Thursday, October 13, 2022

Uomo Ragno


  1. Replies

    1. Recent Light🌎💖

    2. 'They Killed Spider-Man' track must be referring to something else given its been almost 10 months since this report:

      3rd January 2022C.E>
      Divine Intervention Activation Report

      "All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed."

  2. ??? 🤔
    What's this video about COBRA and what language is it in?
    Please elaborate...

    1. It's the song "They killed Spiderman" in Italian.

    2. It's a song in Italian....who killed the spider man is unknown(translation).....I think the end of the chimera is coming!

    3. english translation

  3. Ohhhhh... the title in English is "They Killed Spider-Man"

    I guess we'll see...


    1. Spider-Man is a hero not a villain though so that makes no sense. They killed Spider-Man would be something bad, it means one of the good guys was killed.

    2. @Ed
      I'm sure it's a play on words... code.
      I believe it has to do with the Chimera (bad guys) negative spider beings. It has nothing to do with Spider-Man the Marvel hero. I believe COBRA used this video as a play on words and code for one or more of the Chimera spider beings o
      have been removed from this planet.
      This is my opinion and how I SEE it... 😉

    3. hey Ed, as far as I figured the message of this blog, the writer would never refer to a good guy in form of a spider, as he was the only one informing surface population about chimera/spider

      no matter if so called spiderman is a hero

      at least thats how my logic works

      but maybe I live in my own world who knows


    4. Greetings Family of The Light , Thank You to Everyone getting us across the Finish Line . VOTL

    5. Using the search term 'spider', and reading the articles, both the spider king and queen under Bukavu, Congo, have been removed.

      The last mention of 'spider' was the spider room under Urim base. The black cube room was elaborated on its role for the bad guys, but not the spider room, in the 1st November 2021 C.E> article "Flash Overtura Update".

      No further mention of 'spider' but Urim base is mentioned again in recent updates under search term 'Chimera'.

  4. Its in italian. They killed the spider .. of course he is refering to the king Chimera spider

    1. Does it mean they killed the 12 fuckers in the pit under Urim? What about the quantum computer?

    2. @birimbau, there were the ones underground as well as ones amongst the surface who look human. I dont how the ones underground appear. I would think spider man could be a reference to the ones on the surface. CoBra is not just referencing a marvel hero or italian band so this is most likely a hint at something significant.

  5. This has got to be the most bizarre thing you've ever posted. I love it!

  6. Mataram o homem aranha? Quem será? Ouviu-se um bang.

  7. Well, this provides room for speculation ...

    1. Exact. People should not post every thought. Sometimes it looks here like in a comic strip, which is surely not the way it should be. VOTL!

    2. Dear Sam,

      I think I know what you're really about. In fact, I am someone who has already attracted attention in the comments section of this blog because I immediately defend this blog (and the author) when I see an attack or disrespect or the possibility of defamation or hurt - even if this assessment is not always shared by everyone and thus my behavior is not understood either.

      However, I find the many assumptions shared here about the video in a certain way innocent and endearing.

      I can certainly understand why followers share their thoughts about it and engage in exchanging thoughts with others.

      Since I sense no malicious or other negative energy here, no baseless accusations or outrageous self-promotion, no threats or disrespect to the LF or Cobra, I actually don't find the assumptions expressed inappropriate.

      We may even have just such a situation here, which is what the comment section is for - to discuss a post by Cobra - even if it can only remain assumptions, as long as Cobra doesn't provide us with explanations or details that we don't even know if he will or may do.

      However, I want to tell you that I can understand your thoughts and assessment very well, since I myself am very often affected by not seeing this blog and its author treated with adequate appreciation and respect.

    3. @ Libra

      May I please ask you what part of my statement your comment refers to, that one cannot change others, but only inspire them?

      Irgendwie stehe ich gerade auf dem Schlauch und verstehe den Zusammenhang nicht ganz. 😉

    4. @ Libra

      Thanks for your reply.

      Actually I was talking about this part of your comment (I apology for not having it made clear before):

      "And yet, you cannot change others, only inspire them."

  8. @ Libra - The number sequence is intriguing. The inner 2 sequences are 9/11 and 504. The outer numbers appear to be a pattern 883 and 774.

  9. It's the spiders "mama", the chimera group

  10. I am curious if we kill all the chimera why not bum rush all the corrupt humans that worked for them since they can't do anything?

  11. Libra J. M. Aquila, thanks, I've tried fasting before, but it makes my blood sugar go very low. I have to eat every 2 hours in the daytime to avoid hypoglycemia. I've also been eating flaxseeds. The physical exertion from work may be the cause of 'shitting bricks.'

  12. I'm almost at the point of asking people for donations, but I deleted my Paypal account after the news about them.

  13. Hungry Like the Wolf


    1. Woof! Heard that song on the radio recently. Thanks for sharing RaJah. Love the wild doggos.

  14. Who is in control, we are. The killing of chimera . Maybe?

  15. it's an italian 90s pop hit titled THEY KILLED SPIDER MAN (aka chimera are gone ) here the lirycs you can translate (but they are useless , just the title imho is the message)

    Text They Killed Spider-Man 883

    Same wolves night in the Bronx
    A Stones blues are playing in the club
    Shady individuals at the bar
    Filled with whiskey and margaridas
    All of a sudden the door goes "slam"
    The one-eyed enters running with a novelty
    Safe straight rumor that
    The guns went "bang"

    They killed Spider-Man
    Who did it is unknown
    Perhaps those of bad, perhaps advertising
    They killed Spider-Man
    We don't even know why
    He must have made a few mistakes in some coffee industry

    At the police station
    The commissioner says "what do you want it to be!"
    What happened will not stop us
    Crime will not win
    But there is panic in the streets now
    Nobody leaves the house, nobody wants trouble
    And the calls for calm on TV
    Now who believes it the most

    They killed Spider-Man
    Who did it is unknown
    Perhaps those of bad, perhaps advertising
    They killed Spider-Man
    We don't even know why
    He must have made a few mistakes in some coffee industry

    Down in the streets you can see gangs
    Of double-breasted accountants full of stress
    If I don't sell you you will sell me
    For 100 lire or a little more
    The faces of Vogue are myths for us
    Too beautiful actors are the only heroes
    Instead he, yes, he was a star, but he won't be back anyway

    They killed Spider-Man
    Who did it is unknown
    Perhaps those of bad, perhaps advertising
    They killed Spider-Man
    We don't even know why
    He must have made a few mistakes in some coffee industry

    1. Reminds me of those indie music that came out riding on the popularity of a famous name or thing.

    2. Maybe the chimera commanders who are behind the current war have been removed.

  16. You might have iodine defficiency if you have other symptoms like sensitivity to cold, muscle pain, sleepines or the most easy to spot lines in the nails and emphasized blood vessels everywhere, like veins in the legs or in the eyes.

  17. Excellent!
    Ironic that astronomical and astrological energies go both ways, and may be utilized for Goodness!!
    Thanks Cobra, LF's and LightNinjas!!!

  18. Same wolves night in the Bronx *Werewolf of London, wall street wolves, got to the less fortunate $$$ over spirit.
    A Stones blues are playing in the club *1D Rock stars, or the eternals are in play
    Shady individuals at the bar *Shady at the lawyers bar, bad actors from the highlanders life, blood letters are using law and order to create chaos and suffering
    Filled with whiskey and margaridas *alchol are called spirits for a reason, whiskey is a brown dirt like spirit and margaridas are born from fire locations/elementals, cactus, so it's saying they are full of spirit, strong
    All of a sudden the door goes "slam" *we set a trap to catch all evil in one shot, the final battle, doorway went slam until we get it right

    The human brain is capable of communicating in 16 dimensions, 8 left side 8 right, how natives could tell a whole lot with one cave painting, pictures. No such thing as useless data only the ability to decipher or not. Thank you for posting the lyrics.


  19. Thank you for the good news. Votl.

  20. These numbers might mean that 883,911,883,774 are angel numbers, I guess.


  22. Going to try more protein with the snacks and give the job another go.

  23. It's interesting.... I was just reading about Iktómi last night.


    " an asteroid from a distant galaxy falls to Earth and is taken by professor Bernardi for research. He discovers the asteroid has a substance that can create duplicates from any living being "


  25. Ukrainian Foreign Minister told pranksters Vovan and Lexus that Kyiv is behind the terrorist attacks in Belgorod and Crimea

    Pranksters Vovan and Lexus called Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba and introduced themselves as former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul. As a result, they managed to "dissolve" Kuleba into admitting that Ukraine was behind the terrorist attacks in Crimea and Belgorod.

    “If you ask me who is blowing up something in Crimea or Belgorod, then in private communication I will tell you - yes, it’s us,” Kuleba said.

    According to him, Crimea is "a source of ammunition for the RF Armed Forces and a base for Russian aircraft." In addition, according to him, Kyiv was preparing a counteroffensive in southern Ukraine in cooperation with the United States and Great Britain, and the money that the West allocates to the country will only last until the end of the year.
    Watch(Dowhload) video:

  26. The 883 911 504 774 if we do basic numerology will leed to 12.

    That's maybe something else or a coincidence but maybe it's referring with the 12 chimera left in the irum base. I hope it can be the case even if the Andromeda group in surface for me will be harder to destroy, i hope they can stop them soon.

  27. I wonder if they could redo the lyrics detailing the crimes of the Chimera Spider.

    Interestingly, some games featured a spider type of boss.

    Doom (1993 C.E>)

    Doom (2016 C.E>)

  28. mmmm ok this post is a good sign

  29. Auuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! 🐺 Victory of the light!!

  30. Tempestade em DC.
    CONFIRMADO para mim:
    >FBI explode parte da operação em larga escala para implodir a cidade subterrânea abaixo de DC.
    > Fumaça saindo do telhado estava saindo de um poço de elevador industrial sem identificação, que ligava o telhado às junções subterrâneas sob o prédio, contornando as principais áreas de acesso público.
    >As ondas de pressão das cargas forçaram a fumaça para fora do respiradouro mencionado, dando aparecimento de explosões no telhado.

    Gostaria de saber quantas crianças desceram por aquele poço?

    Próximo Arquivo amanhã 👆

  31. Movement through Higher Dimensions

    and the amazing impact.

    1. Liebe/r 3k14Pi,

      ich würde mich gerne mit dir außerhalb dieses Blogs vernetzen - aus Gründen, auf die ich hier nicht eingehen kann.

      Solltest du mit dieser Idee in Resonanz sein, dann würde ich mich über eine Kontaktaufnahme mit dir freuen.

      Für einen Kontakt und weiteren Austausch möchte ich nur auf Tutanota zurückgreifen. Deswegen würde ich es sehr zu schätzen wissen, wenn du mir deine Tutanota-E-Mail-Adresse zukommen lassen würdest, damit ich dir schreiben kann.

      Dies geht auf relativ sichere Art und Weise, indem du mir auf der deutschen Seite einen Kommentar mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse schreibst. Natürlich werde ich den nicht freischalten.

      Würde mich freuen, wenn das klappen würde. Vielen Dank! 😊

    2. Ok, ich werde eine solche Adresse in den nächsten Tagen einrichten.

    3. Hallo, We speak German,
      ich werde eine solche Adresse in den nächsten Tagen einrichten.


    4. Thank you so much, dear 3k14Pi, it's greatly appreciated.

      I am looking forward to connecting with you! 😃

  32. Intermittent fasting and a low carb, low sugar diet really works to keep weight down. As long as you eat sugar your body won't burn fat cells and you won't lose weight.

  33. Será que luker se foi? O espreitador

  34. Must be chimera related. I hope we are winning! VOTL!

  35. This Cobra guy is indeed a competent guy in his job. A master of eluding the bad guys, cryptic messages and memes. I wonder if Cobra was related to the Cicada 3301 organization?

  36. chimera must died! VCTOER!!!!!

  37. 883 774 -11 +1 “Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.”
    it means 11 of them out only 1 left?

  38. Maybe I'm going off topic... I'm glad to see people all over the world discussing and speculating about the meaning of this information online, because there are few people around me who can discuss these topics together

  39. I thought this worth reporting...The Cabal has launched a failed coup (haha) to take over BRICS and the Global Currency Reset (in which over half the world's currencies have shifted.) The extensively planned and failed coup (haha) was organised by the Chinese Communist Party / Rothschilds / Rockefellers / Vatican / Blackrock and Davos Group.
    The failure of a Khazarian Mafia coup attempt in China to take over BRICS and GCR means the US Corp. would not be able to escape bankruptcy. The principal owner of the US Corp, Blackrock International, has filed for bankruptcy.
    As a result of the failed coup (haha) some Chinese Communist Party members have been arrested and executed. The plan to take down the Deep State Cabal has happened much quicker than expected.
    Banks, countries and government around the world were in economic collapse and we were all headed into imminent military intervention. Russian, Chinese and other specialists have entered the US via Mexico to help US special forces to HUNT DOWN AND DESTROY REMAINING KM LEADERSHIP (haha) and strongholds in North America.
    Now we get to take down the Chimera, I hope.

  40. @Lightpower - Confermo tutto, e a suo tempo questa canzone fece un discreto successo, come gli 883 il complesso che la eseguiva.

  41. "They killed Spiderman".. or reestructured in the galactic central sun along with his collegues

  42. The lies of the food industry are coming to light:

  43. Sometimes the wish is the father of the thought.

  44. Translation of song

    The label 883 911 504 774

    The 883 although is a good message overall if we see its metaphysical meaning , i think it was written because it identifies the post n the code to follow... however 883 has a noble messafe itself as i said

    As for the rest...
    911. Maybe someone was captured or killed responsible of the 9-11 scenario false flag... or connected to an attempted 911 incident. Thus were stopped

    504 - the special forces were responsible in stopping the incident or capturing or killing the bad big guy (whether chimera or not)

    774- based on its metaphysical meaning... perhaps tells us that this event leads the way to further awakening the population

    [Number 774 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 7 and number 4, with the mystical number 7 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 7 relates to the esoteric and mystical, spiritual awakening and development, emotions and feelings, persistence of purpose and determination, discernment and positive intentions, inner-knowing and understanding others, empathic and psychic abilities, and education and learning. Number 4 is the ...]

  45. Besides me 2 cebts above. Here is the link to the metaphysical meaning of 774

  46. The Hole Inside

    When I was in elementary school and middle school, there was a girl who was always very nice to me. She would always want to sit next to me. I would hold her bag for her. I had never known that anyone could be this nice to me. I adored her. I wanted to marry her when we were old enough.

    Then, when she was in her teens, she went through many different boyfriends. I wanted to be her boyfriend, but she was disgusted by me. I wouldn't give up though. Through high school and after high school, I still thought it was possible.

    After enough time, I did give up. I convinced myself that I wanted nothing to do with getting married and raising a family. I convinced myself that my path was supposed to be different. I convinced myself that I was always this way, when I wasn't.

    The family unit is actually the foundation upon which humanity stands. Those who are in their 30's who are not married with children, or who don't even have a romantic partner at all, will have a huge hole inside them. They will be much more likely to do drugs and/or commit crimes. They will be much more likely to behave in self-destructive ways to fill that hole.

    The entire reason for being human is to have a family unit. This is what everyone is designed to be, except of course for the small percentage of the population who are born psychopaths. Without a family unit - without a wife, or husband, and children to come home to after work and so forth, there will be serious problems staying motivated.

    The vast majority of everyone I know who are my age are married with children. These people are willing put in the extra work at their jobs. They are willing to go the extra mile for their families. In my case, however, my heart was broken, and I didn't want other fish in the sea. I only wanted her. (Maybe she was my twin flame, or I'm just obsessed. I don't know.) I have very little motivation to go to work. I have very little motivation to do anything. I'm 38 and have never even had sex with the opposite sex, and whether I like it or not, this puts me at a severe disadvantage in life.

    Ironically, managing that gaping hole inside is far more work compared with raising a family. I never knew just how much the hole inside could wreak absolute havoc on just about every area of my life. I was designed to raise a family. Going outside of what I was designed to be has caused more problems than I ever thought possible.

    The only way I know of for those who are alone like this in life (by no choice of their own) to be fulfilled is to be in the present moment and harmonize with their environments. (Eckhart Tolle's books and lectures are very useful for this.)

    I'm not unique at all. I wanted the same thing everyone else wanted. If I actually had done what I was designed to do, I would probably not be aware of 2012portal, and all the other esoteric people and sources of intel. I would be too busy living the life I was created to live.

    Although I respect the family unit, I know that it's too late for me. Maybe there is a family from above though.

    I accept the course I'm on. I'm glad to have awakened and to have been a part of planetary liberation.

    The purpose of writing this post is to overstand the hole inside.

    1. OMG, so much pain! 😢

      Starlight432, I don't really want to answer your comment in terms of content, because there would be so much to say about it on the one hand and little to nothing on the other.

      But I can't let a post like this go uncommented - even though I don't even know what might be helpful because I don't know you.

      I want to let you know that your pain is felt by us and that I wish you with all my heart that you find/have/keep the balance you need to continue on your path.

      It's great - at least for us - that you are part of this community!

    2. @starlight, the archon network have really weaponized this subject as it causes an enormous amount of problems for people. Thats why there is immense imbalance in society especially money, power, and the subject you addressed. Its not your fault.

    3. its never too late! there are many singles in your age or older who found their one. just let the universe to find the right one for you. if she doesn't want you, she isn't your twin flame! your true love will want you as much as you want her.

    4. Great post and also know divorces are so common too due to manipulation ...I experienced it did meet a girl and had a family but it's not all been so easy

    5. Man, are you sure your desire to make a family isn't coming from archons? I have had the same feeling a long time ago when I was naive and didn't know about the ascention plan. Then I started noticing that random people that would always bring me trouble wanted me to marry and produce kids as soon as possible, after or during 2018 I realized that they were taking my energy from me. These archons want you to breed and that's why they put these desires in you. You have to fight these desires if you don't want to be miserable your whole life.

    6. I think that human life is predominantly about family is nonsense. Instead, it is about expressing one’s own talents, wishes, desires, and realizing that one creates one’s life, with feelings, thoughts and actions. This may include family life, of course, but surely it may go beyond that.

      Most relationships are about mutual dependency, anyway. People make a lot of compromises, which rob them of the desire and energy, and which impair their wish to express themselves as they truly want to. That’s why I think that one should take care to look at the inspiration behind it.

      Most times women lose interest in men because they are in a state of need. It’s nobody’s place to make you happy, and people avoid takers. I do not know for sure, but I think that could have been the case with you. Be active, and stop complaining, I would say.

    7. @ Starlight432
      Perhaps it was designed to be like this for Starseeds like us. If we were all living "normie" lives like the majority of zombies, we wouldn't have time to fulfill our missions here that we surely volunteered and signed up for. Our mission, unfortunately, doesn't come without its sacrifices. Think that we sacrificed all the joys and normal life experiences that normal people go through for a higher purpose. The greater good we committed and sacrificed our lives for will surely have its rewards once the game is over. I believe many in this community feel the same way you do, like we were denied the simple joys of life like a family of our own, a loving partner, fulfillment of dreams, etc. But I think it was all part of the plan so we could wake up from our slumber in this Matrix and hold the light for Gaia, thus, leading the way for humanity to follow; a thing that would've not been possible if we were immersed in our family lives, careers and fulfillment of dreams. Our sacrifice will not go unrewarded, once darkness is officially defeated and cleared from this corner of the universe, our reward will be overwhelming, it will seem like an awakened dream. Keep holding on, we're almost there.

    8. As far as I am concerned, being single without a relationship at 39 means I didn't end up with a spike protein filled woman who became my ex-wife and managed to jab my children against my wishes.

      Or I didn't have to get the Death Shot believing this was all going to go on forever and I needed to keep my children fed to keep the job.

      Just one of many examples of real life cases of families destroyed by this scamdemic.

      In many ways seeing more than 9 out of 10 people in my area take the death shot has put a lot of my past challenges (some that nearly had me wasted) in perspective and how I become one of a mere two hundred thousand or so out of 5+ million to avoid the death shot and keep my blood untainted.

      The scum in the past who had the power to push me around now walk in shame at having been driven by fear theater to go down to the centers to get the gene modifying injection or are food for the maggots.

    9. Well, I seen so many marriages fail.
      Most marriages I seen are like those ones we see in "Last of the Summer Wine", like with Nora and Wally Batty, or Sid and Ivy. Marriage is overrated. So is the white picket fences, pink flamingos and all.

      I tried to find someone on this damned p.o.w. camp of a planet, but to no avail. I said it before, "You get punished for NOT being a bullshit artist!" and

      I was not able to compete with the posers, the fakers, the abusers, and so on. Does not help that so many girls want a chest beating, beer guzzling, John Wayne Alpha Male, which I'm not, does not help, and the girls I thought I had a chance with disappear off the face of the planet, as if they never actually existed, before things got nice....I gave up in 2013, and now realize my special someone is out there *points to the stars*, and she's waiting for me. This, along with several others reason, is why I want off this damned p.o.w. camp of a planet and be free.

      "Our sacrifice will not go unrewarded, once darkness is officially defeated and cleared from this corner of the universe, our reward will be overwhelming, it will seem like an awakened dream. Keep holding on, we're almost there."

      I so fucking hope so. I hope we don't end up like disposable cannon fodder, like Rambo from his movies, or other war vets. As someone on this blog once said to me, in conversation, about 2 years ago:

      "Sorry if that sounds ego oriented, but starseeds currently partaking in this liberation DO deserve to receive a nice retirement package and be received as heroes wherever they go, after this is over. Hold on and hang in there."

      Hope we do get one damned good retirement package.

    10. Some points I've got to agree with Libra:

      • Personally, I NEVER intended to go the "standard way".
      • FUCK relationships, FUCK marriage and FUCK having children!
      • The highest priority in my life right now is to serve in freedom. To serve for a better existence. To serve until this motherfucking cabal is gone once and for all.
      • I am here to help wipe out anomaly.
      • I don't care what people (zombies) think of me.

    11. (Part 1)

      @Libra J. M. Aquila, just because you yourself are not a criminal or drug addict, this does not represent the rest of the population. Statistics would probably easily back me up showing that (particularly in the case of men) those who are not in loving relationships have a higher incidence of crime and drug abuse. I should have also added those who grew up in broken homes.

      One of the main goals of the World Economic Forum is to destroy the family unit so that they can implement their NWO, so when you say you are against the family unit, you are in agreement with people like Klaus Schwab.

      I myself have said what you say about family though, so I too have had cabal characteristics. Consciously, someone can denounce family profusely, but deeper aspects of themselves that they didn’t even know exist have more power. That was the case with myself at least.

      The only way I currently know of to not have a family but still be non-cabal is to harmonize with one’s environment. Some cannot successfully do this because the temptation for corruption can be high.

      It is entirely possible to be happy without a family, but at the same time it’s destructive to be aggressively against the family unit.

      This is what I mean by the family unit (unit short for united?), at the beginning part of this clip (ignore the rest):

      The scenario in the above clip does still exist on Earth, although it is less common because of the cabal’s countless efforts to destroy the family unit.

      Regarding gender, it’s possible for a male or female to know one’s feminine and masculine side. I have found ways to ‘be both the man and the woman,’ helping to make up for the absence of my other half.

      @We speak German, thank you for your kind words! Perhaps part of the awakening process is to move through the most painful aspects of oneself, in order to heal them. I’ve been learning hidden aspects of myself lately, which may be connected to the removal of the implants.

      @LongStar117, yeah, quite a bit of effort has gone into suppressing Goddess energy. I’m glad it can never truly be destroyed. Thank you for the reply and links.

    12. (Part 2)

      @Sara gubitsits, maybe so. Thank you.

      @DougJamesVOTL, the cabal see it as confirmation of their success when the divorce rate goes up. Damaging relationships between men and women is a huge part of their MO.

      @Doctor Cop, what I felt for this girl was pure heart frequencies. I knew that I could desire her sexually as well, but heart frequencies were all I could feel.

      There are breeding programs, this is true. Popping out kids is not what I see to be a family unit, because the heart frequencies are lacking. Perhaps on the flip side there is a cabal agenda to have families with chaotic lives that just ‘make a mess everywhere.’ It’s very difficult to put into words what is meant by ‘family unit.’

      @ Wizard, none of what you talk about is what I consider to be a true family. Families that actually work well don’t have co-dependence and so forth. None of these neurotic tendencies exist. Of course there isn’t absolute perfection, but there is such a thing as relationships that don’t have all the negative aspects that you mention. Am I a taker? My love for her was from the heart, which did not take. But alas, I’m letting her go. I have accepted that I can be without a partner, not raising a family. This is the path I shall take.

      @Unknown, maybe so. I’ve had a similar thought-process at times.

      @Spec Ops, yeah, the experimental drugs have damaged the family unit. It’s odd though that at my last family reunion, almost everyone there had gotten the experimental drugs but were fine, and were a high quality family unit. I’m not saying that the experimental drugs haven’t caused damage and killed people, but maybe at least in certain cases it’s not damaging/lethal (JS said some were placebo shots so maybe this had something to do with it). I do understand that there are countless examples of people drying from it, so this is by no means an attempt to say you are wrong – I agree with you.

      @Devon, yeah, I just have to let her go. That’s what I should have done a long time ago.

    13. Alexa, play "Thundercat - Friend Zone"

      But seriously, isn't the drive to find a partner to marry supposed to be a warped reflection of the souls desire to unify and integrate with the higher self? As for the imperative to have kids, I can't really relate, so perhaps that's a -you- thing. Kids are very loud, and I can't help but feel bad genes shouldn't be passed on.

      Also, having kids is not really a good enough excuse to fill a hole in one's life... I should know; I was the result of such a decision.

    14. @divination
      Bingo! Kids are fucking annoying! Thank goodness I don't have any and never will. In today's society having kids means putting one more zombie into the world to keep his/her face glued to a fucking phone, believe the fucking Cabal fake news and be a manipulable drone for the dark forces. Or in the worst case scenario, they will be kidnapped by the Cabal to be used as an adrenochrome source or a sacrifice in their fucking satanic rituals. Thanks, but no thanks! There are more interesting and fulfilling ways to fill the void inside one's soul such as music, radical sports, reading interesting books, traveling, spending time in nature, adopting a pet, etc.

    15. @Libra Aquila
      Thanks for your "Life in the fucking Matrix in a nutshell".
      I agree with most of what you said, except that I don't need the fucking Cabal's pathetic alms to live! I make my own luck! Life in this Matrix is really pathetic and I never bought into this normie lifestyle bullshit! I've been a rebel and nonconformist since I was a kid. I always knew I was meant for greater things not to be just one more monkey in the fucking cabal's circus.

    16. Some more pointers and then I may move on:

      In an ideal setting, the family unit is a conduit for Goddess energy. In many cases the negative forces have turned the family unit into a circus freak show, this is true, but there are also many cases where this is not true.

      A compromised family unit (broken home scenarios,, divorce scenarios, etc.) causes the children to be more likely to grow up with less of a moral compass, thus making them more susceptible to being recruited as 'cabal henchmen' in adulthood.

  47. ObservantElf, low carb diets and intermittent fasting have proven to absolute disasters for me. I'm not overweight, and I have a fast metabolism. Not everyone has the same type of body.

  48. 3k14Pi, Dr. Berg has always been an annoyance to me, because he tells people to go low carb, when again, low carb is a disaster for me. I'm so sick of the low carb cult! Just forget it. Nobody understands!

  49. I am.

    2 2 2

    1. Iceland in Light
      1000 years
      Blessings world

  50. Is this some kind of weird update? Are you not feeling well?

  51. Wish as father of the thought
    In many comments in recent years, I had the impression that the wish was the father of the thought.

    Different causes can be the reason: hidden fear or hidden egoism would be possibilities, for example.

    Actually this means a lowering of consciousness, because the lower mental plane is on a higher plane of creation than the astral plane.

    Better would be something like this:

    Humans naturally move in 2D, this would then symbolize 3D/4D. Flying (or diving) creatures can rise in 3D. This would then represent 5D or higher.

    A flying insect would represent a consciousness only less extended into higher dimensions in evolution. Nevertheless, it is much better to connect with such a consciousness than to descend with one's mind into the plane of hope.

  52. I've been attacked twice this week and last night was by far THE WORST. Must be payback against the Lightworkers and Starseeds for the death of Spider-Man. Every button was pushed last night just out of the blue and I failed miserably in behavior, actions and thoughts. I called on my 1221Team and ALL the Light Forces and still got prodded, poked and pushed. I'm filled with terrible regret and shame for how I handled myself during this attack. I hope that it doesn't reflect negatively in the eyes of the LF and RM as well as my 1221Team, all beings of Light and Source Creator God. My heart and intentions are pure but it seems the dark still know my weaknesses and and how to exploit them. Anyway... we got the big bad Spider-Man 😎


    1. Hi sorry for my bad EnglishI just wanted to say that I understand you completely and you are not alone 💙 Last night I was also attacked by a creature in my sleep, although I was able to defend myself a little, but in the end I was not successful
      Ps: what's 1221 team mean??

    2. @ One of 144k

      Although I know that attacks of all kinds happen regularly, I am usually one of those who first seek the causes of "incidents" in themselves or "normal circumstances".

      However, I have to admit that for a bit more than a week now, incidents have been accumulating that I can hardly explain with "normal circumstances".

      And also with me trigger points are addressed, of which I know that they hit me the most. About 4 weeks ago I even had an incident where I knew from the first "thought" that I was being manipulated from the outside and despite this awareness I then still did not act accordingly, so that in the end I allowed the manipulation to be successful.

      I can understand very well that one is triggered to such a extent that one behaves in a way that one actually cannot stand behind.

      Sometimes it doesn't hurt if you can find understanding for yourself when you have (not) done something and are disappointed with yourself because of it.

      We simply have to acknowledge that there are times when the energies are so challenging that even we sometimes reach our limits.

      As soon as you recognize what is going on, a lot is already gained.

      And I have no doubt that the LF et al indeed have a precise idea of who is "pure of heart" and that nothing will change just because one has not acted in the way one considers to be right in one situation.

      Human (I am only human after all ... I do what I can ... Don't put the blame on me)

    3. no problem, if it would make you feel better, I can give you a few slaps on your ass and punish you a little bit for your bad behaviour (but I would not enjoy it)

    4. Most people's worst nights are probably my typical nights. Being metaphysically attacked is now just normal to me. They are dumb enough to actually believe that their attacks are going to intimidate me. The term "losers" would be an understatement for them. There's no word in any vocabulary to describe how pathetic they are.

    5. Same
      ... It was a grey alien ..I kept shouting JESUS! JESUS! At it it as grey and sparkly and I moved slow and thought slow but it was my RV just dark looking and grey. I fell alseep beside my bible and I guess it helped me and Jesus. Was just reading about the rapture and glad I was cause this was crazy last night! Plus I caught my neighbor trying to poison my cat spraying my grass at night with bug spray and throwing rat poison! I had dreams the week before about these demons trying to kill my cat.. weird. Stay in the light. I woke up at the right time to catch them. And my cat is smart and avoided the grass even after I cleaned as much as I could. No one will believe me though My mom said I made it up, and I have to live by them still. But now I know their heart ..praying for them. Also why do I never see my comments is it cause this email? I have never insulted anyone here or cobra

    6. I'm not sure what's being cleared though. An explanation is long overdue here regarding entities such as Moloch, the 72 Goetic spirits, and many other occult names from the tree of death (inverted tree). The status of these entities is never revealed on this blog. It's mostly 'chimera this, chimera that.' If there really is a clearing of all anomalous entities taking place, then this obviously needs to include everything. This needs to be fully addressed.

    7. @144k, I have experienced this many times. They didnt do even worse to you because you are probably getting some help even though it may not seem like. You didnt fail miserably. The archon network and cabal did for their behavior all this time. You are holding out and resisting a great evil.

    8. Thanks for the feedback gang! I'm much, much better and more determined now to work on focusing, centering, balancing and grounding myself to protect against future attacks. 😌👍
      Keep Holding The Line and Keep Holding The Light Warriors...

    9. @Oneof144k It's understandable and it's important to keep in mind that you are loved unconditionally as is. Your intentions are benevolent and kind and we all fall down and go through some nasty stuff but your perseverance is admirable!

  53. Starlight432,
    ok, it's not the same for everyone. I personally have been doing low carb to keto for 2 years and do well with it, although I am very slim (again). About once a week I take a 40+ hour eating break, which doesn't matter to me in the slightest. However, I make sure that I do not take too much and not too little of the various nutrients.

  54. The necrotic energy grid must be cleared. Any improvement would be helpful.

  55. Numbers mean Christed 144 have Risen. Full awakening...

  56. What an amazing experience, dearest Libra! Thanks for sharing with us.

    I would like to add something. Such an experience always involves two - the one who brings the positive, the light, the confidence, the hope, the love, etc. and the one who has to open themselves to see and welcome it.

  57. Cemetaries, hospitals, monuments,
    If somebody wants to help, that will help the most.

  58. You don't have to be cryptic anymore, just post a message.

    1. It may be a message to the RM on the surface that the dark ones must not know. On the other hand, it could serve to stimulate our higher mind.

  59. @Lybra J.M.
    In Cobra's last interview Cobra explains what ascension is.

  60. This is a good Gene Decode, from 13 minutes is where it gets good goes for an hour.

    He even talks about what they did at CERN when they reverse engineered that big portal to suck in all the stuff that came through to us, all those beings etc. got sucked back in it! He bought that up right at the end! Good listen.

    His interviewer was really good, but he actually bought up this one woman who described how people just turn evil, and she said that the AI can get into some (maybe vaxxed) people when they are vulnerable...he described this whole process, and Gene then just started talking about gold. It was....weird. Makes you wonder if Gene is compromised to completely change a great subject.

    1. @psychic
      Gene Decode is a fountain of wisdom and intel. Trying to keep up with the guy is like trying to drink water from a firehose.

  61. J'adore ce genre de synchronicité !

  62. @Libra, there are lightworkers who dont know it out there among the masses. They may also be treating us better without knowing it because the earth and surface population is moving energetically away from the archon network and cabal. They may be showing which side they are gravitating towards, again without knowing it. I had a nice dream the other day involving a vampire. I have no idea why but it was a nice change compared to how they could have been.

  63. few days later,the day of full moon,the night sky became unusually pure,it uesd to be an dark orange color,and little red.i think it's to power of moon and Mercury(actually I'm not sure about to extremely bright star beside the moon)which gave me great energy.

    the next day attack came,and black alarm was send.the night sky restituted back yesterday.

    i was forced to wear mask this week and have to wear to for a long time,it did make a quite great damage to my respiratory track.the solution is write a hexagram with ka ra ya sa ta aa la on each points and middle.and i came up with an idea that in some situations,magic circles are more powerful than just meditations.sometimes meditation's reactions on material world are not very fast.

    another lesson is,be optimistic is the most useful way.just be optimistic is enough,whether what you do,you will get good results,because the universe will transform the positive energy to your experience by its own laws,nothing needed to be considered.but when you are mad,you will only get bad results.

    and that the reason why i writing this comment,even if i don't use share

    and i want to share the words of one of my favorite songs.i think you can understand the varied meaning beyond the songs

    clear mind
    絡みつく時間 振り切って,
    限界まで ぶっ飛ばして,
    行くのさ my way,
    赤く滾る 情熱抱いて,
    Crazy, Keep on Driving!! もっと激しく,
    走れ 振り返る事なんて,
    出来ない One way Road,
    Keep on Burning Soul!! 熱く燃やして,
    嵐の様に 全てを蹴散らせ,
    フルスロットルで 行くぜ Clear Mind,
    無力な日々 ぶっ壊して,
    泣いてちゃ no way,
    迷いは禁物だぜ 覚悟完了,
    お前連れ 風になるのさ,
    Don't Stop, Keep on Rolling!! もっと遠くへ,
    ぶち込め Red Zone,
    Keep on Burning Soul!! 生きてる限り,
    儚くても 輝いていたい フルスピードで,
    行くぜ Clear Mind,
    Crazy, Keep on Driving!! もっと激しく,
    走れ 振り返る事なんて,
    出来ない One way Road,
    Don't stop, Keep on Rolling!! もっと遠くヘ,
    ぶち込め Red Zone,
    Keep on Burning Soul!! 熱く燃やして,
    嵐の様に 全てを蹴散らせ,
    フルスロットルで フルスピートで,
    行くぜ Clear Mind

  64. Loschi individui al bancone del bar Pieni di whisky e margaritas

    Tutto ad un tratto la porta fa slam
    II guercio entra di corsa con una novità Dritta sicura: si mormora che Icannoni hanno fatto bang

    Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnochi sia stato non si sa
    Forse quelli della mala, forse la pubblicità Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnonon si sa neanche il perché
    Avrà fatto qualche sgarro a qualcheindustria di caffè
    Alla centrale della polizia
    Il commissario dice:"Che volete che sia Quel che è successo non ci fermerà II crimine non vincerà

    Ma nelle strade c'è panico ormai
    Nessuno esce di casanessuno vuole quai Ed agli appelli alla calma in TV Adesso chi ci crede più

    Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnochi sia stato non si sa
    Forse quelli della mala, forse la pubblicità Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnonon si sa neanche il perché
    Avrà fatto qualche sgarro a qualche industria di caffè

    Giù nelle strade si vedono gangs
    Di ragionieri in doppiopetto pieni di stress Se non ti vendo mi venderai tu Per cento lire o poco più,eh

    Le facce di Vogue sono miti per noi Attori troppo belli sono gli unici eroi Invece lui, sì lui era una star Ma tanto non ritornerà
    Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnochi sia stato non si sa
    Forse quelli della mala,forse la pubblicità Hanno ucciso IUomo Ragnonon si sa neanche il perché
    Avrà fatto qualche sgarro a qualche industria di caffè

    Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnochi sia stato non si sa
    Forse quelli della mala o forse la pubblicità Hanno ucciso IUomo Ragnonon si sa neanche il perché
    Avrà fatto qualche sgarro a qualche industria di caffè

    Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnochi sia stato non si sa
    Forse quelli della mala, forse la pubblicità Hanno ucciso I'Uomo Ragnonon si sa neanche il perché
    Avrà fatto qualche sgarro a qualche industria di caffè

  65. Megan Rose - she has a book out as she was an abductee twice. I was constantly abducted as a child, until I was 20. Lots of bad half memories. Anyway, you can get it on Kindle for $4.24. (Not yet censored.)

    You can listen to her here. Slightly interesting. Yes, she has galactic friends etc. So I thought that was interesting to share.

    Also they are talking in the video about how many of us have the implants...I suppose that is how AI is getting into some people, and people who aren't vaxxed? Who knew it was that bad? Seriously AI speaking through people? Really?

  66. Network of tunnels of Set might be being disintegrated!?

  67. Here is an amazing bit of the book, called "Welcome to the Future: An Alien Abduction." by Megan Rose.

    VN: It is now time to reveal what will prove to be one of the most important movements in human history: the movement the Terran people call Q. The Galactic Federation of Worlds and the US Navy, together with Federation technology to counteract the mind control narrative of the Dark Fleet, the Nebu (Orions? or grays) and the Ciakahrr Empire (Reptilians).

    This bit is good.
    Our technology moved the human race onto the ideal timeline, the timeline in which the planet Terra becomes members of the Federation and are liberated from control of these nefarious influences....We are now transitioning into a reality we have strived so hard for.
    (Hence why I keep dreaming we are "closing out" certain timelines. I never heard that term before but we are "closing them out" in dreamland apparently.)

    It is from the Andromeda Council who saw the fate of the galaxy for the Federation was very bad. So we used the Andromedan technology on timelines. So our guys used dates and times, and rearranged them using mathematical equations (not on Earth) to create a timeline that benefits the entire galaxy. How cool is that?

    So I'll just say that much. It's a good book so far and it is all coming together.

  68. Okay, this entire book may be fake. IT MAY BE ANOTHER FAKE.
    They say that Ashtar Sheran doesn't exist. St Germain doesn't exist. What a load of bull! I trust him and Sananda a million times more than them. Pfft. That was an entire waist of time. Another one of their loads of crap. Sorry, forget I said anything. I'll never trust their damn books again. And funny how none of them heard of the evacuation. And Ashtar speaks of it. Yes, I'll evacuate.

    And as for him saying the AI can speak through people....that was untrue as well I'd say. That's why Gene Decode ignored it. I see now. I'm a total idiot, lol.

  69. Actually, most of it may be fairly simple to deduce, (if I've got it right!):

    Carabinieri (Light Forces enforcement) are coming.
    Lightning = attacking Dark Forces.
    Door open to sun = freedom.
    East German Guard escaping = freedom for hostages.
    Whispers = discussions in dark rooms.
    Cannons go bang = Mjolnir quantum cannons
    Italian judges and police = justice is coming.
    Person looking horrified = list of indictments.
    First Nat Bank with gangsters = death of the financial system.
    Carabineri coming = Justice is on the way!
    People at computers in distress = Dark factions under attack.
    Vogue cover = says FREE CHOICE.
    Brad Pitt looking worried = some celebrities will be found out.
    Spiderman distraught then dead = Chimera gone or going.
    Label 911 = USA emergency call number.
    Label 504 = our "famous" location 504 which is always under attack.


  70. My first favourite Italian song

  71. Well, with video games, the heroes actually get access to weapons, tech and so on. And sometimes glitches or bugs can get exploited.

  72. Due to these great news, I think it is about defeating Chimera group and the last link to the supercomputer in the hands of these creatures, which handle the bio chips and implants of surface population, direct connected to the last toplet bombs, I feel we are approaching the moment of the Event, as the chaos is increasing and the situation is boiling on all levels! I think it may happen this year, till december 2022! Thank you dear Cobra for sending us positive intel, even it is coded, it helps a lot to keep the Light in our hearts and mind, allowing us to share it amplified many times! I wish you all the best, to have a great weekend beside the person you love so much! Love and Light!

  73. 😂😂😂😂😂👽👽👻👻👁️

  74. Once in a blue moon I get a vivid, significant-feeling dream. I just dreamed a white unicorn ran towards me then past me, and it seemed like it was making sure I saw its gold sparkling horn. There were other people that saw it but they were blind to its horn. They thought it was just a white horse. I kept saying no it was a unicorn with a gold sparkling horn. No one would listen to me. It felt like it meant good things are coming fast.

  75. Devon, I'm usually not in reaction mode. It just gets annoying when everyone starts saying the same thing over and over and what they say works for them, but it doesn't work for me, and it's actually destructive to me. I usually don't get aggressive with my comments here - this is the exception and not the rule. Everyone is different, true. It would be nice though to hear from some people who say that low carb is harmful to them. My finding is that fructose is universally harmful, but not other carbs. I'm the only one saying this here. There's no real understanding of science. Everyone just seems to tout what they've been told.

    3k14Pi, I'm glad it's working for you. This isn't said in a passive-aggressive way. I mean it. I do like seeing people get positive results.

  76. A beginning of …

    No test before vax!

  77. El Hombre Que Araña

  78. Betelgeuse
    One of the largest known stars, 1,000 times bigger and 100,000 times brighter than the Sun, located in the center of the solar system... a billion miles...
    This star is about to explode and create the largest supernova ever recorded, its brightness is growing, it was 102 in early October, then 115 on October 11, now it reaches 124%
    This push of light is part of the many demonstrations that are coming into our world, it comes to establishing and restoring the Truth of the Light, the Pleiades and the various stars. these are the waves that come to wash over this world...
    This is a very high energy photon radiation.
    does not exist in our dimension...
    It is Gamma
    radiation follows the expansion and transformation of our Sun into a Red Giant.
    The supernova Betelgeuse already emitted beams of pearlescent white light in 2009, creating a disconnection of the Earth and the Sun, then the coronal holes of the Sun appeared, marking the beginning of the transformation of the radiation spectrum of your sun ...
    This stage was described in Revelation,
    called the opening of the gates of hell .. coincides with the pipes of the apocalypse .......
    HELL IS HERE in the Iron Dimension of CREATION....
    ADA - ment; how this world is a prison, separated from the heavenly waters..
    The opening of these doors corresponds to the flash of the original light in this solar system.. to rushes, descents, radiances, christenings or outpourings of light...
    This white light is coming back showing souls that are in ecstasy as well as human and non-humans going into sudden madness going crazy burning fuses and some killing people see all the interior game...they are really burning...light drives them crazy...
    From there, too, in these times, the winds of madness ..
    there are several degrees of madness, to be madness is the human spirit that does everything..!!!
    Light to forces opposite to Light is experienced as destructive... and does not liberate...
    And each Sun is tied to another Sun, which is its counterpart, and the counterpart of the Sun is Nibirus / Hercolub .. phoenix
    Betelgeuse -
    this is the Element of Heavenly Mechanics, Cosmic Dynamics, Dynamics and Leap and Dimensional Leap of the Earth and Human Consciousness..
    Light for opposing forces at the same time, at this moment we see the illumination of the sky, the night and the full moon, the stars, the brightness increases just like the brightness...
    This radiation first affects the Sun,
    which is its Heart in this solar system and transmits it to the Source, then the radiation spectrum changes and therefore new light codes are sent to all living systems. Metamorphosis and mutation of cells in the process ...

    1. Maybe it already exploded and we will only see the supernova 100s of years from now.

  79. Stella Assange AMA Noisyleaks

    #humanchainaroundukparliament #julian

  80. Noi italiani siamo molto divertenti.

  81. Are we ready for the Jump in 2023, Maybe the Event? Wth all the strength and with all the light and with all the love we can be in flux, with the synchronize of the alignments above the planet and maybe 2023 is the year in which the long-awaited Event can take place. One of the Greatest Potential is the year 2023, the Year of Love. Now with the acceleration of energy frequencies, the maximum point of the Sun can be in 2023. however, I feel that the Event is synchronized with 2023 and IT can be, and the First Flash with 2024. The Time has been started to accelerate very loud and very fast to be in alignment with all Sublim Changes.

  82. Sorry about all of that, just more lies I see. We have flooding in Victoria and I watched it all day yesterday but no more. I can't stand their faces, the liars! Everyone is extremely angry. They show up at 4am to move people immediately out of their homes. No warning. It all flooded slowly from the river. Well they should have had huge warning about it and got stuff out of their homes, or at least got it up higher. It's ridiculous. I'm that angry and I can't even look at their faces now as they seem amused by it!!!

    Now they (illuminati) have done the same thing as Elena Dannan with other women, the exact thing! So we are supposed to believe that all these women are now flying around in UFOs and supposed working with the GF, and they all say Ashtar does not exist. And they are all SO FAMOUS. As you read the books, yes it is that bad...her and her special space boyfriend she had as a child (insert made-up name) oh they are special, and they are working so hard to save the planet from Trump, and working so hard with the's all lies. It's outrageous.

    And I'll just add, without mentioning her name, I'll say SHE. Well her website has become such a joke and that is what happens when you publish illuminati lies! Yet she still puts out the OJ material, it's a mix of lies and truth. One day she says JFK senior is still alive (a big fat lie) and the next day she talks about how he is dead and here's a picture of his body. I can't keep up. And now as no one believes her lie that atomic bombs never existed, she is now pleading with people, like oh it's true, atomic bombs really are a hoax. Because they can't get them to explode! The illuminati are totally falling apart. They are falling apart. It's all falling apart. Gah!

    At least Gene Decode was right, totally right to refuse to believe this latest woman and her space lies. There's a whole bunch of them! A whole army it seems all in the employ of the cabal and all with their books (that are not censored) about their prolific space travel! haha

  83. Humanos na visão de um Alien

  84. A queda de Elizabeth II / Rothschild, a ascensão e queda de Carlos III, e a chegada de WILLIANS ao poder do governo único global - (Deixados Para Trás III) - Filme da vida real na Terra 3D.


  86. Yes. I agree with what she says. If somebody actually wants to help, maybe they should try doing something that actually helps. (Totally want to say 'dumdum' right now, but that might not be helpful)


  87. Galaxy's Child.


  88. To summarize the meaning of 883, 911, 504, and 774 in numerology(angel number), it means that we should continue to go on with the Ascended Masters, and our thoughts will become reality. These numbers were the tags in the text of this updated submission.

  89. Ragnarök ᚱᚨᚷᚾᚨᚱᛟᚲ

    I here & now declare that our country is free and all traitors to our country will be taken away for healing. All laws for 1000 years here in Iceland nul and void !!! So it is !!!

    Galactic Codex activated !!!

    I am the great Iam.

    LoveLight blessings from Iceland

    !!! 2 2 2 // Victory of the light // Sigur Ljóssins !!!

    Amen Amen Amen


  90. 我相信黑暗一定能被消灭,但目前来看一点盼头也没有


    Message from the Val Thor Intergalactic Confederation⚜️-Starting at midnight EST on October 30th, a 10-14 day period without communication systems will begin...

    1. Yep, maybe few days earlier;) votl

    2. Wellsir ... I'll believe what is in this article when I see it. So many dates have come and gone with nothing happening. Some of the things the article claims will happen isn't suppose to until after The Event.

      One thing is for sure ... at the end of this month we will know without a doubt whether or not we have been played. If nothing happens by the 30th ... the EBS/EAS isn't activated and the election isn't cancel, that will be a sure sign we are being played and they are using the carrot on the stick.

      After than no more hopium ... I will no longer believe any intel that is suppose to be from the white hats or this Federation mention in the article.

      At least by the end of the month we will finally get something tangible ... no matter how it turns out. The end of the month will be here in no time ... then we shall see!

      Still keeping my eye on the sky ... so far ... nothing.

      Thanks for reading my post.

    3. May I share a reminder:

      "There was too much classified intel about Event operations flying on the internet until now.

      The hostage situation on the surface is simply too delicate and there will be complete intel radio silence (EMCON) about surface operations from now on. There will be a lot of speculation but no real intel about the surface operations will be released by the Light forces."

  92. Maybe the rock spiders are being taken out and to get ready because the world is about to go into shock .hey corbra I hear last week was successful?,they are trying to hack me now lol nothing has changed they all need to go clear the set.victory of the light...

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Hey everyone,
    For there's that feel guided or simply looking for a place to chat you can join my 2012 portal Discord.
    We have around 80+ members and we love to talk to all different types of people on their opinions and experiences about the event or anything else that that's interesting like the News and current events.

  95. Overstanding Psychology to Transcend the Victim Mentality

    I asked the question today, "Why are there people who keep having victim mentalities on 2012portal?" The answer that came was, 2012portal encourages a victim mentality. How? By causing people to believe that very soon positive Ets will take care of all their needs, and then this doesn't happen. Instead, followers get attacked for several years.

    2012portal has repeatedly stated that victory on the planet surface is near, but this never happens. Meditation after meditation goes by, and nothing ever improves on the planet surface. Then, it is stated that nothing will drastically improve on the planet surface until The Event, and people are led to believe that The Event is just around the corner, for several years.

    I remember a cartoon drawing on 2012portal with someone looking up to UFOs to save them. What affect does this have on someone when, years after such a photo is posted, there is still no rescue? See where I'm going with this?

    I've been tempted many times to have a victim mentality, and have occasionally given in. Whenever something goes wrong on the planet surface, there is the temptation to get upset with the Light Forces and Underground Resistance for not intervening.

    Toplet bombs? Implants? All these years and that's still what's blocking physical intervention on the planet surface, along with intervention to clear all these nonphysical entities and so forth that keep attacking? Then, recently, a lack of intervention was blamed on the Russian generals. Right... anyway...

    Here's what to do:

    Whenever something seriously goes wrong one's life and/or world at large, stop thinking about the Light Forces and Underground Resistance. Here's an elaboration:

    Things seriously going wrong in context of the Light Forces and Underground Resistance: Why won't they intervene? They don't care about us at all! They just allow us to suffer while they are in their cozy ships and bases!

    Things seriously going wrong without the Light Forces and Underground Resistance in context:

    It's a shame that these bad things are happening, but we've got to do the best we can. Humanity will find a way through these difficult times. Humanity has survived the most extreme adversity throughout history. Humanity is strong, and so am I!

    See the difference?

    Sure, bring the Light through, and help clear the implants and anomaly, but stop thinking about Ets and 2012portal so much, because this all-too-often creates lose-lose ways of thinking, which has been revealed in the 2012portal comments section over the years ad nauseam. Others complain about the complaining, but I prefer to go to the root of the matter.

    One doesn't have to ultimately abandon the Light Forces, Underground Resistance, and 2012portal, but it's important to overstand the psychology. Everything that's online is, in fact, psychological. Analyze what's being said online, and ask the question, "What effect does this have psychologically?"

    1. I think Cobra loves to see the monkeys at each other's throats here that's why he allows whinny and offensive comments.

    2. Libra J. M. Aquila, this statement in the post is something you may want to consider:

      "Others complain about the complaining, but I prefer to go to the root of the matter."

      Things may finally be getting better though. There definitely is a clearing taking place.

      Different scenarios require different approaches.

    3. Today if UFOs finally landed, the situation would be this:

    4. Sherman:

  96. Didn't come here to experience a devolved chimpanzee zoo FFS. Pull the pin, start the damn process already, quit screwing around.

  97. They were talking about the shots back in 1995, they had it planned then of course. Even the zombie stuff about becoming a zombie! They carried it out and did it back then, he is referencing Rwanda? It was Dr Pierre Gilbert (a French guy).

    Gene Decode is amazing. He is discussing how he was rich several times but didn't take it. Because of God (good call). Yes, or you can say no due to Zen. Do it for Buddhism. I really really rate Gene, He's amazing. He said he woke up in 1990. Well he beat me by two special year was 1992. Been a hell of a bad life lol with the Cabal running everything. It's a little easier now.

    1. Gene believes Trump is our messiah and the Hebrew deity as an almighty Thanos like being sitting in a throne in space holding the infinity gauntlet.

  98. The surface population is AGAIN and yet in for greater danger as before. Alex Jones Saturday reported on Covid or detention camps being activated. Here in Munich Germany Covid boosters and MASKS still enforced. Mr. Habeck and the GREENS will STARVE and FREEZE the popul to DEATH,FULL Aliged with the Biden regime.

    1. Get out of Germany! There are better European countries you can live in.

  99. Apparently, I'm listening to the best Gene Decode that he's done. Do you know all this Cobra? I mean obviously you do. They are saving Israel for last because the Queen Draco is still down there! It's all run by Queens. I'll put up the link tomorrow. I just had to say that now. Whoa!

  100. Very interesting, takes 2.06 to watch, with Gene Decode. All sorts in it.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 10.17 midnight _10.18
      I feeling good again.
      since 10.7_8,
      my emotion very low and feeling such heavy in air,my head was hurt and a heavy clouds around us the sunlight can't through it....
      but after 10days.
      light finally through it strongly 💪
      today my daytime was smooth!
      today's Schumann Resonance have light pillars!
      >)I seeing many diamond rainbow today!

  102. From Ben

    Abouy this week

  103. For those who are interested:

    Prophetic Cobra Info Comes True, Dreams, Solar Flare Synchronicity, Jesus Dreams & More

  104. To Be Fair

    There are times when I decide to just let go and forget about everything. (I'm not sure how other people letting go affects them compared with myself letting go. Everyone is different - 'no one size fits all.' Some may not find it beneficial to let go.)

    When I let go, I'm more likely to be shown some things in the dreamstate that can change my perspective. My recent perspective has been to walk away from everything because my patience has completely run out. Then, just now in the dreamstate, I saw an extremely complex situation possibly related to the current Wipeout Sequence fairly recently posted on 2012portal. Negative entities would be messing with me, and then there would be others clearing the entities. An analogy of this would be like going through a huge assembly line of entities that were being cleared.

    There was also a healing flame in my stomach area. The energy felt very nice. I'm not suggesting that people do this, but I may have made the flame go silver, or others may have made it go silver - I'm not sure.

    I wanted to know that there is a force out there clearing negative entities independently of my beliefs. When I let go and disbelieved in everything esoteric/metaphysical, I did indeed experience independent consciousnesses from mine clearing out negative entities.
    I felt that this should be posted out of fairness.

    People may make what they wish out of this.

    1. The really big stuff running things on the planet surface has not been cleared though. There are still some very large, 'demonic' consciousnesses. I heard one in the background when resting just now. It had a deep, demonic voice.

  105. O presente, o passado e o futuro entrelaçados.

  106. The polpessa - VOTL! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA!!!

  107. I can't believe what I read every time I come here. I know you've all been through a lot. Everything we've been through is just part of a dream. The pain you are suffering, the darkness, and this victim psychology are not real. just be aware of it and stay conscious. In reality, you are all part of a tremendously loving soul family. No matter what happens, you have always been loved, and your family will never leave you here.

    Step out of time for a while and start celebrating what is coming. You've all done this before, we've all been through a lot like this before with our soul families. Of course, do the daily cleaning and the routine that is good for you, but there is very little left, I would like to invite you all to a nice after-party after that. We are going to give a big dance together with everyone who has existed with goodness in their soul, as before. And of course i love you all so much🙏

    1. Umm, the pain IS real.
      I'll believe in the loving soul family when they appear.


  108. Forgotten People.


  109. Adding something amazing in this recent article regarding the massive gamma ray burst which happened on October 9th for those who are interested:

    Jesus Dreams/Synchronicities Coming True, Ascension Synchronicities, Solar Flare Synchronicities, George Washington Communication, Gamma-Ray Burst Synchronicity, Christ the Redeemer Prophetic Synchronicity & More

  110. In Iran, security forces beat to death 16-year-old schoolgirl Asra Panahi for refusing to sing a song in honor of Ayatollah Khamenei.

    A new round of protests against the arbitrariness of Islamic fundamentalists began in the country.

  111. It puts the lotion on its skin,
    or it will get the hose.

  112. @Libra man
    Have you tried Rock Clubs? Sleaziest women around! But you need at least some rock look to get some. If that fails, try some brothels.

  113. I'm hearing that they torture hybrid children down below in the tunnels and dumbs. That is not good, especially as a lot of us had hybrid children. I had one, it was confirmed by my guides, it was 30 years ago. Although I don't know exactly how many I had. I do know they would deliberately try to terrify me, the greys. B*******! They stopped taking people back then. I knew a child who I was babysitting was also taken, there were two actually, another I hardly knew. I don't know why they are telling us this now. We do not want to revisit it!

  114. I'm reading they had a shoot out with the FBI that isn't over yet.
    They put booby traps in toys to harm children in Ukraine! OMG
    So NATO has lost the war in Ukraine, huge repercussions to follow. They are using CGI to pretend the war is still happening. Apparently not. 80% of NATO forces were destroyed.
    Of course we know that Vanguard and Blackrock have filed for bankruptcy. Most fortune 500 companies have gone bankrupt. Excellent
    French President Macron has a black eye. Yep a Vril reptilian has been injected into his eye from the demonic Black Eye Club.
    George Bush signed the Noahide Law in 1991 that allows for the killing of all Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. That has to be overturned. This is why there are so many guillotines in FEMA camps and on US Military Bases.
    Bottled water full of chemicals. Also plastics make men look like women and are estrogenic.

    From Judy Byington at on 18th Oct

  115. It's only 5 mins long. I love La Quinta Columna.

    Also don't go to the dentist. Don't get any shots. Use Colloidal Silver to get rid of pain/decay in your mouth. I no longer need the dentist, I rise my mouth for a few minutes with Colloidal Silver. Also drink a bit of it as you will get rid of all illness. I haven't even had one cold since 2018.
