Thursday, January 16, 2025

Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Workshop

Kyoto conference was a huge success. We had a strong group that managed to anchor and reinforce the positive timeline for the year 2025.

In the morning before the start of the first day of the conference, a huge meteor lit the skies above Kyoto and other parts of Japan:



And at the end of the second day, a rainbow cloudship appeared above Mount Fuji:



You can read the notes from the conference here:

And notes from the workshop in Taiwan here:

Kyoto is a very powerful place. Ancient Kyoto, Heiyan-kyo, was built at the end of the 8th century and it was modeled after Chang'an (modern Xian in China) which was the capital of the Tang dynasty. Both cities were built under strong Aldebaran influence and are two main entry points of the Blue Dragon Agartha leyline:

Kyoto is one of the main planetary entry points for many positive extraterrestrial races, Aldebarans since the 6h century, and later also Sirians:

A huge meteor was visible over Kyoto in the year 637:

A single tektite fell from space on a balcony of a building in Kyoto in 1993:

Kyoto is perhaps the only place on the planet where tektites can also be eaten:

You can read more fascinating details about Kyoto and extraterrestrial presence throughout the history of Japan in this Cobra interview:

Planetary situation now contains both Light and dark elements.

On January 1st, the Cabal has triggered 2025 Omega programming among trauma mind controlled individuals, which led to many violent incidents around the world.

A few days later they lit three fires with a dark occult ritual in a triangular configuration in an effort to further diminish the Los Angeles vortex:



Their effort backfired, as the fires only burnt many dark entities which previously inhabited the area, and made the vortex even stronger.

They eye of the vortex, Lake Shrine, was surrounded by fire from all sides, but was divinely protected and remained intact:

One important aspect of the Los Angeles vortex was Bodhi Tree Bookstore, which was one of the main neural nodes for the planetary awakening:

It was closed in 2011, and now the Light forces are requesting that a similar physical bookstore is opened as soon as possible in or near Santa Monica.

A meditation was called to help put out the fire, and you can join if you feel so guided:

On a more positive note, people practicing the ATVOR ray have improved the efficiency of ATVOR technology, and finally Sirians can begin re-entering the area around the Earth for the first time since 1996. Many Sirians in etheric delphinoid bodies are coming back in their cloaked etheric motherships, and this will improve energies around the planet significantly.

Zambian emerald is a stone that can help heal the trauma and anomaly of the Great forgetting of 1996:

Inside the Agartha network, many priestesses are doing strong invocations of the fuchsia Goddess ray and they are projecting the energies of this ray to the surface, as there is far too little Goddess presence on the surface right now.

Fuchsia colored ray invokes a combination of energies of feminine love and power, and you can connect with energies of this ray through red beryl:

Small steps towards Disclosure are being taken. Scientists are beginning to find evidence of previous cosmic cycles:

They are also finding indirect evidence of extraterrestrial life:

More evidence is supporting the Solar flash:

And the polar shift:

With some recent hints, namely the Earth oscillation parameters pointing at Earth core/mantle boundary reaching an etheric scalar null zone in 2025:


Geopolitically, the following brilliant suggestion just came out recently:



United States will be the main focus in 2025, and to further reinforce the positive timeline for 2025, we need as many people as possible to join our workshop in Phoenix on February 1st:

There, more people will be initiated into the ATVOR ray:

Phoenix is a very powerful vortex, the entry point for the Pleiadians to anchor the New Atlantis, and the most likely place for individual Contact:

Victory of the Light!


  1. German translation of the Taiwan workshop notes / Deutsche Übersetzung der Notizen zum Workshop in Taiwan:

  2. When take me leave?I can’t hold any more.

    1. Sariel, we're all beyond exhausted and have too many scars to count. Lately I've been looking more within than in the external world for comfort and encouragement. It's hard for Light Warriors to lay down the sword, but like Cobra said, (paraphrasing) it's about more shining and less fighting now. May you and everyone find some soothing love and reassurance in these challenging times.♥️

  3. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L’article en français :

    Notes from the conference in Kyoto in French / Les notes de la conférence de Kyoto en français :

    Notes from the workshop in Taiwan in French / Les notes de l’atelier de Taiwan en français :

    Interview of the history of Japan in French / L’interview sur l’histoire du Japon en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

    1. 'Whisper of the California Fire' Pray For California, Healing Through Fire Music.

  4. German translation of the interview / Deutsche Übersetzung des Interviews:

  5. Obrigada por me responder, CoBRa.
    Estamos funcionando novamente e acompanhando, acho.
    Fiquem bem.
    Baby P

  6. Replies
    1. A corrupção e cobrança impostos continuam a todo vapor.

    2. Tens alguma pergunta específica sobre o Brasil, Ana?

  7. On January 1st, the Cabal has triggered 2025 Omega programming among trauma mind controlled individuals, which led to many violent incidents around the world.

    Well now it makes sense. Fortunatly I could handle it.

    1. Was kann man tun wenn man programmiert wurde? Mein Freund ist betroffen, ihm geht es psychisch sehr schlecht

    2. @Andrea I said i could handle it but it was not easy at all. althogh i have intuition.

  8. German translation of this article / Deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  9. The big day draws closer. I need to go to the workshop in Phoenix. Its time...

  10. Thanks brother, Victory of the light ❤✨🎇

    1. Labels: Order of the Holy Sepulcher

      Quoting cobra: Here I am allowed to post a cryptic remark that the Order of the Holy Sepulcher does not contain only great darkness, but also great Light:

      Quoting Ahuwahzeus: The Zionist flag the Hexagram is a six pointed star and represents Saturn which is identified as the sixth planet. This is why the sixth day of the week is called Saturday for Saturns Day. This is why supposed "Jews" worship on Saturns Day the Sabath. It is very ironic that Saturn worshipers call themselves "Jews" similar to the word Jupiter. The actual name of their god is called Sabaoth the military "Lord of Hosts". The Hexagram is two equilateral triangles intersected. An equalitarian triangle has 3 sixty degree angles like 666. The hexagon at the center of a hexagram is the most efficient geometric shape for thermal conduction and this is why snakes often have hexagonal scales for absorbing solar rays and is why beehives often use hexagonal cells. The word hex means to curse and is often used in witchcraft for binding. The genocide in Gaza is a mass human sacrifice by Saturn worshiping parasites that feed off death. A living person is warm and filled with energy. When a person dies that heat and energy is released. This is why the occult who are telepathic parasites feed off death and cause wars, enable or enhance natural disasters, and cause man made disasters including plane crashes, train derailments, car crashes, fires and explosions, as well as drug epidemics, mass shootings, and terrorist attacks.

      This is why the Waltons who are "Jewish" use a six pointed star for their Walmart logo. This is why they are currently estimated to be worth 432 billion. The Waltons are a curse on Americans and using a corporate metaphoric hexagram to bind industry through their technically illegal monopoly that small businesses cannot compete with. So Americans work which is heat and energy output to accumulate dollars and those dollars often get spent at Walmart for basic items of necessity that Walmart and other similar corporations have a monopoly on. The hexagram is also on the dollar bill above the eagle. The larger symbol on the dollar is the pyramid with the All Seeing Eye which represents the Holy See the head corporation owned by the Nero Aristocrazia with families like the House of Chigi whose papal coat of arms includes 6 hexagrams. The Chigi-Albani Della Roveres former palazzo is the headquarters for the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

    2. I would like to request a petition of 144 thousand signatures for permission and divine intervention of the aldebarans on the earth

  11. Recent Light

  12. Awesome! Thank you Cobra! Especially for those of us in the USA, this is SO interesting that our own city of Phoenix, Arizona, in the desert southwestern USA, has this much power.

  13. Visualized Trump successfully reached a cooperation with light forces and sent the violet flame to him and the United States.🙏🏻

  14. Pleiadian mothership witnessed in Sedona Pleiades mothership witnessed in Sedona.🛸

    1. Gorgeous. Absolutely stunning footage. The people who filmed it are so lucky. How are there people who have been in touch with star family without getting us blown up? I don’t get it. Cobra, can you chime in?

    2. That looked pretty good actually, great find.

  15. If you zoom into Lake Shrine you will notice an Octagon shaped temple. And we know that buildings constructed with the Octagon (8/∞ symbol) are extremely effective in fighting the Lurker as they bring Goddess energy. VOTL!

  16. sure bro, we've been at this for almost 13 years

  17. 不必为等待事件而烦恼,只需让当下变得有意义









  18. Я не маю достатньої кількості грошей щоб купити самий найдешевший Чинтамані, а не те щоб купувати усілякі камінці. Щодо Med Beds то ця технологія ненадовго вилікує людей, так як вживання алкоголю, цигарок, наркотиків, блядство, пліткування, ненаситне споживання м,ясної їжі виходить із розуму людини: сьогодні пішов полікувався, а завтра включив усе те саме в своє подальше життя. Щодо Путіна: нехай заберається із українських територій , інакше йому і сам Трамп не допоможе.Навіщо цьому російському лайну давати місце в космічних програмах? Ще нікого не навчило золоте правило не мати довіри до росіян? Жопи з крилами теж нічому не навчилися у контактах із російською дуркою? Особисто я відношуся критично до інопланетян і раджу мати здоровий глузд при контакті із ними, а то багато людей в коментарях сидять із лапшою на вухах.

  19. Cobra, Tachyonis gave me an "excess shipping refund." They did good. Thank you.

  20. Victory OF The Emerald Green Light!

    While doing the Agartha Emerald Meditation, in addition to my own healing, I will also visualize transmitting this pure and innocent emerald energy that can transform all abnormalities to the earth veins throughout China, as well as all politicians, military personnel, technology and business people, senior leaders, middle-level leaders, everyone! Let them return to their most sincere and innocent childhood memories, which is very healing and can resolve everything! This is very effective.

    It would be great if you also have emerald and do this meditation with !

  21. Portal 2025 workshop in Taipei Translated to Hebrew

  22. Replies
    1. You know i always wondered that about bruce lee. Seemed like he was an enlighten being.his death in 1973 always seemed sketch to me.and his son Brandon dies 20 years later.simething definitely was up with that family

    2. and i still think his death was simple monitored like Michael's Jackson's and Diana's .. some of them they acturally exist in inner earth now..

    3. Cobra once mentioned the red dragons are the protectors on the physical plane, sense Bruce developed a very high level of martial art skill and physique toughness, I personally believe he was from Antares and belong to the Red dragon family.


  23. Kyoto Nintendo relaying spiritual disclosure into the physical via key game franchises

    For those that don't know most of the tip top media franchises of all time came out of Japan.

    Sony(Japan) created Playstation and owns key developers like naughty dog and insomniac games which have alone released unending levels of disclosure since the archon invasion through their products,some are forsure guided by light forces often placing future/current operation in games.

    Interestingly one of the biggest game franchises and one of the most critical franchises in general is assassins creed.

    In March the series finally has Japan as the location, who knows what is going to be revealed there:

    Current Diama series edition of Dragon Ball franchise is telling you whats going on, you may want to pay attention.

    Dragons Wind Blows

    1. Assassins Wednesday? This is the computer game, in the next part of which a black samurai was supposed to appear who is also gay? And supposedly because of this, the company producing this game experienced a huge drop in the value of the stock price and is on the verge of bankruptcy and the transfer of management for temporary use to crisis managers? This company, the plots of the game are in the category of alternative history, allegedly promotes some secret narratives? What? Are you absolutely sure about this?

    2. I heard LOZ games incorporates a lot of alchemical wisdom. Personally, and maybe I'm biased because I played the old SH games and not LOZ, but I think Silent Hill takes the cake when it comes to this topic because of how deeply interwoven it is with alchemy and symbolism and spiritual/self realization. But it *is* also a Japanese made game. They have a huge tendency to incorporate buddhic philosophy into their creative endeavours, many many of their games have similar and repeating concepts come up reflecting this. Quite fascinating really.
      As for AC, too bad it tried to go woke with shadows, but i believe the earlier entries does indeed seem to be disclosing a lot of secret knowledge. Same for Mass Effect. I'd heard that a lot of the ET races in that game are inspired by their real life counterparts... garrus= blue avian, liara= pleadian for example, could be wrong tho. They all fight alongside each other, including human characters, against the "chimera" though, so it is very interesting and I doubt it as coincidences.
      That said, the game industry as Cobra once mentioned is(was?) controlled by cabal, like entertainment industry (all forms of communication) but as they lose power and influence, perhaps games can be made great again.. or just minus the not-so-subliminal agenda messages, it would already improve by that alone.

  24. he Palisades fires of 2025 caused widespread devastation in Los Angeles, destroying many houses of worship. However, a few notable exceptions managed to survive:

    Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation in Pacific Palisades was miraculously spared and has become a refuge for many who lost their homes.

    Chabad Jewish Community Center of Pacific Palisades was also reported to be safe

    These places serve as temporary homes for the community who lose their homes.

  25. My wife joined the Kyoto conference and since then we have begun to realize that we are surrounded by many opportunities to support achieve peace. That's something we can do here and now. Thank you Cobra !!

    1. thats wonderful news, to find something that is true meaningful to you too, my regards

  26. I really hope and pray the event happens this year.really loved the conference notes.very uplifting and seems like we're making good progress. Those pictures of those argatha pools are awesome. Just pictured myself just diving in them and healing my inner traumas. Everybody take care because I sense un easiness coming. Let's look out for loved ones and give your animals extra extra love because they are definitely sensing something too. Votl!!

  27. Love the notes. would be cool if we get an update whether or not Trump cooperates in regards to disclosure.

    1. I have no inside information here, but I'd guess that if open disclosure starts soon after January 20th, then he does cooperate.

      If it's like late February or March and there hasn't been significant open disclosure, he didn't, I would guess.

  28. This post in Bahasa Indonesia:

    Taiwan notes in Bahasa Indonesia:


  29. This is exciting, something is definitely going down. There are more good and bad events each week than there used to be in 6 months.

    I would like to go to Japan. I recently saw a video of downtown Tokyo and it was amazing! The people looked so relaxed. It was clean. The giant screens in storefronts with pop star's music videos were so wholesome and beautiful, not like gross pop stars here. There are a lot powerful people in the US, but they have a demiurge psychosis energy that hurts their potential to be good friends, or do anything significant for themselves. In contrast, at the Phoenix Cobra conference there was a large group from China that had noticeably different energy and consciousness, it was great. Everyone at the conference was noticeably different than the average population.

    I've been doing ATVOR every day for a couple months and I think it helps.

  30. Thank you for this wonderful news COBRA! Thank you Light Forces, Resistance Movement, Agarthans, and all the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds!

  31. Much water, little specifics. Moreover, the author himself said that these are only his assumptions and he is not authorized to give any guarantees (and he could not, he is only an intermediary). The interpretation of the conference by the participant who posted the transcript only adds muddy water to the understanding of the general situation. In short: we are infinitely close, as well as infinitely far from the completion of the process of planetary liberation. "I promise to promise, so to speak."

    1. I believe that if nothing happens this year 2025, it won't happen again.

  32. All the time have been thinking why sebastian from unveiling has not posted anything for more than one year year, because he does not post empty crap because he knows that same crap is happening without any results. So far all these configurations showed themselves as empty crap I am sure this year we will see the same crap, its interesting what updates newbies will get in 2026.2027 when all the obstacles will be eliminated, then the god and light forces will not be able to intervene because there will be an old 99 year old lady from dark nobility who will be running around the world with her wheelchair and putting the buildings on fire, but the god and light forces will not be able to catch her. Lets put the light forces into the flames that people have experienced recently and lost their homes, what kind of a damn god can allow this!!!! Cobra dont be afraid to post this comment let the light forces and god see their 'progess'.

  33. That's so interesting. I love Japan. First I spent 6 weeks there and years later I spent 5 months. Japan is a great place. I could even understand Japanese and listen to whole conversations. I just never learned to speak it properly in that time.

    Delphin - that was a name that was given to me, by a spiritual person I think. Cool. That was great reading. Thanks Cobra and Light Forces!! We are getting there. I may be crazy but my legs were a little better and I managed to walk from bus stop down the road to Woolies! I was so happy at that I actually bought a cheesecake. Hehe. First time in Woolies since my car died.

    Victory of the Light!!!



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  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Thank you Cobra for the update! 🩷 I was in Joshua Tree the day before the fires started in Los Angeles planting cintamani stones in vortexes.😉

    Lake Shrine has always been a favorite place for my brother and I as well as Bodhi Tree Bookstore… I really loved that place. I’m so glad Lake shrine is safe… such a beautiful and peaceful place and it will always have a special place in my heart. It’s heartbreaking to see what is happening in Los Angeles but I knew when those fires started exactly what they were trying to do. I will keep sending love, light and healing to all of Los Angeles 🩷🙏

    I am also sending much love to Cobra, all of the beautiful lightworkers/starseeds on here and everywhere and to all of the beautiful galactic beings assisting both on and off world with planetary operations and liberation. I support all of you! We’re so close I can feel it! VOTL 🩷

  37. COBRA Mise à jour du 16 janvier 2025 en français

  38. COBRA Mise à jour du 16 janvier 2025 en français

  39. NOTES DE L'ATELIER DE COBRA À TAIPEI SUR LE PORTAIL 2025 en français (avec schémas en français)

  40. I'm a chinese light there anyone can give me some money

  41. I really like Japan, I often watch YouTube about the life of the Japanese and about cities. Tokyo is a gorgeous, unimaginably beautiful city, trees and streets filled with Christmas lights! The Japanese are wonderful, smart, hardworking people, they have turned their country into a space city of dreams! It is so nice to walk along the streets, it is so joyful and bright around. In the next few months, an amazing planetary alignment will occur that will lead to reconfiguration and changes in your bodies and DNA. Commander Ashtar asked to convey to you all urgently that people leave and evacuate from coastal areas of residence inland. This applies to all countries and continents, great tsunamis and floods are coming.

    1. That's what I was saying in a comment above! In addition to the visible differences, you can feel the energy through the video.

  42. Grazie per l'aggiornamento Cobra. In effetti la mia situazione è migliorata in ogni settore, soprattutto il mio umore. Nuovo ottimismo e gioia sono rientrati nella mia vita e questo è probabile per il fatto che le energie delle Sacerdotesse le ho avvertite in qualche modo. Inoltre il ritorno dei Siriani in corpi delfinoidi eterici mi rende felice. Sento con i Siriani un collegamento ed un profondo legame. Ottime notizie. Vittoria della Luce!

  43. If the breaktrough really so close why we don't have more important things to do then to open boon stores which might have effect in decades if ever?

  44. In Japan, a residential complex for living on the Moon is being created

    Scientists from Kyoto University have begun to create a lunar residential complex with artificial Earth gravity. This was reported by the Kyodo News publication.

    In collaboration with the Kajima construction corporation, scientists announced an ambitious project called Neo Lunar Glass. It involves the construction of a parabolic structure on the Moon 400 meters high and 200 meters in diameter. Rotational motion will be used inside the structure to artificially imitate the Earth's gravity. According to scientists, this will help prevent the loss of bone and muscle mass in people living in low gravity conditions.

    It is planned that the project will be able to provide housing for up to 10 thousand people. Work on it began this financial year with the creation of computer models and reduced-scale models. The first prototype on a scale of 1:2000 has already been presented. Professor Yosuke Yamashiki from Kyoto University noted the uniqueness of this technology, emphasizing that similar developments are absent in other countries. It is noted that many Japanese corporations are actively involved in projects to develop the Moon. The automobile manufacturer Toyota Motor, for example, is developing lunar rovers for research and movement on the surface of the Earth's satellite.

    1. Why do people live on the Moon or any other UNOCCUPIED space body if they can't bring order and harmony to their own bio-sociosphere? Why do people, socio-culturally imperfect creatures, export chaos to the universe? I wonder if Elon Musk's rocket just recently fell apart at launch? Isn't this a signal that we need to think about the fact that it's time to throw trash in the trash bin for removal, and not pile it up in the neighbor's garden? in ancient times they said that order in a state is possible only if a woman can carry a bowl of gold on her head from one end of the empire to the other if she is not raped, robbed or killed along the way. As long as there is at least one disadvantaged, hungry person on the planet who does not have access to the realization of his intellectual, cultural and spiritual potential, the colonization and exploitation of space and its resources must be BLOCKED (not limited, like secret programs - some countries with space technologies extract something, namely blocked).

  45. КОБРА, нотатки з конференцій і інтерв,ю- це просто пустопорожня балаканина, нічого конкретного і нового. Якщо було відомо про дії темної сторони щодо ритуалів, то чому пожежа була допущена? Взагалі дії так званих Світлих Сил виглядають ганебно: " ми такі круті, у нас технології, але ми нічого не можемо вдіяти, бо нас за,язує юридичний контракт про невтручання" .Для чого тоді ми проводили медитацію божественного втручання? Усі як ідіоти промедитували і ще й дали свої особисті дані.!!!! Мабуть так звані Світлі Сили тримають людей і звёздные семена за ідіотів.Подія весь час відкладається, грошова допомога теж, але бла- бла- блакання про це достатньо. Усе оце " освобождение" і його постійне відкладання вже обридло. Я більше не стану медитувати для " освобождения", ми достатньо дляцього багато років медитувати, а краще займуся медитаціями особисто для себе.

  46. I had tha feeling that something scarier was behind the LA incident, as they are the masters of deception..
    Japan.. i always wanted to live there as i feel this positivity in this area of earth.. but karma is a bitch... my brother was there once with his job though..
    i read some readers here asking to leave.. i would prefer to stay , build and create instead... but anyway my regards

    1. As far as I know, the Japanese are a radically nationalistic society, bordering on Nazism. To put it mildly, they do not welcome foreigners, and have a poor knowledge of world history (even modern history, written by the "winners"). They are over-centralized on their own greatness, despite even the position they occupy. There are several stories from Russian-speaking students studying there on exchange and who, before completing their studies, tried to stay there permanently - they did not succeed, and the refusals were in the most negative form. For them, whites are stupid monkeys and their attitude towards them is condescending patience. But they do not allow their rules to be violated, and violations are suppressed in the harshest and even cruelest way. By violation, I mean etiquette, manner of communication, everyday moments. Figuratively speaking, people raised in a European environment will not be able to get along there, and the locals will hate you. Even if they never tell you this or show it through facial expressions. You will simply be a priori a white macaque for them. It is worth remembering that after the defeat in World War II, Japan is de facto a colony of the USA, its army has been abolished to the "Self-Defense Forces" and Japan is forced to maneuver and accept any decisions of the USA and globalists. The economy of Japan was destroyed in the 1990s - early 2000s, because high competitiveness of their goods, based on the methods of labor and economic miracle, borrowed from the USSR and directly from Stalin's 5-year plans (5-year plans for targeted planning of the national economy to achieve maximum economic effect - this is in Kiyosaki's book on investments, where he says that "diversification of assets is a lie for the poor, because the rich make fortunes on the targeted maximum injection of capital into pre-determined companies of the stock market, because they are the ones who manage the development of the economy - the stock market according to their own, pre-planned goals - in fact, this is "insider trading", but it is impossible to catch them on this - they are the masters of the game and they write the rules, they are not written for them, the rules are needed for the herd). Japanese goods have become much better than American and European ones in quality and it was decided to destroy the economic system of Japan (Soros was doing this, his handwriting). At the moment (I have 3 channels on Japan from Russian Japanologists, 2 of whom have lived in this country for at least 20-25 years old, still with a Soviet education - people with a world-class education, and even that of the old world (which is better and of higher quality), Japan in terms of technology and culture has remained in the late 1990s - early 2000s, because it is still trying to recover from that terrible blow to its financial and stock market. But this was to be expected - the periphery of the capitalist market tried to outshine its masters and was publicly flogged - punished. Although, as far as I know from reliable sources, through diplomatic channels one Japanese diplomat during a feast said that the Japanese are perfectly aware of their situation, but will do everything to survive. But when the noose loosens and they gain freedom, they will pay for all their humiliations. That is, these are people who have been living for several decades in a state of national humiliation for a military defeat and masking their hatred as much as possible in anticipation of a chance to strike a fatal blow and get even for all the humiliations.

  47. Trump remains adamant he's starting mass deportations on day 1 of his term. Unlike many of his claims, this seems like it might happen. I'm wondering if rounding up gang members nationwide is a cover for Alliance or Light forces operations. It would be perfect; any police, SWAT, or military doing anything could be dismissed as deportation operations.

  48. The future "we" helps to make decisions

    „The future “us” continuously sends signals to the present, guiding us in making the right decisions and choices that lead to the best possible timeline. The transmission of these signals from the future will intensify gradually after the 12:21 Portal opens next [this] year.“

  49. Asthar é Osíris? O que eu faço com essa informação?

  50. Por favor, Luz, esclarece isso para mim. Não dá para largar uma dessas no meu colo e sair andando. Eu sei que vocês já falaram na minha cabeça, mas essa é uma das coisas que eu preciso que seja apresentada de maneira mais concreta. Aliás, elas estão conectadas, as duas coisas que pedi para ser trazida de maneira inquestionável.
    Baby P

  51. Good evening dear Cobra and all followers, Lightworkers! 💖💖
    Here are the Italian and Romanian translation of this fantastic update, special thanks to Cobra, Light Forces and Resistance Movement! Thanks to all positive ET races assisting humanity and our planet Earth in the process of Ascension and planetary liberation! God bless!!

    - Italian:
    Italian Cobra Telegram:

    - Romanian:
    Romanian Cobra Telegram:

    Victory of the Light! 🎆🎆

  52. Very good to know they didn’t get away with diminishing the LA vortex, but rather the opposite, it was difficult to guess.
    The Kyoto conference had a lot of content in common with Taiwan, which makes sense being both so close, but also new valuable information as well. It’s easy to understand also that nothing can be said about the timing of the Event, only that it’ll be on Friday :)
    No let’s see how the inauguration goes this Monday, tense astrological configuration there. Maybe some things come to the surface despite it all going well in the end, we’ll see…

  53. So what needs to be accomplished for the event to trigger?? This used to be defined. Not sure what the objectives are these days.
    Sorry, not much of an update. How is it going with clearing of the Lurker? What else needs to be cleared or completed? Everything is so wishy washy. No mention of anything significant really..


  54. Here comes the SUN.


  55. "French media are sharing details from the first hearings in the case of Pavlo de Dur, which lasted more than 10 hours. When the judges remarked that initiatives to cooperate with the authorities began after Durov's arrest, Pavlo said: "I realized the importance of these facts while I was in custody." Speaking in his defense, de Dur said that over the past six months, as part of Telegram's cooperation with law enforcement, 10,000 units of user data were transferred to authorities around the world. And all the talk was about freedom and all that. As usual, until the first bottle of Veuve Clicquot. And here you go."

  56. Hola CO.BRA. Espero que muy pronto podamos organizar una conferencia en Sudamérica. (Estoy en proyecto de manifestar una ISLA DE LUZ, (Templo de la DIOSA), Cámara de Taquiones, y más...

  57. A dark satellite system has been destroyed and it won't/can't be rebuilt!! This is huge!

    "They Are Hiding A Deeper, Darker Secret..." | Pleiadian High Council | MIRA

    This is how they were stopping humanities progress. Thank God it is now GONE. Part of this apparatus was located below California. This is part of what the fires are about!!! WOW, this is huge. Great news for the alliance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are winning!

  58. In Spanish, en español:

  59. Wo finde ich mehr Informationen zu der Omega Programmierung der Kabale? Mein Freund wurde programmiert. Wie kann ich ihm helfen? Wenn jemand mehr dazu weiß, bitte meldet euch. Danke liebe Freunde ❤️ VOTL

  60. Over a year ago some research into red beryl was done.

    Good to now there is a positive side to this gem.

    There may be a dark side of the coin as well like with jade situation:

    It was mentioned in bottom of the plasmoid post as well interestingly prior to this update from cobra.

    Interesting to note also that red beryl is essentially only found in UTAH....the 3rd and 4th Halloweentown movies were filmed in Utah and they both are centered around a red gem(more covertly in the 3rd)

    There is even a small spot in utah called halloweentown

    Halloween is Irish.
    Utah is Mormon HQ and its founder was Irish

    There is a lot more data filed/draft/saved if it turns out to be more relevant or safe to share, it might.

  61. I'm curious how Aldebaran ' s new financial facility is going to wire money to Light workers' bank cards. I mean, it's kind of hard to imagine right now.

  62. This is from Ashtar himself. They put in etheric technology before birth, into people, where they could see and hear fake alien invasions. How stupid!!!! Now, the chance of this happening is now minuscule. In other words, it really can't happen. The Dark can take it's big plans of alien invasion that shove it right up their arses. Heheheheheehehehehe.

    "You Must Now Be On HIGH ALERT (Starseeds)..." | Ashtar Command

    So now, we starseeds etc are so advanced, there simply is no resonance present in us for this to work. Great listen!!

    1. how do you "communicate" with "him"? The property of science is the reproducibility of experiments. Everything that cannot be reproduced is your fantasy. If you have a phone or a phone number to communicate with him, please share it, I have something to ask the one whose news you are transmitting here. In any other case (I see it in my dreams, I hear it) - either fantasy or schizophrenia (then I sincerely feel sorry for you, I sympathize with you). This is not the first time I have come across this name and I really became interested - who is saying all this there.

    2. We are winning. This is proof!! The dark ones don't like to hear this. I feel so sorry for Zionism. He has no proof. I don't even bother to read your posts.

    3. These words are just proof we are making a difference Zionism.

  63. I'll be dead before anything happens good luck

    1. if something happens I'll call you, leave your email or number in your profile. In the meantime, you can live your life in peace. However, there is no guarantee that I won't have to give "my number in line" along with your friend to a kind person who agrees to stand up for us during our "break".


  65. Pushing back against the system:


  66. The Source Experience.

  67. A resistência esperando Trump para colaborar !? É o mesmo que colocar uma raposa para tomar conta das galinhas!!!


  69. German translation of the first day of the Kyoto conference notes / deutsche Übersetzung der Notizen des ersten Tages der Konferenz in Kyoto:

  70. My soul fundamentally yearns for freedom. I have had a unique perspective on the existence of aliens since I was very young. I neither believe in the existence nor absence of aliens. I have never considered the existence of aliens because I am not concerned about this issue. This blog is not suitable for people like me who long for freedom to read. So I need to stop reading it. I say goodbye to everyone on this blog. Because I don't like to argue about right and wrong and pursue right and wrong. I am not reading this blog because I enjoy reading it. It's because I have been constantly pursuing what happened to me. I once wanted an answer. Even though watching this blog makes me feel bad because I am spending a lot of time watching things that I don't care about at all. I just want to be an ordinary person. I just want to maintain my own beauty and balance. I have found that pursuing answers is not important, even those who are called LF by you are pursuing answers. My pursuit of answers is influenced by her. I don't want to continue pursuing answers. Because I realized that I don't care about the answer at all. I care about the answer because of the influence of others. So now I want to be myself again. So watching this blog itself is the answer. I kept searching for the answer, but in the end, I realized that I was the answer. Watching this blog may seem like a reward to others. But it's a pain on me. So goodbye, everyone, and Cobra. I know she influenced me out of love. But I can never understand what love is. So I just want to spare myself. Please also ask her to spare me.

    1. Look at it from the point of view of probability theory - at least 60 planets have already been counted that have bio and atmospheric conditions similar to Earth that are conducive to the emergence of life. Even if there is no one on them now, then in millions or billions of years some life will form there and sooner or later one of the biological species will start eating others (animal protein) and their brain will start developing. Sooner or later they will go into space and start research - and either meet us or find our ruins (if our civilization falls). And this is only in that part of space that can be seen from a "super-modern" EARTH telescope, in one of the 12 arms of the Universe. So the statement is incorrect. Aliens exist and will exist. There are only two questions: why don't those who know us directly interfere and will our civilization survive to see the "elders" and look at the "younger ones". The theory of probability, as well as the intersection of 2-3 sources that are NOT subject to doubt - is the only reason why I am still on this site after many years.

  71. "Today's Russia is a classic colonial empire dominated by Moscow. It begins with the economic exploitation of the colonies and moves on to the oppression of the peoples of this colonial empire, up to the attempt to use their men as cannon fodder in a colonial war against Ukraine," said the grandson of the last emperor of Austria-Hungary, Karl Habsburg, in his annual speech dedicated to the "Future of Europe."

    "Europe, interested in the security of its citizens, must begin to develop scenarios for the disintegration of Moscow's colonial empire as soon as possible," the Austrian concluded.

    Karl Habsburg is the head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and one of the members of the GOPG (global organized crime group).

    If anyone thinks that Europe is on a leash to the United States in the Ukrainian conflict, then this character shows us that it is rather the opposite.

    Speaking about the upcoming peace talks, we can confidently say that peace, as we see, is not needed at all by Europe, just as it is not needed by Trump, whose team demanded that Zelensky lower the age of mobilization to 18. Not peace, but a respite is needed to regroup and strengthen one's positions - this is a classic of the genre."

  72. "Donald Trump plans to issue an executive order that will call cryptocurrency a national priority.

    Of course, one very important reason is the opportunity to make a lot of money on the crypto market.

    But there is perhaps a more compelling reason, which is far from unlikely.

    We remind you that 80% of all dollars were created in the last five years.

    The Federal Reserve continues to print trillions out of thin air, thereby inflating a global financial bubble that will sooner or later have to burst at the right time for those who control this process.

    The GOCG (global organized crime group), launching a colossal amount of dollars into circulation, pursues the goal of not only buying up the maximum amount of material values ​​on the planet, but also with the aim of promoting its criminal agenda of enslaving the population of the Earth.

    Therefore, Trump drives people to the crypto market, where unsecured cryptocurrencies, which are the best place to store excess dollar mass, and, first of all, the average class that we know must be destroyed for the sake of the corporatocracy to flourish.

    When all the necessary components of the plan are completed, the members of the GOPG will carefully withdraw their assets from the crypto market. When this bubble bursts, it will plunge the planet into the largest managed crisis in the history of mankind. The GOPG will buy up any enterprises for a pittance, like during the Great Depression.

    Sleight of hand, the ringing of crypto coins and no fraud."

  73. This is too funny. The illuminati has gotten really stupid, according to Caylin. They can no longer manipulate us to the high level they used to do. Oh that is so hilarious!!

    "The Deep State Are Preparing For Their Last Stand..." - The Pleiadians 2025 | Caylin

    They are now extremely vulnerable. Hahahahaahahahaah. Looks like the deep state is going down. What a shame. Yeah, they are totally fractured and don't know what they are doing anymore. Hahahahaaha. Thank you Galactic Federation!!!!!!! It's amazing. The deep state's whole agenda is backfiring because they don't understand the heart. Their money and weapons is down by over 80%. They are falling, falling. Ah well, we didn't like them anyway. They are really, really stupid. They thought they were better than God - this is the kind of arrogance that can't last!!!!!! Bye bye now. We won't miss you. You are now an ineffective shell lacking cohesion. People should listen to this. It's an amazing recount by Caylin.


    "Surface population still has much unhealed trauma, so it is very difficult for human beings to have good cooperation with other star races."

    1. first of all these guys need to show their faces, and then we can talk about trust. How can I trust someone I can't see? Would you send money for humanitarian aid if you can't see the victims of circumstances who need this help? Otherwise it could be a common scam and extortion, right? Strange statements...

  75. I dont know if Cobra reads the post but that question also goes to everybody.

    The count of Saint Germain helped Germany before the world wars according to Jan Udo Holey. But St.GErmain also claim he can travel through time. Does it even make sense, to help them if it prolongs the war and lead to so much destruction or didnt he see that coming that GErmany turns negative? I mean they were technological superior, but they were only better because they got help or not? Similar to China now or Russia some while ago.

    If Lucifer who some people think is Thoth tries to control both positive and negative forces like the teachings of religions say.

    It makes sense that there is a positive being the tries to manipulate the positive forces into negative results. I mean all of his advises were wrong. Russia attacked Ukraine because of wrong advise. China became negative after they helped BRICS. There was an increase in slavery after Columbus discovered America who is also Saint Germain. They launched Doom33 because the light forces made the wrong actions with the Cabal.

    1. you don't need to look at this occult nonsense. You need to look at how: prices in stores for goods are reduced, the homeless population is provided with free housing, each person has a job that suits him, each person gets an education in the field of work, science, art that interests him (optional), there is no crime, there is no use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, there is almost free or free balanced nutrition, there are no wars or political provocations, there are no political parties that are de facto ordinary lobbying groups (for this reason, the Bolsheviks, including Lenin and Stalin believed that there should be only one party - the party of the people and it can defend only the interests of the people, and not lobbying groups formed by the business interests of the rich and bribing voters to come to power and carry out the robbery of the people). This is all that my preliminary imagination was enough for, add to your taste.

      As for history - everything older than 100-150 years (what your great-grandfather or grandfather saw) - cannot be verified and can be faked. According to preliminary calculations, our current history has a discrepancy of 500 to 1000 years, and these are very approximate options. That is, what you are told happened 1000 or 2000 years ago could have happened 1000 or 400-500 years ago. According to the "official" history, in 2000 years since the "birth" of Christ, at least 3-4 calendar systems have changed, and this is only in the Christianized Mediterranean-European region. We know practically nothing about America, Asia and Africa too (regarding Asia, and specifically China, there is a very convincing version that it was created by the Jesuits based on the Dravidian genome-ethnos, Japan-Korea, whose "emperors" come from Chinese refugees who lost the political struggle, also goes there; this seems incredible, but there is convincing book and archaeological evidence).

      This requires a huge study, and interdisciplinary level of development is required (aka Davinci, who was strong in different disciplines, "man-army" - an army of scientists).

  76. "The Real Reason They Want Greenland & Canada Is TERRIFYING" - Whitney Webb's LATEST 2025 WARNING

    Listen from about 5:55

    1. Shut up🙄 All the Trump haters from other countries talking smack need to zip it. You don't know, you don't live here, you have no idea.

    2. Shut up yourself. It's interesting. I AM NOT a Trump hater.

    3. Honestly, all you "Trump-hater accusers" spreading your rubbish are really really pathetic.

  77. War between Russia and NATO is almost inevitable. Speech by NATO chief Mark Rutte:

    "Russia's war against Ukraine continues. Russia's hostile actions against our own countries are intensifying - cyberattacks, assassinations, acts of sabotage.

    We used to call it a "hybrid scheme", but these are actions of a destabilization campaign. Russia is working hard to weaken our democracies and undermine our freedom.

    And it is not alone. China, North Korea and Iran are with it.

    But we know exactly what we need to do to protect it.

    We are already doing a lot.

    All allies are increasing their investment in defense. The readiness of our forces has increased. Military exercises have become larger and more frequent. And all this is necessary, but it is not enough to cope with the dangers that we will have to overcome in the next 4-5 years. To prevent war, we need to prepare for it. It is time to switch our thinking to wartime."

    1. Rather, it looks like preparations for NATO's invasion of Russia, since the Russian Federation does not have the industrial, technological and scientific potential to conduct large-scale military operations to invade Europe. Look - Russia could not capture even half of Ukraine and is fighting with technologies from the 1970s, even the remnants of these technologies. No new economy has been built in 5 years of war, factories have not been built or launched, traitors are still sitting in their places; the Russian Federation will be filled with Wahabi migrants in quantities of tens of millions, and with the direct approval of the head of state kissing the Koran on camera. The Russian Federation lacks the resources for a local, small military conflict, and European rulers say that Putin will seize an entire geopolitical bloc - this is complete nonsense and psychosis in order to drive you to the front. Divide and rule. When someone tells you that Russians want to attack Europe or a European country, ask these people: why then the Russian Federation, which is capable of capturing Europe, cannot capture a small and poor Ukraine. If Putin attacked NATO-backed Ukraine, why did he do it without having sufficient military potential? Surely not in order to prolong the conflict, kill the indigenous homogeneous population of both countries and weaken them, preparing the territory for the resettlement of those who benefit from this conflict?

  78. There is a song by The Night Lands called Whiplash. It is so very appropriate here.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Cobra stated:

    "The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy"

    How can Women do that when these high scale rapes are happening worldwide? I knew that situations with illegal immigrants are bad but i didn't know that it's this bad. Elon Musk exposed to some degree horror child rape stories from Britain that are being censored by government and media. Basically multiple groups of dozen immigrant men are gang raping for decades young British girls around 12 years old all over Britain for whole day leaving them and their families in unimaginable traumas. And if you're trying to defend your daughters and expose rapists on social media, British police comes to your door to put you in prison for hate speech. British people are afraid to post something on social media because of that, I can't believe we come to this level and this is in front of our eyes, God only knows what they are doing in the shadows. This is happening all over Europe, so how can we heal from this when victims are blamed, rapists are free to do whatever they want and police punish people for exposing that.

    These Evil people or Archons or whatever they are already did enough damage to be reseted in Galactic Central Sun centuries why are they still alive? I'm wondering what Universal laws are protecting them from Karma return energy of 3rd Newton law and how can someone expect for these people to change???

    I will have really hard time to put back my trust in Source and Creators of this Universe again after this debacle on Planet Earth. I feel so powerless as individual, how can you forgive after reading these stories, and this is only tip of the iceberg. All these people who allowed this should be reseted in Galactic Central Sun. What hurt most is that nothing is being done, what can someone do as individual, only expose but if people are being punished by prison if they exercise free speech or expose Evil, then how can things change? Light Forces should replace these Evil people with clone bodies and originals send to reset, that's the only way to liberate people from this Evil.

    I was hoping we would get some kind of SciFi Super Powers through DNA activation by Cosmic Waves from Space so we can unite to defeat Evil in another way but nothing happened, i feel same energies for past 20 years, basically Universe left us bare handed, all this talk about DNA strands activation but nothing changed. The truth is that Game wins who is physically stronger, if someone is stronger than you they can beat, torture, rape or kill you, that's why i as an individual and male who should protect by natural instict feel so powerless and disappointed. Even if you count good people only we're weak as individuals but also as a group or human collective, we're in fragile human bodies, too soft, conformist and learned to be dependent on others for help, that's why we must beg aliens to save us, I'm tired of passive love and light mantras, action needs to be taken to defeat Evil, only physical action... It's like expecting to win a football game but not playing only praying, it doesn't work, I think meditations are good but we need physical actions to remove this Evil filthy scums...that's just fact

    We need to implement Divine Masculine physical strong and protective energies to remove or replace these Evil or Compromised individuals, that's why I'm looking forward for Aldebarans to act on surface through physical action with or without Trump, because humans learn through force, that's humans mentality, who is stronger wins the game...VOTL

    1. finally but when??? : We need to implement Divine Masculine physical strong and protective energies to remove or replace these Evil or Compromised individuals, that's why I'm looking forward for Aldebarans to act on surface through physical action with or without Trump, because humans learn through force, that's humans mentality, who is stronger wins the game...VOTL

    2. What Cobra describes brings in more goddess energy that counteracts the controllers. At least many women would be able to do that.

    3. the forces ruling this planet are degenerates rejected by the "Higher Powers" and because of this they cannot receive a boost of positive energy coming through the rays of the Sun (light - light wave - energy-informational impact), it is at least unpleasant for them (even just going to the beach, sunbathing). It is because of the deficit of positive energy of the Universal Source that these "people" created an egregor - a man-made (more precisely a thought-form, created from thoughts) energy-informational entity and receive negative energy from it in order not to die from a deficit of any energy. To contact the entity, rituals-sacrifices are carried out, including murders. This is Satanism and other shit disgusting to any normal person. They created a cult of death, starting with the cult of Kali-Ma in ancient India, where the ancient Slavic priests expelled apostates to India. There these priests in an isolated environment created a caste system together with the people they had expelled with them and began to mix their warrior caste with the local Dravidians and teach them to kill the Slavs. They spread this Cult of Death to the West in the countries of Mesopotamia and the Middle East, Africa, from where it formed into Semitic religions and became Judaism - to destroy everyone who is not a Jew - words from the Talmud, the Torah. This was the revenge of the exiled priests on the Slavs who expelled them (Western and Eastern Europe - today Western Slavs with erased memory kill their Eastern brothers - Russians and "Ukrainians" on the orders of those whom their ancestors expelled to India about 500-1000 years ago for something that contradicted the laws of the Universe by which the previous Slavic civilization lived). It is also interesting that approximately every 500 years the planet is depopulated by approximately 80-93% with the help of sound technologies of the past civilization - with the help of sound the process of "cold boiling" of the planet's water is carried out and a huge wave rises that washes away regions and continents that are objectionable to the traitors. Thus the traitors destroyed the stupid Europe and half of the regions of the current Russia at that time. Then their agents in the person of the Jesuits went to the devastated territories and took them and the surviving population under control (in Russia it was Peter the Great - the Master of the Jesuit Order, his official title among many), most of the languages ​​of the peoples of the countries of Europe are very young and do not have an evolved basis - they were constructed by Jesuit linguists.

    4. ...
      They also invented the history of China, Japan (it was officially "discovered" by the Jesuits). If you are a white British woman (native European ethnicity), then you are now experiencing the revenge of the Aryan priests-traitors (their descendants, who stand above the Levites - shepherds of the Jews, the Pharisees - Rothschilds, Rockefellers - have you noticed that the appearance of some "globalists" does not look like Jews? quite European) as the descendants of the civilization that expelled them. Russians bear this burden as direct descendants of the civilization that expelled them - the key temples and points for contact with the Source were located on the territory of current Russia, Eastern Europe and Germany. The Magi priests were killed along with the population, the corpses were burned along with the sacred groves and the ashes were scattered in their place. The bones were buried underground (the source of death, negative energy), and a church was built on top - a symbol of the victory of the cult of death over the civilization of the universal order (they lived according to the laws of the universe). The few survivors of the organized sweat were driven into religions to lead away from memory and the way to communicate with the source, and those who did not want to believe were killed and maimed by the crusaders. It is enough to read how central and especially northern Europe was "baptized". And this is only according to the "official" history. Moreover, the Tanakh itself says that the Jews killed priests, cut down and burned groves. And yes, this is hidden. For this reason, Jews are forbidden to translate their books into other languages, only a small part was discovered when the Old Testament was translated into Greek. Key moments can be read either only in Hebrew, or as a result of errors in the translation of Jews from Hebrew to other languages.

    5. the name Scotland has Indo-European origins and no one has any questions about it? Oh well, you probably just haven't thought about it or haven't looked for it.

    6. it means Skotos (σκοτος) , darkness.. everything is based and navigated by darkness, anyway i dot trust the religion books as were orchistrated by them in order to manipulate humans, i dont belive in religions and fake gods but i do believe that there are demons or other entities that can contact humans....

    7. You seem to be totally clueless about goddess Kali who is the death of the demons. She us perhaps the only one who can save this planet but She won't spare this toxic civilization

    8. i am not clueless as you referred that Kali is the death of the demons, then you agree that demons and other entities do exist, perhaps you are clueless to say that Kali can save the planet.. i suggest you better tell Cobra about it so to get over this slavery earlier.. my regards

    9. @GPiksel. Ecco perché ogni tanto bisognerebbe leggere il Codice Galattico. Abbiamo bisogno dell'Evento perché gli esseri di superficie non sono in grado di sistemare le cose , hanno bisogno della Federazione Galattica per toglierci dai guai. E la Terra ha bisogno del secondo e più potente Flash Solare per ristabilire un equilibrio geo fisico. Alla Terra non basterebbero 200 dei nostri anni lineari per rimettersi in ordine. E temo che le cose potranno polarizzarsi ancora di più prima dell' Evento mentre gli attriti saranno ancora più evidenti. Molti peggioreranno ulteriormente in quanto l' " Harbar" sta danneggiando i loro neuroni. Ecco perché non basta districare il Lurker per certi individui. I pazzi psicopatici e sociopatici sono spacciati ma purtroppo finché sono in mezzo a noi non ci sarà verso di cambiare le cose.Solo l'Evento potrà farlo. 🌲🛸🌲


  81. COBRA Interview by Iruka 2025:

    Do members of the dark forces use adrenochrome? Are there any Hollywood stars or famous singers who use adrenochrome or are evil?

    C: Unfortunately, these people use adrenochrome. I can't tell you who they are, but you'll probably see their names in the news.

  82. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  83. Emerald Findings, and the Main Focus

    I've been trying to use emeralds to clean my subconscious of the lurker by sleeping with an emerald in the corner of my pillow. The results are uncertain. I'm undecided if this is a good idea, as there have been some extremely volatile dreams lately. There are many factors to consider.

    But definitely, I've concluded that using emeralds for healing in the waking state while relaxing has a very powerful effect. In the waking state with emeralds, the heart awakens and light comes through that dissolves subquantum/lurker. Emeralds can be used to access Agartha, but even when not doing an Agartha meditation, emeralds are incredibly beneficial.


    From my recent experience of having extreme cognitive dissonance from the latest update and Kyoto conference notes, I've concluded that at least in my case, it's best to not get caught up in details and what's being said. I do much better by 'keeping it simple' and just relaxing and healing in my leisure time.

    I've noticed that people kept wanting to see the conference notes ASAP before they were posted to the public. Such a mentality may not be constructive. Why not just relax and be in the Here and Now, and not be so caught up with the latest intel?

    It may be much easier to hold the light, as they say, by loosening one's grip. Sure, check for updates every now and then, but keep the main focus on what's beyond the mind's insatiable appetite for 'the latest.' That's my two cents anyway.

  84. Thank you, dear Cobra, for the update.💖

  85. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino na Facebooku:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  86. The US government essentially admits it funded and created the covid virus and resulting pandemic, House Oversight Committee investigation finds.

    "In 2019, EcoHealth Alliance and Daszak were awarded an NIH grant of more than $4 million to conduct a project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.

    NIH’s then-principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak revealing in October 2021 that EcoHealth Alliance had violated the terms of its grant by performing the gain-of-function research – which modified novel bat coronaviruses and made them 10,000 times more infectious for research on lab mice — and failing to report the practice to NIH.

    Given that a lab-related incident involving gain-of-function research is the most likely origin of COVID-19, EcoHealth and its former President should never again receive a single cent from the U.S. taxpayer."

  87. There are certain things Cobra can’t say from his position, but can be guessed with high probability from the Kyoto notes: there will be a big disclosure in a few months (April?), and the Event will happen in a few (or some) more months. I see the other option he told as a distraction for the DF and everyone else, as he can’t put it very clear.
    My guess is Trump and Musk have been already contacted (there’s no legal or other kind of reasons to wait until the inauguration), and Trump has agreed with the plan, which can’t be said officially for obvious reasons.
    We can see now with the cease fire in Gaza what his unconditional support to Israel was: mind games to confuse the enemy, zionists are really angry about it. And all the rest that doesn’t make sense from him is most likely too, that was the biggest issue.
    As the date of the Event has been established, this also means there aren’t many uncertainties, or only minor, on the way to it. So a rather short but bumpy road ahead.
    Just a guess, but I think the most likely one…

  88. A commentator on channel 9 (Tony Jones) said outrageous things against Novak Djocovik, who is a brilliant tennis player! Outrageous! I see Tony Jones as illuminati, or brainwashed. Horrible. He spoke out against the tennis player and the Serbian fans. He should be kicked out of television for that. How he can just say "oh I'm sorry" - it's sickening. The outrage against this player after he was kicked out of Australia and also it turns out poisoned in Australia... oh my God! Kick that lizard out of television! The other things that go on here on TV, the horrible TV shows that force people through revolting things and make them eat hideous stuff... all just to be famous. What a joke! I hope it ends this year... get those evil ones off the TV!!!!!!!

  89. It has been clear to me that the lessening power of the lurker has allowed tremendous healing to occur, but it still requires willingness to do deep inner work. The benefit is that tremendous inner stumbling blocks have disappeared.

  90. I would suggest that Aldebarans don't worry too much about the laws.
    Laws on Earth are only there to control humans, people with money and power they don't follow the laws, they either take advantage of the gray areas of the laws or change the laws to their advantage.
    Whenever the regime changes the laws change as well, whoever has the strongest army and whoever holds the power is the law this is the law of the earth.
    So what if you are recognized as invaders, you can use stardust technology to paralyze hostile targets and give them enough material benefits that humanity will become grateful to you immediately. You will no longer be invaders, but saviors.

  91. O que o irmão Cobra pode falar da civilização perdida de Ratanaba na AMAZÔNIA BRASILEIRA. ????

  92. Cute meme

  93. I’d like to reiterate that the attitude that we must live our boring lives until the Event certainly doesn’t do the timeline any favors. Also, I recall a documentary I saw years ago about a couple of volcanologists who spent most of their adult lives in awe and fascination of volcanoes. They loved to explore, and their lives were full of wonder and discovery. This is just one example of countless examples of finding empowering excitement. The excitement is always here. It’s just a matter of unlocking it.

    Additionally, opposition to ‘matrix life’ can backfire. People who don’t want to be a part of systems at all can end up being 100% broke and very miserable compared with participating in some of the systems. Complete opposition to systems results in having little to no options. Just as it’s possible to be ‘in this world but not of this world,’ it’s possible to be ‘in the matrix but not of the matrix.’

    1. I won't participate in any of the fake surface system and if I suffer or die early because of that , itnot my fault. Remember this and don't dare to blame surface starseeds

    2. Absolutely, well put. The physical pain of Earth is truly bad, but the rest of it isn't. Most people's problems I think could be easily fixed because it's not chronic pain, they just can't handle the existential situation on Earth; the uncertainty and fear. It's unfortunate because those who reject the very idea of life here, it's over for them. I know spiritual people like that. Seeing how destructive it is to reject one's very existence, it's a wake up call to not be like that. The solution is to engage in what Earth offers, which is risk and the thrill of danger. The people I see thriving are spiritual, yes, but also into tough-guy stuff like weight lifting, military, rock climbing, and racing. Those who have a soft spiritual approach are whistling in the dark. They meditate and think they're at peace, but that's just escapism that can't hold up to reality. Those truly thriving are into martial arts and wilderness survival. Some people say "Eh, that's not me." Well, that's like saying healthy eating isn't for me. Look at the results of who is happy. Do we want to be a whiny depressed lightworkers, or do we want to be galactic warriors who enjoy any environment? Fighting on a faraway rock at the edge of the galaxy is painful yes, but it's good challenge. That's an attitude that's a choice, and it works. The best soldiers WANT the toughest missions. I think it's a real solution because I rarely see people complain about physical pain, it's usually philosophical. If 80% of people could fix 80% of their problems by adopting some fortitude and a lust for adventure, that's amazing. Especially because becoming a peak warrior improves pain and poverty issues too. There are people who choose to go to war or be ambulance drivers or join the Peace Core to live and work in the worst places on Earth. Suck conditions are not automatically bad. These are some of the happiest and energized people on the planet. Why can that not be us? That's what I do. I have so many projects to improve my health and life situation, it's all I do. It's a thrill when things start to work on dumpster Earth. It's that much more exciting when you can cure your pain, poverty, and feelings of existential futility even in a place like this. Beating a game on "difficult" is the most satisfying.

    3. Another important point is who you associate with. I'm not in ANY spiritual groups because for some reason they contain the most toxic people on the planet. Don't be around that. Sometimes on this page I get frustrated and criticize people, which I need to stop, but it's because this level of weakness is very foreign to me. I come from a background of action sports, wilderness survival, and musicians (which is very difficult.) And nobody there is like I see in the UFO community.

      I would say to those who mostly associate with "spiritual" people, try doing something else because every group I've ever seen, in real life and online, is poison. It attracts those with such bad attitudes, are so dysfunctional, and mentally ill, they use spirituality and UFO's as an escape. I like Cosmic Agency, but they have a discussion group on Telegram that I would never touch because it attracts the most insufferable people on the planet. Good people become insulated in "spiritual" communities, not realizing they're in the least spiritual and most toxic group possible. Other subjects contain better people to be around. For example, if I went to rock climbers and musicians and fucking whined like I see in spiritual circles, holy cow they'd not tolerate it. That's real spirituality.

    4. Patrick Kehoe, excellent points! The toxicity is indeed prevalent in 'spiritual' communities. A wise one I once knew said that the elites have been working to take the 'Mars aspect' out of spirituality. Their agenda is to make spiritual folks weak and petty with victim mentalities, causing them to lash out at anyone who dares to actually take action and work with what's Here and Now. God forbid anyone actually enjoy themselves with learning and growing! "Just be traumatized victims and play the waiting game."

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Replace:

    "Life is boring before the Event."


    "Life is exciting before the Event, and mega-exciting after the Event." This is so much healthier because this turns a massive chasm into a surmountable gap.

    1. People who are feeling it harsh cannot bear it upto event…, at least slavery economic condition must be eradicated before event

    2. Positivity make believe won't help long term , fact is that life is boring and it sucks for most surface starseeds

    3. It's not 'positivity make believe' when it's doing something and discovering something real. I expected backlash from this though.

      I can't change anyone else. Some understand what I'm saying. Others don't. Is what it is.

    4. @speedrider84

      it probably will;
      RV and Hidden Techs are about to be released.

  95. No meditation finally for today’s inauguration. Good omen, things must be going well

  96. "My conspiracy theory: the TikTok blocking story is a big deal, and everything we are seeing these days is a planned performance 🤔

    The narrative about TikTok being blocked/sold was first pushed by Trump and conservative media back in 2020. In August, he issued an executive order, but in September, the executive order was blocked by a federal court. This is where Trump's story of fighting for national security suddenly ended.

    Four years later, a bill similar in meaning appears, both parties and both chambers support it, Biden signs it.

    The company had almost 9 months to fulfill the requirement to delay the blocking - to start negotiations on the sale (with at least someone) - but they did not do it.

    Over the past year, the TikTok account has posted 3 (three) videos calling for "save TikTok" - all of them were released this week.

    At the same time, they posted 397 vacancies this week ( in the US, 59 of which were in the last 24 hours alone.

    The official account today posted what was almost an ultimatum to the Biden administration to promise that they would not prosecute service providers for cooperating with TikTok. Well, that is, they are calling on Biden to violate the law passed by the Senate and approved by the Supreme Court. At the same time, using the phrase "The Biden White House", lol.

    The law does not oblige TikTok to close access for Americans - they could easily go to its European part, for example. But TikTok knows that a complete shutdown will help provoke noise in social networks and the press, pickets and pressure on lawmakers, including from small businesses.

    TikTok CEO, completely forgetting who started the pressure on them in 2020, yesterday posted a video (, where he thanked Trump for his support (there is information that he was invited to the inauguration).

    Trump is taking office on Monday and he already has a plan to freeze the Biden law, and tell all MAGA that TikTok is actually almost more of an American company than Meta (they moved all the data to America, provide jobs to 17,000 Americans, support 7 million businesses, etc.).

    Trump, after 5 years, having started this witch hunt himself, will emerge from the situation as a winner, a defender of freedom of speech and all zoomers, an Americanizer of foreign corporations.


  97. "Despite all the enthusiasm of the world media about the truce between the Arabs and the Jews, the situation is very far from a long-term settlement.

    Donald Trump has given Israel full rights to resume military action if the next stages of the agreement are not implemented by the Palestinian side.
    Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that Trump "stressed" in a conversation with him that the ceasefire is "temporary" and Israel will receive "full support" for resuming the war in the Gaza Strip

    Netanyahu also said that Trump has decided to "lift all remaining restrictions" on the supply of American weapons, which will allow Israel to resume the war with "enormous force".

    In other words, as soon as Israel regroups and is ready again, the next stage of the war will begin.

    Approximately the same scenario can be expected in the case of the so-called SVO, if in principle, the situation reaches any kind of truce. Trump's team no longer expects the fighting to stop earlier than in six months. "

  98. Trump said in his inauguration:

    "The golden age of America begins right now."
    "Revolution of common sense."

    This could be influence from the Light Forces.

    1. I hope that means Trump has agreed to cooperate with the Aldebarans and official disclosure is just a few weeks away or a few months at most.

    2. Yes, they are coded messages from the Light Forces:


  100. Вітаю американців із інавгурацією Дональда Трампа.

  101. Українці і росіяни генетично відмінні народи.Єдине що їх зв,язує, так це ментальність " радянського совка", що особливо проявляється у людей, котрі народилися в радянському союзі. Це я пишу для автора " сионизм захватил мир ": Перш ніж писати по методиці Путіна , поцікався історією України і Росії і не приписуй археологічні знахідки про українців( Русь, Оратанію, і т.д.) Росії, яка була утворена вкінці 13- ого століття як московське царство.Хоча КОБРА і сказав що ми програємо війну Росії, але хто він такий щоб судити про це? Ми програвали і відвойовували назад свої землі .

    1. America is not the whole world and never was. And the globalists who represent America, who own 70-90% of the world's assets - even more so. And they cannot be.

  102. Work for the upcoming 12:21 Portal
    What this girl does better than many famous singers, in my opinion, is that she interprets the song, which should also be a singer's job, instead of putting herself in the spotlight, according to the motto: Look at me, look at me, look at me...

  103. Elon Musk After Trump Inauguration:

  104. 'Whisper of the California Fire' Pray For California, Healing Through Fire Music

  105. Mi è piaciuto molto il discorso di Trump. Ha già firmato per uscire dall' "OMS" e questa è già un'ottima notizia. Sembra sulla strada giusta. Oggi finisce anche il Portale della Preparazione per cui mi aspetto grande accelerazione degli eventi da questo momento.

  106. Maybe Give This A Chance

    Some lightworkers have been speaking negatively about Trump, but his executive orders are a massive blow to the cabal. Here are some that he's already signed:

    - Withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO): Ordered the US to withdrawal from the WHO.

    - Restoring Freedom of Speech: Aimed to end federal censorship and restore free speech.

    - Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement: Now there's no way they can impose carbon taxes and so forth to try to meet some crazed draconian commitment to the PCA.

    - National emergency at the US-Mexico border: To address immigration issues. Allocates funds for border security to stop terrorists and drug cartels.

    - Pardoning Capitol Rioters: Pardoned and commuted the sentences of of those charged with crimes on January 6.

    There's also a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza.

    So, things are looking really good so far. I know that Trump is not a white hat, but maybe give this a chance. I for one am willing to give this a chance and roll with it. And although I've spoken ill of Musk previously, the light forces can keep his more dystopian plans in check.

    Anyway, I haven't seen the dark forces this upset in a long time. I've had quite a few stinging sensations over the last couple days, along with a dreamstate attack that had auditory screaming go through my body an hour ago or so, combined with a fugly entity that hung around for a few minutes. This was full-blown auditory and visual, and the screaming ripped through my body. Very, very intense!

    An attack was expected. Although, it's been a few years since having an attack of this intensity. But I'm fine now. I worked with the Violet Flame to clear this. I'll just get stronger from it.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing how this year will play out! Very exciting times ahead!

    Oh, also:

    Back when the light forces tried to work with Russia and China and they completely failed to cooperate, the dark forces had far more power and influence. So currently, the US has the best chance of being liberated.

  107. Ho notato che la meditazione prevista per l'aspetto disarmonico di oggi da parte di una precisa configurazione planetaria non c'è stata , per cui le cose stanno andando meglio del previsto. Evidentemente le energie scaturite dalla conferenza di Kyoto+ il lavoro ad Agartha con l'energia Verde Smeraldo, l'energia delle Sacerdotesse attraverso il Raggio Fucsia della Dea dalla Rete di Agartha ed il miglioramento della tecnologia del Raggio Atvor ha finalmente creato condizioni migliori in superficie. Un altro mattone è stato posto per il raggiungimento del nostro scopo, l'Evento. Vittoria della Luce!

  108. Well, it's happened. Now, please, release a short post with a time date reflecting when Trump will have to do what was hung on him. So that we can find out live whether it is true or not. I think that would be fair.

  109. everything is happening!!!

    i've literally never, in all my lives, been this excited about anything. WOW.

    we are in a very high and fast timeline folks! get ready!

  110. "In light of the recent deafening events in the metropolis, we present you with an interesting image of what is happening, which, perhaps, not completely, but accurately enough describes the processes happening around us.

    So, imagine the developers of some residential complex or new world order, who have all the documentation fully prepared, already have a foundation, frame, installed cladding and even some interior work completed.

    Of course, you can hire as a contractor some construction organization capable of performing the entire range of works, so to speak, on a turnkey basis, but since such large organizations with experience in building new world orders are absent, the developer has to take on the organizational and management role, hiring separate teams of concrete workers, masons, painters, plumbers and other specialists for scheduled work.

    And what do we know about the developer? What we do know is that this is a GOCG (global organized crime group) that is building a new world order, with the ultimate goal of absolute power of the corporatocracy.

    And here before our eyes, one of the foremen (Biden), having finished performing a set of his work with his team (brigade) and his tools, leaves the construction site, to be replaced by another foreman (Trump) with his team (brigade) and his tools.

    And here he is, a new foreman with a new broom, sweeping in a new way (having left the International Terrorist Group "WHO" and the Paris Agreement), building the same structure, performing a different set of work, different from the previous foreman, therefore other methods and tools are used.

    The Federal Reserve System, as one of the foundations of the GOPG's power, is not affected by the new foreman in any way, the process of uncontrolled printing of dollars, which has exceeded 80% of the total dollar supply over the past 5 years, is used by the new foreman without discussion, but digitalization and AI, as part of it in the form of a tool for controlling the planet's population, will reach a new level under the new foreman.

    And if under the previous foreman the construction of a new world order began to stall, sabotaged by some workers from among the people opposing the GOPG, then under Trump an inspired and emotionally charged mass of cretins will begin to forge the shackles of digital slavery for themselves with Stakhanovite zeal, plunging deeper and deeper into the world of ignorance and obscurantism, rejoicing in the achievements of their enslavers.

    And as soon as the fighting spirit and energy given by the new foreman and reinforced by yet another lie ends, a new foreman will come and he will inspire the old cretins to forge the old shackles better than the previous one.

    And all sorts of "patriotic" scientists-stupefyers will tell us with a smart look that the new foreman is not at all the same as the previous one, and that the old one was a bad globalist-financier, and the new industrialist-statist is quite good, even good. And that some powerful forces defeated other powerful forces, and that we are also a powerful force, and that just a little bit more, and if not in this life, then definitely in the next, we will definitely be better off someday than we are now.

    So, while you are enthusiastically watching the gorgeous show from famous masters, do not forget that the current foreman was already in his post from 2016 to 2020, this did not interfere with the construction of the digital concentration camp, but rather the opposite."

    I guess Vance will be the next president, take a screenshot.

  111. Netanyahu announces operation in West Bank

    Israel has launched Operation Iron Wall in Jenin on the West Bank following riots there and the killing of three Israelis. The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are two parts of Palestine

  112. US Secretary of State Marco Rubio:


    So, something very curious has jumped out of the first fountain of the fantastic-cosmic reforms of inaugural Trump. By his decree, the United States withdrew from the World Health Organization, depriving the hydra of one of its most valuable heads. Let's shout "well done! that's how it should be! that's how they are, motherfucker!" and other "bravo", praising the expulsion of cannibals from American soil.

    Objectively - a handsome man. But the motives are not at all those reflected in the official wording about how unprofessional and negligent the WHO is. Trump consistently kills the support institutions of his opponents - be it the "rainbow lobby" or the WHO. That's one. Two - the policy of isolationism he proclaimed is a perpendicular to the globalist agenda of the Democrats and a long-term convenient abstraction in order to advance the interests of the country anywhere and anyhow, no longer hiding behind any slogans like "we are bringing you democracy". No. Now, to put it simply: "we are squeezing from you what is of interest to us." And Trump's team does not need the WHO, the UN and all the other dual-use nonsense.

    And now all that remains is to wait and see which of the two world Jewish families will win back the Russian plot."

  114. "Many areas of Germany are covered in a thick "fog" that does not dissipate until nightfall. The same "fogs"* were previously recorded by residents of Spain. People then complain of a sore throat, a cough. Subscribers to one of the German channels sent these shots.
    * A doctor from Argentina (, ( Leonardo González Bayona, tells what happens to the health of residents of the city of Merlo, province of San Luis after prolonged rains and thick fog, similar to steam inhalation. He also shows the particles left after these rains.

    Based on the documents presented in the article ( above, the same thing may be happening in our country.

    In the large-scale DARPA DEFUSE research project- PREEMPT, ( documents for which were provided by an anonymous source, in section 5, a certain filament extension atomizer (FEA) is mentioned (PARC, 2019):
    “This technology is used to spray bats with high viscosity aerosols that stick to their skin or are edible (PARC, 2018c). PARC previously collaborated with NHWC to develop a vaccine against white-nose syndrome (WNS) for US bats using FEA as a technology solution for aerosol vaccine delivery (PARC, 2018b).

    As stated on the website, the filament extension atomizer ( addresses the challenges posed by difficult-to-spray materials.

    Notably, the applications listed include: consumer applications; drug delivery; particle generation; large-area coverage.

    So the “thick fogs” observed in many regions, consisting of sticky particles, may well be artificially created using the above-mentioned atomizer."

  115. Abbiamo bisogno della divulgazione dell'esistenza degli extraterrestri. Finché non arriva una corretta divulgazione non ci sarà verità. La verità è stata urlata dai tetti per molto tempo, ora abbiamo il diritto di discorsi ufficiali.

  116. Oh, I'm being called all kinds of interesting (and incorrect) names. It doesn't bother me at all. So I thought just for the fun of it, I'd put up some links.

    "A Message From The White Hats To The Ground Crew (Starseeds)..." | Ashtar Command

  117. I gotta tell you guys... I'M SOOOOOOO VERY PSYCHED!!
    I haven't felt this good in literally years. It's as though a dark and heavy weight is being lifted that I've been carrying for decades. Perhaps it's the Lurker loosing it's grip and desolving... no longer able to influence with the power it once had on me. Either way, Im feeling a major difference. But the biggest reason I'm excited is due to the fact COBRA is hosting another conference in Phoenix... two years in a row no less. I was set to go to the last one a year ago, but personal circumstances kept me from being able to go and ended up giving my prepaid spot to another Lightworker.
    However, this time around I'm definitely going... and I'm not alone. It's as though it was meant to happen this way so my Twin Flame was able to travel with me and we would attend this Ascension conference together as well as go through the level one ATVOR Ray initiation. It couldn't have worked out better. I'm finally going to be able to meet COBRA and experience this monumental step after years of waiting, hoping, and praying. And believe me, taking this trip is a HUGE step for reclusive Lightwarriors like Terri and I... but as long as we're together...
    we got this.
    We can't wait to see some of you there, and the rest of you aboard the ships soon!
    Love and Light... Troy and Tereas

  118. I knew it; this is what I figured out anyway. Fauci thinks he's okay because he got a special pardon. (Actually he's dead anyway but...) Fauci or clone or whatever is NOT pardoned. All the crimes he did, he's toast baby! Listen to this... (there is no time yet as it's live but it is the first part, the first few minutes) This is SO FUNNY.

    Trump is Back! Congress Uncovers New Biden Crimes One Day After He Leaves D.C. | Redacted

  119. The Biden's are going down. They have discovered funds or bank accounts linking the Biden's to millions of dollars in suspicious funds from China, Romania and Russia that go back to when Biden was vice president. Oh, $240,00 in funds was sent to Biden himself with no explanation for what this was for, or why it was sent.

    I think they have been sitting on this for a while, I mean Biden is already dead but now he's just going to look STUPID. Hehe, let's go after Biden for the fun of it, please please. This is going to be good!! Oh doesn't he look stupid now. Subpoenas are being sent. It's all good stuff. First minutes into the show.

    Notes Officielles Conférence de Cobra sur »L’Ascension »(Kyoto/Japon,Janvier 2025, les 2 jours)avec LIENS/VIDÉOS FRANÇAISES COMPLÉMENTAIRES +MEDITATION pour se SOUVENIR de notre ORIGINE STELLAIRE+Situation Planétaire + Rôle de TRUMP / USA+Groupes Stellaires pour la Libération planétaire+AGARTHA + Cérémonie d’ancrage de l’énergie de la Déesse dans le vortex Dragon de Kyoto+Ligne temporelle optimale pour vous et la planète entière+Energies / Familles Dragon.....

  121. OMG did you watch Trump announcing Project Stargate and the way it will rapidly help solving problems and healing all kinds of deseases with AI technologies?..

    we can all agree the Golden Age has started!!!

    1. I think the golden age has started, but I don't yet trust AI... Still I'm sure it could help people who are really ill. Let's hope so!

    2. Look at google and it's AI. *skin crawling* I'd have to be selective about where it came from because there is good AI and there is bad AI. That's what I think.


  122. Randy Cramer on Galactic Threats

    draconians;zeta reticulins;plasmoid mercenaries etc.....


    a draconian foot soldier;heads on them like crocodiles;average about 7 feet tall.....super fierce tough strong combattants.....

  123. Oh boy, well Trump is going to get rid of cancer with AI? All you have to do if you have cancer is take Colloidal Silver. So simple. I haven't had a cold since 2018. Or the flew. I had a sore throat last year, from not taking enough Colloidal Silver, but I had no other symptoms. You don't even need a machine to make it (costs now $300 AU). I just use some simple cords to carry electricity and three 9V batteries, and a bowl made out of stainless steel - I bought the whole kit on ebay. And of course 99.9 silver. Takes a few hours and lasts 6 months. It really will keep you well - just don't get a root canal as those will produce cancer real fast. Get your root canal tooth pulled out!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Getting closer to first contact. But there are still some key elements missing.

  125. It’s already 2025, and this year is only a year of great potential, not a year of certainty. Many light workers are disappointed.

  126. Cosmic Love
    In 2025, the 12:21 portal will be opened at some point. From then on, the Cosmic Soul will intervene directly in the development of this planet.

    Maybe Cosmic Love will come from the Cosmic Astral Plane through the 12:21 Portal.

  127. "Towards the inauguration on January 20, 2025:

    What is the roadmap for the election of Trump and his government?

    In this program, you will learn about the possible goals and ambitions of Trump and his government.

    Full video in many languages ​​on the original site: 👉

    🇺🇸 The composition of Trump's government team and statements by key figures reveal the foreign policy "roadmap" for the next four years:

    Trump appears to be a pioneer in moving the theaters of war to the Middle East and creating the conditions for the construction of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem - which should lead to the predicted bloody Third World War - and, ultimately, the installation of a centralized world government with an occult one-religion in Jerusalem.

    You can learn more about this - including the exit - in this program."

    In short, Trump is the Antichrist building the third temple for the coming of the Jewish god and their acquisition of power over the world and the destruction of the rest of the peoples of the planet.

  128. The necessity of the 12:21 Portal

    To address the following problem, for example:
    Higher consciousness surrounded by lower consciousness

    This can cause the higher consciousness to withdraw, as it did when the Ascended Masters withdrew due to the fall of Atlantis.

    The 12:21 Portal comes to help in such and other cases.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. "Trump — did not rule out introducing new sanctions against Russia:

    If Vladimir Putin does not sit down at the negotiating table, will you introduce additional sanctions against Russia?] Quite possibly. [Do you think the conflict should be frozen?] The war should never have started. If you had a competent president, which you did not have, this would never have happened. Russia would never have invaded Ukraine. I had a very good understanding with Putin, this would never have happened. He did not respect Biden. He is smart, he understands. He did not respect Biden [Will the US continue to send weapons to Ukraine or are you going to stop supplies?] We are maintaining a dialogue with Zelensky. Very soon we will talk with President Putin. Let's see how it all ends.

    Trump's rhetoric towards the Kyiv regime has softened significantly, but towards Putin he has become tougher. Trump is still creating a certain veil of uncertainty, BUT, most likely, the ultimatum has already been issued. Russia must withdraw from close relations with China."

  131. Stargate Project.
    The digital transition (building a global digital concentration camp) has begun.

    US President Trump announced the creation of Stargate after his inauguration, a company that will invest up to $500 billion in general (generative) artificial intelligence (AGI) as part of a new partnership between OpenAI, Oracle, and SoftBank. Stargate is building data centers and generating electricity in Texas, which are needed to accelerate the development of AGI. Those involved say the initial investment will be $100 billion, and then exceed that amount five times. “Tech giants – world leaders – announced the creation of Stargate today,” Trump said at a speech at the White House. “It will create the physical and virtual infrastructure to support the next generation of AI. This is the largest AI infrastructure project in history.”
