Thursday, September 1, 2022


Pandora in progress. M signal field substable. State of emergency ended / black alert downgrade to red at 504. Minimum M / DL / MDS / HP / SD requirements met, VTX requirements not met.  


  1. Let go of attachments

  2. +Military



    St Germain



    1. Recent Light🌎✨

    2. Hello... I've read about you quite a few times! I'm on the same Mission in this world. And write meindualseelenaufstiegsprozess.blogspot. com about the same topics, and with the same intentions. I would be really happy if could exchange ideas with a like - minded person! Maybe you would like to take a look. Cheers Jessica

  3. Let's keep holding the Light my brothers and sisters! 🤗
    The key is to look within and really really reconnect with your higher self and source. All other problems will start to fade once you realize you are always perfectly guided and held by god's infinite grace and love. 💜
    Here is a beautiful prayer to the goddess which always helps me to remind myself of our constant union with her:
    May her Love guide us to victory!
    Victory of the Light! 🥳 😘

    1. Absolutamente, a chave é voltar_se para dentro e conectar_se com o seu Eu Divino; faça isso e sua Iluminação acontecerá

  4. Very good! All good but the VTX which isn't quite ready.
    I like to think it stands for:
    "VolunTeers eXtraction" via Contact Dish... 😉
    just my hypothetical and wishful guess🤞

    1. The light networks are not all in order.

    2. VTX refers to the financial system.

    3. @One of 144k VTX pertains to monetary system that currently is operating on our planet. As far I remember the status will stay like this. Lookup Kim Gougen and her explanation of the system nad its tiers. She is the keeper of this system. It is difficult to understand. It seems, that noone has full intel of what is happening, not even our dear Cobra :D

    4. Thanks for the VTX explanation team!
      We may not all KNOW the full puzzle yet but many of you definitely have a good grasp of the pieces! 😉
      Still... I can't wait for a little R&R aboard the ships after THE EVENT and before the Planetary Evacuation. Looking forward to meeting all of you ground crew!

    5. Kim is a fraud playing both sides. She hasn't paid out a dime to anyone for anything cause she doesn't have access to anything. Another distraction.

    6. @One of 144k. VTX is computer lingo.

    7. @White Feather. Kim Goguen also explains the internet structure, down to the dark web.. Very interesting.

  5. Cobra, why is the power of darkness declining, and the situation of the surface population is more difficult? It shouldn't be like this!

    1. No surprise, it's always darker before dawn ! The darkness must come out and be transmuted

    2. The situation of the population varies.

    3. Because of a reaction of the dark forces against the increasing efforts of the light forces. Just as the light is intensifying it's liberation efforts closer to the surface, so is the dark as a counterreaction.

    4. Amigo, de acordo com COBRA a superficie está se tornando um sanduiche, com as trevas sendo pressionadas pela luz tando do cima quanto de baixo, teóricamente estamos mais próximos de entidades e de toda a anomalia presente. Em breve essa tensão ira terminar. Vitória da Luz !

    5. @Phoenix, Their is more darkness here than anyone could of imagined. A commenter here said years ago that much of humanity is a part of the archon network especially cabal or cabal owned humans. As such they are reacting to the liberation in bad ways. The masses in part want liberation and in part will support the matrix for their survival till the end. Most will come around later.

  6. I wonder why both of my comments weren't posted to the last post...

    1. ShawnAugust 16, 2022 at 5:46 AM
      I'm sorry but for some time I've been asking for this list of disinfo people.we need to know...

    2. Last post has 8 entries with "shawn" on it. 4 were posts you made.. 4 others were replies to post(s) u made... again. If u recall making 4 posts. I would recommend... you follow the instructions/recommendarions on the first comment from last post whichbindicates what to do in order to load all 950+ comments


    4. @3k14 and Shawn, as far as a list of disinfo sources goes its safe to say that you should be skeptical of all sources. CoBra is a resistance communique among other things with the best general info and advice but is compartmentalized and has had some bad intel. I like the portal blog but I understand peoples frustration and grievances with the liberation process.
      Fulford has been open to CoBra info and mass meditations but his sources are very hit or miss.

      Many in the alt media have very conflicting info with one another and although its debatable who is right its a major red flag. The reason why I listened to cabal connected insiders is also the reason I was skeptical of them...their cabal connections. Examples would be william thompkins, simon parkes, and leo zagami.

      Offplanet media has put out good info but dived into flat earth stuff which I feel is a psy op. While its not disinfo, look at how dark my blog is and how much interaction I had with the dark, probably above average. The list of disinfo sources is probably most sources for years now.

    5. Devon, if the "everyone "notices" - is referring to the "load more" at end of comments, one needs to assume everyone is familiar with blogs specifically this one or that everyone is computer literate n will figure or notice lil details.

      I have seen throughout the years the topic of people claiming their comments are being censored(not many). There is a low probability imho that the individual is in just to create drama(i am sure it had happened). .. and a greater probability that the claim is due to lack of knowing how to use the blog..or not noticing the "load more". Spcially if persons are new... in some other cases is due to lack of patience

      As far as monitoring... is of every hosts choosing.. the hosts needs to weight the advange n disadvantages of either choice. The monitor eventually happens in ways one would not expect.. when people get out of hand.. some will step in n point it out... the crisis usually is temporary. The unfortunate thing is that we tend to jump the gun too soon because our filters differ from individual to individual. What you may think is a big deal n disruptive..i may not to others.. it all based on our own filter and tolerance.

      For example, i noticed you poked on johnathans dreams advertisement.
      Humor me for a min. Lets assume this is a city square where many people of all levels of society gather... specifically the main attrraction is Cobra but you got others sharing their thoughts/skillss. Most are listening . So besides the main attraction u got . some showcasing their palm readersv.. their dreams interpretations.. their music.. some even providing pamphlets with links to other venues. Based on this scenario you got the benefit of listening to the main attraction n to walk from vendor to vendor. Some u will consider valuable. Some not. They are all at diff levels in their path of life. Just because one may not have his act all together.. assuming he has no ill intent.. does not mean he deserve not to be there... it also means you could simply not go back to that vendor next time you visit the city square.

      Now if you got a very restricted city square it would entail lots of overhead for the host... in security n time etc.
      It may also mean missing out on opportunities to be enriched by others.. to assist others .. whether by advise hopefully or inspiration...
      One can choose to be truthful and direct and yet helpful or truthful and cold n soul taring. Or one may just let person be when u make that decision not to revisit.

      Now this is assuming vendor is not ill we well know there will be snakes in the grass.. those are to be exposed n restricted. However aiming for censorship against those who "seem wrong" in opinion to our own seems a bit unfair imho. (When no ill intension is presesnt)

      My advise i give to people.. if someone irritates you bad n may just be because one lacks the patience or tolerance or even sympathy.. one could voice the concerns once.. or twice.. but let it not become a lynching episode as i seen some turn.. it really does no justice to those that may embark on that approach. Make it easy to you to oneself n scroll pass the vendo

    6. you guys kill me.... Thank you. I feel like an idiot.... While the other Shawn asking about Dis info is not me, I found my comments... Of course a night I'm at the lowest of my lows I check in here to look dumb.

      Thanks everyone for your patience

    7. @DH

      Have you ever read any of Carty's posts he constantly promotes here?

      If not, maybe the last two posts he published on his blog would be helpful to get a clear idea of what's in his mind. We don't really need to explain anything, Carty exposes himself. But to be able to see that, you have to have read at least one of his posts.

    8. I find it curious how people use the "newager cult" reasoning to excuse ones approach. When it is all a matter of making space of others not having their same perspective. You may think you got all the right answers and those whose perception that may varie and or not meet your expectations of high standards not to be allowed to give tgeir two cents.. Now i can tell you i have lil tolerance for such arrogance.. but in order to walk my talk -i understabd that is your perspective.

      unfortunately we dont all operate at our premium level that we should so lets not expect perfection yet. You can just hope that people work to aim high in all they say and do and that is relative to each.

      The lil example i wrote on previous comment which you didnt get the gist and i could understabd why... basically spells the phrase "be Fair"... has nothing to do with being newager or not... to its core is closer to common sense.

    9. Shawn... it happens.. dont think much of it.

    10. F, i agree with you about people will eventually show their true colors if allowed to speak. I also notice some of the points being made by some of you which seem to have a good or realistic perspective on the current situation or in making observations or when advising others. Some of you display your strength in good measure.. however to some such strength also if uncheck can make u look or turn you in all honesty nitpickers.

      From what i understand it bothers you that he display an attitude of grandiosity. Based on what i read recently from what you recommened me to read.. you probably right. In all honesty.. whether this trait is already engrained on his personality which i doubt or induced by medication or learn as shield from what he perceives external aggression . .. i really dont find him a threat. is he preparing people for some sort of mass suicide.. now that would be a threat. That is the part that i wish i could be explained in what way is that youngman a threat.

      If we were to base our constructive or not criticism to the planet liberation effort, in what way is he different from efforts others are making in sharing their belief.. whether they are close to the mark or not.

      There are no set guidelines or strict rules... that states topics should only be about the post subject n no set rules that we all should be at prime mental shape when adding our 2cents(would be the ideal but unrealistic situation. We can just hope)
      Again you are right in stating... when you allow others to speak they will reveal parts of themselves. There is where one discerns to listen or stop.. or give advise if called for and then move on. Unless your attempt is really to help someone move from a stuck mental place then you stick around n continue listening and advising. Frankly i wasnt cut out for that.. and maybe the approaches of others to continue howling at the kid is the right approach... if so me advise to that is.. not to howl... if u truly want to help someone... use honey instead. Speak to him man to man or woman to woman... or alien to alien :)

  7. A great relief about the end of the emergency state!

    But, situation on the surface of this planet is still unstable.


  9. Thanks for keeping us all informed Cobra it is like a light of truth in the increasing darkness. I support the galactic beings trying to eliminate the dark entity 'the lurker' and I believe there is no other option than victory for the light.

    1. The lurker has been taken care of already. The major problem is currency system without which fight against chimera is difficult.

  10. For those who are interested. Also there are two dreams about Sherman in there:

    Huge Jesus Synchronicity/Dream, Huge Solar Flare Synchronicities, Cobra Dream Comes True, Rosicrucian Synchronicity, RuPaul Show Synchronicity, Russian Dream Comes True, 2 Dreams About a Lightworker & More

    1. Here's a video that explains the picture. Regardless of others' perceptions of religion, there is wisdom in to be found:


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Devon

      I absolutely agree with you, although I don't think Carty exposing himself is a bad thing.

    5. @Carty

      If one is under the influence of mind-altering substances, then one should not write public comments.

    6. @Carty

      How do I spot a narcissist?
      Narcissism is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, a need for excessive admiration, and the belief that one is unique and deserving of special treatment. If you encounter someone who consistently exhibits these behaviors, you may be dealing with a highly narcissistic individual.

      Think about it, Carty, take all the time you need.

    7. For the avoidance of any confusion, my mind-altering substances comment refers to this Carty comment.

      This comment is solely addressed to the individual named 'Devon/Devon Seamoor' and pertains only to this person. Others are welcome to reply/contribute their thoughts but these statements will not be taken into consideration when deciding on the currently ongoing case mentioned below.

      I have been watching a lot of Judge Judy lately and I really like the way she handles cases and people. When people are their salty selves to her this makes her job so much easier. I also appreciate when people don't hold back and tell me who they are. It makes life so much easier because then I know who I am dealing with and where I stand with them. I have given you the benefit of the doubt regarding your last comment from more than a month ago and I am willing to give you another chance. Although it is clear from this most current comment of yours that you chose not to do inner work and develop your psychic abilities that I suggested more than a month ago, where I was also probably too nice.

      One of my gifts is to be able to see through everyone here. I can perceive the intention behind people's words, actions and/or lack of action. Everyone is transparent, including Cobra. This is a gift I received after doing a considerable amount of inner work over the years.

      I am going to treat this situation like one of JJ's court cases where I will be the judge and defendant and based on the nature of your comments and demands, you will be the plaintiff. If you want me to take your comments seriously, you must explain to me why in 3 sentences or less. No run-on sentences will be permitted. Any more than that and your case will be dismissed immediately WITH PREJUDICE and there will be no further communication between us. I will also immediately award the defendant the entirety of their counterclaim which consists of myself having some fun trolling the shills and interlopers in this comment section. I work hard on these articles and I deserve to have a little fun. My new medication is helping me get my sense of humor back in case people didn't notice.

      Now IF, your answer satisfies me, which I highly doubt, then I will take what you say seriously. But be very careful what you say. Choose those words wisely. Fortunately, people can delete their comments here but if it was up to me I would keep them up so people now and in the future can see how unenlightened people were. Keep in mind, Cobra has been approving my comments this whole time and could easily not approve them if he wanted. Also keep in mind that I am not new here and have been following and participating since 2015 or so. Additionally, life is short and every second I am alive is precious and I consider my time valuable. Your reply or silence will tell me everything I need to know. 3 sentences or less, GO.

      If this comment upsets you and you want to launch a complaint with the CEO please email
      jonathancarty@tutanota dot com.

  11. are we getting closer (i hope is this decade) to the event because i want to see the Pleiadians

  12. Trigger the Event,now!
    Don't delay!

  13. Had some heavy dreams about battling evil the last 2 nights. Stuff trying to steal my energy IRL woke me up both times. It feels like dark is getting very desperate and weak. We GOTTA be super close to major tangible breakthroughs! Stay frosty Star Fam, don't lose faith this close to the finish line. Much❤️!


  15. M signal field is the band of conscious thought, which can be quite noisy.

  16. Thank you, Cobra. Anyone who wants to read a book shall have seen this here: David Icke: Everything You Ever Need To know But Have Never Been Told. . VOTL!

  17. We hold the Light and keep vibrating higher!

  18. Svenskar/Skandinaver/Nordbor hör av er till mig på Telegram eller mail så kan vi bilda en grupp och hålla kontakten.
    Mvh Annika

  19. Cobra, PLEASE give us a meditation for cleaning anomaly so we can speed up the whole process. PLEASE

  20. Hello ! Could you please make something public for all people for me please,you have many people who follow you and I want to tell everyone that why the event has not come until now, please if you want I will be very grateful, The reason why the event and the money and healing centers it is not available yet it is because off the lie with the entities I don't know if you noticed but when we want to speak telepathic with someone we all start to hear voices like people with schizophrenia,and then the show start with all the lies and the voices from our head say we are entities we are unhealed and all that shit and I hear them from 3 years but I did remember then all the things all the voices that we hear comes from someone that lied to us that entities really exist and the entities have a influence over us and all that.Please believe me because if you try to remember you will remember very well that someone really lied to us with this lie with entities,in subconscious mind how they say that you can't remember that is another lie we really can remember subconscious mind does not exist.And I remembered all the crappy shit that a man told me that really exist entities you can hear them and you can see them if you want.but then I remembered another men and he said that the entities does not exist that it's a lie and I really believe now that indeed the entities has never existed but I still can hear them and it is very annoying for me.anyway I know that when I won't hear them anymore then the event and the healing for humanity start I know this because I remember temporary lines I know for sure that it is true.And this is the biggest lie that they told us that the event can't come yet because the entities hasn't disappeared yet.please remember you too you can remember even temporary lines like me when in your dayli life you have the impression that one thing happened in the past and now again it's happening déjà vu doesn't exist in fact you are remember temporary lines
    You can remember doesn't matter that they lied to us and told us that we can't remember temporary lines .All the people coincious or not all of us we are lied with this thing that entities exist and we are influenced by them to be bad with others.because of this lie the people unconscious they really became bad with others because they believe this lie that this bad people told us, and all the People will be much better one with other if we will not be so lied with evol entities that doesn't exist and that entities mesed up with our heads and make us think differently
    maybe together we can manage to make something happen and the healing for humanity will start and prosperity founds that it isn't available right now just because of this big lie of them.And think about all the people who think that they are schizophrenics and they are not they are perfectly healthy but they are lied just like us with entities that doesn't exist and , how the bad people say : " you can hear them" and "you can see them if you want"!!
    I have trust in you thank you that you will make a video talking about this to people.and thank you for your time reading this
    I did try so much to figure out why I hear voices but only when I accepted that the entities doesn't exist I started to remember that a man lied to me about this thing with entities
    They lied to us inclusive with the dimensions that because if you want to make a dimension then have to be by suffering and that for one dimension you have to accept bad entities who are influence over us and bad habits that this bad habits it's from entities also.and we accept the all this lie because we think that dimension exist and we want to make dimensions just to have the chance to a better life.sory for my English and because sometimes I speak in the 3rd person

  21. The former President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, was almost killed. Things are really nasty here.

    1. Que nada. Tremenda armação para desviar o foco da sua prisão por conta de corrupção.

  22. Some encouragement via Apollo.

    "You find yourselves in the middle of the great awakening. The temperature is rising, the truth is penetrating, the light is accelerating, and you find yourselves wondering where time has gone. These are all signs of the great awakening. Where it stops nobody knows. This rising consciousness moves into eternity, and nothing can stop what is happening with the ascension of the earth. All of creation is focused on you now. Can you feel the love? Can you feel the heartbeat of the earth? The earth is ecstatic, and we hope that many of you are feeling similarly. We hope you feel the clearing of the darkness and how much more peaceful the planet is. Wherever you live this is happening in breakneck speed. The Creator is playing his/her hand. The cards are on the table. There is no going back to the material world because it is collapsing in front of you. You have a magnificent future. It could be chaotic for a while, but you have the tools to maneuver through whatever happens. Find the strength within the love of Source, and Source’s love for you in your heart. You will have everything you need. We are with you and will see you through."

  23. Is "State of emergency ended" related to "L0 state of emergency declared" that was posted dated January 29,2022 ?

    1. No i think there were other recent. At least two more i think. Or 1 more no?

  24. Anyone else getting "errorpublishing comment?

    O plano dos sionistas para quebrar as empresas e tornar o Estado Totalitário cai como um dominó, primeiro morre a rainha Rothschild. E aguarde para breve o anúncio do chefe da igreja 'SS' de Roma.
    Sete de setembro de 2021
    Sexta-Feira (Operação Ponte de Londres). Iniciada. (Morte da Rainha Elizabeth).
    Espere um anúncio oficial em breve!
    Um ano depois, isso dá um bom vídeo com credibilidade, e sai da teoria da conspiração para virar verdade.
    [ 08/09/2022] G1. Operação 'London Bridge': o que acontece após a morte da rainha Elizabeth II

  26. You can also join all the meditations from Cobra & We Love Mass Meditation
    on our interactive platform Meditations-ON-THE-GO:
