Monday, January 2, 2017


Cobra in progress, Pandora in progress, multiple EXMOSS / EELA / ZEOLITE sequences in progress, BIOCHIP layer removal in progress, U96 / TOPAZ activated, ATLANTIS12  clear. Several systems / Isidic security breaches, all deflected, HVBN unstable towards stable. Two PB removal attempts with results pending. M minimum requirements met.


  1. New Year novelty!

    Cobra's coded messages contains now a full understandable one!
    It's not 'Event in progress'! It's 'Cobra in progress'!!

    1. (I posted this earlier on one of Cobra's earlier updates and forgot to add the libk, lol)

      I found this interesting article on listverse. It even mentions A'drieiuous in number 9.

    2. Please do more research on this blog.. "Cobra" is in progress since the start of this blog.. It is not over yet

    3. I think he is referring to compression breakthrough in progress...

    4. exactly what I picked up.. I think its a big report for those who pick up on this.

    5. Yes, it seems it comes only of a year state mission, excepting in 2012.

      But what is 'new' each time,... is that it seems to be the only one understandable messages among this.

      To an extent may be also 'EXMOSS in progress' and 'Pandora in progress'.
      But 'Cobra in progress' seems more spectaculous...

    6. I'm looking at all that and realizing the Alliance has been working their butts off (assuming they have butts). I don't often express sentiments such as this but here goes: I LOVE YOU FOLKS for working so hard on our behalf. Sending my full power of intent your way. Go Resistance!!

    7. research junkie@
      Assuming you have also bums... And... maybe nice ones... :-)



  3. Wait, isn't "COBRA" short for "compression breakthru"?!

    1. No. I,m sick of waiting.
      Yes. And aparently, it's in progress.

    2. yep. I wish I knew what PB was.

    3. So do I! It's not me, I know that much!

    4. PB is probably Phase Barrier. I believe removing it would allow the light/plasma coming up from the underground civilizations to have a greater effect on the surface population.

  4. Carry on RM!
    With deep gratitude

  5. We are getting closer and closer to completion.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    (Alfred) Could you tell me what Cobra stands for and what it means to you from a symbolic point of view or from an actual point of view?

    (Cobra) Cobra stands for compression breakthrough, and compression breakthrough is a process when the light is coming from above to the surface of the planet, and from below also to the surface of the planet. When the light coming from above and the light coming from below meet, when both vectors meet at the surface, that’s the moment of the compression breakthrough. That’s the moment of the Event. The moment of the planetary liberation. This is the code name I use. It always invokes the energy of compression breakthrough. Cobra is also an ancient symbol of kundalini, the force of enlightenment. Some people might have other associations, but this is not why I chose this code name.
    Interview ---ref aw1213

    We should verify if this is what Cobra means when he typed Cobra in progress...

    1. what would verify it? For me it would take seeing it on the mainstream news REAL soon. But I'm not holding my breath. I'm not waiting much longer either. Every year they've said this is the year. I'm sick of the deception and sick of being told it's all my fault for not changing my internal state blah blah. I'm a fekking human being, I have emotions and needs for material security. I'm pushinng 50 and I've been a misearable autistic starseed my whole life. I was messed with royally, my family targeted my whole life. I had my soul forcibly extracted from my body several times when I was 9. Been in Cabalorado 18 years where malignant narcissists and reptilian Jews run everything and have used every manner of poisoning, scalar weapons, blacklisting, witness intimidation by the DA, etc. to try to harm me. AND THEN THERE'S THE OUTRIGHT LIES AND CRIMES OF THE FOLLOWING KHAZARIAN JEWS: DR. SHARON TRAVERS, STEPHANIE JACKMAN, DR JOAN SOPER, BARRE SOKOL, J.P. MARTIN, MICHAEL COHEN - all genetically engineered sociopaths who call themselves Jews.

    2. Some people noted that this has been posted before...


      Still a clarification as to exactly where we stand would be nice before we let our hopes build too high.

      A brief interview would be nice.

    3. For you kid... I wish it was all real and at full force... That the arrests were going on and that you finally would get your freedom and life back.

      From reading some comments... The "Cobra in progress" has been going on for some time now..

      However we cant argue that indeed some changes are occurring worldwide... They seem to be pointing in the right direction. ... And as someone else pointed out... events seems to be happening much faster...

      For the many that have gone thru extreme hell on earth as you havr is understandable why the pace seem not fast enough.

      Hang on in there kid...
      You are stronger than you would want to give credit to self...

      Is understandable why someone that has not walked in your shoes finds it easy to say that is all your fault why things have not been fixed...
      In such situations that you are... "normal" approaches or attempts may have not or wont work...

      Although you may hold the key you still need the right support....

      May you find such...

      A wonderful day will be to see you back in your feet again...

      So it shall be..

  8. Cobra in progress??? As in Compression breakethrough in progress??? Isn't that the code for THE Event? .... I know I'm not gonn aget an answer but anyway. Sounds fantastic and feels even more so!

    1. No Cobra is in progress since the start of this blog. If it states Cobra complete or something like that, then we can get excited ;)

    2. It was in his 2015 state of mission report as well:

    3. And it was in his 2014 state of mission report, too:

    4. Compression breakthrough is a journey of the light with the completion culminating in the Event.

  9. Cobra in progress! We all in victory!happy and good wish!

  10. Yes!! I can feel the ultrasound technologies weakining. The ringing you hear in your ears when it's mostly silent is actually the chimera mind control ultrasound that influences thought patterns and human behavior. This is unnatural. When it's silent, it's supposed to be SILENT, no ringing in ears. Finally, after all this time we will actually be free!! I can hear the silent ringing from the ultrasound, it's been changing dramatically these past few days. Now it is nearly gone. Let there be light!! In time we shall all be freed!!

    1. It's 'the hum'!...

      However it has decreased since Cobra's last interview. It is no longer so loud.
      There was also so a time in August 2016.

  11. This is the first time I've had tears reading an update. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I am still cautious - even though I don't want to be. All was still yesterday, today feels better.

  12. Cobra in progress occurred in June 2012. I wonder if today's message "PHX KeyLock detected" has anything to do with the Phoenix mentioned in the same message below:


    Operation Cobra in progress. Phoenix APR attempt failure, Omega Phoenix modulated. Isidic security breach, deflected. HVBN substable to stable. M increase to 2.0.

  13. Actually..."Cobra in Progress" happened the same time last year. Dont get your hopes up.

  14. This is a major offensive! All exotic weapons must have been cleared by now. Otherwise nobody would be ale to read this any more....
    I am really curious what the outcome will be now, as as of now there is no turning backwards....! This is now over the RAZORBLADE!

  15. BIOCHIP layer removal in progress.... most probably the biochips we still have are being removed. That is great news.

  16. In his state of mission report on January 1st, 2013 he wrote "Cobra in progress". So just to clarify, this is not new.

    1. You know... I thought i saw this for the first time...


  17. My eyes got watery...holy galactics

  18. The plasma toplet and strangelet bombs are the key; only once they're disarmed can all the good stuff can happen. Victory of the Light!

  19. Cobra in progress has been posted every January for the last four years- nothing to get excited about...

  20. I guess in this case cobra stands for naming the moving of light towards each other from above and below. It's a year in review report, after all

  21. I feel the need to point out that cobra has been in progress since 2014.

    However the changes on this planet are definitely coming faster and faster!

  22. Let there be Light! Let there be Light! Let there be Light!!

  23. Thrilling update! My meditations have been supremely blissful lately, I can feel energy mounting inside and reaching new thresholds. So grateful to everyone for their efforts. Sending my light to you all.

  24. Yes the COmpression BReAkthrough is the process before the Event sequence starts :)

  25. Thank you for your posts and for your patience to see it through, as I as well as those paying attention know it has been tested thoroughly, lol.
    I sincerely hope I can thank you in person soon.

  26. Mars - Neptune - Moon ... Lets not leave out Venus

  27. There are a few more questions on Compression Breakthrough.

    Personally i would prefer to hear a direct answer from Cobra as far as what exactly the Compression Breakthrough entails nowadays...

    BeCause much time has passed and some stuff has changed... So i think the fair approach for all concern is to hear from Cobra the updated details if any before people start nit picking... Or worse...

    Here is the link

    Perhaps pfc or anyone could prep a quick and short emergency broadcasting interview :) regarding this and a few other questions

  28. Now we're gettin' somewhere! Go RM!

  29. HOLY MOTHER.....COMPRESSION BREAKTHROUGH IN PROGRESS. we can all take a bow and send blessings and gratitude to each other, to the RM, to our galactic family, ascended masters, angels, archangels, agarthans etc., etc., etc and of course to our dear COBRA himself for persisting through our doubts, tantrums and never ending demands. 2017 arrived with a bang indeed.

  30. Well, this is really weird.
    I posted today. It was 1:12PM, but this second RM message ABOVE, which was posted at 12:03PM WAS NOT there......

    Anyway. ONE more time:


    HYE ANGELJanuary 2, 2017 at 1:12 PM
    Yes, please. We're asking ALL the Light Forces COMBINED, to unleash all the operations from Atlantis to Zeolite=A to Z!!!

    Then to push the EVENT BUTTON....
    And THERE WILL BE LIGHT all across from Earth to PLEROMA's heart.
    WE ARE READY!!! (And those who are not; will leave their pains and strugglings in this hell, and come back to a much better place).


  31. it must be ~Cobra in Beloved daughter phoned me and...
    sang a song for me...omg !
    ~i just call to say I love say how much I care...~
    ach!...Koberek!...Spasiba!...Love Love Victoria Love!
    to ja ~chinka~...tam...

  32. What is Cobra?

    COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.

    The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program. They can not dig holes and bunkers deep underground and hide there. They can not even hide on lower astral plane anymore. ................

  33. Isn't Compression Breakthrough (Cobra In Progress) the same as The Event? Let's hope so.... 😊

    1. I believe the Event is all human whereas the Compression Breakthrough is the meeting of human and ET.

    2. Actually the CB may be energetic, not aliens.

  34. What is Cobra?

  35. Dr. Irene Caesar reveals Russian Quantum Leap's new science - Our next evolution in health

    Published on 2 Jan 2017 by Alfred Lambremont Webre

  36. I want to believe again... That such a "change of guard".. Can really be true

  37. I'm not sure about all the abbreviations, but from looking at these reports ever since they came out it looks as if there is a huge push in at present and it appears the SSP alliance and positive forces are surging at full pace now. Im feeling intuitively not knowing the facts that we have to be really close to the Compression breakthrough now. Thanks for all your continued feedback , reports and question answering sessions Cobra. I don't think i've missed one. You sound very credible and your knowledge is astounding.

    Victory to the light !!!

  38. I'm not sure about all the abbreviations, but from looking at these reports ever since they came out it looks as if there is a huge push in at present and it appears the SSP alliance and positive forces are surging at full pace now. Im feeling intuitively not knowing the facts that we have to be really close to the Compression breakthrough now. Thanks for all your continued feedback , reports and question answering sessions Cobra. I don't think i've missed one. You sound very credible and your knowledge is astounding.

    Victory to the light !!!

  39. Two summary feels like the end of a fourth of July fireworks display.The energy feels powerful,but not complete.Still feels powerful ." Carry on my wayward Freund's,There will be peace when you are done ...Don't you hang your weary head ,don't you cry no more..."Victorious Is the Light ,so be it!!!

  40. Additional .. Timeline operation in progress.

  41. So... Still too early to start spreading the word that people could finally say "Hakuna Matata".. Supposedly means "no worries for the rest of their days... Is a Trouble free philosophy.. Or it actually means something else..?


    *<>* Massive Coronal Hole Faces Earth / Solar Storm Watch for 4 and 5 January 2017

    A large hole in the Sun's atmosphere. Stretching more than halfway across the face of the sun, a large hole in the sun's atmosphere is facing Earth.

  43. Well since the cabal is still in control of everything it's safe to say The Event is not in progress now. I'm watching the corporate news now and they are still lying. Nothing new here folks ... move along .... move along.

  44. that is an impressive list of accomplishments!

  45. Wow! My whole body got shivers reading this!! LETS GO!

  46. Cobra in progress! Waiting with bated breath!

  47. Please all of you read the revocation of cabal systems from Andrew Bartzis posted on 28th of December. LETS DO THIS ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL AND HELP THE RM AND COMPRESSION BREAKTHROUGH!!


  49. I FACK!!...

    P.S. Cobra please allow it. It's our way of expression... :-)

  50. Cobra, is this image due to the cracks in the veil?...

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. SHAMBHALA STORY — Joanna Macy
    Posted on January 24, 2015 by ForeverUnlimited

    In workshops, I often tell this story, for it describes the work we aim to do, and the training we engage in. It is about the coming of the Kingdom of Shambhala, and it is about you, and me. It is a prophecy that arose in Tibetan Buddhism over twelve centuries ago. I learned of it from my Tibetan friends in India when, in 1980, I heard many of them speaking of this ancient prophecy as coming true in our time. The signs it foretold, they said, are recognizable now, in our generation. Since this prophecy speaks of a time of great danger—of apocalypse—I was, as you can imagine, very interested to find out about it.

    There are varying interpretations of this prophecy. Some portray the coming of the Kingdom of Shambhala as an internal event; a metaphor for one’s inner spiritual journey independent of the world around us. Others present it as an entirely external event that will unfold in our world independent of what we may choose to do or what our participation may be in the healing of our world. A third version of the prophecy is the one given to me by my friend and Dharma brother Choegyal Rinpoche of the Tashi Jong community in northern India.

    There comes a time when all life on earth is in danger. At this time, two great powers have arisen; these are the laloes (the barbarians). One is in the western hemisphere and one in the center of the Eurasian land mass. Although these two powers have spent their wealth in preparations to annihilate each other, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable death and devastation, and the technologies that lay waste our world. It is in this time, when the whole future of sentient life seems to hang on the frailest of threads, that the Kingdom of Shambhala begins to emerge.

    Now you can’t go there, for it is not a place, it’s not a geopolitical entity. It exists in the hearts and minds of the Shambhala warriors—that is the term Choegyal used—warriors. Nor can you recognize a Shambhala warrior when you see her or him, for they wear no uniform, no insignia, carry no banners. They have no barricades on which to climb to threaten the enemy or behind which they can rest to hide or regroup. They haven’t even any home turf; for always they must move on the terrain of the laloes or barbarians themselves.


  53. (..continued)

    Now the time comes when great courage, moral and physical, is required of the Shambhala warriors, for they must go into the very heart of the barbarian power, into the pits and pockets and citadels where the weapons are kept, to dismantle them. To dismantle weapons, in every sense of the word, they must go into the corridors of power where decisions are made.

    Now the Shambhala warriors have the courage to do this because they know that these weapons are manomaya. They are “mind-made.” Made by human mind they can be unmade by human mind. The Shambhala warriors know that the dangers that threaten life on earth are not visited upon us by any extraterrestrial powers, or any satanic deities, or any preordained evil fate, but they arise, rather, from our own choices, our own lifestyles, their own relationships.

    So in this time the Shambhala warriors go into training. When Choegyal said this, I asked, “How do they train?” They train, he said, in the use of two weapons. “What weapons?” I asked, and he held up his hand in the way the lamas hold the ritual objects of bell an dorje in the lama dance.

    The weapons are compassion and insight. Both are necessary, he said. You have to have compassion because it gives you the juice, the power, the passion to move; when you open to the pain of the world you move. But that weapon by itself is not enough. It can burn you out, so you need the other. It is insight into the radical interdependence of all phenomena—their interconnectedness, their deep ecology. With that wisdom you know that it is not a battle between the good guys and the bad guys, but that the line between good and evil runs through the landscape of every human heart. With that insight into our profound interrelatedness you know hat actions undertaken with pure intent have repercussions throughout the web of life, beyond what you can measure or discern.

    By itself, that insight may appear too cool, too conceptual, to sustain you and keep you moving, so you need the heat of the compassion. Together, within each Shambhala warrior and among the Shambhala warriors themselves, these two can sustain us as agents of social change. They are gifts for us to claim now in the healing of our world.

  54. Monday, January 2, 2017

    The triad making up the purported
    A Session with Loie - December 29,2016:



  56. Very fascinating double-episode of Voyager today: Unimatrix Zero, the place where "Borg-drones" meet as individuals independent from the "hive-consciousness" forced upon them. But only in their sleep.

    With a little help from the Voyager crew a "virus" is inserted into the Borg-collective's hive-consciousness, allowing more and more "drones" to become individuals again with their own free minds and thoughts. Not just in their sleep but in Real Life.
    Having been liberated from their slavery days of only taking orders and having no free will, they decide to bond, work together to liberate others, and within the despised man/machine/mind-control collective they form the Resistance Movement to disassemble the system.
    And guess what? It works! ;-)

    Really great stuff, presented just at the right Time. Symbolism, Baby!
    Copy that.

    Alright! Alright!

    Lots Of Love And Light


  57. Sounds very promising. Thank you all light forces. To think Star Wars is real and happening now on Earth and many are so blind still.

  58. from rumourmillnews link: (use discernment as always)
    "INTEL" Update via email
    Sunday, January 1, 2017 11:05 PM
    Info 1/1/17

    The United Nations has voted unanimously to stop the middle east war by agreeing to a cease fire and begin total peace throughout that region.
    A Pro Arab union is now a balance to the Pro Israeli union.
    Israel will pull back to the 1967 borders in this agreement to stop all wars planet wise.
    This is an historic event which satisfies the Chinese Elders and paves the way for the revaluation of all world currencies to the surprise of the many currency holders and Gurus who did not understand that the real holdup of the RV was this agreement demanded by the Chinese Elders before any world currency reset would be allowed.
    Israel is now surrounded and must conform to this agreement or the information regarding 911 will surface and Netanyahu Khazarian Zionists, the Mossad, and Saudi Arabian roles will be revealed to the populace of America who already suspect these nations participation.
    All along Obama has been protecting Israel interests in order to get this agreement approved.
    There will now be real peace in the middle east and on the planet.
    This is possibly one reason why most of the Aircraft carrier fleet is in port except one ship.
    On January 6th, Paul Ryan and General Joseph Dunford will come into focus and Gesara, prosperity, and wealth will flow to many nations and their populaces.
    Both Israel and America are considering leaving the U.N. for various reasons.
    The military is moving rockets down to the Mexican border in an operation to stop the Drug smuggling once and for all.
    Buffalo Airlines has been bringing in drugs to the U.S. and will be stopped.
    The remaining underground bases that operate the HAARP Weather system in San Diego, Hawaii, and Coos Bay Oregon will be neutralized soon.
    2017 will truly see amazing things and reveal to the people the truths hidden from them for many long years.

  59. Has anyone listened to Alexandra Meador's videos recently? She claims to be channelling Prime Creator. And what is this mantra that she says we have to say?

    1. Channelers can be influence by the Archons and Chimera. I doubt she is channeling the Prime Creator.

    2. I don´t belive in channellers. They give dates and fail.

    3. From my understanding - NO earthly being can "channel" Prime Creator as the intense energy would be fatal to them (among many other reasons). If Prime Creator wanted us to know something, the message would be made loud and clear.

    4. There is a very interesting critique/response to the Prime Creator material you refer to. It clarified quite a few things for me.
      This is the link to this response

    5. @astral traveler ... as far as I am concerned I do turn to my inner Self. As it tells me to threat channeling with a grain of salt because they can be influence.
      Now it may not be guiding me to what you perceive as "True", but for now I will continue to be guided by it on this matter until I get clear indications it is incorrect.
      Coleta ...thanks for that link

  60. I see all this whining, this blame. Not light-workers, dark-bringers. The light is off for many of us here. Being awake means nothing if you don't use it to spread light.

    Cobra is a messenger, just like we are to others still snoozing. And Cobra is leading as we are tasked to lead. So when we get shot for trying to be the messenger for others... see the correlation here?? I don't know what to do with the dark-bringers in our midst. Any suggestions?

  61. Replies
    1. He said in an interview he is not

    2. Apollyon: Cobra addressed this recently and said that he is NOT (emphasis only, not yelling) Gonzales. It's towards the end of one of the interviews posted in the last few weeks.


  62. KENT DUNN at MAX STEEL radio show:

  63. Cobra, you have to know more about KENT DUNN.

    Please tell us in a post, and do no wait endless to be asked in monthly interview, where the questions are so and so limited...


  64. CIA Black Ops Commander: The American Republic Has Been Restored
    Alex Jones Channel

    Alex Jones : Commercial Free - Tuesday (1-3-17) Steve Pieczenik

    The Alex Jones Channel

  65. Reverse Speech Analysis - Dr. Steven Greer Accuses Wilcock, Goode, and Tompkins of being Mind-Controlled


    There I have a few questions about this:

    Question 1:

    - Dr. Greer claims that there are no "negative" ET-Races.

    Then on our earth alone would be the ONLY non-benevolent species in the WHOLE UNIVERSE? Hard to believe..

    Question 2:

    Why does Dr. Green want to weaken Wilcock, Goode and Tompkins ALTOGETER? In this critical phase of disclosure? In the ENDGAME?

    Shouldn´t he work together with them for the real goal: FULL DISCLOSURE? They worked together in the "SIRIUS"-movie. Is Dr. Greer jealous? He dedicated his life to disclosure and most of the insiders are coming to David.
    Not very nice of him anyway..

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Have a fantastic 2017!



    1. When you go to incarnate, then there are many traps of the arcons. Perhaps he had a contract to sign, not to believe in negative extraterrestrials, as a price for his work.
      Of course, such contracts are illegal. You can undo them.

    2. Happy New life in 2017! Thank you blessed Cobra for your continued work for all of our freedom in the Universe! And to all the contributors in the progres
      Ion towards the light! I have been awakened most of my life but didn't find Cobra until September. He has truly changed my life. I hear his own frustration and pain in his voice and I have so much compassion for him. In even this group of lightworkers, they continually attack Cobra. This is what has happened to all of us for showing up and bringing truth to the masses! This is the last imprisoned planet and this process is absolutely complex that one can not try to comprehend with our human minds at this point in our evolution. We have been at this for a very very very very long time. If you are awakened and reading this blog, do you really really think 4 years is a long time? I understand, we all understand, whether it be this or past life remembrances of torture pain and dnslavement for our knowing! Be at peace within your soul, soften the fearful inner child that is tantruming because you "want it NOW" and know we all want it know but remember it is our God self. It IS happening and we must, as someone else said, remember who we are and our power to create, that is why WE CHOSE to come here and help. Cobra said in the last interview I heard with pain in his voice, he came here to complete his mission but had no IDEA what he was getting into. Maybe not in those exact words but we have all. Continued, st some point, to feel this way! BUT!!!!!!
      We ARE HERE!!! The time is now, let us be free! Let us be light! Let us be the love that we are! Let us be the lightbearers we came here to be, and know!! It is happening, maybe not today, next week or, God please No, next year or 20, it IS happening and we will reap the beauty, live and blessings for our continuous efforts just by the simple fact that we participated in the Freakin Freedom of an entire planet of people!!!!!! Be still, and know, you ARE GOD!!!! That has a lot of power! Use it for good and not to add power to the anomaly!!! It gives the rest of us more work to do!!
      VICTORY TO THE LIGHT!! I love and HONOR you ALL!!!

    3. I didn't hear Dr. Greer "accuse" them of anything. He simply stated that sources who were once (self admittedly) victims of the M.I.C. may not always be aware of what info is real and what is implanted.

      Dr. Greer goes on to state that he is absolutely not suggesting we discount those individuals, however, the Dr. asks that people be objective about certain ideas they put forward that promote the "us against them" agenda.

      In my opinion, Dr. Greer's main goal is top keep people out of a fear based mindset and I see no fault in that. Do you?

    4. ...fantastic maybe for Cobra only, due to he has physical contact with plejadeans and aghartans,... while we are looking upward...

    5. Greer, has done good but he clearly enjoys being the subject matter expert, throwing out high tech terms. Of course there are negative and positive ETs, why we have evil on earth and a few controlling the many. I have watched many of his videos and it is clear he doesnt grasp the matrix that has been created here for earth and the dark side of it all.

  66. Thanks for this update for the RM Cobra, Cobra in progres wow
    Beautiful news

  67. Dragon Heart reminded us of Hakuna Matata ... (No worries til the end of our days).
    This video is THE CUTEST.

  68. Wikileaks: Leaks Coming In 2017 'Will Blow You Away'
    Jan 3, 2017

  69. Kent Dunn Radio Show Update with Dr. Sam Mugzzi - January 3, 2016

    MP3 Link:

  70. Hey everyone here is the updated version of the single paged PizzaGate document that can be printed and shared. There are links to a couple of posts I did about it and the pedophile code words in the e-mails. Much love and victory of the light!

  71. And here is a video I made about what Orgonite is and how it works to the best of my research and experience pouring. I hope you will feel guided to check it out. Thank you and victory of the light!
