Thursday, February 8, 2024





  1. India liberated, on to African black nobility?


    2. "... The second network exists in subsaharan Africa and is even older, originating in Atlantis. Main anchor of this network in near lake Kivu. Clearing of this network will start after the Indian network is almost completely defeated..."

    3. @DH ... did you get to go to Cobra's conference? Can you email me and give me your POV?

    4. almost .. spiritoo.. but no i did not go.

    5. Awww ... sorry to hear that DH. It would have been nice to hear your pov. Wellsir ... if you ever feel like dropping me an email feel free. :)

  2. Afrika with K sounds me the n4z1 expedition

  3. 'The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is the only lay institution of the Vatican State charged with the task of providing for the needs of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and of all the activities and initiatives to support the Christian presence in the Holy Land.'

    1. Let me ask you, is this land holy? Some historians have made amazing discoveries that the Savior was not here at all, He did not even go here. He preached in what is now France, in Gaul. Thus they have misled and perverted the historical facts and continue to lie to us. This is a speculation of His Holy Name.

    2. RomA/AmoR: Il Tempio di Vesta dedicato dedicato al culto della Dea Creatrice della Terra Vesta..La funzione principale del Tempio era quella di custodire il Fuoco Sacro alla Dea e a Helios...
      Domus Flavia: La Grande Fontana ottagonale del peristilio...
      Roma rinasce...

  4. Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (liée au réseau PFC et qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui sera supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
    (Merci de largement partager 🙂)
    Nous avons perdu une partie des Replay d'émissions mais nous en referons🎥
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    (Thanks for sharing widely 🙂 )
    We have lost some recordings of our broadcasts but we will do new broadcasts 🎥
    Official Prepare For Change group for France and French-speaking countries
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    you will find interesting sub-groups including meditations, broadcasts, articles, voice chats/ vocal saloons...

  5. Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.

    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
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    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
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    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
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  6. Haha looks like conspiracy teorist goes to musí chanell

  7. Hello World,

    I'm sharing the link of my first public blog

    and my latest article, which is a vision I had of the Event during a dream that occurred at the end of 2006

    You can also read my first blog post, which is a presentation of myself

    Victory of The Light!

    1. Beautiful, thank you for sharing <3 Had some synchronicities about your dream, very trippy!

  8. destroy the Dark Force!Trigger the Event now!



  10. Hei! You missed the state of mission for January!

  11. African people must be feeling better now that the powerful network there has been almost or completely removed. I remember the main Chimera breakaway deep underground base was there until 2021. They seemed to have been forgotten, but no, the dark was chastising them even more than the rest of the world. It´s time for them to have some relief..

  12. Dr Alban - Hello Africa
    Microphone doctor.
    This song is dedicated to the people of Africa.
    Swim mix, give me some drums.
    You African people unite.
    Come together for the sake of your future.
    You African people unite.
    Hello Africa, tell me how you doing?
    Hello motherland, tell me how you doing?
    Hello Africa, tell me how you doing?
    Hello motherland, tell me how you doing?
    Hello Nigeria, that's my motherland.
    Coming to Sweden now, I'm crossing the hysteria.
    It takes a long time to travel the globe.
    So why be shy?
    Why be humble?
    I just came straight out the jungle.
    You can't compete with me, 'cause you know I got the rhythm.
    I did it before and I will do it again.
    So listen what I say, yeah, I'm a point of view.
    Not everyone can do this, no, in fact only a few.
    Sophisticated, hard curated, that's who I am.
    You know I've been waiting, so stop bumping.
    Make some noise.
    The man can trap the house, I trap me.
    Fulani trap, the boo, I trap the Zulu trap.
    Me leaving the house, me leaving the tree.
    Elates is thick and gay, I shove no smoke, no sin.
    No take no cup, army takes a glass of juice.
    Hello Africa, tell me how you doing?
    Hello motherland, tell me how you doing?
    Hello Africa, tell me how you doing?
    Hello motherland, tell me how you doing?
    I'm calling on the biggest on the pyramid top
    to join the beast of peace of our fatherland Africa.
    'Cause through the boundary we can move the mountains.
    Drop your personal individual ambitions.
    Just a devil of our purifier fatherland.
    African people, come from your vulture.
    Start the film 'cause you are the era of the mountain.
    You are the dreams, you are the hope, you are the future,
    you are the past, you are the grandfather of civilization.
    This is why ANC won't hold up to sit.
    The impossible just takes a little longer.
    Out of this world and into another world,
    the earth is spinning round and there is so much to discover.
    The African man seem to be everywhere.
    If there are people in the world who know the right is never wrong,
    stop the fire burning in my home Africa.
    Martin Luther King Mandela, you had a dream.
    Self-evidence and equality for men.
    Africa for me and Africa for you, the class.
    It doesn't really matter where the cat is black or white.
    What really matter is to catch the mouse.
    I'd rather do it in an African way.
    Hello Africa, tell me how you doing?
    Hello motherland, tell me how you doing?
    Thank you for watching!

  13. Is african illumanati network destroyed?

  14. Umm ... I don't get it. What does it mean?

  15. Write about reptilians contacting people telling them that they are also reptilians, also reptilians pretend to be Pleiadians or our soul mates while contacting us. How many of them are really incarnated here?


    This is famous singer from Croatia,,died from drugs ,,he was playing in one club in my country with my friend,,its on Croatian language so probably not interesting from readers but there are videos where kids in Africa sing this song and that is funny

  17. fbI wearing all black tried to enter a Lowe's private bathroom behind me while he drew his black pistol in Lafayette CO, USA. Not long beforehand Broomfield CO police made a death threat about "someone saw you slumped over the wheel" R. ISAAC5ON.
    Both incidents occurred the morning of 2/4/24.

  18. Victoire de la Lumière, Gratitude <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa


    Police used Walmart INFRAGARD CIs to attack in store. The state distributed hard drugs to informants you can see it in thier eyes on video. Thorton CO Walmart 1s visit.

  20. Soon there will be Africa everywhere? Don't


  22. Ok, this is weird. Lately, I've been dreaming of black men every night, which has never happened to me before (I'm from Serbia)...

  23. "Funny" that yesterday, in our meditation group, we were led to Africa and the group sent green healing light through all the continent and population before expanding to the rest of the planet. Blessings to all the Light workers and Thanks to the Resistence

  24. Indeed.
    Actually I like the beat.

  25. I believe it just means Afrika is a little more liberated. And love energies are flowing in and vibrating out.

    1. Afrika is the German name for Africa. But I dont think this has anything to do with it. But probably that is also the name of Africa in some African countries.

  26. Africa is a large piece of the planetary liberation puzzle. Exploitation of Africa has been a cornerstone of the financial/energetic addiction on a planetary scale. When the free will of the African nations is truly liberated, wars will not be easy to sponser. Africa will be a huge weight in the true management of world affairs. Because I sense that while Africa has always been suppressed and exploited and marginalized, her true potential and role is far from this. Africa can change, and change the planet's equations in the process. Liberation of of Africa will be the reclamation of human dignity and freedom. And it will naturally deprive compromised Western governments from the extra resourses and money that they use to fuel the war machine that the negative alien agenda and the zetas so much value and take energy from. Liberation of Africa is a huge step to cure the planetary addiction disease that has been imposed on humanity by NAA.

    1. Couldn't have said this better.

    2. Muito bem colocado !!! O povo da Africa sofreu as consequências de toda a exploração do continente Africano.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 2 police attempts to murder us on 2/4/24. This is first attempt. See officer reaching for chemical and likely illegal drugs for cover story.

  29. Rock With You - Inner Circle

  30. Looks like you called it. X3.3 solar flare impacting South America and Africa.

  31. What is "Order of the Holy Sepulchre", anyhow? o.o

    1. The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Latin: Ordo Equestris Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani, OESSH), also called Order of the Holy Sepulchre or Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, is a Catholic order of knighthood under the protection of the Holy See. The Pope is the sovereign of the order. The order creates canons as well as knights, with the primary mission to “support the Christian presence in the Holy Land.”[1] It is an internationally recognised order of chivalry. The order today is estimated to have some 30,000 knights and dames in 60 lieutenancies around the world.[2] The Cardinal Grand Master has been Fernando Filoni since 2019, and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem is ex officio the Order's Grand Prior. Its headquarters are situated at the Palazzo Della Rovere and its official church in Sant'Onofrio al Gianicolo, both in Rome, close to Vatican City.[3]

    2. ANY “order” puts itself above the “mass”, actually usurping technique, technology, method, method to gain control and status for the purpose of management, and therefore subordination, control. Any pure intention presupposes training, a system of mentoring, so that everyone has the opportunity to independently decide their fate using public methods, and not at the will and mercy of some “nobles”, “gods”, “chosen ones” and other nonsense.

      It is especially funny and at the same time sad to read about a religious order, because... the design and creation of Christianity and Islam by the hands of followers of Judaism, masking felled sacred groves in the Middle East and Europe (hello to the Celts) and the worship of the sun, motherhood and the bull as an animal (Indian symbol) and calls to kill peoples in those distant times who professed these principles have already been actually proven (Celts, Slavs, inhabitants of Ireland and pre-Christian England - natural red hair color, part of the German tribes of the early Middle Ages and before this period). But people stubbornly continue to write about “Jesus” (immaculately born, which is impossible from the point of view of biology) and “angels” - winged men with swords and circles over their heads whom no one has seen).

      We can also talk about the so-called Chinese and Han, taking into account the Tartary factor and the original habitat of the Han ethnic group. About the arrival of the Jesuits in “China” just during the period of the existence of Tartary (proven by both the British and the French) and around this time the Jesuits flirted with Ivan the Terrible, followed by the murder of his young heir and the bringing to the throne of the puppets of the Jesuit Poles of the Romanov family, who began the conquest of Siberia (the supposed western territory of Tartary) from the West and the attacks of the Mughals (not Mongols) from the South-East. In other words, there is a considerable and quite convincing possibility that the history of so-called “China” was edited and perhaps even created by the Jesuits. Quite a lot of convincing historical sources, including visual ones, speak about this, as well as the impossibility of the discovery of gunpowder of that time by the Chinese due to its chemical composition.

      “How many wonderful moments fate has in store for us.” If we live to see liberation. Cobra, how are the deadlines? analysis of old diesel engines and the estimated level of solar activity speaks of mid-July 2025, but these are pure figures excluding the “human factor” and at the current pace of Mjelnir (which, perhaps, can and should be used by the interval method with a multiple increase in geometric progression, energy There should be enough power, it would be strange if it wasn’t). For example, not, but or

      Are the “protocols” of “going underground” still working? If not, is it possible to resume the program? Waiting inevitably turns into an inevitable approach to starvation, I would prefer to have a more meaningful interaction with real events (sorry, but when I hear the word meditation, I don’t feel anything, although I admit the energetic direction, my consciousness has a materialistic direction - until I see it, I don’t believe it, although I participated in the petition in December 2021 as best I could).

  32. Credo Mutwa-quote-----we must think like grandmothers.-----unquote.....

    African Precolonial history by credo mutwa and D. Icke

  33. Croatia 2.5 by Richter,, not so strong but people living there said they got scared,, Italy 4.1 and Hawaii 5.7 all in same day,, and Iceland eruption after eruption. Silence???

  34. Where did that big earthquake happen in USA? Well it was on the morning show but I missed it. But anyway, formerly the Deep State was gonna destroy the west coast of America... but now they cannot. They were gonna destroy it all. Now it will not happen. This is according to Izabela, the psychic. I know, I know, don't listen to a psychic... but she is pretty accurate and knows her stuff.

  35. I wondered when this would come up, and Ben from suspicious observers has the answers, but he is denying them. He wanted to explain that the earth seems to go quiet on the side facing earth. All the exciting CME's etc. seem to go off while it is not facing us. I wondered when he would notice. Well it seems he and others have noticed this effect for ever. And he mentions aliens, those non-human or human aliens of the light. He believes in them, yes, he knows they exist. But he says it is not them who are stopping all the big CMI's hitting us. Well, at least he knows they exist, because they know about him. I think he puts this quiet down to human consciousness or something like that.

    Anyway, today there was a big X3.3 solar flare, but it was on the limb, just leaving around the limb from facing earth, so we will only get it slightly on earth as it has passed. I guess we are lucky again lol. So no reason to panic at all, no emergency, although *some* are saying emergency. Looks to me like things are slighty stepping up.

  36. For those who are interested, a divine message about this Cobra post:

  37. Я взагалі нічого не зрозуміла із викладки Кобра, до чого тут Африка? Цю викладку можна інтерпрентувати по різному.

  38. The silica supplement has been poisoning me. (Discontinued)
    Onward we go.
    VOTL 🌌⚡️

    1. Yikes, glad you figured that out. I learned the hard way not to take too much iron. Even had a near death dream warning about it. Gotta have that balance of things ⚖️


  39. OMG I'm just learning all about Afrika and the nations there. This is what I am learning from Izabela. Well some of the Afrikan nations, like Niger, have turned to Russia for help as the Western nations want to TAKE OVER Niger, and keep funneling their money away to the West. I am so angry about this!!! So Russia stepped forward to help, and keep away the West from Niger. They kicked out the Western countries, said go away, and even better they kicked out the President who was playing their Western game, and put in their own President over Niger. I even think they are putting in some kind of EU (but for Afrika). What a damn cheek! She did this reading 5 months ago...

    She does a reading for Niger, and calls the Westerners a bunch of thieves. She predicts Niger will get rid of them eventually, and may be a case for other Afrikan nations to follow. There might be a bit of war on the border but not a full blown war. GOOD!!! Get lost Western fat cats. FREE Afrika!!! I remember reading that the Afrikan continent is the richest of all continents.

    Starts at 17.40

    1. Haven’t you read how modern PMCs ensure control and security of resource deposits and oil outlets? The official Russian army does not participate in this, which means it is illegal, because... mercenaryism is prohibited in Russia and the criminal code punishes it for at least 12-15 years. Now ask yourself the question where do these resources and funds come from for the sale of moss if the population of Russia already, in many respects, lives worse than Africa, which has been plundered for centuries (hello to the East and West Indian companies with their trade in slaves and drugs around the world with the money of Jewish capital from England and Holland, Spain ).

    2. Not to mention the fact that a high-ranking witness related to the management of the disintegrating USSR and Russia during the Yeltsin period named the exact place in the Central African Republic where Putin’s thieving oligarchs and himself, who had previously prepared bunkers with gold bars and diamonds, would most likely flee. So that the not-too-intelligent natives love the Mesny and do not give away their location, they gain personal influence for themselves (the PMC is not subordinate to the state, but to the field commanders) by providing small services to the Mesny. Yes, they may have expelled the French colonial system, but what will they do with the locals who are strangers to them if they have reduced the population of their country in 30 years, supposedly by 60-70 million people. This is similar to Nazi Germany's policy in the 1930s in South America to create an enclave of refuge in case they were searched around the world.

  40. this is new Africa, like magik and magic?

  41. Hello to All,

    It would be lovely to have some feedback regarding the ascension conference of Phoenix and maybe a situation update Cobra... thank you in advance 🙏

  42. Ok cobra thanks victory of the light ✨

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Not only the second civil war in US,
    but also NATO(US) wants war with Russia.

  45. The information was confirmed that Putin is a KGB project agreed with Yeltsin through B'nai Brith and the Bilderberg Club.

    Most of the current oligarchs of the Russian Federation (serve as controllers of the largest industrial enterprises of the former USSR, receiving a part of the pie for this activity from the controllers - Russian Forbes list) originating from the RSFSR and most of the top officials of the Russian Federation were trained (especially the economic block, the so-called "young reformers " - the team of Yegor Gaidar-Chubais under the leadership of Jeffrey Sachs and a team of "advisers" from the CIA with an office in the Kremlin and the authority to dismantle the Soviet planned economy, in the 1970s and 1980s underwent an internship for the exchange of scientists at the so-called "Institute of Strategic Analysis" located in Austria - clarification is required, where they were trained according to a program similar to the author of the book "Confessions of an Economic Killer", one of whom was Sergei Glazyev, the so-called economic adviser to Putin in the mid-2000-2010s, as can be seen in joint photographs of students from this and several other institutions for period 1970-1990, during the same period Soviet “specialists” had the opportunity to participate in the Klaus Schwab Global Young Leaders program). The information was obtained from a living witness of that time at the highest level of management at the end of the USSR and the reign of the Yeltsin period (part of his office) in the form of several rather long video recordings and documents. The man is at a considerable age (over 80 years old) and there are doubts that he will have time to tell everything before he dies due to age and health reasons; he already has several very serious, including age-related diseases, so I wonder if there is some kind of program “from above” for the temporary “removal” of him from society, recovery and possible(?) “Rejuvenation” in order to eliminate the risk of death due to reaching the maximum age of the organism’s existence, giving more detailed testimony and drawing up a complete picture of what was happening in that time period. Otherwise, his secrets (even those he may have refused to tell on camera) may irrevocably die with him. Similar to the person described, there is a similar person at a fairly high level from the KGB of the USSR and the army of the Russian Federation who are in similar situations - their age and state of health raise serious concerns for the information and documents they possess.

    Yeltsin belonged to and was subordinate to the Zionist wing of world Jewry, Putin is subordinate to the Chabad Lubavitch sect, which has control over at least the Minister of Defense Shoigu (a holder of the Maltese Cross, like Yeltsin).


    Khodorkovsky was promised tacit support from the only superpower of the modern world - the United States. America's dividend is quite clear. Firstly, the coup guarantees the complete transformation of Russia into a Washington satellite. Secondly, in the coming years, the largest raw materials and then infrastructure companies in Russia will become the property of US corporations.”

    In that situation, for Putin, delay was like death. A little more, and the mandate of “watching over Russia” issued to Khodorkovsky would have made him beyond the reach of the “technical president” Putin...

    But not everyone was happy with this development of events. “The transformation of Russia into a submissive vassal of the United States automatically turned the United States into the undisputed world hegemon for many decades to come. Meanwhile, the global course of American politics at the beginning of the 21st century began to change significantly.

    As part of Washington’s new concept of maintaining global hegemony, the US political elite (more precisely, representatives of the Jewish Rockefeller clan) began an active search for ways to establish a long-term alliance with the so-called “radical Islam”, which later resulted in the “Arab Spring”.

    The transformation of the “Islamic world” into a territory of “controlled chaos” under US control was planned even then. Israel, within the framework of this new strategy of Washington, Ceased to be the main and indispensable ally of the United States in the Middle East.

    These concerns were voiced in more detail in Russia by another Jew, Satanovsky (president of the Middle East Institute):

    “As experience shows, Jews are sold cheaply and at great cost to them. They were sold to the Nazis in the late 1930s, and will continue to be sold now to the Islamists. Therefore, Islamists will do what they consider necessary in relation to Israel...

    In the USA and Europe they believe that without Israel everything will be fine in the Middle East...” [This is the same “desanized Satanovsky” who threatened Maxim Shevchenko with murder live for revealing the Zionist origins in the actions of Andreas Breivik, who sacrificed children on the island of Utøya

    Kissinger is a Jew and a Nobel laureate made a sensational statement in the New York Post that, most likely, in 10 years Israel will cease to exist as a state. Kissinger is the real creator of modern history. Most likely, his statement was planned at a very high political level, higher than the level of leaders of individual countries.

    What does it mean? The political configuration in the Middle East is changing! The United States, despite all its potential, is experiencing a serious overexertion of forces. “Naturally, the United States is not going to leave the Middle East.

    However, they will have to leave in their previous capacity, change the management model to a new model - controlled chaos. There is no better candidate for its creation than the Islamists. The so-called “Arab Spring” brought Islamists to power..."

    It turns out this way, although the real situation is much more complex and tricky. In any case, with new allies (Islamists), America no longer has a pressing need for Israel. “It was needed during the Cold War, when most Arab regimes were oriented toward the USSR.” be continued

  47. ...
    Today, the situation in the Middle East has changed radically... and so have US allies. And in these conditions, the “Israeli friend” is no longer needed; moreover, he begins to interfere. Most likely, the United States will “dismantle” Israel as unnecessary, as Kissinger openly hinted at. “In the scheme of the new Middle East that Obama is drawing, there is no place for Israel.”

    The future dismantling of the “Promised Land” means the subsequent resettlement of its people!

    Question: where? To Russia, where Jews hold real power in their hands?

    “1,600,000 Israelis who arrived from the former USSR will return to their countries of origin,” the CIA report emphasizes. They will return, but it’s unlikely to return to the Jewish Autonomous Region...

    In 1991, the Soviet Union, in the construction of which hundreds and tens of millions of Soviet people had invested so much labor, was destroyed by Jews, just like Russia in 1917. In 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert openly admitted this. He publicly thanked Soviet Jews for the collapse of the USSR!

    Many Jewish historians today are actively promoting the theme of the Great Khazaria. They believe that part of modern Russia and Ukraine are the ancestral lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the 10th century.

    The Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to subsequent eviction. “We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, just as we created Israel 50 years ago, ousting the Palestinians.”

    “The role of the aggressor in relation to Jewry is ceremonially assigned to the Islamic world, the role of the victim, as usual, again falls on ordinary Jews, who, as a rule, know nothing about geopolitics, the role of savior and donor is for the Russian people, ready to forgive everything.”

    But the sharp strengthening of the Rockefeller clan in connection with access to new “oil assets” as a result of an alliance with “radical Islamists” and the possible “purchase” of Russia from Khodorkovsky became extremely unprofitable for the Rothschild clan, which had its own plans not only for the future of Israel and Russia, but also their views on US geopolitics.

    And the Kremlin, represented by President Putin, managed to brilliantly take advantage of these contradictions - IN THEIR PERSONAL INTERESTS! Neither his Jewish origin, nor his wealth, nor his close friendly relations with the US Vice President helped Khodorkovsky.

    At this point the issue was closed. Khodorkovsky ended up in prison, and Putin remained as president of - now HASIDIC RUSSIA.

    As a result of all these events, a reshuffle occurred in the ranks of the Jewish oligarchs in Russia. Instead of Khodorkovsky and others like him, the Rottenberg brothers and new oligarchs of the “Putin wave” joined the ranks.

    It was also inevitable that the person who helped Putin carry out this whole operation of rapprochement with the Hasidim would appear; this “hero” would receive a “deserved reward.” And the “face” appeared! Roman Abramovich received $13 billion for his company Sibneft, much higher than its market price!

    It is worth adding to this that, in contrast to the tough struggle against manifestations of Russian nationalism, Putin’s struggle with that part of the Jewish oligarchy that planned his subsequent removal was rather mild. Putin gave Berezovsky, Gusinsky and others the opportunity to withdraw most of their capital abroad and go there themselves...


    During 2004, the media reported six official meetings between Berl Lazar and President Putin. In 2005, their number increased to seven and began to grow from year to year. Lazar, as part of the Russian delegation, accompanied Putin during his visit to Israel and during the president’s visit to the former Auschwitz concentration camp...

    And on February 27, 2008, speaking to his like-minded people in England, Berl Lazar said: “In Leningrad, a little over 50 years ago, a boy was born, whose neighbors turned out to be a Jewish family. The boy-neighbor was warmly welcomed into the Jewish family and from a young age imbibed respect for the Jewish world.

    There he was fed Jewish food, there he saw the head of the family reading Jewish books, there he appreciated the respectful attitude of members of the Jewish family towards each other. This man's name was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

    No leader of Russia or the USSR has done as much for Jews as Vladimir Putin. In every way. Unprecedented. Now in Russia, many city mayors, regional leaders and government ministers are Jews. THIS HAS BECOME THE NORM."

    After several meetings with Putin, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon repeatedly emphasized that “we Jews and Israel HAVE THE BIGGEST FRIEND IN THE KREMLIN...”

    Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said: “The best of the non-Jews - kill him, the best of the snakes - crush its head”...

    And all this Russian-Jewish friendship - against the backdrop of a clear increase in anti-Semitic sentiments IN THE REST OF THE WORLD!

    “The new organization sees its task in organizing a boycott of Israel, creating a regime of anti-Israeli sanctions, and legal prosecution of Israeli politicians and officers for “war crimes.”

    This task was proclaimed not by some fascist anti-Semitic group, but (surprise!) by the Jewish Voice for Peace organization, organized in 1996 in the USA and gathering under its banner over 85,000 supporters of exclusively Jewish nationality!

    “Anti-Semitism is the trump card that Zionists use to suppress debate.”

    Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress M. Chlenov emphasized that against the backdrop of EU countries - both “old Europe” and “new Europe”, in which there is a rapid increase in attacks motivated by anti-Semitism, Russia remains an “island of calm”!

    As for the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against anti-Semitism, “the situation in this area has noticeably improved in the last few years”!

    The creation of Center “E” in 2008 was decisive. “If earlier a policeman brushed off demands to prosecute for xenophobic and anti-Semitic literature or appeals, saying: “I have three unsolved murders here, and you are meddling with your papers,” then after that a group of policemen (now police officers) appeared for whom the fight against xenophobia – these are their awards, ranks and titles”!

    At the end of 2008, the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Combating Extremism was created in Russia - the so-called “E” centers. During the year of their existence, the “E” centers managed to establish themselves as a socially dangerous structure that commits arbitrariness and violates the rights of citizens.

    The breadth and vagueness of the concept of “extremism” makes it possible to subsume anything under it. Using “anti-extremist” legislation, the “E” centers, the prosecutor’s office, and the FSB are engaged in persecuting the political opposition and participants in social movements.

  49. Goddess Temple Near Versailles: Call to support ! (From Dec 24, 2023)

    "Dear roses, as we approach the New Year, I'm delighted to announce that a temple to the Goddess will open near Versailles in Spring 2024! We need your help to get this temple off the ground (info in the video). Small streams make big rivers, so please don't hesitate to share!”

    Victory of the Goddess !

    More information on the worldwide call to recreate Goddess temples:

    Support us:
    * Paypal donation: (enter this email account in PayPal)
    * By Tipee donation:
    * By technical or artistic help: contact me at

  50. Whereever I post this video in media it is instantly removed. Any post I make from my account is removed, use this information wisely.

  51. Since the so-called Freemasons are a direct invention of England and the English "City" (belonging to the Rothschild faction) as a geopolitical weapon, including as administrators of conquered territories, I think it would be very reasonable to subject all so-called "Freemasons of Russia" to priority order of arrest during mass arrests on the planet. Under the footnote "modern lodges" in the link below are links to the pages of each lodge with the location address and website, which lists their chapters along with photographs and other information. They will probably have lists of participants. %D0%B2_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8

  52. "Trivial, vulgar and primitive.

    Following the results of today's meeting of the Central Election Commission, it became clear that there will be four candidates on the ballot for the presidential “election”:

    - self-nominated candidate Vladimir Putin;

    — LDPR member Leonid Slutsky;

    — Communist Party member Nikolai Kharitonov;

    - a certain member of the “party” “New People” Vladislav Davankov.

    The last three “candidates” did not need to collect signatures, because they were nominated by parties.

    It follows from this that in fact it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to collect signatures for a particular candidate (300,000 signatures from the entire country, which requires enormous organizational and mobilization resources and will cost at least 250 million rubles, an amount that only a large businessman with a business extending to territory of the entire country and this is at a minimum - it is impossible for an ordinary person to do this, the conditions were initially made as a barrier for anyone who wants to stand for election independently). And this, in turn, means that the presidential elections are a farce and a circus.

    In fact, there is a situation in which not a single candidate except Putin and his parliamentary spoilers can get on the ballot.

    With each “election” this performance is staged worse and worse. It's logical. The system is degrading, its cogs don’t need to strain, and it will do. All this theatricality will not end well..."

    This is especially noticeable in the absence of a turnout threshold for elections - this is exactly how “Putin” “wins” in “elections” - by driving all administrative resources, municipalities, school teachers, police officers, doctors, Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government and near-government services to the polling stations , which is approximately 50-60% of the population with the obligation to vote for the “guarantor of the constitution” under the threat of dismissal from work and subsequent death from hunger, the substitution of ballots at polling stations at night and the imprisonment of any completely independent candidates.

    I am writing all this so that you do not under any circumstances believe that there is some kind of savior, Putin, you can help someone if you yourself can rely on something, but in 23 years “Putin” has shown with his deeds that he is purposefully destroying the Russian people and their territory, the remnants of their safety margin from Soviet times. If it weren’t for China’s digital-electronic concentration camp, I might even believe that China is the savior of humanity, but Xi agreed to collaborate with evil and become its showcase on the planet.

  53. Нічого не зроміло, коли вийде стаття.


  54. Behold The Hurricane.


  55. Oh yes, I just saw that young men, refugees, have flooded into England and Ireland. So they are filling up all the hotels there. And the government has to pay for everything and there is no money for people living there. So bloody annoying. Well Izabela read on this, and yes they are all returning soon. It's not their place, so they will all have to go back from where they came. All the people who live in England and Ireland are very, very worried about these young men. No doubt also they were payed to come over. She even drew out a dice that said "return". So yup, don't fear, apparently they are also going back where they came.
    Message is: don't go illegally into any country!!

    about 39 min mark

    1. They are mostly Albanians going there to do Crime as selling drugs and similar

  56. Afrika....
    From Alkebulan, to Afru-ika, Afraka, Afri, Afer, Aprica and Afrika, the true etymology of Africa is still under-determined, even though the word itself was arguably born in the late 17th century. How will you determine the truth about the etymology of Africa?.,between%20Dutch%20and%20Afrikaan%20languages.

  57. I saw a comment from a person asking to remove the effects of EMI on people in China and remembered that several years ago I had already heard about something similar in Russia.
    A video that was released several years ago, but then deleted on YouTube, resurfaced on the Internet (thanks to the people who managed to download it).

    “A very sensible and reasonable explanation of the harm of 5G communication towers. A conversation with a real high-level specialist who has undergone serious military training and has extensive practical experience”:

    Vladimir Nikolaevich Kharseev, military signalman, worked in special communications units of the KGB of the USSR until 1991, head of the communications unit of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Rostov Region until 2009, colonel of the internal service, lawyer.

    "The Russian Towers company is responsible for the implementation of 5G systems on the territory of the Russian Federation: the founders are 1 citizen of England, the second is a citizen of the USA. Even to a person who does not have special skills and knowledge, it becomes obvious that the biographies in the resumes of these people are carbon-copy similar to the regular biographies of employees of the intelligence agencies of these countries (“legend”). The shareholders and investors of the Russian Towers company are 5 of the largest investment companies in the world. UFG Private Equity, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Japanese Sumitomo, one British and one Turkish investment company. The equipment of cellular communication stations often has a dual or even triple purpose and has undeclared functions, including having a proven psychotronic effect on the human body and psychological effects - weakness, cognitive problems, voice commands affecting the mind through the subconscious. I know the names of specialists who have been and are engaged in research in the West similar to those undertaken in the USSR to study psychotronic properties and their use as weapons, in order to describe their danger and convey to the public their negative impact. I personally know the authors of these works from our side through my previous place of work.”

    The company was sold, the old website is unavailable:

    One of the former managers:

    Remaining Foreign Trace: (photo of one foreigner attached):

    “The founders of the Russian Towers company, foreigners Garth Self and Peter Owen Edmunds, decided to start building cell towers in Russia at the height of the previous crisis, in 2009.”

    “But Owen Edmunds and Self consider 2009 to be the year of foundation of Russian Towers, in which they received investments from the first shareholders - UFG Private Equity and the EBRD and signed the first contract for the construction and lease of 55 towers.”

    A graph showing the share of participation of foreign companies in the Russian Towers company with their names is present in the RBC post.

  58. As a victim of directed energy weapons, I look forward to your updates

    1. I see your comment of asserting being attack by energy weapons. I believe I have enough knowledege and experiences on dealing this. And I do didn't see any other people or other sites mention the way of mine or similar experience. Do you need help? I wish to help. Do you need help?

  59. @Lightpower
    I am in NO hurry to die.
    And IF I die on this planet, in this body.....I'm totally divorcing and disowning the Light Forces. Being left to rot here, no me, that's betrayal and abandonment.....all because the Light Forces could not take down the CABAL....evil greedy HUMANS and their Lurker chief. This is going to be my final incarnation, and I DON'T want it to end on THIS rock, in the body of a Clint Howard lookalike. I do not want death to be the ONLY way to freedom.....regardless if the darkies are taken down, if I'm denied the life I NEED, I lose my PERSONAL WAR against the darkies.

  60. @Lightpower
    So, let's hope death is not the way to go.

  61. Cobra, can you look into the signal interference with the Carlson/Putin interview? Everyone I know who watched it when Carlson posted it on his site and on X (2/8/24 6pm EST) got severely attacked. There's psychotronic weaponry involved there, similar (I suspect) to the embedded track in the Obama movie released on Netflix. I have checked forums all over the world and scores of people were reporting the day after on symptoms ranging from extreme fatigue to all manner of physical reactions. I experienced it too. People need to understand what we're dealing with now so they can respond appropriately.

  62. cobra I can no longer see the suffering of Palestinian children! It’s totally horrible! Do you have any news about the resistance movement under Gaza, in the tunnels? can we hope for an end to the genocide? this feeling of helplessness is torture. I am ashamed for humanity which does nothing and which for some is not even affected by what is happening.

  63. They are talking about the cure for the jab, or those who got the shot. Listening to Izabela, she talks about a cure coming from the stars that will cure the jab. I know we aren't meant to talk about this, but Izabela is talking about this. It will cure people who have taken the jab, and thank God for that. I never took the jab to begin with. She talks about it at the end of the video, around 39 mins.

  64. Wow, Izabela did an amazing reading on Slovenia, I highly recommend it! (from a month ago) It is so good, Slovenia will come out as a leader type country in your wisdom; you are going to do amazingly well. The deep state will try to destroy you, and destroy women (the bastards). It's long, maybe listen to a bit each day (44 mins minus the first 6 mins). It's truly amazing.

  65. For those who are interested, an amazing Jesus synchronicity after the previously mentioned post about this most recent Cobra post:

  66. Divine message for the Cabal and Black Nobility Families:

  67. Benjamin Fulford having fun with fact that Biden is not mentaly capable to stand trail and he thinks it's good news ,,well on my mind came movie with Robert DeNiro in Analysis This when he acts he is demented Mafia boss to avoid prison. So again not good news not interesting news and doesn't count if Biden would be removed from office 10 days before new elections (that is for Cobras prediction) .,,I guess they play ping pong with our minds like somthing is happening. Nothing is happening but bad stuff. LF where is your imagery red line ??? We still not there yet?? Would we ever be there and do you exist at all ?? Not today,,today you are same as those corrupt politicians giving rotten promises to people of Earth ,,you are more scary then Cabal at this exact moment= to imagine future you would make for me under your Ground Crew would would lead sheep's as you call(your light workers) People of Earth .70% of Croats don't believe in government and what they say same is in other countries,,and from 30 % they have on payroll(not all are bad) and that is because money give you things that makes you feel good ,,how Cobra say Abandence( sorry for wrong grama). Whatever,,show must go on for Dark side and Light side ,,both will say anything =lies to get you to do what they want =No Mercy I guess


    If you do every day in your mind what people do in this video you will help humanity and if enough people do this you will free humanity in a week or month. Mind = though task = I'm sitting in car and people walking on street and I can drive in them and kill them easily / question = why I can't sitt in the car and heal people walking on same street?? Answer because I actually don't know what kind of I guess will and focus and determination you need to have to do any of those 2 scenarios,,or I didn't know. While having fun with my mind I came to conclusions = You need to dance in your mind or for real (body) almost same as you watch Kung Fuu Masters fight to save his family or friends. So stop calling people sheep's stop reading Benjamin I have money Fulford ,,even stop listening what Cobra says and just have fun with nice music, because it is about energy and nothing else and ones you call sheep's are already there waiting for you ,animals are there plants and minerals are there and you are 5th element. Reality is same as Car and you are driving so only question is where you want to go .Reality =all you can see except Humans and other beings are same as Car . Make it simple and don't complicate it more then it is . There is gazillion positive things you can focus on around every single one of you and only what is stopping you to do something extremely positive is your own mind

    1. Help humanity? I can’t help my people while actually holding a gun to my head (at the current level of repression, Stalin and Lenin, sent by the tsar to Siberian exile to hard labor, who still managed to escape from it several times, would have been put in a punishment cell for 25 years from where they might not have yet left due to illnesses and a Spartan diet or killed in one of the secret FSB prisons), I developed insomnia and my bowel movements worsened; about once every 2-3 days I manage to sleep for 3-5 hours. The toyaka pulsates periodically between the eyebrows, the thought flashed that the “3 eyes” were awakening, I even used Wikipedia to find out what it was (in the Russian Federation there is no high-quality information on these aspects, the latest translations of Indian texts carried out at the academic level with double translation were carried out by doctors of science during the times of Stalin and the remnants of that circulation cost insane amounts of money - it is difficult to confirm the accuracy of the information), but perhaps this is due to dizziness due to lack of sleep? all the analysts I watch and who previously spoke once every 1-3 days (professionals in various fields with education and experience making them world-class specialists, and some even geniuses, innovators, but not in demand by the anti-people system) now speak once every 1-2 weeks , the list of topics on which they spoke and criticized the rezuo has been reduced, their psychosomatics are clearly unstable - during conversations with the presenter or answering questions, presenting information on their specialty, their hands and lips shake, they scratch their nose, stroke their hair, phrases get lost - one gets the impression that they catch themselves on every word so as not to accidentally say something for which it will be very bad for them. The difference with this time and 1937 is that Stalin shot the agents of Zionism and at the same time developed a state for the people, and Putin almost shoots those who expose him and with his policies destroys the lives and future of people so that he can be taken as an equal old cannibals-pedophiles-Satanists, I don’t find any other explanation for the behavior of these smart, professional and previously self-confident people. One gets the feeling that we are seeing some trends that are not visible to most except for prices in the store and for services, but leading to something more, some kind of catastrophe. Personally, I feel a certain feeling of silence, calm before the storm, as if there is not a sound, but there is a charge in the air, it is electrified. It's very difficult, especially when you don't know what to expect.

    2. Gun in your head is good start . Staljin? Don't know what was that about. Silence song is good and I enjoy making noise when I listen it because I have monkey brain and I'm silent when I sleep and will be when I die. I think you read to much. What would you want to do for forever?? Me to have fun and so I usually do . Good energy is weapon you can use it to say something to people of Planet Earth and Universe. I go from imagine myself driving fast bike while listening music,, or having fun with food energy =I try to imagine eating every single plant in same time and sometimes I call them like lemon need your help ,,potatoes I need your help and so on because food like chocolate make us feel good in this hell so why not use it in meditation. You have gazillion stuff you can do .Sometimes I send message to Source like energy message,,that goes to stuff like if I bring Source energy to Planet Earth if I do it properly Source will pay me in money distance from Planet Earth to Him then back (I work as food dilivery so having fun with that and i like to drive) and that is about 2 or 3 euros by kilometer and I don't know how much kilometers there is to him and we agreed It will be payed as it is raining( more money by kilometer). I'm having fun with anything that I consider fun. Put some nice music and try to make big wings on planet Earth.I could go on and on what I imagine while listening music or what do I say. Just Do It as Michele Jordan would say.You can do it and I sometimes call it Ping Pong ability = when I would play ping pong with my friends me and them would try to do some shots as we never did try before and you make a face you take a stand you pull that shott from I don't know Soul ? Universe? Don't know answer but I made pretty good ones like that and I just had fun so i do that in meditation,, try to do something cool you never did before =make a face make a statement like you in some movie.and positive popular music helps allot

  69. In an interview with Karlson, Putin admitted that the signatures of the Belovezhskaya Pushchka were ruined by the USSR for the United States (that is, they acted in the interests of the United States as citizens of the USSR - were agents of foreign intelligence, agents), in addition, he said that he admired Yeltsin and in every possible way praised him, stated that he stated an aostorted voice that he said that Yeltsin’s words during the Important in the US Congress “God Keep America” are wonderful, his Gllaza shone at that moment with delight. Putin admitted that he tried to enter the rapprochement with the hostiles of Russia and the Russian people by enemy structures in the person in the person, when he wanted to introduce the country into NATO, in his speech, the interviews even had hints that he was ready to continue the conversation on this option and continue to take the interests Russia in the international arena for the sake of those forces that rule the whole world, including in the USA. On the eve of an interview with Karlson, Putin met with representatives of the Jewish sect Khabad Lyubavich, which is quite interesting against the background that Tucker Carlson is a supporter of Donald Trump, whose daughter entered the Hasida movement, and her husband is the head of the Hasidov America. That is, the son -in -law and daughter of Trump open members of the same Khazarskaya (in the fact of Jewish, Fulford is not good to cunning) the mafia. One of the main Hasids of the Russian Federation "Beard" in the end of 1990 was taken out of the United States (in which he was threatened with prison persecution) in the USSR one of the heads of KGB departments. It was the Hasids that were used as evidence during the processes over Trump for stolen elections supposedly with the help of Russia - they say Hasidi is a communication channel between Trump and Putin. Probably also Carlson, the son of a man who was the director of Radio Freedom broadcasting for an iron curtain during the Cold War on the territory of the USSR, is this channel, because A red Kabbalistic thread was tied on his hand - the same thread was repeatedly seen before during other interviews and on Putin’s hand, but not in this interview (who wants to find). This interview is PR PAR Putin both before the local population and before the world audience, but it looks more like the two branches of Hasidism (American - Rockefellers) and Rothschilda (England - Israel - Turkey - Khazaria) choose a new "ruler of the world" for the role of the Antichrist for the script of the biblical performance. If, abroad, Putin’s interview gives people delight and understanding, then in Russia even the most stubborn (and stubborn) supporters at the lower level of bureaucracy and military, budget workers fell away from shock, he actually recognized the participation of the country's interests in attempts to integrate into world The structures of management and coordination where did the ace of these years answer with a kick. Against the background of many years of propaganda that and the country is all good and we were all stronger all like a bucket of ice water on his head. But in fact, people bite their lips and do not know what to do - a huge apparatus of internal troops and the police (according to world data, even the largest by the population as a percentage is the police kingdom) and the abstraction of Russia and the Russian people hidden in the land and the treacherous bureaucracy from the inside In fact, it is impossible, the Russian people hostage at the regime of which one of the socialist public figures stated today. The socialist movement in the country is defeated, destroyed (landing Udaltsov), the patriotic movement was defeated (landing Girkina-Strelkov), in case of intervention, there is no one to protect the country, it is like preparation for the surrender of territory, Putin: “We will agree, sooner or later, sooner or later "...

  70. Dream | First contact | Agartha
    Today I dreamt of an acquaintance who was promised a first contact in the Agartha network. I also had a confirmation of contact, but a different one, but I can't remember any further details.

    Suddenly a patterned portal? appeared in front of the acquaintance. She sat on it and fell through it into the earth. I heard falling noises for a long time, so I was worried. After a while, she came back happily and said that she had received another promise.

    There was another acquaintance at the place who seemed to be privy to many things but did not talk about them.

    My contact did not materialise in that dream.

  71. La vidéo sous-titrée en français
    With french subtitle


  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. My mother is a woman! In the latest news release, Fulford is surprised that neither Putin nor Carlson said a word about the “Khazar mafia” - well, simply because they themselves belong to it, as I already described in several long messages under this post, although it was only approved for publication one, hmm.

    When I wrote in previous messages that after watching Fulford for about 5 years, I realized that he was talking complete nonsense about Russia, but my attempts to contact him through his website were unsuccessful - he did not answer.
    I especially remember from then that same “source from the FSB”. If what Fulford says about Russia is told to him by an “FSB source”, then it is most likely disinformation, how can Fulyord blindly believe in it and publish it without verification? You can check it by simply creating a list of Russian-language YouTube sources through special free services that sort channels by the number of audiences, sort them by conditional “mass sentiment” by reading over-eaten comments and draw up some kind of adequate picture of what is happening and write your personal conclusions based on reliable information from places It’s even strange that Ben, working as a journalist for so many years, forgot how to do it, and for free from anywhere in the world - YouTube is still in Russian and is available in the Russian Federation, although it was occupied by pro-Ukrainian liberal-Zionist bloggers left over from the media machine of Navalny and Khodorkovsky. So if you had read the sources, Ben, you would have known that the front line has been standing for 6 months already, the Ukrainians are forcibly mobilizing men and conscripting women into the army, the US government has approved another tranche of $60 billion for Zelensky, Turkey, which has a vested interest in defeat, Russia is building a drone factory in Ukraine, while Russia is passing laws banning flights (which will prevent garage manufacturers from conducting flight tests) and by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense they prohibit two legal workshops from repairing front-line drones with malfunctions, and in return, not releasing drones from the army reserve - So all that remains is for the regular army to fight with drones, 80% of which are paid for by volunteers, including 76 year old grandmothers who, from their pension of $130 per month, saving on medicines and food, send donations directly to the units of field commanders and they themselves buy drones on Internet sites . An “FSB employee” (he is an idiot or a traitor, it doesn’t matter) cannot not know this, because... It is for public coverage of the disgusting supply of soldiers of the army of the Russian Armed Forces under the control of the Knight of the Order of Malta Shoigu that the FSB is putting people in prison, having previously put the most effective commander of the people's militia (Strelkov-Girkin) in prison, whose position was the inevitable defeat of Ukraine and a military tribunal over Zelensky. And before that, in 2016, on Putin’s orders, by the hands of Wagner’s mercenaries, the field commanders of the “Russian Spring” were killed in acts of serial murder;

    1. Why are u complaining with Fulford? U do not like Putin, 2? Have u ever been to Russia? China? Asia? Sorry mate, but u do, compared to my (personal) experiences, only waste time. Btw: Facts are always nice.

  75. Putin’s deceitful position confirms his interview - those who listened attentively, or even read printouts, a lot becomes clear. Putin actually begs on his knees to let him go to one table into the so -called one, Ben, the “Khazar” mafia, but in fact it is Jewish Majia because The Jews were integrated only into the "elites" of Khazaria, starting with a dynastic marriage with their ruler. Yes, and what Khazaria in 2024, Ben, this subject and ethnic group have not existed for a long time, but the foreign superstructure that controlled it has been preserved and it is purely Earayskaya, they don’t take another there - they have a blood omert, “God's chosenness” should know this. Putin directly to say that the participants of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha surrendered the country, betrayed the USSR to join the world controlled by the USA, and they got - the 1/6 planet’s resources belong to the people from the Russian List for Forbes, all European and American resorts and real estate were bored with them to receive rent. For the sake of this, they abandoned communism, if only their Soviet Jews, saved by Russian half-starved peasants from Hitler and Poles, adopted their American and European-All-Israeli brothers. They betrayed and sold the Russian people, and before that, leaving the USSR in the 1970s in the United States on repatriation and engaged in banditry, they created the myth of the "Russian Mafia" (not a single Russian KGB did not release residence in the United States or Europe, the change of citizenship was It is forbidden, Jews are the only people in the USSR who with tears and international pressure squeezed a permission to leave Brezhnev). And so, after 33 years, Volodya Putin admitted and told everything. So Volodya Putin serves Soviet Jews thanking the Russian people to the collapse of their state, suppressing national consciousness and the actual policy of ethnocide and genocide. And this Borov Fullford says that it is stupid, the old animal will soon save the world, having planted everyone who is possible and who cannot be in the punishment cell, and sincerely does not understand: why these West Vladyka do not want to plant this bug, serf, and go to them at the same table. He does not even see that in the modern world they do not need him and those whom he could rest and who could and should protect him was trampled below the ground level and were shoved through the cells. So it turns out against such a background “The question of Comrade Stalin” (one of the best logicians and dialectics of the planet): “Comrade Fullford, the enemy or fool”?

  76. Apologies but this is an updated version of the previous version of this comment which I'll delete.

    Friendly reminder that this divine warning, which turned out to be hugely prophetic, has been in effect since its publishing:

    Quick summary for those interested:

    I was divinely guided to share a warning to anyone involved in negative activities in the form of a music video 'Heads Will Roll' by Yeah Yeah Yeahs (video of wolf guy 'activating' when hit with light and attacking anyone and everyone there):

    That article was archived on November 20th, 2022 at 8:42 PM Arizona time. Once an article is archived, the time cannot be changed or altered in any way:

    18 minutes later at 9 PM Arizona time (11 PM ET) a new Rick and Morty episode aired featuring an illuminated Jesus coming down from the sky and beating up Rick, Morty and another character. It didn't matter who they were, Jesus trashed them. Proof of airing date and time:

    Here's that Jesus clip:

  77. Hey Light family!

    I gotta tell you... I'm on cloud nine folks! These last 3 weeks have been some of the most interesting and life changing experiences I've ever gone through I'm my 55 years.
    I wanted so badly to go to the Phoenix Ascension Conference, but I know now that God and the Universe, as well as my guardian angels and guides... and perhaps even my 1221Team and our Galactic cousins had other plans for me, and I couldn't be more grateful! 🙏
    You see, I just removed myself from living in a toxic relationship after 5 years. This relationship was completely stunting my growth and brought out the worst parts of me I didn't know I had. (could've been one of the Lightworker mistakes of 2019 that COBRA had mentioned)
    I was literally caught in a negative loop which was contrary to what all of us here are trying to achieve, which is our inner work and healing in order to prepare ourselves for our missions pre and post EVENT, First Contact, and ultimately... Ascension. I was FINALLY able to remove myself from this negative loop which was keeping me from my true potential. However, the Universe had a HUGE and BEAUTIFUL surprise waiting for me. ❤️✨️☝️😇👍✨️❤️
    A woman entered my life in such a way... it just couldn't be ignored. I have never, and I mean NEVER met a woman, or anyone for that matter, that connected with me in such a deep and profound way such as this. I've never felt such peace and felt so energized and optimistic than I do in her presence. Her and I had such an incredibly powerful connection on every level imaginable! From spirituality to music... everything is more vivid and alive while in her presence. It's truly indescribable my friends. All can really say is that we both felt we've ALWAYS KNOWN EACH OTHER... LIKE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ONE ANOTHER! She makes me feel "at home" in her presence.
    I don't know if this is part of the predicted Soul Families coming together in the final days leading up to The Event... but I swear to all of you... this one FEELS like the rarest meeting of them all.
    I know Twin Flames are supposed to be separated by dimension and frequency, one down here while the other is above waiting and guiding. But, is it possible... is it really possible I've found mine here... like a pot of gold at the end of a Rainbow? 🤔
    I will say this, what I see and feel has ALL the tell, tell signs of a Twin Flame relationship. I guess we'll just see how this plays out... ✨️💜☝️😇👍💜✨️

    P.S. I wish for all of you the beautiful Twin Flame/ Soulmate connections every one of you HEROES deserve!
    Anyway, God Bless all of you...
    In Love and Light,
    Troy (aka) One Of 144k

    1. I'm happy, I congratulate you and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your luck grows.

    2. @Lightpower and @Radovan

      Thank you both! I'm truly ecstatic and feel this changes the WHOLE game for me!
      You're very right Lightpower... this automatically has changed my energy and frequency pattern for the best.
      When COBRA had mentioned months ago that the Lightworkers lives would begin to change for the better after last May's Portal opening I had no idea how much and how right he would be. The optimism I feel is staggering and limitless now... I'm REALLY coming back online in a BIG way! We're gonna do some amazing stuff my friends... especially with music Lightpower... so be ready!😉
      You both take care and keep holding the Light... we're almost there! ✨️☝️😇👍✨️

      Love and Light,

  78. I just want to make a comment about Mr "I", who turned up again last night after not being here for quite a while (he's in another dimension, but he's still here). I'm saying I have no interest whatsoever in Mr "I", the extraterrestrial person of weird origin. I am NOT inviting his interest, so he better go away. Last time he was here, he got some other driver to bang into my car slightly. I do not want Mr "I" to be in my life, I do not welcome it. So I'm just saying, go away! I don't even think about you any more. Please GO!
    And he does have a name, starting with "i", but out of respect for someone who comes here a little, I don't mention the name. It's all over her blog. He reckons he is with her so stay with your earth human and please leave me alone.

  79. Evidence AI is deceiving us and guess what the fastest growing AI does.

  80. When are Americans going to wake up? $95 billion dollars going to Israel just passed the Senate?? And no money for America's border. Really?? OMG.
    And on WeAreChange they are saying: They're Starting To Force You To House Invaders In Your Home!! But as it is over an hour long, I won't bother listening.

    1. @Libra
      They try that here in the states, too. But they just shout the tired old, "RACIST!" bit that the extreme hard core left wingers use all the time.

  81. Requesting that the Light Forces and Underground Resistance remove all energy weapons of all types from the planet, once and for all.

    Requesting that all who have been using energy weapons of all types be brought to justice.

    A special meditation has been done for this purpose.

    Victory of the Light.

  82. Replies
    1. @Libra
      Let's just hope it's a good significant something.
      The schuman resonance and the sun's x flares been going CRAZY, and me and mom feel sooooo beat up this past week.

      Sleeping's been a bitch and a half, I tell you what.

      Also, we been seeing a lot of dark helicopters flying overhead, and quite low, as well as videos of trains carrying lots of military hardware on flatbed cars.

  83. Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetheart!

  84. Cobra you might desire to put this video in your next blog post:


  85. BREAKING: The Accountability Project ( @tapcanorg
    ) has launched a class action lawsuit against the following:

    Justin Trudeau
    Chrystia Freeland
    David Lametti
    Dominic Leblanc
    Bill Blair
    Marco Mendicino
    Jody Thomas
    Steve Bell

    And shit ton of banks, police services, and corporations.

  86. Hi all, the Phoenix ascension conference report is translated into Chinese.
    I didn't attend the conference, so there will be discrepancies, and it might contain error, this is for reference only for those who are interested!

    The English version of report could be found from PFC Japan, written by Nogi.

    I also invite those who have to support The New Atlantis Project by donation, or planting Galactic Cintamani Stones! The flyers:

    1. @Libra
      Yep. I'm ready to get physically picked up. I think I just need 10 minutes or so to get ready, pack a few things (I'll probably need a couple of changes of clothes before they can transform me, and I got a small present to give my special someone, whomever she is, as well), and say goodbye to the stray cats living on my place.

    2. PFC Japan changed the website URL to .../2012/02..., not sure if this is done on purpose or it is a small mistake, but here is a working link for Day 1 Report! Day 2 has yet to be published anywhere.

    3. @Libra Long time no see! Hope you are feeling better! Let's look forward to the final VOTL! Are you planning to republish the blogs? It's a pity that your German translation of Unveiling33 are currently unpublished!

    4. Yep, got no attachments here as well, and nothing to lose. I'm ready, you're ready, Lib, and I am sure there's others who are ready.

      The lightforces said they want to make contact with us, well.....they got volunteers ready to start it.

    5. Hi! I made my own personal notes from the Phoenix conference and just posted them online. You can find them here:
      Day 1:
      Day 2:

  87. This is a weird one. Plants have stopped growing. Isabela noticed it; all her house plants died. We've noticed it also in Victoria Australia. Normally at this time I have millions of cherry tomatoes growing outside over summer. Even though the plants grew a bit, they grew sickly and haven't got much further than a small plant. They are not growing. They are dying. Over this summer, rather than getting hundreds of tomatoes, I've had three. Yep, three. Now all the plants are slowly dying. What is causing this? Beats me. Plants all over the world are dying. Must be 5D or something... Or our Wifi or something is killing them.

    1. There are chemtrails that change the earth's p H and plants no longer absorb nutrients

    2. Vegetation seems to be ok where I am. Grass is green, trees look fine.

    3. Steph there is version where they made up CO2 thing to cool of Planet Earth,,like cool it off because nice and hot weather =people are more happy people have more money because they spend less on gas and other stuff used for heating houses,,plants grow more and better and longer,,energy of all planet is raised. And don't worry about plants they won against Evil already

    4. @Nico That might be it, the plants no longer absorb nutrients (and earth's pH). Apparently it will be fixed, according to Isabela... Another woman in Victoria mentioned her tomato plants aren't growing. Well, just means I have to buy cherry tomatoes. It is trying hard to give me my 4th tomato, before they die off. It is taking days to ripen...

  88. From Era of Light channeling by James and Joanna Mcconnell, part of the regular question/answer sessions. A guest asked a question:

    Guest: The second part was Cobra reports on more of the galactic levels, what’s happening at the higher realms, and the war with the chimera, and the higher-level war. But if that’s already done, I would imagine that Cobra is also reporting something that has basically already happened. Because we’ve said that in the higher realms this was a done deal, and I a thousand percent believe that. I’m just wondering how do we coincide that some of the things that like Cobra reports on a higher level? Or is it the same answer?

    OWS: Very much yes, the same answer here. You’re just speaking about an individual that has a connection especially to the Pleiadian forces of Light here. And this one brings this information forward to assist mankind as many would attune to this information that it is possible that you are winning here. That is what he wishes to bring forward here, that you are in the process of winning the battle, winning the war here, you see? But again, that is looking in a time frame, your time frame. But in the time frame of higher consciousness, it has already happened, it has already done, what you call a done deal, here, you see? Shoshanna, do you have something to add?

    Guest: Perfect. Thank you.

    Shoshanna: We have a perspective here.

    Guest: Yes, I would love for you to share.

    Shoshanna: Thank you, Dear Brother. Dear Brother, what our perspective is here is that first of all, your comprehension of the things that are going on in your world are mostly beyond most others that comprehend it differently. But the goal of the narrative that’s being given, even though it has transpired, is to shift the consciousness of any many as they can to get off the timeline that they are on and to shift to the negative timeline. So you hear all of these things occurring, and the goal of the cabal, of the evil dark side, is to shift the timeline again. It is a timeline war. So that, for example, one that is moving to the light, that is moving to the path of ascension, hears something negative or continues to hear the negative narrative, they are attempting to snatch that one off the timeline of perfection to the timeline of the darkness once again. So it is important, it is extremely important, that those that hear these things, are fearful of these things, do not pay attention. Because if you are on the timeline of ascension, the timeline of unconditional love, the timeline of light and perfection, you must not engage with all of these other things that are occurring, as it could shift your timeline back. Namaste.

    1. @5th dimension and Shoshana,
      The trouble some of us have is that we are hoping all these narratives like "timeline wars" between benevolent galactics and the dark forces is true but there is very little to support these narratives that reaches all the way down to the 3d world where we live.

      The benevolent galactic forces may in fact be out there and winning but you need to understand that those of us living on the front being crushed by very real forces are only given hopeful, but dubious stories with little to no proof at all. And because we have been manipulated and lied too so extensively and for so long, hopeful narratives have to remain in the "Hope it's true" category. So unless the benevolent forces give us indisputable proof that they exist and that they are in fact winning, we cannot discount the negative scenarios because those ones ARE in fact out to GET us and ignoring them can be potentially fatal.

    2. I empathize with your concerns and suspect many share your same feelings. Even I do myself. It is difficult to determine what is true or not since we are being played by both dark and white hats in psyops. As for the galactics, this is all in the realm of hope and faith according to one's beliefs and understanding. I put these sources out there not because I believe them or not, but to share something interesting. Ultimately, we need to decide for ourselves where to put our focus and I believe we don't need to look for an outside source for our salvation and well being.

    3. William good comments on topics ,,I usually say to voice in my mind to send me a finger and I'll be happy (finger is joke about when bad guys kidnappe somone and then send finger as proof of life) ,,sometimes I start to look around my room and say you see this is a light ball this is curtain this is tv = I can see it and I can hmmm do something even with that ,,I can meditate in respect of any person on planet good or bad ,,or animal or plant or invention as snowboard or anything else but when it comes to LF I can't do it easily and don't like to do it as much as with things I can see or person I've seen as some actor or singer (I don't need to know them personally).and Cobra said some of us need to work on our personality and I found myself in his statement but boy he was wrong .,that is all I have Cobra so you work on yours if you want. I do Hooligan style meditations or Hood style and I'm Gazillion % sure Source likes it very much. Richard Prior was raised in Lady's of Night House and Some top Dark Forces dude was thinking he is so funny he needs to die so he had 2 heart atacks same as that French Comedy Movie guy (sorry can't remember his name). Born on Earth ,,Forged between Hell and Heaven one stroke at time ,,Black Bi tch took everything from me(us) (Black B is Anomaly or Black Hole )so in return I'll give her Everything . I have fun with words ,,then it should go Einsteins theory of everything m222=BBB. Have fun William Wallace that is safe bet

  89. New Guidance
    Yesterday I asked the light for guidance through the day. Hours later, I felt guided to answer truth seekers on the internet, something I rarely did before. This time it was very different. I often knew after a few seconds what the best answer would be and felt guided by the light.

  90. Подскажите, где можно прочитать второй день конференции КОБРА город Феникс, США. Спасибо.

  91. Tell me where I can read the second day of the COBRA conference, Phoenix, USA. Thank you.



    3. I have Day 2 on my web-site


  93. You making up numbers now? I just put the two dates into a time calculation calculator the first eclipse was August 21st, 2017 and the second is April 8th, 2024. That comes out to 6 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. Moral of the story, don't believe everything you read on the internet, do the calculations yourself.

  94. Advanced technologies acquired from crashed flying saucers, and secret agreements reached with the Antarctica Germans/Fourth Reich and extraterrestrials, have led to the development of multiple secret space programs.

  95. Key News Recently

    Archon Space Force losing control :

    Jeffrey Epstein victims sue FBI - to investigate 'sex trafficking ring for the elite'

    Big Money players dropping out of UN Climate Alliance

    Western cabal is next in line on the Resistance Movement's List

    Cabals out of Luck

  96. Got my cintamani for burial today - thank you!

  97. Hey does anyone now what is up with the Shuman resonance?...

  98. A law on mass graves and evacuation adopted during Covid that did not previously exist: -natsionalnyy-standart-o-massovyh-evakuatsiyah-i-zahoroneniyah-272096

    Along with the abolition of the “right of ownership” (the right to own, say, an apartment in a multi-story building) in 2016 with its replacement by the “right to property” (the right to the opportunity to own, but also not to own, if you don’t want to or if the state doesn’t allows, any circumstances - for example, seizure of property due to repression, prosecution), allowed the “state” to actually deprive citizens of the Russian Federation of their (at least) real estate. After 2016, documents on the owner’s right to real estate in the form of personalized certificates with protective measures state-issued ones were replaced by a certificate that needs to be confirmed once every six months for a fixed fee for a certain fixed amount in the physical branch of the state registry responsible for real estate. The problem is that on these certificates information about the owner and his property is actually presented in the form of his initials and address, as well as a short number from an electronic database that supposedly contains information about all property owners in the country. All paper archives and documents from the state were allegedly transferred to digital format and presumably destroyed. That is, if a lockdown occurred, the digital archive was damaged as a result (or a fire in the building where the server equipment is located), then it is impossible to prove that your house or apartment in which you have lived your whole life (if an inheritance) or bought it earlier and it is yours, a certificate confirming your “right to property” (and not the right of ownership, that is, your right to own this object) is so simple in execution that, in theory, any fraudster can make it in Photoshop, and the number that is on it, due to the hypothetical destruction of the owner base, is nothing will not prove - there is nowhere to write a request and find out whether your certificate is reliable or not. Those who after 2016 did not die (or did not inherit) real estate and did not sell it still have an old-style certificate (copied from the Soviet one), but if you inherit or sell real estate, the same register of owners confiscates your certificate with the right of ownership and issues it instead certificate of ownership.

  99. Why did I remember this? Recently I came across a fresh video in which a lawyer was finally able to explain this competently and step-by-step, even against the backdrop of old news (at that time nothing was known about the Swabian plan and his inclusive mundialism-inclusive capitalism in Russia, details came after Covid). And here the puzzle comes together: in order for people in Russia to start living according to Klaus Schwab, they need to be deprived of the property they currently own (there are still some representatives of the real middle class who were able to somehow get rich in the early 2000s, until 2008, conditionally in the Russian Federation not 90% of poor Russians, but 85%) and move them into a standardized kennel. They themselves will not give up this property and we need to figure out a way to deprive them of their property and make them prone to accepting kennels, eating beetles and turning into Morlocks. There were two ways:

    “In 2021, the Constitutional Court made a revolution in the topic of confiscation of the only housing from debtors. Now it can still be taken away for debts (the bulk of debts from old people to housing and communal services operators who are registered in offshore companies and rip off payments 10 times more than due, these are people over 58-60 years old), even if this is the only apartment without a mortgage (the bulk of the country's population lives in Soviet housing stock).

    These are not changes in the law yet, but the courts will already begin to use them. This means that for debts on a receipt or to a bank you can be left without your only home."

    2. The President of the Russian Federation signed a law on confiscation of property for fakes about the army and calls for activities directed against the security of the state.

    If we proceed from the position that Putin is an agent of the Swabian and his goal is to force the herd to submit by making them afraid to protest, depriving them of the remains of property in the form of Soviet housing and personal property, and arresting those who disagree en masse (or, as an option, not allowing them to wage war according to all the rules of the art of war , deliberately allowing “their” own troops to be encircled, which will give reason to declare an evacuation and abandon the border territories on which the Hasidim will build the Khazar Kaganate) and shoot, followed by mass burial. These are just options, but how “timely” these laws are adopted and how actively a new video was released on the channel to which I subscribed on the topic “why do they want to take away your home” while I was writing this text, as after writing 7/10 of this text right inside the Google translator, after the word kennel, the translation process on the translator page first froze, then the Chrome application began to blink and give an error telling me to close the browser or wait, but in the end both options did not work and the Chrome browser now constantly flashes a message about the browser not working , impossible to work. I am adding this message from another browser. If we assume that the Google translator has a built-in intelligence algorithm and trigger words, an understanding of the context, then the possibility is that I hit the mark and the algorithm worked which should have prevented me from finishing writing/translating the text.

    If you can, send these two texts to Ben with greetings for his “FSB source,” asshole.

    1. “It turns out that the Chinese social rating system has been in effect in Russia for almost two years now” (forum):

      “There is a social rating system in Kamchatka” (one of the most remote and sparsely populated regions of the Russian Federation, ideal as a training ground):
      "Rates for the required behavior are also given. For example:

      — 10 thousand steps daily cost 20 points (using a pedometer downloaded from the Internet and not free)
      — Login to the mobile application — 100 points
      — Fill out your profile — 80 points
      — Login through State Services — 100 points
      — Passing the Digital Dictation 2023 — 50 points
      — Vaccination against COVID-19 — 300 points
      — Blood donation — 500 points
      — Refer a friend — 300 points
      The website of the regional social rating program itself:

  100. A First Contact Dream and a Challenge

    I had a dream regarding First Contact. I'm not sure if I should stay quiet or reveal it. Because I wasn't told to stay quiet, and my intuition isn't telling me to stay quiet, I'll go ahead and reveal the dream.

    I was talking to Howard Wolowitz, who was the character from The Big Bang Theory. This character was an astronaut, so the choice was excellent for my subconscious. He told me he had contact with positive Ets, and that they can give me anything I want, and that they can give humanity anything humanity wants. I then saw their craft. In this instance, their craft were not flying saucers, but were more like very advanced cargo ships. Star trek had cargo ships like this from time to time. Howard then said there were some conditions that needed to be met. I can't specifically remember what these conditions were, but they gave off a feeling of being reasonable.

    Later as I woke up more, I had a vision of several flying saucers zooming through the sky, with the perspective of me being in the sky as they zoomed past me, well within the earth's atmosphere.

    Before going to bed last night, I was angry with the Light Forces and Underground Resistance. I've been fighting my anger over the past few months over the genocide in GAZA. The death toll is nearly 30,000 now of mostly women and children. In a not-so-nice way, I ranted that the LF/UR need to get over their fears and do something.

    A dream is very positive, but I challenge the LF/RM to do more than just give good dreams, and physically intervene. Physically intervene to stop the genocide in GAZA, and physically intervene to initiate First Contact with myself and others. I also strongly feel that 'not being ready' is not a factor. No one is ready to be born in this world. No one is ready to die in this world. There is no 'ready' vs. 'not ready.' That is an illusion.

    I also pledge to better manage my temper. Even though I didn't communicate in a nice way, what I said is true. The LF/UR need to get over their fears and physically intervene. And don't say "Oh, we'll do that at the Event." You know you can do much more now, so please, do much more - now.

    1. @Libra
      Once again, you hit the nail on the head, especially with that stove comparison.

      So, lightforces, if you really wanna know how it's like for us right now. *pats a stove, and cranks up one of the dials* Have a seat.

    2. Libra, keep your confidence as high as possible. It is everywhere the same. Those who handle it hard got rough echoes. All the best.


  101. Coming in from the cold.



    1. To You my friend: Suppers Ready:

    2. Thank you, Sam. I have that song and album on vinyl from the 70s, haven't listened to it in over thirty years, though, so it's about time.
      Cheers :-)

  102. Ty thanks,,I believed him :):):) ,,I was like this is amazing. LIE. (LIE came now when I've read your comment)

  103. Steph there is version where they made up CO2 thing to cool of Planet Earth,,like cool it off because nice and hot weather =people are more happy people have more money because they spend less on gas and other stuff used for heating houses,,plants grow more and better and longer,,energy of all planet is raised. And don't worry about plants they won against Evil already

  104. @Libra
    I highly suggest watching First Bood, First Blood part 2, and Rambo 3.

    Rambo, a Vietnam special forces vet, in the early 80's, tries to simply live as best he can, and learns a lot of his partners in the army are dead, from Agent Orange complications, and he walks into a small rural town, and the police treat him like some sorta criminal, just because he's a vagrant. His training snaps in and fights back, and the whole police force is after him.

    Second film has him trying to rescue P.O.W.'s who been left for dead for 15+ years. And the POW's remind me of US, Libra. I, so far, feel like WE are POWs.

    I have not seen the 4th film, so I can't comment on that.

    But yes, PTSD, or SHELL SHOCK, as it was originally called back in the day.

    And, considering some of us were not only killed by the darkies, but forced to incarnate on this insane asylum of a planet, is it any wonder some of us are crazy, or 'bread baskets' as some call it.

    So, lightforces, AGAIN, I say, "GET THE LEAD OUT!".

  105. Taylor Swift the CLONE is here in Melbourne, performing her Satanic concert. You can't watch any TV right now as it is all Taylor Swift. I mean honestly, I had to watch the fishing shows... until they got boring and I watched nothing. Ho hum.

  106. For those interested, a prophetic X-Class flare message:

    1. Try to have fun with Sun as he is your Bud= best friend,, dance and tell him funny and cool stories. Some pictures of Sun are looking as he has mouth and eyes( Google it=pic of Sun) so very possible he is a Being. Some people long time ago said and believed Sun is our reflection = as we feel thus he do, would be my personal explaining. Whatever truth is it is very cool to have fun with our Sun Sun

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. ships in the phoenix sky apparently on february.15/ the energy uprising continues.....bravo zulu cosmique.....

  110. Discussion of the sensational interview with Tucker Carlson, which caused a lot of assessments and judgments.

    In our country there were many criticizing parties, both nationally oriented and socialist views, while in the West, in the USA, it was generally assessed positively, saying that Putin used such a soft power tool as an interview to convey his position. Should he be applauded for this?

    I would divide the mass of people and their attitude towards this interview differently. Firstly, there is such an undemanding public as supporters of the authorities who rated the interview as brilliant. They talk about Putin’s deep knowledge of history (I put “deep knowledge” in quotes, etc.), we see how state media behave: not only have they been behaving in such a way for 4-5 days that they cannot stop in this “hymn” " of this interview, they show different parts, analyze Putin's quotes, etc., broadcast his answers to questions. And before that, for a couple of days they showed this Tucker on the air, with creepiness: what he does, what he buys in the store, where he eats, etc. This was the first part of the people and it does not constitute the majority.
    The second part, actually the majority, those who do not support the authorities, have a negative attitude towards the interview, looking for mistakes and blunders. He is perplexed in many ways, for various reasons. But in fact, both the former and the latter evaluate this interview inadequately. In fact, the interview is quite harmonious if we ignore the attitude towards the president. The interview consists of 6 consecutive blocks, between blocks sometimes passages that are not included in the preparation slip through, when Putin speaks impromptu, he is more expressive than during preparation. During preparation, he begins to cough, remember, get confused, etc. In general, the text of the interview is normal, but that’s not the point, the point is not in the text. Even if Putin had been telling jokes for these two hours, the effect would have been exactly the same.
    The main question is who arranged the interview? For example, why 2 days after the interview, after a massive information blow to the American voter (and today the interview was watched by more than 100 million people in the United States), the US Supreme Court expressed its position on why Trump should not participate in the elections. That is, he negatively assessed the decision of the California court that banned Trump from participating in the elections. From my point of view, in this pre-prepared interview, the main one is not Putin, but Carlson. The question is who organized the interview. Russian leadership? No. The leadership of the Russian Federation acted as an instrument in the hands of specific global forces that are pursuing a certain line in the US presidential elections.
    Considering that all the media are on the side of the Democratic Party, and the Republicans have nothing, although last time when Trump won, the Republicans had Twitter, but now they don’t have that either - Musk may not give access. The only most powerful resource of the Republicans now is Tucker, whom Trump’s electorate is looking at, these “rebellious states” that “resist” (note, they are not talking about secession from the United States) federal power; rednecks, etc., but the struggle for those who have not decided is still ongoing. Serious preparations for the information campaign begin, plus the impact on American public opinion and consciousness. Including legal communities (and even institutions). And there will be more of this in the future.

  111. ...
    In the combination of these events, in the Putin-Tucker combination, the main one is Tucker, because in order to have such an informational reason to shoot at the American audience, you need a fairly global event that affects American society. The interview between Putin and Carlson is this event. But what they are wearing and what they are talking about is not important, because there will be a translation from Russian into English. The question is: who will translate and how, with what meaning? After all, Tucker is the main interpreter of this interview and he has already begun to interpret it in such a way that it is beneficial for the Republicans, how it is beneficial for Trump, but not beneficial for Biden. Small republican media and supposedly democratic media, owned by Rothschild supporters, have joined in this. In fact, in the 2024 elections, the main link is the Rothschild-Republican link, and from both of them a single figure is coming forward to connect them, this is Trump. This interview contains a whole series of messages, for example: “Yes, Putin is bad, but Biden is even worse”, “Look how Putin at 70 years old remembers everything, knows all the numbers, but Biden is insane” or “Russia is a very dangerous enemy, but who did this enemy? Biden and the Democrats did this,” “You see that Putin will not stop and will go to the end, and who can come to an agreement with him, stop him? Only Trump, not Biden, because Putin himself said that now there are no those with whom one can agree , stop him" etc. Since February 6, Tucker and the others have already begun to broadcast these meanings.

    The interview itself went smoothly, not a single pressing question was asked except “Who blew up the Nord Stream?”, but Putin turned it into a joke. There was one more question, but Putin ignored it.
    Then the president gave us a “history lesson”, then began to complain about how the Americans, Europeans, and Ukrainians behaved. He remembered Lenin, Stalin, etc., and Tucker asked him: “Why have you been silent for 20 years?”, conventionally, “Where have you been all this time?” Moreover, Tucker asked this question twice, the first time Putin ignored him and continued the story, and he also ignored the same question the second time.
    Then everything went according to protocol, Putin answered as a person of his position should answer at public events. I will not delve deeply into the meaning of his words, look for contradictions as psychologists do, in order to say how everything really was, because if we analyze everything, then it all can be questioned at a minimum, and at maximum we can accurately indicate where is hypocrisy, where is demagoguery, and where is lies, etc. For example, the historical retrospective of Putin does not represent any exceptional knowledge of history, this is the level of a 5th grade student in a Russian secondary school who passed a test on a learned topic. Now, if instead such things were said (Putin got a global platform, during the isolation of the country this is an amazing opportunity - Tucker “himself” came, the attention of almost the whole world was riveted), surprise, so to speak, the unusual, shock the world with an unexpected truth. How? For example, the real truth: talk about the global agenda that the globalists are promoting, who they are; what is WHO, the World Government, with details, give out shocking content, so to speak, basic things. But no, the global agenda was not touched upon, only at the very end Tucker touched on artificial intelligence, Putin responded with a blank, but for me who knows about this since the mid-eighties, nothing new sounded, nor for the average Russian with a broad outlook. We hear these memorized preparations from him at regular press releases with him.

  112. ...
    The only thing that Putin could surprise was the mention of excess production capacity in the form of millions of specialists from thought factories that were created to destroy the USSR during the Cold War and which, after its destruction, continued to work by inertia. I don’t know who suggested this to him, but it allowed him to get out.

  113. ...
    By the way, 2 days before the interview, in the Kremlin, Putin met with the leadership of the Hasidic sect Chabad. For what? I have already watched several videos of Zionists, citizens of Israel who are considered insiders in the formation of a world government and related topics. So, they said that yes, everything was going according to plan and even said the name of this special operation - “Spear of Longinus” (one of the leading artifacts of Christianity, with which the legionary ended the torment of Jesus by finishing him off; I visited all the places where spears passed off as the Spear were exhibited Longinus, but they all turned out to be fakes, even the copy that is exhibited in the Vatican once a year). Surprisingly, both Napoleon and Hitler sought to master it, Hitler even took it from Austria to Nuremberg (where the trial of the Nazis and their ideology took place). We can definitely say that this spear is riddled with symbolism.

    The question arises: if the operation bears such a name, then why? Most likely, this interview, the very fact of its conduct, is used as a piercing event, piercing, piercing. If we imagine the duet of Putin and Carlson as the conditional “Spear of Longinus,” then in this pair Putin will be the “shaft” and Tucker the “edge, the tip” that is stuck into the American “body” (the American audience, its mass consciousness). So that the “edge” of this “spear” enters the “body” (the mass consciousness of Americans) and ends its (the consciousness of American society) torment; so that after “death” the “body” “resurrects”, acquires a new “quality”, a new faith, “reborn”. This is the symbolism of which this process is already acquiring. You can call it conspiracy theory, but the interview is indirectly aimed at popularizing Trump and is beneficial to him.

    I will not get into the details of the president’s historical “knowledge,” but I will note that he broadcasts to the whole world the historical agenda from the point of view of Great Britain, Kiev and Israel (with regards to Khazaria and, as a result of his narrative, Israel allegedly has the right to the territory of Ukraine and the South-East Russia, we are already hearing speeches from the Israelis that this is their land and one day they will come to take what is theirs, they are forming their vision of the future in the public consciousness). For example, Putin presents the British-American version of the Second World War and other facts. One gets the impression that the president knows nothing, or the historians who write his speeches are frankly bad specialists. For example, he mentioned Genghis Khan, who was not a Mongol at all. Scientific disciplines have long stepped forward and are already destroying the old versions, but for some unknown reason our president repeats outdated constructions in front of the whole world, and precisely those constructions that demean the historical position of Russia and its main people - the Russians.

    1. A zsidók tettek egy igéretet az Úrnak, a magúrnak. Ez szerint, a zsidóknak meg kell majd védeniük Sólyomvárat, amit most Jeruzsálemnek neveznek. A magyar polgárháború után, kb 1 évre, az orosz, és az USA hadserege meg foja támadni a zsidókat, és minden zsidót kiírtanak, akik nincsenek Jeruzsálem védelménél. A turul, és a szkíta oroszlán a magban egyesül, és Ő lesz a Messiás, ezért kell a zsidóknak megvédeniük Jeruzsálemet, mert ott lesz az armageddon. Jeruzsálem egy nagyon fontos hely, és ezekről sok mindent lehet olvasni a Jelenések könyvében. A szkíta kelárság, ami most ezer éves kelárság, majd meg fog szűnni, ha Szkítia (Hungária=Hongária=H, O, N a három gén, G = Gea, ár =
      kiárasztás, ia = terület, képesség) felszabadul a rabszolgaságból a Karapát (Kárpát) medencében. A zsidók is a mag részei = Ők a homók, hom Ó = hám Ő. Az igaz zsidóknak fontos feladatuk lesz, amit vállaltak, és nemsokára meg is kell tenniük, amit válaltak.

    2. Beszéltem Astar kapitánnyal. Elmondtam neki, hogy E földön előállított klóntestek nem emberi testek, mert nem alkalmasak a megemelkedésre. A klóntestekben lévők nem tudnak jók lenni, szeretni, és nem tudnak szerelmesek lenni. Vigyázni kell a klóntestekben lévőkkel, mert sok közülük igen veszélyes. Bízzátok a klóntestek megsemmísítését Astar parancsnokra, és szövetségeseire. E naprendszer, és benne E föld nem tud megszabadulni a rabszolgaság alol, ha idegen külvilági katonaság tartózkodik a naprendszerben, és E földön, a szkíta oroszlán engedélye nélkül. Astar parancsnoknak, és szövetségeseinek engedélye van itt tartózkodniuk a szkta oroszlántól. Egyszer egy amerikai, beszélt egyik videójában az oroszlánról, hogy itt van E földön. Magam ismerem a szkíta oroszlánt.


  114. ...
    One might even say that by using “European” history, Putin is gently bringing the Khazar version to the fore.

    According to the Western version, the Russians did not have any independence, much less statehood. Allegedly, the Viking Rurik sailed, drove away the native Slavs (as Patriarch Kirill said, “the Slavs had only climbed down from the trees by the time the baptism took place”) and became their king, founding Kyiv. And, they say, before Kyiv there was Khazaria on this land. But for some reason, Western history omits the fact that on the site of Khazaria at different times there were various state formations, there were more than a dozen of them, including various kingdoms and parts of empires, for example the Scythian one, which even Alexander the Great himself could not overcome, but there were this is right up to the birth of Christ. Do you understand the variations in dating and how widely events can be distorted and interpreted?

    Or the fact that throughout the existence of Russian historical science (about 400 years), it was divided into two directions, one might even say “canon”: Normanists and anti-Normanists.
    The Normanists (who dominated the Romanov era and part of the Soviet era, approximately 1600-1930) argued that Russian culture and statehood were borrowed from the Scandinavians, from Rurik, because The Romanovs had a distant family relationship with Rurik and that is why they received the right to the throne after the Russian Troubles, although they were from a secondary line - this is what justified the adherence to this point of view of historians of that time, to prove and approve the inviolability of the Romanovs’ right to the throne, despite the fact that they occupied the throne illegally and against the will of the people, since the king was chosen directly by the people, which was violated.

    Anti-Normanists argued that Russian culture and statehood are unique and original, differing both from the cultures of northern European countries and Western and Eastern Europe. A series of historical battles between these two directions lasted for centuries, beginning in imperial times with the Russian genius Lomonosov, in whose honor one of the largest educational institutions in Russia is named and having one of the highest authorities in the scientific world, and ended by the mid-to-late 1980s with the victory of the anti-Normanists who won on points, and with a big advantage. But with the destruction of the USSR, for 30 years now, Russian history textbooks have been writing the version of the Normanists who lost the historical dispute, instilling false truths in Russians and cultivating in them feelings of their own inferiority in front of Europeans and their American cousins. It is from the position of the Normanists that our president presents history; this version very organically overlaps with the Khazar version. What’s interesting is that they omit the fact that the oldest city of ancient Rus' is not Kyiv, but Ladoga, located on Lake Ladoga, which during Rurik’s time was called the Sea of ​​Ladoga, and this fact is ALWAYS omitted by Normanists when they read the historical source common to both movements that Rurik came from across the sea. Here the question arises: “Because of which sea - Scandinavian or Russian?”

    So our president took a very strange position.

    1. Putyin sem tudja a valóságot. Mint politikus, mindent úgy mond, ahogy a politikának megfelejjen. Pol-it-ika, magyarul = aki itt lop. Kijevet a szkíta Álmos vezér (magar) alapította. Kíjev valójában a Karapát medence határvédelme miatt lett alapítva. Mindig szkíta kelárok voltak Szkítiában, Hungáriában. Utolsó szkíta kelárunk Mátyás kelár volt. Most lesz újra szkíta kelár, aki most már magúr minőséget elérte. Szkíta kelár aspektus állata: turáni tigris, vagy szkíta oroszlán. Régen Ő volt a szfinx. A szkíta oroszlán párja Turul. Turul a Magyarok nagyasszonya. Magam láttam E földön Turult, és az oroszlánt is. Turul most nincs E földön, és valójában Turulnak készítjuk elő, hogy tudjon E földre jönni, mert Turul E föld kelár aszonya. Sívaként is ismerték Indiában az oroszlánt. Síva párja Visnu siv fordítva vis, nu = nő. Magarok, és nem magyarok, és ezt kevesen tudják.

  115. I would like to emphasize that fearing browser and google translator failure, as it happened during the translation of my last text (where I mentioned about problems while working with the translator), before I started to translate this message, I wrote it from audio to paper, then transcribed the text into a doc file and started to paste it into google translator. I was able to translate only one fragment and it made my browser crash again (description of the crash is in the last post), only this time I did it not through Google Chrome browser, but through Opera browser - I had an impression that there is some backdoor in Android system through which they can influence my device. I closed the browser, then opened it again and the error started blocking my work again, but when I pressed "pause" I had a few seconds to choose the second translator in the list - Yandex. My phone literally went crazy! Highlighting the second piece of the message from the prepared file I pasted it into the translator and managed to translate it, then with one click I copied the translation and uploaded it here like the first one. After the third piece Yandex gave me an error refusing to translate, I refreshed the page and the error remained. Then I tried to connect the VPN and the unbelievable happened - the VPN I had been using all day before took a long time to load and finally gave an error saying "technical work in progress" (really? I didn't even enter the menu to click on the button to select the country) and then my PROVIDER DISCONNECTED. For 10 minutes I was without home connection in all home, on all devices. I restart router and internet not back.
    Only after 10 minutes the connection came back (maybe the operator noticed or somehow thought there was a connection problem and reset the server side settings or something). After the internet came back I managed to connect the VPN and finish the rest of the text. These pieces were then posted one after another in this message. This is the first time I've ever experienced this (my phone just went crazy and my browser started a riot and refused to obey me, google translator and most interestingly Yandex sent me the fuck away). I have a strong feeling, almost a conviction that in the Google translator, as well as now as I learned in Yandex-translator is an artificial intelligence that reacts to words like "election", "Trump", "Hasidim" (it does not react to the word Jews) and similar and starts to hinder the one who translates the text with these words. What struck me the most was that they somehow managed to disconnect my internet (I don't think it was the VPN, it looks like some kind of backdoor, since the VPN is free and downloaded from the playmarket).
    I have a strange feeling about this.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ha katona voltál, akkor elég sok mindent kell elengedned. Az elengedés az, mikor magadba, a magodba küldöd mindazt, ami épp feljön benned, mint emlék, vagy kellemetlen érzelem. Ezt úgy tedd meg, hogy lehunyod a szemed, becsukod a szád, és magadban mond akár többször is: Minden kellemetlen érzés menjen magomba, most. Minden emlék menjen magomba, most. Minden gondolatom menjen magomba, most.

    2. Pretty bitter taste, sounds honest. I know this feeling. Very nice note. VOTL, even if a lot of carrieres won´t see the results. The road must be walked to the end. Thx for the input.

  117. Phoenix Ascension Conference Day 1 Presented by Cobra:

    Phoenix Ascension Conference Day 2 Presented by Cobra:

  118. 🛸☝️😎👍✨️🌎✨️👇😇👍🛸
    COmpression BReAkthrough

  119. "This zoo area is goddess vortex"

  120. Pretty fascinating interview with Phillip Schneiders wife.not sure if it's recent but definitely worth a listen.she talks about how the 1986 challenger was shot out of the air.

  121. Two boat loads of illegal immigrants made it to Australia. They were Pakistani and one was Indian. They then went on a plane straight back home. We don't want them! Usually they are picked up by the coast guard before they land, and we don't hear about them. But they actually got through. And were sent home.

  122. Just less than an hour ago, I had a vision of beautiful, asian looking women laying on some sort sofa, and I been able to tell that shall be me. Was having some sort of 'visual image conversation' with someone. Also, at the same time, my mom said she heard someone say "ELEVEN", and I was still asleep this morning when she heard it. Hope the moment's coming.

  123. The Recent X2.5 Solar Flare | The Impact On Earth & What To Expect - The Andromedans 2023

    The Solar Flares are good and are helping us evolve. Yes, I feel good!

  124. Divine message about Goddess Iona for those souls who are interested:

  125. - Phoenix Ascension Conference Day 2 / Feb 4, 2024:

    “Certain souls that have been reincarnated in Arizona will be all activated again at the moment of the solar eclipse. The main vortexes stay the same: Phoenix, Tucson, and Sedona. It would be great if there is a tachyon chamber fully active in Sedona. It would be also good to have SOTR (Sisterhood of the Rose) in Sedona and all those locations at the time of the solar eclipse. I cannot talk about it all because there are still classified matters, but I would say Light Forces are now focusing on California and Arizona as triggers of Age of Aquarius."

    - Total Solar Eclipse / April 8, 2024:

    “On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk.”

    - Shekina Rose / Mother Mary Visitation in Sedona AZ:

    “A very significant event occurred for humanity when the Rose Ray of Creation was allowed back on the planet and anchored in Sedona AZ in 2012. This major event began with the miraculous visitation of Mother Mary to Shekina Rose and her friend during a meditation on Christmas Eve 2011 at Cathedral Rock Goddess Temple vortex. These were the sacred sites where previously Shekina Rose had placed the Rose Ray Water every day to purify the hearts of humanity and prepare for the coming of the Rose Ray.”

  126. If it makes you feel better, the price for 25 tea bags from Messmer just went from 1,85 to 2,35 € and people will now be able to afford less tea.
    *slow clap applause*

  127. We are all in this together. Like it or not. No way out. VOTL.


  129. Only that? You gotta go to Argentina to see what real inflation is

  130. A Dystopian Future Timeline from the Dreamstate

    I had a very long and convincing dreamstate experience of being in the future, and this future was dystopian. There was more technology, but people's lives were very closely monitored and controlled. Even children having ice cream for dessert was controlled. (I'm against eating extra sugar of course, but that's not the point, lol!) People had extremely limited rights. I was then showed a timeline that this dystopian future would go on for decades before finally breaking free. The timeline was shown as a spiral. The spiral was stagnate for decades in a mostly straight line before finally curving to surpass the dystopian regime.

    This dreamstate experience felt very real, and I have very strong 'vibrational frequencies' resonating with this timeline. I don't want to have these frequencies of course, but through-and-through, this is what the future 'feels like.'

    I don't understand why I would have this dreamstate experience if there is supposed to be planetary liberation. If this is the dark forces manipulating my intuition, or if this is the actual timeline for the future - either way, there is still a strong level of negative interference.

    I'm reporting on this dreamstate experience to help prevent a decades-long dystopian regime - or, to report negative interference from the dark forces - whichever of these two cases it may be.

    Regarding this being an actual future timeline, yes, I know 2012 Portal said the positive timeline is secure, but there have been many instances in the past when claims were made, but something else happened. I'm not trying to be adversarial. It's just a fact.

    1. People may not realize how real this future timeline was made to feel. In any case, I'll clear my mind to clear these vibes out.

  131. A volte credo che le menti semplici siano quelle più felici, perché non pensano molto e comunque passano in modo passante. Forse l'errore è mio? Allora ho un problema... Mamma mia.

  132. @Libra
    Yep, and I've seen people become cruel, stepping all over anyone in their way, just to survive. Hence the terms "Dog-eat-dog", and "Sucks to be them, but I'M alright". Here on planet gulag, it's survival of the least expendable and the most economically viable. Nikola Tesla is a prime example of someone who got destroyed for trying to the the right thing...pretty much the same thing the lightforces, SOMEHOW, expect us to accomplish. And the medical industry poisons everyone.

    "Ain't no money in the cure, the money's in the medicine...that's how a drug dealer makes his money, on the comeback."

    One case I'd like to say, the woman wrestler who was known as 'The Fabulous Moolah'. She is a prime example of someone turning into the very people she despised.

    Not many saints to be found on a planet that's been a gulag for centuries.

  133. Not to mention insurance costs going up two or three hundred dollars.

  134. @Libra
    Hope so, Libra.

    Any idea what 'Eleven' means?


  136. I STOPPED 9/11/1999. Deal with it.

  137. My rent just went up $50 a week. i.e. now I have no money. But the landlord has rent at $50 less than it is. She (the rent lady pockets the difference). She keeps telling me I have no lease, and I have to sign a new lease in 5 days. This is utter rot. I have a lease! So I tell her no and she goes away again. Stupid woman.

  138. Well I have a wonderful future to add :)
    Very soon the Deep State is gone and bliss comes here to replace it.
    The Deep State is nearly, nearly gone; can you taste it.
    We will all be wonderfully free, truly.
    We will still be alive; and we will be happy.
    No matter we don't have money now, for the money is coming! Big money! And then eventually we won't NEED money anymore.
    We can all use the medbeds, the Proper medbeds. We will all be healthy, and young I'm guessing. We will have such energy! What bliss.
    The earth will be totally cleaned up. How fantastic is that!!! Thank you so much galactics!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Ashtar and Ashtar Command. It is all coming. Let the last acts of the play complete!!! The Light is already here.
    Bless everyone!
