Friday, December 1, 2023

A Short Notice to the Surface Population

A certain Draco entity that was known on this planet as Henry Kissinger was already taken to the Galactic Central Sun for processing, and the following meditation is no longer necessary: 

The original Unholy Four are now down to one, and the new expanded list of Unholy Five is now down to the following four individuals: Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab. 

Victory of the Light!


  1. @Sananda, Ashtar, Semjase, Ashtar Command, The Galactic Confederation Of Light

    COBRA excerpts from November 27, 2023:

    "...Pleiadians as a collective have decided that they will no longer be the main race creating First Contact with humanity. They will focus more on very specific assistance to those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are open to their presence and can work with them effectively. Great portion of Pleiadian Command 12:21 teams, Pleiadian tachyon chamber teams, Pleiadian planetary network of Light teams and Contact Dish teams will remain active and will in fact become more efficient."

    "...After the Event, the Pleiadians will focus mostly on assisting the most advanced Lightworkers who will focus on building Soul Family mandalas inside Islands of Light."

    I for one am very open to your presence, and most definitely look forward to working with all of you to help in the most effective manner.
    If you feel I qualify to do so, I ask that once it is safe for First Contact, please don't hesitate to come and get me as soon as possible in order to help prepare me for my mission in order to return and help the rest of humanity for their own awakening, healing, and preparations for their mass evacuation and Ascension process.
    There is nothing more important to me in this lifetime than to fully heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in order to help as many as I can to awaken, heal, and Ascend themselves... to essentially "pay it forward".🫵😇👍
    You KNOW me, and you KNOW my heart and intentions are pure. This lifetime however, has roughed all of us up quite a bit. I know I still have a great deal of inner work and healing to do, and am doing it daily, but all I ask is that as soon as it's safe to do so, please don't hesitate to come and get me and take me aboard the Motherships, or to a City Of Light, in order to help me complete my healing process. With your advanced spiritual methods and technologies, I believe you can help me smooth out the edges once again so I have the self-esteem, confidence, and energy in order to be the most affective Lightworker I can possibly be for the benefit of all those around me.
    I'll be the first to admit I became too immersed into the illusion because something in me just wanted to "fit in" and have made countless mistakes and bad decisions over the years due to this need to satisfy my ego. I no longer feel that need to "fit in" and wish to get back to my TRUE self that was connected to my I AM presence, loving, charming, funny, and confident in all my gifts, abilities, and talents.
    I have a true talent and gift as a musician, and would absolutely LOVE to use this talent to help humanity awaken, heal, and Ascend! But, therein lies the problem, my confidence and self-esteem has suffered many setbacks over the years, and it's difficult for me to be comfortable around people, especially the last 10 years or so.
    I didn't used to feel that way... it just happened subtlety over time. If I could get my self-esteem and confidence back again, I KNOW I could make a HUGE impact through music to reach a significant amount of people.
    This IS my one gift I have that I would LOVE nothing more than to share. I believe sincerely I'm pretty damn good at it! 😉

    As I said, you KNOW my heart, and you KNOW my intentions... so please consider this as my Galactic application to be accepted aboard the Motherships or into a City Of Light in order to work with all of you to help humanity transition and prepare for their own Ascension.
    There is NOTHING more important to me than having the opportunity and chance of a lifetime to work right along side all of you to fulfill this divine and most honorable mission.🫡

    Love and Light,

    1. @Lightpower + @Libra

      Then I suggest that the three of us seriously consider joining our musical talents in the future. I'm also sure there are many other Lightworkers out there that would love to use their talents in a collaborative way. I've had a vision for awhile now that brings humanity together in a huge televised worldwide music event that focuses on using music and positive talks to help awaken and heal humanity... to help get everyone up-to-speed and prepared for their own Ascension and our evacuation and relocation process.
      If the Dyson Spheres are helping to buy us more time... this is a VERY feasible goal. With our combined talents in music, speeking, video and audio from a collaboration of Lightworkers and the most awakened at that time could easily make this a reality.
      If anyone else is interested in helping to create this televised worldwide musical extravaganza after THE EVENT in order to celebrate our planetary liberation and talk about where WE ALL GO FROM HERE... don't hesitate to bring your talents forward when the time comes!

      Love and Light,

    2. @Troy reading your comment, I felt like I wrote it myself, including past mistakes and being a musician. I was guided in 2009 to learn about the Pleiadians, by the book "Bringers of the Dawn' dropping off a shelf by itself with no one around, at a library. I have been hooked ever since! I too wish to be of service. I too know I need more clearing and healing...would dig being a part of this fantastic endeavor. I would love to talk more.

      Peace and Victory To The Light!

  2. I Can Do This For the Rest of My Life, But the Cabal Can't

    (Sorry for making so many posts in such a short time. There are enormous amounts of 'downloads' lately.)

    A main objective of the attacks is to get Lightworkers to be in an unbalanced frame of mind, so that it's more difficult to connect to sources of Light and well-being. To restate, there are many sources of Light and well-being. Nature, Earth, physicality itself, Cobra meditations, the Sun, the Galactic Central Sun, the Cosmic Central Sun, the Cosmos, the Sun sephiroth and/or Keter sephiroth on the tree of life, one's own 'inner knowing' - these are a few examples.

    The key is to develop the skill of reconnecting to sources of Light and well-being after attacks, regardless of one's state of mind. Also, the key is to realize that no matter how severe the attacks are, it's always possible to reconnect and heal. I'll post my reply to someone who prefers to remain anonymous regarding preserving one's own Light:

    "I agree, preserving the Light within is important. Yet, if one's Light runs low, one can connect to sources of Light, such as nature, the sun, Galactic Central Sun, Cosmic Central Sun - Source. The Light can be replenished, as an open system. That's why they couldn't erase me.

    Humans can be fantastic channelers of Light! The cabal's days are numbered, but I can keep going on and on. I could keep getting hit for several decades and still be fine when I keep reconnecting to what enlivens me. It takes practice, but the more one reconnects, the stronger one gets! It's awesome!"

    At the same time, as stated before, it's important to let the LF and RM know about the attacks for clearing. The LF and RM can maybe provide assistance. Also, the LF and RM can maybe help people to better access sources of Light and well-being. The LF and RM should not be regarded as replacements though. One needs to find one's own connection(s) in one's own unique way(s), not being reliant on assistance from anyone else. Otherwise, one loses one's own ability to connect, which renders one powerless.

  3. Blessed forces of Light, which purges evil from this world! 🙌🏽☀️⭐️✨️😇

  4. Few days ago I was reading the conference reports and tried to put together a theory about the primary anomaly and next steps. If anyone would have feedback about my theory I would be happy to hear:

  5. Yessss merci Cobra, merci les FL <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  6. will there be a big meditation on 12/21?

  7. I actually want to go to the central sun too, I don't want to wait for all the draco to die in 100 years

  8. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  9. Was he already dead, and they just announced it? What about Ben Fulford's claim that he contacted Dick Cheney and he was a Trump supporter and was against the cabal? Was that a fake? Have the cabal and David Rockerfeller agreed to surrender, like Ben said?

    1. I'd so much as trust a vampire to give me a shave, than trust Dick Cheney.

    2. I'd take Ben Fulford's intel lightly. He has so many unverifiable claims over the years especially concerning status of cabal members. He has been saying most of them are dead and executed replaced by avatars but can't really provide legit intel to back it up and with all those supposed cabal executions things should have improved a lot already by now.

    3. And his claims about Dick Cheney being a good guy my god that's a major red flag.

    4. I think he also said Queen Ratbag of England was a good person.....Riiiiiiight. IF she was so good, WHY did she give Jimmy Savile, who was one of THE most evil people on British Television, a knighthood?

    5. @Paul Vid when did he claim that?

  10. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  11. For those who are interested, November 28th I got the message that my messages were draining the swamp.

    Next day November 29th it is announced Henry Kissinger is dead.


    Much love and victory of the light!

    1. This is actually part of my post here on this blog on November 19:

      The another thing is that Cosmic Laws are failing big time on this planet and generally in this Universe, the Evil forces are making fun of the Cosmic Laws, how can some individual like Henry Kissinger who is so much evil live 100 years??? He's done so much evil things, you could send him to Galactic Central Sun for reset 50-60 years ago and because this Universe and it Laws are a big failure and humiliation for Source, The Creator and all of the Light Community, Old Henry is still alive to do evil things, not to mention other evil people. This things are killing my motivation, because Cosmic Laws doesn't work very well...they have big holes...i don't know who built this Universe but this things are very big problem...Cosmic Laws needs some big update to fix this bugs... because if you have Evil people to do anything they like and they get no karma punishment, of course they will continue to do those things...

      ***Seems like somekind of big synchronicity. Maybe The Source is finally fixing bugs in Cosmic Laws 😄

    2. I just learnt of H.K being cabal, yet to read his death bio, it makes him sound like the best human, I do not know enough to say. I guess what I am asking is, (and please this is in no way refutting or questioning from disbelief) how and when did it become knowledge of him being cabal? Was this always or was he led astray at some point?
      It confuses me so much that a person and/or entity can resemble truth and honor to so many, fooling them just to find out the opposite. This is why I have such a difficult time voting. would love any insight.

      P.s the timing interval was astounding!!

      Peace and Victory to the Light!

  12. Also for those interested, a beautiful prophetic 'Going Home' message which came true:<3

    1. Apologies, I added a <3 to the end of the Twitter url which was supposed to go at the bottom of the comment:

  13. The key point is: Those unholy people are not the stopping factor to trigger the Event.

  14. I have noticed over time a lot of henry kissinger satire and similar characters in media like the watchmen, the german scientist in dr strangelove, dr henry killinger in the venture brothers, and others.

    While looking for the watchmen clip I found a list of kissinger quotes. He was great at understanding and operating within corrupt control systems. Lots of admissions of psychopathy and dark truths.

    He had german jewish ancestry and an interesting background but who knows how much of it is true.

    1. All that matters was he was an evil son of a bitch. My only regret is I was not the cause of his death.

  15. They too will eventually follow! 🔥
    And please take people like doja cat and other demonic celebrities too! They are still poisoning humanity and spreading their demons via their "art" and performing ritual sacrifices. Absolutely disgusting!
    Time to seriously cleanse house! Victory of the Light! 💜✨

  16. Thank you dear Cobra, it is a fantastic news and I need to confess, yesterday at the very first mass meditation I felt very very strong energies and I was almost sure this soul was captured and it is in the best conditions in the Life Forces hands already! I am very happy and confident in all Light Forces and you our Cobra, the most loved one ! Victory of the LIGHT!!!

  17. I would have preferred to see Mr. Kill&injure launched, body and soul, into our own sun 30+ years ago, but better late than never. Why do people like him live so long?

    1. Blood transfusions from kids blood, maybe adrenochrome. Best doctors. Possibly cloned bodies.

    2. they are aliens. negative dracos.... if they dont live long by natural means. then probably they keeping themselves alive thru rituals/sacrifices etc.

  18. Donald Rumsfeld 89 years DEAD
    Bush Senior 94 years DEAD
    Henry Kissinger 100 years DEAD
    ***Dick Cheney 82 years
    ***Bill Gates 68 years
    ***Anthony Fauci 83 years
    ***Karl Schwab 85 years

    It's good that Old Henry is gone but looking from this perspective, seems like they are all dying from natural death, the more evil you are, the longer you live, Dracos probably change bodies because they have Advance Technology so God only knows how really old they are and by their death it could mean that they just shifted into another body but we will take Cobras word that he is melted in Galactic Central Sun. So Dracos actually have opportunity to maximally torture humanity. Something doesn't work very well with Karma and Cosmic Law. There are a lot and i mean a lot of bugs in the Cosmic Law. I don't know how will we again trust The Source after this debacle in this Universe. I will have hard time to incarnate again anywhere in this Universe, no matter if someone needs help somewhere on other planets, i think we got tricked Big Time by both Light and Dark Forces. Next time if someone needs help anywhere in the Universe, i will be on Space Ship and whoever wants to be Ground Crew good luck!

    1. i understand where you are coming from.. what i understand is that much was not understood about the situation. so some educated guesses were done. the people that came here.. were not necessarily deceived.. however it was the love to help that they accepted to come in. not all factors were known..

      the rest of the story . well it so happen that due to the circumstances .. agreement/threats and or hostage situarion. information either couldn't be shared/downloaded or would not due to the dangers.. thus the continued secrecy.. until more n more informarion was able to be provided.. trickle down..

      remember this is a full free will zone... if i recall.. first time ever.

    2. Yea....why do evil people get to live 20-30 years more than good people on average?

      Also, no such thing as karma....if there was, Henry would have died from an assassin's bullet....not extreme old age.

    3. Same, not only do I plan to get my gender corrected, but also species. I want to live centuries, millennia or more (Some of the aliens seem almost immortal, I bet some ARE immortal....and I want to have those same choices). Living only a few decades, and aging......being human is a joke, if you ask me. We're like mongrels to them.

    4. @Sherman
      Amen to that!
      Living short lives in ugly and genetically degraded bodies sucks! You miss a whole world of possibilities by being in a handicapped body.

    5. @Unknown
      Hence why I refer to the human body as 'genetically raped monkeys'.

  19. Wasn't kissenger poisoned in Japan last year and they have been using a clone since ,and wasn't bill gates hanged in military tribunals over a year ago and they deliberately made the rope to long so he would suffer ?...

    1. Looks like not everything that is reported on RRN is true. I keep telling the folks there, that no evidence of these reports has been shown. Especially the reported military firefights that people had to have seen yet nothing on social media about it.
      They insult and give negative points, when I remind them of that fact. I wish I knew what was true and what isn't there for sure.

      Now they are claiming Stephen Corbert was arrested and taken to gitmo. His hospitalization reported on corporate news is a cover according to RRN.

    2. Pain. many stories flowing in the alt news.. hopefully this one is truly a sign the character is gone

    3. They do have clones. Fauci was replaced in 2021, Gates in 2020 or somewhere around there. Hillary and Bill are rumored still alive but their avatars are walking around. Biden may still even be alive, who really knows. COBRA, can you give some clarity to who's still alive and who's not?

    4. I think Cobra would mention if this guy was replaced with a duplicate.

    5. Yes good riddance all the same...

    6. Remember recently the Clinton cloning facility had to be taken out under the subway network in new York,they can save their consciousness on a chip and switch bodies droneing I think it's called...

  20. (Izvorno objavo (v angleščini) si lahko ogledate na:)
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    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  21. This is another step's of the freedom for all light being's on this planet, congrat's brothers and sisters

  22. Congrat's to brother's and sister's of light

  23. Here is the article translated in Italian and Romanian, Congratulations to all Light Forces and our Light workers who were meditating so hard to achive this awesome outcome! Million thanks to all! VOTL!!!

  24. Updated Image of The Cabal

  25. Follow-Up to Immunity Post

    Regarding the part on vegetarianism and veganism:

    In the past, I was too impatient with vegetarianism. When going vegetarian, it takes a few days to fully 'energetically detox' from any meat that has previously been eaten, which I did not see.

    If someone decides to stop eating meat, this should not be done out of 'stuckupness,' but instead out of a desire to have a better chance to get outside the range of certain attacks and/or to be in a better position to say "No" to various 'dark tendencies.' (Some attacks take the form of dark tendencies, which then allow for other attacks; it's a viscous cycle.)

    As there are more and more cosmic energies coming through, perhaps it actually would be a better idea to stop eating meat, or at the least, stop eating meat for periods of time for the sake of cleansing. Lately I've felt guided to stop eating even the cleanest meat.

    In the past I ate meat because I believed I needed extra strength to perform physically demanding jobs, but perhaps this is not so.

    As always, I'm not telling anyone what they should do. This is just my latest personal finding regarding meat.

    I've found that whey protein doesn't cause 'balance issues.' I feel guided to go vegetarian but not vegan.

    1. Starlight : What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism?

  26. Isn't it better if gates, Fauci and co are publicly arrested and everything about them is shown than if they just die?

    1. would help many or wake up many. yes..

      hpwever still bad guys control the mass media?

    2. Same with "Biden". If they "kill" him off before everything is exposed, it will be a HUGE red pill wasted. Just pull of the Biden mask live on TV, it would be the biggest awakener in history!!


  28. Merci Cobra. Que pouvez vous nous dire sur les intels de Benjamin Fulford qui sont nombreux en ce moment ? Quid de dick cheney ? Il dit qu'il est positif !??!

  29. Ouf !!!! Bon débarras pour Kissinger. Quid d'Orsini Napoléon , le pape gris ? Il ne fait pas partie des 5? Les rotchilds etc... Vous êtes certain qu'il n'y en a que 5? Pourtant les noblesses noires sont bien plus...

  30. Let’s get these people to the central Sun for processing ASAP

  31. Wellsir ... looks like RRN is incorrect about Cheney, Fauci, and Gates being executed. I wonder what is correct from RRN.

    1. Good question. Is anything at all real? Or are certain parts real.

    2. @Spirit
      Question is: IS it true? I mean where is the proof? I'm STILL waiting to see the footage of them being arrested, being on trial, their verdict reached, and sentences passed....and carried out.

      Until then, it's only WORDS.

    3. Baxter doesn't offer any kind of proof. I asked on several occasions to see photos or videos. As far as the trumpsters go it is a cardinal sin wanting to see the evidence. I get a bunch of negative points and insults when I bring this up at RRN.

      It's pretty obvious the report put out about cheney, fauci, and gates is not true. Why is baxter lying about these things?

  32. Good. Seems the light forces were waiting for him, knowing it was gonna kick the bucket.

    But...WHY do these guys ALWAYS seem to die of old age, and never an assassin's bullet? I'd soooo love to see one, or more, of these guys get their brains splattered against the wall, and preferably a public assassination. Time for bad guys to get publicly greased. Not fair THEY get to live 20-30 years longer than good people, who seem to drop dead by 80 or so, and often from horrific disease or murder.

    1. We certainly can't wait for them the die ...they have tech to prolong their life. I think the non interference thing is moot now as pits are being cleared ..dumbs and the like that's pretty direct.

  33. Understood. Victory of the Light!



  35. With deep gratitude to RM team
    The exit and processing of entity H.K
    is indeed great news for Humanity

  36. Great, getting closer to success, (using Google Translate)

  37. It looks like someone is begging other people to save this Light Worker. It seems childish.

  38. Thanks to Cobra for his abilities and for sharing, even though some things are not always clear. May all Light workers find their place to serve a beautiful future. It's coming true, that's all! Victory of the Light!

  39. Way to go everyone!! :) In the last meditation I did early this morning I felt that he had been taken to the GCS.

    Sending you all lots of love, light, healing and protection! We are all in this together!! VOTL <3

  40. Same day synchronization

  41. Apprarently, RRN is psyops for the normies and awakened.

  42. Maybe they have clones in place, but maybe the original is still alive protected. I'm sure they will get it soon.

  43. Victory of the light!! 🙏 Thank you light forces for all the work and dedication ❤️ thank you for take care of us 🌹

  44. His 'wife' should be next. Disgusting being

    1. What else would she be if she was the woman he was married to?


  46. Was it a "natural death" or was HK removed post haste and the remaining unholy 4 will meet a similar fate? Thank you

  47. Scott Ritter says if it wasn't for HK the world would have ended long ago by nuclear war.
