Saturday, December 28, 2024

Situation Update

A huge breakthrough happened on December 21st, when one portion of Pleiadian fleet was able to permanently anchor itself in key postilions throughout the Agartha network, and in the stratosphere as cloaked ships above key surface locations. This is a very important key step towards the final liberation of the surface.



One part of this Pleiadian fleet will start attempting strong healing sequences to many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, healing their inner child, their connection with the soul star chakra, healing their wounded heart chakra and connection between their heart chakra and sexual energy. The success of these healing sequences greatly deepens on how the anomaly will react, but there have been certain successes already:

Another part of this fleet will work with the planetary energy grid by activating energy vortexes around the planet and by upgrading the Tachyon chambers, cintamani stones and moldavites to the next level. At this point, more Tachyon chambers are needed on the surface of the planet to strengthen that grid.

Now Ascension process can finally begin again inside Agartha after long wait since 1996, and a group of Agarthans is scheduled to Ascend in 2025:

The Agartha network has fully activated their global system of underground tunnels that is roughly following Dragon leylines, connecting many underground Agarthan cities with high speed magnetohydrodynamic trains. Blue Dragon Agartha network has completely activated its main tunnel network that goes below Xian-Wuhan-Fuzhou-Taipei-Keelung-Kagoshima-Kyoto.

Here are some abandoned entrances into that tunnel network that were closed many decades ago:



This huge breakthrough was only possible because all negative Jesuit factions have been removed from the interplanetary space.

This has allowed the full return inside the interplanetary space of the Pleiadian fleet, the Silver fleet and many fleets of other cosmic races beyond the usual Andromedan, Aldebaran and Arcturian fleets that are already involved in the liberation operations. All those fleets are sending a strong network of ATVOR rays, effectively clearing the anomaly around planet Earth.

The only fleets not fully active yet are the Sirian fleet and certain parts of the Ashtar Command, both awaiting their full activation in the Solar system in 2025.

The Light forces have also cleared most of dark matter plasmoid beings that have invaded the Solar system in 1996 and were until now hindering the progress of the Light. These beings are made of axion dark matter plasmas on physical / etheric and astral planes, are neutral by themselves but become rabid when the Lurker subquantumly entangles with them:

With the big breakthrough on December 21th, the Light forces were able to clear the vast majority of dark matter plasmoid beings in the interplanetary space that is gravitationally coupled with the Sun. This now allows a huge intake of Light into the interplanetary space, which now finally became a Galactic confederation domain. All Secret space program entities were either removed from the Solar system or were forced to escape closer to Earth. Secret space program entities are not allowed by the Light forces to travel beyond L2 Lagrange point. The only Earth-based space vehicles allowed beyond L2 from now on are space probes of the public space programs.

L2 Lagrange point is the point where Earth gravity overcomes the Solar gravity and thus defines the edge of interplanetary space. Dark matter plasmoid beings that are gravitationally bound to Earth's gravitational well can not be fully cleared yet, and thus the Light can not yet fully penetrate closer to Earth than L2:

Dark matter plasmoids closer to Earth will be cleared in the subsequent phase of the liberation operations, allowing the Light to reach the surface:



This huge breakthrough has also precipitated to the surface of the planet to a small degree, in this brilliant move:,of%20physical%20and%20mental%20health.

Meanwhile, here on the surface, the battle between Light and dark continues. The Zionist faction has started to pressure Trump with hidden nuclear weapons:

Most of the mysterious drones currently swarming USA are actually nuclear sniffers, trying to find those hidden nukes:

Some of the “drones” are plasma engine craft similar to TR3-B:


Those belong to Secret space program military factions and they are searching for Aldebarans that are emerging from their underwater and underground locations:

Some of the “drones” especially the spherical ones, belong to the Aldebarans:

Potentially concerning development is the strong influence of Christian Zionism on the incoming Trump administration:

Here I am allowed to post a cryptic remark that the Order of the Holy Sepulchre does not contain only great darkness, but also great Light:

Depending on Trump's free will and other factors involved, the situation can take a negative turn:

Or a positive one:

The critical time to determine this will be the second part of January.

Until then, you can enjoy this beautiful book:

Or participate in our conference in Kyoto:

You are also more than welcome to join our workshop in Phoenix in the beginning of February:

Victory of the Light!



  1. VOTL!

    1. Bonjour la page est inexistante..... auriez vous un autre lien ?

    2. Bonjour Sandrine, vous pouvez visiter mon blog et trouver le meditation pour janvier 5

  2. may the new year 2025 will be somehow a different one, blessed you all

  3. Happy new year starseeds, my Brothers and Sisters, i love you guys, victory of the light ❤⚡💪

  4. That is very very interesting. Thank you very much for that information
    Cobra! Very interesting.
    Today I was able to go for a short walk (with walking stick). Come on legs!! Start walking and getting better.


  5. Na dann mal los.

    This is a
    Space Age Love Song.

    Love and Light.


    1. Still at it, cryptic music posts, eh RaJah?! 😉

    2. This is the one I was thinking of...

      Phoenix Fire Nectar

    3. Phoenix! Hello, my dear friend.
      Glad to hear from you, thank you for the comments and the song. That's also on one of the Guardians Of The Galaxy soundtracks. :-D
      Yeah, well, what can I say. Mission's obviously not completed yet, so we gotta keep on keeping on.

      Lots of Love and Light


    4. Tricks Of The Light


  6. Is this a fatigue or something? Looks like somebody is happy, just as always not us. Everything starts seeming so unreal sometimes. This posts sounds like event is gonna happen in five million years.

  7. Getting there.i feel 1 more solid strong year the event will commence.2026

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A meditation for President-elect Trump...

    2. No. There will be no more delays. What can happen is that the transition becomes easier or more difficult. Trump has a lot of power. But a strong light worker has more of it.

      "We are much more powerful than we realize."

      Whether we use our power to make the transition easier depends on our free will.

      Unfortunately, we have used our power less in the past, otherwise we would be further along today.

    3. Trump is delaying executions at Gitmo among other things. I think Pascal Najadi and Diana should take over. The debt slavery deletion is just a matter of running a software, not even that is happening. They say vibration is down, not surprising to me with all these delays. Deletion of debt would shoot vibration up, i am sure about that. Please give us some tangible progress.

    4. Trump is very verbal in his support for the very evil Zionist regime. Are you not aware of the genocide in Gaza that they are commiting.
      Why are people who appear awake blindly follow Cobra without researching? I am quite disgusted that the light forces have aligned with Trump.

    5. It is more complicated than you describe. Riccardo Bosi also says do not focus all those military operations trying to understand them. They are too complicated and we do not get to know the real truth. They know what they are doing, you should know that the news is mainly spreading lies, you really should not give it attention. Follow the red line. Trump likes to expose many things and people and it likely all is a show.

    6. @Richard
      The light forces have not joined forces with Trump.

      They only see the chance that he could ally with them in whole or in part.

    7. Richard: I don't think the light forces are thrilled with Trump. I'm sure they understand his flaws.

      But be realistic. Light Forces aren't in a position to (or willing to) point to Joe Lightworker and say "he becomes president of the US."

      So their choices were Kamala or Trump and that's it. Those were the only two people who could realistically have won the 2024 election.

      And of the two, yeah Trump is a gray hat, but Kamala is a black hat.

      And as for why the US is important, well I don't know the reasons, but it certainly seems that more Americans are awake than people in other countries. Also, any other big and powerful country you could point to as an alternative has very serious flaws and darkness in it as well.

    8. I agree with @3k14Pi that Light Forces offered to ally with Trump... On the YT channel The Truth Can Change Your Life, it was implied that so far Grey Hat Trump has not accepted help from the Light Forces because the same ego that's given him the strength to persevere through all they've tried to do to him and slung at him also does not want to be outshined. He is concerned that the Light Forces would get all the credit for saving humanity, even the things he did to help us all He feels credit should go where credit is due.

      That's what the channel implied, anyway, a few days ago.

    9. I'm personally SICK AND TIRED of "White hats", "Gray Hats", "Black Hats" and every other mother fucking 'HAT'. If depending on HUMAN INTERMEDIARIES is the only way, get ready for disappointment, I say....since all the 'hats' are just HUMANS, genetically raped monkeys like the rest of us.

      Time for the light forces to DIRECTLY step in, and stop stroking/buttering up some 'hats' ego, for we'll still be where we are 20 years from now.

    REPLAY Émission du Solstice MÉDITATIONS: LIGNE de TEMPS PERSONNELLE Positive / Favorable+Méditation pour se CONNECTER à AGARTHA +Explications (ANNULER CONTRATS D'ÂMES NÉGATIFS,Energies actuelles ...)+ Pilier de Lumière ATVOR...

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  10. Merci Cobra pour ces nouvelles, merci aux Forces de Lumières, VOTL <3 <3 <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  11. Нічого нового, від і єзуїтів перейшли до плазмоїдів.Цікаво, від плазмоїдів до чого будуть переходити? Нарешті інші цивілізації підтягнулися, а то тільки про плеядеанців була балаканина.З Новим Роком усих читачів блогу КОБРИ і самого пана КОБРУ! Щасти всім в Новому 2025 році!

  12. The forces of light have put their power behind Trump's presidency and many positive occult Templar groups have meditated for fair elections,

    Infiltration by Andromedan and Aldebaran is also taking place in the US and they have indicated that they may contact Trump or Musk directly.

    Is there any new information about the contact to Trump/Musk?

    1. Are you not aware that Trump is supportive of the very evil Zionist regime that is commiting genocide in Gaza?
      This is a fact that cannot be argued with. If you disagree then you obviously have not researched, and are blindly following Cobra without researching for yourself.
      I only pray that Trump is pretending to support this regime.
      Upon inauguration he must immediately halt all support for Israel.
      I am shocked at the light forces decision to align with Trump.

    2. @Richard
      In the matrix, there are many mixed situations. Some emphasize only one or the other aspect, whereupon the cabal
      "separate and conquer" applies.

    3. Richard Trump is a grey hat. The DNC had been filled completely with dark hats. Trump has good in him, the light forces chose him because with him there's a chance he would fo good.

    4. @Embers
      So, the light forces are gambling, hmmm?

  13. L2 and L1 are equal distances from earth. Next there is:

    - Lunar Orbit: The Moon's average distance is approximately 384,400 kilometers (238,855 miles) from Earth, much closer than L1.

    - Medium Earth Orbit (MEO): This includes the orbits of navigation satellites like GPS, typically around 20,000 kilometers (12,427 miles) above Earth.

    - Geostationary Orbit (GEO): This orbit is about 35,786 kilometers (22,236 miles) above Earth, where satellites hover over a fixed point relative to the Earth’s surface.

    - Low Earth Orbit (LEO): Satellites, the International Space Station, and most human space travel occur here, typically within 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) from Earth.

    And then, of course, the planet surface.

  14. Always some kind of positive breakthroughs being reported here, but never anything to show for it. How do we even know any of this is actually happening? It is all just talk until we actually see some kind of action happen. How long are we supposed to just take the light forces word for it? Some major tangible event needs to manifest on the surface to show that progress is actually being made.

    1. I empathize.

      Things energetically are better on Earth than they used to be. Personally I can just feel the difference in the energy now versus a few years ago.

      We haven't been subject to WW3 / more lockdowns. Light forces had things to do with that, I think.

      Many channelers and astrologists claim that positive things will happen in 2025 or perhaps a short while after. There's a convergence of people making those claim.

    2. Good point... After all these years and progress, nothing has changed at all on the surface

    3. Take a deep dive into yourself. It's all there.

    4. tachyon chambers加强的实际报告

    5. @ty, vai dentro di te , troverai il meglio se vorrai , il problema è che quando si torna nella Matrix ci si ritrova in mezzo al pasticcio della vita quotidiana, vile, falsa, scortese, egoista, giudicante e distruttiva. È ora che cambino anche in superficie le cose altrimenti si rischia di perdere la fiducia degli Operatori di Luce. Come vedi anche Cobra ha detto che fino a metà gennaio non è possibile sapere cosa farà Trump ; potrà intraprendere azioni positive o negative. Per cui noi qui in superficie siamo sempre in balia delle onde del mare. Siamo schiavi del sistema oscuro e allo stesso tempo Grandi Lavoratori della Luce che non intravedono mai la ricompensa. Quando pensi di essere arrivato, accidenti c'è un'altra trappola sul percorso. Oramai sono anni che vediamo la carota davanti e corriamo come asini per prenderla senza mai riuscirci. Il problema è che bene o male questo vale per tutti , anche se alcuni, nel momento in cui hanno un periodo di tempo relativamente e provvisoriamente favorevole, incominciano a giudicare gli altri dalla loro condizione di fragile benessere. Poi arriva nuovamente qualche problema che li scuote fino alle ossa ed ecco che ritornano falsamente compassionevoli. Questo non è il vero Operatore di Luce. Questo è il classico individuo che appena alza la cresta si mette in testa di essere il guru di turno per compiacere se stesso per poi tornare nella sua modalità mediocre appena cade di nuovo. Ipocriti e approfittatori con me non attaccano. Io sono diverso, quando vedo che stanno bene sono felice per loro e quando stanno male cerco di aiutarli indipendentemente dal mio momento si, o il mio momento no. L'altruismo , la compassione e la comprensione non è qualcosa che sale e scende come la marea, è un modo di essere, qualcosa che hai dentro oppure no. 🌲🛸🌲

    6. @Blue moon
      "Going within" only does so much.

  15. typed:

    computations in 2008 by Stephen Adler of Princeton University and Xu and Siegel from the University of Arizona, suggest that the dark matter density in the Solar System and around the Earth exceeds the galactic halo density significantly and is much higher than previously thought. According to Jay Alfred's estimate, the visible Earth is gravitationally coupled to a Jupiter - sized dark matter halo. As dark matter clumped it created conditions for a dark biosphere to form. This dark biosphere gave rise to dark matter life forms and consciousness. The Theory argues that dark matter is largely in the form of plasmas of exotic particles (including super symmetric particles such as charginos and neutralinos). It has been shown in laboratory experiments over the past ten years that minimal ordinary plasma cell-systems can be generated in the laboratory.

    The Theory therefore suggests that minimal dark plasma cell-systems were generated within this dark halo/biosphere in the early Earth and predicts the existence of terrestrial dark plasma life forms which evolved from these minimal plasma cell systems. Furthermore, unlike chemical-based life forms, dark plasma life forms are compatible with life in a super symmetric universe. Life forms would be as varied in scale, structure and intelligence as carbon-based life forms - as different as a microbe from a whale; a mosquito from a tiger; a giraffe from a crocodile; an ant from a human being. Their degrees of intelligence and awareness were as different as a centipede's awareness to the awareness and intelligence of Homo sapiens.

  16. Just anchor more ships we are ready to do what needed

  17. We shall see when Trump is inaugurated, whether he still is supportive of the very evil, genocidal Zionist regime, or has been faking support all along.
    Is Trump oblivious to the genocide that Israel is commiting? Either way it is very worrying that he may go along with defending the most vile negative factions on the planet.
    It is for this reason why I question the light forces decision to align itself with a leader who may be very pro Zionist.
    If Israel attacks Iran, I hope Iran levels all Israeli and U.S military targets, which they most definitely can.
    Surely if Trump attacks Iran (one of the powerful countries that is opposing the very evil Zionist regime), then surely without a doubt, the light forces must abandon there alignment with Trump. ANY BEING WITH HALF A BRAIN WOULD NOT DEBATE THIS.

    1. I think Trump is a gray hat. I expect him to not act as a morally pure liberator, or as a dark hat puppet.

      I expect some good and some bad things from him.

    2. Dear comrade, I don't know how many times this has to be repeated for you folk: the point as originally stated was NOT that the life forces are aligning with Trump, the point is that the life forces hope that Trump, in his free will, chooses the light rather than the dark. How difficult is that to understand?

    3. @Brian
      IF we have to depend on the free will of monkeys, we might as well play Russian Roulette, now.

    4. @Brian: c'è un aforisma popolare in Italia che dice: "Chi vive sperando, muore cagando". Non mi interessa Trump, voglio l'Evento e tornare al mio Sistema Stellare d'origine.

    5. @Sherman no. No way do the masses outweigh the starseeds free will. Our levels of consciousness are exponentially greater and we create some sort of consciousness effect like a gravity well that lifts their consciousness higher. Sorta like the npc’s in the dreams in the movie Inception. We are incepting our higher dimensional dream into the lower dimensional dreamspace of the humans.

    6. @Ezra
      I'll believe when I SEE it.

      And I'm no starseed or lightworker, nor would I want to be.

    7. @Sherman
      Yea I hear ya.

      The latest time I felt it happen to me was yesterday. I was in a parking garage and the ticket machine was next to an elevator. There were two, very large, very grumpy looking men waiting for the elevator and I got such a bad vibe off of them I thought they would mug me if I went near them. Regardless, my intuition urged me on and I behaved as my intuition told me to. I felt their energy move darkly as their attention snapped to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them both eye me, (I felt like a piece of meat) look at each other, look around to see if anyone was around, (there wasn’t) and then look back at me. I felt them let go of their negative intentions and saw them shuffle around in place as if shaking off the urge to hurt me and shake me for all I’m worth. Haha, I’m a few 1,000$ in debt and all I had was my npc father’s credit card and my dead grandmother’s old phone. Well, and my mother’s car keys. I felt it in the psych ward a few weeks ago when I was there too. Huge. HUGE fucking crazy dudes willing to bash their fucking heads into plexiglass windows, fight hordes of other huge workers and get stuck with butt juice, as they so lovingly called it, all just so that they could get a whiff of fresh air or get the cabin fever out of their system. Eye me up, and then calm down as if by magic. Talk about anxiety eating people alive from the inside. Cue the over the top Deadpool guts and blood and the alien baby from Alien popping out their stomach.

      We’re gonna make it Sherman. We’re gonna make it and our dearest dreams will come true. It may not have been worth it, but we sure will soothe these monsters gnawing at our emotional bodies’ innards. And we will be greeted as heroes. Whether we got there kicking and screaming or with a stick shoved up our asses that made our mouths talk in fake happy customer service voice while we guru talked others into thinking poorly of themselves for feeling perfectly normal emotions that hostages and other people whose free will has been taken from them feel. 😉 maybe I’ll join you in kicking a few of their asses for a bit. I can feel the love coming, and I hope you feel taken care of as soon as possible.

  18. All police departments, sheriff's offices and agencies in the US participate in human trafficking and terrorism. They do this because all tiers from municipal to federal have been captured by the satanic state mason mafia church.
    Liberation is taking too long and this has gone too far past too far.
    The state sponsored satanic perverts will be forgiven with death of body and soul when the threat is removed.

  19. 2024. December 29th, dream record in the early morning

    I woke up last night, after 4 o'clock in the middle of the night, and fell asleep with 5 Yunnan emeralds in my left hand.

    Two very important consecutive dream actions.

    The first dream: I was standing across the road from my community, people were coming and going, and there was a Buddha statue in the clouds in the sky, because it has been there recently and everyone is used to it. Suddenly, a goddess cloud pattern in the shape of Guanyin appeared in the sky, and it emitted a shining light, and I called out wow. . Many passers-by stopped and looked at this magical scene that suddenly appeared. Suddenly, a sister who was taller than me hugged me tenderly and lovingly behind me. I turned around and saw only her side face. She looked a bit like Guanyin. A fairy sister said, "I'm here to love you." Then I suddenly entered a state of consciousness and began to float. I was present and knew what to do. I immediately issued a sacred command: I announced and ordered the liberation of all sentient beings on the earth, and passed on light, love, peace, and abundance to every being on the earth! ! I declare and order the liberation of all sentient beings on Earth, and pass on light, love, peace, and abundance to every being on Earth!! I felt that I was anchoring and strengthening this energy. I repeated it twice and was about to repeat it for the third time, but suddenly the signal was inexplicably interrupted and lost. Then I woke up in a floating state with complete consciousness, sorted out my breathing, and gradually fell asleep again. (Thanks to this unknown Guanyin sister) The second dream: (This dream was very clear and clear, just like daily life, I thought it was real, hahahaha) I woke up on the sofa in the living room of a house. The season was like autumn and winter, and there was a heater in front of the sofa. My father was sitting on the sofa to the left of my sofa. When he saw me wake up, he immediately said that it was very rude for me to bring friends without notifying them. I was a little embarrassed. I looked to my right, and there was a big brother who looked a few years older than me. He was wearing a sweater, vest, and trousers, and his feet were on the heater reading a book. He felt very gentlemanly, gentle, and considerate. Dad took out a cigarette and asked the older brother if he wanted one. The older brother didn't understand. He didn't seem to understand Chinese but knew English. I translated for him. The older brother took out a smaller and more delicate foreign cigarette from his pocket and said thank you, I brought it myself. I translated it for Dad. Dad smiled after listening and said okay. Then the older brother put down the book and asked if I had just prayed for the whole world in my dream. I said yes, and it was very clear, just like the state of consciousness in meditation in daily life. The older brother listened peacefully, then put one hand on my head and stroked my right arm with the other. I felt his love for me. He was transmitting very healing, very deep and warm energy to me. He was gently healing me in the form of energy transmission. I felt... This energy was very familiar... I entered a certain state of consciousness again...

    <<PS: Here is a dream record from the early morning of December 28, 2024. I didn’t write it down yesterday. In the dream, a man who appeared in the appearance of my uncle’s son, that is, my brother in real family, healed and dissolved my implants by acupuncture. Two of them were located about 3 cm above my eyes on my forehead, which Cobra had marked. Then there was one under my armpit and another at the coccyx. In the dream last night, he healed and opened up the light body energy flow at these locations.>>

    I received this warm and vast healing energy, and I really felt that he was transmitting energy wholeheartedly. In that state of consciousness, I used telepathy to say no, thank you, it’s already very good, but he didn’t stop, and I felt that he would continue. . . .

  20. I made the decision in my presence. In this case, I will pray for the whole earth with my big brother! I started the Holy Order again: In the name of I Am Presence, I declare and decree that all beings on Earth be liberated. Abundance, freedom, peace, health, and happiness belong to everyone, plants, animals, minerals, microorganisms, elements, every continent, and every existence. Holy Light and Holy Love belong to everything, to Mother Gaia and all beings!!! After the first chant, I clearly felt that the big brother strengthened the energy and passed it to me. He was sweating! He was going all out. I felt a very, very obvious light shining. I even felt my father on the sofa. The whole house was deeply shaken by this energy. Just after I repeated the Holy Order for the second time with all my Holy Will (the second time I added the universe, the Milky Way, and the solar system), the huge light and energy even began to increase in number and began to affect and shake the entire Gaia. This energy felt thousands of times stronger than the first dream. Just after completing the second year-end report, I suddenly lost the signal again. In the conscious state, a red system alarm sounded in front of my eyes. I immediately realized that it was the stress maintenance response mechanism of the surface matrix! Then this energy quickly slipped away, and I entered the consciousness drifting system of the matrix, an endless gray and cold mechanical corridor. It is easy to lose the original will of the goal and presence here. . . I immediately realized that I had to protect everyone quickly and not let the matrix's revenge mechanism start to hurt anyone. In the endlessly repeated mechanical corridors, I strengthened my will again and again, and chanted again: Please protect all light workers! ! : Please protect all light workers! ! : Please protect all light workers! ! : Please protect all light workers! !
    : Please protect all light workers! !
    . . . . . . .

    Then I gradually woke up in a clear state of consciousness. . Ah, this is a dream, then I performed Ashtar Command, command 12 21, command 771, command PB stardust. three times each to protect myself and everyone.

    Intuitively, this is consistent with the P touchdown and ATVOR sequencing stable actions updated by Cobra yesterday.(P:Pandora's box also for my personal initiation,,P HAVE DOBULE MULTIDIMENSIONAL MEANING.

    And this dream action effectively and powerfully impacted the matrix system on the last surface of the earth.(Pandora's box)

    Ah, Cobra has updated.

    (Also, big brother, although your appearance has changed, I remember your energy. I believe we will meet soon. As long as you touch me when we meet, I can recognize you by your energy!!! Thank you! Thank you for the support of every light worker, star seed, and light being!!)

  21. Computations in 2008 by Stephen Adler of Princeton University and Xu and Siegel from
    the University of Arizona, suggest that the dark matter density in the Solar System and around the Earth exceeds the galactic halo density significantly and is much higher than previously thought.According to Jay Alfred's estimate, the visible Earth is gravitationally
    coupled to a Jupiter-sized dark matter halo.As dark matter clumped it created conditions for a dark biosphere to form. This dark biosphere gave rise to dark matter life forms and
    consciousness.The Theory argues that dark matter is largely in the form of plasmas of exotic particles(including super symmetric particles such as charginos and neutralinos).It has been shown in laboratory experiments over the past ten years that minimal ordinary plasma cell-systems can be generated in the laboratory.
    The Theory therefore suggests that minimal dark plasma cell-systems were generated
    within this dark halo/biosphere in the early Earth and predicts the existence of terrestrial dark plasma life forms which evolved from these minimal plasma cell systems.Furthermore unlike chemical-based life forms,dark plasma life forms are compatible with life in a super symmetric universe.Life forms would be as varied in scale, structure and intelligence as
    carbon-based life forms-as different as a microbe from a whalea mosquito from a tiger;a giraffe from a crocodile;an ant from a human being.Their degrees of intelligence and
    awareness were as different as a centipede's awareness to the awareness and intelligence of Homo spies

  22. This is great news. Liberation of this planet will be felt around the universe. That is how dark the controllers are on this planet. Once you see how bad things truly are it is akin to realizing you've been sleeping on a bed of vomit and wet turds for decades, lifetimes. The stench is unbearable. Time a for a major wash.

  23. BEST update I've read from you ever, Cobra my dear friend. 🤗

    Urbi et Orbi

  24. Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion's belt? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set up God's dominion over the earth?

    COBRA-28 Décembre 2024- Situation Planétaire(avec liens français / VIDÉOS françaises complémentaires) : Atelier "Portail 2025" à Phoenix USA/Conférence Kyoto Japon, Agartha, Ascension, Flottes Pléiadiennes/d’Aldebaran/Andromédienne/Arcturienne/Sirius, Programme Spatial Secret et Ovnis aux USA+ Chambres à Tachyons + Grilles énergétiques...)

  26. Questi cambiamenti sono estremamente importanti. Il nuovo processo di guarigione segna il momento tra la stasi presente a livello energetico fra gli operatori di Luce che diminuisce e l'inizio di nuove sensazioni, capacità, facoltà che porteranno ad un miglioramento della situazione personale nella propria vita, con una connessione aumentata e una ridotta sofferenza interiore , riuscendo a fine operazione a tornare persone più autentiche , come prima che l'anomalia prendesse il sopravvento, soprattutto dopo il 1996. Questa è la notizia più bella degli ultimi tempi per me. E finalmente si intravvede la fine del tunnel. Bravi i Pleiadiani che sono riusciti ad avanzare e guadagnare yard preziose per il prossimo touchdown. 😊🌲🛸🌲😊

  27. A friend gifted me a bracelet of Silver Lace Agate beads on the 21st. I wear it in gratitude for friendship, for its energetic properties, and to honor the return of the Silver Fleet.

  28. Recent Light

  29. Thank you cobra I have been watching your updates since I was a child~🐒

  30. I hope more light can be precipitated to China and reverse the situation here.

    1. Me too. China’s situation is really terrible.

    2. The hearts of most Chinese people are twisted to an indescribable degree, and they are arrogant and arrogant. Although I am Chinese

  31. Didn't anyone wrote notes from the December 7 workshop in Taiwan? There has been so much good and interesting information in these workshop and conference notes in the past.

    1. There is Intel that is not allowed to be published or only after a certain point in time.

  32. Bahasa Indonesia:

  33. This update proves one thing to me atleast… that the infection is much greater than previously assumed. But after each successive removal of an infected layer, hidden layers come to surface. Maybe (hopefully) this information is hidden from earthlings only and the light forces now are fully aware of all the steps they need to take to make the event as smooth as possible. Lurker remains active against people who inherently are of the light. Hence my life from childhood till now makes sense. It’s terrible to have gone through it all and still having to go through things which serve the dark. I would like to point out though that the light also existed and protected people like me when things became bad. The protection was for life to go on in a simple way though and none of my dreams materialized.
    I really hope that the light forces see me for who I am and have work for me during and after the event.
    Here I would like to request Cobra to show me and others a way to make ourselves visible to them, so that we do not remain invisible or forgotten after the Event. I don’t have the documents to attend conferences in other countries and when a workshop happened in my country I came to know about it after the notes were published. So that was a major loss for me.
    Thanks for the update. I look forward to the conference notes after they are revealed to us in January 2025.

  34. Basically there's still no positive change at all for most starseeds and lightworkers on the surface. Besides that all this is extremely boring

  35. so, what changed? how is any of this a "touchdown" in any way?

  36. Congratulations to the ex-NSA turned freelance journalist behind for finally being given a mention on this blog.

  37. 本人亲身体验了昴宿星飞船的疗愈,体验分享:

    1. tachyon chambers加强的实际报告

  38. thanks very much mr cobra fine sir.....

    and thanks very much all lightforces here in theatre of war operations....

    for the super cosmic mindblowing works ongoing;in delivering in liberation for all.....

    bravo zulu cosmique.....

    namaste tous des force lumiere toujours.....


    distillation of the ether site;transformations into crystal bright…..

    ultra shining energy jackets;sunfires of intel packets…..

    new atlantis takes the stage;demon souls burn in rage…..

    unified consciousness meditative affair;source filled waves everywhere…..



  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think every the free will of every single person on Earth affects the time of the incident, because our free will determines the vibration and energy on Earth.

      Sure, some people's free will is more impactful than others.

  40. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  41. Thanks to all the forces of light, I feel that it is not fair for Trump to decide the lives of billions of other people

  42. Many and big steps forward! And also those new and (comparatively) minor obstacles that you spot as the clean up advances, like those dark matter beings, now it’ll be their turn..
    Let’s hope now that Trump’s free will takes the right turn next month, for sure he’ll be well advised by the LF, directly or whatever the way..

  43. There are no "controversial points" here. Either Trump supports the Zionist movement (it doesn't matter in the form of traditional Jewry, or in the form of Jewry for super-rich Jews in the form of Hasidism), or he doesn't. If he does, he wants to kill 98% of the planet's population and populate it with goggle-eyed Jews, one of whose leaders he married his daughter to. There is no third way here - either you are for life and the Universal order, the First Law (let me remind you, the Old Testament is called Deuteronomy - the second law; why? You will find out in the Vatican repository), or you are a traitor and an enemy of the human race. This is essentially true - either you are a criminal against Humanity as a species (let me remind you that in the Tanakh and the Torah the Jews opposed themselves to all of humanity by writing themselves down as the chosen ones - this is pure NAZISM, since Hitler's Nazism was created by the Jews from England to order and this has been PROVEN!), or you are a Warrior of Humanity and a Fighter for Humanity! It cannot be otherwise.

    All this nonsense about "gray hats" is a pathetic and ridiculous attempt to justify oneself, a pretext to finally get off the necks of billions of people and give them their money in the form of surplus value previously appropriated by capitalists. Even 3 Soviet Unions can be destroyed, but understanding the basics in trends it is IMPOSSIBLE to get confused!

    The employer, having a monopoly on the means of production, exploits a person and appropriates 80% of his labor - this is the base. Develop robotics, mechanization - automation of labor and increase in labor productivity many times over. People do not need to work (potentially - at all) - they can engage in education and leisure. And education is a threat to the well-being and peace of people like Trump.

    The entire planet remembers how 150 (300) million poor people were given free education and enough free time - there are still anti-communist commissions, funds and committees - someone really does not want the whole history to repeat itself.

  44. Because of the Christian Zionist influence on the Trump team, it may be a good idea to do the meditations for the Middle East.

    "You are much more powerful than you think."


  45. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! / Victoire de la Lumière !

  46. It's good to hear that there's plenty of healing incoming in regards to the inner child, the heart chakra, etc. It really is. Still, may I ask: Will this possibly also heal or at least alleviate concrete issues such as high blood pressure and extrasystoles? In my case, both of these issues manifested RIGHT AFTER I participated in a peace meditation promoted on this blog. I'm aware that there's always a hereditary component with issues like these. I'm also aware that my own behaviour and my reaction patterns in the past have contributed to high blood pressure, etc. Yet, it is patently clear that I have been punished for participating in said meditation. So I'm asking: Will there be help regarding physical ailments resulting from helping? I assume it's only fair to help those who have been retaliated against for trying to do the right thing.

    Dear reader: Please do not react to my words if your intention is to judge, blame or lecture me. Thank you.

    1. I hear you. I developed a new numbish finger last night, now I have three of them. My blood pressure is through the roof and Blood Pressure meds don't work on me. I can't walk. Third finger is now hurting at times. I don't think I have long in this life.

    2. I hope you'll be among the first to receive healing.

  47. Hei...nothing about the goddess vortex in Syiria? What happend there?

  48. Healing sequences
    The problem with such work is that some people react aggressively to it.

    They react as if they mistakenly regard what is to be removed as part of their personality that they do not want to let go of.

    1. @3k14Pi: Non per tutti. Io ad esempio avverto questa nuova energia e sto realmente cominciando a sentirne i benefici. Non ho alcuna voglia di tenermi i traumi e relative conseguenze dolorose. Anzi non vedo l'ora che il processo avanza sempre di più affinché ognuno di noi starà bene. A volte certe considerazioni sono solo speculazioni sugli altri che non hanno alcun valore né corrispondenza in quanto frutto di interpretazione errata. È impossibile definire cause ed effetti generalizzati perché ognuno di noi ha bagagli esperienziali con dinamiche e sfaccettature così differenti che sono impossibili da interpretare da parte degli altri. Non siamo tutti un po' psicologi. 🌲🛸🌲

    2. How do u disentangle the bad from the good?

  49. traduction en français sur le blog de Prepare For Change Officiel depuis 2013 :

  50. Haber COBRA. Con respecto a Tump, Si sabes que hay un falso Tump en Mar a Lago como un actor diciendo lo contrario a lo que dice el verdadero TRUMP. que está en el comando militar de la Alianza. (Monte Cheyene).

  51. Mulțumim Cobra . Victoria Luminii .

  52. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino na Facebooku:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  53. Cobra nailed the healing needed description. We've all taken heavy damage to our chakras and energy centers... I'm ready for a ship to park overhead and fry the nast right out of me! 🛸⚡🔥😎♥️. Saw 2 bald eagles while Travelling yesterday and one last week. Sometimes I go years without seeing one. Must be a great sign!🦅🦅🦅. We're CLOSE dear Light family!🥰

  54. What is the Antares Fleet doing at this moment? They were never mentioned in the action to liberate the Earth.

  55. Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover
    "...that the Order of the Holy Sepulchre does not contain only great darkness, but also great Light."

  56. Sarebbe bello che ognuno di noi indossasse le scarpe di un'altro qui sul blog e ci camminasse per almeno diciamo.....5 miglia....Ma per i più superbi anche 10 miglia vanno bene😀 Scommetto che dopo avere fatto questa piccola passeggiata i commenti su questo blog subirebbero un grande rimescolamento e cambierebbero drasticamente. 🥾

  57. Finally, a real sitrep. Thank you LF, RM and Cobra

  58. Como se não bastasse a presença dos Rabinos Sionistas na CIA.
    Esses Rabinos são os mentores da guerra fria dos EUA contra a Rússia.
    Agora temos Sionistas (travestidos de) Cristãos. A facção Jesuíta procurando sobreviver dentro da Casa Branca.

  59. As if the presence of Zionist Rabbis in the CIA were not enough.
    These Rabbis are the masterminds of the US cold war against Russia.
    Now we have Zionists (disguised as) Christians. The Jesuit faction seeking to survive within the White House.


      Maybe this report of ongoing actions would interest you. Especially the second half where it is mentioned that 8 Cabal members from Earth were captured/arrested on the planet Temmer in the TAYGETA star system 440 light years from our sun!!!
      Some of which are known celebrities here on Earth.

      Ignore the intro where Queen Mari Swa says "This info can be seen as Science Fiction because if she didn't say that the video would be blocked by YouTube.

      The report coincides with what COBRA said above.

      Welcome to Earth, dear Pleiadeans (Taygete operatives).

      Victory of the light!

  60. They don't care about the surface starseeds and lightworkers, we are being tortured to death here while the galatics live in their lala bubbles

    1. Yeah, I think most of us would be happy to await out ascension in Agartha for a few thousands of years as opposed to having to live even a few more years on the surface in the current circumstances. Something is wrong with the picture of always being put last, a poor child's suffering comes first over fun, unless the galactics are just as elitist as the DF. As for us, lightworkers, a healthy person walks away from relationships that aren't based on mutual honor and respect. Why is it that us starseeds can't seem to walk away from certain things and belief systems that never ever honor us like we deserve? For me, it's time.

    2. Ruby it's time for me too. I feel it somehow.

    3. yes. If Pleadians get go to Agartha, what are WE then, liver and onions?

    4. It is very frustrating how it looks like surface lightworkers are seen as the lowest priority for liberation despite the fact that we are the ones going through the most pain and suffering. Agartha while it may not be perfect, it still has conditions that are way better than the surface. Why do the light forces not prioritize those who have it the hardest?

    5. @Ty
      Like I said before, the Light Forces must PROVE that WE are NOT CANNON FODDER. Until this proof is given, I still feel like a little worm on a big fucking hook, held over a lake loaded with big, hungry fish.

  61. Translated in Persian of Cobra's posts

  62. We are assimilated hybreds, contained and conditioned.

    The assimilation is Luciferian.

    THIS is what we are attempting to break free from.

  63. Wow! what an update! Thank you dear Cobra and the forces of Light!

  64. Cobra, there has been a seemingly abnormal amount of deaths in this month of December. I lost 2 people I knew. My friends have lost people. A plane crashed and like 181 people passed. And I feel like they got away. I'm tired. So tired. I'm sorry if this sounds like whining but I'm ready to go. Why am I still alive? My parents might want me around but if I pass from natural causes it wouldn't be so traumatic. I can't just... do it myself. Too much guilt.

    We know death isn't the end. Why can't the tired among us go? I'm trying hard to survive until the Event and I am worn out. I'm useless.

    Can u tell us about the astral plane? My friend who passed left a son and 2 dogs and so many friends and family. Why did he go? He was so full of happiness. Why not me instead?

  65. Sure, Mr Trump is probably better than the overt demons running the country. But it is still a neo-feudal system with daily torture. The entire system needs to come down. Better yet, many of us are ready to leave this planet forever and resume our lives somewhere peaceful.

    1. Voglio dire a 144k e a Sherman che trovo sempre i loro commenti stimolanti anche se hanno un modo di scrivere diverso. Grazie amici. 🌲🛸🌲

    2. You know what, I want to say the same about you and Sherman as well, Time X. 🫡🫡 love you both and hopefully after this whole mess is over maybe we can meet in our fully empowered states!

    3. I would say that makes Trump even more dangerous. A subtle not so obvious demon will slowly pull the country down like a frog slowly boiling in water. An obvious demon on the other hand is more likely to be noticed and will cause more people to wake up before it's too late.

    4. BINGO!
      I'm ready to go yesterday. Where's OUR acknowledgement/free will via Galactic Codex. And I am sure I'm not the only one ready to take risks.....

      ..I said it before, I'll say it again, NOW:

      I have NOTHING.......absolutely NOTHING in this life.
      Wrongful, hideous body, a family that threw me under the bus, a crumbling old house where half the stuff don't work, barely a penny to my name, tons of useless land, being viewed up on by people as a crazy Doctor Emmet Brown type (though he has more hair than me), no special someone, no attachments, no anything.

      And I'm volunteering to join the fighting.....WHAT DO I need to do, Light Forces, to get your approval.....put on a clown suit & slam pies into my face, while some goat pisses on me? Or something else as degrading to show my sincerity?

      I really don't get it, Light Forces. DO you hate me, for some reason, SO MUCH?

  66. Here are the Italian and Romanian translations of this wonderful post, thank you dear Cobra and I wish you a Happy New Year!! 💕💕🎇🎇

    - Italian:

    - Romanian:

    Victory of the Light!

  67. It's horrible and disgusting to keep starseeds financially dependent on their toxic family members ( who are basically matrix agents ). Why are the light forces not clearly admitting that they are unable or unwilling to liberate the planetary surface in a fast and effective way ?

  68. This is horrible. I don't know what I did to deserve this. I'm constantly dizzy. My legs are so amazingly heavy. My blood pressure is obviously high but I don't measure it as taking medication for blood pressure does not work. They told me at the hospital to not go in for blood pressure because all their meds did not work. So now I have a third numb finger. (As well as a numb toes which I've had for six years) It kind of hurts. I can barely walk. I think I may stroke out. No one else seems to have this. I don't know what is happening. If I do have a stroke or die, well I can't help it. Blood pressure meds only worked for 10 days. Now nothing works. Hopefully I will get better soon. Otherwise I have no idea why I can't walk. I'm so dizzy.

    1. Dear psychic, I have no diagnosed physical ailments. The sun is sending solar flairs atm to earth and the schumann resonance is off the charts for weeks all ready.. And the Lurker and other dark anomaly is getting cleared. I experience a lot of tension in my body, accompanied by emotions from joy, to sadness, to fear etc. Along with that with gusts of nausea, tension in my body, not being able to sleep and so on. My intuition tells me we’re all going through this huge purge. I have multiple clairvoyant gifts. But not all equally developed. I see gusts of the emerald green light, which Source/the Absolute has developed to dismantle the Lurker and the other anomaly. I also see a lot of the Violet flame. At the moment I also sometimes see cloaked ships and extraterrestrials and so many things happen to me at the same time and I have the idea that I am in the test phase of The Portal of Preparedness. My feeling tells me that all this is already preparation for ascension and that the event will take place in 2025. I also see all kinds of vague complaints in people around me, but they also think every time that it is their body that is letting them down or that they are not mentally well. When they go to a doctor for a check-up, nothing special comes out as a result. But I can see that they also go through similar processes, even when they are not spiritually developed. To me it sounds like you are also highly sensitive outside of your physical complaints. Try not to overanalyze everything, because that can also manifest unpleasant things. You will overcome this, keep remembering that this is for your highest good and that your body is going through an intense detox. You will really be fine.

      To check Schumann Resonance:

      Solar flares:

    2. Ascension symptoms are HORRIBLE, been having them since October 2010.....I'm 45, and so a THIRD of my life, thanks to ascension symptoms, have been stolen from me.

      Schumann resonance and solar flares, I HATE THEM SO MUCH.

    3. Thank you so much GoddessLight. I just read from Father (God) that it's normal to only sleep 3-4 hours, in forth Dimension. Now they are talking 5th Dimension.... which some of us just jumped to. I'm not sure. I think I stopped aging 10 years ago. (I'm blonde and no grays at age 55) Today is my 55th Birthday. So you get to the 4th Dimension and stop aging. You get to 5th Dimension and your age starts to reverse!!! Holy moly. Slowly but yay to anyone who went up in the first ascension, which just happened!! Many, many are channeling about it - I think it is true. Yeah, there are some big X flares just now!! Yes I feel the ascension (maybe phase 2 and 3) will also happen in 2025... that would be amazing. Yes the psychologist offered me pills to calm me down, probably because I couldn't stop crying. I said no to them. I feel this 2025 is going to be intense. Thanks for understanding. xx

    4. Oh solar flares... I love them so much.

  69. Translated to Hebrew

  70. Spirit has just spoken to me. Apparently I am creating it. I have to let it go. I am making my own suffering. I think I need to start meditating again. Why do I think it will take a while? I need to try meditating again. But the blood pressure problem is real.

  71. I captured proof that drones are spraying in addition to jets. Jets make a somewhat yellow/brown smog in large trails. Drones make these single huge dumps of a silver haze which spreads out, eventually settling to the ground in a choking smog. Some drones spray trails and I finally got a good photo. You can see on the left where the drone turns around to spray another row. On the lower right is a typical jet trail, many times bigger. This is a light spraying day. Usually it's so thick it blocks out the sun from horizon to horizon, 5 days a week. I'm kind of freaking out that people can't tell. It's a toxic, irritating particulate that's as thick as fog, but starts out as "clouds." How can they not see the release in the sky, the spreading out, and hours later it's a haze on the ground? For years now and almost nobody cares. I mention it to people and they look bewildered or say it must be a wildfire, even though it's like this 5 days a week for years! "Probably a fire." It frankly scares me how oblivious people can be. I'm afraid the NWO will do something so awful and the entire population will fall for it. I mean they already are, we're being choked by thick, visible particles that make you sick and disoriented, and they think it's normal. I'm happy about progress being made in space and underground, but it's bad here. They're putting up more 5G towers every day which are violently harmful. Our town replaced all the traffic light poles at major intersections with huge poles that have 5G transmitters in them. Holy shit it almost makes you pass out if you have to stop at a light there. And again, basically everyone is fine with it. If conditions were worse, it would be better because people would notice and fight back. As it is now, it's functionally the worst it could possibly be.

    1. A peaceful way to neutralize 5G towers:

  72. I'm feeling good these days because I've developed a perfect lifestyle to survive these times. I'll be fine, but mentally it's difficult living in a horror movie.

  73. I created custom Pleiadian plush toys. 10" (25cm) tall. They'll be ready for sale soon. I'll make some variations and accessories too. I'm thinking a necklace or chest pocket with tachyon crystal sewn in. A fine mesh pocket so you can see the crystal. Maybe a crystal wand they're holding. If you have ideas let me know. I'd also like some real Pleiadian emblems on the suit for future editions. I can't think of any at the moment; I could use help with a source, thanks.

  74. Awesome update cobra thanks,help with healing would greatly appreciated.i heard there's hidden nukes under numerous volcanoes around the globe which they have been trying to activate etc ok cheers victory of the light...

  75. Well I can't believe that I got this far, I finished it, It started to right itself, and then my mind got in the way and I recreated it, but even worse and now I got to live with it, unless I surrender?? How do you surrender????? I just want to go back to normal. This is completely insane. Surrender to it, surrender to it. Well.. I never expected this. Least my finger went back to normal (for now).
    And I can only sleep 3-4 hours a night. Lots of people have this problem. Bring on the disclosure. Except I won't like hearing it. I think it is going to be really bad.
    Think positive. Think positive. This is the new me... miss positive.

  76. I'll just say it. I am a complete and utter mess. Even watching things that would never before matters, I don't just tear up. I start sobbing, loudly, uncontrollably, and this has gone on for over a month. I wait for it to stop. It means I went through trauma - the girl who never cries - but now I cry several times a day, loudly, uncontrollably. I'm certainly getting stuff out. No matter how much I cry, there is an endless stream of it, and it doesn't seem like it will ever stop. I howl. I can hardly catch my breath.

    I know, I know, I'm probably doing it for others, like those who can't cry. It's brutal, it's awful. Please, please get over it. Stop this crying. Now I'm supposed to find surrender. God help me.

    1. I love you psychic. I’ve been doing that for the past 12 years. But since it’s been stretched out it was less intense than yours. But yea, we are filtering humanity’s suffering.

    2. Ezra, I love you too. We are all One. Well I was never crying before. I've been pretty damn stable for 30 years, now this morning I cried because we won the cricket. Just for all of us crying, boo hoo. Hehe.

  77. Astrologically it's so messed up. With more to come. Don't forget that.

  78. So let me see the tangible changes around me: everything is more expensive, literally everything, and its still getting more expensive every month, the wars continue on, insane laws are being forced upon us, media still lie and twist the truth, politicians still corrupt and evil, I could go on and on but whats the point?
    The question is: what exactly has changed? Tell me one thing that is better today than it was 10 or 15 years ago.
    Just one thing, I'll wait.

    If you can't think of anything, I say this blog is all bullsh1t.

    1. The energy that we have access to internally. As well as our own personal growth. Which is not much to go on since we live in the physical. Something has to give. As you pointed out, everything is reaching a fever pitch

  79. By the way, we are still waiting on info about what went down in Syria, is that not important?


  81. 昴宿星人的接触Pleiadian!
    2024.Dec.30 dream record.
    (Draw the picture with the mobile phone drawing tablet!)

    Command 12 21 *3
    Ashtar Command *3
    Victory of the light!

  82. "Se formas de vida de plasma escuro forem possíveis, isso significaria logicamente que elas provavelmente seriam as formas de vida mais comuns no universo, muito mais comuns do que as formas de vida baseadas em carbono, devido à prevalência de matéria escura, que é de 5 a 6 vezes mais abundante do que a matéria comum."
    Contudo, há razões para demonstrar que existe um equívoco, um erro matemático aqui.
    A matéria não é escura. A ausência de partículas suspensas no espaço profundo gerou a especulação de que se trate de um vácuo. Quando de fato não é.
    Nem mesmo a velocidade da luz medida da Terra está necessariamente correta. Posto que são duas velocidades distintas: a velocidade dentro da Atmosfera sofre o efeito da refração, enquanto a velocidade da luz fora da atmosfera de um planeta é diversa porque corre livre.

  83. Just want to rest for a while. I feel tired, both mentally and physically.

  84. In spanish, en español:

  85. @Esdra, grazie! Ci vedremo presto, contaci. Un abbraccio a te. 🥰🌲🛸🌲


    1. That was last week's entry. Here is this week's entry:

  87. @Ezra , mi piace la tua sincerità, apprezzo il tuo modo di schietto di parlare. 🌲🛸🌲👍

  88. @Ezra, a volte ci sono pareri discordanti non è vero? A me piace parlare chiaro , con il cuore di chi soffre ogni giorno. Ma sono piuttosto coriaceo e vado avanti. Conosco bene i tuoi pensieri e ti capisco benissimo. Sento di essere un buon mediatore nonostante sono estremo a volte. Nella vita ho capito che non tutti la pensano come me. Ma forse, seppure in modo diverso stiamo cercando tutti la stessa cosa: una tregua , un posto migliore, un po' di benessere in generale. Quando sto peggio del solito sono meno controllato e penso sia normale. Abbiamo bisogno di aiuto , questo è vero perché siamo un pianeta ostaggio delle forze oscure. Se così non fosse non avrebbe senso di esistere questo Portale. Io ti capisco. Sono con te. Ce la faremo vedrai. Resta sintonizzata. 🌲🛸🌲

    1. Thank you for your kind words my friend. I’m still learning to love my frank side and you are helping. Yes, we need help because we are hostages and on one of those downs that you mentioned we have in another post above, I can be more explosive. I’m learning to ride those ups and downs and still be okay— but you’re right, the difference between someone that genuinely strives for that truce, better place, and bit of general well-being and someone who just wants to be a guru authority is the striving for that better place within ourselves, regardless of if we are on an up or down in life.


  90. I am very happy and excited about the latest A M A Z I N G news to finally see some light in the end of the tunnel.
    Thank you so much for these news!

    But the links on this post led to hard questions that I feel it's important to clarify.

    The websites in those links blame the Jews and the Zionists for all of the bad things that happen in the world. It triggered my Israeli friends and they are upset and think that its from antisemitism or at least ignorance. I bet there are some misunderstandings!

    For example, this article talks about Christian Zionists and the West Bank settlements. Does it mean it's wrong for Jews to live there, as it's the promised land from biblical times? Why is it considered a 'bad' thing that evangelicals promote Jewish return to their biblical land?

    Another article discusses stopping assistance to Israel's war efforts. Israel is in trauma since the October 7th massacre by Gaza, which killed 1,400 Israeli civilians. Many women and children were tortured and dismembered in the most horrible ways, and Israelis are now living in mortal fear. If Israel cannot defend itself from Hamas terrorists, they will use this opportunity to kill everyone in Israel. I know there is also a massacre in the Gaza Strip that killed tens of thousands of Gazans, but many Gazans curse Hamas's bloody tyranny.

    Even Hamas admit they don't value Gazans lives.

    There are videos of Israeli IDF soldiers treating them humanely.

    There are even Muslim soldiers in the IDF.

    I am aware there could be murderous squads implanted within the Israeli army to kill civilians, as in any army in the world. I guess it's the Cabal's way to keep the animosity going and maintain the world's hate against the Jews. My Israeli friends don't understand why the world blames the IDF and Israel for these massacres. I know soldiers who served in the army, and I can tell they would never hurt anyone innocent. So who are these killers? On the other hand, some Israeli IDF soldiers fought heroically on October 7th to protect Israeli civilians from Hamas terror attacks. They were arrested and detained for a long time and will probably end up in jail for a while.

    My friend adds about Hamas war crimes:
    Civilians, including children, are forced by Hamas to remain in no-go areas to serve as human shield martyrs. There is no arrangement for humanitarian assistance in Gaza for food distribution. Hamas causes starvation by stealing food from civilians and then selling it at exorbitant prices, using the resulting starvation for propaganda.

    I feel it has to be clarified for the Israelis who follow the Portal blog. (and for the people who assume the Jews are the bad guys)

    Again, thank you very much for your blog and all of those updates as years go by. I know its lots of work educating us, the masses about what really goes on!

    1. A suggestion: stop trusting the bullsh*ts of the mainstream media.

      Nowadays, almost all Israelis are brainwashed by Zionists. If you ask them, they will feel sorry for themselves and all other peoples in the world should die. What do they say about Palestinian civilians? Animals! Even on tiktok, you can find many facts that the media are forbidden to make public. Moreover, why not go and see how the surviving Palestinian civilians describe the "humanitarianism" of the Israelis, such as killing competitions, human shields, cutting off humanitarian supplies, and endless slaughter of women, children and the elderly? This is what the Israelis do in Palestine. Cobra has already revealed that Hamas's top leaders are in league with Israeli top leaders. In the so-called music festival attack in 2023, Israeli helicopters could even be seen shooting at their own people. All these things will not be told by the main media. If you really want to know the truth, then you will take the initiative to find it.

  91. Dernière mise à jour de Cobra en français, avec articles et schémas en français.

  92. "Iran Announces Nuclear Explosion in Syria

    Iranian journalist Khayal Muazzin has published a statement claiming that controlled nuclear explosions occurred in the Syrian cities of Tartus and Latakia. According to him, the attack, allegedly carried out by Israel, involved the use of a tactical nuclear warhead to destroy fortified sites. These statements are based on published data, according to which radiation measuring devices in Cyprus and the Turkish city of Mersin recorded surges in radiation levels.

    There will be no use of nuclear weapons, they told me, they signed a collective agreement on the non-use of nuclear weapons, they repeated to me, and everything would be fine, but they forgot to tell Israel about it."

  93. "So, the power of the GOCG (global organized crime group) is planned to be implemented through corporations, through the UCLG - this is an international organization "United Cities and Local Governments" for managing agglomerations and the OOC - "organization of united corporations" as a planning and legislative body.

    And also AI (artificial intelligence) as a means of total control over agglomerations, the population of which will exist in digital slavery.

    Not life, but a fairy tale, true, but only for a strictly defined group of non-humans.

    All this is wonderful, you will say, but what will happen to us, you will ask, and I will answer you.

    We as a people are finished, fucked, the end, and complete, comprehensive, categorical.

    In this regard, we are cattle, that is, cattle destined for slaughter.

    Men and ugly women will be slaughtered, and beautiful ones will be sold in slave markets into sexual slavery, children will be made slaves.

    In general, everything is the same as what is being done in Syria now.

    We as a country are also threatened with some territorial changes.

    In general, the GOPG plans to leave the Russian Federation without dividing it, because not a single piece of our territory should go to anyone, and first of all to China, and because our territory will be another springboard for the destruction of this very China.

    That is why I hasten to please with news of various kinds of separatists in the form of nationalists of Tatarstan or Bashkiria or other lovers of the "Siberian republics", as well as all Muslims in the form of migrants, those who have already received citizenship, those who came here to work, and, of course, those who are here illegally, oh yes, and also those friends of Putin from the still banned "Taliban" and the Syrian HTS (now they are a little busy in Syria, cutting off the heads of Christians, and selling their women and children into slavery, as soon as they finish, straight to us).

    And the news for you is that according to the plans of the GOPG, you, in all likelihood, will have to arrange a Russo-cutting on the territory of the Russian Federation according to the Syrian scenario after the extermination of the indigenous population of the Russian Federation, there will be no quiet life for you, don't even hope, you will all be mobilized for war with China.

    You will be played with and abandoned, your task is to die in the fire of world perestroika to establish absolute power of the GOPG, and if not during the upcoming Russo-cut on the territory of the Russian Federation, then definitely during the upcoming China-cut.

    And if any of you believe that you are fighting for the sake of proclaiming Islam on the entire planet, then here I will also disappoint you, the GOPG always use the rule of divide and rule, therefore there will not be one religion on earth, and they use Islam as a tool to achieve their goals, and then into the furnace.

  94. "...As for the territory of the Russian Federation from the Caucasus, I believe that Kadyrov's recent call to all Chechens to prepare for war is precisely so that during the implementation of the Syrian scenario, Chechnya could occupy the space from the Azov to the Black Sea, thereby becoming a buffer zone to prevent Turkey from entering the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Upon reaching a certain stage during the Syrian scenario and after the fall of federal power, NATO troops will enter the territory of the Russian Federation, but in the form of PMCs, just as they are now doing in Syria, entering military bases that previously belonged to the Russian Federation.

    Their task is to take control of strategic facilities, not only military, but also civilian, such as hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, etc., because artificial intelligence eats up a lot of electricity.

    And all this should begin after Trump's inauguration, because it is the United States that will lead this event, headed by the new president.

    After the implementation of this plan, all Islamists will be prepared for war with China, and if China strongly resists, then here it is possible to use nuclear weapons from Russian territory on Chinese territory, while the United States will remain intact, and also as a warning to others who want to resist."

  95. Putin signed a law allowing the exclusion of the "Taliban (The Taliban Movement is banned in Russia *)" from the list of banned entities.

  96. A request to the pleiadians

    Sexuality is an awkward subject for me. I have been wheelchair bound since birth. In addition to this, certain personal experiences have destroyed my internal image of masculinity. So, sexual arousal is essentially just a biological need that I can only fulfill by consuming adult material.

    I have had a little success in contacting spirit entities for the purpose of companionship. But I couldn't sustain the connection due to feelings of inadequacy.

    I don't even know how to begin dealing with these issues. I am open to all forms of sexual healing. Please help me.

  97. These plasmoids are heavy and hog up the air.

    Once cleared-breathing,air quality and tensions in the body should minimize quite much with everything being lighter.

    The negative frequency fence of the veil helps them to exist here, which creates a tension making reality heavy on earth. This may be why the magnetic or force field theme appears often.

    The symbiotes (Venom/Carnage etc) from spider-man are almost exact disclosure examples of these dark matter plasmoids.

    These beings having a plasma component akin or similar to the gaseous state and the fact they also attach to people, makes one think that may be another reason why people feel emotional release during chiropractor, as it releases gas built up in the joints & thus maybe help remove the means the entity attaches to you.

    They also cannot travel far on their own, they need to attach to people.

    They may have a connection to the nanite/AI/radio wave situation which the lurker links into also.

    Some are experiment creations/clones.

    They watch/distract and jam our spiritual abilities even our physical senses to a degree possibly.They link to our nervous system.

    They can speak (hear voices, suggestions-mental nudges)

    "If you want a friend to stick with you into the void, choose a plasmoid"

    They have forms similar to:
    crustaceans & jellyfish-ish or manta ray

    They likely are attacked to dark paintings/portals the cabal has spread around the world as a unique type of dark grid(also lurker linked)

    1. AscendLiberation, excellent description! I suspect that just before and during their future clearing from earth, the dark matter plasmoids will ramp up their attacks/vampirism. That's the pattern I'm seeing with other previous clearings.

      It's possible the the UFO attack (and another attack involving the word "Pinocchio" - long story) against me was from the Jesuits being aggressive before and during their purge from the sol system.

    2. Furthermore regarding attacks, I may as well say this here: No matter how strong the connection to the higher self, there is no such thing as complete protection. The previous deaths of priestesses of Astara proved this.

      The power of emeralds though - quite interesting. Lightworkers can sleep with their emeralds to the side/corner of their pillow casings.

  98. "
    Trump Betrayed His Own: The Secret Plan to “Hinduize” America

    Do you know what’s going on behind the scenes of big politics? Under the loud slogans of “Make America Great Again,” a scenario is unfolding that could change the face of the United States forever. And the main role in this performance is played by… Indians.

    Don’t believe me? Let’s face it. Donald Trump, the man who so zealously promised to fight immigration, turns out to be an ardent supporter of H1-B visas, a program that allows you to attract highly qualified specialists from abroad. And who, by an amazing coincidence, is leading in this area? That’s right, India!

    Elon Musk, another American “patriot,” echoes Trump, declaring the need to attract the best minds from around the world, and, of course, meaning the same Indians. He even managed to call supporters of the MAGA movement “despicable fools” for their disagreement with such a policy.

    But why? Why are Trump and Musk so eager to push the “Indian” vector?

    This is where things get interesting. Remember that Trump’s senior advisor on AI is Shriram Krishnan, an Indian venture capitalist. Is that a coincidence? What about Musk’s colleague at DOGE, Ramaswamy, who is also Indian? Tulsi Gabbard, whom Trump recommended to head the House National Intelligence Committee, is Indian! Vice President Vance’s wife is Indian, and even the FBI director, whom Trump nominated, is Indian!

    It seems that behind the facade of patriotism there is a cunning plan to gradually take over America. A plan in which Indians play a key role. A plan that involves simplifying immigration rules to bring in up to 5 million Indians a year. And all this against the backdrop of the fact that Trump, as part of his high-profile immigration program, plans to organize the largest deportation operation in US history of illegal immigrants, which could affect more than 11 million people.

    Imagine what will happen to the USA in 10, 20 years. The ethnic composition of the country may change beyond recognition. It will no longer be an America of whites and Latinos. It will be "Indie America".

    And all this "migration policy" is carried out exclusively in the interests of corporations. After all, 5 million highly paid Indians per year is 5 million sales of cars, food, phones and other goods per year. After all, the "new American middle class" will spend the earned capital in America. And as for the indigenous population, according to corporate plans, they are apparently assigned the role of service personnel for the rich and taxpayers. It turns out that Trump, under loud cries of saving America, is in fact betraying his voters, replacing some migrants with others. And all this is happening under the cover of slogans about the development of technology and the economy.

    This is not a conspiracy theory, this is an analysis of the facts. Facts that speak for themselves. America may be on the verge of something big, but will it be the "greatness" that Trump and his supporters have been talking about? Time will tell.

    I would like to sum up that this story is not a unique American anomaly, but a clear example of how the political system works in the capitalist world. Similar processes occur wherever power and the economy are concentrated in the hands of the ruling class. Under the guise of patriotic statements, as a rule, are hidden the interests of big capital, striving to increase profits and expand its influence. This applies to Russia and any other country where political decisions are often made to please the elite, and not the interests of the people. Therefore, when you hear loud slogans and promises from politicians, always ask yourself: "Who really benefits from this?" And remember that behind any political decisions are the interests of the ruling class, which rarely coincide with yours."

    1. And what's the problem with having more Indians and more Hindus in America? Hinduism is the only religion on the planet which worshiped the Goddess in various forms since thousands of years. I hope it will spread worldwide

    2. The H-1B issue was quickly conflated online (with the help of Threat Fusion Center online agitator types) into another anti-Bharat (India) campaign and went as far as insulting Goddess Kaali and her devotees, based on social media platform X as well as the usual insults of open defecation based on 10+ year TED talk videos (no longer the case since 2019 thanks to PM Modi's sanitation campaign) or rapes (20x higher per 100,000 population in UK & US more than in Bharat, American Universities now being a hotbed for such crimes.)

      Is Trump's plan to 'Hinduize' US a real thing? The Bible Belt + Christian Zionist movement with its toxic combination of arrogance, ignorance & intolerance of polytheistic faiths (they equate Pagans to dark occult) has done much harm to the US as we have seen in the last 2 decades post-9-11 that has destroyed the country financially.

      Its already too late for the US to survive in its current 200 year old form, but Sanatan Dharma might be its last chance for it to rise in the future. The Founding Fathers were deists after all.

  99. Хто ще вірить в писанину Б. Фулфорда? Хтось може перевірити написану ним маячню? Ні !!! КОБРА, пиши в статтях лише про те, що дійсно по суті тобі передано космітами і не вказуй на статті написані усілякими недолугими людьми!!!!! " Сіонізм захватив кобру".......

  100. "Nabiullina and her accomplices - banksters and speculators - are giving "dear Russians" a New Year's present in the form of a 10% collapse of the ruble.

    While the people are dressing their Olivier salad with mayonnaise (often with palm oil), the economic genocide continues with the sweaty hands of these profiteers.

    Well, and two days ago a group of idiot deputies consisting of
    A.G. Aksakov, V.S. Makarov, K.M. Bakharev, O.D. Dimov; and also no less than Durosenators N.A. Zhuravlev, I.N. Abramov, A.D. Artamonov, A.A. Klishas, ​​M.M. Ulbashev and A.G. Sheikin submitted a bill to the State Duma:
    which introduces a phased connection of banks and sellers to the digital ruble platform, as well as the integration of a universal QR code into settlements using digital rubles.

    According to the text of the bill, from July 1, 2025, the obligation to provide clients with the opportunity to receive services on the digital ruble platform is assigned to systemically important credit institutions, from July 1, 2026 - to banks with a universal license, from July 1, 2027, all credit institutions will be included in the circuit of work with the digital ruble

    NB! At the same time, an amendment is being made to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, according to which, from July 1, 2025, sellers will be required to provide the ability to pay for goods and services in digital rubles. Moreover, from July 1, 2025 to July 1, 2026, this obligation applies to sellers with revenue over 30 million rubles for the previous year; from July 1, 2026 to July 1, 2027, the obligation will apply to those whose revenue exceeds 20 million rubles. By the way, the self-employed, too, according to this bill handed down by the globalists, will have to ensure the acceptance of payments in digital rubles."

    The introduction of the digital ruble in 2025 against the will of the indigenous population - for now, the so-called globalists of the Zionist variety rule the Russian Federation undividedly and do whatever they want with the local population - de facto hostages.

  101. "The Washington Post: Israel Built an “AI Factory” for War. It Launched It in Gaza

    ▪️After a brutal Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023, the IDF bombed Gaza using a painstakingly compiled database over years detailing home addresses, tunnel locations, and other infrastructure important to the militants.

    ▪️But then the target bank ran dry. To keep up the frantic pace of the war, the IDF turned to a sophisticated artificial intelligence tool called “Habsorah” — or “Gospel” — that could quickly generate hundreds of additional targets.

    ▪️Using AI to quickly replenish the IDF’s target bank allowed the military to continue the campaign without interruption, according to two people familiar with the operation.

    ▪️This is an example of how a decade-long program to bring advanced AI tools to the center of the IDF’s intelligence operations contributed to the brutality of Israel’s 14-month war in Gaza.

    ▪️The IDF has widely publicized the existence of these programs, which some experts consider the most advanced AI military initiative ever deployed. But a Washington Post investigation reveals previously unreported details about the inner workings of the machine learning program, as well as the secret, decade-long history of its development.

    ▪️The investigation also reveals a fierce debate at the military’s highest levels, dating back years before October 7, about the quality of AI-derived intelligence, whether the technology’s recommendations were sufficiently vetted, and whether the focus on AI was weakening the IDF’s intelligence capabilities.

    ▪️Some internal critics claim the AI ​​program was a behind-the-scenes force that contributed to the rising death toll in Gaza. Gaza's Health Ministry says 45,000 people have died, more than half of them women and children.

    ▪️People familiar with IDF practices, including soldiers who served in the war, say the Israeli military has significantly expanded the number of civilian casualties it allows compared to historical norms.

    ▪️Some argue that automation has helped, making it easier to quickly generate large numbers of targets, including the low-level militants involved in the October 7 attacks.

    ▪️"What's happening in Gaza is a harbinger of a broader change in how wars are fought," said Steven Feldstein, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment who studies the use of artificial intelligence in war.

    ▪️He noted that the IDF appeared to have lowered the threshold for civilian casualties during the Gaza war. “Combine that with the acceleration that these systems offer, as well as the accuracy issues, and the result is a higher casualty rate than could ever be imagined in a war,” Feldstein said.

    ▪️The IDF said claims that the use of AI puts human lives at risk are “not true.”

  102. "If you've forgotten what democracy looks like, the HTS terrorists will show you.
    According to media reports, terrorists from the Turkish-led SNA and HTS entered Daraa in southern Syria, robbing, kidnapping and attacking civilians. There is information that children are also being targeted." (photo)

  103. Cobra according to kim Gougen the real Trump is gone and only the operatives are running the show with a fake or double ones, are you aware of this or have any info about it that you like to share, even benjamin fuldford is questioning the fake trump situation. we can handle the truth. peace

    1. The Trump thing is very mysterious, I think it can’t be revealed for now until it becomes clear in the open. Either the Cabal mustn’t know and therefore can’t be told here, or it’s part of the show and magic tricks are not revealed in advance.
      This, or the LF are relying upon someone not totally reliable, in which case they would have a B plan. But at this stage things must be pretty much under control anyway.

    2. The real Trump is in Cheyenne Mountain. Everyone knows that. Also, I've never seen Cobra respond to anyone here but ... Anyway...

  104. This is great news!Thank you very much, dear Cobra.💖🌟🌟🌟💖



    Interview with Pastor Artur Pawlowski. Author of the book “LIONS DO NOT BOW”. It’s his real life testimony of unbreakable courage as a Pastor in Canada.
    He shares all the details in his book about the persecution he suffered along with the fight he still continues to have with the Canadian government. They have tried to shut down his church many times, tried stopping him from preaching the gospel, burning his church, vandalizing his home and throwing him in jail, all for his Christian faith and hope in Jesus. He continues to stand firm and bold in his faith and God continues to give him the Victory. It was my honor and pleasure to interview Mr. Pawlowski.

    Artur Pawlowski
    Were to purchase below:

    Canadian Orders:
    2. Indigo Lions Do Not Bow: The Unbreakable Courage Of Canada’s Pastor Book By Artur Pawlowski, (Hardcover) | Indigo
    United States Orders:
    2. Pathway Book Services (for people who don’t use Amazon) Lions Do Not Bow—Pathway Book Service

    3. Barnes and Noble:…
    4. BooksaMillion:…


  106. Together, they aim to expose the injustices faced by January 6 prisoners and secure much-needed restitution.
    A Fight for Justice

  107. I just watched (part) of the Corey Goode deposition on YouTube where he ADMITS TO MAKING UP THE STORIES HE'S PASSING OFF AS DISCLOSURE, in a court/legal environment on camera....I stopped following him years ago (intuitive nudge)...while I still believe some of the things he has talked about are or could be true, it's obvious that ANYONE can infiltrate this and other "Disclosure" movements rather easily. I want to believe the information on this website, however I struggle on a daily basis with the same questions I've had for over a decade....why does it never end? How can I truly trust you (the LF & Resistance movement) with absolutely NO evidence of any kind whatsoever? So I'm supposed to take a giant leap of faith....again, and blindly trust there are positive forces working on disclosure? How can we be expected to continue to contribute to this movement when we have little to no resources, are "slaves", and barely have the energy to do the basics here on this plane of existence? I'm looking to ask some of the obvious questions that NEED to be answered before we proceed any further. I have asked the LF repeatedly to show me something, anything, anything to help me truly believe.....maybe some of us are super deep undercover until the last or safest possible time to be activated? My goal is not to attack, but rather to be bold and ask some the obvious and important questions that MUST be answered before I proceed any further with potentially exposing myself to who knows what by participating in meditations, taking physical actions for the LF etc. Would love to hear others thoughts on this matter, I can't be the only one who feels this way. Also, I'll add that I think it's completely normal and even necessary to doubt/thoroughly investigate anything (such as the information on this website) the implications of the information on this website cannot be underestimated if it is on fact true. God Bless and God Speed.
