Sunday, December 1, 2024

Portal of Preparedness and Conference in Kyoto

Portal of Preparedness has opened on November 22nd with the completion of the Doorway of the 11:11. Completion of the 11:11 has made room for a new, huge portal that will open in 2025 and which I have already mentioned several times.

Portal of Preparedness is just the first step of preparation for that huge portal. It opens on November 22nd , has its turning point on December 21st and closes on January 21st:



There are several important astrological configurations within that Portal that will serve as stepping stones which will help us making quantum leaps into higher consciousness:

December 11th: Sedna trine Pluto. This aspect will create a powerful flash of energy, related to the completion of this cosmic cycle and beginning of the next one

December 21st: Sedna conjunct Alcyone. This aspect will mark the beginning of a certain operation of the Pleiadian fleet in this Solar system and on planet Earth

January 6th: Neptune conjunct Uranus / Pluto midpoint. This aspect will bring a harmonious spiritual energy to the surface of the planet

January 21st: heliocentric Earth will conjunct Mars, both opposing Pluto. Geocentric Sun will conjunct Pluto. This is a very tense aspect that might bring violent breakthroughs. A special meditation may be announced for that time

During the Portal of Preparedness, the Light forces will begin to reawaken the surface Lightworkers back into their connection with their Star origins after many decades of sleep since the Great forgetting of 1996.

The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event

It is interesting to note that many key dates inside the Portal of Preparedness align well with the inauguration process for Donald Trump:

December 11th: States certify election results

January 6th: Congress certifies the election

January 20th: Inauguration day

It is also interesting to note that disclosure process ramped up right at the final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius:

The Rothschild faction is being thrown under the bus:

People are rising up against the Cabal:

There is a way towards world peace:



During the Portal of Preparedness, as part of our preparation for the momentous year of 2025, you are more than welcome to join us at the workshop in Taipei next week:

and at the conference in Kyoto just after the New Year:

Victory of the Light!



  1. CoBRa, por que tudo isso se vai começar um novo ciclo cósmico?

  2. Light Forces, plz solve Chinese light workers’ trouble and take me leave the surface.I am tired.

    1. 快撑不下去了,真的。

    2. True, bc of Li haoyang (yellow flower)did some serious bad things to girls (but still some people is judging the victim’s parents, the victim infected seriously and admitted in ICU for a long term, and lost her legs since Li’s problem that’s why her parents call the police), lots of light-workers in there are still suffering some influence by police. They seem investigating this issue as a kind of “mind control” and “heresy”, that’s based on 3-4 victims’ situations, those girls suffered really worse things. There are three accomplices also. And then even some Chinese lightworkers are living in foreign countries, the police still call their family and said “your kid browsed some ‘mind control’ webs and bought something from their”, also the basic info of lightworkers were written down in the police department, that’s just bc the purchase record list of Li haoyang’s group, even though someone bought that for 4 years ago. We have to be careful and hold on, and remember to avoid this kind of people broken the peace&love and recognize the truth. I definitely hope lw in China can USE COMMON SENSE well.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. First as a direct mail group agent in China, later became an expert in deceiving women

    6. Light forces, Would be Nice if You Triggered the Event Soon. LIke lots of people this message above can be Counted for.
      Light workers and Light Warriors are tired.
      We need some relief ASAP!
      Just Go Fourth and Liberate This Crappy Planet.

    REPLAY Cobra: Atelier "Nouvelle Renaissance"(Italie) +CONNEXION à L'ÂME + groupes Positifs pour Libération +Situation Planétaire... Avec 1 Invitée y ayant assisté et fait INITIATION aux RAYONS (Photos autorisées, illustrations)

    REPLAY MÉDITATIONS en DIRECT (Flamme violette+Bulle de Lumière Bleue +Connexion à notre PRÉSENCE JE SUIS +PLUTON en VERSEAU +ÉNERGIE de la DÉESSE / Sororité de la ROSE (INVOCATION de la Déesse +Méditation / SOIN des 3 cercles)

  4. Victoria de la Luz. Es una tarea transcendental que requiere de caracter e ímpetu para mantener la luz para participar como agente de la luz durante The Event. Aunque pudiera yo no estar en listado pido por aquellos seleccionados el mayor apoyo y luz para un buen trabajo.

  5. This is an AMAZINGLY inspiring post! This is what the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds have been waiting for!! Thank you COBRA, Lightforces and Resistance Movement! Victory of the Light is close at hand! 🛸✨️🌎✨️🛸

  6. Vamos fazer isso juntos como uma família,Vitória da luz 🇧🇷⚡❤

  7. What the dark forces may try on Jan 21st: Using Trump's pro-Israel stance to stir things up in the Middle East and/or a violent uprising from the left.

    1. I am canceling all actions of the dark forces! I'm canceling! I'm canceling! I'm canceling!

    2. I'd emphasize on this word more - "breakthrough". A breakthrough like global financial reset may cause chaos and violent reactions.

  8. Replies
    1. 不可思议,我今天竟然看见了一串1

  9. I’m getting ready! Victory of the light! 💗✨

  10. I don't understand anything about astrology, but! For the last 8 months in the Russian Federation there have been active discussions about recognizing astrology as a pseudoscience. Moreover, the level of attention paid to this "discipline" is quite unexpected and harshly high. I got the impression that the authorities do not want people to know (or learn) anything. But what's the point if the Flash is inevitable? I never considered the authorities to be stupid. They are cruel, greedy, sometimes stupid, but cunning. What's the point of wasting time and resources trying to hide the obvious? To delay the end. Well, in the end, if it doesn't matter, then the main thing is that it works. As long as there is a result.

    1. These are very greedy foreign agents, they serve Mamion, but not in the interests of the state. And they are not patriots of Russia. This is my vision.

    2. It's as much a science as quantum physics or physics. I say that because the nature of the planets is "electro-magnetic." This escapes people.

      You can walk into your room and close your eyes and eventually sense the position, and depth of any surrounding objects. That's how blind people live. And this shows that objects have an invisible power, and communicate to our (normally) unconscious senses. So why wouldn't these coordinated, large celestial, living objects influence us? Then the question is how do they? And the answer is in the exploration of the law of correspondence.

      It's far beyond a pseudoscience when I can tell my girlfriend she has moon-jupiter active because she found an yggdrasil pendant, because trees correspond to the brain and both correspond to the moon, and yggdrasil being the largest tree corresponds to Jupiter who rules largeness. Then the amazing thing is since Jupiter rules enlightenment, expansion, that her mind is in a state to expand and grow.

      Modern science only needs to examine correspondence philosophically.

    3. Minden lépésnek van értelme. Az is fontos, hogy minél többen tudjanak megemelkedni, ezért olyan most a helyzet, amilyen.

  11. "The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event"

    PLEASE make contact with us, show us that we are not cannon fodder/bait, and that we are going to get something for all this pain and misery we've been put through.

    1. Frankly speaking, I do not think that those who found this site before others because of their innate curiosity and courage to look deeper than others have any special rights. They are the same victims as the entire population of the planet. I think that priority should be given to those who have direct and dangerous health problems (immediately threatening life in the near future) or threatening to turn into an irreversible state of problems. In the event of activation of the event, you can simply reduce taxes on enterprises to zero and introduce food cards - this is what all countries experiencing problems in the 20th century did - there is nothing shameful or unusual in this - rationing of available resources before putting into operation "closing" technologies, primarily energy, medical and automation-industry. I do not think that there will be problems with this, given that the entire population of the planet, which can fit only in one state of New York in the USA, can be fed by a territory the size of a quarter or half of Africa. For those with a sophisticated "gender change" mind, I think they should wait (Didn't Trump cancel gender change? What are you still hoping for?), they can live without it for a while. With all my sympathy for you as a realist, Sherman.

    2. Igen sokan még nyomorúságosabb helyzetben vannak mint te, Sherman. Sokan még több áldozatott hoztak, az emberiség megemelkedéséért.

  12. What is the scene at the end of a marathon? Most people's energy has reached its limit. I feel that many light anchor ,starseeds ,rainbow warriors , including myself, are deeply exhausted on the multidimensional level, but still moving forward step by step. How can we replenish energy as much as possible at the end of the marathon?
    Even just replenish just some but still meaningful.

    ****Because after crossing the finish line of the marathon, we will completely stop the pace we have been holding on to for many years, take a good breath, rest, relax completely, and recover in multiple dimensions, full of energy like a child. This is how life works! Nature will always tell us the real answer.****

    Meditate( being the state). Contact nature. Empty yourself.
    Forget everything and feel the essence of the soul ,the AM what AM not from any channel but from your inner true slight .
    Eat natural and organic food (the fresher and more complete the season, the better).
    Drink more clean water (it can greatly help the energy flow metabolism and transport new galactic light codes).
    Let go of everything and do anything that makes you happy.
    Play like a child and don't let yourself down. The happiness you deserve! .
    Go out for a walk every day, grounding,and breathe fresh air.
    Watch electronic products as little as possible! . . .
    All of these echo each other to form a healthy daily routine to help us continue to move forward at the end of the marathon. If you can't run anymore, just walk. It doesn't matter if you are a little slower! ! ! ! Accumulate bit by bit. . . .

    In fact, the last members of DeepState are actually quite tired after working hard until now . They are really the biggest fools in the universe...😢

    Blessings for everyone wherever you are.
    Am be with you.

    1. A megemelkedéshez nem energiára van szükség, hanem tiszta szeretetre. A tiszta szeretet nem tartalmaz energiát. Aki nem küldi be magába, a magjába minden energiát, ami eléri, az búcsúzzon el a megemelkedéstől. Magosabb létállapotban nincs semmilyen energia.

  13. Light force, I can no longer fulfill my duty as a light worker. I was put into custody in 9.10 and got so much trauma in China. I felt so depressed and sometimes wanted to commit suicide. I don't need compensation, I just want to leave. Thousands of years passed, I'm so tired.

  14. Ha ha, what a coincidence. Early this morning, I dreamed that someone told me that my home planet is called " O jia."

  15. Translation of this post in Bahasa Indonesia:

  16. The current situation in mainland China is indeed very bad. After the accidents of several key figures, all kinds of magicians came one after another, full of all kinds of slander and rumors. The light here is getting darker and darker, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes are emerging one after another. Many light workers have already exhausted both mentally and physically, and have no intention and dare not carry out any more light work. The direct intervention of the light forces is urgently needed here. Pray for the immediate intervention!

  17. Without your direct intervene, our calamity will always prevail.

    1. Frogging hell, we need some Back up ASAP. The Battle is Heavy down here.

  18. Thanks for this post!
    Might also be worth reading my post on the Astrology of the Portal of Preparedness:
    Victory of the Light 12:21

  19. Inspiring. Thank you Cobra. Love Annette


    COBRA : PORTAIL de (la) PRÉPARATION + Conférence à Kyoto+Situation Planétaire (l' EVÈNEMENT avec Réveil / Sélection pour Travailleurs de Lumière +Méditation +Énergies / Astrologie...) +LIENS français / VIDÉOS françaises complémentaires

  21. Recent Light

  22. Will we really be getting a momentous year in January or will there be more countless delays? And if 2025 is really momentous does that mean the current wars on our planet will finally end?

  23. I hope I'm contacted. When I was a child I had dreams about being in eygpt has a soldier and dying in this dream, which I believe it was a past life. I truly believe I have weird connections to eygpt and ancient knowledge. Last year I became a freemason and now I'm on the way to get the Knights Templar commandry degrees. I believe I was meant to become a Mason at this time for a reason. Sign me up for the agartha network and the alliance.

  24. With these news i hope event happens in 2025

  25. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  26. “The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event.”

    What test will we be subjected to? Very curious.

    1. I have no inside information, but I imagine just a test to see if you're suitable for "surface operations".

      i.e. are you good-hearted, stress-resilient, do you have the skills required.

    2. Probably the willingness to go and persuade the regional administration, locality, public utilities, pharmacies, hospitals and stores not to stop working during the period of destabilization of the state governance system and the shutdown of the global financial system based on the dollar (which directly contradicts what Trump has already said, but a paradox! Judging by the words of the blog author, it is Trump who will have to stop this system. This is some kind of logical dissonance - he must do it - the words of the blog author; he should not do it - his obligation to world Zionism).

      In Russia, no one will believe in the collapse of the system until they see Putin and his cabinet, the presidential administration (his immediate Zionist puppeteers) in chains and in a prison convoy ready to go to Kolyma. So I say right away that it is hopeless in my country, people are having a very hard time and they no longer trust anyone.

      I saw my role in providing the previously mentioned list of worthy and trustworthy, from my point of view, scientists, sociologists, public leaders-activists, philosophers, medical specialists, military groups, high-level witnesses, since in conditions of the suppression of the population only they can have a sufficient informational impact on the population and lead-maintain order during the transition period. From my point of view, the people I selected either significantly or minimally correspond to the norms of communication and gaining access, as well as advancing to interaction with the supra-worldly reality according to the doctrine formed on the basis of observation and description of this supra-worldly reality by key Soviet scientists of the last final stage of the existence of the USSR. Soviet civilization and the Russian people trampled into the grave were robbed and killed only so that they would not first present this doctrine to themselves, and then to the whole world. But after watching the channel's author express hope for Trump - the most real and decisive servant of those forces that want to solve the Russian question, I begin to wonder if I would be doing world Zionism a favor by publishing the list here - as if I were giving the coordinates of the resistance headquarters. Without even knowing to whom (the strange love for Trump at the "end of the film" looks very strange).

    3. In kinesiology, a test is something used to take a measurement. It might be like this

  27. Voglio essere contattato assolutamente, è una vita che aspetto questo momento. Sono pronto in qualsiasi momento. Vi aspetto...🌲🛸🌲

  28. Ok questo è un buon argomento Cobra . Grazie per ciò che hai riferito. Le date sono dei punti saldi che ci danno dei riferimenti essenziali in questo momento di confusione. 👍🌲🛸🌲

  29. Most likely we won’t be allowed to enter the Resistance until after the Event. These contacts are pre Event contacts

  30. Thank you for this info. I just bought a new batch of Cintamani stones which I will burry in a park close by where I live in Belgium.
    I 'm willing in playing a part during Event operations. If I can be of service. I have been fighting for the Light all these many years and tried to uphold it. So it would be a great honour for participating at the culmination of all this at the Event.

    1. i hope you will get contacted for, my regards and hold on

  31. @Patrick Kehoe, Cobra has confirmed the document you linked before and we talked about is true. The link is different this time and leaves no doubt (it’s main page is “U.S. House of Representatives Document Repository”).
    But at this point, people don’t seem to even care, years ago it would have been amazing…

    1. I know, even UFO enthusiasts and Lightworkers don't care. I think the incremental disclosure works on them too.

    2. David Wilcock gets it; his video analyzing the report was great.

    3. Drip feed is too slow.
      Just release ALL the information. Enough lollygagging.

  32. wonderful vibes from this post.
    LF have never been so helpful and active and it will clearly keep increasing. omg everything i've been dreaming about is beginning to happen :O can't say enough how amazing meditations and dreams are lately. i've never felt so loved, held and empowered. ready to go!

    also this:
    The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event.


  33. I hope I am one of those lightworkers who will be contacted

  34. That all sounds exciting. Thank you for that Cobra and Light Forces!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! / Victoire de la Lumière !

  37. Star Races

    - A Guide to Pleiadian Starseeds:
    "These starseeds haven’t been reincarnated on Earth by mistake or for no reason, in fact, there is the idea that certain souls have volunteered to incarnate on Earth to help raise the spiritual vibrations and consciousness of humanity."

    - A Guide To Arcturian Starseeds:
    "They are said to be highly evolved and spiritually advanced beings from the 5th dimension who have a strong desire to help and advance civilisation on Earth."

    - A Guide to Sirian Starseeds:
    "Similar to Pleiadian Starseeds and other starseed souls, Sirians have a strong sense that they are on a mission."

    1. among them i've always believed i am sirian starseed since i have deep connection with dogs, cats and dolphins since very young.

      however there are so many others we never heard of in this life. so... even with all the odds telling me i'm a sirian i think there would be a hell of a shot considering the whole universe.

    2. I once thought I was a Pleiadian, but I don't think so. The "action" part of my birth chart is in Pisces, and this sign loves to help people, and I really love helping people. My soul urge number in numerology is number 9, and people who have this number in their soul urge, or other important numbers, may be Pleiadian starseeds. Those who have this number in their soul desire feel the desire to serve humanity, to help, and are very sensitive, empathetic and emotional people, and I identify a lot with all of this. Not to mention that I have my Moon in Cancer in my astral chart, meaning that I am very sensitive and emotional, which makes sense with this number "9". I also have the feeling of having lived a lot, of having lived many lives, but I don't remember anything, because of this feeling, I almost became depressed a few times. I love long hair, especially long and blonde, so much so that my ex-boyfriend who I was attracted to before had long, blonde curly hair. I don't like dating someone based on their appearance, but I'm attracted to boys with long hair, but I'll improve on that, I want to get to a point where I don't really care if my boyfriend's hair is long or not, because it doesn't mean anything at all. In my astral chart I only have 14% earth, making me not very materialistic, So much so that from my family, I was the only one who discovered these issues, I was the only one who woke up and then I told my sister, who still doesn't believe in many things. Okay, after all I still think I'm not a Pleiadian starseed, maybe this is all just a coincidence, But if one day I find out that I am, ok! I'll be happy just the same. Kisses and hugs, brothers! ❤️🥰

  38. So, astrology apart, the core message this time seems to be those two paragraphs that say “LF will begin to reawaken the surface Lighworkers..” and “will also begin selection and testing process…”
    I suppose it’ll come in the form of “downloads”, but somehow undeniable ones. And before January 21, so very soon..
    As Mary told the angel, “let it be with me according to your word”, or maybe not that much, but in a way… And very happily so!

  39. Non so se sarò contattato, ma non è un grande problema per me se non lo fossi, tuttavia vorrei che si riconoscesse l'impegno che abbiamo proferito in tutti questi anni, anche per quelli che non saranno contattati o non saranno in prima linea. Mi piacerebbe essere contattato ma i casi sono due: o mi aiutano fisicamente poco prima per recuperare un po' di forze e salute , oppure se non possono farlo vista l'urgenza della situazione, dipende dal tipo di mansione. Non ho una così chiara idea di ciò che sarà richiesto. Anche chi dice di sapere , non credo che possa essere così sicuro di come si svolgeranno i lavori. L'importante è l'obbiettivo finale e che ognuno sia al posto giusto al momento giusto per facilitare le cose senza intralci. L'importante è l'Evento , l'importante è la vittoria della Luce!

  40. I doubt that the purpose behind physically contacting the lightworkers would be for their extraction or rescue from their difficult life situation. Rather your previous comment regarding Entry protocol seem to make more sense. During the Event every majorly impacted region need to have capable people whom the general populace of that region would trust and listen to. I can't imagine such people to be from lightforces who are mostly either extraterrestrials or sub-terrestrials. The key sentence to me is this - "Lightworkers / Lightwarriors with practical experience in cultural anthropology, communicology, sexology, counseling psychology, cultural psychology, sociology and social work" - and additionally to be recognized by the local populace as someone of their own.

  41. I think for me, it is time to leave the city. It was time already yesterday, but it trapped me with its "comfort".
    Something big is coming, really..we all feel it. And talking seriously, it is going to be chaotic in the beginning, specially in the cities....Or you guys think "at that Time" lots of flowers will start to rain suddenly, and the world will quickly turn like Heaven,.in an.instant? Most of people will freak out, believe me!
    If you can, leave. I will do that. Go to small towns, where the sense of community still exists, or to the country mountains...personally i have No attachments here, except for a stupid job, which I can cut with no problem. Time to move our asses!

    1. @gersey
      LET them 'freak out'.

    2. @Gersey, non credo proprio che un vero operatore di Luce creda a fiori che piovono dal cielo. Chi segue Cobra da tempo sa di cosa si sta parlando seriamente, è consapevole che tutto ciò creerà scompiglio ma soltanto in gente impreparata ma alla fine sono fatti loro dal momento che il tempo necessario per rendersi conto di tutto ciò l'hanno avuto e più del dovuto dato che siamo in ritardo. Freghiamocene dei fiori , delle turbe isteriche degli impreparati, ecc, ecc. Cerchiamo di andare oltre a queste presunzioni e fai il lavoro meglio che sai fare per arrivare all'obbiettivo finale che è l'Evento e non pensare a ipotetiche reazioni di altri. Pensa a creare la soluzione migliore nel momento migliore contribuendo alla riuscita dell'Evento. Lasciali impazzire se questo avverrà per loro. Il loro oblio corrisponde alla mia rinascita.

    3. I actully was thinking to this today and saw your comment now and seeing i am not the only one who thought about it.


  43. It's also important to remind the surface Lightworkers of their names. Because on Earth, no one would trust someone who doesn't even know their own name.

    1. nice point, its kind of a disclosure , but i agree with you

    2. "Trust not words, but deeds." We have already been told "words" that Trump will save the world. And Trump himself said "words" that he is ready to put the last chain on our necks. Deeds remain. Either Trump will enslave humanity and everything that has been written here for years has been fake. Or he will betray the Zionists at a key moment and destroy their influence. There is a month and a half left before Trump is tested for lice. Only Trump's "deeds" will tell us whether he is the "Savior" (from the point of view of the forces of light) or the Antichrist. If he turns out to be the Antichrist, then the forces of light will turn out to be liars. How will the "Resistance" justify itself then. Either it lied along with him/them, or they were deceived too. But damn, the fact that this looks and resembles betrayal is already evident. I am the only one who understands that he declares what he will do, the exact opposite of what the author (collective) of this blog expects, and what he is trying to convince us of. Is the author of the blog deceiving himself? And leading us down the wrong path? Or is he being deceived and we are following him? What are we waiting for? My words are the first remark about a deviation from the route. On the other hand, if Trump's "twist" is a secret for the masses, I think we would have the right to know that this is just a show and Trump must throw off Zionism. But the author of the blog does not say this. And Trump himself convinces us of his support for Zionism, in his own words.

  44. Ho sempre saputo di appartenere ad un'altra Nazione Stellare. Non so se verrò contattato, ma voglio dire a tutti gli Operatori di Luce che LF è consapevole ed ha ben chiaro le azioni commesse da ognuno di noi , migliori e peggiori, conosce gli sforzi che ognuno ha fatto per arrivare fino a qui. Per cui non esistono Operatori di Luce di serie A o di serie B. Sentitevi tranquilli da questo punto di vista. Ad ognuno sarà conferito il proprio merito , indipendentemente dal fatto che saranno contattati o no. Dopo l'Evento avremo ancora modo di collaborare con LF in base alle nostre attitudini. l'Evento è solo l'inizio di un periodo di lavoro assieme alle Forze della Luce. Non dimentichiamo mai che l'Evento è la fine della quarantena sulla Terra e rappresenta la liberazione di noi ostaggi dalle forze oscure e questa è la cosa più importante. L'obbiettivo non è dare da mangiare al nostro ego ( nonostante la partecipazione attiva durante l'Evento è una cosa fantastica), l'obbiettivo è l'essenza primaria che si concentra nello spirito della missione. Facciamo il nostro lavoro ogni giorno e poi si vedrà lavoro costante ogni giorno, anche se ci sono gli altri e bassi (è normale a causa della situazione estrema) , viene premiato in un modo o nell'altro. Nessuno sarà dimenticato in ogni caso. 🌲🛸🌲

  45. The last couple of months have been crazy, and this post is just a cherry on top. Ever since the portal of preparedness opened i have been hearing the words ''i am a dragon'', ''i am from bellatrix'', ''i am a lightwarrior'', in my gut, heart and soul and the feelings are just indescribable, it's like i can finally orient myself in reality, properly ground myself in this truth where perviously there was only doubt and fear and shame regarding this, reclaim my voice, reclaim my power, reclaim my will just by saying this out loud, and from there receive guidance on what is real and what is not, what are my thoughts and what aren't. The lurker within me is freaking out, and i just keep noticing now deeply i have been possessed, through various logic arguments and lies i tell myself just to keep me from being my truest self, and how much my boundaries have been crossed. This post, as well as recent months posts coincides perfect with what i have been going through on the within, and i am starting to realise that this war is not only fought on the outside world, but within ourselves too, and now i have immense trust in the light because of all this. Thank you all lightforces for showing me this, thank you all starseeds for not giving up, you guys are needed, we can do this!

    1. I don't need to be a warrior of light or Clark Kent to understand that words have begun to diverge from deeds and this is very suspicious. True or not, but we were not warned about a possible change in the scenario, considering that it is impossible to change anything with our forces, this looks strange. Let's say if you run out into the street and shout that Trump is not going to support Israel and strengthen the dollar, but wants to bring aliens to Earth who will put bankers in cages, then who will believe you? You will be considered crazy. And if "the other side" has an overwhelming technological, military advantage, then the surprise factor loses its meaning - either they will suppress the will to resist psychologically, or destroy the decision-making centers and / or land multi-million (if not billion) landing forces. That is, this is a complete paralysis of the enemy's (Zionists) control system and the seizure of power on the planet. I do not see the logic. My trust in "Light" has been significantly lost and is on the verge of being completely absent.

  46. Non è un film ma facciamo finta che lo sia: c'è il protagonista e poi tutti gli altri attori più o meno noti. l'Oscar non lo vince soltanto il protagonista, può vincerlo chiunque abbia partecipato. Spesso nei film noto di più alcuni attori che sono così bravi e così fantastici nel loro ruolo e non sono il protagonista. Eppure in loro c'è una capacità unica nell'interpretazione. Ecco, non fatevi prendere dalla mania di protagonismo perché a volte quelli che hanno un ruolo considerato minore sono così meravigliosi che poi vengono notati dai registi finale del film lo lascio a voi...😀🛸

  47. Sono sicuro che poco prima dell'Evento tutte le nostre sensazioni e i nostri pensieri miglioreranno drasticamente per cui il nostro punto di osservazione sarà molto diverso da ora. 😉🌲🛸🌲

  48. thank you for sharing the progress cobra , i am marking 10 years on this blog by next year... gathering and reading...

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. "Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who envision part of their mission being involved in the Event operations, can telepathically ask for a small Resistance base be built under their current living location. This request must NOT be communicated aloud and must NOT be written anywhere. The Resistance will receive a request for a base to be built under the Lightwarrior's house through a certain secure channel and will in most cases approve it. Those small bases will have a certain role in the Event operations."

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. “The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event”

    Is there a way to apply for taking part in or helping with operations? Or would we just be contacted if deemed worthy enough and we don’t need to register or announce ourselves beforehand? Thank you

  53. Okay so what to do with cintamanis during this chain of light planetary activation?

  54. Here's an idea:
    Throw out the trash.

    1. That's what I was saying below! Your comment wasn't approved yet, but I was thinking the same thing. They'll be so busy fighting bad guys, who is going to be in the kitchen? Me, that's who.

  55. where is the promised relief for mankind? apart from empty words, we did not receive any results

  56. Contact me before the Event! I think I'm qualified to help you take out the trash. By which I mean I'll get you coffee and empty the trash cans.

  57. Dear Cobra and our team! I share the translations of the post in Italian and Romanian languages, wishing to Cobra and all Lightworkers from Taiwan, Taipei and all who aim to participate to the upcoming event, the new workshop on December 7h, a lot of success, a great workshop and unforgettable memories in your hearts! 💗💗
    1. Italian

    2. Romanian

    Victory of the Light!

  58. "The published "Kellogg plan" for settling the situation in Ukraine, which the Donald Trump administration is raising on its banners, implies that Russia will pay a contribution. It is crudely disguised as a special tax that will be imposed on the export of Russian energy resources. Let us recall that the last time our country paid a contribution was under the Brest-Litovsk Peace of 1918 to Kaiser Germany.

    That is, Trump is trying to sell* Moscow not only a "freeze" of the conflict with pumping Ukraine with weapons for revenge in the future, but also wants all this to be paid for from the Russian budget. It is difficult to imagine more impudent and provocative demands. As a trolling response, one can propose the dissolution of NATO and the creation of a demilitarized buffer zone on the territory of the former Warsaw Pact countries.

    Well, and at the same time introduce a tax on the export of American goods to pay for the creation of military infrastructure in Cuba. Now even those who, like fools with a mortar, rushed around in Russian political circles shouting about the rationality of the newly elected US President, it has become clearer than ever: Trump is a war, and a much more brutal one than under Biden. You just have to prepare for it and understand that 2025 will be much more difficult than the current one."

    *The change in the rhetoric of Ukraine's Western allies recently is simply eye-opening: now no one is talking about inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia, the main goal is to "freeze" the conflict along the current front line. At the same time, it is proposed to turn on the freezer, and not to finally resolve the conflict.

    It should be noted that the territories under Russian control will still be recognized by the West as Ukrainian, only temporarily occupied by Russia. There is also no talk of lifting the imposed financial and economic sanctions (at most, some mitigation is proposed).

    But that's not all. After the cessation of hostilities, Ukraine is proposed to either be accepted into NATO (with the extension of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty only to the territories controlled by Kiev), or to rapidly re-arm it. The option of introducing troops of the North Atlantic Alliance is also on the table. The development of events according to such a scenario means a direct threat to Russia's security in the form of a possible "unpacking" of the conflict at any moment.

    Therefore, Moscow will have to continue and, given that Kyiv's ability to fight is finite in the medium term, NATO will soon face the question: to fight Russia directly or to give Ukraine to it. This will become the moment of truth in the whole history that began with the coup d'etat in Kyiv in 2014. And if we look at things more broadly - with the collapse of the USSR in 1991."

  59. Dear Cobra, do you have any information or updates on these topics?

    "The core of the Negative military was infiltrated in 1996 by a small group of dark beings from another Universe, which brought with them a certain small number of Black Stones. These Black Stones are now located in certain military bases worldwide:

    They are similar to the big Black Stone which was released in 2017, but are much less powerful:

    The Light forces will dissolve them with Mjolnir technology, but that will take some time.


    They have a big Dragon statue made from green Hetian jade which is quantumly entangled with all pieces of jade on the planet, and through this they manipulate Dragon lines. Light Forces are now using ATVOR technology to quantumly disentangle all jade on this planet and this process is expected to be completed in a little bit over a month. After that, jade can be used for the positive energy work by the Lightworkers."

    1. So many different operations are taking place simultaneously. There's further clearing of the lurker, removing Jesuits and nanotech in the sol system, replacing harmful leaders with clones, removal of remaining black stones mentioned in your comment, and code black projects. Quite a bit going on.

    2. @Starlight432
      All is remaining is in planet earth not sloar system

    3. @Starlight432: senza considerare imprevisti dovuti ad eventuali altri oggetti o entità oscuri. Sono realista considerati tutti i ritardi e le sorprese dell'ultima ora che abbiamo dovuto risolvere in questi anni. Non mi meraviglia più nulla ormai. Ma spero che questa volta saremo più fortunati 🌲🛸🌲

    4. ilia, "Now there is still some of that Jesuit presence left throughout the Solar system, and they still control a huge amount of nanites, some of them interplanetary, and most of the nanites on the surface of this planet."

      "Now, the positive Andromedans and Aldebarans are starting to clear all remnants of the Jesuit reductions from the Solar system, and this will greatly reduce the power of the surface Jesuits."

    5. @Starlight even what you said from cobra's post here i want mention the last sentence "and this will greatly reduce the power of the surface Jesuits." solar system almost done and most important thing is earth right now.

    6. ilia, of course. That goes without saying.

  60. Cobra's latest article in French
    Dernier article de cobra en français, de bonnes et lumineuses nouvelles 😊



    What is occurring is that we’re collectively going through a huge shift. Mother Earth is ascending into a new bandwidth, and we are all clearing out so much of the old coding, patterns, and programming. In order to do this, we become disconnected so that we can hold the internal space for the old to clear and for the new to anchor.

    We’re going through huge crown and brow activations alongside a major higher heart expansion, and as these activations continue to flow, all of your gifts are becoming more potent and activated.

    More empathy, you’re feeling more, seeing more, experiencing more of the collective clearing and density as old thought forms clear.

    This is deep and powerful work. It really is the groundwork for the next 25 years. You are clearing the way, clearing the pathway. These current activations are very big upgrades, and we’re being guided to dig deep into the old roots and patterns that we no longer want to carry forward, excavate the old versions of ourselves, the old ancestral imprints, and clear through the emotional body and grief layers any old emotions that we’ve been carrying that no longer support us moving forward.

    This is a rollercoaster – you’re going to be experiencing so many emotions in one day, high bliss states, and then deep emotional purges and clearing. The upgrades that we’re moving through are working in tandem with the old information that’s been cleared from the cells, so you’re going to experience the duality of this process within your emotional body because you are getting ready to hold so much more light.
    The upgrades that we’re moving through are working in tandem with the old information that’s been cleared from the cells, so you’re going to experience the duality of this process within your emotional body because you are getting ready to hold so much more light.
    You are getting ready to embody everything that you’ve been calling in throughout your lifetime.
    You’re getting ready to step forward and be the torchbearer of the most beautiful, powerful, and illuminating light for the collective.
    These current upgrades are very intense on the physical and energy bodies, and you may have been feeling a sense of lowness, also have been feeling disconnected, less vitality, and overall exhaustion, particularly around your future, creating anything new, or really placing your energy and focus into something new.

    ~ blueroseoraclesxx DeepDiverQ

  62. A me piacerebbe sapere da Cobra un aggiornamento sulla pulizia del Lurker dagli umani in superficie, tale processo è iniziato ad Agosto e non si è saputo più nulla.

  63. Can you give people a sign that they will be selected for contact? It will help a lot in motivation

    1. A good question. I'd guess it's only people with great influence, power, and abilities. It will be politicians, technology experts, leaders of large groups, and soldiers/law enforcement. For me the #1 thing we can do is become adept at survival skills and preparation. If I can prevent my family and elderly neighbors from starving and freezing, it's like being a galactic hero, no official position needed.

    2. Well said Patrick! Well said!

    3. @patrick
      You just listed all the folks not known for being trustworthy.

      If looking for good politicians......I'll be spending the next 5 hours LAUGHING till I puke.

      My own family threw me under a bus, they can freeze and starve for all I care, they'd do it to me.

      I'll take the Galactic Hero thing instead. Least I'd be with my real family.

  64. 12:21 SIGINT loop, and Explosive Astrology of February 7-11, 2025

    1. Perhaps it is a portal that reverses a portal that brings unity into duality.
      12: 1→2
      21 2→1

  65. @Libra
    Same here with your first post.
    I'm all for being taken from my home (never felt at home here, anyhow). And body change, it's a vital thing, and is NONNEGOTIABLE. Not just for my much needed happiness, but to do whatever is needed to be done.

    I got NOTHING, I got NO ONE.
    Family disowned me, 45 year old virgin, my acquaintances are also small, and obligations.

    I'm more than ready to leave the surface behind. I just need, as I said before, 15 to 20 minutes advanced notice to get ready to be picked up.

  66. @Libra
    Last week I dreamed of being in some house...and looking through the window, I saw GIANT waves of water approaching. I was then teleported to another house, and there too, I saw giant waves coming. I only seen a few people around, mainly one fellow with a light brown beard and a red cap and wearing, I think, overalls. I teleported to another house and seen more waves coming. I then woke up. ALL the houses were empty inside.

  67. Well this has happened really fast. My blood pressure is up to 250. So I'm taking a drug now to keep it to 150, sometimes it even drops to 140. It's probably killing me slowly but I can get it delivered to my house, I had one delivery to test it, that is good. I have to get food delivered to my house. My car died, I was expecting that. I literally can't leave the house. I organised a gardener to fix up my back garden today. He also does the front garden.
    So anyway, I have a telehealth appointment with my doctor today. I'll just let him know how bad it is. I want to try to get off seeing that stupid woman who makes me get taxis and come in person every two weeks. I should be getting a sickness allowance. Oh, my angels said they will fix my blood pressure slowly each day. Who knows? It's comforting anyway to think that. I just have to hang tight for now.

    1. I had a high blood pressure crisis a couple of months ago. I had to take blood pressure medicine and a axiety medicine from a psichiatrist.

  68. btw
    did anybody get what is the way towards world peace?

    1. Feminine energy (of the good kind of course :). This in abstract, what happens in Aristophanes’ play is in a hilarious tone, but I think is pointing at that.

    2. Oh yes... Of course. Thanks!
      As a feminine loving kind strong wise confident woman i like to think i'm doing my part.
      It is abstract and hilarious indeed lol

    3. I read a summary of it on wikipedia. The men from warring sides were denied sex from their women until both sides agreed to peace.

      I may have read between the lines concluding to not take Goddess energy for granted. Only when it's completely gone can one know how truly horrible life can be, to truly suffer. As an alternative, peace then becomes no problem at all.


  69. Lightning Seeds.



  70. I've been placing tachyon stickers on equipment at the gym where they won't be seen, like under benches and behind rails. I'll buy some more and start on grocery store shelves. I could cover a lot of terrain, turn the whole city into a tachyon chamber.

    1. if I am not mistaken, the stones themselves are crystal resonators (i.e. emitters-conductors of energy expressed in the form of a light wave) and have specific physical and energetic functions. How can placing images of crystals on stickers (essentially on paper) have any real (effective) effect? ​​Perhaps a more logical public work for the benefit of people who are unable to take care of themselves or who are experiencing life difficulties? A chamber made of these stones is only possible if you use the physical stones themselves. That is, to create a chamber from them, the stones themselves will need to be purchased and used for their intended purpose in the ways previously mentioned. Isn't that right?

    2. "Images of crystals on stickers?" Bruh what? haha. The stickers are tachyonized. Also I'm only going to donate 5 seconds of my time when I'm already somewhere I need to be, that's all they're getting haha. I'm not going to deliver oxygen tanks to the elderly or whatever you're talking about.

  71. Oggi ho trasmutato e dissolto tramite fiamma viola un sacco di fumo a livello cellulare. Scorie tossiche risultanti da pulizie interne dovute a frequenze che provengono dal Sole Centrale. Il processo di pulizia personale continua. Lavorate e non sciupate energie preziose in commenti su altre persone. Oggi ho capito che troppa gente ancora troppo attaccata alla vita del sistema Matrix non si schioda e ancora molti qui sono belli che dormono sonni ancora profondi. Non conteremo su di loro a questo punto. Non sono ancora pronti , non li giudichiamo ma non possiamo prenderli in considerazione. Se un domani si accorgeranno di avere perso del terreno ci raggiungeranno e gli diremo: ciao fratello , ti sei risvegliato ? Accendi un po' di legna per il grande fuoco!!

  72. Oggi mi è successa una cosa meravigliosa. Ho continuato a vedere luci ad espansione durante una meditazione di colore viola sempre più grandi. La carica mista alla tranquillità che ne sono derivate erano magnifiche. Se mi lascio andare in un certo modo che non so spiegare posso sentire un momento di beatitudine anestetizzando il mio corpo , cioè non lo sento più. Per qualche minuto sono libero dal limite fisico ed il senso di libertà, conforto e benessere non sono descrivibili a parole.

  73. Happen just nice on 21Jan?? This seems to be just an analysis based on the momentum of the date of Trump administration taking over US government!

  74. Okay, they are worried about my mental health. Well there is something about an evil band of men/monsters trying to kidnap you, attack your house, leave tons of voodoo at the bus stop, basically kill you. No wonder my blood pressure is so high. That's where its coming from. All from there. I hope my blood pressure does drop for real. That would be nice. Come on flash of light! That would be brilliant.


  76. Excerpt from Portal of Preparedness and Conference in Kyoto:

    "It is interesting to note that many key dates inside the Portal of Preparedness align well with the inauguration process for Donald Trump"

    Quote by J.P. Morgan: “Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.”

    Trump is a billionaire after all ;)

  77. Awesome news thanks, victory of the light ✨...

  78. Part 1
    In the previous post about the order of the star CoBra mentioned that most members have no idea if they are members of it or its sub groups like the brotherhood of the star. I dont know if I am or not but with all the strange archon network attacks and Pleiadian experiences I have to wonder. I have had so many strange experiences that normal people do not have. I have some ideas of why I am here and what my past lives were. CoBra linked to a site in 2018 about human reptilian hybrids. So many of the names mentioned on that site were also mentioned in interviews with CoBra as lightworkers who were killed or hijacked by the dark forces. After he linked to the site he was asked how many were taken out by mjolnir on a number of occasions and over time the number went from 1 million down to a few thousand or so. I read the site and was fascinated by it.

    In 2022 I recovered my first memory of these reptilian hybrids showing up in my childhood. Every year I recovered one or two more memories. The hybrids had a queen and outside of the various hybrid agendas she would blend in and do seemingly normal human things. She was fascinated by the things humans were doing and coming up with. One that she did was blending into schools. They never had trouble with money or getting what they wanted so getting into the school system was easy. She enjoyed it and recruited people this way.

    She was introduced to my 13 year old sisters class in middle school in the early 1990s when I was about three or four years old. She came home with her. She asked if it was okay to come in and only did so when my mother gave a clear yes and not when my sister had said before its probably okay with my mom if you come in. I ran into my sisters room so I could get a good look at who was over, that way they wouldnt go in and lock me out. She brought in her friend. She had a long blue dress and her hair down which is how the hybrid would dress when going into schools. She was pale and didnt seem to have any skin imperfections. She looked at me and waved and I waved back and then left the room. She seemed like she was there for something else and just seemed a bit out of place unlike my sisters other friends.

    My sister later told me about her. She was from europe and lived all over there and had seen the world too. She had a royal family background and came from money. She spoke tons of languages and had tons of friends including in holywood and the music industry. Her favorite bands were led zeppelin and acdc and she liked games like darkstalkers. She was an atheist. All of these things describe the queen in the site. Its the same person. There were many other things as well that match. Same name and appearance and everything.

    Out of nowhere she asked my sister quietly with a bit of a grin, you believe in vampires? We wondered if she was one. She was there for maybe a few days and vanished. I dont remember anyone showing up when I was in school for a few days from europe with a strange story and vanishing because it doesnt happen. She showed up months later and came to the house with a ouja board one time with a vague story about why she left for europe and then came back. Another I believed she may of surprised my sister with a video game she had bought me.

  79. Part 2
    Years later my sister was 18 and graduating from highschool. Of course as an adult she was taller and older than when she was in middleschool. She was in her ceramics class and in comes the hybrid queen after five years. She knew which school my sister went to and where she would be at that hour. She ran up and gave her a hug. My sister was shocked. She said how did you find me you havent aged a day. She looked exactly the same. She looked at the bowl my sister had made for me of a white oroborous dragon eating its tail with the sun. The back said son of heaven in chinese characters. She said say hi to your brother I have to go and took off. My sister told me about it and seemed like it was a bit off how she would ask about me and bought me something.

    Around this time I had a strange halloween. My mother always had my costume and route planned early. This time I had neither and it was the day of halloween. She said last minute I could just go as a vampire. We went to my cousins neighborhood and they werent ready. We walked for a while and two people were walking under a street light in front of us. It was the queen and her best friend. They commented on my costume but didnt recognize me because I was older maybe eight or nine at this point and I also had the perfect disguise as a vampire. My mother who was walking up ahead had also put on weight after having my brother and looked different.

    She dressed me up and brought me right to them. I always wonder why these things happened if the archon network had plans to turn or kill me using these hybrids or if it was just some clues that my life was more than meets the eye hiding in plain sight. I know it means something. These things dont happen to normal people. Here is the site CoBra linked to and where he did so. They were a big deal and were never talked about. They were connected with the vatican and the jesuits and deals with reptilians underground really grabbed my attention.

  80. Coming next...
    Humans reject Satanism. 🙂
    Special thanks to Thomas Paine (Mysterious nose ive seen elswhere)

  81. 1. I increasingly dare to believe that the "choice" of the US President as the "best choice for the planet" at the cost of inflicting a strategic defeat on my homeland* and its subsequent division and destruction, which will result in open ethnic cleansing of Russians on their own land, does not allow me to support this side. I have been thinking about this for the last week and it all results in a strange movie: the promises and rhetoric of the so-called "forces of light" bring a global strategic planetary advantage to the state of Israel and the Jewish sectarian Nazis behind them, expressed in several modern branches of Judaism and Jewish cabal, expressed in the form of political, economic lobbies and religious-sectarian movements. Instead of stopping the conflict, Trump's preliminary plan of action (or, more precisely, Trump's puppeteers in the person of the Hasidim) is to allow Israel to finish off the people they are destroying (the Palestinians) and divide the world with the Chinese

    "Trump has appointed two matchmakers to his administration (

    Trump has appointed the fathers-in-law of Ivanka and Tiffany's daughters, Charles Kushner and Massad Boulos, to the posts of ambassador to France and senior adviser on the Middle East. Boulos has connections in Lebanon, including with Hezbollah, Reuters writes."

    Note, not his daughters, but those who came. It's like the "institution" of Jewish wives in the USSR - they are brought into the family by people - I think these are their curators.

    It's like the "institution of Jewish wives" in the USSR - an unspoken rule that any major political figure in power at the highest or middle level in the USSR before 1937 and after 1953, if he is not directly Jewish, must have a Jewish wife. And this is easy to prove.

    The art of changing names and surnames has been practiced by Jews in their countries of residence for centuries, and the USSR was no exception, where they often took Russian names and surnames. You can understand that you are dealing with a Jew or a descendant of a Jew by his patronymic - the name of the father of the person you are interested in. Unlike the countries of Europe and America, Asia, among Russians, in addition to a person's personal name and the name of the family (surname), it is customary to use the name of the father of this person, even for women. And if you are dealing with Ivan Moiseevich (father's name - Moses) Petrov, then you can already understand who you are dealing with. If you look at the last names and patronymics of people who were part of the USSR party apparatus somewhere starting from 1960 (1957?), you can say directly - historical Russia was enslaved by the Zionist element. And it does not matter what actions were taken at that time to divert the eyes of the conditional "ideological", the result is important - the "collapse" of the USSR allegedly due to "economic" inefficiency and the integration of its territories and resources into the Jewish global organization of labor and exploitation. What is important to understand specifically about Russian communism - the Russians can conditionally give you (share) a cold thermonuclear fusion generator for free, even if you have a bare ass and an empty pocket, because they know how hard it is to be in conditional slavery and be of no use to anyone. No matter how incredible this may sound to you. The experience of the countries of Asia, Africa and South America is an example of this. But the USA and the Zionists (read Jews, not every Jew is a Zionist, but every Zionist is a Jew - paradox!) who created capitalism based on bank interest, sucking the life out of all the peoples of the planet - no.

  82. 2.
    And how should I react to the blog author's mentions that Trump was not chosen for the role of the planet's savior for no reason, when his plans are directly aimed at assisting the world's evil in its final push and achieving its final victory and gaining control over the planet. Conventionally, you claim that Boromir is the savior of Middle-earth, although in the end he put on the ring to save Gondor (America). But in fact, Boromir's father, the viceroy, and accordingly Gondor itself is ruled by Sauron, having broken the will of the viceroy through the Palantir and having persuaded him to capitulate. Boromir gives the ring to his father, the father gives the ring to Sauron. This would have happened if Boromir had not come to his senses, instead of letting Frodo go, he killed him and took the ring for himself, abandoning the group of Guardians and returning to Minas Tirith with the ring. A hypothetical Trump should, on the contrary, condemn Israel after the elections and say that the US will ensure a peaceful settlement in Gaza and help recreate and ensure the security of the state of Palestine. Stop the supply of weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and recall their instructors and military equipment from the conflict zone. This is a change in the world, a breakdown of the program (break the axis, the cycle, and not saddle it yourself), the road to the future, a change in vector. This is the right scenario, "let Frodo go". Tolkien's Boromir went through it with honor and saved his soul (note that Trump does not necessarily have to die, he will be able to protect his life with all the resources and popular support of the United States). But Trump is on the "false" path, which indirectly makes him an accomplice of the "Enemy". Either we DO NOT KNOW SOMETHING BIG, or the "forces of light" have screwed up big time.

    I have the worst suspicions. And this is considering that Trump has not done anything for the world yet, his pre-inauguration formulations no longer promise anything good for the population of the planet. Absolutely nothing. It is not even about the Russians and the Palestinians - the preservation of the power of the dollar and the protection of the right of the Jews to kill anyone they want (today it is Gaza, Ukraine, Russia... who tomorrow? if according to their directive in the form of Tanakh and Torah ALL non-Jews must be destroyed). Do you still think that I am worried for no reason?

  83. do you mean tunnels? judging by the blog (let me remind you, Cobra not a name, but an abbreviation - the name of a collective-group, one of the blog posts provides a transcript; not a person, the posts are written by a representative) since then there has been no new recruitment.

  84. The end of a forgotten past!...

    "During the Preparation Portal, the Light forces will begin to awaken the surface Lightworkers back to their connection with their Stellar origins, after many decades of sleep since the Great Forgetting of 1996."

    It's fascinating, I am grateful! ✨️🪽✨️


    The constellation Ophiuchus is known as the Serpent Holder and sits opposite or 180 degrees across from the Orion constellation representing Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife and rebirth. The Orion constellation sits in the opposite direction on the celestial sphere, which is not directly positioned at the galactic anticenter, but it is located relatively close to it. The galactic anticenter actually falls within the constellation Taurus, near the bright star Elnath, which is situated above Orion.

    Ophiuchus and Orion are mirror images of opposing polarity in the sky representing the emergent spiritual path of collective humanity, ultimately destined to achieve spiritual ascension and consciousness liberation from this prison planet and solar system at the end of the Dark Cycle. The ancients called this circuit path made around the galactic equator, the Gate of the Gods or The Golden Gate. Together, they represent the circuitous path of the immortal spiritual being and fallen angels emerging through the Silver Gate of Man from the Fall of Tara, wearing the collective consciousness archetypes of Orion’s fractured and hijacked solar body parts as the result of the Orion Wars. While incarnating onto this lowest density plane, they are tasked with reassembling the original diamond sun DNA records that were lost, by embodying them into the matter world as individualized human beings in order to achieve spiritual liberation through Christ Consciousness. To awaken and remember their hidden origins as multidimensional spiritual beings born under Two Suns, and gain the required spiritual lessons from the extremely polarized consciousness experiences happening as the planet endures a great Galactic War over consciousness, as the spiritual war rages between the original Christos races and the invading antichrist entities. The tour of duty around the galactic ecliptic was accepted by aspiring Starseeds and Indigos to gain the unusual window of opportunity during the Ascension cycle to skip forward in the timelines. During this sliver in time, they would have the chance to attain integrated spiritual healing for their entire soul and spiritual families, which when completed, would liberate them from the mind control under the NAA’s Orion Empire, and finally return them back to their original spiritual home in the God worlds.

    As the immortal spirits travel the spiritual ascension path through the precession of equinoxes during the Magnum Opus stage of the Ascension Cycle, they are given the choice to learn what is required in order to activate their divine blueprint during the Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy. Moving them forward in order to fulfill their highest spiritual consciousness potential, to complete their Great Work, the integrative healing of the Universal Shadow transmuted over many lifetimes. Whereby meeting their final destination at the Gate of Gods during the arduous process of solar symbiosis, transforming their consciousness to prepare for spiritual completion, effectively synthesizing and healing all of their historical spiritual wounds and fractured parts, bringing them into a coherent and unified wholeness.

  86. Thus, during the move into Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Ophiuchus solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

    Stage 9 Ophiuchus, November 30 to December 17

    Alchemical Theme: Cosmic Trine Unification, Synthesis, Wound Healing

    Element: The Holy Grail; Divine Fire-Water, Ocean of Milk, Silver Seed, Amrita, Aether

    Geometric Form: Krystal Star of Azoth, Saraswati Swan Yantra

    Planetary Correlations: Chiron, Uranus and Golden Gate

    Alchemical Metals: Copper-Rose-Gold

    Embodied Correlations: The Keriatric or Causal Mind of Monadic Body. Where Waves Become Matter. The 9D Silver wave of the third layer of the Monadic Matrix that is connected to the Atomic Doorway of the Mouth of God, the 9th Chakra at the base of the skull connected to the medulla oblongata.

    Ophiuchus rules: fetal cells, tailbone, cranial sacral axis, solar sacrum, kundalini, amrita, lyden gland, base of brain (i.e. golden chalice), and lunar to solar transfiguration.

  87. light worker in china need help , not just meditation for them also need physical level helping , they are out of money and not even can work for living , now china is really turbulent. they need help.

  88. Thank you Cobra for the info.💖

  89. "The President of South Korea has declared martial law. The South Korean parliament voted to lift martial law, which was announced by the President in a televised address to the nation on Tuesday."

    "In South Korea, the President used a technology that the world behind the scenes tested in the so-called Ukraine: when a protégé of these forces cannot win the elections even taking into account falsifications and administrative resources, martial law is introduced and the desired king remains in power, becoming a dictator.

    The people, united by the opposition, went out to protest. Who will win - the coming days will show."

    This is how the CIA and MI6 brought Yeltsin to power, and then staged a military coup and destroyed the RSFSR, which gained independence from the USSR in 1990. The shooting of demonstrators and people was carried out by Mossad snipers in order to provoke the troops of both sides to engage in a shootout and kill civilians suspected of provocations. It is October 1993 that is the prototype of these events. As a result of Yeltsin's coup in 1993, the RSFSR and its Parliament consisting of People's Deputies elected in the USSR ceased to exist. According to rumors, the reason was that the parliament refused Yeltsin a "uranium deal" and refused to promote a "market" mechanism of the economy - Yeltsin's surrender for a pittance of almost all of the weapons-grade uranium arsenals of Russia inherited from the USSR. After that, Yeltsin became a puppet of the Jewish oligarchs, and having almost drunk his mind away, he was deprived of his post by them and Putin took his place.

    1. "Military coups in South Korea are like the Olympics, they happen regularly, and the Korean chaebols skillfully manipulate crises in their interests. It is very difficult to assess what is happening there, but most likely it is preparation for a change of curator in Washington."

  90. La priorità per me è l'aiuto umanitario appena sarà possibile da parte di LF. : aiutare i bambini vittime di qualsiasi tipo di atrocità e abuso, anziani malati e soli, malati terminali e poveri. Anche se non ho un lavoro, e una salute non proprio perfetta, a me basta la modalità di sopravvivenza fino al giorno dell'Evento🌲🛸🌲

    1. Agreed!💯
      This is the perfect approach and mindset @Time X!👏😎
      You deserve the opportunity to be in on that first hand, my friend!✨️🔑✨️

  91. To Ashtar, Semjase, Sananda, The Pleiadians, Andromedans, Alderbarons, and the rest of the LightForces,

    Since it's been shared in this post you're looking to select qualified volunteers to work with you and help with the upcoming EVENT, I would like to submit that my prime soulmate Terri, and myself would make an outstanding contribution to your plans as your representatives and mediators.
    I'm certain that her and I as a couple can use our gifts and abilities to the fullest extent to help with this process. Her and I have an amazing knack as empaths for inspiring and uplifting others that we come into contact with which we believe will be very beneficial pre and post EVENT.
    You KNOW our hearts and intentions are good and pure because you've followed our life journeys through the good times as well as the bad times... so you KNOW what we've each gone through to get this far.
    Terri and I make a beautiful couple, and as Lightworkers/Lightwarriors, her and I would very much appreciate the opportunity to work with you and beside you during this transition period to help humanity awaken and heal using our gifts and abilities as a power couple.
    I'm sure there are many wonderful choices of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds that you are considering. I would like to submit that if I were to nominate one Lightworker in paticular, other than myself and Terri, I'd nominate @Time X... as one of so many others that deserve this incredible opportunity.

    Love and Light... Troy and Terri

    1. @144k: Ooh grazie a voi per avere consigliato il mio nome, sono davvero contento per questo, grazie di ❤️. Sono anche emozionato per questo. Sono senza parole ora. Si, farei del mio meglio per dare il mio contributo in termini di empatia, di aiuto agli altri cercando sempre il punto d'incontro in modo delicato ma deciso con l' obbiettivo di attivare in loro una nuova consapevolezza durante questo periodo di transizione che possa servire loro da stimolo per approcciarsi al meglio al lavoro di assimilazione di nuovi concetti e nuove idee che serviranno a stabilire un'elevazione spirituale utile prima e dopo l'Evento. Grazie ancora amico mio ed alla tua anima gemella Terri. 👍😊🌲🛸🌲

  92. why do you think Sherman (or you) have to go first? what about people with terminal deseases? traumatized violently abused children?

    also they did not say anything about healing lightworkers and warriors. they are looking for the ones who have been doing their inner work, dragon hearts, high stamina, deep and constant connection with the I Am presence and definitely much more humility than you've shown.

    besides there are A WHOLE lot of operations of all kinds. there are surely multiple tasks for multiple skills.

    1. It's not humility to tell someone else they are not showing humility. To do so contradicts humility and places oneself upon a pedestal 'above' all those 'non-humble ones.'

    2. That's the archon programming of 'being more spiritual' than others - one of the major issues Cobra mentioned many times.

    3. I agree with this. I don't really read this forum (only a bit). The people with terminal illness to go first. And abused kids. We lightworkers will find a way to survive until the flash.

  93. Personally, my stance on being selected:

    If I’m selected, great. If I’m not selected, that’s fine too. There are various factors that could disqualify me. My consciousness may be too compromised/distorted/damaged.

    Some within white nobility could be selected.

    Post-Event, the light forces will physically meet lightworkers who were not selected for pre-Event operations. Either way, people will receive contact. What’s really important is that operations get done. ‘Getting it done’ is where I’m coming from, with or without me being selected.

    1. Im pretty sure this is dependent on that all too often overlooked suggestion of visualizing first contact. Cobra's suggested we visualize first contact numerous times to encourage manifesting it. So I'm sure of those who have read it, fewer have done it, and of those few who have done it fewer have been successful. The light forces as archetypally good as they are probably read the intention and and discipline of those who do it.

    2. @Starlight, they may have some kind of plans for you pre event. Everyone has received implants, programming, and trauma. I was in a desperate, dark, and bad place when I had an amazing experience with the Pleiadians. I deeply desired to know if they were real and if they could help me in deep prayer and meditation and they answered. I am no fan of religion but its a bit like in christianity where everyone is a sinner but no matter how bad if they truly want to be saved and forgiven and really mean it they are redeemable. I was never that bad but was really being hit and held down by the archon network and matrix society.

    3. @432: c'è molto potenziale negli Operatori di Luce e tu sei molto forte. Se non saremo selezionati subito avremo comunque modo di riscattarci dopo. Nessun problema. Sono contento che tu sia ancora sul blog🌲🛸🌲

  94. "Heal the world"
    throw "bringing forth ideas from the Soul".

    1. Love is strong! It ONLY cares for joyful giving.

      those lyrics are filled with simple and powerful truth. this song never fails to make me all goosebumped. i was a 8yo when it came out and even though i didn't know english at that time, it touched me from the beginning. one of the top 5 pop songs of ALL TIMES.

  95. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino na Facebooku:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  96. Could There Be An Extra Hidden Planet In Our Solar System? Breakthrough. Planet X or Planet 9 depending on your view on Pluto's status,

  97. @Intoourselves
    Everyone's going to need healing.

    "also they did not say anything about healing lightworkers and warriors. they are looking for the ones who have been doing their inner work, dragon hearts, high stamina, deep and constant connection with the I Am presence and definitely much more humility than you've shown."

    SHOW us some examples, then. The person who described sounds like someone who's lived, as I call it, "A very charmed life", not having had anything to worry about, had every need taken care some baby boomer who managed to become a millionaire or something.

    Your take on what I shall refer to as "The Excalibur Test", sounds kinda like those woman (and men) looking for someone who makes 6, or more, figures a year, perfect body, and is some perfect person.

    Also, I find from experience, humility to be overrated. It's something that gets exploited and take advantage of. Ask any person who's been bullied a lot over the course of many years.

    So, I say we ALL have a right to try and pull the sword out of the stone.

    Though I feel the light forces outta just give us ALL swords.

    1. you are right. yes, everybody is gonna need some healing. however in this particular statement Cobra said they are selecting and testing people for operations and not for healing.
      Medbeds will do the healing and they are already available for some people. don't ask me who and/or why do those people already have access and not yet the rest of the population. but sooner than people think they will be everywhere.

      2ndly these people you ask about who they are... well, they are the ones who have been suffering too much for too long with no help of anyone and simply couldn't just wait for the time to come and began the work themselves in all kinds of ways.
      crystals, meditations, dolphin sound waves, heiki, ayurveda, yoga, sacred music, plant healing, tachyon chambers, mushrooms, alchemy, visualization... i could go on forever.
      they are everywhere. they are just too focused to go out and show off. they are doing their thing because they know that's what they can do and suddenly they're doing what they never thought they could do. and they become completely new people centered in their hearts and not in their minds like the others. and they never get tired of being kind because they don't know how not to be kind.

  98. I long for that day those cultural shocks you speak of happen.

  99. Yep, last few weeks were crazy so far.

  100. @Unknown
    Bingo. We need a lot of help and we need it yesterday.

    And what ARE the light forces looking for? WHAT do they WANT? Yep, I offered MY services all the time, when other would not.

    Light are looking for those to join you, you got volunteers. Scratch OUR backs, we'll scratch YOURS. And, though I speak for myself, you won't be dealing with 'Gray Hats' or any sort of 'Hats'; you'll be having folks wanting to do the right thing and get it done with....something all these 'Hats' can't seem to do for some reason or other.

  101. BINGO!

    *Starts slamsing hands into the table*

    Hear! Sons of Kahless.
    Hear! Daughters too.
    The blood of battle washes clean
    The Warrior brave and true.
    We fight, we love, and then we kill.
    Our lives burn short and bright,
    Then we die with honor and join our fathers in the Black Fleet where
    we battle forever, battling on through the Eternal fight.

    As said in the post above, TALK TO US, Light Forces, FACE TO FACE.

  102. Beloved ones we greet you,
    You have been in a whirlpool of multidimensional change this past calendar month. You are being made ready to enter the next phase of the ‘New Dawning’. This is the final phase you are about to enter that formally begins as you enter your New Year frequency of 2025.
    There is much to be achieved this month in preparation for your self-launching. Shifts are possible during this time that you would never have imagined for yourself. Know that all is in hand for you to create the shift right now, in this moment. You do not need to wait to receive that, which is your authentic natural Self. The movement of re-aligning to your Self is the action of Truth, coming home to realize yourself, which has always been fully intact within you.
    This is a time of returning to the home which has always resided within. Meeting the reality of your being that is beyond the persona of the ego mind. This reality is a completion and has always been within your reach. This is more like a realization of who you have always been, and the direct experience of everything that you are not! The ego mind persona is an illusionary shadow of your reality.
    Your acceptance of this Truth aligns you to the doorway of Truth, aligning to your authentic multidimensional Self. We continue to witness you take these steps of courage within your human experience of imperfection and simultaneously beginning to turn back toward your authentic Self.

    The Pleiadians


    Trump’s Med Bed Rollout Timeline Leaked! Mark These Dates—The Quantum Healing Freedom Act Launches December 2024!

    Note: According to many Med Bed insiders, a key element to achieving optimal healing as well as extreme body changes is achieving high frequencies to match the high frequencies of the Med Bed, i.e., only those with high 5D frequencies will be able to tap into the highest potential of the Med Beds to obtain more than a general healing (age regress extreme body changes). For those who can't match the high frequencies to obtain those changes, a 3 month course will be offered free in order to raise their frequencies and be able to obtain optimal results and desired body changes according to SSP/ Med Bed insider Kerri-Ann Thornton.

    1. Is there any truth to that? I been hearing about the med beds being rolled out for the last 5 years. Also, I think it's BS that one HAS to be of a higher frequency just to benefit from it.....this is PLANET GULAG, where survival mode is the name of the game.

      Also, I don't trust human tech, for it sounds like a cheap knock off. I myself want real tech, alien tech. I want to hear Cobra's take on this, for I think he mentioned something about human med beds being bogus.

  104. It has been reported that Donnie announced that if Hamas didn't release their hostages by the time he is swore in there will be hell to pay. What ... is he going to send our people there to help the cowards of the IOF; that use us planes and bombs to continue the GENOCIDE in Gaza.🤬

    Looks like the deep state is getting their way starting wars and Donnie is helping them along. Is this part of the plan Q wrote about? Is this the extremely bad movie🤢🤮 they are showing to get the people to wake up? How's that working out so far?🤔

    If Trump follows through with what he and his cronies are saying to continue the bloodshed not just in Gaza, but all over, there is no way on Source green Earth will I support a monster guilty of GENOCIDE.😠

    No way will the LF get this egotist to give up his power over the people and help liberate the planet. HE CAN'T BE TRUSTED.😒

    1. Well, the light forces replacing leaders with clone bodies changes things. They could even replace Trump with a cloned body.

    2. Thats not the Real Trump. Read Fullford report.

  105. My impression is that some people misunderstand the statement. It is not a (new) request, but refers to something that was said eight years ago. (See Delta Option)

    "The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event."

    1. I guess it's on people's minds more now because Cobra mentioned it on this post, and because it's felt that the Event is very near.

      I couldn't find it being mentioned 8 years ago in relation to Delta Option. The last thing said regarding Delta Option was this in 2023:

      "Is Delta Option still a possibility the light forces are considering?

      It is possible, but unlikely."

      Wasn't Delta Option only an emergency protocol that takes place in the US? Seems like these pre-Event operations with lightworker participation would have more to do with Operation Dreamland. Lightworkers/warriors would probably not be directly assisting with mass arrests. Anyway, just my 'two cents.'

  106. 1. "There is unfavorable information about the upcoming tightening of the screws and the tightening of the fight against bloggers who doubt the Great Victory of the Russian Federation in the North-Eastern Military District. And they consider the upcoming truce along the line of combat contact to be its Great Defeat. The preparation of public opinion in the Russian Federation for the introduction of unanimity has begun, that such a truce is a Victory in the North-Eastern Military District and it has finally been achieved. And there is no doubt about it. And those who do not think so are enemies and they must be fought with the harshest methods. And for these purposes, briefing meetings are already being held with the vice-governors of the constituent entities of the Federation, at which such tasks are set. And the saddest thing in the current situation is that, according to the authorities, the majority of Russians are ready to agree with such an approach and accept any decision of the Kremlin on the truce, recognizing it as the only Victory in the North-Eastern Military District. But this is contrary to the position of professional military personnel of the Soviet training base and public leaders of the patriotic direction. And therefore they will continue to remain enemies and they will be fought merciless struggle. Alas... "The Great Victory in the SVO, comparable to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, has been achieved and no doubts about this are allowed. Hurray, comrades!"

    2. The Russian Presidential Executive Office is preparing regional leaders for the end of the SVO and the formation of the "image of victory"

    The Presidential Executive Office (PEO) of Russia is preparing regional authorities ( for the completion of the special military operation in Ukraine. This can be judged by the traditional seminar for vice-governors held in the Moscow region, where, among other things, the future image of Russia's victory was discussed, Kommersant learned. The event was attended by the first deputy head of the PE for domestic policy, Sergei Kiriyenko.

    "The Presidential Administration assumes that the end of the SVO will come, and we must be prepared for it," the publication quotes its source as saying.

    The presidential administration believes that the future results of the "special operation" should be perceived in society as a victory. In particular, regional authorities are advised to focus on the issue of forming the image of victory not on "angry patriots" and not on "liberals", but on the "calm majority". We are talking about the largest group of the population that will be satisfied with the achievement of the SVO goals outlined by the Russian president - denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, as well as the preservation of the liberated territories.

    The recommendation given to the vice-governors states: this majority must be preserved and expanded.

    Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko believes that peace talks in Ukraine are likely to begin in 2025, writes the media outlet "Tsargrad".

  107. "The people will be explained what will be considered a victory in the SVO.

    There are reports from various sources that the Russian Presidential Administration (PA) is preparing regional authorities for the end of the special military operation in Ukraine. This can be judged by the traditional seminar for vice-governors held in the Moscow region, where, among other things, the future image of Russia's victory was discussed. The event was attended by the first deputy head of the PA for domestic policy, Sergei Kiriyenko.

    "The PA proceeds from the fact that the end of the SVO will happen, and we must be prepared for it," the publication quotes its source.

    The presidential administration believes that the future results of the "special operation" should be perceived in society as a victory. In particular, regional authorities are advised to focus on the "calm majority" in the issue of forming the image of victory, not on "angry patriots" or "liberals." We are talking about the largest group of the population that will be satisfied with the achievement of the goals of the SVO outlined by the Russian President - denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, as well as the preservation of the liberated territories.

    The recommendation given to the vice-governors states: this majority must be preserved and expanded.

    In principle, it has long been possible to state that the main task of the Russian authorities is not the achievement of any real goals in the interests of the population of the Russian Federation, but the formation of a "correct" (from the point of view of the authorities) "understanding of the situation" in this population. You can be indignant at this meanness on the part of the ruling elite for as long as you like, but time after time, for decades now, this strategy has invariably worked. The overwhelming majority of the population happily wears "rose-colored glasses" and immerses itself in a warm bath of false reality. And if so, then why shouldn't the "calm majority" consider the current results of the SVO - a "victory".


  109. I am not sure if I can help in any way way. I am just infinitely happy to go home. I see no value in staying around as long ads money is still the dominant slavery mechanism. I just want to go home .

  110. Da Cobra: Durante il Portale della Preparazione, le forze della Luce inizieranno a risvegliare gli Operatori di Luce di superficie, riportandoli alla connessione con le loro origini stellari, dopo molti decenni di sonno a partire dal Grande oblio del 1996.

    Le forze della Luce inizieranno anche il processo di selezione e test per quegli Operatori di Luce e Guerrieri della Luce che saranno coinvolti nelle operazioni di superficie intorno al momento dell'Evento, alcuni dei quali sono programmati per essere contattati fisicamente intorno al momento dell'Evento. Vorrei dire: Non sono ancora sicuro da quale Sistema Stellare provengo. Non ho ancora stabilito una connessione con un Pianeta o Sistema Stellare in modo particolare. Ho un dubbio però su Sirio e Orione. Alcuni sono programmati per il contatto, quindi non tutti. La fase di selezione e test mi fa capire che qualcuno potrebbe essere scelto pur non essendo stato precedentemente programmato. Oppure che pur essendo stato programmato non ha più i requisiti per essere contattato intorno al periodo dell'Evento. La mia è soltanto una riflessione personale ovviamente. Personalmente non so se sono stato programmato ma anche se lo fossi, strada facendo mi sono guastato, per cui avrei bisogno di un po' di riparazione preventiva. Ma come dicevo già nei commenti precedenti: non ha molta importanza, la priorità è la riuscita dell'operazione, con o senza di me. Se non fosse stato per Cobra e per voi io non avrei potuto fare questo percorso di conoscenza. Questo sito è stato ed è tutt'ora il mio punto di riferimento, un supporto per il lavoro che sento di fare dentro di me. Saprò chi sono e sarò dove devo essere🌲🛸🌲

  111. Most Non-Western countries have this to say about Trump's threats :

    Nobody respects an "Orange Man" who is not at least neutral but is heavily supporting one side who genocides the locals of the region. Please bear in mind that Israelis have been genociding and chasing local Palestinians out of their homes ever since the state's creation in 1948...

    Palestinian civilians are literally paying the price for what should be experienced by German civilians, because Hitler was not Palestinian but a German... Why should Palestinians who are people from another race have to suffer for one German man's crimes?

  112. Rewrite The Stars
    “During the Portal of Preparedness, the Light forces will begin to reawaken the surface Lightworkers back into their connection with their Star origins after many decades of sleep since the Great forgetting of 1996.”

  113. I am not a big fan of chanellings, and most of them I take with a big dose of salt, but there are two of them in “Era of Light” that always resonate with me, they come up with something unexpected, have the right tone, hit the target (as far as can be verified). One of them is Matthew Ward, I quote from his last one:
    “To individuals who have concerns about the election outcome we say, please forego judgment. Once in office, the new administration will undertake a monumental task that has global implications, and, as is true of every effort, positive thoughts and feelings favorably affect progress.

    Without jeopardizing negotiations and actions underway, we can tell you that Donald Trump has met with extraterrestrial advisers and has been coordinating with military officers and national leaders to uproot dark ones and end their diabolical activities. These cooperative efforts are undergirded by love-light energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos.”
    I give a high percentage of credit to what he (allegedly) is saying here. I’ve been thinking for a while that all of the outrageous nominations or declarations made by the upcoming Trump administration are either mind games or interference by the DF. Let´s wait and see until he is inaugurated.
