Thursday, March 21, 2024

Short Situation Update

African and Indian Illuminati underground networks, as well as the remnants of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) both in the Solar system and below the surface of this planet have been completely removed.

Some of the battles before the final removal have spilled to the surface:

Because now most of the dark presence from the Solar system is gone, the Space Force is freaking out:

What is remaining now to be cleared beyond the surface Illuminati is an ancient Atlantean dark network that was partially established on this planet with the arrival of the dark Lords of Orion around 900,000 years ago and was completed 26,000 years ago when planet Earth became a quarantine.

This network was fully operational until the fall of Atlantis and then it became hidden, only occasionally manipulating the events on the surface. Now, with all other dark networks beyond the surface Illuminati removed, it became active again.

Most of intel about this network needs to remain classified for now, except for the fact that it has bases across the Solar system and also below the surface of this planet similarly to the previous networks just cleared.

We have now entered a very sensitive period and all intel about clearing of this network needs to remain classified for now and a period of radio silence must begin.

This network is now executing brutal attacks on the Lightworkers on the non physical planes and the Light forces are doing whatever possible to minimize the impact of those attacks.

In the few days around the coming penumbral Lunar eclipse on March 25th people need to put up as much protection as possible and refrain from reacting to negativity.



At the moment of the Lunar eclipse on March 25th, we will be having the booster meditation to help us reaching the critical mass of 30,000 people for our main Solar eclipse meditation on April 8th

English video for the booster meditation with all instructions in the text below the video is here:

Playlist of videos for the booster meditation in 23 languages is here:



Instructions with all resources for our main meditation on April 8th are here:

With the exact time for different time zones here:

With English promotional video with all instructions here:

And with playlist of promotional videos in 22 languages here:

Victory of the Light!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is not possible to perceive the sub-quantum anomaly directly - not even from ascended masters.

    2. light workers community to have an international communication

      invitation code

      Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

      Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

      What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .

      Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

      🖐🏻️ It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

      Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

      Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

      Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!🫵😎👍
    As far as the March 25th and April 8th meditations...
    WE GOT THIS!!☝️😉👍

      Dzień Pierwszy:

      Dzień Drugi:


      Na blogu wstawiam ważne informacje przetłumaczone na język polski, zapraszam do czytania i komentowania! :)

  3. So, who's left to fight....and will those of us who want to fight, at LEAST get to take down the leftovers?

    1. First, I am saddened that you WANT to fight! But don't worry, I am sure thre are plenty of living Humans on the surface of the planet fully in alignment with the dark forces for you to punish, should you decide that THAT is the best use of your energies.... Try not to turn yourself into one of them by fighting them... From my perspective ALL OF US need healing from our exposure to this darkness, ESPECIALLY the ones who have lost their way in that darkness... Remember it is LOVE that heals...

    2. @Libra
      You have it.

      @Libra and @CGrace
      And why would one NOT want a fighting CHANCE? Lemme put it in ways anyone can understand better:
      In the movie, Alex and Beta(the android body double for Alex to be on earth whilst Alex was on planet Rylos) were being hunted by, essentially, an assassin sent by the baddies (and the assassin had some sort of disguise, perhaps a hologram, to make it appear human. Its disguise failed from being in proximity to the Starfighter arcade cabinet, which caused the disguise to glitch up, and so the assassin had to work in its true appearance).

      It would have killed either Alex or Beta, because the assassin had an energy weapon, but neither Alex nor Beta had any. Centuri, a quirky alien who created the Starfighter arcade game as a training simulator and as what he called "the Excalibur Test" to find people able to help fight against evil, showed up and managed to kill the assassin himself, in part to the fact Centuri was actually armed with a actual weapon (Alex only had a wooden board with a nail in it to fight with...and board w/nail in vs LASER GUN = LASER WINS.).

      After the fight, Centuri said to Alex what the assassin was, and that, shortly, the local countryside (the earth portion of the movie takes place in a remote trailer park in the middle of nowhere, just mountains and forests) would end up having at least nine more identical alien assassin with one mission to carry out: KILL ALEX ROGEN. Xur, the main baddie, through spies on Rylos, found out Alex was a starfighter (unwilling at first, Alex did beat the Starfighter game, but was unaware it was a test, and upon finding out, wanted to go back home, at first. Xur did not want Alex to live, seeing him as a potential threat, especially since he did manage to kill all the actual starfighters in a bombardment of asteroids, rigging with bombs, at the Starfighter command base).

      Beta, Alex's android copy said, "You gotta go back, Alex, otherwise your dogfood!" Centuri said that 10 more assassins were on their way, and Beta said, "At least, up there, you got a fighting chance in a gunstar! (gunstars are the Starfighters' main combat ship....think like X-Wings from Star Wars, but a million times cooler).

      So, in conclusion: I want to fight, actually fight. Why? Because I want to actually DO something. I want to SEE and FACE my enemies. I want to have a FIGHTING CHANCE. I want to SEE results, TANGIBLE RESULTS. I want to be able to fight back, and NOT being vulnerable to darkies and their cowardly attacks and being helpless whilst 'HOLDING THE LIGHT!" "Holding the light!" is NOT for me. I never volunteered to incarnate here, and I do NOT consider myself a lightworker or lightwarrior. And being attacked whilst meditating also sucks ass. Plus, with the 2021 petition and meditation, which the required numbers were reached, I might add, I'm still waiting for results. Akin to 'Where's my money, bitch?!', if you will.

      And as Libra said, being with the ALIENS...who are my REAL family and friends I might add, have the technology, not to mention the damned COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING to what I have been going through for the past FORTY-FIVE YEARS now (oh, and my birthday SUCKED ASS, in case anyone wanted to know) and ONLY they can help me. Earth, and humans, apart from that they both suck, have nothing that can help me.....just 'patriots' like Matt Walsh and so-called 'awakened' like 'Resist the Mainstream', which is nothing more than conservative Christian Klan rally, telling me I am either mentally ill, or falling for woke agenda.

      And hell, yes, Libra, going with the aliens would be far, far, FAR better than winning a lottery. And I evoke contact, I DEMAND CONTACT.....I want to go HOME, goddammit, and in THIS incarnation.

      The Spiders chose to fight to the bitter end, and they were like one of the big bosses. So, I say SQUASH the rest. Restore me, and I'll be squashing 'em in stiletto heeled boots whilst phasering or light sabering the rest of them.

    3. In regards to any of the darkies suggesting surrender, truces or treaties, it only means they need time to reload their weapons.

  4. Merci Beaucoup Cobra et les FL, merci pour ces nouvelles <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  5. So every time something gets cleared are we going to keep hearing about a new "hidden group" that all of a sudden appears out of nowhere and needs to be cleared? Seems like that always happens. How long will this be going on? Is this the final "hidden group"?

    1. If you are new to the blog please be patient, otherwise you know already that this is happening, so please accept it my friend

    2. yeah exactly :D, you know this is not the first time such thing happens. Everybody hopes this is the final hidden group. I believe once all the hidden groups removed, the individual physical contact to surface lightworker can start.

    3. There are various reasons for this
      (Of course, there must be reasons why the earth has not yet been liberated).

      ● The more primary anomaly there is, the more Intel is reduced.

      ● Some things may only be said after a certain stage. The Dark Ones and human consciousness play a role. For example, there could be fear or negative reactions from people that hinder the liberation of the planet.

      ● It stands to reason that the Dark Ones have made provisions for many eventualities.

    4. @hertug
      Patience is an UGLY word.
      Patience has become an extreme sport, prove me wrong.

    5. @Libra
      you nailed it. Not to mention both can be choking.

  6. I haven't been revealing the nonphysical attacks on me. "Brutal" is a very accurate term. The attacks are such that the greys don't look so scary anymore by comparison. There was a very powerful frequency attack as well (would take a while to describe). Even so, I don't make the attacks into something serious, although shielding is definitely a main priority.

    I reduce importance to reduce trauma, and move on.

    Key is to get help from Saint Germain and the Violet flame, to ground, and to reduce importance to personal conflicts, or attempted personal conflicts, that may be occurring.

    I called something out recently, but am reducing importance associated with this as well.

    I will do the booster meditation, and I encourage others to do so as well. Sounds good!

    1. Thank you for sharing your process of intentionally and deliberately reducing the importance of these events. This is a beautiful perspective shift we can all do... practice make better, and LOVE heals! Groups focusing together heal more faster! We can help each other recover... I will use this! Thank you LOTS!

    2. CGrace, glad to help! Definitely, reducing importance to attacks deprives them of loosh! And definitely, healing becomes much easier. They want Lightworkers to be unstable and miserable, but they can't do that when Lightworkers don't give them drama to feed on.


  7. Thank you for the update Cobra and Light Forces!! You guys do rock!!
    As for getting the numbers, unfortunately Blossom Goodchild who I contacted last time, is on a cruise for 3 weeks...
    That is great news about the IBC, and African and Indian networks!!
    Keep going light forces!!
    Victory of the Light!

    1. There are countless numbers of individuals and groups who would be motivated to take part in the April 8th Solar Eclipse Meditation for the USA. Many of us who follow this blog are busy spreading the information. If you feel inspired to further assist in this effort, then please continue to share with others the news about this important upcoming event. Focus on a positive outcome.

  8. I have to admit that i admire of how well the dark forces were organised! Masters! Always one step ahead.. the light forces will find always hidden darkness to deal with that will cause delays and delays unfortunately.. but we are used to it, good luck and fingers crossed, my regards fellow readers

    1. They will feel guilty for not doing well, but Light forces will not!

  9. Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
    (Merci de largement partager 🙂)
    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
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    vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
    facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"

  10. (FRANCAIS /FRENCH) REPLAY Méditations/Protections (Flamme Violette, Bulle bleue, ATVOR, Méditation de la Lumière, Command 12 21) +Annuler contrats d'âmes négatifs +Présentation Astral Star Light Mandala (bonus soutien énergétique)+Déprogrammer Implants ...

  11. Méditation pour l'éclipse solaire totale aux États-Unis 8 avril 2024 à 18:18 PM UTC(20h18 heure française d'été)+ notre LIVESTREAM / MEDITATION FRANCAISE EN DIRECT


    NOTES OFFICIELLES DE LA CONFERENCE avec liens/documents français complémentaires :  
    Diffusé aussi Facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
    Diffusé aussi Facebook "Prepare for change francophone"
    Lien Facebook "Prepare for change france francophonie"
    Diffusé aussi Telegram "Libération Planétaire et Ascension"

  13. Victory of the light 😍🌟⚡✨💖

  14. Translation to the Czech language:

  15. Continue attack,don't stop.

    Plz trigger the Event now and don't delay!

  16. Great news that remaining darkness is weakening and clearing quickly! There were some heavy attacks in the physical and astral right around the time of the Vernal Equinox. (I should have known it was coming, as seasonal times like that or new moons always bring out the nast...). These battles were not near the intensity of even a year ago, and seem increasingly weak and desperate. Let's finish off evil for the last time!!! ⚔️🔥🎆🎇🎉 🥳

  17. Once again, thanks so much to Galactics for saving earth humans. It's really incredible how you are saving us. I speak for all earth humans - thank God you are here, all of the galactic brothers and sisters. It's incredible!!!! Really!

    I just saw this video from Father Absolute. All the earth Shamans are false and are bringing us down! They are either reptiloids or Orions, designed to bring us down in vibration. Spiritually bring us down. What a genuine surprise. Because they aren't developed and have rubbish chakra systems, and they can't evolve or be spiritual. So they try to destroy us. Anyway here is the video:

    1. They can kick dirt in our face, call us names and tell us that our place is in the gutter, because they hate the way we shine.
      Lyrics by Brandi Carlisle, "the joke"

  18. I really dont understand why light forces cant clear these dark networks once and for all,since the divine source had given all the intel about these things.

    COBRA-21 mars 2024- Courte mise à jour situation planétaire+Méditations
    Dans notre chaine youtube officielle  » Prepare For Change Français officiel »,   la vidéo promotionnelle française avec les BONNES INSTRUCTIONS SURTOUT à L’ETAPE 5 et en description sous la vidéo vous avez l’annonce du LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel sur notre chaine et aussi sur « We Love Mass Meditation » ,en partenariat avec eux

  20. The Light Forces should send energy to the unawakened stars seed, it is time for them to awaken as much as possible.

  21. With as much darkness on this Earth's history than we can comprehend, I'm surprised the planet still exists at all at this point, let alone the human race.

  22. Congrats, Americans! 7:13 AM UTC on March 25th, Booster Meditation for the US Total Solar Eclipse meditation 四月美國日全食助推器冥想 台灣3/25(一) 15:13PM

  23. Make Atlantis Great Again!!

  24. In fact, these attacks against Lightworkers have never ceased. It got better sometimes, but it always came back worse. You can already tell by the silence on the radio, so be patient. Either way, I'm grateful for the cleaning, even if it feels endless. Humanity agonizes through pain, suffering, hunger, wars. We can't take it anymore. ✨️🪽✨️

    1. @Lightpower, Possano i buoni angeli ascoltarti! 🫂🛸🌎👽🙏😇

    2. I really despise that word, "patience".

  25. 我懷疑黑暗根本就清理不完

    1. 我更懷疑光明勢力最終的事件準備條件目前都還未到位!

  26. There is a BIG problem in America as it is now out that illegal immigrants just need to get into someone's house and legally, yes legally they can take it over and, the former American owners can go to jail for trying to get the house they own back. This is really starting to happen. They are trying to do it by the thousands. I don't think this will go well for illegal immigrants but HUGE ALERT! OMG.

  27. They take over a house and it takes years, and massive court cases/costs to get it back. Years. Right now I think we will see something big happen to help these people. I think there are already millions of illegal immigrants, and they are going to start stealing homes. Disclosure and removal of illegal immigrants has to start happening now.

    HIGH ALERT! Squatters taking over American homes by the THOUSANDS

    1. I would have been skeptical of this, because alternative news can warp things as much as mainstream, but it is happening! Local TV news in big cities are covering it. I heard about the squatter laws years ago, but thought surely there will be some common sense involved. Nope, they want criminals to steal people's houses. If you break into someone's vacant house, and they call the police, you just have to tell the cops "I live here." You don't have to show any proof. And they arrest the home owner for harassing the squatter. Police can't make them leave. It has to be worked out in court. By that time, it's been over 30 days which means they're a tenant. Eviction laws have recently been overhauled so now the squatter gets to stay for 20 months. I wouldn't have believed it except there's plenty of video showing it happen.

  28. I really wish the ancient Atlantean dark network is the last obstacle. Please! No more further delay!

  29. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! / Victoire de la Lumière !

  30. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  31. NPC attacks is what i anticipate.

  32. From Ray TsaiMarch 19, 2024:

    "Hello everyone, I use email to let more people know about and participate in the meditation. this is an example↓↓"

    Cordial invitation! Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday


    Two events in 2024 will have the most impact on the future of the United States of America. One is the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024. The other is the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

    The energy of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th presents the opportunity for a moment of decision for citizens of the United States, where people in the United States can decide what our future will be.

    You are cordially invited to join the meditation:
    Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC

    Here is the facebook event for this meditation:

    promotional video:

    The intent of this meditation is to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.

    Let's come together to help our Earth anchor these energies!

    As stated earlier, it is important that as many people as possible do this meditation at the same time on April 8th for it to be the most beneficial. Scientific studies have confirmed the positive effects of mass meditations on human society, as discussed here:

    Please share with the world! Thanks for your participation🌹😊

    Have a beautiful day!

  33. I have recently learned more about the Mayan seals and it has given me guidance. Please stay aware, keep your mind clear, and prevent your emotional body from being disturbed. Please make good use of the protective cover! At the same time, I would like to recommend to everyone some books that I have liked recently and that have inspired and broadened my consciousness: "The Hidden Side of Things" by C.W Libid, "Living in Joy" by Olin, and "Master Himalayas" by His Holiness the Lama Mountain". In the Age of Aquarius, look inward, heal yourself, transform darkness, and promote the liberation of basketball! !

  34. I have turned off all news. Only focus on my career and myself . Because of this dark force influence on me lessen to a great degree. The use various news channel to gaslight us and act like light worker. So be aware of false light.

  35. Why is there radio silence? It seems that you can not tell us anything about reptilian appearance and their activities except for just some small basic info and you say that light forces asked for it because you do not want enemies to know certain info but logic is that incarnated reptilians and those who are contacted and also real reptilians already know who they are and what they are doing and what they look like and when you do not give us info we do not get to know what we are fighting against and this helps them. I guess that lightforces maybe did not ask for it, maybe for some reasons you decided not to tell us about it. It is normal logic and normal thinking, reptilians know what they civilization is like, why wouldn't you tell us? I doubt positive extraterrestrials asked for it, how does it benefit them that lightworkers know nothing about their enemies.

  36. Translation of this blog post in Bahasa Indonesia:

  37. Last post in french
    Le dernier post en français

  38. Mulțumim Cobra .Ce veste minunata . Victoria Luminii .


  40. Last Saturday the US gov including state, county and with municipal involvement (all emergency services in the USA are deeply corrupt, state captured) took my blood for a satanic ritual, damaged our truck and other property.
    There is no recourse to the law as they don't follow their own laws especially the primary legal document, the constitution.

    Durango CO USA

    On August 22nd 2023 (I was arrested for being chemically assaulted CIs M & G Painting with Deputy Brown Eagle Sheriff's Department) and October 16th and 17th 2023 (almost shot/arrested for being chemically assaulted Glenwood Springs PD). I was seriously injured by state sponsored terrorists who also take my blood for adrenochrome as recently as last Saturday when they also damaged our property.

    CI "Nate Marelin" boasted of chemical weapon attack in attempts to then shoot me with the concealed firearm on his right shin. His cover business for his terror attack was RFTA the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority.

    Glenwood Springs officer Drew Oesterele thought it was funny, tried to beat me with his club and shoot me as well while he participated in terror attack.

    Full interaction with CI.

    Police use ununiformed security for assault and paid lies while I shop unarmed as well. Thorton Colorado Walmart First and last time I visited it.

    Local "leos" even try to poisen directly and make terrorist death threat "Slumped over the wheel". Broomfield Colorado.

    They have been repeatedly poisoning us with a toxic dust mixture to torture us in public to frame and murder us for a "story". Glenwood Springs Colorado.

    The American stasi INFRAGARD concentration camps are right out in public and these are war crimes against humanity. I'm not the only Targeted "Person of Interest". There are other members of the public undergoing this siege than myself.

    There is no "public safety" excuse for "law enforcement" committing these sadistic crimes.

    Alexander William Britton

  41. I really hope this is the last hidden darkness…but still, thank you cobra and light forces for all the effort. Victory of the light!!!

  42. The victory of light is certain.

    The Dark Ones can only partially put the New World Order into operation. - Moreover, the Light Forces have an ace up their sleeve in this matter.

  43. Let There Be Peace! Victory of the Light!

  44. yo! kinda sorry for you ´n hope, i´m not one of your unconcious
    "attack-handlers"!!! But i really can recommend orgonites! You can buy one or do-it-yourself and check with an emf-meter!!!
    You´d be surprised, these things really reduce some emf-field!!!

    Total Victory of the Light!

  45. Libra, when it comes to a computer screen, there's no one who can make you do anything. No one can make you paranoid and/or upset you unless you allow it. Advise, take or leave:

    Don't allow it. Let it go. It really can be that simple.

    Same for me. I'm certainly not perfect. It's a work in progress.

  46. If I understand it correctly, if people don't protect themselves or if they react to negativity, it would hinder the liberation operations.

  47. "They write to us:

    Hi guys. Well, the French are fully preparing to enter Ukraine, as I understand it. I signed up for jobs on the largest job portal in France. I signed up for vacancies with knowledge of Russian and English. Yesterday they sent a notification about new vacancies with knowledge of the Russian language - linguistics for the French Air Force - for transcription and analysis. There are vacancies in the south, but it seems they are looking for jobs in France. Requirement: “Primary French citizenship and obligation to speak Russian as a native.”

    Here is a link to one of the vacancies:

    Our opinion:

    These are true intelligence recognitions of aggression against Russia and the efficiency of France in a war of aggression, as well as the interception of the regime by German generals who discussed the bombing of the Crimean bridge.

    Fortunately, after this, they themselves become legitimate military opponents anywhere in the world, but there are also all sorts of red lines and other diplomacy. Unlike the Houthis, Russia did not pay attention to such actions. On the other hand, Western military requests are destroyed on the territory of Ukraine.

    It should be understood that the war was initially planned and carried out to capture and subjugate Russia, gaining access to its resources and radical routes. It’s just that at the first stage it is planned to end the country with the help of total sanctions and isolation, and Navalny must act within the country with his own capabilities. But the successful adventure failed. Now we are delivering for strangulation and war attrition. They are going to use NATO troops, but passing them off as other countries is not an alliance. Thus, avoiding an exchange of nuclear strikes, but striking Russia with conventional weapons."

  48. This explains the very dark dreams I have been having lately. When they started I added more protective stones above my bed and started to wear a shungite necklace all the time. I thought they had subsided for a few days until last night. Last night another dark and gory dream. I have tried not to dwell on them but last nights was bad. During the day, on a few occassions I have been hit hard enough that I had to reach out to a chair, table to steady myself.
    Thank You to ALL that are assisting. I have no words for the gratitude for all that you have done. I look forward to the day Humanity knows of your bravery and what you have done for us.
    May We See the Highest LoveLight Timeline Manifest NOW!
    So Be It, So It Is!
    So Be It, So It Is!
    So Be It, So It Is!

  49. I feel that this hidden network acts on us in the following ways:

    1. Any trace of light in a person means that colleagues or associates or others will spread misleading info to people higher up (able to affect our progress).
    2. Hard work or other work which directly or indirectly benefits others like the company or group we are in is ignored and instead the smallest mistakes or errors are enlarged.

    I can only think of these two points above. Since we are sensitive by nature, it leads us to switch off from society. That means we are not actively participating in decisions anymore and only the lower life forms (in human bodies) are running the show.

  50. Thank you very much dear Cobra for this update! I share the Italian and Romanian translations here:
    1. Italian:
    Il Portale Cobra - Telegram:

    2. Romanian:
    Portalul Cobra - Telegram:

    The best is yet to come! Victory of the Light!

  51. Hey how about that base on Mars? Is that cleared too?

  52. Recent Light🌌✨🤝

  53. valami új mindig elő bukkan ilyenkor .. igencsak "beparazitálták" ezt a bolygót ...

  54. én elvállalom a fekete nemesek egyenkénti dögkútba helyezését ... de több dögkutra lesz majd szükség, mert vannak bőven ..

  55. This is excellent news, dear Cobra! These are "the Russian dolls".
    But... let's protect ourselves! More than usual! We're going to make it!
    Thank you to the Forces of Light! We'll meditate!
    Victory of the Light!!!

  56. Ok, lightforces , after the atlantean dark network mission is accomplished, you can take a well deserved rest .
    The surface Illuminati, you can leave it to us. We know VERY WELL what to do with them.

  57. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  58. The same sense of urgency also occurred in Brazil. His research on genetically modified mosquitoes also very successful recently, and as the result, the number of infected people has increased by 400%!

  59. Both side has the same duration to work for their target, but the working efficiency of the dark forces is definitely higher than light forces. Dark side will feel ashamed and blame themselves for not doing well, and may even be punished. The forces of light will not have such pressure!

  60. Karma and Trauma Re – Activation

    Did you know that every time you talk about an unhealed wound or trauma, you re-activate it in your emotional, spiritual and physical bodies? As you speak, or even think, about an old issue, you experience it as if it is happening right now. Since your subconscious mind does not know the difference between current experience and past memory, for all intents and purposes, the trauma or negative experience is happening now.

    When you re-activate old painful memories, your thoughts, words and emotions create a negative karmic energy that you unknowingly project out into your future. This karmic energy manifests in more painful experiences, similar to the original issue. In other words, when issues come up without resolution, a karmic loop or pattern develops.
    Each time this karmic pattern manifests in real life situations, you re-experience the original wound and the current hurt simultaneously. When this occurs, it is a powerful opportunity to heal the past wound by healing the current one.

    Unfortunately, when an issue is re-activated, instead of using it as a healing opportunity, many of us react by pushing the wounds down with numbing substances like food, drugs, internet, Facebook, TV, and a long list of other distractions.
    Unhealed issues get stored in the body, until we release them.
    The body obliges as a storehouse for emotional wounds but it does take its toll, especially if issues are accumulated for long periods of time. Storing wounds in the body eventually weakens the body and invites illness and disease, as well as causing depression, fatigue, stress and weight gain.The good news is that the body is ready to release issues, the moment you are.
    When an unhealed issue is re-activated, don’t just push it down – take the time to finally heal it. This means creating intentional space to feel your emotions and allow the issue to process through to Healing.

    Once you allow yourself to fully experience these emotions for the first time, without resistance, you will innately know what path to healing is right for you.
    Wounds are meant to be healed. We are not meant to spend our lives carrying around past issues and hurts.

    Unhealed issues weigh us down, keep us asleep and prevent us from consciously creating. It is only our personal issues that stop us from experiencing our greatest potential. Holding onto issues keeps us limited and unable to reach that mountain top.
    Because of the shifts going on in the collective consciousness and the higher energy now available on this planet, it has never been easier to release old issues. In fact, issues are now coming to the surface to be resolved. This is why so many of us are experiencing familiar challenges. Wounds want to be healed and issues want to be released,but you have the last say. None of this can happen until you are ready and willing.
    You are meant to be free and clear of emotional burdens. You are meant to live a limitless life with an abundance of love and creativity.
    You are meant to stand on the mountain top with arms stretched wide – willing to receive your grandest dreams. The Universe is listening.
    Nanice Ellis

  61. OMG the Dark Forces are doing great work to help wake up sleepy people in Australia. They are criticizing our national anthem in a commercial. Our national anthem! You can believe that anyone watching that will start to wake up REAL FAST. What a bunch of idiots the dark side is.

    And Kate. You really think we will believe that? A day ago she was some 20 something girl walking along ALL SMILES. Obviously not really Kate. Now suddenly she has cancer and is in chemotherapy. What a stupid ploy. Make your minds up you stupid dark side. Some may believe but most won't. We're on to you, dark side. We know you are utter idiots. It's a farce. It really is funny.

  62. Oh, and here is the dark side thinking... "Let's make Russia (who is WINNING) really angry with us, for no reason." Hmm, not very smart. Russia is the VICTOR. We all know it.

  63. Ok I know what I need to do,not long now...

  64. It will be a sudden process and completely changes the geopolitics game. People in higher positions already know about it, but they know they can do nothing about it. So they try to manipulate the process, but it will not be successful. If the US is not going to make the disclosure, Russia, China, India, Vietnam, France, Brazil, French Polynesians can do that. Whistle blowers have a lot of materials, but the reason why is this not happening is here; they are afraid to speak up. There is not enough energy to breakthrough that fear, that is why there is nobody to stop the game now. But, once they speak up, it can suddenly stop New World Order’s game. This can start anytime. We are getting closer to that moment. I cannot predict how long it will take, but it can start anytime.


    what cobra spoke of at the mindblowing phoenix conference very recently has started i would propose;above my paygrade of course.....

    and dont forget to laugh fine members of the family of light-its good for ya-hahahahaha.....

    1. merci steph pour votre joie de vie pour savois vive.........namaste.....

  65. Wouldn't you know it another dark group... and space force is dark... sorry but it's never ending .. ahh rem just clear the toplet bombs and the solar flash will be triggered . Just clear the pits ...clear the breakaway..clear atlantean dark ones now? JIs the solar system secure or not? How can all of these super advanced races be here in mass and the solar system isn't clear and inside earth there's always another group. 📽️🎬

    1. I think because mind soul and body are connected, that these networks, if they are physical, emotional or mental, are connected to our own psyches. If we have darkness in us we have these networks active. Im probably wrong but that's what keeps me from being frustrated. It's inner work.

  66. I think I can speak for most Lightworkers when I say that we’re really tired of drama, and people who create drama. Even though there may be a couple people who take offense when I say this, I’m sure others here can see what I’m getting at.

    Drama has no place on 2012 Portal. If people want to make drama, maybe they can go somewhere else to ‘do their thing.’ There can be disagreements, but these disagreements need not create drama. Drama between Lightworkers just helps ‘divide and conquer agendas’ of the dark forces.

    Also, I feel that I should state that I don’t have a problem with people who say “Victory of the Light!” Often, I have the philosophy of ‘live and let live.’ I myself may not always be in a “Victory of the Light!” kind of mood, and no one can be all the time, but if others are happy and want to say “Victory of the Light,” who am I to be aggressive towards them? After all, Cobra has said “Victory of the Light!” a countless number of times on his 2012 Portal blog. So, in a way, getting angry at people who say “Victory of the Light!” includes getting angry at Cobra. Maybe this fact hasn’t been considered before, so I felt that this should be pointed out. And...

    Victory of the Light!

  67. Realistically, I think it would be better for COBRA to take down his blog. I think it demotivates his followers from addressing their issues. People tend to complain and not really do anything about it. COBRA's blog is far out in left field of the New Age movement. So the moderates are not here.

    That aside the best thing to help the collective vibration (ascension) is to be still and stable as possible. That means people should meditate everyday, give up drugs. It's my belief as time passes the chaotic human collective will grow in coherence until there is a tipping point where it becomes self-aware. That to me is Ascension. No leaving the earth or ascending into 5D. From there a larger degree of ET contact can happen, not just dream encounters.

    The reason most ET contact happening now, happens in the sleep state is we as a race are nothing like ET. There's no middle ground. A self-aware human collective would give us the interface to communicate with them. We will probably have to be trained to be telepathic. IMHO, Earth is not a prison planet.

    I look at COBRA's information and story as being very different than what I have come to believe. I check his blog once or so a week. I am open to him being correct, but I can't just take his word. I'd have to see it during the event. I certainly am looking forward to the coming changes in the world.

    People need to be skeptical and not emotionally invested in a possibility. Honestly would you rather be dreading life waiting for the intervention or not know about it until it happens? That's why I think COBRA should not bother with the surface population.

    1. Cobra should take down this blog? Then how could we read your brilliant comment?
      *goes on to ignore said brilliant comment*

  68. One more thing. This has always been an Australian town here, i.e. no black or brown people (or Asians), just white Aussies who are born here. Over the last few days, there is an explosion of black and brown people walking the streets, expressly on my street. Typically they don't seem to own cars, none of them. And amazingly they are all carrying stuff to furnish their home; their arms are full of stuff i.e. sleeping bags. Obviously they are just spending money and everything is new. What is going on? It's really really sudden. Obviously Melbourne is way over full of immigrants, and they have built high-rises for them, they have sprung up like weeds recently. Now it is time to move to Geelong. It's a bit sad. Are the immigrants going to soon take over people's houses like they are in America and also Europe? Wait until they go out and just move in? Well, it's all meant to start happening this year. 2024 is sure intense, so far. This "game" better be over soon I hope.

  69. They will not be able to silence us, and there is a big UNMASKING coming.

    6 mins long


  72. Have a look if you like:

  73. 我實在搞不懂為何光明勢力要把注意力放在莫名其妙的地方,你們就不能先解放地球再來慢慢清理嗎?每一次看到有新的黑暗要清理,我就會覺得你們是不是又在找藉口,地球表面到底有什麼理由讓你們那麼害怕?還有,過去宣布清理掉的東西,不要再拿出來說要清理,這會讓人懷疑你們之前到底在幹嘛?

    1. 我也有同感,也在 lGAG 提過類似的問題! 總覺得他們正在隱藏些什麼! ? 或許是光明勢力還沒準備好事件所需的條件,所以就推說還需要清理剩餘的黑暗,藉此爭取更長的準備時間! 低效率如果曝光,定會影響集體冥想的聚合力! 這也許其一的苦衷!

  74. Initially I found it odd that Cobra is alerting around punumbral lunar eclipse:
    "In the few days around the coming penumbral Lunar eclipse on March 25th people need to put up as much protection as possible and refrain from reacting to negativity."

    But today I see this alert on solarham:
    "LASCO coronagraph imagery is updated and shows a full halo coronal mass ejection (CME) that is Earth directed. The main bulk of plasma seems to be heading north, however a noteworthy impact past our planet is likely within 72 hours and may trigger a geomagnetic storm once it arrives. Energetic particles did begin to reach our planet almost 3 hours after the flare event and a minor (S1) to moderate (S2) radiation storm is currently in progress.
    CME Model Released: The halo CME has been modeled. NOAA/SWPC is calling for an Earth impact by early March 25th (UTC time)."

    Now I see a cocktail of energies from penumbral eclipse and incomimg CME both during early UTC on 25th. Coincidently it's also Holi festival on that day.

  75. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور :
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  76. Hi Cobra, I'm interested to know, do you know who staged the terrorist attack in Russia?

  77. And yet.. Israeli leaders keep pushing on with their current agenda with no fear of repercussions.

  78. If you are from the cabal and survive, there will be massive karma. It will take them thousands of years to make up for killing people, etc. Thousands and thousands of years.

  79. Kate is still alive but "restricted", by the white hats I think, according to Izabela. ALL royalty is going down.

  80. Justin Trudeau said in an interview (in French) that he finds his job super boring and he thinks about quitting everyday.

    Yeah, he said that. I know Izabela read on him, can't really remember it but yes, she thought he would go soon.

  81. Good stuff. I feel the desire to contribute, as I've been finding that expectations have a big role in manifestation. This goes in with the boundaries part. You notice how many people on here seem to have a constant expectation of "attacks by the dark forces", so no matter how many victories we hear about, there always seems to be someone new to fill that role? Expectations. We keep hoping for positive ET contact, healings, new tech, etc, but I think a lot of us really don't expect that. We expect more of the crap we've been given, maybe with a new logo or a slightly different flavor, and so that's what we get. We're literally manifesting a longer, harder conflict simply by that being the expectation that receives the most energy. In creating boundaries in which our future can exist, we also have to create the expectations through which it can manifest. We have to expect, as sure as you can expect to get wet when there's a storm cloud above, that the Dark has finally run out of strength and the time of the Light has come. Anything less allows the Dark to continue. This is where personal boundaries come in, where we do not allow the darkness that has still manifested in the world to find a home in our hearts or minds. Hope that was helpful.

  82. Thanks Cobra for the update.🌹🙏

  83. I try to depolarize the trigger words. I try to feel unconditional love, respect, kindness, love etc. for everything including the trigger words. And in the end, I am more neutral to the words. That does not mean you cannot distinguish good from bad like a lot of people think. Just that your intellegtual mind is not experiencing any kind of emotion while observing something (except loving-kindness or neutrality). Loving-kindess is the neutral emotion. I understand your concern, i am also from Germany. If you view Nazis documentation you should try to be neutral but know what is right or wrong. Otherwise your hate or negative emotions polarizes you in the negative direction. That is how I understand positivity.

    Loving people love everything, kind people are kind to everyone and hateful people hate everything, racist people usually see racism everywhere and so fort.


  85. How long before we get the other 82% is my question. o.o
