Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Red alert at 504


  1. lol I just imagine how the cabal must feel.. their feed is probably going "black alert at XXX" nonstop xD
    all the christic love and renewal flowing towards earth transmuting all this darkness..
    keep holding the light my brothers and sisters! 💪
    the victory of light is inevitable and will be so glorious! 💖

  2. The resources of the dark ones are dwindling, as there has been no black alert for a long time.

  3. Yellow > Red > Black

    @LF https://imgflip.com/i/62l8gf

    Every day the same 5 things happen, i need to see something new... Anything. This planet is boring.

    Dark forces are trying so hard to stay relevant. BOOOORING.

    1. Yep, fucking BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING! Nothing will change and will continue to be boring until the Event. Don't expect any major changes before the Event. Either the Event happens in 2022 or we will all go to hell with the planet and all, so LF stop with the bullshit and bring on the motherfucking Event NOW! KURWA!

    2. Well, to be honest at this point i agree with unknown!

      Let's fucking go!

    3. @Unknown
      Earth IS hell.

      Light Forces...do SOMETHING. Time to toss the dice, I say.

    4. Yes very boring. Every fuckin' day is the same , either boring or depressing. Am either sad or angry or bored or am sleeping. Nothing new and no good energy at all after the December meditation. Zero . Nada

    5. @ a lightworker

      Yeah, same here. At least there will be concerts soon to have some excitement here. Other than that, one must be perpetually drunk to cope with boredom and LF pussyfooting in the Planetary Liberation.

      A bored soul


    6. @ Sherman

      I hope 2022 will be THE year of liberation.
      Worst thing is not suffering, dying from fake Covid or the lethal jabs, at least if you die, you get out of here and the LF can rescue you and take you aboard their ships to heal you (at this point), worst thing is being bored and seeing nothing new every day, just more delays and fucking excuses. We don't only need freedom, we need excitement, we need joy and we need to feel pleasure in being alive. Life without joy and beauty ain’t no life at all. Yeah, you’re right, earth is PLANET HELL!
      Wonder if I signed up for this shit or like you I was kidnapped by Dark Forces and forced to reincarnate in this hellhole.

    7. @Unknown
      I've said, time and time again, that DYING and THEN going on the space ships is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. WHY SHOULD I DIE to get what I want?!

      IF that become the case, I'll lash out at ALL OF the light forces....for they would have ALLOWED me to die on this gulag of a planet...and that constitutes to what I call 'Never forgive action', and they, in my eyes, will be NO BETTER than the darkies. No healing in the cosmos will help me by that point, I'll be past the point of no return and just be a wondering soul, wanting NOTHING to do with either the light forces or the dark forces.

      So, for MY sake, and THEIR sake, the light forces have better not fuck up.

  4. Here we go again...heh :D But no worries, all will be good :)

  5. Sosteniamo la Luce in Tutto e per Tutto!!! La Dea vuole la Pace e la Pace sarà!!! Iside ha riavuto la Sua Corona!!!♛🤗🙌🙏✨🌷💖💜💫♾✴

  6. how are we to understand these codes?

  7. I can second the biggest tries for invasion (maybe ever) here.

    The cabal are desperate to lose and big advancements were decreed yesterday so the cabal is bound to intervene.

    They especially try to abort help for certain key persons on the surface right now which were included in the very high decrees of the LF of yesterday.

    1. Could you elaborate on that?

      Sources, etc.


    2. As for sources, here is the About-section of my blog:

      I will probably write about some of the decrees in detail in one of the following updates.

  8. Cobra and Team, can y pls consider to help us here in Germany, Bavaria asap, Austria too. We have now FORCED, dail TESTS, which do have nano,nanogels,ID's in it. The WalkedIn Governors+Pharma corps CONTROL the Police,they have hit teams ag journalists and good citizens. I heard cleaning in the US and t/over of pharma corps, but here we get murdered. We do have massive DEMON infestations, massive portal openings here in MUNICH. I get attacked the keep me out fr a position. We have dumbs in MUC, Stuttgart,Berlin etc.

    Cld y send a special team to ARREST these evil, murdering Key figures and AM, Söder, Holetschek etc. AND the still will go for DEATH Quarantine hotels, locations. Söder in MUNICH put serveral ones in 2020 in quarantine. He is very, very evil, brutal.

    kr, emz

    1. "The final offensive of the Light Forces on the physical plane on the surface will NOT be initialized until the danger of excessive violence is removed, and both non-physical planes and primary anomaly need to be substantially cleared to achieve that."

    2. Who poses a risk to galactic technology ??? Absurd ...if it is unsafe for them how do we clear it??

    3. I ask the same, Doug....excessive violence is what abounds on this rock, second only in hydrogen.

      WHO can be a threat the to the light forces? A band of a few old, rich humans that drinking children's' blood?

  9. I think something good just happened! I have always been joyful and like to make people smile...I didnt realize that has been gone from me for a long while...Now I suddenly see that for some reason I started to feel very "depressed" and couldnt find any joy in anything...But something really just happened♡ I started to remember all kind of funny things and ended laughing at myself :D Feels GOOD! Feels I have got the JOY back! Sooo reliefing♡♡

  10. アガルタ(東京)の入り口を公開します。



















  11. Replies
    1. haha boobies!
      I say that everytime I'm bored... or drunk... or happy... or whatever. I even call my gf boobies!

    2. that's what the world needs is more boobies! more divine feminine boobies ;)

    3. @ Libra

      Nah! =))

      Boobies are lovely in all sizes and shapes!

      When I'm grumpy or mad for whatever reason, my gf whispers "boobies" in my ear and I can't help but smile and laugh! (every girl should try that with their grumpy significant other).

  12. https://projectavalon.net/The_Council_of_Seven_Lights_George_Van_Tassel.pdf

    1. Dude... this book is amazing and I'm only on page 2. Thank you!

  13. thank you cobra, thank you RM, thank you the light force, and thank you to all brothers and sisters. Peace, happiness, Love, and Abundance to all.

  14. Hey! I saw you guys were flying in Cincinnati Ohio last week. What the hell does Cincinnati got that Conneaut doesn't besides a larger population?

    How about a flyby? In the North sky or South? Trees are blocking my view in the East and West.
    Lat Long (41.926312, -80.619611)

  15. With all the "alerts" at "504" you'd think some "reinforcements" would be in order or something? Whatever 504 is, seems like a sectioned off area like "Area 51". Or it's an energy reading of sorts? Which would make sense given the geo-political nonsense hampering everyone's ability to progress. Like a roller coaster, like a sine wave, we weave in and out of obscurity lol. Everytime I read "Red Alert" I hear that warning siren sound from Star Trek lol.


  16. Correction on those coordinates ...
    Lat Long (41.927030, -80.620130) South (best) sky or North.

    Thank you for reading my post.

    1. Fyi Those coordinates places the marker somewhere in greece.. unless i copy/paste wrong

    2. Well i pasted it inside the map app. Is in the usa :).. my mistake

  17. Could someone please fill me in. What exactly is the red alert 504 about?

  18. I began to wonder many things...for example: what is the veil? I searched and found: cobra behind the veil♡ Wonderful, thank you! ♡♡♡


    1. Rob – People have some questions about the veil. You have mentioned this. What is the source? Is this strictly from man-made technology and satellites? Can you talk about what is the source of the primary thing? This is the, I guess you’d call this, the plasma scalar field network. Is this mostly off planet or does it work in conjunction with Earth-based technology like cell-phones?
      COBRA – The basis of the bases is very ancient, very old scalar wave technology which has been here for at least 25,000 years. I would say the network has been completed and completely functional for the last 25,000 years. The last century more and more additions were made to the veil based upon the evolvement of the military-industrial complex. Their own technologies like HAARP, like different, Gwen Towers for an example, then cell phones were added to the network, microchips – layers upon layers, infrared scalar devices, radar devices, many layers upon layers, satellites. Many of the key-hole satellites are part of the network, and on and on.--ref rp1215

  19. New Madrid rip imminent, stay away from the coasts. Do not fear, but watch the quake patterns and have a plan. Zetatalks

    1. 504 New Orleans. New Madrid adjustment right now. Stay away from the East coast And bé warned of thé european tsunami.

  20. COBRA...If there are any updates please post them regarding the Pleiaidians and their talks with Putin on the NATO situation. Thank you.

    1. Ukraine is deep state.. I don't get it.. remove the Ukraine Biden Obama leadership

  21. COBRA...Please let us know if any of our continuing meditations are still working? I am applying this question to ALL meditations. Thank you.

  22. ❤ LovingPowerVioletFlamePeace ❤

  23. 504 Louisiana, by New Madrid fault Line, rip expected. No fear, plan, watch the rock, quakes have been ongoing up the fault, tear likely.

  24. Watch the rocks. Beware the seas.

  25. The problem, I think, is that as the past has shown, many Lightworkers are triggered by the Intel of the Light Forces, which hinders the Light Forces.

  26. so many can no longer.. we need physical results and not more war and corona dictatorship

    1. So innocent people are dying every day for no reason, life is Big nonsense

  27. Seems not before something is not there, now how knows what have to be done before letting people know the new plan.

  28. @3k14Pi Exactly the reason for my reservation of truth being provided by any source. Not that I am triggered (anymore) by "discouraging" "intel", but the fact people hang on every word of any external source and expecting whatever desired results can be promised... insanity.

  29. Who is causing the red alert of all negative ETs have been removed? Ho about a clear concise update about who is removed..what needs done still.. toplet bombs?? Chimera? Draco's? A football field are we in the red zone yet? The goal line?
    Cobra I respect you but damn we need to know where are.
    Thanks Doug ..
    Also Q is it real is near death nuke war scare coming or not.

    1. Nukes aren't a threat anymore. No fear there sir. IF there is any kind of nuclear detonation it'll be holographic and harmless in nature, unless they're planning a "Spiderman: Far from home scenarion with holographic projecting drones that are actually causing collateral damage behind the illusion... Sweet dreams!

  30. Welcome to life on planet gulag, 3K, where WE'RE the ones getting zapped, whilst the light force are sitting in their safe, comfy starships.

    Can you blame folks for getting triggered?

  31. Right on time lol...

    Cobra post from Thursday, January 13, 2022
    [...] peak stupidity on the global scale is expected in about two weeks:


  32. I'm so glad we reached critical mass on the divine intervention meditation looks like it's really working out well. It's time to face it there will be no intervention we are done waiting we want to see physical action now.

  33. Q states WW3 scare event inbound now.. then martial law..then movies ran for disclosure..is this true or not? If white hats and military don't act how can surface ever be secure for peiadians to land??


  34. First Contact


    1. I hope we do not have to wait until 2063 for contact....

  35. Let's Clear Our Implants! Live Session January 26!

    We invite the international English-speaking community to join us January 26 at 8pm UTC for another powerful FREE live session to CLEAR OUR IMPLANTS to benefit our individual spiritual growth, as well as to move us closer to planetary liberation!

    Links to the live transmission:

    1-YouTube (Sisterhood of the Rose channel):



    This live session takes place on Wednesday, January 26th at 3pm EDT / 8pm UTC / 9pm CET. Check your time zone here:

    By clearing our implants, we can become free of the false beliefs of the matrix programming that causes all of humanity much pain and suffering, and strengthen our own connection to the Source and to each other.

    Please join us and SPREAD THE WORD... the more often you attend, and the more people that attend, the more powerful it will be!

    This session is conducted in English; however translations of exercises in Hungarian, Croatian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, Czech/ Slovak, Polish, Romanian, and Persian are available to use during the session. You can find the translations of the exercises here: https://victorialuminis.fr/clearing-implants/

    For additional information and schedule of upcoming sessions in various languages, please visit:

    We welcome you to join us to do together these exercises and thus contribute to the planetary liberation!

    Victory of the Light!

  36. One of the best way to feel good is to watch comedy shows and movies. power of laughter can raise your vibration. I am sure most of use stay away from MSM and all negative TV shows. I personally use meditation, swimming and comedy shows to make my self feel good. I stay away from negative people as much as possible. I keep my circle of friend very small and we all help each other when our moral and energy fall. From what I see this is an slow process and only way is to try to make best out of it. I don't know if the process of liberation takes a year or 20 years. I will take of my own wellbeing first then I can be powerful enough to help global community.

    1. Considering how long it took to "build" up their empire, and how quickly it is deteriorating, it'll be a long "build up" period again as the worthy gather. Patience friend.

    2. Music funny movies.whatever raises your vibration...let's face it we are in a terrible dimension no sugar coating can fix that truth..all the atrocities to children. I don't think any of it was part of.the plan.. we are hostages per cobra.. hostages

    3. I only watch bad guys being destroyed on screen, these days.

      And as I said, Doug, some of us are volunteering to join the fighting. And, speaking of movies, it's time the light forces watch "DIE HARD" and learn a thing or two about how to deal with hostage situations.

  37. Ein wundervoller Kommentar! So gut, dass ich hin gleich mal eben durhc den übersetzer gehaun habe, damit davon andere hier auch profitieren können. Ich hoffe das ist ok ;)

    English translation of Libra's Comment:
    "So... it's been over 2 weeks since I resigned from my group and I realise that it was absolutely the right decision; it's enabled me to focus on much nicer things. 😊
    Let's just say that my creativity got a strong boost within a short period of time and I am very grateful for that!
    I have to say that I missed almost nothing in terms of info within that time.

    However, I have a theory as to why so many banana comments are allowed on this blog (although this has been criticised several times).
    One reason could be that people should have a way to express themselves - as long as it doesn't go to extremes.

    But what I have come to suspect is that the LA - that is, we - are being TESTED!
    If the cabal can't hide, do you think we can?
    Even if you cut the internet completely overnight, do you think you can hide from anything?
    Why do you think it is still possible for the LCs to contact us through dreams?
    I am 100 per cent sure that the LK know about our whereabouts.
    Maybe it would be useful to practice "getting naked"? 😁
    My tip is to practice with yourselves. Be honest with yourself.... Question yourself and your own actions.

    I've noticed with a lot of people (including myself) that one of the things they do is really good work.... but on the other hand sometimes completely fuck it up - for whatever reason.
    But ok, I'm used to the worst of the worst by now (as I said, I know that about myself too).

    And quite honestly: on the whole, the alternative media just bore me. I have a handful of sources of information and that is quite enough for me.
    I'm not like other people who have to get high from morning till night (how sad, actually).
    Nah nah, am busy with much more awesome stuff at the moment! 😜

    My recommendation to certain people: just lower your expectations and ask yourself instead: What can I give to the world or the universe?
    What can I do that enriches not only me, but ALL?

    (Oh, for once I didn't feel like writing in English, so this time in my mother tongue) 😜"

  38. Morgana's curse must be removed, it must be undone.

  39. Keep holding the light.🙃👋🌟✊

  40. violet flame + flower of life meditation. gogogo!

  41. I thought cobra said a few months ago this would happen because he said we would see people behaving irrationally.. I recall this in an update the galactics were going to clear implants..

  42. After the fall of Lengyel Goddess Vortex in Hungary, we lost our one energy connection of the Cosmic Central Race.

    Although I doubt they would want to contact someone like me it would greatly help if we could open up another one, at least help those who are more 'capable'.

    1. Why cant they reestablish the connection again?... and maybe this time around guard it to make sure it does bot crumble by the blow of a few.. but remains steady due to the might of the many.

  43. Anyone.. if earth is a sphere and rotates 1000 mph to make a full revolution in 24 hours.. how can a person go up in a balloon and not have the location they just left be 1000 miles to the east an hour later.. or must one exit the atmosphere to witness this rotation etc.. I believe earth is a sphere but this has always baffled me.. flying NY to LA should be very fast vs LA to NY.. etc..

    1. Omg this doesn't work like that men.

    2. So how does it work then, man?

    3. Same reason when, say, you are riding a horse, and you drop an apple...the apple and the horse are both moving forward.

    4. @ Doug

      The higher you go, the less air resistance, the higher the speed you can go, making distances shorter the higher you go. The earth rotation speed is 733 mph (1,180 km/h), an F-15 jet speed is 2.5 Mach (3.084 km/h) and alien craft much faster (as in superluminal speeds) which means you could circle around the planet (earth's circumference 40,075.017 km or 24,901.461 mi at a rotation speed of 1,000 mph or 1,600 km/h) in less than a day. When commercial space travel becomes available, everyone will be able to reach any point on the planet in a few minutes. Although I think there will be teleportation chambers all over to simplify things and save time. I believe in the future long trips will be more for joy and fun as the technology available will be so advanced in order to cut costs and save time.

    5. How does it work then? I read our atmosphere also rotates at same speed as earth.. seems hard to believe air is also rotating so all appears constant.. unless one leaves the atmosphere and can see the full rotation ?? Open to comments .. clearly flying from NY to LA one should have rotation on their side..?

  44. Michael Jaco latest video outs "baddies" pretending to be good guys. (General Flynn, Simon Parkes) Also, mentions the situation between Russia and Ukraine plus more for those interested.



    1. You realize that Jaco is just trying to "save face" by doing so right? Guy is as fake (bad) as they come lol.

    2. Yah..Jaco also just said seal team 6 captured bin laden . I call BS.. Laden was c eye a ..and why seal team 6 was all killed except Jaco?? No body was provided of bin laden and he had nothing to do with 9ii so this comment by Jaco made me step back..

    3. I understand the controversy surrounding the capture/death of Bin Laden (2011), but Jaco was already out of military (2002)and working for CIA as a private contractor.

    4. Also, Ben Laden was never indited for the 9-11 thing..meaning the so-called Ben Laden death, if it was legit, was illegal to begin with. Also, NO PROOF was given...all Obama said was, "we got ben laden, but we don't have the body, which we buried at sea (like all Arabs do....), we got no pictures....nothing....just take our word for it" Like when Dubya got Saddam.

  45. People selfishly think that rapture is the saviour of humanity but when they witness beamships picking up horses, cows, plants, trees and insects they will realise that the light forces are attempting to save all life on this planet from destruction.

    1. Just so long as I'm one of the things getting picked up, I'm fine with all that.

    2. Just so long as they pick some of us up, I just need ONE ship to come for me.

  46. @Sherman, every negative thought and expression leaves traces on the quantum plane that hinder the Light Forces in liberating the planet.

  47. Apologies, my "Right on time..." comment was meant for the "boobies" comment further down. Wasn't paying attention and hit Publish in the wrong text box lol.

  48. @3k14Pi I wouldn't bother trying to get through to him. It just causes him to lash out further. Go through the comments section and see for yourself. Guy is literally a loosh generator lol.

  49. I can tell there's one that's under my left bottom rib near the "curve on the inside. It flares up from time to time when I'm stressed out. Figure it's siphoning my life force so I try to remain calm when as much as possible. Either that or I just need to eat more lol. Matter is apparently "ungodly" though so I struggle to keep balance.

  50. @3k
    Like being a perminent member of the happiness patrol is gonna do much better? Life on planet gulag makes having any happy thoughts a rare commodity

    you must live a REAL charmed life if you're a full fledged member of the happiness patrol, if not the captain, 3K

  51. Not everyone is can be a full fledged member of the happiness patrol, mg.

    I just don't wear your rose colored lenses, sir.
