Dragon leylines and energy are being activated on the surface of the planet and below the surface between July 11th and 22nd. The activation will be done in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and many other locations.
One aspect of the activation of the Dragon energy is the creation of a new financial system.
Another aspect of the activation of the Dragon energy is the rise of the Kundalini of humanity.
During the activation, solar activity will increase, and the Kundalini of humanity will rise. This will help with counteracting the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and counteracting the escalation of the conflicts such as those in Ukraine and Israel-Gaza into a world war.
Lol no. The solar flares are because we're at the solar maximum. As well, the wave X reached us years ago and is raising the energy/frequency. The EArth itself is a prison planet and holographic simulation created by the Anunnaki demiurges. All energy will be recycled after all the spirits leave the game and leave only the fallen and the organic portals/NPCs here.
Sim. Já é suficiente! Por favor acionem o evento! É justo que aconteça agora. Se não estamos prontos como esperam que estejamos, que o evento venha mesmo assim e arcaremos com as consequências! JÁ É SUFICIENTE! 🙏
You and the light forcess keep saying that. Nothing really happens after it's posted though. My instinct tells me I'm preemtping this but ... A message to the light forcess: I think you're beating aroudn the bush a lot. Things are good enough for the event to be triggerred, come on, all these clearings and vibration raisings, they're not getting us out of slavery. I'm deeply suffering due to lack. Lack of a home, lack of sustainable living standars, lack of freedom from my opressors ... I'm having so much stress my heart feels like bursting, weekly. There is SO MUCH stress that I've given up on trying to make a better life for myself. And if I die, I die ... Now, I'm going through this inhumane amounts of stress, and I'm just a milenial living with my tiranical parents, having no hope and no future. Imagine the war victims of both Ukraine and Russia ... Get this over with already, I think you can. Trigger The Event.
I hear you Lightpower ... I took care of my mommy until she died 12 Feb.2020. I was hoping she would make it to The Event, but that was just a foolish dream of mine. I too suffer from panic attacks and have to take medication for it. I experience a lot of pain in my back and stomach. I'm a vet and the VA refuses to give me pain medication even though they know it helps me and I am not addicted to it. Before the illegitimate government started dipping in the medical community I was able to get pain meds no problem ... they'd give me a 30 day supply and it would last me over a year.
The health community has been taken over by the deep state. I have to tried and find a doctor that will treat me and give me the pain medication I need.
Aria I can relate to your situation also. I can imagine the war victims of Russia and Ukraine as well as the victims in Gaza.
Can't we see just a little tangible evidence that things are happening. It would really lift the spirits of many of us. With our spirits lifted we could do more to help.
I had a dream this morning where I was screaming at people this is not how it was suppose to be. Of course no one listened.
We need The Event and we need it now. Please bring this nightmare to an end.
Don't wait for the event to learn to use your full power. I am integalactic this isy first reincarnation I am aware of most what's happen in all dimensions, I can teach you quantum therapy and elctricity system that regulate your nervous system the body and activate your sensing body to create waves to create reality. You have to awake by yourself dont wait the event. Wrie me if you wanna one replacement work seriously with this sessions. It's only about awake tools you forgot you have and they are your heart space, your mind and the electricity. Humans don't knwo how to use them . How can we connect ? Mail, FB? Insta? Take care. Don't give up 💓🙏
i feel you so all much. i am a 41yo autistic level 2 of support woman living with my ex which became my sister/carer/supporter against her will yes but there is no other option for me but medbeds and nesara; i've known about them since 2015 which means i dream (and i truly daydream A LOT) with new earth for over nine years. consciously. ofc i've always knew everything's wrong, never tolerated hierarchy and never felt like working for this society. so i am a deep inner living being and that's why i'm still here. i thought my cat, my dearest sister would also make to the event because there was a big group of peole in Brazil who believed the contact would happen in 2019 so yes there's some hidden unexplicable delay here. and then when the COVID hoax came i could swear the event was comming. it didn't.
however for the first time i feel actual change in my toxic thoughts, feelings, programming, will. they are getting weaker, the attacks are softer and quicker and my meditations are so much more real in every possible way.
also the amount of dirt comming out about the deep state is unprecedent.
so yes. we can see things happening. just not the way we asked for.
then again it's a very huge team working together and we are part of it. maybe the most underrated part but also the most important. without us here, there wouldn't be any change so yes i still think it would be only fair to reward us asap
Perhaps it may be a useful reminder to reread this post from last year. http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2023/05/situation-update-and-cobra-conference.html?m=1
There is a chart Cobra included that, for me, puts the situation into perspective. Well, in a nutshell anyway. According to the chart, the rising entropy level of surface humanity must converge with the decreasing entropy level of the Event. We are close.. but it has had me expecting even more chaos to occur. Think of it as a catalyst. It's not pleasant, but in our situation it looks like that's how the path will be. Cobra also stated that if the Event (the mass arrests) were to happen earlier than desired (or now, when the entropy levels are not aligned), then it would give chance for the dark forces to unleash all hell - nukes, wars, bioweapons and diseases, martial law etc etc. It would make the event an awful experience and create more suffering (the dark forces taking as many down with them in an immediate response to sudden intervention of the light forces)
So much we literally can't see, but we only feel the current effects. It's like watching grass grow, but ofc you can't force it to grow instantly, 3rd dimension is dense and slow after all.
Think about it from another angle: isn't an attempt to "prepare better" in order to save the majority, consciously sacrificing the minority (those who are already on the edge, and this may not even be money, but health, which has nothing to lose, since it has nothing ("they have nothing to lose except their chains ..." Lenin) an active, currently valid option. Conventionally speaking, this is similar to the priority of treatment / providing assistance in emergency situations or military actions - saving those who can be saved without spending large resources, unlucky and you exceeded the threshold in terms of how assistance will be provided? Then die, nothing personal. It seems that most of these "losses" (among the overwhelming majority of the planet's population living "on the razor's edge") were included in the "collateral damage" and the guys are simply working according to plan, instead of "ahead of schedule". Can an intergalactic civilization with an incredible degree of socio-cultural-ideological maturity with a multi-trillion population afford this? I doubt it. The simplest form of support for the population on the surface would be to distribute arms and gold/silver bars/coins to opposition groups around the world. But this is not the case. And don't talk nonsense that it is impossible - the USSR supplied weapons of all kinds during World War II and the Cold War to all pro-people rebel forces and did it without electronics, the Internet, drones and space, gravity ships and teleportation - and coped with it perfectly. And here an intergalactic superpower with a multi-trillion population cannot calculate logistics and create/organize a guerrilla movement? Not to mention the rules of earthly warfare that officers learn in military schools: "A quick war is a bloodless war" (The faster the hostilities end, the less direct and collateral losses will be). And I am supposed to believe this? If you are writing a comedy, find a better scriptwriter, this is complete nonsense. Until I see real, physical action - all these stories are nonsense. One of the reasons why I stayed on this site at all is the archive of the Soviet department of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which is engaged in tracking UFOs on behalf of the KGB (the program is called "Network"), which contains photographs of more than one hundred and fifty letters over more than 20 years from residents of different social status and place in society, who sent stories from all over the USSR, in which they reported when and at what time they saw a UFO).
1 and 2) Commemoration of the Republic which decapitated millennia-old France built on monarchy and Christianity.
3) Celebration of the “trouple”, the couple of three people, that is to say swinging and infidelity, the destruction of the traditional family which allows humanity to build itself on healthy and lasting foundations .
4) Aya Nakamura leaves the French Institute, formerly a temple of knowledge bringing together the greatest French scientists. The new France gives birth to the vulgar before which the Republican Guard, which has become its clowns, fidgets.
5 and 6) Drag queens parody the Holy Supper, the last meal of Jesus Christ with his apostles. Another detail to note: chapter 13 of the biblical book of Revelation describes the beast of Satan with seven heads, like the drag queen with her crown in the middle, who takes the place of Jesus Christ. Finally, we will note the presence of a young girl in the middle of this "troop"...
7) The drag queens represent this meal with Dionysus, Greek god of wine, symbol of drunkenness and what follows. This is the mark of Judaism animated by hatred of Christ, a word which means the “anointed of God”.
8) The Horseman of the Apocalypse brings the Olympic flag. Revelation 6:8: “I see a pale green horse. His rider is called “Death,” and the world of the dead walks behind him. They are given power over a quarter of the earth. So they will kill its inhabitants with the sword, famine, everything that brings death and with the wild beasts of the earth. »
9) The Olympic flag is raised on a pole opposite which is the golden calf, worshiped by the Hebrews who turned their backs on Moses while he sought from God the Tables of the Law on which appear the Ten Commandments.
have you seen the bull in the olympic circle, at the back of the left stand? all this makes me think of a retrospective of the france of before to the france of today. decadence and lust, in plain sight. this is exactly what happened before the fall of atlantis Eden from france.
You are on a blog with awakened people. Why do you relay an article from mainstream media? It's 100% bullshit.
The mastermind behind this ceremony are Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron. The real name of Brigitte is Jean Michel Trogneux.
There is a word game. "La Cène "was played on the Seine river. In French, the words "Cène"/"Seine" are written differently but pronounced the same way !
oh yes. for a few years i've seen this message. does typing in a different language make it truer? honestly i don't see what you are still waiting for. it'ss been enough since 2020 imo.
Yes ... many sadly could be dropping in vibration as we continue to not see any viable change.. lots of energy talk but I am still paying bills and working 3D and trying to keep my head above water and I have a good job but it's not enough $$ in this hyper inflated world now. Q said Christmas in July...don't tell me it's 2025 ? I appreciate all the galactics are doing but rem way back when only the toilet bombs stood between us and the solar flash??Then the pits were the issue. Then this quantum anomaly stuff ..now this lurker..wouldn't the solar flash resolve all of this? I am grateful but concerned this will drag out for years more. Never thought when I found this blog we would make it to 2024 and still be on 3D earth with the mass meditations and all the qhht Intel ..sadly all were wrong .I hold the light as best I can while having yo still survive in 3D. Nesara?
I know there have been times in the past when we thought, "This is the final obstacle to the Event!" Then, something else came along that stood in the way. But lurker/subquantum anomaly is at the smallest possible unit of space, so this a clearing on the most intimate level possible!
Thanks all! I know it's a huge operation and we all will be truly free soon! Venting a bit actually helps and cobra is cool enough and wise enough to let us vent as he has also done so and we all understand we are human with emotions and want so badly this 3d matrix to collapse and all truth to be revealed to everyone no more contrived division. Unity. ♥️
I agree with everyone else, but is it enough to stop this nightmare anytime soon? Will we see big progress by my birthday 22 August? That would be totally awesome, but I won't look for it then.
Is there anyone out there that can help me with this ...🧐🤓
I remember part of a dream I had Thursday morning ... I was out somewhere inside a house or building. For some reason the necklace I made with the tachyon cells and cintamani stones fell from my neck and shattered. I remember picking up the pieces and putting them in my pocket.
I'm sure it means something but I don't know what ... any ideas?🤔
Also which would be better to wear ... my cintamani necklace ... It has two cintamani stones on each end with a small emerald piece on each one ... in the middle there are tachyon cells each a different color.
Or should I wear my emerald on the back of my flower of life necklace near my heart.
Anyone has a sense of which would be better? Thanks for reading my post.👽
Yes Enough is Enough . Solar Flash NOW Let the Us that deserve to be in AT ONE MENT with One another Mother Earth and all her Creatures that are in alignment with the Light Stay and live co create togetherness with One Another and our Stellar Families of Light in abundance health Beauty . We have all sufficiently shown what we are made of where we stand We Are Known for Our Works .
I'm sure, I've said this before. I cannot see how the world can hold out from war and economic collapse well into 2025. The Cabal is trying so desperately to expand both the conflict in the middle east and Gaza. Surely the Event must be triggered either late this year or early 2025. Cobra has stated that he feels it will be 2025. It surely must be Q1 2025 if this is true. The feelings of hopelessness here on earth by many lightworkers derives from the fact that although Cobras updates describe alot of progress by the light, evidence here appears to be missing as our situations worsen. I do recall Cobras updates from a few years ago describing the "Bubbles of Heaven", in which things will continue to get more and .ore hectic ( to near boiling point), and then the Event is triggered. Let's hope so.
Yes!Yes! LF, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! Its time to act! may the Red Dragon rise and clean up all this once and for all!! They won’t stop! You need to move! Its time to move. Its becoming too heavy downhere!! Victory NOW!!
I'm still hopefully even after this blasfemic and satanic ceremony in Paris. More and more people will ask questions about that and become awake!! I also feel we are nearing the boiling point and sometimes I think (hope) the event will happen this year. The darkside exposes itself openly now. That's wonderful!! Don't despair, the Light has won already. Try to hold a inner balance (=holding space). We are by creation the alpha and omega 😄👌 Victory Of The Light 💖
If they knew enough was enough, then they wouldn't be hopelessly bad. And you still expect them to surrender? What are you guys thinking? Do not let humanity disappoint you.
Wow! Mr. Cobra sends Chinese words! The Dragons have also managed to use electromagnetic waves to attack the Chinese, especially the star seeds born in China. I'd like to ask Mr. Cobra if the Red Dragon Cleanup, enough is enough, is it a directed energy weapon cleanup? Hope to update next time about the cleaning progress of directed energy weapons! Thank you!
The astral plane is like reality, and planet earth the dream. Like a seed being watered. Not much is seen. But if you close your eyes you'll see the Galactics healing our stream.
5g made us dull. Fluoride did too. But the key is to have a flow of inspiration and a stream of crystal. That's just my POV.
It is not common to send code names in simplified Chinese. So I'm assuming this is for some people in mainland China. I feel this is more of a warning than a code. Some people in mainland China are going to be cleaned out if they don't stop. Possibly within the Chinese military. China replaced its defense minister this year because of corruption and this minister was also a close confidant of Xi. I think Red Dragon will carry out further operations in the military. Or clean out the corrupt red dragons.
Renewal bringing diamond cosmic waves rocking the planet in photonic light! As darkness that is carbon density is being cleared allowing purification to be felt, lifting your spirit up! Resonating to the harmonics of light, which is activating the ley lines that connect to the tectonic plates and vortex locations. This surge of electric and magnetic energy on the grids will bring earthquakes as it clears antichrist density from the source to the core of planet, subterranean and to the surface of the planet. As you are the pillar of light between, you too are clearing density and activating to the light of creation through your atoms. You were always apart of the plan to shift density to light with your vortex of electromagnetic energy and your heart is the way to balance distortions and inversions. Harmonize and align your pillar. Stretching your spine, grounding in nature, meditation, hydration to prevent headaches, centering for dizziness, trust for gut, peace for the mind and acceptance and love for the heart!
Iyashi scalar pendants are the real deal. I would never buy something like this because they're all scams, but someone bought it for me and it's amazing. To your hand it feels like buzzing, but not vibrating, it's a solid field. You really feel it in your heart and head. In your chest you feel the energy sweep in and clear out stress and replace it with a flutter like a sentimental song makes you feel. In your brain you feel thoughts reduce in frequency and intensity, replaced by a more positive attitude. Subtle but noticeable. It helps a little with EMF's. It's also kind of harsh. For the first couple days I thought it was a miracle, but it's like an herb that also has unpleasant qualities. When I have it right on my body it starts to ache. But from a short distance it's great. Perfect to keep on a desk in front of a computer. The two halves of the pendant broke open awhile back (glued together again just fine) and I got to see inside, it looks like fine sand mixed with tan epoxy. Not sure what that is, but it emits a tangible energy for sure.
I think something got lost, I put out a message that my legs got way better all of a sudden, with Mother Mary's help.
But this message is about 90.10 medbed. OhmyGod it's improved. It's really come along. First they changed the name to LuminoSana. Now it's 90.10 medbed 2.5 and I've been trying the new medbed and it is amazing. Much better than it was. Honestly I would be trying to use it, and it would only start after waiting 30-45 mins. It was crazy silly. Then it really hurts you. The pain is awful, at least for MS. Now you start up the medbed and it starts immediately. Like whoa. And no pain. And it works on you constantly. Amazing. Its always doing stuff especially to my legs.
You say, "90.10. MedBed - Lappadus Humanus, scan me now," and it goes straight to work. I always wanted this. Of course you have to pay for it (now only 999euros instead of 2,300 euros) or do the free 8 hour trial. Use Promo Code: SPECIAL_FINAL9010 for the cheaper price.
It's working amazing. No pain and constant work on your body. Like a dream. Now I can keep it on all day.
Go to: https://quantumfrequencymedicine.com/ to buy it, I think it has moved. They are going to relaunch it soon!!
Also, I must add, when you say to medbed "please remove all mercury from my body", do you know what immediately happens? You start to taste an overpowering metallic taste in your mouth. This is the taste you have exactly for removing mercury! Well, I trust medbed but I'll let you know how it goes.
huh Marmot? Thanks! I'm basically using medbed now all day. It's the second day. Although it did take 2 hours to start up; It might have been doing things I couldn't feel, but after that point it did start at 9:30am and now it is 2pm. Quick computer break. Sore now in exactly the spot mercury is - sort of left of spine but bony bit and now lower than it was.
July 28th - Saw words in mind's eye about how it's brave to continue helping people even though they can't be bothered to care 👎 (I was divinely guided to specifically include a thumbs down emoji).
July 29th - VaticanNews shared a post featuring a photo with the words: "Whoever has ears ought to hear." The hand in the photo is somewhat in a thumbs down position.
Lula é o estadista mais importante da atualidade, buscando consenso entre as nações e trabalhando para acabar com a guerra, a miséria extrema, e a destruição ambiental. Lula is the most important statesman of our time, seeking consensus among nations and working to end war, extreme poverty, and environmental destruction.
Elon Musk quietly launched a new supercomputer worth 3-4 billion dollars. Musk now has the most powerful computer in the world. It's called the Memphis Supercluster. Inside are 100,000 NVIDIA H100 AI graphics processors. And all this is for training artificial intelligence. He did it in Tennessee, where, like Texas, he took his infrastructure from California. Why such extravagance?
Musk, like all demiurges, dreams of creating a duplicate of the human brain that would copy the consciousness of any person. Not just a person, but a god-level scientist-inventor. Demiurges have no other goal than immortality. The main dream is to transfer their consciousness to digital form, and after death to live in the shell of a digital mind. But where they will get so much oil and gas for electricity in a hundred years is still unclear. Environmental activists are already sounding the alarm. To cool the rotor of Musk's supercomputer, he needs 8.5 million liters of water daily.
The United States supplies Ukraine with cluster munitions through warehouses located in Germany. We did not say this, the German television company NDR said so. Citing an unnamed representative of the US armed forces. The US-owned warehouses with M864 and M483A1 cluster munitions are located in the town of Miesau (Rhineland-Palatinate), from where the munitions are delivered to Ukraine as part of American military aid to Kiev. This is a violation by Germany of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the storage of such weapons on German territory and their transportation.
Russia can just stop attacking Ukraine if they care about cluster munition. Furthermore Russia is using cluster munition themselves. The war would end if they just retreat.
"In conditions where the Russian army has proven incapable of achieving a radical turning point in the military operations in the SVO zone, more and more new plans for a "peaceful settlement in Ukraine" are emerging. And basically, they boil down to Russia admitting its defeat and its unconditional surrender.
On July 25, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and American lobbyist David Urban outlined a version of a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict for Donald Trump in a column for The Wall Street Journal.
According to Mike Pompeo and David Urban, if Donald Trump wins the election as president, he will implement the Lend-Lease program for Ukraine for $500 billion, achieve a ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and put forward a number of conditions for a future deal with Russia.
Among them are Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU, the creation of a $100 billion fund for arming Ukraine, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, the annexation of Donbass and Crimea to Russia without international recognition, the demilitarization of Crimea, and the payment of reparations to Ukraine at the expense of frozen Russian assets.
What does "the annexation of Donbass and Crimea to Russia without international recognition" mean? In my opinion, this means recognizing these territories as temporarily occupied by Russia and, accordingly, continuing and even tightening the sanctions regime with the aim of their "deoccupation." And the demilitarization of Crimea means the withdrawal of the Russian army from its territory, including the Black Sea Fleet. And what fate awaits the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions? There is not a word about them in Pompeo's plan. But according to the amendments made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these are subjects of the Russian Federation. And the transfer of Russian territory to a foreign state is unacceptable. What will happen to the land corridor to Crimea? And what will happen to the North Crimean Canal and water for Crimea? And what about the agreement with Ukraine's accession to NATO? After all, preventing this was one of the main reasons for the SVO?
It is bitter to realize that Russia has developed a situation of chess zugzwang, when any move only worsens the situation.
But the fault of the US, NATO and Ukraine in this is very limited, since the weak are always beaten. The main fault is the leadership of the Russian Federation, which showed us beautiful cartoons and hung noodles on us about the second most powerful army in the world. But in reality, it did not deal with the problems of the combat readiness of the Russian army and rearmament with modern weapons, getting off with tank marathons, storming the plywood Reichstag and building an Orthodox church in the Patriot Park.
And moreover, it deliberately pursued a policy of the largest deindustrialization in world history, destroying thousands and thousands of industrial enterprises, including the military-industrial complex, which ultimately led to huge problems in providing the army and navy with everything necessary for war, including the SVO."
Valamit nagyon nem értesz. Ukrajna valójában egy mesterségesen létrehozott állam, amit az oroszok hoztak létre. Ebbe piszkált bele az USA, és az USA által létrehozott NATO. Ukrajnát az oroszok fogják feloszlatni, ha már létrehozták. Ehhez az USA-nak, és a Madzagon rángatott NATO-nak semmi köze nem lehet, mert ha még is beleavatkozik, csak veszít rajta, nem is keveset.
Trump changed his tune on cryptocurrencies ahead of the election, promising to make the US the “crypto capital of the planet.” Just three years ago, the former president called Bitcoin nothing less than a “fraud” that puts pressure on the dollar exchange rate.
I don't have direct knowledge to support this, but cryptocurrency could slide into becoming a type of CBDC. With crypto, the "Digital Currency" part is already there.
Ailish, yeah, sometimes there can be mentionings in video games. I'm reminded of "dark archons" in the Starcraft 1 expansion. One of the abilities of dark archons in the game was mind control. A character could be manipulated to change sides.
Last known status of Omega:
"Omega stream is still permitted due to unfavorable grid ratio."
Some people have begin to identify The Lurker www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1edwzkm/why_are_so_many_people_on_this_sub_incredibly/?sort=new
Also, DJT ASSATTmPt has shown many sheep a glimpse into the presidential illusion fabricated by cia ,much of the Power imbued to authority figures is being dissolved fully now after the covd mass event initiated that direction ,towards dissolving current government structures, it will only go that way now. Everything they do is scrutinized. An authority figure doesn't sneeze without people taking notice. Not too long ago it was different, they were cherished members of society. The trust was lost along the way. This has to happen.
The one main obstacle in world affairs is still religious prophecy. Many sheep are moving in those directions of wanting rapture and second coming. The prophecy is that this will begin with Israel being the bad guy and being the initiator of ww3 to lead to apocalypse, so that a new messiah will emerge. That direction obviously needs to be averted because it just leads to apocalypse timeline. It will still play out though in reality regardless because of the volume of mass participation currently, the goal though is to create a non apocalypse timeline. The apocalypse will happen but there can be a creation of it not happening and that direction is what we want ,to be in that timeline will lead to the big soft event. Anyway, this is a big slow moving mass energy, in the non apocalypse timeline the wars will end, so even if one or two begin to imagine that it will be sufficient to alter the probability. Since you have the audience you can provide info for them to be aware.
In my case, core internal issues still remain, but my ability to cope with this has definitely improved. I'm more easily able to see the fakeness of archon programming.
Strange, I remembered that yesterday I dreamed that there was an apocalypse of such clay spiders, something caused the clay to come alive in the form of clay spiders, the spiders then devoured all the available clay which caused their rapid multiplication and world destruction. I was saved, I don't know, in some bunker, then I wake up a few thousand years passed and civilization was reborn. I remember walking around this rebuilt world, I remember pulling out a few clay inanimate spiders and telling how they once destroyed an entire civilization and that it could happen again, I remember some family on scaffolding or in a basket attached to a balloon, I discuss with this family in the basket with an elderly couple, I discuss these spiders and the woman from this marriage seems to agree with me about them. The next thing I remember is that I am still discuss with this couple and with horror I notice thousands of mechanical spiders running down the street and devouring everything, the next thing I remember is that only this woman survived, the one I was discuss with, her whole family died. I happened to survive because during the discussion with this couple I was somewhere on the 5th or 6th floor of the building, I don't know how on earth I survived but I sat half the night on a narrow wall ledge afraid that I would fall, I waited a few hours until dawn and breathed a sigh of relief noticing that there was no trace of spiders like there was of civilization. From this ledge I somehow jumped down a dozen or so meters to the ground, everywhere was green, a stream crossed the lake. But the best thing is that a few people survived the destruction, I had seen them earlier from the ledge from which I had jumped I am writing regarding the power outage in Paris*
Caylin just left an amazing message. She (a pleiadian) sees two timelines ahead of us. One has the flash and the other doesn't need a flash. Both are positive and the future is wonderful. There is no dark timeline; the dark is just a bunch of idiots who will soon be gone, hehe.
There is a 70% chance only that there will be a flash.
After watching the video and extending my own senses into the futures they are seeing, I get the sense that the 30% chance that doesn't need the Solar Flash would instead experience a Heart Center Flash. That there would be a wave of lovelight surrounding and enveloping the planet not from the Sun, but from the Heart of Humanity. Even though so many people are caught up in trauma patterns, people really are loving underneath it all. Love is the foundation of all things, and I believe that we could reach the point in which the Love of Humanity is strong enough to lift the trauma fog and help everyone to recenter into that truth. That there's a 3 in 10 chance we're healing so well, that we don't need the Sun to pop to get us to the next level, is actually wonderful. Even if this is the last focal point of darkness in the universe, folks we are kicking the dark's ass. Yes we are getting help and are grateful for it all, but we were not helped to the point of interference and so this win is ours. Every one of us, even though we have our own issues and traumas still running around in us, are loving the World into a greater future than we could foresee just days ago. Pleasure to serve with you all.
There is going to be exact T squares, many of them on the same day I think. It is going to be explosive. If I end up in hospital, I think it will happen then. I don't know HOW I'm going to get through this.
Dangerous times will be the 10-22, with the 19th especially, and just avoid people! Fights etc and people blowing up. Avoid it. I'll keep away from the EES, that's for sure. I already feel like exploding at them now, God help me. Whatever earth events are happening, I think I'll keep the TV off during that time. Off off off. But I'll keep my eyes on SuspicousObservers (even Joe mentions them).
Then on the 22nd August the sun goes into Virgo (the nervous system) and we get foggy, it disrupts us (it's already happening, a weird memory system is happening to me now!!!) If you are easily scared, don't watch this video, especially the last half.
Cobra, yesterday Sunday elections were held in Venezuela where we Venezuelans who voted for a change saw how the National Electoral Center committed FRAUD in the eyes of the country and the community of Latin American nations. In view of this situation I ask on behalf of the majority of Venezuelans that the Forces of Light manifest themselves and establish the TRUTH.
This might be a warning to the black magicians residing in Tibet. A lot of extreme attacks on lightworkers happened before, during and after the conferences in Taiwan and Malaysia. (This is merely speculation)
Many battles with dark last night. I had lots of one v one skirmishes but the last one was interesting. I was near the capital of Afghanistan taking out a few dark human minions when a poison gas cloud appeared overhead. I put on my gas mask and a very large explosion shook the Earth. Lots of Light forces cheering as I heard 33 million dark creatures were destroyed. It supposedly stopped a huge dark invasion. This happened in the Astral so not sure the repercussions here in the physical... This also was right around the time of the big Schumann Resonance spike and the X class solar flare. Get ready peeps!!😎♥️
Light workers and star seeds who will be left behind by the light forces have to manage to gather together in an invincible armada in order to strongly retaliate against to he entity, at a soul level, who gave the so called "clarion call" to volunteer for the so called rarthling liberation. If this is the reward of the light forces, to left us behind, then this have to be the answer. Kind regards!
Should the light forces intervene directly on the surface. There are all the condition meet! No octopus, no strange let and topless, no chimera, We are enough! Petition for divine intervention was meet. Should they intervene.
The installer of the memorial plaque to the murderer of peaceful Russian peasants during the Russian Civil War, Mannerheim, and Putin's favorite negotiator, Medinsky, said that Russians are not a people, not an ethnic group, but a cultural concept.
According to Medinsky's logic, the French, Germans, English, Spanish, Georgians, Chechens, Armenians, etc. exist, but the Russian people do not exist.
After such a sincere confession by the Gomel-Istanbul negotiator, one should not be surprised why the results of the negotiations and the demands that come from the Russian Federation are exactly what they are: servile and groveling, not taking into account the national interests of Russia and the Russian people.
Light forces arrange the work of the light workers
Before the detachment of the Lurkers from the population from Aug to Oct (or longer)? 2024
Before the detachment, the lightworkers are about 80% connected to the lurkers, which is also reflected in their work for the liberation of the planet.
Crop circle I would say that grain left standing stands for the work of the lightworkers. Grain laid down stands for the work of the light forces
The connection of the lightworkers with the lurkers is represented, I would say, by the non-sacred geometry of the trapezoids.
The light forces try to make the best of it [with sacred geometry]: ● 3 times 3 trapezoids. ● 3 times 3 triangles ● complete everything to form a hexagon
There is even a larger non-trapezoidal piece in interaction with a tractor track, which probably also stands for the work of the light workers.
Makes me wonder if a Doctor Who writer knew about the lurker. https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Curse_of_Fenric_(TV_story)
"Ace confronts the Doctor, demanding to know what he knows, bitterly complaining that he always seems to know, but just cannot be bothered to tell anyone, like it's a game that only he knows the rules to. The Doctor tells Ace about an ancient evil that has existed since the birth of the universe - Fenric is just Millington's name for it, and it is trapped in the flask. "
Yes I agree,Ive healed enough from my injuries to start training once Iam ready I will be back, nothing else matters at this point , as for your latest attacks it has just been fuel for the fire,so thanks for that you pathetic parasites...
"Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet."
Black nobility are archons in human bodies who work extensively with the lurker, as an archon-lurker combo setup of sorts. It could be said that the surface population is entangled with and living in an 'archon-lurker matrix.'
However, I recall it being said that some of the Jesuits were just human beings who chose darkness of their own free will. It was also said that only a fraction of 10% of Jesuits are extremely evil and dangerous.
X class solar flare and nonstop flares and winds. Ground to stabilize the energy and calmness will assist you!Holographic pool! Always bless the water 💙 This liquid light is how the base of your DNA should look, not carbon and that is activating now through solar initiations that bring higher frequencies of light. This is how people awaken, heal and shift beyond deceptions of darkness. As dracos always counter flares with chemtrails which spray carbon in the sky to lower your frequency. It's always been about your energy. They are trying to get people sad now, don't take the bait and don't allow any victimhood mentality which brings worries. Worries turn to fears and that's strong emotionally looshing tactic. As the light is surging on your adrenals and kidneys. You want to calm your energy as those are gateways for entities and imposter spirits to psychic attack. Your soul knew about the spiritual battle on humanity and it's why you volunteered to come here. Trust will provide well! Allow yourself to feel calm just as water and nature provides! Soothe your energy and allow light to be received as your cells regenerate now.
benjamin fulford(excerpt)-quote-----Since many people have only recently discovered there is a secret financial war going on for the planet earth, we have decided to provide a summary as we start our annual sabbatical. This year it will be in the Japanese alps and only for two weeks because of the intense secret war now raging. The information here comes Asian and European royals, intelligence agencies, secret societies etc. gleaned during the two decades I have been involved in this secret war.
Although the war has been raging for millennia, we will start in 1913. That is the year a group of bankers took control of creating and distributing money away from the US Congress and created the Federal Reserve Board.
Having seized control of the US, the bankers immediately set into motion their plan to start World War I. This war led to the destruction of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.
At the end of the war, at the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to pay 132 billion gold marks as compensation. The only people who could provide Germany with so much gold were the Asian royals.
As background, since Roman times the Asians have been sending spices, silk, ceramics etc. to the West and receiving gold and silver as payment. As a result of this, 85% of the worlds’ gold stocks are in Asia.-----unquote.....
Pass it on to Ben if possible, I know that his subscribers can write to him in the comments: "Ben, what about the fact of the "public discovery" of "Asia" (China, Japan) only in the 15-16th century? What about the fact of the existence of Tartary, which occupied up to 60-80% of the current territory of China and did not include the territory of the Han - narrow-eyed Chinese? What about the surviving paintings and frescoes of that era with inscriptions like "the Chinese distribute grain during a crop failure (read famine)", and in the paintings the role of the Chinese is played by white-skinned Europeans? How did it happen that some of the very first explorers of "Asia" were the Jesuits? How did it happen that gunpowder invented "in China" according to its description and effects could only be obtained from components from the Middle East (for example, mineral mines in the Damascus region)? How did it happen that the "Chinese" did not have it before the arrival of the Jesuits astrolabes and its long-range navy? How did it happen that in the north of China they find ceramics and jewelry with traces of the swastika, and in the sands of the "Chinese" desert - mummies of bodies of Slavic-type Caucasians. What to do with the European literature of the 12-13-14 centuries, which lists the names of the rulers of Asia and they are Caucasians, even the rulers of the then "China" (de facto Tartary is a Caucasian, the capital of his dynasty is the city of Kambalu (present-day Beijing), his wife in - the empress in a traditional East Asian robe has a Caucasian-type face; the wall on more than 70 maps of that time is not one, but three, and their loopholes are directed to the south, towards the narrow-eyed Hans, Hindus-Afghans and present-day Turks, having a width from west to east of about 7000 kilometers). The border service of "China"-Tartaria - horse riders wearing clothes similar to those of the Moscow Streltsy (the distance is 6-9 thousand kilometers, let me remind you), instead of muskets - bows similar to the Scythian ones, and their hairstyle and moustache are similar to the moustache and hairstyle of the "Ukrainian" Cossacks - a class of border horsemen-farmers, even the entire way of life of the so-called Ukrainians over the past 120-140 years has signs of a semi-nomadic settlement - as if they settle on the land for a short time, but not for long - for example, when patrolling a huge section of the wall, you need to stop for a certain period of time in order to raise children, teach them how to use weapons and move on - for this, receive payment from the ruler at fixed sections of the issuance of wages from the treasury of this state - constant movement with short stops - the way of life of the Cossack class in the Russian Empire over the past 250 years. What to do with a solar civilization? How can we throw away such an exact science as biology? ...
...After all, the stronger and more stable a biological species is, the larger the habitat it occupies - if we carefully study the dynamics of the expansion of the territory of "China" from the official point of view, it clearly does not coincide with the "strength" and "life-affirmation" (ability to expand their habitat) attributed by official history to the "Chinese" (Han people), rather the opposite - the "Chinese" (Han people) are too passive, some historians consider them a "decrepit" civilization - they say they fenced themselves off from the world with a "wall", but did not go beyond it and did not conquer the "red (?) barbarians" - why did such a supposedly powerful and supposedly rich Asia not conquer the whole world, because from the point of view of biology it is believed that in a broad sense "Life is expansion", which was clearly shown by the "white" peoples of the planet - colonies around the world of England, France, Germany and Spain are direct proof of this thesis. Some Russian military experts with a history background even claim that the so-called "China" has not won a single war in its entire history - the "Chinese" "Three Kingdoms" is pure fantasy of the author who wrote it and it cannot serve as a historical source - that is, there may well be a situation of the existence at some stage of planetary history of a solar planetary civilization, at the end or after which Tartary was located in Europe as its largest fragment, then some event occurs and Tartary begins to disintegrate - its pieces break off and become separate states (presumably this is the capture of the Russian Tsar Peter I by the Jesuits during his trip to Europe, followed by the return of a double who kills his wife, sends away his children and then the "streltsy riots" begin (consider the riots of his personal guard - bodyguards, almost like the Praetorians at Caesar's or the Janissaries during the heyday of the Ottoman Empire - the Tsar is not real!). And at the same time, the Iron Mask appears in Europe, while the captive is treated with the greatest respect and reverence, do not mock or beat him, the prison warden personally dines and satisfies minimal requests that do not violate the confinement. Maska dies almost of old age, in his old age due to health problems. A strange coincidence, isn't it? If you consider that after the return of "Peter 1" he reorganizes the entire state and structures, blitzkrieg captures 1/3 of Eurasia, the peoples of which on the maps along with the names of their countries have the postscript "... Tartaria", conditionally "Russian Tartaria", "Tatar Tartaria" ...
In short, there are inconsistencies that can be found in several dozen volumes and terabytes of data, but he really is trying to convince us (including me) that historically narrow-eyed China ruled the world and fed it from its hand? How did it happen that these pathetic and miserable White Russians saved China from Japanese occupation by destroying and driving out its multi-million Kwantung army from Manchukuo, while narrow-eyed supermen not only failed to liberate China, but also fought over it in a civil war after "overthrowing" the Manchus, who had previously occupied them for 200-300 years and gave their country to be torn apart by their narrow-eyed island neighbors (by the way, Japan was first discovered by the Jesuits among Europeans)? You know, there are too many inconsistencies here, and Ben has already established himself as a person who is frankly bad at checking sources. Of course, I understand that the world is very big and it is impossible to cover it all on your own, but surely he is capable of doing some work and learning to look a little deeper? Surely he is a professional journalist and is familiar with methods of finding information? Or is he a talking head of one of the influence groups and says only what his commanders have allowed him to say in order to achieve the goals these commanders need.
"The main shareholders of the US Federal Reserve, or as they are also called "the owners of money", are well aware that only a catastrophe of a planetary scale can help them resolve all the problems that have arisen in both the American and the global financial systems. This was stated by the famous Russian economist Valentin Katasonov.
According to the expert, in order to "zero out" all the accumulated debts and reboot the dollar system throughout the world, eliminating all its errors, the "owners of money" are planning to arrange a catastrophe of a planetary scale, the consequences of which will make everyone forget about all other issues.
After such an apocalypse, according to the expert, no one will demand that America return the money invested in bonds. But today the lion's share of the US national debt is made up of the so-called treasuries (debt obligations of the US government)
According to the economist, the most likely scenario for a large-scale catastrophe is the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano in the United States. According to Katasonov, the Americans are quite capable of doing this through man-made intervention, for example, with the help of technogenic intervention."
Mira is my guide from the Pleiadies. I have consecrated a big pink Sun stone to her about three years ago. If you care, we can communicate vie email: vlastic@email.cz
Even earlier (about a month or two), in his latest public video interviews, Igor Nikolaevich Ostretsov stated about the scenario of the Yellowstone volcano explosion to create a global climate catastrophe with the goal of zeroing out the dollar debt (it was from him that Sergei Sal learned and passed on to the Western media information that the accident at Fukushima was man-made and organized by detonating a nuclear charge in a layer of underwater soil - Fulford began to cover this version in the West). Just a few days ago, videos allegedly from the USA, namely from Yellowstone Park, began to appear in the Russian media: the video shows a group of some tourists dressed in summer tourist clothes, they smile at the camera and talk cheerfully, until suddenly in the background of the filming a geyser of smoke bursts out from under the ground (possibly together with ash) and the tourists begin to slowly run away (running speed as if on a light jog). From the information known to me, there are versions that, having organized a manual geoclimatic catastrophe, DeepState is evacuated to Europe, to the territory of Russia and Ukraine, cleared of the population by Zionist-liberal economic and political reforms for 30 years https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0%98%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8C_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
"Anonymous Telegram and YouTube channels will be banned from even accepting donations
The State Duma Committee on Information Policy has prepared and is already considering (https://kod.ru/rkn-telegram-new-rules) amendments to bill No. 647048-8 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Communications" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".
The amendments will oblige owners of channels with an audience of more than 10 thousand people to submit information about themselves to Roskomnadzor and not to distribute prohibited information.
De-anonymized channels will be marked by Roskomnadzor Unregistered channels will be deprived of the opportunity to place advertising. They will also be prohibited from distributing information about the methods of their financing (donations).
Channels included in the register will be prohibited from reposting messages from anonymous channels.
At the moment, the bill has already passed the first reading."
"Just 5 days after the activation of monetization of Telegram channels in the Russian Federation, Pavel Durov disabled monetization for Russians"
"The State Duma has finally adopted (https://www.interfax.ru/russia/973190) a bill on deanonymization of bloggers
Roskomnadzor has already prepared (https://www.interfax.ru/russia/973002) a list of 15 social networks to which the law applies.
These are VK, Odnoklassniki, Twitter (X), TikTok, Likee, YouTube, Telegram, LiveJournal, Pikabu, Pinterest, Zen, RuTube, Twitch, Discord and Yappy.
The amendments will oblige owners of channels with an audience of more than 10 thousand people to submit information about themselves to Roskomnadzor and not to distribute prohibited information.
Deanonymized channels will be marked by Roskomnadzor Unregistered channels will be deprived of the opportunity to place advertising.
They will also be prohibited from distributing information about the methods of their financing (donations).
Included channels will be prohibited from reposting messages from anonymous channels in the registry.
The State Duma also approved bills banning trash streams and limiting the number of SIM cards that can be issued to one person (10 for foreigners, 20 for Russians)".
Totalitarian censorship on the Chinese model is getting closer. Now it will not allow those who create content to exist - it literally forces people to let the Eye of "Big Brother" into their home or die of hunger. And if you are an oppositionist or dissatisfied with the totalitarianism of the colonial Zionist-Jewish administration headed by Putin, you will be identified by this registry and thrown behind bars (or killed).
Today, a US Congressional committee leaked WhatsApp messages from Secret Service snipers detailing the situation before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13. The sniper was first spotted 1.5 hours before the shot and was being followed. The messages also contain evidence from a group of Trump supporters, including local patriot Greg Smith. The sniper team then watched the shooter Crooks for an hour before the shooting, but did nothing. For example, the screenshot reads "a guy is studying the building we are in. I saw him with a rangefinder looking towards the stage. If you want, tell the SS snipers to keep their eyes open. I lost sight of him."
Acompanho você há muito tempo, porém, nunca comentei aqui...fiquei mais de 7 dias sem conseguir entrar no seu blog (totalmente fora do ar), achei que era um problema com seu servidor, mas pelo visto, foi só comigo que aconteceu isso...estranho. Sou do Brasil.
Once again I must plead for the lives of the Palestinians ... they are being slaughter by the evil israel ...they have done NOTHING to deserve this. PLEASE HELP THEM. Polio has returned ... the Palestinians are starving ... israel is preventing them from getting food ... water ... medical ... israel has destroyed the hospitals ... and they bomb the Palestinians every chance they get. The evil israel keeps any aid from reaching Gaza. PLEASE HELP THEM. FOR THE LOVE OF SOURCE ... PLEASE HELP THEM!!!! At least tell us if those killed will be free to go to another planet and live in peace.
I am so ashamed of being a American ... this country is now one of the evils of the world and is guilty of many war crimes.
I don't know about all of you but the attacks from The Lurker have increased substantially in the last two days. I guess it's feeling it's impending removal and is lashing out and attacking me in a few ways. My confidence and self-esteem has taken a nose dive out of no where, along with my energy... I mean I'm feeling sapped. I don't know if any of you are going through the same thing or similar experiences but I'm lucky to have loving support through this... however long it's going to last. I know that beginning next month the Lightforces are going to increase their technologies to exorcize this planet from The Lurker... so the attacks SHOULD decrease and subside. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I truly hope that COBRA fills in some of the blanks in his next update... we could use it! All I can say at this paticular moment I'm very tired and financially bottomed out... all I have is my "Light" to contribute at this time. I truly hope and pray this all turns around as soon as possible! Until then...
I'll be holding the line and holding The Light!✨️☝️😎👍✨️ Troy
@Lightpower Once again, thank you for your contagious optimism my friend! I'm feeling much more myself and far better than I was just a few days ago. It was a strange dip for me and could only attribute it to the Lurker lashing out towards the Lightworkers as it acknowledges its impending doom and removal. Your dreams might very well be premonitions... we'll just have to wait and see. I wholeheartedly agree that any and all attacks and influence from the Lurker will decrease substantially over the next few months and hope that an influx of Goddess energy and Light will increase exponentially at the same time... we desperately need it my friend! 🛸✨️🤞😇✨️🛸 See you soon... Troy
"That will be the moment of the compression breakthrough and this is what David Wilcock saw in his dream of a storm with many lightning bolts. Each of those lightning bolts represents a compression wormhole, which is a hyperdimensional doorway of Light, connecting the surface of the planet with the Light above and below the surface at the moment of the compression breakthrough."
@Ailish As a frequent reader of the comments here on this site I've noticed that you tend to get the writing of dates in English wrong e.g. 'July 21th'.
In English, writing the number 1 is followed by 'st', number 2 is followed by 'nd', number 3 is followed by 'rd' and then ALL numbers from 4 up to 20 are followed by 'th'. After that it starts all over again at 21 e.g. 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th.
So, it is THE LAST digit of a number that determines which of the letter combinations must be used.
I'm only trying to help since you present a lot of interesting info here. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to reading more from you and a number of other interesting bloggers here.
THE CIA EXPOSED: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposes the CIA for crimes committed on U.S. soil against millions of Americans involving Bioweapons, Experiments, Operation Paperclip, MK Ultra mind control, Anthrax attack on U.S. Capitol and the Milgram experiment.
In a separate interview Jim Caviezel confirms that the CIA operates the world's biggest Pedophile ring involving the trafficking of millions of innocent children.
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II. Many of these personnel were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.
MK Ultra was a top secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments, sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. The secret program didn’t become public until 1975 during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world. It is still being used today.
The Milgram Experiment was an obedience to authority figure experiment in which a series of social psychology experiments were conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants. Forty men in the age range of 20 to 50 from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience.
Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment in which they had to administer electric shocks to a "learner." These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real. The experiment found unexpectedly that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions with every participant going up to 300 volts and 65% going up to the full 450 volts which would kill the participants.
The CIA is the tool used by the Committee of 300 to accomplish their will upon humanity. We must unite together as a people and finish the fight that Joseph Kennedy started 60 years ago when he recommended the disbanding of the CIA.
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he exposed the CIA and the Committee of 300 for its corruption and murder. He wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds. We will finish this fight and we will reclaim humanity.
Hamas Politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh has been killed in Tehran, Mehr reports.
The movement has already acknowledged his death. They said it happened during an Israeli raid on his residence in Tehran at night. His bodyguard was killed along with him.
The day before, Haniyeh attended the inauguration of President Pezeshkian in Tehran, Tasnim reports.
"Hamas reported that its Politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran in an Israeli strike on his residence. Ismail Haniyeh had traveled there from Qatar for the inauguration ceremony of Iran's new president, Masoud Pezeshkian. Since the beginning of this year, Israel has carried out several successful assassination attempts against leaders of organizations waging war against it. Ismail Haniyeh's death reinforces suspicions that the previous Iranian president most likely fell victim to an Israeli special operation. The Jews have once again proven to everyone that they can kill anyone in Iran. The new Iranian president is in favor of normalizing relations with Israel. He probably won't be killed, for some reason it seems that way.
As we can see, the Jewish state guarantees only one thing to its enemies. That it will systematically try to kill them.
The Russian Federation, unlike the Jewish state, guarantees the security of the head of the terrorist entity called Ukraine, with which it has, in fact, been in a state of war for 2.5 years."
"The police in England are trying to pacify the people who have come out onto the streets, tear gas is used. It's the same all over the world. Pogroms are bad, but people are driven to the extreme. And if people had calmly come out with strict demands to stop the immigration lawlessness. The order would have been the same - to disperse. So we have a confrontation. The government is fulfilling the criminal agenda of the globalists to replace the indigenous people with hordes of savages, the people are going wild from injustice and lawlessness, understanding what is happening in the Country, the police are fulfilling the order, essentially taking the side of the lawlessness and destruction of their own People."
"The murder of Ismail Haniyeh will most likely put an end to the negotiations on "freezing" the conflict in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, it is not surprising that Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdurrahman Al Thani made a statement about the pointlessness of further negotiations if one side kills the other right during them.
Qatar is one of the most important negotiating platforms in the Middle East. It was in Doha that the Trump administration and the Taliban signed an agreement on the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Several rounds of negotiations between Israel and Hamas were also held there, mediated by the United States. At the same time, Qatar has special relations with Washington and it is there that the large American Al Udeid air base is located and the forward headquarters of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) is located.
That is, Qatar is a negotiating platform close to the United States, and they would like to achieve a "freeze" in Gaza and insist on continuing the negotiations. Therefore, the demarche of the Qatari Prime Minister is a signal to the United States that in the current circumstances, Qatar is powerless to play the role of a mediator, even with all its relations with America.
Israel, by killing Ismail Haniyeh, demonstrated that it needs a big war in the Middle East, into which it hopes to drag the United States. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has staked everything on escalation and has taken a big step towards it: the liquidation of the leader of the political wing of Hamas on Iranian territory affects Tehran, which cannot help but respond.
With such actions, Netanyahu is putting the United States on a stretch: they cannot help but fight in the Middle East (if not directly, then indirectly). Israel is an American "ideological" ally, it is impossible to allow it to suffer a defeat (and this will happen if Tel Aviv starts fighting with its neighbors without American help). And the United States may not be able to handle two fronts - the Middle East and the Ukrainian one. Let's see how the Biden administration will solve this problem."
"Israel simply went and killed the main negotiator from Palestine, Ismail Haniyeh. But Iran is still the main terrorist state in the Middle East. When terrorism is dressed up in the theses of "defense of democracy", it has no limits. At the end of last year, Israel bled thousands of peaceful Palestinians, did not solve a single "humanitarian" problem, only ignited a war. All that is holding the Middle East back from a major war now is the understanding of Iran and Lebanon that Israel will easily destroy thousands more Muslims living in the neighborhood. That's what is on Israel's side - the humanism of Muslims. Israel itself will not solve its problems otherwise. As they used to say in the Soviet press: aggressive Zionists are waving a nuclear club... They say that this mess is beneficial to us, the US will support Ukraine less, while supporting Israel. But with such a development of events, we will soon have to make a choice of whom to support. So far, we only support Syria militarily. Strictly speaking, this is practically neutrality."
The desire to immortalize oneself during life has always been characteristic of the most insignificant presumptuous figures, as confident in their inviolability and "tumbleweediness" as they are not ready for a routine personnel purge due to the loss of an ordinary thieves' intuition.
A gallery of oil paintings in gilded frames, boldly depicting the "Shoigu brigade" in the best traditions of the 90s, which was ordered with coke, and received with cognac with caviar and girls, was discovered in the house of yet another deputy minister Bulgakov, who had sat down in the dungeon. This one did not write novels. This statesman of the Russian Federation was sitting on kickbacks from dry rations for billions. A bright character for Mikhail Fedorovich. Oh well.
So, to the gallery!
Two-eyed Shoigu-Kutuzov at the military council in Fili, Shoigu-red commissar surrounded by generals shooting back in a circle (and they already then, apparently, felt themselves surrounded by enemies and envious people) with very recognizable, but too heroically smug for a pre-trial detention center faces. There were also a dozen and a half portraits of the owner of the house - the king of dry rations of the Russian Ministry of Defense...
According to data from open sources, the audit of auditor Belousov, who was appointed by the Minister of Defense exclusively for the purpose of conducting this audit, has already revealed 11,000,000,000 rubles as "disappeared" and "evaporated".
Experts calculated that 11 trillion is comparable to 37 wagons loaded with cash or:
~ 3,700 SU-57 fighters,
~ 22,000 T-14 Armata tanks, ~ 11 million Lancet-3 attack UAVs, ~ 220 million FPV drones…
In simple swear words, they stole another army from us.
And before that, they stole the country five times. A PAINTING IN OIL."
For those who, after my posts, still continue to believe that Putin and Trump are "saving the world" together and will give the "global evil" a hard time: count the number of tanks and aircraft in the top 15 armies of the world and try to find the ratio with the funds stolen under the former "Minister of Defense" of the Russian Federation - Shoigu, a Knight of the Order of Malta. With the amount of funds stolen by this cattle, it would have been possible to set up as many tanks and planes as would be enough for an armed seizure of the entire planet. And this cattle was made "Minister of Defense" by Putin himself, by personal decree. That is, Putin, by his personal decree, appointed the destroyer of the Russian army - in the best traditions of his "daddy" Yeltsin, a CIA agent.
""Of course the final green light will come from the Source and Resistance always works in alignment with the Source."
I've seen comments many times on 2012 Portal asking the Light Forces to trigger the Event, but it's actually Source that does so. Thus, if Lightworkers want the Event, they need connect with and ask Source. Same applies to clearing the lurker, which needs to happen to a certain degree before the Event.
Lightworkers can have a strong connection with Source, which helps the Light Forces when using their technologies. Lightworkers can and should connect with the Light Forces and Resistance Movement, but they too answer to Source.
This is what I learned today. My decrepit brain underwent a CT scan, and it showed no MS!!! NO MS. Yes the MS is down in my spine now, but my brain is now clean. That is why the medbed goes all day cleaning my spine. I haven't had a wink of sleep. First they didn't believe me in the hospital. Despite having a referral from a DOCTOR (my god), they said that they never saw that scan (from 15 years ago) but this new scan shows nothing. NOTHING. I knew the EES works, it's worked for me before. I'll have to use taxis. I just used one last night to get home from the hospital, only cost $23. I need to put another $1000 in the bank. Thank god I can afford it. But they didn't believe I couldn't walk, they were all nice but they suddenly didn't want me there. So I had to stumble away slowly, hehe. I have to use a cane in the house. Silly legs. Please hold on legs. No one believes me except the EES people. And a few people here. It was an embarrassing night but who cares. Such news!
The wars are expanding ... israel has invaded Lebanon and there is talk of israel Iran war looming. Will the LF start removing members of the black nobility because of this?
I hope israel and the us get their asses handed to them by Lebanon's army. I'm ashamed of being an American with the us committing genocide and war crimes. We are hated around the world and rightly so.
I hope you are right. Italians are good people. Your country doesn't have the shame that the us does. I agree ... we can't give up. Thanks for the comment.
Hello Cobra, it would be helpful to have some feedback regarding the disentanglement operation... also if you can share what we can do to accelerate the clearing. Thank you 🪷
"The Jewish Diaspora in the USA has started a massive fundraising campaign to purchase weapons for Israel.
How many billions of dollars will the rabbinates and heads of Diaspora societies be able to raise? At least 100 billion, if they are not greedy. How much they raise for the purchase and production of air defense systems, tanks, shells, aircraft, artillery, medicines and related weapons and microelectronics is how much the American military-industrial complex will earn. If this arms race starts, it will break all records. And the American defense industry will get a powerful strategic investor.
It is possible to defeat Lebanon and Israel with much less money. But the momentum of the Middle East crisis will help to catch up and overtake Russia and China."
Quanto tempo mais os EUA vão manter essa mentalidade egoísta, competitiva e belicosa? Quanto tempo mais haverão guerras por lucro? A ideologia neoliberal corroi o padrão de vida de estadunidenses e europeus e corrompe todas instituições, com a busca do lucro pessoal por qualquer meio. A China é a nação que mais se desenvolve nas últimas décadas, e investe no mundo todo em negócios de modelo ganha x ganha, enquanto os EUA tem como um dos principais negócios a indústria miltar e a guerra. A humanidade precisa escolher entre civilização/paz ou barbárie/guerra
How much longer will the US maintain this selfish, competitive and bellicose mentality? How much longer will there be wars for profit? Neoliberal ideology erodes the standard of living of Americans and Europeans and corrupts all institutions, with the pursuit of personal profit by any means. China is the nation that has developed the most in recent decades, and invests worldwide in win-win business models, while the US has military industry and war as its main businesses. Humanity must choose between civilization/peace or barbarism/war.
Lately I´ve remembered about a tool that most of you probably have heard about: the Enneagram. If you don´t know about it there are many good websites about it now. It´s very ancient and was well known in Sufism until Gurdjieff made it public in the last century (probably learn it from the Sarmoung brotherhood), and has gradually become very popular since then. The thing is, the Enneagram (among other things) allows you to find your weak spot, that otherwise we tend to ignore, and get a lot of insight about it. And once you know that weak spot well, you are able to work on it, or at least be vigilant so that it doesn´t mislead your life or get triggered and bring problems and trouble in general. There are nine different types, (they coincide with the seven deadly sins, plus fear and vanity), and one of them is our pivotal one. It´s also helpful to understand other people, because many times it´s easy to spot their type, and so to an extent understand how they think and feel so that you can act in consequence (in a good way of course ; ). So it can help us a lot if we want to make life more harmonious. Much Light!
30.07.24 "RKN ("Russian Communications Supervision", read as "Big Brother", the main censorship body in the country) plans to recognize scientific, technical and statistical information about VPN as prohibited in the Russian Federation😐
The agency has already presented a draft order (https://habr.com/ru/news/832904/), which will prohibit scientific, scientific, technical and statistical information about VPN services in Russia.
The discussion of the draft will end on August 5, and the expected entry into force is scheduled for the period from March 1, 2025 to September 1, 2029."
07/30/24 "Global YouTube slowdown has begun in Russia
Users are reporting (https://downdetector.su/youtube) large-scale problems connecting to the service across the country, both from the mobile app and through the browser.
Videos are stuck on a black screen or loading endlessly. In some cases, you can't even open the website."
There is no more free internet in Russia. Roskomnadzor received (https://tass-ru.turbopages.org/turbo/tass.ru/s/obschestvo/21480195) the right to manage all providers in Russia.
If RKN detects objectionable content, it will now be able to independently connect to the provider and delete any content or block access to the resource.
Previously, this was only possible during a state of emergency in the country.
Call for help from Brazil: Forced mRNA vaccination of children -... Interview with John Cage
Forced mRNA vaccination of children? This issue is no longer discussed in Brazil, it has become a sad reality. At a major international demonstration in Geneva, John Cage calls on the world to pay attention to this and other incredible disasters and crimes happening in Brazil now. With the government silently supported by the systemic media, the only chance for the Brazilian people is international awareness and pressure. Help save people, watch this interview and spread it, and follow John Cage for more information.
WEF Plans 'Catastrophic Power Grid Outage' That Will 'Permanently Reset America' Ahead of Election
The World Economic Forum in Davos is planning what they are calling a “catastrophic power grid outage,” with the stated goal of “creating a permanent reset” in the U.S. ahead of the November election.
According to insiders, the massive power outage is the final preparation for a devastating cyberattack on the U.S. power grid that will cut off the internet, wipe out savings, and plunge the country into chaos for years, allowing the elite to implement the next phase of their totalitarian master plan.
As the global elite orders world governments to prepare to rig the November election and ration food and water supplies to the people as part of their “Great Reset” agenda, it is more important than ever to spread the word about their evil plans.
How the Italian mafia, the US State Department, the Vatican Pontifical Council, and the trafficking of Ukrainian children to Italy are connected
The second investigation by the Anti-Repression Foundation related to the trafficking of Ukrainian children and foreign NGOs and Foundations involved in the trade shows that the octopus's tentacles have reached Russia. My advice to the guys, next time you want to shout loudly, don't forget to dig deeper. Some of the undead, unfortunately, have a Russian trace. https://telegra.ph/Kak-svyazany-italyanskaya-mafiya-Gosdep-SSHA-Papskij-Sovet-Vatikana-trafik-ukrainskih-detej-v-Italiyu-i-novosibirskaya-associaci-07-24
"People, it looks like the relaxation and vacation are over. We need a serious response. For now, analytics. A little later - where and what to write. The Russians do not give up!
***‼️Do you think that the Pandemic Agreement is over? Not at all.
Statement by Russia on the Pandemic Agreement at the 77th session of the WHA on May 28, 2024. (WHA - World Health Assembly)
The declaration was presented by Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Vyacheslav Smolensky. Quotes:
"We have agreed on the overall structure of the agreement. Over the past few months, we have made progress in the negotiations. However, there are still serious, and in some respects fundamental, disagreements that have prevented us from finding a consensus.
The Russian Federation is committed to the task of preparing a workable, balanced international document that would be an important contribution to increasing pandemic preparedness.
We believe it is necessary to continue to refine the document, focusing on achieving not just a compromise text, but a practically implementable agreement."
So, the Pandemic Agreement was not adopted in May 2024, allegedly due to disagreements. People put a lot of effort into fighting this agreement, so they joyfully accepted this good news and considered it their victory. But more far-sighted people initially foresaw exactly this plot. The puppeteers' theatrical production assumed the depiction of some kind of intermediate victory of the resistance in order to calm the public, weaken the resistance, and then quietly push through this agreement anyway. This is exactly how everything is happening now.
Back in December 2021 (as always, they prepare well in advance), the World Health Assembly at its special session decided to create an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to prepare and agree on a draft global "pandemic agreement" - a document on preventing pandemics and taking response measures.
Of course, there are Russian representatives in this gathering, as many as 17 people, not counting translators and assistants. Who are they? Naturally, these are Murashko, Popova with her deputy Smolensky, and also a certain Kiparisov S.V. - advisor to the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (about whom there is absolutely no information anywhere) and other key organizers of the pandemic in the Russian Federation. The entire list can be found here http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202206290018?pageSize=100&index=4
This behind-the-scenes negotiating body is authorized to make decisions that concern the sovereignty of the country.
The latest version of the "pandemic agreement" was published on 04/22/2024 (https://t.me/VETO_on_pandemic_treaty/592).). This is the text that the company called the "WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body" (INB) is now trying to iron out among themselves.
We thought that the behind-the-scenes globalists were planning to use the "pandemic agreement" only during pandemics... The scenario was like this: Ghebreyesus declares another pandemic, and then this "Agreement" comes into force. But no. Look at what they write in Article 2, called "our objective"!
Quote: "To achieve this objective, the provisions of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, unless otherwise specified, shall apply both during pandemics and in the interpandemic period."
In other words, they will not even need to declare a pandemic to launch this whole cannibalistic mechanism.
And in Article 3, the pandemicists admit to the principles that guide them. And the first of them (quote):
"the sovereign right of states to adopt, issue and implement legislative acts within their jurisdiction in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the WHO and the principles of international law ...".
That is, the domestic laws of countries must comply not even with any international conventions, but with the charters of the UN and (which is completely brazen) the WHO! (c) (https://cont.ws/@krylovaEl/2858538) "
"Since August 1, the digital ruble has been introduced and new receipts have appeared in Sberbank. ordinary transactions plus a small addition with a place for a signature.
They say that they check passports and ask to sign in a black rectangle. So that it does not go beyond the limits. This is a digital signature. For digital money.
The small print indicates that this is voluntary. You can refuse. Just cross it out and write "I forbid".
Tell your friends not to agree to digital money! INFORMATION. WARN YOUR NEIGHBOR. DISTRIBUTE IF POSSIBLE.
Since August 1, 2023, order No. 340 has been published, we will all be transferred to digital money. For this, a "BLIND TRUST AGREEMENT" is MANDATORY🫰 And if you sign and the trap slams shut, then you will be left with DIGITAL (VIRTUAL) money and will NEVER be able to transfer it into NON-CASH and CASH (PAPER) rubles
Further, Bankers will INTRODUCE our salaries, pensions and benefits within the framework of this BLIND TRUST AGREEMENT IN DIGITAL FORMAT. To receive a digital account, a Person must put an ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE and submit biometrics.
And after we have made this signature ALL SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS (operations on the movement of funds) TAKE THROUGH the QR code
Nowhere is our a real signature will not be needed. Your electronic signature will already be in trust management with a financial institution and Rosreestr.
Digital money is just a digital virtual code created by the Central Bank.
Bill Gates at BILD - the starting signal for "Covid 2.0"? Heiko Schöning's assessment
In May 2024, "Lord" Bill Gates personally came to Hamburg to the BILD newspaper. He talked about children.
And out of the blue, the head of BILD asked, I quote: "Mr. Gates, if you are talking about children, then we should also talk about mothers. Can you explain in detail the connection between the microbiome of mothers and the future of children?"
And Bill Gates started talking about the microbiome and posted his advertising campaign. It is this attack on the microbiome that I predicted that is printed on the cover of the book. Bill's visit to BILD is an advertising prelude to the attack on the microbiome. This is Coronavirus 2.0
And so, please, dear fellow citizens, fathers and mothers - for the sake of the children, please take this seriously this time! Dear fellow citizens, dear middle class, dear pillars of society, dear academics, let's work together professionally! Otherwise, it will be Covid 2.0
Don't follow these gentlemen, don't be their servants! Broadcast in many languages 👉 www.kla.tv/29914
In Moscow, voices will be recorded and people will be photographed, and then this data will be transferred for processing in an anonymous form without the consent of the citizens themselves.
Such amendments are proposed (https://tass.ru/obschestvo/21482347?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=mobile&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fdzen.ru%2Fnews%2Fstory%2F356cf529-4df8-5e90-afbf-577d11af6e2f) to be introduced into the law on conducting an experiment in the capital to establish a legal regime related to the introduction of AI technologies.
TRADUCTION FRANÇAISE des NOTES de l'ATELIER de Cobra à PARIS (Juin 2024) avec liens français complémentaires /FRENCH TRANSLATION of Cobra's WORKSHOP in PARIS (June 2024) with additional French links https://fr.prepareforchange.net/2024/07/27/notes-officielles-atelier-de-cobra-a-paris-saint-germain-nouvelle-atlantidejuin-2024/
ENGLISH NOTES of Cobra's WORKSHOP in PARIS (June 2024) https://prepareforchange-japan.blogspot.com/2024/06/new-atlantis-workshopin-paris-by-cobra.html
I can kind of walk again, to at least catch the bus (which is cheaper than taxis.) I feel like something has broken and I can get around again. I drove down to the supermarket, and got my parcels from the post office.
The neurologist sent mail to my doctor in Melbourne (and sent me a copy), requesting he see the old scans. He totally thinks I'm faking, and he thinks that because the scan he took two nights ago is so good and so clear, the MS is a lie. I don't care he thinks we're trying to scam him, ah it's just funny. I just have a "feeling". The MS that's been attacking me from the spine, it just feels like it is broken. The bad case of me getting worse everyday seems broken (God I hope so) So I'll let you know what's happening. It's so bloody COLD here.) But I drove just fine and I can walk slowly. All I'm doing now is using the medbed constantly, and watching the Olympics. Got some chocolate from the supermarket, yum.
Izabela has some predictions! She says that Kamala won't be in power for long. She sees her seat is vacant. The elections may be cancelled in the US for many strange reasons. There will be a big pedo ring exposed in the USA. And many of them from high position. There will be another assassination attempt on Mr Trump. He avoids the danger. A lot of media outlets in the USA are going down, and it will happen quite soon. Europe, Canada and Australia will also be exposed but after the USA. Then she does a tarot reading. Basically, this is the end. The evil ones will be taken down, finally. So, the evilness will be over. Thank goodness for that. She also sees the rainbow agenda is coming down. Good! And to end, she does not see Digital money, It won't happen. Excellent.
" = Exploitation of migrants and their replacement of the indigenous population is increasing in the Russian Federation
Russia is in fourth place in the world in terms of the number of migrants after the United States, Germany and Saudi Arabia. There are (officially) 10.9 million of them, or 7.5% of the population. About 7.6 million people are labor migrants, which is 10% of the country's workforce, according to a joint study (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y20oSFhm9NY) of "Equality" and "Simple Numbers" based on data from Rosstat, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB Border Service.
About 4.9 million migrants in Russia are settled, and almost 6 million are short-term, arriving in the country for less than a year to earn money. In particular, in 2023, a record 4.5 million people came to work, which was 30% more than the year before. Of these, citizens of Uzbekistan crossed the border 2 million times, Tajikistan 1.2 million times, and Kyrgyzstan 0.72 million times.
Number of migrants in the Russian Federation by country of origin, million people (estimated at the beginning of 2024) Uzbekistan - 2.1 Tajikistan - 1.8 Ukraine - 1.7 Kazakhstan - 1.2 Kyrgyzstan - 0.9 Belarus - 0.7 Armenia - 0.6 Azerbaijan - 0.5 Other CIS countries - 0.5 Countries of the far abroad - 1.1
For many years, the attraction of labor migrants was justified by the shortage of labor. But more than half of the newcomers work in Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions in low-skilled jobs, and not in factories in regions where people are urgently needed.
The social policy established as a result of the restoration of capitalism for three decades was aimed not only at increasing exploitation, but also at replacing the indigenous population with migrants, who are easier to exploit. “Migrants work not 40 hours, as required, but 60 and 70 hours a week,” admitted (https://rapsinews.ru/human_rights_protection_news/20240417/309820129.html) the head of the Human Rights Council Valery Fadeev. Often, they are not paid for overtime, as required by law, and their wages are paid “under the table”. As a result, disenfranchised newcomers receive 1.5-2 times less than what a Russian worker would get.
Migrants also had no choice. The rollback to feudalism and deindustrialization in the countries of the former USSR were even more rapid than in the Russian Federation.
But the shortage of personnel can no longer be covered mechanically, by additional import of cheap labor. This was acknowledged (https://tass.ru/obschestvo/20650953) by the president. The deficit is getting worse, and many of those who wanted to come are already here. ..."
"... The authorities are allegedly very concerned about the integration of migrants into Russian society. They say that they are the cause of crime, diseases, conflicts, and extremism. In fact, they are primarily concerned about the profits of the owners of the means of production. Migrants have the potential for self-organization, and therefore, to defend their labor rights. This was demonstrated, for example, by the protests of the courier union or the increased protests at construction sites. The expansion of such practices is fraught with a decrease in the rate of exploitation. Therefore, capital absolutely needs to suppress the shoots of collectivism and strengthen control. This is what caused the tightening of migration policy, notes economist and author of "Prime Numbers" Oleg Komolov.
The problem of migration is connected with the lack of labor force planning and low labor productivity under the peripheral model of capitalism. Pumping out raw materials and selling them abroad for the purpose of enriching a narrow group of people does not imply long-term interests in “investing in people”, which are talked about on TV screens. The people reciprocate: 57% of citizens say (https://russian.rt.com/russia/news/1338872-rabota-prizvanie-rossiyane) that they work for a salary, that is, in order to survive, and this share is increasing over the years. Only for 17% the meaning of work is a calling.
After the destruction of the USSR, deprived of the Motherland, the meaning of life, the wealth of the country, decent work and its payment, the indigenous population of Russia was actively dying out. Moreover, the losses of the people over 33 post-Soviet years exceeded 26 million people and were greater than in 1941-1945. Now Russia is being covered by the "echo of the 90s", when a generation of which only a few were born has to work and give birth. Migration has not improved, but worsened the demographics and exacerbated social contradictions and personnel problems.
The demographic catastrophe has long made the disastrous nature of the entire post-Soviet social policy obvious. After all, its essence has been reduced to buying and selling and exploiting people instead of their comprehensive development."
"US and Israeli intelligence services expect a retaliatory strike from Iran tomorrow. Not really. The US and its allies are planning to attack Iran through Jordan at this very moment. Great Britain, France, the US and NATO are moving aircraft to military bases in Cyprus, Bahrain, Jordan and southern Israel.
This entire horde of LGBT crusaders is preparing to repel possible Iranian retaliation. Iran is aware.
Something similar happened when Trump declared war on North Korea and defeated it with headlines in the press."
Congratulations for Australia. We are THIRD in the world so far in the Olympics, and I've managed not to say anything. We will drop off in the medals soon, because we always go good in the pool at start but it should go down now that the track events started. Such a good start - Third in the world! As one aussie put it, woohoo!!
The problem: not letting lurkers go ...because they are mistakenly seen as part of one's personality.
Gaiaportal from 2014-11-27 Stabilization of release protocols is now complete. Preparation for “mass release” is now complete. Attendant Gaia Light Influx is concomitant. Fluctuations are finished. Flames of Higher Transformation soon visibilizes for all hu-manity. Prepare in Consciousness for Mass Expansion. It is done.
Enough is enough
ReplyDeleteStop in moderation, without greed.
ReplyDeleteYes it is!
ReplyDeleteIs this about these F'N Lurkers?! Please let this be good news!
ReplyDeleteDragon leylines and energy are being activated on the surface of the planet and below the surface between July 11th and 22nd. The activation will be done in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and many other locations.
DeleteOne aspect of the activation of the Dragon energy is the creation of a new financial system.
Another aspect of the activation of the Dragon energy is the rise of the Kundalini of humanity.
During the activation, solar activity will increase, and the Kundalini of humanity will rise. This will help with counteracting the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and counteracting the escalation of the conflicts such as those in Ukraine and Israel-Gaza into a world war.
ahh thats the reason why these solar flares are happening now, thanks for the information!
DeleteLol no. The solar flares are because we're at the solar maximum. As well, the wave X reached us years ago and is raising the energy/frequency. The EArth itself is a prison planet and holographic simulation created by the Anunnaki demiurges. All energy will be recycled after all the spirits leave the game and leave only the fallen and the organic portals/NPCs here.
DeleteYou're welcome ☺🌹 > francescolonna.blogspot.com read my personal blog 😘
DeleteLol, orfeopn. 🤣😜 Your hilarious...your kindergarten lesson on Earth is way more LOL. 😝😂
ReplyDeleteEm português: Já é suficiente!
ReplyDeleteSim. Já é suficiente!
DeletePor favor acionem o evento! É justo que aconteça agora. Se não estamos prontos como esperam que estejamos, que o evento venha mesmo assim e arcaremos com as consequências!
German translation of this post / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Posts:
You and the light forcess keep saying that. Nothing really happens after it's posted though.
ReplyDeleteMy instinct tells me I'm preemtping this but ... A message to the light forcess: I think you're beating aroudn the bush a lot. Things are good enough for the event to be triggerred, come on, all these clearings and vibration raisings, they're not getting us out of slavery.
I'm deeply suffering due to lack. Lack of a home, lack of sustainable living standars, lack of freedom from my opressors ... I'm having so much stress my heart feels like bursting, weekly. There is SO MUCH stress that I've given up on trying to make a better life for myself. And if I die, I die ...
Now, I'm going through this inhumane amounts of stress, and I'm just a milenial living with my tiranical parents, having no hope and no future. Imagine the war victims of both Ukraine and Russia ...
Get this over with already, I think you can. Trigger The Event.
To whoever took note of my previous comment ... Thank you, thank you endlessly for your kindness and compassion!
DeleteI hear you Lightpower ... I took care of my mommy until she died 12 Feb.2020. I was hoping she would make it to The Event, but that was just a foolish dream of mine.
DeleteI too suffer from panic attacks and have to take medication for it.
I experience a lot of pain in my back and stomach. I'm a vet and the VA refuses to give me pain medication even though they know it helps me and I am not addicted to it. Before the illegitimate government started dipping in the medical community I was able to get pain meds no problem ... they'd give me a 30 day supply and it would last me over a year.
The health community has been taken over by the deep state.
I have to tried and find a doctor that will treat me and give me the pain medication I need.
Aria I can relate to your situation also. I can imagine the war victims of Russia and Ukraine as well as the victims in Gaza.
Can't we see just a little tangible evidence that things are happening. It would really lift the spirits of many of us. With our spirits lifted we could do more to help.
I had a dream this morning where I was screaming at people this is not how it was suppose to be. Of course no one listened.
We need The Event and we need it now. Please bring this nightmare to an end.
Don't wait for the event to learn to use your full power. I am integalactic this isy first reincarnation I am aware of most what's happen in all dimensions, I can teach you quantum therapy and elctricity system that regulate your nervous system the body and activate your sensing body to create waves to create reality. You have to awake by yourself dont wait the event. Wrie me if you wanna one replacement work seriously with this sessions. It's only about awake tools you forgot you have and they are your heart space, your mind and the electricity. Humans don't knwo how to use them . How can we connect ? Mail, FB? Insta? Take care. Don't give up 💓🙏
Deletei feel you so all much.
Deletei am a 41yo autistic level 2 of support woman living with my ex which became my sister/carer/supporter against her will yes but there is no other option for me but medbeds and nesara;
i've known about them since 2015 which means i dream (and i truly daydream A LOT) with new earth for over nine years. consciously. ofc i've always knew everything's wrong, never tolerated hierarchy and never felt like working for this society. so i am a deep inner living being and that's why i'm still here.
i thought my cat, my dearest sister would also make to the event because there was a big group of peole in Brazil who believed the contact would happen in 2019 so yes there's some hidden unexplicable delay here.
and then when the COVID hoax came i could swear the event was comming. it didn't.
however for the first time i feel actual change in my toxic thoughts, feelings, programming, will. they are getting weaker, the attacks are softer and quicker and my meditations are so much more real in every possible way.
also the amount of dirt comming out about the deep state is unprecedent.
so yes. we can see things happening. just not the way we asked for.
then again it's a very huge team working together and we are part of it. maybe the most underrated part but also the most important. without us here, there wouldn't be any change so yes i still think it would be only fair to reward us asap
Perhaps it may be a useful reminder to reread this post from last year.
There is a chart Cobra included that, for me, puts the situation into perspective. Well, in a nutshell anyway.
According to the chart, the rising entropy level of surface humanity must converge with the decreasing entropy level of the Event. We are close.. but it has had me expecting even more chaos to occur. Think of it as a catalyst. It's not pleasant, but in our situation it looks like that's how the path will be. Cobra also stated that if the Event (the mass arrests) were to happen earlier than desired (or now, when the entropy levels are not aligned), then it would give chance for the dark forces to unleash all hell - nukes, wars, bioweapons and diseases, martial law etc etc. It would make the event an awful experience and create more suffering (the dark forces taking as many down with them in an immediate response to sudden intervention of the light forces)
So much we literally can't see, but we only feel the current effects. It's like watching grass grow, but ofc you can't force it to grow instantly, 3rd dimension is dense and slow after all.
Think about it from another angle: isn't an attempt to "prepare better" in order to save the majority, consciously sacrificing the minority (those who are already on the edge, and this may not even be money, but health, which has nothing to lose, since it has nothing ("they have nothing to lose except their chains ..." Lenin) an active, currently valid option. Conventionally speaking, this is similar to the priority of treatment / providing assistance in emergency situations or military actions - saving those who can be saved without spending large resources, unlucky and you exceeded the threshold in terms of how assistance will be provided? Then die, nothing personal. It seems that most of these "losses" (among the overwhelming majority of the planet's population living "on the razor's edge") were included in the "collateral damage" and the guys are simply working according to plan, instead of "ahead of schedule". Can an intergalactic civilization with an incredible degree of socio-cultural-ideological maturity with a multi-trillion population afford this? I doubt it. The simplest form of support for the population on the surface would be to distribute arms and gold/silver bars/coins to opposition groups around the world. But this is not the case. And don't talk nonsense that it is impossible - the USSR supplied weapons of all kinds during World War II and the Cold War to all pro-people rebel forces and did it without electronics, the Internet, drones and space, gravity ships and teleportation - and coped with it perfectly. And here an intergalactic superpower with a multi-trillion population cannot calculate logistics and create/organize a guerrilla movement? Not to mention the rules of earthly warfare that officers learn in military schools: "A quick war is a bloodless war" (The faster the hostilities end, the less direct and collateral losses will be). And I am supposed to believe this? If you are writing a comedy, find a better scriptwriter, this is complete nonsense. Until I see real, physical action - all these stories are nonsense. One of the reasons why I stayed on this site at all is the archive of the Soviet department of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which is engaged in tracking UFOs on behalf of the KGB (the program is called "Network"), which contains photographs of more than one hundred and fifty letters over more than 20 years from residents of different social status and place in society, who sent stories from all over the USSR, in which they reported when and at what time they saw a UFO).
DeleteYap. It's really too slow!
DeleteSummary of the Satanist ceremony in Paris (1/3):
ReplyDelete1 and 2) Commemoration of the Republic which decapitated millennia-old France built on monarchy and Christianity.
3) Celebration of the “trouple”, the couple of three people, that is to say swinging and infidelity, the destruction of the traditional family which allows humanity to build itself on healthy and lasting foundations .
4) Aya Nakamura leaves the French Institute, formerly a temple of knowledge bringing together the greatest French scientists. The new France gives birth to the vulgar before which the Republican Guard, which has become its clowns, fidgets.
5 and 6) Drag queens parody the Holy Supper, the last meal of Jesus Christ with his apostles. Another detail to note: chapter 13 of the biblical book of Revelation describes the beast of Satan with seven heads, like the drag queen with her crown in the middle, who takes the place of Jesus Christ. Finally, we will note the presence of a young girl in the middle of this "troop"...
7) The drag queens represent this meal with Dionysus, Greek god of wine, symbol of drunkenness and what follows. This is the mark of Judaism animated by hatred of Christ, a word which means the “anointed of God”.
8) The Horseman of the Apocalypse brings the Olympic flag.
Revelation 6:8:
“I see a pale green horse. His rider is called “Death,” and the world of the dead walks behind him. They are given power over a quarter of the earth. So they will kill its inhabitants with the sword, famine, everything that brings death and with the wild beasts of the earth. »
9) The Olympic flag is raised on a pole opposite which is the golden calf, worshiped by the Hebrews who turned their backs on Moses while he sought from God the Tables of the Law on which appear the Ten Commandments.
Enough is enough !
Au dreptul sa se sinucida aceste suflete din iad. Iar adormitii sa se trezească. Sa rămânem in Iubire.
Deletehave you seen the bull in the olympic circle, at the back of the left stand?
Deleteall this makes me think of a retrospective of the france of before to the france of today. decadence and lust, in plain sight. this is exactly what happened before the fall of atlantis
Eden from france.
My perspective, take or leave: Too much emphasis and attention is placed on the ceremony. Let them have their pathetic ceremony. Small fish.
DeleteThey wanna make a war between the christians and the lgbt. It's the last bit of division the darkies for left to milk.
DeleteYou are on a blog with awakened people. Why do you relay an article from mainstream media? It's 100% bullshit.
DeleteThe mastermind behind this ceremony are Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron. The real name of Brigitte is Jean Michel Trogneux.
There is a word game. "La Cène "was played on the Seine river. In French, the words "Cène"/"Seine" are written differently but pronounced the same way !
Yes, enough is enough!
ReplyDeleteoh yes.
ReplyDeletefor a few years i've seen this message.
does typing in a different language make it truer?
honestly i don't see what you are still waiting for.
it'ss been enough since 2020 imo.
Yes ... many sadly could be dropping in vibration as we continue to not see any viable change.. lots of energy talk but I am still paying bills and working 3D and trying to keep my head above water and I have a good job but it's not enough $$ in this hyper inflated world now. Q said Christmas in July...don't tell me it's 2025 ?
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all the galactics are doing but rem way back when only the toilet bombs stood between us and the solar flash??Then the pits were the issue. Then this quantum anomaly stuff ..now this lurker..wouldn't the solar flash resolve all of this? I am grateful but concerned this will drag out for years more. Never thought when I found this blog we would make it to 2024 and still be on 3D earth with the mass meditations and all the qhht Intel ..sadly all were wrong .I hold the light as best I can while having yo still survive in 3D. Nesara?
Good Point.. at the opening of the olympics, the dark side showed how much power it unfortunately still has
DeleteI know there have been times in the past when we thought, "This is the final obstacle to the Event!" Then, something else came along that stood in the way. But lurker/subquantum anomaly is at the smallest possible unit of space, so this a clearing on the most intimate level possible!
DeleteThis is it!
DougJamesVOTL vidim te brate.. s tobom sam..
DeleteThanks all! I know it's a huge operation and we all will be truly free soon! Venting a bit actually helps and cobra is cool enough and wise enough to let us vent as he has also done so and we all understand we are human with emotions and want so badly this 3d matrix to collapse and all truth to be revealed to everyone no more contrived division. Unity. ♥️
DeleteI agree with everyone else, but is it enough to stop this nightmare anytime soon? Will we see big progress by my birthday 22 August? That would be totally awesome, but I won't look for it then.
ReplyDeleteIs there anyone out there that can help me with this ...🧐🤓
I remember part of a dream I had Thursday morning ... I was out somewhere inside a house or building. For some reason the necklace I made with the tachyon cells and cintamani stones fell from my neck and shattered. I remember picking up the pieces and putting them in my pocket.
I'm sure it means something but I don't know what ... any ideas?🤔
Also which would be better to wear ... my cintamani necklace ...
It has two cintamani stones on each end with a small emerald piece on each one ... in the middle there are tachyon cells each a different color.
Or should I wear my emerald on the back of my flower of life necklace near my heart.
Anyone has a sense of which would be better? Thanks for reading my post.👽
Unfortunately we will have to wait the US election circus to unfold and the inauguration of the uniparty zionist puppet who is selected.
Delete@Brimbau I think so much corruption is going to be exposed in the wake of the Trump Assassination Attempt that the Election is going to be delayed.
DeleteAre the notes from the recent workshops online? Does anybody know about this?
ReplyDeleteYes Enough is Enough . Solar Flash NOW Let the Us that deserve to be in AT ONE MENT with One another Mother Earth and all her Creatures that are in alignment with the Light Stay and live co create togetherness with One Another and our Stellar Families of Light in abundance health Beauty . We have all sufficiently shown what we are made of where we stand We Are Known for Our Works .
DeleteThe war will be over middle of 2025 at the latest 👍
I'm sure, I've said this before. I cannot see how the world can hold out from war and economic collapse well into 2025.
ReplyDeleteThe Cabal is trying so desperately to expand both the conflict in the middle east and Gaza.
Surely the Event must be triggered either late this year or early 2025.
Cobra has stated that he feels it will be 2025. It surely must be Q1 2025 if this is true.
The feelings of hopelessness here on earth by many lightworkers derives from the fact that although Cobras updates describe alot of progress by the light, evidence here appears to be missing as our situations worsen.
I do recall Cobras updates from a few years ago describing the "Bubbles of Heaven", in which things will continue to get more and .ore hectic ( to near boiling point), and then the Event is triggered. Let's hope so.
Maybe most of the Lurker needs to be removed before the Event can be triggered.
ReplyDeleteLF, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! Its time to act! may the Red Dragon rise and clean up all this once and for all!! They won’t stop! You need to move! Its time to move. Its becoming too heavy downhere!! Victory NOW!!
I'm still hopefully even after this blasfemic and satanic ceremony in Paris. More and more people will ask questions about that and become awake!! I also feel we are nearing the boiling point and sometimes I think (hope) the event will happen this year. The darkside exposes itself openly now. That's wonderful!! Don't despair, the Light has won already. Try to hold a inner balance (=holding space). We are by creation the alpha and omega 😄👌
ReplyDeleteVictory Of The Light 💖
If they knew enough was enough, then they wouldn't be hopelessly bad. And you still expect them to surrender? What are you guys thinking? Do not let humanity disappoint you.
ReplyDelete哇奥! 柯博拉先生发中文词汇! 龙族也搞定向能量电磁波,用来攻击中国自己人,特别是诞生在中国的星际种子。我想问柯博拉先生,红龙清理,适可而止,是否是在清除定向能量武器?希望下次更新有关定向能量武器的清理进度!谢谢!
ReplyDeleteWow! Mr. Cobra sends Chinese words! The Dragons have also managed to use electromagnetic waves to attack the Chinese, especially the star seeds born in China. I'd like to ask Mr. Cobra if the Red Dragon Cleanup, enough is enough, is it a directed energy weapon cleanup? Hope to update next time about the cleaning progress of directed energy weapons! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe astral plane is like reality, and planet earth the dream. Like a seed being watered. Not much is seen. But if you close your eyes you'll see the Galactics healing our stream.
ReplyDelete5g made us dull. Fluoride did too. But the key is to have a flow of inspiration and a stream of crystal. That's just my POV.
It is not common to send code names in simplified Chinese. So I'm assuming this is for some people in mainland China. I feel this is more of a warning than a code. Some people in mainland China are going to be cleaned out if they don't stop. Possibly within the Chinese military. China replaced its defense minister this year because of corruption and this minister was also a close confidant of Xi. I think Red Dragon will carry out further operations in the military. Or clean out the corrupt red dragons.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHope this means we're finally gonna get some tangible results and see some darkie skulls get cracked.
ReplyDeleteHigh probability: Ascended Masters will be active on the planet surface when enough lurker/subquantum is cleared.
ReplyDeleteRenewal bringing diamond cosmic waves rocking the planet in photonic light! As darkness that is carbon density is being cleared allowing purification to be felt, lifting your spirit up! Resonating to the harmonics of light, which is activating the ley lines that connect to the tectonic plates and vortex locations. This surge of electric and magnetic energy on the grids will bring earthquakes as it clears antichrist density from the source to the core of planet, subterranean and to the surface of the planet. As you are the pillar of light between, you too are clearing density and activating to the light of creation through your atoms. You were always apart of the plan to shift density to light with your vortex of electromagnetic energy and your heart is the way to balance distortions and inversions. Harmonize and align your pillar. Stretching your spine, grounding in nature, meditation, hydration to prevent headaches, centering for dizziness, trust for gut, peace for the mind and acceptance and love for the heart!
Iyashi scalar pendants are the real deal. I would never buy something like this because they're all scams, but someone bought it for me and it's amazing. To your hand it feels like buzzing, but not vibrating, it's a solid field. You really feel it in your heart and head. In your chest you feel the energy sweep in and clear out stress and replace it with a flutter like a sentimental song makes you feel. In your brain you feel thoughts reduce in frequency and intensity, replaced by a more positive attitude. Subtle but noticeable. It helps a little with EMF's. It's also kind of harsh. For the first couple days I thought it was a miracle, but it's like an herb that also has unpleasant qualities. When I have it right on my body it starts to ache. But from a short distance it's great. Perfect to keep on a desk in front of a computer. The two halves of the pendant broke open awhile back (glued together again just fine) and I got to see inside, it looks like fine sand mixed with tan epoxy. Not sure what that is, but it emits a tangible energy for sure.
ReplyDeleteI think something got lost, I put out a message that my legs got way better all of a sudden, with Mother Mary's help.
ReplyDeleteBut this message is about 90.10 medbed. OhmyGod it's improved. It's really come along. First they changed the name to LuminoSana. Now it's 90.10 medbed 2.5 and I've been trying the new medbed and it is amazing. Much better than it was. Honestly I would be trying to use it, and it would only start after waiting 30-45 mins. It was crazy silly. Then it really hurts you. The pain is awful, at least for MS. Now you start up the medbed and it starts immediately. Like whoa. And no pain. And it works on you constantly. Amazing. Its always doing stuff especially to my legs.
You say, "90.10. MedBed - Lappadus Humanus, scan me now," and it goes straight to work. I always wanted this. Of course you have to pay for it (now only 999euros instead of 2,300 euros) or do the free 8 hour trial. Use Promo Code: SPECIAL_FINAL9010 for the cheaper price.
It's working amazing. No pain and constant work on your body. Like a dream. Now I can keep it on all day.
Go to: https://quantumfrequencymedicine.com/ to buy it, I think it has moved. They are going to relaunch it soon!!
Thank you. I love you!!! It is perfect. BTW, you will not end in a hospital.
Delete@Marmot I hope not! Thanks for your faith. I'm still walking though with difficulty. I love you too!!!
DeleteIt may mean that the testing phase of Disentanglement is over.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I must add, when you say to medbed "please remove all mercury from my body", do you know what immediately happens? You start to taste an overpowering metallic taste in your mouth. This is the taste you have exactly for removing mercury! Well, I trust medbed but I'll let you know how it goes.
ReplyDeleteyou are fantastic.
Deletehuh Marmot? Thanks! I'm basically using medbed now all day. It's the second day. Although it did take 2 hours to start up; It might have been doing things I couldn't feel, but after that point it did start at 9:30am and now it is 2pm. Quick computer break. Sore now in exactly the spot mercury is - sort of left of spine but bony bit and now lower than it was.
DeleteHi Psychic, where are you from? I am from Prague. Are you at discord.com too?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnother divine message for those interested:
ReplyDeleteTwitter Link
July 28th - Saw words in mind's eye about how it's brave to continue helping people even though they can't be bothered to care 👎 (I was divinely guided to specifically include a thumbs down emoji).
DeleteJuly 29th - VaticanNews shared a post featuring a photo with the words: "Whoever has ears ought to hear." The hand in the photo is somewhat in a thumbs down position.
Twitter Link
Reposting this with more details. Will delete other post after it's published. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteFor those souls interested, prophetic messages about the 2024 Olympic Games comes true. Details:
7/19 - Saw word Paris in mind's eye strongly.
14100 seconds later Pope sent greetings ahead of Olympics.
7/26 - Jesus mocked during inauguration.
7/27 - Felt VERY excited. Wrote this down.
12 hrs 5 mins later news reports blackout in Paris @ 4:10.
Eiffel Tower base is 125 meters/410 feet per side.
Twitter Link
ReplyDelete他要是會中文上一篇就不會來個" 红龙c清理序列可操作"這種低級文法了
DeleteLets see if light forces have cojones or they (we) will end up like lambs ready for slaughter...
ReplyDeletePost in English please, thanks.
ReplyDeleteOk, enough is enough, indeed. Can we now see some arresting? Lula, Maduro, WEF...there is a plethora of shitheads to be taken to justice, please.
ReplyDeleteLula é o estadista mais importante da atualidade, buscando consenso entre as nações e trabalhando para acabar com a guerra, a miséria extrema, e a destruição ambiental.
DeleteLula is the most important statesman of our time, seeking consensus among nations and working to end war, extreme poverty, and environmental destruction.
For me enough is enough was 3 years ago. We've gone far beyond that.
ReplyDeleteElon Musk quietly launched a new supercomputer worth 3-4 billion dollars. Musk now has the most powerful computer in the world.
ReplyDeleteIt's called the Memphis Supercluster. Inside are 100,000 NVIDIA H100 AI graphics processors. And all this is for training artificial intelligence.
He did it in Tennessee, where, like Texas, he took his infrastructure from California.
Why such extravagance?
Musk, like all demiurges, dreams of creating a duplicate of the human brain that would copy the consciousness of any person. Not just a person, but a god-level scientist-inventor.
Demiurges have no other goal than immortality.
The main dream is to transfer their consciousness to digital form, and after death to live in the shell of a digital mind.
But where they will get so much oil and gas for electricity in a hundred years is still unclear.
Environmental activists are already sounding the alarm. To cool the rotor of Musk's supercomputer, he needs 8.5 million liters of water daily.
The United States supplies Ukraine with cluster munitions through warehouses located in Germany.
ReplyDeleteWe did not say this, the German television company NDR said so.
Citing an unnamed representative of the US armed forces.
The US-owned warehouses with M864 and M483A1 cluster munitions are located in the town of Miesau (Rhineland-Palatinate), from where the munitions are delivered to Ukraine as part of American military aid to Kiev. This is a violation by Germany of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the storage of such weapons on German territory and their transportation.
Russia can just stop attacking Ukraine if they care about cluster munition. Furthermore Russia is using cluster munition themselves. The war would end if they just retreat.
DeleteThe Chinese people are enduring great suffering and pain,please speed up the process
ReplyDelete"In conditions where the Russian army has proven incapable of achieving a radical turning point in the military operations in the SVO zone, more and more new plans for a "peaceful settlement in Ukraine" are emerging. And basically, they boil down to Russia admitting its defeat and its unconditional surrender.
ReplyDeleteOn July 25, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and American lobbyist David Urban outlined a version of a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict for Donald Trump in a column for The Wall Street Journal.
According to Mike Pompeo and David Urban, if Donald Trump wins the election as president, he will implement the Lend-Lease program for Ukraine for $500 billion, achieve a ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and put forward a number of conditions for a future deal with Russia.
Among them are Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU, the creation of a $100 billion fund for arming Ukraine, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, the annexation of Donbass and Crimea to Russia without international recognition, the demilitarization of Crimea, and the payment of reparations to Ukraine at the expense of frozen Russian assets.
What does "the annexation of Donbass and Crimea to Russia without international recognition" mean? In my opinion, this means recognizing these territories as temporarily occupied by Russia and, accordingly, continuing and even tightening the sanctions regime with the aim of their "deoccupation." And the demilitarization of Crimea means the withdrawal of the Russian army from its territory, including the Black Sea Fleet. And what fate awaits the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions? There is not a word about them in Pompeo's plan. But according to the amendments made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these are subjects of the Russian Federation. And the transfer of Russian territory to a foreign state is unacceptable. What will happen to the land corridor to Crimea? And what will happen to the North Crimean Canal and water for Crimea? And what about the agreement with Ukraine's accession to NATO? After all, preventing this was one of the main reasons for the SVO?
It is bitter to realize that Russia has developed a situation of chess zugzwang, when any move only worsens the situation.
But the fault of the US, NATO and Ukraine in this is very limited, since the weak are always beaten. The main fault is the leadership of the Russian Federation, which showed us beautiful cartoons and hung noodles on us about the second most powerful army in the world. But in reality, it did not deal with the problems of the combat readiness of the Russian army and rearmament with modern weapons, getting off with tank marathons, storming the plywood Reichstag and building an Orthodox church in the Patriot Park.
And moreover, it deliberately pursued a policy of the largest deindustrialization in world history, destroying thousands and thousands of industrial enterprises, including the military-industrial complex, which ultimately led to huge problems in providing the army and navy with everything necessary for war, including the SVO."
Valamit nagyon nem értesz. Ukrajna valójában egy mesterségesen létrehozott állam, amit az oroszok hoztak létre. Ebbe piszkált bele az USA, és az USA által létrehozott NATO. Ukrajnát az oroszok fogják feloszlatni, ha már létrehozták. Ehhez az USA-nak, és a Madzagon rángatott NATO-nak semmi köze nem lehet, mert ha még is beleavatkozik, csak veszít rajta, nem is keveset.
DeleteTrump changed his tune on cryptocurrencies ahead of the election, promising to make the US the “crypto capital of the planet.” Just three years ago, the former president called Bitcoin nothing less than a “fraud” that puts pressure on the dollar exchange rate.
ReplyDeleteI don't have direct knowledge to support this, but cryptocurrency could slide into becoming a type of CBDC. With crypto, the "Digital Currency" part is already there.
DeleteI wonder how the next couple months of clearing the lurker from the surface population will affect the Omega Grid.
It's crazy to read this post today because the top 1% today has way more wealth in they hands compared to 12 years ago.
DeleteAilish, yeah, sometimes there can be mentionings in video games. I'm reminded of "dark archons" in the Starcraft 1 expansion. One of the abilities of dark archons in the game was mind control. A character could be manipulated to change sides.
DeleteLast known status of Omega:
"Omega stream is still permitted due to unfavorable grid ratio."
Some people have begin to identify The Lurker
Also, DJT ASSATTmPt has shown many sheep a glimpse into the presidential illusion fabricated by cia ,much of the Power imbued to authority figures is being dissolved fully now after the covd mass event initiated that direction ,towards dissolving current government structures, it will only go that way now. Everything they do is scrutinized. An authority figure doesn't sneeze without people taking notice.
Not too long ago it was different, they were cherished members of society. The trust was lost along the way. This has to happen.
The one main obstacle in world affairs is still religious prophecy. Many sheep are moving in those directions of wanting rapture and second coming. The prophecy is that this will begin with Israel being the bad guy and being the initiator of ww3 to lead to apocalypse, so that a new messiah will emerge. That direction obviously needs to be averted because it just leads to apocalypse timeline. It will still play out though in reality regardless because of the volume of mass participation currently, the goal though is to create a non apocalypse timeline. The apocalypse will happen but there can be a creation of it not happening and that direction is what we want ,to be in that timeline will lead to the big soft event.
Anyway, this is a big slow moving mass energy, in the non apocalypse timeline the wars will end, so even if one or two begin to imagine that it will be sufficient to alter the probability. Since you have the audience you can provide info for them to be aware.
This Lurker disentanglement thing is real. I've noticed subtle yet deep changes in my motivations.
ReplyDeleteIn my case, core internal issues still remain, but my ability to cope with this has definitely improved. I'm more easily able to see the fakeness of archon programming.
Deleteit now make sense with israel attack
ReplyDeleteUPDATED 5:08 PM EDT Sunday - ISRAELI AIR STRIKES COMMENCE Erdogan Threatens to Invade Israel; US Sends URGENT Message to Lebanon . ..
Strange, I remembered that yesterday I dreamed that there was an apocalypse of such clay spiders, something caused the clay to come alive in the form of clay spiders, the spiders then devoured all the available clay which caused their rapid multiplication and world destruction. I was saved, I don't know, in some bunker, then I wake up a few thousand years passed and civilization was reborn. I remember walking around this rebuilt world, I remember pulling out a few clay inanimate spiders and telling how they once destroyed an entire civilization and that it could happen again, I remember some family on scaffolding or in a basket attached to a balloon, I discuss with this family in the basket with an elderly couple, I discuss these spiders and the woman from this marriage seems to agree with me about them. The next thing I remember is that I am still discuss with this couple and with horror I notice thousands of mechanical spiders running down the street and devouring everything, the next thing I remember is that only this woman survived, the one I was discuss with, her whole family died. I happened to survive because during the discussion with this couple I was somewhere on the 5th or 6th floor of the building, I don't know how on earth I survived but I sat half the night on a narrow wall ledge afraid that I would fall, I waited a few hours until dawn and breathed a sigh of relief noticing that there was no trace of spiders like there was of civilization. From this ledge I somehow jumped down a dozen or so meters to the ground, everywhere was green, a stream crossed the lake. But the best thing is that a few people survived the destruction, I had seen them earlier from the ledge from which I had jumped
ReplyDeleteI am writing regarding the power outage in Paris*
Caylin just left an amazing message. She (a pleiadian) sees two timelines ahead of us. One has the flash and the other doesn't need a flash. Both are positive and the future is wonderful. There is no dark timeline; the dark is just a bunch of idiots who will soon be gone, hehe.
ReplyDeleteThere is a 70% chance only that there will be a flash.
After watching the video and extending my own senses into the futures they are seeing, I get the sense that the 30% chance that doesn't need the Solar Flash would instead experience a Heart Center Flash. That there would be a wave of lovelight surrounding and enveloping the planet not from the Sun, but from the Heart of Humanity. Even though so many people are caught up in trauma patterns, people really are loving underneath it all. Love is the foundation of all things, and I believe that we could reach the point in which the Love of Humanity is strong enough to lift the trauma fog and help everyone to recenter into that truth. That there's a 3 in 10 chance we're healing so well, that we don't need the Sun to pop to get us to the next level, is actually wonderful. Even if this is the last focal point of darkness in the universe, folks we are kicking the dark's ass. Yes we are getting help and are grateful for it all, but we were not helped to the point of interference and so this win is ours. Every one of us, even though we have our own issues and traumas still running around in us, are loving the World into a greater future than we could foresee just days ago.
DeletePleasure to serve with you all.
Thank you Darthos ! I love you !
DeleteNicely said.
DeleteOh no, August is going to be very intense, especially 14-22. Here's a great video for those interested. Great astrology.
There is going to be exact T squares, many of them on the same day I think. It is going to be explosive. If I end up in hospital, I think it will happen then. I don't know HOW I'm going to get through this.
Dangerous times will be the 10-22, with the 19th especially, and just avoid people! Fights etc and people blowing up. Avoid it. I'll keep away from the EES, that's for sure. I already feel like exploding at them now, God help me. Whatever earth events are happening, I think I'll keep the TV off during that time. Off off off. But I'll keep my eyes on SuspicousObservers (even Joe mentions them).
Then on the 22nd August the sun goes into Virgo (the nervous system) and we get foggy, it disrupts us (it's already happening, a weird memory system is happening to me now!!!) If you are easily scared, don't watch this video, especially the last half.
Gratitude for everyone working to make the Event possible 💜
ReplyDeleteI was wondering, could the Light Forces do something to tone the heat down ? Summers have been dangerously hot for the past three years !
It's the Grand Solar Maximum right now isn't it? Virtually impossible to turn down the heat right now :P
ReplyDeleteCobra, yesterday Sunday elections were held in Venezuela where we Venezuelans who voted for a change saw how the National Electoral Center committed FRAUD in the eyes of the country and the community of Latin American nations. In view of this situation I ask on behalf of the majority of Venezuelans that the Forces of Light manifest themselves and establish the TRUTH.
ReplyDeleteThis might be a warning to the black magicians residing in Tibet. A lot of extreme attacks on lightworkers happened before, during and after the conferences in Taiwan and Malaysia. (This is merely speculation)
ReplyDeleteMany battles with dark last night. I had lots of one v one skirmishes but the last one was interesting. I was near the capital of Afghanistan taking out a few dark human minions when a poison gas cloud appeared overhead. I put on my gas mask and a very large explosion shook the Earth. Lots of Light forces cheering as I heard 33 million dark creatures were destroyed. It supposedly stopped a huge dark invasion. This happened in the Astral so not sure the repercussions here in the physical... This also was right around the time of the big Schumann Resonance spike and the X class solar flare. Get ready peeps!!😎♥️
ReplyDeleteLight workers and star seeds who will be left behind by the light forces have to manage to gather together in an invincible armada in order to strongly retaliate against to he entity, at a soul level, who gave the so called "clarion call" to volunteer for the so called rarthling liberation.
ReplyDeleteIf this is the reward of the light forces, to left us behind, then this have to be the answer.
Kind regards!
Should the light forces intervene directly on the surface.
ReplyDeleteThere are all the condition meet!
No octopus, no strange let and topless, no chimera,
We are enough! Petition for divine intervention was meet.
Should they intervene.
The installer of the memorial plaque to the murderer of peaceful Russian peasants during the Russian Civil War, Mannerheim, and Putin's favorite negotiator, Medinsky, said that Russians are not a people, not an ethnic group, but a cultural concept.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Medinsky's logic, the French, Germans, English, Spanish, Georgians, Chechens, Armenians, etc. exist, but the Russian people do not exist.
After such a sincere confession by the Gomel-Istanbul negotiator, one should not be surprised why the results of the negotiations and the demands that come from the Russian Federation are exactly what they are: servile and groveling, not taking into account the national interests of Russia and the Russian people.
Light forces arrange the work of the light workers
Before the detachment of the Lurkers from the population from Aug to Oct (or longer)? 2024
Before the detachment, the lightworkers are about 80% connected to the lurkers, which is also reflected in their work for the liberation of the planet.
Crop circle
I would say that grain left standing stands for the work of the lightworkers. Grain laid down stands for the work of the light forces
The connection of the lightworkers with the lurkers is represented, I would say, by the non-sacred geometry of the trapezoids.
The light forces try to make the best of it [with sacred geometry]:
● 3 times 3 trapezoids.
● 3 times 3 triangles
● complete everything to form a hexagon
There is even a larger non-trapezoidal piece in interaction with a tractor track, which probably also stands for the work of the light workers.
Clever symbolism and analysis. 👍
DeleteThank Aillish, Totally missed this one... Need to follow closely apparently, focking dark forces man, pieces of Sh*t.
ReplyDelete'Video Killed the Radiostar'
Press Play.
Makes me wonder if a Doctor Who writer knew about the lurker.
"Ace confronts the Doctor, demanding to know what he knows, bitterly complaining that he always seems to know, but just cannot be bothered to tell anyone, like it's a game that only he knows the rules to. The Doctor tells Ace about an ancient evil that has existed since the birth of the universe - Fenric is just Millington's name for it, and it is trapped in the flask. "
This looks a lot like Lurker 😮
Deletehttps://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Curse_of_Fenric_(TV_story) I wonder if someone on this show knew of the lurker, in 1989.
ReplyDeleteTachyon Map
Goddess Map
Dragons Map
Lurker vs Source Truth In Plain Sight Evidence
All US POTUS Candidates are Irish
Yes I agree,Ive healed enough from my injuries to start training once Iam ready I will be back, nothing else matters at this point , as for your latest attacks it has just been fuel for the fire,so thanks for that you pathetic parasites...
ReplyDeleteCobra stated on September 15, 2023:
ReplyDelete"Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet."
Black nobility are archons in human bodies who work extensively with the lurker, as an archon-lurker combo setup of sorts. It could be said that the surface population is entangled with and living in an 'archon-lurker matrix.'
However, I recall it being said that some of the Jesuits were just human beings who chose darkness of their own free will. It was also said that only a fraction of 10% of Jesuits are extremely evil and dangerous.
ReplyDeleteX class solar flare and nonstop flares and winds. Ground to stabilize the energy and calmness will assist you!Holographic pool! Always bless the water 💙 This liquid light is how the base of your DNA should look, not carbon and that is activating now through solar initiations that bring higher frequencies of light. This is how people awaken, heal and shift beyond deceptions of darkness. As dracos always counter flares with chemtrails which spray carbon in the sky to lower your frequency. It's always been about your energy. They are trying to get people sad now, don't take the bait and don't allow any victimhood mentality which brings worries. Worries turn to fears and that's strong emotionally looshing tactic. As the light is surging on your adrenals and kidneys. You want to calm your energy as those are gateways for entities and imposter spirits to psychic attack. Your soul knew about the spiritual battle on humanity and it's why you volunteered to come here. Trust will provide well! Allow yourself to feel calm just as water and nature provides! Soothe your energy and allow light to be received as your cells regenerate now.
ReplyDeletebenjamin fulford(excerpt)-quote-----Since many people have only recently discovered there is a secret financial war going on for the planet earth, we have decided to provide a summary as we start our annual sabbatical. This year it will be in the Japanese alps and only for two weeks because of the intense secret war now raging. The information here comes Asian and European royals, intelligence agencies, secret societies etc. gleaned during the two decades I have been involved in this secret war.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the war has been raging for millennia, we will start in 1913. That is the year a group of bankers took control of creating and distributing money away from the US Congress and created the Federal Reserve Board.
Having seized control of the US, the bankers immediately set into motion their plan to start World War I. This war led to the destruction of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.
At the end of the war, at the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to pay 132 billion gold marks as compensation. The only people who could provide Germany with so much gold were the Asian royals.
As background, since Roman times the Asians have been sending spices, silk, ceramics etc. to the West and receiving gold and silver as payment. As a result of this, 85% of the worlds’ gold stocks are in Asia.-----unquote.....
Pass it on to Ben if possible, I know that his subscribers can write to him in the comments: "Ben, what about the fact of the "public discovery" of "Asia" (China, Japan) only in the 15-16th century? What about the fact of the existence of Tartary, which occupied up to 60-80% of the current territory of China and did not include the territory of the Han - narrow-eyed Chinese? What about the surviving paintings and frescoes of that era with inscriptions like "the Chinese distribute grain during a crop failure (read famine)", and in the paintings the role of the Chinese is played by white-skinned Europeans? How did it happen that some of the very first explorers of "Asia" were the Jesuits? How did it happen that gunpowder invented "in China" according to its description and effects could only be obtained from components from the Middle East (for example, mineral mines in the Damascus region)? How did it happen that the "Chinese" did not have it before the arrival of the Jesuits astrolabes and its long-range navy? How did it happen that in the north of China they find ceramics and jewelry with traces of the swastika, and in the sands of the "Chinese" desert - mummies of bodies of Slavic-type Caucasians. What to do with the European literature of the 12-13-14 centuries, which lists the names of the rulers of Asia and they are Caucasians, even the rulers of the then "China" (de facto Tartary is a Caucasian, the capital of his dynasty is the city of Kambalu (present-day Beijing), his wife in - the empress in a traditional East Asian robe has a Caucasian-type face; the wall on more than 70 maps of that time is not one, but three, and their loopholes are directed to the south, towards the narrow-eyed Hans, Hindus-Afghans and present-day Turks, having a width from west to east of about 7000 kilometers). The border service of "China"-Tartaria - horse riders wearing clothes similar to those of the Moscow Streltsy (the distance is 6-9 thousand kilometers, let me remind you), instead of muskets - bows similar to the Scythian ones, and their hairstyle and moustache are similar to the moustache and hairstyle of the "Ukrainian" Cossacks - a class of border horsemen-farmers, even the entire way of life of the so-called Ukrainians over the past 120-140 years has signs of a semi-nomadic settlement - as if they settle on the land for a short time, but not for long - for example, when patrolling a huge section of the wall, you need to stop for a certain period of time in order to raise children, teach them how to use weapons and move on - for this, receive payment from the ruler at fixed sections of the issuance of wages from the treasury of this state - constant movement with short stops - the way of life of the Cossack class in the Russian Empire over the past 250 years. What to do with a solar civilization? How can we throw away such an exact science as biology?
...After all, the stronger and more stable a biological species is, the larger the habitat it occupies - if we carefully study the dynamics of the expansion of the territory of "China" from the official point of view, it clearly does not coincide with the "strength" and "life-affirmation" (ability to expand their habitat) attributed by official history to the "Chinese" (Han people), rather the opposite - the "Chinese" (Han people) are too passive, some historians consider them a "decrepit" civilization - they say they fenced themselves off from the world with a "wall", but did not go beyond it and did not conquer the "red (?) barbarians" - why did such a supposedly powerful and supposedly rich Asia not conquer the whole world, because from the point of view of biology it is believed that in a broad sense "Life is expansion", which was clearly shown by the "white" peoples of the planet - colonies around the world of England, France, Germany and Spain are direct proof of this thesis. Some Russian military experts with a history background even claim that the so-called "China" has not won a single war in its entire history - the "Chinese" "Three Kingdoms" is pure fantasy of the author who wrote it and it cannot serve as a historical source - that is, there may well be a situation of the existence at some stage of planetary history of a solar planetary civilization, at the end or after which Tartary was located in Europe as its largest fragment, then some event occurs and Tartary begins to disintegrate - its pieces break off and become separate states (presumably this is the capture of the Russian Tsar Peter I by the Jesuits during his trip to Europe, followed by the return of a double who kills his wife, sends away his children and then the "streltsy riots" begin (consider the riots of his personal guard - bodyguards, almost like the Praetorians at Caesar's or the Janissaries during the heyday of the Ottoman Empire - the Tsar is not real!). And at the same time, the Iron Mask appears in Europe, while the captive is treated with the greatest respect and reverence, do not mock or beat him, the prison warden personally dines and satisfies minimal requests that do not violate the confinement. Maska dies almost of old age, in his old age due to health problems. A strange coincidence, isn't it? If you consider that after the return of "Peter 1" he reorganizes the entire state and structures, blitzkrieg captures 1/3 of Eurasia, the peoples of which on the maps along with the names of their countries have the postscript "... Tartaria", conditionally "Russian Tartaria", "Tatar Tartaria"
In short, there are inconsistencies that can be found in several dozen volumes and terabytes of data, but he really is trying to convince us (including me) that historically narrow-eyed China ruled the world and fed it from its hand? How did it happen that these pathetic and miserable White Russians saved China from Japanese occupation by destroying and driving out its multi-million Kwantung army from Manchukuo, while narrow-eyed supermen not only failed to liberate China, but also fought over it in a civil war after "overthrowing" the Manchus, who had previously occupied them for 200-300 years and gave their country to be torn apart by their narrow-eyed island neighbors (by the way, Japan was first discovered by the Jesuits among Europeans)? You know, there are too many inconsistencies here, and Ben has already established himself as a person who is frankly bad at checking sources. Of course, I understand that the world is very big and it is impossible to cover it all on your own, but surely he is capable of doing some work and learning to look a little deeper? Surely he is a professional journalist and is familiar with methods of finding information? Or is he a talking head of one of the influence groups and says only what his commanders have allowed him to say in order to achieve the goals these commanders need.
Delete"The main shareholders of the US Federal Reserve, or as they are also called "the owners of money", are well aware that only a catastrophe of a planetary scale can help them resolve all the problems that have arisen in both the American and the global financial systems. This was stated by the famous Russian economist Valentin Katasonov.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the expert, in order to "zero out" all the accumulated debts and reboot the dollar system throughout the world, eliminating all its errors, the "owners of money" are planning to arrange a catastrophe of a planetary scale, the consequences of which will make everyone forget about all other issues.
After such an apocalypse, according to the expert, no one will demand that America return the money invested in bonds. But today the lion's share of the US national debt is made up of the so-called treasuries (debt obligations of the US government)
According to the economist, the most likely scenario for a large-scale catastrophe is the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano in the United States. According to Katasonov, the Americans are quite capable of doing this through man-made intervention, for example, with the help of technogenic intervention."
"PREPARE FOR THE FALL OF THE CABAL..." - The Pleiadian High Council | Mira
Great Message. The Dark side has lost. They are in terror, and they are confused. Any message they put out is totally silly at this point.
Mira is my guide from the Pleiadies. I have consecrated a big pink Sun stone to her about three years ago. If you care, we can communicate vie email: vlastic@email.cz
DeleteEven earlier (about a month or two), in his latest public video interviews, Igor Nikolaevich Ostretsov stated about the scenario of the Yellowstone volcano explosion to create a global climate catastrophe with the goal of zeroing out the dollar debt (it was from him that Sergei Sal learned and passed on to the Western media information that the accident at Fukushima was man-made and organized by detonating a nuclear charge in a layer of underwater soil - Fulford began to cover this version in the West). Just a few days ago, videos allegedly from the USA, namely from Yellowstone Park, began to appear in the Russian media: the video shows a group of some tourists dressed in summer tourist clothes, they smile at the camera and talk cheerfully, until suddenly in the background of the filming a geyser of smoke bursts out from under the ground (possibly together with ash) and the tourists begin to slowly run away (running speed as if on a light jog). From the information known to me, there are versions that, having organized a manual geoclimatic catastrophe, DeepState is evacuated to Europe, to the territory of Russia and Ukraine, cleared of the population by Zionist-liberal economic and political reforms for 30 years
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Anonymous Telegram and YouTube channels will be banned from even accepting donations
ReplyDeleteThe State Duma Committee on Information Policy has prepared and is already considering (https://kod.ru/rkn-telegram-new-rules) amendments to bill No. 647048-8 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Communications" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".
The amendments will oblige owners of channels with an audience of more than 10 thousand people to submit information about themselves to Roskomnadzor and not to distribute prohibited information.
De-anonymized channels will be marked by Roskomnadzor
Unregistered channels will be deprived of the opportunity to place advertising.
They will also be prohibited from distributing information about the methods of their financing (donations).
Channels included in the register will be prohibited from reposting messages from anonymous channels.
At the moment, the bill has already passed the first reading."
"Just 5 days after the activation of monetization of Telegram channels in the Russian Federation, Pavel Durov disabled monetization for Russians"
"The State Duma has finally adopted (https://www.interfax.ru/russia/973190) a bill on deanonymization of bloggers
ReplyDeleteRoskomnadzor has already prepared (https://www.interfax.ru/russia/973002) a list of 15 social networks to which the law applies.
These are VK, Odnoklassniki, Twitter (X), TikTok, Likee, YouTube, Telegram, LiveJournal, Pikabu, Pinterest, Zen, RuTube, Twitch, Discord and Yappy.
The amendments will oblige owners of channels with an audience of more than 10 thousand people to submit information about themselves to Roskomnadzor and not to distribute prohibited information.
Deanonymized channels will be marked by Roskomnadzor
Unregistered channels will be deprived of the opportunity to place advertising.
They will also be prohibited from distributing information about the methods of their financing (donations).
Included channels will be prohibited from reposting messages from anonymous channels in the registry.
The State Duma also approved bills banning trash streams and limiting the number of SIM cards that can be issued to one person (10 for foreigners, 20 for Russians)".
Totalitarian censorship on the Chinese model is getting closer. Now it will not allow those who create content to exist - it literally forces people to let the Eye of "Big Brother" into their home or die of hunger. And if you are an oppositionist or dissatisfied with the totalitarianism of the colonial Zionist-Jewish administration headed by Putin, you will be identified by this registry and thrown behind bars (or killed).
Today, a US Congressional committee leaked WhatsApp messages from Secret Service snipers detailing the situation before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13. The sniper was first spotted 1.5 hours before the shot and was being followed.
ReplyDeleteThe messages also contain evidence from a group of Trump supporters, including local patriot Greg Smith.
The sniper team then watched the shooter Crooks for an hour before the shooting, but did nothing. For example, the screenshot reads "a guy is studying the building we are in. I saw him with a rangefinder looking towards the stage. If you want, tell the SS snipers to keep their eyes open. I lost sight of him."
James Hardman - Pleiadian Suite (1988) New Age/Ambient:
[Full Album] HYUKOH(혁오), Sunset Rollercoaster - AAA (Official Audio):
ReplyDelete"Faster than Light Particles Could Exist After All, New Study Says"
Eu Sou Havizornik
ReplyDeleteO evento só ocorrerá quando a Terra atingir as suas condições de ascensão planetária.
Não está ligado a ações humanas geopolíticas
Apesar que ainda há bases escuras na Terra a serem destruídas
Taiwan é uma delas, uma das últimas no plano físico com proteção do plano etérico. E com muito poder de fogo.
Por isso toda cautela para as fases de limpeza
Essas bases continham bloqueios na grade energética do planeta e estão sendo removidas
Portanto, códigos de missões são mantidos em segredo como esse do Dragão vermelho, seria um start para China invadir Taiwan?
Portanto único foco de vocês que estão despertando é se manter elevados na Luz e frequências altas
Aqueles que já estão na batalha física e no astral já estão porque sabem o que fazer os outros se limitam a ficar na positividade e no amor
E procurem entender mais as coisas que estão acontecendo.
Tempo é no agora e não o tempo dos humanos.
Salto quânticos está dentro de você se não acompanhar vai perecer para sua essência se estabelecer de outra forma.
Tenham consciência e procurem a Luz.
Com amor Havizornik
Acompanho você há muito tempo, porém, nunca comentei aqui...fiquei mais de 7 dias sem conseguir entrar no seu blog (totalmente fora do ar), achei que era um problema com seu servidor, mas pelo visto, foi só comigo que aconteceu isso...estranho. Sou do Brasil.
ReplyDeleteOnce again I must plead for the lives of the Palestinians ... they are being slaughter by the evil israel ...they have done NOTHING to deserve this. PLEASE HELP THEM. Polio has returned ... the Palestinians are starving ... israel is preventing them from getting food ... water ... medical ... israel has destroyed the hospitals ... and they bomb the Palestinians every chance they get. The evil israel keeps any aid from reaching Gaza. PLEASE HELP THEM. FOR THE LOVE OF SOURCE ... PLEASE HELP THEM!!!!
ReplyDeleteAt least tell us if those killed will be free to go to another planet and live in peace.
I am so ashamed of being a American ... this country is now one of the evils of the world and is guilty of many war crimes.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about all of you but the attacks from The Lurker have increased substantially in the last two days. I guess it's feeling it's impending removal and is lashing out and attacking me in a few ways. My confidence and self-esteem has taken a nose dive out of no where, along with my energy... I mean I'm feeling sapped. I don't know if any of you are going through the same thing or similar experiences but I'm lucky to have loving support through this... however long it's going to last. I know that beginning next month the Lightforces are going to increase their technologies to exorcize this planet from The Lurker... so the attacks SHOULD decrease and subside. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I truly hope that COBRA fills in some of the blanks in his next update... we could use it!
ReplyDeleteAll I can say at this paticular moment I'm very tired and financially bottomed out... all I have is my "Light" to contribute at this time. I truly hope and pray this all turns around as soon as possible!
Until then...
I'll be holding the line and holding The Light!✨️☝️😎👍✨️
DeleteOnce again, thank you for your contagious optimism my friend! I'm feeling much more myself and far better than I was just a few days ago. It was a strange dip for me and could only attribute it to the Lurker lashing out towards the Lightworkers as it acknowledges its impending doom and removal. Your dreams might very well be premonitions... we'll just have to wait and see. I wholeheartedly agree that any and all attacks and influence from the Lurker will decrease substantially over the next few months and hope that an influx of Goddess energy and Light will increase exponentially at the same time... we desperately need it my friend! 🛸✨️🤞😇✨️🛸
See you soon...
David Wilcock had a dream about lightening too.
ReplyDelete"That will be the moment of the compression breakthrough and this is what David Wilcock saw in his dream of a storm with many lightning bolts. Each of those lightning bolts represents a compression wormhole, which is a hyperdimensional doorway of Light, connecting the surface of the planet with the Light above and below the surface at the moment of the compression breakthrough."
"There can be only one" hits differently than it used to.
Delete@Ailish As a frequent reader of the comments here on this site I've noticed that you tend to get the writing of dates in English wrong e.g. 'July 21th'.
ReplyDeleteIn English, writing the number 1 is followed by 'st', number 2 is followed by 'nd', number 3 is followed by 'rd' and then ALL numbers from 4 up to 20 are followed by 'th'. After that it starts all over again at 21 e.g. 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th.
So, it is THE LAST digit of a number that determines which of the letter combinations must be used.
I'm only trying to help since you present a lot of interesting info here. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to reading more from you and a number of other interesting bloggers here.
THE CIA EXPOSED: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposes the CIA for crimes committed on U.S. soil against millions of Americans involving Bioweapons, Experiments, Operation Paperclip, MK Ultra mind control, Anthrax attack on U.S. Capitol and the Milgram experiment.
ReplyDeleteIn a separate interview Jim Caviezel confirms that the CIA operates the world's biggest Pedophile ring involving the trafficking of millions of innocent children.
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II. Many of these personnel were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.
MK Ultra was a top secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments, sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. The secret program didn’t become public until 1975 during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world. It is still being used today.
The Milgram Experiment was an obedience to authority figure experiment in which a series of social psychology experiments were conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants. Forty men in the age range of 20 to 50 from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience.
Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment in which they had to administer electric shocks to a "learner." These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real. The experiment found unexpectedly that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions with every participant going up to 300 volts and 65% going up to the full 450 volts which would kill the participants.
The CIA is the tool used by the Committee of 300 to accomplish their will upon humanity. We must unite together as a people and finish the fight that Joseph Kennedy started 60 years ago when he recommended the disbanding of the CIA.
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he exposed the CIA and the Committee of 300 for its corruption and murder. He wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds. We will finish this fight and we will reclaim humanity.
外星人要開始和人類大規模接觸了 !
ReplyDelete光的勝利 !
好像外星人要開始和人類大規模接觸了 !
光的勝利 !
Hamas Politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh has been killed in Tehran, Mehr reports.
ReplyDeleteThe movement has already acknowledged his death. They said it happened during an Israeli raid on his residence in Tehran at night. His bodyguard was killed along with him.
The day before, Haniyeh attended the inauguration of President Pezeshkian in Tehran, Tasnim reports.
"Hamas reported that its Politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran in an Israeli strike on his residence. Ismail Haniyeh had traveled there from Qatar for the inauguration ceremony of Iran's new president, Masoud Pezeshkian. Since the beginning of this year, Israel has carried out several successful assassination attempts against leaders of organizations waging war against it. Ismail Haniyeh's death reinforces suspicions that the previous Iranian president most likely fell victim to an Israeli special operation. The Jews have once again proven to everyone that they can kill anyone in Iran. The new Iranian president is in favor of normalizing relations with Israel. He probably won't be killed, for some reason it seems that way.
ReplyDeleteAs we can see, the Jewish state guarantees only one thing to its enemies. That it will systematically try to kill them.
The Russian Federation, unlike the Jewish state, guarantees the security of the head of the terrorist entity called Ukraine, with which it has, in fact, been in a state of war for 2.5 years."
"The police in England are trying to pacify the people who have come out onto the streets, tear gas is used. It's the same all over the world.
ReplyDeletePogroms are bad, but people are driven to the extreme. And if people had calmly come out with strict demands to stop the immigration lawlessness. The order would have been the same - to disperse. So we have a confrontation. The government is fulfilling the criminal agenda of the globalists to replace the indigenous people with hordes of savages, the people are going wild from injustice and lawlessness, understanding what is happening in the Country, the police are fulfilling the order, essentially taking the side of the lawlessness and destruction of their own People."
"The murder of Ismail Haniyeh will most likely put an end to the negotiations on "freezing" the conflict in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, it is not surprising that Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdurrahman Al Thani made a statement about the pointlessness of further negotiations if one side kills the other right during them.
ReplyDeleteQatar is one of the most important negotiating platforms in the Middle East. It was in Doha that the Trump administration and the Taliban signed an agreement on the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Several rounds of negotiations between Israel and Hamas were also held there, mediated by the United States. At the same time, Qatar has special relations with Washington and it is there that the large American Al Udeid air base is located and the forward headquarters of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) is located.
That is, Qatar is a negotiating platform close to the United States, and they would like to achieve a "freeze" in Gaza and insist on continuing the negotiations. Therefore, the demarche of the Qatari Prime Minister is a signal to the United States that in the current circumstances, Qatar is powerless to play the role of a mediator, even with all its relations with America.
Israel, by killing Ismail Haniyeh, demonstrated that it needs a big war in the Middle East, into which it hopes to drag the United States. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has staked everything on escalation and has taken a big step towards it: the liquidation of the leader of the political wing of Hamas on Iranian territory affects Tehran, which cannot help but respond.
With such actions, Netanyahu is putting the United States on a stretch: they cannot help but fight in the Middle East (if not directly, then indirectly). Israel is an American "ideological" ally, it is impossible to allow it to suffer a defeat (and this will happen if Tel Aviv starts fighting with its neighbors without American help). And the United States may not be able to handle two fronts - the Middle East and the Ukrainian one. Let's see how the Biden administration will solve this problem."
"Israel simply went and killed the main negotiator from Palestine, Ismail Haniyeh.
ReplyDeleteBut Iran is still the main terrorist state in the Middle East.
When terrorism is dressed up in the theses of "defense of democracy", it has no limits.
At the end of last year, Israel bled thousands of peaceful Palestinians, did not solve a single "humanitarian" problem, only ignited a war.
All that is holding the Middle East back from a major war now is the understanding of Iran and Lebanon that Israel will easily destroy thousands more Muslims living in the neighborhood.
That's what is on Israel's side - the humanism of Muslims. Israel itself will not solve its problems otherwise. As they used to say in the Soviet press: aggressive Zionists are waving a nuclear club...
They say that this mess is beneficial to us, the US will support Ukraine less, while supporting Israel.
But with such a development of events, we will soon have to make a choice of whom to support.
So far, we only support Syria militarily. Strictly speaking, this is practically neutrality."
ReplyDeleteThe desire to immortalize oneself during life has always been characteristic of the most insignificant presumptuous figures, as confident in their inviolability and "tumbleweediness" as they are not ready for a routine personnel purge due to the loss of an ordinary thieves' intuition.
A gallery of oil paintings in gilded frames, boldly depicting the "Shoigu brigade" in the best traditions of the 90s, which was ordered with coke, and received with cognac with caviar and girls, was discovered in the house of yet another deputy minister Bulgakov, who had sat down in the dungeon. This one did not write novels. This statesman of the Russian Federation was sitting on kickbacks from dry rations for billions. A bright character for Mikhail Fedorovich. Oh well.
So, to the gallery!
Two-eyed Shoigu-Kutuzov at the military council in Fili, Shoigu-red commissar surrounded by generals shooting back in a circle (and they already then, apparently, felt themselves surrounded by enemies and envious people) with very recognizable, but too heroically smug for a pre-trial detention center faces. There were also a dozen and a half portraits of the owner of the house - the king of dry rations of the Russian Ministry of Defense...
According to data from open sources, the audit of auditor Belousov, who was appointed by the Minister of Defense exclusively for the purpose of conducting this audit, has already revealed 11,000,000,000 rubles as "disappeared" and "evaporated".
Experts calculated that 11 trillion is comparable to 37 wagons loaded with cash or:
~ 3,700 SU-57 fighters,
~ 22,000 T-14 Armata tanks,
~ 11 million Lancet-3 attack UAVs,
~ 220 million FPV drones…
In simple swear words, they stole another army from us.
And before that, they stole the country five times. A PAINTING IN OIL."
For those who, after my posts, still continue to believe that Putin and Trump are "saving the world" together and will give the "global evil" a hard time: count the number of tanks and aircraft in the top 15 armies of the world and try to find the ratio with the funds stolen under the former "Minister of Defense" of the Russian Federation - Shoigu, a Knight of the Order of Malta. With the amount of funds stolen by this cattle, it would have been possible to set up as many tanks and planes as would be enough for an armed seizure of the entire planet. And this cattle was made "Minister of Defense" by Putin himself, by personal decree. That is, Putin, by his personal decree, appointed the destroyer of the Russian army - in the best traditions of his "daddy" Yeltsin, a CIA agent.
Col. Douglas Macgregor on Trump/Harris/RFK Jr. Race, Wars & Rebuilding Financial System on Bitcoin
ReplyDeleteJuly 31, 2024
In the past, Cobra stated as a reply:
ReplyDelete""Of course the final green light will come from the Source and Resistance always works in alignment with the Source."
I've seen comments many times on 2012 Portal asking the Light Forces to trigger the Event, but it's actually Source that does so. Thus, if Lightworkers want the Event, they need connect with and ask Source. Same applies to clearing the lurker, which needs to happen to a certain degree before the Event.
Lightworkers can have a strong connection with Source, which helps the Light Forces when using their technologies. Lightworkers can and should connect with the Light Forces and Resistance Movement, but they too answer to Source.
This is what I learned today. My decrepit brain underwent a CT scan, and it showed no MS!!! NO MS. Yes the MS is down in my spine now, but my brain is now clean. That is why the medbed goes all day cleaning my spine. I haven't had a wink of sleep. First they didn't believe me in the hospital. Despite having a referral from a DOCTOR (my god), they said that they never saw that scan (from 15 years ago) but this new scan shows nothing. NOTHING. I knew the EES works, it's worked for me before. I'll have to use taxis. I just used one last night to get home from the hospital, only cost $23. I need to put another $1000 in the bank. Thank god I can afford it. But they didn't believe I couldn't walk, they were all nice but they suddenly didn't want me there. So I had to stumble away slowly, hehe. I have to use a cane in the house. Silly legs. Please hold on legs. No one believes me except the EES people. And a few people here. It was an embarrassing night but who cares. Such news!
ReplyDeleteso much is changing!
ReplyDeleteWOW 😱
this is real.
special thanks to the Red Dragons❤️
Goddess' consciousness grows while lurker goes away YAY
truly hoping an update on the way like right now would be the best
The wars are expanding ... israel has invaded Lebanon and there is talk of israel Iran war looming.
ReplyDeleteWill the LF start removing members of the black nobility because of this?
I hope israel and the us get their asses handed to them by Lebanon's army. I'm ashamed of being an American with the us committing genocide and war crimes. We are hated around the world and rightly so.
I hope you are right. Italians are good people. Your country doesn't have the shame that the us does. I agree ... we can't give up. Thanks for the comment.
DeleteHello Cobra, it would be helpful to have some feedback regarding the disentanglement operation... also if you can share what we can do to accelerate the clearing.
ReplyDeleteThank you
"They don’t like negative and negative forces. They don’t like drama at all."
"The Jewish Diaspora in the USA has started a massive fundraising campaign to purchase weapons for Israel.
ReplyDeleteHow many billions of dollars will the rabbinates and heads of Diaspora societies be able to raise? At least 100 billion, if they are not greedy.
How much they raise for the purchase and production of air defense systems, tanks, shells, aircraft, artillery, medicines and related weapons and microelectronics is how much the American military-industrial complex will earn.
If this arms race starts, it will break all records.
And the American defense industry will get a powerful strategic investor.
It is possible to defeat Lebanon and Israel with much less money. But the momentum of the Middle East crisis will help to catch up and overtake Russia and China."
Quanto tempo mais os EUA vão manter essa mentalidade egoísta, competitiva e belicosa? Quanto tempo mais haverão guerras por lucro? A ideologia neoliberal corroi o padrão de vida de estadunidenses e europeus e corrompe todas instituições, com a busca do lucro pessoal por qualquer meio. A China é a nação que mais se desenvolve nas últimas décadas, e investe no mundo todo em negócios de modelo ganha x ganha, enquanto os EUA tem como um dos principais negócios a indústria miltar e a guerra.
DeleteA humanidade precisa escolher entre civilização/paz ou barbárie/guerra
How much longer will the US maintain this selfish, competitive and bellicose mentality? How much longer will there be wars for profit? Neoliberal ideology erodes the standard of living of Americans and Europeans and corrupts all institutions, with the pursuit of personal profit by any means. China is the nation that has developed the most in recent decades, and invests worldwide in win-win business models, while the US has military industry and war as its main businesses. Humanity must choose between civilization/peace or barbarism/war.
"В ближайшие 72 часа Иран и его союзники начнут крупномасштабную атаку на Израиль, — сообщает CNN со ссылкой на Пентагон.
ReplyDeleteПока это информационный шум. Подождём 72 часа."
Lately I´ve remembered about a tool that most of you probably have heard about: the Enneagram. If you don´t know about it there are many good websites about it now. It´s very ancient and was well known in Sufism until Gurdjieff made it public in the last century (probably learn it from the Sarmoung brotherhood), and has gradually become very popular since then.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, the Enneagram (among other things) allows you to find your weak spot, that otherwise we tend to ignore, and get a lot of insight about it. And once you know that weak spot well, you are able to work on it, or at least be vigilant so that it doesn´t mislead your life or get triggered and bring problems and trouble in general. There are nine different types, (they coincide with the seven deadly sins, plus fear and vanity), and one of them is our pivotal one.
It´s also helpful to understand other people, because many times it´s easy to spot their type, and so to an extent understand how they think and feel so that you can act in consequence (in a good way of course ; ). So it can help us a lot if we want to make life more harmonious. Much Light!
ReplyDelete"RKN ("Russian Communications Supervision", read as "Big Brother", the main censorship body in the country) plans to recognize scientific, technical and statistical information about VPN as prohibited in the Russian Federation😐
The agency has already presented a draft order (https://habr.com/ru/news/832904/), which will prohibit scientific, scientific, technical and statistical information about VPN services in Russia.
The discussion of the draft will end on August 5, and the expected entry into force is scheduled for the period from March 1, 2025 to September 1, 2029."
"Global YouTube slowdown has begun in Russia
Users are reporting (https://downdetector.su/youtube) large-scale problems connecting to the service across the country, both from the mobile app and through the browser.
Videos are stuck on a black screen or loading endlessly. In some cases, you can't even open the website."
There is no more free internet in Russia. Roskomnadzor received (https://tass-ru.turbopages.org/turbo/tass.ru/s/obschestvo/21480195) the right to manage all providers in Russia.
ReplyDeleteIf RKN detects objectionable content, it will now be able to independently connect to the provider and delete any content or block access to the resource.
Previously, this was only possible during a state of emergency in the country.
Call for help from Brazil: Forced mRNA vaccination of children -... Interview with John Cage
ReplyDeleteForced mRNA vaccination of children? This issue is no longer discussed in Brazil, it has become a sad reality. At a major international demonstration in Geneva, John Cage calls on the world to pay attention to this and other incredible disasters and crimes happening in Brazil now. With the government silently supported by the systemic media, the only chance for the Brazilian people is international awareness and pressure. Help save people, watch this interview and spread it, and follow John Cage for more information.
WEF Plans 'Catastrophic Power Grid Outage' That Will 'Permanently Reset America' Ahead of Election
ReplyDeleteThe World Economic Forum in Davos is planning what they are calling a “catastrophic power grid outage,” with the stated goal of “creating a permanent reset” in the U.S. ahead of the November election.
According to insiders, the massive power outage is the final preparation for a devastating cyberattack on the U.S. power grid that will cut off the internet, wipe out savings, and plunge the country into chaos for years, allowing the elite to implement the next phase of their totalitarian master plan.
As the global elite orders world governments to prepare to rig the November election and ration food and water supplies to the people as part of their “Great Reset” agenda, it is more important than ever to spread the word about their evil plans.
How the Italian mafia, the US State Department, the Vatican Pontifical Council, and the trafficking of Ukrainian children to Italy are connected
ReplyDeleteThe second investigation by the Anti-Repression Foundation related to the trafficking of Ukrainian children and foreign NGOs and Foundations involved in the trade shows that the octopus's tentacles have reached Russia. My advice to the guys, next time you want to shout loudly, don't forget to dig deeper. Some of the undead, unfortunately, have a Russian trace.
"People, it looks like the relaxation and vacation are over.
ReplyDeleteWe need a serious response.
For now, analytics. A little later - where and what to write.
The Russians do not give up!
***‼️Do you think that the Pandemic Agreement is over? Not at all.
Statement by Russia on the Pandemic Agreement at the 77th session of the WHA on May 28, 2024. (WHA - World Health Assembly)
The declaration was presented by Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Vyacheslav Smolensky. Quotes:
"We have agreed on the overall structure of the agreement. Over the past few months, we have made progress in the negotiations. However, there are still serious, and in some respects fundamental, disagreements that have prevented us from finding a consensus.
The Russian Federation is committed to the task of preparing a workable, balanced international document that would be an important contribution to increasing pandemic preparedness.
We believe it is necessary to continue to refine the document, focusing on achieving not just a compromise text, but a practically implementable agreement."
So, the Pandemic Agreement was not adopted in May 2024, allegedly due to disagreements. People put a lot of effort into fighting this agreement, so they joyfully accepted this good news and considered it their victory. But more far-sighted people initially foresaw exactly this plot. The puppeteers' theatrical production assumed the depiction of some kind of intermediate victory of the resistance in order to calm the public, weaken the resistance, and then quietly push through this agreement anyway. This is exactly how everything is happening now.
Back in December 2021 (as always, they prepare well in advance), the World Health Assembly at its special session decided to create an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to prepare and agree on a draft global "pandemic agreement" - a document on preventing pandemics and taking response measures.
Of course, there are Russian representatives in this gathering, as many as 17 people, not counting translators and assistants. Who are they? Naturally, these are Murashko, Popova with her deputy Smolensky, and also a certain Kiparisov S.V. - advisor to the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (about whom there is absolutely no information anywhere) and other key organizers of the pandemic in the Russian Federation. The entire list can be found here http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202206290018?pageSize=100&index=4
This behind-the-scenes negotiating body is authorized to make decisions that concern the sovereignty of the country.
The latest version of the "pandemic agreement" was published on 04/22/2024 (https://t.me/VETO_on_pandemic_treaty/592).). This is the text that the company called the "WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body" (INB) is now trying to iron out among themselves.
We thought that the behind-the-scenes globalists were planning to use the "pandemic agreement" only during pandemics... The scenario was like this: Ghebreyesus declares another pandemic, and then this "Agreement" comes into force. But no. Look at what they write in Article 2, called "our objective"!
Quote: "To achieve this objective, the provisions of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, unless otherwise specified, shall apply both during pandemics and in the interpandemic period."
In other words, they will not even need to declare a pandemic to launch this whole cannibalistic mechanism.
And in Article 3, the pandemicists admit to the principles that guide them. And the first of them (quote):
"the sovereign right of states to adopt, issue and implement legislative acts within their jurisdiction in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the WHO and the principles of international law ...".
That is, the domestic laws of countries must comply not even with any international conventions, but with the charters of the UN and (which is completely brazen) the WHO! (c) (https://cont.ws/@krylovaEl/2858538)
"Since August 1, the digital ruble has been introduced and new receipts have appeared in Sberbank. ordinary transactions plus a small addition with a place for a signature.
ReplyDeleteThey say that they check passports and ask to sign in a black rectangle. So that it does not go beyond the limits.
This is a digital signature. For digital money.
The small print indicates that this is voluntary.
You can refuse. Just cross it out and write "I forbid".
Tell your friends not to agree to digital money!
Since August 1, 2023, order No. 340 has been published, we will all be transferred to digital money.
And if you sign and the trap slams shut, then you will be left with DIGITAL (VIRTUAL) money and will NEVER be able to transfer it into NON-CASH and CASH (PAPER) rubles
Further, Bankers will INTRODUCE our salaries, pensions and benefits within the framework of this BLIND TRUST AGREEMENT
To receive a digital account, a Person must put an ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE and submit biometrics.
And after we have made this signature
ALL SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS (operations on the movement of funds) TAKE THROUGH the QR code
Nowhere is our a real signature will not be needed.
Your electronic signature will already be in trust management with a financial institution and Rosreestr.
Digital money is just a digital virtual code created by the Central Bank.
Persuading us,
Then there will be no need to issue cash..
Bill Gates at BILD - the starting signal for "Covid 2.0"? Heiko Schöning's assessment
ReplyDeleteIn May 2024, "Lord" Bill Gates personally came to Hamburg to the BILD newspaper. He talked about children.
And out of the blue, the head of BILD asked, I quote: "Mr. Gates, if you are talking about children, then we should also talk about mothers. Can you explain in detail the connection between the microbiome of mothers and the future of children?"
And Bill Gates started talking about the microbiome and posted his advertising campaign. It is this attack on the microbiome that I predicted that is printed on the cover of the book. Bill's visit to BILD is an advertising prelude to the attack on the microbiome. This is Coronavirus 2.0
And so, please, dear fellow citizens, fathers and mothers - for the sake of the children, please take this seriously this time! Dear fellow citizens, dear middle class, dear pillars of society, dear academics, let's work together professionally! Otherwise, it will be Covid 2.0
Don't follow these gentlemen, don't be their servants!
Broadcast in many languages 👉 www.kla.tv/29914
In Moscow, voices will be recorded and people will be photographed, and then this data will be transferred for processing in an anonymous form without the consent of the citizens themselves.
ReplyDeleteSuch amendments are proposed (https://tass.ru/obschestvo/21482347?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=mobile&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fdzen.ru%2Fnews%2Fstory%2F356cf529-4df8-5e90-afbf-577d11af6e2f) to be introduced into the law on conducting an experiment in the capital to establish a legal regime related to the introduction of AI technologies.
For those souls interested.
ReplyDelete7/30 Thighs were twitching like crazy along with urgently being influenced to mouth the word 'pertain' or something similar.
7/31 Hamas leader assassinated on the 1st day of Iranian President Masaoud Pezeshkian’s term. Those two things pertain & are something similar.
Twitter Link
People need to go back and read this Cobra update from February 2019.
Hey cobra is it possible we can get an update on the infection percentage on the lurkers?
ReplyDeleteTRADUCTION FRANÇAISE des NOTES de l'ATELIER de Cobra à PARIS (Juin 2024) avec liens français complémentaires /FRENCH TRANSLATION of Cobra's WORKSHOP in PARIS (June 2024) with additional French links
ENGLISH NOTES of Cobra's WORKSHOP in PARIS (June 2024)
ReplyDelete"We Are Ready for Take-Off."
In Space.
I can kind of walk again, to at least catch the bus (which is cheaper than taxis.) I feel like something has broken and I can get around again. I drove down to the supermarket, and got my parcels from the post office.
ReplyDeleteThe neurologist sent mail to my doctor in Melbourne (and sent me a copy), requesting he see the old scans. He totally thinks I'm faking, and he thinks that because the scan he took two nights ago is so good and so clear, the MS is a lie. I don't care he thinks we're trying to scam him, ah it's just funny. I just have a "feeling". The MS that's been attacking me from the spine, it just feels like it is broken. The bad case of me getting worse everyday seems broken (God I hope so) So I'll let you know what's happening. It's so bloody COLD here.) But I drove just fine and I can walk slowly. All I'm doing now is using the medbed constantly, and watching the Olympics. Got some chocolate from the supermarket, yum.
When The Lurker Lashes Out
DeleteStarlight Brigade
Izabela has some predictions! She says that Kamala won't be in power for long. She sees her seat is vacant.
ReplyDeleteThe elections may be cancelled in the US for many strange reasons.
There will be a big pedo ring exposed in the USA. And many of them from high position.
There will be another assassination attempt on Mr Trump. He avoids the danger.
A lot of media outlets in the USA are going down, and it will happen quite soon. Europe, Canada and Australia will also be exposed but after the USA.
Then she does a tarot reading. Basically, this is the end. The evil ones will be taken down, finally. So, the evilness will be over. Thank goodness for that.
She also sees the rainbow agenda is coming down. Good!
And to end, she does not see Digital money, It won't happen. Excellent.
The Sinner, the Lurker
ReplyDelete" = Exploitation of migrants and their replacement of the indigenous population is increasing in the Russian Federation
ReplyDeleteRussia is in fourth place in the world in terms of the number of migrants after the United States, Germany and Saudi Arabia. There are (officially) 10.9 million of them, or 7.5% of the population. About 7.6 million people are labor migrants, which is 10% of the country's workforce, according to a joint study (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y20oSFhm9NY) of "Equality" and "Simple Numbers" based on data from Rosstat, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB Border Service.
About 4.9 million migrants in Russia are settled, and almost 6 million are short-term, arriving in the country for less than a year to earn money. In particular, in 2023, a record 4.5 million people came to work, which was 30% more than the year before. Of these, citizens of Uzbekistan crossed the border 2 million times, Tajikistan 1.2 million times, and Kyrgyzstan 0.72 million times.
Number of migrants in the Russian Federation by country of origin, million people (estimated at the beginning of 2024)
Uzbekistan - 2.1
Tajikistan - 1.8
Ukraine - 1.7
Kazakhstan - 1.2
Kyrgyzstan - 0.9
Belarus - 0.7
Armenia - 0.6
Azerbaijan - 0.5
Other CIS countries - 0.5
Countries of the far abroad - 1.1
For many years, the attraction of labor migrants was justified by the shortage of labor. But more than half of the newcomers work in Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions in low-skilled jobs, and not in factories in regions where people are urgently needed.
The social policy established as a result of the restoration of capitalism for three decades was aimed not only at increasing exploitation, but also at replacing the indigenous population with migrants, who are easier to exploit. “Migrants work not 40 hours, as required, but 60 and 70 hours a week,” admitted (https://rapsinews.ru/human_rights_protection_news/20240417/309820129.html) the head of the Human Rights Council Valery Fadeev. Often, they are not paid for overtime, as required by law, and their wages are paid “under the table”. As a result, disenfranchised newcomers receive 1.5-2 times less than what a Russian worker would get.
Migrants also had no choice. The rollback to feudalism and deindustrialization in the countries of the former USSR were even more rapid than in the Russian Federation.
But the shortage of personnel can no longer be covered mechanically, by additional import of cheap labor. This was acknowledged (https://tass.ru/obschestvo/20650953) by the president. The deficit is getting worse, and many of those who wanted to come are already here.
"... The authorities are allegedly very concerned about the integration of migrants into Russian society. They say that they are the cause of crime, diseases, conflicts, and extremism. In fact, they are primarily concerned about the profits of the owners of the means of production. Migrants have the potential for self-organization, and therefore, to defend their labor rights. This was demonstrated, for example, by the protests of the courier union or the increased protests at construction sites. The expansion of such practices is fraught with a decrease in the rate of exploitation. Therefore, capital absolutely needs to suppress the shoots of collectivism and strengthen control. This is what caused the tightening of migration policy, notes economist and author of "Prime Numbers" Oleg Komolov.
ReplyDeleteThe problem of migration is connected with the lack of labor force planning and low labor productivity under the peripheral model of capitalism. Pumping out raw materials and selling them abroad for the purpose of enriching a narrow group of people does not imply long-term interests in “investing in people”, which are talked about on TV screens. The people reciprocate: 57% of citizens say (https://russian.rt.com/russia/news/1338872-rabota-prizvanie-rossiyane) that they work for a salary, that is, in order to survive, and this share is increasing over the years. Only for 17% the meaning of work is a calling.
After the destruction of the USSR, deprived of the Motherland, the meaning of life, the wealth of the country, decent work and its payment, the indigenous population of Russia was actively dying out. Moreover, the losses of the people over 33 post-Soviet years exceeded 26 million people and were greater than in 1941-1945. Now Russia is being covered by the "echo of the 90s", when a generation of which only a few were born has to work and give birth. Migration has not improved, but worsened the demographics and exacerbated social contradictions and personnel problems.
The demographic catastrophe has long made the disastrous nature of the entire post-Soviet social policy obvious. After all, its essence has been reduced to buying and selling and exploiting people instead of their comprehensive development."
"US and Israeli intelligence services expect a retaliatory strike from Iran tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteNot really.
The US and its allies are planning to attack Iran through Jordan at this very moment.
Great Britain, France, the US and NATO are moving aircraft to military bases in Cyprus, Bahrain, Jordan and southern Israel.
This entire horde of LGBT crusaders is preparing to repel possible Iranian retaliation.
Iran is aware.
Something similar happened when Trump declared war on North Korea and defeated it with headlines in the press."
Here is something each of us can do to help bring peace to the Middle East:
"Visualize the violet flame purifying the whole Middle East region and dissolving all causes of war."
Let's all ask Source to trigger the Event now.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for Australia. We are THIRD in the world so far in the Olympics, and I've managed not to say anything. We will drop off in the medals soon, because we always go good in the pool at start but it should go down now that the track events started. Such a good start - Third in the world! As one aussie put it, woohoo!!
ReplyDeleteThe problem: not letting lurkers go
ReplyDelete...because they are mistakenly seen as part of one's personality.
Gaiaportal from 2014-11-27
Stabilization of release protocols is now complete.
Preparation for “mass release” is now complete.
Attendant Gaia Light Influx is concomitant.
Fluctuations are finished.
Flames of Higher Transformation soon visibilizes for all hu-manity.
Prepare in Consciousness for Mass Expansion.
It is done.