Saturday, August 26, 2023

L1LSIP/PHX lock secure


  1. Beautiful! Let's keep going LF and RM! 🫵😎👍

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this song 🥰

    2. You're welcome @Zobor
      It's a very appropriate song for all of us here.
      I can't help but wonder if LeAnn Rimes herself is possibly a Lightworker.🤔
      Who knows, perhaps she follows this blog...😉

    3. Very beautiful, thanks for sharing bro!


  2. Cobra: Okay. I would say that Lightworkers have a lot of things to process inside. The state of consciousness of Lightworkers is not as good as it was expected. There is a lot of inner work that needs to be done, and after that inner work is done, then the Lightworkers can have a channel strong enough and pure enough to manifest abundance. So, inner work is number one at this point.

    🖐🏻️That's the answer.

    Physical biochips are in the process of being cleared, and that will still take some time. To reduce the power those biochips have on the human thinking process, the Light forces are recommending this technique:

    1. Healing chambers ...too much needs removed from us our DNA needs repaired fully..

    2. Ha magadra, a magodra figyelsz, nem számít hogy van e biochipek vagy nincs, mert nem tud téged befolyásolni. Ha folyamatosan magadra figyelsz, akkor a biochip kiürül a szervezetedből, mivel feleslegessé válik. A mag belül, benned van. A belső kapun, a belső gáton kell figyelned a magra. Aki a magra figyel, azt nem tudják irányítani. A magban minden benne van, amire szükséged lesz.

    3. Folks need better lives, first. One can't do 'inner work' if one is in survival mode all the time.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It was all to Save God's Children🌹
    "Abandoned children found with note rescued near U.S.-Mexico border
    DPS officials said they’ve recovered four unaccompanied children over the last 24 hours in Eagle Pass.

    The team said it also has rescued over 900 children from human smuggling, trafficking or being abandoned since they started Operation Lone Star.

  4. Its the final countdown?

    L0 is surface right?

    1. Cobra did say that September/October of this year is when things can start to "get interesting" on the surface. Buckle up.

    2. Ok, i see, true...
      Things are moving

      Their are been cornered, i can see that

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. (Replay) French explanatory broadcast about Cobra Conference Japan Ascension July 2023+Planetary situation+ New Spiritual tools

    Émission explicative sur Cobra conference Japon Juillet 2023 + Situation planétaire + Nouveaux outils spirituels



    "Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:

    a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
    COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
    people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.

    b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid

    c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
    COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families

    d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
    COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR

    e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
    COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
    COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry

    F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .

    Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂

    You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
    "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
    We are so much stronger together💫

  8. Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau


    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones

    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" ”

    REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)

  9. Wait when is Jesus Christ come back?

    1. ... The Christ Energies are pouring in the planet now so to answer your question, now.

  10. Yeah lots of people don't read well at all. The Pole Shift and evacuation has been explained well many times. Other factor is people are way too attached on the material world.

  11. Replies
    1. Got a divine message regarding your username N'Golo Flamel:

      Twitter Post

      Thank you for your time and much love and light to all <3

  12. Yesterday I see many 555 and 23:32
    555means Great transform &Great Change.
    Mjolnir technology working well...thanks for each everyone.

    it need patience&wisdom&deeply know with inner...
    it never give up anyone.
    It hug all.
    It is the way of transforming all Lurker and it's pain return to universe home after 13.7 billion years.....

    “last time everyone returned to universe home...but Lurker feeling so deeply abandonment... ”
    "But they are still existing.!!!! Actually existing is the best answer that oneness never give up even they becomes lurker!"
    It is the best answer universe wanna you after at this time!!! After 13.7 billion years.....

    If there really nothing ,non willing
    .it just non existing. So simple.
    Existing itself already love and light.
    Even 0.000001% love shining within a great dark chaos.
    But 0.000001% love oneday will growth breakthrough all darkness
    Existing already answer.

    hate goddess also means care about goddess.

    Lurker Actually wanna return back to Oneness. Wanna finding it is Original true Self.

    Blessing all.

  13. "News of environmental cynicism: in Norway they decided to kill more than 40 reindeer because they visited the territory of Russia. Then they returned, but clearly were going back. However, things are actually somewhat more complicated.

    It should be noted that earlier deer have already raided Russian territory and caused some harm to the domestic flora. It was recorded and then the Norwegian side was billed for environmental damage. And Norway paid for it.

    Perhaps the animals hoped that something similar would happen this time. But they did not take into account one circumstance: due to financial sanctions, payments from Norway to Russia are extremely difficult. This issue could be somehow resolved, but now Russian-Norwegian relations clearly leave much to be desired. Therefore, the Norwegians made the extreme deer.

    And they even threw European humanism aside. After all, deer could be euthanized and transported to that part of Norway, from where it is far from the border with Russia. But no, they preferred to simply kill them, which shows very well how the Norwegian authorities actually relate to the environmental agenda. It is the most important part of their domestic and foreign policy in name only".

  14. ANOTHER Fire Breaks North of Lahaina Close to Hyatt Hotel Housing Most of the Survivors!

    You can give donations: http://www.MauiFoodBank.ORG
    He does a great commentary!

  15. The reasons that lightworkers lack of inner maturity are two.

    They dont do daily sadhana in a proper way, inkluding Patanjalis yama and niyama. Wich make people weak and dishonest.

    The other reason is that a big big part of the lightworkers are actually feeding their desires instead of making them weaker. That makes them stuck in the path. The enemy is called law of attraction. Wich is a hoax that many many people got fooled by.

  16. Wonderful my dear LF friends and Resistance Movement 🙏 Great Going 💪❤️🏄

  17. Yea, I'm all set to go for a better life, just so long as it's THIS life.

    So, yea, we BETTER escape the tidals waves before they hit. Death, it's just not my thing, you know? And I've yet to experience those things you mention, and I want 'em in THIS life.

  18. Mark Zuckerberg sued native Hawaiians for their own land

    Omg, I had no idea they have been doing this for over 200 years to Hawaiians! How is this legal!!!!!!!

  19. ... Mind is the color of Joy
    (even to a blind-man)

    1. öröm-üröm-rm-magyarul egy kör, amiből ki kellene lépni, ahogy minden körből. Az elme olyan mint egy MI, csak szerves.

  20. Trigger the Event and don't delay!

    1. I concur...rem we were told of the DS / Cabal / Neg ETs crossed a certain line then direct intervention would happen? Well wouldn't killing beautiful Lemurian women children and men qualify for such an act?

      What next a million people? It's time to end this prison planet.

  21. Les choses qui se sonts passées dernierements sonts tellement grave que forcément ya du mouvement

  22. So this begs the question- did the Indians really land on the moon?🤔

    1. Another Mainer here- I was wondering the same logistics. All levels locked except the surface? Then what's with India and China posting space photos? Also guessing that because we're down to just the surface the negative faction seems to be upping the arson/disease/famine/ death activities surface-wise.

  23. Seperances define and Illuminate the pathways

  24. Replies
    1. This is from June 2nd 2015:

      Recent removal of Chimera implant stations at L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Earth / Moon systems is a big victory

    2. its going down not up. as more down as more closer to the surface.


  26. I appreciate your insight Libra

  27. Ask the Light Forces to help me! The Cabal has been attacking me and my family with electromagnetic radiation weapons for a long time, and I have phlegm in my throat almost all the time

    1. don't worry the countdown is on

    2. dude it's been on for years and most of us are literally tired of watching time itself go by

    3. He is father of Bossh Pump = Turbine =part in cars = like Golf TDI > T stands for Turbine,,, Geremy Clarkson from Top Gear show or The Grand Tour show (later) explained Turbine in words like Oil goes in it, then miracle happens then car goes very fast. Point is that guy you are speaking about discovered that by just looking nature and trying to make it in human use. Turbine is by words of Rudolf just a Fish = Trout = it is metal made shape of Trout and probably free energy device because water has exit speed higher then before it enters container where it is metal fish. He was sitting by river and he was watching Fish = Trout swimming against river even up Tru waterfalls and he was shocked because Trout is not so strong fish so he realized it is because her shape she can do that. If you look at nature and mimic it you can do very nice things,, he had more inventions he did just by doing that but he was also very intelligent.,, and Nikola Tesla actually has similar storys because he grew up next to waterfalls of Plitvice and there is allot of rivers in that area and he would same as Rudolf sit and watch nature and think about inventions. It's not all Akashic records or super natural ability's. Long time ago I was thinking people invented wheel but we didn't because you have spider that lives in desert and then he wheels himself from Top of Dina to bottom by making himself as wheel., and Nikola Tesla said one time he isn't Inventor but Inovator because he took Dinamo Invention = idea and made one of his famous innovation that today powers all world with electricity. Dinamo was made by Teslas professor in Vienna and probably because that egoistic Professor Tesla went to America and similar egoistic old people from that time in EU because they didn't let him spread his wings

    4. it's a game with codes. April is very important. The month of diamonds

  28. Checkmate, conspiracy theorists. The Lancet: Natural immunity is 88.9% superior to vaccines.

    The Lancet, an authoritative medical journal, published information ( that the immunity acquired as a result of the coronavirus is many times greater than the level of protection that any mRNA vaccine can provide (Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech).

    After analyzing ( studies from 19 countries, scientists came to the conclusion that natural immunity protects against re-infection, symptomatic disease and severe covid no less effectively than any of the existing mRNA vaccines.

    Children's Health Defense writes, "Only a tsunami of propaganda and censorship from the pharmaceutical cartel and controlled media has convinced the public that Pfizer and Moderna are better at protecting the human immune system...".

  29. (proper) sex is a relationship
    no understanding of sex... is a deceptive search for something else... centered is knowing the true value of (your-self)

  30. New energy report September 2023 - Towards Unity.

    New groups of skills will appear in humans. talents and abilities.
    Significant improvement and sharpening of the basic cognitive senses (external vision, internal vision, smell, internal body sensations, hearing, taste, touch)
    Activation of extrasensory perception (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy, consciousness travel, reading Space, etc.)
    Appearance of unexpected powers (e.g. spike in body stamina, unscathed contact with the elements and/or energy, etc.)
    Activation of subtle talents (compassion, understanding the language of animals and plants, etc.)


  31. Climate terrorists are ready to publish any nonsense to justify their crazy narratives

    They now recommend ( that "he who does not believe in a climate catastrophe needs the help of a for mistakes in work) brain).

  32. Two of the world's leading climate scientists have issued a public warning that the green agenda promoted by the globalists is part of an elaborate hoax aimed at depopulating humanity.

    William Happer, emeritus professor of physics at Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen, emeritus professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), both issued official warnings ( -is-a-hoax/) that all climate alarms are false, based on "hoaxes" and only serve to advance the globalist agenda.

    "All models that predict catastrophic global warming fail a key test of the scientific method: they grossly overestimate warming compared to the actual data," said Happer and Lindzen. “However, this kind of panic-inducing data helps a lot when it comes to pushing the public to comply with unpopular policies.”

  33. Because this unique events is important, and the same sort of thing happens every 22,000,000 years, I only hope for everyone to have better clothes, a place in this world. Thank you for reading what i wrote. ryan

  34. not everyone ever made mistakes,
    however those that did are necessarily forgiven,
    that happens every 10 years,
    personally i helped God transmute a dying world into a better land, which i am allowed to visit,
    stay of correct belief, a time is soon coming that requires prayer or to experienced death, i heard

    i wouldn't move to agartha personally, for one i wasn't invited; i am going to a home with my family above the surface of the earth,
    thank you for not posting my comments



  36. Researchers from the National University of Chonbuk, South Korea, studied two types of disposable medical masks, as well as several types of reusable cotton masks.

    ( that the chemicals emitted by these masks are eight times the recommended safety limit for toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which cause headaches and nausea when inhaled; prolonged and repeated inhalation of such substances damages internal organs and even provokes cancer.

  37. This is what Joe Biden is doing now, and yes he is actually saying this.

    The new jab they are proposing will cure cancer. Just let that sink in. They have fixed it so that it absolutely WILL FIX YOUR CANCER. Insert all the special jargon they use to explain that!

    This new jab they have for Covid is for everyone whether you have been jabbed or not. And it is fixed so that it will now go forth and cure cancer. What Bastards. Well you ain't gonna jab me with it. I've been using 90.10 medbed recently as my MS came back (long story, my foot got numb again and tingly). The 90.10 medbed has half cured my foot already in a week (and my balance is better). I'm taking a few days off now. I obviously have a big mercury load I didn't know about - it figures. So I will try to get rid of that mercury even after the foot is better.

    So yeah, that is what they are using to get people to run off and get jabbed. It will cure your cancer. Or kill you. What a load of BS.

  38. Use time portals

  39. Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, people's commander and head of the militia of Donetsk and Luhansk (Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic), was imprisoned on baseless charges because a certain group of people publicly represented by "Vladimir Putin" needs a military truce before the presidential elections in Russia in 2024. Strelkov was the most striking irritant, showing the complete incompetence and inability of the Jewish regime that occupied the Russian Federation to conduct and end the hostilities that he himself began. As a result: The strategic goals of the Jewish kahal, which is represented by "Putin" and Zelensky, have been fulfilled - the Slavic massacre has begun, the Russians on both sides have forgotten all the years of their previous cohabitation in the USSR, propaganda floods the youth from both sides. In 2023, the editing of history textbooks began in the Russian Federation: in one “package” they introduced for the last 30 years what they were afraid to do before - how to explain to children 1991, the State Emergency Committee, the Shooting of the White House (Yeltsin’s usurpation of power through the shooting of parliament and transferring it before his death to 7 Jewish oligarchs " seven bankers" who approved the appointment of Putin responsible for the safe export of resources from the Russian Federation. If the elections do not happen, military mobilization and the declaration of martial law will be needed, which the liberal Jewish elite, which has been in power in the Russian Federation since 1991, cannot allow - the people they robbed and deprived of the future, including killing with the help of coronavirus inoculations and vaccines, in the conditions of hostilities, people's leaders will be nominated, and having weapons they will refuse to surrender them (Prigozhin's "rebellion" is an example of this, Prigozhin was just the flesh of the flesh of this government: a Jew, an oligarch, I personally know “Putin” and his entourage; while we leave aside whether he really died or initiated his own death - it doesn’t matter in principle) back and can (probably will) after a carefully planned blitzkrieg on Ukraine, turn their weapons towards the Kremlin. I’m not talking about Khodorkovsky, Navalny (a former supporter of Alexei claimed that once every 2-3 months a girl of Jewish appearance with some folders came to the office; she kept herself cold in the team and with a feeling of clear superiority) and other Jewish “oppositionists”, but about ordinary people who went to war as volunteers or “called up” on the agenda (which turned out to be a veiled contract for military service, those who signed it in the second year of the war did not receive money for one month).

    Let's ask ourselves a question: if the Russian "authorities" are very uncomfortable with the corruption data from Russia that Aleksey published under the guise of "his investigations", where did the information for Navalny's investigations come from? Obviously, from foreign intelligence agencies of NATO countries, Mossad - where you can get financial information about these very oligarchs and figures - banks can take information about people and transfer them to someone only at the request of government agencies, most often intelligence agencies.

    1. Ezekről nagyjából tudtam. Azt is tudom mi lesz pl Putyinnal. A valóság az, hogy az USA, és az orosz társaság összedolgozik, és ez majd akkor fog megmutatkozni, mikor Izraelt megtámadják a Messiás érkezése előtt. Lesz Messiás, bármilyen hihetetlenül hangzik. A Messiás jelentése magyarul: más világból való, de a többi még nem publikus, amit még tudok róla.

  40. @libra
    I plan to not live on earth, anyhow, so it's irreverent. I also plan to be an alien woman, meaning not weak, not genetically raped.

    And remember that video of woman wrestler, Asuka, that I showed you and everyone else here a few weeks ago? I'd not worry about being harassed, be it by humans or non humans. I'd also most likely be armed at all times.

    Least you can seem to pass for a woman, Libra.....sadly, I CAN'T. I'm pretty much, as I said, either Charlie Brown in the flesh, or Clint Howard. As someone who's felt like an ugly mutant since puberty, I'd be willing to bear the 'price of beauty' myself, kinda like those real plain, or dare I say, homely women, who WANT people to follow 'em, or be treated like a piece of meat.....kinda hard to put into words, Libra.

    Like in Family Guy, when Meg became a hot Britney Spear knock off.

    Lois: They are just exploiting you!
    Meg: Mom, I WANT to be exploited.

    I'll STILL want to be transformed, NOW, along with the disadvantages.....when the darkies have fucked up my life as much as they have....I'll still want to be restored.

  41. Can you be a bit less vague, Ice?

  42. This article by Elena somewhat contradicts the narrative we get from Cobra. According to it, the deep state is still in control of satellites which are not only equipped with Directed Energy Weapons but are also so stealth that even Galactic Federation has hard time detecting them:

  43. Testimonies of users of the Tachyon Chamber:

    "In this film, you'll discover a whole new way of presenting the tachyon chamber, with a link to the world of music. The highlight of this film is the testimonies of various people, who have come to share their experience of the tachyon chamber with you. We hope you enjoy watching it, and please don't hesitate to share!"

  44. I doubt the subquantum anomaly can be removed.

  45. Recapitulation: Release your past and reclaim trapped energy

  46. Bringing cabal henchmen to the Network of Light
    The cabal's henchmen are trying to stop the connection to the I Am Presence. There is no need to get involved in this. Our I Am Presence can even free cabal henchmen and thus weaken the network of the dark forces.

  47. As long as free money printing for some and debt for the rest remains, nothing will change. In fact, life for the top tier is the best it has ever been.

  48. Merci aux Forces de Lumières pour ces Verrouillages, Merci Cobra et en attendant pour garder et amplifier sa Lumière, l'entretenir et vibrer Haut, lâcher prise et redonner du courage, Pratiquer la Gratitude et l'Etat de Grâce article sur Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa, lien Telegram Méditons Ensemble pour la Libération Planétaire Merciiiii <3

  49. 2,500 children burned alive in Maui and the light forces did nothing.

  50. Very interesting prophetic lucid dreams coming true for those who are interested:

    Twitter Post

  51. This is when the color blue to a blind man
    ... is the same as a (healthy) relationship
    That is- the exact same thing as (free will)
    One of 2 choices=> Grow, or not grow
    ... surely, you can make a good guess

  52. Remote viewing is quite interesting considering the scope of all things.

  53. So I have been contemplating why my son born on the very first day of the fall equinox of 2007 has failed to understand and remember his galactic roots. His mother is a Pisces and I am Aquarian. His mother is sticking to 3D attributes and I expanding beyond. Have the dark side implanted him unknowingly? Through my ex-wife?

  54. More than 1600 scientists jointly signed ( a declaration denying the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide useful for the Earth despite massively spreading panic messages in the media.

  55. Fliegelmeisters awaken
    I would say: Awakening to the Master of Flying / Master of Wings.
    So: Awakening to masterfully move and navigate in higher consciousness.

    Gaiaportal of 9 Feb 2019
    Soothing vibrations inflow to the masses.
    Overreaches are abandoned.
    Fliegelmeisters awaken.
    Farsights are enabled.
    The chariots are coming.


  56. The Sound Of Love - Out Of Time

    Today is a Good Day.


    Very impressive video of all things inside phones and how to disable it!

  58. What is your Telegram Channel. Find you are worth to be followed.Sincerely want to subscribe to it. Hope to not be joked. My number is +40771640612.

  59. That which is resisted will persist. Is that why it's still being called the resistance movement? RESISTANCE RELEASED IS VIBRATION INCREASED. It's all energy. Only higher frequencies are able to overpower lower frequencies. Vibrate higher and focus on creating from your heart.

    1. Sounds like allowing the darkies to bent you over and ram you up the not in the good way, either, Light.

      I do not plan on becoming a doormat.

    2. I was clearly stating The law of resistance, and The law of frequency and vibration, two of our Creator's Universal Natural Laws. If you don't take law seriously, aren't familiar with it, or mock it as a bending over it may be a good time to take a look inside of yourselves, and find additional sources for expansion and balance. Seek to innerstand new information and the true meaning behind it before taking reactionary action. If you assume I do not support Cobra, haven't participated in this movement and read every word on this blog since 2012 you are completely wrong again.

  60. They've found new recordings of Diana's voice - BULLSHIT. It's AI. How stupid do they think we are. And it sounds like Diana has an awful temper! What rubbish! And it suddenly shows up after THE DAY Mohamed Al Fayed dies. What a load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. Djere versus Djokovic. So funny.
    Djokovic pretends to loose for first two sets. Oh no.
    Then the next two sets he wins easily.
    Then he keeps up the pretense for the last 5th set. He lets Djere win 3 of them. I mean the whole match would be boring if Djokovic just stepped in and won easily.
    It's funny how he drags it out.
    Then he wins in the last minutes. Everyone believes it.
    Such dumb arses.
    And the AI bot could not be more obvious. All the copies of the tennis court it throws out there. C'mon, wake up. Notice something.
    Love Djokovic.

  62. Another conversation between Mathew Ward and his mom via her channeling. Discussion topics include AI, Gesara/Nesara, Maui and Canada fires, transgenderism, etc. As always, use your own discernment.

  63. @Libra
    I'd say so....though ive had very little, personally.
