Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Free the Colonies! Report and Short Planetary Situation Update "Recent removal of Chimera implant stations at L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Earth / Moon systems is a big victory. Proposal to build a space colony at the Lagrange points is decades old"
"Intel about L1 and 'L3' implant stations is still classified."
The black nobility families and the Cabal, attempted their first attempt to destroy (reset) the financial system in their own way for the first time in August-September through the repo market, attempted to use the quadruple conjunction sun-saturn-pluto-ceres to collapse it failed again, they tried to use the pandemic as a great reset and failed, they tried to manifest a new world war using the nuclear scare as a reset, they will fail again... now they are trying to use global warming or the green agenda for their reset and possible new ones virus for this to manifest, obviously failed. They are in Panic with Pluto in Aquarius arriving again ;)
Help the Lightworker being affected by severe weather in Central Europe -
"This Lightworker has been doing a great amount of work for the community, including leading mass meditations online and spreading Light and Truth to the wider audience in Central Europe. This Lightworker also takes care of wildlife in the local area. If you feel guided, please contribute to this fundraising campaign. Any help would be grateful."
Colloidal GOLD will remove nano particles from the blood. So if you are vaxxed or not, please take some colloidal gold.
It's an aussie guy who found this out, called Dr David Nixon. He shows slides where the nano particles DISAPPEAR with colloidal gold; they shrink and disappear. I've taken colloidal gold before, long before we were vaxxed. He doesn't say which type to take.
You can watch at the 30 min mark, around there, to see it all.
He said maybe colloidal silver does the same... um, I will try to find out, as I already take that.
"The problem is that by solving the purely current tasks of personal survival and prolonging at least some time in power, this regime literally destroys the future of the country, and first of all, future generations (https://t.me/moscowtimes_ru/15208 ). And not figuratively, but in the literal, physical sense.
In the USSR, after the Great Patriotic War (WW2 in West World) the term “children of war” arose, which meant a catastrophic drop in the birth rate due to the death of a whole generation of young men during the war. The next “pit” was similarly named “children of the children of war.” Generation born in 1960-1970 also very few.
If we take into account that the current regime in terms of efforts to destroy the country is quite comparable to the Nazi invasion, then it is quite possible that in the near future a similar term will appear, denoting a no less catastrophic drop in the birth rate during the current years of rule. It is really fatal for the preservation of the people, since the country's population formally remains at the same level, but this is due exclusively to large-scale migration and the distribution of citizenship to people from other countries. The indigenous population is literally dying out, and it is this population, and the strongest and most healthy men, that are thrown into the trenches today. Plus, from the prospect of getting into them, the same young and healthy fled from the country in comparable numbers.
It's no wonder the demographics are looking so dire".
"Esta proposta foi rejeitada pela grande maioria das facções do programa espacial secreto, pois estas colónias seriam demasiado grandes e, portanto, facilmente detectáveis a partir da Terra. A Quimera, por outro lado, teve estações de implantes pequenas, mas poderosas, posicionadas em vários pontos de Lagrange durante os últimos 26.000 anos.
A Intel sobre as estações de implantes L1 e L3 ainda é confidencial." http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2015/06/free-colonies-report-and-short.html#:~:text=Esta%20proposta%20foi,ainda%20%C3%A9%20confidencial.
Mikor lesz a napvillanàs amitől megvèd a cintamani?mikor lesz h.lejönnek a hajók mert a hüllők màr döglöttek.ki a fene mèg az akadàlya h.ide leszàlljanak? körülöttem mindenki beteg meghal ràkos bolond meg elmebeteg.meddig vàrunk mèg mert Magyarországon sàtànistàk lopnak csalnak hazudnak rituálèkat tartanak nèp meg a padlón.kàosz.
Well it's nice to see that Trump has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY against those changes! Yeeha Everyone is meanwhile saying Covid is now back, or will be soon. Lockdowns, etc. What Trash. Covid doesn't exist. What was that other one? Oh yeah, they are going to censor YouTube so we can't say a word against Covid, etc. That's going to drive me crazy.
I dreams 11-12 pleiadians light motherships( clouds form) last night, They are above our city in sky at night with stars!!! We are connecting and communicating, a synchronicity signal!
23.8.2023 Early morning dream recordings
I was in a very big and tall building in my dream, at night there were clouds in the sky, the city was below, my family was having a party, the atmosphere was very joyful and relaxed, through the floor to ceiling windows in the living room of the party, two children of my relatives (who hadn't seen it before) said that there were clouds outside, and I looked, there were cloud ships (in the form of motherships) in the sky, one, two, three .... There were eleven or twelve of them, side by side in the sky. I told the children that these were Pleiadian ships! Then very excitedly and happily responded with the sky, and then the ship reflected the cloud text (which quickly dissipated) that read: " yuki (the web name and password I've been using), you've been working so hard, doing a great job, and leave it to us next."
COBRA mentioned in an earlier message that they have a Trojan horse&Bug behind the Pandora Matrix, the financial system, which will be activated when the time is right.
This autumn may indeed be interesting! Finally something for the benefit of all beings is manifesting into reality.
It's my birthday! :D ... I was 60 when I found this blog ... I though we were months away from The Event ... I was so happy back then. 8 years later ... you know the rest.
I'm now 55 similar I found the blog like 2016 or so ... Many qhhters had even in 2018 .. then 2020 and many were sure 2023 I'm not upset just concerned how long the remaining battles may take.
"Putin spoke at the BRICS summit. He said a lot of the right words, including de-dollarization and settlements in national currencies.
I presented this situation through the eyes of BRICS partners. We started to make settlements with the Russian Federation in national currencies. Somehow the courses were coordinated. Work has begun. And then op, and with one stroke of Nabiulina's pen, the ruble exchange rate fell by 25%. After that, the partners begin to analyze Putin's words about de-dollarization. They order from their special services a certificate on the composition of the financial and economic bloc of the government of the Russian Federation. And what do they see? All these nabiulins and other nuts were brought up in the Higher Sect School of Economics, which is a hotbed of Anglo-Saxon quasi-economic models designed exclusively for the colonies. Are there financiers and economists in the Russian Federation with other, non-colonial views, the BRICS leaders will ask their special services. "Yes," the secret services will answer them, but they do not enjoy any influence in the Russian Federation. The entire financial and economic life of the Russian Federation is controlled by HSE specialists by sectarians.
And the leaders of the BRICS, with a high degree of probability, will have a logical question: how are Putin's words related to reality? In words, he says one thing, while his financial and economic bloc does the exact opposite.
"Fliegelmeisters" is a German word that does not exist in German. It sounds mysterious.
I understand it as a nesting (still too little said) of masters of flying and masters of wings in double-emphasised plural. There is no recognisable order or separation.
This is a turning point for all of us in the history of mankind... Chandrayaan 3 landed on backside of the dark moon! Soon things will reveal themselves.
"Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:
a) The construction of the Cintamani grid: COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.
b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid
c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid: COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families
d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings) COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR
e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines: COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry
F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .
Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂
You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here : https://m.youtube.com/@sisterhoodoftherose7954/streams "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension" We are so much stronger together💫
Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle. Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc. https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8 ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions. ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe. ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14. ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein. ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA. ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques. ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme. ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@mmariemichele2243 Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/754968702923893 Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI : https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8
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Page Facebook "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANCOPHONE" https://www.facebook.com/PFCfr
Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
“Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" ” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1489034111157314
REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière" EVENEMENT FACEBOOK FRANCOPHONE OFFICIEL https://www.facebook.com/events/1595905314225143/ EMISSION EXPLICATIVE : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RuhiqL5uQco&t=4352s
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023 https://docdro.id/iwb50yj PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023) https://docdro.id/l7hjBXE
Looks pretty optimistic to me...🫡 September thru October is supposed to be the beginning of positive changes... fingers crossed.🤞 Keep pushing forward LF and RM... the Lightworkers have your back! VOTL
“The Light forces have communicated that the process of the Event may be much more chaotic than originally expected. The Event itself will include the mass arrests of more than 400,000 Cabal members, financial Reset and release of intel about the existence of the surface Cabal, secret space programs and benevolent extraterrestrial races. This whole process will take about a week or two, during which time the water, food, electricity and internet distribution channels need to remain largely intact. One part of surface human population will not take the Event process well and there will be a lot of dysfunctional behavior.
For this reason, intel about the coming polar shift will be released to the surface population gradually only after the initial one or two week period, when the distribution chains will be already largely stabilized.
After the Event, the Pleiadians will start creating Islands of Light on the surface with their technology, and these will be the only really peaceful zones on the planet, when the rest of human society will go through a rather brutal awakening process. This period is expected to take a few months, and then the Galactic superwave hits the planet.”
Are you sure you want to walk in to that beams of "light" ? I would recommend you read the sananda bullshit again and see the pushing, disguised threatening even! Come on, wake up, 😊 @J 🤗 Victory of Light! 💖
I don't know, seems like Rumble is the place to go. YouTube won't be good for much longer, censorship wise. They were getting attacks on Rumble from France, the actual government, being told who to block. It's really starting now. Now they are starting up masking in USA, and all the rest. Jabs, etc. Things do not look good at all.
Why won't humanity fight back? They are waking up now, surely. If people just stupidly start to mask up and get their new jabs, all of which is mandatory, I don't know what I will do.
For those who are interested, here is a post on Twitter regarding a divine prophetic message which has come true. It is about the Maui fires being started with advanced technology.
A somewhat brief explanation of how these messages have been working. I suddenly get a vision in my mind's eye or a feeling or something from God/Source et al. which I write down somewhere where the time and date cannot be changed (ColorNote/Gmail). There are usually two parts to the message. One part is a message(s) that the Higher Ups want to communicate to people (Pleiadians are real, The Event is real, etc.) But the Source knows that these messages might not be accepted as true. So a special way of validating them has been created. That's where the second part of the prophetic/divine messages comes in. The second part is a message predicting some kind of natural event which can't really be predicted (Solar flare, earthquake activity, geopolitical events, etc.) The second part comes true which implies that the first part of the message is also true. This is just one of the ways the messages work and it's beyond glorious and ingenious.
Archangel Michael says we need to be able to channel.
It makes sense. After reading all the questions, I think 600 or so of them, wouldn't it be nicer to get your own answers? That's why I didn't need questions answered and I know there are some on here who channel their own answers. It's a great time to get practicing channeling. As Michael says. Even so my guides change sometimes; but that's life. My male guides left and I got girls, for the first time ever. I love my girl angels.
If I have to, I would put them on my website... We'll see...
Personally, I think that the coded message of Cobra concerns rather the obscure ones. In my opinion, the brothers of light have locked space, knowing that the increase in energies will soon inconvenience them. They will seek to flee, but they must not!
A message from journalist Nick Sortor investigating deadly fires in Hawaii:
"Just a few hours after I started to put a lot of pressure on the mayor of Maui about the missing children in the fire, I was harassed and intimidated. This morning at 5:45 a.m., about two minutes after I started the live broadcast with Steve Bannon, being alone in the back of my hotel, an unknown person approached me from behind. My hotel is 45 minutes from Lahaina. I do not know who this guy is and why he showed up at my hotel at 5:45 in the morning. I even received several death threats from "anonymous" users. Although now I will have to move to a hotel, rent a new car and maybe even hire a security guard who will travel with me for my own safety, I will not be silent.
I don't trust the governments of Maui, Hawaii and the USA. They're all lying. They know the truth, but they hide it from the public."
— Why is there a large-scale media blackout? (an official order has been given not to cover the situation in the media, video filming is prohibited).
— Why did they lie about the broken notification system?
— Why are the residents of the city forbidden to visit the crash site and do not report the exact number of victims and missing persons?
“This country (https://t.me/octgnews/40202) has just landed its apparatus on the Moon. Millions of people in this country are still “untouchable”, live on the street and cannot read. future: one foot in poverty, the other on the moon."
"In Norway, critic of mRNA vaccination was placed in a psychiatric hospital
We are talking about a Norwegian named Trond Harald Haaland. He has long been outspoken on issues such as the World Economic Forum, climate change and vaccination passports. He has written extensively about the inflated mortality rates that have arisen since the introduction of mRNA vaccines.
In other words, this is a person who does not believe the narratives of the mainstream media. He thinks for himself. And he actively criticizes the Norwegian healthcare system for what happened during the pandemic.
Among other things, earlier this year he sent a letter to a high-ranking doctor in his region urging him to stop vaccinating children between the ages of 5 and 11 against Covid-19.
Recently, someone anonymously reported him to the police as "mentally unstable." It is not known who it was. Based on this anonymous report, the police contacted the health system.
This was enough for two “health workers”, along with two uniformed police officers, to come to him, forcefully take the man out and place him (https://petersweden.substack.com/p/norway-locked-man-in-psychiatric?utm_source =post-email-title&publication_id=547128&post_id=136342266&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email) to the psychiatric ward."
He wrote many times that ALL the events that are now taking place in Russia should be viewed from the angle of a big fight. We are at the beginning of a possible redistribution of power, property and influence within the country. As I said, intraspecific competition for resources has intensified. NWO (war) launched the process of completing the economic and political model that has been built over the past decades. The food base is rapidly shrinking, and internal social contradictions are growing.
Plus, it is necessary to carry out the transit of power from Putin to Putin. Many centers of power in the country are well aware that resources and influence will be redistributed after Putin's victory. In addition, the war began to give birth to new meanings and new military-political leaders.
While our "Byzantium" has not been canceled, it is necessary to understand the logic of actions and the principles on which the government stands.
At the head of the state is an "arbitrator", whose task is to act in the interests of large clans, to be above the fight and smooth out conflicts within the ruling class. Access to the ear of the first person and entry into the inner circle have been the main competitive advantage of recent times. If before the NMD there were enough resources for almost everyone, and the internal struggle did not take too sharp forms, now the situation has changed radically, and the struggle for resources has sharply escalated. Prior to the CBO, the formula for the main intra-elite consensus was as simple as possible: loyalty in exchange for resources. But after the beginning of the NWO, many centers of power became very uncomfortable, and a part of the ruling class began to ferment. If Putin goes to the next presidential term (and he will), then the current consensus will most likely be revised. Some clans may lose property before they can pass on everything they have acquired by inheritance. Therefore, now all centers of power are preparing for possible changes. ..."
" ... The Arbiter has a clear strategy for reproducing his power and his position. The entire administrative vertical and all the tools at his disposal are sharpened for this. For him, the current statehood is really an ABSOLUTE value. Moreover, for him the state and statehood are personified. As the informed Sobchak said, he "carries a certain mission and believes in it." Also, Putin's inner circle is based on certain principles and values, a kind of code of honor. Let's call it "Omerta" conditionally. These principles create a fairly stable structure in the team. The state is set up in such a way as to stop any threats using ALL tools. Here one involuntarily recalls the phrase of Louis XIV "The state is me!".
Prigozhin was a member of the inner circle and carried out various, sometimes rather delicate, assignments for the collective and the state. Trust in Prigozhin, apparently, was very high. The resources allocated to it were simply limitless. Personal meetings and access to the first person also had a key meaning. But there was a rebellion, which actually brought down the "statehood" and personally hit the GDP. For the first time in his life, the “arbiter” faced brute force and blackmail. Prigozhin actually launched the internal processes of disintegration, and did it at the wrong time. For the transitional moment of transit and war is a very vulnerable moment for the entire system. After the actions of Prigozhin and Wagner, their fate was predetermined. The system cannot forgive such a thing, regardless of past merits. And it does not matter who implemented this action.
Here we can recall the attempt to freeze, so that the war would not be in an open phase at the time of transit, and the third force that could provoke an internal crisis by eliminating Prigozhin and Utkin. The logic of Strelkov's landing also fits into the contract and transit. But we must clearly understand that the stakes are higher than ever. Now we are talking not only about money and influence in the last term of the GDP, but about the vector of development of the country as a whole, about the fundamental principles of the further existence of Russia, about the life or death of very influential people. The big fight has begun, and ahead we will see many surprising and "illogical" actions of the authorities. But if you understand their logic, then you can enter the moment of change prepared."
Positive .. imagine motherships taking humans to another planet .. I rem Allison Coe client explaining how people would be taken ..evacuated off before the solar flash..those who can handle the energies will remain. But the main solar event..will anyone be able to handle those energies?
GREAT MESSAGE FROM OUR PLEIADE BROTHERS As Pledian brothers, we are writing to you to inform you that the Earth is currently in the moment of the sixth Sun, which began in 2012, and a great solar flare is approaching, but this time something very different will happen on Earth! Humanity will not be destroyed but is instantly converted to the 5th dimension. How is that even possible? For the first time in the history of mankind, mankind, with the help of the Forces of Light, has enough knowledge and technology to prevent the planetary cataclysm of the polar shift of polar events caused by a major solar event. For several years on Earth, the light forces have been helping the light leaders of planet Earth develop an artificial magnetic field capable of withstanding pole changes. The technology for this is a special secret project that exists in Antarctica, out of the public eye, and includes Tesla scalpwave technology. The technology has been around and used for over a decade now, and this super-artificial magnetic field is actually counteracting the Earth's shifted magnetic N Pole! Magnetic North has recently been moving several hundred kilometers a year and is now close to Siberia! We tell you that the future Earth timeline is fully known and benevolent light forces are in full control of all of these systems! This is a 5d positive gamma line where humanity is ascending to a new 5d earth and there can never be another planetary cataclysm! The great solar flare is indeed imminent and at the right moment, when the celestial bodies are in proper alignment, it will happen in the blink of an eye!. When this huge solar flare occurs, its negative cataclysms will be instantly mitigated by this Pleiadian magnetic field technology! In addition, exactly what the data says and what all ancient cultures say, 4, 5 Million Earth Star Seeds and Earth Indigenous People: They will instantly move to the highest vibrational level available on planet Earth with this super cosmic burst of light! From time to time you will find yourself in a much more pleasant and brighter version of the Earth, where everything is beautiful and calm and where only goodness prevails! We are giving you the highest truths of the light and asking you to be open as you seek it all for yourself! True and correct information is available and will be shown to you if you are looking for it!. For the first time in the history of mankind, when the Great Light arrives, earthly beings have the technology and understanding to advance to the next desired level. You will be the first who will achieve this massive feat of Ascension after eons of trial and error! This is how the great history of mankind and their long journeys to Earth ends, but this is by no means the end and this is only the beginning! This is the fate of mankind and this is your fate! The Age of Aquarius is the time of the great cosmic cycle, when truth prevails and as the Great Light of consciousness shines brighter on this world, more and more things will be revealed!.
"Comment by Igor "Strelkov" Girkin on the death of Prigozhin (the text was transmitted through lawyer Korolyov): I believe that the likely involvement of the president is minuscule, approximately at the level of the likelihood of a man-made disaster. The likelihood of a terrorist act by Ukraine or the West is even less likely. Here we can talk about the "cleansing of key witnesses", about which not a word was heard in the media. It is also possible, but unlikely, personal revenge on the part of high-ranking military officers. I cannot say that I am upset, since Prigozhin was not only my enemy personally, but also, by and large, the enemy of Russia. And his danger was still very high. At the same time, what happened cannot cause any positive reaction in me, as it is yet another evidence of the further deepening of unrest in Russia. Prigozhin should have been tried, not eliminated, now he will not be able to testify. The dashing 90s are returning, and this is very dangerous and fraught."
This post could mean LF have secured the L3 point to stop Chimera escaping/evacuating. It may not be related to pole shift/ surface population evacuation.
The truth that has been kept from humanity has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of existence. It’s a call to awaken, to recognize the signs, and to prepare for a new dawn. As we stand at the precipice of a new era, it’s time for humanity to rise, to seek the truth, and to reclaim the power that has been kept from us for so long. The future is in our hands, and the truth shall set us free. 💖
Ben Fulford, in his Aug 18th video update, explains the origins of the fires in Hawaii and the most recent fires in Canada (probably not what you think). He also puts into perspective other global current events as the world is moving forward into some kind of an inevitable, never-before-seen, transition. He lays to rest many of the fears that have been surfacing from the alternative community in the form of gossip and speculation.
"A study by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research clearly shows that the Chinese social credit system can be implemented (https://twitter.com/Don_Virus_1/status/1519004480775364609?t=g8aIOiQpo7_6SQvRF0wUww&s=19) by 2030 in Germany as well.
"Last night, tonight, and tonight, for obvious reasons, were not easy. I was completely immersed in the main issue of the agenda and its certain consequences. So far, no comment on the fate of the Hero of Russia Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, since the situation is multifaceted, and there are some nuances, despite the recent speech of the President. His (performance) must also, so to speak, be watched correctly and read correctly. I proceed now from the principle - do no harm, as well as from the norms of morality.
There was a terrorist attack. The main purpose of the attack is to kill the Heroes of the special military operation. The reasons are, in general, the "drain" of the NWO and its main actors (there are no typos in the word) as part of an international deal. Who ordered the murder? Those who benefit from speculating on a military conflict and conditional "peace talks", who benefit from intrastate and interstate intrigues - those who make money on this and manage the processes.
Putin is not a customer; such a scenario of yesterday evening is absolutely unprofitable for him personally. The Kiev regime also has nothing to do with it (not their scale). But the customers are inside Russia. For example, Abramovich knows well who they are. Conclusion: the coup d'etat in Russia, started by the internal enemies of our state in order to increase their capitalization and change the general director (Vladimir Vladimirovich) by a closed meeting of shareholders, is going according to plan. According to their plan.
Who is guilty? Putin is to blame for the people. For people, he is the personification of power in Russia, but his power is formal. At the same time, he had the opportunity (even with the formal status of his "power") and still has the opportunity to prevent the lawlessness and mess that has been happening all these years. But he didn’t do it, he doesn’t do it now and, unfortunately, he won’t do it again.
P.S. Traitors to the motherland once again stuck a knife in the back of our people and Russia as a whole. The internal enemy is more dangerous than the external one. I hope that our society will finally understand this and come out of hibernation, since it is no longer possible to endure these humiliations of our country and our people. Tomorrow to the specifics!"
"According to some specific citizens, the USSR only made galoshes, and also lagged behind the "civilized West" in everything. The USSR, of course, according to these same citizens, did not know how to make films, such as in the vaunted Hollywood.
However, if you look at the world through the eyes of not crazy liberals, but through normal human eyes, it becomes obvious that the USSR was the first in almost everything, including cinema. In order not to be unfounded, I am attaching proof to my text in the form of a link to the Soviet science fiction film "Planet of Storms". It was filmed in 1961 and premiered on April 14, 1962.
Watch this movie. At that time, no one in the world filmed anything like this, including Hollywood, adored by the layman. Moreover, all subsequent Hollywood fiction was licked from this Soviet cinema. And so, of course, the USSR made only galoshes."
"During the "independence" Ukraine lost 29 million people
Under the USSR, she added 25 million
🇺🇦 The population of Ukraine in mid-2023 decreased to 31.95 million people, estimated (https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/LP@WEO/UKR/RUS) by the IMF. In 2014, the Fund began to classify Crimea as part of Russia, but since 2022, it has again been classified as part of Ukraine. With its deduction in the country 29.5 million.
An alternative count gives a close estimate. At the beginning of 2022, there were 41 million people in Ukraine, according to Ukrstat (excluding Crimea). The territories of the new regions of the Russian Federation not controlled by Kiev (LPR, DPR, Kherson region and Zaporizhia) are minus another 6.3 million. Also, the death rate in 2022 exceeded the birth rate by 291,000 people.
Since the beginning of the NWO, 23.5 million people have crossed the border of Ukraine with Europe, and 16.7 million people have returned. 6.8 million remained abroad, according to the UN data (https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine). 2.85 million people left for Russia, and with the same level of return, 0.85 million remained. In total, 7.65 million immigrants from Ukraine abroad, and at the beginning of the year there were 7.9 million. Many will return, but so far they are under the control of Kiev 26.5 million people.
How the population of Ukraine decreased, million people 51.6 - 1990 -6.4 - decline 45.2 - 2014 -2.3 - secession of Crimea and Sevastopol -3.5 - branch of the LPR and DPR 39.4 - 2015 -2.1 - decline 37.3 - 2022 -7.9 million - refugees -2.6 - loss of territories of the LDNR, Zaporozhye and Kherson region -0.3 - decline 26.5 – 2023
With the Soviet natural increase (https://istmat.org/files/uploads/53363/narodne_gospodarstvo_ukrainskoi_rsr_u_1990_roci.pdf#page=21) of 85-89 years (+3 per 1000 people) and taking into account the trend of its slowdown, Ukraine could add from 1990 4 million - up to 55.6 million people. But in fact, the number fell by 25 million. As a result, the loss of "independence" and movement in the EU and NATO over 33 years is 29 million people. Most - after 2014 (20 million).
Leaving aside the issue of territories, the demographic catastrophe in Ukraine turned out to be the most terrible among the republics of the USSR precisely in terms of natural decline. It accelerated from -3.5 in 2013 to -6.6 per 1,000 people. in 2019
“By the 1930s, 20 million people will remain in Ukraine. We don’t need any more,” Zbigniew Brzezinski, the mastermind behind Kyiv’s hostile Russian policy, said (https://t.me/ZeRada1/15364) in an interview with former Prime Minister Vitold Fokin."
According to Vladimir Kvachkov, retired Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, the terrorist attack on Prigozhin’s plane could have been arranged using an aneroid (a device that measures air pressure, on which altitude depends; the same device is built into the parachute of an airborne paratrooper) explosive device "Mina- surprise" which became widely known in about the middle of the Soviet war in Afghanistan - there special instructors from the United States used them inside "gifts" characteristic of the Middle and Near East - the Islamic custom of giving bribes-gifts as a cultural feature. The mass of the fuse is approximately 200 grams, possibly even less. The explosion did not take place according to a given time, but according to the height set in the device - if the victim of the explosion must take off on an airplane or climb mountains, the explosion is triggered as it climbs. At an altitude of 8,000 meters, a 200 g explosive device is enough to disable the aircraft, especially if there were more than one such "gifts". Judging by the fact that the devices were not found during the departure before takeoff, PMC security personnel took part in the attack, given that the head of the Wagner Security Service himself died along with the plane.
"Skepticism is growing in the West (https://octagon.media/mir/zapad_ne_verit_v_smert_prigozhina.html) about the death of the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin, whose Embraer ERJ-135 plane crashed while flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Foreign publications discuss whether the leader of the military company himself was on board or whether his double was there. A version is also being considered about the existence of a second aircraft, which belonged to Wagner and was seen by radar in the area of the alleged death of Prigozhin. The doubts that have arisen fuel the temporary impossibility of identifying the bodies of the dead and the need for a DNA examination. The British newspaper Daily Mail made a rather bold assumption (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-12441309/Will-Prigozhin-rise-Putins-chief-previously-declared-dead-2019.html) that that Yevgeny Prigogine could fake his own death. According to the technical flight details published (https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/russian-legacy-600-crashes-near-tver/) by Flightradar24, the aircraft did not show any signs of malfunction until it began a sharp descent. 30 seconds before crash. A video that appeared on the Internet shows how Embraer dives in the Bologovsky district of the Tver region, where its wreckage was later discovered. The Daily Mail, while not denying the fact of the crash, nevertheless hypothesizes that Prigozhin was not on board. Numerous Western media, one after another, voice another curious version: allegedly, one of Prigozhin's doubles was in the crashed plane. The Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano notes (https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2023/08/24/i-sosia-i-fori-sul-jet-e-il-cambio-di-quota-cosa-sappiamo- dello-schianto-in-cui-e-morto-prigozhin/7270481/) that sources close to the Wagner group published fresh photos of Yevgeny Prigozhin in Africa on August 21, while just two days later the head of the PMC was boarding a private plane at one of the Moscow airports. The publication recalls that a month ago, The New York Times wrote about the existence of doubles of Yevgeny Prigozhin, who should confuse the trail and help avoid possible attempts on the leader of Wagner. It is quite likely, Il Fatto Quotidiano believes, that this time it was not Prigogine himself who came on board, but his double. The seemingly obvious death of the leader of the military company nevertheless raises many questions, including at the government level. In particular, one of the former French ministers, close to the ruling circles, Olivier Veran, said that France has "reasonable doubts" about the circumstances of the crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane."
While the country is at war with the global IV Reich, how would Russian corporations behave at least strangely. So, it became known that only in the first half of 2023, the United States bought from Russia, read Rosatom, 416 tons of enriched uranium-235, which is 2.2 times more than in the same period last year and a maximum since 2005 . In America, they announced that they want to minimize the "uranium dependence" on Russia, but the supply of enriched uranium continues. US companies pay Rosatom about $1 billion a year, The New York Times reported in July. Deliveries are carried out by sea, while uranium from Kazakhstan occupies a significant share on ships, which President Tokayev does not oppose at all. In addition to enriched uranium, the United States continues to supply rare earth metals, fertilizers, and forged titanium for the aircraft industry. All of them are critical for the most unfriendly country, but our sanctions policy bypasses these topics."
Oh look, Pfizer has managed to pay close to 12 Billion overall in damages. Their record sheet off illegal behaviour over a hundred years is astounding! Pfizer yuk.
Greetings. I have been reading channelings for several years. Signed up to find out if there are any Lightworker events in the CIS or Russia? The Russian-speaking forums that I know are half-dead. -- Приветствую. Несколько лет читаю ченнелинги. Зарегистрировался, чтоб задать вопрос: есть какие-нибудь мероприятия Работников Света в СНГ или России? Форумы русскоговорящие, которые знаю, полуживые.
Также создал чат в Телеграмме для тех, кто тоже хочет пообщаться на русском языке, обменяться опытом. И переводы сюда буду выкладывать в ближайшие дни: t.me/lightwru
For those souls who are interested, had two lucid dreams last night and in those dreams I verbally manifested out loud that something obvious happen in the physical world.
Finished writing that message down in ColorNote at 5:50 am AZ time.
Then it was announced that Bob Barker died today and the first article I found using Google was published at (12:50 universal) which is 5:50 am AZ time.
I am sure it is good news. Just wondering what it means if anyone can elabrate?
ReplyDeleteTuesday, June 2, 2015
DeleteFree the Colonies! Report and Short Planetary Situation Update
"Recent removal of Chimera implant stations at L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Earth / Moon systems is a big victory. Proposal to build a space colony at the Lagrange points is decades old"
"Intel about L1 and 'L3' implant stations is still classified."
It is the evacuation zone in outer Earth orbit.
DeleteMay be about the shut down of Lunar Matrix ?
DeleteRechercher des détails
34 / 5 000
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Résultat de traduction
I think it's about evacuation
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteEsto tiene relación con la evacuación planetaria ?
ReplyDeleteProbablemente si, en la zona L3
DeleteI really we have good news!
ReplyDeleteThe black nobility families and the Cabal, attempted their first attempt to destroy (reset) the financial system in their own way for the first time in August-September through the repo market, attempted to use the quadruple conjunction sun-saturn-pluto-ceres to collapse it failed again, they tried to use the pandemic as a great reset and failed, they tried to manifest a new world war using the nuclear scare as a reset, they will fail again... now they are trying to use global warming or the green agenda for their reset and possible new ones virus for this to manifest, obviously failed. They are in Panic with Pluto in Aquarius arriving again ;)
DeleteI Hope this is a positive development. VOTL
ReplyDeleteHelp the Lightworker being affected by severe weather in Central Europe -
ReplyDelete"This Lightworker has been doing a great amount of work for the community, including leading mass meditations online and spreading Light and Truth to the wider audience in Central Europe. This Lightworker also takes care of wildlife in the local area. If you feel guided, please contribute to this fundraising campaign. Any help would be grateful."
We Love Mass Meditation:
ReplyDeleteColloidal GOLD will remove nano particles from the blood. So if you are vaxxed or not, please take some colloidal gold.
ReplyDeleteIt's an aussie guy who found this out, called Dr David Nixon. He shows slides where the nano particles DISAPPEAR with colloidal gold; they shrink and disappear. I've taken colloidal gold before, long before we were vaxxed. He doesn't say which type to take.
You can watch at the 30 min mark, around there, to see it all.
He said maybe colloidal silver does the same... um, I will try to find out, as I already take that.
"The problem is that by solving the purely current tasks of personal survival and prolonging at least some time in power, this regime literally destroys the future of the country, and first of all, future generations (https://t.me/moscowtimes_ru/15208 ). And not figuratively, but in the literal, physical sense.
ReplyDeleteIn the USSR, after the Great Patriotic War (WW2 in West World) the term “children of war” arose, which meant a catastrophic drop in the birth rate due to the death of a whole generation of young men during the war. The next “pit” was similarly named “children of the children of war.” Generation born in 1960-1970 also very few.
If we take into account that the current regime in terms of efforts to destroy the country is quite comparable to the Nazi invasion, then it is quite possible that in the near future a similar term will appear, denoting a no less catastrophic drop in the birth rate during the current years of rule. It is really fatal for the preservation of the people, since the country's population formally remains at the same level, but this is due exclusively to large-scale migration and the distribution of citizenship to people from other countries. The indigenous population is literally dying out, and it is this population, and the strongest and most healthy men, that are thrown into the trenches today. Plus, from the prospect of getting into them, the same young and healthy fled from the country in comparable numbers.
It's no wonder the demographics are looking so dire".
Nem pontosan tudod. A valóság, és a magyarázat nem fedi egymást.
DeleteL3-> Ponto de Lagrange
ReplyDelete"Esta proposta foi rejeitada pela grande maioria das facções do programa espacial secreto, pois estas colónias seriam demasiado grandes e, portanto, facilmente detectáveis a partir da Terra. A Quimera, por outro lado, teve estações de implantes pequenas, mas poderosas, posicionadas em vários pontos de Lagrange durante os últimos 26.000 anos.
A Intel sobre as estações de implantes L1 e L3 ainda é confidencial."
Cobra, junho de 2015.
evac? cool get me some of that!!!
ReplyDeleteMikor lesz a napvillanàs amitől megvèd a cintamani?mikor lesz h.lejönnek a hajók mert a hüllők màr döglöttek.ki a fene mèg az akadàlya h.ide leszàlljanak? körülöttem mindenki beteg meghal ràkos bolond meg elmebeteg.meddig vàrunk mèg mert Magyarországon sàtànistàk lopnak csalnak hazudnak rituálèkat tartanak nèp meg a padlón.kàosz.
ReplyDeleteTürelem is egy fontos érzelem.
DeleteWell it's nice to see that Trump has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY against those changes! Yeeha
ReplyDeleteEveryone is meanwhile saying Covid is now back, or will be soon. Lockdowns, etc. What Trash. Covid doesn't exist.
What was that other one? Oh yeah, they are going to censor YouTube so we can't say a word against Covid, etc. That's going to drive me crazy.
ReplyDeleteI dreams 11-12 pleiadians light motherships( clouds form) last night,
ReplyDeleteThey are above our city in sky at night with stars!!!
We are connecting and communicating,
a synchronicity signal!
Early morning dream recordings
I was in a very big and tall building in my dream, at night there were clouds in the sky, the city was below, my family was having a party, the atmosphere was very joyful and relaxed, through the floor to ceiling windows in the living room of the party, two children of my relatives (who hadn't seen it before) said that there were clouds outside, and I looked, there were cloud ships (in the form of motherships) in the sky, one, two, three .... There were eleven or twelve of them, side by side in the sky.
I told the children that these were Pleiadian ships! Then very excitedly and happily responded with the sky, and then the ship reflected the cloud text (which quickly dissipated) that read:
" yuki (the web name and password I've been using), you've been working so hard, doing a great job, and leave it to us next."
COBRA mentioned in an earlier message that they have a Trojan horse&Bug behind the Pandora Matrix, the financial system, which will be activated when the time is right.
This autumn may indeed be interesting!
Finally something for the benefit of all beings is manifesting into reality.
Beautifull sharing! Thanks
DeleteI really hope we have good news!
ReplyDeletePreparing to evacuate . Feels good . Ships are closer . I Feel .
ReplyDeleteIt's my birthday! :D ... I was 60 when I found this blog ... I though we were months away from The Event ... I was so happy back then. 8 years later ... you know the rest.
ReplyDeleteI'm now 55 similar I found the blog like 2016 or so ... Many qhhters had even in 2018 .. then 2020 and many were sure 2023 I'm not upset just concerned how long the remaining battles may take.
Deletehappy birthday spirittoo
Deletesome kind of Evacuation
ReplyDeletesome name similarity. yes, the gore planet, which has a very important role in final liberation .
DeleteSolution: Connecting with the light
Faded – Mourning Faded Experiences [from Atlantis]
Kapcsolódás az érzelmi rácshoz. Más rács nincs. Minden más rács hamis, hazug.
DeleteL3 i guess is a location and EVAC is from evacuation
ReplyDeleteL3 is the farthest point of Earths Orbit.
DeleteLevel 3 evacuate secure, maybe?
ReplyDeleteL means Lagrange, which is the farthest point of Earth's orbit.
DeleteThank you 🌹
I don't understand anything from this information, but I received a lot of energy and a good feeling, and my heart was full of energy
ReplyDeleteIt is preparation for Evacuation from the planet.
DeleteCsak az megy, azt evakuálják, aki nem készült fel, nem néz magába - Ez Hungáriára vonatkozik.
DeleteIt might as well be Planet Gore . Antichthon.
ReplyDeleteA message of hope for lightworkers from Sananda.
Szantana = Szent anya = még láthatalan napunk. Magyarul így érthető.
Delete"Putin spoke at the BRICS summit. He said a lot of the right words, including de-dollarization and settlements in national currencies.
ReplyDeleteI presented this situation through the eyes of BRICS partners. We started to make settlements with the Russian Federation in national currencies. Somehow the courses were coordinated. Work has begun. And then op, and with one stroke of Nabiulina's pen, the ruble exchange rate fell by 25%. After that, the partners begin to analyze Putin's words about de-dollarization. They order from their special services a certificate on the composition of the financial and economic bloc of the government of the Russian Federation. And what do they see? All these nabiulins and other nuts were brought up in the Higher Sect School of Economics, which is a hotbed of Anglo-Saxon quasi-economic models designed exclusively for the colonies. Are there financiers and economists in the Russian Federation with other, non-colonial views, the BRICS leaders will ask their special services. "Yes," the secret services will answer them, but they do not enjoy any influence in the Russian Federation. The entire financial and economic life of the Russian Federation is controlled by HSE specialists by sectarians.
And the leaders of the BRICS, with a high degree of probability, will have a logical question: how are Putin's words related to reality? In words, he says one thing, while his financial and economic bloc does the exact opposite.
Would you like to work with such a partner?"
EVAC sounds like evacuation, are we getting ready to leave? :D
ReplyDeleteWhen L2 down to L0 are secure then we'll be ready for evacuation.
DeleteNow is L3
DeleteThis post means that the Forces of Light have cleared and blocked the implant station at Lagrange point number 3 and now it is safe. Light Victory!
Soothing vibrations inflow to the masses.
Overreaches are abandoned.
Fliegelmeisters awaken.
Farsights are enabled.
The chariots are coming.
"Fliegelmeisters" is a German word that does not exist in German. It sounds mysterious.
I understand it as a nesting (still too little said) of masters of flying and masters of wings in double-emphasised plural. There is no recognisable order or separation.
E szektor a szárnyalók, szárnybontók birodalma, így E szektorban lévő minden faj szárnyát kezdi bontani.
DeleteTake me leave
ReplyDeletePoint one • votl...
ReplyDeleteThis is a turning point for all of us in the history of mankind... Chandrayaan 3 landed on backside of the dark moon!
ReplyDeleteSoon things will reveal themselves.
ReplyDelete"Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:
a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.
b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid
c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families
d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR
e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry
F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .
Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂
You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
"Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
We are so much stronger together💫
Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
ReplyDeleteNous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@mmariemichele2243
Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI : https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8
Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau
Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
“Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" ” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1489034111157314
REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)
Sounds good though I can't guess...EVAC...🤔Thank you Cobra🌹💫🌏💫🕊️
ReplyDeleteLooks pretty optimistic to me...🫡
ReplyDeleteSeptember thru October is supposed to be the beginning of positive changes... fingers crossed.🤞
Keep pushing forward LF and RM... the Lightworkers have your back!
ReplyDeleteReady to go.
DeleteThe Portal / Situation Update / June 8, 2023:
Delete“The Light forces have communicated that the process of the Event may be much more chaotic than originally expected. The Event itself will include the mass arrests of more than 400,000 Cabal members, financial Reset and release of intel about the existence of the surface Cabal, secret space programs and benevolent extraterrestrial races. This whole process will take about a week or two, during which time the water, food, electricity and internet distribution channels need to remain largely intact. One part of surface human population will not take the Event process well and there will be a lot of dysfunctional behavior.
For this reason, intel about the coming polar shift will be released to the surface population gradually only after the initial one or two week period, when the distribution chains will be already largely stabilized.
After the Event, the Pleiadians will start creating Islands of Light on the surface with their technology, and these will be the only really peaceful zones on the planet, when the rest of human society will go through a rather brutal awakening process. This period is expected to take a few months, and then the Galactic superwave hits the planet.”
Are you sure you want to walk in to that beams of "light" ? I would recommend you read the sananda bullshit again and see the pushing, disguised threatening even! Come on, wake up, 😊
Delete@J 🤗 Victory of Light! 💖
Although I was mentally preparing for the long game, I no longer feel bound to anything / anybody so evac has a nice ring to it.
ReplyDelete`I feel the same way.
ReplyDeleteAnd we build up castles
In the sky and in the sand
Design our own world
Ain't nobody understand
I found myself alive
In the palm of your hand
As long as we are flyin'
All this world ain′t got no end
ReplyDeleteI don't know, seems like Rumble is the place to go. YouTube won't be good for much longer, censorship wise. They were getting attacks on Rumble from France, the actual government, being told who to block. It's really starting now. Now they are starting up masking in USA, and all the rest. Jabs, etc. Things do not look good at all.
ReplyDeleteWhy won't humanity fight back? They are waking up now, surely. If people just stupidly start to mask up and get their new jabs, all of which is mandatory, I don't know what I will do.
For those who are interested, here is a post on Twitter regarding a divine prophetic message which has come true. It is about the Maui fires being started with advanced technology.
ReplyDeleteA somewhat brief explanation of how these messages have been working. I suddenly get a vision in my mind's eye or a feeling or something from God/Source et al. which I write down somewhere where the time and date cannot be changed (ColorNote/Gmail). There are usually two parts to the message. One part is a message(s) that the Higher Ups want to communicate to people (Pleiadians are real, The Event is real, etc.) But the Source knows that these messages might not be accepted as true. So a special way of validating them has been created. That's where the second part of the prophetic/divine messages comes in. The second part is a message predicting some kind of natural event which can't really be predicted (Solar flare, earthquake activity, geopolitical events, etc.) The second part comes true which implies that the first part of the message is also true. This is just one of the ways the messages work and it's beyond glorious and ingenious.
Twitter Post
Victory of the Light and Justice is Coming!
ReplyDeletedragon lines firing up;vortex systems that erupt.
star chakras exicitations;gold backed currency innovations
Quand on chauffe trop les gens, oui, il y a canicule. Logique. Ils arrêtent pas de nous mettre la pression, faut pas s étonner. Merci Cobra
ReplyDeleteArchangel Michael says we need to be able to channel.
It makes sense. After reading all the questions, I think 600 or so of them, wouldn't it be nicer to get your own answers? That's why I didn't need questions answered and I know there are some on here who channel their own answers. It's a great time to get practicing channeling. As Michael says. Even so my guides change sometimes; but that's life. My male guides left and I got girls, for the first time ever. I love my girl angels.
If I have to, I would put them on my website... We'll see...
Personally, I think that the coded message of Cobra concerns rather the obscure ones. In my opinion, the brothers of light have locked space, knowing that the increase in energies will soon inconvenience them. They will seek to flee, but they must not!
ReplyDeleteA message from journalist Nick Sortor investigating deadly fires in Hawaii:
ReplyDelete"Just a few hours after I started to put a lot of pressure on the mayor of Maui about the missing children in the fire, I was harassed and intimidated. This morning at 5:45 a.m., about two minutes after I started the live broadcast with Steve Bannon, being alone in the back of my hotel, an unknown person approached me from behind. My hotel is 45 minutes from Lahaina. I do not know who this guy is and why he showed up at my hotel at 5:45 in the morning. I even received several death threats from "anonymous" users. Although now I will have to move to a hotel, rent a new car and maybe even hire a security guard who will travel with me for my own safety, I will not be silent.
I don't trust the governments of Maui, Hawaii and the USA. They're all lying. They know the truth, but they hide it from the public."
— Why is there a large-scale media blackout? (an official order has been given not to cover the situation in the media, video filming is prohibited).
— Why did they lie about the broken notification system?
— Why are the residents of the city forbidden to visit the crash site and do not report the exact number of victims and missing persons?
“This country (https://t.me/octgnews/40202) has just landed its apparatus on the Moon. Millions of people in this country are still “untouchable”, live on the street and cannot read. future: one foot in poverty, the other on the moon."
ReplyDelete"In Norway, critic of mRNA vaccination was placed in a psychiatric hospital
ReplyDeleteWe are talking about a Norwegian named Trond Harald Haaland. He has long been outspoken on issues such as the World Economic Forum, climate change and vaccination passports. He has written extensively about the inflated mortality rates that have arisen since the introduction of mRNA vaccines.
In other words, this is a person who does not believe the narratives of the mainstream media. He thinks for himself. And he actively criticizes the Norwegian healthcare system for what happened during the pandemic.
Among other things, earlier this year he sent a letter to a high-ranking doctor in his region urging him to stop vaccinating children between the ages of 5 and 11 against Covid-19.
Recently, someone anonymously reported him to the police as "mentally unstable." It is not known who it was. Based on this anonymous report, the police contacted the health system.
This was enough for two “health workers”, along with two uniformed police officers, to come to him, forcefully take the man out and place him (https://petersweden.substack.com/p/norway-locked-man-in-psychiatric?utm_source =post-email-title&publication_id=547128&post_id=136342266&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email) to the psychiatric ward."
God is Light=> Justice (the ways of Heaven) is Transparency
ReplyDeleteWe are the emptiness Light passes through
"About what happened with Prigogine
ReplyDeleteHe wrote many times that ALL the events that are now taking place in Russia should be viewed from the angle of a big fight. We are at the beginning of a possible redistribution of power, property and influence within the country. As I said, intraspecific competition for resources has intensified. NWO (war) launched the process of completing the economic and political model that has been built over the past decades. The food base is rapidly shrinking, and internal social contradictions are growing.
Plus, it is necessary to carry out the transit of power from Putin to Putin. Many centers of power in the country are well aware that resources and influence will be redistributed after Putin's victory. In addition, the war began to give birth to new meanings and new military-political leaders.
While our "Byzantium" has not been canceled, it is necessary to understand the logic of actions and the principles on which the government stands.
At the head of the state is an "arbitrator", whose task is to act in the interests of large clans, to be above the fight and smooth out conflicts within the ruling class. Access to the ear of the first person and entry into the inner circle have been the main competitive advantage of recent times. If before the NMD there were enough resources for almost everyone, and the internal struggle did not take too sharp forms, now the situation has changed radically, and the struggle for resources has sharply escalated. Prior to the CBO, the formula for the main intra-elite consensus was as simple as possible: loyalty in exchange for resources. But after the beginning of the NWO, many centers of power became very uncomfortable, and a part of the ruling class began to ferment. If Putin goes to the next presidential term (and he will), then the current consensus will most likely be revised. Some clans may lose property before they can pass on everything they have acquired by inheritance. Therefore, now all centers of power are preparing for possible changes.
The Arbiter has a clear strategy for reproducing his power and his position. The entire administrative vertical and all the tools at his disposal are sharpened for this. For him, the current statehood is really an ABSOLUTE value. Moreover, for him the state and statehood are personified. As the informed Sobchak said, he "carries a certain mission and believes in it." Also, Putin's inner circle is based on certain principles and values, a kind of code of honor. Let's call it "Omerta" conditionally. These principles create a fairly stable structure in the team. The state is set up in such a way as to stop any threats using ALL tools. Here one involuntarily recalls the phrase of Louis XIV "The state is me!".
Prigozhin was a member of the inner circle and carried out various, sometimes rather delicate, assignments for the collective and the state. Trust in Prigozhin, apparently, was very high. The resources allocated to it were simply limitless. Personal meetings and access to the first person also had a key meaning. But there was a rebellion, which actually brought down the "statehood" and personally hit the GDP. For the first time in his life, the “arbiter” faced brute force and blackmail. Prigozhin actually launched the internal processes of disintegration, and did it at the wrong time. For the transitional moment of transit and war is a very vulnerable moment for the entire system. After the actions of Prigozhin and Wagner, their fate was predetermined. The system cannot forgive such a thing, regardless of past merits. And it does not matter who implemented this action.
Here we can recall the attempt to freeze, so that the war would not be in an open phase at the time of transit, and the third force that could provoke an internal crisis by eliminating Prigozhin and Utkin. The logic of Strelkov's landing also fits into the contract and transit. But we must clearly understand that the stakes are higher than ever. Now we are talking not only about money and influence in the last term of the GDP, but about the vector of development of the country as a whole, about the fundamental principles of the further existence of Russia, about the life or death of very influential people. The big fight has begun, and ahead we will see many surprising and "illogical" actions of the authorities. But if you understand their logic, then you can enter the moment of change prepared."
Positive .. imagine motherships taking humans to another planet .. I rem Allison Coe client explaining how people would be taken ..evacuated off before the solar flash..those who can handle the energies will remain. But the main solar event..will anyone be able to handle those energies?
ReplyDeleteAs Pledian brothers, we are writing to you to inform you that the Earth is currently in the moment of the sixth Sun, which began in 2012, and a great solar flare is approaching, but this time something very different will happen on Earth!
Humanity will not be destroyed
but is instantly converted to the 5th dimension.
How is that even possible?
For the first time in the history of mankind, mankind, with the help of the Forces of Light, has enough knowledge and technology to prevent the planetary cataclysm of the polar shift of polar events caused by a major solar event.
For several years on Earth, the light forces have been helping the light leaders of planet Earth develop an artificial magnetic field capable of withstanding pole changes.
The technology for this is a special secret project that exists in Antarctica, out of the public eye, and includes Tesla scalpwave technology.
The technology has been around and used for over a decade now, and this super-artificial magnetic field is actually counteracting the Earth's shifted magnetic N Pole! Magnetic North has recently been moving several hundred kilometers a year and is now close to Siberia!
We tell you
that the future Earth timeline is fully known and benevolent light forces are in full control of all of these systems!
This is a 5d positive gamma line where humanity is ascending to a new 5d earth and there can never be another planetary cataclysm!
The great solar flare is indeed imminent and at the right moment,
when the celestial bodies are in proper alignment, it will happen in the blink of an eye!.
When this huge solar flare occurs, its negative cataclysms will be instantly mitigated by this Pleiadian magnetic field technology!
In addition, exactly what the data says and what all ancient cultures say, 4,
5 Million Earth Star Seeds and Earth Indigenous People: They will instantly move to the highest vibrational level available on planet Earth with this super cosmic burst of light! From time to time you will find yourself in a much more pleasant and brighter version of the Earth, where everything is beautiful and calm and where only goodness prevails!
We are giving you the highest truths of the light and asking you to be open as you seek it all for yourself!
True and correct information is available and will be shown to you if you are looking for it!.
For the first time in the history of mankind, when the Great Light arrives, earthly beings have the technology and understanding to advance to the next desired level.
You will be the first
who will achieve this massive feat of Ascension after eons of trial and error!
This is how the great history of mankind and their long journeys to Earth ends, but this is by no means the end and this is only the beginning!
This is the fate of mankind and this is your fate!
The Age of Aquarius is the time of the great cosmic cycle,
when truth prevails and as the Great Light of consciousness shines brighter on this world, more and more things will be revealed!.
The light forces let thousands die in Lahaina Maui
ReplyDeleteBeginning of the collapse of the petrodollar system he built.
ReplyDeleteJealousy network
"Comment by Igor "Strelkov" Girkin on the death of Prigozhin (the text was transmitted through lawyer Korolyov):
ReplyDeleteI believe that the likely involvement of the president is minuscule, approximately at the level of the likelihood of a man-made disaster. The likelihood of a terrorist act by Ukraine or the West is even less likely. Here we can talk about the "cleansing of key witnesses", about which not a word was heard in the media. It is also possible, but unlikely, personal revenge on the part of high-ranking military officers. I cannot say that I am upset, since Prigozhin was not only my enemy personally, but also, by and large, the enemy of Russia. And his danger was still very high. At the same time, what happened cannot cause any positive reaction in me, as it is yet another evidence of the further deepening of unrest in Russia. Prigozhin should have been tried, not eliminated, now he will not be able to testify. The dashing 90s are returning, and this is very dangerous and fraught."
This post could mean LF have secured the L3 point to stop Chimera escaping/evacuating. It may not be related to pole shift/ surface population evacuation.
ReplyDeleteQLMI96 állapot
ReplyDeleteThe truth that has been kept from humanity has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of existence. It’s a call to awaken, to recognize the signs, and to prepare for a new dawn. As we stand at the precipice of a new era, it’s time for humanity to rise, to seek the truth, and to reclaim the power that has been kept from us for so long. The future is in our hands, and the truth shall set us free.
ReplyDeleteThe Chimera Group :
ReplyDeleteEmpire of Light.
Marked Higher Path
ReplyDeleteGaiaportal from 5.9.2019 9:9 UTC
Seeds of Higher Influence are sown.
Crop circle with "Seed of Life" on 26.5.2019:
Emancipators of many vibrations collect the honeys from the Flowers.
Crop circle with the "Flower of Life" on 17 June 2019:
On 1.7. 2019 Cobra suggested to put Flower of Life stickers for example:
Flashes of Rainbow Light are viewed.
For example, BdL stickers in the colours of the rainbow were applied.
Petals of Hue-Manity mark the Higher Path.
Ben Fulford, in his Aug 18th video update, explains the origins of the fires in Hawaii and the most recent fires in Canada (probably not what you think). He also puts into perspective other global current events as the world is moving forward into some kind of an inevitable, never-before-seen, transition. He lays to rest many of the fears that have been surfacing from the alternative community in the form of gossip and speculation.
"A study by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research clearly shows that the Chinese social credit system can be implemented (https://twitter.com/Don_Virus_1/status/1519004480775364609?t=g8aIOiQpo7_6SQvRF0wUww&s=19) by 2030 in Germany as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd not only in Germany..."
"Last night, tonight, and tonight, for obvious reasons, were not easy. I was completely immersed in the main issue of the agenda and its certain consequences. So far, no comment on the fate of the Hero of Russia Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, since the situation is multifaceted, and there are some nuances, despite the recent speech of the President. His (performance) must also, so to speak, be watched correctly and read correctly. I proceed now from the principle - do no harm, as well as from the norms of morality.
ReplyDeleteThere was a terrorist attack. The main purpose of the attack is to kill the Heroes of the special military operation. The reasons are, in general, the "drain" of the NWO and its main actors (there are no typos in the word) as part of an international deal. Who ordered the murder? Those who benefit from speculating on a military conflict and conditional "peace talks", who benefit from intrastate and interstate intrigues - those who make money on this and manage the processes.
Putin is not a customer; such a scenario of yesterday evening is absolutely unprofitable for him personally. The Kiev regime also has nothing to do with it (not their scale). But the customers are inside Russia. For example, Abramovich knows well who they are. Conclusion: the coup d'etat in Russia, started by the internal enemies of our state in order to increase their capitalization and change the general director (Vladimir Vladimirovich) by a closed meeting of shareholders, is going according to plan. According to their plan.
Who is guilty? Putin is to blame for the people. For people, he is the personification of power in Russia, but his power is formal. At the same time, he had the opportunity (even with the formal status of his "power") and still has the opportunity to prevent the lawlessness and mess that has been happening all these years. But he didn’t do it, he doesn’t do it now and, unfortunately, he won’t do it again.
P.S. Traitors to the motherland once again stuck a knife in the back of our people and Russia as a whole. The internal enemy is more dangerous than the external one. I hope that our society will finally understand this and come out of hibernation, since it is no longer possible to endure these humiliations of our country and our people. Tomorrow to the specifics!"
"According to some specific citizens, the USSR only made galoshes, and also lagged behind the "civilized West" in everything. The USSR, of course, according to these same citizens, did not know how to make films, such as in the vaunted Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you look at the world through the eyes of not crazy liberals, but through normal human eyes, it becomes obvious that the USSR was the first in almost everything, including cinema. In order not to be unfounded, I am attaching proof to my text in the form of a link to the Soviet science fiction film "Planet of Storms". It was filmed in 1961 and premiered on April 14, 1962.
Watch this movie. At that time, no one in the world filmed anything like this, including Hollywood, adored by the layman. Moreover, all subsequent Hollywood fiction was licked from this Soviet cinema. And so, of course, the USSR made only galoshes."
"During the "independence" Ukraine lost 29 million people
ReplyDeleteUnder the USSR, she added 25 million
🇺🇦 The population of Ukraine in mid-2023 decreased to 31.95 million people, estimated (https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/LP@WEO/UKR/RUS) by the IMF. In 2014, the Fund began to classify Crimea as part of Russia, but since 2022, it has again been classified as part of Ukraine. With its deduction in the country 29.5 million.
An alternative count gives a close estimate. At the beginning of 2022, there were 41 million people in Ukraine, according to Ukrstat (excluding Crimea). The territories of the new regions of the Russian Federation not controlled by Kiev (LPR, DPR, Kherson region and Zaporizhia) are minus another 6.3 million. Also, the death rate in 2022 exceeded the birth rate by 291,000 people.
Since the beginning of the NWO, 23.5 million people have crossed the border of Ukraine with Europe, and 16.7 million people have returned. 6.8 million remained abroad, according to the UN data (https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine). 2.85 million people left for Russia, and with the same level of return, 0.85 million remained. In total, 7.65 million immigrants from Ukraine abroad, and at the beginning of the year there were 7.9 million. Many will return, but so far they are under the control of Kiev 26.5 million people.
How the population of Ukraine decreased, million people
51.6 - 1990
-6.4 - decline
45.2 - 2014
-2.3 - secession of Crimea and Sevastopol
-3.5 - branch of the LPR and DPR
39.4 - 2015
-2.1 - decline
37.3 - 2022
-7.9 million - refugees
-2.6 - loss of territories of the LDNR, Zaporozhye and Kherson region
-0.3 - decline
26.5 – 2023
With the Soviet natural increase (https://istmat.org/files/uploads/53363/narodne_gospodarstvo_ukrainskoi_rsr_u_1990_roci.pdf#page=21) of 85-89 years (+3 per 1000 people) and taking into account the trend of its slowdown, Ukraine could add from 1990 4 million - up to 55.6 million people. But in fact, the number fell by 25 million. As a result, the loss of "independence" and movement in the EU and NATO over 33 years is 29 million people. Most - after 2014 (20 million).
Leaving aside the issue of territories, the demographic catastrophe in Ukraine turned out to be the most terrible among the republics of the USSR precisely in terms of natural decline. It accelerated from -3.5 in 2013 to -6.6 per 1,000 people. in 2019
“By the 1930s, 20 million people will remain in Ukraine. We don’t need any more,” Zbigniew Brzezinski, the mastermind behind Kyiv’s hostile Russian policy, said (https://t.me/ZeRada1/15364) in an interview with former Prime Minister Vitold Fokin."
According to Vladimir Kvachkov, retired Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, the terrorist attack on Prigozhin’s plane could have been arranged using an aneroid (a device that measures air pressure, on which altitude depends; the same device is built into the parachute of an airborne paratrooper) explosive device "Mina- surprise" which became widely known in about the middle of the Soviet war in Afghanistan - there special instructors from the United States used them inside "gifts" characteristic of the Middle and Near East - the Islamic custom of giving bribes-gifts as a cultural feature. The mass of the fuse is approximately 200 grams, possibly even less. The explosion did not take place according to a given time, but according to the height set in the device - if the victim of the explosion must take off on an airplane or climb mountains, the explosion is triggered as it climbs. At an altitude of 8,000 meters, a 200 g explosive device is enough to disable the aircraft, especially if there were more than one such "gifts". Judging by the fact that the devices were not found during the departure before takeoff, PMC security personnel took part in the attack, given that the head of the Wagner Security Service himself died along with the plane.
ReplyDelete"Skepticism is growing in the West (https://octagon.media/mir/zapad_ne_verit_v_smert_prigozhina.html) about the death of the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin, whose Embraer ERJ-135 plane crashed while flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Foreign publications discuss whether the leader of the military company himself was on board or whether his double was there. A version is also being considered about the existence of a second aircraft, which belonged to Wagner and was seen by radar in the area of the alleged death of Prigozhin. The doubts that have arisen fuel the temporary impossibility of identifying the bodies of the dead and the need for a DNA examination.
ReplyDeleteThe British newspaper Daily Mail made a rather bold assumption (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-12441309/Will-Prigozhin-rise-Putins-chief-previously-declared-dead-2019.html) that that Yevgeny Prigogine could fake his own death. According to the technical flight details published (https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/russian-legacy-600-crashes-near-tver/) by Flightradar24, the aircraft did not show any signs of malfunction until it began a sharp descent. 30 seconds before crash. A video that appeared on the Internet shows how Embraer dives in the Bologovsky district of the Tver region, where its wreckage was later discovered. The Daily Mail, while not denying the fact of the crash, nevertheless hypothesizes that Prigozhin was not on board.
Numerous Western media, one after another, voice another curious version: allegedly, one of Prigozhin's doubles was in the crashed plane. The Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano notes (https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2023/08/24/i-sosia-i-fori-sul-jet-e-il-cambio-di-quota-cosa-sappiamo- dello-schianto-in-cui-e-morto-prigozhin/7270481/) that sources close to the Wagner group published fresh photos of Yevgeny Prigozhin in Africa on August 21, while just two days later the head of the PMC was boarding a private plane at one of the Moscow airports. The publication recalls that a month ago, The New York Times wrote about the existence of doubles of Yevgeny Prigozhin, who should confuse the trail and help avoid possible attempts on the leader of Wagner.
It is quite likely, Il Fatto Quotidiano believes, that this time it was not Prigogine himself who came on board, but his double.
The seemingly obvious death of the leader of the military company nevertheless raises many questions, including at the government level. In particular, one of the former French ministers, close to the ruling circles, Olivier Veran, said that France has "reasonable doubts" about the circumstances of the crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane."
ReplyDeleteWhile the country is at war with the global IV Reich, how would Russian corporations behave at least strangely. So, it became known that only in the first half of 2023, the United States bought from Russia, read Rosatom, 416 tons of enriched uranium-235, which is 2.2 times more than in the same period last year and a maximum since 2005 . In America, they announced that they want to minimize the "uranium dependence" on Russia, but the supply of enriched uranium continues. US companies pay Rosatom about $1 billion a year, The New York Times reported in July. Deliveries are carried out by sea, while uranium from Kazakhstan occupies a significant share on ships, which President Tokayev does not oppose at all. In addition to enriched uranium, the United States continues to supply rare earth metals, fertilizers, and forged titanium for the aircraft industry. All of them are critical for the most unfriendly country, but our sanctions policy bypasses these topics."
Oh look, Pfizer has managed to pay close to 12 Billion overall in damages. Their record sheet off illegal behaviour over a hundred years is astounding! Pfizer yuk.
Greetings. I have been reading channelings for several years. Signed up to find out if there are any Lightworker events in the CIS or Russia? The Russian-speaking forums that I know are half-dead.
Приветствую. Несколько лет читаю ченнелинги. Зарегистрировался, чтоб задать вопрос: есть какие-нибудь мероприятия Работников Света в СНГ или России? Форумы русскоговорящие, которые знаю, полуживые.
Также создал чат в Телеграмме для тех, кто тоже хочет пообщаться на русском языке, обменяться опытом. И переводы сюда буду выкладывать в ближайшие дни:
ReplyDeleteFor those souls who are interested, had two lucid dreams last night and in those dreams I verbally manifested out loud that something obvious happen in the physical world.
ReplyDeleteFinished writing that message down in ColorNote at 5:50 am AZ time.
Then it was announced that Bob Barker died today and the first article I found using Google was published at (12:50 universal) which is 5:50 am AZ time.
Twitter Post
TY for your time and much love <3
Goodbye Rome, hello Home <3