the continent, so the freight movement is very different. This means the majority of Australia’s freight runs from Melbourne in the south to Sydney or Brisbane, the North and Adelaide in the Central South region.

      Long haul trucking runs are to Perth in the west and Darwin in the north."

      There's also a severe trucker shortage in Australia. And those big cities have very few routes out of them. Like 4-7 highways. Then they have long hauls through savannah and deserts. So it should be very easy to block those few roads with a handful of trucks. Of course it'd be illegal and dangerous. But you'd need probably less than 100 people to do it. It can be done by truckers from just one small company.

      And with driver shortages, probably even just 1/4th of all truckers striking at the same time would be enough to severely destabilize their economy.

      I wonder if this will get enough traction to do something major. If this would work in Australia, then other countries could try to imitate it. Even if it wouldn't work as well in EU, or America, just the threat of things getting out of control should send shivers down the spines of politicians.

      I don't like that they have to threaten all citizens with starvation though. But if that's what it takes for their government to listen, then it can't be helped, right?

    3. Trophy, yeah, can't be helped. Within the means of the surface population to fend for themselves, this is what it has come down to. I wish there was another way.

    4. @Tropby

      The civil rights movement in america was, too, illegal and dangerous. But that did not stop Rosa Parks from STARTING THE WHOLE THING.

      Throw the sabot into the machinery, I say.

    5. No Brasil haverá manifestações no dia 7 de setembro. Inclusive com participação dos caminhoneiros. Todos em favor do governo e contra a volta do comunismo.

    6. At this point a global revolution is needed and it can't be totally peaceful

    7. @freedomfighter

      At this point, we need ALIEN CONTACT.

      A revolution will be THE bloodiest fight in recorded history, and there is no guarantee the good folks will win, especially since the bad guys have the MEGA TECHNOLOGY. Like a caveman trying to defeat a spaceship.

  27. There is a major counter-offensive at work. Please make sure to have food, water, pet food, and cookies. This week is going to be vile, but their true intents will be more visible.

    1. So let it start, am tired of all this warnings without that anything happens. Bring it on. It is August 25 by now and nothing happens

  28. Dear COBRA,
    Could you please clarify if the cabal push fast the RNA vaccinations in order to stop the awakenning of the population due to age of aquarius? I mean, we know that new energies are coming to earth since entering the age of aquarius and these energies can unlock and develop our DNA so we can awake and transform to the "new" humans that we can create the new earth. My question is, does the vaccines stop this DNA restoration from the energies and keep people in the same or worse situation?

    Kind Regards

    1. Yea, WHEN are we gonna no longer be genetically raped/wounded?

      I personally want to be a LOT more than a genetically wounded monkey myself.

  29. I just found something very interesting in a comment for this video on YouTube about St. Germain

    Click on the replies to the first comment if you are intrigued to read the entry of someone claiming to be Queen Elizabeth the 1st and that she and her twin soul John Dee were the parents of Francis Bacon. She is mentioning that The Event is about to kick off in Vancouver at The Fairmont Waterfront Hotel with them being the first to re-unite.

    Victory of The Light!

  30. Is there an update on the quantum superposition toplet bombs?

    1. Not yet

  31. Hate to be a dick about it,
    They tried to transform me into something other than I Am,
    And they failed.
    I will not stop.

    1. Hey Some Dude! (Dutch Maria). What happened???

  32. Oh wow .... I had a feeling Cobra was going to post some kind of message on my birthday ... I was right! Wow!

  33. This is regards to Janine's recent video. If Janine is correct and the white hats are running the show, the white hats are abusive, arrogant losers, just like the cabal, and need to be brought to justice!

    1. Janine, Michel Jaco, Gene Decode, Charlie Ward, Nicholas Veniamin, and many others are just frauds.

      The cabas is running the show for now, and nothing will change for US before the event.

  34. I AM Maria Magdalene. I try to get out (of the box) but don’t know how. Everything seems to block me. I AM THE LIGHT I AM THE LOVE I AM TRUTH I AM.
    Blessings everyone.

  35. Nice talking to you.
    Have a nice day.

  36. If you would like to revisit my earlier offer, for us to forgive ourselves, then please do so.
    Please do so slowly,
    So that I have a chance to keep up...

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I agree with other comments here, it would be good if we could get some information about the vaccines.

    I am worried about a lot of the things I am reading.

    1. It seems that for certain reasons Cobra doesn't really say much about the health issues of the vaccine's side effect.
      In AU and in New Zealand the situation day by day getting worst and insane. There has been 1 'Delta'case, and Jacinda Ardern has locked the whole island down.
      However the truck drivers have had enough.They are tough guys.
      And they are standing up now,and planning to block all the motor roads in the two countries, and around Canberra, the AU capitol too, on the 31st of August. It starts 9 am! They want to force the government to resign.

    2. (D.M.) Try Beforeitsnews. Its full of it.

  40. Here bei please download this app for smartphone or Desktop and join this channel. You can see all information about Vaccine and what going on behind the scenes.
    The Link for the channel is here:

  41. Black Swan event. Stock up on food, medicines and other essentials.

  42. the light forces want us to pray sincerely for help, recognizing that we are not succeeding in making a difference. We can pray to Father / Mother God or the beings of light, it doesn't matter. This is the only way for them to put aside our free will and help us as quickly as possible. By praying sincerely, we give them the green light. The more of us who do this, the faster things will change. It is humility to recognize with love that we need and ask for help.

    1. @Lotus

      We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY!
      Contact is long overdue, and the ONLY way to win this war...especially since we got negative ET's to fight, not just evil humans with ALIEN tech.

      Galactic Codex, section 4.

    2. I pray since 18 months for the end of this plandemic

  43. Hi Cobra, can you tell me about the French Huguenots that colonized America, and Haiti. We still bare their last names in Haiti, I'm "Cazeau". From what I can research, these europeans wasn't "white" as history books tells us, but they was black-skinned europeans wich I found much proof of in all of europe. How come this enlightment movement never disscus the dark-skinned races since it seem's almost all history is about them and in the new age movement and pics you post about archangels and what not never depicts anyone dark-skinned. I strongly belive that we Haitians are decendents of the Incas of Americas and not "African Slaves". If there is suppose to be some sort of event, how could it ever happen without disscluding these highly important things due to "racism" and what that entails accordingly to the dictionary. The white "race" dosent seem to have a long history as the rest of the colored races on this planet. What is really going on here. Me, I'm most intressted in understanding my current origin of being Haitian. I do not accept being an African slave especially since we don't look like "west africans" or most other nations of Africa. What is the deal, could you enlighten me about my origin as Hatian, I'm not asking about the google results I've been though my whole life, they are not accurate and also they are very demeening. Haitians are ffrom the grat landmas of Americas, since you know so much maybe you could take the time to fill in these blanks for me. Thanks in advance the Haitian family of Cazeau. Cazeau from south-west france that Dessalines expelled from our true home after these darksskinned europeans stole and put us thru slavery in our home lands. Like Dessalines said, "Armeée Indigéne". The Indigiounes Army. Not the African slave army...

    1. the cabal don't give a SHIT about people of color, they view them as mongrels. Why do ya think the american govt, for decades, tried to kill off the native americans?

      The ONLY reason OBama became president was a publicity stunt by the cabal to make the people THINK we have freedom.

  44. Only by unconditional Love one can trully understand God's Infinite Mercy. After all everyone and everything are his creations. I wish i could understand more of his Infinite Mercy. Or that all shadow/dense energies would just leave me alone. I think that's what is making brothers and sisters tired. It's the density. We are tired of this dense ego derived energies. Lot's of times i find myself wishing and asking to Love more unconditionally...

  45. I Love you all. And sometimes i love even the dense ones because most of them are lost in some competition "game" but sometimes i can't love them like the other times i do... :( sometimes i find myself asking God to help me Love like Jesus did/does. He Loved even his agressors and that made him ressurect. So if we want to know and use the godly powers they say we have, we need to Love like Jesus did/does.

    1. Sorry,but I will not have compassion for my oppressors....I'd rather kill them, and rid the cosmos of their evil, and they can no longer harm anyone.

    2. That is exactly what I tried to offer her. Mercy and unconditional Love for lost sheep but density is to strong.

    3. Whether you like to read this or not, there is a global revolution coming and it won't be only peaceful . Can't be as much as we would prefer it to be peaceful

    4. It's the weapons and technology the bad guys have that worries me.

      What do WE have to fight with, just sticks and some pea shooters?

  46. 2weeks Sydney,, victory of the light...

  47. Enough talk we want to see physical action now. what are you waiting for these vaccines to kill all of us

  48. NZ is locked down due to 1 case.
    Australia is locked down
    FDA approved Pfizer killer vax months after it was first administered ..
    TN Gov signs EO to have national guard remove people from their homes and placed in detention centers.
    Gov Inslee WA State goes full nazi mandates all state employees take vax and mask kids in school.

    I see civil war on the horizon if these monsters arent arrested or taken out. VOTL Doug

    1. All of this sounds horrible to us, doesn't it? Normal, we are experiencing it for the first time; yet it is commonplace on earth. It seems that we are caught in a vicious circle, humanity relives the same thing over and over again, so it might be time to ask: why?
      On this planet live among us beings, few in number but powerful because they are hidden, powerful because they are clever, powerful because other beings bring them help out of desire for power, out of a taste for money. They have not understood that power always ends up turning against its author, and we, suffering humanity, have not yet understood that freedom, the true one, is priceless.
      It is time for us to understand the very essence of freedom, because it should not be just a word on a sign, it should be an inner strength, a flow of life that nothing can stop! If we feel like victims, prisoners, weak, this is what we will be.
      Finally, let us behave like soldiers, let us be free first from within, and let us claim this freedom; no need to fight for that, the exterior is a reflection of the interior. If we feel free and strong, the enemy will feel it because he plays on our inner weakness, on our fears. Let us feel this force being born in you, let us nourish it, let us express it.
      If you've seen the Braveheart movie, you know what I'm talking about. What word did the hero say before he died quartered by the English? Freedom!

  49. Wellsir I just witness a video where people are being physically force to the ground and injected with that poison under the guise of a vaccine. Would the LF/RM consider this crossing the line or no?

    I sure am curious what their idea is of crossing the line if that ain't it.

  50. If the vaccines were that important.. then the light forces would be communicating through COBRA to us about them. You just do the best you can and calm down. Enough with all the vaccine pandemonium. If you truly understand what this blog has been trying to teach you over the years... Then you know things like the vaccine can be rectified at a later time. And to answer everyone's questions using just logic... No they haven't crossed the line or the light forces would have stepped in. We (the surface) are great at sitting on our hands and expecting others to go do. What are you doing to speed this process up? Posting in all caps on this blog? Give us all a rest.

    1. I don't want to be poisoned, Been.
      Also, what are YOU doing, Been, that's so high and mighty above US? Many of us want to fight, join the war.


    2. BeenHeeB4 maybe you can give us a rest? Maybe go to a pro vaxx forum if you like them so much ? You seem just a troll or nwo shill anyway

    3. Sherman. Of all the things that you've gone through in life why do you keep traumatizing yourself by asking for something that is not going to happen. Or at least to this point it doesn't look like it's going to happen? And by that I mean physically fighting beside the LF. I honestly could care less about other comments made towards me. Others opinions of me don't mean much. However.. you seem to me as someone who can survive and survive some terrible things. So get past just one more thing and it's probably the last thing. Find a different way to help mankind. I guarantee you That's your services are welcome in other places. Focus your intensity somewhere else so that it's a benefit to yourself.

    4. the last thing....I've heard THAT one before for over 20 years, B4.

      Help them, HOW?! They laugh and ridicule me, they even beat me up several times when I TRIED to help them. To hell with that.

      I'll benefit once I get the chance to get OFF this planet, and get myself restored to what I was before this human, so-called 'life' and SHOULD have been now. THEN I'll have benefited.

  51. COBRA.... For your sanity and ours please disable comments. We are past the point of needing everyone's opinions.

    1. I'm confused...
      Are you giving your opinion in the comment section?

      Save your sanity by not reading the comments.

    2. The cabal and their minions love censorship.

    3. Comments may still prove valuable, even if these are in the very minority.
      On the other hand I agree with you; most of these comments are very FINE

      Freaked out

  52. @Joni and Maia

    Win the war, first, THEN do all that forgiveness stuff.

  53. BeenHereB4, yes by all means more censorship is just the thing.Look how you beg for it. "Please take away our rights to keep us safe!" sounds all too familiar. Stop people from asking the hard questions of people with extraordinary claims with zero proof.You are well in cult mode now. Well done old son!

    1. "censorship" just like hiding (censoring) the Jim Beam from my uncle the alcoholic....haha. Although I do appreciate you typing my complete name in your reply. Others didn't even take time to address me appropriately.

  54. They can’t hide, we hunt them like hounds.

  55. The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine today.

    Mandatory vaccinations for the military, and so many other places of employment are very soon to follow.


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. COBRA's first post:

    Saturday, March 31, 2012
    About this blog

    We are living in extraordinary times. This is the shift of the ages. The financial system will restructure itself, the matrix will fall apart and new society will be born. Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody. This world is about to enter a totally new dimension, a new reality, an end of linear time. Are you ready? This tour is not just an introduction to preparedness… It is the ultimate preparation for this extraordinary time. It contains information and guidance about time around 2012 and the planetary dimensional shift, never before revealed on this planet.

    1. May be C. from 2012 is not identically with C. 2021!?

      Love and light! ❤️

  59. What is freedom? I thought I'd found myself, but I found myself in a bigger circle. What are we? You say you are us because there is only one electron in the universe, and all of this is reincarnation, whether it's a computer simulation of the world, or a world created by some conceptual god, the universe has had an infinite amount of time, an infinite amount of reincarnation. All that has been recorded, past and future is now nothing more than the effect of the limitations of Gaia, and humans are influenced and bound by earth. All is free, but not free. Everything is repeated over and over again, but it's not exactly the same. The universe is dead, but because of the reincarnation of the electron and become full of life, become beautiful. The Galactic Federation is afraid of this place, but it expects this place, which is a huge variable that can change the parameters of a cycle. Loving us is just a natural reaction, not true love, not human love. The only thing to do is break the treaty and land now.

  60. Regarding my previous post "The Bottom Line," I'm going to really start letting go as much as I possibly can. When I learned that the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine today, I began to physically shake and felt like I was going to throw up. If these are the last days I will be on this Earth, why live them in anger and fear though? I'll be prepared to survive, but if I don't survive, why not make my last days the best they can be? I may not be posting anything further in the near future. I'll leave a couple final posts I made that are uplifting if anyone's interested.

    Accessing Timelessness

    Undefined Sound, Undefined Form, and Undefined Light


    Time to let go, and whatever our fate will be, is what our fate will be. I have no good news go give. No further insights. No further predictions. I would like to say that it's been an interesting life, and I have a few good memories I will try to take with me if this really is the end. Make your days the best that you can. Thank you all for putting up with me. 🙂

    1. Dutch Maria
      Oh! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    2. At this point I will have to completely stop looking at any and all media/news, including alternative media for a while. I know that people may tell me I'm putting my head in the sand, but my physical body cannot handle anymore 'fight or flight' reactions. I am not able to handle what I'm seeing. Just for a while, I need to forget about everything. During this time, maybe I can be more effective with meditations and so forth, because when seeing all the negative news, I am consumed with fear and anger, rendering me powerless.

      I know that there are ways to be more detached and 'take a step back' while looking at various media, but the level of severity of bad news is so extreme that this is no longer possible, at least for me. People can say that I'm weak if they like. Maybe I am. Sorry, but I can go no further. My body will just start shutting down from the stress if I keep looking at any kind of news. Maybe others are stronger than I am and can handle it.

    3. I wrote articles such as "Let's Talk About Loosh." Now it's time to live by my words.

  61. 1/2

    Three of the Fed’s Wall Street Bailout Programs Vanish from Its Monthly Reports to Congress

    Price Performance of the S&P 500 Versus the Wall Street Mega Banks, January 2, 2020 through March 23, 2020

    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: August 23, 2021 ~

    Fed Chair Jerome Powell

    Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and Fed Vice Chairman for Supervision, Randal Quarles, would desperately like to make three of the Fed’s emergency bailout programs to Wall Street disappear from further scrutiny by Congress or the American people. That’s because the specific details of those programs do not comport with the testimony that Powell and Quarles have provided at Congressional hearings throughout the pandemic. Both Powell and Quarles have told Congress that the mega banks were a source of strength during the pandemic. (The chart above shows what was really happening.)

    The three emergency lending programs that the Fed would like to make vanish are the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF); the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF); and the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF).

    These are not only the most opaque of the Fed’s “official” bailout programs but they are also the first three emergency lending programs that the Fed stood up in 2020. The PDCF and CPFF were both announced on March 17, 2020 by the Fed. The MMLF was announced the very next day.

    For each of the other Fed emergency lending programs, those created under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, the Fed has reported the transaction details, including the names of the recipients and dollar amounts received. But the Fed has withheld that information from Congress for these three programs – despite promising complete transparency.

    Now, it seems the Fed wants to make these programs disappear altogether.

    In its monthly 13(3) emergency lending reports to Congress, from January through May of this year, those three programs appeared with a lump sum total for what had been loaned out but no names of recipients or transaction details. Now, even the names of those programs have completely disappeared on the most recent June, July and August reports to Congress.

    Just how much money was sluiced to Wall Street under these programs? We know from the Fed’s H.4.1 weekly release of the line items on its balance sheet that as of April 8, 2020, just a few weeks after these three programs started, the Primary Dealer Credit Facility had ballooned to $33 billion in loans outstanding while the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility had soared to $53 billion.

    The Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) grew far more slowly but gyrated in disconcerting fashion in its early days. According to the Fed’s weekly H.4.1 releases, as of May 20, 2020 the CPFF stood at $4.3 billion, but one week later, on May 27, it had almost tripled to $12.8 billion, strongly suggesting that one or more large financial institutions could not roll over their commercial paper because of some kind of taint attached to it.

    But the size of these three “official” emergency lending facilities pales in comparison to what the Fed had rolled out four months before COVID-19 had ever been heard of in the United States.

  62. 2/2

    On June 22, 2021 the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis convened a hearing to take testimony from Powell regarding the Fed’s crisis relief efforts. During Powell’s opening statement, he testified as follows:

    “Our emergency lending tools require the approval of the Treasury and are available only in unusual and exigent circumstances, such as those brought on by the crisis.”

    When the eyes of mainstream media are on the Fed, Powell is quick to say that the Fed can only make emergency loans with the approval of the Treasury. In fact, there was no Treasury approval, or Congressional oversight, when the Fed launched its repo loan bailouts of Wall Street beginning on September 17, 2019 – four months before the first reported case of COVID-19 in the United States. By January 27, 2020, the Fed’s ongoing repo loans to bail out Wall Street had reached a cumulative $6.6 trillion. According to the Fed’s own audited financial statements for 2020 and 2019, on its peak day in 2020 the Fed’s repo loan operation had $495.7 billion in loans outstanding to Wall Street versus $259.95 billion on its peak day in 2019. That’s a lot of Wall Street bailout money avoiding any oversight by Congress.

    The American people have good reason to be skeptical of the Federal Reserve as a transparent operation as a result of how it stonewalled the public during and after its last big bailout of Wall Street from December 2007 through at least July of 2010. The Fed battled media outlets in court for years, refusing to turn over the names and dollar amounts of where the money went. When the Government Accountability Office (GAO) finally released the granular data from its audit of the Fed’s bailout programs in July of 2011, Senator Bernie Sanders’ office issued a press release stating the following:

    “The first top-to-bottom audit of the Federal Reserve uncovered eye-popping new details about how the U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression…

    “The Fed outsourced virtually all of the operations of their emergency lending programs to private contractors like JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo. The same firms also received trillions of dollars in Fed loans at near-zero interest rates. Altogether some two-thirds of the contracts that the Fed awarded to manage its emergency lending programs were no-bid contracts. Morgan Stanley was given the largest no-bid contract worth $108.4 million to help manage the Fed bailout of AIG.”

    But the GAO audit failed to include all of the Fed’s secret bailout programs. When the Levy Economics Institute added the additional lending facilities not included by the GAO, the total cumulative tally came to $29 trillion. The reality was that the Fed was attempting to cover up its own incompetence at supervising the mega banks on Wall Street.

    In the press release, Sanders was quoted as follows:

    “The Federal Reserve must be reformed to serve the needs of working families, not just CEOs on Wall Street.”

    Despite two unprecedented bailouts of Wall Street in 2007-2010 and again in 2019-2021, Congress has failed to strip the Fed of its supervisory role over the mega banks on Wall Street or its ability to create electronic money out of thin air to bail out the same banks, while hiding the details from the American people.

    It’s time for all Americans to demand accountability from both the Fed and Congress because it’s the American taxpayer who is on the hook for the liabilities of the Fed.

    …The Ascension window HAS OPENED on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and WILL CLOSE on July 7th, 2025.
    It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of…

    Thank you COBRA (COmpression BReAkthrough).
    Victory of The Light!

  64. The vaccine can cause anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, blood clots, stroke, aneurysm, brain hemorrhage, pericarditis, myocarditis heart inflammation, antibody-dependent enhancement, mRNA vaccine spike protein. The distribution throughout the body and the accumulation in multiple organs and the brain of the spike proteins created by the mRNA inoculations. The inoculation goes to the deltoid [arm] muscle to then be expelled by the local lymphatic system. The lymphatic system then spreads the residual (spike protein) to the lungs, liver, heart and brain. It is very highly toxic and is expected to cause widespread causality and death. Do an autopsy you'll find Spike Proteins from mRNA Vaccines in every organ of the vaccinated who have died.

    Antibody Dependent Enhancement now emerging in the vaccinated. The jab decimates one's immune system through a mechanism called Pathogenic Priming, also called ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) and is causing the jabbed to drop like flies when they are exposed to any corona virus such as the common cold or flu. The immune system sees you as a pathogen just like any other pathogen floating around that doesn't belong in the body. The human immune system will attack to kill the mutated cells of its own body as it will regard them as ''biologically foreign bacteria''. Death by immune response. The experimental mRNA vaccines will weaken the immune response to the virus, through Antibody Dependent Enhancement, leading to death. The deaths will be the result of mutations in human RNA and DNA genetic codes as well as m-RNA and m-DNA substances contained in the vaccines. Death by cytokine storm & anti-spike protein antibody. Poisons that can cause blood clots resulting in mass population deaths from blood clotting and in the destruction of blood cells of those taking the vaccine, due to their immune system attacking the mutated cells in their body DNA as a result of the genetically engineered m-RNA viruses of the genocidal vaccines. The Vaccines can cause Neurological Disorders, Autoimmune Diseases, Organ Failure, and Death. The experimental Covid vaccines are already linked to hundreds of thousands of injuries and thousands of deaths around the world. The Long-Term effects will be devastating. The mRNA Vaccines will cause irreversible DNA damage, including local and systemic inflammatory responses that will spur autoimmune conditions, cancer, organ damage and failure and fatal neurological disorders. The mRNA vaccines trick a person’s body into attacking critical functions like cell repair, fertility and neurological function. The side effects of the mRNA vaccine might take months or even years to become apparent, and by then it may already be too late for much of the population.

    1. This is why we must train ourselves to travel inward and know so a man thinketh so is he.

  65. Love is the answer. Stop being a victim and resist on your terms. @Cobra do you know Elena Danaan, I think you would love her, I know I do

  66. Message to light workers.

  67. Censorship is the Answer? So we Become like they. Compliments!!

  68. Dutch Maria to Sherman.
    Its nothing new but you seem the most warloving visitor of this blog. Think Sherman, use your brains to work the way you want to be treated yourself.

  69. So everyone let’s use the Universal Mind. We are One.

  70. Light is power!!! There is nothing that can stop The Name Can Not Be Mentioned.
