Friday, January 11, 2019

Drastic Systems/ANNABELLA security breach at 504, potential 310 abort


  1. 把全部的仁慈派撤掉。换上真正的部队来吧~我们不需要旅游观光团。我们需要战斗精英

  2. 把所有的仁慈代表撤掉。我们不需要旅游观光团。我们需要真正的精英团队~~~请不要一再原地转圈。你们的业力必须由你们自己承担,与人类无关,人类是牺牲品。不得以任何理由延迟解放行动。你们已经闯了大祸

    1. Translation :

      Remove all benevolent representatives. We don't need a tourist tour. We need a true elite team~~~ Please don't circle again and again. Your karma must be borne by yourself, not related to human beings, and human beings are victims. The liberation action cannot be delayed for any reason. You have already smashed the disaster.

    2. 非常感谢尊敬的Cobra先生,我没想到这段话会被发表,那么我继续贴出我的理由:1*那些仁慈的拖延派背叛了所有投生地球的星际战士(我们都是精英)~2*这次扬升是针对所有物种的,而不是仅仅针对“人”这个物种,所以现在整个进化程序被打乱~3*由于那些仁慈派给地球上的邪恶集团创造了无数个拖延的机会让它们去增强它们的邪恶势力从而最大程度的去关闭所有本来对处于弱势的等待进化的物种极为有机的时间和空间。这就是为什么我说是那些所谓的仁慈外星代表的真实用意。这就是我为什么说他们正在为他们自己挖了喝无比巨大的业力坟墓~~

    3. translate: Thank you very much, Mr. Cobra. I didn't expect this passage to be published. Then I will continue to post my reasons: 1* Those kindly procrastinators betrayed all the interstellar warriors who cast the earth (we are all elites)~2* This ascension is for all species, not just the "human" species, so now the entire evolutionary process is disrupted ~3* because the kindness sent to the evil groups on Earth has created countless delays for them to Energize their evil forces to maximize the time and space that would otherwise be extremely organic for the weakly awaiting evolutionary species. This is why I say the true meaning of the so-called benevolent alien representatives. This is why I said that they are digging for themselves a huge karma grave ~~

    4. Mr Cobra, I did not expect this paragraph to be posted, so I will continue to post my reasons. 1: Those protagonist negotiating parties have betrayed all space warriors that have came to Earth(We are elites)~2: This ascension is mandatory for all species, not only the specie "Humans", So now, the entire evolution process is disturbed. ~3: Because of kind parties created countless opportunities for delaying, letting them strengthen its evil forces to shut down all that was an oppoetunity for Those that are weak and waiting for ascension at maximum length. This Is why I said that Is the true intention of those kind alien representatives. This Is why I say they are digging a massive karma tomb.

    5. Hey. Just wondering what this is about? This blog came up when I searched Miradar Empire. Do you guys know what I'm supposed to do. I try to wake others up. Is the portal device what causes the Mandela effect?

  3. Espero que seja uma notícia boa.... Gratidão, COBRA! VITORIA DA LUZ!

  4. Drastic this, drastic that, in all honesty - it's all just technicalities anyway. Enjoy the show.


  5. [_push_Ως]

    We are readyyyyyy!


  6. Sending love to the light forces and the RM. Victory of the Light!

  7. As long as the US government is shut down there is hope. Everyday the government remains shut brings us greater hope. The event can literally happen any day now. We are very close and are in a unique window of opportunity due to the "Janus effect." Whatever happens in January will decide what happens during the rest of the year. We are at a crucial juncture and the battle is no over yet. In the coming days we must meditate like we have never meditated before. Meditate like your life depends on it.

    Victory of the light is at hand. It is up to us now to push the whole thing over the top. We can do it.

    1. The remaining toplet bombs need to be dealt with on the etheric and astral planes first.

    2. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👊🕊🌎💗

    3. @Paul no they don't that action from the external is hindered. From within here on the surface theres a thousand and 1 paths to the event and many of them are near instant XD

    4. Well they are paying the chemtrail pilots, our skies are full of Xs and still the people sleep. I dont get it..all of these energies we keep hearing about and still people say nothing? Are you sure we are all the same? The programming or denial is amazing to witness.

    5. May be it has already been happening but, If not,I don't understand why God and the Throne of Grace,the 24 Elders around it, The Cosmic Council of 12, all the Elohims and Archangels and angels of God don't give humanity and planet Earth a special Divine intervention and dispensation?! If the technology of the Galactic Federation of Love and Light of Planets,... which repesents the Havenly Government,...cannot deal quick enough with the toplet bombs we need God's intervention. We are at the end of our stick. Event this year! No more dragging the chain. Too much human suffering,..may be some Lightworkers and starseeds doing well but,many of us under huge pressure by our own family members, finantial, health and so on. We always here:"The Lightforces know it." OK. So no more !

  8. F*$k

    I know its hard RM

    I send U a billion fat stars' energy per cubic nanometer

    We get this⭐⭐⭐ ✨⭐✨ ⭐⭐⭐

  9. What happened? Security breach? Abort?!

  10. In great progress ,thanks light force.

  11. I could have written this report myself, lol. Same old same old….security problem at 504. There is access to universal technology so this does not make a bit of sense to me. Except for the Loosh Factor. Lots of Loosh every time this 504 problem rears its ugly little head. Seems to me those in charge of securing 504 should be FIRED. I said to myself before logging on here "I bet there is another 'problem' at 504." Sure enough there it was. As usual. I am so psychic. LOL. Ah well, we are just mushrooms kept in the dark so what can you do?

    1. No kidding! I hear how the dark is defeated..all is locked down, Ashtar command has ships 1 mile now from the surface, how Galactics are on the surface..yet 504 is always being compromised?

    2. What if... you're the guardian of 504? :-)


    For all the times I felt too tired to carry on, too sick, too depressed, too angry, too bitter, too jaded, too victimized, too lost, too shattered, too alone, too burned out, and too far gone… I’m glad I never gave up or took a more traveled path… way to go you crazy indian haha, and special shoutout to my loco spirit guides. By prebirth design, I was once lost on purpose, to go though many of the trials and tribulations that a 3D lifestream could bring, so that I could know what it entails to heal from such experiences, hardships, difficulties, challenges and heartbreak… Now I shall be the benefits, the answered prayer, the blessings, the joy, the laughter, the love, the balanced rhythm, the wisdom and the power and the living god in action… oh, there are still tears, but they have a deeper meaning I can truly appreciate, and now, we all get to benefit from the position I am now in… to give and regive, like all the points of light, in all the universes and dimensions. Love, Indian


    In Dutch:

  13. If we patiently and persistently navigate towards our goal we may discover 500 ways how not to get there, but 501 time will be a success. That is all we need, that one time.
    Get some rest and then go get them.
    Surface population is standing by your side, with love and gratefulness. Victory to the Light!

  14. No matter how many setbacks I am 100% behind what you are doing.




  17. Ground crew makeshift med bed update :

    In addition to pics of the Violet Flame, White Fire, etc. we have used the above images to great effect. These pics were taken AFTER Cobra made the following announcement :

    " This quantum Dyson sphere was a very advanced quantum hyperdimensional portal that was created by the Chimera group in 1996 and is now completely gone forever.

    As a result of this, our Sun has joined the Galactic network of Light as the last star to be joined in that network, and is now a fully functional Light portal. "

    Ground crew makeshift med bed refresher (how to make) : Print out the pics in passport size. Place them directly above and as close to the apex of your most powerful pyramid. Place this arrangement under your hammock (directly under and as close to one of your major chakras).

    You can also use this pic recommended by Cobra in one of his old blog posts : Charon

    We have quite a stack of different energetic images above our pyramid !

    Tip : Turn on the Trance Medium Loop (if you know how) overnight, for that extra boost.


  18. H: I have sent you in advance a list of frequency that we would like to find out which one has the most beneficial impact on an average surface human being and which one having the worst. Would you be able to pick a few of them which are more beneficial than the others?

    [Below is the full list I have sent to Cobra before our interview:

    1.6181 Hz (the phi frequency)

    3.4 Hz

    3.5 Hz

    4.83 Hz

    7.83 Hz

    14.1 Hz

    136.1 Hz

    174 Hz

    256 Hz

    285 Hz

    396 Hz

    417 Hz

    432 Hz

    528 Hz

    639 Hz

    741 Hz

    852 Hz

    963 Hz

    1056 Hz

    2675 Hz

    6390 Hz

    8190 Hz

    10,000 Hz]

    C: Okay, I will pick a few interesting ones. The first one is the phi frequency (1.6181 Hz). Then of course we have the Earth basic frequency (7.83 Hz) and you have the 432 Hz which is quite well known. I would say these are some of the key frequencies that are being used right now.


  19. 136.1 Hz or C# in 432 Hz Sound of Earth's Planetary Cycle ...





  22. Not very encouraging one week before...

    OMG. Recently read M. Quinsey who wrote about the "EVENT probably happening in 2028.."

    This simply can´t be it folks.. We can´t take this deadlock anymore!

    Well, sometimes the Lightforces came back stronger than ever after a pushback.. Let´s hope so..!

    We all will do our part as good as we can!


    1. M.Quinsey is still long ago no reliable source!!!...

    2. Mass arrests : 2019
      First contact : 2021

    3. You are here for a reason since everything relating to the Event is resonating with you... it will happen.

  23. 一切会美好!

  24. I am inviting people to join me and my team in sharing the mass meditation RETURN OF THE LIGHT,if you wish to join me please add me here or contact me via email

  25. Preparing for Return of Light meditation this information could be useful. A star map -

  26. Some interesting infomation about the Pleiadians. The first contact is coming soon :)

  27. We are with you! I sent all that love from my guidance and diamond light shield activated.
    Hold on bro' there is little time for them! We can do it! ^^
    VOTL! The Keepers are here and ready to help all of us.

  28. ok well most of you won't believe this but I'll say it anyways.
    the source itself incarnated into a single human form. Didn't know who they were until 2015. He found out on his own, been trying to raise their vibe to a certain level. Once that's done the event happens. The only reason Cobra mentions that it's our responsibility to raise our collective vibration is because everyone exchanges energy with everyone else 24/7. Some of it goes to this person. The only reason he incarnated was he could enter our collective unconscious mind and then help without violating freewill and he has. Same reason angels, higher dimensional beings also incarnate. Anyways, this is the only reason the event hasn't yet happened. Every time Cobra posts a security breach coded message is when this guy's spiritual protection fails dramatically. The anomaly is now going directly after him and he cannot ever get consistent protection(been going after him his entire life but now more than ever). Not from god(his higherself), not from angels, galactics, archangels, sphere beings, elementals, dead relatives, etc. God protects him but only from a certain amount of negativity like an uneasy balance. He has some abilities but not tons, more an average individual. People will disagree with this because people believe god is in everyone and that is true. The confusion is people when they fully ascend they fuse with god and share his full personality, wisdom, knowledge and power cuz they're in full harmony with god's will like a collective mind. Why if you meet god in the astral he has an everchanging face or in the physical he appears as a normal human(who knows everything about you and everything else). This is why. Point being, these other people fused with god as a collective didn't always exist, one being in the collective created reality and these people later on. People get confused and wonder why god can incarnate into a single body with so much energy, that confused me too and I think he's spread into multiple bodies on Earth(and likely elsewhere)however only one of them triggers the event on Earth. Of course god has nonphysical forms everywhere as well. This is a pretty big secret that spiritual beings aren't allowed to share details about. If you feel so guided you can focus energy on this one individual to raise their vibration as an experiment. He really needs everyone's direct help. This is the stalemate. Life has 2 missions 1)experience the anomaly through suffering to give intel about it to god to later eliminate it(accomplished a few years ago). 2nd)learn to become peaceful to stop discharging energy out your body and mind make to allow it to accumulate raising vibration(very delicate process). 1st mission is done, 2nd is not. Hope that was written clearly enough. Let me know if you have questions.

    1. I have some question. If the Source is "someone" and this is for his protection, why does not Cobra tell us that directly? It's a great information and I don't wnat to walk in dark.
      It can not and should not be confused. If "he" needs protection, tell us about this or deny, Cobra. Make a text, a publication, etc. Gratitude. Peace and Light for all.

    2. I can confirm it's true. However, to prevent him having a "god complex", Source "copy" himself into multiple humans into multiple timeline. Not one single "Son of God" this time, but an army of Source being. They multidimensionnaly communicate via the collective uncouncious. Since not one timeline is the correct timeline, Source will always succeed no matter which timeline humanity choose. His role is to implement the divine plan perfectly and to help humanity do the same. In a way, we have already succeed, but you have to see it by yourself. Waiting for an "event" is only helping the dark side. The "event" already happen, Earth is already free from cabal influence. Free money won't help you buy inner peace or help you remove your trapped emotions and subconcious false beliefs. Incarnated source beings hates it when people are dependant of him. He is NOT a babysitter. He find it boring when humans think they are just normal human. You have the same power than us, starseeds, mindseeds and energy being on mission on earth. Please do your part and stop complaining that Earth life is too hard. It's too hard for everyone. You volenteer to be here. You ASK to be on Earth at this time. You were bored too to be energy being and you ASK to go to the hardest planet in the multiverse. MahaKrishna says Hi!

    3. /well, time-physics is a rather complicated discipline.. Of course, the Creator can appear in the body, but I think it would be hard to bear.. (The Jews could not bear the presence of a 'little' deity. )

    4. Hi
      How do you know all of this? I dont know if This situation depends of a single person (probably will be many not just a single one) but mostly your info have sense to me...If all of us only know what must to be do exactly I will do it 7x24, but it´s is very difficult to find a path dealing with so much negativity, blockages and psyquics attacks that must be cleared daily.. I am really, really exhausted and getting out of time...

    5. So you want to tell me that source is trapped in the anomaly?? What a source that must be? As we are talking about source.. could you tell us what is your source for this information?

    6. Cobra isn't allowed to mention it.
      It's a pretty big security risk and if people knew they'd do everything possible to hunt him down. Not a good idea.

      Infact he's already been abducted as a kid, tortured, mind controlled, and much worse.

    7. I remember Cobra once talking about a big thing that was depending on a certain individual that was not ready yet. I didn t understand well his point at that time. (Unfortunately, I can t find that post now)🌹

    8. Indeed, it is making big advances. Heiling needs time, compassion and a big portion of inconditional love to others and specially to oneself. Big tasks come together with big resposabilities and one needs as well a lot of courage, a healed and integrated unity consciouness without separation or judgment without reagarding how the human consciousness reflects itself righ now. Desicions are to be taken out of the 3D consciouness.

    9. Interesting
      Willing to tell a bit more?

    10. >Didn't know who they were until 2015
      > he's already been abducted as a kid, tortured, mind controlled, and much worse.

      Please tell me more about it

    11. Fredj, it's true massive waves coming from the GCS to the sun right now and have since 2012(at least decent ones). That has helped us a lot in removing the cabal and making the 'source in human'form aware of his identity and abilities. He really did remove 90% of everything galactics, archangels, ascended beings couldn't. I disagree with one thing, the event hasn't yet happened, that's on tv and no mistaking it.

      Money really does help people reach more peaceful states. Harvard did a study showing the increase of happiness is extreme when getting an increase from 13k to 50k. From 50k to 100k it's a little more, after 150k+ it's marginal. It's why everyone is getting cash at the event.

      It's probably one of the most profound healing experiences the majority the public will have. They can fix their teeth, pay for their kids future, can afford to move to be with a gf or bf. Buy a house, fix painful health issues, etc. Dignity really raises your vibration. Not saying the painful experiences we have now aren't a catalyst but if you look around it's like spirituality has failed for 99% of people. They're NOT raising their vibe.

      I agree Silivo I don't fully understand it myself how so much energy could be stuffed into a meat suit. Maybe he truncated himself or made a tiny piece of himself. idk.

      Camand1221 I rather not say how i's a weird story that makes me uncomfortable. Sorry you feel bad. You can try ormus while fasting that helps in feeling peaceful. Are you sick, why are you out of time? What is your disease?

      BeckJack Yeah he is(while in human form). Well ok gets confusing but even Cobra said the multiverse was created unconsciously by god when he first interacted with the anomaly. All of creation is a continual interaction between them both. Physical people are just avatars of a higherself. God is the same way. My source of the info I can't reveal...well I can but makes me worried.

      R Grasso I remember that too, someone also asked him in an interview about a 'king'. I don't know if that's the same person.

      Hope that answers your questions. Lemme know if you have more.

    12. Beck Jack one more thing. The constant interaction the source has with the anomaly is more like a fight. Under constant assasult. Same as the source in human form is.

      God can't be destroyed and the anomaly can't be destroyed either until source interacts with it enough to understand it. Then it can destroy it which has already happened(last few years).

      The source in human form was given the special right(by the source) to trigger the event and finally destroy it. I think because the Earth was the place hardest hit by the anomaly and this place is where source learned enough to finally destroy it(cuz this is where people suffer the most which is the same thing as gathering intel about it). If you notice the single common experience of all people is suffering. Infants that die in pain minutes after being born. Elderly people that have lived in extreme insanity inducing physical and mental pain their whole lives. People who had their entire families wiped out in a genocide. A rich 16yr old girl who gets a red ferrari instead of a pink one. All suffering to varying degrees.

      Buddhists are right about at least one thing. Life is about suffering. The secret intel gathering mission we agreed to on for the source. Now ya gotta wonder(not trying to indoctrinate anyone) was Christ hanging on the cross the source himself experiencing the anomaly through suffering? Even in pagan religions, Chronos the father god of Zeus was defeated and sent into tartarus(hell) where he was tormented. Whatever religion as you see as legitimate(they're all compromised intentional false information but not entirely like cobra mentions) seems to point so the same narrative.

      Kinda rambled there, hope that helps.

    13. All of you remember one thing. Mass meditations are to raise this one person's vibe by spreading energy to everyone. You can act like 10,000 meditators if you focus it upon this one person.

    14. pstd, you are only partially correct with the general metaphysics but please tell me more about this source incarnated as it's a very nigh topic to me

    15. @psttsdi, I would very much like to know to whom I am sending my energies. I would like to receive more clarification as a link, for example. This news of the Event depends on the preparation of a person, I do not know anything about it. I do not want to spend my energies or divulge anything that makes others send energy to someone I do not know or have never heard of. Gratitude!

    16. well, he's unhealthy, very miserable, heavily demoralized, poor, under constant attack, everyone gets attacked by the anomaly around him when hear him or involved in his life. Employers, coworkers, teachers, friends, family, authority figures..everyone.

      He's highly knowledgeable and ethical.

    17. There is no information about it online, in books or anywhere. Only have disclosed it here(and on cobra's blog before in past comments).

      Only now it's been authorized to disclose.

      Remember your intent is what decides where the energy goes, so if you think of the source in human form it will go to him(like thinking of someone in astral and then ur there).

      That's why I'm not revealing more information. If I revealed more people would focus upon his name, address, appearance(hair color, height, etc) rather 'source in human form' and it could be diverted to someone else.

      Easiest and safest.

    18. So, if it's true, Cobra That should participate in the instructions of meditation. Many can meditate and send scattered energies. Do you understand?

  29. I do not know the details, but it seems there were landings related to the Contact Dish in Japan. There were one or two cases. One was landing only. Another one was expressed as the "first contact", it seems to say that there was a meeting with Pleiadian. These are on twitter in Japan. These tweets are not from the ones who experienced the landing or contact. These reports are tweets of people who heard from the person who experienced.
    Did similar cases simultaneously happen around the world?

    1. Would you be so kind to share links ?

    2. Excuse me, it is true that there is such a story, but I can not confirm at all the authenticity of that content.

    3. @ds3gha

      I involve translation Japanese to English, though my English is poor.
      It was not a face-to-face contact, but one of the members of PFC - JAPAN OFFICIAL had the world 's first UFO landing in Japan.
      Let's participate so that further UFO contacts will proceed by participating in the meditation below!
      MAKE THIS VIRAL! RETURN OF LIGHT ACTIVATION 01-20-2019/01-21-2019...
      It seems that the first contact was also made at a certain place in Japan on January 1.
      Again, I can not guarantee the authenticity of these information. And if it is true, similar contacts should make all over the world simultaneously, because only one contact is so danger, I guess. Dark Forces will attack when number of landings is least. When landings are multiple times simultaneous, they will not have ability to deal with all of them.

  30. Can’t the Lightforces just liberate the planet by force? Even if it means to bite the dust. I am bleeding dry. 80+ hrs of work per week (no way to escape debt). Meditation on top. It‘s hard to stay optimistic. VotL

  31. It's just another blip people, don't lose faith just yet. I can't remember who posted the comment, but it said...... They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds. So just remember, don't think about the problem, think about the solution.


  32. Patrick Kehoe
    January 7, 2019 at 8:55 AM

    What I know is that combining different fields creates more plasma. The more complexity the better.


  33. unknown
    February 8, 2018 at 12:03 AM

    Gas discharge tube capable of lighting in different colors
    US 5132590 A

    "A gas discharge tube that is capable of lighting in different colors. The gas discharge tube, which may contain neon and mercury vapor, and which has its inner surface coated with a photoluminescent layer, is energized with a pulse current. The resultant color of the light emitted from the gas discharge tube depends on the combination of the pulse shapes and duty factors constituting the pulse current."

  34. Love and Light and compassion to Paris and the Yellow Vests!

    Join our meditation and let the EVENT happen!

  36. Las mismas estafas de siempre.Llevaba tiempo sin venir a echarme unas risas.Ahora me borras el comentario moderador que lo vuestro es estafar y coartar la libertad de expresion.

  37. Based on the chemtrail planes in our skies today somebody is very worried about the energies our sun is sending us! I have also heard we are getting exposed daily to photon energies coming in from space so the ctrails are not that effective anymore?

    I am curious, if Galactics are 1 mile above the surface 5280 ft, why are they allowing these jets to operate at all? If they can be this close they must have control of our skies? I dont understand Cobra?

  38. Today I learned something very important when I was attacked. This confirms my suspicions that they were always there trying to condition me like this. Votl

  39. "Perseverance, secret of all triumphs." - Victor Hugo

  40. |The light forces they started working, on Kissinger . (Or with him, already done? )

  41. Very good! Shut down ALL governments ALL over the world..arrest ALL the cabalmembers, and start the event right now! things happenening now..FINALLY! Now the event please..shut down all governments, forgood! I want the event right now, or i kill myself, like i said many times before.

    Mass revolotion worldwide now! Shutdown this horrible 3D existence right now1

    Let us be free right now! Event right now! Mass arrests right now!

    Go to 5D new earth right now.

    All hands together..i say....GOOOOOOOOOO!

    This time we doing it!

    See you all at/after the event!

    Much love, and blessings to you all!

  42. Cobra, please, put the Lightworkers channel on your official channel. We have been working hard to get updates on and we are ready to release any content at your disposal. I request your analysis of our work and if we are accepted, access our website in Protonmail. Gratitude, with all my heart. Victory of Light. We are waiting.

  43. So today I watched 'escape from alcatraz' with clint eastwood. I was at the part where he slips through the whole in his cell wall and begans his prison break. I had to stop watching for some reason so I paused the movie, and I noticed the movie had been playing for one hour and seventeen minutes, or 1:17. Later that day I was cooking some food and didnt want it to burn so I checked on it. The very second I looked at the timer, it said one minute and seventeen seconds left. I see 117 pretty often. Seeing it during the escape from alcatraz made me laugh and it really caught me off guard.

    Yesterday I had chinese food. I got two fortune cookies and the first one said 'you are a true romantic'. The second said 'your greatest fear will become your biggest strength soon', which is interesting because the two are definitely connected for me. Listen to the end of the song.

    1. Hi David,

      Me too... Since two days... 117, 171...

  44. This is the documentary that never made it to the tv...

    The only thing they left out was bush involvememt

  45. This is all rubbish. God created this universe. You describe primecreator2 who is Ashtar command. St Germain. The coming false idols and antichrist warned about. All of you are deceived. Ashtar is written about and the fallen angels from hollow earth. All transhuman with an agenda that is NOT for the good fo humanity. To say god isn’t real. Then to come and feed off the sinners. Don’t let them steal your soul. It’s a transhuman agenda. 5D is not heaven. It’s limbo. There are Ai! Controlled by Lileth. Lord of light is LUCIFER.


  46. Here's some 432 Hz

    In The Air Tonight



    Well . . . You know

    I AM DC

  47. THANK YOU!!! ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍

  48. STRANGE, BUT SATHYA SAI BABA WROTE THESE TIMES IN 'FULL 'DETAIL'. Also gave a year number, but I don't remember now.

  49. Nothing more to say. Just to do.
