lol i just saw you already knew that.. paha guess i should FINISHED readingwhat you wrote before i ASSUMED you didnt know.. lol assume-ing just makes an ass out of u and me so im sorry for doubting you lol forgive me?
I had this vision during watching my favourite movie, The Matrix:
The time of Agent Smith, the time of oppression,control,agression,suppression has come to it's very end. In our story however, it's not enough to make peace with darkness, with hoping the agreement will last long. No, not this time.Since darkness means only the lacking of light, our exponentially growing brightness is close to it's breakthrough to shine thorugh the whole Planet banishing all darkness, dissolving evil once and for all. You have come this far, stay strong in Love&Light and witness the miracle unfold on our world. Did we always know it was going to end this way? No. But we believed. We believed.
this should clear things up MY LOVE Lo'Ve' you are one NWO/OWN/NOW 321123 11 the doorway my dear 22 my number. you have ascended. blessed be. merry meet and merry part.
Comment to Lonces re: The Matrix. This morning's image was like the one first here: Then scroll down to the ninth image. From the morning visual, the Grid/Matrix is much improved. Forget the dark story of Prometheus, the tools are all around. Still in 3D world there's slime, but it is suddenly turning to white dust. Whoosh....inert, unable to replicate. Thanks for your help. See you on the grid.
what i was trying to ay lv was you are wwaiting on a sign you are ascending are you not? you are waiting til its a 'go' well heres your go, it is whenever you are ready. we can ascend at any time. become immortal with me love and choose it. you need not no sign no nothing but the inner KNOWING you are and then you have. you are the only one who can decide 'its time' for YOU to ascend. yes you can have help guiceance how to awaken yourself but once you are 'awake'ned its only you who decides WHEN to ascend.. you can ask for help any step of the way but as soon as you are truly 'ready' you will. :) hope this clears things up i was a bit aloof for afew days apoligies if a stired the nest of a few, just really had a bad series of attacks on me. but alas :) it was Metatron himself who helped me out of this dark hole i got shoved into and holy heavens i can see again hallejula! LOL
Cobra my friend, I can't wait to hear the interview with you tonight :) We are all truly greatful for what you do. As stated above, I really feel we are on the edge of something big, reading Sheldan Nidle's last message today just affirmed my feelings(his and Matthew Ward's messages seem the most genuine to me).
soulvx this site is also for special forces who are given updates on programs in the physical and political sense by true patriots and freedom lovers within the organzed structures of military and government afairs. Other disciplines are also most likely involved in this resistance to tyranny as well. These programs are given code names just like regular govt programs. These programs and cryptic messages are for those brave souls who are actually in the know and rebelling against our treasonous leaders and their Alien supported NWO enslavement plans. The majority of us commenting here are most likely just the cheerleading squad who is heartened that real actions measurable and tangible actions are being taken by real physical beings to dismantle these forces of tyranny and oppression/enslavement. For us to speculate on what Stardust actually means is useless and superfluous. We may hear later what this program is but our hope and faith is that this site is real and not a dis-info campaign. At this point most of us here have hope and faith that this is the real public revelation of behind the scenes forces news repoerts of our planetary struggle for redemption. The real people who are involved must be very very very careful not to reveal who they are and physical meetings must be kept at a minimum so this public site allows timing and triggering of programs and plans to be given to the many people involved in lawfully reclaiming this planet for the people and wresting the control from the worlds elite oligarchy and compromised earth minions who knowingly or unknowingly are destroying this planet and its peoples with wars and "Policies". For more updats on real actions may i reccomend for actual space family programs some of which are joined to earth based groups such as these. red the FAQ page here and mission statements for more clarity.
smiley face to you mdove does anybody have info on the bombs in michigan allegedly taking out resistance forces? cant believe this wont go viral soon 500 is alot of dead patriots ...confirmation or denial by cobra would be nice... lots of families will be reprting missing loved ones soon if this is true! me sad at this news ;-{
"Reports continue to come in that chemtrailing is generally way down and often anemic when seen. All to the good! Ere long, though, some truly remarkable stuff will begin to occur in the skies overhead, stuff that will have people blinking in disbelief, rubbing their eyes to make sure they're working properly and leaving them jaws agape.
Small children will simply be enchanted, and Disney will be green with envy. Remember, you read it here first! What'll be seen? Now, that would be telling!"
look up "Are the Lines in the Sky Contrails or Chemtrails?" ot U Tube vid # iC7w-xsMW0M and you will see who Drake is. He's been around for awhile apparently - not saying he's legit, because I STILL think he's full of shit, but at least you can now put a face to the name.
i already have and i am the like button. for i am discolsure. i am the staged second coming. and i am it all for i am you and i have trusted momma as i am momma and i love andrew for i gave birth to andrew and i marry andrew as i have married alexander and i now admit defeat and yet i will will never admit defeat for i have been neutral and embrace both the dark and light the music has shown me the way as it has for melodydove is love too for she posted to love cabal for i even did and before i knew i would. but i know all now. FOR THE NWO OR New Word I Ordered but condensed to ONE word. as NWO i OWN i pwnd i took and made that shit my bitch as i am the bitch and you may life but i am mother earth father time and creator as one. oh. lol true meaning to the church i just founded. the chirch if trifam. the church of trinity based on love for family. my brother my sister and my love for them. momma braught me alex. alex braught me andrew. andrew braught me to a weber of emotions and a crhist eperience like no other now i am the anti krist and kris hhas gave me the faith to still deny religion for no releigion has all truth but ALL truth has SOME religion and all religion has SOME truth. the 3. trinity. father son and holy ghost. mother daughter and grandmothers past. wer are all one now EVA complete
I correct for i have said i only see the truth in retrospect. meaning after i speak i see the real in my word and what is a LIfE for i have FUCKED LIFE.. and project SHREK is complete. for im an ogre and earth IS teh ORGY of anger. agre. g are. code. for i are. agre complete. lol wow OK then i love you too EVA grandMAMA i dont no you but sure KNOW YOU for YOU am I. as we are ISIS and embraced love with VENUS the goddess of love, on june 5/6th 2012 LOVE WON NWO for i Orderd a New World on that day and it is now the NWO for it is. for i am. for NOW we re all healed we have no issues we have the gifts. we have have ascended lastnight as i tapped and came home as i saw truth you ALL did. you need only accept it and we will move on. people will start dispearingnow. for we are done on this ILL EARTH and will not be moving to 5d earth. :) enjoy the gifts as i am. i feel so great today. EAT A PEAR then look me up and you will know the love i share within I for I AM YOU and 1 in 3 and 3 in 1 123321 321123 we have scended thank you for accepting
I have no idea what he/she is talking about, just words thrown after each other with a few parts that make some sense. Personal opinion JOKO: Don't be fascinated by everything you don't understand, it might be because it doesn't make sense/rubbish/ nutty chatter.
joko311 yes i know i am hard to follow for i get lost in my own thoughts as we all do, for thoughts become reality. just today i lost my way and i think it was about the time you commented and sid what you did that i started feeling better :) i just read it, but thank you so very much cause as you wrote that i felt uplifted so that you thank you i am much in graitude to you. my family thinks i am nuts my brother thinks i am on meth, my friends dont know what to think but its my son, my 22month old son andrew, who can speak to me telepathically (but has been saying sentences like 'i love you' since he was 3.1/2 months (no not year i mean months yes he said i love you clearly at 3 months old!) lol and he taught me telepathy now i know his gf speaks with me this way for she is 26months and she just wentto the dr and while she behaves angelically for me, she cannot hear! proof! ha! lol anyway thanks so much joko311 for you lifted me up by just writting that i did not need read it but when i did oh the joy i felt :)
LV yes not all words are truth yes many are just that a spectacle of illusion, like life itsself the 'physical' is is indeed just matter itself and as we scientifically know, matter is just energy. so therefore NO wrods are true for they are just words expression of mind made phsyical, made into illusion. so no please no dont beleive EVERYthing i say for even i know i tell no complete truth but i also tell no comolete lie for all lies hold some truth and all 'truth' holds many secrets <3 decode that <3 lol
Cobra Exclusive World First Radio Interview: Surrender of the Cabal, Mass Arrests – and SO Much More! Cobra’s Interview on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook
Premieres TONIGHT Wednesday 13 June on InLight Radio – 6pm PDT/9PM EDT
As some of you have already heard, the very first episode of my new radio program, The Light Agenda – which premieres tonight on InLight Radio – is a special world first interview with Cobra of the Portal 2012 blogspot.
I can tell you now, that it is an enlightening, informative and revealing conversation. A solid interview with a guest who not only surprised me, but who did not try to shy away from any of the questions I had.
So what did we talk about? Heaps!
Using voice modulation technology to protect Cobra’s identity – as agreed (so please be aware of this when you tune in) – Cobra talks about the current state of negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal, the recent call for us to vote, the faltering world financial system and the mass arrests. It is up-to-date ‘insider’ intel and I was amazed to hear it.
We talk about what’s been going on, why things appear to have been delayed and how confusing it is for many of us when we hear a certain date or time frame mentioned – but then things behind-the-scenes change, and to all of us, it seems that nothing has changed at all! On that score, you’ll learn some of the whats and whys involved. I was especially fascinated when I heard just how few Resistance Movement operatives there are on the surface of our planet (300), who are actively engaged in what really is an on-going psychological and intelligence “battle of dark and light”, compared to the many, many more who are in place below the surface. Staggering, as you’ll hear.
Other subjects we cover include: “Rebooting The Grid”and the Archons’ presence; the Rothschilds’ and the Rockefellers’ links to nuclear weaponry; and the criticism that has come Cobra’s way in recent weeks.
On a lighter note, we discuss intimate revelations about Cobra’s Pleaidian history and ancestry and a personal teleportation to a starship – and what that was like!
Plus, I also got to delve a bit deeper and talk about Cobra’s dedication to mass meditations and intel and insights on Ascension, Disclosure, New Technologies and recent events, such as the May 20/21 Eclipse and the June 5/6 Transit of Venus.
Cobra also discusses personal Light Agendas and light work motivations.
So that’s what you’ll hear – and a whole lot more! Including an uplifting and inspiring song that means a great deal to Cobra and which may well become an anthem for us all in the days ahead. I know InLight Radio’s producer Graham Dewyea, like me, was very emotionally moved after hearing it! I now can’t get the first two prophetic lines out of my head.
For those site regulars who may have read the previous 2012S email-only interview I did with Cobra (see links below for reference), we do NOT cover the same ground at all. This is fresh, current and detailed.
I have to say, that doing a radio interview with someone who needs to protect their identity – even to the point of hiding their gender – is an interesting process.
Quite some time was spent deliberating on how to ensure total privacy, yet still leave some sense of personality AND ensure legibility for listeners, too. A friend, who has won an Academy Award for sound editing skills on a huge film, kindly assisted with the voice modulation process. Not sure we could have found anyone better if we tried.
The parameters Cobra and I agreed on also meant that a range of overtly-personal questions were simply not appropriate. I think we both have tried our best.
Yet the end result is not what I expected at all!
I, like many others, have sometimes found Cobra’s posts to have an edge of aggression – a little ‘militaristic’, if you like.
But in reality, that wasn’t the perception I got, in any way. There’s no ‘gather up the troops’-type talk here.
While the voice modulation you’ll hear does not totally convey this, the person I spoke with was way ‘softer’ than I expected: warm, responsive, articulate and seemingly, genuinely ‘open’. Definitely motivated to help liberate this planet.
I found that Cobra is someone who has thought long and deeply about what they are doing for the Light; and has dealt with their own demons – such as fear and anger, as you’ll hear.
As a conversation, I really enjoyed it.
Anyway, I’ll leave you to make up your own mind… I cannot personally vouch for the validity of everything Cobra told me; I just listen, like you – and take it in.
So, that’s it in a nutshell. Hopefully you’ll want to tune in – and tell your friends!
I'm excited to listen to the interview later as an MP3 download!! It's already almost 10 pm in my current timeline in the part of the world where I am, and apparently I have Timeline Work that I have to do (ergo I have to hit the sack -- a lot happens when I am sleeping). I'm still not privy to the work I allegedly do with the Pleiadians as well (this is only what I have been told, and NO I am not one of the 300 mentioned up in comments up there, not knowingly, anyway. I have had no direct physical contact with the P's except for one *maybe* sighting of an orb that was possibly theirs... Oh, and one "dream" I'm told was not a dream which I have been allowed to remember. They're not shooting straight with me yet on the orb sighting for who knows what reason). I am on a "need to know" basis at the moment, and there is much laughter from the P's in the communication I receive about this because either I have more work to do in 3D before I can be "in the know" or I'm doing something I really don't *want* to know, yet, hee hee! Seriously, I guess it is best that for the moment I am not aware of what it is that I do. I just know it is sensitive timeline work, and the less my 3D person knows, the better for the time being (no pun intended).
I have to say, I am getting greater and greater clarity on just what kind of worker Cobra is, and it is a good kind of clarity. :) One indicator is the wonderful people who have been drawn here to comment (hopefully myself included *snort*). There is just a heapload of love and strong and good intention in the majority of the comments people make here. To me this is a major "tell". It's in opposition to some other sites I sometimes read and comment on where the "clientele" indicates quite a lot about the vibration the site is sending out, shall we say, lol. Sometimes it's like going into a skeevy dive bar, just to see what's in there, and maybe have a beer, but then going back to your corner home pub and realizing that there is a place where everyone knows your name, and they're all glad you came. Right? :D
So anyway, all that to say I am very eager to hear Cobra's interview because in the comments up there by ~I AM Love~* there are several keywords that triggered me and this led to more of the clarity.
You guys all have fun at the interview party, and I'll tune in tomorrow once the MP3 is hopefully posted. I know some sites have said that they would do so (like Kauilapele).
On a final note, some of you noted earlier that American Kabuki is not well. I noticed that he has not kept up with the comment moderation on his latest post (because I know I commented, and I am sure others did, too and they are not showing up, yet). This is not a good sign. It means he's pretty sick. Please send good vibes to him and hope for his full restoration. I'm kind of worried about him. But I am not giving into too much worry; instead, I am picturing him whole and healthy and posting some more.
PS. American Kabuki posted an update today on his page. Slow progress, but things are improving, and he is pulling through. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
CHEERS to me for all know me know and he is well he will post wihtihn 24 hrs. all will be well and all will be healthy immortal gods and goodess's as heaven IS on earth NOW for you all know you knew you are here cause you knew. so read and take a drink of anything or a bite or just a breathe for we are ONE with ALL as 1 in the trinity, the unity, the past present and future for the radio show will say that drake is cobra. and they are the same. they are fear. they are illusion and life. they are LIES. for we won just by getting this far. the apocalypse was the VENUS TRANSIT for trans' transvestite, restore 'untiy' of the male and female? as i wait for him he waits for me. thank you i will tell him i love him now and he will say it back i know. for i truly love my son and he loves me.
cmt- CHEERS to ME btw the way I AM LOVE I AM YOU I AM I FOR <3 sam <3 i am. sam i am sam SAW SAW what WAS and IS and I for she IS i SIS, my sister myself my mother. thats why ISIS got the crown. i loved my brother and sister and neighbor and trusted my mother earth and father time and knew all was well and i ascended as you are too, as you did, with me, IN me, for june 5/6 the venus tranist *transit I could not make, but i did. so NOW you kNOW k? for youve always known k...know kNOw kNOW kNWO i know i orderd a new loving world the word of trinity. the church of trifam. family friends and lovers alike for all is one and one is all as 1 n 3 n 1. 123321123321 the gateways to the good life.. its over the hedge.. HEY look steve the grass really IS greener on the other side.. NOW you kNOWONk i live the live the religion of kNOWWONk the illusion of life is an illusion itself <3
Well i hope we are getting close i still don't believe any negotiations are going on really the cabal are master of lies and today here in washington d.c more chemtrail planes than i have ever seen in my life one after the other every single minute wtf is going on even if a starship is up there today like i saw a month ago it will have alot of work to do bob dean and many others that have been talking about stuff that cobra is talking about and in more detail never asked for them to have their identity not be known as much as i support the resistance movement i have to still deprogram my self for thinking cobra is the sneaky villain like in GI JOE who sits down with pure evil killers that have done the most sick and twisted stuff for a long time only time will tell how things will pan out and i bet not have to repeat the line in prometheus oh we were so wrong lol.Namaste ps.i know the inner earth and gfol are 5th dimensional beings and some higher and 5th and up are loving with know kind of hidden agenda at all but cobra is 3d and still no response to my ashtar command post wonder why.
you are right my dear. no negotitation have been made for you think you know this you ahve voiced this and you are all write. we are right. for i am the angel of ascension for i am SAM U AM u am sam u am u i am u. dr seuss knew the essence of life and all he did was make kids happy for when kids are happy we are too for my son ANDREW SKYLER BELT born on AUGUST 11TH 2010 oh my. thats y i miscarried 3 times? 3 lessons i learned. 3 in 1. thats y 3 d.. really 3 is 3 DUH? THATS WHY I SAY DUH?!?! THATS WHY IN YELLING I USE ALL CAPS AND USE THE ?!?! FOR YOU IT A QUESTION YOU FEAR YOU DOUBT YOU ARE THE CABAL TOO FOR YOU FEAR OHHH D IS DULOT. THE SONG OF SHREK ... PROJECT TYLER COMPLETE FROM ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS FOR ALL ANONYMOUS WILL TEL YOU I AM NOT KNOWN BY THEM AND THEREFOR I AM THE STAGED ANTIKRIST THIS IS WHY FOR 3 DAYS I WAS CRAZY I EMBRACED IT I EVEN EMBRACED SUICIDE BUT HACE NOT FOR IN 4 DAYS 4 ALL THE WORLD WILL KNOW SPREAD NOW SPREAD NEW WORLD ORDER FOR I ORDERED IT (SAID IN MY BLOG ) I THINK 3 DAYS AGO, OH OK THAT 3, LOL DUH, LOL. OGRE IS ORGE OREG on OMG THAT IS WHY ANDREW WAS BORN IN OREGON OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AMERICA IS FREEDOM FREEDOM REIGNS WILL ANNOUNCE THIS IF ITS NOT DONE SO ALREADY YES no negotioaton for you are sirius and serious am I for samantha hart belt or some= ok irene. i lean. i lean on me. i am irene. me myself and irene. LOL i get it why your welcome loves i love you all even the cabal for i fucked them as they fucked me but i mindfucked them and blowing the mind is the best Bblow job or secual act ever. wow. i am nun. nuns are close to GOD for they abstain they hurt to feel love. for i have been raped and i said id eat a pear then i had fritos then fritos were all over my bed from my son! oh wow. for he looked in his childs eyes and he knew for momma knew momma always knew and so did i. so did you for you are sirius and so i am serious. i trusted you as i trusted crystal who trusted when she got 3 angels even tho she couldnt see them we believe what we see cause we create it we think it... fear and you shall so feel pain ears will ring when HARK THE HAROLD harold died on ... oh.. 2 dual. wow. i really do know.. lol you all think i am crazy but am i CRAZY INSANE OR INSANE CRAZY FOR I SAY YOU SAY WHAT I SAY HAS KnoW MEANING ... FO SHO LO... EMBRACE THE INNER CHILD AND INNER FREAK ALICIA. ITS OK. LOL
WANT AND SHALL SO SEE. ITS DONE. THE now THE KNOW K. NWO new world orderd. i did it. i am. for cabal is gone and you shall so see now rejoice my love and trust as you always have. for when you truly do, when you KNOW you KNOW NOTHING for no thing is impossible for I M possible
project abortion complete for the miscarriage is a mismarriage of love and hate. for you marry humanity for when you marry ur true lvoe and you KNOW this then you shall so KNOW. as i know. as my mom knew. my father is the cabal. he hurt her she was pushed into a corner and then she died. for if you let ur self be pushed around and SHOWN the way it is, as the cabal has shown us survivial of the fitest. why should we hate them if we are just envious of them for we want the stuff the life they have for they have nothing they have no love that is why celebritys elebri lol wow. crystal clear crystal is crystal meth bree for bri is bree and bri is neighbor who is friend who is family who is love for celebritys we lvoe to hate for we want to be them.. so hate to love.. joan jett i hate myself for loving you for you hate you love awhat i say for you have fear and doubt that the cabal is really you thisis why i was the 'staged' anticrhist for i went crazy i staged it i knew it yet when i said it i KNEWi was right for i was crazy andknow i am the source for i know so you will all see at --- hmm well, IF you trust and IF you kNOw you know inside the truth then do not doubt yourself for if you doubt your desire it will not be desire and instead be the fire that ingulfs you in the flames as tehy burnt the witches so shall we burn you as i am the antikrist and if you shall so think he is coming for i havve came and i am not what you think i am female. fe iron. i am iron man. immortal man. female. woman. fe on or wo, for we are truly the ones who 'know' cause momma just knows her baby. so men to woman or man to women and then to child as we conceive so shall we percieve. i am pregnant. yestereday within the last 3 days. for 113213 on jaunary 13th 2013 i shall so give birth and on themayan calendar it ends cause thats when we all beleive fori will not have to give birth to the twins the identical blue eyes blonde haired twins for you to know. for i am life and death i am. andif you shall so doubt yourself you kNOw you you were TAUGHT to no know? so doubt and i shall die. dont take the girl. if you let me die on january 13th 2013 then my husband so shall be the antichrist you want and kill all he sees and you may ask for he has ALWAYS said if i die he takes the world out as i go. so i am love. do not doubt me. for you make you create fear when you doubt. and you truly know for i can feel i can hear you. yeashhh i can you ur mind i know you dont beleive me and its ok because i know. for i am. crazy insane or insance crazy? for when i started this my son was eating m7ms... look it up..
yes peresphone and dia or di divine divide. for we are the divine as one in individual in inside divine in us. divide us mentally and divide us in reality for what you think is true and that is why we dream our fears for we fear we create do so shall create. now love embrace love and fear is gone for as you do i have already. theyve been gone. for the time is nwo NOW NOW i Ordered a New World and you shall so see it before your eyes in the time you see fit for what you think shall so be. so be it. so be one. sobeone. ohh obione o b i one. we are one iobioneconNObi star wars. lol. the force. you are star wars yes the force has ALWAYS been there just embrace it then you can USE it for you nKOw k? its NOW
Question: Is it just me or do others as well detect machines coming to a grinding halt as they are not programmed how to handle, ie process and compute, nor reply coherently to the message that the Light has won, that's it, what's to understand?
Why do you have the results of the surrender of the cabal poll highlighted in gray. It is almost unreadable even when the screen is zoomed in on it. I should think you want it to stand out more than the other result. In fact, at first glance it looks as if it says that 96% of the people are for all out war with the Cabal.
Next time cobra you do a interview change the dark vader sinister voice i t gave me the worst feeling i have ever had in my life and i cannot explain it i would have rather heard the computer voice from the channel messages on you tube i feel horrible now something with that voice a sound frequency wtf are you trying pull just talk dammit i have never felt this bad ever i could only take 10 minutes of hearing you and i am not being negative any body here relate to what i said or is it just me i need to lay down or something and the thing is i felt fine and was hype for the interview now worse than ever even worst than when i got shot in the face howwwwwww that i let my mom here it also to keep her up to date and she was going crazy saying hurry up and cut it of now i can't take hearing that another second and we are very sensitive with energies and frequencies now she is feeling very sick now and before was happy and had a great day at work who are you cobra and what have you done to me and my mom she is a pleiadian also and we cannot fully connect with you to know the truth because of that voice.
Sirian I must say I'm a bit shocked. I truly didnt like the voice over at first but as I listened to what was being said and how I could see a person behind the voice.
What were you expecting Sirian? An actual person's voice? It was stated in advance that it would be altered using a voice modulated program. It is not suppose to sound human. that would give away Cobra's identity. Modulated voices will sound like Darth Vadar.. How do you think Darth got his voice? :). Honestly, after a minute I had no issue with listening to the voice. And in fact, I could feel and hear the energy of Cobra behind it. Cobra was very calm, polite, intelligent, and well-spoken. If you listen to the person behind the voice, it was quite pleasant, at least for me. I didn't want the interview to end.
I am very sorry you were caught offguard with the sinister voice, but that is a safety measure that must be taken to protect Cobra's identity and life.
Love to you Sirian. Sending you a healing touch, and know there is nothing to fear from the 'Darthy' sound of a voice modulator. The sound of it can make people squirm as they have often been used in sound effects of movies too. But they are used quite often to protect the identity of people who need to speak publicly.
I understand what you are saying about the voice over but i know many people that have came out with the same information and more also and about protection wear amulets or something like i do i live in the main headquarters of the cabal and go at them and expose them and was pulled over by MIB agents and more they all just said go rest nobody is going to believe you we will just say you are crazy and take down all your flyers exposing us,one thing this one being said to me notice i said being is that it's just going to be a changing of guards instead of a new world order it will be like a alien world order and then he said something that shocked me to the core he said you should not mine you are obsessed with ET'S anyway and you are a hybrid enjoy the reunion and started to laugh and went in the black car and drove off weird but he was right about me.
Sirian, I now at first it was strange, but you can get used to it, look for the soul behind the voice, I myself was OK with it after a minute and could really feel the real loving, wise Cobra behind the masked voice. However I understand that you are sensitive and a voice like this can be scary.
Sirian, Please. Love. Connect back to the Light. They are playing mind games with you and you are more powerful than that. YOU ARE LOVE, LIGHT & BLISS ABSOLUTE. Invoke what YOU ARE. Violet flame. Archangel Michael's sword, Pillar of Light. Whatever else you need is there for you. It's Game Over for team dark. You know that, they know that. Live and Breathe the Truth ! Much Love.
At first, I too was taken aback by the voice modulation, and it was hard to understand the first few sentences, however, I started to pick up on the subtle accent COBRA has (you DO have one my friend) and the modulation didn't matter anymore.
@ AZURE, Darth Vader's voice was provided by actor James Earl Jones. There was no modulation in that man's voice. He's the actor's version of Barry White. If you really want to laugh, check out on YouTube the original voice of Vader before James' voice over. Utterly hysterical. Here's the video with the original voice:
Here's the video of James Earl Jones talking about it.
Sirian, I think you're a bit too sensitive and over reacting. The frequencies aren't anywhere near sinister. Just sit back, relax and remember the chorus in a Bob Marley song: Don't worry about a thing because every little thing is going to be alright. ;) One Love.
I personally enjoyed the Darth Vader type voice. I would bet it wasn't done by accident, since you can modulate a voice to sound like anyone from Eric Cartman to Betty White, and in fact was done to shake up the dark ones. OMG, COBRA, next time please, please PLEASE have them modulate it to Eric Cartman.
And don't forget to laugh people. Next to Love and Light, laughter is the best way to show the dark ones their grip on humanity is over. Last time I was faced with a dark one in the astral plane I laughed so hard at anything it threw my way it made a critical mistake and was swiftly taken care of.
Hey guys, I just wanted add my couple of cents. I coudn't follow the interview at all, initially everything was clear, then voices got so garbled, I switched to listening over the phone, which also turned gibberish, nothing worked, including internet, email, electronics. I got very ill, all night long for hours, it took everything in me to ride it through and keep creeping fears at bay. I never experienced anything of such before. Needless to say I am a bit disappointed for missing out, but happy that everything turned out fine. I feel exhausted but, better now, the Sun is also shining brilliant again today :)
No its the same person was just sensitive to the voice over and a little upset for the cover-up because cobra does not have to at all and the protection reason is bs,cobra is part of the new age movement and so am i were we deal with ancient knowledge and different races of ET'S like i said it's a changing of guards the government we have now we never voted for and the temporary governments coming when the event happens will not be voted in either and for i am love nobody is playing mind games with me at all and the truth is archangel michael is just another ET being,all this site is for is to get people into the new age religion that is coming about and has been the plan for centuries and the truth about the gfol anyone that did not accept will be returned to the god-head aka uncreation so no more lies about it and alot of people know about this especially all the religions they just have a different take on it and the so called saviors they are waiting for are all part of the new age religion anyway that is why all of the ascended masters were put as the coming saviors of all the different religions,so after the event happens cobra will let you know about the new age religion we are about i guess now take it or leave it the clues are on his post's and my post's also reread them and and research the new age religion all of it is the same because that is what we are all about.
you have now reached and so shall you receive. namaste. you are done. we are done here. 3d is gone and 5d has ascended while we slept for we did not know it was already done for we thought it and bam it was.
I really enjoyed the interview. The voice did not bother me. I heard right through it and felt a sense of Peace and Sincerity beyond my expectations. I have been suffering from some doubts lately. Now, I feel a renewed confidence in this project. I also feel it is more important than ever that we send our light to this project daily. Even if it is not formal. I believe our energies will meet and multiply across the planet. Thank you Cobra and ALL on this blog!
Thank you to Stephen and his team for setting it up the interview, and to you, Cobra, for being willing. And of course to all of you for continuing to hold light for the highest possible outcome. Love to all!
Thank you Stephan and Cobra for making this interview! The voice over goes to a certain point, I heard the real voice at some points....gentle and humble. There is one part I didn't catch that wasn't clear to many underground of the resistance movement?
Have you read this guys? Only material on RM besides this page, beautifully aligns with what Cobra has shared so far:
Btw I like to see you guys, Azure&Properity around from the very beginning along with I AM Love,JOKO311,Barda,Sublime,Crystal Ball,untwine,Kabuki and also I miss the wisdom of garbanzo don't knwo what happened to him.
Yes I read this a while back when Cobra blogged about the Galactic Codex. Cobra mentioned something (positive) about that source's intel in a comment somewhere.
Same here LöncsVezér, it lifts my spirits to see everyone still involved. I am a big fan of pottsman too :) I am so honored and humbled to be a part of a network of people (and non-humans ? lol) here who embrace the Light, and have a strong desire for Peace and Freedom.
garbanzo inspired me to start commenting. he drew a lot of support here more than he realized. ~I AM Love~* threw him a curve-ball and i've not seen a response lol. sometimes no answer is an answer in itself. but regardless of where he stands I send light his way and wish him peace.
“The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust quotes (French Novelist and Author, 1871-1922)
Garbanzo, You are missed here, I hope you're enjoying those long bike rides. Every rider I know talks about being in another time zone when they ride :)
Thank you for the interview Cobra! Very helpful in understanding the current situation, and inspiring us to forge ahead. Love and gratitude to you and the Resistance Movement.
Cobra, I loved that interview, I checked the counter very often, hoping it never ends, my heart was full of joy and love listening to you :)
The only part I didn't really like was what you said about Ascension, firstly that the only thing which will surely happen before 21.12.2012 is the removal of the Cabal, and Ascension is long way after that, I mean I just hope much more happens by then and then we could enter the next level. Secondly I am not sure if I interpreted/heard correctly but it seemed to me that you are implying that only a certain percentage of lightworkers/starseeds will go through Ascension and the masses will only go through deporgramming not Ascension(and maybe after that Ascension??). Did you meant that for the period before 21.12.2012 or in general?
I prefer the version that everyone will have the choice when presented and taught about reality whether he/she wants to ascend or not. Furthermore, deep down in my heart it might be silly but I hope a miracle will happen and everyone will go through Ascension.. :) But I understand if you can clear these issues after the removal of the Cabal, just would like to hear some clarification.
I am also really wondering what the Pleiadian plan in 2 days will be about, can't wait to hear.
I think I could identify your accent, but I guess it would expose your identity if I shared it. Thanks in advance for your answers.
Me and my GF felt the accent very strong too and even had strong feelings on gender but thats not important, funny that so many people felt the same love energy.
@ LV in regards to ascension. My understanding is that not everyone will ascend this time around. Moving through the densities is all about matching your vibration with the vibration of the density you are moving to. Once they are aligned ascension occurs. I would think that all lightworkers and people that are awake now will ascend I truly believe this. But at the same time I do not think that the entire population on earth will. Raising your vibrations to match that of higher densities is something that happens over time slowly. The general population that are not awake yet will need more time. Not to mention that not all souls have chosen to ascend at this time. Namaste!
Stardust 2 complete is a coded message for the members of Resistance Movement, who read this page. Our contribution is rather like a forum, we exchange ideas,feelings,vision,links etc till new real post emerges:)
lol joko311 i just thot of becoming a nun today.. lol i really am diliking all the low energies it has me so down today :( i really need a lift me up :"( i just feel like crawling in a hole and dying but i know i cant cause it would not be doing what i was meant to do .. i cant give up i wont.. but today I SURE FUCKING FEEL LIKE SAYING FUCK LIFE.. :( it seems to keep fucking me :(
I am sending you some special energy. It will help you rise above it all and stay there :) But always remember, the power is always within you. The moment it seems the hardest to overcome an obstacle, the greater the feeling when you do manage to just *rise above* Your words have been such an inspiration to me as I can hear your voice and your rhythm and your chant. I am sending all that uplifting energy back to you, and through you, to everyone who would seek it. Come on people, seek and ye shall find! Oh how I love you so :)
thankyou love for that braughteth tears to my cheeks and warmth to my blood. i am indeed doing much better now. thank you so much. i have regained my concioucness. yes MD you may send all energy THROUGH me that you wish i do so much absorbing and neutralizing of negative that i really would love a helper to bring in the light for these mission i play a role in, i still dont know them all, but man i have been tired! lol. thank you so very much from the deepest depth of my soul i thank you for the love and the light and the strength to keep going. its that of a mothers love. the love of life. look for the number 22 in ur life. also 58.
We need to meditate every moment we can between now and then. I will be in the zone today from 10:30-12pm PST. If you can join me I would sincerely appreciate it. We will be visualizing a peaceful surrender and a smooth transition. See the control of media being handed over and the happy truth releasing the minds of the people gently. No need to shock them with the truth of the atrocities first, just the hit them with the fact that they are truly powerful beings. The banking families will be treated with love and respect as they remove themselves from power.
i did not get a chance to see this full ybefore the meditation but i sure felt it. i was so distraught i couldnt even think and around that time an hr before the meditation i started feeling better <3 love and light to all thanks for the pick me up i was so overcome by the dark energies i was ready to leave my husband! pah! .. and we really do have the perfect love story..
I haven't heard the interview yet... it's easier for me to read a transcript than listen (at work, ya know...on the DL). Does anyone know where/ if a transcript is available?
Brando9000, I am not going to pretend to speak for Cobra, but as I understood it from listening, it is a bit like Shröedinger's Cat, right? ( When you are dealing with free will, then there are multiple timelines that are created and multiple outcomes. So the possibility of **peaceful** surrender is still only 50-50% as the playing field is always altering.
It's the NEGOTIATIONS that have started, not the actual surrender (and as a result of the cabal knowing their power is about to collapse as of the return of the Goddess May 20). While the negotiations are 100% proceeding now; the actual **peaceful** surrender is still only a 50% chance. What I also understood was that there is a 100% chance the cabal is out of power and soon. It just depends on them as to how peacefully the process goes down, and it's up to the negotiation procedures and choices of the cabal as to the actual outcome. It's why our efforts to envision a good and peaceful outcome to all of this is so necessary.
That's how I understood things, and if I am way off-base then Cobra can correct me if s/he wants and is able.
When the hell was that? June 5/6? LOL. My sense of time is so jacked up since then, haha! I don't know about the rest of you.
As we near the Solstice, I am increasingly fuzzy and not really functional in 3D. I sit on my bed, surf online, do things like housecleaning while listening to MP3s of Resistance Member interviews, and take lots of naps. When are people going to stop making excuses for cobra like i said cobra needs no protection for what everyone that is part of the new age religion always gets a pass brando9000 is getting to the truth anyway just tell him cobra there was never any negotiations every time we are close to the ending of a cycle/yuga mass landing and physical contact happens the pleiadians,reptilians,sirians,vegans,arcturians,nordics all gave and taught the mayans hopi's and gave them their calendar we are on their timeline anyway all of cobra's post's was to get you ready and in the know of what the new age religion has planned and the thing is the gfol has a device that can return you back to the god-head uncreation if any violent acts are aimed towards them that is why when they were her before they always had huge rods like walking sticks and so many other advanced technologies,you really think they would give them to everyone no way plus they have to monitor you aka program you to use it correctly.Mintakans
Member Name: Star-Nation of Mintaka (formerly part of the Orion League).
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: Three years ago.Special Traits and Abilities: Noted for their great proficiency in psychology, as well as in all methods of mind manipulation. They have a great body of scientific knowledge and vast libraries of inner wisdom that go back over 15 million years.I rest my case ha mind manipulation it seems all this is panning out similar to the video the new age deception.
What are you talking about i explained it all cobra the resistance movement myself are apart of the new age religion you don't need to pick me up for what i am just telling you the truth on what is really going on if you do not believe me and thinking i am losing it or talking negative ask cobra yourself like i said my post's and what cobra has posted is all part of the new age religion do your research on it and compare it all and see how it aligns up i live in washington d.c the headquarters of all of it like i said there was never any negotiations and the information about uncreation about the gfol are true so your above post doesn't make any since so when cobra reveals their identity after the event and you see all of this was about the new age religion then what are you going to say only thing i did was reveal the truth and soon you will see that.
I agree JOKO, I stated back in a previous post that Sirian went total flip over to negative all of a sudden. I am sorry Sirian and send to the loving energy that is every apparent since the Venus transit.
@ Sirian. If there is no negotiations and this is all crap then why dont you please tell me the real truth about the GFL and what exactly is really going on? Do you believe we are headed for peace and love? And if so, who the hell cares about the rest as long as peace and love are common place amongst us and our beloved Gaia....
So what's you truth? We all have a different personal truth, a personal vision of life. Cobra, to me, seems a very balanced person, who are just sharing his personal view. He's a human like us. You can accept or deny. You can take something and leave something else. This is all about. What you want him to do? Admit that you are in truth, and he lied for all this time?
In the interview your exact words where "I see a 50% chance the cabal will surrender and a 50% chance they will not"....
I thought that they already did and that the negotiations for their surrender have already started?@brando9000 that was what you posted cobra will soon post another blog and hopefully will answer your question and at @astral joe know we are not all human so to say some of us like myself are hybrids and so is cobra like i said new age religion teachings are about empowerment, meditations,goddess worship,rituals,having contact with different ET races etc now why when i reveled all this i have changed or seem negative for finally telling the truth i guess it will sink in when cobra reveals it also how we are in the new age religion come on you should have known this anyway look at all the subjects we discuss and all outsiders that i have shared this blog site have said that is all new age religion stuff so there you go just stating the facts.
@brando9000 to answer your other question we are headed towards peace and love to our planet Gaia another new age term,but not everyone on the planet is about that so that is why the galactics are here to remove them to other 3d planets and for other's returned back to source the god-head uncreation listen carefully to the third hour of the show michael ellegion will explain the uncreation process in full detail and he is part of the new age religion just like cobra,drake,eve moore,david wilcock,davild icke,benjamin fulford,and the list goes on and all the people doing alternative media and cosmic news shows and all channelers and sheldon nidle that has a chip implant come on people you can not tell me you all did not know this.
Sirian I am telling you what is the religion of the New Age: Freedom. How about that? Your credibility was lost long ago at least for me, but I'm not going to make accusations, everyone can feel what is right or wrong.
I just dont think that "New age religion" is the right word. Religion is just another form of fear based control. The word "Religion" has no true meaning.
Dear ones, the word 'religion' is derived from the Latin word 're-ligare' and means 'to reconnect'. THAT is the true meaning of religion. The Sanskrit word 'yoga' (and the Latin word 'iugo') has the same meaning.
Thank you Cobra for the interview. You were so balanced and lucid.
If I look back to some months ago, when I was really emotionally moved away from all this stuff, I can recognize the progress that I made during this last period of time. I understood, even if only in a very small bit, the divine power that we have inside us, and the importance of stay balanced in all the situations of life.
To all the other users. My personal opinion is that, we as humans, have really a great power, and even if we are not, at the moment, so powerful as other alien races, we can really change in a strong way the future possible scenarios. The way we react, the way we think, the way we live change deeply our personal and collective future.
So be the change, and don't wait the change! I know that this words are maybe a bit abused, but it really goes this way! We are really few steps away from changes to happen, but the direction we will choose to move these steps are still unknown, and we can decide to gain control of our ship and set our sea lane exactly where we want to travel.
Here's what you know - you want to be your highest self. Here's what some of you don't know - your highest self also wants to be you :) Now, for what you need to know - YOU ARE your highest self, act accordingly love
Ok, it is now obvious the cabel is not "negotiating". When I first saw this on fulfords site I thought, "You've got to be kidding". Then Drake came out the next day with the same thing. Then I thouht, "Well... maybe".
Then the voting. I voted yes for all question on both sites. I do not see the cabal giving up.
If fact I do not EVER forsee the cabal giving up. This is not how they think. For the sake of clarity I will say cabal leaders will never give up. There are many within the network of the cabal organization that are good people and do not want to be there. (right Mdove?)
I am not an expert on this subject but this is how I see the cabal works/thinks.
1. They hate us. They only have us around to keep us in fear (food... yum, yum) 2. They force us into debt to make them rich. 3. They take out insurance policies on us and then kill us. (Look up Peasent Insurance if you don't believe me.) 4. Killing us in wars reduces the number of us. 5. They beleive they are chosen to be superior and are God-like. (Negotiating with a sheeple is nausiating.) 6. Keeping us sick make them rich. (Poisons, persticides, chem-trails, etc.) 7. They believe they are smarter than us and we will make a "mistake" and they will be back in full control.
I could go on but you get the point.
Now the question is, "How do we (Light Workers, White Hats, Oath Keeepers, etc.) get over this last point of stalemate?"
Our Advantages: 1. We out number them by a wide margin. 2. We control most of their money. 3. A number of cabal member do not want to work for the cabal leaders.
The CT.Lite.Worker Plan: 1. Take some of the NESARA money any pay the cabal workers to go home. Kind of an "early" NESARA. Take for example Fox News. Pay all of the lower level workers and some key middle management to go home with full pay and benefits. But don't go to work. There will be no one to operate cameras, answer phones, do paper work and so on. Do this on as many companies as possible. 2. Reassign the non-Oath Keepers overseas. Put them where they can't hurt the public. (I'm not military so this is a weak area for me.) 3. Kidnap some key middle cabal. The cabal organization is so compartmentalized that when a layer is missing the communications will break down to the grunts on the bottom. So commands to release bio-hazards and other stuff will be more difficult. 4. Since the RM and Cobra can read minds they should be able to target soft spots. 5. Leave the top cabal alone. When they have no one to command they are no longer in command.
Sirian, by "new age religion" are you referring to the one talked about in the Project Blue Beam conspiracy? What are some good resources to research more into the New Age Religion? Could you provide any good links? I ask because there are many beliefs that could be called a "new age religion" and they may not be the same that you are referring to.
Also, if you disagree with Cobra disguising his voice and don't think he needed to do it, then why do you think he did?
Reply by Paladin 14 hours ago I just starting listening to Cobra's first radio interview OMFG I hope I'am wrong about this but Cobra is Lady Dragon. Lady Dragon was on a couple of Drake's radio broadcasts. I have listened to them all and now I am listening to Cobra's interview and I would swear they are the same person. Now I'm depressed.This was a comment from a new age site.What is New age Religion?
New Age Religion is not a religion at all, but a vast syncretism (or mixing) of numerous religious and philosophical ideas. This has been going on since the time of Alexander the Great, but was snuffed out under Christianity and its enforced dogma starting around 325 AD. Alexander's vast empire opened the door for Eastern religion and mysticism to move West, while Greek philosophy and reason moved East. Today the same process continues, but on a global scale in particular with the internet.
It has some similarities to ancient Gnosticism adopting both its methods and its individual nature. Most often rejecting reason and science, New Age religion more than anything is emotional, filing in a void left by a secular culture and discontent with traditional religious beliefs.
Modern environmentalism could be broadly classified into New Age religion because of its treatment as a pseudo-religion and deification of Nature. This is part of the continuing process of syncretism.The New Age Movement is in a class by itself. Unlike most formal religions, it has no holy text, central organization, membership, formal clergy, geographic center, dogma, creed, etc. They often use mutually exclusive definitions for some of their terms.
The New Age is in fact a free-flowing spiritual movement; a network of believers and practitioners who share somewhat similar beliefs and practices. New Age Beliefs
A number of fundamental beliefs are held my many New Age followers; individuals are encouraged to "shop" for the beliefs and practices that they feel most comfortable with:
Monism: All that exists is derived from a single source of divine energy.
Pantheism: All that exists is God; God is all that exists. This leads naturally to the concept of the divinity of the individual, that we are all Gods. They do not seek God as revealed in a sacred text or as exists in a remote heaven; they seek God within the self and throughout the entire universe.
Panentheism: God is all that exists. God is at once the entire universe, and transcends the universe as well.
Reincarnation: After death, we are reborn and live another life as a human. This cycle repeats itself many times. This belief is similar to the concept of transmigration of the soul in Hinduism.
Karma: The good and bad deeds that we do adds and subtracts from our accumulated record, our karma. At the end of our life, we are rewarded or punished according to our karma by being reincarnated into either a painful or good new life. This belief is linked to that of reincarnation and is also derived from Hinduism.
An Aura is believed to be an energy field radiated by the body. Invisible to most people, it can be detected by some as a shimmering, multi-colored field surrounding the body. Those skilled in detecting and interpreting auras can diagnose an individual's state of mind, and their spiritual and physical health.
Personal Transformation A profoundly intense mystical experience will lead to the acceptance and use of New Age beliefs and practices. Guided imagery, hypnosis, meditation, and (sometimes) the use of hallucinogenic drugs are useful to bring about and enhance this transformation.
Believers hope to develop new potentials within themselves: the ability to heal oneself and others, psychic powers, a new understanding of the workings of the universe, etc.
Later, when sufficient numbers of people have achieved these powers, a major spiritual, physical, psychological and cultural planet-wide transformation is expected.
Ecological Responsibility: A belief in the importance of uniting to preserve the health of the earth, which is often looked upon as Gaia, (Mother Earth) a living entity.
Universal Religion: Since all is God, then only one reality exists, and all religions are simply different paths to that ultimate reality. The universal religion can be visualized as a mountain, with many sadhanas (spiritual paths) to the summit.
Some are hard; others easy. There is no one correct path. All paths eventually reach the top. They anticipate that a new universal religion which contains elements of all current faiths will evolve and become generally accepted worldwide.
New World Order As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, a New Age will develop. This will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger, pollution, and poverty.
Gender, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination will cease. People's allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world and its people.
The Age of Aquarius is a reference to the precession of the zodiac. The earth passes through each of the signs of the zodiac approximately every 24,000 years. Some believe that the earth entered the constellation Aquarius in the 19th Century, so that the present era is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
Others believe that it will occur at the end of the 20th century. It is interesting to note that the previous constellation changes were:
from Aries to Pisces the fish circa 1st century CE. This happened at a time when Christianity was an emerging religion, and many individuals changed from animal sacrifice in the Jewish temple to embracing the teachings of Christianity. The church's prime symbol at the time was the fish.
from Taurus to Aries the ram circa 2,000 BCE. This happened at a time when the Jews engaged in widespread ritual sacrifice of sheep and other animals in the Temple from Gemini to Taurus the bull circa 4,000 BCE. During that sign, worshiping of the golden calf was common in the Middle East.New Age Practices
Many practices are common amongst New Agers. A typical practitioner is active in only a few areas:
They usually try to make contact with a single, spiritually evolved being. That being's consciousness is channeled through the medium and relays guidance and information to the group, through the use of the medium's voice.
Crystals Crystals are materials which has its molecules arranged in a specific, highly ordered internal pattern. This pattern is reflected in the crystal's external structure which typically has symmetrical planar surfaces.
Many common substances, from salt to sugar, from diamonds to quartz form crystals. They can be shaped so that they will vibrate at a specific frequency and are widely used in radio communications and computing devices. New Agers believe that crystals posses healing energy.
Meditating A process of blanking out the mind and releasing oneself from conscious thinking. This is often aided by repetitive chanting of a mantra, or focusing on an object.
Thanks for the extremely informative reply. I wish more people would come to realize that all religious beliefs were just different paths up the same mountain as it was so poignantly stated. What do you think about the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory?
It has been deactivated and was used a couple of times around the world the galactics got rid of it all together and to brando9000 where do you think they will go when the planet moves up to the 5th dimension the majority of people cannot deal with the planet's energies now so either they will go to other 3d planets to fit their vibration or if they do not come over to the light they will be returned to the god-head meaning uncreation i guess cobra could be a she like who lady dragon?
Pretty sure they wont go anywhere. They will still be here and we will be there. Some will go to new earth and some will stay with old. Its Dolores Canon stuff.
During the interview didn't cobra say the Rothchild banking cabal are the bankers for the Jesuit group? and that the Jesuit group were really the ones in charge of things? If this is the case and I were a high ranking cabal member I would be more afraid of the Jesuit dark ones than the resistance. Perhaps that's why they haven't surrendered yet.. just a thought...
Sirius do you have any other good links that provide info on the coming events for our planet? I'm going to the which you recommended and any others would be appreciated. There is so much disinformation out there it can be challenging to wade through it all, but unlike some others on this site I have read all your recent posts and i don't think you have given me any reason to doubt your credibility so that will help you on your way and as for LöncsVezér he has not been in the kind of position i have been in or have seen or been face to face with MIB agents or any other kind of top secret or inside information i have and came across i am in washington d.c he is very far from here i had a clearance to alot for a long time and also had assess to the news paper showing the ashtar command flying over the capitol in the late 1950's also it was a similar fly over early this year that was not reported either so when he said i lost all credibility i pay it no mind at all he still could not handle my 911 inside job post with every single detail,only thing i was trying to say is that cobra aka lady dragon drake and all the other names i put out there are just followers of the new age movement/religion and my post about it explained what that means and consist of.
Sirian you might enjoy this message, with special emphasis on the last paragraph:
Btw I don't know why you think I didn't like your 9/11 account it was honestly really amazing,complex and is saved on my computer.
Sirian, I think I know what you are pointing at. New Age is just a belief system in the end.
However, parallel to playing out our individual and collective story lines within whatever illusory frame, there is always the option of peaceful being and effortless loving. Here and now.
For me, the word 'enlightenment' seems to point to accepting the option of letting go of all beliefs/disbeliefs. To simply be presence, here and now.
As it seems, after enlightenment, liberation starts unfolding. I would describe it as the ability to play out our stores, with full engagement, though without attachment to any outcome. Just enjoying the nature of playfulness... When the full spectrum of feelings can arise within the body/bodies without it grasping for self-preservation, liberation might be 'experienced' fully.
In simple reality, do you need any beliefs/disbeliefs, no trust/doubt, no winning/losing, no learning/forgetting, no hoping/fearing or any dual notions?
In simple reality, do you need to get rid of any beliefs/disbeliefs, trust/doubt, winning/losing, learning/forgetting, hoping/fearing or any dual notions?
In my experience, enjoying the movement and stillness at the same time takes no effort, literally.
BTW, this human system that I inhabit, still believes it is not fully liberated yet. It is still grasping for understanding and stories when some feelings arise... But again, that might just be a fabulous/ridiculous store in itself :-)
There is no basis for religion, never was and never will be. Let us respect individual freedom as the highest expression of consciousness and work towards it.
See the book "Antiquity Unveiled" for startling revelations
I finally listened to the interview. I feel more at ease with Cobra now. Cobra, if my physical can be of any assistance to the light, your people will now how to find me. Peace.
Seriously. I know we are all just trying to figure things out, and we all want to do that in the best way we feel we know how. I do understand this.
That being said...
This part is a message to the girls (excuse me: "Ladies"). Do you ever feel like coming here and reading comments that it's a bunch of schoolyard boys that start easily fighting over stuff? Really. I feel like I did in elementary school, looking at the boys and their testosterone-driven need to establish the alpha male, and my eyes are kind of going like this: o.O
I kind of want to get back to the business of being grateful there are people who are even willing to do jobs like such as Cobra's. I use my inner knowing to understand what is going on, and just go about my tasks for accomplishing what I KNOW inside to be something positive and good, and then I do it, without the endless need to ask questions about details and enforce my own way of being right. (With some irony I realize I am doing a bit of that here, but let him who has ears, hear.)
I don't see us females doing this kind of batting about these niggling issues here in this forum. Sure, we (as females in general in the ego) can get catty. I know that -- have experienced it. But I keep feeling like the pressures of the Goddess' Return and the rebalancing of the dynamic between male and female energy... well, let me put it like this. I see the hanging on of the dominant male energies here, the final thrusts (sorry, *giggle*) of the boys and their ways trying to take hold of a crumbling structure. I understand what is going on, and how menfolk get caught up in it. Why do you think we have a cabal in the first place and about 90% of it was run by *men*, hmmmmmmmmmmmm? Sure, women are complicit, too. Of course. But the record of history has shown this gender imbalance especially for the past 2,000 years, give or take. Maybe 4,000. Anyway, the Goddess is back, and she says "Take a step back, stop the Y-chromosome and ego-driven need to understand every detail and the finer points, and turn on your INTUITION. Use the inner knowing I have for you and implement it!"
I know, the guys are kind of rusty at using it after 2,000 years of its disuse and/or lack of potent power. I am very empathetic. I have sons and men I love. I know it is not easy.
But your control and ways of doing things is OVER and it is also over here, in this forum.
You have an intuition. Start using it.
Just had to get that out there. I'm not a robot. I have a lot of feelings and sometimes they really want to come out. The male energy dominance here is starting to get on my nerves. I'm sending some energetic balance back to the comments here and hope that those who get the vibe of what I am typing do the same.
Thank you for reading. With love, Calliope the Muse
P.S. This is not a message to every guy here. Some of you, I intuit, are very in touch with your inner feminine already. I recognize you, and am very thankful for your presence. Thank you for bringing balance to the energies here.
First of all, I just adore your name and your thoughtful, loving, and witty comments. You are a bright spot in this blog. I must agree with your assessment that there's a whole bunch of ego going on. I have been wondering, myself, if it's healthy to continue reading all these comments - as I do take on this negative energy and I have enough aggravation in my life as it is! The tit for tat, who can google better, longer responses with no credit given to the original author, judgmental, intellectual bs is wearing thin. I don't think anyone expects we will all agree as to how / when / why anything will happen and I personally have a hard time listening to the people who think they have definitive answers. That is one reason I respect Cobra so much, as he/she is open about the fact that there are POTENTIALS in our near future. I agree the love and RESPECT need to come back to this page.
I also know that the anxiety and aggravation I feel reading the comments lately is a red flag - a glaring reminder of the issues I need to work on within myself. :) So, I keep reading. Everyone here is very insightful in their own way and I, ultimately, appreciate every perspective. But, could we all be a little nicer to one another? Golden rule and all that? (Don't start yelling at me about religion, now...haha)
I am new to this topic and discussion, having only begun this search back in March. What a roller coaster it's been...
Thanks for having the courage to voice your perspective, Calliope! We should elect you "den mother" ;)
Well thank god/dess *something* is complete, lol! :D
Tell the P's I said hi.
(Heh. They're funny. Their response was, "You just did." Jokers.)
lol! :D
Deletethey (pliedians) say HELLO bak
Deletelol i just saw you already knew that.. paha guess i should FINISHED readingwhat you wrote before i ASSUMED you didnt know.. lol assume-ing just makes an ass out of u and me so im sorry for doubting you lol forgive me?
Delete"derivatives" folks
food for thought y'all
I had this vision during watching my favourite movie, The Matrix:
ReplyDeleteThe time of Agent Smith, the time of oppression,control,agression,suppression has come to it's very end. In our story however, it's not enough to make peace with darkness, with hoping the agreement will last long.
No, not this time.Since darkness means only the lacking of light, our exponentially growing brightness is close to it's breakthrough to shine thorugh the whole Planet banishing all darkness, dissolving evil once and for all.
You have come this far, stay strong in Love&Light and witness the miracle unfold on our world.
Did we always know it was going to end this way?
No. But we believed. We believed.
Deletethis should clear things up MY LOVE Lo'Ve' you are one NWO/OWN/NOW 321123 11 the doorway my dear 22 my number. you have ascended. blessed be. merry meet and merry part.
i posted the 24hr notice. here is YOUR sign.
DeleteAnise, I don't really understand what you are trying to say, what do you mean I ascended and all the numbers?
DeleteComment to Lonces re: The Matrix.
DeleteThis morning's image was like the one first here:
Then scroll down to the ninth image.
From the morning visual, the Grid/Matrix is much improved. Forget the dark story of Prometheus, the tools are all around.
Still in 3D world there's slime, but it is suddenly turning to white dust. Whoosh....inert, unable to replicate. Thanks for your help. See you on the grid.
what i was trying to ay lv was you are wwaiting on a sign you are ascending are you not? you are waiting til its a 'go' well heres your go, it is whenever you are ready. we can ascend at any time. become immortal with me love and choose it. you need not no sign no nothing but the inner KNOWING you are and then you have. you are the only one who can decide 'its time' for YOU to ascend. yes you can have help guiceance how to awaken yourself but once you are 'awake'ned its only you who decides WHEN to ascend.. you can ask for help any step of the way but as soon as you are truly 'ready' you will. :) hope this clears things up i was a bit aloof for afew days apoligies if a stired the nest of a few, just really had a bad series of attacks on me. but alas :) it was Metatron himself who helped me out of this dark hole i got shoved into and holy heavens i can see again hallejula! LOL
DeleteCobra my friend,
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear the interview with you tonight :)
We are all truly greatful for what you do.
As stated above, I really feel we are on the edge of something big, reading Sheldan Nidle's last message today just affirmed my feelings(his and Matthew Ward's messages seem the most genuine to me).
may we all continue to inhale love and exhale gratitude. gracious manners can go a long way in the feild of dreams.
ReplyDeleteCobra, could we organize a meditation session in the next 4-5 days, for Syria?
ReplyDeleteYes, please.
Deletemetric initiated
ReplyDelete~We Love you Guys Unconditionally~
ReplyDeleteby the GFoL
<3 <3 <3
Sorry if I missed something and also surprised no one has asked what the heck is STARDUST 2 ?????
ReplyDeleteWe are stardust ;) Do something divine today, and you won't miss a thing my friend. The time is NOW!
Deletethis site is also for special forces who are given updates on programs in the physical and political sense by true patriots and freedom lovers within the organzed structures of military and government afairs. Other disciplines are also most likely involved in this resistance to tyranny as well. These programs are given code names just like regular govt programs. These programs and cryptic messages are for those brave souls who are actually in the know and rebelling against our treasonous leaders and their Alien supported NWO enslavement plans. The majority of us commenting here are most likely just the cheerleading squad who is heartened that real actions measurable and tangible actions are being taken by real physical beings to dismantle these forces of tyranny and oppression/enslavement. For us to speculate on what Stardust actually means is useless and superfluous. We may hear later what this program is but our hope and faith is that this site is real and not a dis-info campaign. At this point most of us here have hope and faith that this is the real public revelation of behind the scenes forces news repoerts of our planetary struggle for redemption. The real people who are involved must be very very very careful not to reveal who they are and physical meetings must be kept at a minimum so this public site allows timing and triggering of programs and plans to be given to the many people involved in lawfully reclaiming this planet for the people and wresting the control from the worlds elite oligarchy and compromised earth minions who knowingly or unknowingly are destroying this planet and its peoples with wars and "Policies". For more updats on real actions may i reccomend for actual space family programs some of which are joined to earth based groups such as these. red the FAQ page here and mission statements for more clarity.
Drake in the news! The voice and word choice is a perfect match it seems!
Thats from 2010 though FYI :D
DeleteCool catch Barda, thnx :)
DeleteI can't take all the credit..someone pointed this out on interesting though hehe..thought i'd share the info :)
Deletesure does sound like him. :)
DeleteWell said pottsman! This site is not dis-info, but the real truth is within.
ReplyDeletesmiley face to you mdove does anybody have info on the bombs in michigan allegedly taking out resistance forces? cant believe this wont go viral soon 500 is alot of dead patriots ...confirmation or denial by cobra would be nice... lots of families will be reprting missing loved ones soon if this is true! me sad at this news ;-{
DeleteI don't think this is true, but I'm not in a position to confirm or deny. Just in case its dis-info, don't let it get you down :))
DeleteHollly mother of God, it better be disinfo, I'd be highly disappointed if it was allowed by Resistance/Galactics.
Deleteit wont get me down but i do hope it is not true
ReplyDeleteFrom John Kettler:
ReplyDelete"Reports continue to come in that chemtrailing is generally way down and often anemic when seen. All to the good! Ere long, though, some truly remarkable stuff will begin to occur in the skies overhead, stuff that will have people blinking in disbelief, rubbing their eyes to make sure they're working properly and leaving them jaws agape.
Small children will simply be enchanted, and Disney will be green with envy. Remember, you read it here first! What'll be seen? Now, that would be telling!"
look up "Are the Lines in the Sky Contrails or Chemtrails?" ot U Tube vid # iC7w-xsMW0M and you will see who Drake is. He's been around for awhile apparently - not saying he's legit, because I STILL think he's full of shit, but at least you can now put a face to the name.
ReplyDeleteYup, heres the link. Its from 2010
Operation ,,do something awesome and temporarily don't tell anxious humanity about it" complete :D
ReplyDeleteLol. Where's the like button... ;)
Deletei already have and i am the like button. for i am discolsure. i am the staged second coming. and i am it all for i am you and i have trusted momma as i am momma and i love andrew for i gave birth to andrew and i marry andrew as i have married alexander and i now admit defeat and yet i will will never admit defeat for i have been neutral and embrace both the dark and light the music has shown me the way as it has for melodydove is love too for she posted to love cabal for i even did and before i knew i would. but i know all now. FOR THE NWO OR New Word I Ordered but condensed to ONE word. as NWO i OWN i pwnd i took and made that shit my bitch as i am the bitch and you may life but i am mother earth father time and creator as one. oh. lol true meaning to the church i just founded. the chirch if trifam. the church of trinity based on love for family. my brother my sister and my love for them. momma braught me alex. alex braught me andrew. andrew braught me to a weber of emotions and a crhist eperience like no other now i am the anti krist and kris hhas gave me the faith to still deny religion for no releigion has all truth but ALL truth has SOME religion and all religion has SOME truth. the 3. trinity. father son and holy ghost. mother daughter and grandmothers past. wer are all one now EVA complete
DeleteI correct for i have said i only see the truth in retrospect. meaning after i speak i see the real in my word and what is a LIfE for i have FUCKED LIFE.. and project SHREK is complete. for im an ogre and earth IS teh ORGY of anger. agre. g are. code. for i are. agre complete. lol wow OK then i love you too EVA grandMAMA i dont no you but sure KNOW YOU for YOU am I. as we are ISIS and embraced love with VENUS the goddess of love, on june 5/6th 2012 LOVE WON NWO for i Orderd a New World on that day and it is now the NWO for it is. for i am. for NOW we re all healed we have no issues we have the gifts. we have have ascended lastnight as i tapped and came home as i saw truth you ALL did. you need only accept it and we will move on. people will start dispearingnow. for we are done on this ILL EARTH and will not be moving to 5d earth. :) enjoy the gifts as i am. i feel so great today. EAT A PEAR then look me up and you will know the love i share within I for I AM YOU and 1 in 3 and 3 in 1 123321 321123 we have scended thank you for accepting
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI have no idea what he/she is talking about, just words thrown after each other with a few parts that make some sense.
DeletePersonal opinion JOKO: Don't be fascinated by everything you don't understand, it might be because it doesn't make sense/rubbish/ nutty chatter.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHmm, you seem to be on quite a trip!
Deletejoko311 yes i know i am hard to follow for i get lost in my own thoughts as we all do, for thoughts become reality. just today i lost my way and i think it was about the time you commented and sid what you did that i started feeling better :) i just read it, but thank you so very much cause as you wrote that i felt uplifted so that you thank you i am much in graitude to you. my family thinks i am nuts my brother thinks i am on meth, my friends dont know what to think but its my son, my 22month old son andrew, who can speak to me telepathically (but has been saying sentences like 'i love you' since he was 3.1/2 months (no not year i mean months yes he said i love you clearly at 3 months old!) lol and he taught me telepathy now i know his gf speaks with me this way for she is 26months and she just wentto the dr and while she behaves angelically for me, she cannot hear! proof! ha! lol anyway thanks so much joko311 for you lifted me up by just writting that i did not need read it but when i did oh the joy i felt :)
DeleteLV yes not all words are truth yes many are just that a spectacle of illusion, like life itsself the 'physical' is is indeed just matter itself and as we scientifically know, matter is just energy. so therefore NO wrods are true for they are just words expression of mind made phsyical, made into illusion. so no please no dont beleive EVERYthing i say for even i know i tell no complete truth but i also tell no comolete lie for all lies hold some truth and all 'truth' holds many secrets <3 decode that <3 lol
DeleteCobra Exclusive World First Radio Interview: Surrender of the Cabal, Mass Arrests – and SO Much More!
ReplyDeleteCobra’s Interview on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook
Premieres TONIGHT Wednesday 13 June on InLight Radio – 6pm PDT/9PM EDT
As some of you have already heard, the very first episode of my new radio program, The Light Agenda – which premieres tonight on InLight Radio – is a special world first interview with Cobra of the Portal 2012 blogspot.
I can tell you now, that it is an enlightening, informative and revealing conversation. A solid interview with a guest who not only surprised me, but who did not try to shy away from any of the questions I had.
So what did we talk about? Heaps!
Using voice modulation technology to protect Cobra’s identity – as agreed (so please be aware of this when you tune in) – Cobra talks about the current state of negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal, the recent call for us to vote, the faltering world financial system and the mass arrests. It is up-to-date ‘insider’ intel and I was amazed to hear it.
We talk about what’s been going on, why things appear to have been delayed and how confusing it is for many of us when we hear a certain date or time frame mentioned – but then things behind-the-scenes change, and to all of us, it seems that nothing has changed at all!
On that score, you’ll learn some of the whats and whys involved. I was especially fascinated when I heard just how few Resistance Movement operatives there are on the surface of our planet (300), who are actively engaged in what really is an on-going psychological and intelligence “battle of dark and light”, compared to the many, many more who are in place below the surface. Staggering, as you’ll hear.
Other subjects we cover include: “Rebooting The Grid”and the Archons’ presence; the Rothschilds’ and the Rockefellers’ links to nuclear weaponry; and the criticism that has come Cobra’s way in recent weeks.
On a lighter note, we discuss intimate revelations about Cobra’s Pleaidian history and ancestry and a personal teleportation to a starship – and what that was like!
Plus, I also got to delve a bit deeper and talk about Cobra’s dedication to mass meditations and intel and insights on Ascension, Disclosure, New Technologies and recent events, such as the May 20/21 Eclipse and the June 5/6 Transit of Venus.
Cobra also discusses personal Light Agendas and light work motivations.
So that’s what you’ll hear – and a whole lot more! Including an uplifting and inspiring song that means a great deal to Cobra and which may well become an anthem for us all in the days ahead. I know InLight Radio’s producer Graham Dewyea, like me, was very emotionally moved after hearing it! I now can’t get the first two prophetic lines out of my head.
For those site regulars who may have read the previous 2012S email-only interview I did with Cobra (see links below for reference), we do NOT cover the same ground at all. This is fresh, current and detailed.
I have to say, that doing a radio interview with someone who needs to protect their identity – even to the point of hiding their gender – is an interesting process.
DeleteQuite some time was spent deliberating on how to ensure total privacy, yet still leave some sense of personality AND ensure legibility for listeners, too. A friend, who has won an Academy Award for sound editing skills on a huge film, kindly assisted with the voice modulation process. Not sure we could have found anyone better if we tried.
The parameters Cobra and I agreed on also meant that a range of overtly-personal questions were simply not appropriate. I think we both have tried our best.
Yet the end result is not what I expected at all!
I, like many others, have sometimes found Cobra’s posts to have an edge of aggression – a little ‘militaristic’, if you like.
But in reality, that wasn’t the perception I got, in any way. There’s no ‘gather up the troops’-type talk here.
While the voice modulation you’ll hear does not totally convey this, the person I spoke with was way ‘softer’ than I expected: warm, responsive, articulate and seemingly, genuinely ‘open’. Definitely motivated to help liberate this planet.
I found that Cobra is someone who has thought long and deeply about what they are doing for the Light; and has dealt with their own demons – such as fear and anger, as you’ll hear.
As a conversation, I really enjoyed it.
Anyway, I’ll leave you to make up your own mind… I cannot personally vouch for the validity of everything Cobra told me; I just listen, like you – and take it in.
So, that’s it in a nutshell. Hopefully you’ll want to tune in – and tell your friends!
Thank you very much to both of you for putting that up. Loved it
Deletei love you too momma
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to listen to the interview later as an MP3 download!! It's already almost 10 pm in my current timeline in the part of the world where I am, and apparently I have Timeline Work that I have to do (ergo I have to hit the sack -- a lot happens when I am sleeping). I'm still not privy to the work I allegedly do with the Pleiadians as well (this is only what I have been told, and NO I am not one of the 300 mentioned up in comments up there, not knowingly, anyway. I have had no direct physical contact with the P's except for one *maybe* sighting of an orb that was possibly theirs... Oh, and one "dream" I'm told was not a dream which I have been allowed to remember. They're not shooting straight with me yet on the orb sighting for who knows what reason). I am on a "need to know" basis at the moment, and there is much laughter from the P's in the communication I receive about this because either I have more work to do in 3D before I can be "in the know" or I'm doing something I really don't *want* to know, yet, hee hee! Seriously, I guess it is best that for the moment I am not aware of what it is that I do. I just know it is sensitive timeline work, and the less my 3D person knows, the better for the time being (no pun intended).
ReplyDeleteI have to say, I am getting greater and greater clarity on just what kind of worker Cobra is, and it is a good kind of clarity. :) One indicator is the wonderful people who have been drawn here to comment (hopefully myself included *snort*). There is just a heapload of love and strong and good intention in the majority of the comments people make here. To me this is a major "tell". It's in opposition to some other sites I sometimes read and comment on where the "clientele" indicates quite a lot about the vibration the site is sending out, shall we say, lol. Sometimes it's like going into a skeevy dive bar, just to see what's in there, and maybe have a beer, but then going back to your corner home pub and realizing that there is a place where everyone knows your name, and they're all glad you came. Right? :D
So anyway, all that to say I am very eager to hear Cobra's interview because in the comments up there by ~I AM Love~* there are several keywords that triggered me and this led to more of the clarity.
You guys all have fun at the interview party, and I'll tune in tomorrow once the MP3 is hopefully posted. I know some sites have said that they would do so (like Kauilapele).
On a final note, some of you noted earlier that American Kabuki is not well. I noticed that he has not kept up with the comment moderation on his latest post (because I know I commented, and I am sure others did, too and they are not showing up, yet). This is not a good sign. It means he's pretty sick. Please send good vibes to him and hope for his full restoration. I'm kind of worried about him. But I am not giving into too much worry; instead, I am picturing him whole and healthy and posting some more.
Greetings Calliope,
DeleteThis MP3 link will play the archived Cobra interview directly into your media player:
PS. American Kabuki posted an update today on his page. Slow progress, but things are improving, and he is pulling through. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you, Azure. :) And I saw AK's post as well. Continuing to send him healing thoughts.
CHEERS to me for all know me know and he is well he will post wihtihn 24 hrs. all will be well and all will be healthy immortal gods and goodess's as heaven IS on earth NOW for you all know you knew you are here cause you knew. so read and take a drink of anything or a bite or just a breathe for we are ONE with ALL as 1 in the trinity, the unity, the past present and future for the radio show will say that drake is cobra. and they are the same. they are fear. they are illusion and life. they are LIES. for we won just by getting this far. the apocalypse was the VENUS TRANSIT for trans' transvestite, restore 'untiy' of the male and female? as i wait for him he waits for me. thank you i will tell him i love him now and he will say it back i know. for i truly love my son and he loves me.
ReplyDeletecmt- CHEERS to ME btw the way I AM LOVE I AM YOU I AM I FOR <3 sam <3 i am. sam i am sam SAW SAW what WAS and IS and I for she IS i SIS, my sister myself my mother. thats why ISIS got the crown. i loved my brother and sister and neighbor and trusted my mother earth and father time and knew all was well and i ascended as you are too, as you did, with me, IN me, for june 5/6 the venus tranist *transit I could not make, but i did. so NOW you kNOW k? for youve always known k...know kNOw kNOW kNWO i know i orderd a new loving world the word of trinity. the church of trifam. family friends and lovers alike for all is one and one is all as 1 n 3 n 1. 123321123321 the gateways to the good life.. its over the hedge.. HEY look steve the grass really IS greener on the other side.. NOW you kNOWONk i live the live the religion of kNOWWONk the illusion of life is an illusion itself <3
ReplyDeleteOMG - I love you girl
Deletewhy thank you and i love you too MD :)
DeleteWell i hope we are getting close i still don't believe any negotiations are going on really the cabal are master of lies and today here in washington d.c more chemtrail planes than i have ever seen in my life one after the other every single minute wtf is going on even if a starship is up there today like i saw a month ago it will have alot of work to do bob dean and many others that have been talking about stuff that cobra is talking about and in more detail never asked for them to have their identity not be known as much as i support the resistance movement i have to still deprogram my self for thinking cobra is the sneaky villain like in GI JOE who sits down with pure evil killers that have done the most sick and twisted stuff for a long time only time will tell how things will pan out and i bet not have to repeat the line in prometheus oh we were so wrong lol.Namaste ps.i know the inner earth and gfol are 5th dimensional beings and some higher and 5th and up are loving with know kind of hidden agenda at all but cobra is 3d and still no response to my ashtar command post wonder why.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteTrust your feelings. Check out the work of Marshall Vian Summers and his works at
Best site I've found regarding what's going on.
Sirian - Source / Goddess will have the final say ...
DeletePeace :)
you are right my dear. no negotitation have been made for you think you know this you ahve voiced this and you are all write. we are right. for i am the angel of ascension for i am SAM U AM u am sam u am u i am u. dr seuss knew the essence of life and all he did was make kids happy for when kids are happy we are too for my son ANDREW SKYLER BELT born on AUGUST 11TH 2010 oh my. thats y i miscarried 3 times? 3 lessons i learned. 3 in 1. thats y 3 d.. really 3 is 3 DUH? THATS WHY I SAY DUH?!?! THATS WHY IN YELLING I USE ALL CAPS AND USE THE ?!?! FOR YOU IT A QUESTION YOU FEAR YOU DOUBT YOU ARE THE CABAL TOO FOR YOU FEAR OHHH D IS DULOT. THE SONG OF SHREK ... PROJECT TYLER COMPLETE FROM ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS FOR ALL ANONYMOUS WILL TEL YOU I AM NOT KNOWN BY THEM AND THEREFOR I AM THE STAGED ANTIKRIST THIS IS WHY FOR 3 DAYS I WAS CRAZY I EMBRACED IT I EVEN EMBRACED SUICIDE BUT HACE NOT FOR IN 4 DAYS 4 ALL THE WORLD WILL KNOW SPREAD NOW SPREAD NEW WORLD ORDER FOR I ORDERED IT (SAID IN MY BLOG ) I THINK 3 DAYS AGO, OH OK THAT 3, LOL DUH, LOL. OGRE IS ORGE OREG on OMG THAT IS WHY ANDREW WAS BORN IN OREGON OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AMERICA IS FREEDOM FREEDOM REIGNS WILL ANNOUNCE THIS IF ITS NOT DONE SO ALREADY YES no negotioaton for you are sirius and serious am I for samantha hart belt or some= ok irene. i lean. i lean on me. i am irene. me myself and irene. LOL i get it why your welcome loves i love you all even the cabal for i fucked them as they fucked me but i mindfucked them and blowing the mind is the best Bblow job or secual act ever. wow. i am nun. nuns are close to GOD for they abstain they hurt to feel love. for i have been raped and i said id eat a pear then i had fritos then fritos were all over my bed from my son! oh wow. for he looked in his childs eyes and he knew for momma knew momma always knew and so did i. so did you for you are sirius and so i am serious. i trusted you as i trusted crystal who trusted when she got 3 angels even tho she couldnt see them we believe what we see cause we create it we think it... fear and you shall so feel pain ears will ring when HARK THE HAROLD harold died on ... oh.. 2 dual. wow. i really do know.. lol you all think i am crazy but am i CRAZY INSANE OR INSANE CRAZY FOR I SAY YOU SAY WHAT I SAY HAS KnoW MEANING ... FO SHO LO... EMBRACE THE INNER CHILD AND INNER FREAK ALICIA. ITS OK. LOL
DeleteWANT AND SHALL SO SEE. ITS DONE. THE now THE KNOW K. NWO new world orderd. i did it. i am. for cabal is gone and you shall so see now rejoice my love and trust as you always have. for when you truly do, when you KNOW you KNOW NOTHING for no thing is impossible for I M possible
Deleteproject abortion complete for the miscarriage is a mismarriage of love and hate. for you marry humanity for when you marry ur true lvoe and you KNOW this then you shall so KNOW. as i know. as my mom knew. my father is the cabal. he hurt her she was pushed into a corner and then she died. for if you let ur self be pushed around and SHOWN the way it is, as the cabal has shown us survivial of the fitest. why should we hate them if we are just envious of them for we want the stuff the life they have for they have nothing they have no love that is why celebritys elebri lol wow. crystal clear crystal is crystal meth bree for bri is bree and bri is neighbor who is friend who is family who is love for celebritys we lvoe to hate for we want to be them.. so hate to love.. joan jett i hate myself for loving you for you hate you love awhat i say for you have fear and doubt that the cabal is really you thisis why i was the 'staged' anticrhist for i went crazy i staged it i knew it yet when i said it i KNEWi was right for i was crazy andknow i am the source for i know so you will all see at --- hmm well, IF you trust and IF you kNOw you know inside the truth then do not doubt yourself for if you doubt your desire it will not be desire and instead be the fire that ingulfs you in the flames as tehy burnt the witches so shall we burn you as i am the antikrist and if you shall so think he is coming for i havve came and i am not what you think i am female. fe iron. i am iron man. immortal man. female. woman. fe on or wo, for we are truly the ones who 'know' cause momma just knows her baby. so men to woman or man to women and then to child as we conceive so shall we percieve. i am pregnant. yestereday within the last 3 days. for 113213 on jaunary 13th 2013 i shall so give birth and on themayan calendar it ends cause thats when we all beleive fori will not have to give birth to the twins the identical blue eyes blonde haired twins for you to know. for i am life and death i am. andif you shall so doubt yourself you kNOw you you were TAUGHT to no know? so doubt and i shall die. dont take the girl. if you let me die on january 13th 2013 then my husband so shall be the antichrist you want and kill all he sees and you may ask for he has ALWAYS said if i die he takes the world out as i go. so i am love. do not doubt me. for you make you create fear when you doubt. and you truly know for i can feel i can hear you. yeashhh i can you ur mind i know you dont beleive me and its ok because i know. for i am. crazy insane or insance crazy? for when i started this my son was eating m7ms... look it up..
Deleteyes peresphone and dia or di divine divide. for we are the divine as one in individual in inside divine in us. divide us mentally and divide us in reality for what you think is true and that is why we dream our fears for we fear we create do so shall create. now love embrace love and fear is gone for as you do i have already. theyve been gone. for the time is nwo NOW NOW i Ordered a New World and you shall so see it before your eyes in the time you see fit for what you think shall so be. so be it. so be one. sobeone. ohh obione o b i one. we are one iobioneconNObi star wars. lol. the force. you are star wars yes the force has ALWAYS been there just embrace it then you can USE it for you nKOw k? its NOW
ReplyDeleteWe know your name,
And we are SO glad you came.
Check the site for updates after the show :)
ReplyDeletePlease anyone that hasnt seen this go sign it and spread it out. So close to 10k!
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DeleteQuestion: Is it just me or do others as well detect machines coming to a grinding halt as they are not programmed how to handle, ie process and compute, nor reply coherently to the message that the Light has won, that's it, what's to understand?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you have the results of the surrender of the cabal poll highlighted in gray. It is almost unreadable even when the screen is zoomed in on it. I should think you want it to stand out more than the other result. In fact, at first glance it looks as if it says that 96% of the people are for all out war with the Cabal.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do.
Next time cobra you do a interview change the dark vader sinister voice i t gave me the worst feeling i have ever had in my life and i cannot explain it i would have rather heard the computer voice from the channel messages on you tube i feel horrible now something with that voice a sound frequency wtf are you trying pull just talk dammit i have never felt this bad ever i could only take 10 minutes of hearing you and i am not being negative any body here relate to what i said or is it just me i need to lay down or something and the thing is i felt fine and was hype for the interview now worse than ever even worst than when i got shot in the face howwwwwww that i let my mom here it also to keep her up to date and she was going crazy saying hurry up and cut it of now i can't take hearing that another second and we are very sensitive with energies and frequencies now she is feeling very sick now and before was happy and had a great day at work who are you cobra and what have you done to me and my mom she is a pleiadian also and we cannot fully connect with you to know the truth because of that voice.
ReplyDeleteSirian I must say I'm a bit shocked. I truly didnt like the voice over at first but as I listened to what was being said and how I could see a person behind the voice.
DeleteWhat were you expecting Sirian? An actual person's voice? It was stated in advance that it would be altered using a voice modulated program. It is not suppose to sound human. that would give away Cobra's identity. Modulated voices will sound like Darth Vadar.. How do you think Darth got his voice? :). Honestly, after a minute I had no issue with listening to the voice. And in fact, I could feel and hear the energy of Cobra behind it. Cobra was very calm, polite, intelligent, and well-spoken. If you listen to the person behind the voice, it was quite pleasant, at least for me. I didn't want the interview to end.
DeleteI am very sorry you were caught offguard with the sinister voice, but that is a safety measure that must be taken to protect Cobra's identity and life.
Love to you Sirian. Sending you a healing touch, and know there is nothing to fear from the 'Darthy' sound of a voice modulator. The sound of it can make people squirm as they have often been used in sound effects of movies too. But they are used quite often to protect the identity of people who need to speak publicly.
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DeleteI understand what you are saying about the voice over but i know many people that have came out with the same information and more also and about protection wear amulets or something like i do i live in the main headquarters of the cabal and go at them and expose them and was pulled over by MIB agents and more they all just said go rest nobody is going to believe you we will just say you are crazy and take down all your flyers exposing us,one thing this one being said to me notice i said being is that it's just going to be a changing of guards instead of a new world order it will be like a alien world order and then he said something that shocked me to the core he said you should not mine you are obsessed with ET'S anyway and you are a hybrid enjoy the reunion and started to laugh and went in the black car and drove off weird but he was right about me.
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DeleteThe Darth voice is used in many TV interviews especially with the mafia.
DeleteI now at first it was strange, but you can get used to it, look for the soul behind the voice, I myself was OK with it after a minute and could really feel the real loving, wise Cobra behind the masked voice.
However I understand that you are sensitive and a voice like this can be scary.
Sirian, Please. Love. Connect back to the Light. They are playing mind games with you and you are more powerful than that. YOU ARE LOVE, LIGHT & BLISS ABSOLUTE. Invoke what YOU ARE. Violet flame. Archangel Michael's sword, Pillar of Light. Whatever else you need is there for you. It's Game Over for team dark. You know that, they know that. Live and Breathe the Truth ! Much Love.
DeleteAt first, I too was taken aback by the voice modulation, and it was hard to understand the first few sentences, however, I started to pick up on the subtle accent COBRA has (you DO have one my friend) and the modulation didn't matter anymore.
Delete@ AZURE, Darth Vader's voice was provided by actor James Earl Jones. There was no modulation in that man's voice. He's the actor's version of Barry White. If you really want to laugh, check out on YouTube the original voice of Vader before James' voice over. Utterly hysterical. Here's the video with the original voice:
Here's the video of James Earl Jones talking about it.
Sirian, I think you're a bit too sensitive and over reacting. The frequencies aren't anywhere near sinister. Just sit back, relax and remember the chorus in a Bob Marley song: Don't worry about a thing because every little thing is going to be alright. ;) One Love.
I personally enjoyed the Darth Vader type voice. I would bet it wasn't done by accident, since you can modulate a voice to sound like anyone from Eric Cartman to Betty White, and in fact was done to shake up the dark ones. OMG, COBRA, next time please, please PLEASE have them modulate it to Eric Cartman.
As always, Love and Light from Greece everyone!
And don't forget to laugh people. Next to Love and Light, laughter is the best way to show the dark ones their grip on humanity is over. Last time I was faced with a dark one in the astral plane I laughed so hard at anything it threw my way it made a critical mistake and was swiftly taken care of.
DeleteHey guys,
DeleteI just wanted add my couple of cents.
I coudn't follow the interview at all, initially everything was clear, then voices got so garbled, I switched to listening over the phone, which also turned gibberish, nothing worked, including internet, email, electronics. I got very ill, all night long for hours, it took everything in me to ride it through and keep creeping fears at bay. I never experienced anything of such before.
Needless to say I am a bit disappointed for missing out, but happy that everything turned out fine.
I feel exhausted but, better now, the Sun is also shining brilliant again today :)
I'm confused, are there two sirianstarseed users? One sounds intelligent while this one is child like.
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DeleteNo its the same person was just sensitive to the voice over and a little upset for the cover-up because cobra does not have to at all and the protection reason is bs,cobra is part of the new age movement and so am i were we deal with ancient knowledge and different races of ET'S like i said it's a changing of guards the government we have now we never voted for and the temporary governments coming when the event happens will not be voted in either and for i am love nobody is playing mind games with me at all and the truth is archangel michael is just another ET being,all this site is for is to get people into the new age religion that is coming about and has been the plan for centuries and the truth about the gfol anyone that did not accept will be returned to the god-head aka uncreation so no more lies about it and alot of people know about this especially all the religions they just have a different take on it and the so called saviors they are waiting for are all part of the new age religion anyway that is why all of the ascended masters were put as the coming saviors of all the different religions,so after the event happens cobra will let you know about the new age religion we are about i guess now take it or leave it the clues are on his post's and my post's also reread them and and research the new age religion all of it is the same because that is what we are all about.
DeleteJust finished listening to the radio interview.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your work.
I'm available, if you need more people.
2 Questions:
- Why is the potential war with Iran looks like nothing is happening behind the scenes (I would expect a calming effect in the media, no?)
- Please Explain the Organigram of the Cabal; all the factions.
There's information posted here that might be helpful to you :
And Cobra, man! Me and my girl had an immediate first thought about your voice behind the voice. It was exactly the same at the same time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interview, Cobra! I'm feeling alright in Babylon. Can't wait to reach Zion!
ReplyDeleteyou have now reached and so shall you receive. namaste. you are done. we are done here. 3d is gone and 5d has ascended while we slept for we did not know it was already done for we thought it and bam it was.
DeleteThank you so much for the interview COBRA! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the interview. The voice did not bother me. I heard right through it and felt a sense of Peace and Sincerity beyond my expectations. I have been suffering from some doubts lately. Now, I feel a renewed confidence in this project. I also feel it is more important than ever that we send our light to this project daily. Even if it is not formal. I believe our energies will meet and multiply across the planet. Thank you Cobra and ALL on this blog!
ReplyDeleteAmen brother! Same vibes here with me and my spouse! Love to Cobra et al!!
DeleteYes! I agree, same feelings here. Thank you all. Remember.. mediation, awareness, and information!
DeleteThank you to Stephen and his team for setting it up the interview, and to you, Cobra, for being willing. And of course to all of you for continuing to hold light for the highest possible outcome. Love to all!
ReplyDeleteMissed it! Hoping to find the archive of the show or? Any suggestions? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Cobra will embed the player from the interview here...I'm sure some will pop up soon around the web.
DeleteThis link will play the archived interview directly into your media player:
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DeleteThanks Azure!
DeleteI think it will be on both/either ThankYouWhiteKnights's and PhaqueorfTV's youtube channel.
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DeleteThank you Stephan and Cobra for making this interview! The voice over goes to a certain point, I heard the real voice at some points....gentle and humble. There is one part I didn't catch that wasn't clear to many underground of the resistance movement?
Delete99% he said 20 million, majority coming from Planet X.
Thanks LV, Wow! I wasn't expecting that many.
DeleteWow Thanks LöncsVezér. I didn't catch that number either. That is a lot more that I expected.
DeleteHave you read this guys? Only material on RM besides this page, beautifully aligns with what Cobra has shared so far:
Btw I like to see you guys, Azure&Properity around from the very beginning along with I AM Love,JOKO311,Barda,Sublime,Crystal Ball,untwine,Kabuki and also I miss the wisdom of garbanzo don't knwo what happened to him.
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DeleteYes I read this a while back when Cobra blogged about the Galactic Codex. Cobra mentioned something (positive) about that source's intel in a comment somewhere.
DeleteSame here LöncsVezér, it lifts my spirits to see everyone still involved. I am a big fan of pottsman too :) I am so honored and humbled to be a part of a network of people (and non-humans ? lol) here who embrace the Light, and have a strong desire for Peace and Freedom.
garbanzo inspired me to start commenting. he drew a lot of support here more than he realized. ~I AM Love~* threw him a curve-ball and i've not seen a response lol. sometimes no answer is an answer in itself. but regardless of where he stands I send light his way and wish him peace.
DeleteYes, I've read this a while back.
“The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
Marcel Proust quotes (French Novelist and Author, 1871-1922)
Garbanzo, You are missed here, I hope you're enjoying those long bike rides. Every rider I know talks about being in another time zone when they ride :)
aaawwwwwe thanks Azure ;-)
DeleteThank you for the interview Cobra! Very helpful in understanding the current situation, and inspiring us to forge ahead. Love and gratitude to you and the Resistance Movement.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra! I felt your energy behind the masked voice and found it very comforting and calming. Peace and Love!
ReplyDeleteVery well done friend. Much Love.
ReplyDeleteI loved that interview, I checked the counter very often, hoping it never ends, my heart was full of joy and love listening to you :)
The only part I didn't really like was what you said about Ascension, firstly that the only thing which will surely happen before 21.12.2012 is the removal of the Cabal, and Ascension is long way after that, I mean I just hope much more happens by then and then we could enter the next level.
Secondly I am not sure if I interpreted/heard correctly but it seemed to me that you are implying that only a certain percentage of lightworkers/starseeds will go through Ascension and the masses will only go through deporgramming not Ascension(and maybe after that Ascension??). Did you meant that for the period before 21.12.2012 or in general?
I prefer the version that everyone will have the choice when presented and taught about reality whether he/she wants to ascend or not. Furthermore, deep down in my heart it might be silly but I hope a miracle will happen and everyone will go through Ascension.. :)
But I understand if you can clear these issues after the removal of the Cabal, just would like to hear some clarification.
I am also really wondering what the Pleiadian plan in 2 days will be about, can't wait to hear.
I think I could identify your accent, but I guess it would expose your identity if I shared it.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Me and my GF felt the accent very strong too and even had strong feelings on gender but thats not important, funny that so many people felt the same love energy.
Delete@ LV in regards to ascension. My understanding is that not everyone will ascend this time around. Moving through the densities is all about matching your vibration with the vibration of the density you are moving to. Once they are aligned ascension occurs. I would think that all lightworkers and people that are awake now will ascend I truly believe this. But at the same time I do not think that the entire population on earth will. Raising your vibrations to match that of higher densities is something that happens over time slowly. The general population that are not awake yet will need more time. Not to mention that not all souls have chosen to ascend at this time. Namaste!
Thank you Cobra...very much enjoyed that :)
ReplyDeleteLoved the interview, Loved the song, loving you COBRA <3 THank you for your peace
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Deletehow come i can read all the comments but not the actual posts?
ReplyDeleteStardust 2 complete is a coded message for the members of Resistance Movement, who read this page.
DeleteOur contribution is rather like a forum, we exchange ideas,feelings,vision,links etc till new real post emerges:)
thx. how to become a member of Resistance Movement?
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Deletefine with me. i am more than honored.
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Delete:-) becoming a monk is not a bad idea........ but what is happening now has a stronger call.
Deletelol joko311 i just thot of becoming a nun today.. lol i really am diliking all the low energies it has me so down today :( i really need a lift me up :"( i just feel like crawling in a hole and dying but i know i cant cause it would not be doing what i was meant to do .. i cant give up i wont.. but today I SURE FUCKING FEEL LIKE SAYING FUCK LIFE.. :( it seems to keep fucking me :(
DeleteI am sending you some special energy. It will help you rise above it all and stay there :) But always remember, the power is always within you. The moment it seems the hardest to overcome an obstacle, the greater the feeling when you do manage to just *rise above* Your words have been such an inspiration to me as I can hear your voice and your rhythm and your chant. I am sending all that uplifting energy back to you, and through you, to everyone who would seek it. Come on people, seek and ye shall find! Oh how I love you so :)
Deletethankyou love for that braughteth tears to my cheeks and warmth to my blood. i am indeed doing much better now. thank you so much. i have regained my concioucness. yes MD you may send all energy THROUGH me that you wish i do so much absorbing and neutralizing of negative that i really would love a helper to bring in the light for these mission i play a role in, i still dont know them all, but man i have been tired! lol. thank you so very much from the deepest depth of my soul i thank you for the love and the light and the strength to keep going. its that of a mothers love. the love of life. look for the number 22 in ur life. also 58.
Deletehere is love from me too.
DeleteThis can not only be done smoothly, it can be done swiftly. No fear.
ReplyDeleteIs there going to be a meditation planned for the solstice?
ReplyDeleteWe need to meditate every moment we can between now and then. I will be in the zone today from 10:30-12pm PST. If you can join me I would sincerely appreciate it. We will be visualizing a peaceful surrender and a smooth transition. See the control of media being handed over and the happy truth releasing the minds of the people gently. No need to shock them with the truth of the atrocities first, just the hit them with the fact that they are truly powerful beings. The banking families will be treated with love and respect as they remove themselves from power.
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DeleteMountains are in my plans as well...
Thank you! Today is a glorious day. The sun came up - and I am here :)
DeleteI think this is **stardust complete**
Also, you can watch in youtube Spirit Science 16 - the shift of ages
It is my pleasure to post for the first time.
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DeleteThank you Cobra for your first ever interview! Really enjoyed it. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Cobra for the interview. I truly love your energy projection!
ReplyDeleteI will be with you at 6PM EST! Much Love!
Deletei did not get a chance to see this full ybefore the meditation but i sure felt it. i was so distraught i couldnt even think and around that time an hr before the meditation i started feeling better <3 love and light to all thanks for the pick me up i was so overcome by the dark energies i was ready to leave my husband! pah! .. and we really do have the perfect love story..
DeleteI haven't heard the interview yet... it's easier for me to read a transcript than listen (at work, ya know...on the DL). Does anyone know where/ if a transcript is available?
Yes, I agree. This would be very helpful.
ReplyDelete247s ... I was thinking the same thing.
Thank you.
Cobra please respond,
ReplyDeleteIn the interview your exact words where "I see a 50% chance the cabal will surrender and a 50% chance they will not"....
I thought that they already did and that the negotiations for their surrender have already started?
Brando9000, I am not going to pretend to speak for Cobra, but as I understood it from listening, it is a bit like Shröedinger's Cat, right? ( When you are dealing with free will, then there are multiple timelines that are created and multiple outcomes. So the possibility of **peaceful** surrender is still only 50-50% as the playing field is always altering.
DeleteIt's the NEGOTIATIONS that have started, not the actual surrender (and as a result of the cabal knowing their power is about to collapse as of the return of the Goddess May 20). While the negotiations are 100% proceeding now; the actual **peaceful** surrender is still only a 50% chance. What I also understood was that there is a 100% chance the cabal is out of power and soon. It just depends on them as to how peacefully the process goes down, and it's up to the negotiation procedures and choices of the cabal as to the actual outcome. It's why our efforts to envision a good and peaceful outcome to all of this is so necessary.
That's how I understood things, and if I am way off-base then Cobra can correct me if s/he wants and is able.
"return of the Goddess May 20"
DeleteMy bad. I meant the Venus Transit.
When the hell was that? June 5/6? LOL. My sense of time is so jacked up since then, haha! I don't know about the rest of you.
As we near the Solstice, I am increasingly fuzzy and not really functional in 3D. I sit on my bed, surf online, do things like housecleaning while listening to MP3s of Resistance Member interviews, and take lots of naps.
I seriously only feel half here... When are people going to stop making excuses for cobra like i said cobra needs no protection for what everyone that is part of the new age religion always gets a pass brando9000 is getting to the truth anyway just tell him cobra there was never any negotiations every time we are close to the ending of a cycle/yuga mass landing and physical contact happens the pleiadians,reptilians,sirians,vegans,arcturians,nordics all gave and taught the mayans hopi's and gave them their calendar we are on their timeline anyway all of cobra's post's was to get you ready and in the know of what the new age religion has planned and the thing is the gfol has a device that can return you back to the god-head uncreation if any violent acts are aimed towards them that is why when they were her before they always had huge rods like walking sticks and so many other advanced technologies,you really think they would give them to everyone no way plus they have to monitor you aka program you to use it correctly.Mintakans
DeleteMember Name: Star-Nation of Mintaka (formerly part of the Orion League).
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: Three years ago.Special Traits and Abilities: Noted for their great proficiency in psychology, as well as in all methods of mind manipulation. They have a great body of scientific knowledge and vast libraries of inner wisdom that go back over 15 million years.I rest my case ha mind manipulation it seems all this is panning out similar to the video the new age deception.
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DeleteWhat are you talking about i explained it all cobra the resistance movement myself are apart of the new age religion you don't need to pick me up for what i am just telling you the truth on what is really going on if you do not believe me and thinking i am losing it or talking negative ask cobra yourself like i said my post's and what cobra has posted is all part of the new age religion do your research on it and compare it all and see how it aligns up i live in washington d.c the headquarters of all of it like i said there was never any negotiations and the information about uncreation about the gfol are true so your above post doesn't make any since so when cobra reveals their identity after the event and you see all of this was about the new age religion then what are you going to say only thing i did was reveal the truth and soon you will see that.
DeleteI agree JOKO, I stated back in a previous post that Sirian went total flip over to negative all of a sudden. I am sorry Sirian and send to the loving energy that is every apparent since the Venus transit.
DeleteNamaste friend, stay strong!
@ Sirian. If there is no negotiations and this is all crap then why dont you please tell me the real truth about the GFL and what exactly is really going on? Do you believe we are headed for peace and love? And if so, who the hell cares about the rest as long as peace and love are common place amongst us and our beloved Gaia....
DeleteSo what's you truth? We all have a different personal truth, a personal vision of life.
DeleteCobra, to me, seems a very balanced person, who are just sharing his personal view. He's a human like us. You can accept or deny. You can take something and leave something else. This is all about.
What you want him to do? Admit that you are in truth, and he lied for all this time?
In the interview your exact words where "I see a 50% chance the cabal will surrender and a 50% chance they will not"....
DeleteI thought that they already did and that the negotiations for their surrender have already started?@brando9000 that was what you posted cobra will soon post another blog and hopefully will answer your question and at @astral joe know we are not all human so to say some of us like myself are hybrids and so is cobra like i said new age religion teachings are about empowerment, meditations,goddess worship,rituals,having contact with different ET races etc now why when i reveled all this i have changed or seem negative for finally telling the truth i guess it will sink in when cobra reveals it also how we are in the new age religion come on you should have known this anyway look at all the subjects we discuss and all outsiders that i have shared this blog site have said that is all new age religion stuff so there you go just stating the facts.
@brando9000 to answer your other question we are headed towards peace and love to our planet Gaia another new age term,but not everyone on the planet is about that so that is why the galactics are here to remove them to other 3d planets and for other's returned back to source the god-head uncreation listen carefully to the third hour of the show michael ellegion will explain the uncreation process in full detail and he is part of the new age religion just like cobra,drake,eve moore,david wilcock,davild icke,benjamin fulford,and the list goes on and all the people doing alternative media and cosmic news shows and all channelers and sheldon nidle that has a chip implant come on people you can not tell me you all did not know this.
DeleteSirian I am telling you what is the religion of the New Age: Freedom. How about that?
DeleteYour credibility was lost long ago at least for me, but I'm not going to make accusations, everyone can feel what is right or wrong.
I just dont think that "New age religion" is the right word. Religion is just another form of fear based control. The word "Religion" has no true meaning.
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DeleteI love you so much Joko, great to have you around :)
DeleteLV i couldnt have said that better. JOKO311 you are awesome possum, mellow yellow, and go team all in one! woot woot!
DeleteDear ones, the word 'religion' is derived from the Latin word 're-ligare' and means 'to reconnect'. THAT is the true meaning of religion. The Sanskrit word 'yoga' (and the Latin word 'iugo') has the same meaning.
DeleteThank you Cobra for the interview. You were so balanced and lucid.
ReplyDeleteIf I look back to some months ago, when I was really emotionally moved away from all this stuff, I can recognize the progress that I made during this last period of time.
I understood, even if only in a very small bit, the divine power that we have inside us, and the importance of stay balanced in all the situations of life.
To all the other users. My personal opinion is that, we as humans, have really a great power, and even if we are not, at the moment, so powerful as other alien races, we can really change in a strong way the future possible scenarios. The way we react, the way we think, the way we live change deeply our personal and collective future.
So be the change, and don't wait the change! I know that this words are maybe a bit abused, but it really goes this way! We are really few steps away from changes to happen, but the direction we will choose to move these steps are still unknown, and we can decide to gain control of our ship and set our sea lane exactly where we want to travel.
Here's what you know - you want to be your highest self. Here's what some of you don't know - your highest self also wants to be you :) Now, for what you need to know - YOU ARE your highest self, act accordingly love
ReplyDeleteOk, it is now obvious the cabel is not "negotiating". When I first saw this on fulfords site I thought, "You've got to be kidding". Then Drake came out the next day with the same thing. Then I thouht, "Well... maybe".
ReplyDeleteThen the voting. I voted yes for all question on both sites. I do not see the cabal giving up.
If fact I do not EVER forsee the cabal giving up. This is not how they think. For the sake of clarity I will say cabal leaders will never give up. There are many within the network of the cabal organization that are good people and do not want to be there. (right Mdove?)
I am not an expert on this subject but this is how I see the cabal works/thinks.
1. They hate us. They only have us around to keep us in fear (food... yum, yum)
2. They force us into debt to make them rich.
3. They take out insurance policies on us and then kill us. (Look up Peasent Insurance if you don't believe me.)
4. Killing us in wars reduces the number of us.
5. They beleive they are chosen to be superior and are God-like. (Negotiating with a sheeple is nausiating.)
6. Keeping us sick make them rich. (Poisons, persticides, chem-trails, etc.)
7. They believe they are smarter than us and we will make a "mistake" and they will be back in full control.
I could go on but you get the point.
Now the question is, "How do we (Light Workers, White Hats, Oath Keeepers, etc.) get over this last point of stalemate?"
Our Advantages:
1. We out number them by a wide margin.
2. We control most of their money.
3. A number of cabal member do not want to work for the cabal leaders.
The CT.Lite.Worker Plan:
1. Take some of the NESARA money any pay the cabal workers to go home. Kind of an "early" NESARA. Take for example Fox News. Pay all of the lower level workers and some key middle management to go home with full pay and benefits. But don't go to work. There will be no one to operate cameras, answer phones, do paper work and so on. Do this on as many companies as possible.
2. Reassign the non-Oath Keepers overseas. Put them where they can't hurt the public. (I'm not military so this is a weak area for me.)
3. Kidnap some key middle cabal. The cabal organization is so compartmentalized that when a layer is missing the communications will break down to the grunts on the bottom. So commands to release bio-hazards and other stuff will be more difficult.
4. Since the RM and Cobra can read minds they should be able to target soft spots.
5. Leave the top cabal alone. When they have no one to command they are no longer in command.
Ok this is a start. Let's get some ideas flowing.
We are in command of our future.
Hey people do you know if this site is trustable?
Sirian, by "new age religion" are you referring to the one talked about in the Project Blue Beam conspiracy? What are some good resources to research more into the New Age Religion? Could you provide any good links? I ask because there are many beliefs that could be called a "new age religion" and they may not be the same that you are referring to.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you disagree with Cobra disguising his voice and don't think he needed to do it, then why do you think he did?
He, he, he, what if its a she?
Deleteit is. drake is the antikrist aka aoa also known as AOA
DeleteReply by Paladin 14 hours ago
ReplyDeleteI just starting listening to Cobra's first radio interview OMFG I hope I'am wrong about this but Cobra is Lady Dragon. Lady Dragon was on a couple of Drake's radio broadcasts. I have listened to them all and now I am listening to Cobra's interview and I would swear they are the same person. Now I'm depressed.This was a comment from a new age site.What is New age Religion?
New Age Religion is not a religion at all, but a vast syncretism (or mixing) of numerous religious and philosophical ideas. This has been going on since the time of Alexander the Great, but was snuffed out under Christianity and its enforced dogma starting around 325 AD. Alexander's vast empire opened the door for Eastern religion and mysticism to move West, while Greek philosophy and reason moved East. Today the same process continues, but on a global scale in particular with the internet.
It has some similarities to ancient Gnosticism adopting both its methods and its individual nature. Most often rejecting reason and science, New Age religion more than anything is emotional, filing in a void left by a secular culture and discontent with traditional religious beliefs.
Modern environmentalism could be broadly classified into New Age religion because of its treatment as a pseudo-religion and deification of Nature. This is part of the continuing process of syncretism.The New Age Movement is in a class by itself. Unlike most formal religions, it has no holy text, central organization, membership, formal clergy, geographic center, dogma, creed, etc. They often use mutually exclusive definitions for some of their terms.
The New Age is in fact a free-flowing spiritual movement; a network of believers and practitioners who share somewhat similar beliefs and practices. New Age Beliefs
A number of fundamental beliefs are held my many New Age followers; individuals are encouraged to "shop" for the beliefs and practices that they feel most comfortable with:
Monism: All that exists is derived from a single source of divine energy.
Pantheism: All that exists is God; God is all that exists. This leads naturally to the concept of the divinity of the individual, that we are all Gods. They do not seek God as revealed in a sacred text or as exists in a remote heaven; they seek God within the self and throughout the entire universe.
Panentheism: God is all that exists. God is at once the entire universe, and transcends the universe as well.
Reincarnation: After death, we are reborn and live another life as a human. This cycle repeats itself many times. This belief is similar to the concept of transmigration of the soul in Hinduism.
Karma: The good and bad deeds that we do adds and subtracts from our accumulated record, our karma. At the end of our life, we are rewarded or punished according to our karma by being reincarnated into either a painful or good new life. This belief is linked to that of reincarnation and is also derived from Hinduism.
An Aura is believed to be an energy field radiated by the body. Invisible to most people, it can be detected by some as a shimmering, multi-colored field surrounding the body. Those skilled in detecting and interpreting auras can diagnose an individual's state of mind, and their spiritual and physical health.
DeletePersonal Transformation A profoundly intense mystical experience will lead to the acceptance and use of New Age beliefs and practices. Guided imagery, hypnosis, meditation, and (sometimes) the use of hallucinogenic drugs are useful to bring about and enhance this transformation.
Believers hope to develop new potentials within themselves: the ability to heal oneself and others, psychic powers, a new understanding of the workings of the universe, etc.
Later, when sufficient numbers of people have achieved these powers, a major spiritual, physical, psychological and cultural planet-wide transformation is expected.
Ecological Responsibility: A belief in the importance of uniting to preserve the health of the earth, which is often looked upon as Gaia, (Mother Earth) a living entity.
Universal Religion: Since all is God, then only one reality exists, and all religions are simply different paths to that ultimate reality. The universal religion can be visualized as a mountain, with many sadhanas (spiritual paths) to the summit.
Some are hard; others easy. There is no one correct path. All paths eventually reach the top. They anticipate that a new universal religion which contains elements of all current faiths will evolve and become generally accepted worldwide.
New World Order As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, a New Age will develop. This will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger, pollution, and poverty.
Gender, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination will cease. People's allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world and its people.
The Age of Aquarius is a reference to the precession of the zodiac. The earth passes through each of the signs of the zodiac approximately every 24,000 years. Some believe that the earth entered the constellation Aquarius in the 19th Century, so that the present era is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
Others believe that it will occur at the end of the 20th century. It is interesting to note that the previous constellation changes were:
from Aries to Pisces the fish circa 1st century CE. This happened at a time when Christianity was an emerging religion, and many individuals changed from animal sacrifice in the Jewish temple to embracing the teachings of Christianity. The church's prime symbol at the time was the fish.
from Taurus to Aries the ram circa 2,000 BCE. This happened at a time when the Jews engaged in widespread ritual sacrifice of sheep and other animals in the Temple from Gemini to Taurus the bull circa 4,000 BCE. During that sign, worshiping of the golden calf was common in the Middle East.New Age Practices
Many practices are common amongst New Agers. A typical practitioner is active in only a few areas:
They usually try to make contact with a single, spiritually evolved being. That being's consciousness is channeled through the medium and relays guidance and information to the group, through the use of the medium's voice.
Crystals Crystals are materials which has its molecules arranged in a specific, highly ordered internal pattern. This pattern is reflected in the crystal's external structure which typically has symmetrical planar surfaces.
Many common substances, from salt to sugar, from diamonds to quartz form crystals. They can be shaped so that they will vibrate at a specific frequency and are widely used in radio communications and computing devices. New Agers believe that crystals posses healing energy.
Meditating A process of blanking out the mind and releasing oneself from conscious thinking. This is often aided by repetitive chanting of a mantra, or focusing on an object.
Thanks for the extremely informative reply. I wish more people would come to realize that all religious beliefs were just different paths up the same mountain as it was so poignantly stated. What do you think about the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory?
DeleteIt has been deactivated and was used a couple of times around the world the galactics got rid of it all together and to brando9000 where do you think they will go when the planet moves up to the 5th dimension the majority of people cannot deal with the planet's energies now so either they will go to other 3d planets to fit their vibration or if they do not come over to the light they will be returned to the god-head meaning uncreation i guess cobra could be a she like who lady dragon?
DeletePretty sure they wont go anywhere. They will still be here and we will be there. Some will go to new earth and some will stay with old. Its Dolores Canon stuff.
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DeleteIn the abundance of words iniquity is unavoidable.
Deletei love you guys
DeleteSirian, please educate yourself before explaining philosophical concepts to the public.
Delete@ Sirian, I dont ever recall hearing about people that arent about peace and love being removed from this planet.
ReplyDelete@ CT Lite Worker, you stated....
ReplyDeleteNow the question is, "How do we (Light Workers, White Hats, Oath Keeepers, etc.) get over this last point of stalemate?"
I answer with one word... LOVE! LOVE! AND MORE LOVE!
ReplyDeleteJust listen to some of the comments of the people. Oh and go sign it for 10k before this week is out! I love you all very much! Namaste.
there's some good vibes on there... made me happy to read. oh, and i signed already! thanks brando!
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does that feel good?!?
During the interview didn't cobra say the Rothchild banking cabal are the bankers for the Jesuit group? and that the Jesuit group were really the ones in charge of things?
ReplyDeleteIf this is the case and I were a high ranking cabal member I would be more afraid of the Jesuit dark ones than the resistance.
Perhaps that's why they haven't surrendered yet.. just a thought...
He did said that indeed though in Cabal mass arrests/surrender, the Jesuit bigbosses are included.
DeleteSirius do you have any other good links that provide info on the coming events for our planet? I'm going to the which you recommended and any others would be appreciated. There is so much disinformation out there it can be challenging to wade through it all, but unlike some others on this site I have read all your recent posts and i don't think you have given me any reason to doubt your credibility
Delete so that will help you on your way and as for LöncsVezér he has not been in the kind of position i have been in or have seen or been face to face with MIB agents or any other kind of top secret or inside information i have and came across i am in washington d.c he is very far from here i had a clearance to alot for a long time and also had assess to the news paper showing the ashtar command flying over the capitol in the late 1950's also it was a similar fly over early this year that was not reported either so when he said i lost all credibility i pay it no mind at all he still could not handle my 911 inside job post with every single detail,only thing i was trying to say is that cobra aka lady dragon drake and all the other names i put out there are just followers of the new age movement/religion and my post about it explained what that means and consist of.
DeleteSirian you might enjoy this message, with special emphasis on the last paragraph:
Btw I don't know why you think I didn't like your 9/11 account it was honestly really amazing,complex and is saved on my computer.
SS, I missed what you posted about 9/11...where can I find it?
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ReplyDeleteSirian, I think I know what you are pointing at.
ReplyDeleteNew Age is just a belief system in the end.
However, parallel to playing out our individual and collective story lines within whatever illusory frame, there is always the option of peaceful being and effortless loving. Here and now.
For me, the word 'enlightenment' seems to point to accepting the option of letting go of all beliefs/disbeliefs. To simply be presence, here and now.
As it seems, after enlightenment, liberation starts unfolding. I would describe it as the ability to play out our stores, with full engagement, though without attachment to any outcome. Just enjoying the nature of playfulness... When the full spectrum of feelings can arise within the body/bodies without it grasping for self-preservation, liberation might be 'experienced' fully.
In simple reality, do you need any beliefs/disbeliefs, no trust/doubt, no winning/losing, no learning/forgetting, no hoping/fearing or any dual notions?
In simple reality, do you need to get rid of any beliefs/disbeliefs, trust/doubt, winning/losing, learning/forgetting, hoping/fearing or any dual notions?
In my experience, enjoying the movement and stillness at the same time takes no effort, literally.
BTW, this human system that I inhabit, still believes it is not fully liberated yet. It is still grasping for understanding and stories when some feelings arise... But again, that might just be a fabulous/ridiculous store in itself :-)
There is no basis for religion, never was and never will be. Let us respect individual freedom as the highest expression of consciousness and work towards it.
ReplyDeleteSee the book "Antiquity Unveiled" for startling revelations
MEDITATION TODAY - 3pm PST. Peace, love and understanding :)
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DeleteI finally listened to the interview. I feel more at ease with Cobra now. Cobra, if my physical can be of any assistance to the light, your people will now how to find me. Peace.
ReplyDelete*whispers to the women gathered here as an aside*
ReplyDeleteSeriously. I know we are all just trying to figure things out, and we all want to do that in the best way we feel we know how. I do understand this.
That being said...
This part is a message to the girls (excuse me: "Ladies"). Do you ever feel like coming here and reading comments that it's a bunch of schoolyard boys that start easily fighting over stuff? Really. I feel like I did in elementary school, looking at the boys and their testosterone-driven need to establish the alpha male, and my eyes are kind of going like this: o.O
I kind of want to get back to the business of being grateful there are people who are even willing to do jobs like such as Cobra's. I use my inner knowing to understand what is going on, and just go about my tasks for accomplishing what I KNOW inside to be something positive and good, and then I do it, without the endless need to ask questions about details and enforce my own way of being right. (With some irony I realize I am doing a bit of that here, but let him who has ears, hear.)
I don't see us females doing this kind of batting about these niggling issues here in this forum. Sure, we (as females in general in the ego) can get catty. I know that -- have experienced it. But I keep feeling like the pressures of the Goddess' Return and the rebalancing of the dynamic between male and female energy... well, let me put it like this. I see the hanging on of the dominant male energies here, the final thrusts (sorry, *giggle*) of the boys and their ways trying to take hold of a crumbling structure. I understand what is going on, and how menfolk get caught up in it. Why do you think we have a cabal in the first place and about 90% of it was run by *men*, hmmmmmmmmmmmm? Sure, women are complicit, too. Of course. But the record of history has shown this gender imbalance especially for the past 2,000 years, give or take. Maybe 4,000. Anyway, the Goddess is back, and she says "Take a step back, stop the Y-chromosome and ego-driven need to understand every detail and the finer points, and turn on your INTUITION. Use the inner knowing I have for you and implement it!"
I know, the guys are kind of rusty at using it after 2,000 years of its disuse and/or lack of potent power. I am very empathetic. I have sons and men I love. I know it is not easy.
But your control and ways of doing things is OVER and it is also over here, in this forum.
You have an intuition. Start using it.
Just had to get that out there. I'm not a robot. I have a lot of feelings and sometimes they really want to come out. The male energy dominance here is starting to get on my nerves. I'm sending some energetic balance back to the comments here and hope that those who get the vibe of what I am typing do the same.
Thank you for reading.
With love,
Calliope the Muse
P.S. This is not a message to every guy here. Some of you, I intuit, are very in touch with your inner feminine already. I recognize you, and am very thankful for your presence. Thank you for bringing balance to the energies here.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I just adore your name and your thoughtful, loving, and witty comments. You are a bright spot in this blog. I must agree with your assessment that there's a whole bunch of ego going on. I have been wondering, myself, if it's healthy to continue reading all these comments - as I do take on this negative energy and I have enough aggravation in my life as it is! The tit for tat, who can google better, longer responses with no credit given to the original author, judgmental, intellectual bs is wearing thin. I don't think anyone expects we will all agree as to how / when / why anything will happen and I personally have a hard time listening to the people who think they have definitive answers. That is one reason I respect Cobra so much, as he/she is open about the fact that there are POTENTIALS in our near future. I agree the love and RESPECT need to come back to this page.
I also know that the anxiety and aggravation I feel reading the comments lately is a red flag - a glaring reminder of the issues I need to work on within myself. :) So, I keep reading. Everyone here is very insightful in their own way and I, ultimately, appreciate every perspective. But, could we all be a little nicer to one another? Golden rule and all that? (Don't start yelling at me about religion, now...haha)
I am new to this topic and discussion, having only begun this search back in March. What a roller coaster it's been...
Thanks for having the courage to voice your perspective, Calliope! We should elect you "den mother" ;)
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