Monday, February 16, 2015

Weekly Liberation Meditation Update

It is of the utmost importance for as many people a possible to join our Weekly Liberation Meditation each Sunday. This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of compression breakthrough. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the timing of the Event.

We are always doing this meditation at 7 pm GMT each Sunday, regardless of winter / summer time. You can convert 7 pm GMT to your local time zone here:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. 
Then visualize all negative entities around the Earth being removed from plasma, etheric and astral planes along with all their negative spiritual technologies and magical tools and all those entities being escorted into the Light by the non-physical freedom fighters of the Light.Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. 
Visualize the world finally being free from spiritual slavery, free from all evil Archons, Reptilians, demons, elementals and other negative non-physical beings. Visualize the vibration of the plasma, etheric and astral planes getting lighter and brighter until all dark beings are gone and only Light remains. 
3. Visualize members of the physical dark Cabal, such as central banking criminals Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, George Bush, the Jesuits etc. peacefully surrendering and stepping down from their positions of power, releasing control over the financial system and the mass media. Visualize civil authority arresting those members of the Cabal that do not wish to surrender. 
Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.
4. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of Cabal middlemen (bribed congressmen, misled high level freemasons, greedy CEOs of companies, pilots operating killing drones, soldiers pulling the trigger, personnel operating scalar directional weapons, Academi mercenaries, religious fanatics...) into their energy field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light, guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to set themselves free from darknes.

5. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way.

6. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression. Visualize bright spiritual golden age with angels, fairies, dolphins, unicorns, spiritual guides and other beings of Light inhabiting etheric and astral planes.

Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source.
7. Stand up, lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise.
8. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow coloured stars scattered within that pillar of Light.
9. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise.
10. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (e is pronounced as e in "process") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light. 
Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while. When you finish, sit down again, watch your palms for a few moments to reduce dizziness.
11. Make yourself comfortable, surround yourself with a pink egg full of energy of Love.
12. Surround your loved ones with similar pink eggs full of energy of Love.

13. Embrace the whole humanity and all living beings of planet Earth within a pink egg full of energy of Love.
The Youtube video for Weekly Liberation Meditation is here:
If you love meditation, you also have the Pink Egg meditation here:
And the Breakthrough meditation here:

There exists a very effective invocation for maintaining the energy of Light inside your plasma energy field:

You can assist in the creation of the planetary network of Light and in the planetary transformation by singing sacred word OM:
You can do this by yourself, create a group or join an already existing group:
The Breakthrough is near!


  1. Why only once a week? Why not daily?

    1. It can be done all the time. I try to once per day visualize the removal of all negativity and the joy when freedom is at hand for all of us.

      I visualize peace and I see the cabal either stepping down as Cobra said or being arrested.

    2. I guess this is more convenient to some people to do it weekly so more people can actually participate and the meditation have a stronger effect. By doing it daily, less people will participate because they have to work during the week or have other things to do. If you feel guided to do it daily or even a few times a week beside on sunday, please do it, as anything actually helps :)

      And yes the Breakthrough is near, dont lose hope or be discouraged, remember that this a great time to be alive, we are almost there, even if it is not reported on the media and nothing seems to happen, things are happening!

    3. Then you would end up with less people at the same time.

    4. @Robert people are allowed to do the meditation more than once a week...SMH!

    5. I think that the intention is to have as many people as possible doing 1 single thing at the same time. If we were supposed to do meditations daily, we would have way less people everyday.

      I think that a good strategy would be a monthly meditation because that would give people enough time to plan ahead, post it on facebook, ask friends etc. So we can really make a push and hit the 144k mark.

    6. Anyone and everyone is allowed to participate in a sanctioned group meditation more than once a week. Just because you participated in the Sunday session doesnt mean one cannot participate in subsequent sessions during the week.

      To assume that people wouldn't participate more than once a week if given the opportunity to participate at another sanctioned date and time during the week is wild speculation and pure conjecture.

      Please don t project your own apathy, laziness and lack of commitment onto the presumed actions of others. Just because many on this thread are too "busy" to participate during the week or more than once a week doesn't make it true for the collective.

      Also, why are we to assume that a perceived greater participation during the Sunday session is better and more beneficial than more frequent sessions.

      Im of the inclination to empower and challenge people and hope and watch for the best the best possible outcome than assume people will disappoint.

      If the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results than I would say STOP the insanity!

    7. Hello, meditation now only helping us relax and mindful, while also improve our wisdom. I learned meditation from a guru with over 30 years’ experience, he is Ajahn Wimoak, I do record his English meditation teaching in MP3 and share in my blog. Feel free to download his teaching by meditation MP3 at:

    8. Been searching for you people for almost ten years,since the starseed in my being was such a wonder to hear other beings speaking my language words so familiar to myself such as the source of the force ,children of the light etc,I went on a walkabout searching for you all and here you are in the palm of my hand! Amazing to me,I am happy even being thousands of miles from my earth born family who seemingly hold me in content and scorn claiming to be loving Christians while as Christians do or so I suspect serve the darkness with their pompous rituals and ceremonies I am content today just being me.thank you all and my the force be with you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Would Ash Wednesday be a good day for the breakthrough?

  4. Cobra interview happening today and will post on under radio "cobra interviews" within several days.

    1. Dont forget to ask Cobra when the exact time and date the event is going to happen.
      I need to know cause i got a very important bowling turnament coming up.
      Thank you.
      -Joe Sixpack.

    2. Cool! I hope more good news!

  5. A lot of people are complainin about waiting so long and such, if you want the event to come faster this is what you have to do!!

  6. I have been doing the Meditation plus another meditation at a different time daily everyday since March 21, 2014......almost a year............ If all this, is at all important to you. You all can do the same.................But I keep on hearing so many excuses why people can't or are to busy to even do it once a week.........At this point your 3D existence is coming to an end..............Why are you holding on to it?

    1. Agree. Of course that is the fear frequency that is so ingrained in us. It's all a learning curve as well.

  7. I feel like I have to meditate or at least seat quiet for a while to center myself ,feeling too depress lately I would said ,waking to this reality ,specially working for the HVAC industry ,where their only goal is profit ,pay first or your stuff don't get fix ,and really sick of it ,this total lack of you name it ,this awakening is hitting me hard sometimes I like to disappear or wish to get pick up by spaceship and let this world with their nonsense zombies behind (zombies=sleepy heads=this could be any family member,coworker,neighbors) and I will join the meditation with intention in my mind ,not very good at it yet I mean meditating always fall sleep (just cause they work me to dead ) hoping this end soon in the meantime I am doing my best spraying the news for those who want to listen and are not in the zombie state of mind .thank you all brother of the light .peace and love to all

  8. every time i try it i just fall asleep : [

    1. quite a feat since the meditation has us rotating clockwise while standing

    2. LOL - sorry, no offense, but can't stop laughing

  9. Some good news guys!!

    "According to Michael Rivero, Porenshenko has evacuated his family from Ukraine today. saying that he had until the 23rd to complete the war on the East or else he would be killed. The Ukraine website is offline. This could be a military coup."

    I cannot find an English article but the translation to English says that Poroschenko has fled the Ukraine along with his family.

    Actual article in German here:

    Poroschenkos Familie aus Kiew geflohen – Hintergrund: Ultimatum des Rechten Sektors wegen Kessel von Debaltsevo

    Nach Berichten mehrerer ukrainischer und russischer Zeitungen, hat die gesamte Familie des ukrainischen Präsidenten Petro Poroschenko die Ukraine verlassen. Hintergrund soll ein Ultimatum des Rechten Sektors an Poroschenko sein, dass ihm das “gleiche Schicksal ereilen wird wie Gaddafi”, wenn sich nicht bis zum 23. Februar die Lage im Kessel von Debaltsevo für die ukrainischen Kämpfer verbessert hat. Derzeit befinden sich über 6.000 ukrainische Soldaten und Freiwilligenverbände in dem Kessel.

  10. COBRA ...SAID
    This Window of Opportunity will open on December 15th, 2014, will have its turning point on January 21st, 2015 and will close on March 17th, 2015:…….. missing ..... 28 days.....AND....4... Sundays

    1. Maria, si vas a Google, puedes encontrar traductores gratis. Si quieres que los angloparlantes te entiendan, sugiero que utilices alguno de estos traductores. Y por las moscas, "faltan" no traduce correctamente a "missing" en este contexto.

  11. Beneficial effects of meditation case you are wondering.... and there are more than this...

    These things happen over time with daily meditation.

    On Sundays, just do it at 7 pm GMT, per Cobra's instruction here.

    1. Deeply relaxing
    2. Improves your concentration
    3. The deep relaxation helps to regenerate your body's cells - you get healthier.
    4. Tunes you into your feelings. Many people are 'cut off' from feelings. This will tune you into your feelings.
    5. Accentuates all 5 senses and brings in your 6th sense (intuition).
    6. Over time, manipulation by others is less and less
    7. Your human compassion increases
    8. You develop a bullshit detector (Cobra calls it discernment)
    9. It kicks up your chi or kundalini -- which is energy -- and this energy is great for just about everything.
    10. It's cheap, it's easy, it's free.... just find a quiet 20 - 30 minutes and do it.

    On Jan. 1, 1989 my life was a huge mess and on that day I decided to meditate daily. I have hardly missed a day. It takes 20 - 30 mins a day. It doesn't make me perfect, but it gives me a whole lot of tools and energy that I didn't have before.

  12. Absolutely Cobra! I will engage our Inca Paqos (Priest and Priestess) to envision our planetary liberation - according to Inca ancient spiritual wisdom. In Ayni siempre Hermano!

  13. Is there a guided version of this meditation where you can hear someone outline the instructions using voice rather than read on the video. Thanks

    1. Someone ideally with a calming and confident voice :). There is a free audio app called "audacity" that someone if interested could use to import the audio of the meditation and voice record the instructions over it. I did it however I don't have a calming voice lol. But I am willing to instruct on someone on how to do it or at least someone can record the voice instructions... Send it to me and I will add cobras music to it.

    2. Not sure about this one but the Weekly Planetary Meditation has been beautifully (beautiful for me at least) done at See if you like it!

    3. Hi Dragon Heart, I really feel we could get a lot more folks involved in the weekly meditation, if there was an audio to guide them through the 13 parts, so I would be happy to step up to the plate, especially with the help you have offered.
      Blessings, Adami

    4. P.S. Cobra, You a welcome to give Dragon Heart my email if you like.
      Blessings, Adami

    5. Don, I created a quick chatroom at where we could exchange ideas about the audio integration that is if Cobra won't mind that its video gets modified. File upload and download is allowed in the chatroom btw.

  14. I'm still not clear on how eeeaaa is pronounced. is the aaa part "Ahhhh" like when your tonsils are being checked or "Ayyy" like when The Fonz decides his hair is perfect? :)

    1. As I hear it on the new weekly meditation video (@ 6:45 mark) it sounds to me like when one tries to saying "aa" with a deep voice.. Lol sorry can't describe it any better.

    2. This is why I dislike english, the lack of accents makes it hard to show how something is pronounced huh ;)

      It's êaah, the "e" is a bit deep like the "e" in Process but not like the "e" in Sheet

      The "aa" is like when you say "Ahhh" like when a doctor is checking your throat,like you mentioned.

    3. EEE-AAAh, but not like this: (try not laugh!)

  15. The goal is for as many people as possible to do this at the same time, so that it is more powerful. As many people as possible should do this at the directed time, combined intention at the same time will make it more effective. For those like myself who absolutely have to work on Sundays, and for those who would like to do this on multiple days, perhaps we could do this at a second time on Wednesdays? Also, we could attempt to hold the intention even while we work on Sundays.

  16. @Cobra

    It says the meditation is at 3pm GMT on the 'click for planetary meditation' tab on the right hand side of the blog page. Maybe this is confusing people about the time? It confused me :)

  17. wish I could get a copy of the meditation steps but it is in white on black and can not print. I get out of church at exactly 11 a.m. on sundays when this starts in eastern usa and can do in my car on church parking lot if only I can get a copy.
    sure wish you would change your black on white format.

    1. As per your wishes I have created a "black on white" pdf of the instructions that you can print, view or download. If you view it electronically you can click on the links.

      Link to view/download:

    2. Hm, I know that Gray Fox already helped you but here's how you do it in case you need help next time:

      Just select all the text and copy it on wordpad or microsoft word or any similar program.

      Then, select all the text (or press ctrl+a) then click on the Change color button (should be an icon that looks like an "A" with a bar under it, near where you change fonts) then just pick any color you want :)

    3. This week was wicked and I can not wait til the next!!

  18. The Dynamind Technique is simple and effective for meditative relaxation, it is recommended:

  19. how much time we need to spend on it? i tried last sunday and i think just spend half hour or less...maybe more like one hour it's better? how much u recommend?

    1. I normally spend 20-30 minutes until i feel like i've sent/received the energy I need! Sometimes I will go longer up to an hour if i'm feeling really connected and into it. As long as you are truly trying and getting something out of it, the amount of time doesn't matter as much as the intent/effort :)

  20. Something to keep in mind: In Goddess vortex meditation, the visualization of the pillar of light should be from the Galactic Central Sun straight down to the center of the Earth

  21. People please don’t be too hard on yourselves. I see many people who are very sad, desperate, depressed… well you can include me in such group as I feel like that from time to time as well. Living in the 3D while being awaken to the 4D IS very difficult, remember that when you feel down. I was a honest successful professional in the 3D world. I left it. Now I am between jobs. I cannot go back to that, but at the same time things – The Event - don’t happen yet (they will) but I should go back because I have family and bills to pay. These 3D bills keep coming all the time… I will know that the reality has changed when they stop coming to my mailbox. I see people around me who are thriving because they are focused on this 3D reality and people look at me as if I am lazy because I am not thriving as they are, but I am not able to focus on this 3D reality anymore with my mind focused on a new and beautiful 4D reality. I try to find a 4D way to pay my bills but it is not so easy especially living under third world reality. I am not just awaiting, I am living a decent life (as always), doing mediations and translating stuff to my blog in Portuguese language (Brazilian). In any case, despite it all, I am glad I am here, being part of it. And I am willing to go forward and walk that extra mile. Thank you. // readerguyfromrio Victory of the Light.

    1. These links maybe resonate with you:

    2. That's exactly how I feel. I see people running around like hamsters in the wheel, and the wheel is getting forever faster. They're totally focused on this matrix, and need to make more £££€€€$$$ more than last year. :(

    3. ev cann, you are speaking my mind! We sail in the same boat!

      Having had given up my job because of the toll the Ascension process was taking on me and dedicating myself to it fulltime since few years, its now hard to go back to 3D way of living whereas the 4D seems elusive. I've worked diligently to get rid of all 3d "perceptions" about money and trying to manifest so I can not only pay bills but thrive, share and dedicate even more time to my spiritual growth and in turn help others. But alas!

      For now, I try to help through my blog @ but we all definitely need respite from all this 3d nonsense! Much love to you my friend!

    4. Thank you all for your info & comments on my initial comment. It really helps.

    5. ev...qual é seu blog....sou

  22. Cobra thank you for the comments section in this blog. I believe you are very busy but still you find time to read each and every comment and publish most of it. Someone here wrote that ‘sharing is caring’, wise words. Thanks for allowing us for sharing all these comments w each other and you. We want to express ourselves and exchange information. We want to help. And thank you for your posts - whenever you are able to release information. I see how they are carefully written, it must take a great time and effort to write it and post it. Thank you. // readerguyfromrio.

  23. Cobra, which meditation on Sunday can we create a better universal cohesion, weekly or planetary meditation? I used to do the weekly meditation, but it's 3 o'clock in the morning in my time zone and harder for me to concentrate for I woke up bleary-eyed meditating. So, I've switched to the planetary meditation when I can give my full attention, but now with this article, I now concern more about the cohesion. I know we can do the meditation whenever we are guided, but I hope I could assist more in the cohesion. Thanks~~

  24. To get on our mailing list send SUBSCRIBE to

    To all the Gripers:

  25. I really believe in the benefit and power of meditation- not only for oneself but the entire planet. However, I think Cobra should have explained how difficult meditation is and why it is so difficult- so people don’t blame themselves for the difficulty. Many people are not participating in the weekly meditation because they hit a brick wall when trying to meditate. There is a reason for this and the meditator is not to blame most of the time….most of the time the Archons interfere with meditation.

    The Buddha taught that there are five hindrances to meditation: 1. Sense desire; 2. Bitterness, ill-will; 3. Sleepiness, laziness; 4. Worry, restlessness; 5. Doubt, lack of conviction. The Buddha also taught that these hindrances are caused by MARA. Who is Mara? That was the Buddhist name for the Archons and all of their evils tricks and technologies:

    Let me give you an example. When you feel the urge to meditate and make plans to do so, you will suddenly find your mind filled with many weird ideas and impulses. First, (sense desire) you will feel very horny for no reason whatsoever. You just want to have sex with someone or masturbate as soon as possible. This is not natural so if you push it aside you will next feel angry for no good reason (ill-will). If you have no one to be angry at that will be easy to brush aside, so next you will feel incredibly sleepy and lazy for no reason (sloth-torpor). In my experience, this is the hardest one to fight against. You have to strongly visualize daylight in your mind to fight against unnatural sleepiness. If you get through those first three hindrances, which are the hardest to overcome, then you will suddenly find yourself thinking you should be doing a lot of other activities instead of meditating (worry, restlessness). When you overcome that worry by ignoring it as nonsense, you will finally have the idea that this meditation activity is pointless and a very bad idea (doubt, lack of conviction). If you keep at the meditation even through all of these crazy ideas implanted into your head, you will experience a blissful peace and wisdom few people experience.

    It doesn't matter if you are doing breath meditation or visualizations; or if you are meditating for five minutes or several hours; we will all experience these same hindrances from the Archons, in the same order. It is their bag of tricks and they are creatures of habit.

    So, I hope I have helped some. Meditation is very powerful but it isn’t easy. You have to work hard because the Archons try to block you every step of the way. But you can defeat them- they are just parasites, not divine co-creators. If you know their tricks you can easily beat them at their own game. I believe we can all work together to defeat the Archons/Chimera!!

    1. Mitchell Tr James and others:

      Meditate to music that you like! Record 20 - 30 mins of your favorite songs... it's good if they are pleasant and inspirational, that make you feel good...

      Or find music on line that you like: How about the website: Cobra did an interview with this composer and Alexandra Meadors over a year ago... This website has way over 20 mins of music on it that you can just play and it's beautiful.

      Sit there, enjoy the music, sing along... It will get you there.

      This is the best way, if you are beginning and having trouble sitting down.
      You'll look forward to sitting down with music you like.

      Now get to it! Set it up to be enjoyable and it will make all the difference.

    2. @WestCoastUSMegan, there is nothing wrong with listening to music to "get you in the mood" so to speak. However, listening to music isn't meditation. They are two entirely different things. When listening to music, the focus is outside one's self; when meditating, the focus is supposed to say within one's body and mind. The visualization and intent that is supposed to be present during meditation will become scattered if focusing on and singing to music. The brain waves are also quite different between the two.

    3. Mitchell, I beg to differ. If the music is the right kind, it can take us deeper inside of ourselves. Of course the music is being played outside, but if we follow it, we can "feel" it is going inside of us through our ears and thus, take us inside. The music becomes an extension of our awareness and consciousness. I don't know if I explained it clearly enough!

      Singing (like chanting mantras) is to focus ourselves on the act of singing which in itself is meditation. To meditate you need to sit is an old paradigm. Our innate nature is to be in meditation in everything we do. Alas, our monkey mind always wants to have a say in everything we do and disrupts our focus I.e. meditation!

    4. I do agree to your first post though about the feelings of lust and anger kicking in. It does take a very strong determination!

    5. My question is what happens to all the people under the cabal the one that carried out there orders and did horrible things to humanity how will we deal with them . We arrest the cabal but what happens to all the followers.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. eric: Very sad to hear about your mum.

      There is very good information at this site, given to us by the Agarthan Alliance.
      Read about Dr. Budwig and the Budwig anti-tumor diet.

      there is other good information about cancer too. I send you and your mum healing light...

  27. Replies
    1. Facebook:

      ~please invite many people to it, post and share it....thank you...~

    2. (correction:)

      Recently I was told that Krakow (Poland) is a big leyline cross point and by search for leyline maps I found this map:


      ...which drove me to act immediately...and together with Untwine who helped to find better words, more clear and precise, we have created this event:


      28.02.2015, 18 UTC

      Healing the concentration camp pentagram 2/28


      1. Call on all beings of Light, Archangels, Angels, Star family, Ascended masters, etc, to assist throughout this whole meditation and put yourself into the blue light pillar for protection, coming down from the Central Sun, through you, down to the center of the Earth.

      2.Visualize a vortex of brilliant white light emenating from your soul star chakra (20 cm above your head), circling clockwise, penetrating all of your bodies down to your earth star chakra (20 cm below your feet), reaching into the center of the Earth.

      3.Connect with all other beings of divine light participating in this meditation and imagine us all together in one big circle around the pentagram. See the light of each of our soul star, heart and earth star chakras connect with each other.

      4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light coming down from the central sun of the galaxy, down to the core of the Earth, through the whole pentagram.
      See your most familiar Goddess above the circle, opening a gate into the divine light and sending billions and billions of roses spreading down into the 5 spots of the pentagram. OBSERVE and feel for a few minutes how the roses absorb all suffering energy from all beings, places, times and dimensions. Give enough time for this.

      5.When you feel it is the right time, imagine a giant pillar of violet light with a hoover-function coming down from the Central Sun beaming up all the roses. See the roses entering the central sun and see them explode into millions of millions of lightroses inside of the central Sun, the dark energy transmuted into Light.

      6. Send brilliant white Light to the lost souls present there, and ask Angels and other beings of Light to guide them towards the Light.

      7.See the cleared space getting filled up with divine feminine pink light, divine masculine blue light, golden light and violet flame, filling up the whole pentagram, all leylines connected to it, and the complete leyline grid of Earth until only Light remains.

      8.Place a golden Flower of Life sphere at each of the five spots of the pentagram and program it to remain there.

      9.Thank and bless afterwards.


      ♥ Thank you for participating ♥

      Click here on "change location" to see your time:


      From Untwine:

      "Cobra shared this link in his 2012 article 'The Red Pill', saying in a comment : "Please send some healing light to those trapped souls in a meditation now that you are aware of it. Thank you." "

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Thank you for this wonderful initiative!

    I'm in, and will translate this call.

    1. ...sorry I thought you meant the pentagram thing, now I think you mean Cobra.... thank you anyway <3

  30. Cobra....I thought that all the nukes had been nullified............ They are being used in the Ukraine...................and who knows where else they are being setup............ WHATS UP???

  31. People can you imagine that Cobra comes here and at the end of the new post he writes; "The Breakthrough is not near any more!"

    Imagine people commentating that. Hahaha.

    Hell yeah that would be funny.

    1. I would love that kind of honesty more than any false hope.

    2. Someday, the Breakthrough will be in our past. IMAGINE THAT!!

    3. right, I will keep participating the meditation and encourage other people to join as possible as I can because I want to see the day that Cobra write: "The Breakthrough has come, Event support groups take action!"

  32. Does seeing a car with a number plate "EVE NT" and a van saying "Event Technical something (can't remember what the last word was)" in one day mean anything? ;-) I hope it does! :-)


  34. ...Cobra was right about the truth getting through to the main stream. It is interesting to see how and where the information is finding its way to the media.

    This was just posted on Facebook, today.

  35. I hope money not exist anymore in the 5 th dimension, after the event.

  36. 5. Vizualizujte si členy střední úrovně Kabaly, jak se připojují k planetární síti Světla, jak odkládají své zbraně destrukce a podvodu, jak se učí spolupracovat a jak se konstruktivním způsobem zapojují do lidské společnosti.

    6. Vizualizujte si pro lidstvo nádherou zářivou budoucnost, s novým a spravedlivým finančním systémem, vizualizujte si, jak jsou všechny dluhy vymazány, jak jsou uvolněny fondy pro humanitární projekty, jak jsou představeny pokročilé technologie, jak jsou vyléčeny ekosystémy a jak jsou lidské bytosti konečně svobodné od všeho útlaku. Vizualizujte si jasný duchovní zlatý věk s anděly, vílami, delfíny, jednorožci, duchovními průvodci a jinými bytostmi světla oživujícími éterickou a astrální úroveň.

    Vizualizujte si, jak jsou všechny rány lidstva vyléčeny, jak je celé lidstvo inspirováno a vedeno s tím, že každý má napojení na svoji duši a na Zdroj.

    7. Postavte se, pozvedněte své ruce nad hlavu a začněte se otáčet po směru hodinových ručiček.

    8. Zatímco se otáčíte, zpívejte mantru „íííí“, tak, aby vibrovala skrze vaše tělo a vizualizujte si, jak se tělo mění ve sloup diamantově zářivého světla, s miliony duchových hvězd, které jsou v tom sloupu rozházeny.

    9. Pokračujte ve zpěvu mantry a v otáčení se. Po několika minutách spusťte ruce podél těla a pokračujte v rotaci ve směru hodinových ručiček.

    10. Zatímco tak děláte, začněte zpívat mantru „ééééé“, tak, aby vibrovala vaším tělem a vizualizujte si duhový vír Světla, jak se rozšiřuje z vašeho srdce skrze celou planetu. Povolejte své duchovní průvodce, Nanebevzaté mistry, Plejáďany, anděly, vaši sesterskou duši, vaši rodinu duše a další bytosti Světla.

    Pokračujte ve zpěvu mantry a v otáčení se a chvíli zůstaňte v přítomnosti všech těch bytostí světla. Když skončíte, posaďte se, a na chvilku se dívejte na své dlaně, aby se vám přestala točit hlava.

    11. Udělejte si pohodlí, obklopte se růžovým vajíčkem naplněným energií lásky.

    12. Své blízké obklopte podobným růžovým vajíčkem energie lásky.

    13. Zahrňte celé lidstvo a všechny živé bytosti planety Země do růžového vajíčka plného energie lásky.

      To, aby se co nejvyšší možný počet lidí zapojil do naší Týdenní Meditace za Osvobození, která se koná každou neděli, má nejvyšší důležitost. Tato meditace pomáhá silám světla uzemnit energii Světla na povrchu planety, aby posílila světelnou síť, která je zapotřebí pro urychlení procesu prolomení komprese. Počet lidí, kteří tuto meditaci provádí má v rámci toho, co může zajistit lidská populace na povrchu největší vliv pro urychlení spuštění UDÁLOSTI. /EVENT/
      Tuto meditaci provádíme vždy v 7 pm GMT (aktuálně 20:00 SEČ), každou neděli, bez ohledu na to jestli je letní nebo zimní čas.

      1. Uvolněte si tělo tím, že po několik minut budete sledovat svůj dech.

      2. Představte si sloup světla, které má elektrickou modrou barvu, která vyzařuje z Galaktického Centrálního Slunce, a proudí skrze vaše tělo do centra země. Po několik minut ponechte tento sloup Světla aktivovaný.

      Pak si vizualizujte, jak jsou všechny negativní entity okolo země, odstraněny z plasmatické, éterické a astrální roviny, spolu s veškerou jejich negativní duchovní technologií a magickými nástroji a vizualizujte si, jak jsou všechny tyto entity odvedeny do Světa za pomoci nefyzických bojovníků za svobodu, těch na straně Světla. Vizualizujte si, jak tento proces probíhá globálně, bez násilí a hladce.

      Vizualizujte si světa konečně svobodný od duchovního otroctví, osvobozený od všech zlých Archonů, Reptiliánů, démonů, elementálů a dalších negativních nefyzických bytostí. Vizualizujte si, jak se vibrace plasmatické, éterické a astrální pláně prosvětluje a zjasňuje, až jsou všechny temné bytosti pryč a přetrvává pouze Světlo.

      3. Vizualizujte si, jak se členové fyzické Kabaly temna, kriminálníci z centrálních bank, Rothschildi a Rockefellerové a další členové této Kabaly jako jsou Henzi Kissinger, George Bush, Jezuité atd., jak se bez násilí vzdávají a odstupují ze svých pozic moci, jak uvolňují kontrolu nad finančním systémem a nad masovými médii. Vizualizujte si, jak civilní autority zatýkají ty členy kabaly, kteří se nechtějí vzdát.

      Vizualizujte si, jak tento proces probíhá globálně, bez násilí a hladce. Vizualizujte si svět konečně svobodný od finančního otroctví, svobodný od všech zlých diktátorů a zkorumpovaných politiků.

      4. Vizualizujte si, jak vír diamantově jasného bílého světla sestupuje z korunní čakry členů střední úrovně kabaly (podplacení poslanci a senátoři, zednáři vyšších úrovní svedení z cesty, chamtiví ředitelé firem, piloti operující drony, vojáci s rukou na spoušti, personál obhospodařující skalární zbraně, žoldáci firmy Academi, náboženští fanatici...) a proniká do jejich energetického pole a jejich osobnosti, jak je probouzí do reality Světla, jak je krok za krokem vyvádí z Kabaly, a jak jim dává sílu se osvobodit od temnoty.

  37. first part of the translation:

    To, aby se co nejvyšší možný počet lidí zapojil do naší Týdenní Meditace za Osvobození, která se koná každou neděli, má nejvyšší důležitost. Tato meditace pomáhá silám světla uzemnit energii Světla na povrchu planety, aby posílila světelnou síť, která je zapotřebí pro urychlení procesu prolomení komprese. Počet lidí, kteří tuto meditaci provádí má v rámci toho, co může zajistit lidská populace na povrchu největší vliv pro urychlení spuštění UDÁLOSTI. /EVENT/
    Tuto meditaci provádíme vždy v 7 pm GMT (aktuálně 20:00 SEČ), každou neděli, bez ohledu na to jestli je letní nebo zimní čas. Na níže uvedeném odkazu si můžete spočítat čas pro vaše časové pásmo.
    1. Uvolněte si tělo tím, že po několik minut budete sledovat svůj dech.

    2. Představte si sloup světla, které má elektrickou modrou barvu, která vyzařuje z Galaktického Centrálního Slunce, a proudí skrze vaše tělo do centra země. Po několik minut ponechte tento sloup Světla aktivovaný.

    Pak si vizualizujte, jak jsou všechny negativní entity okolo země, odstraněny z plasmatické, éterické a astrální roviny, spolu s veškerou jejich negativní duchovní technologií a magickými nástroji a vizualizujte si, jak jsou všechny tyto entity odvedeny do Světa za pomoci nefyzických bojovníků za svobodu, těch na straně Světla. Vizualizujte si, jak tento proces probíhá globálně, bez násilí a hladce.

    Vizualizujte si světa konečně svobodný od duchovního otroctví, osvobozený od všech zlých Archonů, Reptiliánů, démonů, elementálů a dalších negativních nefyzických bytostí. Vizualizujte si, jak se vibrace plasmatické, éterické a astrální pláně prosvětluje a zjasňuje, až jsou všechny temné bytosti pryč a přetrvává pouze Světlo.

    3. Vizualizujte si, jak se členové fyzické Kabaly temna, kriminálníci z centrálních bank, Rothschildi a Rockefellerové a další členové této Kabaly jako jsou Henzi Kissinger, George Bush, Jezuité atd., jak se bez násilí vzdávají a odstupují ze svých pozic moci, jak uvolňují kontrolu nad finančním systémem a nad masovými médii. Vizualizujte si, jak civilní autority zatýkají ty členy kabaly, kteří se nechtějí vzdát.

    Vizualizujte si, jak tento proces probíhá globálně, bez násilí a hladce. Vizualizujte si svět konečně svobodný od finančního otroctví, svobodný od všech zlých diktátorů a zkorumpovaných politiků.

    4. Vizualizujte si, jak vír diamantově jasného bílého světla sestupuje z korunní čakry členů střední úrovně kabaly (podplacení poslanci a senátoři, zednáři vyšších úrovní svedení z cesty, chamtiví ředitelé firem, piloti operující drony, vojáci s rukou na spoušti, personál obhospodařující skalární zbraně, žoldáci firmy Academi, náboženští fanatici...) a proniká do jejich energetického pole a jejich osobnosti, jak je probouzí do reality Světla, jak je krok za krokem vyvádí z Kabaly, a jak jim dává sílu se osvobodit od temnoty.

  38. Is there anybody/ gibt's jemanden in Konstanz/ Kanton Thurgau/ Zürich? Am interested in a local Event support group. Please drop me a message to lee DOT then - Danke :)

  39. Meditation is all about peace of mind. One tip I have for all is, use ear plugs during your meditation. Ear plugs can block any type sound which can disturb you in mediation practice.

  40. If you looking for improve wisdom, I do recommed you to learn Vippassana meditation. Vipassana meditation is something very good which help us be mindful all day. I met a guru who practice for over 30years, he is Venerable Vimokkha and did share his teaching in MP3 files in my blog. Feel free download it for free at:

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    1. Yeah..."life transforming information" an illegal ATM card! I can't believe they let you post this crap here.

  43. Arresting the cabal is a given but how do you deal with all the people under the cabal that carried out all the orders what do we do with them .

  44. Dear Cobra, I think a correction is needed on the head-title, from the old 7 pm GMT to the new one 4 pm GMT.


  45. Many people begin to meditate for its almost immediate benefits in reducing stress. However, several meditation techniques for specific purposes have become popular in recent years. One of them is the one created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, of the Mind Development Center at the University of Massachusetts, who helps people reduce their anxiety when facing social situations outside their comfort zone. Studies have shown that the effects of a course of 8 weeks of meditation can last even years. Stanford University confirmed in 2013 that meditation techniques focused on lowering anxiety levels generated changes in the brains of patients in the regions that involve self-care and anxiety resulting from social pressure.
