Friday, February 7, 2025

MIDAS ALPHA activation failure, MIDAS BETA activation in progress


    emissions françaises Prepare For Change / SESSIONS POUR FEVRIER 2025

    - 14 FEVRIER 20H30 CET (heure française d'hiver) : Méditations en direct avec nettoyage énergétique+ 1 MEDITATION pour AIDER à se SOUVENIR de nos ORIGINES STELLAIRES+autres méditations selon énergies du moment , Disponible en replay
    (Chaine Youtube « Prepare For Change Français officiel   )

    - 28 FEVRIER 20H30 CET (heure française d'hiver) Emission EXPLICATIVE ATELIERS / CONFERENCES de COBRA « PORTAIL 2025+ASCENSION » en Asie et USA  avec INVITES y ayant assisté et fait  l'INITIATION AUX RAYONS y compris nouveau Rayon ATVOR( illustrations, témoignages,photos autorisées)+ SITUATION PLANETAIRE, Disponible en replay
    (Chaine Youtube « Prepare For Change Français officiel   )
    NOTES OFFICIELLES ATELIER « Portail 2025 » (Taiwan, Décembre 2024)
    NOTES OFFICIELLES Conférence  sur "L’Ascension"(Japon,Janvier 2025)
    (En attente de la publication des notes officielles de l'atelier à Phoenix USA Février 2025)


    11-12-13 FEVRIER de 15h à 15h30 CET (heure française d’hiver)
    Sessions énergétiques  mensuelles gratuites à distance des Maîtres Ascensionnés  avec  rayons  stellaires ( chaine youtube « International Golden Age Group »     )
    LIEN pour le 11 FEVRIER
    LIEN pour le 12 FEVRIER
    LIEN pour le 13 FEVRIER


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  2. Yet another obst,
    Keep on believeing and push, we can do this together!

  3. Let’s get it, straight up! To infinity and beyond.

    1. 🙋‍♀️❤️👍 Victory of the Light!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Midas, the king of Phrygia in Greek mythology. "Midas's ear" is used to refer to something that cannot be concealed.
    So "Midas" may be some kind of truth revealed

  6. Come on MIDAS BETA activation!

    I'll just mention this, this is what I was reading as a helicopter flew SLOWLY nearly over my house twice. Very slowly. It's from Vega, which is where I thought I was from (but I don't think I'm a cat). Great to meditate and I hope they help me.

    "GALACTIC INTERVENTION: We Are Here For First Contact.." | Orxa - The Vega Collective

    1. The cats you are referring to are called the Urmah and are living on the two planets Vega and Hyades in the M45 star cluster. Have a listen:

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ben fulford says the real trump died in that helicopter crash.hope this isn't true

    1. His security team has "looking glass" tech. It's very hard to believe!

    2. Reread his post. That is not what he said. He stated a rubber masked body double was killed then showed a video of the supposed real Trump talking about the crash and how it should not have been flying at that height. Spreading rumors is not helpful. Reading comprehension and critical thinking is.

    3. Yah..I read Ben ..he also said the DS surrendered a year ago .. I hear a lot of talk on all sites...but nothing yet that will help humanity even all the federal EEs being cut has no impact because they were being paid with fake fiat borrowed money and it seems we still have to pay taxes here in the US so no reset yet so all talk a guy at a bar the story is compelling but words mean nothing ..I believe we will ascend but to not free humanity now from debt slavery and reset the financial system is a no brainer if you want to raise the consciousness level of world this would be step 1. Something practical removing the fear and lack. Shutting down depts means little to all of us...we don't believe in any of it anyhow. Nesara Now

    4. No, he said one of his body doubles.....

    5. I'm not spreading any disinfo,just saying the video he just put out on the 7th he says the real one was killed.

    6. When was Ben Fulford ever right about anything?

    7. Then reading comprehension is the problem…

    8. The head of the serpent was severed in February of 2024.

  9. Oh! Então o pico de produtividade ontem devia ser isso!
    Alpha não deu, vamos de Beta.
    Beta parece bom também.
    Quem sabe dá pra tentar Alpha mais tarde ;)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "Queremos nossa Herança para nosso Uso Imediato e Benevolente"
    Gratidão equipe.
    Baby P

    1. Acredito que tem alguém ouvindo sim :)

    2. Embora eu não esteja escutando direito as respostas...
      CoBRa, minha equipe foi embora mesmo?
      Com quem eu fiquei?

  12. Hoping there's a gamma, delta etc..too. ❤️✌️‍🏻‍

  13. I have heard that the real Trump was killed during the helicopter crash what can you say Cobra...because this could be a big set back...I hope Benjamin Fulford is wrong about this he is not 100% sure but very sure...Kolonel McCregor will talk with him...does anybody know more about this since I live in South-Africa now

    1. He is wrong from the day he came publicly out! Last week he said that the double was.

    2. I hope no. Trump is the chosen one. He it's the right president for America and affecting other countries with his decisions, he has to live for change the world 🌎

    3. Ben Fulford said he believes the body double died not the real one.

    4. To the person requesting a link:

  14. LF sta cercando di neutralizzare azioni negative dei tirapiedi degli oscuri attraverso l'attivazione di un protocollo? Mi viene in mente questo, tipo un'azione di blocco verso la cabala ma è solo una mia supposizione naturalmente. 🌲🛸🌲

  15. 👏👏👏 cmon baby, let’s blow this popsicle stand!!!!

  16. Replies
    1. Be wary of those who try to turn stoicism into a marketing campaign though. In modern times, some have tried to corrupt the teachings of stoicism with various agendas. The book I'm reading, "The Little Book of Stoicism," does not promote modern corrupted teachings of stoicism. This book, unlike certain other books, is true to the original teachings of stoicism.

      Here is how some people are trying to corrupt the teachings of stoicism:

    2. (Even the above video has some distortions, with politics getting involved. Just about anything anyone encounters has distortions. It's just a matter of filtering them out.)

  17. Dear Cobra, I believe I am an Arcturus Star Seed. I did the meditation and reached this conclusion, especially after reading about Arcturus Star Seeds online as well.
    Please direct us to our individual missions. I am already doing what the online articles say that Arcturians should/try to do on earth, but on a tiny scale due to limitation of resources.

    1. Aditya, let me know a contact form of yours like an email I can help you with knowing more about your purpose

    2. Look inside, or ask your soul, and you'll find your mission.

      Or if you're not able to do that, just do spiritual work until you are.

    3. Thank you Didokaa, I would welcome any input. My email

    4. @Lightworker, thanks for the input

  18. "Question about Trump having Light and dark aspects. Will he be more inclined towards the Light?"

    Answer: "it is up to his free will. We can do things such as purify him with the Violet flame and ask his soul to intervene in his personality."

  19. Doesn't anyone remember the saying... "He has the Midus touch..."
    If I'm not mistaken, everything that King Midus touched turned to GOLD... so perhaps this is a reference about the "gold" standard dollar being implemented as the new currency.
    Just a thought...


  20. Oh, did someone besides my cat hear my calls? :-)

    It's Space Cat!
    It's Future!

    And of course I've never heard the tune in my life until now.




    1. Machen wir so.



  21. Hard to be hopeful when the Sun is blocked out everyday all around the world from chemtrails.

    1. Seriously, it's a choking smog that settles to the ground. They spray so much more than 10 years ago. Here, jets spray over the plains and cities, but drones spray a different formula over the mountains. It's so thick, from in town you can barely see the mountains some days. It's 6 days a week. What's sprayed from jets rarely reaches the ground; this shit over the mountains is 20x the volume. I've pointed it out to normies, and they say "It must be a wildfire." I'm like what? It's like this almost every day year round! Like there's fires 340 days a year? Anyways, it makes you dizzy and sick, and hugely increases the effects of EMF's. You can't think straight and mood is terrible. Once a month they'll stop spraying for 2-3 days and it's amazing what a difference it makes. I captured a good photo showing clear drone paths of spraying, much smaller than a jet, they turn sharply. You can see on the left where it turns around to begin a new row. Especially if you zoom in you can see tiny lines.

    2. Several weeks ago when there was "the fog" reported around the country and maybe around the world, that's how it is here all the time! I saw those videos and thought yep, that's every week here. But only over the mountains. There's a strict line where the heavy drone spraying stops and the jets take over to get the cities. I think they don't do the worst of it over cities because too many people would notice. How it is now, it just looks like a heavy fog over the mountains so people don't ask questions. But we don't have fog in Colorado, it's very dry. And it clearly starts in the sky from individual dump points, spreads out as metallic silver streaks over the sky for a few hours, then gradually falls to the ground, by which time it's expanded so much it's like those "fog" videos. Honestly what I can't deal with is people thinking it's normal. I would like a way to cope with this, because it's unbearable being on a planet where people are this bad. There is astronomical amounts of shit being dumped on us, they see it, yet somehow don't, and especially don't care. How is that possible? This crap burns your eyes and nose, it makes you cough, visibility is only 1 mile. It's apocalyptic scenes of death raining down from the sky, and nobody cares. I heard someone say "Wow, what a beautiful sunset!" referring to the thick brown smog filling the sky from horizon to horizon, and the sun shining through which made it deep red. I don't know how to deal with this when people enjoy it. I'll take a photo some day to show a spray vs. non-spray day. My photo above is a very light spray, which is why you can make out the lines. Usually it's dumped in such amounts, I marvel at the logistics of how they manufacture that much material. It seems to fill the entire volume of the atmosphere to the ground, as far as you can see in all directions. How do they do that?! lol

    3. Hey Patrick,,translate it of you want

    4. Like you said ,,it never been like this ,,one of my opinions is it came from Ukraine = countless bombs dropped and other stuff ,,Israel -Gaza is not so far away from my country to so maybe that ,,but when i read that in USA it is same then it is something much much worse. People can't breathe and it kinda hurts your nose and breathe organs from inside. Crazy crazy

  22. Hi cobra this sounds like something Kim goguen has been talking about the golden age ai alpha amega or in this case beta?,all I see is they are trying to herd us from one form of entrapment to another,these quantum AI s are limited I saw a , multidimensional cube trying to hoodwink and assimilate everyone (including Kim) because it's limited and only able too ascend so far.i can Only write to my current understanding in which is limited.i have a question: with the recent genocide organ harvesting ,what percentage of human organs have been used for the cyborg project?.do you know they have been using human brains for some super computer,hive mind comes2 mind.cobra you know it won't end well if this misuse of human DNA continues,who is this Marduk peanut and what they are going to trade gold for human DNA now.the board will wiped to make sure it never happens again as for everything else blah blah blah I've ran out of fucks to give lol,I agree with you 95% is bullshit, trying to wake up a bunch of soulless NPC's is only distracting focus from my own personal growth unfortunately so that's my 2bobs worth take care everyone victory of the light ✨

    1. Not all AIs are hostile. Not all technology is silicon-based.
      Sometimes I wonder if starseeds are the only people remaining on Gaia...

    2. Yes I agree not all ai s are evil,..

  23. Mutara Interdimensional Deep-Space-Transponder Array System

  24. Why would the real Trump risk a helicopter?? Long ago I stopped listening to Ben Fulford, long, long ago. Why wasn't Trump protected from a simple crash? I find this impossible to believe.

    1. Fulford is not reliable. Don't think for a second that his claim about real Trump dying in a crash is real.

    2. I agree and also stopped listening to Fulford, but I’m curious why Cobra references him sometimes 🤔

    3. Should the real Trump take the private plane??

    14 février 20h30 (heure française d'hiver): Méditations en direct avec Nettoyage énergétique+AMOUR Sacré et UNION Sacrée/Energie de la Déesse/Sororité de la Rose+Se SOUVENIR de notre ORIGINE STELLAIRE... Disponible en replay
    Méditation pour se SOUVENIR de son ORIGINE STELLAIRE :
    Diffusé aussi Facebook "Prepare for change francophone"
    Diffusé Facebook "Prepare For Change France francophonie"
    Diffusé aussi Facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
    Diffusé aussi Telegram "Libération Planétaire et Ascension"


    Huge earthquake, we are watching for tsunamis now.

  27. "I Ain't Worried" 432hz

  28. Tutto ciò che si fa per aumentare la frequenza di Luce è bene, ricordatelo tutti. Ovviamente appena si potrà, chi vorrà potrà salire sull'astronave. Vivere aspettando una cosa è tortura per la mente. Ma vi dico che l'Astronave Madre secondaria del Comando Ashtar non è ancora entrata nel nostro Sistema Solare. Appena si posizionerà vicina alla Terra nessuno avrà più dubbi perché sarà ai nostri occhi 9 volte più grande rispetto alla nostra Luna. E forse anche i più "difficili" cominceranno a farsi un po' di domande e i migliori di noi saranno contenti. E tutto questo sono convinto che succederà quest' anno. Il 2025 è un anno monumentale. Grazie Cobra per tutto ciò che scrivi e che fai per noi. 🌲🛸🌲

    1. Looking forward to this monumental moment and sight!
      Many of us can use some rest and relaxation after a lifetime of living in such low frequencies and fight or flight conditions.
      Thanks for the vision Time X!

    2. @144k , sono contento di sentirti 🙂, si avremo tutto questo e finalmente avremo ciò che ci meritiamo. Siamo coriacei e non molleremo un millimetro. Schiacciamo sull'acceleratore alla massima potenza, stiamo vincendo. Un abbraccio 🌲🛸🌲

  29. Cosmic love has come
    …from the Cosmic Astral Plane of the Cosmic Soul.

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Mental Plane

    Cosmic Astral Plane

    Adi Plane

    Anupadaka Plane

    Atma Plane

    Spiritual Plane

    Mental Plane

    Astral Plane

    Etheric Plane

    Plasma Plane

    Physical Plane

    “Sedna… makes many Aspects with M87… which is the source of Cosmic Love energy. This will activate Cosmic Love energy. There's an aspect of this on February 6th… we have already entered into that resonance field. [Feb 1] This energy will enter the quarantine and heal the heart chakra of humanity. It will heal those who are wounded or traumatized.”

    "M87 Galaxy… contains a huge portal to the Cosmic soul and brings Cosmic Love to this part of the universe. There's an aspect between Sedna and M87 Galaxy next week [Feb 6]. We can already feel that energy coming in [Feb 1]. This energy dissolves the friction that we are feeling right now. This energy is very necessary before big changes."

  30. This is what is happening with Ukraine. Apparently it is all ending now, Trump will stop all military aid and acts towards the war. Zelensky is trying to sell off all his rare earth minerals as fast as he can, to Trump. Is everyone laughing yet? It's really funny. Zelensky shouldn't even have power (he's a dictator) but soon he will probably be in jail. Aw. Zelensky is trying to buy safety. Aw. So Trump and Putin are currently negotiating for peace (did anyone doubt it?). This makes NATO looks particularly dumb. The DOGE team discovered that approval officers at Treasury were instructed to always approve payments, even to fraudulent or terrorist groups! Well look at that.

    Well this is HUGE. Tons of stuff happening... Trump is doing tons of stuff. Just watch this video.

    Oh, they were studying transgender animals?? Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on this?? This is a must watch video. Lots of stuff about child sex trafficking. If you're American, this is where ALL YOUR TAX DOLLARS HAVE BEEN GOING! 4.2 BILLION DOLLARS. Oh, $200 million to buy studies into gender in Pakistan, oh goody goody.

    Oh huge money was spent to control what they saw of TV in Europe. Oh what a good way to spend money, America must be happy they are controlling that. Look at the statistics!!!!! well USAID has done well to control the global media, spending ALL THAT MONEY! All that media that was negative against Trump, all from USAID. All that media coverage to push negative transgender media narratives in Australia, so nice it was paid for by USAID. Oh how lovely.

    The whole world's media was controlled by USA! Proof! AHA THERE IS THE TRUTH. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!

    They are saying Trump has already saved over 50 BILLION DOLLARS so far. Hilarious!!!!!

  31. Beloved Starseeds, the universe is echoing with a profound message, and it's directed straight at us. We, the chosen ones with celestial origins, hold the key to Earth's transformation.

    Our mission? To establish a Quantum Awakening Center, a sanctuary where the ancient wisdom of the stars converges with the present reality of our planet. This center will be a place of healing, knowledge, and community for all who seek to embrace their higher selves.

    But we can't embark on this cosmic journey alone. That's where this crowdfunding campaign comes in. Every dollar you contribute is a step forward in this grand endeavor. It's the force that will power the construction of the center, allowing us to offer life - changing programs, from DNA - activation workshops to interstellar meditation sessions.

    By joining hands and pooling our resources, we can create a ripple effect that will spread far and wide across the globe. Let's answer this cosmic call together, rewrite the story of humanity, and bring about a new dawn of peace, love, and enlightenment on Earth.

  32. Beloved Starseeds, the universe is echoing with a profound message, and it's directed straight at us. We, the chosen ones with celestial origins, hold the key to Earth's transformation.

    Our mission? To establish a Quantum Awakening Center, a sanctuary where the ancient wisdom of the stars converges with the present reality of our planet. This center will be a place of healing, knowledge, and community for all who seek to embrace their higher selves.

    But we can't embark on this cosmic journey alone. That's where this crowdfunding campaign comes in. Every dollar you contribute is a step forward in this grand endeavor. It's the force that will power the construction of the center, allowing us to offer life - changing programs, from DNA - activation workshops to interstellar meditation sessions.

    By joining hands and pooling our resources, we can create a ripple effect that will spread far and wide across the globe. Let's answer this cosmic call together, rewrite the story of humanity, and bring about a new dawn of peace, love, and enlightenment on Earth.

  33. Musk says his DOGE team uncovered a 100 BILLION in Medicare and Medicaid waste after gaining access to the system.

    What??? Say what? (watches it a few times in disbelief).

    This DOGE Declaration Changes EVERYTHING

    Oh look, this ugly man/woman type being made 23 million in personal wealth by getting 180K a year for three years??? Something fishy there.

    Who is this BIG BALLS person they are talking about? Well, I'll watch it again.

    Oh, Bill Gates made almost $5 Billion from a single organisation. USAID is sure generous. It ALL came from Tax payers??? I'd be pissed. Yes, watch this:

  34. I agree that we will break through soon. Personally, I'm not going to back down. Let's go to Victory together!

  35. The true purpose of Starseeds, a healthy clarification for all. Especially those still struggling, suffering, traumatized ...

    Thank you for your presence anyhow!

    1. Right now, the 'purpose' feels more like cannon fodder/bait.

    2. I feel better and better every day, albeit more tired.

  36. Energy of Empowerment
    Dec 7th, 2024:
    "Sedna is an asteroid with a vast orbit t that reaches to outside of the solar system.. It will form powerful alignments with planets in the solar system and the Pleiades star cluster, generating strong spiritual pulses to complete the next 25,000-year cosmic cycle. In ten days, Pluto and Sedna will form a trine. We can already feel this energy. This alignment will enhance everyone’s free will. This is bringing us the energy of Empowerment. We are now getting the power back after 25,000 years. After next weekend, we will get the power back!"

  37. Does Midas Activation have anything to do with re-instating the Gold Standard in the US?

    H.R. (House of Representatives) 2435 -
    Gold Standard Restoration Act
    118th Congress (2023-2024)

    "This bill requires the Department of the Treasury to define the Federal Reserve Note dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day's closing market price of gold. Federal Reserve Banks must exchange Federal Reserve Notes with gold at this price and create processes to facilitate exchanges between banks and the public. If a Federal Reserve Bank does not do this, Treasury must make any exchange and place a corresponding lien on the assets of that bank. In addition, Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve must report on U.S. gold holdings.

    - The Federal Reserve Note has lost more than 40 percent of its purchasing power since 2000, and 97 percent of its purchasing power since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
    - Under the 2 percent inflation (policy) objective of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the dollar loses half of its purchasing power every generation, or 35 years.
    - At times, including 2021 and 2022, Federal Reserve actions helped create inflation rates of 8 percent or higher, increasing the cost of living for many Americans to untenable levels.
    - American families need long-term price stability to meet their household spending needs, save money, and plan for retirement.
    - The Federal Reserve policy of long-term inflation has made American manufacturing uncompetitive, raising the cost of United States manufactured goods by more than 40 percent since 2000, compared to less than 20 percent in Germany and France.
    - Since 2000, United States manufacturing employment has declined by at least 25 percent after having remained steady at nearly 18,000,000 jobs for more than 30 years.
    - The American economy needs a stable dollar, fixed exchange rates, and money supply controlled by the market not the government.
    - The gold standard puts control of the money supply with the market instead of the Federal Reserve, discourages excessive deficit spending, and encourages the balancing of Federal budgets.
    - The Federal Reserve’s trickle down policy of expanding the money supply has primarily enriched the owners of financial assets while it has endangered the jobs, wages, and savings of blue-collar workers.
    - Restoring American middle-class prosperity requires a change in monetary policy authorized to Congress in Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution.”

  38. Dear Ground Crew; I haven't visited here in quite a while. I've been following Cobra's blog since the beginning in 2012. I can't believe humanity had to make it through another 12 years of struggle for survival! I see few familiar names in the comments. It appears the majority of Cobra's followers have shifted to the Asia area. I love that there are so many different languages represented in the comment section. We are truly global. Thank you, Cobra, for all you do for all of us and the guidance you provide!
    I'd like to share with you all my "Open Letter to Barron Trump" about laying the foundation for the Golden Age.  It is an uplifting message but it's too long to post here. Please read it on my website:
    Thank you all for your perseverance! It has been tough in the "school of hard knocks." We have come far indeed. Victory of the Light!
    With Love and Blessings, Karin Lacy


  40. Er, were you actually believing the jobs numbers in America? Biden was just talking out of his a*se. All the government revisions are happening now, because they put out totally fake figures for jobs... I mean, duh.

    I mean, the recession is coming, and I predict it will be big. Astrology tells us March-April will be pretty devastating. I was reading yesterday saying (from the star people) February-March will be bad. I'm just hearing "bad". Then we have the rest of the year to contend with. Things are not good in America; it will probably take several years to get out of that mess.

    1. NO ONE can wait ANOTHER several YEARS.
      We need ET contact, and this mess will be over.

  41. Ah yes, once again tangible changes all around us.

  42. Social Security Fraud

    Whoa, this is big too. They are taking social security numbers and putting multiple people on the same number, and they have no way of knowing. That's right, the system doesn't alert them. It seems impossible that this is so and that just shows how corrupt this is. So many people have the same social security number. What!!!!!! America is a MESS and that is what Trump and Elon is currently fixing.

  43. So the immigrants who have these false social security numbers don't pay tax. And no one realises this is true since tax is paid by the person who actually owns the number. I'd say that was fraud.



  46. Satoru Gojo from the show Jujutsu Kaisen is the perfect male archetype; I've never seen anything like it. He is a master of martial arts as well as astral self defense and magic. He has a muscular build but not bulky. He is professional and composed, yet goofy and loves to harass authority. He plays pranks on people. He's a showman but in a humorous, lighthearted way. He is supremely relaxed because he knows more than people realize, and always has backup plans. Much to everyone's dismay, he doesn't stress about the small bad guys that worry other people, because he sees the bigger picture. He's passionate and turns it on to fuck up the big demons who are a serious problem. He enjoys socializing and good food. He enjoys relaxing. He appreciates beauty. He has a subtle feminine side where he's like "Yay! Flowers and ice cream!" The one time an enemy got the better of him, they cast a hypnotic spell targeting this trait, he saw beautiful flowers sprouting up all around, and stopped to say "Pretty!" as he enjoyed the cascading pink surroundings. When conditions get bad, you think they're screwed, and it only gets worse, he's having even more fun because he knows he'll effortlessly succeed. Others worry that he's not worried, but it's because he's levels above everyone else. Great character, great show in general that accurately portrays an elite group fighting 4th density creatures.

  47. At the same time, the long-lost Schumann wave gamma light appeared

  48. Are the black nobility families being taken down?

  49. "Unlike noble families of human beings, Galactic White Nobility does not inherit their title through bloodlines. Galactic White Nobilities are highly evolved soul groups who have very high cosmic origins. I will now mention some of those galactic white nobility families. The most famous one is Anutara Family. Anutara Family is a huge star nobility family whose members are as many as 144,000. Its family members incarnated into the Earth with the purpose of liberating this planet. In some secret circles, they are called the Guardians of Holy Grail. Some members of Anutara Family were awakened in the timeframe between 1975-1995, but fell asleep after The Great Forgetting and Archon Invasion of 1996. Now, with the completion of 11:11, many of its members will be awakened again. Anutara family uses Flower of Life as its coat of arms." - Cobra

    1. Sounds kinda inefficient, those methods, don't it?

    2. That's very interesting. I just want to copy this bit:

      "Through this central point, the future can send insights and guidance to the present. In the future universe, everything is unified. This perfect, harmonious universe continuously transmits signals to the current universe, aiding in its evolution. All problems within the universe have already been resolved in the future state. This perfect universe directs energy and knowledge to the present moment, offering pathways to harmony and resolution."

    3. (Just on a personal note,) they say:

      "The portal of preparedness makes us ready for next year. It begins with the closing of 11:11. We will have a very strong activation on December 21st. The activation will bring a lot of Pleiadean energy to the surface of the Earth. On January 21, this portal of preparedness will be completed. Donald Trump will be inaugurated one day before."

      Well that was the date the first wave of people ascended! Many spoke of it.
      It was also when my legs began to turn around. Since that date my legs have been coming back, slowly. My legs are still very heavy, but I can walk, I can stand unaided, shower easily, cook etc. I feel pretty much normal with some exceptions. I can't run (yet). They are coming back all the time. And today I started reading stuff on here, and a few days ago I put on my jewellery (including my two cintamani) and emerald stuff.

      What is the Great Forgetting people talk about here, exactly. It sounds alarming! Did we all forget stuff? What happened?

  50. È estremamente complicato capire le vicende politiche in modo corretto. Troppe fonti "alternative" che quasi sempre non hanno nulla di alternativo perché vengono gestite dai soliti oscuri. E poi ci sono due o tre Trump, vari Netanyahu, gente con la maschera di politici insomma. Rendetevi conto che la verità arriverà soltanto durante e dopo l'Evento. Chi vuole può andare avanti a perdere il suo tempo con le notizie di politica e cercare di sviscerare tutto ma non finirà
    mai...questo sito è l'unico che quando fa un resoconto fornisce informazioni affidabili. È stato detto che negli ultimi tempi poco prima del'Evento ci sarà molta confusione nelle notizie. È praticamente quasi impossibile distinguere tra verità e falsità. 🌲🛸🌲

  51. U.S. Representative James Comer (R-KY) and U.S. Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) announced the creation of:

    The Task Force On The Declassification Of Federal Secrets

    February 11, 2025

  52. Trump and Elon Musk double down on DOGE and cutting wasteful spending.

  53. They're dying off. The dark ones are dying. Not that we wish them pain or anything, but the dark can't take the intense light that is coming through. Woohoo!

    Listen from 8 min mark.

    I can walk better, so much better. I've got a trolley now. It takes 3 mins on the bus to get to the supermarket. I think I got too much food hehe.

    1. @psychic
      Speak for yourself.

      I DO wish them EXCRUCIATING pain and agony. I WANT to hear them scream, and to hear then PRAY/BEG for death.

      I got 41 years of misery they inflicted upon me, and I want to RETURN it to them.

    2. @psichico, spero che se ne vadano prima possibile, ma tutti però, nessuno escluso. Fuori dalle nostre vite per sempre.

  54. This is ridiculous. The money/arms sent to Ukraine from America, HALF OF IT is sold by Ukraine. OMG! All the corruption is coming out now. It will probably keep coming to light for months! It is huge! The illuminati sure is butt stupid for everything they have done. They are a bunch of stupid, ugly lizards. And they have to kill themselves to escape the light. How stupid is that?

    Listen at about 34 minutes

  55. Is St. Germain present in the White House, guiding the new administration?

    1. what? Se for St. Germain que está orientando esses absurdos dessa nova administração , posso dizer que não tenho mais esperança nenhuma nas forças da luz ! Estão dando um tiro como sempre no próprio pé!

    2. Trump is securing US borders, making American cities safer from crime and halting the import of Fentanyl. He is taking measures to restore prosperity to the US economy. He and his administration are negotiating with foreign nations to bring the Ukraine war and the Middle East war to an end. Elon Musk, as a member of this administration, is exposing and terminating wasteful and corrupt spending of US taxpayer money. We're only in month two of this new presidency. With the final approval of the remaining cabinet members selected by Trump, steps will be taken to improve the quality of US manufactured food and the US healthcare system, along with justice that will hopefully be served within the FBI and US Intelligence.

    3. Protecting the borders by expelling poor immigrant workers? What happened to the "land of freedom and opportunity"? Those who import drugs are inside their country. The army is the largest importer of opium from Afghanistan. Putting an end to wars by proposing to exterminate the Palestinians to steal their land? Is this how you imagine the New Age? With capitalists destroying the planet, concerned only with maximizing their profits? Humanity is at a crossroads: Either we understand that we are all cosmic brothers and sisters, and we must take care of each other, including animals, plants and the planet; or we maintain the current capitalist ideology of unbridled growth and insane exploitation of resources, including human resources, which will inevitably lead the planet to total collapse in the coming decades.
      Protegendo as fronteiras expulsando trabalhadores imigrantes pobres? O que aconteceu com a "terra da liberdade e das oportunidades"? Quem importa drogas, está dentro do seu país. O exército é o maior importador de ópio do Afganistão. colocar fim às guerras propondo exterminar os palestinos para roubar suas terras? É assim que vocês imaginam a Nova Era? Com capitalistas destruindo o planeta, preocupados somente em maximizar seus lucros? A humanidade está em frente uma encruzilhada: Ou entendemos que somos todos irmãos cósmicos, e devemos cuidar uns dos outros, incluindo animais, vegetais e o planeta; ou mantemos a ideologia capitalista atual, de crescimento desenfreado e exploração insana dos recursos, inclusive humanos, que inevitavelmente vai levar o planeta ao colapso total nas próximas décadas.

  56. 我记得cobar说今年5月圣杯会被激活,非常期待,期待使命的回归。我一直感觉我是星光教团(144000)的成员。

  57. Thanks to the light forces, please post a complete update to the Lurker and the status of the planet

    1. @sara, nessuna notizia: buona notizia.

    2. Seriously been wanting an update on that in like forever! Last I heard lurker lost more then 50% of it power and that was on November I think, I wonder where that percentage is at now.

  58. Door 12:21 and Antarion conversion

    „The hourglass shape of the Orion constellation is the same as the shape of the Antarion Conversion, which is a multidimensional stargate which transmutes darkness into the Light…“

    “The new doorway is called 12:21. It contains Antarion conversion within it. Antarion conversion is a way to transition from one reality system to another[…] Antarion Conversion is currently ongoing and is constantly transforming this planet's reality and the whole universe. It is the doorway of transformation.

    There's a harmonious process that creates Antarion Conversion. It is the process by which space and time is filtered[…] there is a connection between the portal of the heart chakra and Antarion. The process of Antarion Conversion is taking place both collectively as well as individually.”

  59. Oh dear, so many feds are making millions of dollars, watch the millions and millions in personal wealth stack up, and they just have a small government salary. How are they getting this money? Where does it come from? Well they are starting to sweat now and Elon Musk is looking into it. You can start at 2 mins:

    This BOMBSHELL Just OBLITERATED the Deep State!

    Have they been a bit naughty? Just a little bit it would seem.

  60. There were two shooters of JFK, and we can see ALL OF THIS COME OUT as Paulina Luna will show us very soon! Same video, go to 11:40 here

    This will be utterly huge!!!! Lots of stuff starting to COME OUT. This is what we've been waiting for.

  61. There is a news conference set for tomorrow by Trump, where he will list the names of recipients of waste, fraud and abuse. Heheheheeh.
    This will be HUGE! We have given millions and millions to these people, or at least Americans have... oh can't wait to see it!

    MASS ARRESTS? Trump Making MOST MASSIVE Announcement Yet TOMORROW!

  62. Elon Musk directly stated that by 2040, there will be more robots-humanoids than people.
    It is literally about a new civilization on our planet!

  63. Перш ніж щось писати про Україну, самому потрібно там жити хоча б для початку. Самому жити в Україні .

  64. I started writing a comment here about who is who in the political scene, which is so fuzzy these days, and soon realized I had written the same thing around June, so here’s an excerpt from that one to spare myself some effort, to begin with:
    “…In the case of the cabal it´s easier to know with some detail these days, and most of the members are well known, but in the case of those who work for the liberation there are a lot of doubts. Simply because to get even close to any position of power until very recently you had to join the dark, and get compromised by doing certain acts that were filmed and the footage stored. What I say now is just my guess, but probably most top politicians and military that now work for the light went through that at some point, unfortunately. But it seems they didn´t like it too much, later on they saw the opportunity to change this situation, and that for practical reasons they were allowed to join forces with the light, or even were asked to do so. But once they did it, they couldn´t just take a U turn overnight and go head on against the cabal, which was still more powerful. They had, in my opinion, to play a double game for a long time until the time was right. Which means they had/have to comply with at least part of the agenda of the cabal, while they do their best to facilitate the operations to liberate the planet on other fronts. All this, of course, couldn´t be told to us for many reasons, which leaves us confused about what´s the role they´re playing, who´s who etc. This would explain e.g. why Putin goes along with the cabal agenda regarding vaccination, internal migration etc, while he´s fighting for the liberation on other fronts. Because the country is in part infiltrated and those infiltrated have power too. I repeat this is just my guess, as I think guessing is the only thing we can do regarding this point right now.”
    Ok, you could think by then that at the time when things began to precipitate, i.e. now, it would become much clearer everyone’s role in the game. But no, it’s rather the opposite, everything is getting more and more confusig. In the end makes sense: on one side to confuse the enemy, and on the other to shake everyone else’s paradigms, belief sytems, preconceived ideas etc, until they don’t know where they are at all. Maybe cause to accept the new you have first to get rid of the old (this for the general population). And in our case, though we know mentally what’s going on, to make us able to assimilate it and what’s coming at another levels. So it’s getting very difficult to gess a lot of things by now, probably we’ll have to assume that we can’t do it because that’s how it’s been designed from higher up.
    Conclusion, better get ready for surprises than trying to guess too much, which is hopeless for the most part. Not what we’re used to but that’s what it is, I think.
    Btw, like “as above so below”, the same way it seems “as the outer, the inner” (worlds), regarding the healing etc, to me seems to follow the same pattern.
    Anyway, an update is always welcome, in case there’s something we could learn about…

  65. Oi Luz!

    Carolus finns ej mer
    Hårda tider
    Krig, givit allt vi förmår
    Krig, dödens år, satt sitt spår, vi består
    Vem lät det hända
    Algo assim, não lembro tudo. Eles estavam daquele jeito neutro seguro e confiante.
    Baby P

  66. This is massive this weekend. It's really worth listening to.

    "ARRIVING THIS WEEKEND: The New 'Unity' Light Codes..." | The Andromedans | Zook

  67. Yep, 75,000 Federal workers accept Trumps buyout offer. Guilty or what? Looks like the swamp is being drained. Soon to be 100,000.
    $2.7 Trillion were sent out in improper payments since 2003, says DOGE. Interesting.


  69. Aha, the proof. It is a big LIE.

    "Soul Traps & The Great Starseed Deception..." | Pleiadian High Council | MIRA

    Especially go to about 2:40
    It never sounded right to me. I wasn't sure, I just ignored what I read but it seems to be a HUGE LIE. Poor dark side. They just can't tell the truth at all. Fools, they will learn in time I suppose. Thank you Mira!!!

  70. Sorry to post again but this is Huge. Donald Trump is getting rid of the "strawman" that we were given at birth with our birth certificate. WE ARE NO LONGER A COMMODITY TO BE BOUGHT AND SOLD. This frees us from maritime law!

    Have you read this before!! It is huge!! We are now free!! I know humans are hostages etc etc, yes I realise that but we are getting really close, aren't we?

    I just have to watch the rest of this video.

  71. Not Good !!

    Hardcore Zl0NlST has been put in charge of the JFK, 9/11 and Epstein Files

    February 13, 2025

  72. Cari LF cercate di sviluppare una strategia per concludere nel più breve tempo possibile l'operazione di liberazione. Non ho voglia di aspettare la fine dell'anno o l'inizio del 2026. Deve succedere qualcosa prima. È ora di decidersi senza temporeggiare. Voglio vedere gli oscuri incriminati, giustiziati e condotti sul Sole Galattico Centrale!

    1. I couldn't agree more. This NEEDS to conclude by the end of summer at the latest... no more delays that allow the dark to do more damage and cause more suffering and casualties.
      We MUST liberate the planet and begin the healing process as soon as humanly possible.
      We've waited long enough... TOO LONG! ✨️🔑✨️

  73. What the Israeli regime continues to do to the Palestinians is disgusting, and Trump is fully supportive of this vile regime.
    Give it up Cobra. Trump is not the man the Light Forces chose. That's ridiculous. You must know that Israel is at the heart of much evil doings on this planet, and Trump continues to arm them, and support total removal of Palestinians from their land.
    How much money does Trump recieve from AIPAC???

  74. It can be seen that society is becoming unstable.
    It can also be seen that Bubbles of Heaven are spreading.

  75. "The Russian Government claims that last night's drone strike on the former Chernobyl nuclear plant was a false flag attack by Zelensky's administration - not the Russian military."

    "Ukraine's goal is to portray itself as a victim and continue begging for financial aid."

    Go to 11:57 in this video:

    Boy that is ridiculous. Watch what happens to Zelensky soon I predict.

  76. Trump ,va fi cumva indepartat de Fortele Luminii. Din pacate,Lumina lui nu este suficienta. El gandeste materialist,ca structura si de la un anumit nivel acest lucru nu mai poate fi existent.

  77. Foderacio vs cabal

  78. Elon Musk is:

    Sherlock Holmes

  79. КОБРА, скільки ми всі мусимо чекати так званого " звільнення" ????? Я по коментарях бачу, що в твоєму блозі багато любителів російської федерації та й і ти сам , судячи по твоїм реплікам на конференціях і по статтям, ставиш Росію і Путіна " во главу угла" . Але це твої плеядеанці надали Росії допомогу певним озброєнням і певною підтримкою. Я вже досить давно переконалася в тому, що так звані твої " світлі сили" просто напросто очередні " жопи з крилами" і нічого доброго землянам не несуть. До речі, ти не всю інформацію викладаєш в своїх статтях щодо Вуалі і її функції як Комп,ютера .Добрими намірами встелена дорога лише до пекла і особисто я не відношуся до тих, хто сліпо вірить у все те, що ти викладаєш у своєму .блозі."Перемога Світла!"- але чийого саме світла і якого кольору?????

    1. USAID was cancelled, propagandists have nothing to live on? And "independent" media suddenly became not so independent, right? Poor thing xD*

      the key thesis of Ukrainianism as a sect - Russians (Muscovites) must be killed, and their culture and state destroyed. Otherwise, we (Ukrainians) will not have a peaceful life. The doctrine was invented by Austria-Hungary during the Tsarist Russia for the gradual separation of its extreme territories (there was never a country of Ukraine until the 20th century - this area was called "Okraina", from the word "krai" - the lateral part of an object. The change of the letter "O" to "U" was also done on purpose, by changing spiritual priorities, which occur through the MAIN element of culture - language. Just as the Catholicized languages ​​​​of the peoples of Europe were changed - I can still read and understand documents from the countries of northern Europe from the 14th-16th centuries in modified Greek Russian, for example, the Danish language - they have a Slavic letter-sound syllabic basis - like Indian Sanskrit). That is, The follower of this sect, Sarah (note - a Jewish name, since when do parents in the Slavic lands of Ukraine and Russia name their children Jewish names?) is not happy that peace will come and her compatriots will stop dying (there are almost no men of childbearing age left, this "nation" is de facto dead), she says that stopping the conflict will stop the destruction of Russians (the root programmatic task of Ukrainianism as a sect that, due to absurd historical circumstances, acquired "statehood"), to which she does not agree. It is especially absurd against the background of the fact that all the land and resources of Ukraine have already been mortgaged for weapons debts to Jewish transnational funds, on which they will build a heavenly Jerusalem. And instead of stopping this back in 2014, Ukrainians are ready to spread their legs in brothels and clear minefields with their own hands, if only they would not speak Russian in Ukraine. The whole "war" began with the fact that the Ukrainianizing sectarians wanted to kill 50-70% of their own compatriots, even though they speak a different language, because they did not want to join the sect.

  80. Can someone link me to the cobra Facebook group

    1. I shared the group but the comment was not approved so I imagine it's not officially endorsed anymore.

  81. Lets just take a moment to forgive everyone on the planet - even the illuminati. We forgive all, in fact there isn't even anything to forgive. All is right and on the path. We live in peace with ALL. Hallelujah! The planet is very hot at the moment. Just let out any hatred you carry; let it go and drain away. You, as I said, are FORGIVEN, and in fact don't even need forgiveness.

    I just want to say I began wearing a new ring I had for two years, I pulled it out days ago and began wearing it. It's rutilated quartz. It's clear quartz and full of these golden rutilated pieces. It's really big and gorgeous! Thank you God! I'm loving it.

  82. Quantum Teleportation FINALLY Achieved by Oxford Scientists

    Are they introducing the Quantum system and Quantum computers in a way we won't suspect? Bringing us space technology? Go to about 8 mins.

  83. That quantum stuff is amazing! I'm soooooooooo excited!!!!!!

  84. Life's getting better. I'm seeing the pearling. Pre-2020 vibe.

    1. I've been thinking the same thing. Some people were asking about the Lurker. If I had to guess, I'd say it's going very well. This is not the same reality. Additionally, the tsunami of daily wins coming through the Trump administration makes it clear the good guys are busy. I predict this is the big one. The tsunami is still out at sea, looking like any other big wave, but over the next six months it's going to crest. I feel bad for people who don't take the time to research current events and what's happening. They make their judgements on a few minor issues which are seen as the whole picture. Oh well, if they want to be bitter, resentful, and afraid, that's their business. But at my house, every day is 5D dance party with MiMo bumping. Throw the Lurker in the sun and shake your booty.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. "The daughter of the chief rabbi of Russia married the son of the chief rabbi of Odessa and southern Ukraine (

    The wedding of Rivka Lazar and Sholem Wolf took place in Israel.
    The father of the groom, Avraham Wolf, has repeatedly spoken out in support of the Kiev regime since the start of the conflict. “I have probably given a hundred interviews to various publications in different countries. For some reason, everyone asks me about “Nazism” and “anti-Semitism.” I tell them: listen, I have lived here for thirty years, but I still have not learned the Ukrainian language, I cannot read Ukrainian documents. And have I ever felt any inconvenience or discrimination because of this? Never, not once,” he said in an interview with Dumskaya in the spring of 2022 and called Ukraine the safest country for Jews in the world.

    In 2016, according to RBC, Berl Lazar said the following: "Our community is one of the best in the world: very active, very united. There are really few places where the Jewish community is as organized as in Russia," Lazar said. According to the Rabbi, the credit for this goes to the activities of the FEOR and the country. The spiritual leader noted that, unlike Europe, where cases of anti-Semitism are becoming more frequent, in Russia they can always "behave confidently."

    As you can see, Jews live equally well both in the territory of the Kyiv regime and in the Russian Federation. It remains to be seen whether the indigenous people live well in these territories."

  87. "US Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth stunned Europe:

    I am here today to state bluntly that the harsh strategic realities prevent the United States from being the primary guarantor of security in Europe.
    The realities prevent the United States from being the guarantor of its security, and we should expect a reduction in our forces in the region.
    We face a peer competitor in China that is capable and intent on threatening our homeland and core national interests in the Indo-Pacific.
    The priority for the United States is to deter war with China in the Pacific. Recognize the reality of resource shortages and make trade-offs on resources to ensure that deterrence does not fail.
    European allies must lead the way. The United States will no longer tolerate an unbalanced relationship that encourages dependency. Our priority will be to enable Europe to take responsibility for its own security."

    A detailed explanation of what is happening. The primary target is China."

  88. "Cold shower for all Trump lovers from Russia.

    US Vice President Vance said that if Russia refuses to support the peace plan for Ukraine, new sanctions may be imposed against Russia. He also did not rule out increasing military aid to Kyiv, including sending American troops.

    "There are economic levers of influence, there are, of course, military levers of influence if Russia does not agree to a peace agreement that guarantees the long-term independence of Ukraine," Vance said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

    According to the Vice President, the possibility of sending American troops to Ukraine is "under consideration."

    At the same time, he expressed his readiness to reconsider relations with Russia for the better after a successful settlement of the conflict. "It is not in Putin's interests to be the 'little brother' in an alliance with China," Vance said.

    The Vice President said that the Trump administration will seek to convince Putin that Russia can achieve more in negotiations than on the battlefield.

    At the same time, he is confident that a deal will be concluded and suggested that it will “shock many.” Vance noted that it is too early to say what part of Ukraine’s territory will remain under Russian control and what security guarantees the United States and its Western allies will be able to offer Kyiv. According to him, these details should be agreed upon during peace talks.

    “There are many possible configurations, but it is important for us that Ukraine retains its sovereign independence,” he said."

  89. "Where is this all heading... News from the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference in 2 days.

    Event one. Closed negotiations between Vance and Zelensky.

    The meeting was held in a closed format. According to leaks from representatives of the Kyiv regime, Vance issued a tough ultimatum. Support for the Kyiv regime from the United States will be possible
    only if American business transfers control over half of all natural mineral resources and some sectors of the economy. Zelensky
    refused and stated that any such deal is possible only with security guarantees from the United States and European countries.

    Event two. Zelensky's speech.

    An open challenge to Trump and his team. Summary:

    The Kiev regime will never accept a deal made behind its back, without its participation. And the same rule should apply to all of Europe. No decisions on the fate of the Kyiv regime without
    the participation of representatives of the Kyiv regime, no decisions about Europe without Europe. Europe must have a seat at the table, where decisions about Europe are made. Everything else is zero. If the Kiev regime is not included in the negotiations on its future, both the Kiev regime and all its allies will lose. This suits only Putin. Putin would like to negotiate only one-on-one with the United States. Like before the war, when Putin and Biden met in Switzerland, and it looked as if they wanted to divide the world. Then, Putin would like the US president to stand on Red Square on May 9 this year not as a respected leader, but as a decoration in his own play. Zelensky does not need this.

    Zelensky's speech was greeted with an ovation by all the European bureaucrats sitting in the hall.

    Event three. Speech by the US President's Special Representative for Peaceful Settlement Keith Kellogg.

    The main points of the speech:

    "Our philosophy
    is not to continue the war to the last Ukrainian, but to stop the meat grinder."

    "Ukraine will be at the negotiating table, but Europe will not be."

    "The fighting must end in less than a year. No more than 180 days to involve all parties."

    "Putin must make territorial concessions to achieve peace. These must be territorial concessions, perhaps a refusal to use the armed forces, a reduction in the number of personnel."

  90. "...
    "Russia's alliances with Iran, North Korea and China - this did not exist a few years ago. Now it is important that such alliances do not form."


    All these events were followed by a flood of statements and reports:

    Zelensky said that representatives of the
    Kyiv regime were not invited to the US-Russia meeting in Saudi Arabia next week.

    According to Bloomberg, at the talks between Russia and the US in Saudi Arabia, the US delegation will be headed by Trump's national security adviser Waltz and special envoy for the Middle East Witkoff.

    An emergency meeting of EU foreign ministers will be held in Munich on February 16. This was announced by the head of the Greek Foreign Ministry, Gerapetritis. Earlier, the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry announced that France would hold a "European Ukraine" summit on Monday. Macron is convening an emergency European summit dedicated to Trump, the American publication Politico reports.

    Statement by NATO Secretary General Rutte: "NATO members will have to increase their defense spending by significantly more than 3% of GDP. We will have to prioritize defense over other things."

    According to The Associated Press, Europe is secretly working on a plan to send troops to territories controlled by the Kyiv regime.

    "Even more American troops will be deployed in Poland," said US Defense Secretary Hegseth. He explained this by the fact that now "the contours of the Ukrainian borders remain uncertain."

    "European countries will sooner or later be forced to send troops to Ukraine" - Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski

    "Let's not be naive, European supporters of the war will do everything possible to prevent a peace agreement from taking place," said Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto."

    You can draw your own conclusions about what Russia is closer to now, a full-scale escalation or a freeze on the war."

  91. "The Munich Security Conference clearly showed that the time of the collective West is over and the contours of two completely different "Wests" are now being formed. Their interests are different, they are political, economic, and in the near future - military rivals. The first West is the globalist elites of Europe, including Great Britain (minus the right-wing regimes, which are still in the minority on the European continent). Canada is currently adjacent to it.

    The second West includes the United States, its European allies (such as Italy, Hungary, Slovakia), as well as East Asian satellites in the American orbit - Japan and South Korea. It is quite possible that Australia and New Zealand, which are heavily dependent on the United States in the security sphere, should also be included in this group. And these two Wests are sliding into strong antagonism.

    In these conditions, the conflict in Ukraine is becoming purely peripheral, its significance is significantly reduced. The economic rivalry between the US and China is also fading into the background (of course, only temporarily). It still determines the international agenda in the long term, but in the short term, the Trump administration will do its utmost to restore order in the once united "Western house". And this work will take more than one year, since the European globalists, led by the Brussels bureaucracy and the British establishment, will not give up so easily. It is still unclear how it will all end.

    Russia, in these suddenly emerging new conditions, simply needs to do its job - to complete its military operation in Ukraine, achieving a victorious result, which, in general, consists of only one thing - the complete liquidation of the political regime in the neighboring country, oriented exclusively towards confrontation with Russia. Because otherwise, it will have to fight it again, and it is not a fact that in better (compared to today's) conditions."
    "The emergence and structuring of "two global Wests" is a necessary condition for a future world war. Not yet sufficient, but without it there is no point in talking about any world war.
    Russia in this future world war is a food resource, not a subject. A supplier of cannon fodder and (possibly) one of the territories of a future clash. Under the current regime, there is no point in even talking about any subjectivity of Russia. Moreover, it is not the Russian leadership that will choose on whose side it will lay down Russian people by the millions. They will be informed about this.
    Accordingly, the results of this world war will also be carried out without us. By the way, this already happened in 1918. Then the country was ruled by an absolute nonentity, who dragged it into someone else's war without any clear strategic goal. The current one will repeat his path. Alas, but so far nothing else is in sight."

    In essence, the events of Ukraine are modeled on the whole of Europe - the whites (Western and Eastern Slavs) must first finish off each other (Europeans against the last native Russians who are being dragged en masse to the front - they will be dragged during the new, already officially declared war), and then the surviving remnants will be thrown against China as a human shield. What can I say - help has not arrived, get ready to kill whites on the orders of their governments consisting of Jews (while the heads of the Hasidim happily marry and laughingly celebrate the murders of goyim by each other), and then die in the battle against China. If humanity has rejected communism, then it will be destroyed by fascism as the power of large financial capital. And Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese or Jewish fascism - this is not so important. If you choose conflicts and chosenness, ego instead of friendship and cooperation, then everything will end in your death. If not yours, then your children and grandchildren (if you have any at all).

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. forwarded to "Sarah" who continues to disrespect the local community and writes in "her" pseudo-"language" - mova. And how did I miss the addressee the first time? I'm getting old...

  93. atvor crystal with light mandala wand

  94. Un po' di domande in ordine casuale. C'è tanta roba in sospeso. Tanti argomenti aperti e mai chiusi o comunque non aggiornati. Per esempio, la giada di Hetian può essere utilizzata ora dagli operatori di Luce? Il Lurker che fine ha fatto? In che percentuale è stato rimosso? L'anomalia sub quantica quanto è ancora presente? È ancora previsto il primo contatto per alcuni di noi prima dell'Evento? I bio laboratori sotterranei contenenti virus e armi batteriologiche rappresentano ancora un deterrente per gli oscuri contro l'umanità? Interpreto questa mancanza di aggiornamenti come indicatore che rappresenta la quiete prima della tempesta ma vorrei almeno avere una conferma da te Cobra. Grazie.

  95. Notes about the Portal 2025 workshop in Phoenix
    I am Jewish who speaks Hebrew and I would like to correct something in the workshop.

    The question regarding the saying "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה)" isn’t exactly 'I AM that I AM,' according to what I’ve learned. It’s actually Yahweh referring to Himself, signifying that His nature is eternal and unchanging. This phrase was quoted when Yahweh spoke to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3:14, saying: "I AM who I AM."

    The Hebrew version of "I AM that I AM" is "Ani Asher Hineni," but in the Bible, it is often simply "Hineni" (הִנֶּ֔נִּי). This is usually the response given by people when Yahweh calls them, and they simply reply, "Hineni."

  96. Expecting a strong spiritual energy

    “The full moon and Vesak in the next May will also be a very important and intense period. Every one hundred years, Ascended masters gather at Mt. Himalaya and send spiritual energies to the surface of the planet. The last time it happened was in 1925, so the next time will be in May 2025. We can expect a strong spiritual energy coming in from April to June [2025].”

    “Ascended beings are humans who have gone through their ascension process. They can appear in human forms, but when you see them from a far-away perspective, they would look like a huge point of light. They will have some intense activities in Mt. Himalaya next May. I will talk more about it when the time is right.”

  97. Where can I find notes about the workshop in Feniks?


  98. Arab Group Unites for Peace and Resolution in Gaza

    February 16, 2025

  99. Saudi Arabia spearheads an Arab alternative to Trump's Gaza plan:

    February 16, 2025

  100. Cobra, can you talk about the 3D/5D split in your next update? Things are getting tense with those who thrived in the old energies. It's not just the deep state. A percentage of the surface population seems to be getting very hostile with me and allergic to my light.

    1. The famous separation between the WHEAT and the chaff (=the riff raff). The only way is to separate yourself as much as possible from the chaff (the riff raff)


    Taxation is not just money being taken from you. It is your time, your labor, your energy—your life. Every dollar stolen through taxes represents hours of your existence that you will never get back, time spent working not for yourself, not for your family, but for a parasitic system that thrives on your servitude.

    That energy is not used to improve your life. It is siphoned off to fund NGOs in foreign countries, manipulate markets, destabilize governments, and spread propaganda. It fuels covert operations, engineered migrations, and population control programs designed to weaken some nations while strengthening others. It funds wars without bullets, occupations without soldiers, and the destruction of entire civilizations under the guise of humanitarian aid.

    We are already in World War 3. It is not fought with tanks or missiles. It is fought with economic warfare, psychological operations, and corporate-funded social engineering. The modern NGO is no different from the intelligence agencies of the past— they are the new spies, the new enforcers of the global order, embedded deep in every society, reshaping the world according to the interests of their masters.

    The parasites at the top are not loyal to any nation. They do not care about America, Europe, Africa, or Asia. They are not bound by borders, laws, or constitutions. Their allegiance is to control itself— the endless expansion of their power at the cost of every free individual.

    But their time is running out.

    A new system is emerging. One where decentralization, automation, and sovereignty replace the bloated bureaucracies and financial bloodsuckers that have drained the world for generations. A system where the people take back control of their labor, their wealth, and their future.

    Once the United States cleans house, once the corruption is purged and the swamp is drained, everything changes. The endless cycle of war and manipulation ends. The conflict between the great powers— America, China, and Russia— will give way to peace, cooperation, and mutual prosperity. Instead of burning resources to undermine each other, nations will build, trade, and advance together.

    The world will enter a golden age. Healing technologies once suppressed will be unleashed. Breakthroughs in medicine and life extension will transform human health. Energy systems that were buried to protect corporate interests will power the next civilization. Full disclosure will expose the lies that have shackled humanity for centuries.

    The parasites will fight with everything they have— propaganda, economic sabotage, engineered crises— but they will lose. The people are waking up. The system is collapsing under its own weight.

    And we will win.

  102. Well this seems amazing. I don't know for sure if this is true, but I probably think it is. They (meaning Earth) have had secret space craft for years, I mean decades... tens of years... anti-gravity and all of that stuff. Very advanced craft for decades. Go to about 5.30 here...

    "SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Ending A Lifetime Of Secrecy..." | The Pleiadians | VALIR

    All of this is about to come out. Earth is about to find out about what they have, the anti-gravity craft... I mean they were shooting around in special trains under Earth... of course "we" didn't know about it, they kept it for themselves, but we are about to find out about ALL OF IT. The Deep State is all but gone really... not quite but nearly.

    So they will release it slowly, not quickly. We will find out slowly as they drip it to us but we will find out. And medical stuff etc.

    1. @psichic , ok sta per uscire. Questa frase" sta per uscire" l'ho sentita e letta milioni di volte. Quindi che esca una volta per tutte. Tra pochi giorni è marzo e ancora siamo nella solita vita.


    Meanwhile, over the island of Ikaria in Greece, a dazzling bright light apparition has appeared. February 2025.💫
    📷 David Attenborough

  104. This is from tarot by Izabela. She is using an amethyst crystal ball. She gets a good reading. She talks about how all parasites will go. They will be killed off as they are from the dark side to control us. She sees old people getting young.

    She sees a lot of vessels coming up from under the water. They are friendly aliens under the water! She sees it beginning to happen very soon. She is seeing the food replicators that create food from atoms (ie like nothing) and it will feed us. Great news for hungry nations. Most people will be eating from the replicators. In the future there will be no borders... probably way off but still. The idea of money will belong to the past, wahoo! It's a good time to be alive!!!! So exciting!!!


  106. Я як писала українською мовою, так і буду писати. Ще можу писати на івриті, так як маю походження з роду євреїв. Я проживаю в Україні , моє зіркове походження Урма. І як усі Кішки я не запитуватиму дозволу в автора " сионизм захватили мир" якою мовою мені писати в блог КОБРА.

  107. All we need are replicators, the control system ends immediately.
    Replicate food, building material, clothing, medical, transport, gizmos, anything.
    No longer do we have to scrap for resources like primitive chimps swinging femur bones at each other like idiots. (ACC 2001 S.O scene).

  108. CoBRa,

    Você confirma essa citação nas notas do workshop de Phoenix?

    "We are going through a great purification between January 21st and the 2 months after it (i.e. February and March). It can appear as if there is not much progress in these months. It can cause frustration and dissatisfaction. During this period, the old surface systems will be dismantled and the darkness will be removed."

    Essa parte final, "During this period, the old surface systems will be dismantled and the darkness will be removed.", você confirma?

    Por favor, me responde de maneira óbvia e inequívoca. Gostaria que a resposta seja a recomendação das notas na próxima atualização, se possível.

    Baby P
    (Com saudade dos Grandes P).

  109. "Trump sent another greeting to the fans of the coveted deal.

    He said that he will not prohibit the European allies of the so-called Ukraine from buying weapons made in the States for the Banderites, he will allow such deals. This means that the supply of weapons to the Zelensky regime will continue in the same volumes, but the financial flows will be somewhat transformed. And on the battlefield, the movement of financial flows does not matter at all. What matters is whether there are certain types of weapons or not."

    We continue to wait 13 years for aliens...

  110. Sobre essa parte das notas do workshop de Phoenix:

    Let people complain. We are not here to look at anybody's short-term happiness. When intel is released then people are happy for 5 minutes. But then they become disappointed again. We are in the final phase of the Galactic War and it is taking place on the surface of the Earth. This is a real war in which people die, lives are ruined, people disappear, etc.

    Eu conheço bem essa guerra, CoBRa. Antes de aprender a ler e escrever eu já conhecia os anjos, demônios e galáticos. Estou na guerra desde o nascimento e eu quero ser feliz desde agora. Acredito que quanto mais feliz eu esteja, mais contribuição eu sou. Os últimos meses mostram isso. Já sabíamos que quanto mais triste eu fico, pior as coisas vão. E agora eu sei que quanto mais feliz eu estou, mais eles se sentem ameaçados. Eu não vou desistir de ser feliz, desde já, porque isso seria dar a vitória a eles. Então eu gostaria sim que vocês me ajudem a ser feliz. Peço ajuda de vocês para isso. Por favor.


  111. "There are many people making comments on The Portal blog. Wondered about the thought process of some people whose comments were not approved."

    Meu processo mental: quando eu estou bem, eu simplesmente sei. Quando não estou, a comunicação é indireta e eu preciso ficar muito atenta para perceber e entender, como agora, por exemplo.

  112. Hello all, where can I find the Phoenix conference notes?

  113. The head of the Russian direct investment fund Kirill Dmitriev may join the Russian delegation in Riyadh, Putin's aide Yuri Ushakov said.

    Nothing unusual, just a brief biography of the negotiator from the Russian Federation ( Kirill Dmitriev.

    Kirill Aleksandrovich Dmitriev was born on April 12, 1975 in Kyiv. In 1989, Kirill Dmitriev moved to the United States, where he completed a two-year program at Foothill College (California). He managed to get a full scholarship to study abroad.

    In 1996, he graduated from Stanford University with highest honors, receiving a bachelor's degree in economics. In 2000, he received an MBA from Harvard Business School with the highest honors (Baker Scholar).

    In 1996-1999, he worked at the investment bank Goldman Sachs in New York and at the consulting company McKinsey & Company in Los Angeles, Moscow and Prague.

    In 2000-2002 - at IBS, until November 8, 2001 - deputy general director, and then until May 29, 2002 - managing director of the management consulting department. In 2002-2007, he was first the investment director at the Delta Private Equity fund, then the managing director and partner. In 2005-2006 - Chairman of the Russian Association of Direct and Venture Investment (RAVI).

    In 2007-2011 - Managing partner and president of the Icon Private Equity direct investment fund. He carried out a number of significant transactions for the Russian investment market: the sale of Delta Bank to General Electric, Delta Credit to Société Générale, shares of STS Media to Fidelity Investments, and others.

    In 2010, he was included in the list of young global leaders of the World Economic Forum in Davos (under the leadership of Klaus Schwab)."

    The head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund of the Russian Federation is a direct puppet of the ultra-globalists. It is not surprising that there is no industry, no investment in it, and, accordingly, no economy in the Russian Federation.

  114. The main Beacon Of Light

    “The Ganymede Portal is the main beacon of Light for this Solar System including our planet.”
    The Jupiter Command is the guardian of the Ganymede portal and its main purpose is the spiritual liberation of this Solar System.

  115. Where can I find notes about the Phoenix workshop?

  116. Alright, I believe its about time for an update... (And hopefully it's a substantial one too quite honestly). We are going on almost 5 weeks now since the last situation update at this point. And there has been A LOT going on lately. It would be great if we got some information/clarity on the situation currently at hand.

  117. There’s one thing that got stuck to me after reading the Phoenix workshop notes, because it is what can make the difference, for what remains to be done until the shift, between things going smoothly or more abruptly. And this is the Aldebarans making contact with Trump/Musk and getting or not their collaboration. Someone there proposed a meditation to make their souls intervene in their personalities, which is very good, but my doubts are more at an operational level: why does it have to depend on the success of a phone call from the Aldebarans, at least in the first place? Wouldn’t it be better if people on whom they trust were approached (by another humans), be well informed about a plan which is difficult to summarize in one phone call, be given some proof (which by now I believe is possible to a big extent), and only then they acted as mediators before any direct phone call?
    This would give Trump or Musk the time to assimilate it, think carefully, and by the time the phone call happened things wouldn’t depend on random reactions, making “click” or anything non substantial,
    but they would be knowing very well what they’re doing.
    If the problem for them was losing their status in an already liberated world, it could be suggested they would go down on history as the main facilitators of the liberation of humanity, which is much more. This in case it was an ego problem. Other than that I think they would agree, once they had been able to process it all.
    Also, I think I read in the notes that Trump has not been contacted directly, which means he has been, but indirectly. Couldn’t it be, whoever was then the mediator, one of those chosen for this task?
    Probably all of this has already been considered, but I prefer to say it, just in case.

  118. Si sente e si legge spesso la frase " lasciare la propria zona di comfort". Intanto vorrei fare una domanda: cosa si intende per "zona di comfort"? No, perché è tutto molto relativo per molti
    ma non per me. Nel mio caso potrebbe essere che non trovo una collocazione lavorativa decente e quindi sono obbligato alla "libertà forzata". Riesco ancora a cavarmela senza essere uno schiavo che va al lavoro ogni giorno. Quindi sono fortunato...oppure sono sfortunato perché sono solo per molte ore al giorno, ho una madre vecchia da curare ed aiutare e non faccio vita di società, sono un disadattato. Non mi adatto a questa società degenerata. Non riuscirà mai a piacermi, anzi voglio che crolli. Voglio che l'Europa vada a pezzi. Voglio che tutto vada a pezzi e che venga sostituito tutto questo schifo stagnante che puzza di zolfo con nuovo ossigeno, nuova linfa vitale. Mi aspetto questo dal 2025. Mi aspetto anche che gli oscuri muoiano o vengano arrestati e incarcerati a vita mangiando insetti. Non mi interessa il piccolo cambiamento. Sono qui per validi motivi. Sono qui per la verità. Sono qui per la giustizia. Ecco, per queste due cose sono disponibile a lasciare la mia zona di comfort.

  119. Ora siamo a questo punto dell'Apocalisse di Giovanni (Bibbia) 20, 7 : Apocalisse 20:7-10
    Satana sciolto e vinto per sempre
    7 E quando quei mille anni saranno compiuti, Satana sarà sciolto dalla sua prigione 8 e uscirà per sedurre le nazioni che sono ai quattro angoli della terra, Gog e Magog, per radunarle per la guerra; il loro numero sarà come la sabbia del mare. 9 Esse si muoveranno su tutta la superficie della terra e circonderanno il campo dei santi e la diletta città. Ma dal cielo scenderà fuoco, mandato da Dio, e le divorerà. 10 Allora il diavolo, che le ha sedotte, sarà gettato nello stagno di fuoco e di zolfo, dove sono la bestia e il falso profeta; e saranno tormentati giorno e notte, nei secoli dei secoli.

  120. Dear Cobra, can you please comment on the following article? Hoe high is the probability of this happening?
    United Nations – 666 Beast New World Order HELL STARTS 4 July, 2025

  121. Frasi che sono utilizzate troppo spesso e che non sopporto più ormai: "uscire dalla zona di comfort". La seconda è: "preparativi dietro le quinte". La terza: "la verità sta per uscire". Sono anni che sento tutto questo. E intanto qui si muore e dove si va quando si muore? In un'altro inferno vero o un inferno finto creato ad arte dai signori del karma? Purgatorio?! Chi si merita il paradiso? Se qualcuno dovesse morire dove va a finire? C'è ancora da tribolare? Le anime possono stare in pace almeno una volta che hanno lasciato il corpo fisico? Ci sono ancora tracce di demoni nel campo Astrale? È pulito o assomiglia ancora ad una zona di guerra?

  122. Common sense in February and March
    The first part of this year, especially February and March, will be a critical period. When we go through the period, it will be getting little bit easier. It is very important for you to use your common sense. There will be a lot of craziness in the surface societies. Many crazy people are doing many crazy things. Common sense will be the key for February and March.
