Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dragon Activation

Disentanglement testing phase is proceeding well and it is expected to be completed in about a week. After that, the process of disentanglement of humanity from the Lurker will begin with full force.

In preparation for this process, the planetary etheric network of Light had to be prepared and properly activated. For this reason, a special Dragon leyline activation was taking place between July 11th and 22nd.

During this timeframe, Dragon leylines around the whole planet were activated, with the main focus in Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Dragon leyline:



Dragon activation workshops were held in Asia during that time, and you can read the notes here:

These workshops were accompanied by many signs in the sky.

Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 11th:



Solar flame cloud in Malaysia on July 18th, just after the workshop:



Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 20th:



And a violet storm in Lhasa just after the activation of Tibetan Dragon leyline on July 21st:

After the successful activation of Dragon leylines, various factions of Agartha network, especially in Asia, are becoming more active, beginning their preparations for the Compression Breakthrough.

I will now mention some of those factions.

Blue Dragon Agartha (青龙洞天) network was created during Tang dynasty. First, emperor Xuanzong connected grotto heavens with Taoist temples:



This has created a network of highly efficient entrances into the underworld. At that time, many Taoist masters have reached advance spiritual stage. During An Lushan rebellion, almost all of them were forced to leave the surface as it became too dangerous:

They went underground through the freshly created network of entrances, and then created an underground civilization of Light based on advanced Taoist principles. There they discovered an ancient Atlantean network with advanced technology. They now exist below central China and are cooperating with the Aldebarans, Antarians and Andromedans. Their main vortex point through which they influence the surface is Wuhan.

Red Dragon Agartha (红龙洞天) network was created after China (especially Beijing) fell under Manchu occupation of Qing dynasty:

After the battle of Beijing, the capital was lost to the Ming, and many military leaders and Taoist priest went underground to form a subterranean Red Dragon network under Beijing:

This network still exists under Beijing. They have a strong military cooperation with Aldebarans and Andromedans. Nothing more can be said at this time.

Dragon Gate Agartha (龙门洞天) network was created during Song dynasty by master Changchun:

Its main location is Sichuan province with Chengdu as the main vortex.

There is another Agartha faction in Fujian province about which nothing can be said at this time.

In Tibet, the main Agartha stronghold is in the western end of the Kunlun mountains. This network has the main base under the nexus of main planetary Dragon leylines:



It is 26,000 years old, and has a strong connection to the Galactic Central Race. It also connects to the western underground Atlantean network and indirectly to the Resistance Movement.

It has an underground outpost which territorially corresponds with the extent of the Guge kingdom:

It has another outpost at another location under Tibet, which still needs to remain classified.

Unfortunately, there is also a negative Agartha network with main stronghold on Tibetan high plateau just south of Kunlun mountains, and a small network of underground bases around the planet.

The core of this network are negative Andromedans that came to this planet 26,000 years ago and now exist in a huge underground base under a small insignificant Buddhist monastery in northern Tibet. They were additionally reinforced by a small number of extremely negative beings from another Universe during the Archon invasion in 1996.

They are very well versed in the occult and can manipulate nonphysical planes around the Earth to a degree. They closely cooperate with the Lurker.

They have a big Dragon statue made from green Hetian jade which is quantumly entangled with all pieces of jade on the planet, and through this they manipulate Dragon leylines. Light Forces are now using ATVOR technology to quantumly disentangle all jade on this planet and this process is expected to be completed in a little bit over a month. After that, jade can be used for the positive energy work by the Lightworkers.

They greatly influence the Black nobility families through the negative Order of the Green Dragons:

Some key top members of the Black nobility families have to go to the underground bases in Tibet to receive trauma based mind control training.

They influence China through the Green Gang:

They influence India through negative Buddhist sects.

They influence Japan through the Black Dragon society:

They were responsible for the creation of Unit 731:

They were responsible for the fall of the Romanov dynasty: 

They were supporting Hitler:

Since July 21st, the Light Forces have started operations to remove this network, and it will be gone soon.

Geopolitically, during the July 11th to 22nd period some significant things have happened.

First, Pleiadians used ATVOR technology to move the head of Donald Trump just 0.3 seconds before he was hit by a bullet, effectively saving his life: 

Second, the Crowdstrike outage has put a nail in the coffin of CBDCs:

Also, there is some soft Disclosure going on about extraterrestrial life:

About the Galactic superwaves:

And about abundance of diamonds in the Solar system and beyond:

There are some interesting compilations about the Lurker and its tentacles:

There is a Dragon meditation which you can join if you feel so guided:

And a very important meditation for peace in the Middle East every 4 hours, which will be very much needed in the next few days. Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to join:

A volunteer for a certain specific mission is needed in northern Italy. If you live there and would like to cooperate, please contact

Victory of the Light!


  1. I've had a few insights this week that I'd like to share with you. According to the author of the blog votl628.blogspot. com; we will have two meetings of Neptune and the Uranus-Pluto midpoint this year, on August 16, 2024 and September 27, 2024, at the COBRA conference in Thailand, they replied that the Pluto-Neptune-Uranus aspect is very harmonious and that this will dissolve the Lurker, in an update on the situation of the event in December 2023, COBRA said that the light forces were disentangling the Lurker quantumly from the Universe, after a critical mass of it had disappeared quantumly they would disentangle it directly from humanity on the surface and when this disentanglement reached a certain critical mass, the Event could take place. I believe that the forces of light realized that it was necessary to disentangle all of it in the quantum universe and on the surface before the Event could proceed, so they will use August 16 to disentangle it in quantum form and September 27 to reach that critical mass of cleansing on the surface but the Event will not happen yet, however we will have favorable energetic conditions so that first physical and non-physical contact can happen in December of this year, COBRA itself said at the Kyoto conference in 2023 that the final phase of Pluto in Aquarius November 19, 2024 to December 29, 2024 will bring first contact at some point. "They will start contacting first the individuals who are participating in the Contact Dish project:
    Since Galactic Law overrides local laws, this contact will be established regardless of the local laws in the countries where people will be contacted. The Pleiadians have stressed that they want to initialize the contact as soon as possible, but will NOT contact anyone until the basic safety of contacted individuals can be assured, and for this the Dark forces on the physical plane need to lose more power. They do not wish to say when the contact sequence will start, but when it starts, it will start suddenly without warning."

    1. "People who do not own land will be contacted also, but for that contact they will need to be in nature at least 60 meters/yards away from the nearest human being to avoid implant / biochip interference, and as far away as possible from the local military bases." What supports the first contact with the Pleiadians in December 2024 is the aspect Sedna conjunct Alcione, its astrological meaning is the return of the Pleiadians to Earth, which was activated in May 2024 and will be reactivated again in December 2024 and April 2025, in the month of April probably supporting the first contact with the most exotic races with a completely different appearance from ours, like the Arcturians for example. I believe the event will take place in January 2025, this has to do with the Neptune-Pluto sextile peaking on January 15, 2025 and Neptune meeting the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto on January 5, 2025 according to the author of the blog votl628.blogspot. com, i.e. the light forces at that time will have perfect astrological conditions to dissolve the Lurker 100% from the surface of the earth, COBRA himself said that after the Event, the Source will separate all the remnants of the Lurker from humanity, that must be why we have the possibility of blockades at the time of the Event, so that this process can take place without too much chaos while humanity receives an educational lesson on all the truths that have happened; Quoting COBRA: "At the moment of the peak of social unrest and with sufficient removal of anomalies, the forces of Light will transform the current state of emergency for the surface of the planet into martial law. This practically means that the entire surface population will be subjected to a brief military lockdown (3-7 days)." So between January 5th and 15th this could well happen.

    2. I am aware of the three waves of Ascension, so I think that by July 7, 2025 the first wave of Ascension will happen, this is within the window of Ascension that opened on May 25, 1975 and will 'close' on July 7, 2025 (it will close in quotation marks, because the forces of light themselves have already said that this window will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN) the second wave of ascension should take place in 2027 right within the orb of the Neptune-Pluto sextile, the last and third wave should take place in 2032 when (according to Martin Armstrong's computer that the world 'Ends here' in 2032) the polar shift should take place and simultaneously the planetary evacuation, the lightworkers/warriors who didn't ascend in the previous three waves will be evacuated to a planet in the Pleiadian cluster, the 4 billion human beings who have the ability to think clearly, at least to some extent, will be transported to a planet in the Aldebaran star system, the rest of the 3 billion sheep who don't have the ability to think critically and just follow society's trends will go to the more than 100 planets prepared for them according to the source "Meanwhile, the population of Earth is being moved to other planets similar to Earth, according to my information, there are more than 100 different planets ready. Here, attention is paid to race, culture and also spiritual development. Human souls, who have been incarnated exclusively on Earth until now and have been totally trapped in the matrix, will arrive on planets similar in environment and nature, but there will be no full matrix system. For example, here there will be supermarkets where you can go and stock up on everything you need... but for free. There will also be a television and screens where you can communicate with other people or watch life on other planets. Housing, energy, medical care (although hardly necessary after healing), everything will be available." Those humans and starseeds who feel an alignment with the angelic presence and are open to spiritual growth, will have the opportunity to ascend two more times, most likely at the time of the subsequent solar maxima, around 2037 or around 2049, to return to earth as ascended beings and assist their brothers and sisters in creating a beautiful paradise, that's just my insight into the timeline of Earth's liberation, VICTORY OF THE LIGHT.

    3. Hi N’Golo, Neptune is sextile Pluto on Aug 16, 2024, and Neptune meets midpoint of Uranus & Pluto on Sep 27, 2024 and Jan 5, 2025 (from my observations). As I said, my next post will be about Jan 11, 2025. That’s the date when Earth will enter its 4th planetary initiation (in my estimation). And there are interesting aspects with the United States’ birth chart- on Jan 15, 2025, Neptune sextiles Pluto on the US natal chart. That’s why I’m saying Jan 11, 2025 is when we can expect the final hoorah. And of course, the absolute latest deadline is Aug 21, 2025

    4. N'Golo..según tus cuentas..
      Solo un billón de personas van ascender..Tu sabes más que Cobra.

    5. Hello VOTL628 Thank you for the additional information dear, perhaps the translation was a little premeditated, this date of January 11, 2025 makes me feel a lot, I still hope for a possible first private contact in December, whether or not these dates are August and September can have strong influences on the elimination of the lurker, even though it is 'only' in the USA, since the United States is considered a very important country in the liberation as well as Taiwan and Japan, VICTORY OF THE LIGHT, all the best always.

  2. Dear Cobra:

    what about >> chariklo <<?

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Everyone,

      Feel free to join the 2012portal discord to chat with like minded people!

  4. Oh, so nice to hear from you, Cobra !! THANK YOU and VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !! <3

  5. Wow! Thank you very much for honoring my work again!

  6. Replies
    1. Woah, was a UFO caught during the attempt on Trumps life? 👀

      Appears at 25 seconds

  7. Thanks for the update Cobra in these times of turmoil. Why didn't you talk about Venezuela? Here there is in execution a coup d'etat by the same government against the presidential elections through Massive Fraud. A siege is being carried out against the citizens who have demonstrated against the government, not to mention that they are using paramilitary groups in some cases to commit assassinations and to besiege the population.

  8. nice to hear this update and the progress..light forces are working with secret societies also and seems that we dont belong anywhere, we just read the updates..lucky Trump helped with this ATVOR technology, while we dont get even one help or present from noone to continue our karmic life.. keep it up cobra and please dont mind me feeling this way..

  9. *Gives Libra a fistbump* Quoted. :D

  10. I guess they pressed the acceleration because of the big ENOUGH? I feel for myself since around 2 weeks or so that I don't want and also have no more power for any action when nothing happens and that I also won't continue any work if there's no light coming. Damn, waited almost 50 years on this stupid planet and that all without a soul partner. ENOUGH is also what I say, I didn't come here for that and I give a shit for the devine plan. Can't stand it another 10 years and makes no sense. They can call me back from that " beautiful" life also now when there's no light coming. I can't stand this stupidity here anymore. Zero tolerance with the dark forces and their henchmen is needed. It's time to go home. In the body or wherever without it.

  11. Text in the 6th picture:
    Thereificationof thelegendaryPeach Springtookplaceduringthecourseof anation-widedevelopmentofDaoiststructures.DuringtheTianbaoreign(742-756),Emperor Xuanzong(r.713-756)orderedthatallpalacesandmountainsunderheaventhathave grottoesshallestablishaltarstemples,andbuildings”天下有洞宫山各置增祠宇tosupport Daoist ritual activities, especiallythe casting dragon plaque ritual (toulong投龍).176 Many sitesconstructedunderthismandatewererecognizedlaterasgrotto-heavens orauspicious placesaccordingtoDuGuangting'sInscriptionsandRecords of Marchmounts andRivers of Grotto-heavens andAuspicious Places.Itis likelythatXuanzong's selection of grotto mountainswasbasedonSima Chengzhen's adviceandhisIllustrationofCelestial and TerrestrialPalacesandResidences

    1. Dear "watchmen of the centuries", I dare to remind you that reliable written sources in historical science are limited to the 15th-16th centuries, Vatican sources are limited to the 11th-13th centuries (their reliability is also questionable due to their belonging to those who participated in the capture of the planet, they are compromised, everything else is nothing more than speculation, especially in the history of Asia. I would rather believe that the narrow-eyed are refugees from a sunken continent, that they have achieved something in history, especially now, when the media from all over are talking about China taking over the world, and insignificant European presidents and officials are learning Chinese and singing Chinese songs in order to beg for investment - except for fulfilling the function of the world factory for Europe and the USA, China does not carry absolutely any conceptual load, it is not able to offer the world ANYTHING, which means it serves other people's goals and will end up the same way as the USSR of the Khrushchev-Andropov-Gorbachev era, captured by the Jews, ended up (especially since Mao's connections with the Jews are described in several books, and the childhood of Mao and Marx is simply a tracing of the script of one film, as if they were raised according to the same recipe). Independent Russian analysts directly say that victory, if it can be called that in trade between the USA, Europe and China, in the rivalry of traders will serve as a pretext for the disintegration of China into two parts - the rich coastal south where all the factories are located, and the local elites are adapted and fused with the elites of the USA, England and South America, and the poor and unemployed north. There is no communism, or even socialism, in China. I am familiar with its modern culture of modernism directly, through films, books, TV series with translations, with their way of life - clan capitalism of government officials, military personnel, industrialists and bankers - something like the USSR before its collapse, the beginning of Yeltsin's Russian Federation in a beautiful, American plastic-technological wrapper... 40% of the poor population and no social guarantees, which the Bolsheviks were able to achieve after the overthrow of the tsar during 10 years of complete international isolation. The narrow-eyed have been stealing technology from all over the world for 30 years and cannot provide their citizens with everything they need. Not to mention that they supported the scam with covid and are building a digital concentration camp, making their citizens de facto biorobots. And you want to say that they will give the world freedom, happiness and prosperity? This is an empty nation exploiting its fellow tribesmen and filling its pockets at someone else's expense, their heads are empty and functionally they exist in the usual animal paradigm - to eat tastier and warm their asses warmer - the results of the existence of clan-capitalist China since the time of Xiaoping. I don't understand what Stalin was thinking when he gave them weapons, industry and aid, if 50 years later it ended with them exporting raw materials from my homeland for next to nothing, no different from the Jewish clans of the USA and Europe!?

    2. The reification of the legendary Peach Spring took place during the course of anation-wide development of Daoiststructures.DuringtheTianbaoreign(742-756),Emperor Xuanzong(r.713-756)ordered that all palaces and mountains under heaven that have grottoes shall establish altars temples,and buildings”天下有洞宫山各置增祠宇 to support Daoist ritual activities, especially the casting dragon plaque ritual (toulong投龍). 176 Many sites constructed under this mandate were recognized later as grotto-heavens orauspicious places according to DuGuangting's Inscriptions and Records of Marchmounts and Rivers of Grotto-heavens and Auspicious Places. It is likely that Xuanzong's selection of grotto mountains was based on Sima Chengzhen's advice and his Illustration of Celestial and Terrestrial Palaces and Residences

    3. Thank you brother 😊 VOTL ✨

    4. "The Last Kings of Shanghai: The Rival Jewish Dynasties That Helped Make Modern China by Jonathan Kaufman

      Amazon Rating: 4.6

      The epic story of the two rival dynasties that flourished in Shanghai and Hong Kong as 20th-century China entered the modern era, from a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist.

      By the 1930s, the Sassoons had been doing business in China for a century, and their wealth and influence were rivaled only by one other dynasty, the Kadours. These two Jewish families, both originally from Baghdad, dominated Chinese business and politics for more than 175 years, profiting from the Opium Wars, surviving the Japanese occupation, and losing almost everything when the Communists came to power.

      Jonathan Kaufman tells the astonishing story of how these families participated in the economic boom, that opened China to the world, but remained blind to the deep inequality at home and the political upheaval at their door. From Baghdad to Hong Kong, Shanghai to London, Kaufman penetrates the lives and minds of these ambitious men and women to craft a tale of opium smuggling, family rivalries, political intrigue, and survival. Jonathan Kaufman is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who spent 30 years covering China for The Boston Globe, where he covered the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989; The Wall Street Journal, where he was China bureau chief from 2002 to 2005; and Bloomberg News."

      And this is only one of the books that raises questions; the title of the second, as well as its contents, I will leave to myself for now.

  12. Victory of the Light! May Love transform this world!

  13. yeah , a brand new dark network, as usual we come out a new rival.

  14. @Hertug ... what proof do you have that Trump helped with this ATVOR technology? If Trump helped with anything I would think Cobra would say so.

    1. Cobra wrote it , please read more carefully the updates and the posts

    2. I bet they meant Trump was helped with the technology.

    3. Yeah yeah, put the Trump "hate" back in your pocket little man. Stick to what you know....

  15. The Truth About the WingMakers

    The original is the most highly classified information on the planet and it is on the public Internet. The Labyrinth Group is the true top of the cabal, even behind the Jesuit Order. The Corteum is the most negative alien race in the universe, even behind the archons. The Labyrinth Group and Corteum stole the original in 2001 and have been lying and trying to confuse everyone into thinking the original website is fiction. I stopped reading all information released on the current (since 2001) and only go to the original website saved on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and everything makes sense.

    1. You know, it is much more mysterious and scary to realize the fact that there is someone more powerful and supposedly more positive than the animals that have captured our planet, but they continue to play "by the rules" and "codes" of knightly turnstiles, when you just need to take and finish off the beast in its lair. If I try to add new, "even more important and dangerous" characters to my system of worldview, my head will melt from the excess of actually unnecessary information, because we cannot influence them from our level. Although, I think, a freer and calmer mind will be glad to fill itself with new details, even for a moment it became interesting, but in my case everything went too far, I'm tired.

  16. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  17. Replies
    1. from what? in fact, nothing has changed, everything continues in the same temple. Only if you are not a 5 year old child to take everything at their word and not check the information?

  18. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  19. I am happy Mr Trump was saved. However, I will never allow myself to be enslaved by capitalism or a similar system that thrives on inequality. Never, ever, again. Never. Humans seem to tolerate that kind of society. I don't any longer.

    1. hmm, one of several comments over many months proving that this channel is read not only by people with very developed imaginations and mental problems in a severe stage. I like it!

  20. We want to know the progress of clearance of directed energy weapons

  21. 26,000 years...someone should write a song about that...

  22. Honestly, my main focus is wanting this lurker out of my F'N body!!! it keeps messing with me in my dreams and it is causing me not have lucid dream/astral travels! and it is also manifesting itself around my apartment giving me a scare! Cant wait til next week so they can go full force with their removal!

    1. Do let the blog know how you feel next week.🙂

    2. If you feel guided, you can do this meditation to burn the Lurker's tentacles, especially on August 16th:

  23. wow, wow and wow! And I love the pictures! Amazing what was done to save Trump! I knew they did something lol. Negative Andromodans you say? Holy crap. There's a lot of info. Good we are winning!!! Thanks Cobra and Light Forces!!!!! No other comment as I'm stuck in my own confusion. Last night my leg went off, flying everywhere. I think to clear out the MS, or some other reason. I don't know anymore but seems I can still walk with difficulty - they said this all along. I'll try to settle down a bit... Just stop panicking. Stuff to read.

    1. Honestly, I sympathize with you and hope that you will hold out until the evacuation, health problems are not something that can be ignored, they really complicate life. I am disgusted that people with health problems are forced to suffer, especially knowing that only 30-40 years ago in my country you could get completely free world-class medical care.

  24. Amazing post. Love to read specifics.

  25. Recent Light

  26. Trump's assassination attempt.

    Biden dropping.

    Bangladesh govt. protests. French PM resignation.

    Palestinian declaration in Beijing, China.

    Some geopolitical events that happened in July.

  27. thanks very much mr cobra.....

    and thanks very much all lightforces members here in theatre of war operations.....

    and a hats off and bravo zulu cosmique to our most brilliant and superpowerful full of light and love pleiadian family on the starships and bases;here in theatre of war operations.....your groundcrew stands with you as always/forever in service to the light.....


    this intel just released to us on earth of a lightforces operation that saved president trump;probably resonates as the truth to many of us im guessing.....

    and could also be an opportunity to deliver a massive redpill to those of us on the earth surface perhaps.....

    whats that saying thats written at times - make this intel go viral;and dont forget to laugh;its good for ya.....hahahahaha.....

    maybe its been a little easier for us who grew up in some of the western countries to laugh.....

    like rollo may have said;gather all your strength and your sweetness into an ironball.....or make it a crystal ball if you like;of course;hahahahaha.....

    may all the great human tribes of earth together laugh in victory and joy and peace and abundance and equality and love and light some day.....

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Great update. Thank you! Just read the Taipei and Malaysian workshop notes (many thanks to those who provide these!) Are there any plans to make the tachyonized dragon bracelets more widely available? If so, where can they be purchased?

  30. The Tibetan Dragon leyline covers both former Atlantean and Lemurian territories (based on maps in previously posted links by the Theosophical Society of London).

    I recommend including in the search tags places and countries are part of the leyline (if they're significant post-Event/Compression Breakthrough), such as 'Singapore', 'Malaysia', 'Indonesia' so people can refer back in case they want to find this article on this Tibetan Dragon Leyline.

    Singapore which lies on this leyline is more well-known for being little more than a hideout for billionaires, a money-laundering bolt-hole and run by one of the Council of 300 and World Economic Forum connected families.

    Given its pushing out anti-Russian, leftist and Covid related propaganda - it would be great if it was ensured the island city-state was cleared out of any remnant Cabal assets such as "DUMBs", black stones or any other weapon system that the Light Forces might have missed out.

    There has been major underground construction going on for both public & classified use in the last 25 years to feed the construction bubble.

    The subterranean construction projects are finished on schedule but because of several major projects one after another, the area is impacted by construction for up to a decade.

    This is the perfect cover to install underground Cabal assets in a heavily urbanised & densely populated setting similar to Hong Kong.

    Clearing them out would make the job of ending Cabal control easier & without further unexpected delays.

    1. Indeed Singapore is control by Deep State. Any ideal the name of the Council of 300 who owned Singapore?

  31. Fantastic update. Here is Indonesian translation of this post:

    Malaysia Workshop Notes in Bahasa Indonesia:

    Social media links:
    - Facebook: Victory Of The Light Indonesia
    - Instagram:
    - Telegram:
    - Telegram: The Portal - Bahasa Indonesia

  32. Hi cobra thanks for the update I will be at the mass med in a couple of days, something I want to share I've been having recurring dreams recently where Iam in this white place Iam not sure if it's a Maglev or transport ship of some sort?.the other night i was there' there was rows of seats in the middle with doors on each side with windows,there was a group people all sitting on the front rows of seats and behind them was a young girl sitting by herself who was handcuffed with chains attached to the seats.iam aware that demons and alike entities morph into young girls etc, so my question is do I just leave all that alone or do I go back there tonight rescue the girl and destroy everything else ?.oh and one last thing is there any Pacific training I need to be doing right now??? Ok then stay safe everyone victory of the light ✨

    1. Ask her if she wants to be saved? Maybe it was her choice to sacrifice herself for others.

    2. Yes it's getting dealt with...

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Dear Cobra, thank u so much 4 ur update! But on next update, could u please tell us abit more about mjolnir anf gungnir? What are the percentages they are working on now? Best regards, us lightworkers of the north VOTL!

  35. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / l’article en français :

    French links for the workshops / Liens en français pour les ateliers
    The Taipei workshop / L’atelier de Taipei :

    The Malaysian workshop / L’atelier de Malaisie :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

    1. The first link of the workshop in French / Le premier lien de Synthèse de l’atelier de Taipei et de Malaisie 13 et 17 juillet 2024 en français :

  36. Well, everything now is beginning to have the taste of (kind of) final preparations for the breakthrough. Even that new negative network doesn´t seem to be too big or like it´s going to alter the schedule, but rather like it´s going to be cleared out during the disentanglement. And now that this one is coming in full force as the testing phase is over, comes the hour of truth: an impredictible huge change at the deepest level of our personalities. But a good remedy, even if it´s hard to swallow, is always welcome!

    1. 👍 Yes, we are living in unprecedented times. The way forward looks promising.

    2. personality is SO not important.
      the insides that matters.
      i know that.
      but it is definitely hard to believe everyone's had ever been mean to me will innerstand the truth about love and empathy.
      cause this is what i've been doing my whole life and being vastly misunderstood by being careless about life and "the future."
      guess what? i am 41 and a half and i care each day less about "my future".
      always cared much more about love in peolpe and how they lose it while growing up. i am still a child and i am damn proud of everything i am.

      really hoping they will get kicked but still a bit skeptical.

    3. you can believe them when the leaders who sold out your people and your state appear before you in chains and you, along with millions of your fellow citizens, will have to press a button to vote for their execution. Until this happens, all the stories are fantasy. Although, I must admit, this forum serves as a way of psychological relief, because you can share your troubles, but nothing more - they are not solved at the current level of existence and management, global intervention is needed from a higher systemic level - supra-planetary, humanity as a species has been brought to the brink of final decline into degradation and extinction.

    4. @intoourselves, I agree personality is not so important, compared to the soul, but unfortunately it´s the one that brings most of the troubles in our situation, because of all the negative programming attached to it (and based upon the Lurker). Those programs trigger all the negative emotions, feelings, reactions etc, so if their foundation, the Lurker, is removed, a number of things can happen, but all of them for the better: the programs may disappear totally or partially, be very easy to let go, gradually vanish... who knows, but for sure it´ll improve our lives. Maybe some sense of "loss of identity" will appear, as we´re so identified with them, but to me it´s worth it. Then we´ll be more relaxed to wait to whatever happens.

    5. @Zionismtook.., we all have at some point to decide whether we follow only that which is objectively demonstrable, or go a little further and follow that which resonates with us, and despite not having that kind of objective proof, from that information and our own intuition we can give it a good chance of being true. Of course this last option is very personal and has a certain risk, but I think it´s legitimate, it´s up to each individual and it´s only of their concern. The thing is, only with reason and factual proof you can´t go very far, and you may eventually miss a lot if you limit yourself to it. Everything is fantasy until it is no more..

  37. Thank you for the ample update dear Cobra! Here is the Romanina translation: / Telegram : Victory of the Light!

  38. The Romanov dynasty fall happened in 1698 with the Tsar's capture and replacement by a fake tsar, an impostor.

    1. Unfortunately thats how they build everything with replacements and etc..

    2. A little background from the real history of Russia:

      "On November 4, Russia celebrates "National Unity Day", but many do not know what happened on this day.

      A brief explanatory note to the draft Federal Law "On Amending Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia" provides an explanation:

      The purpose of introducing this bill is to clarify the date and historical significance of one of the most important events in the history of Russia.

      On November 4, 1612, the people's militia led by the Nizhny Novgorod mayor Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-gorod, liberating the capital from the Polish invaders and demonstrating an example of heroism and unity of the entire people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society.

      This date can be considered the day of national unity, the end of the Time of Troubles, the end of civil strife and civil conflict, the beginning of the restoration of independent Russian statehood. The victory of the people's militia, thanks to the unity of all citizens, laid the foundations for the further construction of the state, its future power, first of all, military.

      Why was this date so important for consolidation in the history of Russia?

      With the expulsion of the invaders from the Kremlin, the Time of Troubles ends and a few months later the Zemsky Sobor elects a new tsar of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich.

      But in order to get rid of the intervention, it was necessary to somehow get it.
      The question is - how did the Poles manage to end up in Moscow - ???

      After the death of Ivan the Terrible, due to fear of rebellion, his youngest son Dmitry - in fact the only direct heir to the ruling dynasty (Fedor could not continue the family line due to infertility), was sent into exile to Uglich, where in May 1591 he died from a wound from a poke in the neck, which served as the beginning of the Great Troubles.

      After the death of the last of the Rurikovichs, Feodor, in 1598, only female relatives could lay claim to the vacant throne, of which there were two branches - the Godunovs and the Romanovs.

      The Zemsky Sobor, under pressure from the people, puts Boris Godunov on the throne and immediately the dirty business with the poke in Uglich comes to light and the Godunov-Romanov confrontation begins

      In 1600, Godunov's side prevents the overthrow. The sentence of the Duma - all the Romanovs into exile.
      The elder brother, Feodor Romanov, is tonsured into a monk - this is the future Patriarch Filaret.

      After Godunov's death, Pretender No. 1, supported by the Polish authorities (!!!), Sigismund-3, ascends to the throne. This Pretender No. 1 makes a simple monk (Filaret / Romanov) Metropolitan.

      The next Pretender #2 in 1608 makes Filaret the Moscow Patriarch, although at that time the patriarch in Moscow was appointed by the Holy Council.

      Filaret-Romanov, being in opposition to Moscow, blesses the troops of Pretender #2 to besiege the throne of V. Shuisky, who had previously sent all the Polish "friends" of Pretender #1 into exile.

      In 1610, Filaret-Romanov and the boyars conclude an agreement with Sigismund-3, according to which the son of the Polish king was to become the Russian tsar (!!!)

      When the headquarters of Pretender #2 in Tushino was burned, Filaret and his family moved to Moscow. Shuisky did not judge him.

    3. "...
      After the overthrow of Shuisky, invaders enter Moscow at the invitation (!!!) under the pretext of protecting the capital from Pretender #2. The boyars with representatives of noble princely families, which included Ivan Romanov (uncle of the future Tsar Mikhail) and his two relatives, relying on the Tushino agreement, choose Vladislav (son of Sigismund III) as tsar, equally completely ceding power to the invaders (!!!)

      and the entire Moscow "elite" kisses the cross to the Polish prince

      In 1611, the people rose up. The "elite" took refuge in the Kremlin.

      In 1612, Trubetskoy took Kitay-Gorod. The boyars agreed with Pozharsky to release the "elite" from the siege, including the Romanov clan, without any consequences.

      The people wanted to tear those leaving, but then they were told that today a miracle had happened, the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and everyone needed to unite and reconcile.

      And those who sold the country into turmoil eventually began to rule it - in 1613 the Zemsky Sobor appointed Filaret's son - 16-year-old Mikhail - as the new tsar."

  39. German translation of the Taiwan workshop notes by IGAG / deutsche Übersetzung der Notizen zum Workshop in Taiwan von IGAG:

  40. 你描述的黑暗勢力團體,怎麼不說他們就是還沒清理完的奇美拉?

    1. 想想光明勢力不久前才發現有N個宇宙,如今真的還有必要為事件準備清理乾淨嗎?尚未發現的宇宙又如何?

  41. Thank you for the nice post. If guys wanna chat, feel free to join the unofficial Discord channel for 2012 Portal with already over 300 members.

  42. Activation du Dragon
    traduction sur le blog de Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :

  43. how many times have all the underground bases been cleared??? nevertheless, there is always a new group of enemies, incredibly

  44. so, according to the notes, the event already took place in 1998, incredibly part II

  45. so in November all the darkness is expected to be removed, but we don't know what will happen in 2025? incredibly part III

  46. how many oxymorons did you find in this message? isn't joe biden the author of this blog?

    1. @B
      I don't know who you are: one of the admins of this website, who has the role of a protester or a real person like me obliged to read this website? If you are someone like me, I agree with you. All of people who put comments here are the admins (It is very scary and odd for me, Why don't the real people put comments here?) and most of them are LGBTs! (Libra, Sherman, Jonathan Carty (The "ONLY" prophet of God!), ... (Maybe they are one!))

  47. Those updates reminds me the fairy tale Little Match Girl......

    1. We're in the passageway where she's scratching out the last matches hidden in the middle of the two houses.
      Moral of this story: human psychology could develop a term to describe the lives of many Lightworkers, invisible and poor, still hoping with their Lightwork for a heavenly life.
      The Match Syndrome.
      Many will recognize themselves in this tale.

    2. @Gaia
      Mine feels more like Rambo First Blood.

  48. I think the Light forces should stop relying on so called key Light workers, many are more reliable and available, and the focus should be on awakening more people and having a sense of purpose.

  49. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  50. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  51. Hmm 🤔 a secret negative base south of the Kundun Cordillera, next to Bhutan and Goddess Doumu really is a very fine strategy on their part!

  52. ✨🪷🌿🤍🌿🪷✨✨🪷🌿🤍🌿🪷✨
    ✨🪷🌿🤍Dear StarSeeds🤍🌿🪷✨

    Humanity is winning!😃🙏🏼
    Menschheit ist am Gewinnnen!😃🙏🏼

    I am a starseed from Switzerland.
    Ich bin eine Sternensaat aus der Schweiz.

    Are you interested into Leylines and Energy Places?

    I want you to invite to join the english-telegram-Channel.
    "Starseeds & Leylines 🇨🇭🌍"

    Ich will dich einladen zum deutschen Telegram-Kanal.
    SternenSaaten & LeyLinien 🇨🇭🌍 Kraftorte

    Lovely, that you are interested into the topic LeyLines. 😃🙏
    Schön, dass du dich auch für KraftOrte interessierst. 😃🙏🏼

    Galactical Greetings

  53. Mulțumesc Cobra pentru aceste informații importante .

  54. In Stoke, England, a Muslim policeman

    tells a Muslim patrol group that they have a way to avoid trouble with the law.

    "If you have any weapons or anything, I will throw it in the mosque," he says.

    Muslim patrols have gathered in the city to deal with indigenous people protesting the killing of indigenous white people and mass migration. (Read that again.)

  55. En español! :)

  56. This is my friend speaking from Bangladesh on the protests. The PM resigned today.

    "They found dead bodies of the young people that “mysteriously disappeared” in her place of residence. Everyone (including myself) went to the victory march. Then, there were gun shots and bombs being dropped next to my home (I live right next to a jail). A police escaped with his rifle and is seeked refuge in our lobby but the opps came in a beat bro to death right in front of our apartment. When I opened the door w fam we saw blood and bros bloodied body being carried down the stairs. The whole staircase now got blood stains. This shit a movie."

    Cobra speak on this now. It's obviously purging, but why Bangladesh? Because of its proximity to Tibet?

  57. We're gonna need a bigger dragon boat.

  58. 是的!参与了亚洲龙脉能量激活冥想后,天空中引起了对应的能量反馈,,在下在贵阳,大概7.25号之前的连续两三天,天空出现了很多带着烈焰长条龙状,螺旋,升腾仙气的云彩。拍摄了很多视频与照片,非常漂亮,!然后8.1号做了一个突破光柱的梦境,非常清晰,电光蓝与天蓝色的光柱连接了世界上每一个地区,然后是紫罗兰光柱,最后整颗地球从内而外,从地面升起纯白色的辉光,沐浴着众生,无论是城市的,还是乡村,还是自然景色的每一位都注视着这一切的奇迹。

    1. 然而,我再次看到我的生活和這世界沒有任何變化。 相反,一切都變得更糟。 這開始變得有些本末倒置! 不是嗎?

  59. Enigma - The Rivers Of Belief


  60. "*Iran just informed neighboring countries that it is preparing to attack Israel

    *Iran has already informed everyone, put all the points on the maps, sent a telephone message to Israel.
    Save yourself if you can.
    This warning from Iran is the answer to the question - who crashed the stock markets around the world.
    Someone is dropping the Bitcoin rate to vacuum them from the market and pay Iran for a well-coordinated response to Israel. Crypto in exchange for de-escalation. A new trend in the Middle East.

    So who?"

  61. "F-16 fighters will take off from NATO airfields fully equipped, in the air when crossing the Moldovan-Ukrainian border they will be refueled by a British fuel plane, then after practicing the maneuver, the F-16 will launch and go to the Ukrainian Air Force airfield near the Moldovan border.
    After refueling on the ground, the fighters will again go to the NATO airfield. According to NATO, this will ensure the safe operation of the fighters, and at the same time, airfields in Romania will not become a legitimate military target.
    As they think..."


  62. Violet Flame Based Lurker Disentanglement Meditation

    " After reading notes from recent cobra conference it became relevant to create this post:

    Q- What about doing a meditation to eliminate the Lurker?
    A:(Cobra) I strongly recommend it.

  63. "The FSB shared "good" news - in 2024, the flow of migrants to the Russian Federation increased by almost 12%.

    In just six months, 8 million foreigners entered Russia, with Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan leading the way. Moreover, the number of migrants from the latter country fell by 8% - tens of thousands of those who came from there are being turned back to their homeland right at the border.

    So the colonization of the country does not stop for a minute and no Crocuses will be able to influence the decision of the state grandfathers to turn our country into one huge bandustan."

  64. Thanks for the great update, dear Cobra!

  65. "US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned G7 leaders that World War III could break out in a matter of days as Iran prepares to attack Israel within 48 hours."

    Well, must the show go on?

  66. Isnt the detoxification just the same as character enoblement. Cobra talked about different bases that they conquered. One is the base new Berlin. A guy was thrown out of this base and revealed what was researched in this base (that story is only available in German, but you can autotranslate). They researched how the spiritual laws are created. They had on the positive side the emotion love and also the emotion kindess/goodness. So I question if you just try that all the time and the planet polarizes positively?

  67. Thank you to the people who type up the conference notes and share these. I really appreciate this it helps feel like I was there. Thank you so much!

    1. I know right! Such a major effort. It also helps re-live the conference for the person writing it I’m sure

    2. I whole-heartedly agree. To whoever compiled those notes: Thanks a ton for all the time and effort you put into them! Way to contribute to the overall cause.

  68. Here is the italian translation of the new post: on Telegram: Victory of the Light!

  69. From the 16 Oct. update ...
    quote:The Light Forces are doing whatever possible to contain the conflict in the Middle East. They have communicated to Black nobility families that they will begin removing them from the surface of the planet if this conflict escalates much further. end quote

    It is obvious israel with the help of the us attacking Gaza, Iran and Lebanon that the conflict is definitely escalating ... hence the request for meditation. Why no word from the LF removing black nobility families from the surface? They will think the LF is weak for not keeping their word which is probably why things are escalating.

    We are told enough is enough, but apparently it isn't.

    Unless it has changed along with the 2025 deadline, Cobra did state that things will look really bad before The Event. And things are looking pretty bad now.

  70. This post in french :


    Violet Flame meditation to disentangle the Lurker - English guided audio:

    You can also download the MP3 here:

    More information here:

  72. People close to Trump receive* money from Victor Pinchuk for lobbying.
    The current Ukrainian authorities are looking for ways to get to Trump, and this is directly damaging his rating. The rating has noticeably dropped after Trump's talks with Zelensky.
    Pinchuk contacted Trump through Jewish connections and acquaintance with Jared Kushner.

    *Former senior adviser to Donald Trump, 57-year-old Kellyanne Conway, has registered in the United States as a foreign agent in Ukraine.
    In an official statement filed with the US Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Conway apparently agreed to a lucrative contract in Ukraine that will include lobbying for American politicians on behalf of Ukraine.
    Kellyanne Conway listed herself as an employee of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. She receives $50,000 a month for American lawmakers to speak at the Yalta European Strategy next month and to organize meetings between Ukrainian soldiers and American political leaders.
    Victor Pinchuk is the son-in-law of former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma and one of the richest and most influential people in Ukraine. His assets include the investment and consulting group EastOne, which is registered in London and owns the pipe-rolling company Interpipe and the media holding StarLight Media (ICTV, ICTV2, STB, Novy Kanal TV channels).


    FINALLY! Maui Fire Victims JUST Reached Historic Settlement for Billions!


  74. A short time after sharing the audio I created, paranoid thoughtforms started to approach me. What I feel is that the Lurker tries to stop people from doing the meditation that was designed against it!

    Gosh, I hate those paranoia attacks, because they can be so damn intense! -.-

  75. Dope. VOTL.
    So is that what happened to Tank Man? He was taken underground by one of these networks for protection? Long live that guy

  76. with this current revenge-riots on the british island, continental europe is not months, but only weeks away from a similar purging in chaos with then germany being some type of spiritual ground zero...

    so: meditating for peace or not, i wish everybody a solid ride from now on, cos the momentum becomes yet uncontrollable and the display of real anomalyproof men starts soon after as well just like a natural reflex to bullshit and violence... (caution! teutonic rage ahead!)

    Quote Ghostbusters/1984: ´i see you on the other side´ ;-)

    also: greetings from the most radiant one!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Once again I see zero difference in my life and in my country. On the contrary, everything is getting worse.

  79. Great Update...Dragons Leylines Activated Much Progress Has Been Made...Disentanglement & The Final Removal Of The Dark Forces Is The Next Big Thing. We Are Sooo Close. VOTL ❤️✨️

  80. A sárkányszobor, és a más szektorból érkezett entitások be lettek rakva szeretet gömbbe, hogy könnyebb legyen a felszámolásuk.

  81. I hope that the plan of the Light Forces to distribute bitcoins to lightworkers can be implemented as soon as possible.

    Although the plan may not necessarily succeed, it is worth trying.

    The quality of life for those particularly impoverished lightworkers would greatly improve if they could receive Bitcoin.

    For all lightworkers who receive Bitcoin, their confidence will increase, thereby enhancing their spiritual growth rate.

    1. I don´t see how this project of distributing bitcoins can go forward if Resistance Movement don´t lend a hand. Financial, legal and computer experts (to an extent) would be needed, because when the Cabal finds out they will try to put a lot of obstacles of any kind to thwart it, and you should be able to prevent all those scenarios. But if you can´t find those "experts" among the lightworker community, I don´t see how you could explain to "normie" ones the purpose of the project, and it´s difficult to work along with them if you don´t. There´s also the risk of losing the money to the Cabal, they´re very smart in those fields. On the other hand, the RM are best computer experts, as it´s been said many times. The problem must be the communication with them from the surface, I guess.

  82. Danke Cobra2012 für diesen Beitrag. Ich kenne die Blogs von Cobra2012 und Sebastian (theunveilling33) und FM144.

    Seit Cobra zum Ersten Mal über diesen L. berichtet hat, hat
    es für mich auch Sinn gemacht, weil ich schon seit vielen Jahren immer wieder erlebte, dass egal wie ich mich anstrengte, dass dann immer irgendwas komisches passierte um mich daran zu hindern,
    dass zu erreichen.

    Was dazu führte, dass ich es gar nicht mehr versuchte. Jetzt sind wir zum Glück in der positiven Zeitlinie und dass wird alles aufgelöst werden. Und dann werden wir auch wieder, wahrscheinlich in kleinen Schritten optimistisch werden und uns auch wieder getrauen an uns zu glauben und daran zu glauben, dass wir wirklich unsere Ziele auch sehr erfolgreich erreichen.

    Bereitet euch vor auf den grossen Überfluss und die Erreicherung aller euer lichtvollen Ziele. Das wird für uns dann auch ein positiver Schock sein, wenn plötzlich so vieles positives auf dich zukommt und du voller lauter Glücksgefühle fast nicht mehr weisst wie du mit soviel Glück und Liebe überhaupt umgehen sollst.

    Das ist so, wie wenn du unendlich lange Zeit dich nach einem Menschen gesehnt hast, und dieser Mensch lange Zeit nicht für deine Liebessehnsüchte erreichbar war. Und nun ist es plötzlich war und du kannst mit diesem Menschen zusammensein und lieben, lachen, küssen und die schönsten Zärtlichkeiten austauschen. Dann ist das sicherlich sogleich schön wie auch ein wenig "too much" auf einmal. :-)

    Darauf bin ich sehr neugierig. Wie werden wir dieses unglaubliche SuperGlück und himmlischen Emotionen integrieren! :-)

    Willst du mehr von mir Lesen?
    Ich will dich einladen zu meinem deutschen Telegram-Kanal.
    SternenSaaten & LeyLinien 🇨🇭🌍 Kraftorte

  83. Merci Cobra pour ces nouvelles, Victoire de la Lumière <3 <3 <3, la percée se fait et elle avance <3

  84. I received an interesting thought I would like to share:

    What if all those tentacles in hentai are symbols for the Lurker raping the manifestations of the goddess?

  85. We really should use the upcoming Neptune-Pluto sextile to disentangle the Lurker by using the violet flame:

    1. And if you do use it for anything it should be for knowledge of the root, spiritual bliss, liberation, and freedom.

  86. A man I know trained with a grandmaster and other students in the Kunlun mountains learning qigong, very sacred place

  87. Thank you Very Unique for the french translation of this article. Activation du Dragon: VOTL!

  88. "These people will feel the full force of the law" - the threat was made by the Prime Minister of Great Britain Keir Starmer in relation to local residents who oppose the state's migration policy.
    He also promised to create "an entire army" of police and military personnel to fight "Nazis" (meaning only and strictly white Englishmen, Scots, Welsh and Irish).
    He did not say a word about tightening the policy towards migrants, who have been behaving in a far from angelic manner for the last few days, gathering in crowds of thousands, openly walking around with machetes, huge knives and other types of bladed weapons and beating hundreds of passers-by solely on the basis of their whiteness.
    Keir Starmer also announced tougher penalties for calls for protests. In general, it can be stated that after the brutal murder of three children by a descendant of migrants and the wounding of eight more, the British were ordered to shut up, forbidden to protest against migration policy and encouraged migrants to commit new crimes against the native population. Migrants will not be punished for this violence.

    It seems that the local population is under occupation by the British government. The British leadership perceives the natives as an annoying obstacle that prevents them from bringing "new citizens" from other countries into the country and replacing "old citizens" with them.

    It is good that this cannot happen in the Russian Federation. Or can it? Or is it?"

  89. So... Trump is no longer being used by the Jesuits to have Civil War?

  90. Basically, all systems on this planet are designed for maximum trauma. God, re-incarnation are also form of entanglements that keep our mind bound to this penal planet. The masses are constantly traumatized via economic poverty. The buffer class gets a measure of rewards. The top tier get the most freedom and rewards.

    Mr Trump is a status-quo man. He believes in capitalism. Which the dominant form of generational trauma on this planet. . It does not matter who gets elected. As humans, we want absolute freedom. We want do not want to ever-co-habit with our oppressors. Ever.

    1. Barring the use of ET technology or free energy, no earthly system has ever granted humans "absolute freedom". Without advanced technology, you can have it only if you go and try surviving on your own in the wild.

      Then we have tribal systems where you don't have to use money and everything might be shared equally. But this "everything" won't be a lot because tribes or small communal villages have to stay small to keep everyone responsible and doing their fair share of work. So yes, they will already require you to work and start limiting your freedom with certain rules and requirements.

      Then as more people are born or gather together and villages grow into societies, they have a choice to become collectivist or capitalist. The problem with staying collectivist is that it gets way harder to keep everyone responsible. "Greedy" people will try to work as little as possible while still getting their "equal share". So communist societies have to impose strict rules and a lot of bureaucracy to keep the economy from collapsing due to people's laziness. And this inevitably turns the system into tyranny because no one is keeping the leaders and bureaucrats responsible either.

      Then the other choice is capitalism. Which has downsides of promoting greed and inequality. But it keeps people responsible through financial incentives and gives them an option to advance in life through hard work and merit. Obviously, it's not the most fair system and some people do abuse it. But it allows for a lot more freedom than collectivism that has to force people to work through other means than money.

      So it's choosing your own poison. Keep in mind that if you prefer collectivism, then I don't think it's illegal anywhere for communists to gather into collectivist communes and just work together without money. And yet no one wants to do this. The QFS will also be a capitalist system with money and financial incentives. It might last only a few years and quickly become obsolete thanks to ET technology like replicators. But this transitional system won't be communism with "absolute freedom" and lack of responsibility.

  91. Come join us on our Discord server for inspirational messages, chatting with like-minded people, noteworthy posts, tools, videos, etc

    1. I'd love to join yr server, but the invitation link seems to have expired. Any help?

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Quote:
    "From my understanding, we will see major changes once the negative Agartha network is gone. In his Paris workshop, Cobra said that the dragons will eat up all remaining anomaly once they wake up. The dragons have been tortured by this negative Agartha network since 26,000 years. Enough is enough, as Cobra also wrote in his recent blog updates. Red dragon C cleaning sequence is now operable. In his past Q&As, Cobra said that the red dragons are involved in the physical removal of the Cabal. And they’re also part of introducing a new financial system (possibly quantum financial system) using Yamashita Gold. I support distributing bitcoins to Lightworkers, as Cobra said in his Taiwan workshop. Let’s see how things go with the financial crash though. If the stock market has already started crashing as of Aug 5, one can only wonder what’ll happen on Aug 16. As we can see below, things are really accelerating as Neptune gets closer to midpoint of Uranus & Pluto:"

    See also:

  94. Drache erwache!


    Du hast längst gemerkt, es ist noch lange nicht vorbei
    Du weißt noch nicht, was kommen wird, sei bereit
    In dir lebt ein Traum, aus dem du jetzt erwachst
    Es wird nicht leicht, doch du weißt, dass du es schaffst

    Durch die Wolken dringt ein Licht, der Himmel wird klar
    Du erkennst das Zeichen, nichts ist mehr so, wie es früher war

    Du wirst unbesiegbar sein (Der Beste sein)
    Deine Zeit wird kommen, der Tag ist nicht mehr weit
    Was dich stärker macht, bringt dich voran
    Du hast es fast geschafft, du wirst zum Mann
    Wir sind bei dir und eines verleiht uns die Macht
    Dragon Balls

    Du wirst unbesiegbar sein (Der Beste sein)
    Deine Zeit wird kommen, der Tag ist nicht mehr weit
    Dein Selbstvertrauen trägt dich hinauf in die höchsten Höhen
    Du gibst nie auf
    Wir sind bei dir und eines verleiht uns die Macht
    Dragon Balls

  95. How is it possible that Australia is THIRD in the Olympics? We have China, that's expected; also the USA, followed by France... no. It's Australia. In Third. Anyway, with so much news happening, all we see on TV is the Olympics. And I've been doing so many sessions in the EES. But walking is better. It's frustrating.

  96. V slovenščini:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  97. Replies
    1. Thanks for this contribution @Starlight432... VERY informative! ☝️😎👍

  98. This is, once again, GREAT NEWS! Thank you COBRA for sharing the latest intel and workshop notes! Thank you Light Forces and Resistance Movement for your AMAZING RESULTS and UNWAVERING DETERMINATION to end this stand off, remove The Lurker and Liberate this planet once and for all!
    "EVENT 2025"✨️🛸✨️🌎✨️🛸✨️

    On a side note... @COBRA, can the Lurker cause chronic fatigue in Lightworkers? I have so much I want to do to help and contribute using my talents and gifts... but it seems I've been extremely lethargic lately, especially when I start to actively think and prepare on ways to better my life and circumstances. It's as though a wave comes over me that feels like and overwhelming tiredness that keeps me from being more active in the Light community.
    Is that a mechanation of the Lurker?

    Love and Light... Troy

    1. 144k Vai dentro di te, cerca di capire se inconsciamente ci possono essere delle problematiche che non sono mai uscite allo scoperto. Se la risposta è si, falle uscire attraverso un pensiero rapido, visualizzale e poi immagina attraverso un processo mentale che tutte quelle situazioni hanno un finale positivo. Allenati un po' con questo sistema, è un buon metodo per ritrovare l'equilibrio, conferisce nuova energia, positività e maggior vitalità. Se hai un problema puoi ribaltarlo quando vuoi in questo modo. Una mente libera crea un fisico forte, un fisico forte crea una persona energica, una persona energica è in equilibrio psico fisico e genera pensieri positivi.

    2. Chronic Fatigue is awful. I've had it over 30 years. Apparently to do with MS... I don't know. Usually I'd exercise to control it a bit...

    3. One Of 144K, I've been getting tired lately as well. Tiredness is from the lurker's influence on the etheric plane. Stinging sensations may also be etheric attacks. The lurker is lashing out before the disentanglement goes into full operation.

      "The energy field among the whole planet are taken control by the Lurkers. We have to remove this planetary infection.

      On the physical plane, these will manifest as physical illness. On the etheric plane, these will manifest as lack of energy, or tiredness, On the emotional plane, these will manifest as negative emotions, or madness. On the mental plane, these will manifest as worries, doubts, and in the worst case, these will manifest as mental illness.

      Everybody on this planet is affected by the Lurker to a certain degree. Only remedy for this situation is connecting to the Light, or Higher Self. The remedy for the mental plane is common sense. For the astral plane, it is happiness. On the etheric plane, the remedy is a lot of energies. And on the physical plain, it is physical health care."

      Just gotta push through this stage. 'This too shall pass.' 👍⚡️

    4. I would more accurately descibe how I've been feeling for quite sometime now as a "Malaise"

      defined as:
      "A general sense of being unwell, often accompanied by fatigue, diffuse pain, or lack of interest in activities."

      I ask you guys... Is this a Lurker method of suppression and control?
      Keeping Lightworkers in a malaise?
      I used to have so much energy and enthusiasm... tons of it! With it came confidence and drive... purpose, where the hell did it all go? 🤔
      I hope the global exorcism of the Lurker over the next few months will hopefully bring back that lost energy and drive... I miss it and need it back, BIG TIME!

      Love and Light... Troy

    5. @Starlight432, @psychic, and @Time X
      Thanks for the transformative information, ideas, support, and feedback! It's refreshing to know that we're here for each other to uplift and inspire! I appreciate your words and wisdom and will use them to my advantage and cross the finish line strong with all of you... Light in tact! Looking forward to meeting ALL the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds very soon! 🫵😎

    6. 144K io uguale a te. Il tuo caro nuovo/vecchio amico Lightpower che ha cambiato nome proprio perché non mi si addice a più: infatti mi sento cotto e non mi ritrovo più nel mio vecchio nome, quindi ho scelto "ora x". Sono stanco. Ti voglio bene, ciao 🙂🌲🛸

  99. For those souls interested.

    8/6 - Dream about being handed a library Stay Connected kit (laptop/hotspot) from Judge Judy. It was handed to me like it was just for me.

    8/7 - Library said they have Stay Connected kit available but can't find it. They will work on it for me.

    Then I notice a book about Judy Garland directly across from the front desk where I was helped. It is front-and-center.

    Twitter Link

  100. It is kind of getting ridiculous how there is always this new dark group that was never mentioned before that always gets brought up every time one of the other dark groups get cleared. Will this ever end? How many other dark groups are there that you haven't mentioned yet?

    1. Okay, let's apply some logic to break the confusion:

      1. All those obstacles have been there all the time - long before you discovered this blog.

      2. The lightforces didn't know about every obstacle from the get go - they discovered them step by step.

      3. Anomaly blocks off intel, but the more anomaly is cleared, the more is brought to the light - literally.

      4. There's a reason why the existence of such groups is being announced step by step: Too much revelation at once would cause great trouble. This is also a reason why it wasn't allowed to publish certain workshop notes before August 1st.

    2. Now you're starting to smell the coffee

    3. It makes sense though because the level of threat posed by each obstacle is much less each time. It went from toplet bombs that can crush the Earth into a bowling ball, and Chimera that's even worse than reptilians, now to the Orsini family and other degenerates in their castles who's best plan is to release another flu and make us eat bugs. That's progress. I wish ET's would land now, but I can see why they wait. First is Dark retaliation, but just humans are a chore to deal with. I can picture the Light forces watching riots caused by Black Friday sales on outdated TV's and probably aren't eager to stir up humanity any more haha.

    4. My dude, you might as well get used to the fact that for every light force is a dark force. You might as well imagine that every positive has a negative at every scale. So just be happy that the light forces are broadening to the dragon ley lines.

    5. @Patrick
      Well, some of us are sooooo desperate to get the good stuff, like ME, I'd be fine with 'stirring up humanity more'. Don't wanna wait more just because of Joe Sixpack and Plain Jane. I'd just need 10-15 minutes to get ready and hop onboard one of the alien ships and get the fuck out of here, NEVER to come back.

      IF they freak out, it's their fault. WE, and so many others have REPEATEDLY tried to help them wake the fuck up, just to have them throw insults and fists at us.

  101. So you're telling me that thr light forces could use their super advanced technology to turn Trump's head, but couldn't prevent the shooter from firing in the first place? Ok.

    1. They should have used the same technique to get the killer caught alive.

    2. "Kill one to save a million" debate.

      Do you take the reigns for a milisecond on Trump's free will, or do you let a civil war unfold, and martial law, etc.

      You should be thinking about the ramifications of atvor and that you're lucky it's in the hands of good people who don't use Amit at their whim to take out whoever they want. See this lack of thinking is why you live day after day struggling for answers.

    3. Maybe the Pleiadians themselves influence the mind of the shooter to shoot but adjust it, to make a ridiculous show!

  102. Troll guides, I have to tell you guys about this. I was walking around my mountain neighborhood at night when I got a powerful image in my mind of a female troll peaking out from the hillside. The name troll can mean a lot of things, so whatever you're thinking, it's not that. They're somewhat human looking, have a wide face, big beautiful eyes, very large wide mouth with fairly heavy red lips, shimmering gold skin with green streaks. Narrow waist, short legs, long fingers and arms longer proportionally than their short legs. I could feel them too, I think I said out loud "holy crap, there's trolls here!" Later inside she talked to me, also very surprising. Super friendly, super pure soul. She said come outside and let's meet (she's etheric, so not visible.) She said to sit down in the front yard and wait while she came over from the hillside. Could absolutely feel her presence like someone was standing there. I said You want to go for a walk? "Yeah!" She added "Sometimes I walk with you and you don't know it." She mentioned she doesn't go into people's houses without permission "Though sometimes I sneak around" haha. The past year I've felt a female presence in our house who thinks I'm the coolest. It became apparent it's her. After the walk I was inside making food. To my amazement I hear a voice from the outside kitchen door say "Can I come in?" She wanted to hang out, so great. The next day there was a wildfire coming down the mountain so we had to grab our stuff and run. At a hotel for the next week, I began to figure out what troll girl is all about. They like to be called the Supa, though trolls is fine, they're proud of that. They're not 4th density, they're hyperdimensional omniscient consciousness elementals that can be anything, but prefer to be Supa trolls. Their large wide mouth could be perceived as scary but they're very beautiful. I thought they were 4th density and would appear if the moon matrix was turned off, but I found out they're some kind of higher consciousness generated by the planet and would never be physical like other trolls, gnomes, etc. We were having fun hanging out at the hotel, and I'd say "Okay you can go back to your troll life for a few hours and I'll do my thing." And she'd leave, then come back later. I began noticing, and brought up "You never go anywhere do you, just recede into the background?" She said yep. In the following days she gave me powerful visions of who they are and what they do. Part is "mining" minerals and energy in the Earth, but at an incomprehensible level. Part of what they do is design new life on the planet. And they're a guide consciousness. I thought how can you devote all your time to this? She said they're made to do it. It's fascinating the WAY they work. There might be other ways, but the best way to help is they fuse with your consciousness and are like a computer program running in the background. They see everything you think and feel, but you don't notice unless you want to interact. I can imagine that sounds unappealing to some, and I would have thought the same thing, but the divinity of their energy is so fantastic, you definitely want this.

  103. That's why they didn't ask me, they just did it and let me figure it out. You can absolutely ask them to leave any time and they'll never come back. It's non-invasive and not permanent. It's fantastic, I've never felt so good. I have a brilliant, funny interdimensional friend who helps with all kinds of things. They're so powerful it will melt your brain just to see 1% of it. I went on a long walk and had tears streaming down my face as she showed me what they do and how they think. Yet their emotions and concerns are exactly like us. This is by a wide margin the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me. I don't hear much from spirits or anything else supernatural, so this is amazing. I hesitated to talk about it, but they wanted me to. (They said if it invites attacks, good, they'll get fucked up and so will other bad guys where they came from.) Supa trolls are a planetary elemental and they'll work with anyone, so if you want, let them know. That's why they had me write here. The level of conscious contact will vary. For some, their soul only wants subconscious influences like guiding you to make a certain decision, or you'll feel a friendly presence around. Keep at it though because the relationship develops and they might start talking. If you don't like the trial period, they'll leave. They're sooo cool though, if it's really them, you won't be disappointed. I bought a Poppy doll because the energy is similar, as are some of the appearance like round ears and wide cute face.

    1. Cool! I wonder if that animated troll movie in 2016 was inspired by them. (I haven't seen it.)

    2. I'm not asking troll guides for anything. Not saying there would never be a moment where that's necessary. But you're obviously in the swamps where you need them.

    3. The movie isn't great. Parts are cool, but the Bergens, (the bad guys,) are too gross. Poppy is a great female archetype though. As for the Supa, they're more higher consciousness than anything from folklore, that's what I'd want to say about them.


  105. Oggi è il portale del Leone: 8/8/2024. 2+2+0+4=8. Cade di giovedì, giorno di Giove. Un giorno che ha potenziale per manifestare le migliori intenzioni. Questo portale rimarrà aperto fino al 19 agosto, giorno della super Luna piena. La scorsa notte durante il sonno ho creato un vortice di energia per ben tre volte attorno a me che si irradiava per molti metri. Ho pulito tutto il mio campo aurico da detriti , scorie negative che fluttuavano intorno a me. È stata una sensazione molto piacevole che mi ha aiutato a ritrovare equilibrio emotivo fonte di benessere. 🌲🌲🌲


    Didn't come here for this utter BS.

  107. "First, Pleiadians used ATVOR technology to move the head of Donald Trump just 0.3 seconds before he was hit by a bullet, effectively saving his life"

    So the Pleiadians knew about the assassin, so why didn't they eliminate the assassin?

    Second, this assassination resembles a circus. The victim of such an assassination should be terrified and run away from the scene as quickly as possible, and Trump seemed pleased with the whole situation.

    1. 1. Eliminating the assassin would be a more evident intervention that could provoke the Cabal.
      2. If Trump winning the election is part of the positive timeline, then they did him a favor saving him this way. A near miss shot from an assassin is better for publicity than eliminating the assassin beforehand.

      It's not stated in the update, but maybe Trump received some physical or psychic warning that someone's going to try assassinating him and he was already prepared for it mentally. If you're mentally preparing yourself for something bad to happen at any moment, and then it happens and you survived, then you'll feel an immediate huge relief. So it's not surprising that he seemed so pleased if you keep this possibility in mind. Maybe it wasn't even a direct message, but just intuition that smething bad is going to happen, but he will be fine.

  108. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Harvesting spiral consciousness
    We of ÉirePort station are monitoring planetary consciousness levels as Light levels upon and within Gaia.

    (From Gaiaportal from 2013-3-20)

  110. Is there a subtle hint of Lurker disentanglement on a YouTube channel?


  111. ""Appeal of the residents of Sudzhansky district to the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

    In short:

    - Officials did not work, Telegram channels saved us
    - The General Staff is lying that the enemy has been thrown back
    - The authorities did not organize the evacuation. They were saved naked. People are swimming to escape shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

    Vladimir Vladimirovich heard them. Everyone gets 10 thousand rubles (100 dollars) for the loss of their only home and property.

    But that is not the main thing. The main thing is that our people need to be cured of illusions about Vladimir Vladimirovich. Otherwise, our people will constantly find themselves in such situations. We must face the truth. He will not help. He is the reason for what is happening. At first it will be difficult and scary, but then you will get used to it, and it will be funny for you to remember your naive self."

    "It smells like a palace coup. Deripaska has gone all in. In essence, we are seeing an ultimatum from the Russian oligarchy to Putin, against the backdrop of the failure in the Kursk region. Apparently, they will try to persuade Vladimir Vladimirovich to agree to a deal on Ukrainian terms. Let's see how he responds. If a criminal case is not opened against Deripaska after such a statement, then the guarantor is in bad shape, and he is already leaning towards surrendering everything and everyone.

    Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska has publicly criticized his country's defense spending, calling the military conflict in Ukraine "madness." "If you want to stop the war, you first need to stop the fire," he said in an interview with Nikkei Asia, calling for an "immediate, unconditional ceasefire" in Ukraine."

    1. that is not the topic on this blog. we as normal humans have no idea who is really "winning". We are just re-posting storys.

    2. Also...

      Exclusive: Iran’s president implores Khamenei to avoid war with Israel

      Wednesday, 08/07/2024

      "Iran’s newly elected president, Masoud Pezeshkian, has pleaded with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to refrain from attacking Israel, warning of its devastating impact on his presidency, according to sources familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

      Iran has been threatening to launch a direct missile attack against Israel to avenge the July 31 assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, despite calls for restraint by its friends and foes. However, this desire for vengeance is apparently not shared by all high-ranking officials in Tehran, as there are voices expressing concern about the potential repercussions.

      In a recent meeting with Khamenei, President Pezeshkian urged the 85-year-old ruler Khamenei to prevent any direct Iranian attack on Israel to avoid escalating tensions into an unwanted war, the informed sources told Iran International. This potential conflict, Pezeshkian warned, could severely disrupt his presidency and lead to significant problems.

      Pezeshkian cautioned that a decision by Israel to launch a harsh retaliatory attack against Iran's national infrastructure and energy resources could cripple the Iranian economy and potentially lead to the country's collapse.

      Despite the grave warnings, sources said, Khamenei remained noncommittal during the session, neither supporting nor opposing Pezeshkian’s concerns."

    3. Putin asks restraint from Khamenei as regional tensions escalate

      Tuesday, 08/06/2024

      "In a diplomatic move, Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly urged Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to exercise restraint following the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, allegedly carried out by Israel.

      According to two senior Iranian sources cited by Reuters, the plea for moderation was delivered by Sergei Shoigu, a key Putin ally, during a high-level meeting with Iranian officials in Tehran on Monday.

      Shoigu's visit, as reported by Russia's state-run RIA news agency, highlighted Moscow's dual approach: condemning the assassination while advocating for a measured response from Iran. 'The killing of Haniyeh is a very dangerous assassination,' Shoigu allegedly stated.

      The sources indicated that Shoigu’s visit was part of Russia's broader strategy to relay to Tehran the necessity of restraint, warning that a reckless response could lead to a major Middle Eastern war."

  112. ***A NEW LIGHT HAS BEEN ANCHORED*** | The Arcturian Council Of 5 - T'EEAH

    Beautiful!! Wonderful message from the Arcturians. So good.
    And little by little my legs get better. Maybe they are coming back. Off to the EE Lounge for 2 hours. Here's hoping.


  113. Now then.

    The Voice of the Earth.

  114. Beloved ones we greet you,

    Great energetic forces are at work across your earth plane, the winds of change are creating a next phase cycle of higher light codes to anchor throughout the planet. These light codes will birth a series of higher light frequency waves, bringing forth a pure consciousness of love that begins to arise and pulse, touching those of you who are on the path. Re-opening your sacred Hearts on another level, realigning you to authenticity, wisdom and knowing.

    These energetic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not contain Truth, all that is corrupt within countries and within individuals. Your Heart is your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times.

    Be still and trust your authentic Heart!

    There is going to be a shaking of the planet as old dense patterns are unearthed, creating a huge shifting of consciousness throughout the entire earth plane. This is the time for greater changes to be unveiled as you move and navigate deeper within “the New Dawning” era.

    Claim ownership of your vast light, your integrity, your knowing! Be still and trust the guiding compass of your Heart! Utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, allow these words to be your sacred mantra. Let go and trust, let go and Be!

    Be not blinded by the drama that is coming, that will unfold in your own life. Witness and let go. Refer only to your own Heart, staying in integrity moment by moment.

    We witness you in love.


    The Pleiadians

  115. I just have a bad feeling about Keanu Reeves, since he was in a big advertisement recently, and he doesn't do ads. So I'm thinking big clone; maybe they got him eventually. Hope not but...

  116. "Jim Ferguson talks to John O'Looney about illegal migrants = UN Army (12-05-24)
    Jim Ferguson talks to John O'Looney about the huge numbers of illegal migrants arriving in the UK and Ireland. They are the soldiers of the UN and will be deployed by the World Health Organization (WHO) when they announce the next pandemic lockdown."

    "In the UK, they have introduced a punishment for street protests - 10 years in prison. For a comment criticizing mass migration and migrants - 7 years. Sound familiar?

    Total tyranny against the indigenous white population. They even freed up 500 places in overcrowded prisons*, releasing early (migrant rapists and murderers) and prepared them for the protesting indigenous white population.

    Just imagine the level of national betrayal of the police - corrupt scum, dogs of the occupation regime that is destroying their peopleе

    *And one more thing. Great Britain. Due to the rapidly growing crime of migrants and a catastrophic shortage of places in prisons to accommodate new criminals, the Minister of Justice, a migrant of Muslim origin
    Shabana Mahmood - announces an amnesty and dissolution of all prisoners who have served 40 percent of their sentence. p.s. Complete collapse is already very close. And they are already hinting at this openly."

  117. "In Russia, full-fledged censorship will be introduced from November 1.

    The authorities have once again wiped their ass with the constitution, the rights of citizens and just common sense.

    Putin signed a law according to which the owners of blogs and channels with more than 10 thousand subscribers will provide information about themselves to Roskomnadzor.

    There was no particular love for the authorities in Russia, and now even more so.

    Reposts are prohibited from channels without registration.

    This clause is a gross violation of Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees everyone freedom of thought and speech, the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information by any legal means; freedom of the mass media is guaranteed; censorship is prohibited.

    All foreign channels, including government ones, such as the Chinese Xinhua news agency, were banned from reposting.

    In addition, it is completely unclear why it is impossible to repost Russian channels without registration; in fact, the authorities are issuing censorship marks to all bloggers.

    A happy Chinese future is getting closer!"
