Cobra always tells us manifest abundance, but he never really tells us how. He says "Take action" but that is now how it works. We live in a duality. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
This reactionary force is called the "Law of counter balancing forces." It is counterpart to the "Law of attraction" that states whenever you attract one thing to yourself then it also attracts its' polar opposite. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If you attract a good thing into your life then also a bad thing will come into your life to balance out the good. The matrix will not allow anyone to achieve any form of long term happiness. If you push too hard to achieve a goal the law of attraction will kind of bend in on itself. It will become as a serpent eating its own tail. You will not be attracting the goal to yourself but instead the "struggle" to achieve the goal will overshadow the goal itself. This struggle is what you will end up attracting more of to yourself because that is where your energy is directed. The universe will always move the goal posts so that you may continue with your struggle. Hence the saying the struggle is real.
How to cope:
1. Understand anything you oppose directly will only become stronger. This is why Jan 6th didn't work well for those involved. People took action but their actions only made the enemy stronger because they did not make account for the reactionary force. Doing anything in this duality is like trying to sail against the wind. However sailing against the wind using nothing but the wind itself is possible. Any decent sailor knows this. There is a process called "tacking."
When a boat moves side to side it is able make progress against the direction of the wind. To reach your goal you must never try to sail directly to your goal. You must set a false goal and sail to that destination first, and then set another false goal in the opposite direction. The synthesis of the two false goals will bring you toward your real goal. It is very much the origin of the power behind the Hegelian dialectic. You take the thesis (false goal A) and it's antithesis (false goal B) and combine them together to get the true goal which is the synthesis. This is the secret to manifestation in a matrix of duality.
2. Try to manage your expectations. Never allow yourself to become too happy as it will attract the opposite and suffering will soon follow. The purpose of denying yourself happiness is to create a steady medium. Avoid and stay away from any kind of hedonism. Instead seek calmness where nothing really good happens but nothing real bad happens either. This will weaken the control the matrix has over you by reducing the duality in your life. Calmness will help you overcome the matrix and transcend it.
To learn more about the law of counter balancing forces look for a book called "Reality Trans-Surfing."
@Novusod very well written and I experience exactly what you wrote. When I try to fix simple things, murphys law kicks in. I use all the tools of manifestation but there is always something which causes delays… like the tool I want to fix can’t be found in its place or a tool I need to buy is unavailable or the wrong one is delivered. If I get too happy something comes along to bring me right back to gloom. You can’t imagine how many things I have released (as in couldn’t care less if it stays or goes). Life is not normal for me. But I am calm (as calm as I can be, by not caring for not having the things I like having around me). The light forces should understand this feeling if they care. I am looking for the much needed healing after the event and before the pole shift.
The book goes into ways of dealing with murphy's law in ways previously unencountered. Goes into ways to bypass control mechanisms that are in place. The book's description of pendulums is priceless.
It also includes ideas from the law of attraction, but from a much more complete perspective, filling in missing pieces. Maybe give it a chance. Either way though. No pressure on anyone.
i am surprised that you actually follow this blog and still not get the laws of karma... its not laws of nurphy or the tools, its simply that we cant change anything unless it is written or forced to our life through chips in our minds and the destiny.. there is no free will and everything in our life is pre arranged.. so take it easy
I don't really try to manifest anything. I'm patient and wait. It was when I began to make money from my website (good money) and it was taken away through google illegally taking away every page I had. They trashed my website. Instant disappearance of money. So I wait... Things will turn around. Have you forgotten GESARA? We are getting closer. We will have money. Until the time we won't need money for we will be a galactic society.
@Hertug: "I am surprised that you actually follow this blog and still not get the laws of karma... "
I follow this blog because I have been a long time believer in Pole shift theory going back to at least 2007 before this blog even existed. Cobra also told us Karma is a deception created by the Archons. This aligns closely to how Krama actually works. It is a deception. Tell the Lords of Karma that you are sovereign.
NESARA was supposed to happen in Sept of 2001 which would have been followed a few months later by GESARA. The cabal had other ideas though. They blew up the trade center, stole all the money, and then spent it all on wars and secret space programs. This is all according to Leo Wanta the man who created NESARA / GESARA. Now that is so far in the past it doesn't even matter anymore. The pole shift is coming. No point in rebuilding the Earth when the pole shift will destroy it all anyway. After the pole shift things will be so prosperous nobody will need money.
Leo Wanta the man who created GESARA did not take into account the law of counterbalancing forces. Whenever someone tries to manifest something good then something bad will also happen to balance it out. This situation exists because the Earth is literally upside down. When people invoke the spiral of creation the spiral is also upside down too, it is inverted so it does not work as people expect it to. We have to flip the Earth right side up and then it will start working correctly. Then you will be able to manifest whatever you want without it exploding back in your face. In the meantime, just try to seek calmness and reduce the duality in your life as much as possible. Know that all is well. The cabal's plans have also backfired on them and they won't be doing much of anything either.
Novusoud@ It seems, it might be better, rather to be all the time furious, and to like nothing anymore, to wish nothing, but only thr basis, to keep your alleged Ballance, and as case might be, to leave the soul fragmentation as is, with no try soul retrieval. So, you might be not targeted.
Duality only exists is the illusion of Maya. If you need Maya to provide your bliss it will be fleeting and conditional. Bliss borne from the eternal base of Brahma is light itself, without shadow.
Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (liée au réseau PFC et qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui sera supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels... (Merci de largement partager 🙂) Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone” Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau Telegram « LIBERATION PLANETAIRE ET ASCENSION » & vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux… facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
NOTES OFFICIELLES CONFÉRENCE COBRA ASCENSION PHOENIX 2024(les 2 journées+documents/liens/videos français complémentaires/audio guides,Emission explicative) EMISSION EXPLICATIVE SERA DIFFUSEE et replay , Abonnez-vous à notre nouvelle chaine officielle : « PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL » L’UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l’équipe française du réseau « Prepare For Change »
Official reports : Cobra Conference on Ascension in Phoenix USA with additional links+documents( the 2 days, February 2024)
Headache, slight drowsiness, loud ringing in the ears, insomnia. All at once. Is it a consequence of “X” rating solar flares or low frequency attacks? Whatever it is, let it end soon for the love of the Goddess! ✨️🪽✨️
psychotronic effects from cell towers and 5g, operate at a frequency not to kill you, but to worsen the normal state of the body, affect cognitive functions - problems with vision and attention, memory, memorization - if you cannot remember, absorb information, this means that You are not able to operate on it and break it down into elements that are more understandable for others to understand, share it, educate others. It seems to me that in this way they directly prevent “disclosure”. Relatively speaking, if you destroy the centers for monitoring and managing this radiation - control centers for emitters or power sources for them, then this process can be stopped. I know of sources in Russia that seasonally affect entire regions of the country at a certain frequency and cause people to feel a constant feeling of fatigue. If I can find information about this (it was somewhere) I can post the details. Moreover, there are several of these sources and the authorities are directly involved in this. For example, it is known for sure that they were turned on during the 2018 elections in the Russian Federation, there was even a radiation schedule for these dates, it is clearly visible that it is increasing. Now in Russia, private individuals have created a group that is engaged in investigating and measuring radiation, and they were able to establish that frequencies harmful to the body are deliberately used (I am not posting the link so that the channel will not be deleted, I have already copied the video). As I wrote earlier in previous posts on this blog, the key to understanding is the Russian Towers company, financed directly from abroad; at the moment, all cellular operators rent cellular towers from this company - they themselves do not build them, citing high costs construction, rent is cheaper. that is, it can be assumed that these towers not only have a psychotronic effect on people, but also collect and send data from telephone conversations and Internet traffic abroad.
Unprecedented surveillance standards have been introduced for Russian travelers. Gigabytes of monetary data will be stored for seven years, and security forces will be given access to them.
"...But, what is most interesting, the Russian Ministry of Health is actively involved in the development of the new edition of the IHR, which is being carried out quietly, without unnecessary fanfare, as you can see by clicking on the above link ( articles/nash-minzdrav-ljog-pod-voz-no-rossija-ne-ljazhet_572700) The report shows that the “Russian Federation on behalf of the Eurasian Economic Union” submitted proposals to change paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, IHR 18, 23 and 44. In other words, our officials from the Ministry of Health are de facto participating in the preparation of the Pandemic Agreement and, therefore, in the work of the globalists to assign a digital tag to every person on the planet, without which people will become outcasts - they will not receive work and funds for existence, will not be able to move freely, not to mention everything else.
Squeezed in quietly A terrible thing, which was obscured by the high-profile topics of the war in Ukraine and other equally important issues, happened quietly and peacefully at the recent G20 summit in Bali. In the final G20 declaration, they squeezed in the 19th point (are they the organizers?) an idea - and this was signed by all participants in the meeting, and thank God that President Putin was not there - which in its essence is more important than all other issues that were discussed at this summit.
Paragraph 19 of the G20 declaration states:
We support the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), which will develop and negotiate a legally binding instrument that should contain both legally binding and non-legally binding elements to strengthen the pandemic prevention system, preparedness and response (Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, PPR - note TG) and the working group on the International Health Regulations, which will consider amendments to the IHR 2005, given that the decision will be taken at the World Health Assembly .
In the text of the 19th paragraph of the declaration there are several undeciphered concepts that few people know, therefore this paragraph is understandable only to initiates and did not immediately attract the attention it deserves. Now the readers of this article will be dedicated. When you understand all these strange phrases and names, a very dangerous picture emerges. So, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, INB. It was created at the height of the coronavirus pandemic within the framework of the WHO and under the auspices of the European Union, and is engaged in the preparation of a global agreement on the pandemic.
The “legally binding document” is the global Pandemic Agreement. Please note that it is called “legally binding”. This means that countries that have signed the document undertake obligations to legislatively introduce a “digital health certificate” for their citizens. If Russia signs the Pandemic Agreement, and apparently the Ministry of Health will sign, then our health officials will throw an electronic noose around the neck of all Russian citizens and throw us all into a common, global electronic concentration camp. ..."
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov-Kalantaryan, all of whose family members from grandchildren to parents have Israeli citizenship at the G20 summit:
The signing of the pandemic agreement is scheduled for a month after the “victory” of the Hasidic puppet “Putin” in the “elections”
Now Blackrock owner Larry Fink is coming to India soon, will be hosted by Ambanis and maybe Adani. Indian social media networks except mainstream media are openly talking about how Blackrock is a huge giant which owns every other major apparent companies in the world. Something is really going to happen and I hope it happens soon cause people need to get jolted to wake up soon.
As far as I know, India is cooperating with the US against China's expansionist plans, and there have been border clashes involving non-lethal weapons between both sides. Azerbaijan, as I previously wrote, how the state is controlled by clans of Mountain Jews operating through Turkey in the interests of Israel, and the connections between Israel and the Jewish capital that created Great Britain are obvious - they are connected by Jews for whom all non-Jews are not people, but cattle, which can and should be robbed and kill so that only Jews will occupy the planet. This is a well-known fact that is written in their written books. As far as I know, if a person becomes a citizen of Israel through repatriation, he passes an exam on knowledge of this information from these books and thereby confirms that he serves the interests of this sect. After all, there is such an author-writer as Shlomo, he himself is a Jew and claims that there is neither the Jewish people nor the state of Israel and that this is a purely political project. but for some reason I remember one interesting fact: “not all Jews are bankers, but all bankers (families and top management of banks) are Jews.” Surprisingly, the books of this shlomo are very rarely available for sale in Russia, but the online stores that sell them do not sell them to any region - I tried to purchase them from 4 regions and could not do this from any of them. Perhaps there is some kind of qualification for the possibility of purchasing it. That is, it is in the store, but it cannot be bought in at least 4 stores in different regions, and it is not available in physical stores, only via the Internet. Here, in the case of Armenia and Azerbaijan, there are most likely contradictions between two families - the Rothschilds (England, Israel) support Azerbaijan, the Rockefellers support the CIA (Pashinyans). For Russia and the Russian people there is nothing positive from any of the health services of these countries. that Armenians and Azerbaijanis constitute the largest diplomatic communities in the Russian Federation which, as part of bribery of local law enforcement officers, up to the FSB and officials, murders and terrorist attacks against Russian entrepreneurs, have actually taken over the entire food trade that is not a network (supermarket chains owned by oligarchic monopolists and registered in offshore companies , only one network out of 15 has 51% state capital). Any store that is not a chain in Russia belongs to either an Armenian or an Azerbaijani; if the owner of the store is poor, he hires a Russian to work in it, if he is rich, he employs his many relatives as warriors. Not to mention the dysfunctional antimonopoly service. In fact, the average Russian (whose age is approximately 37-45 years old) pays approximately 80% of his income in the form of direct and indirect taxes. And this is with approximately 7-10 times lower wages compared to developed countries and no industry - the culture of creative work has been destroyed and vocational schools have been closed - there are no factories where they can work. A junior researcher receives a monthly salary of $120; reagents are not produced in the country. Russia does not invest even 2% of its budget in science. Surprisingly, even being a British colony in the past, India, represented by its ruling stratum and middle class, retains a reverent attitude towards its former masters. As far as I know, it was the caste system that Schwab carefully borrowed from India for the new world order in the format of globalism-inclusive capitalism, supposedly everyone except the Jewish elite is “unworthy.”
But what is interesting: the self-determination of the British as the “chosen race” occurred during the period when Jewish capital arrived on their island, which was simply a “hole, a ghetto” of that historical period. That is, there are well-proven reasons to assert that the arrogance of the English is an Old Testament borrowing, cultivated deliberately to create a sense of one’s own superiority and the destruction of morality, which would allow one to act with the determination of a criminal and achieve one’s goals by any means, relentlessly and ignoring all laws (and Christian virtue, the English even they created their own version of Christianity where the king became the local pope), sparing no one. All traces of this come from the Jewish Talmud, the Old Testament, where Jews are the highest beings, and the rest are animals. Just for fun, find versions of these books in English, if you can do it in your own language, and check them out. There are two versions of them - one for ordinary Jews, and the second for spiritual mentors. in the USSR, one of them translated the Talmud for the “shepherds”, in it it was revealed how they cut down sacred groves and killed pagan priests who bowed to the bull as a symbol of motherhood and the cosmos. It seems to me that I’ve been writing on this forum for several years and did you really think that I was making all this up out of my head? There are certain sources and certain data that can be useful only when there is general interest in this. I think that only during the creation of a truth commission can these materials be provided in physical volume. As soon as our “high” friends are able to restore order, one of the first questions will be to establish what happened. One of the key roles will be played by the Vatican RKLMquary, where artifacts and storage media were removed from Tartary. The location of the library of Ivan the Terrible has not yet been established, but according to rumors, scrolls of the Ministry of Health of the Alexandrian Library received as a dowry from Sophia Paleolog were found there. Probably during the Russian Troubles, organized by the Jesuits, this library was taken away.
I am especially concerned about the life expectancy of the specialists and persons who are key witnesses that interest me. All of them are of advanced and very advanced age, and their knowledge and information, competence in some areas is worth much more than that of figures like Soros and Kissinger, who are only walking guarantors for the promises made by their controllers, which, relatively speaking, are living “seals on documents” . Relatively speaking, their “value” lies only in the fact that they are better than others at lying, plotting and issuing commands for destruction, but within the framework of a group of peoples and humanity as a whole, their value is not even positive, but goes into a deep minus. Minus a balance in which they will never be able to pay off, even if they want to. I’m afraid that if “high” friends don’t have time with things, they will constantly postpone and reschedule, those who should help draw up an overall picture of what was happening (and this is necessary as part of the investigative process, so that not a single culprit escapes justice) and help look into the deep past, will disappear irrevocably. In this case, an attempt to build the picture correctly and punish ALL involved will be either difficult or impossible. Unless it is possible to directly inhabit the souls of deceased people into artificial or cloned bodies, so that after death they can give testimony and help with their experience and knowledge.
I did not read all of it. Cobra already mentioned the Black nobilities are the highest people and they are not Jewish as far as I know. The Jewish stuff and also Rockefeller and Rothschild stuff is usually a distraction. They are probably sacrified so that people think the cabal is defeated. These ancient royal families that are mentioned on this blog seem to be behind it. That also makes more sense, because the ancient royalty usually only loses the title. They did not disposses them when they were overthroned.
Pashinyan and Soros 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The former mayor of Yerevan called Pashinyan a “blunt instrument” of the CIA and MI6 A second front against Russia may be opened in Transcaucasia "...Pashinyan was brought to power by the CIA and MI6 precisely in order to do what he is doing now. Yes, he sometimes flirts with the Russian Federation and the CSTO. But this is just a game, he is a blunt instrument in the hands of Western intelligence services. .."
February 23, 2024 Armenia suspended participation in the CSTO
India is helping Armenia to get armed up to their teeth against Azerbaijan, do you know that? Current Indian government is so effective that the whole Indian population is spellbound by rampant development. Some have considered Indian PM as Avatar of God Vishnu.
Sorry, I sent the text in the browser without a translator and in my haste I mixed up the messages. I commented on this message above, based on your nickname and got confused.
I have news about the outages that are taking place in America.
Apparently Trump is behind these outages and we are hearing this from Shari Raye.
She says the cell phones, which were out, were being cleaned up. CLEANED UP. I sure hope this is right and something good is beginning to happen. It was NOT a solar flare.
She has a picture of a QFS, quantum coin. Er, exciting.
She reckons that the Fed is dead, the IRS is dead.
Conférence de Cobra, traduction en français compréhensible ( y compris lien et croquis ) jour 1 : jour 2 :
THREE X-FLARES, ZERO CMES: Giant sunspot AR3590 is living up to the hype. In only 23 hours spanning Feb. 21-22, the active region unleashed three powerful X-class solar flares (X1.8, X1.7 and X6.3). The X6.3 flare is the strongest of Solar Cycle 25, so far, and the most powerful flare since the great solar storms of Sept. 2017.
I can't even listen to SuspiciousObservers today, as he is ranting on and on about it being the sun. NOT the sun. I'm listening to the white/grey hats on this. They are clearing out stuff. It is not hacking either. Whether it is Trump, or some white hat, they are clearing out all the illegal sh*t out of here... Finally. Well, that is my story. We'll wait and see.
I continue to watch, even though he focuses on catastrophe instead of ascension. I've been watching the Electron Valence chart on for the past few weeks, as I noticed a downward trend. Today, for the first time I can recall, the reading went below the 1e+06 line. Significantly below. It got me wondering: is this chart one of the ways that we can measure primary anomaly in 3D? I haven't yet begun trying to 'map' perceptions to the chart yet to see if something that I feel correlates to changes on that chart, so it's little more than intuition for the moment. IF this chart is indeed a measure of primary anomaly activity on Earth, it would represent a significant victory of the Light in progress.
As far as the solar flare/tech failure thing, I think there is no coincidence that both of these effects are aligned. There is always consciousness actively working to clear negativity, and when solar conditions are suddenly much more helpful, success happens without increase in effort. I don't pin all of the results on either option, but rather that both inputs contributed to both outputs. I just wonder if the Electron Valence chart might be a way to actually measure success. Might also be a sign that the galactic superwave (Radcliffe wave) has begun impacting the magnetosphere of our solar system.
thanks very much for the ongoing primo intel cobra.....
and thanks very much all lightforces here in theatre of war operations.....
the surging energies from x class solar flares;the increased volume of mjolnir technology recently is expanding the collective consciousness sub reality of the matrix;probably faster than it has in close to 26000 years.....
our missions are over sooooon;relief is coming....or it could be just me;im a little fu$$ed up at the least of course.....and dont forget to laugh fine humans;its good for you.....hahahahaha.....
She did a reading today and it is positive, i.e. there were bad chemtrails and still are some of them, but they are being cleaned away, and for the future they will be gone.
breaking news-many spacecowboys and spacecowgirls have being giving testomonies of all sorts of off planet experiences;for many years on earth now.....
so tell me are we all lying-hahahahaha.....
one of my favorite memories is of a mars cat hunting an insect.....
the cat was about 50 pounds;medium brownbeige in color with thin black stripes running from head to tail in direction.....
compared to the earth cats pound for pound the mars cat is stronger i would propose.....gravity factor is different on these planets of course-mars having approximately 60 percent of the force of gravity on its surface compared to the earths force of gravity at the surface.....
this cat is strong like the leopard and also fast like the cheetah of these cats successfully hunt large insects among other prey.....
the insect this cat hunted that i remember was about 2 and a half feet long 2 feet wide and about a foot and a half tall.....
the cat showed amazing built in stealth technology as it brilliantly snuck up on the insect until it was close enough to attack.....
when it attacked it jumped onto the back of the insect;and quickly got its claws dug into the insects back so it may prevent being thrown off by the insect;and began to carve into the insect with its fangs....
breeching into the central nervous system of the insectoid ;located at the lower neck area;quickly neutralizing the insectoid.....
the cats get thrown off and are not successful in the hunt often;just like the cats on earth;and in some cases become the prey of the insectoids.....
cats are amazing hunters by any standards i would propose-with exceptional organic stealth technology skills;high levels of perserverance patience courage etc.....
An analytical report by the independent online publication Nordic Times concluded that “members of the British government” during the period when Liz Truss was Prime Minister were the most likely organizers of the bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. According to this version, the explosion was carried out by a British special forces team operating from the British nuclear submarine HMS Ambush.
Years earlier I had the audacity to advise a Croatian person and teaching him about life based on articles I read online or things I saw on tv. This was the time of the conflict there. Fortunately for me I have always been a good listener and so, when he explained with some indignation about the ground situation, I understood one thing:
1. That, I will never know what someone is experiencing unless and until I am in the same situation. 2. No matter how someone explains to me the situation they are experiencing, I will never be able to really know unless I am experiencing the same thing myself.
That’s all. The light forces should just know that we are suffering and suffocating here. Don’t understand the why and the how! Just come and get the job done by giving yourselves a deadline and giving us a hint about that deadline. Don’t give us the details so that the dark doesn’t know what is about to hit them next. Just do it and show us you are here and show us the money so to speak. I mean c’mon…
Im repeating myself here: there will be a time when they will find themselves carrying all the load of everything that has happened while they were discussing what to do with the situation here.
Woolworths supermarket CEO was just sacked. There is massive price gouging. It's happening all over the planet, right? Everyone was happy that the CEO is gone.
About the cheapest bread is now $2.90 A year ago it was about $2 Supermarket used to cost $20. I'm not joking, now it costs $40. Rip off. Just for a few days food. I'm switching to the bread stick - it is now $2.10. I bet it goes up soon. I don't really buy junk anymore. Bit of chocolate. I'm eating very little and yet it is so expensive. SO EXPENSIVE. No food grows in the garden any more...
Valójában bármit eszel, az szemét, moslék, még akkor is, ha próbálják elhitetni veled, hogy az egészséges. Ahogy emelkedik E föld, úgy az anyagok hatása az emberi testre, meg fog változni. Az összes gyógyszer nem fog érni semmit.
Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides at present operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.
It is early days but - Maybe my legs have started to feel a bit better. Well I've noticed slightly less numbness in those two toes. I think or hope the Chlorella is maybe working.
Man when is the astral plane gonna get any better? its such a mess over there! also these negative entities that are out here in physical, they are getting very annoying! they wont leave me alone! we need a light grip up ASAP this is getting too much for me to handle!
Mindent küldj magadba. Behunyt szem, becsukott száj, és magadban mond: Minden kellemetlen érzés, menjen magamba, most. Addig mond, amíg megszűnik a kellemetlen érzés. Ha magyarul mondod, az még hatásosabb.
I would like to get a comment from the blog author about this video: is this a real video or a fake? The recording demonstrates the use by a flying object of a triangular shape of a remote beam of a gravitational nature to lift (?) a certain object. why am I asking? about a year ago in the night sky I observed a certain object, a triangular-shaped object in the night sky, it rotated around its axis and there were luminous lights at its ends, it also seemed to me that some kind of energy was projected between the corners, perhaps residual, because the light between the corners during rotation it became brighter, then faded - as during the launch of the emitter, the increase in power and subsequent shutdown with the repetition of the process, this lasted an hour or two, then the object disappeared. Yesterday I saw a similar glow, but further than last time and I could only roughly see the triangle itself based on the lights at the corners; I didn’t notice the pulsating glow.
Oh SuspiciousObservers blocked me for pointing out that several sources were saying it wasn't the sun, it wasn't hacking, it was the white hats. So I got blocked. Eh, he's an idiot lol. I only left a total of 3 messages. He's a total idiot.
"Here's a rich conversation with Dr. Jordan Maxwell about the American based People's Health Alliance (PHA), the astrology of that, and how astrology also links to health."
- Some examples of energy healing modalities:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Guys, you are the best! Over the years, I have realized that the best information is free information, because... where there is a desire for profit, there is no desire for truth, truth, knowledge, and therefore the quality of information will be mediocre, if not outright garbage. Knowledge and Science as a method of collecting and analyzing, processing this knowledge is, first of all, reproducibility; if you cannot reproduce what someone else has done, this is fantasy. Have you ever wondered why there is no free and high-quality school and higher education in your countries? There is quality, but it’s always paid, there are small quotas, but there won’t be enough for everyone; Why don’t they build more universities and train more teachers? In this situation, it vaguely seems to me that a supercosmic civilization capable of building Dyson spheres around stars and terraforming planets will need earthly candy wrappers for certain projects. Like certain gold reserves of some families and countries secured by future financial systems, this is ridiculous. Super-technologies increase labor productivity severalfold and all the currencies and resources of the planet will immediately lose value and depreciate, something similar is indirectly hinted at by the blog author when he writes about a diamond asteroid. By themselves, these jewels are worth nothing; since ancient times they have been used by low-intellectual (low-spiritual?) women to show off to themselves which of them has more status, that is, their value is ensured only by the cost of the human ego at a specific moment in history. Well, in terms of brain physiology, this is pure dominance, which is also present in animals, including macaques. When I see two ladies showing off their bling to each other, I imagine two macaques on a palm branch, one of whom has put a can of Fanta on her head, and the other of whom has put a pink scrunchie on her hand, and both of them think they are beautiful (a way to attract male, animal instinct), but there is no practical benefit from these tchotchkes, this is the level of thinking of the animal. For example, an expensive car, a huge medieval mansion, etc. - people demonstrate their monkey tendencies. Of course, there must be a certain level of comfort, but if the goal is to gain some kind of super-wealth, especially at the expense of others and with a public demonstration of one’s impunity, in order to devalue the people around, then this is clearly a mental deviation. The only problem is that psychos have taken over the world and are keeping healthy people with a noose around their necks and you won’t put them in a hospital, they’ll rather tear your head off.
Regarding the application, both versions are in Chinese, there are only Chinese in the chat, the translator from Chinese to Russian and from English to Russian does not work. I sent a message in English to the chat that I was ready to help with the translation of the interface, write me a private message for details - the message disappeared from the history when I logged in a few hours later. I downloaded the Chinese and English versions from the links - both Chinese with the ability to select English. The Russian language is present as a translation option for English, but in fact it does not translate, it remains in English. The translator only works in the questions and answers section and is very crooked. Questions can only be answered once; in the end, some of the questions are only in Chinese, that is, they were not even translated into English. I tried to start music and sounds of different meditations - when you click on a track in the list, a song is selected and a pure white screen lights up, there is no sound, although during the very first installation (until people realized that this is a Chinese version and the need for an invitation code of 4 letters) it started playing a wonderful melody (as I understand it, it’s random from the list, a zither or a harp? a string instrument). Perhaps it’s worth posting an email address on the blog for bug reports and contacts with developers? So far, something like this.
The Sun experienced its largest flare in seven years
Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the largest explosion in seven years occurred on the Sun.
“The largest explosion in this solar cycle was recorded on the Sun by space monitors tonight between 01.00 and 02.00 Moscow time, the solar astronomy laboratory of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences told RIA Novosti. The solar cycle lasts approximately 12 years, during which solar activity can weaken or increase. Earlier, the laboratory told RIA Novosti that the maximum of the current cycle will occur in 2024-2025. ..."
TIME SENSITIVE! Meditation to Escort Jacob Rothschild into the Galactic Central Sun
"Jacob Rothschild passed away at the age of 87 on February 26th, 2024.Therefore, we are going to do a Buddhic Column meditation and send Light and protection to escort his soul safely into the hands of the Light Forces. Once he is safely guided through the etheric planes, he will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun. This will move us forward on the most positive Ascension Timeline for planet Earth. We are going to do this mass meditation from February 26th at 1 PM UTC, and then every 4 hours for the next 5 days. You may also do this meditation as often as you wish. You can use the following guided audio for this meditation.”
Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC
“Make this viral to everyone in the USA! Forward to friends, post on social media, notify people you know who have large mailing lists, and send to people with large viewing audiences! Two events in 2024 will have the most impact on the future of the United States of America. One is the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024. The other is the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. The energy of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th presents the opportunity for a moment of decision for citizens of the United States, where people in the United States can decide what our future will be. To take advantage of this powerful moment, there will be a 20-minute synchronized meditation taking place at the peak of the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024, at 6:18 PM UTC. The intent of this meditation is to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.”
🔥 Méditation pour envoyer Jacob Rothschild dans le Soleil Central Galactique 🔥 toutes les 4 heures (du 26 février à partir de 14:00 UTC+1 jusqu'au samedi 2 mars 2024 à 22:00 UTC+1)
🗓 événement Facebook public en français :
par Prepare for Change France Officiel depuis 2013
Hey Cobra. I don't know if this video has been posted before. This is a binaural beat that activates your brain. I listened to it and it definitely activated my brain, I even began deprogramming from it. Anyways check this out
I think this binaural beat could be a key tool in helping with one's personal Ascension process.
“When you really fight the enemy, and don’t crawl on your knees begging for negotiations.
Four undersea communication cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti have been disabled by the Houthis in recent months.
The successful attack on four cables believed to belong to AAE-1, Seacom, EIG and TGN systems indicates a major disruption to communications between Europe and Asia.
Let me remind you that the United States blew up the pipelines of Nord Stream, Putin’s favorite raw materials brainchild. But there was no answer for this from the word at all. Dogs don't bite their owners."
Telegram has collapsed all over the country, they write that YouTube, WhatsApp and Uber are not working. It is launched only through a VPN, is this not an attempt to implement a Chinese firewall with censorship and without access to the global information flow?
Só para registro: o mundo ainda está muito louco, hoje à noite recebemos uma visita ilustre em minha casa de uma consciência cheia de luz e não convidamos essa merda para nosso lar. Segundo a minha esposa a entidade tinha um aspecto estranho com olhos muito grande e meio distorcida... a entidade estava se drenando a energia da minha esposa e enquanto fazia isso a minha esposa tinha muitos pesadelos... entre os pesadelos ela conseguia acordar e ver a entidade cheia de luz... que estava muito feliz e sorrindo com o feito... ou seja, drenar energia/luz e imprimir pesadelos na consciência dela... a consciência percebeu que minha esposa podia vê-la e ficou surpresa com isso, como ela percebeu que minha esposa estava vendo... a entidade se afastou e foi embora.... Resultado: minha esposa levantou da cama cedo quase sem energia/luz e parecia que tinha apanhado a noite inteira e tinha muitas dores no corpo físico. Até quando esses serem vão se alimentar dos humanos?
Strange Sounds in the Sky Being Heard Now All Over the World
So we all know about the strange sounds being heard everywhere. Personally I haven't heard them yet. According to Izabela, they come from giant UFOs. They are friendly to us humans but they are deadly to Illuminati and Deep State, so on. Deadly to lizards. They should be TERRIFIED because it means the last of them lizards and so on will be GONE. They do sound scary but if you listen for a while, I think they sound soothing, considering what they mean for our world. Great stuff is coming for good humans, and bad, awful stuff for the Deep State.
Oh yuk, I was listening to Izabela do a reading on France a while ago, and it seems when they had riots destroying stuff 7 months ago, they were all done mostly with reptilians! Reptilians, pretending to be humans. Blah! Thank god they are getting rid of most of those now.
Something Very Strange Is Happening.. Videos Like This Are Beginning To FREΑK Ρeople Out
He talks a lot about Hollyweird and the weird stuff going on. Over there, most richie people are selling their mansions now. Most of them. Yeah, they are all dead, cloned, ridiculous people. The rest of them who aren't cloned are Seinfeld...It's a very, very interesting watch.
Also, he is aware that the church will go down, this guy is prophesying the fall of the Vatican, even though of course it has already fallen...
Write about reptilians contacting people telling them that they are also reptilians, also reptilians pretend to be Pleiadians or our soul mates while contacting us. How many of them are really incarnated here?
Thank You Cobra !! VOTL
ReplyDeleteThe registration invitation code for Streeseeds Land App is: volt
DeleteLet's pray that after the 18 million IBC entities are cleared the fuckers over India and Africa don't pull more of them out of their rear ends.
ReplyDeleteYES!!! Let's GO Lightforces and Resistance Movement!! 🫵😉👍
Done! Happy to help!☝️😎👍
Cobra always tells us manifest abundance, but he never really tells us how. He says "Take action" but that is now how it works. We live in a duality. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
ReplyDeleteThis reactionary force is called the "Law of counter balancing forces." It is counterpart to the "Law of attraction" that states whenever you attract one thing to yourself then it also attracts its' polar opposite. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If you attract a good thing into your life then also a bad thing will come into your life to balance out the good. The matrix will not allow anyone to achieve any form of long term happiness. If you push too hard to achieve a goal the law of attraction will kind of bend in on itself. It will become as a serpent eating its own tail. You will not be attracting the goal to yourself but instead the "struggle" to achieve the goal will overshadow the goal itself. This struggle is what you will end up attracting more of to yourself because that is where your energy is directed. The universe will always move the goal posts so that you may continue with your struggle. Hence the saying the struggle is real.
How to cope:
1. Understand anything you oppose directly will only become stronger. This is why Jan 6th didn't work well for those involved. People took action but their actions only made the enemy stronger because they did not make account for the reactionary force. Doing anything in this duality is like trying to sail against the wind. However sailing against the wind using nothing but the wind itself is possible. Any decent sailor knows this. There is a process called "tacking."
When a boat moves side to side it is able make progress against the direction of the wind. To reach your goal you must never try to sail directly to your goal. You must set a false goal and sail to that destination first, and then set another false goal in the opposite direction. The synthesis of the two false goals will bring you toward your real goal. It is very much the origin of the power behind the Hegelian dialectic. You take the thesis (false goal A) and it's antithesis (false goal B) and combine them together to get the true goal which is the synthesis. This is the secret to manifestation in a matrix of duality.
2. Try to manage your expectations. Never allow yourself to become too happy as it will attract the opposite and suffering will soon follow. The purpose of denying yourself happiness is to create a steady medium. Avoid and stay away from any kind of hedonism. Instead seek calmness where nothing really good happens but nothing real bad happens either. This will weaken the control the matrix has over you by reducing the duality in your life. Calmness will help you overcome the matrix and transcend it.
To learn more about the law of counter balancing forces look for a book called "Reality Trans-Surfing."
Very well written, and very interesting points made! Wow!
DeleteShhhhh. Logic is not welcome around new age circles.
DeleteReality Transurfing Audiobook Chapters
Delete@Novusod very well written and I experience exactly what you wrote. When I try to fix simple things, murphys law kicks in. I use all the tools of manifestation but there is always something which causes delays… like the tool I want to fix can’t be found in its place or a tool I need to buy is unavailable or the wrong one is delivered. If I get too happy something comes along to bring me right back to gloom. You can’t imagine how many things I have released (as in couldn’t care less if it stays or goes). Life is not normal for me. But I am calm (as calm as I can be, by not caring for not having the things I like having around me). The light forces should understand this feeling if they care. I am looking for the much needed healing after the event and before the pole shift.
DeleteThe book goes into ways of dealing with murphy's law in ways previously unencountered. Goes into ways to bypass control mechanisms that are in place. The book's description of pendulums is priceless.
DeleteIt also includes ideas from the law of attraction, but from a much more complete perspective, filling in missing pieces. Maybe give it a chance. Either way though. No pressure on anyone.
i am surprised that you actually follow this blog and still not get the laws of karma... its not laws of nurphy or the tools, its simply that we cant change anything unless it is written or forced to our life through chips in our minds and the destiny.. there is no free will and everything in our life is pre arranged.. so take it easy
DeleteI don't really try to manifest anything. I'm patient and wait. It was when I began to make money from my website (good money) and it was taken away through google illegally taking away every page I had. They trashed my website. Instant disappearance of money. So I wait... Things will turn around. Have you forgotten GESARA? We are getting closer. We will have money. Until the time we won't need money for we will be a galactic society.
DeleteI am looking forward to the day when we all are sharing positive (dreams coming true) experiences on this blog
DeleteThere is NO karma.
@Hertug: "I am surprised that you actually follow this blog and still not get the laws of karma... "
DeleteI follow this blog because I have been a long time believer in Pole shift theory going back to at least 2007 before this blog even existed. Cobra also told us Karma is a deception created by the Archons. This aligns closely to how Krama actually works. It is a deception. Tell the Lords of Karma that you are sovereign.*/
@psychic: "Have you forgotten GESARA?"
NESARA was supposed to happen in Sept of 2001 which would have been followed a few months later by GESARA. The cabal had other ideas though. They blew up the trade center, stole all the money, and then spent it all on wars and secret space programs. This is all according to Leo Wanta the man who created NESARA / GESARA. Now that is so far in the past it doesn't even matter anymore. The pole shift is coming. No point in rebuilding the Earth when the pole shift will destroy it all anyway. After the pole shift things will be so prosperous nobody will need money.
Leo Wanta the man who created GESARA did not take into account the law of counterbalancing forces. Whenever someone tries to manifest something good then something bad will also happen to balance it out. This situation exists because the Earth is literally upside down. When people invoke the spiral of creation the spiral is also upside down too, it is inverted so it does not work as people expect it to. We have to flip the Earth right side up and then it will start working correctly. Then you will be able to manifest whatever you want without it exploding back in your face. In the meantime, just try to seek calmness and reduce the duality in your life as much as possible. Know that all is well. The cabal's plans have also backfired on them and they won't be doing much of anything either.
DeleteIt seems, it might be better, rather to be all the time furious, and to like nothing anymore, to wish nothing, but only thr basis, to keep your alleged Ballance, and as case might be, to leave the soul fragmentation as is, with no try soul retrieval. So, you might be not targeted.
Duality only exists is the illusion of Maya. If you need Maya to provide your bliss it will be fleeting and conditional. Bliss borne from the eternal base of Brahma is light itself, without shadow.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow is Cobra allowing this?? Don't you know we're all broke?🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻♀️
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NOTES OFFICIELLES CONFÉRENCE COBRA ASCENSION PHOENIX 2024(les 2 journées+documents/liens/videos français complémentaires/audio guides,Emission explicative)
EMISSION EXPLICATIVE SERA DIFFUSEE et replay , Abonnez-vous à notre nouvelle chaine officielle :
« PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL » L’UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l’équipe française du réseau « Prepare For Change »
Official reports : Cobra Conference on Ascension in Phoenix USA with additional links+documents( the 2 days, February 2024)
Headache, slight drowsiness, loud ringing in the ears, insomnia. All at once. Is it a consequence of “X” rating solar flares or low frequency attacks? Whatever it is, let it end soon for the love of the Goddess! ✨️🪽✨️
ReplyDeleteProvável que essas dores sejam temporárias.
DeleteDe qualquer forma, esteja preparado para possíveis ataques. Espero que você melhore dessas dores o mais breve possível.
@Lightpower - Gratitude, blessed be!
Delete@thundeRRobot_ - Immense gratitude!
Deletepsychotronic effects from cell towers and 5g, operate at a frequency not to kill you, but to worsen the normal state of the body, affect cognitive functions - problems with vision and attention, memory, memorization - if you cannot remember, absorb information, this means that You are not able to operate on it and break it down into elements that are more understandable for others to understand, share it, educate others. It seems to me that in this way they directly prevent “disclosure”. Relatively speaking, if you destroy the centers for monitoring and managing this radiation - control centers for emitters or power sources for them, then this process can be stopped. I know of sources in Russia that seasonally affect entire regions of the country at a certain frequency and cause people to feel a constant feeling of fatigue. If I can find information about this (it was somewhere) I can post the details. Moreover, there are several of these sources and the authorities are directly involved in this. For example, it is known for sure that they were turned on during the 2018 elections in the Russian Federation, there was even a radiation schedule for these dates, it is clearly visible that it is increasing. Now in Russia, private individuals have created a group that is engaged in investigating and measuring radiation, and they were able to establish that frequencies harmful to the body are deliberately used (I am not posting the link so that the channel will not be deleted, I have already copied the video). As I wrote earlier in previous posts on this blog, the key to understanding is the Russian Towers company, financed directly from abroad; at the moment, all cellular operators rent cellular towers from this company - they themselves do not build them, citing high costs construction, rent is cheaper. that is, it can be assumed that these towers not only have a psychotronic effect on people, but also collect and send data from telephone conversations and Internet traffic abroad.
DeleteUnprecedented surveillance standards have been introduced for Russian travelers. Gigabytes of monetary data will be stored for seven years, and security forces will be given access to them.
"...But, what is most interesting, the Russian Ministry of Health is actively involved in the development of the new edition of the IHR, which is being carried out quietly, without unnecessary fanfare, as you can see by clicking on the above link ( articles/nash-minzdrav-ljog-pod-voz-no-rossija-ne-ljazhet_572700) The report shows that the “Russian Federation on behalf of the Eurasian Economic Union” submitted proposals to change paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, IHR 18, 23 and 44. In other words, our officials from the Ministry of Health are de facto participating in the preparation of the Pandemic Agreement and, therefore, in the work of the globalists to assign a digital tag to every person on the planet, without which people will become outcasts - they will not receive work and funds for existence, will not be able to move freely, not to mention everything else.
Squeezed in quietly
A terrible thing, which was obscured by the high-profile topics of the war in Ukraine and other equally important issues, happened quietly and peacefully at the recent G20 summit in Bali. In the final G20 declaration, they squeezed in the 19th point (are they the organizers?) an idea - and this was signed by all participants in the meeting, and thank God that President Putin was not there - which in its essence is more important than all other issues that were discussed at this summit.
Paragraph 19 of the G20 declaration states:
We support the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), which will develop and negotiate a legally binding instrument that should contain both legally binding and non-legally binding elements to strengthen the pandemic prevention system, preparedness and response (Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, PPR - note TG) and the working group on the International Health Regulations, which will consider amendments to the IHR 2005, given that the decision will be taken at the World Health Assembly .
In the text of the 19th paragraph of the declaration there are several undeciphered concepts that few people know, therefore this paragraph is understandable only to initiates and did not immediately attract the attention it deserves. Now the readers of this article will be dedicated. When you understand all these strange phrases and names, a very dangerous picture emerges. So, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, INB. It was created at the height of the coronavirus pandemic within the framework of the WHO and under the auspices of the European Union, and is engaged in the preparation of a global agreement on the pandemic.
The “legally binding document” is the global Pandemic Agreement. Please note that it is called “legally binding”. This means that countries that have signed the document undertake obligations to legislatively introduce a “digital health certificate” for their citizens. If Russia signs the Pandemic Agreement, and apparently the Ministry of Health will sign, then our health officials will throw an electronic noose around the neck of all Russian citizens and throw us all into a common, global electronic concentration camp.
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov-Kalantaryan, all of whose family members from grandchildren to parents have Israeli citizenship at the G20 summit:
The signing of the pandemic agreement is scheduled for a month after the “victory” of the Hasidic puppet “Putin” in the “elections”
Now Blackrock owner Larry Fink is coming to India soon, will be hosted by Ambanis and maybe Adani. Indian social media networks except mainstream media are openly talking about how Blackrock is a huge giant which owns every other major apparent companies in the world. Something is really going to happen and I hope it happens soon cause people need to get jolted to wake up soon.
DeleteAs far as I know, India is cooperating with the US against China's expansionist plans, and there have been border clashes involving non-lethal weapons between both sides. Azerbaijan, as I previously wrote, how the state is controlled by clans of Mountain Jews operating through Turkey in the interests of Israel, and the connections between Israel and the Jewish capital that created Great Britain are obvious - they are connected by Jews for whom all non-Jews are not people, but cattle, which can and should be robbed and kill so that only Jews will occupy the planet. This is a well-known fact that is written in their written books. As far as I know, if a person becomes a citizen of Israel through repatriation, he passes an exam on knowledge of this information from these books and thereby confirms that he serves the interests of this sect. After all, there is such an author-writer as Shlomo, he himself is a Jew and claims that there is neither the Jewish people nor the state of Israel and that this is a purely political project. but for some reason I remember one interesting fact: “not all Jews are bankers, but all bankers (families and top management of banks) are Jews.” Surprisingly, the books of this shlomo are very rarely available for sale in Russia, but the online stores that sell them do not sell them to any region - I tried to purchase them from 4 regions and could not do this from any of them. Perhaps there is some kind of qualification for the possibility of purchasing it. That is, it is in the store, but it cannot be bought in at least 4 stores in different regions, and it is not available in physical stores, only via the Internet. Here, in the case of Armenia and Azerbaijan, there are most likely contradictions between two families - the Rothschilds (England, Israel) support Azerbaijan, the Rockefellers support the CIA (Pashinyans). For Russia and the Russian people there is nothing positive from any of the health services of these countries. that Armenians and Azerbaijanis constitute the largest diplomatic communities in the Russian Federation which, as part of bribery of local law enforcement officers, up to the FSB and officials, murders and terrorist attacks against Russian entrepreneurs, have actually taken over the entire food trade that is not a network (supermarket chains owned by oligarchic monopolists and registered in offshore companies , only one network out of 15 has 51% state capital). Any store that is not a chain in Russia belongs to either an Armenian or an Azerbaijani; if the owner of the store is poor, he hires a Russian to work in it, if he is rich, he employs his many relatives as warriors. Not to mention the dysfunctional antimonopoly service. In fact, the average Russian (whose age is approximately 37-45 years old) pays approximately 80% of his income in the form of direct and indirect taxes. And this is with approximately 7-10 times lower wages compared to developed countries and no industry - the culture of creative work has been destroyed and vocational schools have been closed - there are no factories where they can work. A junior researcher receives a monthly salary of $120; reagents are not produced in the country. Russia does not invest even 2% of its budget in science. Surprisingly, even being a British colony in the past, India, represented by its ruling stratum and middle class, retains a reverent attitude towards its former masters. As far as I know, it was the caste system that Schwab carefully borrowed from India for the new world order in the format of globalism-inclusive capitalism, supposedly everyone except the Jewish elite is “unworthy.”
DeleteBut what is interesting: the self-determination of the British as the “chosen race” occurred during the period when Jewish capital arrived on their island, which was simply a “hole, a ghetto” of that historical period. That is, there are well-proven reasons to assert that the arrogance of the English is an Old Testament borrowing, cultivated deliberately to create a sense of one’s own superiority and the destruction of morality, which would allow one to act with the determination of a criminal and achieve one’s goals by any means, relentlessly and ignoring all laws (and Christian virtue, the English even they created their own version of Christianity where the king became the local pope), sparing no one. All traces of this come from the Jewish Talmud, the Old Testament, where Jews are the highest beings, and the rest are animals. Just for fun, find versions of these books in English, if you can do it in your own language, and check them out. There are two versions of them - one for ordinary Jews, and the second for spiritual mentors. in the USSR, one of them translated the Talmud for the “shepherds”, in it it was revealed how they cut down sacred groves and killed pagan priests who bowed to the bull as a symbol of motherhood and the cosmos. It seems to me that I’ve been writing on this forum for several years and did you really think that I was making all this up out of my head? There are certain sources and certain data that can be useful only when there is general interest in this. I think that only during the creation of a truth commission can these materials be provided in physical volume. As soon as our “high” friends are able to restore order, one of the first questions will be to establish what happened. One of the key roles will be played by the Vatican RKLMquary, where artifacts and storage media were removed from Tartary. The location of the library of Ivan the Terrible has not yet been established, but according to rumors, scrolls of the Ministry of Health of the Alexandrian Library received as a dowry from Sophia Paleolog were found there. Probably during the Russian Troubles, organized by the Jesuits, this library was taken away.
DeleteI am especially concerned about the life expectancy of the specialists and persons who are key witnesses that interest me. All of them are of advanced and very advanced age, and their knowledge and information, competence in some areas is worth much more than that of figures like Soros and Kissinger, who are only walking guarantors for the promises made by their controllers, which, relatively speaking, are living “seals on documents” . Relatively speaking, their “value” lies only in the fact that they are better than others at lying, plotting and issuing commands for destruction, but within the framework of a group of peoples and humanity as a whole, their value is not even positive, but goes into a deep minus. Minus a balance in which they will never be able to pay off, even if they want to. I’m afraid that if “high” friends don’t have time with things, they will constantly postpone and reschedule, those who should help draw up an overall picture of what was happening (and this is necessary as part of the investigative process, so that not a single culprit escapes justice) and help look into the deep past, will disappear irrevocably. In this case, an attempt to build the picture correctly and punish ALL involved will be either difficult or impossible. Unless it is possible to directly inhabit the souls of deceased people into artificial or cloned bodies, so that after death they can give testimony and help with their experience and knowledge.
DeleteNow Jacob Rothschild is dead. Why there's no update on him just like Kissinger?
DeleteI did not read all of it. Cobra already mentioned the Black nobilities are the highest people and they are not Jewish as far as I know. The Jewish stuff and also Rockefeller and Rothschild stuff is usually a distraction. They are probably sacrified so that people think the cabal is defeated. These ancient royal families that are mentioned on this blog seem to be behind it. That also makes more sense, because the ancient royalty usually only loses the title. They did not disposses them when they were overthroned.
DeleteAmazing victory of the light 🤩❤💖
This pic may be a useful visual of some of the remaining key operations
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePashinyan and Soros
The former mayor of Yerevan called Pashinyan a “blunt instrument” of the CIA and MI6
A second front against Russia may be opened in Transcaucasia
"...Pashinyan was brought to power by the CIA and MI6 precisely in order to do what he is doing now. Yes, he sometimes flirts with the Russian Federation and the CSTO. But this is just a game, he is a blunt instrument in the hands of Western intelligence services. .."
February 23, 2024 Armenia suspended participation in the CSTO
India is helping Armenia to get armed up to their teeth against Azerbaijan, do you know that? Current Indian government is so effective that the whole Indian population is spellbound by rampant development. Some have considered Indian PM as Avatar of God Vishnu.
DeleteSorry, I sent the text in the browser without a translator and in my haste I mixed up the messages. I commented on this message above, based on your nickname and got confused.
DeleteI have news about the outages that are taking place in America.
ReplyDeleteApparently Trump is behind these outages and we are hearing this from Shari Raye.
She says the cell phones, which were out, were being cleaned up. CLEANED UP. I sure hope this is right and something good is beginning to happen. It was NOT a solar flare.
She has a picture of a QFS, quantum coin. Er, exciting.
She reckons that the Fed is dead, the IRS is dead.
I don't know if this is true, but it is exciting.
It's meant to start happening in March. Who knows?
This is same old story
DeleteGet lost Steph, you're too boring for words. I'm sure the dark will completely disappear before too long.
DeleteNetwork Outage Was the Sun
psychic, yeah what gives? Not cool to be so mean to Steph.
DeleteSteph, you took it well, and you show great strength in doing so! 💖
We are rady to help with that operation !
ReplyDeleteI donate to the United States! That's a good joke... 😁
ReplyDeleteExactly 😂
Deletethe universe is neutral. Seek to keep neutral and manifestation will happen
ReplyDeleteO veste bună , Mulțumim Cobra.
ReplyDeleteConférence de Cobra, traduction en français compréhensible ( y compris lien et croquis )
ReplyDeletejour 1 :
jour 2 :
Donation given. Let the Light burn bright! 🙏🏼❤️🌈 🌟
ReplyDeleteWe got this Lightpower...
ReplyDeleteWE GOT THIS!🫵😉👍
THREE X-FLARES, ZERO CMES: Giant sunspot AR3590 is living up to the hype. In only 23 hours spanning Feb. 21-22, the active region unleashed three powerful X-class solar flares (X1.8, X1.7 and X6.3). The X6.3 flare is the strongest of Solar Cycle 25, so far, and the most powerful flare since the great solar storms of Sept. 2017.
grato a todos
ReplyDeleteWhat “v” do we get the money?
ReplyDeletewe get the money when The Event happens
DeleteHow far from us to the final version?
ReplyDeleteI can't even listen to SuspiciousObservers today, as he is ranting on and on about it being the sun. NOT the sun. I'm listening to the white/grey hats on this. They are clearing out stuff. It is not hacking either. Whether it is Trump, or some white hat, they are clearing out all the illegal sh*t out of here... Finally. Well, that is my story. We'll wait and see.
ReplyDeleteI continue to watch, even though he focuses on catastrophe instead of ascension. I've been watching the Electron Valence chart on for the past few weeks, as I noticed a downward trend. Today, for the first time I can recall, the reading went below the 1e+06 line. Significantly below. It got me wondering: is this chart one of the ways that we can measure primary anomaly in 3D? I haven't yet begun trying to 'map' perceptions to the chart yet to see if something that I feel correlates to changes on that chart, so it's little more than intuition for the moment. IF this chart is indeed a measure of primary anomaly activity on Earth, it would represent a significant victory of the Light in progress.
DeleteAs far as the solar flare/tech failure thing, I think there is no coincidence that both of these effects are aligned. There is always consciousness actively working to clear negativity, and when solar conditions are suddenly much more helpful, success happens without increase in effort. I don't pin all of the results on either option, but rather that both inputs contributed to both outputs. I just wonder if the Electron Valence chart might be a way to actually measure success. Might also be a sign that the galactic superwave (Radcliffe wave) has begun impacting the magnetosphere of our solar system.
DREAMLAND v1.4 operational.....
ReplyDeletethanks very much for the ongoing primo intel cobra.....
and thanks very much all lightforces here in theatre of war operations.....
the surging energies from x class solar flares;the increased volume of mjolnir technology recently is expanding the collective consciousness sub reality of the matrix;probably faster than it has in close to 26000 years.....
our missions are over sooooon;relief is coming....or it could be just me;im a little fu$$ed up at the least of course.....and dont forget to laugh fine humans;its good for you.....hahahahaha.....
dragon dreaming.....
hammer of thor strikes the night;in the aldebaron pleiadiun night.....
andromedans and sirians so bright;operation dreamland taking flight.....
galactic codex is the right;justice mass peace now in seat.....
great sprirts firefight;in heavens bubbles delight.....
starseeds streaming;the wood dragons dreaming.....
luck power success tabled;dilligence perserverance enabled....
creative visionary surfing the waves;of the dragon line lays....
ideas from source above;forming into higher love.....
honor driven expanding horizons;into new atlantis surprisings.....
Liquid Water on Mars
ReplyDeleteSo they have allowed this discovery to be public.
Chemtrails A reading today by Izabela
She did a reading today and it is positive, i.e. there were bad chemtrails and still are some of them, but they are being cleaned away, and for the future they will be gone.
breaking news-many spacecowboys and spacecowgirls have being giving testomonies of all sorts of off planet experiences;for many years on earth now.....
so tell me are we all lying-hahahahaha.....
one of my favorite memories is of a mars cat hunting an insect.....
the cat was about 50 pounds;medium brownbeige in color with thin black stripes running from head to tail in direction.....
compared to the earth cats pound for pound the mars cat is stronger i would propose.....gravity factor is different on these planets of course-mars having approximately 60 percent of the force of gravity on its surface compared to the earths force of gravity at the surface.....
this cat is strong like the leopard and also fast like the cheetah of these cats successfully hunt large insects among other prey.....
the insect this cat hunted that i remember was about 2 and a half feet long 2 feet wide and about a foot and a half tall.....
the cat showed amazing built in stealth technology as it brilliantly snuck up on the insect until it was close enough to attack.....
when it attacked it jumped onto the back of the insect;and quickly got its claws dug into the insects back so it may prevent being thrown off by the insect;and began to carve into the insect with its fangs....
breeching into the central nervous system of the insectoid ;located at the lower neck area;quickly neutralizing the insectoid.....
the cats get thrown off and are not successful in the hunt often;just like the cats on earth;and in some cases become the prey of the insectoids.....
cats are amazing hunters by any standards i would propose-with exceptional organic stealth technology skills;high levels of perserverance patience courage etc.....
An analytical report by the independent online publication Nordic Times concluded that “members of the British government” during the period when Liz Truss was Prime Minister were the most likely organizers of the bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. According to this version, the explosion was carried out by a British special forces team operating from the British nuclear submarine HMS Ambush.
ReplyDelete***THE CELL PHONE OUTAGES AND BLACKOUTS*** | The 9D Arcturians
Not the sun lol. Not this time.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for clearing the lurker
It's time...
TIME to pull the plug on the dark ones
HUMANITY is ready for the QUANTUM LEAP 🙂
TIME for the EVENT
So be it and so it is
So be it and so it is
So be it and so it is
Years earlier I had the audacity to advise a Croatian person and teaching him about life based on articles I read online or things I saw on tv. This was the time of the conflict there.
ReplyDeleteFortunately for me I have always been a good listener and so, when he explained with some indignation about the ground situation, I understood one thing:
1. That, I will never know what someone is experiencing unless and until I am in the same situation.
2. No matter how someone explains to me the situation they are experiencing, I will never be able to really know unless I am experiencing the same thing myself.
That’s all. The light forces should just know that we are suffering and suffocating here. Don’t understand the why and the how! Just come and get the job done by giving yourselves a deadline and giving us a hint about that deadline. Don’t give us the details so that the dark doesn’t know what is about to hit them next. Just do it and show us you are here and show us the money so to speak. I mean c’mon…
Im repeating myself here: there will be a time when they will find themselves carrying all the load of everything that has happened while they were discussing what to do with the situation here.
DeleteSenkin nem tudsz segíteni, mivel mindenki saját magán tud segíteni.
DeleteDreamland 5D time!
ReplyDeleteAscension Conference in Phoenix | Conférence de l'Ascension à Phoenix
ReplyDeleteFrench translation | traduction en français
Jour 1 :
Jour 2 :
par Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013
Woolworths supermarket CEO was just sacked. There is massive price gouging. It's happening all over the planet, right? Everyone was happy that the CEO is gone.
ReplyDeleteAbout the cheapest bread is now $2.90
A year ago it was about $2
Supermarket used to cost $20. I'm not joking, now it costs $40. Rip off. Just for a few days food.
I'm switching to the bread stick - it is now $2.10. I bet it goes up soon. I don't really buy junk anymore. Bit of chocolate. I'm eating very little and yet it is so expensive. SO EXPENSIVE.
No food grows in the garden any more...
it has been Brazil's reality since i can remember. Welcome to the end-days-madness.
DeleteI choose not to feed that pendulum.
DeleteValójában bármit eszel, az szemét, moslék, még akkor is, ha próbálják elhitetni veled, hogy az egészséges. Ahogy emelkedik E föld, úgy az anyagok hatása az emberi testre, meg fog változni. Az összes gyógyszer nem fog érni semmit.
DeleteHear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides at present operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSpace Weather
ReplyDeleteObservations of Geomagnetic Crochet at High-Latitudes Due To X1.5 Class Solar Flare on 3 July 2021
First published: 23 February 2024
ReplyDeleteWe are divided.
What we need is Unity.
A Symphony of Unity
Hope it Helps.
mason/deep state attempt murder for "safety"
It is early days but - Maybe my legs have started to feel a bit better. Well I've noticed slightly less numbness in those two toes. I think or hope the Chlorella is maybe working.
ReplyDeleteMan when is the astral plane gonna get any better? its such a mess over there! also these negative entities that are out here in physical, they are getting very annoying! they wont leave me alone! we need a light grip up ASAP this is getting too much for me to handle!
ReplyDeleteMindent küldj magadba. Behunyt szem, becsukott száj, és magadban mond: Minden kellemetlen érzés, menjen magamba, most. Addig mond, amíg megszűnik a kellemetlen érzés. Ha magyarul mondod, az még hatásosabb.
ReplyDeleteI would like to get a comment from the blog author about this video: is this a real video or a fake? The recording demonstrates the use by a flying object of a triangular shape of a remote beam of a gravitational nature to lift (?) a certain object. why am I asking? about a year ago in the night sky I observed a certain object, a triangular-shaped object in the night sky, it rotated around its axis and there were luminous lights at its ends, it also seemed to me that some kind of energy was projected between the corners, perhaps residual, because the light between the corners during rotation it became brighter, then faded - as during the launch of the emitter, the increase in power and subsequent shutdown with the repetition of the process, this lasted an hour or two, then the object disappeared. Yesterday I saw a similar glow, but further than last time and I could only roughly see the triangle itself based on the lights at the corners; I didn’t notice the pulsating glow.
Esse objeto do vídeo é claramente falso! A entrega dele não parece de um objeto real! O ovni triangular do vídeo é montagem!
DeleteOh SuspiciousObservers blocked me for pointing out that several sources were saying it wasn't the sun, it wasn't hacking, it was the white hats. So I got blocked. Eh, he's an idiot lol. I only left a total of 3 messages. He's a total idiot.
ReplyDelete...3 messages over 2 years or so...
DeletePam Gregory / Feb. 25, 2024:
ReplyDelete"Here's a rich conversation with Dr. Jordan Maxwell about the American based People's Health Alliance (PHA), the astrology of that, and how astrology also links to health."
- Some examples of energy healing modalities:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
– Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
Az energia gyógyászat is meg fog szűnni. Csak érzelmekkel lehet majd gyógyítani, ráadásul tiszta érzelmekkel.
DeleteGuys, you are the best! Over the years, I have realized that the best information is free information, because... where there is a desire for profit, there is no desire for truth, truth, knowledge, and therefore the quality of information will be mediocre, if not outright garbage. Knowledge and Science as a method of collecting and analyzing, processing this knowledge is, first of all, reproducibility; if you cannot reproduce what someone else has done, this is fantasy. Have you ever wondered why there is no free and high-quality school and higher education in your countries? There is quality, but it’s always paid, there are small quotas, but there won’t be enough for everyone; Why don’t they build more universities and train more teachers? In this situation, it vaguely seems to me that a supercosmic civilization capable of building Dyson spheres around stars and terraforming planets will need earthly candy wrappers for certain projects. Like certain gold reserves of some families and countries secured by future financial systems, this is ridiculous. Super-technologies increase labor productivity severalfold and all the currencies and resources of the planet will immediately lose value and depreciate, something similar is indirectly hinted at by the blog author when he writes about a diamond asteroid. By themselves, these jewels are worth nothing; since ancient times they have been used by low-intellectual (low-spiritual?) women to show off to themselves which of them has more status, that is, their value is ensured only by the cost of the human ego at a specific moment in history. Well, in terms of brain physiology, this is pure dominance, which is also present in animals, including macaques. When I see two ladies showing off their bling to each other, I imagine two macaques on a palm branch, one of whom has put a can of Fanta on her head, and the other of whom has put a pink scrunchie on her hand, and both of them think they are beautiful (a way to attract male, animal instinct), but there is no practical benefit from these tchotchkes, this is the level of thinking of the animal. For example, an expensive car, a huge medieval mansion, etc. - people demonstrate their monkey tendencies. Of course, there must be a certain level of comfort, but if the goal is to gain some kind of super-wealth, especially at the expense of others and with a public demonstration of one’s impunity, in order to devalue the people around, then this is clearly a mental deviation. The only problem is that psychos have taken over the world and are keeping healthy people with a noose around their necks and you won’t put them in a hospital, they’ll rather tear your head off.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the application, both versions are in Chinese, there are only Chinese in the chat, the translator from Chinese to Russian and from English to Russian does not work. I sent a message in English to the chat that I was ready to help with the translation of the interface, write me a private message for details - the message disappeared from the history when I logged in a few hours later. I downloaded the Chinese and English versions from the links - both Chinese with the ability to select English. The Russian language is present as a translation option for English, but in fact it does not translate, it remains in English. The translator only works in the questions and answers section and is very crooked. Questions can only be answered once; in the end, some of the questions are only in Chinese, that is, they were not even translated into English. I tried to start music and sounds of different meditations - when you click on a track in the list, a song is selected and a pure white screen lights up, there is no sound, although during the very first installation (until people realized that this is a Chinese version and the need for an invitation code of 4 letters) it started playing a wonderful melody (as I understand it, it’s random from the list, a zither or a harp? a string instrument). Perhaps it’s worth posting an email address on the blog for bug reports and contacts with developers? So far, something like this.
ReplyDeleteThe Sun experienced its largest flare in seven years
Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the largest explosion in seven years occurred on the Sun.
“The largest explosion in this solar cycle was recorded on the Sun by space monitors tonight between 01.00 and 02.00 Moscow time, the solar astronomy laboratory of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences told RIA Novosti.
The solar cycle lasts approximately 12 years, during which solar activity can weaken or increase. Earlier, the laboratory told RIA Novosti that the maximum of the current cycle will occur in 2024-2025.
You can track solar flares on this website: (date selected from news release)
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra for the update.
ReplyDeleteJacob Rothschild is dead.
ReplyDeleteLord Jacob Rothschild is dead.
ReplyDeleteI'm sick and tired of this old world we need to be freed ots getting harder and harder
ReplyDeleteMeditation to Escort Jacob Rothschild into the Galactic Central Sun
"Jacob Rothschild passed away at the age of 87 on February 26th, 2024.Therefore, we are going to do a Buddhic Column meditation and send Light and protection to escort his soul safely into the hands of the Light Forces. Once he is safely guided through the etheric planes, he will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun. This will move us forward on the most positive Ascension Timeline for planet Earth. We are going to do this mass meditation from February 26th at 1 PM UTC, and then every 4 hours for the next 5 days. You may also do this meditation as often as you wish. You can use the following guided audio for this meditation.”
Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse
ReplyDeleteMonday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC
“Make this viral to everyone in the USA! Forward to friends, post on social media, notify people you know who have large mailing lists, and send to people with large viewing audiences! Two events in 2024 will have the most impact on the future of the United States of America. One is the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024. The other is the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. The energy of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th presents the opportunity for a moment of decision for citizens of the United States, where people in the United States can decide what our future will be. To take advantage of this powerful moment, there will be a 20-minute synchronized meditation taking place at the peak of the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024, at 6:18 PM UTC. The intent of this meditation is to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.”
🔥 Méditation pour envoyer Jacob Rothschild dans le Soleil Central Galactique 🔥 toutes les 4 heures
ReplyDelete(du 26 février à partir de 14:00 UTC+1 jusqu'au samedi 2 mars 2024 à 22:00 UTC+1)
🗓 événement Facebook public en français :
par Prepare for Change France Officiel depuis 2013
Hey Cobra. I don't know if this video has been posted before. This is a binaural beat that activates your brain. I listened to it and it definitely activated my brain, I even began deprogramming from it. Anyways check this out
I think this binaural beat could be a key tool in helping with one's personal Ascension process.
Hey, It is Marcus Jordan Rojas again.
ReplyDeleteI have two new posts on Dracos on my blog.
This information came from my past live memories, physical experiences, as well telepathic contact.
Today is Hye Angels birthday! Happy birthday Hye Angels I hope you are having a wonderful day today! :D
ReplyDeleteLord Jacob Rothschild is dead. It seems the clone is also dead, hehe.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSun Unleashed Its Full Power with a X6.3 Flare: The Sun’s Biggest Explosion in 6 Years
"DISCLOSURE: We Have Been Given The Signal To Begin..." - Ashtar Command Energy Update 2024
“When you really fight the enemy, and don’t crawl on your knees begging for negotiations.
ReplyDeleteFour undersea communication cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti have been disabled by the Houthis in recent months.
The successful attack on four cables believed to belong to AAE-1, Seacom, EIG and TGN systems indicates a major disruption to communications between Europe and Asia.
Let me remind you that the United States blew up the pipelines of Nord Stream, Putin’s favorite raw materials brainchild. But there was no answer for this from the word at all. Dogs don't bite their owners."
hammer of thor strikes the night;in the aldebaron pleiadian light…..
andromedans sirians so bright.operation dreamland taking flight…..
Telegram has collapsed all over the country, they write that YouTube, WhatsApp and Uber are not working. It is launched only through a VPN, is this not an attempt to implement a Chinese firewall with censorship and without access to the global information flow?
ReplyDeleteI like your publishe abaut Tataria...
DeleteSó para registro: o mundo ainda está muito louco, hoje à noite recebemos uma visita ilustre em minha casa de uma consciência cheia de luz e não convidamos essa merda para nosso lar. Segundo a minha esposa a entidade tinha um aspecto estranho com olhos muito grande e meio distorcida... a entidade estava se drenando a energia da minha esposa e enquanto fazia isso a minha esposa tinha muitos pesadelos... entre os pesadelos ela conseguia acordar e ver a entidade cheia de luz... que estava muito feliz e sorrindo com o feito... ou seja, drenar energia/luz e imprimir pesadelos na consciência dela... a consciência percebeu que minha esposa podia vê-la e ficou surpresa com isso, como ela percebeu que minha esposa estava vendo... a entidade se afastou e foi embora.... Resultado: minha esposa levantou da cama cedo quase sem energia/luz e parecia que tinha apanhado a noite inteira e tinha muitas dores no corpo físico. Até quando esses serem vão se alimentar dos humanos?
ReplyDeleteStrange Sounds in the Sky Being Heard Now All Over the World
ReplyDeleteSo we all know about the strange sounds being heard everywhere. Personally I haven't heard them yet. According to Izabela, they come from giant UFOs. They are friendly to us humans but they are deadly to Illuminati and Deep State, so on. Deadly to lizards. They should be TERRIFIED because it means the last of them lizards and so on will be GONE. They do sound scary but if you listen for a while, I think they sound soothing, considering what they mean for our world. Great stuff is coming for good humans, and bad, awful stuff for the Deep State.
And here is Izabela's video:
ReplyDeleteEvidence Against US Failed State. No recourse to the law.
ReplyDelete8 short video playlist.
The EVENT, the grand solar flash is the only way out thru unity and love for each other. If not we will be slaves in the age of Aquarius.
ReplyDeleteSo true !!! , I feel it's coming this year , if not chaos will be the new normal
DeleteOh yuk, I was listening to Izabela do a reading on France a while ago, and it seems when they had riots destroying stuff 7 months ago, they were all done mostly with reptilians! Reptilians, pretending to be humans. Blah! Thank god they are getting rid of most of those now.
I agre...
ReplyDeleteI found this interesting:
ReplyDeleteSomething Very Strange Is Happening.. Videos Like This Are Beginning To FREΑK Ρeople Out
He talks a lot about Hollyweird and the weird stuff going on. Over there, most richie people are selling their mansions now. Most of them. Yeah, they are all dead, cloned, ridiculous people. The rest of them who aren't cloned are Seinfeld...It's a very, very interesting watch.
Also, he is aware that the church will go down, this guy is prophesying the fall of the Vatican, even though of course it has already fallen...
He's got it. He doesn't know all the real facts, like Cobra facts, but he's pretty CLUEY. It was really fun to watch.
Write about reptilians contacting people telling them that they are also reptilians, also reptilians pretend to be Pleiadians or our soul mates while contacting us. How many of them are really incarnated here?