Sunday, March 24, 2024

Booster Meditation

The US Solar Eclipse booster meditation will be taking place at the moment of the Lunar Eclipse, which is coming about half a day from the moment I am writing this notice: 

You can join the meditation live in real time here:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Sounds good! All set! ⚡️☄️🌌💖

  2. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  3. Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
    (Merci de largement partager 🙂)
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    vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
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  4. (FRANCAIS /FRENCH) REPLAY Méditations/Protections (Flamme Violette, Bulle bleue, ATVOR, Méditation de la Lumière, Command 12 21) +Annuler contrats d'âmes négatifs +Présentation Astral Star Light Mandala (bonus soutien énergétique)+Déprogrammer Implants ...

    Méditation pour l'éclipse solaire totale aux États-Unis 8 avril 2024 à 18:18 PM UTC(20h18 heure française d'été)+ notre LIVESTREAM / MEDITATION FRANCAISE EN DIRECT le 8 avril+ Méditation de Renforcement le 25 MARS 8h13 heure française


  5. Deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels inkl. Link zum deutschen geführten Audio / German translation of this article incl. link to the German guided audio:

  6. Vamos nessa, victory of the light 💖⚡🌟✨

  7. We'll be doing the meditation on Monday, of course! We talked about it on social networks ...Victory of the Light!

  8. Удачи всем в медитации. Победа Света!!!

  9. Since the main meditation critical mass requirement (April ) is only 30k because its based for America, then for the upcoming booster -the critical mass is only around 300 people from America to participate!

    You can review the equation mentioned in this article cobra linked to

  10. Lets do this! 🔥💜 I will have to stay up just a little longer than usual.. until 7:35 AM 😅

    Dzień Pierwszy:

    Dzień Drugi:


    Na blogu wstawiam ważne informacje przetłumaczone na język polski, zapraszam do czytania i komentowania! :)

  12. Sorry, just have to say this. "Putin hints CIA helped Ukraine carry out Moscow terror attack."

    1. No doubt. Islamic state took credit. He knows they're u.s. puppets.

    2. What do you expect from the country that has one of the most corrupted forms of government?

    3. I thought it was the other way round, that Ukraine helped the CIA to carry it out, it has the unmistakable CIA footprint. Also blaming ISIS afterwards, those B series movie extras, and all sleepers buy it without a blink.. it would be outrageous if we were not accostumed to it

    4. I collect information from 20-30 sources on this event directly from Russia and these facts make me think that this is a staged event, and staged so poorly that even the ordinary population (ordinary people) notice the illogicality of the official version. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this happened on the Jewish day of Purim and immediately after Putin’s elections - just as it happened in his last elections in 2018, or rather immediately after them - a lot of people burned alive in the Winter Cherry shopping center, huge insurance payments were paid out as they are now amount, and the owner escaped punishment (now the owner is a billionaire of Central Asian origin, I assume that he is from a clan of Mountain Jews) - this is similar to the Jewish ritual of burning victims to please their “god” Yahweh - who bequeathed to them the territory of the planet. The “special forces soldier” who participated in the arrest of the “terrorist” and cut off his ear, which he then tried to feed to him, wore the “Black Sun” patch (the symbol of the Jesuits), which is considered a prohibited symbol in the Russian Federation, but it is openly worn by a special forces soldier who belonged to the “official” unit. The musical group for which people gathered for the concert was occult, one of the performers of the group was an ethnic Jew, the group or staff were not harmed in any way, on that day a new song was to be presented which contained the words “burn” and “new world”. The terrorists from the videos of those who left in the media were analyzed by various war correspondents and participants in the battles in Ukraine, special forces - the majority saw elements of professional military training, tactical movement and very intelligent firing at people - the impression was that they were acting by professionals, and not “migrants from Central Asia, to whom a curator from Ukraine left a cache of weapons and an order to shoot everyone they see - without experience, they could not act like that.” Eyewitnesses who claim that there were not 4 of them, but about 20, eyewitnesses who said that there were not 1, but two groups. The people in Russia have experienced enormous torment and hopelessness from the fact that Putin has usurped power for more than 4 terms in a row, there is a huge feeling of fatigue and lack of future in society, perhaps this should have given rise to a desire for radical changes and Putin decided how to change the focus of public life in the early 2000s attention through a terrorist attack (the official version was that the customers were supposedly from Ukraine, but personally I didn’t have that impression at all - if it was Ukraine, then it could simply drive twenty drones with explosives into this center and kill everyone), then there was the Ryazan sugar" - the FSB was going to blow up houses with its (?) citizens in order to create the appearance of a threat from Caucasian terrorists and to unite society in the face of the adversities of perestroika and greater trust in the new president - the puppet of the Hasidim, Putin, who in those years promised to "kill terrorists in the toilet." There are a lot of facts and it’s impossible to list them all at once - 5-10 sheets of paper in small print. At the moment, this is the largest terrorist attack in the Russian Federation during its entire existence - there are more victims than in NORD-OST.

    5. In any case, I think that the authorities of the USA, England and the financial international are at the same time with Putin, who is already going to sign a pandemic agreement within a few months - the war exists only for the “herd”, the controllers at the top have already agreed among themselves to divide the world through control zones. Russians and Ukrainians (the same Russians, Ukrainians are a psychohistorical weapon created in Austria at the end of the 19th century) were pitted against each other to liberate the territory from the Slavs to build the Hasidic Heavenly Jerusalem and move Jews from Palestine there. Previously, I posted links to sites that described the cooperation of Putin and Hasidim, as well as the penetration of Hasidim into the army of the Russian Federation, including officers and soldiers, and even officially, through cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation headed by the Knight of the Order of Malta Shoigu (the same Yeltsin had the order, and the political surrender of the USSR was carried out by Gorbachev on the island of Malta) - an enemy of the Russian army who remained in office only with the patronage of Putin, as one of the authors of the coup of 1991-1993, but the author of the blog did not allow some of them to be published here.

    6. “Nothing, don’t be afraid of anything” - the song of the group “Picnic”, whose concert was disrupted by terrorists, turned out to be prophetic in many ways

      Two weeks ago, the group “Picnic,” at whose concert at Crocus City Hall there was a terrorist attack (, released the song “Nothing, don’t be afraid of anything.” It contains the following lines:

      Nothing, don't be afraid of anything
      No fire, no ringing shadow
      In the morning wash your face with your blood,
      And shake the blossoming day

      To many listeners these words now seem prophetic. The tragedy in Crocus City Hall united the Russian people, we were united in our grief, ( we were united in our desire to come to the rescue, ( readovkanews/76736?single) we will never stop fighting ( for Russia.

      It doesn't matter who the enemy is. What matters is who we are."

      The source of the news is a news channel associated with the “official” government of Russia, an audience of 2.5 million people, there are no more than 5 dozen such channels in Telegram all over the world, the owners were bought out by media holdings at the border of 2019-2020, that is, they reflect the “official” position Putin's authorities (Putin=Hasidim) are brainwashed in his interests.

      From the outside, if we assume that the terrorist attack is an occult ritual aimed at the mass psyche, this could be used by Putin himself, who on the eve de facto destroyed the patriotic (Strelkov-Girkin, who openly criticizes Shoigu for huge losses, theft in the troops and the actual lack of desire to win the war for Ukraine the shortest possible time to reduce casualties on both sides and thereby stop the Slavic massacre, thwart the plans of the collective West and de facto stop the construction of the “Heavenly Jerusalem” and the movement of Jews from Palestine to the lands of the former Ukraine, which no longer belong to it due to debts, and are) owned by the Blackrock Foundation and others and the socialist-communist opposition (not the official one, in the form of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, led by the 80-year-old Zyuganov, who sold the elections to Yeltsin in 1996, but by the imprisonment of the leader of the Left Front organization, one of the organizers of the mass public rally on Bolotnaya square, demanding the resignation of the president). Again, the official point of view blames Ukraine, BUT! if Ukrainians commit a terrorist attack, then they understand that the Putin government will blame them, and people, if they believe in this, will begin to join volunteer military formations or will agree to the next wave of military mobilization to avenge the terrorist attack, and this is DIRECTLY not beneficial for Ukraine - why give them a reason to replenish Russian military units AGAINST THEMSELVES. It is even more stupid to choose such performers in the form of non-Russian-speaking migrants from Central Asia - it is easier to intimidate them, persuade them to cooperate with the investigation, split them, extort information (the institutes of Arabic studies and the Middle East and Central Asia in Russia are the best in the world yet since Soviet times - finding a translator or sociologist of those countries and finding out the motives will not be a problem, which means the information will be received and the terrorists will betray Ukraine - why would the British intelligence services compromise themselves so much through performers - the most unreliable? Although Ukraine is a puppet of the West, but in In this particular case, I have the absolute impression that this is not beneficial for her - it’s too much of a risk, especially to her own detriment.

    7. @ Don Pepe Yes, it has the CIA footprint.
      @ Project Apollo Yup, Islamic state took credit.

    8. @Zionismetc Did not read. I have never read your comments. Too long and boring.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. For those who feel led to do so, I am requesting more help to be able to volunteer at the upcoming Workshop in Sedona. Many, many thanks for your time and space and much love to all <3

    Victory of the Light!

  16. May the angelic beings of light be with us. Let's go! ✨️🪽✨️

  17. Join us! 共襄盛舉, 世界和平! 3/25(一) 3:13PM 月蝕直播與4月美國日全蝕助推冥想

  18. I'm picking up vibes that may be connected to when planet X was liberated.

    1. Steph, that's so awesome! 🤗🌌💯

    2. was that easier to happen than planet earth? or it is the karma that prevents earth from liberation? i think that this space ship (earth) has more advanced defence system that prevents its freedom..

    3. @hertug
      NO such thing as KARMA.

    4. hertug, earth became the last refuge for darkness, so it's much more difficult. That should be changing though when enough layers have been removed, which has to be in the very near future at this point. As Sherman says, it's not karma. Karma is an artificial creation from the dark forces.

  19. I participated as best I could, during the process I felt a vibration in the area of ​​the “third eye”
    or the ajna (interbrow) chakra, while I am writing this I still feel the “echo” of this feeling. Could the organizers immediately create and post a schedule for April 8 via this is very convenient to find out the specific time for everyone based on their location. Thanks to all!

  20. They've all come to look for America.....

  21. Even though I was sick, I was still able to fully focus. I felt very calm and peaceful, a lot of energy went through me and of course I started crying at the end. All I want is what is best for humanity. I have no doubt that we will reach 30,000 ++. Sending you all lots of love!!! Let's get it done!!! Victory of the Light <3

    1. Well done AD. You're a credit to others.

    2. I had some strong stomach pain and nausea that came out of nowhere about an hour before the meditation. Fortunately, this got under control in time. I agree, critical mass will be reached! VOTL!

    3. I think we made Diddy's house raid, and the new child protection laws manifest

  22. “I’ll try to write from a distance, as an outside observer of the political field of the Russian Federation.

    It consists approximately of the following segments:

    I. System

    1. Putinists;
    2. Liberals;
    3. Communist Party members (not to be confused with communists) and other systemic leftists;
    4. System nationalists (LDPR);
    5. Monarchists (Constantinople, etc.).

    II Oppositionists

    1. Stalinists;
    2. Trotskyists;
    3. Monarchists;
    4. Nationalists:
    a) Christians;
    b) Rodnovers (Slavic pagans, not to be confused with German);
    5. Liberals.

    All these groups compete with each other for influence on the minds of people, on the collective mind of our people.

    What is the problem with any of these groups? Each ideological direction has its own stubbornness, its own dogmas, principles and rules. But at the same time, there is a reality that the average person observes every day outside the window. If the tenacity of one or another ideological group is strongly dissonant with reality, this group has few followers, few subscribers, etc. Accordingly, every person who considers himself a leader of public opinion, if he wants not to express himself in the information field, but to influence the consciousness of people, must carefully ensure that his stubbornness is not dissonant with reality.”


    RIA Novosti reports that allegedly “in Crimea, archaeologists found the first evidence of the existence of Khazaria here” (

    Just in time". For more than a hundred years, archaeologists dug and dug here and found nothing. And then suddenly, when they started talking about the possible resettlement of Israeli citizens here, they immediately found an “argument” that Crimea was Khazar.

    Archaeologists claim that the “evidence” they found confirms that it was not even the Khazars who lived in Crimea, but the “Khazar aristocracy.” Although they don't actually provide any evidence.

    It remains to ask: who is funding the excavations?

    Perhaps the same one who falsified the DNA analysis data of the remains of the son of Alexander Nevsky ( %81%D1%82%D1%8C%2C%D0%A0%D0%90-%D0%B7%D1%83%D0%BC), which proved that Rurik is not a Scandinavian, which means Russians are not wild monkeys incapable of creating a state and who need constant external control from outsiders. The head of the commission falsified the result despite the available technical data directly refuting such a concept. According to Klyosov (the scientist who developed the technology and concept of “DNA genealogy, searched for the clan of Kohanim for the clan that should meet the Moshiach - a world-famous specialist), permission for the excavations themselves was received at the HIGHEST level. Article in a scientific journal: https://

  24. "US police are tracking down people who watched certain videos on YouTube

    US federal authorities requested from Google ( the names, addresses and phone numbers of users who watched certain videos on YouTube from January 1 to January 8, 2023.

    The request was sent as part of an investigation into violations of money laundering laws.

    As part of the investigation, undercover agents sent suspects links to training videos on YouTube in early January and are now trying to identify those who viewed them.

    The videos were not private and received about 30,000 views, meaning that the government asked Google for personal information about quite a large number of users.

    It is not yet known whether Google has provided the required data or not."

  25. We all done our best for the best of humanity!

  26. always down to zero for the meditation-revenge, getting bored by these attack-patterns, i really hope, this wave is ending very soon!

  27. funny thing, I set the alarm clock to 20 minutes before the scheduled time, but because I had few hours of sleep, I fell asleep 10 minutes later and entered inside a dream with lucid mind, so I waited few minutes and then I did the meditation inside the dream :D

  28. Even if many mock you, remember that you are a beacon and many do not like the Light.
    Stay strong and hold the light ( just by being you) the truth is coming ,

  29. In the last few days I have often noticed a higher vibration, also in the behaviour of the people I have met.

    Perhaps extra energies are being sent so that as many people as possible remain calm so that they do not disturb the clearance of the old Atlantean dark network.

  30. "A few days ago, Erdogan’s peace plan was leaked online, which is so similar to China’s peace plan that it looks like it was written by one person. Looks like that:

    Immediate continuation of hostilities;

    Ukraine receiving from the United States and the Russian Federation joint guarantees of security and recognition on the actual borders at the time of the ceasefire;

    Ukraine's commitment to be a non-aligned, neutral, demilitarized and non-aligned regime until 2040;

    the obligation of the Russian Federation to hold in 2040 (no later than 6 months from the date of the national referendum on the geopolitical position of Ukraine after 2040), new referendums on “territorial affiliation” in the Russian-controlled territories of Ukraine;

    exchange no later than one month according to the “all for all” formula of prisoners of war, other detainees and bodies of dead soldiers;

    support from the United States, Russia and Turkey for Ukraine’s aspirations to join the European Union.

    restoration of a bilateral agreement between the United States and the Russian Federation on issues of strategic and global importance for the whole world, including control over strategic and nuclear arms;

    statement in this application or application of the threat of using weapons of mass destruction, policy in the internal affairs of other states;

    continuation of the START Treaty in full until its expiration and, during the specified period, the conclusion of an agreement with other possessor states on the provision of weapons in order to conclude a new “expanded” START Treaty;

    The joint (US+RF) idea and the inclusion of a draft agreement in the agreement, according to which the UN is responsible for states, accuses individuals and citizens of interfering in the internal affairs of other states. Deadline: no later than the end of 2024;

    Making a decision to preserve the agreed UN project to reduce poverty and prevent mass migration. Deadline: no later than the end of 2024;

    a joint idea and submission for preservation of an agreed UN project to improve the activities of the Global Environment Facility. Deadline: no later than the end of 2024.

    All this was unknown by whom, so the news from another galaxy is completely inaccurate. The only reason why you can read all this is what was already said at the very beginning: Erdogan’s cunning plan is like two peas in a pod to Xi’s cunning, that is, peace plan.

    There is no smoke without fire.

    But after the terrorist attack in Crocus, no one will discuss peace treaties. Why not Butch 2.0?"

    1. After November election in America whatever the outcome will be, there will be a civil war in America. This is my prediction.

  31. Sorry, I didn't succeed, I'll try to prepare better for the main meditation.

  32. Well said Lightpower!!
    April 8th is the BIG ONE! This is the one we've been preparing for my friends! WE GOT THIS!!

  33. Sky-blue = Jupiter. I like that it was sent out to Pluto in aquarius.

  34. I set my alarm for 3am and started, but fell back asleep. I hope my subconscious was able to participate. <3

  35. Astronomical news (very interesting, read through the built-in translator in Google Chrome):


  36. Panda On The Bamboo Tree - 64

  37. I'm planning on it Lightpower... as a matter of fact, I'm planning on seeing ALL of you aboard the Motherships for a HUGE celebration once this is all done and the VICTORY OF THE LIGHT is finally achieved!!✨️🌎✨️
    See you soon...🛸☝️😉👍🛸

  38. What has happened to Blossom is that she was given an expensive free cruise for three weeks from one of her listeners. She wasn't suspicious, she just took it. But she is very much protected by the Galactic Federation and others, so I don't worry about her. Besides, she is British living in Australia. I doubt there are many USA followers in her group. So I'm not too worried about it.

    Anyway, I though I would do what I did last time and annoy the folks at Rumble; I can post a short message with a link to the meditation. That's it. I did it last time and it reaches a lot of people. I was the only one doing it but others are of course welcome.

    I'm just watching on TV how police are examining P Diddy's house for child trafficking, or sex crimes... interesting.

  39. All this US election meditations and preparations imply almost officially that the Event will not happen this year. This aside of the Lurker, Atlantean network, the bases the Aldebarans have to build etc. But if it wasn´t for all those reasons, and only from the way things are unfolding now and the degree of desperation of the Cabal in all fronts, it would seem as if it was going to happen in months. I don´t know how the Cabal is going to remain standing and composed for one more year or so at this rhythm.
    This is going to be very painful for them, probably it´s part of their well deserved retribution, before the arrests, trials, and the Central Sun

  40. Have you seen that bridge fall down, in Baltimore? The ship that crashed into it; well it looked deliberate... Illuminati again I think...

  41. "The rebellion of the lower dhyani was the work of Lucifer, the intervention of the spirits who free the human being is known as ‘Lucifer’s secret’. In all esoteric schools, Lucifer was venerated as much as all the other dhyanic spirits. Lucifer was called on whenever people needed guidance to find the way to the spirit in full clarity of perceptive understanding. In the early Christian mystery centres, Lucifer's Mystery was still understood and also put down in writing in those early days. This book is most carefully guarded in the Roman Catholic Church, for good reason, for the Church has declared Lucifer to be the enemy of humanity, though the truth is that he made the automated human being into a free spirit. The book is kept at the Vatican; the Count of St Germain has a copy."

    - Rudolf Steiner
    "GA 89. Awareness—Life—Form — Planetary Evolution VIII"

  42. Does anyone wonder if the dark atlantean network is the temple ruins of Earth? The Amazon complexes, the Egyptian complexes, the Chinese. All their pyramids and stuff are aligned to stars. Some structures might be aligned to evil stars/constellations. If that's true, we can at least target our meditations at those places.

  43. I had a moment of realization. I've got a lot of compassion to regain. Cobra you're an intelligence provider. Very good man.

  44. What? In America you can sponsor family members to come into America LEGALLY from other countries. They are no longer illegal immigrants. So they are just going to bring in people illegally, but they become LEGAL. Oh dark side, your days are SO numbered. Let the play continue...

    Phase Two of their plan has just BEGUN! Diddy has Hollywood in PANIC & Black Swan event in Baltimore


  45. From Valkyrie / March 26, 2024 on Eclipse USA Chat Group on Telegram:

    Hello all, how is the 🥥 🌴 “coconut wireless” 🛜 going! (As we call it in Hawaii) Time to ramp up posting and broadcasting in networking circles ⭕️ Posts are going onto TG Telegram, CC Connecting Consciousness, IG Instagram, FB Facebook, X (Twitter), TS Truth Social. Emails, (Don’t know about TicToc)☀️You can help spread the word, even “liking” or “❤️” helps boost posts giving them more traction. “👍” on YouTube videos etc. And of course our intentions and the Booster Meditation that just happened and can continue to be done daily. We need 30K in the USA 🇺🇸 to participate in the Solar Eclipse Meditation on April 8, Thank you! 🙏❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

  46. has channelings from RA. He dates the atlantean age at 30,000 bc - 10,000 b.c. at around 15,000 bc they start making pyramids. At 10,000 bc is the age of Leo and the flood and fall of Atlantis. And today we're in the opposite age of Aquarius at the same turn of consciousness. Isn't that interesting when you read about floods coming in the next 20+ years. Anyway, so that's why I think their dark network is the (dark) pyramids and other structures like the Easter island heads.

    Algol the demon star. They knew about it in Atlantis, and I bet if someone positioned its location to somewhere on earth we'd find a dark structure.

  47. "Do you still believe that there are two sides to the conflict? Putin is a puppet of Chabad, like Trump, the Ukrainian conflict is the disposal of the Slavs to make room for the movement of Haredim - Hasidim (at least) from Palestine to Heavenly Jerusalem, and for this, Ukraine must be cleansed. after 3 years of hostilities, the indigenous population realized that something was wrong in this “war” and no one was eager to volunteer, the flow dried up until 2024, then they imprisoned Girkin-Strelkov and Udaltsov so that they could not serve as a beacon for attracting the dissatisfied, in order to prevent the formation of an entity that will gather a popular uprising and expel the Jews from the Kremlin, and therefore carry out mobilization, end the war with victory in the shortest possible time and will not allow the Jews to escape from the Palestinian desert surrounded by war and poverty to the lands that were already in accordance with the plan of Ukraine."

  48. "New AI Advertising Will Make You Question Reality

    Everything about a woman, from her voice to her eyes and hair, is completely created by the new artificial intelligence Arcads (, including facial expressions, gestures.

    However, her eyes don't quite match the rhythm of the words she speaks.

    The AI creator offers ( to generate commercials - just write a script and select an AI actor who will read the text.

    The price is steep - 100 euros for 10 videos up to 2 minutes

    100 languages supported

    ☝🏻Users “X” called such realism “creepy” (, considering that the technology can be used to spread misinformation.

    From now on, people's videos online may have to be treated with a certain level of skepticism."

  49. anybody else still in hell?

    i really start hating this wave...

  50. "Have you ever wondered why the conscription age in Ukraine is limited to 25 years? And then, last year it was reduced from 27. What kind of attack of uncontrollable humanism is this on the younger generation in a warring country, where there is not even a sign of respect for civil rights among the older generations? People are caught anywhere and in any state of health. So where does this luxury come from for a country at war, which mobilizes everything that can move, including even attracting women to the front, while still protecting the largest and most passionate part of society, which is capable of learning and fighting most effectively. The age group 18-27 is the largest and most effective for conscription for military service. So why such unprecedented concern for young people?

    Everything, it seems to me, is outrageously simple and monstrously pragmatic!
    An ideal mechanism for the complete isolation and cleansing of several generations of Ukrainians 27 and older, bearers of a common ethno-cultural, historical and religious identity with us. Total cleansing of the most stable socio-historical “neural connections” between our peoples.

    Attitude to history, or rather a change in attitude towards common history, is the most key cornerstone of the conflict with Ukraine. Ukrainians and I already have a fundamentally different attitude towards history:

    - our attitude to history is historical science + value category (common achievements of the peoples of Russia);

    - in Ukraine, over the years, they have done a lot of work to eliminate the value perception of history in society, driving it exclusively into the framework of the scientific discipline of studying the chronology of historical events.

    This was done because it was precisely the value-based attitude to history that formed the most stable and strong social ties between Ukraine and Russia. And it was precisely the value-based attitude to history that began to be positioned as the main obstacle pulling Ukraine back towards Russia, not allowing it to meet with Europe to achieve the new national idea “Ukraine is Europe”.
    To do this, it was necessary not only to devalue common history, but to make it a hostile factor for new nation-building.

    That is why the memory of the Great Patriotic War was so frantically demolished. The Second World War is a key part of general history, forming the foundation of a value-based attitude to history and a common historical identity.

    A few participants in the Great Patriotic War are still alive, whose generation shaped public consciousness. The public consciousness was largely based on the inertia of the values of the victors of the Second World War or the generations raised by them.

  51. "...

    The attitude towards the Great Patriotic War is not just the story of one victory, it is a collection of family stories and a commonality of family identities, which manifested themselves as a national value that maximally connected Ukraine with the entire post-Soviet space. Getting rid of this common ideological identity has become a major goal of the last 20 years of Ukrainian independence.

    Now, looking back at the established conscription age of 27 and above in Ukraine, the goal of a total and final purge of generations of bearers of a common historical and value identity with us is clearly visible.

    From the remaining youth, who grew up in conditions of permanent confrontation with Russia for the last 15-20 years, we can safely mold a completely new anti-Russia 2.0 from scratch, with no chance of reunification with Russia. The country is technically being transferred into the hands of a new generation, who entered conscious age just at the moment of the beginning of the political confrontation with Russia, then to the ATO and then to the Northern Military District. They will remember that in this confrontation they finally lost generations of their fathers and grandfathers in the war with Russia.

    A strange, monstrous scenario in its prudence and pragmatism for the rupture of a common unified ethnocultural space, Russian, Slavic civilization!

    This is a completely different level of war, which requires a full understanding of the scale of the event to begin with!"

  52. "Igor Strelkov: “Terrorism in the Russian Federation threatens to reach a new level.” (
    September 8, 2021

    I have repeatedly said that I would not like to see Russia in a state in which it would require the service of people like me in senior positions. And now I don’t want to. But we, as a whole state, are rapidly approaching the moment when right here (and not somewhere far away) we will need the real skills of a specialist in the “front-line and back-line work of security agencies.” And now I’m not the only one who has this feeling.

    Outwardly, everything is still calm and even (in Moscow and cities with a population of over a million) relatively comfortable. Billionaires probably didn’t notice any changes at all, and even if their servants “sank” in terms of money, it’s not critical for maintaining what they had amassed during the “fat years.”

    However, the country is deteriorating rapidly and, in some places, irreversibly. The indigenous population is rapidly dying out and just as quickly being replaced by masses of newcomers of other faiths and cultures, for whom everything that was sacred to the Russian people is at least alien, and often downright hostile. And the process of cultural savagery of the still “not extinct” continues to grow, as evidenced by the egregious acts of cruelty and abomination of numerous maniacs and other criminals, and they threaten to soon move to a qualitatively new level.

    The problem is also that it is not only the Russian Federation and not only all (without exception) other states of the former USSR that are rapidly running wild (sliding into a “pre-capitalist” even archaic state). Before our eyes, a great collapse of the entire European Christian civilization is taking place. In this regard, points of instability have arisen and are growing around and within the Russian Federation, which have ALREADY brought terrorism and war directly to Russian territory (North Caucasus, Ukraine) and threaten to soon move to a qualitatively new level.

    Do the current authorities understand the complexity of the moment? Yes, partly there is. Despite all their hedonistic nature, they understand that they cannot maintain power and property (as a source of pleasure and wealth) using the old methods. Yes, they continue to cling to the usual methods of management - as long as they somehow still work. But they are already thinking about the future, in which “cosmetic terror” will no longer be enough, and fighting on external fronts (defending their “plots”) will soon no longer be childish.

    They are preparing an oligarchic dictatorship for us under pseudo-patriotic slogans."

  53. Dr. Georgi Stankov is a Bulgarian genius with a lot of interesting pdfs for free which enlight the reader how the world lives on the edge of the cliff. Also available in English, Spain and Italy. Have a look: . The cosmic laws of creation and destruction and how the world economic needs to crash down - exchange 2011 against "today" - and get ready for an unbelievable landing.... . If not a wonder happens soon... .

  54. Creativity---I AM presence

  55. I wonder what happens after these last dark network nuts are removed. The event operations? I remember reading that the surface cabal will be removed during the event operations and they are supposed the only ones left after this atlantean network is done.

  56. I just don't understand why the us and israel are allowed the commit GENOCIDE against the Palestinians with impunity. What the hell did the Palestinians do to deserve this? Why won't the LF/RM do something about it? Why is the us allowed to commit war crimes? Why won't the LF/RM help the people of Gaza?

    1. I keep asking HOW is it that the cabal, the evil HUMANS, are the ones taking so long to get rid of, when the Chimera, the toplet and so did not?

    2. Good question Sherman

      Women and children are being gun down without provocation ... yet nothing is being done about it. Thousands are being held in prison for no reason. WHY?

      Why are the Palestinians allow to suffer so much? What did they do to deserve this? For the love of Source HELP THESE PEOPLE!😱😨😰

      Why are the us and israel allowed to commit war crimes with impunity?????😭😮‍💨😤😠😡🤬

  57. I've been unable to sign in all day. I just restarted my computer and now I can sign in. Hooray! Well I just wanted to say that P Diddy is like the new honey pot (so they say), and due to this news coming out, and I don't know if this is true, but they did the Baltimore thing (clearly that ship was hacked) but it is to take attention off P Diddy. I wonder...
    I lost the links when I restarted the computer.

  58. Don't take your eyes off Diddy. They want you to look at the bridge; look at Diddy. You should watch this. Very interesting.

  59. As light clears and purifies darkness, keep yourself in the light! Entities disconnected by free will from God source frequency and humanity provides a power source hence. They are weak without a light source and you are not their battery charger! Rise up from all distractions and illusions as rebirth is happening to resurrect your pillar of light into courage, truth, unconditional love and other higher states of consciousness. Liquid light activations of DNA is happening now which is why archons have modified weather to lower the frequency. Do not allow to drop your vibration, it’s a trick. Be mindful of your thoughts and give grace and love to yourself

  60. Er, sorry to say but the dark side is trying to charge you for BREATHING, i.e. charge your landlord for the CO2, plus also charge you for when it rains. He talks about it at about 19 mins in this video... Rich people want to get richer and you will have to pay them. Excuse me but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

    By the way, if you watch the video to the end, you find out about the $22 million they are cutting from Baltimore police. Timing? Seems so.

  61. I hope things get better for you soon! You are strong, you can make it through this difficult period.

  62. Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra "USA Solar Eclipse"

  63. I'm up for it. I have Whatsapp and signal!

  64. @Jomiro
    We need the ET's to GET HERE, make contact finally, and HELP US. We need more 'you can do it!' speeches, for they only can do so much.

  65. USA is a nation of hypocrites. World is a mess due to US licking the boots of UK and Zionist Israel. US is an artificially constructed nation on the butchered graves of Africans and native Americans.

    1. IndiGods, all the more reason to have the US be under the authority of Saint Germain.

  66. Firstly, youtube has somehow disabled the ability to download videos with a video downloader. This greatly hurts my ability to access information, as the internet is very slow here, and ads constantly interrupt videos. I can't download the guided meditation for April 8 now. All youtube video downloaders have been inoperable for over 24 hours so far. I'm strongly requesting assistance to restore the ability to download videos from youtube.

    Secondly, if there are no tangible results in late Spring/early Summer of this year, I'm not opposed to people calling matters out in mass. Enough layers should be removed by then for direct intervention. At that time, don't let anyone tell you there's no intervention because the Event hasn't happened yet. That becomes a cop-out when so many layers have been removed. Or, one could say that the Event needs to be triggered by late Spring/early Summer, and no later.

    However, in the meantime, don't rant online before the April 8 meditation. If you are feeling angry and hurt, you can go on rants in your own privacy, but keep you hands off the keyboard. This will allow for better results. Thanks.
